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Michael Carr Gregg 2/9/13
Web based programs and evidence based apps
Join ePsychology at APS
1. those with impulse control disorder may have problem with over using smart phones
2. NB sleep deprivation
3. Dr Google taken over from dr! in UK
4. On Line gaming prob
5. Sexting is an issue 74717 and 747 20 nude selfies end in court
6. Increased violence xbox player slashed friend throat
7. Flesh eating bacteria on phone
Latest data
20% of 1511=20 year olds use internet alm0st every day get better data from MCG
94 % email, 93% facebook, UtUbe
When young men use internet – 3.2 hours weekend not much less school days. When depressed
speknd more time on line – this can be a predictor of some kinds of psychopathology
Cybersafety – bullying sexting, unwanted contact, protecting etc
So there are problems but the benefits can outweigh the down side
Nb some episodes byt digital self harm – the English girl who sent herself taunts
Nothing lights up a childs brain like 3 dimensional play – yes there is research
The original play station was a gym swing in the yard
Check out CRC the Young and Well
Program reflector means psych can see a screen and watch what I am showing them
Nb you do need a good relationship with your client so the empathy is sustained
You need to know your programs - all their aspects so you don’t lose authority. Gpothrpought the
program and demonstrate how it works
Nb ask client to assess the usefulness of the app – (nb is AON ok with these apps)
E=psych apps
Sleep, meditation, relations, meditation, exercise, study, parenting, teachers, web based programs
Don’t use tech by itself
App to remind you to drink water, find your car, Viper to unlock your car and start it.
App to find things – little tile to put on things and then you can track them for ever
ALSO, i-door cam app, you can see who is at your door wherever you are in the world.
Web based programs:
As part of emergency use eHeadspacenb put this as a screen saver on every school
computer, and alternate it with 1800 55 1800 for risk management – be proactive
CBT mood-gym is a great web-based programs developed in 2000 – most researched and
valid way to deliver CBT on line
Moodkit app is available and then get them to do one of the 6 modules of moodgym
eCouch is similar as moodgym – same crown but less well resarched
this way up – on line treatment education and research – it is a K10 on line – have this on
your iPad and do it first up
enrol them in a course once you have diagnosed them – based on the principles of cog
therapy then how about doing this course – and coach them through it in session
self help courses (on moodgym I think) are really useful
teach social and emotional competencies go to Reach Out Central – download it from
internet and it is ideal for 12=14 year old – anger management, empathy, good game – try it
myself first
Use the programs to explain common conditions
Youth beyond blue – take them there to help themselves
Nb tell them what you are going to tell them, then tell them, then tell them what you’ve told
them –
If kids don’t want to come then send them a link with utube to What it might be like to see a
good counsellor or Psych, after first offering them a skype 5 minutes so they get to see a non
school psych
Get the link to WHAT DOES A PSYCH DO
DEPRESSION video all backwards on beyond blue – normalise the condition – there is a way back
from depression
ANXIETY also on beyond blue – youth
Get the client to watch it once or twice and tell me what is similar or different to them
Video about suspension – it would be a holiday bit it feels like being banished – so now I feel worse”
So get a pre-prepared list of thinking errors and help them recognise those errors and then help
them to think them more constructively. E.g. episode 5 – I thought it would be pointless – but I feel
Nb Left hand is a great GLBT video – younger adolescents
Have a lot of fact sheets – and laminate them – the y will take it more seriously!
Get some sheets from Headspaceeg got to anger management video on the blog and give them a
fact sheet to take away as well
REACHOUT inspire foundation factsheets – go with CBT about self talk fact sheet
ORYGEN youth health by pat McGorry for kids with psychosis – good for middle and late adolescent
Tagged fact sheet
Also CEOP videos – Jigsaw (primary kids) and Exposed secondary kids – good for kids in trouble with
cyber use
Easy guide to social networking – good for parents
NB DO NOT GO TO THINK U KNOW by fed police which is about scaring the shot out of parents
Smiling minds - Gratitude app for older kids
Happy rambles – great app for email to kid – name 3 good things that happened to you
today – solid evidence for increasing scores in well being
What went well www
Black dog
35% kids 8-11 have mobile phone
1992 first text message
Iphone 4 does 2000 million multiplications per second, 5 does 5ooo million
10.1 mil aussies on mobiles last year
700,million smart phones
Aust kids highest uptake of smart phones in world before uk
Computers will overtake human smart by 2029
Maldives opened the first virtual embassy – on the metaverse!
2025 slide
Get e-sense for bio feedback – attach it to clients fingers and save %5000 -0 for anxiety, meditation
feedback, gives readout of GSR on screen of ipad
You can induce anxiety episode and then show them what is happening in their brain and then they
use diaphragmatic breathing to change the screen!
Also “inner balance” Les Posen to read your pulse! And temperature for fear of flying and anxiety
Barriers to Care – re using technologies safely
Ie the obstacles to young people accessing our services
Existing models of service delivery cant cope
WHY Smartphone apps – because young often don’t seek health SEE SLIDE 10 points
Mission Australia study found kids rank internet highly as source of info
Internet, family, magazines,
Auditorium to record on all iphones etc
APP Talking anxiety by SANE – pricey but doesn’t rely on literacy
Load it up and take them through it so the pictures explain what you say about anxiety – and then
ask them questions
Check it out on my ipad – on APS site
See all SANE videos on APS site
Ie download Talking Anxiety utubes so clients can see them and understand the symptoms, what is
happening and how things improved with treatment.
Then send email to parents – this is the link I gave your child and I would like you to look at the video
too etc
e.g. understand depression
useutube character strengths so they can focus on their strengths
then send them clip on Barcelona92: Derek Redomond – torn hamstring – what are his strengths
he finished the race necessity 4 failure
Smiling mind – to teach mindfulness meditation to young people – to keep a smile in your mind – to
help you feel a little more calm, clear and content
And download the app from the website – run for specific age groups
Headspace uses this as their homepage – now also used by cricket Australia and deaf Australia
iCounsellor anxiety, depression and anger – not as stand alones but as adjunct to CBT – this is being
assessed at present with 150 young people so not yet evidence – do in conjuction with having
already taught them all the info – the app is a reminder
VIA ME character strengths – free or pay $!0 and get a print out of their report and then they have
something to take with them, pklus send it home on email as follow up – it’s a brilliant idea and
takes 5 minutes in a session
If someone is a bit slow then they can see all the strengths on auTube clip and they can watch it all
on the iPad.
What are my signature strengths – and the importance of being honest
HOW TO USE UTUBE – send link to parents- girls carried the opposition around the pitch – cos the
opposition stepped up and did the right thing! Great video
Inner Balance – the black gadget – check it out – great app – heart math sensor attached to ipad and
ear lobe – follow prompts to learn how to achieve inner balance
Les Posin uses this lots with fear of flying
APP MyCalmBeat
APP Pranayama free
APP Buddhify
VERY USEFUL – Galvanic Skin Response
eSense skin response ( or go to
works well with hypnosis too
GET REAL – aussie web based – get real on line treatment program who may be psychotic – weird
OnTRACK what is weird stuff?
USE MAP on Black dog to get clients assessed before they come in
Send clients a code – they get an explanation, then they do it, then I get an email to say they have
done it – I get a oneoff print off onto my email (not g mail) and then I can have a clear understanding
of what is going on for this client (on line explanation available for parents)
MoodKITuse it most often of all apps says MCG
Mood improvement tools
Esp thought checker
Eg my mum yelled at me for coming in late
Next page – choose from a range of responses – not just anger – it is brilliant
Then explain that their feeling is preceded by a thought – so she can identify what thought preceded
it – e.g. she shouldn’t be angry at me as I am able to look after myself – then identify your thought
distortions. It is important to give her a spiel and fact sheet about Wonky Ways of thinking
(Beyond blue has thoughts SENSIBILITY MATERIAL – some of the best in AUStralia)
Then what other thoughts you could have about this situation –
Then mood kit drops her feeling levels back
(ICBT is not as friendly graphics)
If kids at risk use MoodTracker on moodkit – and do it every day and then you can track them.
Very helpful to keep track of kids
Also helpful journal and extras –MOODKIT is a beautiful program
ALSO check out ICBT – different interface
Second favourite APPLET panic go
Find a safe place , then touch the screen, then hold the screen below while breathing out, then
appears the red leaf and it goes up and down with your breathing! Then keep your leaf at the same
level as this feather SO SIMPLE and effective
ALSO The Panic Center in Canada
Seligman’s Perma model in Flourish positive emotions, engagement, meaningful experiences, etc
and how contagious these emotions are e.g. life’s for sharing tv commercial – pure joy is contagious
Year 12 students facebook: 18% suicide ideation 41 anxiety clinical levels – in Vic 12 kids stood in
front of trains and died rather than face exams
SO APP SelfControlblocks his social media for 30-90 minutes at a time – to giuve them responsibility
to organise them
Or COLD TURKEY is PC program for same outcome
Idetic memory
iProcrastinate is a great help app for kids – only on the app store
Amy is overweight –
Energy in and energy out
BRainrules book for neuropsychundertsnding in easy way for kids and everyone to read
Harada experiment – 10 week ex and measure brain function for people who had never exercised
Ie causal relationship between exercise and everything else
SO COUCH-to-5k APP when listening to their favourite motivational music – so get person to
identify their fave music and load it onto the phone, then turn on couch to 5K
Exercise 3 times a week, rewards week 2 day 1, etc
List of all your runs
So within a few weeks you get them running a 5 Kms
Huge 80% compliance levels
Then follow up program: get 5km faster aa companion app, and a 10 km run
Traeadmill apps
Push ups apps
Get them to see personal trainer and then give the client the apps then they don’t need trainer
Mild to moderate movement is essential to
BODYIMAGE app – free, you can put your own face into this – take the pledge – and the buzz, kids
then get new information every week,
Also lots of exercise apps are probably too complez
Daily arm workout – not helpful
Bariatric patients:
HAPILABS fork so slow down eating
Self harm app
Up to 12% selfharm – ie they don’t have the coping mechanisms needed
iCOPE APP 50% girls love it and 10% don’t care and 40% don’t like it so check it out!
Hit icon, thoughts of self harm, and then get steps – rate your feelings – fleeting to major plan, then
and then get distractions to help you get past it. Kids very sensitive to control to better that they
have smorgasbord of suggestions and then they can choose one. Go through everyone of them on
the ipad while you are watching it all on another iPad and then run through all the optioms they
have to cope and talk about it with them – in their experience which one might work best, and why
don’t we run an experiment to find which one might suit you best
Contraversial because PLANS provide virtual arm to hurt themselves – swipe it so can cut or burn –
remember some don’t like it. And always discuss it with parents. See video with Andrew Fuller.
Clearyourvision e.g. cannabis and anger management
A web based program to quit cannabis
Both have a tablet to see it
He doesn’t want to quit but prepared to reduce it for the report
And the characters e.g. Samir has a problem – and how would we help him reduce cannabis
i.e. direct parallel between the character and my client in the room
First it works out if he has a problem by giving him a test on line – very reputable test
Even has motivational interviewing: thinking, planning, acting
(at 6 weeks significantly reduced usage of cannabis etc)
Richie Polton gene regulates dopamine COMT – followed a sample of kids for 33 years, and what
they discovered that 50% had used marijuana at 33, but only 10% had psychosis. As they had DNA
they did gene check, and if you have 2 bad genes then chances of psychosis increase dramatically.
But we don’t want to tell kids they are 90% likely to be OK
uTube Marijuana Madness on Catalyst website and there is a terrific talk about the COMT gene –
show it to mums and dads and kids themselves
ALSO for adults, reduce your usefor marijuana
National Drugs Campaign APP is good for parents and it has a gps component and helps people find
help near them. Includes advice to help friends as well.
iCounsellor:anger also a good APP – also see Headspace anger video – download the video from
uTube – get how to download from google and it will step you through it
TurningPoint in Melbourne offers online counselling for drugs problems
Has a very good SCREENING TOOL on line – iTOP, WHO ASSIST, AUDIT, K10, DUDIT, tests take 15
minutes to fill it out – oversee it so you see how they do it
Best drug and alcohol screening available so do it online
Bullying TAKE A STAND TOGETHER – little kids like it QLD
Cancer kids: Now WHATis a good app for cancer kids
Kids biggest illness is ASTHMA
And biggest allergy is peanut so check the website – that it is Australian and reputable
(make sure it is not scientology and tell them they need to take their medications)
The DESK is a good website – good resources for kids - is APS and beyond blue ok. Tolls, quiz, get
them to do it in your office and get them to tell you what to enter
Happyrambleswww so you make the decision to do it at the end of every day – and use evry bit of it
Then you can get emails about what youa re grateful for
TALKING TOMCAT idea that you mock your thoughts ie ACT
Very clever program and its good to use in context of Russ Harris ACT course
Health Promotion App your man reminder
TLC touch look and check
Parenting Apps
(USA parenting models are not working here…)
There is no such thing as a perfect parent
If you have not done your jobs then no wifipassorktoda
Want todayswifi password? Make your bed, vacuum downstairs and walk the dog
Financial Literacy
The hormone factory web site – to help parents do the birds and bees talk
The drugtalk – the othertalk that parents need to have with their kids
iRewardchartmaybe a way to reward kids
You can handle them all the ten difficult kids
Proximo to attach fobs – you’ve left me behind – eg phone
Utility for this is for kids – at what age to give a kid a phone.3 questions to ask the child: does my
child have a track record of making good decisions and keeping himself safe? Given the fact the
peers influence them, does my child’s friends have a good record of keeping themselves safe? What
sort of temperament does my kid have? If risk taker then maybe less mature. If no medical reason,
then wait til kid at highschool, set credit limit re-paid and learn to manage their resources,
FindmyKids footprints
Family tracker for iPAd
BAbymonitor for helicopter parents
Senso - APP for empathy – bazaar – to talk to kids about stuff…
Class DOJO makes it easy to keep my kids alert and on-task – teachers love this
Kids in teams and get points and more teams means more break time
FAKEBOOK – English teachers love it – OliverCromwell or other historical figures
Peter Rousso
Very helpful to explain to parents why their kids do stupid things –
Help teens to understand
iPeriodFree period tracker
Autismapps– by touch – all brilliant – even profoundly autistic kids can use an iPAd so try it out
Eating disorders: Recovery Record APP free
It is social and helps enormously, monitors eating, shares data with treatment team, Australian,
MyQuitBuddy Quit now APP iTunes
Non-compliance – kids with organ transplant – because non-adherence therefore use
PILLBOXIE as a reminder to take meds – give to doctors to give to patients!
First aid APP Ambulance Victoria
MNF Mindfulness – gives them a lovely experience and see what happens to their GSR – very simple
and don’t have to sign up so better than smiling minds
APP Livehappy positive psychology app – has it all so keep it on your iPad and show the clients/kids
GEtHappy also a good app
Gratitude Apps iGRatitude, Gratitude diary, Gratitude and happiness
(happy rambles is better as I can show them I do it)
PTSD Coach Australia
EMDR app as well
Deep Sleep – good with women
Sleep Bot also
aSleep app
sleep pillow
Sleep Cycle alarm clock – measures your movements in bed – and in REM sleep we are completely
paralysed so we can see how much REM sleep – and it wakes us when we have finished REM sleep
when we should therefore wake when most refreshed
(be sure to go to settings and press restrictions and then enable and then type in code and then
you can control the device – the kids can have the phone but can only use it for sleep cycle
Twilight – get through miles of apps on series and then it gets rid of the white lite on your phone
and iPad which stuffs up cortisol -ie you can reduce blue light which keeps your brain active

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Michael carr gregg apps pd slides

  • 1. Michael Carr Gregg 2/9/13 Web based programs and evidence based apps Join ePsychology at APS Negatives 1. those with impulse control disorder may have problem with over using smart phones 2. NB sleep deprivation 3. Dr Google taken over from dr! in UK 4. On Line gaming prob 5. Sexting is an issue 74717 and 747 20 nude selfies end in court 6. Increased violence xbox player slashed friend throat 7. Flesh eating bacteria on phone Latest data 20% of 1511=20 year olds use internet alm0st every day get better data from MCG 94 % email, 93% facebook, UtUbe When young men use internet – 3.2 hours weekend not much less school days. When depressed speknd more time on line – this can be a predictor of some kinds of psychopathology Cybersafety – bullying sexting, unwanted contact, protecting etc So there are problems but the benefits can outweigh the down side Nb some episodes byt digital self harm – the English girl who sent herself taunts Nothing lights up a childs brain like 3 dimensional play – yes there is research The original play station was a gym swing in the yard Check out CRC the Young and Well Program reflector means psych can see a screen and watch what I am showing them Nb you do need a good relationship with your client so the empathy is sustained You need to know your programs - all their aspects so you don’t lose authority. Gpothrpought the program and demonstrate how it works Nb ask client to assess the usefulness of the app – (nb is AON ok with these apps) E=psych apps Sleep, meditation, relations, meditation, exercise, study, parenting, teachers, web based programs Don’t use tech by itself App to remind you to drink water, find your car, Viper to unlock your car and start it. App to find things – little tile to put on things and then you can track them for ever ALSO, i-door cam app, you can see who is at your door wherever you are in the world. Web based programs: As part of emergency use eHeadspacenb put this as a screen saver on every school computer, and alternate it with 1800 55 1800 for risk management – be proactive CBT mood-gym is a great web-based programs developed in 2000 – most researched and valid way to deliver CBT on line Moodkit app is available and then get them to do one of the 6 modules of moodgym
  • 2. eCouch is similar as moodgym – same crown but less well resarched this way up – on line treatment education and research – it is a K10 on line – have this on your iPad and do it first up enrol them in a course once you have diagnosed them – based on the principles of cog therapy then how about doing this course – and coach them through it in session self help courses (on moodgym I think) are really useful teach social and emotional competencies go to Reach Out Central – download it from internet and it is ideal for 12=14 year old – anger management, empathy, good game – try it myself first Use the programs to explain common conditions Youth beyond blue – take them there to help themselves Nb tell them what you are going to tell them, then tell them, then tell them what you’ve told them – If kids don’t want to come then send them a link with utube to What it might be like to see a good counsellor or Psych, after first offering them a skype 5 minutes so they get to see a non school psych Get the link to WHAT DOES A PSYCH DO DEPRESSION video all backwards on beyond blue – normalise the condition – there is a way back from depression ANXIETY also on beyond blue – youth Get the client to watch it once or twice and tell me what is similar or different to them Video about suspension – it would be a holiday bit it feels like being banished – so now I feel worse” So get a pre-prepared list of thinking errors and help them recognise those errors and then help them to think them more constructively. E.g. episode 5 – I thought it would be pointless – but I feel better Nb Left hand is a great GLBT video – younger adolescents Have a lot of fact sheets – and laminate them – the y will take it more seriously! Get some sheets from Headspaceeg got to anger management video on the blog and give them a fact sheet to take away as well REACHOUT inspire foundation factsheets – go with CBT about self talk fact sheet ORYGEN youth health by pat McGorry for kids with psychosis – good for middle and late adolescent Tagged fact sheet Also CEOP videos – Jigsaw (primary kids) and Exposed secondary kids – good for kids in trouble with cyber use Easy guide to social networking – good for parents NB DO NOT GO TO THINK U KNOW by fed police which is about scaring the shot out of parents Smiling minds - Gratitude app for older kids Happy rambles – great app for email to kid – name 3 good things that happened to you today – solid evidence for increasing scores in well being What went well www Black dog Myheadspace
  • 3. Cogmed 35% kids 8-11 have mobile phone 1992 first text message Iphone 4 does 2000 million multiplications per second, 5 does 5ooo million 10.1 mil aussies on mobiles last year 700,million smart phones Aust kids highest uptake of smart phones in world before uk Computers will overtake human smart by 2029 Maldives opened the first virtual embassy – on the metaverse! 2025 slide Get e-sense for bio feedback – attach it to clients fingers and save %5000 -0 for anxiety, meditation feedback, gives readout of GSR on screen of ipad You can induce anxiety episode and then show them what is happening in their brain and then they use diaphragmatic breathing to change the screen! Also “inner balance” Les Posen to read your pulse! And temperature for fear of flying and anxiety Barriers to Care – re using technologies safely Ie the obstacles to young people accessing our services Existing models of service delivery cant cope WHY Smartphone apps – because young often don’t seek health SEE SLIDE 10 points Mission Australia study found kids rank internet highly as source of info Internet, family, magazines, Auditorium to record on all iphones etc APP Talking anxiety by SANE – pricey but doesn’t rely on literacy Load it up and take them through it so the pictures explain what you say about anxiety – and then ask them questions Check it out on my ipad – on APS site See all SANE videos on APS site Ie download Talking Anxiety utubes so clients can see them and understand the symptoms, what is happening and how things improved with treatment. Then send email to parents – this is the link I gave your child and I would like you to look at the video too etc e.g. understand depression useutube character strengths so they can focus on their strengths then send them clip on Barcelona92: Derek Redomond – torn hamstring – what are his strengths he finished the race necessity 4 failure Smiling mind – to teach mindfulness meditation to young people – to keep a smile in your mind – to help you feel a little more calm, clear and content And download the app from the website – run for specific age groups Headspace uses this as their homepage – now also used by cricket Australia and deaf Australia
  • 4. iCounsellor anxiety, depression and anger – not as stand alones but as adjunct to CBT – this is being assessed at present with 150 young people so not yet evidence – do in conjuction with having already taught them all the info – the app is a reminder VIA ME character strengths – free or pay $!0 and get a print out of their report and then they have something to take with them, pklus send it home on email as follow up – it’s a brilliant idea and takes 5 minutes in a session If someone is a bit slow then they can see all the strengths on auTube clip and they can watch it all on the iPad. SO MAKE THERAPY MORE INTERESTING AND LESS BORING What are my signature strengths – and the importance of being honest HOW TO USE UTUBE – send link to parents- girls carried the opposition around the pitch – cos the opposition stepped up and did the right thing! Great video Inner Balance – the black gadget – check it out – great app – heart math sensor attached to ipad and ear lobe – follow prompts to learn how to achieve inner balance Les Posin uses this lots with fear of flying APP MyCalmBeat APP Pranayama free APP Buddhify VERY USEFUL – Galvanic Skin Response eSense skin response ( or go to works well with hypnosis too GET REAL – aussie web based – get real on line treatment program who may be psychotic – weird stuff OnTRACK what is weird stuff? USE MAP on Black dog to get clients assessed before they come in Send clients a code – they get an explanation, then they do it, then I get an email to say they have done it – I get a oneoff print off onto my email (not g mail) and then I can have a clear understanding of what is going on for this client (on line explanation available for parents) MoodKITuse it most often of all apps says MCG Mood improvement tools Esp thought checker Eg my mum yelled at me for coming in late Next page – choose from a range of responses – not just anger – it is brilliant Then explain that their feeling is preceded by a thought – so she can identify what thought preceded it – e.g. she shouldn’t be angry at me as I am able to look after myself – then identify your thought distortions. It is important to give her a spiel and fact sheet about Wonky Ways of thinking (Beyond blue has thoughts SENSIBILITY MATERIAL – some of the best in AUStralia) Then what other thoughts you could have about this situation – Then mood kit drops her feeling levels back KIDS (ICBT is not as friendly graphics) If kids at risk use MoodTracker on moodkit – and do it every day and then you can track them.
  • 5. Very helpful to keep track of kids Also helpful journal and extras –MOODKIT is a beautiful program ALSO check out ICBT – different interface Second favourite APPLET panic go Find a safe place , then touch the screen, then hold the screen below while breathing out, then appears the red leaf and it goes up and down with your breathing! Then keep your leaf at the same level as this feather SO SIMPLE and effective ALSO The Panic Center in Canada Seligman’s Perma model in Flourish positive emotions, engagement, meaningful experiences, etc and how contagious these emotions are e.g. life’s for sharing tv commercial – pure joy is contagious Year 12 students facebook: 18% suicide ideation 41 anxiety clinical levels – in Vic 12 kids stood in front of trains and died rather than face exams SO APP SelfControlblocks his social media for 30-90 minutes at a time – to giuve them responsibility to organise them Or COLD TURKEY is PC program for same outcome Memory Idetic memory iProcrastinate is a great help app for kids – only on the app store Amy is overweight – Energy in and energy out BRainrules book for neuropsychundertsnding in easy way for kids and everyone to read Harada experiment – 10 week ex and measure brain function for people who had never exercised Ie causal relationship between exercise and everything else SO COUCH-to-5k APP when listening to their favourite motivational music – so get person to identify their fave music and load it onto the phone, then turn on couch to 5K Exercise 3 times a week, rewards week 2 day 1, etc List of all your runs So within a few weeks you get them running a 5 Kms Huge 80% compliance levels Then follow up program: get 5km faster aa companion app, and a 10 km run Traeadmill apps Push ups apps Get them to see personal trainer and then give the client the apps then they don’t need trainer Mild to moderate movement is essential to BODYIMAGE app – free, you can put your own face into this – take the pledge – and the buzz, kids then get new information every week, Also lots of exercise apps are probably too complez Daily arm workout – not helpful Bariatric patients: HAPILABS fork so slow down eating
  • 6. THE DESK app Self harm app Up to 12% selfharm – ie they don’t have the coping mechanisms needed iCOPE APP 50% girls love it and 10% don’t care and 40% don’t like it so check it out! Hit icon, thoughts of self harm, and then get steps – rate your feelings – fleeting to major plan, then and then get distractions to help you get past it. Kids very sensitive to control to better that they have smorgasbord of suggestions and then they can choose one. Go through everyone of them on the ipad while you are watching it all on another iPad and then run through all the optioms they have to cope and talk about it with them – in their experience which one might work best, and why don’t we run an experiment to find which one might suit you best Contraversial because PLANS provide virtual arm to hurt themselves – swipe it so can cut or burn – remember some don’t like it. And always discuss it with parents. See video with Andrew Fuller. Clearyourvision e.g. cannabis and anger management A web based program to quit cannabis Both have a tablet to see it He doesn’t want to quit but prepared to reduce it for the report And the characters e.g. Samir has a problem – and how would we help him reduce cannabis i.e. direct parallel between the character and my client in the room First it works out if he has a problem by giving him a test on line – very reputable test Even has motivational interviewing: thinking, planning, acting (at 6 weeks significantly reduced usage of cannabis etc) Richie Polton gene regulates dopamine COMT – followed a sample of kids for 33 years, and what they discovered that 50% had used marijuana at 33, but only 10% had psychosis. As they had DNA they did gene check, and if you have 2 bad genes then chances of psychosis increase dramatically. But we don’t want to tell kids they are 90% likely to be OK uTube Marijuana Madness on Catalyst website and there is a terrific talk about the COMT gene – show it to mums and dads and kids themselves ALSO for adults, reduce your usefor marijuana National Drugs Campaign APP is good for parents and it has a gps component and helps people find help near them. Includes advice to help friends as well. iCounsellor:anger also a good APP – also see Headspace anger video – download the video from uTube – get how to download from google and it will step you through it TurningPoint in Melbourne offers online counselling for drugs problems Has a very good SCREENING TOOL on line – iTOP, WHO ASSIST, AUDIT, K10, DUDIT, tests take 15 minutes to fill it out – oversee it so you see how they do it Best drug and alcohol screening available so do it online Bullying TAKE A STAND TOGETHER – little kids like it QLD Cancer kids: Now WHATis a good app for cancer kids Kids biggest illness is ASTHMA And biggest allergy is peanut so check the website – that it is Australian and reputable (make sure it is not scientology and tell them they need to take their medications)
  • 7. The DESK is a good website – good resources for kids - is APS and beyond blue ok. Tolls, quiz, get them to do it in your office and get them to tell you what to enter Happyrambleswww so you make the decision to do it at the end of every day – and use evry bit of it every day THIS IS A GREAT PICK UP Then you can get emails about what youa re grateful for TALKING TOMCAT idea that you mock your thoughts ie ACT Very clever program and its good to use in context of Russ Harris ACT course Health Promotion App your man reminder TLC touch look and check Parenting Apps (USA parenting models are not working here…) There is no such thing as a perfect parent If you have not done your jobs then no wifipassorktoda Want todayswifi password? Make your bed, vacuum downstairs and walk the dog Financial Literacy BankIt! The hormone factory web site – to help parents do the birds and bees talk The drugtalk – the othertalk that parents need to have with their kids Toolbox iRewardchartmaybe a way to reward kids You can handle them all the ten difficult kids Proximo to attach fobs – you’ve left me behind – eg phone Utility for this is for kids – at what age to give a kid a phone.3 questions to ask the child: does my child have a track record of making good decisions and keeping himself safe? Given the fact the peers influence them, does my child’s friends have a good record of keeping themselves safe? What sort of temperament does my kid have? If risk taker then maybe less mature. If no medical reason, then wait til kid at highschool, set credit limit re-paid and learn to manage their resources, FindmyKids footprints Family tracker for iPAd BAbymonitor for helicopter parents Speedlimitnotifier Senso - APP for empathy – bazaar – to talk to kids about stuff… Class DOJO makes it easy to keep my kids alert and on-task – teachers love this Kids in teams and get points and more teams means more break time FAKEBOOK – English teachers love it – OliverCromwell or other historical figures
  • 8. 3Dbrainapp Peter Rousso Very helpful to explain to parents why their kids do stupid things – Help teens to understand iPeriodFree period tracker Autismapps– by touch – all brilliant – even profoundly autistic kids can use an iPAd so try it out Eating disorders: Recovery Record APP free It is social and helps enormously, monitors eating, shares data with treatment team, Australian, MyQuitBuddy Quit now APP iTunes Non-compliance – kids with organ transplant – because non-adherence therefore use PILLBOXIE as a reminder to take meds – give to doctors to give to patients! First aid APP Ambulance Victoria MNF Mindfulness – gives them a lovely experience and see what happens to their GSR – very simple and don’t have to sign up so better than smiling minds APP Livehappy positive psychology app – has it all so keep it on your iPad and show the clients/kids GEtHappy also a good app Gratitude Apps iGRatitude, Gratitude diary, Gratitude and happiness (happy rambles is better as I can show them I do it) PTSD Coach Australia EMDR app as well NB USE THE APPS IN SITU FIRST SO THEY WOULD GET A CLEAR UNDERSTANDING AT EAST app DVA Deep Sleep – good with women Sleep Bot also aSleep app sleep pillow eSleep Sleep Cycle alarm clock – measures your movements in bed – and in REM sleep we are completely paralysed so we can see how much REM sleep – and it wakes us when we have finished REM sleep when we should therefore wake when most refreshed (be sure to go to settings and press restrictions and then enable and then type in code and then you can control the device – the kids can have the phone but can only use it for sleep cycle Twilight – get through miles of apps on series and then it gets rid of the white lite on your phone and iPad which stuffs up cortisol -ie you can reduce blue light which keeps your brain active