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Mind Setting
A helpful guide
• 1. Self Sabotage
• 2. Fear
• 3. Doubts and confusion
• 4. Money worries
• 5. Jealousy and envy
• 6. Powerful self-care techniques
• Light Switch Theory
• Reverse Psychology
• Health
• Insight Timer
Table Of Content
1. Self Sabotage
• Part of you holds you hostage until you
fully understand why you had not been
successful a long time ago. It refuses you
to feel at ease in your life and reminds you
to carry it. This part keeps you feeling
guilty whenever you forget about it.
• Another part of you shames you daily for
not moving on in the first place. It shames
you for not daring to take the first step and
staying trapped. This other part of you
shames you for being trapped and feeling
• This is a war raging between shame and
guilt in so many of us and it is extremely
time-consuming and resource-intensive.
This can paralyze us because it takes a lot
of our attention.
The Healing
• Build your awareness around this pattern and each time you see it, smile and hug yourself.
The only way to disarm this violence is through love and compassion. Compassion for self.
• This is a daily occurrence and thus a daily practice: Take 1 minute each time you see the
pattern arise and consciously love on yourself.
• Just like the best person you would like to be for your kids, your spouse, your friends, and
your community, practice being that person to yourself. Be patient and impart love.
• Give yourself a world of encouragement, you are brokering peace between two children
you love equally.
• Did you know that each time a thunderstorm is coming,
you can find a herd of buffaloes running forcefully toward
it? You can see hundreds of them running as if they were
tr ying to meet the storm.
• However, did you know that buffaloes were simply
terrified of thunderstorms? Thunderstorms are one of their
biggest fears! So why would they run toward the storm and
not away from it?
• They were able to figure out that if they ran towards
the storm and not away from it, they would spend the least
amount of time enduring it. Running away from the
thunderstorm was like being chased by it and eventually
getting caught. Who knows for how long?
• The buffalo dealt with its fear of thunderstorms by
dealing with it head -on. They ran toward the storm
because they understood that the storm was inevitably
coming and thus picked the option that would allow them
to spend the least amount of time in it.
2. Fear
The Healing (part1)
• I used to have a repeated dream throughout my life; I was being chased by this vicious monster. I would run
phenomenally, with Spiderman-like abilities; it would have been impressive race to watch if it weren’t for the
circumstances. I was constantly terrified but thankfully (or so I thought,) I would always manage to get away…and the
following night, it would come back again with a vengeance chasing me down with more fervor. But I was fast and so I
kept “winning ”. Still, after years, I got sick and tired of feeling like this and decided to fight back. I decided to stop
running and turn around and fight him, regardless of the fact tha t I knew he would swallow me, and who knows what
would happen to me. So the next day, I did just that. I stopped running, although I could feel his enormous presence
right there behind me. I turned around and faced him. And in one instant, he completely evaporated and brought
with him his crew of dark clouds and resonating sounds. It was all peaceful and I could see the sky again. This was
the last time the monster visited me in my dreams.
• Here is what my dream taught me
• Fear was simply not real and the fruit of my imagination.
• Fear needs to be faced immediately and head -on, just like the bull, he figured it out.
• By protecting yourself from the fear you guarantee its perpetuity, you keep it alive longer. Again, the bull gets
this and runs towards the storm and doesn’t even wait for it to catch up to it.
The Healing (part 2)
• Fear is like a veil that stops you from seeing and expressing your true self. The more you peel
it back the more your true voice is revealed. Creativity cannot flow if fear is blocking it.
• I know it can be scary, but your true self lies in the expression of who you are which is
your creativity.
• Everything you want is on the other side of something you are afraid of.
• Courage is mastery of fear, not the elimination of fear. Our “fight or flight response system” is
there to preserve us from harm hot from living life and getting disappointed; Disappointment
is not harmful.
• You should make it a practice to look for your fears and face them daily, soon they will
3. Doubts and Confusion
• Swimming in a sea of doubt and
confusion, you are terrified of trying hard
and failing but also feeling shame for not
having the courage to try in the first place.
• You have doubts and don't know which
step to take in your life; you have analysis
paralysis. You want to move in a direction,
but you don't know which one?
• You are apprehensive of what the results
of your actions will be and because you
cannot see ahead you don’t move forward.
The Healing (part 1)
• If someone who loves themselves had to solve a very large puzzle, how would they go about it?
• I suppose they would look around the space where the pieces are laying down and clear up a large area to collect the
pieces together.
• I also suppose they would open doors, curtains, and windows to let the light and fresh air come in .
• I am certain they would start throwing away old puzzle pieces that have lost their value and meaning in throughout
the times to make more space for new things and to also eliminate the possibility of getting the pieces mixed with
the current puzzle, creating confusion.
• I also bet they would throw away any trash laying around without wasting too much time on wondering why they
were there in the first place
• I believe someone who loves themselves always wants to operate in a space that is clean and sanitary.
• I know they would sweep and clean the rest of the place to create an environment that sets them up for taking on
new and nicer things.
• I know they would bring it a step further and decorate the place with things that invite for peace and comfort.
• They would also get all the tools necessary to he lp them solve the puzzle efficiently (magnifying glass for instance)
• Then, they would get themselves a really comfortable chair to sit on to work on this puzzle.
• They would get their favorite drink and snacks, put some music on maybe? Maybe diffusing some essential oils for
• I bet this is what someone who love themselves would do in this situation.
The Healing (part 2)
• Most of our confusion has to do with hearing too many voices in our heads; voices like our spouse’s, parents’,
friends’, public opinion, all the “should” that come from beliefs with questionable origins. And you don’t know
which one is yours and which one to follow.
• In our decision making we try and consider all of these different points of vue and find it hard to meet all of
these different requirements.
• In our indecision we do not recognize our own voices or have simply lost touch with it a long time ago.
• I was there, in this pit of darkness and I can say that the day I discovered what my purpose was everything
made sense. Each day I am able to understand what my priorities are; I can juggle all of my responsibilities
with a much lighter heart because I know where they lie in the grand scheme of my life and know the role they
play and the requirement or need they are meeting.
• I don’t rely on must-do tasks, work activities, social gatherings, or family obligations to provide me the core
sense of fulfillment that I seek because now I understand that this was not their role in the first place.
• Discovering the path that will satisfy your soul, you can now move more confidently and know what you need
to do each day to keep progressing on your own journey.
4. Money Worries
• Are you worried that discovering your passion and
following you path will render you poor?
• Do you believe that you simply cannot afford to take
the risk on yourself in case you don’t make it?
• Are you afraid of trying something and your idea is
just not good enough and you end up failing and
bankrupting your family in the process?
• Many who have gained financial success are still
deeply unhappy because their soul has this yearning
that has not been satisfied. They feel more stuck than
you can imagine. They don’t believe they can let of
whom they have sold themselves to be or what they
have accomplished so far to redefine their purpose.
They are imprisoned and their soul aches immensely.
The Healing
• Kiyosaki, one of the billionaires of this century, and Paul Dejoie, another billionaire of our time, have both
said the same thing; “Your mission is the driving force of any of your endeavors. You will very likely fail if what
you do is solely for the purpose of chasing after money. You might have a great start, but it will be impossible
to maintain your growth and success. You should follow a well-crafted, spiritually-infused mission.
• Quote from a recent millionaire (Ellie Talks Money) “Figure out what you know how to do and figure out who
would pay you for what you know how to do”. She suggests “Start from the path of least resistance for you”
• I am here to guarantee you that following your purpose is YOUR BEST CHANCE of making it big, in the way that
you deeply desire; the path we will be uncovering will be your path of least resistance!
• Why? Because the mission we are getting to define will consider the most important and valuable aspect of
your life. This mission will be in your perfect size. You will feel confident that this is indeed your best chance.
• The counterintuitive morale of the story – If you want money, don’t chase after it!. As you keep your head
down and follow your mission, the money will follow inevitably.
5. Jealousy and envy
• M a n y p e o p l e a r e s e c r e t l y c r i p p l e d w i t h e n v y a n d
j e a l o u s y t o w a r d s p e o p l e t h e y b e l i e v e a r e l i v i n g t h e i r
b e s t l i v e s .
• M a n y p e o p l e c a n n o t s t o p c o n t e m p l a t i n g s o m e o n e
e l s e ’ s g a r d e n a n d f o r g e t t o p a y a t t e n t i o n t o t h e i r s .
T h e y c a n n o t g e t o v e r h o w t h e o t h e r ’ s i s b e t t e r t h a n
t h e i r s .
• A b r i l l i a n t s e l f - d e v e l o p m e n t a u t h o r , R o x i e N a f o u s i
s u g g e s t e d t u r n i n g e n v y i n t o i n s p i r a t i o n . L e t o t h e r s ’
s u c c e s s b e a t e s t a m e n t t h a t y o u r s i s p o s s i b l e a s w e l l .
• A l s o u n d e r s t a n d t h a t n o o n e c a n t a k e y o u r p a t h a n d
j o u r n e y f r o m y o u . I f y o u a r e n o t w a l k i n g o n i t , n o o n e
w i l l . O t h e r s a r e s i m p l y w a l k i n g t h e i r s a n d y o u r s i s
w a i t i n g f o r y o u , u n t h r e a t e n e d .
5. Powerful Self Care Techniques (part 1)
My si ster-i n -l aw and I di scus s ed an i nteresti n g
anal ogy to sel f -ca re . Imagi n e bei n g i n th e
dark and havi ng acces s to a l i ght swi tch panel .
Each l i ght you turn on hel ps you see bett er.
Si mi l arl y, when you are i n a dark pl ace, you
can pul l yours el f out by i ntenti o nal l y turni ng
the l i ghts on, each l i ght repres en ti ng one
thi ng you know usual l y works for you. Thi ngs
such as goi ng to worko ut , goi ng for a wal k,
eati ng fresh frui ts, taki ng a nap, taki ng a
shower, readi ng a book, cal l i ng a funny fri end,
medi tati ng , and musi c. A combi nati o n of these
acti vi ti es wi l l hel p you get out of a pl ace of
darknes s . The key i s to not rel y on one l i ght
swi tch but many of them at the same ti me.
We all have that one person (or a kind of person)
we think is probabl y happy and living the life that
we want. We imagine this person walking through
their lives effortle s s l y and with ease. We imagine
that this person knows how to make the best
decision s and that they are surround ed by people
to help and support their succes s.
In your daily life, ask yourself this question when
faced with choices, especi al l y the tough ones. What
would someon e who loves thems elv e s do in this
situation ? You will be surprise d at how many of the
decision s you take, especi al l y for yoursel f, will
drastica ll y change.
6. Powerful Self Care Techniques (part 2)
A weak body, neglect e d spiritual life and self -
damagin g mental practic e s have an enormou s
impact on your ability to see yourself clearl y.
Although this state men t might be discoura gi ng,
simply taking the first step on those can complet e l y
revers e the darkne s s and weight you feel you have
been carryin g around.
Start working on them today. These are like the fuel
and maint en a n c e you do for your car to make it run.
Do not neglect these aspec t s becaus e although you
might have a great mission, the imbalan c e in your
body, mind, and spirit will hold you back. A little
goes a very long way here.
I n s i g h t T i m e r m a d e a g r e a t p o s t t h e o t h e r d a y r e g a r d i n g
s e l f - c a r e . T h e y s u g g e s t e d u s i n g t h e R A I N m e t h o d i n
t i m e s w h e n y o u f e e l o v e r w h e l m e d .
R : R e c o g n i z e w h a t y o u a r e f e e l i n g
A : A l l o w w i t h o u t j u d g m e n t
I : I n v e s t i g a t e w h y y o u f e e l t h a t w a y
N : N u r t u r e w i t h s e l f - c o m p a s s i o n
T h e r e i s a p r o c e s s w e c a n f o l l o w , i n s t e a d o f s h o v i n g i t
i n , s w a l l o w i n g i t w h o l e , o r u n l e a s h i n g o u r f u r y o n t o o u r
e n v i r o n m e n t . N o w w e c a n t a k e t h e t i m e t o p r o c e s s
f o l l o w i n g t h e s e g u i d e l i n e s . I t o n l y t a k e s a f e w m i n u t e s ,
a n d i t w o r k s w e l l . L e t t h e d a r k v i b e s o u t u s i n g t h i s
m e t h o d . K e e p y o u r s e l f l i g h t a n d c o n t i n u o u s l y h e a l .
I t i s a l s o a g r e a t a p p t h a t c a n h e l p y o u m a n a g e s e l f -
c a r e .

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Mind Setting Deck.pptx

  • 2. • 1. Self Sabotage • 2. Fear • 3. Doubts and confusion • 4. Money worries • 5. Jealousy and envy • 6. Powerful self-care techniques • Light Switch Theory • Reverse Psychology • Health • Insight Timer Table Of Content
  • 3. 1. Self Sabotage • Part of you holds you hostage until you fully understand why you had not been successful a long time ago. It refuses you to feel at ease in your life and reminds you to carry it. This part keeps you feeling guilty whenever you forget about it. • Another part of you shames you daily for not moving on in the first place. It shames you for not daring to take the first step and staying trapped. This other part of you shames you for being trapped and feeling guilty. • This is a war raging between shame and guilt in so many of us and it is extremely time-consuming and resource-intensive. This can paralyze us because it takes a lot of our attention.
  • 4. The Healing • Build your awareness around this pattern and each time you see it, smile and hug yourself. The only way to disarm this violence is through love and compassion. Compassion for self. • This is a daily occurrence and thus a daily practice: Take 1 minute each time you see the pattern arise and consciously love on yourself. • Just like the best person you would like to be for your kids, your spouse, your friends, and your community, practice being that person to yourself. Be patient and impart love. • Give yourself a world of encouragement, you are brokering peace between two children you love equally.
  • 5. • Did you know that each time a thunderstorm is coming, you can find a herd of buffaloes running forcefully toward it? You can see hundreds of them running as if they were tr ying to meet the storm. • However, did you know that buffaloes were simply terrified of thunderstorms? Thunderstorms are one of their biggest fears! So why would they run toward the storm and not away from it? • They were able to figure out that if they ran towards the storm and not away from it, they would spend the least amount of time enduring it. Running away from the thunderstorm was like being chased by it and eventually getting caught. Who knows for how long? • The buffalo dealt with its fear of thunderstorms by dealing with it head -on. They ran toward the storm because they understood that the storm was inevitably coming and thus picked the option that would allow them to spend the least amount of time in it. 2. Fear
  • 6. The Healing (part1) • I used to have a repeated dream throughout my life; I was being chased by this vicious monster. I would run phenomenally, with Spiderman-like abilities; it would have been impressive race to watch if it weren’t for the circumstances. I was constantly terrified but thankfully (or so I thought,) I would always manage to get away…and the following night, it would come back again with a vengeance chasing me down with more fervor. But I was fast and so I kept “winning ”. Still, after years, I got sick and tired of feeling like this and decided to fight back. I decided to stop running and turn around and fight him, regardless of the fact tha t I knew he would swallow me, and who knows what would happen to me. So the next day, I did just that. I stopped running, although I could feel his enormous presence right there behind me. I turned around and faced him. And in one instant, he completely evaporated and brought with him his crew of dark clouds and resonating sounds. It was all peaceful and I could see the sky again. This was the last time the monster visited me in my dreams. • Here is what my dream taught me • Fear was simply not real and the fruit of my imagination. • Fear needs to be faced immediately and head -on, just like the bull, he figured it out. • By protecting yourself from the fear you guarantee its perpetuity, you keep it alive longer. Again, the bull gets this and runs towards the storm and doesn’t even wait for it to catch up to it.
  • 7. The Healing (part 2) • Fear is like a veil that stops you from seeing and expressing your true self. The more you peel it back the more your true voice is revealed. Creativity cannot flow if fear is blocking it. • I know it can be scary, but your true self lies in the expression of who you are which is your creativity. • Everything you want is on the other side of something you are afraid of. • Courage is mastery of fear, not the elimination of fear. Our “fight or flight response system” is there to preserve us from harm hot from living life and getting disappointed; Disappointment is not harmful. • You should make it a practice to look for your fears and face them daily, soon they will disappear.
  • 8. 3. Doubts and Confusion • Swimming in a sea of doubt and confusion, you are terrified of trying hard and failing but also feeling shame for not having the courage to try in the first place. • You have doubts and don't know which step to take in your life; you have analysis paralysis. You want to move in a direction, but you don't know which one? • You are apprehensive of what the results of your actions will be and because you cannot see ahead you don’t move forward.
  • 9. The Healing (part 1) • If someone who loves themselves had to solve a very large puzzle, how would they go about it? • I suppose they would look around the space where the pieces are laying down and clear up a large area to collect the pieces together. • I also suppose they would open doors, curtains, and windows to let the light and fresh air come in . • I am certain they would start throwing away old puzzle pieces that have lost their value and meaning in throughout the times to make more space for new things and to also eliminate the possibility of getting the pieces mixed with the current puzzle, creating confusion. • I also bet they would throw away any trash laying around without wasting too much time on wondering why they were there in the first place • I believe someone who loves themselves always wants to operate in a space that is clean and sanitary. • I know they would sweep and clean the rest of the place to create an environment that sets them up for taking on new and nicer things. • I know they would bring it a step further and decorate the place with things that invite for peace and comfort. • They would also get all the tools necessary to he lp them solve the puzzle efficiently (magnifying glass for instance) • Then, they would get themselves a really comfortable chair to sit on to work on this puzzle. • They would get their favorite drink and snacks, put some music on maybe? Maybe diffusing some essential oils for smell? • I bet this is what someone who love themselves would do in this situation.
  • 10. The Healing (part 2) • Most of our confusion has to do with hearing too many voices in our heads; voices like our spouse’s, parents’, friends’, public opinion, all the “should” that come from beliefs with questionable origins. And you don’t know which one is yours and which one to follow. • In our decision making we try and consider all of these different points of vue and find it hard to meet all of these different requirements. • In our indecision we do not recognize our own voices or have simply lost touch with it a long time ago. • I was there, in this pit of darkness and I can say that the day I discovered what my purpose was everything made sense. Each day I am able to understand what my priorities are; I can juggle all of my responsibilities with a much lighter heart because I know where they lie in the grand scheme of my life and know the role they play and the requirement or need they are meeting. • I don’t rely on must-do tasks, work activities, social gatherings, or family obligations to provide me the core sense of fulfillment that I seek because now I understand that this was not their role in the first place. • Discovering the path that will satisfy your soul, you can now move more confidently and know what you need to do each day to keep progressing on your own journey.
  • 11. 4. Money Worries • Are you worried that discovering your passion and following you path will render you poor? • Do you believe that you simply cannot afford to take the risk on yourself in case you don’t make it? • Are you afraid of trying something and your idea is just not good enough and you end up failing and bankrupting your family in the process? • Many who have gained financial success are still deeply unhappy because their soul has this yearning that has not been satisfied. They feel more stuck than you can imagine. They don’t believe they can let of whom they have sold themselves to be or what they have accomplished so far to redefine their purpose. They are imprisoned and their soul aches immensely.
  • 12. The Healing • Kiyosaki, one of the billionaires of this century, and Paul Dejoie, another billionaire of our time, have both said the same thing; “Your mission is the driving force of any of your endeavors. You will very likely fail if what you do is solely for the purpose of chasing after money. You might have a great start, but it will be impossible to maintain your growth and success. You should follow a well-crafted, spiritually-infused mission. • Quote from a recent millionaire (Ellie Talks Money) “Figure out what you know how to do and figure out who would pay you for what you know how to do”. She suggests “Start from the path of least resistance for you” • I am here to guarantee you that following your purpose is YOUR BEST CHANCE of making it big, in the way that you deeply desire; the path we will be uncovering will be your path of least resistance! • Why? Because the mission we are getting to define will consider the most important and valuable aspect of your life. This mission will be in your perfect size. You will feel confident that this is indeed your best chance. • The counterintuitive morale of the story – If you want money, don’t chase after it!. As you keep your head down and follow your mission, the money will follow inevitably.
  • 13. 5. Jealousy and envy • M a n y p e o p l e a r e s e c r e t l y c r i p p l e d w i t h e n v y a n d j e a l o u s y t o w a r d s p e o p l e t h e y b e l i e v e a r e l i v i n g t h e i r b e s t l i v e s . • M a n y p e o p l e c a n n o t s t o p c o n t e m p l a t i n g s o m e o n e e l s e ’ s g a r d e n a n d f o r g e t t o p a y a t t e n t i o n t o t h e i r s . T h e y c a n n o t g e t o v e r h o w t h e o t h e r ’ s i s b e t t e r t h a n t h e i r s . • A b r i l l i a n t s e l f - d e v e l o p m e n t a u t h o r , R o x i e N a f o u s i s u g g e s t e d t u r n i n g e n v y i n t o i n s p i r a t i o n . L e t o t h e r s ’ s u c c e s s b e a t e s t a m e n t t h a t y o u r s i s p o s s i b l e a s w e l l . • A l s o u n d e r s t a n d t h a t n o o n e c a n t a k e y o u r p a t h a n d j o u r n e y f r o m y o u . I f y o u a r e n o t w a l k i n g o n i t , n o o n e w i l l . O t h e r s a r e s i m p l y w a l k i n g t h e i r s a n d y o u r s i s w a i t i n g f o r y o u , u n t h r e a t e n e d .
  • 14. LIGHT SWITCH THEORY REVERSE PSYCHOLOGY 5. Powerful Self Care Techniques (part 1) My si ster-i n -l aw and I di scus s ed an i nteresti n g anal ogy to sel f -ca re . Imagi n e bei n g i n th e dark and havi ng acces s to a l i ght swi tch panel . Each l i ght you turn on hel ps you see bett er. Si mi l arl y, when you are i n a dark pl ace, you can pul l yours el f out by i ntenti o nal l y turni ng the l i ghts on, each l i ght repres en ti ng one thi ng you know usual l y works for you. Thi ngs such as goi ng to worko ut , goi ng for a wal k, eati ng fresh frui ts, taki ng a nap, taki ng a shower, readi ng a book, cal l i ng a funny fri end, medi tati ng , and musi c. A combi nati o n of these acti vi ti es wi l l hel p you get out of a pl ace of darknes s . The key i s to not rel y on one l i ght swi tch but many of them at the same ti me. We all have that one person (or a kind of person) we think is probabl y happy and living the life that we want. We imagine this person walking through their lives effortle s s l y and with ease. We imagine that this person knows how to make the best decision s and that they are surround ed by people to help and support their succes s. In your daily life, ask yourself this question when faced with choices, especi al l y the tough ones. What would someon e who loves thems elv e s do in this situation ? You will be surprise d at how many of the decision s you take, especi al l y for yoursel f, will drastica ll y change.
  • 15. HEALTH – PHYSICAL, SPIRITUAL AND MENTAL INSIGHT TIMER 6. Powerful Self Care Techniques (part 2) A weak body, neglect e d spiritual life and self - damagin g mental practic e s have an enormou s impact on your ability to see yourself clearl y. Although this state men t might be discoura gi ng, simply taking the first step on those can complet e l y revers e the darkne s s and weight you feel you have been carryin g around. Start working on them today. These are like the fuel and maint en a n c e you do for your car to make it run. Do not neglect these aspec t s becaus e although you might have a great mission, the imbalan c e in your body, mind, and spirit will hold you back. A little goes a very long way here. I n s i g h t T i m e r m a d e a g r e a t p o s t t h e o t h e r d a y r e g a r d i n g s e l f - c a r e . T h e y s u g g e s t e d u s i n g t h e R A I N m e t h o d i n t i m e s w h e n y o u f e e l o v e r w h e l m e d . R : R e c o g n i z e w h a t y o u a r e f e e l i n g A : A l l o w w i t h o u t j u d g m e n t I : I n v e s t i g a t e w h y y o u f e e l t h a t w a y N : N u r t u r e w i t h s e l f - c o m p a s s i o n T h e r e i s a p r o c e s s w e c a n f o l l o w , i n s t e a d o f s h o v i n g i t i n , s w a l l o w i n g i t w h o l e , o r u n l e a s h i n g o u r f u r y o n t o o u r e n v i r o n m e n t . N o w w e c a n t a k e t h e t i m e t o p r o c e s s f o l l o w i n g t h e s e g u i d e l i n e s . I t o n l y t a k e s a f e w m i n u t e s , a n d i t w o r k s w e l l . L e t t h e d a r k v i b e s o u t u s i n g t h i s m e t h o d . K e e p y o u r s e l f l i g h t a n d c o n t i n u o u s l y h e a l . I t i s a l s o a g r e a t a p p t h a t c a n h e l p y o u m a n a g e s e l f - c a r e .