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Metaprogramming and Reflection
        Common Lisp

            Damien C ASSOU
            Hasso-Plattner-Institut Potsdam
             Software Architecture Group
              Prof. Dr. Robert Hirschfeld
Metaprogramming and Reflection


   (function-name arg1 arg2 ... argn)

   > (+ 1 2)

Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present   2 / 56
Metaprogramming and Reflection

 Creating Lists
   > (cons 3 nil)
   > (cons 2 (3))

   Impossible as 3 is not a function
   > (cons                  2 ’(3))
   (2 3)
   > (cons                  1 ’(2 3))
   (1 2 3)
   > (list                  1 2 3)
   (1 2 3)
   > ’(1 2                  3)
   (1 2 3)
Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present   3 / 56
Metaprogramming and Reflection

 Studying Lists

   > (car ’(1 2 3))
   > (cdr ’(1 2 3))
   (2 3)
   > (first ’(1 2 3))
   > (last ’(1 2 3) 2)
   (2 3)
   > (last ’(1 2 3))

Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present   4 / 56
Metaprogramming and Reflection

 Creating Functions

   > (defun mult2 (x)
       "Multiplies x by 2"
       (* x 2))

   defun is itself a function, it creates functions
   > (mult2 3)

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Metaprogramming and Reflection

 Studying Functions

   > #’mult2
   #<FUNCTION mult2>
   > (describe #’mult2)
   (defun mult2 (x)
     "Multiplies x by 2"
     (* x 2))

Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present   6 / 56
Metaprogramming and Reflection

 Calling Functions

   > (mult2 3)
   > (funcall #’mult2 3)
   > (defvar fmult2 #’mult2)
   > (funcall fmult2 3)

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Metaprogramming and Reflection


   In Lisp it is possible to:
        define new functions,
        retrieve a function by name,
        reference a function from a variable,
        call a function from a variable.

   This is very similar to pointer manipulation in C

Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present   8 / 56
Metaprogramming and Reflection

 Function Pointer Manipulation in C

   int mult2 (int c) {
     return c * 2;

   int main(void) {
     int (*fmult2) (int) = mult2;

Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present   9 / 56
Metaprogramming and Reflection

 Generating new Functions

   > (get-source ’mult2)
   (nil nil
        (defun mult2 (x)
          "Multiplies x by 2"
          (* x 2)))

   requires ibcl

Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present   10 / 56
Metaprogramming and Reflection

 Generating new Functions

   > (defvar smult2
       (third (get-source ’mult2)))
   > smult2
   (defun mult2 (x)
     "Multiplies x by 2"
     (* x 2))

Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present   11 / 56
Metaprogramming and Reflection

 Generating new Functions

   > (first smult2)
   > (second smult2)
   > (third smult2)
   > (fourth smult2)
   "Multiplies x by 2"
   > (fifth smult2)
   (* x 2)

Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present   12 / 56
Metaprogramming and Reflection

 Generating new Functions

   > (defvar smult10
        (copy-list smult2))
   > (nsubstitute 10 2 (fifth smult10))
   > smult10
   (defun mult2 (x)
     "Multiplies x by 2"
     (* x 10))

Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present   13 / 56
Metaprogramming and Reflection

 Generating new Functions

   > smult10
   (defun mult2 (x)
      "Multiplies x by 2"
     (* x 10))
   > (nsubstitute ’mult10 ’mult2
   (defun mult10 (x)
      "Multiplies x by 2"
      (* x 10))

Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present   14 / 56
Metaprogramming and Reflection

 Generating new Functions

   > smult10
   (defun mult10 (x)
     "Multiplies x by 2"
     (* x 10))
   > (setf (fourth smult10)
           (cl-ppcre:regex-replace "2"
             (fourth smult10) "10"))
   "Multiplies x by 10"

Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present   15 / 56
Metaprogramming and Reflection

 Generating new Functions

   > smult10
   (defun mult10 (x)
      "Multiplies x by 10"
      (* x 10))
   > (eval smult10)
   > (mult10 3)

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Metaprogramming and Reflection


             A function definition in Lisp is a list.
             This list can be studied like any list.
             New functions can be created from a list.

Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present   17 / 56
Metaprogramming and Reflection

 Beyond Functions

   How would you implement while that executes its
   body as long as its condition stays true?
   > (while condition body)

Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present   18 / 56
Metaprogramming and Reflection

 The While Construct
   > (setq i 10)
   > (while (/= i 0)
       (decf i)
       (format t "i is now: ~s~%" i))
   i is now: 9
   i is now: 8
   i is now: 7
   i is now: 2
   i is now: 1
   i is now: 0

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Metaprogramming and Reflection

 The While Construct: Using Loop

   > (while (/= i 0)
       (decf i)
       (format t "i is now: ~s~%" i))
   > (loop
       (if (not (/= i 0))
           (decf i)
           (format t "i = ~s~%" i))))

Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present   20 / 56
Metaprogramming and Reflection

 The While Construct: Function
   > (defun while (test &rest body)
         (if (not test)
             (progn body))))
   > (while (/= i 0)
       (decf i)
       (format t "i is now: ~s~%" i))

   doesn’t work because parameters are evaluated
   > (while t nil)
Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present   21 / 56
Metaprogramming and Reflection

 Function Evaluation in C
   int f(int c){printf("fn");return c;}
   int g(int c){printf("gn");return c;}
   int h(int c){printf("hn");return c;}

   int main(void) {

Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present   22 / 56
Metaprogramming and Reflection

 The While Construct: Function
   > (defun while (test &rest body)
         (if (not test)
             (progn body))))
   > (while (/= i 0)
       (decf i)
       (format t "i is now: ~s~%" i))

   doesn’t work because parameters are evaluated
   > (while t nil)
Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present   23 / 56
Metaprogramming and Reflection

 The While Construct: Function
   > (while ’(/= i 0)
       ’(decf i)
       ’(format t "i is now: ~s~%" i))
   > (defun while (test &rest body)
         (if (not (eval test))
             (mapcar #’eval body))))

   works, but using while is less readable than intended

Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present   24 / 56
Metaprogramming and Reflection


             Arguments of functions are evaluated first.
             To prevent evaluation, use quote (or ’ ).
             Use eval to evaluate an expression.

Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present   25 / 56
Metaprogramming and Reflection

 The While Construct: Macro
   > (loop
       (if (not (/= i 0))
           (decf i)
           (format t "i = ~s~%" i))))
   > (defmacro while (test &body body)
       (list ’loop
         (list ’if (list ’not test)
           (list ’return)
           (cons ’progn body))))
Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present   26 / 56
Metaprogramming and Reflection

 The While Construct: Macro
   > (loop
       (if (not (/= i 0))
            (decf i)
            (format t "i = ~s~%" i))))
   > (defmacro while (test &body body)
           (if (not ,test)
             (progn ,@body))))
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Metaprogramming and Reflection


   Macros are programs that write programs
      they return lists representing Lisp code.
      they don’t evaluate their arguments.
      they are evaluated at compile time.

Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present   28 / 56
Metaprogramming and Reflection

 Creating an OO language

   > (makeClass Speaker (name)
        (makeMethod speak (sentence)
          (format t
            "Listen all of you: ~s~%"
   > (defvar alex (new ’Speaker "Alex"))
   > (call alex ’speak "Hello World!")
   Listen all of you: "Hello World!"
   > (getinstvar alex ’name)

Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present   29 / 56
Metaprogramming and Reflection

 Creating an OO language
   > (makeClass Speaker ()
       (makeMethod "..."))

   A class is composed of:
        a name,
        some instance variables,
        and some method definitions.

   > (defstruct cls
Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present   30 / 56
Metaprogramming and Reflection

 Creating an OO language
   > (makeClass Speaker ()
       (makeMethod "..."))

   > (defmacro makeClass (name iVars
                          &body meths)
            :name ’,name
            :vars ’,iVars
              ’,(mapcar #’eval meths))
Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present   31 / 56
Metaprogramming and Reflection

 Creating an OO language
   > (makeMethod speak (sentence)
       (format t "..." sentence))

   A method is composed of:
      a name,
      some parameters,
      a body

   > (defstruct mth
Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present   32 / 56
Metaprogramming and Reflection

 Creating an OO language

   > (makeMethod speak (sentence)
       (format t "..." sentence))

   > (defmacro makeMethod (name
                  argNames &body body)
           :name ’,name
           :lmbd (lambda ,argNames

Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present   33 / 56
Metaprogramming and Reflection

 Creating an OO language

   > (new ’Speaker "Alex")

   An object is composed of:
       a reference to its class,
       some values for its instance variables

   > (defstruct obj

Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present   34 / 56
Metaprogramming and Reflection

 Creating an OO language

   > (call alex ’speak "Hello World!")
   Listen all of you: "Hello World!"

   A call is a function with:
       the receiver object,
       a method name,
       and a list of parameters.

   (defun call (obj name &rest params)

Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present   35 / 56
Metaprogramming and Reflection

 Creating an OO language

   (defun call (obj name &rest params)
     (let* ((cls (obj-cls obj))
            (mth (getMethod cls name)))
         (apply (mth-lmbd mth)

   (defun getMethod (cls name)
     (find name (cls-mths cls)
           :key #’mth-name))

Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present   36 / 56
Metaprogramming and Reflection

 Creating an OO language
   > (getinstvar alex ’name)

   Looking for an instance variable value from its name
        getting the position of the name in the list of all
        instance variables of the class,
        taking the value at this position in the list of all
        values of the object.
     class:             varname1 varname2 . . .                               varnamen

     object:                value1                    value2            ...    valuen
Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present                    37 / 56
Metaprogramming and Reflection

 Creating an OO language

     class:             varname1 varname2 . . .                               varnamen

     object:                value1                    value2            ...    valuen
   (defun getInstVar (obj name)
     (let* ((cls (obj-cls obj))
            (vars (cls-vars cls))
            (pos (position name vars)))
       (nth pos (obj-values obj))))

Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present                    38 / 56
Metaprogramming and Reflection

 Handling this
   An object must be able to get its instance variables
   and call methods by using this .
   > (makeClass Speaker (name)
        (makeMethod getName ()
          (getInstVar ’this ’name)))
   > (call alex ’getname)

   This requires the system to keep track of the current
   > (defparameter *cur-obj* nil)
Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present   39 / 56
Metaprogramming and Reflection

 Handling this
   (defun getInstVar (obj name)
     (let* ((theObj
               (if (equal obj ’this)
            (cls (obj-cls theObj))
            (vars (cls-vars cls))
            (pos (position name vars)))
       (nth pos (obj-values theObj))))
   When is ∗cur−obj∗ updated? Before it is used!
   As this is only used when a method is executed, the
   method call needs to do the updating job.
Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present   40 / 56
Metaprogramming and Reflection

 Handling this

   The method call needs to do the updating job:
   (defun call (obj name &rest params)
     (let* ((cls (obj-cls obj))
            (mth (getMethod cls name))
            (*cur-obj* obj))
         (apply (mth-lmbd mth)

Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present   41 / 56
Metaprogramming and Reflection

 Handling this

   We also want to pass this as first argument to call :
   (defun call (obj name &rest params)
     (let* ((theObj
               (if (equal obj ’this)
             (cls (obj-cls theObj))
           (mth (getMethod cls name)))
         (setf *cur-obj* theObj)
         (apply (mth-lmbd mth)
Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present   42 / 56
Metaprogramming and Reflection

 Creating an OO language

   Possible improvements:
       setting of instance variables
       dedicated syntax

Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present   43 / 56
Metaprogramming and Reflection

 Creating Domain-Specific Languages

   (makeClass Speaker (name)
     (makeMethod speak (s)
       (format t "I say: ~a" s))
     (makeMethod getName ()
       (call ’this ’speak "hi!")
       (getInstVar ’this ’name)))

   (makeMethod getName ()
       {c speak "hi!"}
       {i name})

Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present   44 / 56
Metaprogramming and Reflection

 Creating Domain-Specific Languages
   ;; {c speak "hi!"} {i name}
   (set-macro-character #{
    (lambda (str)
      (let ((type (read-char str))
            (l (read-delimited-list
                             #} str)))
        (case type
         (#c ‘(call ’this
                     ’,(car l)
                     ,@(cdr l)))
         (#i ‘(getInstVar ’this
                            ’,(car l)))))))
Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present   45 / 56
Metaprogramming and Reflection


             Lisp has powerful functions to manipulate lists.
             Lisp source code is made of lists.
             As a result, meta-programming is made easy.

Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present   46 / 56
Metaprogramming and Reflection


      can be used to create source code,
      don’t evaluate their arguments,
      are evaluated at compile time.

   Macros are programs that write programs.

   Macros can also be used to install a new syntax.

Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present   47 / 56
Metaprogramming and Reflection

 A Glimpse at CLOS

   > (defclass circle ()
       (radius center))
   #<standard-class circle>
   > (make-instance ’circle)
   #<circle {B9CD249}>

Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present   48 / 56
Metaprogramming and Reflection

 A Glimpse at CLOS

   > (defclass circle ()
       ((radius :accessor circle-radius)
        (center :accessor circle-center)))
   #<standard-class circle>
   > (setf c (make-instance ’circle))
   #<circle {ABC4629}>
   > (setf (circle-radius c) 6)
   > (circle-radius c)

Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present   49 / 56
Metaprogramming and Reflection

 A Glimpse at CLOS
   > (defclass circle ()
       ((radius :accessor circle-radius
                :initarg :radius)
        (center :accessor circle-center
                :initarg :center)))
   #<standard-class circle>
   > (setf c (make-instance ’circle
                              :radius 6))
   #<circle {AC30D31}>
   > (circle-radius c)

Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present   50 / 56
Metaprogramming and Reflection

 A Glimpse at CLOS

   > (defmethod area ((c circle))
       (* pi (expt (circle-radius c) 2)))
   #<standard-method area (circle)>
   > (setf c (make-instance ’circle
                              :radius 6))
   #<circle {ACC00F1}>
   > (area c)

Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present   51 / 56
Metaprogramming and Reflection

 Auxiliary methods

   > (defmethod area ((c circle))
       (* pi (expt (circle-radius c) 2)))
   > (defmethod area :before ((c circle))
       (format t "I’m tired..."))
   > (area c)
   I’m tired...

Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present   52 / 56
Metaprogramming and Reflection

 Auxiliary methods

   (setf cache nil)
   (defun from-cache (c)
     (find (circle-radius c) cache
           :key #’car))
   (defun to-cache (c area)
     (push (cons (circle-radius c) area)

Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present   53 / 56
Metaprogramming and Reflection

 Auxiliary methods
   (defmethod area :around ((c circle))
    (let ((value (from-cache c)))
     (if value
        (princ "Using the cache :-)")
        (cdr value))
        (princ "So tired...")
        (to-cache c (call-next-method))))))
   > (area c)
   So tired...I’m tired...
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Metaprogramming and Reflection

 Auxiliary methods

   > (area c)
   So tired...I’m tired...
   > (area c)
   Using the cache :-)

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Metaprogramming and Reflection


   Thanks to #lisp for all their help:

            akovalenko                                                  pjb
            antifuchs                                                   prxb
            H4ns                                                        ThomasH

   These slides were created with a Common Lisp

Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present             56 / 56

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Metaprogramming and Reflection in Common Lisp

  • 1. Metaprogramming and Reflection Common Lisp Damien C ASSOU Hasso-Plattner-Institut Potsdam Software Architecture Group Prof. Dr. Robert Hirschfeld
  • 2. Metaprogramming and Reflection Syntax (function-name arg1 arg2 ... argn) > (+ 1 2) 3 Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present 2 / 56
  • 3. Metaprogramming and Reflection Creating Lists > (cons 3 nil) (3) > (cons 2 (3)) Impossible as 3 is not a function > (cons 2 ’(3)) (2 3) > (cons 1 ’(2 3)) (1 2 3) > (list 1 2 3) (1 2 3) > ’(1 2 3) (1 2 3) Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present 3 / 56
  • 4. Metaprogramming and Reflection Studying Lists > (car ’(1 2 3)) 1 > (cdr ’(1 2 3)) (2 3) > (first ’(1 2 3)) 1 > (last ’(1 2 3) 2) (2 3) > (last ’(1 2 3)) (3) Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present 4 / 56
  • 5. Metaprogramming and Reflection Creating Functions > (defun mult2 (x) "Multiplies x by 2" (* x 2)) mult2 defun is itself a function, it creates functions > (mult2 3) 6 Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present 5 / 56
  • 6. Metaprogramming and Reflection Studying Functions > #’mult2 #<FUNCTION mult2> > (describe #’mult2) (defun mult2 (x) "Multiplies x by 2" (* x 2)) Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present 6 / 56
  • 7. Metaprogramming and Reflection Calling Functions > (mult2 3) 6 > (funcall #’mult2 3) 6 > (defvar fmult2 #’mult2) fmult2 > (funcall fmult2 3) 6 Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present 7 / 56
  • 8. Metaprogramming and Reflection Summary In Lisp it is possible to: define new functions, retrieve a function by name, reference a function from a variable, call a function from a variable. This is very similar to pointer manipulation in C Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present 8 / 56
  • 9. Metaprogramming and Reflection Function Pointer Manipulation in C int mult2 (int c) { return c * 2; } int main(void) { int (*fmult2) (int) = mult2; (*fmult2)(3); } Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present 9 / 56
  • 10. Metaprogramming and Reflection Generating new Functions > (get-source ’mult2) (nil nil (defun mult2 (x) "Multiplies x by 2" (* x 2))) requires ibcl Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present 10 / 56
  • 11. Metaprogramming and Reflection Generating new Functions > (defvar smult2 (third (get-source ’mult2))) smult2 > smult2 (defun mult2 (x) "Multiplies x by 2" (* x 2)) Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present 11 / 56
  • 12. Metaprogramming and Reflection Generating new Functions > (first smult2) defun > (second smult2) mult2 > (third smult2) (x) > (fourth smult2) "Multiplies x by 2" > (fifth smult2) (* x 2) Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present 12 / 56
  • 13. Metaprogramming and Reflection Generating new Functions > (defvar smult10 (copy-list smult2)) smult10 > (nsubstitute 10 2 (fifth smult10)) nil > smult10 (defun mult2 (x) "Multiplies x by 2" (* x 10)) Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present 13 / 56
  • 14. Metaprogramming and Reflection Generating new Functions > smult10 (defun mult2 (x) "Multiplies x by 2" (* x 10)) > (nsubstitute ’mult10 ’mult2 smult10) (defun mult10 (x) "Multiplies x by 2" (* x 10)) Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present 14 / 56
  • 15. Metaprogramming and Reflection Generating new Functions > smult10 (defun mult10 (x) "Multiplies x by 2" (* x 10)) > (setf (fourth smult10) (cl-ppcre:regex-replace "2" (fourth smult10) "10")) "Multiplies x by 10" Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present 15 / 56
  • 16. Metaprogramming and Reflection Generating new Functions > smult10 (defun mult10 (x) "Multiplies x by 10" (* x 10)) > (eval smult10) mult10 > (mult10 3) 30 Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present 16 / 56
  • 17. Metaprogramming and Reflection Summary A function definition in Lisp is a list. This list can be studied like any list. New functions can be created from a list. Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present 17 / 56
  • 18. Metaprogramming and Reflection Beyond Functions How would you implement while that executes its body as long as its condition stays true? > (while condition body) Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present 18 / 56
  • 19. Metaprogramming and Reflection The While Construct > (setq i 10) > (while (/= i 0) (decf i) (format t "i is now: ~s~%" i)) i is now: 9 i is now: 8 i is now: 7 ... i is now: 2 i is now: 1 i is now: 0 Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present 19 / 56
  • 20. Metaprogramming and Reflection The While Construct: Using Loop > (while (/= i 0) (decf i) (format t "i is now: ~s~%" i)) > (loop (if (not (/= i 0)) (return) (progn (decf i) (format t "i = ~s~%" i)))) Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present 20 / 56
  • 21. Metaprogramming and Reflection The While Construct: Function > (defun while (test &rest body) (loop (if (not test) (return) (progn body)))) > (while (/= i 0) (decf i) (format t "i is now: ~s~%" i)) doesn’t work because parameters are evaluated immediately > (while t nil) Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present 21 / 56
  • 22. Metaprogramming and Reflection Function Evaluation in C int f(int c){printf("fn");return c;} int g(int c){printf("gn");return c;} int h(int c){printf("hn");return c;} int main(void) { f(g(h(1))); } h g f Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present 22 / 56
  • 23. Metaprogramming and Reflection The While Construct: Function > (defun while (test &rest body) (loop (if (not test) (return) (progn body)))) > (while (/= i 0) (decf i) (format t "i is now: ~s~%" i)) doesn’t work because parameters are evaluated immediately > (while t nil) Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present 23 / 56
  • 24. Metaprogramming and Reflection The While Construct: Function > (while ’(/= i 0) ’(decf i) ’(format t "i is now: ~s~%" i)) > (defun while (test &rest body) (loop (if (not (eval test)) (return) (mapcar #’eval body)))) works, but using while is less readable than intended Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present 24 / 56
  • 25. Metaprogramming and Reflection Summary Arguments of functions are evaluated first. To prevent evaluation, use quote (or ’ ). Use eval to evaluate an expression. Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present 25 / 56
  • 26. Metaprogramming and Reflection The While Construct: Macro > (loop (if (not (/= i 0)) (return) (progn (decf i) (format t "i = ~s~%" i)))) > (defmacro while (test &body body) (list ’loop (list ’if (list ’not test) (list ’return) (cons ’progn body)))) Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present 26 / 56
  • 27. Metaprogramming and Reflection The While Construct: Macro > (loop (if (not (/= i 0)) (return) (progn (decf i) (format t "i = ~s~%" i)))) > (defmacro while (test &body body) ‘(loop (if (not ,test) (return) (progn ,@body)))) Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present 27 / 56
  • 28. Metaprogramming and Reflection Macros Macros are programs that write programs they return lists representing Lisp code. they don’t evaluate their arguments. they are evaluated at compile time. Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present 28 / 56
  • 29. Metaprogramming and Reflection Creating an OO language > (makeClass Speaker (name) (makeMethod speak (sentence) (format t "Listen all of you: ~s~%" sentence))) > (defvar alex (new ’Speaker "Alex")) > (call alex ’speak "Hello World!") Listen all of you: "Hello World!" > (getinstvar alex ’name) Alex Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present 29 / 56
  • 30. Metaprogramming and Reflection Creating an OO language > (makeClass Speaker () (makeMethod "...")) A class is composed of: a name, some instance variables, and some method definitions. > (defstruct cls name vars mths) Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present 30 / 56
  • 31. Metaprogramming and Reflection Creating an OO language > (makeClass Speaker () (makeMethod "...")) > (defmacro makeClass (name iVars &body meths) ‘(push (make-cls :name ’,name :vars ’,iVars :mths ’,(mapcar #’eval meths)) *classes*)) Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present 31 / 56
  • 32. Metaprogramming and Reflection Creating an OO language > (makeMethod speak (sentence) (format t "..." sentence)) A method is composed of: a name, some parameters, a body > (defstruct mth name lmbd) Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present 32 / 56
  • 33. Metaprogramming and Reflection Creating an OO language > (makeMethod speak (sentence) (format t "..." sentence)) > (defmacro makeMethod (name argNames &body body) ‘(make-mth :name ’,name :lmbd (lambda ,argNames ,@body))) Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present 33 / 56
  • 34. Metaprogramming and Reflection Creating an OO language > (new ’Speaker "Alex") An object is composed of: a reference to its class, some values for its instance variables > (defstruct obj cls values) Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present 34 / 56
  • 35. Metaprogramming and Reflection Creating an OO language > (call alex ’speak "Hello World!") Listen all of you: "Hello World!" A call is a function with: the receiver object, a method name, and a list of parameters. (defun call (obj name &rest params) "...") Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present 35 / 56
  • 36. Metaprogramming and Reflection Creating an OO language (defun call (obj name &rest params) (let* ((cls (obj-cls obj)) (mth (getMethod cls name))) (apply (mth-lmbd mth) params))) (defun getMethod (cls name) (find name (cls-mths cls) :key #’mth-name)) Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present 36 / 56
  • 37. Metaprogramming and Reflection Creating an OO language > (getinstvar alex ’name) Alex Looking for an instance variable value from its name involves: getting the position of the name in the list of all instance variables of the class, taking the value at this position in the list of all values of the object. class: varname1 varname2 . . . varnamen object: value1 value2 ... valuen Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present 37 / 56
  • 38. Metaprogramming and Reflection Creating an OO language class: varname1 varname2 . . . varnamen object: value1 value2 ... valuen (defun getInstVar (obj name) (let* ((cls (obj-cls obj)) (vars (cls-vars cls)) (pos (position name vars))) (nth pos (obj-values obj)))) Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present 38 / 56
  • 39. Metaprogramming and Reflection Handling this An object must be able to get its instance variables and call methods by using this . > (makeClass Speaker (name) (makeMethod getName () (getInstVar ’this ’name))) > (call alex ’getname) Alex This requires the system to keep track of the current object. > (defparameter *cur-obj* nil) Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present 39 / 56
  • 40. Metaprogramming and Reflection Handling this (defun getInstVar (obj name) (let* ((theObj (if (equal obj ’this) *cur-obj* obj)) (cls (obj-cls theObj)) (vars (cls-vars cls)) (pos (position name vars))) (nth pos (obj-values theObj)))) When is ∗cur−obj∗ updated? Before it is used! As this is only used when a method is executed, the method call needs to do the updating job. Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present 40 / 56
  • 41. Metaprogramming and Reflection Handling this The method call needs to do the updating job: (defun call (obj name &rest params) (let* ((cls (obj-cls obj)) (mth (getMethod cls name)) (*cur-obj* obj)) (apply (mth-lmbd mth) params))) Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present 41 / 56
  • 42. Metaprogramming and Reflection Handling this We also want to pass this as first argument to call : (defun call (obj name &rest params) (let* ((theObj (if (equal obj ’this) *cur-obj* obj)) (cls (obj-cls theObj)) (mth (getMethod cls name))) (setf *cur-obj* theObj) (apply (mth-lmbd mth) params))) Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present 42 / 56
  • 43. Metaprogramming and Reflection Creating an OO language Possible improvements: setting of instance variables inheritance constructors dedicated syntax Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present 43 / 56
  • 44. Metaprogramming and Reflection Creating Domain-Specific Languages (makeClass Speaker (name) (makeMethod speak (s) (format t "I say: ~a" s)) (makeMethod getName () (call ’this ’speak "hi!") (getInstVar ’this ’name))) (makeMethod getName () {c speak "hi!"} {i name}) Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present 44 / 56
  • 45. Metaprogramming and Reflection Creating Domain-Specific Languages ;; {c speak "hi!"} {i name} (set-macro-character #{ (lambda (str) (let ((type (read-char str)) (l (read-delimited-list #} str))) (case type (#c ‘(call ’this ’,(car l) ,@(cdr l))) (#i ‘(getInstVar ’this ’,(car l))))))) Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present 45 / 56
  • 46. Metaprogramming and Reflection Summary Lisp has powerful functions to manipulate lists. Lisp source code is made of lists. As a result, meta-programming is made easy. Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present 46 / 56
  • 47. Metaprogramming and Reflection Summary Macros can be used to create source code, don’t evaluate their arguments, are evaluated at compile time. Macros are programs that write programs. Macros can also be used to install a new syntax. Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present 47 / 56
  • 48. Metaprogramming and Reflection A Glimpse at CLOS > (defclass circle () (radius center)) #<standard-class circle> > (make-instance ’circle) #<circle {B9CD249}> Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present 48 / 56
  • 49. Metaprogramming and Reflection A Glimpse at CLOS > (defclass circle () ((radius :accessor circle-radius) (center :accessor circle-center))) #<standard-class circle> > (setf c (make-instance ’circle)) #<circle {ABC4629}> > (setf (circle-radius c) 6) 6 > (circle-radius c) 6 Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present 49 / 56
  • 50. Metaprogramming and Reflection A Glimpse at CLOS > (defclass circle () ((radius :accessor circle-radius :initarg :radius) (center :accessor circle-center :initarg :center))) #<standard-class circle> > (setf c (make-instance ’circle :radius 6)) #<circle {AC30D31}> > (circle-radius c) 6 Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present 50 / 56
  • 51. Metaprogramming and Reflection A Glimpse at CLOS > (defmethod area ((c circle)) (* pi (expt (circle-radius c) 2))) #<standard-method area (circle)> > (setf c (make-instance ’circle :radius 6)) #<circle {ACC00F1}> > (area c) 113.09733552923255d0 Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present 51 / 56
  • 52. Metaprogramming and Reflection Auxiliary methods > (defmethod area ((c circle)) (* pi (expt (circle-radius c) 2))) > (defmethod area :before ((c circle)) (format t "I’m tired...")) > (area c) I’m tired... 113.09733552923255d0 Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present 52 / 56
  • 53. Metaprogramming and Reflection Auxiliary methods (setf cache nil) (defun from-cache (c) (find (circle-radius c) cache :key #’car)) (defun to-cache (c area) (push (cons (circle-radius c) area) cache) area) Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present 53 / 56
  • 54. Metaprogramming and Reflection Auxiliary methods (defmethod area :around ((c circle)) (let ((value (from-cache c))) (if value (progn (princ "Using the cache :-)") (cdr value)) (progn (princ "So tired...") (to-cache c (call-next-method)))))) > (area c) So tired...I’m tired... 113.09733552923255d0 Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present 54 / 56
  • 55. Metaprogramming and Reflection Auxiliary methods > (area c) So tired...I’m tired... 113.09733552923255d0 > (area c) Using the cache :-) 113.09733552923255d0 Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present 55 / 56
  • 56. Metaprogramming and Reflection Acknowledgments Thanks to #lisp for all their help: akovalenko pjb antifuchs prxb H4ns ThomasH nikodemus These slides were created with a Common Lisp DSL: Software Architecture Group ( 2006–present 56 / 56