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Unit 8: Responding To A Commission
Switch Off is a government funded organisation based in the UK. It is commissioning a media campaign
to encourage young people in the UK to reduce their screen time to ensure that they have better mental
and physical health and increase their chances of doing well in school. This means that for my product, I
will be able to gather an idea of how to encourage young people to switch off their devices and
participate in different activities. Their key message is to encourage young people to spend more time
away from their mobiles rather than on them and to do different activities which will help their mental
and physical health resulting on a big impact in their individual lives. They hope to achieve this plan from
this product by finding a way to bring youngsters away from technology and back into the real world.
The product I will create for my client won’t be too cheap so it doesn’t look professional but not too
expensive to where my client can’t see the value for money. Since Switch Off are governmentally
funded, they have a large budget which allows me flexibility to create my product as professionally as I
Target Audience
I am targeting 14-18 year olds for this campaign as it includes various teenage ages and impacts their
lives. By targeting this age group, it will help teenagers mental health, physical health and increase their
chances of doing well in school. I am targeting both male and female, social grade D/C2, stated as
strugglers and explorers in the psychographic table who are people that feel alienated or disorganised
and tends to be lower demographics and has few resources beyond physical skills. Explorers may have
an influence on their decisions and they value difference, typically younger people who has energy,
individualism and experience which is important to them. These groups are being targeted so that they
have a more improved school life and education which will be important to them in the adult life
communicating, finding job etc. The aim of Switch Off is to promote a healthy balance for young people
between their use of digital technology and other activities. The organisation is developing a media
campaign to encourage young people to switch off their devices and participate in different activities.
This will appeal to my target audience and engage them as research shows that the benefits of balancing
time connected to technology and time doing other activities away from screens can have a positive
impact on young people. Furthermore research shows that people have a 10-point drop in their IQ when
they know that they have unread messages on a device and that an extra hour of screen time per day
for 16 year olds is associated with dropping a grade in two GCSE subjects.
Facts & Figures
(Sources: Children and Parents Media Use and Attitudes report- Ofcom 2017. International journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity)
OFCOM research found that 12 to 15 year olds spent 49% of their time online using tablets. 26% using
mobile phones and the rest on other devices.
Young people spend on average 17.7 hours per week using screens recreationally. This is double the
amount of time spent outdoors (8.8) hours per week.
Cambridge University research suggests one hour more online each day leads to a 9.6 drop in GCSE
points (for one grade lower in two subjects)
A study of King's College London found that a person’s IQ drops by 10 points when they have an unread
15 year old males spend 15 hours per week using a mobile phone and 15 year old females spend 21.5
hours per week.
Primary Research
What is your gender?
5 out of 10 were male.
5 out of 10 were female.
What is your age?
Male ages: 18-19 years old.
Female ages: 16- 39 years old.
How long do you spend on your phone?
Average of 5-8 hours a day.
What is it that you are doing on your phone?
-Social Media (mainly). -Play games. -Listen to music.
How do you feel afterwards?
-Tired =3 -Good and Bad =1 -Depressed =3 -Bored =1 -Normal =1 -Really Good =1
Does it impact your mental health?
Yes = 6 No = 4
Does it affect your productivity afterwards?
Yes =5 No =4 Sometimes =1
Primary Research Conclusion
From the information I have gathered from my survey, I can conclude that the majority of ages are
between 16-19 spend an average of 5-8 hours on their mobile phones. In addition to this, I know that
they are mainly spending their time on social media and they always feel negative afterwards (tired,
depressed etc) with their mental health being impacted as well as their productivity being affected too.
In addition to this, I should base my 30 second advertisement towards the impacts of mobile phones
during GCSE’s which will have an effect on teenagers and parents as they will realise what their mobile
phones are actually doing to them and how they can solve that issue which links back to the Switch Off
campaign of teenagers spending less time on their mobiles.
Primary Research Ideas
From my research from my survey, I can conclude that the majority of people have an impact on their
mental health after using their phones as they either feel tired or depressed and as well as feeling as
though their productivity is affected afterwards.
In doing this, I am able to come up with ways to encourage youngsters to spend less time on their
phones to avoid them feeling down. Some ideas include the family turning their mobiles off to spend
quality time with one another, going outdoors adventuring or maybes even a shopping trip.
By the whole family or people around them it will help the youngster adapt and become an adult
themselves. Furthermore, youngsters could also turn a screen time limit on their apps so that after a
period of time, they will be unable to access the apps until the next day which will give them time to
turn their phones off and study or dedicate their time to something else.
Secondary Research
In the first video, it shows a variety of teenagers seeing how long they can go without using their phone
whilst it is sitting in front of them on the table. Each time their phone receives a notification, they are
determined to pick it up and see what or who it is texting them. This allows the audience to see how
much mobile phones, technology and social media have an impact on teenagers and adults today which
hits realisation that they could be being affected exactly the same way as the people in the video.
In the second video, there is a male doing a voice over who is explaining the different ways of how
mobile phones are used in different ways and how they also impact people and their mentality at the
same time. They do this through the use of animations, one being someone walking through glass panes
whilst their head is down looking through their phone, scrolling endlessly. The tone and pace of the
video is smooth and ran smoothly which helped create a relaxing and calming tone throughout the video
which made it easier to watch. Although it is difficult to concentrate on the different animations being
shown whilst listening to the voiceover as there is different things going on with sound effects added
over the top of them. I think that this video is effective and a good way to reach different target
audiences and demographics as it helps the audience realise what is actually happening to their bodies
mentally and physically.
Secondary Research Follow Up
From looking at my secondary research, I would like to use the technique of how they used their
audience in the video (first video) because once the audience are referred to, it will be easier to engage
them and make them interested in the message I will be trying to bring across to everyone, mainly the
target audience.
However, in the second video, there is dialogue and animation. In my own advertisement, I would like it
to be non-dialogue or very little dialogue to add the effect so the message comes across just from the
scenes in the video and I won’t be using any animations to keep the video realistic so it will be easier for
the viewers and audience to relate too.
My Ideas
Idea 1- My first idea will be a comparison video comparing what happens when you’re spending the
majority of your time on your mobile phone and when you’re not. To do this I could use a split screen
showing both comparisons at the same time or cut to the beat therefore the comparisons will change on
each of the beats showing the impacts of using your mobile phone more than you should. To do the cut
to the beat idea I would use a catchy song which everyone knows so that the song will have an affect on
them itself as well as the scenes showed in the short video.
Idea 2- My second idea will be a teenager either be sitting at home or lying in bed endlessly scrolling
through their phone with a pile of revision beside them then it will cut to the next day and they are sat
in an exam looking clueless and not knowing what to do whilst everyone else around them has their
heads down writing not looking stressed. Afterwards it will fade into a black screen that will have facts
popping up on the screen which the viewer will be able to read and gather. This could have a further
impact on the viewer as they can have a wider insight on what mobile phones and technology can really
do to a person.
Idea 3- My third idea will be a teenager scrolling through Tik Tok which is a popular app right now and
teenagers spend a lot of time on it being carried away whilst wasting away time. I will be doing this as I
could put a clock as the background ticking fastly as time passes by to infer that people do spend a lot of
time on the app itself without even realising with real things going on in the world that they have no
idea about as they have isolated themselves to just their mobile phone. For sound in the video, I will
have a clock quickly ticking as the main sound and have sounds from TikTok faintly playing so that the
viewers can indicate that they are using that app and help understand what is actually going on in the
Overall Idea
Overall I will be using idea 2 as it links in with Switch Offs campaign to encourage young people in the UK
to reduce their screen time to ensure that they have better mental and physical health and increase
their chances of doing well in school. By using idea 2, it will show the different impacts of what spending
the majority of your time on your mobile phone can do and how it can affect someone mentally and
physically. I think that it will allow teenagers to see what the impacts are really like as they can’t see
what mobile phones are doing to themselves. Based upon my primary research I can conclude that
teenagers spend a lot of hours of their day on their mobiles and they always feel either down or tired
afterwards meaning that there are negative impacts after using mobile phones.
My product is a 30 second video advertisement named “Isolated” for the non-for profit organisation
Switch Off based in the UK that will gain attention, convey the message and hopefully change the screen
time of mobile phones belonging to teenagers, ensuring that the next generation of those taking GCSE’s
are prepared more than ever. My product shows the addiction of mobile phones, the ability to change,
showing the impact of not concentrating and making most of your available time. The target audience
for my product is 14-18 year olds, as these are the target demographics that are mostly addicted to their
phones and need to leave that addiction more than anyone else, allowing them to do their very best in
their exams that will shape their future and give them the self-determination they will need. Cambridge
University research suggests that one hour more online each day leads to a 9.6 drop in GCSE points (or
one grade lower in two subjects) which I think most people don’t know about.
My idea for my advertisement will include a teenager either sitting at home or lying in bed endlessly
scrolling through their phone with a pile of revision beside them. After this scene, it will cut to the next
day and they are sat in the exam room looking clueless and unaware of what they should do whilst
everyone around them has their heads down writing as they are aware of what they are doing.
Afterwards it will fade into a black screen that will have facts popping up on the screen which the viewer
will be able to read and gather. This could have a further impact on the viewer as they can have a wider
insight on what mobile phones and technology can really do to a person. I will be filming the advert with
a variety of shots but mainly long-shots which could turn into close up shots by zooming in onto the
student. By adding different shot types into the film, it could foreshadow the different effects in which
the students are facing in the stressful time of exams. I will edit the short advertisement in quite a short
pace so that the audience can understand what is going on and the message of the video which has a
major impact on not just teenagers lives but everyone elses too.
My 30 second advertisement will open teenagers eyes as well as parents as they will have a major
impact on their mental and physical health just from using their mobile phone daily, for hours on end.
Mobile phones can have many negative effects on both teenagers and parents and also prevent them
from being able to reach certain goals in life. I will show the impacts in which spending time on your
mobile phone will do on your mental health and education. Young people spend on average 17.7 hours
per week using screens recreationally.
How would you feel if your child couldn't go to the college they wanted too because you let them stay
on their phone for an extra hour? A study at King's College London found out that a person’s IQ drops by
10 points when they know they have an unread text, email or notifications. Not only are these digital
devices influencing our lives but they are also distracting us from becoming successful in life. Do you
really want that for your child?
Content Overview
Scene 1: The advert will begin with the camera tilting up facing a student who is sat revising as classical
music starts to play. This will show that she is feeling calm whilst reading through her revision notes and
she isn’t showing any stress at all as classical music is known to relieve stress and help studying. The
audience will be able to take this in for themselves to use when revising for exams themselves.
Scene 2: Once the music gradually starts to speed up, it will cut to the scene of the other student who
isn’t revising sat in her room on her bed scrolling through her phone, By the music starting to speed up,
it could foreshadow how quick exams come round and what the student will be feeling like when the
exam date has came and she has done no revision.
Scene 3: In this scene, it will be a blank screen with either a fact or question addressed to the audience
on what has happened so far, for example: ‘Cambridge University research suggests that one hour more
online each day leads to a 9.6 drop in GCSE points’ which is one grade lower in two subjects. In doing
this, I am involving the audience as it is informing them and they will realise the impact of using mobile
phones more than revising during exam times.
Scene 4: The student revising will be walking her dog through the park, enjoying time outside and a
break from revision.
Scene 5: The camera will pan to her sitting at her desk studying, writing notes down with music playing
through her headphones.
Scene 6: After this, the scene will go dark and then show a close up of the other student’s face sitting in
the dark as she is scrolling through her phone as the phone screen is used as lighting in this scene.
Scene 7: The next scene will be another blank screen with “Less time on your phone could result in a
better lifestyle and education” whilst the music is still gradually speeding up.
Scene 8: As the music is sped up, the shots between the two students quickly change as it is inferring
their nerves and how they have high anxiety over the exams as it is the morning of the first exam. This
will show the audience that it is fine to stress and everyone stresses even when they have completed
Scene 9: The music suddenly stops and the scene fades into another blank screen with “Exam stress is
easy to relieve” written across it.
Scene 10: Then the previous scene will fade into an exam hall full of students.
Scene 11: The camera will cut between close ups of the two students, one tapping nervously on the
table and then the other holding their head as they are struggling due to spending no time revising.
Scene 12: The previous scene fades out then there's a blank screen with the Switch Off logo appearing
on the screen.
Technical Considerations & Budget
The hardware I will be using to create this product will be a Canon Camera to shoot the numerous
scenes, a tripod to keep the camera stable when filming and keep the advert professional for the
campaign, an Apple Mac as I am able to export the clips from my SD card onto the computer then edit
them. Furthermore, Apple Macs have a large capacity therefore I can store filming, scripts etc. The
equipment in which I will be using (mentioned above) will be loaned and provided by the college when
filming and editing.
The software which I will be using is Premier Pro. The software will be downloaded onto the Mac
alongside other applications which will allow me to edit the clips together and upload them successfully.
I have chosen to use this software as I am familiar with how it works and it will allow me to further learn
whilst being used.
I will be working at college because I have access to both hardware and software. Furthermore, I will be
more efficient working at college, therefore I can work quickly and complete the work at the best of my
ability. I will stay in contact with the client through the use of Skype to receive feedback from the
product I am creating and to keep it professional. By receiving feedback on the product whilst being
worked on, it will result in the product meeting the clients needs and as well as the audiences. This will
mean that I will have more than one opinion and a different point of view on the product.
The filming of the advert should take up to 1-2 days as the advert is only 30 seconds long (approx) and
will be filmed in two locations. The two locations the the advert will be filmed at are college and a
bedroom. After the filming, I will need around a week to edit the advert to add facts and audio to make
it more impactful on the audience. The process will take up to 1-2 weeks due to the casts and
equipment availability and the total time to edit the advert incase there are any finishing touches that
needs to be added or anything that needs to be changed. When editing the product, I will need to take
television standards to broadcast the advert and how big the video format needs to be into account. In
addition, if it is too expensive for the client to televise the advert as they are governmentally funded, I
will upload the advert onto YouTube as young people and teenagers use the browser regularly on a daily
basis. Once the advert is uploaded onto YouTube, it will allow anyone and all demographics to share it
and view the advert. Realistically, it will be better to televise the advert as it will reach a mainstream
audience and will be viewed more often which can result in the advert having a bigger result rather than
becoming outdated on YouTube once uploaded.
Time Cost Total Cost
Apple Mac N/A N/A
Canon Camera N/A N/A
Tri-Pods N/A N/A
SD-Card N/A N/A
Extra Battery N/A N/A
Software N/A N/A
Actors 2 Days £110 £220
Crew 2 Days £130 £260
Broadcasting License N/A £10,000 £10,000
Royalties N/A £250 £250
Total Cost £10,730
Legal Considerations
In the advertisement I am creating for my client, I will be using ‘Devils Gallop’ by Charles Williams
therefore I will need royalties to use the music copyright free. If I didn’t include the royalties, I wouldn’t
have been able to use the music in my advert due to copyright. As a result of this, being copyrighted
wouldn't look good or professional for myself or the client so to prevent being copyrighted, I paid for
royalties which allowed me to use the audio. I will also have a software license and a confidentiality
agreement which prevents me from being able to take full claim for the advert as it is being made for
the client.
Ethical Considerations
The advert I am creating for the client will be televised on national television to receive a mainstream
audience for the client's campaign so I will need to make sure that there is no offensive, sensitive or
adult content in the advert because of who it is being aired too and it is on national television. If it did
have any of this content I would need to include a warning at the beginning of the advert for audience
discretion purposes. My advert doesn’t include this content as it wouldn’t attract my audience as it is
based around schools and exams and the content that I have filmed is appropriate for the target
audience (14-18 year olds).
Risk Assessment
I will be carrying out risk assessments for all cast and crew members in order of their safety in case there
are potential health risks. This is following the safety regulations 1992 and ensuring I am taking regular
breaks from the mac when editing as well as the cast and crew when filming. Pat tests will be taken on
most of the equipment to ensure they are safe to use and no one will be harmed. If there are any
hazards, there is a chance the cast and crew can badly injure themselves but to prevent this, everyone
on set will be precautious when moving around.
Production Schedule
Week 1 Receive brief, research and formulate initial
Week 2 Develop ideas.
Week 3 Meet with client and receive feedback.
Week 4 Produce a storyboard, script, location release &
clearance and actor agreement forms.
Week 5 Film Production.
Week 6 Edit the advert.
Week 7 Contact the client, receive feedback and make
changes if needed.
Week 8 Launch the advert on the website and social
Week 9 Distribute the advert to schools and colleges.
Week 10 Receive feedback from students and evaluate on
how it could be better next time.
Scene 1: 3 SECONDS Scene 2: 3 SECONDS Scene 3: 5 SECONDS Scene 4: 5 SECONDS
Scene 5: 3 SECONDS Scene 6: 3 SECONDS Scene 7: 3 SECONDS Scene 8: 2 SECONDS
Scene 9: 3 SECONDS Scene 10: 4 SECONDS Scene 11: 2 SECONDS
In scene 1, the camera will tilt upwards to reveal a student revising (student 1) and this scene will last 3
seconds – around 1 or 2 seconds for the camera movement and the rest to show what is happening and
the mise-en-scene. As the camera stars to tilt upwards, the music ‘Devils Gallop’ by Charles William
starts to quietly play. The song will be diegetic so that the student will be able to listen to it as she
studies. By doing this, I am showing that listening to classical music helps you study and focus. The
audience will be able to take this in and try it themselves when revising for exams or studying etc.
In scene 2, it will cut to the other student who isn’t revising (student 2) lying in her bed on her phone. As
the camera starts to zoom in towards her slowly, the music starts to gradually get louder as the camera
gets closer to her also the music is non-diegetic so that she can’t hear it playing. As a result of this, it
could possibly foreshadow the ending of the advert for the audience and also the student herself. This
scene will play for 3 seconds.
In scene 3, it will fade into a black screen with a fact appearing which is written in a bold, white font so
that it is eye-catching and easy for the audience to read. The music will be playing at a steady speed now
non-diegetically. The fact on the screen will read: Cambridge University research suggests that one hour
more online each day leads to a 9.6 drop in GCSE points which is one grade lower in two subjects. By
including this fact, the audience may hit realisation of exactly how long they are spending on mobile
phones and try and prevent their screen time from increasing anymore and essentially spending more
time revising. This scene will play for 5 seconds.
In scene 4, the camera will pan and follow student 1 through the dark as she walks her dog. As she walks
towards the camera, the music gets louder but is non-diegetic in the scene. In doing this, it will show the
audience that she is feeling calm and relaxed with no stress on her shoulders. In addition to this, it could
also infer to the audience that listening to classical music does relieve any stress and helps you stay calm
which they can try themselves. This scene will play for 5 seconds.
In scene 5, the camera will pan again to student 1 sitting at her desk revising whilst wearing her
headphones. The music will be playing diegetically but also sound muffled as it is inferring that she is
listening to the classical music through her headphones. This scene will play for 3 seconds.
In scene 6, the scene will go dark and then show a close-up of student 2s face sitting in the dark in her
bedroom as she is scrolling through her phone. The phone’s light from the screen which is lighting up
her face will be used as the lighting for this scene. The music will be played diegetically and gradually
speeding up to foreshadow the ending of the advert for her with spending more time on her phone
rather than revising. The audience is able to relate to this scene as a large number of teenagers tend to
sit on their phone daily, alone in their room for endless hours. This scene will last for 3 seconds.
In scene 7, it will be another black screen with a fact written on in a white, bold font. The fact will read:
Less time on your phone could result in a better lifestyle. The audience may reduce their screen time
and spend more time towards their exercise, mental health and physical health by going out and
exercising more and spending more time with friends and loved ones. The music will be playing at a
steady pace in this scene and the scene will last for 3 seconds.
In scene 8, the shots of the two students quickly change between each other as the music speeds up to
infer how they feel. Also the sound will be non-diegetic. By speeding up the music, it could act as their
heartbeat also speeding up as it is the morning of their exam and their nerves are high. The audience
can relate to this as they feel very nervous when they have an exam and they can realise that it is
normal to feel like that and everyone goes through the same thing and it isn’t just them struggling. This
scene will last for 2 seconds.
In scene 9, the scene will fade into another black screen with a statement written in a white, bold font.
The statement reads: Exam stress is easy to relieve. By including this, it is raising awareness of exam
stress and is showing that it is easy to prevent exam stress and get help easily. The audience might take
this as a hint to listen to classical music during exam periods as the music is still playing during this
scene. This scene will last for 3 seconds.
In scene 10, it will fade into an exam hall full of students and switch between longshots and close ups of
the situation so that the audience can feel like they are sat in the room themselves and create a sense of
realism. The music in this scene gradually starts to fade out slowly which transitions into the next scene.
This scene will last for 4 seconds.
In scene 11, the camera cuts between shots of student 1 and 2, one tapping nervously on the desk and
the other holding their head as they are struggling to focus. By this scene the music has completely cut
so that the audience can hear the tapping noises and feel the tension which is in the room. The aim of
this scene is to further create the sense of realism for the audience so that they are able to see that
whether you revise or not, everyone will be in the same situation – nerves wise but there will be a
positive outcome at the end. This scene will last for 4 seconds.
In scene 12, it will fade into a black screen with the Switch Off logo appearing on screen so that the
audience are aware of the campaign and can research them if they need any advice on times spent on
devices or exam stress. This scene will last for 2 seconds.

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Unit 8: Responding To A Commission

  • 1. Unit 8: Responding To A Commission Switch Off is a government funded organisation based in the UK. It is commissioning a media campaign to encourage young people in the UK to reduce their screen time to ensure that they have better mental and physical health and increase their chances of doing well in school. This means that for my product, I will be able to gather an idea of how to encourage young people to switch off their devices and participate in different activities. Their key message is to encourage young people to spend more time away from their mobiles rather than on them and to do different activities which will help their mental and physical health resulting on a big impact in their individual lives. They hope to achieve this plan from this product by finding a way to bring youngsters away from technology and back into the real world. The product I will create for my client won’t be too cheap so it doesn’t look professional but not too expensive to where my client can’t see the value for money. Since Switch Off are governmentally funded, they have a large budget which allows me flexibility to create my product as professionally as I can. Target Audience I am targeting 14-18 year olds for this campaign as it includes various teenage ages and impacts their lives. By targeting this age group, it will help teenagers mental health, physical health and increase their chances of doing well in school. I am targeting both male and female, social grade D/C2, stated as strugglers and explorers in the psychographic table who are people that feel alienated or disorganised and tends to be lower demographics and has few resources beyond physical skills. Explorers may have an influence on their decisions and they value difference, typically younger people who has energy, individualism and experience which is important to them. These groups are being targeted so that they have a more improved school life and education which will be important to them in the adult life communicating, finding job etc. The aim of Switch Off is to promote a healthy balance for young people between their use of digital technology and other activities. The organisation is developing a media campaign to encourage young people to switch off their devices and participate in different activities. This will appeal to my target audience and engage them as research shows that the benefits of balancing time connected to technology and time doing other activities away from screens can have a positive impact on young people. Furthermore research shows that people have a 10-point drop in their IQ when they know that they have unread messages on a device and that an extra hour of screen time per day for 16 year olds is associated with dropping a grade in two GCSE subjects. Facts & Figures (Sources: Children and Parents Media Use and Attitudes report- Ofcom 2017. International journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity) OFCOM research found that 12 to 15 year olds spent 49% of their time online using tablets. 26% using mobile phones and the rest on other devices. Young people spend on average 17.7 hours per week using screens recreationally. This is double the amount of time spent outdoors (8.8) hours per week. Cambridge University research suggests one hour more online each day leads to a 9.6 drop in GCSE points (for one grade lower in two subjects)
  • 2. A study of King's College London found that a person’s IQ drops by 10 points when they have an unread notification. 15 year old males spend 15 hours per week using a mobile phone and 15 year old females spend 21.5 hours per week. Primary Research What is your gender? 5 out of 10 were male. 5 out of 10 were female. What is your age? Male ages: 18-19 years old. Female ages: 16- 39 years old. How long do you spend on your phone? Average of 5-8 hours a day. What is it that you are doing on your phone? -Social Media (mainly). -Play games. -Listen to music. How do you feel afterwards? -Tired =3 -Good and Bad =1 -Depressed =3 -Bored =1 -Normal =1 -Really Good =1 Does it impact your mental health? Yes = 6 No = 4 Does it affect your productivity afterwards? Yes =5 No =4 Sometimes =1 Primary Research Conclusion From the information I have gathered from my survey, I can conclude that the majority of ages are between 16-19 spend an average of 5-8 hours on their mobile phones. In addition to this, I know that they are mainly spending their time on social media and they always feel negative afterwards (tired, depressed etc) with their mental health being impacted as well as their productivity being affected too. In addition to this, I should base my 30 second advertisement towards the impacts of mobile phones during GCSE’s which will have an effect on teenagers and parents as they will realise what their mobile phones are actually doing to them and how they can solve that issue which links back to the Switch Off campaign of teenagers spending less time on their mobiles. Primary Research Ideas
  • 3. From my research from my survey, I can conclude that the majority of people have an impact on their mental health after using their phones as they either feel tired or depressed and as well as feeling as though their productivity is affected afterwards. In doing this, I am able to come up with ways to encourage youngsters to spend less time on their phones to avoid them feeling down. Some ideas include the family turning their mobiles off to spend quality time with one another, going outdoors adventuring or maybes even a shopping trip. By the whole family or people around them it will help the youngster adapt and become an adult themselves. Furthermore, youngsters could also turn a screen time limit on their apps so that after a period of time, they will be unable to access the apps until the next day which will give them time to turn their phones off and study or dedicate their time to something else. Secondary Research In the first video, it shows a variety of teenagers seeing how long they can go without using their phone whilst it is sitting in front of them on the table. Each time their phone receives a notification, they are determined to pick it up and see what or who it is texting them. This allows the audience to see how much mobile phones, technology and social media have an impact on teenagers and adults today which hits realisation that they could be being affected exactly the same way as the people in the video. In the second video, there is a male doing a voice over who is explaining the different ways of how mobile phones are used in different ways and how they also impact people and their mentality at the same time. They do this through the use of animations, one being someone walking through glass panes whilst their head is down looking through their phone, scrolling endlessly. The tone and pace of the video is smooth and ran smoothly which helped create a relaxing and calming tone throughout the video which made it easier to watch. Although it is difficult to concentrate on the different animations being shown whilst listening to the voiceover as there is different things going on with sound effects added over the top of them. I think that this video is effective and a good way to reach different target audiences and demographics as it helps the audience realise what is actually happening to their bodies mentally and physically. Secondary Research Follow Up From looking at my secondary research, I would like to use the technique of how they used their audience in the video (first video) because once the audience are referred to, it will be easier to engage them and make them interested in the message I will be trying to bring across to everyone, mainly the target audience. However, in the second video, there is dialogue and animation. In my own advertisement, I would like it to be non-dialogue or very little dialogue to add the effect so the message comes across just from the scenes in the video and I won’t be using any animations to keep the video realistic so it will be easier for the viewers and audience to relate too.
  • 4. My Ideas Idea 1- My first idea will be a comparison video comparing what happens when you’re spending the majority of your time on your mobile phone and when you’re not. To do this I could use a split screen showing both comparisons at the same time or cut to the beat therefore the comparisons will change on each of the beats showing the impacts of using your mobile phone more than you should. To do the cut to the beat idea I would use a catchy song which everyone knows so that the song will have an affect on them itself as well as the scenes showed in the short video. Idea 2- My second idea will be a teenager either be sitting at home or lying in bed endlessly scrolling through their phone with a pile of revision beside them then it will cut to the next day and they are sat in an exam looking clueless and not knowing what to do whilst everyone else around them has their heads down writing not looking stressed. Afterwards it will fade into a black screen that will have facts popping up on the screen which the viewer will be able to read and gather. This could have a further impact on the viewer as they can have a wider insight on what mobile phones and technology can really do to a person. Idea 3- My third idea will be a teenager scrolling through Tik Tok which is a popular app right now and teenagers spend a lot of time on it being carried away whilst wasting away time. I will be doing this as I could put a clock as the background ticking fastly as time passes by to infer that people do spend a lot of time on the app itself without even realising with real things going on in the world that they have no idea about as they have isolated themselves to just their mobile phone. For sound in the video, I will have a clock quickly ticking as the main sound and have sounds from TikTok faintly playing so that the viewers can indicate that they are using that app and help understand what is actually going on in the scene. Overall Idea Overall I will be using idea 2 as it links in with Switch Offs campaign to encourage young people in the UK to reduce their screen time to ensure that they have better mental and physical health and increase their chances of doing well in school. By using idea 2, it will show the different impacts of what spending the majority of your time on your mobile phone can do and how it can affect someone mentally and physically. I think that it will allow teenagers to see what the impacts are really like as they can’t see what mobile phones are doing to themselves. Based upon my primary research I can conclude that teenagers spend a lot of hours of their day on their mobiles and they always feel either down or tired afterwards meaning that there are negative impacts after using mobile phones. Pitch My product is a 30 second video advertisement named “Isolated” for the non-for profit organisation Switch Off based in the UK that will gain attention, convey the message and hopefully change the screen time of mobile phones belonging to teenagers, ensuring that the next generation of those taking GCSE’s are prepared more than ever. My product shows the addiction of mobile phones, the ability to change, showing the impact of not concentrating and making most of your available time. The target audience for my product is 14-18 year olds, as these are the target demographics that are mostly addicted to their phones and need to leave that addiction more than anyone else, allowing them to do their very best in their exams that will shape their future and give them the self-determination they will need. Cambridge
  • 5. University research suggests that one hour more online each day leads to a 9.6 drop in GCSE points (or one grade lower in two subjects) which I think most people don’t know about. My idea for my advertisement will include a teenager either sitting at home or lying in bed endlessly scrolling through their phone with a pile of revision beside them. After this scene, it will cut to the next day and they are sat in the exam room looking clueless and unaware of what they should do whilst everyone around them has their heads down writing as they are aware of what they are doing. Afterwards it will fade into a black screen that will have facts popping up on the screen which the viewer will be able to read and gather. This could have a further impact on the viewer as they can have a wider insight on what mobile phones and technology can really do to a person. I will be filming the advert with a variety of shots but mainly long-shots which could turn into close up shots by zooming in onto the student. By adding different shot types into the film, it could foreshadow the different effects in which the students are facing in the stressful time of exams. I will edit the short advertisement in quite a short pace so that the audience can understand what is going on and the message of the video which has a major impact on not just teenagers lives but everyone elses too. My 30 second advertisement will open teenagers eyes as well as parents as they will have a major impact on their mental and physical health just from using their mobile phone daily, for hours on end. Mobile phones can have many negative effects on both teenagers and parents and also prevent them from being able to reach certain goals in life. I will show the impacts in which spending time on your mobile phone will do on your mental health and education. Young people spend on average 17.7 hours per week using screens recreationally. How would you feel if your child couldn't go to the college they wanted too because you let them stay on their phone for an extra hour? A study at King's College London found out that a person’s IQ drops by 10 points when they know they have an unread text, email or notifications. Not only are these digital devices influencing our lives but they are also distracting us from becoming successful in life. Do you really want that for your child? Proposal Content Overview Scene 1: The advert will begin with the camera tilting up facing a student who is sat revising as classical music starts to play. This will show that she is feeling calm whilst reading through her revision notes and she isn’t showing any stress at all as classical music is known to relieve stress and help studying. The audience will be able to take this in for themselves to use when revising for exams themselves. Scene 2: Once the music gradually starts to speed up, it will cut to the scene of the other student who isn’t revising sat in her room on her bed scrolling through her phone, By the music starting to speed up, it could foreshadow how quick exams come round and what the student will be feeling like when the exam date has came and she has done no revision. Scene 3: In this scene, it will be a blank screen with either a fact or question addressed to the audience on what has happened so far, for example: ‘Cambridge University research suggests that one hour more online each day leads to a 9.6 drop in GCSE points’ which is one grade lower in two subjects. In doing this, I am involving the audience as it is informing them and they will realise the impact of using mobile phones more than revising during exam times.
  • 6. Scene 4: The student revising will be walking her dog through the park, enjoying time outside and a break from revision. Scene 5: The camera will pan to her sitting at her desk studying, writing notes down with music playing through her headphones. Scene 6: After this, the scene will go dark and then show a close up of the other student’s face sitting in the dark as she is scrolling through her phone as the phone screen is used as lighting in this scene. Scene 7: The next scene will be another blank screen with “Less time on your phone could result in a better lifestyle and education” whilst the music is still gradually speeding up. Scene 8: As the music is sped up, the shots between the two students quickly change as it is inferring their nerves and how they have high anxiety over the exams as it is the morning of the first exam. This will show the audience that it is fine to stress and everyone stresses even when they have completed revision. Scene 9: The music suddenly stops and the scene fades into another blank screen with “Exam stress is easy to relieve” written across it. Scene 10: Then the previous scene will fade into an exam hall full of students. Scene 11: The camera will cut between close ups of the two students, one tapping nervously on the table and then the other holding their head as they are struggling due to spending no time revising. Scene 12: The previous scene fades out then there's a blank screen with the Switch Off logo appearing on the screen. Technical Considerations & Budget The hardware I will be using to create this product will be a Canon Camera to shoot the numerous scenes, a tripod to keep the camera stable when filming and keep the advert professional for the campaign, an Apple Mac as I am able to export the clips from my SD card onto the computer then edit them. Furthermore, Apple Macs have a large capacity therefore I can store filming, scripts etc. The equipment in which I will be using (mentioned above) will be loaned and provided by the college when filming and editing. The software which I will be using is Premier Pro. The software will be downloaded onto the Mac alongside other applications which will allow me to edit the clips together and upload them successfully. I have chosen to use this software as I am familiar with how it works and it will allow me to further learn whilst being used. I will be working at college because I have access to both hardware and software. Furthermore, I will be more efficient working at college, therefore I can work quickly and complete the work at the best of my ability. I will stay in contact with the client through the use of Skype to receive feedback from the product I am creating and to keep it professional. By receiving feedback on the product whilst being worked on, it will result in the product meeting the clients needs and as well as the audiences. This will mean that I will have more than one opinion and a different point of view on the product.
  • 7. The filming of the advert should take up to 1-2 days as the advert is only 30 seconds long (approx) and will be filmed in two locations. The two locations the the advert will be filmed at are college and a bedroom. After the filming, I will need around a week to edit the advert to add facts and audio to make it more impactful on the audience. The process will take up to 1-2 weeks due to the casts and equipment availability and the total time to edit the advert incase there are any finishing touches that needs to be added or anything that needs to be changed. When editing the product, I will need to take television standards to broadcast the advert and how big the video format needs to be into account. In addition, if it is too expensive for the client to televise the advert as they are governmentally funded, I will upload the advert onto YouTube as young people and teenagers use the browser regularly on a daily basis. Once the advert is uploaded onto YouTube, it will allow anyone and all demographics to share it and view the advert. Realistically, it will be better to televise the advert as it will reach a mainstream audience and will be viewed more often which can result in the advert having a bigger result rather than becoming outdated on YouTube once uploaded. Time Cost Total Cost Apple Mac N/A N/A Canon Camera N/A N/A Tri-Pods N/A N/A SD-Card N/A N/A Extra Battery N/A N/A Software N/A N/A Actors 2 Days £110 £220 Crew 2 Days £130 £260 Broadcasting License N/A £10,000 £10,000 Royalties N/A £250 £250 Total Cost £10,730 Legal Considerations In the advertisement I am creating for my client, I will be using ‘Devils Gallop’ by Charles Williams therefore I will need royalties to use the music copyright free. If I didn’t include the royalties, I wouldn’t have been able to use the music in my advert due to copyright. As a result of this, being copyrighted wouldn't look good or professional for myself or the client so to prevent being copyrighted, I paid for royalties which allowed me to use the audio. I will also have a software license and a confidentiality agreement which prevents me from being able to take full claim for the advert as it is being made for the client. Ethical Considerations The advert I am creating for the client will be televised on national television to receive a mainstream audience for the client's campaign so I will need to make sure that there is no offensive, sensitive or adult content in the advert because of who it is being aired too and it is on national television. If it did have any of this content I would need to include a warning at the beginning of the advert for audience discretion purposes. My advert doesn’t include this content as it wouldn’t attract my audience as it is based around schools and exams and the content that I have filmed is appropriate for the target audience (14-18 year olds).
  • 8. Risk Assessment I will be carrying out risk assessments for all cast and crew members in order of their safety in case there are potential health risks. This is following the safety regulations 1992 and ensuring I am taking regular breaks from the mac when editing as well as the cast and crew when filming. Pat tests will be taken on most of the equipment to ensure they are safe to use and no one will be harmed. If there are any hazards, there is a chance the cast and crew can badly injure themselves but to prevent this, everyone on set will be precautious when moving around. Production Schedule Week 1 Receive brief, research and formulate initial ideas. Week 2 Develop ideas. Week 3 Meet with client and receive feedback. Week 4 Produce a storyboard, script, location release & clearance and actor agreement forms. Week 5 Film Production. Week 6 Edit the advert. Week 7 Contact the client, receive feedback and make changes if needed. Week 8 Launch the advert on the website and social media. Week 9 Distribute the advert to schools and colleges. Week 10 Receive feedback from students and evaluate on how it could be better next time. Treatment
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  • 11. DURATIONS: Scene 1: 3 SECONDS Scene 2: 3 SECONDS Scene 3: 5 SECONDS Scene 4: 5 SECONDS Scene 5: 3 SECONDS Scene 6: 3 SECONDS Scene 7: 3 SECONDS Scene 8: 2 SECONDS Scene 9: 3 SECONDS Scene 10: 4 SECONDS Scene 11: 2 SECONDS Justification In scene 1, the camera will tilt upwards to reveal a student revising (student 1) and this scene will last 3 seconds – around 1 or 2 seconds for the camera movement and the rest to show what is happening and the mise-en-scene. As the camera stars to tilt upwards, the music ‘Devils Gallop’ by Charles William starts to quietly play. The song will be diegetic so that the student will be able to listen to it as she studies. By doing this, I am showing that listening to classical music helps you study and focus. The audience will be able to take this in and try it themselves when revising for exams or studying etc. In scene 2, it will cut to the other student who isn’t revising (student 2) lying in her bed on her phone. As the camera starts to zoom in towards her slowly, the music starts to gradually get louder as the camera gets closer to her also the music is non-diegetic so that she can’t hear it playing. As a result of this, it could possibly foreshadow the ending of the advert for the audience and also the student herself. This scene will play for 3 seconds. In scene 3, it will fade into a black screen with a fact appearing which is written in a bold, white font so that it is eye-catching and easy for the audience to read. The music will be playing at a steady speed now non-diegetically. The fact on the screen will read: Cambridge University research suggests that one hour more online each day leads to a 9.6 drop in GCSE points which is one grade lower in two subjects. By including this fact, the audience may hit realisation of exactly how long they are spending on mobile phones and try and prevent their screen time from increasing anymore and essentially spending more time revising. This scene will play for 5 seconds.
  • 12. In scene 4, the camera will pan and follow student 1 through the dark as she walks her dog. As she walks towards the camera, the music gets louder but is non-diegetic in the scene. In doing this, it will show the audience that she is feeling calm and relaxed with no stress on her shoulders. In addition to this, it could also infer to the audience that listening to classical music does relieve any stress and helps you stay calm which they can try themselves. This scene will play for 5 seconds. In scene 5, the camera will pan again to student 1 sitting at her desk revising whilst wearing her headphones. The music will be playing diegetically but also sound muffled as it is inferring that she is listening to the classical music through her headphones. This scene will play for 3 seconds. In scene 6, the scene will go dark and then show a close-up of student 2s face sitting in the dark in her bedroom as she is scrolling through her phone. The phone’s light from the screen which is lighting up her face will be used as the lighting for this scene. The music will be played diegetically and gradually speeding up to foreshadow the ending of the advert for her with spending more time on her phone rather than revising. The audience is able to relate to this scene as a large number of teenagers tend to sit on their phone daily, alone in their room for endless hours. This scene will last for 3 seconds. In scene 7, it will be another black screen with a fact written on in a white, bold font. The fact will read: Less time on your phone could result in a better lifestyle. The audience may reduce their screen time and spend more time towards their exercise, mental health and physical health by going out and exercising more and spending more time with friends and loved ones. The music will be playing at a steady pace in this scene and the scene will last for 3 seconds. In scene 8, the shots of the two students quickly change between each other as the music speeds up to infer how they feel. Also the sound will be non-diegetic. By speeding up the music, it could act as their heartbeat also speeding up as it is the morning of their exam and their nerves are high. The audience can relate to this as they feel very nervous when they have an exam and they can realise that it is normal to feel like that and everyone goes through the same thing and it isn’t just them struggling. This scene will last for 2 seconds. In scene 9, the scene will fade into another black screen with a statement written in a white, bold font. The statement reads: Exam stress is easy to relieve. By including this, it is raising awareness of exam stress and is showing that it is easy to prevent exam stress and get help easily. The audience might take this as a hint to listen to classical music during exam periods as the music is still playing during this scene. This scene will last for 3 seconds. In scene 10, it will fade into an exam hall full of students and switch between longshots and close ups of the situation so that the audience can feel like they are sat in the room themselves and create a sense of realism. The music in this scene gradually starts to fade out slowly which transitions into the next scene. This scene will last for 4 seconds. In scene 11, the camera cuts between shots of student 1 and 2, one tapping nervously on the desk and the other holding their head as they are struggling to focus. By this scene the music has completely cut so that the audience can hear the tapping noises and feel the tension which is in the room. The aim of this scene is to further create the sense of realism for the audience so that they are able to see that whether you revise or not, everyone will be in the same situation – nerves wise but there will be a positive outcome at the end. This scene will last for 4 seconds.
  • 13. In scene 12, it will fade into a black screen with the Switch Off logo appearing on screen so that the audience are aware of the campaign and can research them if they need any advice on times spent on devices or exam stress. This scene will last for 2 seconds.