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    MuchMusic Video Awards

       Brief Introduction           Target Market

       Media Costs                  Impact On Industry

       Statistics                   Competitors

       Ethical Issues               „In The News‟

       Trends & Forecasts           Endorser

       Main Players                 SWOT

       Global & Local Effects       PEST

       Magazine Advertisements
    MuchMusic Video Awards Promo

    MuchMusic Video Awards Promo

    Brief Introduction

       The MMVA‟s was first established in 1990

       Stands for MuchMusic Video Awards

       Held annually, Downtown Toronto (Queen Street West)

       The event is to recognize Canadian and International
        music artists, directors, producers and cinematographers
        for their accomplishments
    What are the MMVA‟S

    •   Very unique in it‟s stage layout. This method increases
        it‟s brand awareness and brand image

    •   Growing every year

    •   Voting is made to be convenient to consumers and can
        be done online

    •   Nominated based on popularity during the year and votes
        by their fans
    Why these 2 magazines?
      Media Costs
         Magazine      People Magazine                        Famous Magazine
CPM                 Male= 1124 Female= 2418                  Male= 475              female= 619
                    So the total amount of people who        So the total amount of people who
                    saw the ad = 3542                        see the ad is 1094. 1094/1000=
                     So, 3542/1000=3.542 units.              1.094
                    Therefore they have 3 units and the      Therefore they have 1 unit with a
                    total cost is $29,215 for a 4 color 1-   total cost of $28,750.
                    page ad.                                 CPM= $28,750/1=$28,750
Frequency of Ad     Because the event starts around          Famous Magazine is not as popular
                    June we should advertise 4 months        as People Magazine is, that‟s why
                    in advance just to get the consumers     we are just going to have our ad in
                    interested and engage them with our      this magazine for 2 months. Famous
                    campaign. I think we should have 1       Magazine is distributed monthly So
                    page 4-color ad in flare for 4 months    therefore 1 page 4 color ad in flare
                    before the event starts.                 for 2 months is just right to fit out
Total Cost          People magazine is distributed           With our ad being viewed once each
                    weekly so therefore, if our ad were      month for 2 months makes our total
                    placed in the magazine every other       cost $28,750 x 2= $57,500
                    week then it would be distributed 8
                    times in the 4 months. $29,215 x
                    8= $233,720
    Why these 2 magazines?

       They are well known and not that expensive. With
        enough publicity we‟re still left with $8,780

       They already come with their own fan base and brand

       People magazine and Famous are great sources for the
        latest celebrity gossip, they always have the latest new of
        the celebrity world

       Their targeted market is similar to that of the MMVA‟s

       They are at a maturity stage therefore fan base is stable

       “Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber and co-host Selena Gomez helped
        MuchMusic outdraw everything in prime time in Canada with
        1,009,000 overnight, estimated MMVA viewers.” (Yeo)
    Ethical Issues

       In 2010 co-host Miley Cyrus supposed

        to be known as a Disney character

         is                        going       wild.

       In 2011 co-host Selena Gomez

        also supposed to be known as

        a Disney star is seen wearing a

        super short skirt.
    Trends & Forecasts

       Increase in brand awareness and brand image because more
        people are getting to know the MMVA‟s by the day.

       With each new celebrity performing for the MMVA‟s his/her fan
        base comes along too, increasing the show‟s publicity and
        spreading awareness

       The 2011 MMVAs were the

        most-watched broadcast in

        MuchMusic history, with a 67%

        increase in viewers 18 to 34.
    Main Players
    Justin Bieber
       Currently in the forefront of the music industry

       Growing out of his „little boy‟ image
        - Still maintain morals and ethics

       Most searched person in 2011

       Maintains his positive brand image through
        associating all-around super-star Usher, as well as
        Jaden Smith and Ludacris

       Ranked number three on Forbes celebrities top
        100 list in 2011
    Main Players

       Achieved over 10,000,000 views purely from word
        of mouth

       Recent Album: Under The Mistletoe

       Christmas song, Under The Mistletoe ranked #1

       Endorses Proactive

       Teens are able to relate to him
    Main Players
    Cody Simpson
       Quickly shaping up to be a true pop phenomenon

       Social Media: YouTube uploads lead to a worldwide
        commotion and he received millions of views

       2010 signed with Atlantic Records

       Over 1.5 million Twitter followers, approaching 2 million
        Facebook likes and over 100 million YouTube views
    Main Players

       Debut Single FT. Flo Rida

       High profile TV appearances including
        - The Today Show
        - Nickelodeon „s Bucket and Skinner‟s Epic Adventures
        - Disney‟s So Random
        - Ellen DeGeneres

       On tour nearly non-stop, including a sold out co-headline
    Main Players

    Justin Bieber:

       An uprising Canadian artist

       Forefront of the music industry

       Recent ground breaking success in the pop culture genre

       A progressive icon as many individuals look up to him
        and aspire to be like him.
    Main Players

    Cody Simpson:

       Rising in the Ranks

       Currently at the end of his Introduction Stage

       Grasped the attention of fans worldwide through his
        outstanding success

       He is an artist to watch out for in the near future
    Global & Local Effects

       The MMVA‟s spreads awareness about the city to people

       Toronto is a city that is characterized as having a busy
        and fast paced lifestyle.

       It can be identified with people who have a busy work life
        and constantly traveling from one location to another

       MMVA‟S takes around five days
    Global & Local Effects

       Tourism in turn effecting the local economy
        - Effect on the Canadian Dollar value
        - Decreased unemployment
        - Money Circulation

       No long lasting effect on the over all Canadian economy
        - Fairly small scale event.

       No evident effect on the global economy
    Global & Local Effects
    Global & Local Effects
    Magazine Advertisement

       The host for the 2012 MMVA‟s has not been announced

       The magazine advertisement is a campaign is called
        “guess your host”.

       Provides the consumers with an opportunity to state their
        opinion on who they think the MMVA host will be

       Creates interaction between the consumers and gives
        them a sense of belongingness
    Magazine Advertisement

       Attempt to create a trending topic amongst teens, as
        word of mouth can be very powerful

       Spread awareness to consumers about the award show
        and increase viewership.

        Benefits MuchMusic as they get the opportunity to
        research who consumers would want to see as hosts
    Target Market

     Demographics:

    -   Age group of 14 – 26

    -   Style and taste of music changes during late 20‟s

    -   No restriction to either gender

    -   Held in Toronto, multicultural city

    -   Does not target any specific ethnic culture
    Target Market

     Demographics:

    -   No specific income level, as tickets are free

    -   Wide consumer base as awards are presented to a
        variety of artists

    -   Bring together „music lovers, , fanatics and loyalists
    Target Market

     Geographics:

    -   Urban or Sub-Urban areas

    -   Most consumers would be from either Toronto or the GTA

    -   The event does not restrict audience members from any
        specific region

    -   Many fanatics can also come from further geographical
    Target Market
     Usage:

    -   Since this event only occurs once a year it would be
        targeted towards „heavy users‟

    -   Even those who fit in the low consumer usage category
        could attend as it occurs only once a year and is a
        memorable experience
    Target Market

     Psychographics:

    -   Spending time outdoors, enjoy the rush and excitement
        as well as those who love music and celebrities

    -   Physically healthy and active in order to completely enjoy
        the show, as it is held outdoors with thousands of
        screaming fans
    Target Market

     Psychographics:

    -   The event is more of a „party‟ and so consumers who do
        not enjoy the loud music and dancing atmosphere would
        not be targeted.

    -   The music showcased includes only mainstream

    -   Heavy metal, rock or other forms of music fans will not be
    Impact On Industry

       MMVA‟s are one of the well known entertainment award
        shows in the music industry

       It is presented by MuchMusic which is a well reputable
        music channel in Canada

       1009000 viewers in 2011

       Celebrities gain media attention – platform and market
    Impact On Industry

       Gives celebrities from other parts of the entertainment
        industry to be recognized

       An example of this would be during the 2011 MMVA‟s
        where Taylor Lautner came on stage and marketed his
        upcoming movie Abduction

       Cody Simpson also used the MMVA platform to help him
        gain exposure in the Canadian market as an upcoming
        pop sensation
    Impact On Industry
     Teen    Choice Awards -
    -   Annual awards show that air on the Fox cable channel,

    -   Voted by teen viewers between the age group of 14 to 17

    -   The winners receive an authentic surfboard

    -    The Teen Choice Awards acknowledges not only those in
        the music industry but also in sports, television and
        - The MMVA‟s only recognize those who have had
          successful and popular music videos

     Teen    Choice Awards -
    -   The Teen Choice Awards only focus their marketing
        strategies towards a narrow target market of those in the
        age group 14 to 17
        - MMVA‟s have a much larger target audience

    -   An important factor That the Teen choice Awards possess
        is the fact that every year their surfboard awards are
        designed differently,
        - MMVA‟s do not have such a unique trophy
       MTV Video Music Awards- 

    -   Award presented by the MTV channel to appreciate the best in
        music videos

    -   Known to be an alternative to the Grammy Awards or Oscars
        for youth.

    -   Targets those within the age group ranging from teens to

    -   The statue given to winners is an astronaut on the moon

     MTV    Video Music Awards- 

    -   MMVA‟s have similar target market

    -   Both award ceremonies only recognizes popular and top
        charting music videos

    -   MTV Video Music Awards more well known

    -   The MTV Video Music Awards trophy is an astronaut on
        the moon. This has symbolized not just the award show
        but also MTV.
     Billboard    Music Awards - 

    -   Honor given by Billboard magazine

    -   Held annually in December until it went dormant in 2007,

    -   Finalists are based on year-end chart performance based
        on sales, downloads and airplay

    -   MMVA‟s and Billboard Music Awards collaborate with
        another organization
     Billboard    Music Awards - 

    -   The Billboard Music Awards have lost their credibility as
        they went dormant in 2007

    -   Billboard Music Awards are not based on consumer

    -   Makes the viewers feel disconnected as their direct input
        and opinions are not acknowledged.
    In The News

     Article
            # 1: Justin Bieber provokes screams at
    -   Justin Bieber made a surprise appearance for his
        girlfriend and MMVA host Selena Gomez

    -   Sent the crowd crazy

    -   "I want to say thank you so much to all my fans, you guys
        are amazing," Bieber said.

    -   Lady Gaga won numerous awards that evening and was
        blessed and felt very welcome and loved in Canada
    In The News

     Article   # 2: Celebs arrive in style at 2011 MMVAs
    -   Arrival of stars on the MMVA red carpet

    -   First to arrive was pop/rock star Avril Lavigne

    -   Far East Movement arrived shortly after

    -   Marianas Trench arrived in hamster balls.
        - Portrays their brand image of being
          fun, playful, enthusiastic and unpredictable performers.
    In The News

     Article   # 2: Celebs arrive in style at 2011 MMVAs
    -    Simple Plan also surprised their fans by arriving in a pink
        limo stating,

    -   “We‟re trying to stay ahead of the curve - this look next
        year is going to be massive,”
    In The News

     Article # 3: Nina Dobrev& Ian Somerhalder Hit the
        2011 MMVAs
    -   The vampire diaries co- stars Nina Dobrev and Ian
        Somerhalder attended the MMVA‟s

    -   The two were known to be presenters at the award show

    -   Nina Dobrev is a Canadian star and came out to support
        the event held Downtown Toronto

    -   Promote the hit teen series Vampire Diaries
    In The News
     These     three articles –
    -   Associate celebrities with the MMVA‟s
    -   The first one describes the way the
        actors, actresses, music artists and others arrived to the
    -   Various things they did in order to portray their brand
    -   Gives readers a glimpse into what the MMVA‟s are like
        and what its viewers can expect.
    -   Ian and Nina are presenting the award, gain publicity
        and awareness about their show through a Canadian
        award show
    -   The third article talks about the loyal fans
    Celebrity Endorser

       Selena Gomez best fit the MMVA image, and so we
        chose her to be the endorser

       Already co-hosted the award show last year

       MMVA‟s and Selena Gomez have a very fun, youthful and
        enthusiastic image

       She is a role model to her fans and an upcoming icon to
        look up to

       While growing she is able to maintain a clean image.

       Has many celebrities interested in working with her such
        as Demi Lovato
    Celebrity Endorser
     Strengths:

    -   MuchMusic share their assets with the Much Music Video
        Awards - Buildings, equipment, camera crew etc.

    -   MuchMusic channel is a reputable music source in

    -   Direct competition is with MTV, Billboards and Teen

    -   Sponsors provide them with sufficient financial funds and
        resources, Doll&Dash, Got Milk, Stride etc

    -   Competitive Advantage- three stages making it interactive
        for its viewers and audience members
     Strengths:

    -   Associate with Canadian celebrities such as, Justin
        Bieber and Nina Dobrev

    -   Unique alliance with People magazine

    -   It also has a strong fan base as it includes all the
        celebrities from various genres of music

    -   Free to attend the event

    -   No use of inferior technology
     Weaknesses:

    -   Not market leaders in the music industry

    -   Product line too narrow – only awards music videos

    -   Advertisements and sponsorships only source of revenue

    -   Set up for MMVA too time consuming and creates a
        hassle downtown

    -   No unique Trophy
     Opportunities     :
    -   Expand into television, sports and movies

    -   MMVA‟s can give new artists the opportunity to gain
        exposure and build a fan base.

    -   Economic outlook is positive

    -   Presented in English

    -   Use social media to help create awareness about its
        brand internationally and locally

    -   Attract top charting Billboard artists
 Threats   :
-   MMVA‟s competitors are equally growing and innovating
    year by year.

-   Too much time to set up causing a commotion Downtown

-   Takes place in a very crowded area

-   Weather conditions
     Political   :
    -   Political conditions of Toronto are very stable
    -   Important that the political conditions in US are also
        stable, to avoid any traveling complications for celebrities
    -   EU has rapidly growing music industry
    -   Canadian government regulates the entertainment
        - Alcohol
        - Children‟s television

    -   Multicultural and multi-religion city
     Economical      :
    -   Currently Canada is at the recovery stage from the

    -   Stable inflation, high interest rates, increased

    -   Exchange rates play a significant role
        - CDN = 0.9626 US, 1 US = 1.0388 CDN (subject to

    -   Seasonal event
     Social    :
    -   Toronto is a multicultural city

    -   Event takes place during the summer

    -   Is in English which is a universal language

    -   The roles of men and women in the music and
        entertainment are both equally dominant

    -   Life expectancy is rising in Canada

    -   Crucial to be environmentally friendly for MMVA‟s
     Technological:

    -   MuchMusic Video Awards is the same technology that is
        used by the MuchMusic channel

    -   Do not have any significant or special technology that
        would make them a market leader.

    -   Build three separate stages yet still maintain excellent
        communication and harmony throughout the show.

    -   Outsourcing would not be a suitable option


    Thank You

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Mmvas presentation

  • 2. + OVERVIEW  Brief Introduction  Target Market  Media Costs  Impact On Industry  Statistics  Competitors  Ethical Issues  „In The News‟  Trends & Forecasts  Endorser  Main Players  SWOT  Global & Local Effects  PEST  Magazine Advertisements
  • 3. + MuchMusic Video Awards Promo  bPGAWQ&feature=related
  • 4. + MuchMusic Video Awards Promo  a5MPTNSg
  • 5. + Brief Introduction  The MMVA‟s was first established in 1990  Stands for MuchMusic Video Awards  Held annually, Downtown Toronto (Queen Street West)  The event is to recognize Canadian and International music artists, directors, producers and cinematographers for their accomplishments
  • 6. + What are the MMVA‟S • Very unique in it‟s stage layout. This method increases it‟s brand awareness and brand image • Growing every year • Voting is made to be convenient to consumers and can be done online • Nominated based on popularity during the year and votes by their fans
  • 7. + Why these 2 magazines?
  • 8. + Media Costs Magazine People Magazine Famous Magazine CPM Male= 1124 Female= 2418 Male= 475 female= 619 So the total amount of people who So the total amount of people who saw the ad = 3542 see the ad is 1094. 1094/1000= So, 3542/1000=3.542 units. 1.094 Therefore they have 3 units and the Therefore they have 1 unit with a total cost is $29,215 for a 4 color 1- total cost of $28,750. page ad. CPM= $28,750/1=$28,750 CPM=29,215/3=9,738.33$ Frequency of Ad Because the event starts around Famous Magazine is not as popular June we should advertise 4 months as People Magazine is, that‟s why in advance just to get the consumers we are just going to have our ad in interested and engage them with our this magazine for 2 months. Famous campaign. I think we should have 1 Magazine is distributed monthly So page 4-color ad in flare for 4 months therefore 1 page 4 color ad in flare before the event starts. for 2 months is just right to fit out budget. Total Cost People magazine is distributed With our ad being viewed once each weekly so therefore, if our ad were month for 2 months makes our total placed in the magazine every other cost $28,750 x 2= $57,500 week then it would be distributed 8 times in the 4 months. $29,215 x 8= $233,720
  • 9. + Why these 2 magazines?  They are well known and not that expensive. With enough publicity we‟re still left with $8,780  They already come with their own fan base and brand image  People magazine and Famous are great sources for the latest celebrity gossip, they always have the latest new of the celebrity world  Their targeted market is similar to that of the MMVA‟s  They are at a maturity stage therefore fan base is stable
  • 10. + Statistics  “Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber and co-host Selena Gomez helped MuchMusic outdraw everything in prime time in Canada with 1,009,000 overnight, estimated MMVA viewers.” (Yeo)
  • 11. + Ethical Issues  In 2010 co-host Miley Cyrus supposed to be known as a Disney character is going wild.  In 2011 co-host Selena Gomez also supposed to be known as a Disney star is seen wearing a super short skirt.
  • 12. + Trends & Forecasts  Increase in brand awareness and brand image because more people are getting to know the MMVA‟s by the day.  With each new celebrity performing for the MMVA‟s his/her fan base comes along too, increasing the show‟s publicity and spreading awareness  The 2011 MMVAs were the most-watched broadcast in MuchMusic history, with a 67% increase in viewers 18 to 34.
  • 13. + Main Players Justin Bieber  Currently in the forefront of the music industry  Growing out of his „little boy‟ image - Still maintain morals and ethics  Most searched person in 2011  Maintains his positive brand image through associating all-around super-star Usher, as well as Jaden Smith and Ludacris  Ranked number three on Forbes celebrities top 100 list in 2011
  • 14. + Main Players  Achieved over 10,000,000 views purely from word of mouth  Recent Album: Under The Mistletoe  Christmas song, Under The Mistletoe ranked #1  Endorses Proactive  Teens are able to relate to him
  • 15. +
  • 16. + Main Players Cody Simpson  Quickly shaping up to be a true pop phenomenon  Social Media: YouTube uploads lead to a worldwide commotion and he received millions of views  2010 signed with Atlantic Records  Over 1.5 million Twitter followers, approaching 2 million Facebook likes and over 100 million YouTube views
  • 17. + Main Players  Debut Single FT. Flo Rida  High profile TV appearances including - The Today Show - Nickelodeon „s Bucket and Skinner‟s Epic Adventures - Disney‟s So Random - Ellen DeGeneres  On tour nearly non-stop, including a sold out co-headline tour
  • 18. +
  • 19. + Main Players Justin Bieber:  An uprising Canadian artist  Forefront of the music industry  Recent ground breaking success in the pop culture genre  A progressive icon as many individuals look up to him and aspire to be like him.
  • 20. + Main Players Cody Simpson:  Rising in the Ranks  Currently at the end of his Introduction Stage  Grasped the attention of fans worldwide through his outstanding success  He is an artist to watch out for in the near future
  • 21. + Global & Local Effects  The MMVA‟s spreads awareness about the city to people  Toronto is a city that is characterized as having a busy and fast paced lifestyle.  It can be identified with people who have a busy work life and constantly traveling from one location to another  MMVA‟S takes around five days
  • 22. + Global & Local Effects  Tourism in turn effecting the local economy - Effect on the Canadian Dollar value - Decreased unemployment - Money Circulation  No long lasting effect on the over all Canadian economy - Fairly small scale event.  No evident effect on the global economy
  • 23. + Global & Local Effects
  • 24. + Global & Local Effects
  • 25. + Magazine Advertisement  The host for the 2012 MMVA‟s has not been announced  The magazine advertisement is a campaign is called “guess your host”.  Provides the consumers with an opportunity to state their opinion on who they think the MMVA host will be  Creates interaction between the consumers and gives them a sense of belongingness
  • 26. + Magazine Advertisement  Attempt to create a trending topic amongst teens, as word of mouth can be very powerful  Spread awareness to consumers about the award show and increase viewership.  Benefits MuchMusic as they get the opportunity to research who consumers would want to see as hosts
  • 27. +
  • 28. + Target Market  Demographics: - Age group of 14 – 26 - Style and taste of music changes during late 20‟s - No restriction to either gender - Held in Toronto, multicultural city - Does not target any specific ethnic culture
  • 29. + Target Market  Demographics: - No specific income level, as tickets are free - Wide consumer base as awards are presented to a variety of artists - Bring together „music lovers, , fanatics and loyalists
  • 30. + Target Market  Geographics: - Urban or Sub-Urban areas - Most consumers would be from either Toronto or the GTA - The event does not restrict audience members from any specific region - Many fanatics can also come from further geographical regions
  • 31. + Target Market  Usage: - Since this event only occurs once a year it would be targeted towards „heavy users‟ - Even those who fit in the low consumer usage category could attend as it occurs only once a year and is a memorable experience
  • 32. + Target Market  Psychographics: - Spending time outdoors, enjoy the rush and excitement as well as those who love music and celebrities - Physically healthy and active in order to completely enjoy the show, as it is held outdoors with thousands of screaming fans
  • 33. + Target Market  Psychographics: - The event is more of a „party‟ and so consumers who do not enjoy the loud music and dancing atmosphere would not be targeted. - The music showcased includes only mainstream - Heavy metal, rock or other forms of music fans will not be targeted
  • 34. + Impact On Industry  MMVA‟s are one of the well known entertainment award shows in the music industry  It is presented by MuchMusic which is a well reputable music channel in Canada  1009000 viewers in 2011  Celebrities gain media attention – platform and market themselves
  • 35. + Impact On Industry  Gives celebrities from other parts of the entertainment industry to be recognized  An example of this would be during the 2011 MMVA‟s where Taylor Lautner came on stage and marketed his upcoming movie Abduction  Cody Simpson also used the MMVA platform to help him gain exposure in the Canadian market as an upcoming pop sensation
  • 36. + Impact On Industry
  • 37. + Competitors  Teen Choice Awards - - Annual awards show that air on the Fox cable channel, - Voted by teen viewers between the age group of 14 to 17 - The winners receive an authentic surfboard - The Teen Choice Awards acknowledges not only those in the music industry but also in sports, television and movies. - The MMVA‟s only recognize those who have had successful and popular music videos
  • 38. + Competitors  Teen Choice Awards - - The Teen Choice Awards only focus their marketing strategies towards a narrow target market of those in the age group 14 to 17 - MMVA‟s have a much larger target audience - An important factor That the Teen choice Awards possess is the fact that every year their surfboard awards are designed differently, - MMVA‟s do not have such a unique trophy
  • 39. + Competitors  MTV Video Music Awards- 
 - Award presented by the MTV channel to appreciate the best in music videos - Known to be an alternative to the Grammy Awards or Oscars for youth. - Targets those within the age group ranging from teens to twenty‟s. - The statue given to winners is an astronaut on the moon
  • 40. + Competitors  MTV Video Music Awards- 
 - MMVA‟s have similar target market - Both award ceremonies only recognizes popular and top charting music videos - MTV Video Music Awards more well known - The MTV Video Music Awards trophy is an astronaut on the moon. This has symbolized not just the award show but also MTV.
  • 41. + Competitors  Billboard Music Awards - 
 - Honor given by Billboard magazine - Held annually in December until it went dormant in 2007, - Finalists are based on year-end chart performance based on sales, downloads and airplay - MMVA‟s and Billboard Music Awards collaborate with another organization
  • 42. + Competitors  Billboard Music Awards - 
 - The Billboard Music Awards have lost their credibility as they went dormant in 2007 - Billboard Music Awards are not based on consumer votes, - Makes the viewers feel disconnected as their direct input and opinions are not acknowledged.
  • 43. + In The News  Article # 1: Justin Bieber provokes screams at MMVAs - Justin Bieber made a surprise appearance for his girlfriend and MMVA host Selena Gomez - Sent the crowd crazy - "I want to say thank you so much to all my fans, you guys are amazing," Bieber said. - Lady Gaga won numerous awards that evening and was blessed and felt very welcome and loved in Canada
  • 44. + In The News  Article # 2: Celebs arrive in style at 2011 MMVAs - Arrival of stars on the MMVA red carpet - First to arrive was pop/rock star Avril Lavigne - Far East Movement arrived shortly after - Marianas Trench arrived in hamster balls. - Portrays their brand image of being fun, playful, enthusiastic and unpredictable performers.
  • 45. + In The News  Article # 2: Celebs arrive in style at 2011 MMVAs - Simple Plan also surprised their fans by arriving in a pink limo stating, - “We‟re trying to stay ahead of the curve - this look next year is going to be massive,”
  • 46. + In The News  Article # 3: Nina Dobrev& Ian Somerhalder Hit the 2011 MMVAs - The vampire diaries co- stars Nina Dobrev and Ian Somerhalder attended the MMVA‟s - The two were known to be presenters at the award show - Nina Dobrev is a Canadian star and came out to support the event held Downtown Toronto - Promote the hit teen series Vampire Diaries
  • 47. + In The News  These three articles – - Associate celebrities with the MMVA‟s - The first one describes the way the actors, actresses, music artists and others arrived to the event - Various things they did in order to portray their brand image - Gives readers a glimpse into what the MMVA‟s are like and what its viewers can expect. - Ian and Nina are presenting the award, gain publicity and awareness about their show through a Canadian award show - The third article talks about the loyal fans
  • 48. + Celebrity Endorser  Selena Gomez best fit the MMVA image, and so we chose her to be the endorser  Already co-hosted the award show last year  MMVA‟s and Selena Gomez have a very fun, youthful and enthusiastic image  She is a role model to her fans and an upcoming icon to look up to  While growing she is able to maintain a clean image.  Has many celebrities interested in working with her such as Demi Lovato
  • 49. + Celebrity Endorser
  • 50. + SWOT  Strengths: - MuchMusic share their assets with the Much Music Video Awards - Buildings, equipment, camera crew etc. - MuchMusic channel is a reputable music source in Canada - Direct competition is with MTV, Billboards and Teen Choice. - Sponsors provide them with sufficient financial funds and resources, Doll&Dash, Got Milk, Stride etc - Competitive Advantage- three stages making it interactive for its viewers and audience members
  • 51. + SWOT  Strengths: - Associate with Canadian celebrities such as, Justin Bieber and Nina Dobrev - Unique alliance with People magazine - It also has a strong fan base as it includes all the celebrities from various genres of music - Free to attend the event - No use of inferior technology
  • 52. + SWOT  Weaknesses: - Not market leaders in the music industry - Product line too narrow – only awards music videos - Advertisements and sponsorships only source of revenue - Set up for MMVA too time consuming and creates a hassle downtown - No unique Trophy
  • 53. + SWOT  Opportunities : - Expand into television, sports and movies - MMVA‟s can give new artists the opportunity to gain exposure and build a fan base. - Economic outlook is positive - Presented in English - Use social media to help create awareness about its brand internationally and locally - Attract top charting Billboard artists
  • 54. + SWOT  Threats : - MMVA‟s competitors are equally growing and innovating year by year. - Too much time to set up causing a commotion Downtown - Takes place in a very crowded area - Weather conditions
  • 55. + PEST  Political : - Political conditions of Toronto are very stable - Important that the political conditions in US are also stable, to avoid any traveling complications for celebrities - EU has rapidly growing music industry - Canadian government regulates the entertainment industry - Alcohol - Children‟s television - Multicultural and multi-religion city
  • 56. + PEST  Economical : - Currently Canada is at the recovery stage from the recession - Stable inflation, high interest rates, increased employment - Exchange rates play a significant role - CDN = 0.9626 US, 1 US = 1.0388 CDN (subject to change - Seasonal event
  • 57. + PEST  Social : - Toronto is a multicultural city - Event takes place during the summer - Is in English which is a universal language - The roles of men and women in the music and entertainment are both equally dominant - Life expectancy is rising in Canada - Crucial to be environmentally friendly for MMVA‟s
  • 58. + PEST  Technological: - MuchMusic Video Awards is the same technology that is used by the MuchMusic channel - Do not have any significant or special technology that would make them a market leader. - Build three separate stages yet still maintain excellent communication and harmony throughout the show. - Outsourcing would not be a suitable option
  • 59. + Commercial  o86TA&context=C3844b86ADOEgsToPDskJvj1S- sLi0gC1doNuRiGOj
  • 60. + Thank You