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Military Conflict In Chechnya
Culture is defined as the learned and shared behaviors or perceptions of a group which have been
transmitted from generation to generation through a shared symbol system. Many factors such as the
physical geography, weather, and foreign intervention can all change and shape a regions culture
over time. This is no truer than in the region of the world known as Chechnya. Chechnya has seen
some of the fiercest conflicts and violent unrest and these events have had a massive impact on the
people who live there. This paper will analyze several different areas that make up the culture of
Chechnya as well as the impact military conflict has had on the people.
Chechnya is a republic located in southwest Russia. It has a land area of approximately ... Show
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The drilling primarily takes place in the Sunzha River valley located north of the capital city of
Grozny. There are large pipeline systems that run to the Black Sea in the west, and the Caspian Sea
to the east. In addition to petroleum processing the production of natural gas is also becoming
important to the Chechen Economy. The road and rail system are considered adequate. The primary
roadways run from Grozny to outlying cities. The railway system runs east to west across the
country and is used primarily for the transportation of natural resources. (Encyclopedia Britannica,
2010). Conflict with Russia in the 1990s leading into 2000s would have a dramatic effect on the
Chechen economy and infrastructure. During the conflicts much of the pipelines, petroleum
processing facilities, and railway systems were destroyed. A closed border policy would also have a
negative effect on the Chechen economy.
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Research Paper On Russian Culture
Russian Culture: A look at its Religion and Art
Mankind has always aspired to be the largest, biggest, strongest, highest, essentially the best in
everything. This is not untrue for the Russians who have had the largest country in the world for
quite some time now. Russia covers one–sixth of the entire world's land mass and has had a
significant part in modern history. However, in order to understand why a country has become what
it is now, one must look at its culture. A country's culture not only reflects its citizens now but also
its history and future.
Many things reflect Russia's diverse culture but two main things are art and the church.
Like many other countries, the church has played a great role in the formation of ... Show more
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Other religious groups that inhabit Russia include the Muslims, Jews, Protestants, Catholics, and
Buddhists. The Muslims form the second largest religious group in Russia. They are concentrated
mostly in the ethnic republics of Tartarstan and Bashkortostan in the middle Volga region, and in the
republics of Chechnya, Ingushetia, Alania (North Ossetia), Kabardino–Balkaria, and Dagestan. The
Jews and Christians are dispersed throughout the country and the Buddhists live chiefly in the
republics of Buryatia and Tuva on the Russian border with Mongolia and in Kalmykia on the
northwest shore of the Caspian Sea. (Microsoft Encarta)
Religion as one can clearly see had a direct impact on the Russian people but it also had a direct
influence on Russian art. Since art is a reflection of every culture, it is important that one studies it
when one is studying another culture.
The introduction of Christianity into Russia spurred the development of the country's fine arts. For
600 years, Christian forms of art dominated Russian painting, music, architecture, and literature.
Russian artists, however, applied their unique vision and dramatically altered the style imported so it
became their own. Especially in painting, the blending of foreign influences with native genius
produced some of the world's most beautiful icons. In the early 15th century Andrey Rublyov, one
the greatest of
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The Uprising Of A Terrorist Group
Caucasus Emirate Militant Group
Cristina Torres Fuentes
Northern Virginia Community College
This is a research paper on the uprising of a terrorist group in the Caucasus Mountain ranges. To
begin to understand what has made this group escalate their acts of terrorism we must identify the
past historical events leading up to their creation. All the efforts put in by the CRI (Chechen
Republic of Ichkeria) were to create a land that was for the Muslim people. Then without any
success it was later transformed in a small terrorist cells known as the group Caucasus Emirate.
They gained strength and peaked in 2010–2013 and after the death of the first leader they slowly
began to decline. As the time has progressed and things have ... Show more content on ...
While the Chechen's were exiled Russian colonists had inhabited their lands making the region
unstable. Then after the collapse of the Soviet Union the region stayed under the control of Russia.
During the Chechen wars that followed in 1996 and 1999 Russia tried regain full control the region
but inevitably failed. Having the knowledge of the highlands gave them an edge over the Russians.
They were also trained in guerilla style fighting the Chechen's benefitted making them successful in
these wars. The Russian eventually backed off and allow them to have some an autonomous
The Chechen Republic of Ichkeria (CRI) wanted independence from Russia. They had been given
some powers but that wasn't enough for the Chechen's. From 1999–2007 there were insurgencies
carried out through the Caucasus regions. With all the constant battling in this region the media had
been covering the events as they happened. This attention of jihadist organizations from Afghanistan
and they began to look east to spread their ideologies. As support came pouring in it began
spreading the idea of Global Jihad and Martyrdom as a way of gaining control of their region.
In 2007, the president of the CRI declared that there will be a new group of separatists in the region
and he names them the Caucasus Emirate (CE). Other providences in the region saw all the efforts
the Chechen's were putting forth and decided to join the
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US Strategy in Fighting Terrorism With Military Force Essay
With recent operations by the Pakistani military and drone attacks by the US, these safe–havens are
being attacked, but they remain a major refuge for the Taliban and other insurgents. Complicating
the matter are allegations of Pakistani Intelligence (ISI) support for the Taliban and Pakistani fears
of Indian influence in Afghanistan.
Recent US strategy in fighting terrorism with military force revolves around three central ideas – a
counterinsurgency (COIN) philosophy recognizing the importance of civilians, covert operations
and investigative work, and the use of drones. The COIN philosophy today recognizes the
importance of civilian attitudes and casualties. As such, American air attacks have been curtailed,
despite the military ... Show more content on ...
Even if no civilians have been killed, the perception is not good for the US, both in Pakistan and the
world at large. With the Pakistani military engaged throughout its northwestern territories in massive
operations to root out terrorists, accompanied by the displacement of millions of civilians, the use of
US drone attacks is an attractive alternative, allowing action to be taken without overstretching the
Pakistani military.
There remain many legal and moral issues associated with the pursuance of counterterrorism. The
primary concern is the treatment of prisoners. Although the Geneva Conventions protect uniformed
military personnel from mistreatment, it is argued that they do not apply to terrorists and insurgents
as they are not uniformed and do not obey any recognized government. In addition, the Bush
administration classified them as "enemy combatants" denying them rights such as trials and formal
charges while detaining many indefinitely at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Although President Obama
has signed orders closing Guantanamo Bay, this has yet to occur; albeit multiple transfers of
prisoners have occurred . In addition, the issue of
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Vladimir Putin
In 1513, an Italian politician by the name of Niccolo Machiavelli distributed, though privately, a
political treatise called The Prince. This treatise was, essentially, a guide on how to effectively rule
one's country. It's important beforehand to define exactly what a Machiavellian is, before describing
one. A Machiavellian is a leader who, through his power and influence, works toward the common
good of his people. This can be done through fear, through deceit, even through manipulation. It is
important to understand the main principle of a Machiavellian; the end justifies the means. The end
being the common good of his people. Vladimir Putin is a Machiavellian in the ways he retains
power, institutes reform, and executes economic ... Show more content on ...
His climb to power landed himself at the foot of the Russian presidency when President Yeltsin
resigned, naming Putin as his successor to office. Since then, President Putin has found ways to stay
in power through change in constitutional law within Russia, which had formerly caused Putin to
step down as President in 2008. However, as Putin had named Dmitry Medvedev his successor,
Medvedev in turn named Putin, Prime Minister. In most cases, Medvedev would've run for a
second–term, but instead stated he was switching positions with Putin, giving Putin his third–term in
office. While Putin faced protests across Russia from the outcome of this election, he was largely
able to stop the protests by jailing the opposition and cracking down on any who spoke out against
him. All of this leads up to Machiavelli's 8th chapter, Chapter VIII in The Prince: Concerning Those
Who Have Obtained A Principality By Wickedness. Machiavelli talks of those who betray and kill
friends to climb the latter of power, only to realize that they can only ever achieve power, and never
glory. A characteristic of a ruler must be one of cold–calculation, knowing exactly what to do should
the moment come to inflict some action of injury, as Machiavelli puts it, saying the ruler
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Christian Teachings on Poverty and Wealth Essay
Christian Teachings on Poverty and Wealth
Ever since the beginning of the Christian faith, poverty and wealth have been a big issue. Before
Jesus was born, the rich would use religion to keep the poor away from them. The wealthy thought
their riches were a blessing from God and that their faith and dedication was a reason for God
bestowing them with wealth. They believed that the poor were not true followers of God and
therefore suffered with poverty. They thought that the poor were not as important in the eyes of God.
However, Jesus himself was born in a poor family and he was born in a stable where the animals
were kept. "For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, ... Show more
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This was what Jesus was particularly against and believed that this was what would prevent a select
few from reaching heaven. "Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God." "But
woe to you who are rich, for you have already received your comfort." Luke 6: 20 and Luke 6:24.
He believed that, "You cannot serve both God and money." Luke 16:13. All men and women were
equal in God's eyes regardless of status and wealth: "There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free,
male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." Galatians 3:26.
In the Bible, Saint James said that the most important people in heaven were the outcasts of society
making them one of the most loved people of God: "Has not God chosen those who are poor in the
eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him?"
James 2:5. In 1Timothy 6:10, Saint Paul said that "For the love of money is a root of all kinds of
evil." Through this quote, Saint Paul emphasizes that monetary problems lead to most wrong doings
such as stealing, corruption and gambling. Saint Paul did not condemn money or wealth and neither
did Jesus but said that the love of money was wrong and this is what kept a rich man from entering
heaven. He also said that, "Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows
generously will also reap generously."
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The Beslan Terrorist Attack
The morning of September 1, 2004, a terrorist group encompassed children, parents, and faculty on
the first day of the new school year at School Number One in Beslan, a Russian town in the republic
of North Ossetia, and took them captive. This was just the beginning of the three horrific days that
were experienced by more than one thousand people held hostage. Chechen separatists stormed the
school on Wednesday morning. The standoff lasted until Friday when Russian Special Forces took
back the school following a firefight. After the three days of psychological and physical torture, the
total carnage left 331 people dead and over 700 people injured. This terrorist attack had left Russia
in shambles with the same devastating impact that the 9/11 ... Show more content on ...
First, as a result of World War II, the Ingush and Chechens were deported from their ancestral lands
and majority of Ingushetia's territory was put into North Ossetia's control. Second, two instances of
ethnic cleansing occurred that are found to be relevant to the Beslan attack. One instance involved
Ossetian authorities forcing over 30,000 Ingush people from their land. Another was a war between
the Russian and the Chechen that resulted in 80,00–100,000 murdered. Third, Vladimir Putin
allowed the use of aerial bombing during the second Chechen war. By doing so, approximately
20,000 Chechen and Ingush people were killed and over 300,000 Chechens were driven out of their
territory. Overall, the citizens of Chechnya and Ingushetia experienced a number of years filled with
trauma and death. The reasons of the Beslan attack are best summarized by two demands given by
the terrorists after capturing the hostages. Both demands involved the Ingush and Chechen. In the
first demand, the rebel fighters that were captured during the raid in Narzan, led by Basaev, were to
be released. The second demand was for President Putin to completely remove Russian troops from
Chechnya. The terrorist group placed the blame for Beslan directly onto President Putin and the
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The Radicalization Of Terrorism In The United States
Violence and terrorism are significant challenges in the world economy today. Terrorism has been in
existence since before the beginning of recorded human history. The scope of terrorism and its rates
of occurrence have grown significantly in the recent past due to factors such as globalization of
commerce, transport of people, and information exchange. Some of the key elements contributing
directly to the terrorism problem include the ideological competition and economic challenges these
issues may result in cooperative aggression by far flung individuals who are like–minded in their
quest for political or social relevance. This report focuses on the social aspects that have contributed
to the development of terrorism in Russia's North Caucasus ... Show more content on ...
Examples of these sentiments include the anti–immigration protests staged by the ultranationalists in
Moscow in 2010 and 2011. Hundreds of residents marched in Moscow in April 2011 protesting
against the government funds that are directed towards economic subsidies for the region. The main
issue is that most of the residents from the North Caucasus region are discriminated economically
and face xenophobic prejudices in Russia. This means they are socially and economically alienated
increasing their likelihood of joining the Islamist insurgents. The fact that they face xenophobic
sentiments as a community makes it more difficult for them to advance economically and socially.
The outcome is a strong positive outlook towards joining the terrorist group as a way of gaining
social relevance. The youth who are exposed to xenophobic tendencies are considered a threat to
peace by most people in Russia and other areas neighboring Chechnya and the North Caucasus
region. Due to the social discrimination and the perceived injustices, youths in Chechnya and the
North Caucasus region are highly vulnerable to radicalization and recruitment into the terrorist
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The Chechen Wars
From Western audiences, Chechnya–whether as an autonomous oblast, a sovereign state, or a war
zone–has never received much consideration. Just one of dozens of ethnic groups within Russia who
have declared since the end of the Soviet Union their right to self–rule and self–determination, the
Chechens' struggle for independence was drowned out in the cacophony of calls for independence
during the 1990s. However, in a world so greatly affected by the events of September 11, 2001 and
given the role of Chechen separatist groups in bombings of Russian apartment buildings in 1999
(which killed more than 300) and the hostage–taking of a Russian theater in 2002 (which resulted in
the deaths of 130 Russians and 30 rebels), the rhetoric of ... Show more content on
Yet, the repression of the forced deportation of nearly one million Chechens in the last week of
February 1944 is considered to be the most salient to the common sense of distrust held by
Chechens of Moscow's rule (Nikolaev & Malashenko, 2004; Tishkov, 2004; Jaimoukha, 2005;
Gammer, 2006). Thousands are thought to have died during the forced relocation to the Central
Asian Soviet Socialist Republics (SSRs) and the eventual repatriation to Chechnya from 1957 to
1960 resulted in even further alienation as ethnic Russians who had taken control of the homesteads
and farms of Chechen deportees resisted their return violently (Tishkov, 2004). Valery Tishkov, a
renowned Russian ethnographer, explains, "The theme of deportation and its untold suffering
dominated Chechen political discourse...and later [was the topic of] youth pop songs....People began
to believe that to end any continuing discrimination against them, the Chechens had to assume
control over the republic," (2004, p. 32). The culmination of hundreds of years of common
suffering, the forced deportation and repatriation resonates today as primary source of Chechen
defiance of Russian rule. The political and economic liberalization of Gorbachev's glasnost and
perestroika allowed "ethnic nationalism" to emerge as "a great mobilizing power...[while] the
granting every Soviet ethno–nation its own state was viewed as natural, desirable, and democratic"
in the eyes radical democrats in Moscow at the
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A Brief Note On The Soviet Revolution Of Russia Essay
Country Notebook
By syed abdul ahad
Executive summary
Russia was previously known as the Ussr , Ussr was a communist regime in which the government
had held a lot of power and there were no free markets , it had major issues such as corruption this
was shown in world war 1 under the czarist regime the failure of the Ussr led to the creation a
Russia as we know today .
The modern Russia is a thriving country with great technological advancements in nuclear physics ,
the major problems Russia faces in the modern era are the vast criticism it faces for the Chernobyl
incident and annexation of Crimea for which it faces sections till date , Russia is the largest country
in the world; its total area is 17,075,400 square kilometers (6,592,800 sq. mi). There are 23
UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Russia, 40 UNESCO biosphere reserves, 41 national parks and
101 nature reserves , it also has a lot of minerasls and resources that hold the potential to keep
Russia relevant in the international business Russia has an extensive coastline of over 37,000 km
(22,991 mi) along the Arctic and Pacific Oceans
Russias climate is mostly humid continental
Section 1
Early 11th century dukes of Moscow controlled Russian cities through their office of tribute
collectors for the mongals this the primary reason for Moscow being the administrative and trade
center for Russia till today
Muscovite czar is considered the founder of Russian state. He destroyed
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Strategic Objectives Of Rosneft
Part 1 Section 1 Our company
"Rosneft" is the leader of the Russian oil industry, and the largest public oil and gas company in the
world. The main activities of JSC "NK" Rosneft " are search and exploration of deposits of
hydrocarbon, oil, gas, gas condensate, the developing of offshore fields, processing of the extracted
raw materials, sales of oil, gas and refined products in Russia and abroad.
The company is included in the list of strategic enterprises of Russia. Its major shareholder (69.50%
of shares) is "Rosneftegaz" (state–owned company), 19,75% of the shares owned by BP, one share
owned by the Federal Agency for State Property Management, the remaining shares are in free float.
Year of foundation – 1993
Number of employees – 106 ... Show more content on ...
It determines the dominant position of OJSC" AK "Transneft" in the field of oil transportation.
In addition to the system of JSC "AK" Transneft" company also uses the CPC pipeline system
("Caspian Pipeline Consortium"). Its volume of pumping is 40.0 million tons.
Company also uses systems and supply pipelines of other oil producing companies.
OJSC "AK" Transneft" renders services of transportation of oil products on the domestic market and
on export. The share of OJSC "AK" Transneft" in the transport of light petroleum products for
export is around 43%, particularly in the export of diesel fuel from connected refineries it is 74%. In
transporting of petroleum products for export and to Russian regional markets, the main competitor
of OJSC "AK" Transneft "is a rail. Currently, it makes 70% of traffic of light oil. The share of OJSC
"AK" Transneft" in the traffic of light oil is about 23%. Transportation (car park)
The company has 2,500 fuel tankers in its car
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Chechnya and its People Essay
Chechnya and its People
The ongoing civil war between the semi–autonomous republic of Chechnya and Russia has
dramatically caught the attention of the world – a world that perceives the conflict primarily through
the distorted lens of Russian propaganda, and the contradicting images of Chechen suffering on the
independent media. If the West seems impartial or even indifferent to the Chechen conflict, it is
because there is little understanding of this people, of their struggle, or of the vast complexities of
the greater North Caucasian region in which the Chechens are a part. This lack of understanding
extends to the hazy Western perception of the role of Islam in Chechen society. The broad
generalizations that have been made by those ... Show more content on ...
As Villari states, linguistic difficulties were a major problem in studying Eurasia at the turn of the
century. Today, the task of studying the six North Caucasian states is complicated by the several
dialects of the Nakh language (one of which the Chechens speak), as well as the Batsbii and Ingush
languages. In many cases – as in the Chechen and Ingush peoples – one dialect of Nakh is more
closely related to the Ingush language than of other Nakh dialects (the Chechens and Ingush share
forty percent of their vocabulary). Furthermore, the Chechens themselves lacked a written script
until the 1920's. Up until that time the only literacy was of a few men who could read the Arabic
Koran; and therefore the only collective histories were oral, increasing the reliance of the historian
upon the Arabic, Persian, Turkish and Russian accounts of their encounters with the Chechens.
Map of North Caucasus, Russia, Chechnya3
Despite the linguistic differences, there is a great cultural unity among the North
Caucasians – probably because not one ethnic group is more than a million persons in size. They are
a peoples defined mostly by the mountainous region that has insulated them from the invasive
cultures of the Arabs, Turks, Persians, Mongols and Russians – even through the modern times.
They share commonalities of dress, custom, dwelling, food, hospitality, and of a strong sense of the
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Essay about Counter Terrorism Unit
*Note: information concerning the formation of the CTU is fictional Terrorism is one of the greatest
concerns of the 21st century. It is a method that has been embraced by many groups with many
different ideologies. It has the potential of causing major devastation, especially with the specter of
acts of nuclear, biological, and chemical terrorism. There have been many references by both the
media and politicians to a "War on Terror," and if we are to characterize this as a war, it is a war with
an ill–defined and changing enemy, no front lines, and a war that is fraught with moral dilemmas. In
this committee, we will simulate the other side of this battle – the terrorist groups that exist
throughout the world. This ... Show more content on ...
You will be tasked with the difficult attempt of consolidating your efforts, agreeing to shared aims,
and destroying the ability and willingness of the West to continue to degrade our nations and way of
life. With the United States drawing down its forces in Iraq, the work of the Iranians on their nuclear
technology, and recent developments in the world at large distracting the West, this is our chance to
strike back at our enemy after a decade of war in which we have continued to retreat. We must
regain our strength and influence in our homelands. You must rebuild the strength of your
organizations, both in terms of men and money and in terms of operational capacity and reach.
However, you must also be creative and take the fight back to the enemy's lands. For too long they
have sat in safety as they bomb our lands and invade us from afar. It is time for their populations to
feel the costs of war as we have felt it for decades. There are many weaknesses to be exploited and
avenues of approach. To you is left the task of figuring out which is most worthwhile and practical.
The price of failure is great, for failure means the loss of our beliefs and lands. Good luck, and may
you succeed in the monumental tasks before you.
Background on Terrorism Terrorism is a term whose definition remains disputed to this day.
Although countries and people argue
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Fine Arts Psychology
The wonders of the mind never cease. The mind is like a thumb print; there isn't a single pair of
minds alike in the world. That is what makes the world such an amazing and unique place to live in;
so many different perspectives combining into one idea. Yet, that one idea can have so many
different meanings to each and every person. Different experiences shape the way the mind works
and how it analyzes situations and objects. For people to get the most out of their mind, they have to
challenge it, give it something new to analyze. One way to do that is involvement in fine arts. The
arts can be crucial to developing new theories and the best time to learn these skills of analysis is
when the brain is still developing. Therefore, fine arts ... Show more content on ...
Sometimes, just concentrating on music will make you forget about your troubles and allow your
mind to relax. The same holds true with painting or drawing. Colors used in paintings reflect the
mood of the artist. It also helps release the stress because expressing it in a visual way helps the
person take control of whatever is causing the stress. Through music and art, people can feel free to
express themselves and their problems without it becoming destructive (Times of India). In Russia,
the Chechen people were being attacked and bombed by Russia in 2000. Homes were destroyed and
many people were left homeless. Many Chechen refugee children were sent to a refugee camp in
Ingushetia, Russia. As therapy, the children would draw and paint their feelings and many would
depict what they saw of the war. It helped the children with the trauma of their ordeal (Weir). In
Lebanon, other children affected by a war were treated with the same therapy. Many of the children
are now painting pictures that show a bright future rather than a world plagued by war (Daily Star).
Art holds some very therapeutic qualities. Whether it is for children affected by wars or the
everyday stress of a student, art is a healthy and helpful class and all students should be required to
take it.
Second, taking art classes develops cognitive skills. New research developments in cognitive
science and neuroscience help to explain this.
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What Is Chechnya?
What is Chechnya? Where it is located?
Chechnya is an autonomous republic, partly owned by Russian Federation; it has a variety of
ethnicity, Chechnya has always been seeking for national identities and the recognition in the
international arena. It is located in Northern Caucasia and South Russia, between Caspian and Black
Religion in Chechnya, In the 15 century people converted to Sunni Islam, In the late 1700s pre
soviet period, Chechnya fight against Russia, Why? Simply because Russia wanted to be dominant
over Chechnya's territory, Between 1824 and 1859, war over territory which resulted to victory of
Russian Empire, and this outcome included Chechnya into the incorporation of the Russian
Federation. After the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917, Chechnya was part of the Soviet Union.
Together with its neighboring country Ingushetia, It was set a Chechen Ingush Autonomous Soviet
Socialist Republic. In 1930s, It was harshly effected thousands of Chechens because of Stalin's
policy which provoked and Chechens were executed or imprisoned. ... Show more content on ...
Most of them were leaving their home lands, because they had no identity and they were suppose to
leave for better life and shelter.. Stalin was not aiming only to move Chechens from their lands and
German conquest, but additionally to destroy their ethnic identity. During Stalin's period Chechnya
was deleted from maps, and their cultural monuments were
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Military Conflict In Chechnya

  • 1. Military Conflict In Chechnya Culture is defined as the learned and shared behaviors or perceptions of a group which have been transmitted from generation to generation through a shared symbol system. Many factors such as the physical geography, weather, and foreign intervention can all change and shape a regions culture over time. This is no truer than in the region of the world known as Chechnya. Chechnya has seen some of the fiercest conflicts and violent unrest and these events have had a massive impact on the people who live there. This paper will analyze several different areas that make up the culture of Chechnya as well as the impact military conflict has had on the people. Chechnya is a republic located in southwest Russia. It has a land area of approximately ... Show more content on ... The drilling primarily takes place in the Sunzha River valley located north of the capital city of Grozny. There are large pipeline systems that run to the Black Sea in the west, and the Caspian Sea to the east. In addition to petroleum processing the production of natural gas is also becoming important to the Chechen Economy. The road and rail system are considered adequate. The primary roadways run from Grozny to outlying cities. The railway system runs east to west across the country and is used primarily for the transportation of natural resources. (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2010). Conflict with Russia in the 1990s leading into 2000s would have a dramatic effect on the Chechen economy and infrastructure. During the conflicts much of the pipelines, petroleum processing facilities, and railway systems were destroyed. A closed border policy would also have a negative effect on the Chechen economy. ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Research Paper On Russian Culture Russian Culture: A look at its Religion and Art Mankind has always aspired to be the largest, biggest, strongest, highest, essentially the best in everything. This is not untrue for the Russians who have had the largest country in the world for quite some time now. Russia covers one–sixth of the entire world's land mass and has had a significant part in modern history. However, in order to understand why a country has become what it is now, one must look at its culture. A country's culture not only reflects its citizens now but also its history and future. Many things reflect Russia's diverse culture but two main things are art and the church. Like many other countries, the church has played a great role in the formation of ... Show more content on ... Other religious groups that inhabit Russia include the Muslims, Jews, Protestants, Catholics, and Buddhists. The Muslims form the second largest religious group in Russia. They are concentrated mostly in the ethnic republics of Tartarstan and Bashkortostan in the middle Volga region, and in the republics of Chechnya, Ingushetia, Alania (North Ossetia), Kabardino–Balkaria, and Dagestan. The Jews and Christians are dispersed throughout the country and the Buddhists live chiefly in the republics of Buryatia and Tuva on the Russian border with Mongolia and in Kalmykia on the northwest shore of the Caspian Sea. (Microsoft Encarta) Religion as one can clearly see had a direct impact on the Russian people but it also had a direct influence on Russian art. Since art is a reflection of every culture, it is important that one studies it when one is studying another culture. The introduction of Christianity into Russia spurred the development of the country's fine arts. For 600 years, Christian forms of art dominated Russian painting, music, architecture, and literature. Russian artists, however, applied their unique vision and dramatically altered the style imported so it became their own. Especially in painting, the blending of foreign influences with native genius produced some of the world's most beautiful icons. In the early 15th century Andrey Rublyov, one the greatest of ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. The Uprising Of A Terrorist Group Caucasus Emirate Militant Group Cristina Torres Fuentes Northern Virginia Community College Abstract This is a research paper on the uprising of a terrorist group in the Caucasus Mountain ranges. To begin to understand what has made this group escalate their acts of terrorism we must identify the past historical events leading up to their creation. All the efforts put in by the CRI (Chechen Republic of Ichkeria) were to create a land that was for the Muslim people. Then without any success it was later transformed in a small terrorist cells known as the group Caucasus Emirate. They gained strength and peaked in 2010–2013 and after the death of the first leader they slowly began to decline. As the time has progressed and things have ... Show more content on ... While the Chechen's were exiled Russian colonists had inhabited their lands making the region unstable. Then after the collapse of the Soviet Union the region stayed under the control of Russia. During the Chechen wars that followed in 1996 and 1999 Russia tried regain full control the region but inevitably failed. Having the knowledge of the highlands gave them an edge over the Russians. They were also trained in guerilla style fighting the Chechen's benefitted making them successful in these wars. The Russian eventually backed off and allow them to have some an autonomous government. The Chechen Republic of Ichkeria (CRI) wanted independence from Russia. They had been given some powers but that wasn't enough for the Chechen's. From 1999–2007 there were insurgencies carried out through the Caucasus regions. With all the constant battling in this region the media had been covering the events as they happened. This attention of jihadist organizations from Afghanistan and they began to look east to spread their ideologies. As support came pouring in it began spreading the idea of Global Jihad and Martyrdom as a way of gaining control of their region. In 2007, the president of the CRI declared that there will be a new group of separatists in the region and he names them the Caucasus Emirate (CE). Other providences in the region saw all the efforts the Chechen's were putting forth and decided to join the ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. US Strategy in Fighting Terrorism With Military Force Essay With recent operations by the Pakistani military and drone attacks by the US, these safe–havens are being attacked, but they remain a major refuge for the Taliban and other insurgents. Complicating the matter are allegations of Pakistani Intelligence (ISI) support for the Taliban and Pakistani fears of Indian influence in Afghanistan. Recent US strategy in fighting terrorism with military force revolves around three central ideas – a counterinsurgency (COIN) philosophy recognizing the importance of civilians, covert operations and investigative work, and the use of drones. The COIN philosophy today recognizes the importance of civilian attitudes and casualties. As such, American air attacks have been curtailed, despite the military ... Show more content on ... Even if no civilians have been killed, the perception is not good for the US, both in Pakistan and the world at large. With the Pakistani military engaged throughout its northwestern territories in massive operations to root out terrorists, accompanied by the displacement of millions of civilians, the use of US drone attacks is an attractive alternative, allowing action to be taken without overstretching the Pakistani military. There remain many legal and moral issues associated with the pursuance of counterterrorism. The primary concern is the treatment of prisoners. Although the Geneva Conventions protect uniformed military personnel from mistreatment, it is argued that they do not apply to terrorists and insurgents as they are not uniformed and do not obey any recognized government. In addition, the Bush administration classified them as "enemy combatants" denying them rights such as trials and formal charges while detaining many indefinitely at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Although President Obama has signed orders closing Guantanamo Bay, this has yet to occur; albeit multiple transfers of prisoners have occurred . In addition, the issue of ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Vladimir Putin In 1513, an Italian politician by the name of Niccolo Machiavelli distributed, though privately, a political treatise called The Prince. This treatise was, essentially, a guide on how to effectively rule one's country. It's important beforehand to define exactly what a Machiavellian is, before describing one. A Machiavellian is a leader who, through his power and influence, works toward the common good of his people. This can be done through fear, through deceit, even through manipulation. It is important to understand the main principle of a Machiavellian; the end justifies the means. The end being the common good of his people. Vladimir Putin is a Machiavellian in the ways he retains power, institutes reform, and executes economic ... Show more content on ... His climb to power landed himself at the foot of the Russian presidency when President Yeltsin resigned, naming Putin as his successor to office. Since then, President Putin has found ways to stay in power through change in constitutional law within Russia, which had formerly caused Putin to step down as President in 2008. However, as Putin had named Dmitry Medvedev his successor, Medvedev in turn named Putin, Prime Minister. In most cases, Medvedev would've run for a second–term, but instead stated he was switching positions with Putin, giving Putin his third–term in office. While Putin faced protests across Russia from the outcome of this election, he was largely able to stop the protests by jailing the opposition and cracking down on any who spoke out against him. All of this leads up to Machiavelli's 8th chapter, Chapter VIII in The Prince: Concerning Those Who Have Obtained A Principality By Wickedness. Machiavelli talks of those who betray and kill friends to climb the latter of power, only to realize that they can only ever achieve power, and never glory. A characteristic of a ruler must be one of cold–calculation, knowing exactly what to do should the moment come to inflict some action of injury, as Machiavelli puts it, saying the ruler ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Christian Teachings on Poverty and Wealth Essay Christian Teachings on Poverty and Wealth Ever since the beginning of the Christian faith, poverty and wealth have been a big issue. Before Jesus was born, the rich would use religion to keep the poor away from them. The wealthy thought their riches were a blessing from God and that their faith and dedication was a reason for God bestowing them with wealth. They believed that the poor were not true followers of God and therefore suffered with poverty. They thought that the poor were not as important in the eyes of God. However, Jesus himself was born in a poor family and he was born in a stable where the animals were kept. "For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, ... Show more content on ... This was what Jesus was particularly against and believed that this was what would prevent a select few from reaching heaven. "Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God." "But woe to you who are rich, for you have already received your comfort." Luke 6: 20 and Luke 6:24. He believed that, "You cannot serve both God and money." Luke 16:13. All men and women were equal in God's eyes regardless of status and wealth: "There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." Galatians 3:26. In the Bible, Saint James said that the most important people in heaven were the outcasts of society making them one of the most loved people of God: "Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him?" James 2:5. In 1Timothy 6:10, Saint Paul said that "For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil." Through this quote, Saint Paul emphasizes that monetary problems lead to most wrong doings such as stealing, corruption and gambling. Saint Paul did not condemn money or wealth and neither did Jesus but said that the love of money was wrong and this is what kept a rich man from entering heaven. He also said that, "Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously." ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. The Beslan Terrorist Attack The morning of September 1, 2004, a terrorist group encompassed children, parents, and faculty on the first day of the new school year at School Number One in Beslan, a Russian town in the republic of North Ossetia, and took them captive. This was just the beginning of the three horrific days that were experienced by more than one thousand people held hostage. Chechen separatists stormed the school on Wednesday morning. The standoff lasted until Friday when Russian Special Forces took back the school following a firefight. After the three days of psychological and physical torture, the total carnage left 331 people dead and over 700 people injured. This terrorist attack had left Russia in shambles with the same devastating impact that the 9/11 ... Show more content on ... First, as a result of World War II, the Ingush and Chechens were deported from their ancestral lands and majority of Ingushetia's territory was put into North Ossetia's control. Second, two instances of ethnic cleansing occurred that are found to be relevant to the Beslan attack. One instance involved Ossetian authorities forcing over 30,000 Ingush people from their land. Another was a war between the Russian and the Chechen that resulted in 80,00–100,000 murdered. Third, Vladimir Putin allowed the use of aerial bombing during the second Chechen war. By doing so, approximately 20,000 Chechen and Ingush people were killed and over 300,000 Chechens were driven out of their territory. Overall, the citizens of Chechnya and Ingushetia experienced a number of years filled with trauma and death. The reasons of the Beslan attack are best summarized by two demands given by the terrorists after capturing the hostages. Both demands involved the Ingush and Chechen. In the first demand, the rebel fighters that were captured during the raid in Narzan, led by Basaev, were to be released. The second demand was for President Putin to completely remove Russian troops from Chechnya. The terrorist group placed the blame for Beslan directly onto President Putin and the ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. The Radicalization Of Terrorism In The United States Violence and terrorism are significant challenges in the world economy today. Terrorism has been in existence since before the beginning of recorded human history. The scope of terrorism and its rates of occurrence have grown significantly in the recent past due to factors such as globalization of commerce, transport of people, and information exchange. Some of the key elements contributing directly to the terrorism problem include the ideological competition and economic challenges these issues may result in cooperative aggression by far flung individuals who are like–minded in their quest for political or social relevance. This report focuses on the social aspects that have contributed to the development of terrorism in Russia's North Caucasus ... Show more content on ... Examples of these sentiments include the anti–immigration protests staged by the ultranationalists in Moscow in 2010 and 2011. Hundreds of residents marched in Moscow in April 2011 protesting against the government funds that are directed towards economic subsidies for the region. The main issue is that most of the residents from the North Caucasus region are discriminated economically and face xenophobic prejudices in Russia. This means they are socially and economically alienated increasing their likelihood of joining the Islamist insurgents. The fact that they face xenophobic sentiments as a community makes it more difficult for them to advance economically and socially. The outcome is a strong positive outlook towards joining the terrorist group as a way of gaining social relevance. The youth who are exposed to xenophobic tendencies are considered a threat to peace by most people in Russia and other areas neighboring Chechnya and the North Caucasus region. Due to the social discrimination and the perceived injustices, youths in Chechnya and the North Caucasus region are highly vulnerable to radicalization and recruitment into the terrorist ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. The Chechen Wars From Western audiences, Chechnya–whether as an autonomous oblast, a sovereign state, or a war zone–has never received much consideration. Just one of dozens of ethnic groups within Russia who have declared since the end of the Soviet Union their right to self–rule and self–determination, the Chechens' struggle for independence was drowned out in the cacophony of calls for independence during the 1990s. However, in a world so greatly affected by the events of September 11, 2001 and given the role of Chechen separatist groups in bombings of Russian apartment buildings in 1999 (which killed more than 300) and the hostage–taking of a Russian theater in 2002 (which resulted in the deaths of 130 Russians and 30 rebels), the rhetoric of ... Show more content on ... Yet, the repression of the forced deportation of nearly one million Chechens in the last week of February 1944 is considered to be the most salient to the common sense of distrust held by Chechens of Moscow's rule (Nikolaev & Malashenko, 2004; Tishkov, 2004; Jaimoukha, 2005; Gammer, 2006). Thousands are thought to have died during the forced relocation to the Central Asian Soviet Socialist Republics (SSRs) and the eventual repatriation to Chechnya from 1957 to 1960 resulted in even further alienation as ethnic Russians who had taken control of the homesteads and farms of Chechen deportees resisted their return violently (Tishkov, 2004). Valery Tishkov, a renowned Russian ethnographer, explains, "The theme of deportation and its untold suffering dominated Chechen political discourse...and later [was the topic of] youth pop songs....People began to believe that to end any continuing discrimination against them, the Chechens had to assume control over the republic," (2004, p. 32). The culmination of hundreds of years of common suffering, the forced deportation and repatriation resonates today as primary source of Chechen defiance of Russian rule. The political and economic liberalization of Gorbachev's glasnost and perestroika allowed "ethnic nationalism" to emerge as "a great mobilizing power...[while] the granting every Soviet ethno–nation its own state was viewed as natural, desirable, and democratic" in the eyes radical democrats in Moscow at the ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. A Brief Note On The Soviet Revolution Of Russia Essay Country Notebook Of Russia By syed abdul ahad @01374849 Executive summary Russia was previously known as the Ussr , Ussr was a communist regime in which the government had held a lot of power and there were no free markets , it had major issues such as corruption this was shown in world war 1 under the czarist regime the failure of the Ussr led to the creation a Russia as we know today . The modern Russia is a thriving country with great technological advancements in nuclear physics , the major problems Russia faces in the modern era are the vast criticism it faces for the Chernobyl incident and annexation of Crimea for which it faces sections till date , Russia is the largest country in the world; its total area is 17,075,400 square kilometers (6,592,800 sq. mi). There are 23 UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Russia, 40 UNESCO biosphere reserves, 41 national parks and 101 nature reserves , it also has a lot of minerasls and resources that hold the potential to keep Russia relevant in the international business Russia has an extensive coastline of over 37,000 km (22,991 mi) along the Arctic and Pacific Oceans Russias climate is mostly humid continental Section 1 History Early 11th century dukes of Moscow controlled Russian cities through their office of tribute collectors for the mongals this the primary reason for Moscow being the administrative and trade center for Russia till today Muscovite czar is considered the founder of Russian state. He destroyed ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Strategic Objectives Of Rosneft Part 1 Section 1 Our company "Rosneft" is the leader of the Russian oil industry, and the largest public oil and gas company in the world. The main activities of JSC "NK" Rosneft " are search and exploration of deposits of hydrocarbon, oil, gas, gas condensate, the developing of offshore fields, processing of the extracted raw materials, sales of oil, gas and refined products in Russia and abroad. The company is included in the list of strategic enterprises of Russia. Its major shareholder (69.50% of shares) is "Rosneftegaz" (state–owned company), 19,75% of the shares owned by BP, one share owned by the Federal Agency for State Property Management, the remaining shares are in free float. Year of foundation – 1993 Number of employees – 106 ... Show more content on ... It determines the dominant position of OJSC" AK "Transneft" in the field of oil transportation. In addition to the system of JSC "AK" Transneft" company also uses the CPC pipeline system ("Caspian Pipeline Consortium"). Its volume of pumping is 40.0 million tons. Company also uses systems and supply pipelines of other oil producing companies. OJSC "AK" Transneft" renders services of transportation of oil products on the domestic market and on export. The share of OJSC "AK" Transneft" in the transport of light petroleum products for export is around 43%, particularly in the export of diesel fuel from connected refineries it is 74%. In transporting of petroleum products for export and to Russian regional markets, the main competitor of OJSC "AK" Transneft "is a rail. Currently, it makes 70% of traffic of light oil. The share of OJSC "AK" Transneft" in the traffic of light oil is about 23%. Transportation (car park) The company has 2,500 fuel tankers in its car ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Chechnya and its People Essay Chechnya and its People The ongoing civil war between the semi–autonomous republic of Chechnya and Russia has dramatically caught the attention of the world – a world that perceives the conflict primarily through the distorted lens of Russian propaganda, and the contradicting images of Chechen suffering on the independent media. If the West seems impartial or even indifferent to the Chechen conflict, it is because there is little understanding of this people, of their struggle, or of the vast complexities of the greater North Caucasian region in which the Chechens are a part. This lack of understanding extends to the hazy Western perception of the role of Islam in Chechen society. The broad generalizations that have been made by those ... Show more content on ... As Villari states, linguistic difficulties were a major problem in studying Eurasia at the turn of the century. Today, the task of studying the six North Caucasian states is complicated by the several dialects of the Nakh language (one of which the Chechens speak), as well as the Batsbii and Ingush languages. In many cases – as in the Chechen and Ingush peoples – one dialect of Nakh is more closely related to the Ingush language than of other Nakh dialects (the Chechens and Ingush share forty percent of their vocabulary). Furthermore, the Chechens themselves lacked a written script until the 1920's. Up until that time the only literacy was of a few men who could read the Arabic Koran; and therefore the only collective histories were oral, increasing the reliance of the historian upon the Arabic, Persian, Turkish and Russian accounts of their encounters with the Chechens. Map of North Caucasus, Russia, Chechnya3 Despite the linguistic differences, there is a great cultural unity among the North Caucasians – probably because not one ethnic group is more than a million persons in size. They are a peoples defined mostly by the mountainous region that has insulated them from the invasive cultures of the Arabs, Turks, Persians, Mongols and Russians – even through the modern times. They share commonalities of dress, custom, dwelling, food, hospitality, and of a strong sense of the inherited ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Essay about Counter Terrorism Unit Introduction *Note: information concerning the formation of the CTU is fictional Terrorism is one of the greatest concerns of the 21st century. It is a method that has been embraced by many groups with many different ideologies. It has the potential of causing major devastation, especially with the specter of acts of nuclear, biological, and chemical terrorism. There have been many references by both the media and politicians to a "War on Terror," and if we are to characterize this as a war, it is a war with an ill–defined and changing enemy, no front lines, and a war that is fraught with moral dilemmas. In this committee, we will simulate the other side of this battle – the terrorist groups that exist throughout the world. This ... Show more content on ... You will be tasked with the difficult attempt of consolidating your efforts, agreeing to shared aims, and destroying the ability and willingness of the West to continue to degrade our nations and way of life. With the United States drawing down its forces in Iraq, the work of the Iranians on their nuclear technology, and recent developments in the world at large distracting the West, this is our chance to strike back at our enemy after a decade of war in which we have continued to retreat. We must regain our strength and influence in our homelands. You must rebuild the strength of your organizations, both in terms of men and money and in terms of operational capacity and reach. However, you must also be creative and take the fight back to the enemy's lands. For too long they have sat in safety as they bomb our lands and invade us from afar. It is time for their populations to feel the costs of war as we have felt it for decades. There are many weaknesses to be exploited and avenues of approach. To you is left the task of figuring out which is most worthwhile and practical. The price of failure is great, for failure means the loss of our beliefs and lands. Good luck, and may you succeed in the monumental tasks before you. Background on Terrorism Terrorism is a term whose definition remains disputed to this day. Although countries and people argue ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Fine Arts Psychology The wonders of the mind never cease. The mind is like a thumb print; there isn't a single pair of minds alike in the world. That is what makes the world such an amazing and unique place to live in; so many different perspectives combining into one idea. Yet, that one idea can have so many different meanings to each and every person. Different experiences shape the way the mind works and how it analyzes situations and objects. For people to get the most out of their mind, they have to challenge it, give it something new to analyze. One way to do that is involvement in fine arts. The arts can be crucial to developing new theories and the best time to learn these skills of analysis is when the brain is still developing. Therefore, fine arts ... Show more content on ... Sometimes, just concentrating on music will make you forget about your troubles and allow your mind to relax. The same holds true with painting or drawing. Colors used in paintings reflect the mood of the artist. It also helps release the stress because expressing it in a visual way helps the person take control of whatever is causing the stress. Through music and art, people can feel free to express themselves and their problems without it becoming destructive (Times of India). In Russia, the Chechen people were being attacked and bombed by Russia in 2000. Homes were destroyed and many people were left homeless. Many Chechen refugee children were sent to a refugee camp in Ingushetia, Russia. As therapy, the children would draw and paint their feelings and many would depict what they saw of the war. It helped the children with the trauma of their ordeal (Weir). In Lebanon, other children affected by a war were treated with the same therapy. Many of the children are now painting pictures that show a bright future rather than a world plagued by war (Daily Star). Art holds some very therapeutic qualities. Whether it is for children affected by wars or the everyday stress of a student, art is a healthy and helpful class and all students should be required to take it. Second, taking art classes develops cognitive skills. New research developments in cognitive science and neuroscience help to explain this. ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. What Is Chechnya? Introduction What is Chechnya? Where it is located? Chechnya is an autonomous republic, partly owned by Russian Federation; it has a variety of ethnicity, Chechnya has always been seeking for national identities and the recognition in the international arena. It is located in Northern Caucasia and South Russia, between Caspian and Black seas. History: Religion in Chechnya, In the 15 century people converted to Sunni Islam, In the late 1700s pre soviet period, Chechnya fight against Russia, Why? Simply because Russia wanted to be dominant over Chechnya's territory, Between 1824 and 1859, war over territory which resulted to victory of Russian Empire, and this outcome included Chechnya into the incorporation of the Russian Federation. After the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917, Chechnya was part of the Soviet Union. Together with its neighboring country Ingushetia, It was set a Chechen Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. In 1930s, It was harshly effected thousands of Chechens because of Stalin's policy which provoked and Chechens were executed or imprisoned. ... Show more content on ... Most of them were leaving their home lands, because they had no identity and they were suppose to leave for better life and shelter.. Stalin was not aiming only to move Chechens from their lands and German conquest, but additionally to destroy their ethnic identity. During Stalin's period Chechnya was deleted from maps, and their cultural monuments were ... Get more on ...