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Part C: ABC Marketing Plan (Change to your name of business
Your Name
MKT500 Marketing Management
Strayer University
Dr. Your Professor
Date submitted
Explain how you will use the feedback you received on Part B
of your marketing plan to improve your plan. Do not just list the
Next, re-introduce your company you shared in Part A/B.
Lastly, review what you will share; pricing and distribution
strategy; integrated marketing communications; sales
promotion, and personal selling plan; competitive analysis;
online and direct marketing plan; and social responsibility/cause
related marketing plan.
Pricing and Distribution Strategy
Write an introduction here. Minimum of three sentences.
Develop the company’s pricing and distribution strategy.
Suggestion: use elements from Discussion Week 7 to help you
with this section.
Pricing Strategy
Text starts here (pricing strategy should be in comparison to
your competition – example, do you plan to do a penetration or
skimming strategy? Relate this to your readings and learnings
from textbook, page 177-188).
Distribution Strategy
Text starts here (discuss how customers will buy. Are you using
direct or indirect channels? Are you using intensive, selective,
or exclusive distribution? What is your logistics and supply
chain management strategy (i.e., who are your vendors and how
will you interact with them, will you use wholesalers, will you
have dealers/retailers)? Do not confuse the way you market to a
customer as a distribution channel. Distribution is how a
customer will buy, i.e., the path to purchase; it is not
advertising. Distribution strategy is your route to market. Are
you online, brick-and-mortar, reselling to retailers, using
wholesalers, what is your supply chain management, vendors?
Integrated Marketing Communications
Write an introduction here. Minimum of three sentences.
Develop the integrated marketing communications plan most
relevant for your product / service and audience. This section
has many points, be thorough.
Message Strategy
Develop your message strategy. How do you plan to be
consistent with your traditional and social media choices?
Media Strategy
Develop your media strategy. What are your media choices and
how will you use them. What is your rationale for your choices
and why are they relevant to your target market.
Public Relations, Sales Promotion, and Personal Selling Plan
Write an introduction here. Minimum of three sentences.
Develop your public relations, sales promotion, and personal
selling plan most relevant for your product / service and
audience. Introduction of this section here; minimum three
Sales Promotion Plan
Text here. Most familiar uses of sales promotions are
couponing, rebates, loyalty programs, tier pricing, etc.
Personal Selling Plan
Text here. Will you have outside sales representatives, inside
sales representatives, telemarketing, customer service, live
chats? Include any direct communication plans you will have.
Online and Direct Marketing Plan
Develop your online and direct marketing plan most relevant for
your product / service and audience. How will these media tools
be used to influence your target audience?
Digital Marketing
Add your text here to talk about your use of digital marketing
such as social media and your website, the purpose of your
website and how it will deliver the customer experience to
support your brand. This is a good section to use references to
speak to the validity and choice of your social media choices
(i.e., use an academic resource that shares their research on
demographics and metrics of the use of Facebook. For example,
Facebook has xxx number of followers that are between the age
xx and xx with income level of xx –xx, and like to share xxxx --
- then cite/reference the source).
Add your text here to discuss your online advertising. Please
make sure to distinguish between Pay Per Click and Display
advertising and your rationale for these choices.
Search Engine Optimization
Add your text here to discuss search engine optimization and if
this adds value to the marketing of your hypothetical business.
Direct Marketing
Add your plan to use direct marketing to communicate the value
of your business to your targeted customers.
Social Responsibility Plan
Develop your social responsibility / cause related marketing
plan most relevant for your product / service and audience. See
pages 283-284. What is your contribution to the community?
Summarize the plan to this point (minimum of three sentences)
and you should not include any new thoughts (just summary).
Use three (3) credible, relevant, and appropriate resources as
marketing research to determine the feasibility of your product /
service. In order to receive most points as exemplary, you must
meet the required number of credible, relevant, and appropriate
These resources should be industry specific, relate to your
chosen product / service, and be published in the last 5 years. A
good way to incorporate is by using Journal of Marketing, as an
example, for your theories and consumer behavior observations.
SWS Guidelines: (delete this from your paper)
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For
assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing
Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course and
© 2020 Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document
contains Strayer University Confidential and Proprietary
information and may not be copied, further distributed, or
otherwise disclosed in whole or in part, without the expressed
written permission of Strayer University.
Page 3 of 6
Peer Response
Within business, working professionals should become
comfortable receiving and giving constructive feedback. Critical
analysis of topics, and providing and receiving constructive
feedback, is important in one’s professional growth and
development and a core competency for leaders. You will be
expected to read the initial posting of at least ONE peer or
instructor, and then provide constructive criticism to their
peers’ initial postings. You should highlight strengths as well as
opportunities for improvement:
1. Point out what you perceived to be the strengths of the initial
posting along with supporting rationale.
2. Identify specific opportunities for improvement with regard
to the content in the initial posting. Furthermore, you should
provide supporting rationale for your stated position, as well as
concrete suggestions and guidance intended to strengthen the
effectiveness of the content.
Each response should be a minimum of 250 words
Allison Ligier
Assess the systematic behavioral biases which impact individual
When it comes to investing funds an investor advantage is
diversifying their portfolios to reduce risk without reducing
their expected return (Berk & DeMarzo, 2020). There are many
reasons why investors do not diversify their portfolios despite
knowing that they are certain to have returns on their
investments within diversification. That being said, there are
also reasons for systematic behavioral biases that lead investors
to create undiversified portfolios such as familiarity, relative
wealth concerns, overconfidence, disposition effect, and herd
Investors tend to suffer from familiarity bias which means they
invest in companies they are familiar with (Berk & DeMarzo,
2020). For example, an investor may be familiar apple, because
who doesn’t own an iPad these days, and that is something they
feel okay with sinking money into as they buy into the product.
Some investors have a tendency to develop a portfolio similar
peers, a “if they did it, why shouldn’t I” mentality (Berk &
DeMarzo, 2020). This is considered herd behavior in which
investors follow trends and imitate each other’s actions given
that they believe these peers or other investors are more
knowledgeable within the market (Berk & DeMarzo, 2020). In a
study conducted by Madaan and Singh (2019), they state that it
is human nature to refer, observe, and imitate each other’s
behavior during irregular conditions in financial markets. Given
that we are in times are hardship, the herd is moving towards
fimilar, “safe”, investments as they are scared of being let
Furthermore, Madaan and Singh (2019) define the disposition
effect as “the tendency of investors to refrain from realized loss
in expectations of realized gains.” This practice tends to be
counterproductive because investors end up holding on to their
stock that have lost value and sell stocks too early as they have
risen in value since purchased. Additionally, investors tend to
overestimate the precision of their knowledge thinking that if
they trade more, they will not earn higher returns (Berk &
DeMarzo, 2020). This practice could be harmful given that they
could end up worse due to trading fees.
In conclusion, systematic behavioral biases impact individual
investor’s decisions in many ways. Bias causes them to miss
out on returns to all levels they are sure to get portfolio
diversification. Investors put too much weight on their own
experience rather than historical evidence (Berk & DeMarzo,
2020). If investors are utilizing strategies that earn them
negative returns, wiser investors could use this to their
advantage to earn positive returns. Investors need to always
remember even the biggest expert can lose money as investing
is never a sure thing. Fear should not outweigh sound, rational
risk analysis.
Berk, J. & DeMarzo, P. (2022). Corporate Finance (5th ed.).
Retrieved March 2, 2022. Pearson.
Madaan, G. & Singh, S. (2019). An Analysis of Behavioral
Biases in Investment DecisionMaking. International Journal of
Financial Research. 10. 55. 10.5430/ijfr.v10n4p55. Retrieved
March 2, 2022.
Feedback for Part B
You adequately described the feedback you received. You
sufficiently explained how feedback will be used to improve
your marketing plan. This shows some understanding of how to
gather information on your hypothetical business and use it to
improve your marketing plan. You re-introduced your
hypothetical business. You did not introduce the contents of the
remainder of your marketing plan.
Brand Strategy: You did not provide all the executional
elements that support your hypothetical brand. These include
the brand name – why does this work? What does it mean to
your consumer? Brand logo – what is it, why does it work?
Your slogan, should be short and memorable and clearly
communicate to your consumer. Brand extension – what is a
natural fit to grow your brand and company? All these
executional elements need to be designed to support your brand.
This was not clearly explained and all these elements were not
Target Market: Your target markets are too broad. You only
used one or two bases of segmentation to describe your target
audiences. Remember that demographic, geographic,
psychographic and behavioral bases make up the target audience
definition. This needs to be much more defined with a thorough
rationale for your targets. These bases of segmentation are used
for both your primary and secondary target audience and should
create a unique target audience definition for both. You cannot
communicate effectively with your target consumer if you do
not know them very well.
Positioning Statement and Perceptual Map: You are missing the
positioning statement. No perceptual map was provided. There
is no statement that depicts your position in terms of who you
are talking to, who you are better than and why you are better.
Consumer Behavior: You are missing tying in consumer
behavior with brand name, slogan and brand extension. The
brand and brand elements are designed to encourage the first
step in the buying process. It is not clear that this connection is
understood. There is a reason that a marketer uses all these
elements to build their brand with their target customer. Are
you sure you understand this process?
References and Citations: Your paper used three (3) academic,
peer reviewed references as quantitative marketing research to
determine the feasibility of your product / service. In order to
receive most points, you must submit four (4) or more. You
showed a clear understanding of academic, peer reviewed
references. Most of your APA or SWS formatting for your
references is correct.
Mechanics: Please use the template.
Running head: MARKETING PLAN
Developing Marketing Strategies
Johnell Davis
Dr. Amans
MKT 500
February 13, 2022
Question I
The information contained in part A provides comprehensive
data on what Boma Health
s has endeavoured to achieve since its creation in 2002. As a
business organization in the healthcare industry specializing in
the manufacture and supply of medical equipment, its plan for
service provision to its customers and profit-making is on the
right track. The company's readiness to utilize meaningful
innovation, as stated in its mission statement, places it in a
unique position to make use of the current technology to come
up with improved and efficient healthcare equipment that make
the lives of its customers easier (Khosravizadeh et al., 2021
p.959). This is more so for patients living with terminal
illnesses such as cancer and diabetes and even patients with
deafness who require hearing aids. Further, as part of two
billion lives the company wishes to improve by 2027, the
company should look to extend its products to marginalized
groups and those living in remote and inaccessible and have a
hard time gaining access to adequate medical care.
Part of the success journey of any organization is conducting a
SWAT analysis of its organization so that it can have a clear
picture of where it has come from and how far it is going. An
organization can only take care of its weaknesses and threats
after identifying them. Thus, thanks to the SWOT analysis
conducted in part A, it's clear that its quest to offer reliable and
affordable services plus prioritizing customer satisfaction has
played a vital role in its success. The company's marketing plan
will entail maximizing its opportunities by expanding its
markets to online platforms that are the current trends earning
companies’ significant revenues and saving them costs in
marketing and advertisement.
Question II
An effective branding strategy for the Boma health solutions
entails using Boma, a Swahili word meaning homestead. In most
African countries, people in the rural areas live in secluded
homesteads in separate huts for the parents, daughters, sons and
workers. All these members are headed by the head of the
family, mostly the father, making up what is known as a boma.
Although the contemporary structure of families and primarily
those in urban areas no longer adhere to the living arrangement,
most can associate with it. Thus, the branding strategy would
predominantly focus on families and primarily those in lower -
income households to show that they care for their health as a
family and therefore manufacture health equipment suitable for
their needs and at affordable prices. More focus will be geared
towards the sick and elderly who mostly live in the bomas in
rural areas and barely have the strength to take care of
themselves nor the resources to access quality medical care.
The strategy would be part of the company's slogan, which is to
improve the well-being and health of individuals through
meaningful innovation. Their innovation would benefit those
groups and individuals in the society in dire need of help. The
group at the top of the pyramid is the elderly living with
chronic illnesses. Further, the organization could partner with
the government to develop a way that their customers could use
their universal health insurance, such as the Obama care to pay
for the products. That way, they do not have to feel the
financial strain of purchasing the products. Any product or
service focused on the families in the community focuses on the
economy as they equip these families to be better builders of the
Question III
As put forward in part one, one of the company's primary
markets is the underserved communities that include African-
American communities and people living with chronic illnesses
such as hypertension and diabetes, who are mostly the elderly.
The other underserved group comprises persons with disabilities
who mostly rely on medical equipment such as wheelchairs,
hearing aids, walking sticks and even brail machines that the
blind use in learning institutions. The other primary market
includes clinicians who need the right tools to make accurate
diagnoses and treat their patients. The organization is well -
positioned to use technology to develop innovative equipment to
make the lives of these groups better. A good example is
electric wheelchairs that one can use to navigate easily; they
need not push it and would not require another person's aid.
The organization's target market is thus diverse in the
demographic profile—from the elderly, mostly living with
chronic illnesses, to persons with disabilities who are of all
ages, gender and even race. Even African-Americans who fall
under people of color comprise a wide range of gender and age.
Thus, the demographic profile is relatively large. However,
when it comes to geographic profile, the primary market in
Chicago and its surroundings is where the company is based.
However, Suppose the company goes ahead and expands its
operations to the online market. In that case, it can serve a more
comprehensive market extending to other continents such as
Europe, Asia and even Africa (Farsi, 2021). With the online
market, even serving the entire planet is possible. However, the
primary market is underserved communities and clinicians,
while the secondary market involves any other group, institution
or individual in need of medical equipment.
Question IV
Comparing the position of Boma Health

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MKT500Part C ABC Marketing Plan (Change to yo

  • 1. MKT500 Part C: ABC Marketing Plan (Change to your name of business here) Your Name MKT500 Marketing Management Strayer University Dr. Your Professor Date submitted Introduction Explain how you will use the feedback you received on Part B of your marketing plan to improve your plan. Do not just list the feedback. Next, re-introduce your company you shared in Part A/B. Lastly, review what you will share; pricing and distribution strategy; integrated marketing communications; sales promotion, and personal selling plan; competitive analysis; online and direct marketing plan; and social responsibility/cause related marketing plan. Pricing and Distribution Strategy Write an introduction here. Minimum of three sentences. Develop the company’s pricing and distribution strategy. Suggestion: use elements from Discussion Week 7 to help you with this section. Pricing Strategy
  • 2. Text starts here (pricing strategy should be in comparison to your competition – example, do you plan to do a penetration or skimming strategy? Relate this to your readings and learnings from textbook, page 177-188). Distribution Strategy Text starts here (discuss how customers will buy. Are you using direct or indirect channels? Are you using intensive, selective, or exclusive distribution? What is your logistics and supply chain management strategy (i.e., who are your vendors and how will you interact with them, will you use wholesalers, will you have dealers/retailers)? Do not confuse the way you market to a customer as a distribution channel. Distribution is how a customer will buy, i.e., the path to purchase; it is not advertising. Distribution strategy is your route to market. Are you online, brick-and-mortar, reselling to retailers, using wholesalers, what is your supply chain management, vendors? Integrated Marketing Communications Write an introduction here. Minimum of three sentences. Develop the integrated marketing communications plan most relevant for your product / service and audience. This section has many points, be thorough. Message Strategy Develop your message strategy. How do you plan to be consistent with your traditional and social media choices? Media Strategy Develop your media strategy. What are your media choices and how will you use them. What is your rationale for your choices and why are they relevant to your target market. Public Relations, Sales Promotion, and Personal Selling Plan Write an introduction here. Minimum of three sentences. Develop your public relations, sales promotion, and personal selling plan most relevant for your product / service and audience. Introduction of this section here; minimum three sentences. Sales Promotion Plan Text here. Most familiar uses of sales promotions are
  • 3. couponing, rebates, loyalty programs, tier pricing, etc. Personal Selling Plan Text here. Will you have outside sales representatives, inside sales representatives, telemarketing, customer service, live chats? Include any direct communication plans you will have. Online and Direct Marketing Plan Develop your online and direct marketing plan most relevant for your product / service and audience. How will these media tools be used to influence your target audience? Digital Marketing Add your text here to talk about your use of digital marketing such as social media and your website, the purpose of your website and how it will deliver the customer experience to support your brand. This is a good section to use references to speak to the validity and choice of your social media choices (i.e., use an academic resource that shares their research on demographics and metrics of the use of Facebook. For example, Facebook has xxx number of followers that are between the age xx and xx with income level of xx –xx, and like to share xxxx -- - then cite/reference the source). Advertising Add your text here to discuss your online advertising. Please make sure to distinguish between Pay Per Click and Display advertising and your rationale for these choices. Search Engine Optimization Add your text here to discuss search engine optimization and if this adds value to the marketing of your hypothetical business. Direct Marketing Add your plan to use direct marketing to communicate the value of your business to your targeted customers. Social Responsibility Plan Develop your social responsibility / cause related marketing plan most relevant for your product / service and audience. See pages 283-284. What is your contribution to the community? Conclusion Summarize the plan to this point (minimum of three sentences)
  • 4. and you should not include any new thoughts (just summary). Sources Use three (3) credible, relevant, and appropriate resources as marketing research to determine the feasibility of your product / service. In order to receive most points as exemplary, you must meet the required number of credible, relevant, and appropriate references. These resources should be industry specific, relate to your chosen product / service, and be published in the last 5 years. A good way to incorporate is by using Journal of Marketing, as an example, for your theories and consumer behavior observations. SWS Guidelines: (delete this from your paper) This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course and © 2020 Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University Confidential and Proprietary information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. Page 3 of 6 Directions Peer Response Within business, working professionals should become comfortable receiving and giving constructive feedback. Critical analysis of topics, and providing and receiving constructive feedback, is important in one’s professional growth and development and a core competency for leaders. You will be
  • 5. expected to read the initial posting of at least ONE peer or instructor, and then provide constructive criticism to their peers’ initial postings. You should highlight strengths as well as opportunities for improvement: 1. Point out what you perceived to be the strengths of the initial posting along with supporting rationale. 2. Identify specific opportunities for improvement with regard to the content in the initial posting. Furthermore, you should provide supporting rationale for your stated position, as well as concrete suggestions and guidance intended to strengthen the effectiveness of the content. Each response should be a minimum of 250 words Allison Ligier Assess the systematic behavioral biases which impact individual investors. When it comes to investing funds an investor advantage is diversifying their portfolios to reduce risk without reducing their expected return (Berk & DeMarzo, 2020). There are many reasons why investors do not diversify their portfolios despite knowing that they are certain to have returns on their investments within diversification. That being said, there are also reasons for systematic behavioral biases that lead investors to create undiversified portfolios such as familiarity, relative wealth concerns, overconfidence, disposition effect, and herd behavior. Investors tend to suffer from familiarity bias which means they invest in companies they are familiar with (Berk & DeMarzo, 2020). For example, an investor may be familiar apple, because who doesn’t own an iPad these days, and that is something they feel okay with sinking money into as they buy into the product. Some investors have a tendency to develop a portfolio similar peers, a “if they did it, why shouldn’t I” mentality (Berk & DeMarzo, 2020). This is considered herd behavior in which investors follow trends and imitate each other’s actions given
  • 6. that they believe these peers or other investors are more knowledgeable within the market (Berk & DeMarzo, 2020). In a study conducted by Madaan and Singh (2019), they state that it is human nature to refer, observe, and imitate each other’s behavior during irregular conditions in financial markets. Given that we are in times are hardship, the herd is moving towards fimilar, “safe”, investments as they are scared of being let down. Furthermore, Madaan and Singh (2019) define the disposition effect as “the tendency of investors to refrain from realized loss in expectations of realized gains.” This practice tends to be counterproductive because investors end up holding on to their stock that have lost value and sell stocks too early as they have risen in value since purchased. Additionally, investors tend to overestimate the precision of their knowledge thinking that if they trade more, they will not earn higher returns (Berk & DeMarzo, 2020). This practice could be harmful given that they could end up worse due to trading fees. In conclusion, systematic behavioral biases impact individual investor’s decisions in many ways. Bias causes them to miss out on returns to all levels they are sure to get portfolio diversification. Investors put too much weight on their own experience rather than historical evidence (Berk & DeMarzo, 2020). If investors are utilizing strategies that earn them negative returns, wiser investors could use this to their advantage to earn positive returns. Investors need to always remember even the biggest expert can lose money as investing is never a sure thing. Fear should not outweigh sound, rational risk analysis. References Berk, J. & DeMarzo, P. (2022). Corporate Finance (5th ed.). Retrieved March 2, 2022. Pearson. Madaan, G. & Singh, S. (2019). An Analysis of Behavioral Biases in Investment DecisionMaking. International Journal of
  • 7. Financial Research. 10. 55. 10.5430/ijfr.v10n4p55. Retrieved March 2, 2022. Feedback for Part B You adequately described the feedback you received. You sufficiently explained how feedback will be used to improve your marketing plan. This shows some understanding of how to gather information on your hypothetical business and use it to improve your marketing plan. You re-introduced your hypothetical business. You did not introduce the contents of the remainder of your marketing plan. Brand Strategy: You did not provide all the executional elements that support your hypothetical brand. These include the brand name – why does this work? What does it mean to your consumer? Brand logo – what is it, why does it work? Your slogan, should be short and memorable and clearly communicate to your consumer. Brand extension – what is a natural fit to grow your brand and company? All these executional elements need to be designed to support your brand. This was not clearly explained and all these elements were not provided. Target Market: Your target markets are too broad. You only used one or two bases of segmentation to describe your target audiences. Remember that demographic, geographic, psychographic and behavioral bases make up the target audience definition. This needs to be much more defined with a thorough rationale for your targets. These bases of segmentation are used for both your primary and secondary target audience and should create a unique target audience definition for both. You cannot communicate effectively with your target consumer if you do not know them very well. Positioning Statement and Perceptual Map: You are missing the positioning statement. No perceptual map was provided. There is no statement that depicts your position in terms of who you are talking to, who you are better than and why you are better.
  • 8. Consumer Behavior: You are missing tying in consumer behavior with brand name, slogan and brand extension. The brand and brand elements are designed to encourage the first step in the buying process. It is not clear that this connection is understood. There is a reason that a marketer uses all these elements to build their brand with their target customer. Are you sure you understand this process? References and Citations: Your paper used three (3) academic, peer reviewed references as quantitative marketing research to determine the feasibility of your product / service. In order to receive most points, you must submit four (4) or more. You showed a clear understanding of academic, peer reviewed references. Most of your APA or SWS formatting for your references is correct. Mechanics: Please use the template. Running head: MARKETING PLAN 1 MARKETING PLAN2 Developing Marketing Strategies Johnell Davis Dr. Amans MKT 500 February 13, 2022 Question I The information contained in part A provides comprehensive data on what Boma Health
  • 9. Solution s has endeavoured to achieve since its creation in 2002. As a business organization in the healthcare industry specializing in the manufacture and supply of medical equipment, its plan for service provision to its customers and profit-making is on the right track. The company's readiness to utilize meaningful innovation, as stated in its mission statement, places it in a unique position to make use of the current technology to come up with improved and efficient healthcare equipment that make the lives of its customers easier (Khosravizadeh et al., 2021 p.959). This is more so for patients living with terminal illnesses such as cancer and diabetes and even patients with deafness who require hearing aids. Further, as part of two billion lives the company wishes to improve by 2027, the company should look to extend its products to marginalized groups and those living in remote and inaccessible and have a hard time gaining access to adequate medical care. Part of the success journey of any organization is conducting a SWAT analysis of its organization so that it can have a clear picture of where it has come from and how far it is going. An organization can only take care of its weaknesses and threats after identifying them. Thus, thanks to the SWOT analysis
  • 10. conducted in part A, it's clear that its quest to offer reliable and affordable services plus prioritizing customer satisfaction has played a vital role in its success. The company's marketing plan will entail maximizing its opportunities by expanding its markets to online platforms that are the current trends earning companies’ significant revenues and saving them costs in marketing and advertisement. Question II An effective branding strategy for the Boma health solutions entails using Boma, a Swahili word meaning homestead. In most African countries, people in the rural areas live in secluded homesteads in separate huts for the parents, daughters, sons and workers. All these members are headed by the head of the family, mostly the father, making up what is known as a boma. Although the contemporary structure of families and primarily those in urban areas no longer adhere to the living arrangement, most can associate with it. Thus, the branding strategy would predominantly focus on families and primarily those in lower - income households to show that they care for their health as a family and therefore manufacture health equipment suitable for their needs and at affordable prices. More focus will be geared towards the sick and elderly who mostly live in the bomas in rural areas and barely have the strength to take care of themselves nor the resources to access quality medical care. The strategy would be part of the company's slogan, which is to
  • 11. improve the well-being and health of individuals through meaningful innovation. Their innovation would benefit those groups and individuals in the society in dire need of help. The group at the top of the pyramid is the elderly living with chronic illnesses. Further, the organization could partner with the government to develop a way that their customers could use their universal health insurance, such as the Obama care to pay for the products. That way, they do not have to feel the financial strain of purchasing the products. Any product or service focused on the families in the community focuses on the economy as they equip these families to be better builders of the economy. Question III As put forward in part one, one of the company's primary markets is the underserved communities that include African- American communities and people living with chronic illnesses such as hypertension and diabetes, who are mostly the elderly. The other underserved group comprises persons with disabilities who mostly rely on medical equipment such as wheelchairs, hearing aids, walking sticks and even brail machines that the blind use in learning institutions. The other primary market includes clinicians who need the right tools to make accurate diagnoses and treat their patients. The organization is well - positioned to use technology to develop innovative equipment to make the lives of these groups better. A good example is
  • 12. electric wheelchairs that one can use to navigate easily; they need not push it and would not require another person's aid. The organization's target market is thus diverse in the demographic profile—from the elderly, mostly living with chronic illnesses, to persons with disabilities who are of all ages, gender and even race. Even African-Americans who fall under people of color comprise a wide range of gender and age. Thus, the demographic profile is relatively large. However, when it comes to geographic profile, the primary market in Chicago and its surroundings is where the company is based. However, Suppose the company goes ahead and expands its operations to the online market. In that case, it can serve a more comprehensive market extending to other continents such as Europe, Asia and even Africa (Farsi, 2021). With the online market, even serving the entire planet is possible. However, the primary market is underserved communities and clinicians, while the secondary market involves any other group, institution or individual in need of medical equipment. Question IV Comparing the position of Boma Health