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Military Censorship Essay
Censorship is a big part of life and people have gotten used to it. "Censorship is the editing, removing or otherwise changing speech" or alternative
communications ("Censorship" 2008). The four main categories that get censored are "language, violence, sexual content, and adult themes" (Flood,
2016). Although some information should be held from the people, holding the information makes the people feel misinformed. Censorship is a way for
the government to hide information from the people. Censorship should not be used. Military censorship is the process of keeping military knowledge
and strategies. The military uses it in a much different way, however, if something happens and drastic measures have to be taken. The Military tries to more content...
Political censorship is "when the government conceals secrets and information from their citizens" ("Censorship" 2008). Today the government will
eliminate anything that gives citizens the information they do not agree with. The reason the government does this is to avoid public opinion and
revolt against the government. "No writer ever really wants to talk about censorship," they want to talk about "creation". This is because "censorship is
anti–creation, negative energy, the bringing in of a non–being" (" On censorship" 2012). Authors try to create stories that are appropriate but sometimes
their message cannot be understood without some sort of usually censored material. It does completely go against the Constitution, where the
document says freedom of speech. Censorship has ruined careers for some authors if their books are too graphic, the publisher will actually refuse to
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Censorship Essay
Censorship is a highly controversial topic regarding the arts, controlling the freedom of expression of artists to convey what is deemed acceptable
within society. Ai Weiwei falls victim under the power of the regime and the influence of censorship guidelines within China, limiting the display of his
art due to the important messages he raises. Andres Serrano has experienced attempted censorship on his provocative image, Piss Christ, and has been
attacked for producing offensive art. Censorship aims to conceal certain artworks which clash with the viewpoints of others; however, it should not be
enforced as they are confrontational, challenging audiences and act in response to political, social and cultural contexts.
Ai more content...
This is a strong case of censorship as it intrudes on Weiwei's privacy and is evidently being misused by the government through abusing his rights.
China has been successful in the censorship of Ai Weiwei and his works within the country; however, they have been unable to impede the worldwide
recognition and support he has received with his artworks being shared throughout various other nations. As an artist, Weiwei should be able to
express himself freely through his works as it is the very essense of creativity; however, it is unfortunate he resides in a country where there are such
evident and concrete boundaries concerning ideologies which do not parallel to that of the authority. In this contemporary age, there is increasing
political and social change which Weiwei is attempting to drive towards through being a symbolic representation of what a large number of individuals
within China may be thinking but unable to present it as effectively as Weiwei does in his artworks. Also, the absence of censorship is important in
order to promote free will in terms of being able to make choices about what is available to us in society. The enforcement of censorship in China, to
such an enormous extent at that, comments on the government more so than what is presented through Ai Weiwei's
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Censorship Essay
Censorship After threatening the Communications Decency Act with a vetos of the past versions, President Bill Clinton signed the bill into law on
February 8, 1996.1
Before hand, congress approved the largest change of the nation's communications laws in 62 years. One of the largest controversial topics included in
the bill is the censorship of pornography, which now is a strenuously enforced crime of distributing knowingly to children under 18. The congress
overwhelmingly passed the bill with a landslide 414–16 House vote and a 91–5 Senate vote.2 It seems now that the wide bill might not be what it
cracked up to be, as it stands now, anyone who might upload James Joyce's
Ulysses could be placed in jail for two years and more content...
Some estimate that over 30 million people are on the Internet. On IRC(Internet–Relay–Chat) a live time conversation can be held along with trading
files from illegal computer game trading called warez to illegal picture trading goes on. 'Cybersex' is also a occupance that happens more in live chat
areas then others. MUDs or Multi–User–Dungeons, live chat like IRC was first started for Role Playing uses like online Dungeons and
Dragons, now among the MUD servers there are sexual MUDs for people interested in S&M along with other fetishes. Usenet newsgroups account for
11.5% of total
Internet traffic and is a major distribution of smut pictures.11 The WWW also known as the World Wide Web is today's largest portion of the
Internet as well as the fastest growing with well over 12 million pages accessible. Despite its gargantuan proportions, it still remains fairly clean from
hardcore smut comparative to its size. BBSs seem to be the major uproar of censorship, although BBSs are NOT part of the Internet, many of their
pictures found in them later become available to users via someone uploading them.12 Electronic
Bulletin–Board Systems(BBSs) require a user to dial that computer directly thought the phone lines resulting in long distance charges and often
monthly access fees.
In late December of 1995, a prosecutor in Munich struck a devastating blow to
Compuserve and the larger picture of freedom of expression.13 This prosecutor was able
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Censorship : Censorship And Censorship Essay
In the modern sense, political correctness has become a form of censorship. With protestors forcing students to find alternate routes to school or
pushing the administration to cancel guest speakers in fear of triggering students, the modern–day university is no longer a place of free, critical,
thinking, but a place of censorship. Political correctness (is used to describe language, policies, or measures that are intended primarily not to offend
or disadvantage any group of people in society. In Juan William's essay, 'Defying the PC Police', he discusses censorship, PC culture, and excessive
political correctness. For William, excessive political correctness was the basis of his argument against the "PC police" and was defined as political
correctness that goes beyond being respect to the point at which it becomes censorship. Competitively, the United States of America has very minimal
censorship as compared to North Korea, Burma, Turkmenistan, Equatorial Guinea, Libya, Eritrea, Cuba, Uzbekistan, and Belarus, the nations that have
the highest levels of censorship. As displayed in books such as 1984, Fahrenheit 451, The Giver and Go Ask Alice, censorship is a very controversial
topic. Where the line between freedom of speech and the press are often questioned by politicians and parents alike, in the recent years, censorship has
become an idea that is no longer protecting people, but an idea that is taking people's freedom on a skewed claim of protection.
In September 2015
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Censorship Essay
Censorship is defined as the act or practice of removing obscene, vulgar, and highly objectionable material from things we encounter every day.
Whether it is on TV, in music, books, or on the Internet censorship is an inescapable part of our lives. Free expression is one of the basic roots that are
country is based on, although this right is constantly challenged and contested. The Communications Decency Act was passed by congress on February
1st 1996. This act sent shockwaves throughout the Internet community.
The Communications Decency Act of 1996 was an outright attempt to censor another form of media believed to "initiate the transmission of, any
comment, request, suggestion, proposal, image, or other communication which more content...
Internet users would now have to limit all language used in online discussions accessible to minors just in case a minor signs onto the discussion. So
the bottom line is that any person who crosses the so–called line of "indecency" will be subject to a two–year prison sentence and substantial fines.
There is no question that the internet has had a tremendous impact on today's society. The internet was first invented in the early 1960's with the
intention of enhancing the computers used by our nation's military. This first form of internet was named "Arpanet" and was successfully established
in the 1970. In its early stages Arpanet could only be seen at military bases and a few college campuses. As time went on many private companies
began to show interest in the internet as its popularity was steadily growing. The number of host computers which store information and relay
communications to internet users went from 23 hosts in 1971 to 10 million hosts in 1996. Today approximately 200 million people in over 150
countries are connected to the internet. As a new generation grows up as accustomed to communicating through a keyboard, life on the Internet will
become an increasingly important part of life on Earth.2
President Clinton signed the Communications Decency Act on February, 8th 1996 sparking a great debate over the constitutionality of the act. After
the act was passed, 20 companies joined together in a lawsuit against the Attorney
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Arguments Against Censorship
Xenia Gonzalez
English 3
Censorship, For It or Against It We're growing up, learning new things and ideas, seeing more of the world but should the world show us everything
fully and completely like raw meat you see at the butchery? People have been going at this question many times throughout the years, countries have
it different just like states and so on, but if it came to the point where there had to be a final saying to it and it could never be changed after it, what
would it be? Of course there isn't a straight answer to this, even now there isn't, there's a limit, it has never been completely a yes or no answer, but
should it? Censorship, it's everywhere and on everything that we use, watch, see, etc. that people and/or a more content...
It gives you the ability to teach someone or have someone else or a company to teach something fully with nothing holding them back and explain to
them how this is, why it is, how it is, etc. and show it in a mature and good way. Censoring can also bring up ignorant people, turning them into people
that are closed–minded and that when censoring is no longer there, ignore a truth or something that wrongs what they were told and go against it
saying that the lie they were told is true, like a website's discussion had brought up, "Let's say that a foreign news channel is running an unbiased
documentary on the leadership of our country, the governing bodies of our country cannot do much about what that person or channel is saying, except
stop the people of our country from tuning into such shows. Hence here, censorship is used to keep the ignorant,
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Persuasive Essay On Internet Censorship
Information is one of the most powerful tools in the world, even going so far as to make or break countries. There is a constant effort to censor
information that puts people or countries in a negative light. This makes the citizens of those countries blind to the truths of the government turning
them into sheep. The people shouldn't be sheep because we need them to shape the future. This bill has the sole purpose of loosening internet censorship
because it eliminates free will, causes people to have a dangerous amount of patriotism and ultimately makes the internet a more dangerous place than it
is. Censorship of the internet keeps people from important knowledge thereby believing that everything on the internet is true. A study was conducted
to look into a handful of billionaires who run tech companies in 24 hours and found "more than 137 examples of Silicon Valley companies brazenly
banning users, censoring content and manipulating search results to undermine the democratization of information on the web." (PR Newswire). The
people with money abuse internet censorship in order to further their own agenda with the support of the greedy. They completely ignore that the
internet is supposed to be a resource for everyone. Internet censorship makes countries rot because "When you have strict censorship of the internet,
young students cannot receive a full education. Their view of the world is imbalanced. There can be no true discussion of the issues." (Ai WeiWei).
The Futures of countries become full of ignorance to the reality of the world. The only truly successful internet censorship is China's system and
while it is impressive to maintain it "China employs 2 million to monitor websites" (YaleGlobal Online). This is an unreasonable amount to employ
for any country, while feasible for the US it would cost us one of the biggest resources in the world. This lack of free will causes citizens to have an
unhealthy amount of patriotism because of the lack of any knowledge of major screw ups as a country. Citizens show a disturbing amount of
patriotism which, while patriotism is good, too much is not caused by people not knowing the bads of their country. China, again as an example, have
pushed censorship to the
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Censorship Essay
"Congress shall make no law...prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech or of the press, or the right to petition the
government for a redress of government."(Ravitch, 118) As stated in the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, the people of this nation
have the right to exercise their beliefs out loud, or in writing. With this in mind, does the government have the right to undermine the foundation of our
nation, and censor what we read, watch, and listen to? Many people think not, but there are those who believe that censorship is better for the people.
Some Americans believe that censorship is a benefit to society. These people think that the government should decide what more content...
Many people favor censorship, as they feel it benefits the nation. There are also a great number of people who disagree with this, but in order to
format your own opinion about censorship, some information needs to be known. Censorship affects books, newspapers, magazines, movies,
radio and television programs, speeches, music, and various other arts. Governments and private groups take advantage of censorship when they
feel threatened by free expression. Every society, including the United States, has used censorship when the leaders felt it would be beneficial to
the nation or themselves. (Censorship, 345) There are four main types of censorship: moral, political, military, and religious. Moral censorship is
the most common, as well as the most controversial. Moral censorship occurs when a specific person or group feels it can force its ideas and
beliefs on others. An example of moral censorship is the practice of banning books. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, written by Mark Twain
(also known as Samuel Clemmons), is one of the many books that have been challenged or banned. Many schools because of its language challenged
twain's book. The book uses such language as "nigger", which is a word used to describe a person of African–American descent. The piece of literature
is thought of as being racially offensive, degrading, insensitive, and
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Censorship Essay
The Columbia Encyclopedia defines censorship as the "official prohibition or restriction of any type of expression believed to threaten the political,
social, or moral order". It is necessarily broad definition. 'Any type of expression' in fact, covers just about everything from clothing to print to
movements and even to simply being. George Bernard Shaw described assassination as an "extreme form of censorship". It is now omnipresent in
society and has been as long as society has existed. If one were to consider the course of an idea (and it is essentially ideas that are being censored) as
its natural evolution, censorship takes this evolutionary course and disrupts and changes it, often until it is no longer the more content...
Once the deed is done, the story smothered, the act is forgotten until a violation occurs or something else offends the sensibilities of those in power.
The censored ones though, do not forget. They feel the loss of a story, or not the exact loss of a story itself, but of others' access to their story. This
access is all–important because a story is not unlike a parasitic alien from a bad sci–fi thriller: it needs new hosts, new minds to 'infect' which will
consider it and then in turn perpetuate it by sharing it with other minds. The attempt of censorship is to 'kill' the story. I do not believe that a story
can in fact be killed, but for all practical purpose, it lies dormant for untold years. I believe that once a story enters a person, they are changed by it
and therefore change their world because of/ in response to that story. Every action one does is a direct result of her stories, whether or not she may
want them. Even if they were forcible imposed on her, she is nevertheless a product of them. BUT censorship at its most effective impedes the spread
of information and stories.
In addition, it should be noted the "official" stories and "unofficial" stories and their respective paths and rates of evolution can vary greatly. In her
book Censorship, Sue Curry Hanson highlight difference; she discusses the ways in which whose who are not officially permitted to tell their story
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Freedom of Speech vs Censorship Essays
We are blessed to live in a country that has many rights, the most important is the freedom of speech which provides an umbrella of protection over
our remaining rights; however, all of our rights are under attack beginning with the First Amendment which is under constant assault by censorship.
The Constitution of the United States says that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise
thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a
redress of grievances." Censorship as defined by Wikipedia is "the suppression of speech or deletion of communicative material more
There is no need for the Government to pass a law that imprisons us or levies a fine against us to keep us from uttering these words or phrases.
Proponents of censorship seem to believe that they alone can determine what is and isn't offensive to everyone. They believe that their own
freedom of speech will remain intact when they have successfully silenced those that they oppose. They don't seem to understand that once one
group's rights are taken away, we are all subject to loss of our constitutional right to speak and think freely. As per Webster's dictionary Abridging is
defined as follows: "In law it signifies particularly the making of a declaration or count shorter, by taking or severing away some of the substance
from it." The Constitution guarantees us the right to Freedom of Speech. Nowhere in the First Amendment does it state that we have the right to
freedom of speech as long as everyone agrees with us and likes what we say. Quite the contrary, it states that "Congress shall pass no laws abridging
our right to freedom of speech." Censorship does exactly that, severs away our right to freedom of speech. Censorship is Government telling us what
we are to approve of and disapprove of. It is Government abridging our right to freedom of speech. Censorship takes many forms in our society today.
First it takes the form of political correctness. The purpose
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Essay on censorship
"Censorship is the act of suppressing publications, movies, television programs, plays, letters, and so on that are considered to be obscene,
blasphemous, or politically unacceptable" (MccGwire 4). Censorship should be enforced because it is needed into today's society. Censorship needs to
be used in media, hate speech, and obscene material.
To begin with, the media has very negative effect on society as a whole. "The mass media–movies, television, and recordings–need to be regulated, and
not only because of appeals to irresponsible lust"(Lowenthal 19). "They have immersed us in violence as well, habituated us to the most extreme
brutality, held it up as a model and surrounded us by images of hateful more content...
It corrupts taste and poisons the imagination" (Kimball 20). Violent video games, movies, and music lyrics influence people to retaliate against those
people that hurt them. In the past few years there have been a great number of school shootings. Many of these shootings were copied off of famous
movie scenes and video games. These obscene aspects of the media need to be banned from children. Children are still learning the difference between
rights and wrong, therefore adults need to take on this responsibility of censoring what children watch, read, play with, and listen to.
Hate speech should also be banned. "Free speech has a class line. It also has a class responsibility. One person's beliefs cannot cross the line into
threats of violence. Free speech does not cover that" (Albano 31). "Those institutions most concerned with social fairness have proven to be the ones
most likely to promulgate anti–hate–speech rules" (Albano 30). "Part of the reason seems to be recognition that hate speech can easily silence and
demoralize its victims, discouraging them from participating in the life of the institution"(Albano 30). "If so, enacting hate–speech rules may be
evidence of a commitment to democratic dialogue, rather than the opposite, as some their opponents maintain" (Albano 30). People should not have to
put up with harassment by others. People should not have to constantly live in the state of fear because others are threatening them;
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Argumentative Essay On Censorship
Censorship comes in many different forms and has its own meaning to every individual. Censorship refers to the suppressing of information, ideas
or opinions and can be seen from on screen to in print. Specifically, booking banning has been one of the most controversial forms of censorship.
For as long as books have been printed, censors argue over the ideas and misconceptions that are presented in them. Books are often attacked
because they are the perfect way to expose new ideas and to attack old ones in very effective ways. The most common reasons why books have been
challenged is due to the sexual, profane, and religious content that the consist of. With that being said, books are also seen as the gateway to knowledge
since every scholar, teacher, and student has been taught by literature. Books not only have the ability to hand people knowledge, but they can also test
the limits of what is considered culturally acceptable. Censorship has been a controversial debate topic because some consider it an infringement to the
First Amendment, while others argue that its purpose is to conceal inappropriate things. Considering both sides of the argument is very crucial when
it comes to the banning of books. Books are deemed as incredibly dangerous because of the wide range of detrimental ideas that are presented within
them. Many books have been banned because of their content and the age level they are aimed for. Some schools and parents have spoken about how
uncomfortable it
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Arguments For and Against Censorship Essay
Censorship is defined by Caso as the suppression of speech or any other public communication which may be considered objectionable, harmful,
sensitive politically incorrect as determined by the government or any other control body (3). Censorship may be justified from the conservative view
whereby the free speech can be maltreated where it undermines the customary principles and communal solidity as withheld by a particular community.
Arguments for censorship
One of the arguments for the censorship of virtual arts according to Galsworthy is to protect children from thoughts that may harm their ethical growth
(12). Parents have a sole responsibility of educating their children even before the onset of the formal more content...
Censorship is very important in maintaining government authority which helps in stabilizing the society. The society enjoys freedoms, rights and
privileges due to the stability of the ruling body. Without this stability, the society would lapse in to a condition of scenery where the lives would be
solitary, poor, and brutal and short as put by Thomas Hobbes (Merryman & Elsen 564). The stability of the government and society is always assumed
to exist without understanding the causes of this stability. The exposure of the social upheavals poses a great threat to destabilizing the government
through free speeches from the opposition and parties. Since the criminalization of homosexuality in some African states, there have been free speeches
that have posed threats to the individual government from the west that require to be concealed before being released to the public because they may
spark hatred and distrust. Some of the expressions which are offensive attack the traditional values of the society and are considered harmful (Caso 13).
Censorship helps to protect these values from attack.
Arguments Against censorship
Censorship of free speech denies the individual democratic rights by silencing and filtering some important ideas in the favor of others. In this case the
censored information defends the majority in power which often results in oligarchy. For democracy to work properly
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Persuasive Essay On Censorship
Censorship has been a touchy topic over the past few years. Everyone has their own opinion on the topic, but the fact is censorship is way more
damaging than people may notice. First off, the definition of censorship is to restrain, block, and censor ideas and information that some may find
offensive. The basic definition of censorship completely violates the First Amendment. We, as Americans, have the right to Freedom of Speech.
Censorship blocks that by blocking anything some may find offensive. It's not fair because they're blocking out how people feel/think just because
someone found it "offensive" or wrong. It completely contradicts the First Amendment. People have the right to know about the world and what's
happening. Keeping more content...
But mostly they didn't want their kids learning about the past and how it was hard for us to get to where the United States is today. Racism is still a
big problem in today, as it was in the past. In Harper Lee's words, "
If it is uncomfortable to read and discuss, so be it. Most things that matter deeply are." –USA Today. Today Censorship also affects more than the
children though. It really affects everyone equally. It allows the government to have too much control over what we learn and know. What if we
lived in a dystopian society. For example, if you've ever seen the movie or read the book The Giver by Lois Lowry, the city kept everyone from
learning about the world's past and why they have to obey their rules and only their rules and do whatever job they assign them. Private groups and
public authorities in various parts of the country are working to remove or limit access to reading materials, to censor content in schools, to label
controversial views. Most people believe that free communication is essential to the preservation of a free society and a creative culture. Another
touchy topic about they types of censorship we have is open religion. We have the Freedom of Religion. But many schools don't allow religious
practices, teachings, or even how they dress. What's wrong with anyone expressing their religion and how they think of God peacefully and freely?
America is
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Essay on Is Censorship Justified?
Is Censorship Justified?
Ever wondered the reason behind racial discrimination, sexual discrimination, children committing crime or violence? The main reason is that
censorship is not properly imposed or there is a need of censorship in the society. Censorship is the suppression of ideas and information that certain
people, individual, groups or government officials find it objectionable, offensive or dangerous on others. There are varieties of other definitions but all
have in common the concept of withholding information and/or resources from those who seek it. Hence censorship is essential in society to eliminate
discrimination on basis of race and sex, protect children, maintain stability and restore what censor sees as lost more content...
Rap music is a powerful source for young people.
These people are expressing the reality of their lives and their culture, which includes drug use, sexual activity and violence. Generally foul language
has rapidly increased with modern popular song lyrics. An increase in explicit violence and misogyny in popular music has been recorded. Song
lyrics have been judged to be inspirations for violent, suicidal and other criminal acts. For example, Mr. Raymond Kuntz referred to his son's incident,
" When his wife went to wake his son for school, they found him dead of a gunshot wound, still wearing his headphones with Marilyn Manson's
Anti–Christ Superstar CD still in the player. The boy's favorite song was "Reflecting God" (Nina Crowley, "Senate Hearings on Music, Newsgroup,
Page no.2, November 15,1997). Teenagers listening to popular music learn from the words of the artists. Therefore if the artist sets an example of
being cool and performing harmful acts, the listener may reproduce his learned actions. Modern rock artists such as Marilyn Manson are demonstrating
some extremely unethical performances. During his shows he exposed his genitalia, sodomized himself with a stick, which he then threw into the
crowd, and asks fans to spit on him. These types of models that common people replicate are sometimes hideously horrifying and may cause many
innocent people to
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Censorship Is Bad
Censorship, a constantly talked about debate that justifies itself positively and negatively. It is all depended upon perception and your moral intent of
what is displayed. Society contradicts itself frequently, the want to be unique and different feels extremely self–fulfilling but can sometimes be
offensive to certain individuals due to Religion, Tradition, Opinions etc. We often choose not to offend people in order to alleviate problems and
disagreements. Censorship also mutes our words, usually we can't express ourselves truthfully in a social manner due to the broad expansion of social
media today. The FCC (Federal Communications Commission) agency is an organization that monitors and regulates the content that individuals put
up on social media such as television, radio, internet, books etc. This is a positive outcome of Censorship due to the fact that it protects individuals
from being bullied and mistreated more content...
The fear of the consequences that censorship brings individuals make them not want to "over–speak" themselves. People feel the "NEED" to do what
they please and say what they feel anywhere they want, exercising their right of "Freedom of Speech/Press" is not wrong by a long–shot but our
government expresses "we make exceptions", especially when it involves criticism towards them. Citizens are promised something that now is
becoming a "social epidemic", it outrages them and could eventually cause mass dissagreements and possibally lead to riots, protests and etc.
Through–out the story "A Brave New World" the author creates a world of ultimate Unity and Equality that seemed to the people/citizens as normal.
The reason being that the people felt this way was the history and the genuine truth of their past was forgotten and forever erased. This departed the
civilians from the background of how things were orchestrated and established, making the individuals who know the truth "Alpha's". This mostly
relates to our
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Art And Censorship In Art
Art is supposed for expressing feeling and the visualizing the feeling or thoughts of the artists. Censorship is the suppression of content, which is
defined as harmful, politically incorrect or sensitive by the authority (cited in Merriam, n.d.). Art and censorship have been connected for a long period
of time together. In the recent society, the censorship on artworks is one of the most severe issues when it comes to censorship and the problem
happens internationally. Since every individual has the right to define what is acceptable for him/her or not, instead of the government or others, Art
should not be censored. The censorship on Art may influence the freedom of Creativity‬ of the artist; the right of the general public to view
different topics of artworks and censorship on political Art may affect thehuman rights and freedom of speech.
First, censorship may obstruct the Freedom of Creativity‬ of the artist, which will affect the development of the Art industry. The idea of the
artworks is independent to the artist, more content...
Since Arts is a form for people to express feelings and visualize their idea, it should be individual and personal. Hence, creativity is one the most
essential elements during making artworks. Unfortunately, the censorship of Art still exists worldwide and the situation is severe. It not only obstructs
the creativity of artist that poses a threat to the development in Art industry, but also exploits the right of the viewers to see the artworks. For instance,
the censorship on Art that comes from political reasons, which may affect the freedom of speech and human right in the countries. The public concern
for personal safety and human rights of the artists is needed. Also, it is essential for citizens to have a proper attitude of viewing the artwork. Hence,
education is an important way for children and teenagers to build up a correct manner to appreciate the artwork that may contain sensitive
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Censorship Definition Essay
A multitude of countries and organizations use censorship for various reasons. However something they all have in common is the one providing the
censored material does not want the reader or viewer to know something, whether that be the true state of a country or the real history of a matter.
Censorship is a constant tug–a–war between two sides for the truth over a subject. This form of restriction can be observed from the early 1900's to
today's modern times, and can also be seen worldwide in countries that have little to nothing in common. A vast amount of media is not prohibited in
several countries surrounding the globe. In socialist Venezuela, there is current distress surrounding the content of student textbooks provided by the more content...
For example in 1930 Nazi Germany, Nazis burned Jewish writers works, Jewish artwork, and pretty much anything else derived from the Jewish
culture. A similar event can be seen in Mosul, recently. The terrorist group ISIS also known as ISIL, has been engaging in book rades and so far have
damaged ВЁthree [major] libraries: a Sunni Muslim library, the library of the 265–year–old Latin Church and Monastery of the Dominican Fathers,
and the Mosul Museum LibraryВЁ (University of Mosul history professor). In a Newsela interview with Hakim al–Zamili, An Iraqi lawmaker, there is
a potential reason suggested for these violent outbursts these terrorist groups are performing. According to al–Zamili, "Islamic State group 'considers
culture, civilization and science as their fierce enemies.'" When this is taken into consideration it is obvious why the terrorist group has been acting out
and damaging libraries, due to their housing of books that contain such subjects. Overall governments, organizations, and those in power often times use
censorship in order to shelter or hide things from people. For example, when a parent is just doing what is best for their kid and doesn't just let them
do whatever they want. There is always a reason, often times thought to be protection. However it could potentially be more, perhaps manipulation?
Whatever may be the reason censorship will remain a vastly used form of restriction that some may just need to learn to
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Arguments Against Censorship Essay
People in society have different opinions on the idea about whether language should be censored or not. To some, censoring is a way to help stop
certain ideas from getting out that they believe might threaten civilization or our humanity. On the other side of the argument people believe that
censoring would violate your First Amendment Right by Freedom of Speech and it also violates your rights to Freedom of the Press. So do you think
that we should keep things the way they are or try to put censorship into effect?
Now from an opposing point of view brings up an article called "Letter to the Editor of the Charleston Gazette" written by Pat Conroy, he believed
that after his books were attempting to be censored that protesting against the Charleston School Board was a great response to defending his work.
Conroy's work was in the process of being suppressed by a group of parents that believed that his work was just a form of violence. He believed that
was ridiculous and that teachers prepare their students for any encounters with violence or profanity in any work. Conroy states "The world of
literature has everything in it, and it refuses to leave anything out". Therefore, he thinks censoring is more on the dramatic side. He believes that this is
a real world and more content...
But hiding the truth to "shield our morals of society" like Irving Kristol states, would not really benefit anyone except other democracies. Censoring
violates your rights as an american, which are your First Amendment Rights. If the world was censored then we as people would not have a voice to
be heard anymore. Censorship is something that is used to control people and society. Governments should not control people, people should be
controlling the government. So therefore censorship would not be so great to our society because we as people have a right to
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Military Censorship Essay

  • 1. Military Censorship Essay Censorship is a big part of life and people have gotten used to it. "Censorship is the editing, removing or otherwise changing speech" or alternative communications ("Censorship" 2008). The four main categories that get censored are "language, violence, sexual content, and adult themes" (Flood, 2016). Although some information should be held from the people, holding the information makes the people feel misinformed. Censorship is a way for the government to hide information from the people. Censorship should not be used. Military censorship is the process of keeping military knowledge and strategies. The military uses it in a much different way, however, if something happens and drastic measures have to be taken. The Military tries to more content... Political censorship is "when the government conceals secrets and information from their citizens" ("Censorship" 2008). Today the government will eliminate anything that gives citizens the information they do not agree with. The reason the government does this is to avoid public opinion and revolt against the government. "No writer ever really wants to talk about censorship," they want to talk about "creation". This is because "censorship is anti–creation, negative energy, the bringing in of a non–being" (" On censorship" 2012). Authors try to create stories that are appropriate but sometimes their message cannot be understood without some sort of usually censored material. It does completely go against the Constitution, where the document says freedom of speech. Censorship has ruined careers for some authors if their books are too graphic, the publisher will actually refuse to publish Get more content on
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  • 3. Censorship Essay Censorship After threatening the Communications Decency Act with a vetos of the past versions, President Bill Clinton signed the bill into law on February 8, 1996.1 Before hand, congress approved the largest change of the nation's communications laws in 62 years. One of the largest controversial topics included in the bill is the censorship of pornography, which now is a strenuously enforced crime of distributing knowingly to children under 18. The congress overwhelmingly passed the bill with a landslide 414–16 House vote and a 91–5 Senate vote.2 It seems now that the wide bill might not be what it cracked up to be, as it stands now, anyone who might upload James Joyce's Ulysses could be placed in jail for two years and more content... Some estimate that over 30 million people are on the Internet. On IRC(Internet–Relay–Chat) a live time conversation can be held along with trading files from illegal computer game trading called warez to illegal picture trading goes on. 'Cybersex' is also a occupance that happens more in live chat areas then others. MUDs or Multi–User–Dungeons, live chat like IRC was first started for Role Playing uses like online Dungeons and Dragons, now among the MUD servers there are sexual MUDs for people interested in S&M along with other fetishes. Usenet newsgroups account for 11.5% of total Internet traffic and is a major distribution of smut pictures.11 The WWW also known as the World Wide Web is today's largest portion of the Internet as well as the fastest growing with well over 12 million pages accessible. Despite its gargantuan proportions, it still remains fairly clean from hardcore smut comparative to its size. BBSs seem to be the major uproar of censorship, although BBSs are NOT part of the Internet, many of their pictures found in them later become available to users via someone uploading them.12 Electronic Bulletin–Board Systems(BBSs) require a user to dial that computer directly thought the phone lines resulting in long distance charges and often monthly access fees. In late December of 1995, a prosecutor in Munich struck a devastating blow to Compuserve and the larger picture of freedom of expression.13 This prosecutor was able Get more content on
  • 4. Censorship : Censorship And Censorship Essay In the modern sense, political correctness has become a form of censorship. With protestors forcing students to find alternate routes to school or pushing the administration to cancel guest speakers in fear of triggering students, the modern–day university is no longer a place of free, critical, thinking, but a place of censorship. Political correctness (is used to describe language, policies, or measures that are intended primarily not to offend or disadvantage any group of people in society. In Juan William's essay, 'Defying the PC Police', he discusses censorship, PC culture, and excessive political correctness. For William, excessive political correctness was the basis of his argument against the "PC police" and was defined as political correctness that goes beyond being respect to the point at which it becomes censorship. Competitively, the United States of America has very minimal censorship as compared to North Korea, Burma, Turkmenistan, Equatorial Guinea, Libya, Eritrea, Cuba, Uzbekistan, and Belarus, the nations that have the highest levels of censorship. As displayed in books such as 1984, Fahrenheit 451, The Giver and Go Ask Alice, censorship is a very controversial topic. Where the line between freedom of speech and the press are often questioned by politicians and parents alike, in the recent years, censorship has become an idea that is no longer protecting people, but an idea that is taking people's freedom on a skewed claim of protection. In September 2015 Get more content on
  • 5. Censorship Essay Censorship is defined as the act or practice of removing obscene, vulgar, and highly objectionable material from things we encounter every day. Whether it is on TV, in music, books, or on the Internet censorship is an inescapable part of our lives. Free expression is one of the basic roots that are country is based on, although this right is constantly challenged and contested. The Communications Decency Act was passed by congress on February 1st 1996. This act sent shockwaves throughout the Internet community. The Communications Decency Act of 1996 was an outright attempt to censor another form of media believed to "initiate the transmission of, any comment, request, suggestion, proposal, image, or other communication which more content... Internet users would now have to limit all language used in online discussions accessible to minors just in case a minor signs onto the discussion. So the bottom line is that any person who crosses the so–called line of "indecency" will be subject to a two–year prison sentence and substantial fines. There is no question that the internet has had a tremendous impact on today's society. The internet was first invented in the early 1960's with the intention of enhancing the computers used by our nation's military. This first form of internet was named "Arpanet" and was successfully established in the 1970. In its early stages Arpanet could only be seen at military bases and a few college campuses. As time went on many private companies began to show interest in the internet as its popularity was steadily growing. The number of host computers which store information and relay communications to internet users went from 23 hosts in 1971 to 10 million hosts in 1996. Today approximately 200 million people in over 150 countries are connected to the internet. As a new generation grows up as accustomed to communicating through a keyboard, life on the Internet will become an increasingly important part of life on Earth.2 President Clinton signed the Communications Decency Act on February, 8th 1996 sparking a great debate over the constitutionality of the act. After the act was passed, 20 companies joined together in a lawsuit against the Attorney Get more content on
  • 6. Arguments Against Censorship Xenia Gonzalez English 3 7/8/2015 Censorship, For It or Against It We're growing up, learning new things and ideas, seeing more of the world but should the world show us everything fully and completely like raw meat you see at the butchery? People have been going at this question many times throughout the years, countries have it different just like states and so on, but if it came to the point where there had to be a final saying to it and it could never be changed after it, what would it be? Of course there isn't a straight answer to this, even now there isn't, there's a limit, it has never been completely a yes or no answer, but should it? Censorship, it's everywhere and on everything that we use, watch, see, etc. that people and/or a more content... It gives you the ability to teach someone or have someone else or a company to teach something fully with nothing holding them back and explain to them how this is, why it is, how it is, etc. and show it in a mature and good way. Censoring can also bring up ignorant people, turning them into people that are closed–minded and that when censoring is no longer there, ignore a truth or something that wrongs what they were told and go against it saying that the lie they were told is true, like a website's discussion had brought up, "Let's say that a foreign news channel is running an unbiased documentary on the leadership of our country, the governing bodies of our country cannot do much about what that person or channel is saying, except stop the people of our country from tuning into such shows. Hence here, censorship is used to keep the ignorant, Get more content on
  • 7. Persuasive Essay On Internet Censorship Information is one of the most powerful tools in the world, even going so far as to make or break countries. There is a constant effort to censor information that puts people or countries in a negative light. This makes the citizens of those countries blind to the truths of the government turning them into sheep. The people shouldn't be sheep because we need them to shape the future. This bill has the sole purpose of loosening internet censorship because it eliminates free will, causes people to have a dangerous amount of patriotism and ultimately makes the internet a more dangerous place than it is. Censorship of the internet keeps people from important knowledge thereby believing that everything on the internet is true. A study was conducted to look into a handful of billionaires who run tech companies in 24 hours and found "more than 137 examples of Silicon Valley companies brazenly banning users, censoring content and manipulating search results to undermine the democratization of information on the web." (PR Newswire). The people with money abuse internet censorship in order to further their own agenda with the support of the greedy. They completely ignore that the internet is supposed to be a resource for everyone. Internet censorship makes countries rot because "When you have strict censorship of the internet, young students cannot receive a full education. Their view of the world is imbalanced. There can be no true discussion of the issues." (Ai WeiWei). The Futures of countries become full of ignorance to the reality of the world. The only truly successful internet censorship is China's system and while it is impressive to maintain it "China employs 2 million to monitor websites" (YaleGlobal Online). This is an unreasonable amount to employ for any country, while feasible for the US it would cost us one of the biggest resources in the world. This lack of free will causes citizens to have an unhealthy amount of patriotism because of the lack of any knowledge of major screw ups as a country. Citizens show a disturbing amount of patriotism which, while patriotism is good, too much is not caused by people not knowing the bads of their country. China, again as an example, have pushed censorship to the Get more content on
  • 8. Censorship Essay Censorship "Congress shall make no law...prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech or of the press, or the right to petition the government for a redress of government."(Ravitch, 118) As stated in the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, the people of this nation have the right to exercise their beliefs out loud, or in writing. With this in mind, does the government have the right to undermine the foundation of our nation, and censor what we read, watch, and listen to? Many people think not, but there are those who believe that censorship is better for the people. Some Americans believe that censorship is a benefit to society. These people think that the government should decide what more content... Many people favor censorship, as they feel it benefits the nation. There are also a great number of people who disagree with this, but in order to format your own opinion about censorship, some information needs to be known. Censorship affects books, newspapers, magazines, movies, radio and television programs, speeches, music, and various other arts. Governments and private groups take advantage of censorship when they feel threatened by free expression. Every society, including the United States, has used censorship when the leaders felt it would be beneficial to the nation or themselves. (Censorship, 345) There are four main types of censorship: moral, political, military, and religious. Moral censorship is the most common, as well as the most controversial. Moral censorship occurs when a specific person or group feels it can force its ideas and beliefs on others. An example of moral censorship is the practice of banning books. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, written by Mark Twain (also known as Samuel Clemmons), is one of the many books that have been challenged or banned. Many schools because of its language challenged twain's book. The book uses such language as "nigger", which is a word used to describe a person of African–American descent. The piece of literature is thought of as being racially offensive, degrading, insensitive, and Get more content on
  • 9. Censorship Essay Censorship The Columbia Encyclopedia defines censorship as the "official prohibition or restriction of any type of expression believed to threaten the political, social, or moral order". It is necessarily broad definition. 'Any type of expression' in fact, covers just about everything from clothing to print to movements and even to simply being. George Bernard Shaw described assassination as an "extreme form of censorship". It is now omnipresent in society and has been as long as society has existed. If one were to consider the course of an idea (and it is essentially ideas that are being censored) as its natural evolution, censorship takes this evolutionary course and disrupts and changes it, often until it is no longer the more content... Once the deed is done, the story smothered, the act is forgotten until a violation occurs or something else offends the sensibilities of those in power. The censored ones though, do not forget. They feel the loss of a story, or not the exact loss of a story itself, but of others' access to their story. This access is all–important because a story is not unlike a parasitic alien from a bad sci–fi thriller: it needs new hosts, new minds to 'infect' which will consider it and then in turn perpetuate it by sharing it with other minds. The attempt of censorship is to 'kill' the story. I do not believe that a story can in fact be killed, but for all practical purpose, it lies dormant for untold years. I believe that once a story enters a person, they are changed by it and therefore change their world because of/ in response to that story. Every action one does is a direct result of her stories, whether or not she may want them. Even if they were forcible imposed on her, she is nevertheless a product of them. BUT censorship at its most effective impedes the spread of information and stories. In addition, it should be noted the "official" stories and "unofficial" stories and their respective paths and rates of evolution can vary greatly. In her book Censorship, Sue Curry Hanson highlight difference; she discusses the ways in which whose who are not officially permitted to tell their story manage Get more content on
  • 10. Freedom of Speech vs Censorship Essays We are blessed to live in a country that has many rights, the most important is the freedom of speech which provides an umbrella of protection over our remaining rights; however, all of our rights are under attack beginning with the First Amendment which is under constant assault by censorship. The Constitution of the United States says that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." Censorship as defined by Wikipedia is "the suppression of speech or deletion of communicative material more content... There is no need for the Government to pass a law that imprisons us or levies a fine against us to keep us from uttering these words or phrases. Proponents of censorship seem to believe that they alone can determine what is and isn't offensive to everyone. They believe that their own freedom of speech will remain intact when they have successfully silenced those that they oppose. They don't seem to understand that once one group's rights are taken away, we are all subject to loss of our constitutional right to speak and think freely. As per Webster's dictionary Abridging is defined as follows: "In law it signifies particularly the making of a declaration or count shorter, by taking or severing away some of the substance from it." The Constitution guarantees us the right to Freedom of Speech. Nowhere in the First Amendment does it state that we have the right to freedom of speech as long as everyone agrees with us and likes what we say. Quite the contrary, it states that "Congress shall pass no laws abridging our right to freedom of speech." Censorship does exactly that, severs away our right to freedom of speech. Censorship is Government telling us what we are to approve of and disapprove of. It is Government abridging our right to freedom of speech. Censorship takes many forms in our society today. First it takes the form of political correctness. The purpose Get more content on
  • 11. Essay on censorship "Censorship is the act of suppressing publications, movies, television programs, plays, letters, and so on that are considered to be obscene, blasphemous, or politically unacceptable" (MccGwire 4). Censorship should be enforced because it is needed into today's society. Censorship needs to be used in media, hate speech, and obscene material. To begin with, the media has very negative effect on society as a whole. "The mass media–movies, television, and recordings–need to be regulated, and not only because of appeals to irresponsible lust"(Lowenthal 19). "They have immersed us in violence as well, habituated us to the most extreme brutality, held it up as a model and surrounded us by images of hateful more content... It corrupts taste and poisons the imagination" (Kimball 20). Violent video games, movies, and music lyrics influence people to retaliate against those people that hurt them. In the past few years there have been a great number of school shootings. Many of these shootings were copied off of famous movie scenes and video games. These obscene aspects of the media need to be banned from children. Children are still learning the difference between rights and wrong, therefore adults need to take on this responsibility of censoring what children watch, read, play with, and listen to. Hate speech should also be banned. "Free speech has a class line. It also has a class responsibility. One person's beliefs cannot cross the line into threats of violence. Free speech does not cover that" (Albano 31). "Those institutions most concerned with social fairness have proven to be the ones most likely to promulgate anti–hate–speech rules" (Albano 30). "Part of the reason seems to be recognition that hate speech can easily silence and demoralize its victims, discouraging them from participating in the life of the institution"(Albano 30). "If so, enacting hate–speech rules may be evidence of a commitment to democratic dialogue, rather than the opposite, as some their opponents maintain" (Albano 30). People should not have to put up with harassment by others. People should not have to constantly live in the state of fear because others are threatening them; Get more content on
  • 12. Argumentative Essay On Censorship Censorship comes in many different forms and has its own meaning to every individual. Censorship refers to the suppressing of information, ideas or opinions and can be seen from on screen to in print. Specifically, booking banning has been one of the most controversial forms of censorship. For as long as books have been printed, censors argue over the ideas and misconceptions that are presented in them. Books are often attacked because they are the perfect way to expose new ideas and to attack old ones in very effective ways. The most common reasons why books have been challenged is due to the sexual, profane, and religious content that the consist of. With that being said, books are also seen as the gateway to knowledge since every scholar, teacher, and student has been taught by literature. Books not only have the ability to hand people knowledge, but they can also test the limits of what is considered culturally acceptable. Censorship has been a controversial debate topic because some consider it an infringement to the First Amendment, while others argue that its purpose is to conceal inappropriate things. Considering both sides of the argument is very crucial when it comes to the banning of books. Books are deemed as incredibly dangerous because of the wide range of detrimental ideas that are presented within them. Many books have been banned because of their content and the age level they are aimed for. Some schools and parents have spoken about how uncomfortable it Get more content on
  • 13. Arguments For and Against Censorship Essay Introduction Censorship is defined by Caso as the suppression of speech or any other public communication which may be considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive politically incorrect as determined by the government or any other control body (3). Censorship may be justified from the conservative view whereby the free speech can be maltreated where it undermines the customary principles and communal solidity as withheld by a particular community. Arguments for censorship One of the arguments for the censorship of virtual arts according to Galsworthy is to protect children from thoughts that may harm their ethical growth (12). Parents have a sole responsibility of educating their children even before the onset of the formal more content... Censorship is very important in maintaining government authority which helps in stabilizing the society. The society enjoys freedoms, rights and privileges due to the stability of the ruling body. Without this stability, the society would lapse in to a condition of scenery where the lives would be solitary, poor, and brutal and short as put by Thomas Hobbes (Merryman & Elsen 564). The stability of the government and society is always assumed to exist without understanding the causes of this stability. The exposure of the social upheavals poses a great threat to destabilizing the government through free speeches from the opposition and parties. Since the criminalization of homosexuality in some African states, there have been free speeches that have posed threats to the individual government from the west that require to be concealed before being released to the public because they may spark hatred and distrust. Some of the expressions which are offensive attack the traditional values of the society and are considered harmful (Caso 13). Censorship helps to protect these values from attack. Arguments Against censorship Censorship of free speech denies the individual democratic rights by silencing and filtering some important ideas in the favor of others. In this case the censored information defends the majority in power which often results in oligarchy. For democracy to work properly Get more content on
  • 14. Persuasive Essay On Censorship Censorship has been a touchy topic over the past few years. Everyone has their own opinion on the topic, but the fact is censorship is way more damaging than people may notice. First off, the definition of censorship is to restrain, block, and censor ideas and information that some may find offensive. The basic definition of censorship completely violates the First Amendment. We, as Americans, have the right to Freedom of Speech. Censorship blocks that by blocking anything some may find offensive. It's not fair because they're blocking out how people feel/think just because someone found it "offensive" or wrong. It completely contradicts the First Amendment. People have the right to know about the world and what's happening. Keeping more content... But mostly they didn't want their kids learning about the past and how it was hard for us to get to where the United States is today. Racism is still a big problem in today, as it was in the past. In Harper Lee's words, " If it is uncomfortable to read and discuss, so be it. Most things that matter deeply are." –USA Today. Today Censorship also affects more than the children though. It really affects everyone equally. It allows the government to have too much control over what we learn and know. What if we lived in a dystopian society. For example, if you've ever seen the movie or read the book The Giver by Lois Lowry, the city kept everyone from learning about the world's past and why they have to obey their rules and only their rules and do whatever job they assign them. Private groups and public authorities in various parts of the country are working to remove or limit access to reading materials, to censor content in schools, to label controversial views. Most people believe that free communication is essential to the preservation of a free society and a creative culture. Another touchy topic about they types of censorship we have is open religion. We have the Freedom of Religion. But many schools don't allow religious practices, teachings, or even how they dress. What's wrong with anyone expressing their religion and how they think of God peacefully and freely? America is Get more content on
  • 15. Essay on Is Censorship Justified? Is Censorship Justified? Ever wondered the reason behind racial discrimination, sexual discrimination, children committing crime or violence? The main reason is that censorship is not properly imposed or there is a need of censorship in the society. Censorship is the suppression of ideas and information that certain people, individual, groups or government officials find it objectionable, offensive or dangerous on others. There are varieties of other definitions but all have in common the concept of withholding information and/or resources from those who seek it. Hence censorship is essential in society to eliminate discrimination on basis of race and sex, protect children, maintain stability and restore what censor sees as lost more content... Rap music is a powerful source for young people. These people are expressing the reality of their lives and their culture, which includes drug use, sexual activity and violence. Generally foul language has rapidly increased with modern popular song lyrics. An increase in explicit violence and misogyny in popular music has been recorded. Song lyrics have been judged to be inspirations for violent, suicidal and other criminal acts. For example, Mr. Raymond Kuntz referred to his son's incident, " When his wife went to wake his son for school, they found him dead of a gunshot wound, still wearing his headphones with Marilyn Manson's Anti–Christ Superstar CD still in the player. The boy's favorite song was "Reflecting God" (Nina Crowley, "Senate Hearings on Music, Newsgroup, Page no.2, November 15,1997). Teenagers listening to popular music learn from the words of the artists. Therefore if the artist sets an example of being cool and performing harmful acts, the listener may reproduce his learned actions. Modern rock artists such as Marilyn Manson are demonstrating some extremely unethical performances. During his shows he exposed his genitalia, sodomized himself with a stick, which he then threw into the crowd, and asks fans to spit on him. These types of models that common people replicate are sometimes hideously horrifying and may cause many innocent people to Get more content on
  • 16. Censorship Is Bad Censorship, a constantly talked about debate that justifies itself positively and negatively. It is all depended upon perception and your moral intent of what is displayed. Society contradicts itself frequently, the want to be unique and different feels extremely self–fulfilling but can sometimes be offensive to certain individuals due to Religion, Tradition, Opinions etc. We often choose not to offend people in order to alleviate problems and disagreements. Censorship also mutes our words, usually we can't express ourselves truthfully in a social manner due to the broad expansion of social media today. The FCC (Federal Communications Commission) agency is an organization that monitors and regulates the content that individuals put up on social media such as television, radio, internet, books etc. This is a positive outcome of Censorship due to the fact that it protects individuals from being bullied and mistreated more content... The fear of the consequences that censorship brings individuals make them not want to "over–speak" themselves. People feel the "NEED" to do what they please and say what they feel anywhere they want, exercising their right of "Freedom of Speech/Press" is not wrong by a long–shot but our government expresses "we make exceptions", especially when it involves criticism towards them. Citizens are promised something that now is becoming a "social epidemic", it outrages them and could eventually cause mass dissagreements and possibally lead to riots, protests and etc. Through–out the story "A Brave New World" the author creates a world of ultimate Unity and Equality that seemed to the people/citizens as normal. The reason being that the people felt this way was the history and the genuine truth of their past was forgotten and forever erased. This departed the civilians from the background of how things were orchestrated and established, making the individuals who know the truth "Alpha's". This mostly relates to our Get more content on
  • 17. Art And Censorship In Art Art is supposed for expressing feeling and the visualizing the feeling or thoughts of the artists. Censorship is the suppression of content, which is defined as harmful, politically incorrect or sensitive by the authority (cited in Merriam, n.d.). Art and censorship have been connected for a long period of time together. In the recent society, the censorship on artworks is one of the most severe issues when it comes to censorship and the problem happens internationally. Since every individual has the right to define what is acceptable for him/her or not, instead of the government or others, Art should not be censored. The censorship on Art may influence the freedom of Creativity‬ of the artist; the right of the general public to view different topics of artworks and censorship on political Art may affect thehuman rights and freedom of speech. First, censorship may obstruct the Freedom of Creativity‬ of the artist, which will affect the development of the Art industry. The idea of the artworks is independent to the artist, more content... Since Arts is a form for people to express feelings and visualize their idea, it should be individual and personal. Hence, creativity is one the most essential elements during making artworks. Unfortunately, the censorship of Art still exists worldwide and the situation is severe. It not only obstructs the creativity of artist that poses a threat to the development in Art industry, but also exploits the right of the viewers to see the artworks. For instance, the censorship on Art that comes from political reasons, which may affect the freedom of speech and human right in the countries. The public concern for personal safety and human rights of the artists is needed. Also, it is essential for citizens to have a proper attitude of viewing the artwork. Hence, education is an important way for children and teenagers to build up a correct manner to appreciate the artwork that may contain sensitive Get more content on
  • 18. Censorship Definition Essay A multitude of countries and organizations use censorship for various reasons. However something they all have in common is the one providing the censored material does not want the reader or viewer to know something, whether that be the true state of a country or the real history of a matter. Censorship is a constant tug–a–war between two sides for the truth over a subject. This form of restriction can be observed from the early 1900's to today's modern times, and can also be seen worldwide in countries that have little to nothing in common. A vast amount of media is not prohibited in several countries surrounding the globe. In socialist Venezuela, there is current distress surrounding the content of student textbooks provided by the more content... For example in 1930 Nazi Germany, Nazis burned Jewish writers works, Jewish artwork, and pretty much anything else derived from the Jewish culture. A similar event can be seen in Mosul, recently. The terrorist group ISIS also known as ISIL, has been engaging in book rades and so far have damaged ВЁthree [major] libraries: a Sunni Muslim library, the library of the 265–year–old Latin Church and Monastery of the Dominican Fathers, and the Mosul Museum LibraryВЁ (University of Mosul history professor). In a Newsela interview with Hakim al–Zamili, An Iraqi lawmaker, there is a potential reason suggested for these violent outbursts these terrorist groups are performing. According to al–Zamili, "Islamic State group 'considers culture, civilization and science as their fierce enemies.'" When this is taken into consideration it is obvious why the terrorist group has been acting out and damaging libraries, due to their housing of books that contain such subjects. Overall governments, organizations, and those in power often times use censorship in order to shelter or hide things from people. For example, when a parent is just doing what is best for their kid and doesn't just let them do whatever they want. There is always a reason, often times thought to be protection. However it could potentially be more, perhaps manipulation? Whatever may be the reason censorship will remain a vastly used form of restriction that some may just need to learn to Get more content on
  • 19. Arguments Against Censorship Essay People in society have different opinions on the idea about whether language should be censored or not. To some, censoring is a way to help stop certain ideas from getting out that they believe might threaten civilization or our humanity. On the other side of the argument people believe that censoring would violate your First Amendment Right by Freedom of Speech and it also violates your rights to Freedom of the Press. So do you think that we should keep things the way they are or try to put censorship into effect? Now from an opposing point of view brings up an article called "Letter to the Editor of the Charleston Gazette" written by Pat Conroy, he believed that after his books were attempting to be censored that protesting against the Charleston School Board was a great response to defending his work. Conroy's work was in the process of being suppressed by a group of parents that believed that his work was just a form of violence. He believed that was ridiculous and that teachers prepare their students for any encounters with violence or profanity in any work. Conroy states "The world of literature has everything in it, and it refuses to leave anything out". Therefore, he thinks censoring is more on the dramatic side. He believes that this is a real world and more content... But hiding the truth to "shield our morals of society" like Irving Kristol states, would not really benefit anyone except other democracies. Censoring violates your rights as an american, which are your First Amendment Rights. If the world was censored then we as people would not have a voice to be heard anymore. Censorship is something that is used to control people and society. Governments should not control people, people should be controlling the government. So therefore censorship would not be so great to our society because we as people have a right to Get more content on