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Bussines Plan of SPV
Off-Grid Community Owned Renewable Energy Project For
Project Ref : 3A-04
D 12 May 2017 Issued for Approval NNH AP ZG LAC
C 10 April 2017 Issued for Approval NNH AP ZG LAC
B 31 March 2017 Issued for Approval NNH AP ZG LAC
A 20 March 2017 Issued for Approval NNH AP ZG LAC
Bussines Plan of SPV and Financial AnalysisOff-Grid
Community Owned Renewable Energy Project For
Issued May 12th
2017 Project Ref : 3A-04 Rev. D Page 2of35
~ Revision History ~
Rev. Date Description of Change
A 20 March 2017 Issued for Approval
B 31 March 2017 Issuedfor Approval
C 10 April 2017 Issuedfor Approval
D 12 May 2017 Issuedfor Approval
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Community Owned Renewable Energy Project For
Issued May 12th
2017 Project Ref : 3A-04 Rev. D Page 3of35
Table Of Content
1. Background 5
1.1. Scope and Objective of the Business Plan.................................................................5
1.2. Vision and Mission statement.................................................................................. 5
1.3. SPV History and background.................................................................................... 5
1.4. Legal entity,location and permits............................................................................ 8
1.5. Governance & Structure.......................................................................................... 9
2. Sales and Marketing 13
2.1. Industry Analysis.......................................................................................................... 13
2.1.1 Existing market/customers.................................................................................... 13
2.1.2 Opportunity and potential new market.................................................................. 14
2.1.3 Key Enablers And Potential Benefits...................................................................... 17
2.2. Market Analysis.................................................................................................... 18
2.3. Customer Analysis ................................................................................................ 19
2.4. Competitor Analysis.............................................................................................. 22
2.5. Sales and Marketing Plan...................................................................................... 23
3. Management and Operation 25
3.1. Personnel and roles and Main Responsibility................................................................ 25
3.2. Determining Electricity Tariff and Obtaining Approval from Government........................ 25
3.3 Billing Mechanism....................................................................................................... 25
3.4. Capacity Building......................................................................................................... 26
3.4.1. Related to Operation and Maintenance of the Facilities.......................................... 26
3.4.2. Related to Operation and Maintenance......................................................................... 28
3.4.3. Related to Management of the Facilities....................................................................... 29
3.5. Share distribution to Community.................................................................................. 29
3.6. Redistribution assets and income to community............................................................ 30
3.7. Documentation and Reporting...................................................................................... 31
3.8. Feedback and Response Mechanism(FRM)................................................................... 31
3.9. Work Plan................................................................................................................... 33
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List of Table
Table 2.1Number and Percentage ratio of Population by Occupation in Santong and Bayan, 2014 .. 19
Table 2.2Targeted Customers of MHPs in Bayan and Santong ....................................................... 20
Table 2.3Customer Analysis and their affordability(willingness) to pay profile ............................... 22
Table 2.4 SWOT Analysis SPV andits services............................................................................... 23
Table 3.1Staffing and Main Responbility ............................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 3.2 Electricity Tariff Proposed................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 3.3 Training Themes Related to Operation and Maintenance of the Facilities........................ 21
Table 3.4 Work Plan.................................................................................................................... 27
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1. Background
1.1. Scope and Objective of the Business Plan
The objectives of the SPV’s business plan is to guide the SPV management and operation
during the preparation and operational phases. The scopes of business plan includes:
1. Ensuring the sustainability of operation and maintenance of electricity facilities.
2. Establishing standard administrative and financial system of SPV.
3. Ensuring effective community participation in operation and maintenance and SPV
4. Establishing effective payment and collection mechanism for electricity payment by
customers who receive electricity connection from PLTMH.
5. Establishing profit sharing disbursement system agreed by SPV and community.
1.2. Vision and Mission statement
Vision :
Becoming a profitable and reliable institution to provide sustainable electricity with
renewable resources to the community of Bayan and Santong.
Mission :
1. Provide reliable electricitytoBayanandSantongcomunities.
2. To fosterlocal economicdevelopmentinBayanand Santongvillages.
1.3. SPV History and background
1.3.1 SPV History
Untuk dapatmemahami sejarahdanlatar belakangPT.LUH E, makadapat dilihatpadagrafik
dibawah ini:
Concep note DFS- FEED DED Construction Operational
before April 2018
Operational after
April 2018
Lombok Utara
Lombok Utara
Fakultas Teknik
Univ. Mataram
Lombok Utara
Fakultas Teknik
Univ. Mataram
PT wahana
Implementer: PT.
Lombok Utara
Hijau Energi
Marlis Energy
Implementer: PT.
Lombok Utara
Hijau Energi
PT. Tribuana
PT. Lombok
Utara Hijau
Lombok Utara
Hijau 49% +
Koperasi 51%)
 Dalamtahap consept note; Fakultas Teknik Univeritas Mataram, Pemda Kabupaten
Lombok Utara, masyarakat desa Bayan, Masyarakat Desa Santong, sepakat
menggunakan nama Konsorsium Lombok Utara Hijau, sebagai wadah dalam
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pengajuan usulan proyek energi terbarukan berbasis komunitas (Window 3A)
dengan leader Fakultas Teknik Universitas Mataram.
 Setelah Concept Note diterima dan dilanjutkan ketahap DFS, maka wadah
organisasi KLUH dilegal-formalkan dengan sesuai peraturan yang ada. Akta Notaris
No..., SK Menkumham No. ..... Karena proses legal formal institusi akan
membutuhkan waktu yang agak lama, maka untuk mempersingkat waktu maka
Fakultas Teknik diwakili oleh Yusron Saadi, Zaedar Gazalba, dan Fathurahman,
Pemda KLU diwakili oleh Suardi (Pejabat Bupati Kab. Lombok Utara saat itu), Desa
Santong dan Bayan diwakili oleh kepala desa dan sekertaris Desa.
 Setelah DFS dan FEED diterima dan dilanjutkan kepada DED. Dalam proses
penyelesaian DED, MCA memerintahkan kepada Implementer membentuk
perusahaan yang akan mengelola aset dan operasiona PLTMH. Untuk itu maka
dibentuk PT. Lombok Utara Hijau Energi yang kepemilikannya 80% milik KLUH, 10%
milik Hasan Basri dan 10% milik L. Agus Cahyadi. PT. LUHE yang merupakan
representasi dari KLUH sebagai implementer melakukan berbagai kegiatan dalam
fungsinyasebagai implementerantaralainpembehasan lahan dan pengurusan ijin2
dll dengan nilai kegiatan sebesar 4% dari nilai total proyek yang diusulkan kepada
 Dalamtahap operasional setelahmasacompact,makaImplementer/PT. LUHE wajib
menyerahkan bagian sahamnya secara Cuma-Cuma kepada masyarakat Desa
Santongdan Bayan sebesar51% melalui wadahkoperasi. Proseskepemilikan saham
dapat dilihat dalam tabel dibawah ini.
SPV ownership structure can be explained as follows:
Tahap SPV Ownership
1 Concept note, DFS,
Utara Hijau
Faculty of Engineering (represented by the Dean of
the Faculty of Engineering (Yusron Saadi),the
proposer (Zaedar Gazalba and fahurahman),LGs KLU;
Secretary of KLU (Suardi),Santong Village;
head/secretary of the village(H. Ansori,Muhtar)
Bayan village;Head /secretary of the Village(R. Madi
Kusuma, R. Mustianji)
2 Construction PT. Lombok Utara
Hijau Energi
KonsorsiumLombok Utara Hijau (80%),Hasan Basri
(10%), Agus Cahyadi (10%)
3 Operational PT. Lombok Utara
Hijau Energi
49% Lombok Utara Hijau Energi and 51% community
consumer of electricity (Koperasi)
1.3.2 SPV Background di Bayan
Sebelum tahun 2008, Dusun Teres Genit dan sekitarnya belum dialiri listrik. Jaringan PLN
terdekat hanya ada di kota kecamatan Bayan, berjarak sekitar 7 km dari lokasi. Untuk
mengatasi hal tersebut, maka pemerintah melalui Dinas Pertambangan dan Energi NTB
membangun PLTMH Teres Genit pada tahun 2008 dan PLTMH Sembulan tahun 2011.
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Masing-masing PLTMH memiliki jaringan distribusi yang tersendiri. MHP ini didanai oleh
kementriandesaTertinggalakantetapi pembangunannya melalui Dinas Pertambangan dan
Energi Prov NTB. Kepemilikan aset pembangkit dan jaringan distribusinya hingga saat ini
masihmerupakanmilikpemerintahprovinsi NTB.Masyarakatterbatashanyamemanfaatkan
dan memelihara fasilitas tersebut. Masyarakat yang dilayani oleh PLTMH Teres Genit
kemudian membentuk organisasi bernama Pengurus PLTMH Teres Genit. Sementara itu
masyarakatyang dilayani olehPLTMHSembulan membentuk organisasi bernama Pengurus
PTMH Koaq Sabang. Pengurus dipilih secara demokratis oleh masyarakat yang terdiri dari
Ketua, sekertaris, operator, bagian penagihan, dan bagian jaringan distribusi.
KeduaPLTMH tersebutsaatini melayani 11dusundengan pelanggan sekitar 1200 KK. Untuk
membiayai operasional PLTMH, maka masyarakat dikenakan tarif berdassarkan pemakaian
yang besarnya antara Rp. 450 sd Rp. 750/KWH. Pendapatan digunakan untuk membayar
honorpengurusdantabunganuntukperbaikan,spare part,dll. Biayapemeliharandiperoleh
dari hasil penjualanlistrikkepadamasyarakat,dansumbangan jikabiayaperbaikanmelebihi
simpanan yang ada. Karena faktor pemeliharaan saat ini PLTMH Teres Genit hanya
beroperasi dari jam 17.00 hingga jam 12.00. Antara jam 12.00 hingga jam 17.00, pembangkit
listrik istirahat untuk menghindari kerusakan. Sementara itu di PLTMH Koaq Sabang
(Sembulan) beroperasi dari jam 18.00 hingga 06.00. Pada siang hari air untuk pembangkit
digunakan untuk irigasi.
Dibawah ini adalah keterbatasan pelayanan dari kedua PLTMH di Desa Bayan:
1. Dengan kapasitas 85 KwH sementara dengan konsumen 1200 KK, maka setiap
rumah hanyamemperolehdayasekitar50 – 70 Watt. Denganjumlahtersebutmaka
akan sangat sulit bagi masyarakat untuk dapat menambah peralatan lain didalam
rumah, atau peralatan lainnya yang berbasis listrik.
2. Terbatasnyawaktuoperasi,tidakmemungkinkanpenggunaanlistrikpadasiang hari.
Sehingga kerja-kerja produktif berbasis listrik tidak dapat dilakukan siang hari.
3. Kapasitasyangterbatasjuga tidakmemungkinkanmasyarakauntukmembukausaha
yang menggunakan alat listrik.
PLTMH Teres Genit telah bertahan selama 9 tahun. PLTMH Sembulan telah bertahan 6
tahun. Selama kurum waktu tersebut masyarakat dan pengelola telah terbukti mampu
menjalankanoperasiPLTMHdengan baik. Berbagai kendala operasional seperti kerusakan,
penambahan jaringan, perbaikan, dll telah dapat diatasi dengan baik oleh operator lokal.
Modal ini diharapkan dapat digunakan dalam pengelolaan SPV yang telah dibentuk.
1.3.3 Background di Santong
Sementara itu desa Santong memiliki latar belakang yang berbeda dengan Desa Bayan.
Walapun Di Desa Santong telah dialiri oleh jaringan PLN akan tetapi jaringannya hanya
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disekitar jalan kabupaten. Terdapat banyak dusun yang karena kondisi geografis yang
terpencil, sulitdijangkau,dankonsentrasipenduduksedikit, belum dialiri listrik. Selama ini
fasilitas listrik diperoleh dari bateray, generator atau penerangan menggunakan minyak
tanah.Santongmemiliki 2.183KK, 80% dari KKtersebuttelahmendapatkanakses listrik dari
PLN sementara 461 KK belum memiliki akses listrik karena ketiadaan jaringan PLN yang
menjangkaudaerah tersebut. Menurutinformasidari PemerintahDesa Santong, PLN hingga
saat ini tidakberminatuntukmembangunjaringankelokasi sulittersebutkarena dinilai tidak
ekonomis. Pemerintah desa Santong bersama KLUH berinisitif memberi solusi ketiadaan
listrik tersebut melalui program mikro hidro yang ditawarkan oleh MCA I untuk 461 KK.
Both villages, Bayan and Santong, have water resources that running all year round, that
maintained traditionally by indingenous community groups in Bayan and Santong
(community forestry).
Thisprojectexaminesthe developmentof an off-grid, micro-hydro power plant (MHP), will
be managedby a communitybasedSpecial Purposed Vehicle (SPV) PT. Lombok Utara Hijau
Energi,inthe Bayan and Santongvillage in LombokUtara District. The project is intended to
address the problem that limited access to power is stunting economic growth in the
1.3.4. Legal entity, location and permits
Basedon MCA Indonesiarequirement, limitedenterprise (PT) was chosen as legal entity for
the SPV and namedas PT. Lombok Utara Hijau Energy. This legal entity has been registered
under notary deed (AHU-0030418.AH.01.01 date 23 June 2016) at HamzanWahyudi,
SH,MKnlocated inMataram No. 1.204, Nusa Tenggara Barat.
Under this regristration, the SPV is located at KampungPerbawa,
DesaTiwugaluhKecamatanPraya,Kabupaten Lombok Tengah, Nusa Tenggara Barat. The
following are licenses optained for the SPV:
1. Decree of MoLHR. Issuance number of AHU-0030418.AH.01.01 date 23 June 2016.
2. Tax Payer Registration Number (NPWP): 76.446.081.2-911.000.
3. SIUP Issuance date 13 September 2016.
4. Official registration number of limited liabily (TDP), No. TDP : 231013500048 date: 13
September 2016.
5. Principle Permit (IzinPrinsip) No 217/1/IP/PMDN/2016 dated 22 September 2016.
6. Recommendation of UKL-UPL date: 26 July 2016.
7. Environmental Permits (IjinLingkungan) date: 31 August 2016.
8. Recommndation of Spatial Plan (RekomendasiPemanfaatanRuang) date: 16 August
9. Surat IjinTempat Usaha (SITU) date: 9 September 2016.
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10. Surat Keterangan Usaha date: 9 September 2016.
11. Location Permit (IjinLokasi) / PeruntukanPenggunaan Tanah (Land Use) date: 20 June
12. Building Permit (IjinMendirikanBangunan/ IMB) date: 30 June 2016.
13. Disturbance Permit (IjinGangguan) date: 1 July 2016.
1.4. Governance & Structure
To run and operate the powerplantthe followingare governance andcomplete structure of
the SPV:
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The operational structure of SPV:
Implementer Community
Shareholder Structure
Commisioner 1
Board of Commisioner
Commisioner 2
Commisioner 3
Board of Directors
Manager of
Finance and
Head of
Manager of
Operation and
Maintenance (O&M)
Manager of
Manager of
Operator Santong1
OperatorSantong 2
Head of
Operator Bayan 1- 1
Operator Bayan 1-2
OperatorBayan 2-1
Operator Bayan 2-2
Operator Bayan 3-1
Operator Bayan 3-2
Finance and
staff 1
Operator Santong3
Operator Bayan 1-3
Operator Bayan 2-3
Operator Bayan 3-3
Finance and
staff 2
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The rolesand responsibilityof the positionswithinthe structure:
Position Main Responsibility
1. Shareholder
The shareholders will not be involved so much in the operation. Instead, they will
supervise from afar and take necessary action when major trouble happened.
Shareholder structure composition will be 49% by Implementer and 51% by
2. Board of
The position of board of commissioner will be decided through general meeting of
shareholders once 51% of the SPV share is transferred to Community under the
Cooperative as a legal entity (after commissioning).Board of commissioners is
assumed by Implementer (Commisioner 1) and Community representative
(Commisioner 2 and Commisioner 3).
The board of commissioners duty is to supervise management of the SPV carried
out by board of director, to advice the board of director to the extent necessary by
board of commissioners.
3. Director
Responsible for the whole SPV business entity, the contact person for
communication with stakeholders and the community. The director is authorized
to represent the SPV in or out of the court for any matters or in any occasions,
bound the SPV Company with other party and other party with SPV Company, and
carried out all actions,on management and ownership,in linewith the SPV policies
and procedures.
4. Deputy Director
His/her role is to supervise and approve the whole of SPV operation and act as the
contact person to communicate with shareholder together with the Director.
Deputy director is responsible to coordinate the action of managers in SPV.
5. Manager of
Finance and
Responsible for the financial sustainability of SPV as the running entity to ensure
long-time benefits for both community and SPV. His/her role is mainly to keeping
track of records and documentation of the operation in SPV. Plus he/she will
support in keeping any spare parts/consumables and the supply them if required.
Administration should track material flow as well.
Finance’s main task is to supervise and record the money flow in SPV. Especially to
check and record all payment made by the villagers. Money flow is very crucial to
ensure the SPV operation can be sustained for long term therefore finanace’s role
and responsibility is very important. This action is taken to that the money can be
handled professionally and to prevent mismanagement.
6. Manager of
Responsible for the operational and maintenance of the microhydro system
(PLTMH) as well as distribution lines and manage day to day the provision of the
electricity to community. O&M is essential in running the electricity service. From
the previous experience of the current diesel engine generator, most of the issue
observed come from lack of good O&M. So this new PLTMH system has to carefully
control the O&M process. Therefore an Manager of O&M shall be assigned to
monitor and supervise the O&M in all PLTMH.
7. Manager of
Responsible for the engineering and maintenance of the microhydro system
(PLTMH) to ensure the realiability of the system in providing services to the
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Position Main Responsibility
8. Manager of
He / she has responsibility to ensure the environmental management, gender
mainstreaming and community development are well implemented. He / she is
responsible for communication and consultation with local stakeholders,
conducting and coordination with related party in the community development
programs implementation.
9. Head of
PLTMH Santong
and Bayan)
Responsible for the day to day operational and maintenance of the microhydro
system (PLTMH) as well as distribution lines in their respective location to ensure
electricity services to community.
10. Finance and
Acting of office administration, record-keeping, customer service, daily
11. Operators
Operator is the technical officers who are assigned to each area of the PLTMH
plant, the operator task is to conduct the operation and maintenance of the
PLTMH system including distribution line.
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2. Sales and Marketing
2.1. Industry Analysis
2.1.1 Existing market/customers
Sebelum tahun 2008 Desa Bayan dan Santong belum ada jaringan listrik, baik itu jaringan
PLN ataupunsumberlainnya.Listrik PLN terdekathanyaterdapatdi kota kecamatan dengan
jarak sekitar7 km.Untuk peneranganmasyarakatmengandalkanpeneranganmenggunakan
minyak tanah. Sejak tahun 2008 masyarakat desa Bayan telah menggunakan listrik untuk
penerangan dari PLTMH TeresGenitdan Sembulan,walaupundengankapasitas yang sangat
terbatas. DidaerahpelayananPLTMHini tidakada PLN karenadianggaptidakekonomis.Saat
ini jaringan listrik PLN telah menjangkau Desa Bayan dan Santong, akan tetapi hanya
terbatas pada area sekitar jalan kabupaten. Sementara itu area-area yang terpencil tidak
dilayani oleh PLN.
Bayan village is located near from the main road (highway) that conncected North Lombok
to East Lombok’s regency. This village is popular for tourism, as it is on main route for
climbing/hiking to Rinjani, one of beautiful mountain in Indonesia. Bayan has total
population of 5,313 personor1,530 households.1,200householdsof them are customersof
existing MHP.
As now, MHP TeresGenit / Bayan I (capacity 35 kW) and MHP Sembulan / Bayan II (capacity
50 kW) provide service to 1,200 houses withlimited electricity supply capacity (average 50-
70 Watt per household, 19 hours per day). Community in Bayan prefered MHP’s electricity
rather thanPLN (alsoavailable withinthe village) due to its quality and stability, expensive
PLN initial cost (about IDR 3 milions), and MHP’s electricity rates ranging IDR. 450-700 per
kWh cheaper than PLN’s rate (IDR. 750-1500 per kWh).
Santongis anothervillage,located20km westof Bayan with population is 465 households,
known as agriculture commodity producer typical highland like coffee, cacao, cloves,
vegetables and fruits.Santong has total population of 7,127 person or 2,317 households. In
Santong village, 80% of 2,317 households have been connected with electricity supply by
PLN. The remaining households about 461 poor houses are still waiting for a new power
supply. Theylive inthe separated settlement with unreached PLN distribution line. Beside
the instalalation cost to PLN and PLN tarrif is still too expensive for poor households.
Previously, there were MHP Santong 1 (25 kW) built in 2000 and MHP Santong 2 (15 kW)
built in 2008, but no longer working since 2010 and some facilities had been destroyed.
Thisproject intended to provide a total of 1.2 MW off-grid run-off river micro hydro power
plant that consist of 2x300 KwH plus 3x30 KwH in Bayan and 2x250 KwH in Santong
targeting 1,200 housesinBayan and 461 housesin Santong (Total numberof households in
Bayan is 1,530 household, and in Santong is 2,317 households). All houses plus public
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facilitieswillbe potential customersforthis electricityservices. However,publicfacilitieswill
be served in future network expansion.
2.1.2 Market analysis
a. Kebutuhandayatambahanuntuk pelanggan eksiting
Saat ini listrikdi 11 dusundi DesaBayan dilayani oleh2pembangkitdenganhanya85 Kw.
Kapasitasini tentusangatkecil jikadibandingkankebutuhanminimalrumahtangga.
Dibawahini perhitungankebutuhanlistrikuntukdesaBayan.
1 Rumahtangga 1.200 Kapasitas Kebutuhan
Sederhana 600 450 270 KW
Menengah 360 900 324 KW
Kaya 240 1.300 312 KW
2 Sarana sosial
Musholla 8 450 3,6 KW
Masjid 1 900 0,9 KW
SD 6 1.300 7,8 KW
TK/PAUD 4 900 3,6 KW
Balai pertemuan 8 900 7,2 KW
Lampu jalan 30 100 3 KW
Kantor desa 1 900 0,9 KW
3 Sarana
Huller 4 4.900 19,6 KW
Bengkel 8 1.300 10,4 KW
Usaha rumahtangga 30 900 27 KW
Usaha penginapan 4 2.600 10,4 KW
Jumlah 1.000, KW
Sementaraitukebutuhandayadi DesaSantong adalah
1 Households 426
Sederhana 213 450 95,85 KW
Menengah 128 900 115,2 KW
Kaya 85 1.300 110,5 KW
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2 Social infrastructure KW
Musholla 6 450 2,7 KW
Masjid 1 900 0,9 KW
School KW
SD 4 1.300 5,2 KW
TK/PAUD 4 900 3,6 KW
Balai pertemuan 4 900 3,6 KW
Lampu jalan 20 100 2 KW
Kantor desa 1 900 0,9 KW
3 Sarana Perekonomian KW
Huller 2 4.900 9,8 KW
Bengkel 3 1.300 3,9 KW
Usaha rumahtangga 25 900 22,5 KW
Usaha penginapan 2 1.300 2,6 KW
Jumlah 379,25 KW
Berdasarkanperhitungandiatas,terdapatkebutuhandayasebesar1,3 MW untukkedua
desatersebut. Dayayangtersediasekaranghanya85 KW,sehinggauntukmenutupi
kebutuhansekarangdibutuhansetidaknya1,2MW. Jikaterdapatpertumbuhan
permintaan/kebutuhansebesar5% pertahun,makapadatahun ke 20 dibutuhkansetidaknya
daya sebesar3,5 MW.
b. Perluasanpasar
Dimasadepanpeluangperluasanpasar masihterbukaluas,beberapadiantaranya;
 Diseputar Desa Bayan dan Santong masih terdapat dusun-dusun yang belum
dialiri oleh listrik PLN, terutama area-area yang jauh dari jalan raya. Untuk
diketahui bahwa karakteristik sebaran perumahan umumnya tersebar
diperbukitan (mengikuti lahan garapan) dengan jumlah rumah berkisar 10 – 50
unit. Berdasarkan hasil identifikasi minat dusun-dusun diluar pelanggan PLMH
existing, di desa bayan saja terdapat permintaan minimal sekitar 500 satuan
 Didesa Bayan terdapat potensi wisata yang belum dikembangkan yaitu air
terjum, hutan desa, pintu masuk kependakian Gunung Rinjani, tracking,
pemandangandanlian-lain.Jikapotensi ini dapat dikembangkan seperti halnya
desatetangganyayaitudesa Senaru, maka tidak menutup kemungkinan bahwa
desa Bayan akan berkembang menjadi Desa Wisata. Untuk itu akan diperlukan
tambahan daya yang cukup besar. Sebagai gambaran Hotel Rinjani Cottage
didusunTeresGenit, membutuhkan minimal 5000 watt, akan tetapi tidak dapat
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dipenuhi oleh PLTMH yang ada. Minat masyarakat membangun fasilitas wisata
terkendala oleh minimnya kapasitas PLTMH.
 Para pemilikhotel di Desa Senaru juga menaruh harapan yang besar agar dapat
menggunakan listrik PLTMH. Selama ini mereka menggunakan listrik PLN, akan
tetapi merekamenganggapbahwakualitaslayanannyatidakmemenuhi harapan
 Didesa Santong, terdapat banyak pengrajin pisang sale yang kesulitan
mengeringkan pisangnya dimusim hujan. Pemerintah telah membantu para
pengrajin dengan memberikan 4 buah oven listrik. Akan tetapi saat ini tidak
digunakan karena tagihan listrik yang tidak mampu dibayar pengrajin.
c. Keterbatasan PLN menjangkau area terpencil
Untuk memahami keterbatasan PLN menjangkau area terpencil, termasuk juga Dusun-
Dusundi DesaBayan Dan Santong,dibawahini dijelaskan beberapa fakta terkait hal ini;
 Bahwa sumber listrik PLN berasal dari pembangkit PLTD dan PLTU di kota
Mataram, yang berjarak sekirat 90 km dari lokasi. Jaringan yang digunakan
adalah jaringan 20 KV, sehingga sampai kelokasi Bayan dan Santong terjadi
penurunanteganganyang tajam. Kualitas daya PLN sangat rendah di Bayan dan
 KelistrikanLombok saat ini sedang mengalami defisit sekitar 35 MW. Defisit ini
akan semakin besar jika pembangunan Mall dan kawasan wisata Mandalika
telah beroperasi. Ekspansi jaringan hingga ke pelosok gunung tidak dapat
 Bahwa kondisi geografi Bayan dan Santong adalah daerah
pegunungan/perbukitan dibawah kaki Gunung Rinjani. Sebaran pemukiman
sebagian kecil terletak disepanjang jalan Kabupaten/desa dan sebagian besar
terletak berkelompok diperbukitan dekat dengan kepemikan lahan pertanian.
2.1.3 Opportunity and potential new market
In addition to the electricity service provision to the local communities in Bayan and
Santong, SPV could potentially expend the service to include:
1. Provisionenergy-efficientelectricappliances,especiallyinthe remote sub-villagesin
Bayan andSantong.
2. Support productive economic activity that otherwise won’t available without
3. To serve as a role model and provide capacity building for other off-grid villages
(thatnot connectedwithPLN) indevelopingsimilarsystemeitherwithfunding from
government or donors.
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2.1.4 Key Enablers And Potential Benefits
Some keyenablers thatcandrive potential benefits for micro hydro development in Bayan
and Santong:
Key enablers Description Potential Impact
Local Economic
The potential of local economic
development (ie. tourism-based in Bayan
and agriculture-based in Santongdue) to
new capacity of electriticy.Bayan is
potential placefor trackingto the Mount
of Rinajani.Potential ecotourism business
in Bayan are homestay, resort/villas,
culinary,etc.In Santong, it is potential to
develop local agro-based industry for
getting valueadded of local products such
as coffee, clove, cacao,etc.
An increasein demand for electricity
due to the utilization of electricity in
supportingeconomic activities
Political will of
local government
and stakeholders
Strong political will fromthe district
government of North Lombok, University
of Mataram, and other stakeholders for
the provision of electricity fro renewable
Opportunity for system expansion and
replication in and outsidethe island.
This will further enhance the SPV
business continuity.
Clarity on the possibility of privatesector
to provideelectricity serviceto
communities (a new decree issued by
ESDM, No.19/2016) which regulated the
electricity provision to communities.
Shall this regulation beingenforced,
the SPV has the opportunity to sell the
electricity also to PLN. At the moment,
SPV plan to sell the electricity services
directly to the community.
In the future, PLN may expand the
electricity network to Bayan and Santong.
Despite the ‘competition’with PLN, the
sustainability of off-grid system will
keep on continuing(as proven in
Bayan),due to PLN tariff (more
expensive) and the quality of its
Micro hydro
There is a potential in the hydro power
planttechnology that generate more
capacity (better utilization) and more
environmental friendly technology with
low maintenance cost.
This will provideopportunity for SPV
to upgrade the micro hydro
technology and system, capitalizing
existinginvestment and leveragingits
runningbusiness model.
Social Security
With government policy providingvarious
social security system(health,education,
cash transfer,etc) for poor household,the
family has more budget to spend now on
‘consumable’goods, includingelectricity.
The potential changes in the policy will
lower the risk on the ability of poor
household to install and pay for the
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2.2. Market Analysis
The primary market segment of SPV is houses in Bayan and Santong villages. Based on
assessment,there are 1,174housesinBayan and461 houses in Santong (total 1,635 houses).
Basedon electrical analysis,the need (demand) of power in the two villages are 396.23 kW
in Bayan and 248.94 kW in Santong. However, the SPV will supply 442.5 kW in Bayan and
585.0 kW inSantonggeneratedfromfourmicrohydropower plants (see Table 2.1 and Table
Estimated electricity demand (load) is smaller than power produced by Bayan and
SantongMHPs.Excesspowercan be used for potential market in the villages. In the future,
potential marketbesideshouseholdswillinclude streetlidghting, public facilities, Economic
entrepreneur facilities and tourism lodging.Households as a primary customer, public and
economic entrepreneur facilities as a second customer.
Table 2.1.Calculated electricity demand for Bayan village.
Group Income in Bayan Village VA
Under Poverty Line 822 HH 450 184.91 1 connection 2 HH
Under 1.5x Poverty
235 HH 450 105.66 1 connection 1 HH
Medium 117 HH 900 105.66 1 connection 1 HH
Total 1174 HH 396.23 442.50 Estimated electricity demand (load) is
smaller than power produced by Bayan
MHPs. Excess power can be used for
street lighting,social infrastructurelike
school and mosque and productive
business in Bayan village.The use of
excess power is predicted increasedue to
the improved quality of lifeof the
Table 2.2.Calculated electricity demand for Santongvillage.
Group Income in Santong Village
Under Poverty Line 231 HH 450 103,73 1 connection 1 HH
Under 1.5x Poverty 138 HH 450 62,24 1 connection 1 HH
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Group Income in Santong Village
Medium 92 HH 900 82,98 1 connection 1 HH
Total 461 HH 248,94 585,00 Estimated electricity demand (load) is
smaller than power produced by Santong
MHPs. Excess power can be used for
street lighting,social infrastructurelike
school and mosque and productive
business in Santongvillage.The use of
excess power is predicted increasedue to
the improved quality of lifeof the
2.3. Customer Analysis
Local communityin bothvillagesof BayanandSantongare maincustomersof thiselectricity
services.Thiscustomerprofile canbe showedinfollowingcategories:
Table 2.3Number and Percentage ratio of Population by Occupation in Santong and Bayan, 2014
Santong Bayan
Man Woman Ratio % Man Women Ratio %
Farmer 453 301 60 : 40 1232 1268 49 : 51
Farm workers 354 326 52 : 48 52 26 66 : 34
Migrant workers 102 145 41 : 59 65 39 62: 38
Civil servant 31 8 79 : 21 22 8 73 : 27
Craftsman 17 30 36 : 64 0 12 0 : 100
Cattleman 501 350 59 : 41 0 0 0
Mechanic 12 0 100 : 0 6 0 100 : 0
Private nurses 0 8 0 : 100 3 1 75 : 25
Private employees 0 2 0 : 100 0 2 0 : 100
Military 3 0 100 : 0 0 0 0
Police 3 0 100 : 0 1 0 100 : 0
Small businessman 121 54 69 : 31 36 29 55 : 45
Private lecturer 3 0 100 : 0 3 0 100 : 0
Pitchman 8 15 34 : 66 0 8 0 : 100
Servant 0 17 0 : 100 0 2 0 : 100
Traditional medicaster 0 1 0 : 100 7 5 58 : 42
Employees of private company 121 147 45 : 55 15 18 45 : 55
Employees of government company 3 0 100 : 0 36 22 62 : 38
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Santong Bayan
Man Woman Ratio % Man Women Ratio %
Retired 3 0 100 : 0 5 1 83 : 17
Total 3.139 1404 69 : 31 2513 2637 48 : 52
Source : Statistic report of Santong and Bayan village profile, 2014
In the table above shows that dominant occupations in Santong are farmer, farm worker,
cattle man, employees of private companies, small businessman, and migrant workers.
Generally the occupations in Bayan are the same as in Santong, but cattle mans is only in
Santong. In this data also shows that number of migrant worker in both villages are
significanthighbecauselimitedavailabilityof occupationsin the villages. And most of them
are poor community.
In addition, this table shows there are some opportunities exist in the villages as small
business entrepreneurs that can be strengthened and developed, also there are some
potential workersthat can be employed by private company. Those are local entrepreneur
that can be developed further after MHPs project investment.
The potential of local economicdevelopment in the region are tourism-based in Bayan and
agriculture-basedinSantongdue to new capacity of electriticy. Bayan is potential place for
tracking to the Mount of Rinajani. Potential ecotourism business in Bayan are homestay,
resort/villas,culinary,etc.InSantong,itispotential todeveloplocal agro-based industry for
getting value added of local products such as coffee, clove, cacao, etc.
Table 2.4Targeted Customers of MHPs in Bayan and Santong
Population of Village
Targeted Beneficiaries Vulnerable Groups
# % of village
# % of total
Bayan village
5,313 person
1,530 households
1,174houses 77 % 1,057 households 90%
Santong village
7,127 person
2,317 households
461 houses 20 % 415 households 90 %
TOTAL 1,635 1,472
Basedon study,the costumerswill use electricitymostlyforlightingAnyelectrical equipment
has a penetration rate (PR), for example Compact Fluorescent Lamp (CFL) light has a PR
100%. Retrieved average daily demand per household on Santong Village shown in Figure
Each household commonly power a light 2-5 bulb, radio/tape recorder, charger and
households have access to TV. The average electricity needs for appliances, equipment
operating hours per day, used to calculate the electricity consumption by 3 categories
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income group of households named under poverty line, under 1.5x poverty line and
medium. Calculation of households’ energy needs and annual electricity consumption is
shown in Table 2.5.
Table 2.5.Estimated energy consumption by household
Figure 2.1 Average daily demand per household
As mentionedabove, existingelectricityproblemsin Bayan village is limited power capacity
for 1,174 households from existing MHP TeresGenit / Bayan I (capacity 35 kW) and MHP
Sembulan / Bayan II (capacity 50 kW) both using irrigation water flow. These two MHP
supply the limited power only under 100 Watt per household in average. Besides the daily
operation time of TeresGenit / Bayan I MHP during 17.00 to 13.00 (20 hours), and MHP
Sembulan / Bayan II during 18.00 to 06.00 (12 hours). Community in Bayan prefered MHP’s
electricityratherthanPLN (alsoavailable within the village) due to its quality and stability,
expensive PLN initial cost(aboutIDR3 milions),andMHP’selectricityrates ranging IDR. 450-
700 per kWh cheaper than PLN’s rate (IDR. 750-1500 per kWh).
Unit Hour kWh/d Unit Hour kWh/d Unit Hour kWh/d
CFL Indoor 14 2 6 0.168 2 6 0.168 4 6 0.336
CFL Outdoor 14 1 12 0.168 1 12 0.168 1 12 0.168
Radio/Tape Recorder 50 1 2 0.1 1 0 0 1 2 0.1
TV 75 0 4 0 1 4 0.3 1 4 0.3
Refrigerator 400 0 24 0 0 24 0 1 24 9.6
Iron 500 0 2 0 0 2 0 1 2 1
Charger 5 1 4 0.02 2 4 0.04 2 4 0.04
Total kWh/HH/day 0.456 0.676 11.544
Total kWh/HH/year 166.44 246.74 4213.56
Under Poverty Line Under 1.5x Poverty Line Medium
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In Santongvillage,80%of 2,317 householdshave beenconnected with electricity supply by
PLN. The remaining households about 461 poor houses are still waiting for a new power
Table 2.3Customer Analysis and their affordability (willingness)to pay profile
Customer Characteristic Description Purchase and Payment Behavior
Poor and
Small percentage of households are
poor and vulnerablegroups.
Accessibility is also an issue.Despite
their demand for electricity,this group
havingaffordability issueto render the
electricity services.
Despite their need to access the electricity,
their affordabiilityto pay is low.
Local communities
at lare
Majority of communities are falled
under this category; 85% of total houses
are regular customers who arespread
out in several locations(hamlets),
accessibleby foot or motorbike.
They afford to render this microhydro
electricity (PLTMH), followingthe scheme
that already developed in Bayan.They can’t
afford to pay PLN’s tariff.
The commitment to pay is very high,
understandingthis community-based
electricity services is only can run if pay the
bill on timely manner.
Communities (able
to pay for PLN
Small percentage number of households
has more productiveeconomic
activities.They afford to render the on-
grid services/tariff (if PLNis availablein
their area).
Their ability to pay is the tariff of PLN, as
they can afford it. However, they prefer to
subscribethe microhydroelectricity notonly
because on more attractivetariff,but also
more reliablethan PLN.
This group has no problem in settlingtheir
bill on timely manner.
2.4. Competitor Analysis
In general,there isno competition for the electricity provision in Bayan and Santong at the
momentexceptin a limited area of Bayan where there is on-grid PLN. The risk of potential
competition could be easily mitigated due to the following factors:
1. This community-basedmicrohydro (PLTMH)in Bayan has been proven in the last 7-8
years as a living ‘sustainable’ system; as the capacity to offer cheaper, reliable and
sustainable electricity services.
2. The community-based PLTMH system providesgreater ownership and economic return
for local community (cheaper tariff) and SPV will also provide benefit sharing.
The state owned electricity company (PLN), only has 10 households subscribed it in
Teresgenitsub-vilage andSembulan sub-village (location of MHPs operation),may the only
competitorinsome part of villages Bayan.However,this will not be the case at least due to
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its limited access and infrastructure as well as the affordability of the community in
subscribing this on-grid service.
A detail SWOT analysis on SPV and its services are presented in the table below:
Table 2.4SWOT Analysis SPV and its services
Strength Weakness
 This community-based microhydro is a proven livingsustainable
system especially in Bayan in thelast 7- years (this is NOT just a
concept or idea)
 Electricity Service developed is renewable and low-carbon
 This microhydro plant has a realiable service as experienced by
 Off-grid decentralized small scale plant has much lower
operation and maintenance cost compared to centralized on-
grid system.
 Microhydrosystemhas a more simple maintenance requirement
that can be handled locally.
 SPV has community share which offers economic return to the
local community.
 Community has opportunity to actively participate in the
operation and management of the power plant facility.
 The turbines and components of microhydro
plant need to be overhalued and
maintenanced regularly, depending on the
condition, the cost can be expensive if the
maintenance is not good (routine).
Opportunity Threat/Risks
 Opportunity to be a proven community-based microhydro plant
system that can be replicated in many other locations in
 Potential to be scale up, as the economic activities will growth
that utilize the electricity services.
 SPV creates job opportunities to local community and increase
higher income household.
 Social welfareis expected to improve not only becauseof access
to electricity but also potential advantages they can bring
 The microhydrosystem highly dependent on
the sufficiency of the debit and quality of the
water. However, there are times when the
debit is insufficient to generate power due to
weather condition (ie. long drought.
 New decree issued by ESDM (No.12/2017)
which regulated the electricity provision to
2.5. Sales and Marketing Plan
The four microhydropowerplants will produce 645.17 KW which will be totally supplied to
1,635 houses. Therefore, there will be no specific marketing plan and strategy to sell
electricity generated from the power plants. Based on financial analysis and consultation
with local stakeholders, the pricing is devided into four categories:
1. Rp. 450/Kwh for poor households and public facilities.
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2. Rp.550/Kwh for non-poor households.
3. Rp. 650/Kwh for better-income households.
4. Rp.750/Kwh for economic entrepreneur facilities.
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3. Management and Operation
3.1. Personnel and roles and Main Responsibility
See Section 1.5
3.2. Determining Electricity Tariff and Obtaining Approval fromGovernment
The electricitytariff (price) will be decidedinparticipatorywaybetweenthe community and
the SPV.The affordability of the community in rendering the electricity services should be
main consideration, while an efficient operation of SPV in a sustainable way must be
maintained. The tariff rate isveryaffordableforcommunity,ascurrentlyitsisa living proven
sustainableexistingcommunity-based microhydro system in Bayan. Based on the point 4.7
CalculationOf MinimumRatesonFinancial Analisys (see table 4.12 and 4.13), the minimum
tariff is proposed at Rp.450 per Kwh (similar tariff with the exisiting PLTMH, and cheaper
than on-gridPLN tariff),willbe consultated and confirmed this to local government, village
administration and community.
Table 3.2 Electricity Tariff Proposed
Tariff per KwH Remarks
IDR 450 PoorHouseholdsandpublicfacilities
IDR 550 Non-poorHouseholds
IDR 650 Better-incomeHouseholds
IDR 750 Economicentrepreneurfacilities
The tariff might be adjusted on a regular basis, taken into account operational and
maintenance costs (sustainability purpose), however ‘affordability’ principle and
‘participatory’ process should remained in the place.
Due to the coverage of the off-gridelectricitysysteminvillage level,there is no government
approval regardingthe tarrif.The tariff of the MHP system in Santong and Bayan have been
agreed during public consultation in the village level and acknowledge by the village
government in Bayan and Santong.
3.3 Billing Mechanism
a. Payment system
Prepaid system will be applied. Customers will need to refill their metering system by
purchasing voucher from SPV. The vending system will automatically generate voucher
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number to be entered into the household metering system which will provide access to
The customers will pay in advance some amount of electricity they need and the SPV will
provide vouchers with number of token then they filled it in the electrical meter.Voucher
selling is very crucial and has to be done very carefully. All the money collected has to be
recorded and kept properly. First treasurer has to create voucher database. This database
will help to monitor the out going sales.
Figure 3.2 Billing process of voucher payment
b. Payment system for poor families
Payment for poor families, who are not able to pay suggested tariff, will be made through
deductionof cashtransfer(KKS-KartuKeluargaSejahtera) received. However, when the SPV
ismakingsufficientprofitandbenefitsare sharedwiththe communitypoorhouseholds will
also benefits to ensure their sustainable access to electricity.
3.4. Capacity Building
3.4.1. Related to Operation and Maintenance of the Facilities
Capacitybuildingrelatedto the technical management of MHP system covers several main
themes. Detailed of each of the training topics are as follows:
request voucher
payment to SPV
SPV issued
voucher (with
token number)
Consumer input
token number
in the meter
Electricity ON
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Table 3.3. Training Themes Related to Operation and Maintenance of the Facilities
Main Themes Topics
1. Renewable
1. Why Renewable Energy?
2. MHP system as general
3. Hydropower becomes electricity
4. List and Overview of Basic Components of MHP system
a. Dam / weir
b. Sand trap pond.
c. Penstock
d. Waterway
e. Power house, turbine and hydro mechanical installation
5. Electrical basics to understand the correlations
a. Electrical basics, current, voltage, electric power, yield, series /
parallel circuits for modules
b. Practical exercises (individual and in small groups)
2. MHP system a. Technology types
b. Characteristic values and production
c. How MHP system work
d. MHP system construction
e. Specification of MHP
3. Monitoringand
Control System
1. Topology and basic component of monitoring & control system
2. Function of monitoring & control system
3. Network
4. Fire Detection
1. Fire Detection System Overview
2. Testing
3. Trouble shoot detector
4. Fire Exthinguiser System
5. Lightning
1. Outdoor lighting at power plant area
2. Street lighting
3. Lighting system at household
6. Distribution
1. Distribution System Overview
2. Lockout and Tagout
3. Grounding System
4. Transformer
7. Prepaid
1. Topology of Prepaid Metering System
2. kWh Meter
3. Top-up Electricity Procedure
8. Service and
1. Visual inspection
2. Lines, defective installation and other most typically mistakes
3. Testing
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Main Themes Topics
4. Measurement
5. Troubleshooting Examples: most common errors
6. System documentation
7. Group tasks: knowledge transfer to the practice
9. Quality
1. Standard Test conditions (STC)
2. Measurements, reports
3. Troubleshooting measurements
3.4.2. Related to Operation and Maintenance
The Routine O&M result has to be recorded whether there are trouble or not. The SPV
representative andoperatorwill do the routine O&Mand then report to O&Mcoordinator.
A template/format of the report will be prepared to ease the reporting process.
Figure 3.3.Operation and Maintenance coordination.
Work ordershouldinclude butnotlimitedto:
 When,where,andwhatisthe problem
 How to handle it
 What equipment/sparepartsisrequired(filledbyO&Msupport)
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 Cost (filledbyO&Msupport).
3.4.3. Related to Management of the Facilities
In addition, capacity building related to the people management and operation
management are intended to provide for the Director, Managers, and Supervisors. in
following themes:
1. ProjectManagement(Planning,Organizing,Action,Control)
2. Human ResourcesManagement
3. Financial Management
4. FeedbackandResponse Mechanism
5. DocumentationandReporting
6. Healthand Safety
7. Environmental Protection
8. CommunityDevelopment
9. GenderandSocial Inclusion
The Operators,TechnicianandSupervisorof operationshouldalsoattendtechnical trainings
related to microhydro operation and maintenance. Meanwhile the Administration and
Finance staff, as well as cross-cutting compliance officer must attend related financial and
administration trainings.
3.5. Share distribution to Community
The village meetingwillalsodefine criteriafor beneficiaries selection with priority given to
women groups, vulnerable groups and other community members that need support most
(elderly,orphans,disabled,others). The share distributionmechanismwillbe collective and
in the form of cash or in-kind (capacity building).
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Figure 3.4.Share Distribution Process to Community
3.6. Redistribution assets and income to community
In line with the spririt that MHP Bayan and Santong should provide optimal benefits both
economicallyandsociallytolocal community,SPV shouldplayrole as ‘facilitator’ and ‘agent
of development’tomake this happen.The revenue or income generated by the SPV should
be used for sustainable purposes of MHP through providing reliable electricity services,
efficient operation and affordable tariff.
Village Income
Subsidy for
Collective in
form of
After five Years
Income Profit Reserve :20%
CSR : 2%
O&M Cost
Management Cost
Loan Payment Nett Profit
First Five Years
Capital of
1. DAS maintencace
2. Scholarship in Unram
3. Community incomegenerated
4. Improve village environment
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The profit should not be the primary goal of SPV, rather the continuation of operation in
most efficient ways to support local community wellbeing in more productive ways and
betterqualityof living.Shouldthe SPV gainprofitmarginthatbeyondthe needtooperation,
a redistribution scheme to local community should be developed.
A participatory approach discussions will be organized between SPV and community to
discussanddecide on: (1) Budget allocation for this, (2) Scheme on how the budget will be
distributed,and(3) Selectionof beneficiariaes to receive this redistribution to community.
The local community would take ownership scheme of MHP Bayan and Santong. A
cooperative, to represent them, will be set up once the grant is secured and the project
construction is started. The community ownership scheme is important to be developed
since the beginningof the process.Inadditiontothatscheme,a businessmodel and ways of
working between SPV and cooperative (community) should also be set up.
3.7. Documentation and Reporting
SPV will furtherdevelopmanualstosetup a standardmanagementandoperational
documentationandreportingsystem whichconsistof:
1) managementreporting(strategicplan,keyperformance indicatiors,annual report)
2) operationalandmaintenance reporting(technical,O&Mplan,technical audit)
3) financial reporting (cashflow,investment,procurement,tax andaudit)
4) organizationand people management (staffing,community,stakeholders.
3.8. Feedback and Response Mechanism (FRM)
The Feedback and Response Mechanism (FRM) delivered a mechanism that enables the
beneficiariesandcommunitymembers to provide feedback and seek responses in relation
to the projectactivitiesandotherdevelopment activities in their communities, in a manner
that is safe, non-threatening and accessible.
The FRM mechanism should be introduced to the the community,so that they felt their
concerns and voices were better heard that building early warning to management of the
projects.The incorporationof women andcommunitymembers involvement in the project
activities will create an impact to the extent that there has been more social harmony
improvement through community participation. The FRMmechanism should encourage a
participatory approach like Public Consultation or Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) with
specific community groups or the whole community at large.
The FRM has three maincomponents;
(a) Informationdisseminationtoconsumersandcommunities,
(b) Receivingfeedbacksanddocumentingitsystematically,and
Bussines Plan of SPV and Financial AnalysisOff-Grid
Community Owned Renewable Energy Project For
Issued May 12th
2017 Project Ref : 3A-04 Rev. D Page 32of35
(c) Respondingtofeedbacks.
Communityfacilitatorswhoare actingas SPV representative willcollectfeedbackfromthe
communityandprovide responseaccordinglybasedonconsultationwith SPV management/
personnel.The followingchartdescribesthe flow andmechanismof FRMprocess:
Figure 3.5.Feedback and Response Mechanism
Call Centre/
Direct Letter
Emergency and Quick
Consultation and
Planned Response
Confidential Issues
Give Response to respected
feedback in line with SOP
Feedback Provided Media
Bussines Plan of SPV and Financial AnalysisOff-Grid
Community Owned Renewable Energy Project For
Issued May 12th
2017 Project Ref : 3A-04 Rev. D Page 33of35
3.9. Work Plan
Table 3.4. Work Plan
2017 2018
1. SPV Legal Permit
FinalizesLegal Permit at
Provincial Level
Land Owner Certificate, Build Permit, SPV’s Act
regarding the newshareholder composition,
ElectricityService Provider Permit,Territorial
Business Permit, Letter or Decree fromGovernor/
Provincial Government related to electricitytariff,
the extension ofprincipal permit
2. Awareness to SPV
Stakeholder Cordination
Meeting At District Level
Participants:Stakeholders inProvincial level
(BAPPEDA, BMPD, ESDM, Fishery, BLHD, Tourism,
etc) and District level (BAPPEDA, BPMD, Koperasi
UMKM, Distamben, BLHD, Tourism,
Pemberdayaan Perempuan, Fishery, Camat,
Kepala Desa, etc), private sector (PLN, tourism
investor, etc)
(Stakeholder Cordination
Meeting At Village Level)
Enhance the communityawarenessand
understanding related withSPV activities andits
benefits to community.
Bussines Plan of SPV and Financial AnalysisOff-Grid
Community Owned Renewable Energy Project For
Issued May 12th
2017 Project Ref : 3A-04 Rev. D Page 34of35
2017 2018
Awareness raising (developing
posters andbrochures)
Developanddistributing the brochures and
posters including efficient use ofelectricity, SPV
facilityandsustainable NRMissues.
Awareness session(at Hamlets
and Schools)
Environmental educationto all students at school
exist inBayanandSantong. To enhance the
communityunderstanding about efficient use of
electricity, SPV facilityandsustainable NRM
Awareness session(trainingfor
local facilitators andteachers
on keyawareness messages
and public communication
Recruiting and Performtraining of trainers
enhance the communityunderstandingabout
efficient use of electricity, SPV facilityand
sustainable NRM
3. SPV Readiness
OrientationFor Personnel and
Laborer On TIP, HIV/AIDS,
Workshopandtraining for Project personnel and
Technical Training for SPV (MH
System And O&MTraining)
Recruiting personnel, Perform a serial training
relatedwithSolar PV Systemandits O&M, Select
the personnel as SPV’s workers
SPV ManagerialTraining
(including involvement of
Vulnerable Group inSPV)
Recruiting personnel, Perform a serial training
relatedwithManagerial activity, Select the
personnel as SPV’s workers
Bussines Plan of SPV and Financial AnalysisOff-Grid
Community Owned Renewable Energy Project For
Issued May 12th
2017 Project Ref : 3A-04 Rev. D Page 35of35
2017 2018
Developpolicies, procedures
and systemfor SPV
Complete manual regarding all item needed by
4. SPV’s Added Value
Training for women
representative onleadership
At least 2 trainings onleadershipskills and
organizationalmanagement are conductedafter
constructionto ensure women’s equal
Assist the representative of
women in MUSRENBANG and
There is representationof womenthat sit inthe
MUSRENBANG andcontribute to the
There is programdevelopedinthe MUSRENBANG
for women empowerement
Training for women
representative on KOPERASI
30% of the implemented communitymembers are
women who are involvedinKOPERASI
5. Monitoring and
Complete Monitoring andEvaluationRegarding All

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Mhp bayan santong bussines plan spv final rev d 12 may 2017 revzg

  • 1. Bussines Plan of SPV Off-Grid Community Owned Renewable Energy Project For MHP OF BAYAN AND SANTONG Project Ref : 3A-04 D 12 May 2017 Issued for Approval NNH AP ZG LAC C 10 April 2017 Issued for Approval NNH AP ZG LAC B 31 March 2017 Issued for Approval NNH AP ZG LAC A 20 March 2017 Issued for Approval NNH AP ZG LAC REV DATE PURPOSEOF ISSUE PREPARED CHECKED APPROVED AUTHORIZED
  • 2. Bussines Plan of SPV and Financial AnalysisOff-Grid Community Owned Renewable Energy Project For MHP OF BAYAN AND SANTONG Issued May 12th 2017 Project Ref : 3A-04 Rev. D Page 2of35 ~ Revision History ~ Rev. Date Description of Change A 20 March 2017 Issued for Approval B 31 March 2017 Issuedfor Approval C 10 April 2017 Issuedfor Approval D 12 May 2017 Issuedfor Approval
  • 3. Bussines Plan of SPV and Financial AnalysisOff-Grid Community Owned Renewable Energy Project For MHP OF BAYAN AND SANTONG Issued May 12th 2017 Project Ref : 3A-04 Rev. D Page 3of35 Table Of Content Contents 1. Background 5 1.1. Scope and Objective of the Business Plan.................................................................5 1.2. Vision and Mission statement.................................................................................. 5 1.3. SPV History and background.................................................................................... 5 1.4. Legal entity,location and permits............................................................................ 8 1.5. Governance & Structure.......................................................................................... 9 2. Sales and Marketing 13 2.1. Industry Analysis.......................................................................................................... 13 2.1.1 Existing market/customers.................................................................................... 13 2.1.2 Opportunity and potential new market.................................................................. 14 2.1.3 Key Enablers And Potential Benefits...................................................................... 17 2.2. Market Analysis.................................................................................................... 18 2.3. Customer Analysis ................................................................................................ 19 2.4. Competitor Analysis.............................................................................................. 22 2.5. Sales and Marketing Plan...................................................................................... 23 3. Management and Operation 25 3.1. Personnel and roles and Main Responsibility................................................................ 25 3.2. Determining Electricity Tariff and Obtaining Approval from Government........................ 25 3.3 Billing Mechanism....................................................................................................... 25 3.4. Capacity Building......................................................................................................... 26 3.4.1. Related to Operation and Maintenance of the Facilities.......................................... 26 3.4.2. Related to Operation and Maintenance......................................................................... 28 3.4.3. Related to Management of the Facilities....................................................................... 29 3.5. Share distribution to Community.................................................................................. 29 3.6. Redistribution assets and income to community............................................................ 30 3.7. Documentation and Reporting...................................................................................... 31 3.8. Feedback and Response Mechanism(FRM)................................................................... 31 3.9. Work Plan................................................................................................................... 33
  • 4. Bussines Plan of SPV and Financial AnalysisOff-Grid Community Owned Renewable Energy Project For MHP OF BAYAN AND SANTONG Issued May 12th 2017 Project Ref : 3A-04 Rev. D Page 4of35 List of Table Table 2.1Number and Percentage ratio of Population by Occupation in Santong and Bayan, 2014 .. 19 Table 2.2Targeted Customers of MHPs in Bayan and Santong ....................................................... 20 Table 2.3Customer Analysis and their affordability(willingness) to pay profile ............................... 22 Table 2.4 SWOT Analysis SPV andits services............................................................................... 23 Table 3.1Staffing and Main Responbility ............................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. Table 3.2 Electricity Tariff Proposed................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Table 3.3 Training Themes Related to Operation and Maintenance of the Facilities........................ 21 Table 3.4 Work Plan.................................................................................................................... 27
  • 5. Bussines Plan of SPV and Financial AnalysisOff-Grid Community Owned Renewable Energy Project For MHP OF BAYAN AND SANTONG Issued May 12th 2017 Project Ref : 3A-04 Rev. D Page 5of35 1. Background 1.1. Scope and Objective of the Business Plan The objectives of the SPV’s business plan is to guide the SPV management and operation during the preparation and operational phases. The scopes of business plan includes: 1. Ensuring the sustainability of operation and maintenance of electricity facilities. 2. Establishing standard administrative and financial system of SPV. 3. Ensuring effective community participation in operation and maintenance and SPV operation. 4. Establishing effective payment and collection mechanism for electricity payment by customers who receive electricity connection from PLTMH. 5. Establishing profit sharing disbursement system agreed by SPV and community. 1.2. Vision and Mission statement Vision : Becoming a profitable and reliable institution to provide sustainable electricity with renewable resources to the community of Bayan and Santong. Mission : 1. Provide reliable electricitytoBayanandSantongcomunities. 2. To fosterlocal economicdevelopmentinBayanand Santongvillages. 1.3. SPV History and background 1.3.1 SPV History Untuk dapatmemahami sejarahdanlatar belakangPT.LUH E, makadapat dilihatpadagrafik dibawah ini: Concep note DFS- FEED DED Construction Operational before April 2018 Operational after April 2018 Konsorsium Lombok Utara Hijau Implementer: Konsorsium Lombok Utara Hijau Contractor: Fakultas Teknik Univ. Mataram Implementer: Konsorsium Lombok Utara Hijau Contractor: Fakultas Teknik Univ. Mataram PT wahana Implementer: PT. Lombok Utara Hijau Energi Contractor: Konsorsium Marlis Energy Implementer: PT. Lombok Utara Hijau Energi Contractor: PT. Tribuana Sakti Owner: PT. Lombok Utara Hijau Energi (Konsorsium Lombok Utara Hijau 49% + Koperasi 51%)  Dalamtahap consept note; Fakultas Teknik Univeritas Mataram, Pemda Kabupaten Lombok Utara, masyarakat desa Bayan, Masyarakat Desa Santong, sepakat menggunakan nama Konsorsium Lombok Utara Hijau, sebagai wadah dalam
  • 6. Bussines Plan of SPV and Financial AnalysisOff-Grid Community Owned Renewable Energy Project For MHP OF BAYAN AND SANTONG Issued May 12th 2017 Project Ref : 3A-04 Rev. D Page 6of35 pengajuan usulan proyek energi terbarukan berbasis komunitas (Window 3A) dengan leader Fakultas Teknik Universitas Mataram.  Setelah Concept Note diterima dan dilanjutkan ketahap DFS, maka wadah organisasi KLUH dilegal-formalkan dengan sesuai peraturan yang ada. Akta Notaris No..., SK Menkumham No. ..... Karena proses legal formal institusi akan membutuhkan waktu yang agak lama, maka untuk mempersingkat waktu maka Fakultas Teknik diwakili oleh Yusron Saadi, Zaedar Gazalba, dan Fathurahman, Pemda KLU diwakili oleh Suardi (Pejabat Bupati Kab. Lombok Utara saat itu), Desa Santong dan Bayan diwakili oleh kepala desa dan sekertaris Desa.  Setelah DFS dan FEED diterima dan dilanjutkan kepada DED. Dalam proses penyelesaian DED, MCA memerintahkan kepada Implementer membentuk perusahaan yang akan mengelola aset dan operasiona PLTMH. Untuk itu maka dibentuk PT. Lombok Utara Hijau Energi yang kepemilikannya 80% milik KLUH, 10% milik Hasan Basri dan 10% milik L. Agus Cahyadi. PT. LUHE yang merupakan representasi dari KLUH sebagai implementer melakukan berbagai kegiatan dalam fungsinyasebagai implementerantaralainpembehasan lahan dan pengurusan ijin2 dll dengan nilai kegiatan sebesar 4% dari nilai total proyek yang diusulkan kepada MCA.  Dalamtahap operasional setelahmasacompact,makaImplementer/PT. LUHE wajib menyerahkan bagian sahamnya secara Cuma-Cuma kepada masyarakat Desa Santongdan Bayan sebesar51% melalui wadahkoperasi. Proseskepemilikan saham dapat dilihat dalam tabel dibawah ini. SPV ownership structure can be explained as follows: Tahap SPV Ownership 1 Concept note, DFS, DED KonsorsiumLombok Utara Hijau Faculty of Engineering (represented by the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering (Yusron Saadi),the proposer (Zaedar Gazalba and fahurahman),LGs KLU; Secretary of KLU (Suardi),Santong Village; head/secretary of the village(H. Ansori,Muhtar) Bayan village;Head /secretary of the Village(R. Madi Kusuma, R. Mustianji) 2 Construction PT. Lombok Utara Hijau Energi KonsorsiumLombok Utara Hijau (80%),Hasan Basri (10%), Agus Cahyadi (10%) 3 Operational PT. Lombok Utara Hijau Energi 49% Lombok Utara Hijau Energi and 51% community consumer of electricity (Koperasi) 1.3.2 SPV Background di Bayan Sebelum tahun 2008, Dusun Teres Genit dan sekitarnya belum dialiri listrik. Jaringan PLN terdekat hanya ada di kota kecamatan Bayan, berjarak sekitar 7 km dari lokasi. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut, maka pemerintah melalui Dinas Pertambangan dan Energi NTB membangun PLTMH Teres Genit pada tahun 2008 dan PLTMH Sembulan tahun 2011.
  • 7. Bussines Plan of SPV and Financial AnalysisOff-Grid Community Owned Renewable Energy Project For MHP OF BAYAN AND SANTONG Issued May 12th 2017 Project Ref : 3A-04 Rev. D Page 7of35 Masing-masing PLTMH memiliki jaringan distribusi yang tersendiri. MHP ini didanai oleh kementriandesaTertinggalakantetapi pembangunannya melalui Dinas Pertambangan dan Energi Prov NTB. Kepemilikan aset pembangkit dan jaringan distribusinya hingga saat ini masihmerupakanmilikpemerintahprovinsi NTB.Masyarakatterbatashanyamemanfaatkan dan memelihara fasilitas tersebut. Masyarakat yang dilayani oleh PLTMH Teres Genit kemudian membentuk organisasi bernama Pengurus PLTMH Teres Genit. Sementara itu masyarakatyang dilayani olehPLTMHSembulan membentuk organisasi bernama Pengurus PTMH Koaq Sabang. Pengurus dipilih secara demokratis oleh masyarakat yang terdiri dari Ketua, sekertaris, operator, bagian penagihan, dan bagian jaringan distribusi. KeduaPLTMH tersebutsaatini melayani 11dusundengan pelanggan sekitar 1200 KK. Untuk membiayai operasional PLTMH, maka masyarakat dikenakan tarif berdassarkan pemakaian yang besarnya antara Rp. 450 sd Rp. 750/KWH. Pendapatan digunakan untuk membayar honorpengurusdantabunganuntukperbaikan,spare part,dll. Biayapemeliharandiperoleh dari hasil penjualanlistrikkepadamasyarakat,dansumbangan jikabiayaperbaikanmelebihi simpanan yang ada. Karena faktor pemeliharaan saat ini PLTMH Teres Genit hanya beroperasi dari jam 17.00 hingga jam 12.00. Antara jam 12.00 hingga jam 17.00, pembangkit listrik istirahat untuk menghindari kerusakan. Sementara itu di PLTMH Koaq Sabang (Sembulan) beroperasi dari jam 18.00 hingga 06.00. Pada siang hari air untuk pembangkit digunakan untuk irigasi. Dibawah ini adalah keterbatasan pelayanan dari kedua PLTMH di Desa Bayan: 1. Dengan kapasitas 85 KwH sementara dengan konsumen 1200 KK, maka setiap rumah hanyamemperolehdayasekitar50 – 70 Watt. Denganjumlahtersebutmaka akan sangat sulit bagi masyarakat untuk dapat menambah peralatan lain didalam rumah, atau peralatan lainnya yang berbasis listrik. 2. Terbatasnyawaktuoperasi,tidakmemungkinkanpenggunaanlistrikpadasiang hari. Sehingga kerja-kerja produktif berbasis listrik tidak dapat dilakukan siang hari. 3. Kapasitasyangterbatasjuga tidakmemungkinkanmasyarakauntukmembukausaha yang menggunakan alat listrik. PLTMH Teres Genit telah bertahan selama 9 tahun. PLTMH Sembulan telah bertahan 6 tahun. Selama kurum waktu tersebut masyarakat dan pengelola telah terbukti mampu menjalankanoperasiPLTMHdengan baik. Berbagai kendala operasional seperti kerusakan, penambahan jaringan, perbaikan, dll telah dapat diatasi dengan baik oleh operator lokal. Modal ini diharapkan dapat digunakan dalam pengelolaan SPV yang telah dibentuk. 1.3.3 Background di Santong Sementara itu desa Santong memiliki latar belakang yang berbeda dengan Desa Bayan. Walapun Di Desa Santong telah dialiri oleh jaringan PLN akan tetapi jaringannya hanya
  • 8. Bussines Plan of SPV and Financial AnalysisOff-Grid Community Owned Renewable Energy Project For MHP OF BAYAN AND SANTONG Issued May 12th 2017 Project Ref : 3A-04 Rev. D Page 8of35 disekitar jalan kabupaten. Terdapat banyak dusun yang karena kondisi geografis yang terpencil, sulitdijangkau,dankonsentrasipenduduksedikit, belum dialiri listrik. Selama ini fasilitas listrik diperoleh dari bateray, generator atau penerangan menggunakan minyak tanah.Santongmemiliki 2.183KK, 80% dari KKtersebuttelahmendapatkanakses listrik dari PLN sementara 461 KK belum memiliki akses listrik karena ketiadaan jaringan PLN yang menjangkaudaerah tersebut. Menurutinformasidari PemerintahDesa Santong, PLN hingga saat ini tidakberminatuntukmembangunjaringankelokasi sulittersebutkarena dinilai tidak ekonomis. Pemerintah desa Santong bersama KLUH berinisitif memberi solusi ketiadaan listrik tersebut melalui program mikro hidro yang ditawarkan oleh MCA I untuk 461 KK. Both villages, Bayan and Santong, have water resources that running all year round, that maintained traditionally by indingenous community groups in Bayan and Santong (community forestry). Thisprojectexaminesthe developmentof an off-grid, micro-hydro power plant (MHP), will be managedby a communitybasedSpecial Purposed Vehicle (SPV) PT. Lombok Utara Hijau Energi,inthe Bayan and Santongvillage in LombokUtara District. The project is intended to address the problem that limited access to power is stunting economic growth in the villages. 1.3.4. Legal entity, location and permits Basedon MCA Indonesiarequirement, limitedenterprise (PT) was chosen as legal entity for the SPV and namedas PT. Lombok Utara Hijau Energy. This legal entity has been registered under notary deed (AHU-0030418.AH.01.01 date 23 June 2016) at HamzanWahyudi, SH,MKnlocated inMataram No. 1.204, Nusa Tenggara Barat. Under this regristration, the SPV is located at KampungPerbawa, DesaTiwugaluhKecamatanPraya,Kabupaten Lombok Tengah, Nusa Tenggara Barat. The following are licenses optained for the SPV: 1. Decree of MoLHR. Issuance number of AHU-0030418.AH.01.01 date 23 June 2016. 2. Tax Payer Registration Number (NPWP): 76.446.081.2-911.000. 3. SIUP Issuance date 13 September 2016. 4. Official registration number of limited liabily (TDP), No. TDP : 231013500048 date: 13 September 2016. 5. Principle Permit (IzinPrinsip) No 217/1/IP/PMDN/2016 dated 22 September 2016. 6. Recommendation of UKL-UPL date: 26 July 2016. 7. Environmental Permits (IjinLingkungan) date: 31 August 2016. 8. Recommndation of Spatial Plan (RekomendasiPemanfaatanRuang) date: 16 August 2016. 9. Surat IjinTempat Usaha (SITU) date: 9 September 2016.
  • 9. Bussines Plan of SPV and Financial AnalysisOff-Grid Community Owned Renewable Energy Project For MHP OF BAYAN AND SANTONG Issued May 12th 2017 Project Ref : 3A-04 Rev. D Page 9of35 10. Surat Keterangan Usaha date: 9 September 2016. 11. Location Permit (IjinLokasi) / PeruntukanPenggunaan Tanah (Land Use) date: 20 June 2016. 12. Building Permit (IjinMendirikanBangunan/ IMB) date: 30 June 2016. 13. Disturbance Permit (IjinGangguan) date: 1 July 2016. 1.4. Governance & Structure To run and operate the powerplantthe followingare governance andcomplete structure of the SPV:
  • 10. Bussines Plan of SPV and Financial AnalysisOff-Grid Community Owned Renewable Energy Project For MHP OF BAYAN AND SANTONG Issued May 12th 2017 Project Ref : 3A-04 Rev. D Page 10of35 The operational structure of SPV: 49% % 51% % Implementer Community Shareholder Structure Commisioner 1 (Implementer) Board of Commisioner Commisioner 2 (Community) Commisioner 3 (Community) Director Board of Directors DeputyDirector Manager of Finance and Administration Head of Operation Santong Manager of Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Manager of Engineering Manager of Community Development Operator Santong1 OperatorSantong 2 Head of Operation Bayan Operator Bayan 1- 1 Operator Bayan 1-2 OperatorBayan 2-1 Operator Bayan 2-2 Operator Bayan 3-1 Operator Bayan 3-2 Finance and Administration staff 1 Operator Santong3 Operator Bayan 1-3 Operator Bayan 2-3 Operator Bayan 3-3 Finance and Administration staff 2
  • 11. Bussines Plan of SPV and Financial AnalysisOff-Grid Community Owned Renewable Energy Project For MHP OF BAYAN AND SANTONG Issued May 12th 2017 Project Ref : 3A-04 Rev. D Page 11of35 The rolesand responsibilityof the positionswithinthe structure: Position Main Responsibility 1. Shareholder The shareholders will not be involved so much in the operation. Instead, they will supervise from afar and take necessary action when major trouble happened. Shareholder structure composition will be 49% by Implementer and 51% by Community. 2. Board of Commisioner The position of board of commissioner will be decided through general meeting of shareholders once 51% of the SPV share is transferred to Community under the Cooperative as a legal entity (after commissioning).Board of commissioners is assumed by Implementer (Commisioner 1) and Community representative (Commisioner 2 and Commisioner 3). The board of commissioners duty is to supervise management of the SPV carried out by board of director, to advice the board of director to the extent necessary by board of commissioners. 3. Director Responsible for the whole SPV business entity, the contact person for communication with stakeholders and the community. The director is authorized to represent the SPV in or out of the court for any matters or in any occasions, bound the SPV Company with other party and other party with SPV Company, and carried out all actions,on management and ownership,in linewith the SPV policies and procedures. 4. Deputy Director His/her role is to supervise and approve the whole of SPV operation and act as the contact person to communicate with shareholder together with the Director. Deputy director is responsible to coordinate the action of managers in SPV. 5. Manager of Finance and Administration Responsible for the financial sustainability of SPV as the running entity to ensure long-time benefits for both community and SPV. His/her role is mainly to keeping track of records and documentation of the operation in SPV. Plus he/she will support in keeping any spare parts/consumables and the supply them if required. Administration should track material flow as well. Finance’s main task is to supervise and record the money flow in SPV. Especially to check and record all payment made by the villagers. Money flow is very crucial to ensure the SPV operation can be sustained for long term therefore finanace’s role and responsibility is very important. This action is taken to that the money can be handled professionally and to prevent mismanagement. 6. Manager of Operationand Maintenance (O&M) Responsible for the operational and maintenance of the microhydro system (PLTMH) as well as distribution lines and manage day to day the provision of the electricity to community. O&M is essential in running the electricity service. From the previous experience of the current diesel engine generator, most of the issue observed come from lack of good O&M. So this new PLTMH system has to carefully control the O&M process. Therefore an Manager of O&M shall be assigned to monitor and supervise the O&M in all PLTMH. 7. Manager of Engineering Responsible for the engineering and maintenance of the microhydro system (PLTMH) to ensure the realiability of the system in providing services to the customers.
  • 12. Bussines Plan of SPV and Financial AnalysisOff-Grid Community Owned Renewable Energy Project For MHP OF BAYAN AND SANTONG Issued May 12th 2017 Project Ref : 3A-04 Rev. D Page 12of35 Position Main Responsibility 8. Manager of Community Development He / she has responsibility to ensure the environmental management, gender mainstreaming and community development are well implemented. He / she is responsible for communication and consultation with local stakeholders, conducting and coordination with related party in the community development programs implementation. 9. Head of Operational PLTMH Santong and Bayan) Responsible for the day to day operational and maintenance of the microhydro system (PLTMH) as well as distribution lines in their respective location to ensure electricity services to community. 10. Finance and Administration staff Acting of office administration, record-keeping, customer service, daily correspondence 11. Operators Operator is the technical officers who are assigned to each area of the PLTMH plant, the operator task is to conduct the operation and maintenance of the PLTMH system including distribution line.
  • 13. Bussines Plan of SPV and Financial AnalysisOff-Grid Community Owned Renewable Energy Project For MHP OF BAYAN AND SANTONG Issued May 12th 2017 Project Ref : 3A-04 Rev. D Page 13of35 2. Sales and Marketing 2.1. Industry Analysis 2.1.1 Existing market/customers Sebelum tahun 2008 Desa Bayan dan Santong belum ada jaringan listrik, baik itu jaringan PLN ataupunsumberlainnya.Listrik PLN terdekathanyaterdapatdi kota kecamatan dengan jarak sekitar7 km.Untuk peneranganmasyarakatmengandalkanpeneranganmenggunakan minyak tanah. Sejak tahun 2008 masyarakat desa Bayan telah menggunakan listrik untuk penerangan dari PLTMH TeresGenitdan Sembulan,walaupundengankapasitas yang sangat terbatas. DidaerahpelayananPLTMHini tidakada PLN karenadianggaptidakekonomis.Saat ini jaringan listrik PLN telah menjangkau Desa Bayan dan Santong, akan tetapi hanya terbatas pada area sekitar jalan kabupaten. Sementara itu area-area yang terpencil tidak dilayani oleh PLN. Bayan village is located near from the main road (highway) that conncected North Lombok to East Lombok’s regency. This village is popular for tourism, as it is on main route for climbing/hiking to Rinjani, one of beautiful mountain in Indonesia. Bayan has total population of 5,313 personor1,530 households.1,200householdsof them are customersof existing MHP. As now, MHP TeresGenit / Bayan I (capacity 35 kW) and MHP Sembulan / Bayan II (capacity 50 kW) provide service to 1,200 houses withlimited electricity supply capacity (average 50- 70 Watt per household, 19 hours per day). Community in Bayan prefered MHP’s electricity rather thanPLN (alsoavailable withinthe village) due to its quality and stability, expensive PLN initial cost (about IDR 3 milions), and MHP’s electricity rates ranging IDR. 450-700 per kWh cheaper than PLN’s rate (IDR. 750-1500 per kWh). Santongis anothervillage,located20km westof Bayan with population is 465 households, known as agriculture commodity producer typical highland like coffee, cacao, cloves, vegetables and fruits.Santong has total population of 7,127 person or 2,317 households. In Santong village, 80% of 2,317 households have been connected with electricity supply by PLN. The remaining households about 461 poor houses are still waiting for a new power supply. Theylive inthe separated settlement with unreached PLN distribution line. Beside the instalalation cost to PLN and PLN tarrif is still too expensive for poor households. Previously, there were MHP Santong 1 (25 kW) built in 2000 and MHP Santong 2 (15 kW) built in 2008, but no longer working since 2010 and some facilities had been destroyed. Thisproject intended to provide a total of 1.2 MW off-grid run-off river micro hydro power plant that consist of 2x300 KwH plus 3x30 KwH in Bayan and 2x250 KwH in Santong targeting 1,200 housesinBayan and 461 housesin Santong (Total numberof households in Bayan is 1,530 household, and in Santong is 2,317 households). All houses plus public
  • 14. Bussines Plan of SPV and Financial AnalysisOff-Grid Community Owned Renewable Energy Project For MHP OF BAYAN AND SANTONG Issued May 12th 2017 Project Ref : 3A-04 Rev. D Page 14of35 facilitieswillbe potential customersforthis electricityservices. However,publicfacilitieswill be served in future network expansion. 2.1.2 Market analysis a. Kebutuhandayatambahanuntuk pelanggan eksiting Saat ini listrikdi 11 dusundi DesaBayan dilayani oleh2pembangkitdenganhanya85 Kw. Kapasitasini tentusangatkecil jikadibandingkankebutuhanminimalrumahtangga. Dibawahini perhitungankebutuhanlistrikuntukdesaBayan. PERHITUNGAN KEBUTUHAN DAYA BAYAN Jumlah 1 Rumahtangga 1.200 Kapasitas Kebutuhan Sederhana 600 450 270 KW Menengah 360 900 324 KW Kaya 240 1.300 312 KW 2 Sarana sosial Musholla 8 450 3,6 KW Masjid 1 900 0,9 KW Sekolah SD 6 1.300 7,8 KW SMP - TK/PAUD 4 900 3,6 KW Balai pertemuan 8 900 7,2 KW Lampu jalan 30 100 3 KW Kantor desa 1 900 0,9 KW 3 Sarana Perekonomian Huller 4 4.900 19,6 KW Bengkel 8 1.300 10,4 KW Usaha rumahtangga 30 900 27 KW Usaha penginapan 4 2.600 10,4 KW Jumlah 1.000, KW Sementaraitukebutuhandayadi DesaSantong adalah SANTONG 1 Households 426 Sederhana 213 450 95,85 KW Menengah 128 900 115,2 KW Kaya 85 1.300 110,5 KW
  • 15. Bussines Plan of SPV and Financial AnalysisOff-Grid Community Owned Renewable Energy Project For MHP OF BAYAN AND SANTONG Issued May 12th 2017 Project Ref : 3A-04 Rev. D Page 15of35 2 Social infrastructure KW Musholla 6 450 2,7 KW Masjid 1 900 0,9 KW School KW SD 4 1.300 5,2 KW SMP 1 KW TK/PAUD 4 900 3,6 KW Balai pertemuan 4 900 3,6 KW Lampu jalan 20 100 2 KW Kantor desa 1 900 0,9 KW 3 Sarana Perekonomian KW Huller 2 4.900 9,8 KW Bengkel 3 1.300 3,9 KW Usaha rumahtangga 25 900 22,5 KW Usaha penginapan 2 1.300 2,6 KW Jumlah 379,25 KW Berdasarkanperhitungandiatas,terdapatkebutuhandayasebesar1,3 MW untukkedua desatersebut. Dayayangtersediasekaranghanya85 KW,sehinggauntukmenutupi kebutuhansekarangdibutuhansetidaknya1,2MW. Jikaterdapatpertumbuhan permintaan/kebutuhansebesar5% pertahun,makapadatahun ke 20 dibutuhkansetidaknya daya sebesar3,5 MW. b. Perluasanpasar Dimasadepanpeluangperluasanpasar masihterbukaluas,beberapadiantaranya;  Diseputar Desa Bayan dan Santong masih terdapat dusun-dusun yang belum dialiri oleh listrik PLN, terutama area-area yang jauh dari jalan raya. Untuk diketahui bahwa karakteristik sebaran perumahan umumnya tersebar diperbukitan (mengikuti lahan garapan) dengan jumlah rumah berkisar 10 – 50 unit. Berdasarkan hasil identifikasi minat dusun-dusun diluar pelanggan PLMH existing, di desa bayan saja terdapat permintaan minimal sekitar 500 satuan sambungan.  Didesa Bayan terdapat potensi wisata yang belum dikembangkan yaitu air terjum, hutan desa, pintu masuk kependakian Gunung Rinjani, tracking, pemandangandanlian-lain.Jikapotensi ini dapat dikembangkan seperti halnya desatetangganyayaitudesa Senaru, maka tidak menutup kemungkinan bahwa desa Bayan akan berkembang menjadi Desa Wisata. Untuk itu akan diperlukan tambahan daya yang cukup besar. Sebagai gambaran Hotel Rinjani Cottage didusunTeresGenit, membutuhkan minimal 5000 watt, akan tetapi tidak dapat
  • 16. Bussines Plan of SPV and Financial AnalysisOff-Grid Community Owned Renewable Energy Project For MHP OF BAYAN AND SANTONG Issued May 12th 2017 Project Ref : 3A-04 Rev. D Page 16of35 dipenuhi oleh PLTMH yang ada. Minat masyarakat membangun fasilitas wisata terkendala oleh minimnya kapasitas PLTMH.  Para pemilikhotel di Desa Senaru juga menaruh harapan yang besar agar dapat menggunakan listrik PLTMH. Selama ini mereka menggunakan listrik PLN, akan tetapi merekamenganggapbahwakualitaslayanannyatidakmemenuhi harapan mereka.  Didesa Santong, terdapat banyak pengrajin pisang sale yang kesulitan mengeringkan pisangnya dimusim hujan. Pemerintah telah membantu para pengrajin dengan memberikan 4 buah oven listrik. Akan tetapi saat ini tidak digunakan karena tagihan listrik yang tidak mampu dibayar pengrajin. c. Keterbatasan PLN menjangkau area terpencil Untuk memahami keterbatasan PLN menjangkau area terpencil, termasuk juga Dusun- Dusundi DesaBayan Dan Santong,dibawahini dijelaskan beberapa fakta terkait hal ini;  Bahwa sumber listrik PLN berasal dari pembangkit PLTD dan PLTU di kota Mataram, yang berjarak sekirat 90 km dari lokasi. Jaringan yang digunakan adalah jaringan 20 KV, sehingga sampai kelokasi Bayan dan Santong terjadi penurunanteganganyang tajam. Kualitas daya PLN sangat rendah di Bayan dan Santong.  KelistrikanLombok saat ini sedang mengalami defisit sekitar 35 MW. Defisit ini akan semakin besar jika pembangunan Mall dan kawasan wisata Mandalika telah beroperasi. Ekspansi jaringan hingga ke pelosok gunung tidak dapat dilakukan.  Bahwa kondisi geografi Bayan dan Santong adalah daerah pegunungan/perbukitan dibawah kaki Gunung Rinjani. Sebaran pemukiman sebagian kecil terletak disepanjang jalan Kabupaten/desa dan sebagian besar terletak berkelompok diperbukitan dekat dengan kepemikan lahan pertanian. 2.1.3 Opportunity and potential new market In addition to the electricity service provision to the local communities in Bayan and Santong, SPV could potentially expend the service to include: 1. Provisionenergy-efficientelectricappliances,especiallyinthe remote sub-villagesin Bayan andSantong. 2. Support productive economic activity that otherwise won’t available without electricity. 3. To serve as a role model and provide capacity building for other off-grid villages (thatnot connectedwithPLN) indevelopingsimilarsystemeitherwithfunding from government or donors.
  • 17. Bussines Plan of SPV and Financial AnalysisOff-Grid Community Owned Renewable Energy Project For MHP OF BAYAN AND SANTONG Issued May 12th 2017 Project Ref : 3A-04 Rev. D Page 17of35 2.1.4 Key Enablers And Potential Benefits Some keyenablers thatcandrive potential benefits for micro hydro development in Bayan and Santong: Key enablers Description Potential Impact Local Economic Development The potential of local economic development (ie. tourism-based in Bayan and agriculture-based in Santongdue) to new capacity of electriticy.Bayan is potential placefor trackingto the Mount of Rinajani.Potential ecotourism business in Bayan are homestay, resort/villas, culinary,etc.In Santong, it is potential to develop local agro-based industry for getting valueadded of local products such as coffee, clove, cacao,etc. An increasein demand for electricity due to the utilization of electricity in supportingeconomic activities Political will of local government and stakeholders Strong political will fromthe district government of North Lombok, University of Mataram, and other stakeholders for the provision of electricity fro renewable energy Opportunity for system expansion and replication in and outsidethe island. This will further enhance the SPV business continuity. Regulatory framework Clarity on the possibility of privatesector to provideelectricity serviceto communities (a new decree issued by ESDM, No.19/2016) which regulated the electricity provision to communities. Shall this regulation beingenforced, the SPV has the opportunity to sell the electricity also to PLN. At the moment, SPV plan to sell the electricity services directly to the community. On-grid connectivity In the future, PLN may expand the electricity network to Bayan and Santong. Despite the ‘competition’with PLN, the sustainability of off-grid system will keep on continuing(as proven in Bayan),due to PLN tariff (more expensive) and the quality of its service. Micro hydro technological advancement There is a potential in the hydro power planttechnology that generate more capacity (better utilization) and more environmental friendly technology with low maintenance cost. This will provideopportunity for SPV to upgrade the micro hydro technology and system, capitalizing existinginvestment and leveragingits runningbusiness model. Social Security System With government policy providingvarious social security system(health,education, cash transfer,etc) for poor household,the family has more budget to spend now on ‘consumable’goods, includingelectricity. The potential changes in the policy will lower the risk on the ability of poor household to install and pay for the services.
  • 18. Bussines Plan of SPV and Financial AnalysisOff-Grid Community Owned Renewable Energy Project For MHP OF BAYAN AND SANTONG Issued May 12th 2017 Project Ref : 3A-04 Rev. D Page 18of35 2.2. Market Analysis The primary market segment of SPV is houses in Bayan and Santong villages. Based on assessment,there are 1,174housesinBayan and461 houses in Santong (total 1,635 houses). Basedon electrical analysis,the need (demand) of power in the two villages are 396.23 kW in Bayan and 248.94 kW in Santong. However, the SPV will supply 442.5 kW in Bayan and 585.0 kW inSantonggeneratedfromfourmicrohydropower plants (see Table 2.1 and Table 2.2). Estimated electricity demand (load) is smaller than power produced by Bayan and SantongMHPs.Excesspowercan be used for potential market in the villages. In the future, potential marketbesideshouseholdswillinclude streetlidghting, public facilities, Economic entrepreneur facilities and tourism lodging.Households as a primary customer, public and economic entrepreneur facilities as a second customer. Table 2.1.Calculated electricity demand for Bayan village. Group Income in Bayan Village VA Installed Electricity Demand (kW) Power Produced (kW) Remarks Under Poverty Line 822 HH 450 184.91 1 connection 2 HH Under 1.5x Poverty Line 235 HH 450 105.66 1 connection 1 HH Medium 117 HH 900 105.66 1 connection 1 HH Total 1174 HH 396.23 442.50 Estimated electricity demand (load) is smaller than power produced by Bayan MHPs. Excess power can be used for street lighting,social infrastructurelike school and mosque and productive business in Bayan village.The use of excess power is predicted increasedue to the improved quality of lifeof the community. Table 2.2.Calculated electricity demand for Santongvillage. Group Income in Santong Village VA Installed Electricity Demand (kW) Power Produced (kW) Remarks Under Poverty Line 231 HH 450 103,73 1 connection 1 HH Under 1.5x Poverty 138 HH 450 62,24 1 connection 1 HH
  • 19. Bussines Plan of SPV and Financial AnalysisOff-Grid Community Owned Renewable Energy Project For MHP OF BAYAN AND SANTONG Issued May 12th 2017 Project Ref : 3A-04 Rev. D Page 19of35 Group Income in Santong Village VA Installed Electricity Demand (kW) Power Produced (kW) Remarks Line Medium 92 HH 900 82,98 1 connection 1 HH Total 461 HH 248,94 585,00 Estimated electricity demand (load) is smaller than power produced by Santong MHPs. Excess power can be used for street lighting,social infrastructurelike school and mosque and productive business in Santongvillage.The use of excess power is predicted increasedue to the improved quality of lifeof the community. 2.3. Customer Analysis Local communityin bothvillagesof BayanandSantongare maincustomersof thiselectricity services.Thiscustomerprofile canbe showedinfollowingcategories: Table 2.3Number and Percentage ratio of Population by Occupation in Santong and Bayan, 2014 Occupation Santong Bayan Man Woman Ratio % Man Women Ratio % Farmer 453 301 60 : 40 1232 1268 49 : 51 Farm workers 354 326 52 : 48 52 26 66 : 34 Migrant workers 102 145 41 : 59 65 39 62: 38 Civil servant 31 8 79 : 21 22 8 73 : 27 Craftsman 17 30 36 : 64 0 12 0 : 100 Cattleman 501 350 59 : 41 0 0 0 Mechanic 12 0 100 : 0 6 0 100 : 0 Private nurses 0 8 0 : 100 3 1 75 : 25 Private employees 0 2 0 : 100 0 2 0 : 100 Military 3 0 100 : 0 0 0 0 Police 3 0 100 : 0 1 0 100 : 0 Small businessman 121 54 69 : 31 36 29 55 : 45 Private lecturer 3 0 100 : 0 3 0 100 : 0 Pitchman 8 15 34 : 66 0 8 0 : 100 Servant 0 17 0 : 100 0 2 0 : 100 Traditional medicaster 0 1 0 : 100 7 5 58 : 42 Employees of private company 121 147 45 : 55 15 18 45 : 55 Employees of government company 3 0 100 : 0 36 22 62 : 38
  • 20. Bussines Plan of SPV and Financial AnalysisOff-Grid Community Owned Renewable Energy Project For MHP OF BAYAN AND SANTONG Issued May 12th 2017 Project Ref : 3A-04 Rev. D Page 20of35 Occupation Santong Bayan Man Woman Ratio % Man Women Ratio % Retired 3 0 100 : 0 5 1 83 : 17 Total 3.139 1404 69 : 31 2513 2637 48 : 52 Source : Statistic report of Santong and Bayan village profile, 2014 In the table above shows that dominant occupations in Santong are farmer, farm worker, cattle man, employees of private companies, small businessman, and migrant workers. Generally the occupations in Bayan are the same as in Santong, but cattle mans is only in Santong. In this data also shows that number of migrant worker in both villages are significanthighbecauselimitedavailabilityof occupationsin the villages. And most of them are poor community. In addition, this table shows there are some opportunities exist in the villages as small business entrepreneurs that can be strengthened and developed, also there are some potential workersthat can be employed by private company. Those are local entrepreneur that can be developed further after MHPs project investment. The potential of local economicdevelopment in the region are tourism-based in Bayan and agriculture-basedinSantongdue to new capacity of electriticy. Bayan is potential place for tracking to the Mount of Rinajani. Potential ecotourism business in Bayan are homestay, resort/villas,culinary,etc.InSantong,itispotential todeveloplocal agro-based industry for getting value added of local products such as coffee, clove, cacao, etc. Table 2.4Targeted Customers of MHPs in Bayan and Santong Population of Village Targeted Beneficiaries Vulnerable Groups # % of village population # % of total beneficiaries Bayan village 5,313 person 1,530 households 1,174houses 77 % 1,057 households 90% Santong village 7,127 person 2,317 households 461 houses 20 % 415 households 90 % TOTAL 1,635 1,472 Basedon study,the costumerswill use electricitymostlyforlightingAnyelectrical equipment has a penetration rate (PR), for example Compact Fluorescent Lamp (CFL) light has a PR 100%. Retrieved average daily demand per household on Santong Village shown in Figure 2.1. Each household commonly power a light 2-5 bulb, radio/tape recorder, charger and households have access to TV. The average electricity needs for appliances, equipment operating hours per day, used to calculate the electricity consumption by 3 categories
  • 21. Bussines Plan of SPV and Financial AnalysisOff-Grid Community Owned Renewable Energy Project For MHP OF BAYAN AND SANTONG Issued May 12th 2017 Project Ref : 3A-04 Rev. D Page 21of35 income group of households named under poverty line, under 1.5x poverty line and medium. Calculation of households’ energy needs and annual electricity consumption is shown in Table 2.5. Table 2.5.Estimated energy consumption by household Figure 2.1 Average daily demand per household As mentionedabove, existingelectricityproblemsin Bayan village is limited power capacity for 1,174 households from existing MHP TeresGenit / Bayan I (capacity 35 kW) and MHP Sembulan / Bayan II (capacity 50 kW) both using irrigation water flow. These two MHP supply the limited power only under 100 Watt per household in average. Besides the daily operation time of TeresGenit / Bayan I MHP during 17.00 to 13.00 (20 hours), and MHP Sembulan / Bayan II during 18.00 to 06.00 (12 hours). Community in Bayan prefered MHP’s electricityratherthanPLN (alsoavailable within the village) due to its quality and stability, expensive PLN initial cost(aboutIDR3 milions),andMHP’selectricityrates ranging IDR. 450- 700 per kWh cheaper than PLN’s rate (IDR. 750-1500 per kWh). Unit Hour kWh/d Unit Hour kWh/d Unit Hour kWh/d CFL Indoor 14 2 6 0.168 2 6 0.168 4 6 0.336 CFL Outdoor 14 1 12 0.168 1 12 0.168 1 12 0.168 Radio/Tape Recorder 50 1 2 0.1 1 0 0 1 2 0.1 TV 75 0 4 0 1 4 0.3 1 4 0.3 Refrigerator 400 0 24 0 0 24 0 1 24 9.6 Iron 500 0 2 0 0 2 0 1 2 1 Charger 5 1 4 0.02 2 4 0.04 2 4 0.04 Total kWh/HH/day 0.456 0.676 11.544 Total kWh/HH/year 166.44 246.74 4213.56 Under Poverty Line Under 1.5x Poverty Line Medium Wattage
  • 22. Bussines Plan of SPV and Financial AnalysisOff-Grid Community Owned Renewable Energy Project For MHP OF BAYAN AND SANTONG Issued May 12th 2017 Project Ref : 3A-04 Rev. D Page 22of35 In Santongvillage,80%of 2,317 householdshave beenconnected with electricity supply by PLN. The remaining households about 461 poor houses are still waiting for a new power supply. Table 2.3Customer Analysis and their affordability (willingness)to pay profile Customer Characteristic Description Purchase and Payment Behavior Poor and vulnerableGroups Small percentage of households are poor and vulnerablegroups. Accessibility is also an issue.Despite their demand for electricity,this group havingaffordability issueto render the electricity services. Despite their need to access the electricity, their affordabiilityto pay is low. Local communities at lare Majority of communities are falled under this category; 85% of total houses are regular customers who arespread out in several locations(hamlets), accessibleby foot or motorbike. They afford to render this microhydro electricity (PLTMH), followingthe scheme that already developed in Bayan.They can’t afford to pay PLN’s tariff. The commitment to pay is very high, understandingthis community-based electricity services is only can run if pay the bill on timely manner. Business Communities (able to pay for PLN services) Small percentage number of households has more productiveeconomic activities.They afford to render the on- grid services/tariff (if PLNis availablein their area). Their ability to pay is the tariff of PLN, as they can afford it. However, they prefer to subscribethe microhydroelectricity notonly because on more attractivetariff,but also more reliablethan PLN. This group has no problem in settlingtheir bill on timely manner. 2.4. Competitor Analysis In general,there isno competition for the electricity provision in Bayan and Santong at the momentexceptin a limited area of Bayan where there is on-grid PLN. The risk of potential competition could be easily mitigated due to the following factors: 1. This community-basedmicrohydro (PLTMH)in Bayan has been proven in the last 7-8 years as a living ‘sustainable’ system; as the capacity to offer cheaper, reliable and sustainable electricity services. 2. The community-based PLTMH system providesgreater ownership and economic return for local community (cheaper tariff) and SPV will also provide benefit sharing. The state owned electricity company (PLN), only has 10 households subscribed it in Teresgenitsub-vilage andSembulan sub-village (location of MHPs operation),may the only competitorinsome part of villages Bayan.However,this will not be the case at least due to
  • 23. Bussines Plan of SPV and Financial AnalysisOff-Grid Community Owned Renewable Energy Project For MHP OF BAYAN AND SANTONG Issued May 12th 2017 Project Ref : 3A-04 Rev. D Page 23of35 its limited access and infrastructure as well as the affordability of the community in subscribing this on-grid service. A detail SWOT analysis on SPV and its services are presented in the table below: Table 2.4SWOT Analysis SPV and its services Strength Weakness  This community-based microhydro is a proven livingsustainable system especially in Bayan in thelast 7- years (this is NOT just a concept or idea)  Electricity Service developed is renewable and low-carbon energy.  This microhydro plant has a realiable service as experienced by community.  Off-grid decentralized small scale plant has much lower operation and maintenance cost compared to centralized on- grid system.  Microhydrosystemhas a more simple maintenance requirement that can be handled locally.  SPV has community share which offers economic return to the local community.  Community has opportunity to actively participate in the operation and management of the power plant facility.  The turbines and components of microhydro plant need to be overhalued and maintenanced regularly, depending on the condition, the cost can be expensive if the maintenance is not good (routine). Opportunity Threat/Risks  Opportunity to be a proven community-based microhydro plant system that can be replicated in many other locations in Indonesia.  Potential to be scale up, as the economic activities will growth that utilize the electricity services.  SPV creates job opportunities to local community and increase higher income household.  Social welfareis expected to improve not only becauseof access to electricity but also potential advantages they can bring  The microhydrosystem highly dependent on the sufficiency of the debit and quality of the water. However, there are times when the debit is insufficient to generate power due to weather condition (ie. long drought.  New decree issued by ESDM (No.12/2017) which regulated the electricity provision to communities. 2.5. Sales and Marketing Plan The four microhydropowerplants will produce 645.17 KW which will be totally supplied to 1,635 houses. Therefore, there will be no specific marketing plan and strategy to sell electricity generated from the power plants. Based on financial analysis and consultation with local stakeholders, the pricing is devided into four categories: 1. Rp. 450/Kwh for poor households and public facilities.
  • 24. Bussines Plan of SPV and Financial AnalysisOff-Grid Community Owned Renewable Energy Project For MHP OF BAYAN AND SANTONG Issued May 12th 2017 Project Ref : 3A-04 Rev. D Page 24of35 2. Rp.550/Kwh for non-poor households. 3. Rp. 650/Kwh for better-income households. 4. Rp.750/Kwh for economic entrepreneur facilities.
  • 25. Bussines Plan of SPV and Financial AnalysisOff-Grid Community Owned Renewable Energy Project For MHP OF BAYAN AND SANTONG Issued May 12th 2017 Project Ref : 3A-04 Rev. D Page 25of35 3. Management and Operation 3.1. Personnel and roles and Main Responsibility See Section 1.5 3.2. Determining Electricity Tariff and Obtaining Approval fromGovernment The electricitytariff (price) will be decidedinparticipatorywaybetweenthe community and the SPV.The affordability of the community in rendering the electricity services should be main consideration, while an efficient operation of SPV in a sustainable way must be maintained. The tariff rate isveryaffordableforcommunity,ascurrentlyitsisa living proven sustainableexistingcommunity-based microhydro system in Bayan. Based on the point 4.7 CalculationOf MinimumRatesonFinancial Analisys (see table 4.12 and 4.13), the minimum tariff is proposed at Rp.450 per Kwh (similar tariff with the exisiting PLTMH, and cheaper than on-gridPLN tariff),willbe consultated and confirmed this to local government, village administration and community. Table 3.2 Electricity Tariff Proposed Tariff per KwH Remarks IDR 450 PoorHouseholdsandpublicfacilities IDR 550 Non-poorHouseholds IDR 650 Better-incomeHouseholds IDR 750 Economicentrepreneurfacilities The tariff might be adjusted on a regular basis, taken into account operational and maintenance costs (sustainability purpose), however ‘affordability’ principle and ‘participatory’ process should remained in the place. Due to the coverage of the off-gridelectricitysysteminvillage level,there is no government approval regardingthe tarrif.The tariff of the MHP system in Santong and Bayan have been agreed during public consultation in the village level and acknowledge by the village government in Bayan and Santong. 3.3 Billing Mechanism a. Payment system Prepaid system will be applied. Customers will need to refill their metering system by purchasing voucher from SPV. The vending system will automatically generate voucher
  • 26. Bussines Plan of SPV and Financial AnalysisOff-Grid Community Owned Renewable Energy Project For MHP OF BAYAN AND SANTONG Issued May 12th 2017 Project Ref : 3A-04 Rev. D Page 26of35 number to be entered into the household metering system which will provide access to electricity. The customers will pay in advance some amount of electricity they need and the SPV will provide vouchers with number of token then they filled it in the electrical meter.Voucher selling is very crucial and has to be done very carefully. All the money collected has to be recorded and kept properly. First treasurer has to create voucher database. This database will help to monitor the out going sales. Figure 3.2 Billing process of voucher payment b. Payment system for poor families Payment for poor families, who are not able to pay suggested tariff, will be made through deductionof cashtransfer(KKS-KartuKeluargaSejahtera) received. However, when the SPV ismakingsufficientprofitandbenefitsare sharedwiththe communitypoorhouseholds will also benefits to ensure their sustainable access to electricity. 3.4. Capacity Building 3.4.1. Related to Operation and Maintenance of the Facilities Capacitybuildingrelatedto the technical management of MHP system covers several main themes. Detailed of each of the training topics are as follows: Consumer request voucher Voucher payment to SPV SPV issued voucher (with token number) Consumer input token number in the meter Electricity ON
  • 27. Bussines Plan of SPV and Financial AnalysisOff-Grid Community Owned Renewable Energy Project For MHP OF BAYAN AND SANTONG Issued May 12th 2017 Project Ref : 3A-04 Rev. D Page 27of35 Table 3.3. Training Themes Related to Operation and Maintenance of the Facilities Main Themes Topics 1. Renewable energy (microhydro) SystemTraining 1. Why Renewable Energy? 2. MHP system as general 3. Hydropower becomes electricity 4. List and Overview of Basic Components of MHP system a. Dam / weir b. Sand trap pond. c. Penstock d. Waterway e. Power house, turbine and hydro mechanical installation 5. Electrical basics to understand the correlations a. Electrical basics, current, voltage, electric power, yield, series / parallel circuits for modules b. Practical exercises (individual and in small groups) 2. MHP system a. Technology types b. Characteristic values and production c. How MHP system work d. MHP system construction e. Specification of MHP 3. Monitoringand Control System 1. Topology and basic component of monitoring & control system 2. Function of monitoring & control system 3. Network 4. Fire Detection System 1. Fire Detection System Overview 2. Testing 3. Trouble shoot detector 4. Fire Exthinguiser System 5. Lightning System 1. Outdoor lighting at power plant area 2. Street lighting 3. Lighting system at household 6. Distribution System 1. Distribution System Overview 2. Lockout and Tagout 3. Grounding System 4. Transformer 7. Prepaid Metering System 1. Topology of Prepaid Metering System 2. kWh Meter 3. Top-up Electricity Procedure 8. Service and Maintenance 1. Visual inspection 2. Lines, defective installation and other most typically mistakes 3. Testing
  • 28. Bussines Plan of SPV and Financial AnalysisOff-Grid Community Owned Renewable Energy Project For MHP OF BAYAN AND SANTONG Issued May 12th 2017 Project Ref : 3A-04 Rev. D Page 28of35 Main Themes Topics 4. Measurement 5. Troubleshooting Examples: most common errors 6. System documentation 7. Group tasks: knowledge transfer to the practice 9. Quality Assurance 1. Standard Test conditions (STC) 2. Measurements, reports 3. Troubleshooting measurements 3.4.2. Related to Operation and Maintenance The Routine O&M result has to be recorded whether there are trouble or not. The SPV representative andoperatorwill do the routine O&Mand then report to O&Mcoordinator. A template/format of the report will be prepared to ease the reporting process. Figure 3.3.Operation and Maintenance coordination. Work ordershouldinclude butnotlimitedto:  When,where,andwhatisthe problem  How to handle it  What equipment/sparepartsisrequired(filledbyO&Msupport)
  • 29. Bussines Plan of SPV and Financial AnalysisOff-Grid Community Owned Renewable Energy Project For MHP OF BAYAN AND SANTONG Issued May 12th 2017 Project Ref : 3A-04 Rev. D Page 29of35  Cost (filledbyO&Msupport). 3.4.3. Related to Management of the Facilities In addition, capacity building related to the people management and operation management are intended to provide for the Director, Managers, and Supervisors. in following themes: 1. ProjectManagement(Planning,Organizing,Action,Control) 2. Human ResourcesManagement 3. Financial Management 4. FeedbackandResponse Mechanism 5. DocumentationandReporting 6. Healthand Safety 7. Environmental Protection 8. CommunityDevelopment 9. GenderandSocial Inclusion The Operators,TechnicianandSupervisorof operationshouldalsoattendtechnical trainings related to microhydro operation and maintenance. Meanwhile the Administration and Finance staff, as well as cross-cutting compliance officer must attend related financial and administration trainings. 3.5. Share distribution to Community The village meetingwillalsodefine criteriafor beneficiaries selection with priority given to women groups, vulnerable groups and other community members that need support most (elderly,orphans,disabled,others). The share distributionmechanismwillbe collective and in the form of cash or in-kind (capacity building).
  • 30. Bussines Plan of SPV and Financial AnalysisOff-Grid Community Owned Renewable Energy Project For MHP OF BAYAN AND SANTONG Issued May 12th 2017 Project Ref : 3A-04 Rev. D Page 30of35 Figure 3.4.Share Distribution Process to Community 3.6. Redistribution assets and income to community In line with the spririt that MHP Bayan and Santong should provide optimal benefits both economicallyandsociallytolocal community,SPV shouldplayrole as ‘facilitator’ and ‘agent of development’tomake this happen.The revenue or income generated by the SPV should be used for sustainable purposes of MHP through providing reliable electricity services, efficient operation and affordable tariff. Allocationfor: Distribution Mechanism Beneficiaries Selection KOPERASI Reserve Village Income Subsidy for Poor Com-Dev Activities Collective in form of Capacity Development After five Years Dividends(51%) KOPERASI RINJANI Village Meeting Income Profit Reserve :20% Com-Dev:10% CSR : 2% O&M Cost Management Cost Tax Loan Payment Nett Profit First Five Years Dividends Working Capital of sustainable operation and expansion 1. DAS maintencace 2. Scholarship in Unram 3. Community incomegenerated 4. Improve village environment
  • 31. Bussines Plan of SPV and Financial AnalysisOff-Grid Community Owned Renewable Energy Project For MHP OF BAYAN AND SANTONG Issued May 12th 2017 Project Ref : 3A-04 Rev. D Page 31of35 The profit should not be the primary goal of SPV, rather the continuation of operation in most efficient ways to support local community wellbeing in more productive ways and betterqualityof living.Shouldthe SPV gainprofitmarginthatbeyondthe needtooperation, a redistribution scheme to local community should be developed. A participatory approach discussions will be organized between SPV and community to discussanddecide on: (1) Budget allocation for this, (2) Scheme on how the budget will be distributed,and(3) Selectionof beneficiariaes to receive this redistribution to community. The local community would take ownership scheme of MHP Bayan and Santong. A cooperative, to represent them, will be set up once the grant is secured and the project construction is started. The community ownership scheme is important to be developed since the beginningof the process.Inadditiontothatscheme,a businessmodel and ways of working between SPV and cooperative (community) should also be set up. 3.7. Documentation and Reporting SPV will furtherdevelopmanualstosetup a standardmanagementandoperational documentationandreportingsystem whichconsistof: 1) managementreporting(strategicplan,keyperformance indicatiors,annual report) 2) operationalandmaintenance reporting(technical,O&Mplan,technical audit) 3) financial reporting (cashflow,investment,procurement,tax andaudit) 4) organizationand people management (staffing,community,stakeholders. 3.8. Feedback and Response Mechanism (FRM) The Feedback and Response Mechanism (FRM) delivered a mechanism that enables the beneficiariesandcommunitymembers to provide feedback and seek responses in relation to the projectactivitiesandotherdevelopment activities in their communities, in a manner that is safe, non-threatening and accessible. The FRM mechanism should be introduced to the the community,so that they felt their concerns and voices were better heard that building early warning to management of the projects.The incorporationof women andcommunitymembers involvement in the project activities will create an impact to the extent that there has been more social harmony improvement through community participation. The FRMmechanism should encourage a participatory approach like Public Consultation or Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) with specific community groups or the whole community at large. The FRM has three maincomponents; (a) Informationdisseminationtoconsumersandcommunities, (b) Receivingfeedbacksanddocumentingitsystematically,and
  • 32. Bussines Plan of SPV and Financial AnalysisOff-Grid Community Owned Renewable Energy Project For MHP OF BAYAN AND SANTONG Issued May 12th 2017 Project Ref : 3A-04 Rev. D Page 32of35 (c) Respondingtofeedbacks. Communityfacilitatorswhoare actingas SPV representative willcollectfeedbackfromthe communityandprovide responseaccordinglybasedonconsultationwith SPV management/ personnel.The followingchartdescribesthe flow andmechanismof FRMprocess: Figure 3.5.Feedback and Response Mechanism Call Centre/ SMS Direct Feedback Helpdesk Feedback Form Direct Letter SPV Representatives SPV OfficeManag ement Director Emergency and Quick Response Consultation and Planned Response Confidential Issues Give Response to respected feedback in line with SOP Feedback Provided Media
  • 33. Bussines Plan of SPV and Financial AnalysisOff-Grid Community Owned Renewable Energy Project For MHP OF BAYAN AND SANTONG Issued May 12th 2017 Project Ref : 3A-04 Rev. D Page 33of35 3.9. Work Plan Table 3.4. Work Plan ACTIVITIES TARGET SCHEDULE 2017 2018 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOP DEC JAN FEB MAR 1. SPV Legal Permit FinalizesLegal Permit at Provincial Level Land Owner Certificate, Build Permit, SPV’s Act regarding the newshareholder composition, ElectricityService Provider Permit,Territorial Business Permit, Letter or Decree fromGovernor/ Provincial Government related to electricitytariff, the extension ofprincipal permit 2. Awareness to SPV Stakeholder Cordination Meeting At District Level Participants:Stakeholders inProvincial level (BAPPEDA, BMPD, ESDM, Fishery, BLHD, Tourism, etc) and District level (BAPPEDA, BPMD, Koperasi UMKM, Distamben, BLHD, Tourism, Pemberdayaan Perempuan, Fishery, Camat, Kepala Desa, etc), private sector (PLN, tourism investor, etc) CommunityGathering (Stakeholder Cordination Meeting At Village Level) Enhance the communityawarenessand understanding related withSPV activities andits benefits to community.
  • 34. Bussines Plan of SPV and Financial AnalysisOff-Grid Community Owned Renewable Energy Project For MHP OF BAYAN AND SANTONG Issued May 12th 2017 Project Ref : 3A-04 Rev. D Page 34of35 ACTIVITIES TARGET SCHEDULE 2017 2018 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOP DEC JAN FEB MAR Awareness raising (developing posters andbrochures) Developanddistributing the brochures and posters including efficient use ofelectricity, SPV facilityandsustainable NRMissues. Awareness session(at Hamlets and Schools) Environmental educationto all students at school exist inBayanandSantong. To enhance the communityunderstanding about efficient use of electricity, SPV facilityandsustainable NRM Awareness session(trainingfor local facilitators andteachers on keyawareness messages and public communication skills) Recruiting and Performtraining of trainers enhance the communityunderstandingabout efficient use of electricity, SPV facilityand sustainable NRM 3. SPV Readiness OrientationFor Personnel and Laborer On TIP, HIV/AIDS, ESMS/ESMPTopics Workshopandtraining for Project personnel and laborer Technical Training for SPV (MH System And O&MTraining) Recruiting personnel, Perform a serial training relatedwithSolar PV Systemandits O&M, Select the personnel as SPV’s workers SPV ManagerialTraining (including involvement of Vulnerable Group inSPV) Recruiting personnel, Perform a serial training relatedwithManagerial activity, Select the personnel as SPV’s workers
  • 35. Bussines Plan of SPV and Financial AnalysisOff-Grid Community Owned Renewable Energy Project For MHP OF BAYAN AND SANTONG Issued May 12th 2017 Project Ref : 3A-04 Rev. D Page 35of35 ACTIVITIES TARGET SCHEDULE 2017 2018 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOP DEC JAN FEB MAR Developpolicies, procedures and systemfor SPV Complete manual regarding all item needed by SPV 4. SPV’s Added Value Training for women representative onleadership skillandorganizational management At least 2 trainings onleadershipskills and organizationalmanagement are conductedafter constructionto ensure women’s equal participationinMUSRENBANG Assist the representative of women in MUSRENBANG and KOPERASI There is representationof womenthat sit inthe MUSRENBANG andcontribute to the MUSRENBANG process. There is programdevelopedinthe MUSRENBANG for women empowerement Training for women representative on KOPERASI 30% of the implemented communitymembers are women who are involvedinKOPERASI management 5. Monitoring and Evaluation Complete Monitoring andEvaluationRegarding All Target