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the spotlight never felt
so intense
Creating, nurturing and upholding a corporate reputation is one of
the most critical and fundamental tasks facing senior leaders today.

An organisation may speak of having values but, without            Whereas it was once more prevalent for extraction,                  Millward Brown’s Reputation Asset Manager and Profiler – ReputationAMP
demonstrable action, it lacks credibility. What a corporate        pharmaceutical and tobacco multinationals to face forensic public   – has been developed from the expert knowledge of our specialist corporate
brand stands for and how a company conducts business               examination for practices that impinged on the environment,         research practice and our collaborative partnerships with leading academics
impact powerfully, not only on the minds of customers, but         social justice or health, now such issues are central to the        on reputation risk research. The result is a company-specific, diagnostic
also stakeholders.                                                 reputation of any organisation, from whatever sector.               methodology, generating insight and recommending action that will improve
                                                                                                                                       reputational strength, tackle weaknesses and maximise opportunities.
In today’s connected society all of us are becoming                Transparency is all, and increasingly customers and
increasingly knowledgeable about company behaviour. Public         commentators are expecting companies to show explicit               In this report we share our current thinking on what makes reputations
scrutiny is fast moving and intense; there is risk of reputation   commitment in navigating the moral maze. Not only in how            genuine and credible. We underpin these views with findings from our own
damage to any part of a business, anywhere in the world. A         they act but also how well they engage in constructive              study, examining in particular the current reputation of the fast moving
bad news story that harms a company’s reputation can travel        dialogue with governments, non-governmental organisations           consumer goods (FMCG) industry and some of the biggest companies
the globe in minutes.                                              (NGOs), industry partners and pressure groups. The best             leading this sector.
                                                                   companies will be those that welcome debate, present
Communication technology is also helping to unite people
                                                                   information openly and honestly, and take opportunities to
with shared interests. It gives pressure groups more influence
                                                                   inform and educate.
than ever – whether they are ethical consumers, shareholder                                                                                Our ambition at Millward Brown is to develop impactive,
activists, or local environmental campaigners. And their           The result is a complex reputation landscape, crowded by              evidence-based results and ReputationAMP is no exception.
concerns are many: from rainforest deforestation in the pursuit    wide-ranging demands that compete for attention. With the                 We believe it will prove a sound investment for any
of palm oil, to decent wages for suppliers in developing           right insight a company can plan an effective reputation                   organisation aspiring to maximise its stake in the
countries; from responsibilities for obesity, food labelling and   strategy, using empirical evidence that examines and                                     reputation economy.                                      Ed Coke
alcohol consumption, to executive pay, food miles and local        measures how an industry and its companies are judged, and                                                                                        Executive Director
sourcing and employment policies.                                  the actions that engender the greatest trust. Knowing what                                                                                        Millward Brown Corporate Practice
                                                                   will lead stakeholders and opinion formers to advocacy, and
                                                                   understanding the issues they believe important both today
                                                                   and in the future, are key to mapping reputation priorities.

2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        3
doing the right things,                                                                                                                                                                          the quest for trust
for the right reasons,
the right way
                                                                                                                                          What a company stands for, how it acts and how it                 ReputationAMP methodology explores how well a company is
                                                                                                                                          communicates are all important to stakeholder opinion. They       achieving these goals. It examines and measures stakeholder
                                                                                                                                          are the foundation stones needed for a company to acquire         opinion, breaking down strategy, actions and communication
                                                                                                                                          what is perhaps the most prized stakeholder motivator, trust.     into specific conducts within and across an organisation.
                                                                                                                                                                                                            These are analysed individually, with the potential to pinpoint
                                                                                                                                                                                                            the prevailing views on a continuum of indicators.

The issues affecting reputation vary from industry to industry,                                                                                                                                             This detailed approach reveals precisely where a company
just as the risks weigh more heavily on some companies                                                                                                                                                      has a strong or weak reputation. The results signal where
than others. But what is common to all is a growing appetite                                                                                                          Strategy                              strategy lacks focus or direction, where action is needed to
for more detailed, diagnostic intelligence that can help                                                                                                      Plans and objectives                          develop new behaviour, or why current communication about
organisations develop informed, effective strategies for                                          Academics
                                                                                                                                                                  for the future                            conduct in a specific area is failing.
                                                                                   Trade unions
building and protecting this seemingly intangible asset.                                &                      peers &
                                                                                   associations                partners                                                                                     In this way ReputationAMP can help build a company’s all-
The ReputationAMP premise is there is no ‘one-size-fits-all’                                                                                               Doing the             For the right
                                                                                                                                                                                                            round reputational strength.
                                                                                                                                                          right things             reasons
solution to analysing how a company is perceived by others.            Suppliers                                            C-suite
The methodology must reflect the client’s stage of reputation.
Is the organisation aiming to build, sustain or defend a
reputation, or is it seeking to recover credibility following a     Special
                                                                   interest &
                                                                                                                                                   Actions                           Communication
damaging experience?
                                                                                            REPUTATION                        Employees
                                                                                                                                            What is done and In the right             What is said and
                                                                                                                                               how it is done                          how it is said                 The companies I trust
Reputation is fluid, and will shift and change over time. There
are many influences: current and past behaviour; the varied             Policy                                              Existing                                                                                are the ones where I know
                                                                      makers &                                             & potential
agendas of different stakeholder groups; prevailing social,           regulators                                           customers                                                                                 about their responsible
economic and political attitudes; whether a business is
experiencing growth, maturity or change; and what area of the                        NGOs /                   Investors
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       business strategies.
                                                                                      IGOs                    & analysts
business is in question.                                                                                                                  Trust is essential to reputation. It is achieved when a
                                                                                                                                          company’s strategy, actions and communication are working in
Consequently the ReputationAMP philosophy does not                                                                                                                                                                      Deputy news editor,
                                                                                                                                          unison and the organisation is seen to do the right things, for
seek to measure one corporate reputation, but a plurality of                                                                                                                                                  Millward Brown Reputation Study, June 2012
                                                                                                                                          the right reasons, in the right way.
reputations. Only by taking an holistic view of an organisation
can reputation research present meaningful conclusions and
offer opportunities for change.

4                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             5
                                                                                                  powerful methodology
forewarned is forearmed                                                                           Millward Brown’s corporate practice has carried out its own research
                                                                                                  study to underline the power and versatility of ReputationAMP.

Scoring a top position in a rank   What ReputationAMP offers is insight, providing data and       Using both qualitative and quantitative research, the team   The study focuses on three prime stakeholder groups:
                                   choices for action that allow companies to predict and         explored the views of opinion formers on the behaviours      academia; the media; and NGOs and think tanks. The
of company reputations may         plan how to move a reputation forward. Armed with this         and reputations of one of the most competitive and dynamic   research authors recognise these groups do not comprise a
feel good, but a one-number        information, senior leaders can make informed decisions        industries, the FMCG sector.                                 full stakeholder profile, and any industry or company will have
summary reveals neither the full   about future resources and priorities. A company can develop
                                                                                                  This industry was selected for the ReputationAMP study for
                                                                                                                                                               a broader, more diverse ‘stakeholder family’. However, as a
                                   communication strategies that are confident and forward-                                                                    practical illustration of the ReputationAMP methodology, the
story nor provides a guide to      thinking; ones that anticipate changing environments or
                                                                                                  several reasons: its global presence; the new and growing
                                                                                                                                                               results from the three groups provide useful insight into what
future action.                     emerging issues on stakeholder radars.
                                                                                                  pressures from informed consumers; and the fiercely
                                                                                                                                                               these opinion formers think of the FMCG industry and
                                                                                                  competitive nature of the sector, central to the economic
                                                                                                                                                               a selection of its world-leading companies.
                                                                                                  recovery of mature markets and growth in emerging ones.

6                                                                                                                                                                                                                               7

                                                                                                                                   Uplift generated by regular contact with stakeholders
                                                                                                                                   in perecentage points                                                     It’s individual companies

a trusted industry, but less
                                                                                                                                                               ORG.A         ORG.B     ORG.C      ORG.D    I would trust, rather than whole
                                                                                                                                   FAMILIARITY                      +56       +55        +58       +65
                                                                                                                                                                                                           industries, as you have good and
                                                                                                                                   FAVOURABILITY                    +51       +30        +18       +49
                                                                                                                                                                                                            bad examples in all industries.
confidence at company level
                                                                                                                                   ADVOCACY                         +16       +35        +14       +42

                                                                                                                                   Our top-level findings show that, among the three FMCG
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Senior policy advisor,
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Millward Brown Reputation Study, June 2012
                                                                                                                                   stakeholder groups studied, opinion formers have little regular
The study shows that the opinion former audiences we surveyed regard the FMCG sector as
                                                                                                                                   contact with individual companies. If so, there are significant
one of the top two most trusted industries – a distinction most marked among academics.                                            opportunities to cultivate their understanding, engagement
                                                                                                                                   and advocacy. They have the potential to speak positively
However, NGO and media opinion formers show noticeably           When it comes to confidence in individual FMCG companies,         and endorse an organisation’s behaviour, forming a powerful
lower levels of trust (Fig.1). As both groups hold a big sway    there is a significantly weaker response. All three stakeholder   communication bridge between a company and other
over consumer perception and choice, it signals there is work    groups show remarkably low confidence that the actions and        stakeholders and consumers.
to be done by the FMCG industry as a whole to generate           behaviours of companies can help resolve industry issues.
greater trust among these audiences.                                                                                               It is notable from the study that academics have the least
                                                                 An underlying reason seems to be a lack of engagement             interaction with all four organisations. This implies a potential
                                                                 between FMCG companies and stakeholders. Of four world-           gap in knowledge among this influential audience and an
“Overall, to what extent would you, from a                       leading corporations studied in detail, contact with most of      opportunity for dialogue.
professional perspective, say you trust the                      the opinion formers questioned is infrequent. Significant
following industries?”                                           opportunities therefore exist to grow the support of these
                                                                 audiences, in particular the academic community.

                                                                 Fig.2                                                             Average interaction by audience
        43%           42%              30%             27%       Frequency of interaction with FMCG companies
                                                                 category average                                                            NGOs                         MEDIA                ACADEMICS

                                                                                                                                   17%                     16%                         4%
                                                                 FREQUENT CONTACT
                                                                                                                                                 83%                         84%                   96%
                                                                                                     INFREQUENT CONTACT
        27%           25%              14%              6%                                           88%
                                                                                                                                                       Frequently                  Infrequently

  ALCOHOLIC        TRANSPORT          ENERGY         FINANCIAL   Yet the benefits of communicating regularly with opinion
  BEVERAGES                                          SERVICES
                                                                 formers appear evident. Among the minority of stakeholders
                                                                 that experience regular contact with the same major
                                                                 FMCG companies, there are positive impacts on familiarity,
                                                                 favourability and advocacy.

8                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       9
it’s not just what you do,
but how you do it and                                                                                                                                  They could blow their own
                                                                                                                                                    trumpet a lot more, usually with
what you say...                                                                                                                                       size and success comes a lot of
                                                                                                                                                  criticism. On issues at the forefront it
                                                                                                                                                  would be nice to hear the good news
…that builds advocacy and wins stakeholder support.                Here are the top actions and behaviours that, for the FMCG                      broadcast more widely. That would
Cultivating a regular, open dialogue with stakeholders             industry, are most likely to attract advocacy from the three
fosters favourability and an inclination to recommend. It also     stakeholder groups questioned. To build and grow their
                                                                                                                                                     seriously enhance the positive
provides a bank of goodwill among key audiences, increasing        reputations, companies in this sector should focus on these                         reputation of the company.
the likelihood that third party spokespeople will defend a         ‘drivers of advocacy’. Communicating about these activities will
company during difficult times. In short, positive advocacy is a   also help cultivate goodwill and support among opinion formers.
valuable tool to building a more resilient business.
                                                                                                                                                      Academic lecturer and researcher,
                                                                                                                                                    Millward Brown Reputation Study, June 2012
But developing a reputation that earns advocacy is not just        Fig.5

about doing the right thing. Or even doing the right thing         Top seven drivers of advocacy
                                                                   percentages indicate strength of relationship between behaviour and advocacy
and communicating that activity. A company must hone in
on issues that matter to its industry and stakeholder groups,
                                                                           Is responsible towards society                          70%
prioritising communication so opinion formers hear most
about the topics that spark their attention and interest. If
                                                                           Is honest, trustworthy and ethical                      69%
company actions are authentic, the trust and respect of
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Rather than separate reports,
advocates will follow, and as they communicate with others,                Deals fairly with their supply chain                    65%
the positive messages will amplify.                                                                                                                                                                 social and environmental
ReputationAMP helps organisations identify the business                    Is responsible towards the environment                  59%                                                           indicators should be integrated
practices and behaviours that correspond with their                        Provides high-quality
                                                                                                                                   52%                                                               into annual reports and
stakeholders’ interests and agendas, and are therefore most                products & services
likely to gain advocacy.                                                                                                                                                                             fully integrated with
                                                                           Treats employees well                                   51%                                                                  business strategy.
                                                                           Builds and maintains positive
                                                                           stakeholder relationships                               46%
                                                                                                                                                                                                              NGO director,
                                                                   Above 30% = significant relationship     Above 40% = strong relationship                                                      Millward Brown Reputation Study, June 2012

10                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            11
earn advocacy,                                                                                                                               learn where best
manage vulnerabilities,                                                                                                                      to invest effort
build resilience
Unsurprisingly, opinion formers most likely to positively             Targeted engagement, focusing on practices and behaviours              A reputation pyramid is not new or unique. However, as a                  With ORG B however, we see the company has a
endorse a company’s behaviour are those with whom                     confirmed by the research as advocacy drivers for the FMCG             means of highlighting strengths and weaknesses in how an                  comparatively high success rate moving stakeholders from
companies engage in regular and sustained dialogue.                   industry, can help companies reap greater reputational benefits.       industry or company cultivates stakeholder relationships, it is a         engagement to advocacy. Therefore if greater effort is devoted
                                                                      The study also shows how the ReputationAMP methodology                 valuable tool. It helps diagnose where to target resources and            to moving stakeholders from understanding to engagement,
All the companies examined as part of the study seem to
                                                                      is an aid to pinpointing reputation pressure points, exposing          action for most effective results.                                        it should follow that their current practices will result in more
be failing to gain the maximum advantage from positive
                                                                      company vulnerabilities with the potential to publicly damage                                                                                    than half these engaged opinion formers moving up to the
advocacy. As already revealed, most FMCG stakeholders                                                                                        In the ReputationAMP study few respondents in any of the
                                                                      a company’s profile. This information gives clients the detailed                                                                                 ultimate level of advocacy.
questioned say they have little contact with FMCG companies.                                                                                 three stakeholder groups questioned indicated they had a
                                                                      guidance they need to plan how and in what way they respond.
Many appear insufficiently informed, so that when asked                                                                                      strong, bonded relationship with FMCG companies.                          ReputationAMP includes qualitative commentary from
how well specific FMCG companies performed on each of                                                                                                                                                                  stakeholders about the style and content of engagement they
                                                                      Fig.7                                                                  The study results show that each company has work to do
the seven key advocacy drivers, there was a striking body of                                                                                                                                                           welcome. This allows the team to work closely with the client,
                                                                                                 ORG.A       ORG.B     ORG.C      ORG.D      to convert their stakeholders to a higher position within the
opinion expressing either a neutral or ‘no opinion’ response.                                           13             16         15                                                                                   refining the approach and advocacy topics that will cultivate
                                                                                                                  18         21         29
                                                                                                                                             pyramid. With ReputationAMP modelling it is possible to
                                                                      Deals fairly with their    29                                                                                                                    the strongest support.
Fig.6                                                                 supply chain (%)             58         55            63         56    identify where efforts will secure the best return.
Performance on drivers of advocacy
category average                                                                                                                             For example, in fig.8, ORG A has the fewest stakeholders                   Fig.8

                                                                      For example, the stakeholder responses to ORG A and the                reaching the advocacy level, signalling a shortfall in how they            The journey to advocacye
    Is responsible towards society                  35%               advocacy driver statement ‘Deals fairly with the supply chain’         cultivate understanding and engagement among opinion formers.
                                                                      show that just 13 per cent believe the company demonstrates            Conversions to bonded advocacy appear particularly weak.                                                    ORG.A      ORG.B         ORG.C         ORG.D
    Is honest, trustworthy and ethical              41%
                                                                      this well. Conversely, 29 per cent believe the company does                                                                                                          ADVOCACY       2%           8%            4%            6%
    Deals fairly with their supply chain            58%               not demonstrate fair supply chain dealings and 58 per cent are                                                                                                                      25%          53%           40%           39%

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Depth of relationship
                                                                      neutral or unable to comment.
    Is responsible towards the environment          45%                                                                                                                                                                                   ENGAGEMENT      8%          15%           10%           16%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          22%         31%           29%           47%
                                                                      This signals a need for further investigation. Perhaps supply
    Provides high-quality products & services       26%
                                                                      chain practices present a real reputation risk, or supply chain                                                                                                    UNDERSTANDING   37%          48%           34%           34%
    Treats employees well                           66%               actions are acceptable but the messages communicated about                                                                                                                         38%          48%           34%           34%

    Builds and maintains positive                                     them are failing to have the desired impact. The source of poor
                                                    51%                                                                                                                                                                                   AWARENESS      97%         100%          100%          100%
    stakeholder relationships                                         messaging must be traced. Until it is, the company may find it
        Demonstrates well       No opinion      Demonstrates poorly   advisable to withdraw from communicating further on this subject.                                                                                                                    Conversion rate of stakeholders from tier below

12                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   13
sustainability                                                                                         the future of reputation
goes beyond                                                                                            The ReputationAMP study shows opinion formers respond best when they sense
                                                                                                       a company is genuine and consistent. They favour companies that are proactive in

the environment...
                                                                                                       sharing good news, yet equally frank and open about missed targets, operational
                                                                                                       failures, and tough but pragmatic decision-making.
                                                                                                       Consumers too are growing more ethically aware and
                                                                                                       exchanging information speedily through social networks. Like
The ReputationAMP research study reveals a strong view
                                                                                                       other stakeholder groups, their antennae for claims without
among opinion formers that corporate citizenship for FMCG                                              substance grow more sensitive, aided by each new revolution
companies involves taking ownership of, and responsibility                                             in information and communication technology.
for, all aspects of the sustainability agenda that connect with                                        Indeed, the increasing popularity and use of social networks
their business.                                                                                        means that simply telling the story is no longer sufficient.          GOVERNMENT &
                                                                                                                                                                             POLICY MAKERS
                                                                                                       Audiences want dialogue and the means to discuss, exchange
The right behaviours need to touch every part of a company’s operation and management.
                                                                                                       ideas, and contribute comment. This presents an opportunity
Planned carefully and with thought, these are an asset to building and protecting market share.
                                                                                                       for an organisation, or an industry working together, to grasp
Responses from opinion formers in the study show they are increasingly sensitive and sceptical about                                                                                          SPECIAL
                                                                                                       the main social issues in which their businesses play a key                           INTEREST
claims without substance, and can distinguish quickly between superficial ‘green-washing’ and those                                                                                           GROUPS
                                                                                                       part, and take ownership through education.
companies that are building reputations based on a broader, ethical agenda with real commitment.
                                                                                                       This is not to say the burden falls on companies alone.
From our discussions with stakeholders, the measures of a truly sustainable business now include:
                                                                                                       Sustainability agendas are broad, with many interconnecting
include:                                                                                               players. There are interdependencies between companies,
                                                                                                       industry, governments, NGOs and customers. Each must
•	   sensitivities to exploiting new markets;
                                                                                                       recognise their mutual concerns, and the shared roles and
•	   responsible sourcing, including manufacturing and supply chain management;                        responsibilities they have to make a new behaviour or policy
•	   passing on efficiencies to customers;                                                             effective. They must also acknowledge that each party works
                                                                                                       under different commercial and social pressures.
•	   equitable employment terms throughout the company and in all geographies;

•	   fair treatment across communities.                                                                Stakeholder comment in the study indicates that collaborative
                                                                                                       effort is increasingly part of modern responsibility, and a crucial
                                                                                                       part of building a respected reputation in the 21st century.

14                                                                                                                                                                                                          15
expertise that advances                                                                                                                  Millward Brown continues to push the boundaries
                                                                                                                                         of market research and brand consulting
reputation research
Millward Brown is a leading global research agency with 82 offices in more than 50
countries. Renowned for rigorous methodology, the company draws on more than
35 years’ experience and works with 90 per cent of the top 100 global brands.

Reputation Asset Manager and Profiler – ReputationAMP –             Whether honing in on selected stakeholder groups or
builds on Millward Brown’s unrivalled aptitude for brand and        carrying out a comprehensive investigation across all opinion
communication research. Our corporate practice expands              formers, the methodology results in a detailed understanding
on this expertise, offering a tailor-made, evidence-based           of an organisation’s profile as seen by others. It provides
reputation methodology specifically designed to every client’s      perspective on what the prevailing reputation issues are today
particular needs. It can adapt to any industry or sector, and to    and in the future.
any company or organisation.
                                                                    The results help companies understand, shape and sustain
ReputationAMP does not simply lift up a looking glass and           their reputation. And because an organisation needs
offer a reflection of a company’s present reputation. Probing       reputation strategies to suit different stages of its development,
for deeper insight, consultants apply critical thinking to unmask   the methodology can adapt to any point in the evolution of a
the real meaning behind the data. They examine what’s driving       business, from first growth through to maturity and change.
the opinions of stakeholders, the stimuli that produce positive
                                                                    ReputationAMP goes beyond generating intelligence, it
advocacy, and the opportunities to shift neutral opinion or
                                                                    provides choices for action and answers to specific reputation
convert antipathy.
                                                                    challenges, including:
                                                                                                                                         For more information about ReputationAMP please contact:
Working worldwide, Millward Brown’s corporate consultants
                                                                    •	   diagnosing and defining reputation objectives;
do more than measure the current climate of opinion; they                                                                                Ed Coke
engage with the people whose views create and influence it.         •	   benchmarking against competitors;                               Executive Director, Millward Brown Corporate Practice
ReputationAMP solicits only the most influential stakeholders,                                                                           Millward Brown
                                                                    •	   monitoring for change, opportunity and vulnerability;           24-28 Bloomsbury Way
each an expert in their own field. These are as likely to be
drawn from corporate boardrooms as local communities, or            •	   assessing future reputation risks and priorities;               WC1A 2PX
from supply chain companies and employees, as investment                                                                                 t: +44 (0) 207126 5248
                                                                    •	   planning reputation recovery strategies.                        m: +44 (0) 7710 043151
houses and media commentators.

16                                                                                                                                                                                                  17
About the FMCG study
The Millward Brown ReputationAMP study of the FMCG industry draws on the results of both qualitative and quantitative research
conducted during May and June 2012.

The qualitative element comprised 10 one-hour in-depth interviews evaluating the reputational status of current FMCG organisations within
the context of prevalent industry debates and issues.

A total of 105 quantitative telephone interviews were also conducted, focusing on world-leading FMCG organisations, measuring key
metrics including awareness, confidence, proximity, familiarity, engagement and advocacy. Of the respondents: 35 were editors or senior
correspondents at global or UK business publications, including daily newspapers, specialist press or websites; 35 were professors or
department heads at academic institutes, with specific interest in business, the environment or sustainability; and 35 were directors or
influential thought leaders within intergovernmental organisations (IGOs), NGOs, or think tanks.

For reasons of commercial sensitivity, organisation identities are not revealed. However, the four FMCG companies in this study are all in
the top 200 of the Fortune Global 500 annual ranking of the world’s largest corporations.

Millward Brown: Reputation AMP

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Millward Brown: Reputation AMP

  • 1.
  • 2. the spotlight never felt so intense Creating, nurturing and upholding a corporate reputation is one of the most critical and fundamental tasks facing senior leaders today. An organisation may speak of having values but, without Whereas it was once more prevalent for extraction, Millward Brown’s Reputation Asset Manager and Profiler – ReputationAMP demonstrable action, it lacks credibility. What a corporate pharmaceutical and tobacco multinationals to face forensic public – has been developed from the expert knowledge of our specialist corporate brand stands for and how a company conducts business examination for practices that impinged on the environment, research practice and our collaborative partnerships with leading academics impact powerfully, not only on the minds of customers, but social justice or health, now such issues are central to the on reputation risk research. The result is a company-specific, diagnostic also stakeholders. reputation of any organisation, from whatever sector. methodology, generating insight and recommending action that will improve reputational strength, tackle weaknesses and maximise opportunities. In today’s connected society all of us are becoming Transparency is all, and increasingly customers and increasingly knowledgeable about company behaviour. Public commentators are expecting companies to show explicit In this report we share our current thinking on what makes reputations scrutiny is fast moving and intense; there is risk of reputation commitment in navigating the moral maze. Not only in how genuine and credible. We underpin these views with findings from our own damage to any part of a business, anywhere in the world. A they act but also how well they engage in constructive study, examining in particular the current reputation of the fast moving bad news story that harms a company’s reputation can travel dialogue with governments, non-governmental organisations consumer goods (FMCG) industry and some of the biggest companies the globe in minutes. (NGOs), industry partners and pressure groups. The best leading this sector. companies will be those that welcome debate, present Communication technology is also helping to unite people information openly and honestly, and take opportunities to with shared interests. It gives pressure groups more influence inform and educate. than ever – whether they are ethical consumers, shareholder Our ambition at Millward Brown is to develop impactive, activists, or local environmental campaigners. And their The result is a complex reputation landscape, crowded by evidence-based results and ReputationAMP is no exception. concerns are many: from rainforest deforestation in the pursuit wide-ranging demands that compete for attention. With the We believe it will prove a sound investment for any of palm oil, to decent wages for suppliers in developing right insight a company can plan an effective reputation organisation aspiring to maximise its stake in the countries; from responsibilities for obesity, food labelling and strategy, using empirical evidence that examines and reputation economy. Ed Coke alcohol consumption, to executive pay, food miles and local measures how an industry and its companies are judged, and Executive Director sourcing and employment policies. the actions that engender the greatest trust. Knowing what Millward Brown Corporate Practice will lead stakeholders and opinion formers to advocacy, and understanding the issues they believe important both today and in the future, are key to mapping reputation priorities. 2 3
  • 3. doing the right things, the quest for trust for the right reasons, the right way What a company stands for, how it acts and how it ReputationAMP methodology explores how well a company is communicates are all important to stakeholder opinion. They achieving these goals. It examines and measures stakeholder are the foundation stones needed for a company to acquire opinion, breaking down strategy, actions and communication what is perhaps the most prized stakeholder motivator, trust. into specific conducts within and across an organisation. These are analysed individually, with the potential to pinpoint the prevailing views on a continuum of indicators. The issues affecting reputation vary from industry to industry, This detailed approach reveals precisely where a company just as the risks weigh more heavily on some companies has a strong or weak reputation. The results signal where than others. But what is common to all is a growing appetite Strategy strategy lacks focus or direction, where action is needed to for more detailed, diagnostic intelligence that can help Plans and objectives develop new behaviour, or why current communication about organisations develop informed, effective strategies for Academics Corporate for the future conduct in a specific area is failing. Trade unions building and protecting this seemingly intangible asset. & peers & associations partners In this way ReputationAMP can help build a company’s all- The ReputationAMP premise is there is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ Doing the For the right round reputational strength. right things reasons solution to analysing how a company is perceived by others. Suppliers C-suite The methodology must reflect the client’s stage of reputation. TRUST Is the organisation aiming to build, sustain or defend a reputation, or is it seeking to recover credibility following a Special interest & Actions Communication damaging experience? local community REPUTATION Employees What is done and In the right What is said and way groups how it is done how it is said The companies I trust Reputation is fluid, and will shift and change over time. There are many influences: current and past behaviour; the varied Policy Existing are the ones where I know makers & & potential agendas of different stakeholder groups; prevailing social, regulators customers about their responsible economic and political attitudes; whether a business is experiencing growth, maturity or change; and what area of the NGOs / Investors business strategies. IGOs & analysts business is in question. Trust is essential to reputation. It is achieved when a Media company’s strategy, actions and communication are working in Consequently the ReputationAMP philosophy does not Deputy news editor, unison and the organisation is seen to do the right things, for seek to measure one corporate reputation, but a plurality of Millward Brown Reputation Study, June 2012 the right reasons, in the right way. reputations. Only by taking an holistic view of an organisation can reputation research present meaningful conclusions and offer opportunities for change. 4 5
  • 4. AMP powerful methodology forewarned is forearmed Millward Brown’s corporate practice has carried out its own research study to underline the power and versatility of ReputationAMP. Scoring a top position in a rank What ReputationAMP offers is insight, providing data and Using both qualitative and quantitative research, the team The study focuses on three prime stakeholder groups: choices for action that allow companies to predict and explored the views of opinion formers on the behaviours academia; the media; and NGOs and think tanks. The of company reputations may plan how to move a reputation forward. Armed with this and reputations of one of the most competitive and dynamic research authors recognise these groups do not comprise a feel good, but a one-number information, senior leaders can make informed decisions industries, the FMCG sector. full stakeholder profile, and any industry or company will have summary reveals neither the full about future resources and priorities. A company can develop This industry was selected for the ReputationAMP study for a broader, more diverse ‘stakeholder family’. However, as a communication strategies that are confident and forward- practical illustration of the ReputationAMP methodology, the story nor provides a guide to thinking; ones that anticipate changing environments or several reasons: its global presence; the new and growing results from the three groups provide useful insight into what future action. emerging issues on stakeholder radars. pressures from informed consumers; and the fiercely these opinion formers think of the FMCG industry and competitive nature of the sector, central to the economic a selection of its world-leading companies. recovery of mature markets and growth in emerging ones. 6 7
  • 5. FMCG - Fig.3 Uplift generated by regular contact with stakeholders in perecentage points It’s individual companies a trusted industry, but less ORG.A ORG.B ORG.C ORG.D I would trust, rather than whole FAMILIARITY +56 +55 +58 +65 industries, as you have good and FAVOURABILITY +51 +30 +18 +49 bad examples in all industries. confidence at company level ADVOCACY +16 +35 +14 +42 Our top-level findings show that, among the three FMCG Senior policy advisor, Millward Brown Reputation Study, June 2012 stakeholder groups studied, opinion formers have little regular The study shows that the opinion former audiences we surveyed regard the FMCG sector as contact with individual companies. If so, there are significant one of the top two most trusted industries – a distinction most marked among academics. opportunities to cultivate their understanding, engagement and advocacy. They have the potential to speak positively However, NGO and media opinion formers show noticeably When it comes to confidence in individual FMCG companies, and endorse an organisation’s behaviour, forming a powerful lower levels of trust (Fig.1). As both groups hold a big sway there is a significantly weaker response. All three stakeholder communication bridge between a company and other over consumer perception and choice, it signals there is work groups show remarkably low confidence that the actions and stakeholders and consumers. to be done by the FMCG industry as a whole to generate behaviours of companies can help resolve industry issues. greater trust among these audiences. It is notable from the study that academics have the least An underlying reason seems to be a lack of engagement interaction with all four organisations. This implies a potential Fig.1 between FMCG companies and stakeholders. Of four world- gap in knowledge among this influential audience and an “Overall, to what extent would you, from a leading corporations studied in detail, contact with most of opportunity for dialogue. professional perspective, say you trust the the opinion formers questioned is infrequent. Significant following industries?” opportunities therefore exist to grow the support of these audiences, in particular the academic community. Fig.4 Fig.2 Average interaction by audience 43% 42% 30% 27% Frequency of interaction with FMCG companies category average NGOs MEDIA ACADEMICS TECHNOLOGY FMCG PHARMACEUTICALS TELECOMS 17% 16% 4% FREQUENT CONTACT 83% 84% 96% 12% INFREQUENT CONTACT 27% 25% 14% 6% 88% Frequently Infrequently ALCOHOLIC TRANSPORT ENERGY FINANCIAL Yet the benefits of communicating regularly with opinion BEVERAGES SERVICES formers appear evident. Among the minority of stakeholders that experience regular contact with the same major FMCG companies, there are positive impacts on familiarity, favourability and advocacy. 8 9
  • 6. it’s not just what you do, but how you do it and They could blow their own trumpet a lot more, usually with what you say... size and success comes a lot of criticism. On issues at the forefront it would be nice to hear the good news …that builds advocacy and wins stakeholder support. Here are the top actions and behaviours that, for the FMCG broadcast more widely. That would Cultivating a regular, open dialogue with stakeholders industry, are most likely to attract advocacy from the three fosters favourability and an inclination to recommend. It also stakeholder groups questioned. To build and grow their seriously enhance the positive provides a bank of goodwill among key audiences, increasing reputations, companies in this sector should focus on these reputation of the company. the likelihood that third party spokespeople will defend a ‘drivers of advocacy’. Communicating about these activities will company during difficult times. In short, positive advocacy is a also help cultivate goodwill and support among opinion formers. valuable tool to building a more resilient business. Academic lecturer and researcher, Millward Brown Reputation Study, June 2012 But developing a reputation that earns advocacy is not just Fig.5 about doing the right thing. Or even doing the right thing Top seven drivers of advocacy percentages indicate strength of relationship between behaviour and advocacy and communicating that activity. A company must hone in on issues that matter to its industry and stakeholder groups, Is responsible towards society 70% prioritising communication so opinion formers hear most about the topics that spark their attention and interest. If Is honest, trustworthy and ethical 69% company actions are authentic, the trust and respect of Rather than separate reports, advocates will follow, and as they communicate with others, Deals fairly with their supply chain 65% the positive messages will amplify. social and environmental ReputationAMP helps organisations identify the business Is responsible towards the environment 59% indicators should be integrated practices and behaviours that correspond with their Provides high-quality 52% into annual reports and stakeholders’ interests and agendas, and are therefore most products & services likely to gain advocacy. fully integrated with Treats employees well 51% business strategy. Builds and maintains positive stakeholder relationships 46% NGO director, Above 30% = significant relationship Above 40% = strong relationship Millward Brown Reputation Study, June 2012 10 11
  • 7. earn advocacy, learn where best manage vulnerabilities, to invest effort build resilience Unsurprisingly, opinion formers most likely to positively Targeted engagement, focusing on practices and behaviours A reputation pyramid is not new or unique. However, as a With ORG B however, we see the company has a endorse a company’s behaviour are those with whom confirmed by the research as advocacy drivers for the FMCG means of highlighting strengths and weaknesses in how an comparatively high success rate moving stakeholders from companies engage in regular and sustained dialogue. industry, can help companies reap greater reputational benefits. industry or company cultivates stakeholder relationships, it is a engagement to advocacy. Therefore if greater effort is devoted The study also shows how the ReputationAMP methodology valuable tool. It helps diagnose where to target resources and to moving stakeholders from understanding to engagement, All the companies examined as part of the study seem to is an aid to pinpointing reputation pressure points, exposing action for most effective results. it should follow that their current practices will result in more be failing to gain the maximum advantage from positive company vulnerabilities with the potential to publicly damage than half these engaged opinion formers moving up to the advocacy. As already revealed, most FMCG stakeholders In the ReputationAMP study few respondents in any of the a company’s profile. This information gives clients the detailed ultimate level of advocacy. questioned say they have little contact with FMCG companies. three stakeholder groups questioned indicated they had a guidance they need to plan how and in what way they respond. Many appear insufficiently informed, so that when asked strong, bonded relationship with FMCG companies. ReputationAMP includes qualitative commentary from how well specific FMCG companies performed on each of stakeholders about the style and content of engagement they Fig.7 The study results show that each company has work to do the seven key advocacy drivers, there was a striking body of welcome. This allows the team to work closely with the client, ORG.A ORG.B ORG.C ORG.D to convert their stakeholders to a higher position within the opinion expressing either a neutral or ‘no opinion’ response. 13 16 15 refining the approach and advocacy topics that will cultivate 27 18 21 29 pyramid. With ReputationAMP modelling it is possible to Deals fairly with their 29 the strongest support. Fig.6 supply chain (%) 58 55 63 56 identify where efforts will secure the best return. Performance on drivers of advocacy category average For example, in fig.8, ORG A has the fewest stakeholders Fig.8 For example, the stakeholder responses to ORG A and the reaching the advocacy level, signalling a shortfall in how they The journey to advocacye Is responsible towards society 35% advocacy driver statement ‘Deals fairly with the supply chain’ cultivate understanding and engagement among opinion formers. show that just 13 per cent believe the company demonstrates Conversions to bonded advocacy appear particularly weak. ORG.A ORG.B ORG.C ORG.D Is honest, trustworthy and ethical 41% this well. Conversely, 29 per cent believe the company does ADVOCACY 2% 8% 4% 6% Deals fairly with their supply chain 58% not demonstrate fair supply chain dealings and 58 per cent are 25% 53% 40% 39% Depth of relationship neutral or unable to comment. Is responsible towards the environment 45% ENGAGEMENT 8% 15% 10% 16% 22% 31% 29% 47% This signals a need for further investigation. Perhaps supply Provides high-quality products & services 26% chain practices present a real reputation risk, or supply chain UNDERSTANDING 37% 48% 34% 34% Treats employees well 66% actions are acceptable but the messages communicated about 38% 48% 34% 34% Builds and maintains positive them are failing to have the desired impact. The source of poor 51% AWARENESS 97% 100% 100% 100% stakeholder relationships messaging must be traced. Until it is, the company may find it Demonstrates well No opinion Demonstrates poorly advisable to withdraw from communicating further on this subject. Conversion rate of stakeholders from tier below 12 13
  • 8. sustainability the future of reputation goes beyond The ReputationAMP study shows opinion formers respond best when they sense a company is genuine and consistent. They favour companies that are proactive in the environment... sharing good news, yet equally frank and open about missed targets, operational failures, and tough but pragmatic decision-making. Consumers too are growing more ethically aware and exchanging information speedily through social networks. Like The ReputationAMP research study reveals a strong view other stakeholder groups, their antennae for claims without among opinion formers that corporate citizenship for FMCG substance grow more sensitive, aided by each new revolution companies involves taking ownership of, and responsibility in information and communication technology. for, all aspects of the sustainability agenda that connect with Indeed, the increasing popularity and use of social networks their business. means that simply telling the story is no longer sufficient. GOVERNMENT & POLICY MAKERS Audiences want dialogue and the means to discuss, exchange The right behaviours need to touch every part of a company’s operation and management. ideas, and contribute comment. This presents an opportunity Planned carefully and with thought, these are an asset to building and protecting market share. for an organisation, or an industry working together, to grasp Responses from opinion formers in the study show they are increasingly sensitive and sceptical about SPECIAL the main social issues in which their businesses play a key INTEREST claims without substance, and can distinguish quickly between superficial ‘green-washing’ and those GROUPS part, and take ownership through education. companies that are building reputations based on a broader, ethical agenda with real commitment. This is not to say the burden falls on companies alone. From our discussions with stakeholders, the measures of a truly sustainable business now include: Sustainability agendas are broad, with many interconnecting INDUSTRY include: players. There are interdependencies between companies, industry, governments, NGOs and customers. Each must • sensitivities to exploiting new markets; recognise their mutual concerns, and the shared roles and CUSTOMERS • responsible sourcing, including manufacturing and supply chain management; responsibilities they have to make a new behaviour or policy • passing on efficiencies to customers; effective. They must also acknowledge that each party works under different commercial and social pressures. • equitable employment terms throughout the company and in all geographies; • fair treatment across communities. Stakeholder comment in the study indicates that collaborative effort is increasingly part of modern responsibility, and a crucial part of building a respected reputation in the 21st century. 14 15
  • 9. expertise that advances Millward Brown continues to push the boundaries of market research and brand consulting reputation research Millward Brown is a leading global research agency with 82 offices in more than 50 countries. Renowned for rigorous methodology, the company draws on more than 35 years’ experience and works with 90 per cent of the top 100 global brands. Reputation Asset Manager and Profiler – ReputationAMP – Whether honing in on selected stakeholder groups or builds on Millward Brown’s unrivalled aptitude for brand and carrying out a comprehensive investigation across all opinion communication research. Our corporate practice expands formers, the methodology results in a detailed understanding on this expertise, offering a tailor-made, evidence-based of an organisation’s profile as seen by others. It provides reputation methodology specifically designed to every client’s perspective on what the prevailing reputation issues are today particular needs. It can adapt to any industry or sector, and to and in the future. any company or organisation. The results help companies understand, shape and sustain ReputationAMP does not simply lift up a looking glass and their reputation. And because an organisation needs offer a reflection of a company’s present reputation. Probing reputation strategies to suit different stages of its development, for deeper insight, consultants apply critical thinking to unmask the methodology can adapt to any point in the evolution of a the real meaning behind the data. They examine what’s driving business, from first growth through to maturity and change. the opinions of stakeholders, the stimuli that produce positive ReputationAMP goes beyond generating intelligence, it advocacy, and the opportunities to shift neutral opinion or provides choices for action and answers to specific reputation convert antipathy. challenges, including: For more information about ReputationAMP please contact: Working worldwide, Millward Brown’s corporate consultants • diagnosing and defining reputation objectives; do more than measure the current climate of opinion; they Ed Coke engage with the people whose views create and influence it. • benchmarking against competitors; Executive Director, Millward Brown Corporate Practice ReputationAMP solicits only the most influential stakeholders, Millward Brown • monitoring for change, opportunity and vulnerability; 24-28 Bloomsbury Way each an expert in their own field. These are as likely to be London drawn from corporate boardrooms as local communities, or • assessing future reputation risks and priorities; WC1A 2PX from supply chain companies and employees, as investment t: +44 (0) 207126 5248 • planning reputation recovery strategies. m: +44 (0) 7710 043151 houses and media commentators. 16 17
  • 10. About the FMCG study The Millward Brown ReputationAMP study of the FMCG industry draws on the results of both qualitative and quantitative research conducted during May and June 2012. The qualitative element comprised 10 one-hour in-depth interviews evaluating the reputational status of current FMCG organisations within the context of prevalent industry debates and issues. A total of 105 quantitative telephone interviews were also conducted, focusing on world-leading FMCG organisations, measuring key metrics including awareness, confidence, proximity, familiarity, engagement and advocacy. Of the respondents: 35 were editors or senior correspondents at global or UK business publications, including daily newspapers, specialist press or websites; 35 were professors or department heads at academic institutes, with specific interest in business, the environment or sustainability; and 35 were directors or influential thought leaders within intergovernmental organisations (IGOs), NGOs, or think tanks. For reasons of commercial sensitivity, organisation identities are not revealed. However, the four FMCG companies in this study are all in the top 200 of the Fortune Global 500 annual ranking of the world’s largest corporations. 18