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Metacognitive Reading Log Survey
To Kill a Mockingbird Metacognitive Reading LogSurvey of Composition and Literature
Directions: For each night of reading, complete the following:
Summary: Summarize five important pieces of information you learn in the reading.
Quote: Find a quote that relates to one of the essay topics. Write the quote with the page number. (It
is helpful but not necessary to use the same topic throughout the reading.) You should look for both
positive and negative examples of the theme in the book (i.e. When courage is shown and when
people show cowardice/when people have power and when they are powerless.)
Essay Topics:
Empathy ("Walking in another's shoes"): What does thisnovel teach about the importance of
Courage: What more content...
She was the childhood friend of Jack, Scout's uncle.
Miss audie talks to Scout about Boo Radley still being alive and it is her theory that Boo is the
victim of a bad father (dead), a "foot–washing" Baptist that thought most people will go to hell. Miss
Maudie says that Boo was always proper and cordial as a child. And that the theories of him being
crazy as a child aren't true but he is probably crazy by now. Jem and Dill try to send a message
inviting Boo to ice cream on his window but Atticus gets mad and tells them to stop immediately.
Jem and dill don't listen to Atticus until the last day that Dill is there and decide to go into the house
accompanied by Scout. Then, they see a shadow and hear a gun shot and get out of there ASAP. In
the time of the escape, Jem's pants got caught on the fence and ripped. After the escape they run into
the neighborhood adults.
Miss Maudie says that Mr. radley shot a negro in his yard and will shoot at the next sound he hears.
Atticus asks where the kids were and Dill says they were playing poker and he won the pants and
then later Jem went to go get his
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Metacognition Essay Example
Metacognition Essay I feel I have come a long way my tenth grade year. My writing has gotten so
much better and I can write essays of much better quality now. Things have gotten better like
punctuation, thesis, and analysis. To begin with, my punctuation has gotten a lot better. I made a lot
of errors during the beginning of the year and I am starting to make a lot less. Also, my thesis
statements have gotten tremendously better. At the beginning of the year they were really boring.
As the year began to progress, the statements got more interesting and creative. My analysis
throughout essays have gotten better. I am much better now at determining things like theme, tone,
and finding many literary devices. I can also set up my more content...
Another one of my major flaws is having the incorrect point of view. I need to make sure I go
over an essay a couple times because I normally add incorrect point of view the first time. During
the second semester, I had a favorite and least favorite project. My favorite was the song
presentation. It was something I really enjoyed because I love music and being able to do a
project on something I love is so much fun. I enjoyed it because I got to find literary devices,
establish tone and theme, and find parts in the song to back up my claims. I really enjoy finding
literary devices, whether it's in a song or poetry, and it is one of my favorite things to do in
English. I also liked finding the tone and theme. The theme is always fun to find because there
are normally so many possibilities and you get to try to find one that fits the best. The project
that I liked the least was the persuasive outline. I didn't have a problem with it as I was doing the
project, and I actually found it rather interesting, but I had to present it in front of the class.
Presenting things in front of the class is my least favorite thing to do. I enjoy most of the projects
up until the point where I step in front of the class. I think I have earned and A or a B this
semester. I know most of the material and I that feel I can use it appropriately. After all of the
essays and projects this year I feel that I have gained so much knowledge in English and I think
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Bloom's Taxonomy: Metacognitive Analysis
it is important that I pay attention since I want to learn and make decision whether I want to
continue the current behavior or try to engage in the new activities. Also, make improvement if we
have the believe that the knowledge or skills are important to learn and it could help us with what
we want then we become more motivated to learn and achieve our goals. Bloom's Taxonomy levels,
I want to make improvement in each levels. Metacognitive is very helpful because it sets goals,
help you keep tracks on how well they achieved, when they will achieve and giving them the
knowledge of their own weakness and strengths and how they can overcome. Also, having the right
information that I may need it and get a lot of knowledge before I use for the
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Metacognitive Awareness Essay
Metacognitive Awareness and Cognitive Strategies Two important concepts dealing with mental
process are those of metacognitive awareness and cognitive strategies. They deal with the notion of
how we think about thinking and how our brain processes this information, such as keeping what we
have learned in our memory. Depending at what age this is taking place, there may be some limits
as to the capabilities of our memory and what we do to help us recall this information. Children and
adolescents tend to use different methods or strategies to help them develop memory. It is crucial to
continue to find, develop and practice different techniques that will allow us to demonstrate
awareness into what and how we think, organize the information and more content...
Children in elementary are overly optimistic about how much they can actually remember about
different material they have learned, but as children become older into adolescents, their ability to
use various strategies and approaches become greater in enhancing their memory in different
situations. One example that I can think of that was used by my elementary school teacher in
helping us learn the multiplication tables was to have us write them over and over daily to help
us recall them. This basically guided me into developing a strategy to help me retain information
as I grew older. I am the type of person who has to write down the information so that I can make
sure to be able to remember it. There are people with different types of strategies as Paul Anderson
introduced in his video on "Metacognition". He referred to this as "VARK", where strategies can
come from being Visual, Auditory, Reading or writing and Kinesthetic (Anderson, 2009). During
adolescents, using metacognitive awareness in solving mathematical problems can help them recall
different formulas or steps in solving
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Reflection Paper On Metacognition
Reflective Writing/Metacognition
Truly understanding what you have learned comes with the benefits of being able to transfer that
knowledge to new situations and create more learning possibilities.
Reflection or metacognition, learning is a process which involve many strategies to reach a greater
learning experience. Metacognition is "cognition about cognition", "thinking about thinking",
"knowing about knowing", becoming "aware of one's own awareness" and higher–order thinking
skills. The term comes from the root word meta, meaning "beyond". (Metcalfe,1994)
"Metacognition is a regulatory system that helps a person understand and control his or her own
cognitive performance". (Malamed,2016) To keep thing simple, I will refer to it more
Through continuous research, creating a comprehensive checklist, mapping techniques, keeping
annotative notes and drawings will yield a beneficial metacognitive experience. Among all of these
methods, students can work on other strategies to help with learning. I often use a rehearsal type
method to become proficient at a particular skill. Being proficient at reading skills is the difference
between disappointing work assignments, and being proud of your accomplished goal.
Goal–setting when learning, typically has a five–step process for success.
The goals should be specific as possible. Knowing what your specific goals are, means you're well
organized and focused on what you want to receive from the text.
Measure your goals to see how well you're doing. Keeping track of your learning progression by
monitoring how far or how close you are to your goal.
Determine how achievable the goal is. The goal in mind should not be greater than your own
The goal should be realistic to you. If the goal is not realistic to you, then it is not realistic at all.
The goal should be timed to let you know how well you did reaching it. Timing yourself is important
to manage how efficiently you are reading and comprehending.
A student's self–efficacy plays a vital role in his/her success.
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Meta Cognitive Observation
Republic of the Philippines
Western Philippines University
Puerto Princesa Campus
Puerto Princesa City
–Cognitive Observation"
Submitted to: Mrs. Marites Espanueva–Lomocso
Submitted by: Nerissa Mae F. Dadores Andrea Josefa D. Perez (BSED II)
Metacognition refers to one's knowledge concerning one's own cognitive processes or anything
related to them, e.g., the learning–relevant properties of information or data. –J. H. Flavell (1976, p.
232). Metacognition is referred to as, as "thinking about thinking" and can be used to help students
"learn how to learn." Metacognition is important, human uses metacognition in thinking, more
How do you think you learn things best – by seeing it, by hearing it, or by doing it? Does your
teacher help you figure out how you learn things best, or help you learn that way? Do you do
activities to help you learn things in school? What kinds of activities do you do? Do you think they
Ask the child to list all the words you asked them to remember. (record their list) Ask the child what
did they do the help them remember? Did it work?
Tell the child you are also going to tell them a story and that you want them to listen carefully and
retell the story JUST LIKE YOU TOLD IT. Tell the story you rewrote.
Ask the following series of questions: Do you like to read, why or why not? Is there something
that could change at school that might make you like reading more (even more)? What kinds of
things do you read at school? Do you get to choose some of the things you read at school? Do you
read outside of school – if so, what do you like to read? Why do you prefer to read those kinds of
things/books? If you don't read outside of school, why?
Do you think reading is important? Many people think that reading well helps you do better in
school – do you? Why or why not?
What kinds of things do you do when reading to make sure you understand what you are reading?
Has your teacher helped you learn ways to help you read better? To help you understand and
remember what you read?
Ask the child to retell the story, reminding them they
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Metacognitive Behavior Analysis
Metacognitive functions supply humans with tools to self–regulate in a wide range of activities
helping to maintain and determine effective and efficient decisions (Flavell, Miller, & Miller, 1993).
Ensuring awareness of cognitive functions and physical processes, metacognition "facilitate(s)
processing and movement of information through the system (Schunk, 2012, p. 416). Generally,
schools provide an environment where the acquisition of knowledge and information is a main
objective favored over the teaching of metacognitive strategies (Davis, 2000). States have crafted and
regulated curriculum and content in schools by enforcing the use of state standards. These standards
are written for content and have subject specific domains. Strategies that indicate metacognition
"include activities such as selecting and organizing information, rehearsing material to be learned,
relating new material to information in memory, and enhancing meaningfulness of material"
(Schunk, 2012, p. 417), all features that are omnipresent in the Georgia Performance Standards
(GPS) for the visual arts (VA). The GPS for the VA provide a framework on which educators craft
learning experiences in the classroom. According to the GPS for VA, content, specifically in high
schools, is divided into four subjects: more content...
The sketchbook is an integral piece of the artistic process and primary visual evidence of
metacognitive thinking. If the students are using the sketchbook effectively there should be ample
evidence of trial and error heuristic approaches to meaning making. The preplanning and thinking
before creating are important aspects of the creative process and allow students time for internalizing
concepts, media, and techniques presented in class to synthesize with all of the other contextual
factors that affect their artwork
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Metacognitive Strategy
Choose one of the theories, cognitive, and describe how it might influence the planning and delivery
of lesson instruction. The theory that I choose is cognitive, another metacognitive strategy that
teachers can use to help students learn new information or skills is the reminder device. To influence
students to make connections to a realistic situation and identify patterns is a great way to practice
their critical thinking skills. Ask students to always be on the look for these connections, and when
they find one to make sure they tell me. Compare and contrast number patterns, letters or have
student to read two different stories and tell the similarities are difference will help student to use
their thinking skills more. Also, students
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Metacognitive Self Regulation
The purpose of this study is to investigate whether metacognitive and self–regulation interventions
improve mathematical achievement in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
(ADHD). Although self–regulation has an ambiguous meaning, recently it has been referred to as
"the ability to manage one's behavior, so as to withstand impulses, maintain focus, and undertake
tasks, even if there are other more enticing alternatives available" (Boyd et al., 2005, p. 3). Jarvela
and Jarvenoja, (2011), Zimmerman, (2008) stated that self–regulation is essential to the learning
process and Wolters (2011) suggested that it can aid individuals, especially secondaryschool
students in developing more effective learning habits. Self– more content...
Due to this particular research on the development of self–regulation in children many studies have
investigated the possible effects of metacognitive and self–regulation strategies on academia. For
example, Labuhn et al., (2010) reported that students that received SRL assistance and guidance
were more likely to exhibit higher levels of self–efficacy towards their academic ability resulting in
improved performance within the classroom. It was also concluded that self–regulated learners
performed at a higher standard in comparison to students that did not receive SRL guidance (Labuhn
et al., 2010). Additionally Researchers, Graham & Harris (2000) and Kistner et al. (2010) found that
SRL results in improved performance within a learning environment and can also limit academic
deficiency in many students. Self–regulated learning strategies and interventions must be aided by
metacognitive reflection and feedback from teachers and at times from peers through group tasks
etc. (Dignath and BГјttner, 2008). Although there are countless studies investigating metacognition
and self–regulation strategies, those that address individuals with behavioural disorders are scarce,
especially in regards to children. The reasoning for this is not only due to the numerous challenges
regarding the formulation of self–regulatory abilities in children (Harris & Schmidt, 1997), but also
due to the significant problems with attention, inhibition and impulsivity that children with ADHD
exhibit which makes formulation of self–regulatory an incredibly difficult task. This study therefore
aims to provide further information and understanding on the
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Metacognitive Therapy Summary
Dr. Adrian Wells, the original developer of metacognitive therapy (MCT), sought to create a
transdiagnostic theory and corresponding therapy that in turn would become an alternative to
traditional cognitive–behavioral therapy (CBT) (Normann et al., 2014; Sadeghi et al., 2015; ).
Traditional CBT does not generally address metacognition, but rather the content of specific
thoughts, instead (Sadeghi et al., 2015). MCT was created, in part, to address this deficiency of
CBT. MCT has created attention within the scientific community since its arrival at the end of the
20th century as a new branch of cognitive therapy that is related to third–wave therapies (in the
aspect that MCT focuses on mindfully managing one's thoughts) (Normann et al., 2014) more
In essence, metacognition is cognition about cognition––thinking about one's attention, thoughts,
memory, etc. (Wells, 2009). MCT is based on an information–processing model first proposed by Dr.
Wells, and also co–authored by Dr. Gerald Matthews (Wells & Matthews, 1996). According to
metacognitive theory, metacognitive processes can produce unhealthy ruminational or maladaptive
presentations in responding to thoughts (Wells, 2009). This is the focal point of metacognitive
therapy practice. An example of a negative or maladaptive metacognition would be a client telling
their therapist: "my thoughts make me feel like a piece of driftwood at sea". Negative
metacognitions are at the heart of MCT's view of the origin of psychopathology (Wells, 2009).
MCT borrows from CBT in that they both view maladaptive thinking as cause for psychology
disorder. However, there is a distinction between the two styles; Metacognitive theory views the
origin of psychological disorder as maladaptive metacognitive patterns (rather than just focusing on
the content of negative thoughts), and even judges negative cognitions as naturally temporary
(though negative cognitions can potentially propagate negative metacognitions if not managed
effectively) (Hjemdal et al., 2013; Normann et al., 2014; Wells,
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Metacognitive Therapy (MCT)
The aim of our study was to examine the role of metacognitive therapy (MCT) on obsessive–
compulsive disorder (OCD) patients who are already having transcranial magnetic current
stimulation (tDCS) treatment. Besides the psychotherapeutic treatments, there was an incredible
amount of increases in the non–invasive techniques and brain imaging studies due to the
development of the technology in last two decades. tDCS is another non–invasive technique in
which a weak current is generated between an anode and a cathode placed on the scalp of the subject
ad one of the popular study method to use nowadays. Metacognitive Therapy is one of the recent
development in understanding and solving the causes of mental health problems. By combining
these two
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Sleep And Metacognitive Awareness
Sleep and Metacognitive Awareness Many benefits are emerging of sleep on cognition and health,
supporting the importance of sleep on waking state functioning. From a cognitive perspective, sleep
has been implied in for example improving memory consolidation, supporting future memory
encoding and generating sleep–related insights over waking state problems (Talamini, Nieuwenhuis,
Takashima, & Jensen, 2008; Van Der Werf et al., 2009; Wagner, Gais, Haider, Verleger, & Born,
2004). From a health perspective, sleep has been linked to improved immune system, metabolism
and endocrine functioning and better cardiovascular health (Dinges, Douglas, Hamarman, Zaugg, &
Kapoor, 1995; Spiegel, Leproult, & Van Cauter, 1999; Knutson, 2010). The discernible
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Metacognitive Awareness In College Education
Everson and Tobias (1998) about the realm of metacognitive awareness stated that in college,
students study an excessive deal of new data, and are met, at times, with classroom and laboratory
sites that involve them to learn the material and relate problem solving skills in novel and innovative
methods. The literature on human metacognitive awareness creates a fascinating case for its
importance in these learning and training settings. True monitoring of new learning assists students
with effective metacognitive strategies to focus on new content and correct their learning objectives.
In college classrooms or advanced training series, for instance, the learner frequently has to master a
great deal of new knowledge in a restricted amount of
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A Metacognitive Analysis
Metacognition is a crucial part of the critical thinking process. It is referred to as "thinking about
thinking" or "the monitoring and control of thought" (Martinez 696). During the last decades, topic
of metacognition gets more and more attention from psychologists, educators, and students. The
incoming data, supporting the significance of metacognitive abilities and their development, serves
as a base for implementation of the teaching of metacognition. Metacognition can and should be
taught in the conditions of the modern educational system.
Metacognition plays a major role both in individual's academic and everyday life. In the article "The
Power of Reflection", Stephen Fleming agrees with Flavell's definition of metacognition as a "key to
educational success" (2). Many studies have proved that highly cultivated metacognitive abilities
enhance individual's academic performance and lead to academic success (Jacobson 5). Furthermore,
Fleming argues that metacognition, being applied in a wide range of the situations, turns out to be
"a vital survival skill" (7). Thus, given the significance of metacognition, the teaching of
metacognitive strategies should become one of the primary goals of modern education system. more content...
Modern studies suggest that metacognition "is an independent function of the brain" and not just a
skill individuals acquire during their lifetime (Fleming 4). However, our ability to reflect and
appraise our own thinking process "is not an automatic process but is a result of long term
development of the cognitive system" (Jacobson 4). Therefore, metacognition needs to be cultivated
in a person through different approaches and techniques. Moreover, continuous work on the
metacognitive development in both academic and everyday life is the only way to master and gain
proficiency of metacognitive
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The Metacognitive Awareness Inventory
The Metacognitive Awareness Inventory (MAI), established by Schraw and Dennison (1994) was
used to measure metacognitive awareness of the participants. It contains 52 items which measures
different aspects of metacognition. Items of MAI are in two sets: "Knowledge of Cognition" and
"Regulation of Cognition". Seventeen objects of the MAI measure knowledge of cognition, and the
remaining thirty five items measure regulation of cognition. The answers are based on true and false
scale. The participants are supposed to reply the objects in 30 minutes. Different studies have
supported the suitable reliability and validity of the instrumentThe validity of the this instrument has
been reviewed and validated by Schraw and Dennison (1994) who performed
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Metacognitive Thinking Analysis
My dream could go from becoming a professional soccer player to living by the beach in a grand
mansion. Ultimately my Dream would be to one day have the privilege of visiting Paris with my
family. To most people this wouldn't seem like such a grand amount of a dream, but to me this
would be such a huge accomplishment. I was brought to the United States at a very young age and
having the opportunity to travel outside of this country, has never been an option. All things
considered, this would be the greatest fulfilment in my life. My parents were always there
motivating me to go to college. But besides that it was knowing in myself that my parents had
sacrificed their lives, by leaving their home and coming to the United States in hopes
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Metagognitive thinking Coates mother would make Coate write a series of questions that would
make him visualize everything he'd done in class and reflect on the reasons he had done it. This is
an example of metacognitive thinking because Coates was analysing the decisions he had made to
better understand why he was doing the things he has doing.
"Drawing yourself from consciousness" is not an easy task and not many people do so. But
sometimes you have to sit down and think of situations that are occurring in your life and simply
reflect on them. An easy way to do so would be to talk to a counselor about everything that was or
has been going on in your life. Simply just writing thoughts down or saying them out loud could
draw you out of consciousness and make you understand what is going on. College can help you
reflect on your own learning in many different aspects; from seeing if you procrastinate too often,
to recognizing that you work better alone or even helping you realize that you do not work well
under pressure. You can will know when you are growing and changing as a person when you start
to do things you would never do before, such as reflecting on achievements you have accomplished
or even acknowledging that you have put things off that aren't that important and have focused
primarily on the more significant aspects in your
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Journal article review on topic: Metacognitive strategies to improve reading comprehension
Research over the years has highlighted the fact that highly proficient strategic readers employ
strong metacognitive strategies and have a high degree of cognizance of the reading strategies they
employ. To give a quick understanding of metacognition, one can think of it as the ability to take a
bird's eye view as to the processes involved in mental activities–frequently referred to by educators
as thinking about thinking (Anderson, 2002, p.23). Because metacognition has proven to be vital to
reading comprehension, most quality English as a second language (ESL) programs teach and
model reading strategies in order to ensure better reading comprehension. Tools to measure
metacognitive awareness are the MARSI (Metacognitive–Awareness–of–Reading Strategies
Inventory) or the SORS (Survey of Reading Strategies) inventory. The SORS is intended for use
with students who are post–secondary, whether native or non–native. This test is divided into three
areas: Global reading strategies (GLOB), Problem–solving (PROB), and Support Reading Strategies
(SUP) (Sheory & Mokhtari, 2001). Since academic preparedness in college students, especially
international students, can be molded by socio–cultural factors, research as to the impact of culture
on metacognition, particularly in reading strategy choice, is of interest. The improvement of reading
comprehension for international students through the
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Metacognitive Regulation Paper
Since I have started college I have realized that being organized and using a planner is very
important. I have never really used organization skills since being in school. Metacognitive
regulation is a big thing especially the monitoring aspect of it. The monitoring aspect is when you
plan and use your personal knowledge and making changes to anything. Metacognitive regulation
has three parts to it. There is the planning, monitoring, and evaluating. The first step is planning.
That is when you organize using certain strategies and when to use them. For me, I like to use
different colors for certain events. For example, blue is math, yellow is reading, and pink is
personal activities. That is a way that helps me keep my planner organized more content...
Locus of self–control has two different to it, the internal and external aspects. Internal locus of
self–control means that we have control of our lives. More successful people have this self–control.
The three in the external self–control which means that our lives are controlled by external forces
such as, karma, other people, etc. Internal self–control is what I feel I have learned and grown to
have through this class. I feel everything that I choose to do through every day is controlled by
what I feel is best. For example, one time I was driving down the road and took too wide of a turn.
My car then fell into a pot hole in the side of the road as my tire popped. It was my fault because I
took too wide of a turn. I didn't think that it was karma from something that happened the other day.
External self–control is what I used to think about my life. I used to believe that everything bad
that happen was from another external force. When I was about five years old, I used to hear
everyone talking about karma. I had no clue what it meant until about 8. Karma means that the
person's destiny or fate happens from a previous existence. An example of this is when my sister
and I were little; we would fight like siblings would. Sometimes we would fight around family and
you would hear someone say "watch out karmas going to get you." I never really believed in karma,
I always thought it was something to say when you didn't want to take ownership of what
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Meta-Cognitive Process
Metacognitive Processes
Metacognition is one's ability to use prior knowledge to plan a strategy for approaching a learning
task; take necessary steps to problem solve, reflect on and evaluate results, and modify one's
approach as needed. It helps learners choose the right cognitive tool for the task and plays a critical
role in successful learning.
What Is Metacognition?
Metacognition refers to awareness of one's own knowledge: what one does and doesn't know; and
one's ability to understand, control, and manipulate one's cognitive processes (Meichenbaum, 1985).
It includes knowing when and where to use particular strategies for learning and problem solving as
well as how and why to use specific strategies. Metacognition is more content...
Learners "construct knowledge" using cognitive strategies and they guide, regulate, and evaluate
their learning using metacognitive strategies. It is through this "thinking about thinking," this use of
metacognitive strategies, that real learning occurs. As students become more skilled at using
metacognitive strategies, they gain confidence and become more independent as learners.
Individuals with well–developed metacognitive skills can think through a problem or approach a
learning task, select appropriate strategies, and make decisions about a course of action to resolve
the problem or successfully perform the task. They often think about their own thinking processes,
taking time to think about and learn from mistakes or inaccuracies (NCREL, 1995). Some
instructional programs that encourage students to learn metacognitive strategies encourage students
to engage in "metacognitive conversations" with themselves so that they can "talk" with themselves
about their learning, the challenges they encounter, and the ways in which they can selfcorrect and
continue learning. Moreover, individuals who demonstrate a wide variety of metacognitive skills
perform better on exams and complete work more efficiently–they use the right tool for the job, and
they modify learning strategies as needed, identifying blocks to learning and changing tools or
strategies to ensure goal attainment. Because metacognition plays
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Metacognitive Essay Example

  • 1. Metacognitive Reading Log Survey To Kill a Mockingbird Metacognitive Reading LogSurvey of Composition and Literature Directions: For each night of reading, complete the following: Summary: Summarize five important pieces of information you learn in the reading. Quote: Find a quote that relates to one of the essay topics. Write the quote with the page number. (It is helpful but not necessary to use the same topic throughout the reading.) You should look for both positive and negative examples of the theme in the book (i.e. When courage is shown and when people show cowardice/when people have power and when they are powerless.) Essay Topics: Empathy ("Walking in another's shoes"): What does thisnovel teach about the importance of empathy? Courage: What more content... She was the childhood friend of Jack, Scout's uncle. Miss audie talks to Scout about Boo Radley still being alive and it is her theory that Boo is the victim of a bad father (dead), a "foot–washing" Baptist that thought most people will go to hell. Miss Maudie says that Boo was always proper and cordial as a child. And that the theories of him being crazy as a child aren't true but he is probably crazy by now. Jem and Dill try to send a message inviting Boo to ice cream on his window but Atticus gets mad and tells them to stop immediately. Jem and dill don't listen to Atticus until the last day that Dill is there and decide to go into the house accompanied by Scout. Then, they see a shadow and hear a gun shot and get out of there ASAP. In the time of the escape, Jem's pants got caught on the fence and ripped. After the escape they run into the neighborhood adults. Miss Maudie says that Mr. radley shot a negro in his yard and will shoot at the next sound he hears. Atticus asks where the kids were and Dill says they were playing poker and he won the pants and then later Jem went to go get his Get more content on
  • 2. Metacognition Essay Example Metacognition Essay I feel I have come a long way my tenth grade year. My writing has gotten so much better and I can write essays of much better quality now. Things have gotten better like punctuation, thesis, and analysis. To begin with, my punctuation has gotten a lot better. I made a lot of errors during the beginning of the year and I am starting to make a lot less. Also, my thesis statements have gotten tremendously better. At the beginning of the year they were really boring. As the year began to progress, the statements got more interesting and creative. My analysis throughout essays have gotten better. I am much better now at determining things like theme, tone, and finding many literary devices. I can also set up my more content... Another one of my major flaws is having the incorrect point of view. I need to make sure I go over an essay a couple times because I normally add incorrect point of view the first time. During the second semester, I had a favorite and least favorite project. My favorite was the song presentation. It was something I really enjoyed because I love music and being able to do a project on something I love is so much fun. I enjoyed it because I got to find literary devices, establish tone and theme, and find parts in the song to back up my claims. I really enjoy finding literary devices, whether it's in a song or poetry, and it is one of my favorite things to do in English. I also liked finding the tone and theme. The theme is always fun to find because there are normally so many possibilities and you get to try to find one that fits the best. The project that I liked the least was the persuasive outline. I didn't have a problem with it as I was doing the project, and I actually found it rather interesting, but I had to present it in front of the class. Presenting things in front of the class is my least favorite thing to do. I enjoy most of the projects up until the point where I step in front of the class. I think I have earned and A or a B this semester. I know most of the material and I that feel I can use it appropriately. After all of the essays and projects this year I feel that I have gained so much knowledge in English and I think Get more content on
  • 3. Bloom's Taxonomy: Metacognitive Analysis it is important that I pay attention since I want to learn and make decision whether I want to continue the current behavior or try to engage in the new activities. Also, make improvement if we have the believe that the knowledge or skills are important to learn and it could help us with what we want then we become more motivated to learn and achieve our goals. Bloom's Taxonomy levels, I want to make improvement in each levels. Metacognitive is very helpful because it sets goals, help you keep tracks on how well they achieved, when they will achieve and giving them the knowledge of their own weakness and strengths and how they can overcome. Also, having the right information that I may need it and get a lot of knowledge before I use for the Get more content on
  • 4. Metacognitive Awareness Essay Metacognitive Awareness and Cognitive Strategies Two important concepts dealing with mental process are those of metacognitive awareness and cognitive strategies. They deal with the notion of how we think about thinking and how our brain processes this information, such as keeping what we have learned in our memory. Depending at what age this is taking place, there may be some limits as to the capabilities of our memory and what we do to help us recall this information. Children and adolescents tend to use different methods or strategies to help them develop memory. It is crucial to continue to find, develop and practice different techniques that will allow us to demonstrate awareness into what and how we think, organize the information and more content... Children in elementary are overly optimistic about how much they can actually remember about different material they have learned, but as children become older into adolescents, their ability to use various strategies and approaches become greater in enhancing their memory in different situations. One example that I can think of that was used by my elementary school teacher in helping us learn the multiplication tables was to have us write them over and over daily to help us recall them. This basically guided me into developing a strategy to help me retain information as I grew older. I am the type of person who has to write down the information so that I can make sure to be able to remember it. There are people with different types of strategies as Paul Anderson introduced in his video on "Metacognition". He referred to this as "VARK", where strategies can come from being Visual, Auditory, Reading or writing and Kinesthetic (Anderson, 2009). During adolescents, using metacognitive awareness in solving mathematical problems can help them recall different formulas or steps in solving Get more content on
  • 5. Reflection Paper On Metacognition Reflective Writing/Metacognition Truly understanding what you have learned comes with the benefits of being able to transfer that knowledge to new situations and create more learning possibilities. Reflection or metacognition, learning is a process which involve many strategies to reach a greater learning experience. Metacognition is "cognition about cognition", "thinking about thinking", "knowing about knowing", becoming "aware of one's own awareness" and higher–order thinking skills. The term comes from the root word meta, meaning "beyond". (Metcalfe,1994) "Metacognition is a regulatory system that helps a person understand and control his or her own cognitive performance". (Malamed,2016) To keep thing simple, I will refer to it more content... Through continuous research, creating a comprehensive checklist, mapping techniques, keeping annotative notes and drawings will yield a beneficial metacognitive experience. Among all of these methods, students can work on other strategies to help with learning. I often use a rehearsal type method to become proficient at a particular skill. Being proficient at reading skills is the difference between disappointing work assignments, and being proud of your accomplished goal. Goal–setting when learning, typically has a five–step process for success. The goals should be specific as possible. Knowing what your specific goals are, means you're well organized and focused on what you want to receive from the text. Measure your goals to see how well you're doing. Keeping track of your learning progression by monitoring how far or how close you are to your goal. Determine how achievable the goal is. The goal in mind should not be greater than your own limitations. The goal should be realistic to you. If the goal is not realistic to you, then it is not realistic at all. The goal should be timed to let you know how well you did reaching it. Timing yourself is important to manage how efficiently you are reading and comprehending. A student's self–efficacy plays a vital role in his/her success. Get more content on
  • 6. Meta Cognitive Observation Republic of the Philippines Western Philippines University Puerto Princesa Campus Puerto Princesa City EDUC 102: FACILITATING LEARNING "Meta –Cognitive Observation" Submitted to: Mrs. Marites Espanueva–Lomocso Submitted by: Nerissa Mae F. Dadores Andrea Josefa D. Perez (BSED II) META–COGNITIVE OBSERVATION Introduction Metacognition refers to one's knowledge concerning one's own cognitive processes or anything related to them, e.g., the learning–relevant properties of information or data. –J. H. Flavell (1976, p. 232). Metacognition is referred to as, as "thinking about thinking" and can be used to help students "learn how to learn." Metacognition is important, human uses metacognition in thinking, more content... How do you think you learn things best – by seeing it, by hearing it, or by doing it? Does your teacher help you figure out how you learn things best, or help you learn that way? Do you do activities to help you learn things in school? What kinds of activities do you do? Do you think they help? Ask the child to list all the words you asked them to remember. (record their list) Ask the child what did they do the help them remember? Did it work? Tell the child you are also going to tell them a story and that you want them to listen carefully and retell the story JUST LIKE YOU TOLD IT. Tell the story you rewrote. Ask the following series of questions: Do you like to read, why or why not? Is there something that could change at school that might make you like reading more (even more)? What kinds of things do you read at school? Do you get to choose some of the things you read at school? Do you read outside of school – if so, what do you like to read? Why do you prefer to read those kinds of things/books? If you don't read outside of school, why? Do you think reading is important? Many people think that reading well helps you do better in school – do you? Why or why not? What kinds of things do you do when reading to make sure you understand what you are reading? Has your teacher helped you learn ways to help you read better? To help you understand and
  • 7. remember what you read? Ask the child to retell the story, reminding them they Get more content on
  • 8. Metacognitive Behavior Analysis Metacognitive functions supply humans with tools to self–regulate in a wide range of activities helping to maintain and determine effective and efficient decisions (Flavell, Miller, & Miller, 1993). Ensuring awareness of cognitive functions and physical processes, metacognition "facilitate(s) processing and movement of information through the system (Schunk, 2012, p. 416). Generally, schools provide an environment where the acquisition of knowledge and information is a main objective favored over the teaching of metacognitive strategies (Davis, 2000). States have crafted and regulated curriculum and content in schools by enforcing the use of state standards. These standards are written for content and have subject specific domains. Strategies that indicate metacognition "include activities such as selecting and organizing information, rehearsing material to be learned, relating new material to information in memory, and enhancing meaningfulness of material" (Schunk, 2012, p. 417), all features that are omnipresent in the Georgia Performance Standards (GPS) for the visual arts (VA). The GPS for the VA provide a framework on which educators craft learning experiences in the classroom. According to the GPS for VA, content, specifically in high schools, is divided into four subjects: more content... The sketchbook is an integral piece of the artistic process and primary visual evidence of metacognitive thinking. If the students are using the sketchbook effectively there should be ample evidence of trial and error heuristic approaches to meaning making. The preplanning and thinking before creating are important aspects of the creative process and allow students time for internalizing concepts, media, and techniques presented in class to synthesize with all of the other contextual factors that affect their artwork Get more content on
  • 9. Metacognitive Strategy Choose one of the theories, cognitive, and describe how it might influence the planning and delivery of lesson instruction. The theory that I choose is cognitive, another metacognitive strategy that teachers can use to help students learn new information or skills is the reminder device. To influence students to make connections to a realistic situation and identify patterns is a great way to practice their critical thinking skills. Ask students to always be on the look for these connections, and when they find one to make sure they tell me. Compare and contrast number patterns, letters or have student to read two different stories and tell the similarities are difference will help student to use their thinking skills more. Also, students Get more content on
  • 10. Metacognitive Self Regulation Rationale The purpose of this study is to investigate whether metacognitive and self–regulation interventions improve mathematical achievement in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Although self–regulation has an ambiguous meaning, recently it has been referred to as "the ability to manage one's behavior, so as to withstand impulses, maintain focus, and undertake tasks, even if there are other more enticing alternatives available" (Boyd et al., 2005, p. 3). Jarvela and Jarvenoja, (2011), Zimmerman, (2008) stated that self–regulation is essential to the learning process and Wolters (2011) suggested that it can aid individuals, especially secondaryschool students in developing more effective learning habits. Self– more content... Due to this particular research on the development of self–regulation in children many studies have investigated the possible effects of metacognitive and self–regulation strategies on academia. For example, Labuhn et al., (2010) reported that students that received SRL assistance and guidance were more likely to exhibit higher levels of self–efficacy towards their academic ability resulting in improved performance within the classroom. It was also concluded that self–regulated learners performed at a higher standard in comparison to students that did not receive SRL guidance (Labuhn et al., 2010). Additionally Researchers, Graham & Harris (2000) and Kistner et al. (2010) found that SRL results in improved performance within a learning environment and can also limit academic deficiency in many students. Self–regulated learning strategies and interventions must be aided by metacognitive reflection and feedback from teachers and at times from peers through group tasks etc. (Dignath and BГјttner, 2008). Although there are countless studies investigating metacognition and self–regulation strategies, those that address individuals with behavioural disorders are scarce, especially in regards to children. The reasoning for this is not only due to the numerous challenges regarding the formulation of self–regulatory abilities in children (Harris & Schmidt, 1997), but also due to the significant problems with attention, inhibition and impulsivity that children with ADHD exhibit which makes formulation of self–regulatory an incredibly difficult task. This study therefore aims to provide further information and understanding on the Get more content on
  • 11. Metacognitive Therapy Summary Dr. Adrian Wells, the original developer of metacognitive therapy (MCT), sought to create a transdiagnostic theory and corresponding therapy that in turn would become an alternative to traditional cognitive–behavioral therapy (CBT) (Normann et al., 2014; Sadeghi et al., 2015; ). Traditional CBT does not generally address metacognition, but rather the content of specific thoughts, instead (Sadeghi et al., 2015). MCT was created, in part, to address this deficiency of CBT. MCT has created attention within the scientific community since its arrival at the end of the 20th century as a new branch of cognitive therapy that is related to third–wave therapies (in the aspect that MCT focuses on mindfully managing one's thoughts) (Normann et al., 2014) more content... In essence, metacognition is cognition about cognition––thinking about one's attention, thoughts, memory, etc. (Wells, 2009). MCT is based on an information–processing model first proposed by Dr. Wells, and also co–authored by Dr. Gerald Matthews (Wells & Matthews, 1996). According to metacognitive theory, metacognitive processes can produce unhealthy ruminational or maladaptive presentations in responding to thoughts (Wells, 2009). This is the focal point of metacognitive therapy practice. An example of a negative or maladaptive metacognition would be a client telling their therapist: "my thoughts make me feel like a piece of driftwood at sea". Negative metacognitions are at the heart of MCT's view of the origin of psychopathology (Wells, 2009). MCT borrows from CBT in that they both view maladaptive thinking as cause for psychology disorder. However, there is a distinction between the two styles; Metacognitive theory views the origin of psychological disorder as maladaptive metacognitive patterns (rather than just focusing on the content of negative thoughts), and even judges negative cognitions as naturally temporary (though negative cognitions can potentially propagate negative metacognitions if not managed effectively) (Hjemdal et al., 2013; Normann et al., 2014; Wells, Get more content on
  • 12. Metacognitive Therapy (MCT) The aim of our study was to examine the role of metacognitive therapy (MCT) on obsessive– compulsive disorder (OCD) patients who are already having transcranial magnetic current stimulation (tDCS) treatment. Besides the psychotherapeutic treatments, there was an incredible amount of increases in the non–invasive techniques and brain imaging studies due to the development of the technology in last two decades. tDCS is another non–invasive technique in which a weak current is generated between an anode and a cathode placed on the scalp of the subject ad one of the popular study method to use nowadays. Metacognitive Therapy is one of the recent development in understanding and solving the causes of mental health problems. By combining these two Get more content on
  • 13. Sleep And Metacognitive Awareness Sleep and Metacognitive Awareness Many benefits are emerging of sleep on cognition and health, supporting the importance of sleep on waking state functioning. From a cognitive perspective, sleep has been implied in for example improving memory consolidation, supporting future memory encoding and generating sleep–related insights over waking state problems (Talamini, Nieuwenhuis, Takashima, & Jensen, 2008; Van Der Werf et al., 2009; Wagner, Gais, Haider, Verleger, & Born, 2004). From a health perspective, sleep has been linked to improved immune system, metabolism and endocrine functioning and better cardiovascular health (Dinges, Douglas, Hamarman, Zaugg, & Kapoor, 1995; Spiegel, Leproult, & Van Cauter, 1999; Knutson, 2010). The discernible Get more content on
  • 14. Metacognitive Awareness In College Education Everson and Tobias (1998) about the realm of metacognitive awareness stated that in college, students study an excessive deal of new data, and are met, at times, with classroom and laboratory sites that involve them to learn the material and relate problem solving skills in novel and innovative methods. The literature on human metacognitive awareness creates a fascinating case for its importance in these learning and training settings. True monitoring of new learning assists students with effective metacognitive strategies to focus on new content and correct their learning objectives. In college classrooms or advanced training series, for instance, the learner frequently has to master a great deal of new knowledge in a restricted amount of Get more content on
  • 15. A Metacognitive Analysis Metacognition is a crucial part of the critical thinking process. It is referred to as "thinking about thinking" or "the monitoring and control of thought" (Martinez 696). During the last decades, topic of metacognition gets more and more attention from psychologists, educators, and students. The incoming data, supporting the significance of metacognitive abilities and their development, serves as a base for implementation of the teaching of metacognition. Metacognition can and should be taught in the conditions of the modern educational system. Metacognition plays a major role both in individual's academic and everyday life. In the article "The Power of Reflection", Stephen Fleming agrees with Flavell's definition of metacognition as a "key to educational success" (2). Many studies have proved that highly cultivated metacognitive abilities enhance individual's academic performance and lead to academic success (Jacobson 5). Furthermore, Fleming argues that metacognition, being applied in a wide range of the situations, turns out to be "a vital survival skill" (7). Thus, given the significance of metacognition, the teaching of metacognitive strategies should become one of the primary goals of modern education system. more content... Modern studies suggest that metacognition "is an independent function of the brain" and not just a skill individuals acquire during their lifetime (Fleming 4). However, our ability to reflect and appraise our own thinking process "is not an automatic process but is a result of long term development of the cognitive system" (Jacobson 4). Therefore, metacognition needs to be cultivated in a person through different approaches and techniques. Moreover, continuous work on the metacognitive development in both academic and everyday life is the only way to master and gain proficiency of metacognitive Get more content on
  • 16. The Metacognitive Awareness Inventory The Metacognitive Awareness Inventory (MAI), established by Schraw and Dennison (1994) was used to measure metacognitive awareness of the participants. It contains 52 items which measures different aspects of metacognition. Items of MAI are in two sets: "Knowledge of Cognition" and "Regulation of Cognition". Seventeen objects of the MAI measure knowledge of cognition, and the remaining thirty five items measure regulation of cognition. The answers are based on true and false scale. The participants are supposed to reply the objects in 30 minutes. Different studies have supported the suitable reliability and validity of the instrumentThe validity of the this instrument has been reviewed and validated by Schraw and Dennison (1994) who performed Get more content on
  • 17. Metacognitive Thinking Analysis My dream could go from becoming a professional soccer player to living by the beach in a grand mansion. Ultimately my Dream would be to one day have the privilege of visiting Paris with my family. To most people this wouldn't seem like such a grand amount of a dream, but to me this would be such a huge accomplishment. I was brought to the United States at a very young age and having the opportunity to travel outside of this country, has never been an option. All things considered, this would be the greatest fulfilment in my life. My parents were always there motivating me to go to college. But besides that it was knowing in myself that my parents had sacrificed their lives, by leaving their home and coming to the United States in hopes more content... Metagognitive thinking Coates mother would make Coate write a series of questions that would make him visualize everything he'd done in class and reflect on the reasons he had done it. This is an example of metacognitive thinking because Coates was analysing the decisions he had made to better understand why he was doing the things he has doing. "Drawing yourself from consciousness" is not an easy task and not many people do so. But sometimes you have to sit down and think of situations that are occurring in your life and simply reflect on them. An easy way to do so would be to talk to a counselor about everything that was or has been going on in your life. Simply just writing thoughts down or saying them out loud could draw you out of consciousness and make you understand what is going on. College can help you reflect on your own learning in many different aspects; from seeing if you procrastinate too often, to recognizing that you work better alone or even helping you realize that you do not work well under pressure. You can will know when you are growing and changing as a person when you start to do things you would never do before, such as reflecting on achievements you have accomplished or even acknowledging that you have put things off that aren't that important and have focused primarily on the more significant aspects in your Get more content on
  • 18. Journal article review on topic: Metacognitive strategies to improve reading comprehension Research over the years has highlighted the fact that highly proficient strategic readers employ strong metacognitive strategies and have a high degree of cognizance of the reading strategies they employ. To give a quick understanding of metacognition, one can think of it as the ability to take a bird's eye view as to the processes involved in mental activities–frequently referred to by educators as thinking about thinking (Anderson, 2002, p.23). Because metacognition has proven to be vital to reading comprehension, most quality English as a second language (ESL) programs teach and model reading strategies in order to ensure better reading comprehension. Tools to measure metacognitive awareness are the MARSI (Metacognitive–Awareness–of–Reading Strategies Inventory) or the SORS (Survey of Reading Strategies) inventory. The SORS is intended for use with students who are post–secondary, whether native or non–native. This test is divided into three areas: Global reading strategies (GLOB), Problem–solving (PROB), and Support Reading Strategies (SUP) (Sheory & Mokhtari, 2001). Since academic preparedness in college students, especially international students, can be molded by socio–cultural factors, research as to the impact of culture on metacognition, particularly in reading strategy choice, is of interest. The improvement of reading comprehension for international students through the Get more content on
  • 19. Metacognitive Regulation Paper Since I have started college I have realized that being organized and using a planner is very important. I have never really used organization skills since being in school. Metacognitive regulation is a big thing especially the monitoring aspect of it. The monitoring aspect is when you plan and use your personal knowledge and making changes to anything. Metacognitive regulation has three parts to it. There is the planning, monitoring, and evaluating. The first step is planning. That is when you organize using certain strategies and when to use them. For me, I like to use different colors for certain events. For example, blue is math, yellow is reading, and pink is personal activities. That is a way that helps me keep my planner organized more content... Locus of self–control has two different to it, the internal and external aspects. Internal locus of self–control means that we have control of our lives. More successful people have this self–control. The three in the external self–control which means that our lives are controlled by external forces such as, karma, other people, etc. Internal self–control is what I feel I have learned and grown to have through this class. I feel everything that I choose to do through every day is controlled by what I feel is best. For example, one time I was driving down the road and took too wide of a turn. My car then fell into a pot hole in the side of the road as my tire popped. It was my fault because I took too wide of a turn. I didn't think that it was karma from something that happened the other day. External self–control is what I used to think about my life. I used to believe that everything bad that happen was from another external force. When I was about five years old, I used to hear everyone talking about karma. I had no clue what it meant until about 8. Karma means that the person's destiny or fate happens from a previous existence. An example of this is when my sister and I were little; we would fight like siblings would. Sometimes we would fight around family and you would hear someone say "watch out karmas going to get you." I never really believed in karma, I always thought it was something to say when you didn't want to take ownership of what Get more content on
  • 20. Meta-Cognitive Process Metacognitive Processes Metacognition is one's ability to use prior knowledge to plan a strategy for approaching a learning task; take necessary steps to problem solve, reflect on and evaluate results, and modify one's approach as needed. It helps learners choose the right cognitive tool for the task and plays a critical role in successful learning. What Is Metacognition? Metacognition refers to awareness of one's own knowledge: what one does and doesn't know; and one's ability to understand, control, and manipulate one's cognitive processes (Meichenbaum, 1985). It includes knowing when and where to use particular strategies for learning and problem solving as well as how and why to use specific strategies. Metacognition is more content... Learners "construct knowledge" using cognitive strategies and they guide, regulate, and evaluate their learning using metacognitive strategies. It is through this "thinking about thinking," this use of metacognitive strategies, that real learning occurs. As students become more skilled at using metacognitive strategies, they gain confidence and become more independent as learners. Individuals with well–developed metacognitive skills can think through a problem or approach a learning task, select appropriate strategies, and make decisions about a course of action to resolve the problem or successfully perform the task. They often think about their own thinking processes, taking time to think about and learn from mistakes or inaccuracies (NCREL, 1995). Some instructional programs that encourage students to learn metacognitive strategies encourage students to engage in "metacognitive conversations" with themselves so that they can "talk" with themselves about their learning, the challenges they encounter, and the ways in which they can selfcorrect and continue learning. Moreover, individuals who demonstrate a wide variety of metacognitive skills perform better on exams and complete work more efficiently–they use the right tool for the job, and they modify learning strategies as needed, identifying blocks to learning and changing tools or strategies to ensure goal attainment. Because metacognition plays Get more content on