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Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT)
Part 3 and Summarizing
Khamdamboy Urunov, a Ph.D. student.
Special Communication Research Center.,
Graduate School of Financial Information Security.,
Kookmin University
Seoul, South Korea
Contents and comments
• Topic instructions
• Message type and examples
• Protocol Name (User Name and Password)
• u-MQTT message instruction
MQTT Topic
Publish / Subscribe
The publish / subscribe model lets you build a network of nodes that don’t need to know each other to
Instead, nodes only know of topics to publish or subscribe to.
For example, you might have a topic structure like this:
o inside/bedroom/temperature
o inside/kitchen/temperature
o inside/bathroom/temperature
The various temperature sensors in your house would publish to their own topic, while a display showing
temperatures in the house might subscribe to something like:
The “+” acts as a wildcard, allowing a system to subscribe to a group of similar topics.
publisher subscribertopic
r Temperature
Message B = light (On/Off)
Message A = 270
MQTT Topic and Wildcards
Topics and wildcards
Messages are addressed through the use of topics.
Topics are separated by a “/“ allowing topics to be grouped in a tree structure.
Messages Address
How you design your topics is important to allow efficient use of wildcard
There are two wildcard characters “#” and “+” , level spared “/”
 “#” is the multi-level wildcard and matches zero or more levels.
 “+ ” is single – level wildcard
 “/” spared level
How you design your topics?
Name: identifying the topic within the domain
MQTT Topic Name
 The MQTT Topic Name is included in every PUBLISH message
 In general Topic name have the format:
• site/line/machine/data
 Notice that the device or appliance ID is useful to include to be able to subscribe to
the flow coming from a specific device, the refrigerator, as opposed to all instance of a
given device
 As such the length of the topic name, in real application is on the order of tens of
How to make Topic Name:
inside/bedroom/temperature/value ?
How size of Topic Name?
Topic Name = 10 byte
appliance ID is usefully to include to be
able to subscribe to the flow
• Refrigerator
• Smart door
MQTT Topic Name
Topic is a UTF-8 string, which is used by the broker to filter messages for each connected
A topic consists of one or more topic levels.
Each topic level is separated by a forward slash (topic level separator).
For example a subscription to myhome/groundfloor/+/temperature would match or not match the
following topics:
Multi Level: #
While the single level wildcard only covers one topic level, the multi level wildcard covers an
arbitrary number of topic levels.
In order to determine the matching topics it is required that the multi level wildcard is always the last
character in the topic and it is preceded by a forward slash.
MQTT Topic Name (cont….)
Multi Level: #
Client subscribing to a topic with a multi level wildcard is receiving all messages, which start with the
pattern before the wildcard character, no matter how long or deep the topics will get.
 If you only specify the multilevel wildcard as a topic (#), it means that you will get every message
sent over the MQTT broker.
 If you expect high throughput this is an anti pattern.
Topics beginning with $
o in general you are totally free in naming your topics, but there is one exception.
o each topic, which starts with a $-symbol will be treated specially
o for example not part of the subscription when subscribing to #
o these topics are reserved for internal statistics of the MQTT broker.
o Therefore it is not possible for clients to publish messages to these topics.
o At the moment there is no clear official standardization of topics that must be published by the broker.
o It is common practice to use $SYS/ for all these information and a lot of brokers implement these, but in
different formats.
o One suggestion on $SYS-topics is in the MQTT GitHub wiki and here are some examples:
MQTT Topic Name (cont….)
MQTT Topic UTF-8
The third column of the following table shows the appearance of the space character, in the sense that the
cell contains the words “foo” and “bar” in bordered boxes separated by that character. It is possible that
your browser does not present all the space characters properly. This depends on the font used, on the
browser, and on the fonts available in the system.
MQTT Topic and Wildcards
1. One topic for each device
For each device a topic is defined. Its state can be controlled by publishing a message with payload
“ON” or “OFF”.
• the user must not know about the address code of the Intertechno device
• changes of the address must not be published
• the message is simply “ON” or “OFF to control the device
• the user must know the topic for each device
• the user can only control configured devices
2. One topic for a JSON message
• very flexible to control the devices
• the user must know about the syntax of the JSON and the coding of devices
Provide both options
Home Control with Raspberry Pi and MQTT
This MQTT client basically follows two design patterns:
My configuration is very simple
On start-up the Client is searching for sweethomehub-config.xml in the users home directory which is then unmarshalled from
This configuration contains the codes and the topic for each device and the MQTT settings for the broker connection:
Home Control with Raspberry Pi and MQTT (cont…)
And there is one additional topic awaiting the JSON commands:
MQTT Topic Architecture
A Topic is a hierarchical structured string, which is used for message filtering and
routing and determines which message gets to which client.
MQTT QoS value
MQTT QoS value (cont…)
 Don’t use spaces in a topic
A space is the natural enemy of each programmer, they often make it much harder to read and debug topics, when
things are not going the way, they should be. So similar to the first one, only because something is allowed doesn’t
mean it should be used. UTF-8 knows many different white space types
Each topic will be included in every message it is used in, so you should think about making them short and
concise. When it comes to small devices, each byte counts and makes really a difference.
 Keep the topic short and concise
Using non-ASCII UTF-8 character makes it really hard to find typos or issues related to the character set,
because often they can not be displayed correctly. Unless it is really necessary we recommend avoid using non
ASCII character in a topic.
 Use only ASCII characters, avoid non printable characters
 Embed a unique identifier or the Client Id into the topic
In some cases it is very helpful, when the topic contains a unique identifier of the client the publish is coming from.
This helps identifying, who send the message. Another advantage is the enforcement of authorization, so that only a
client with the same Client Id as contained in the topic is allowed to publish to that topic. So a client with the
idclient1 is allowed to publish to client1/status, but not permitted to publish to client2/status.
Topics are a flexible concept and there is no need to preallocate them in
any kind of way, regardless both the publisher and subscriber need to be
aware of the topic. So it is important to think about how they can be
extended in case you are adding new features to your product.
For example when your smart home solution is extended by some new
sensors, it should be possible to add these to your topic tree without
changing the whole topic hierarchy.
 Don’t forget extensibility
Message Format
MQTT model (1/3)
The core elements of MQTT are clients, servers (=brokers), sessions, subscriptions and topics.
MQTT model (2/3)
MQTT model (3/3)
MQTT message format
Ongoing Message format
CONNECT message format:
MQTT message format
The CONNECT message contains many session-related information as optional header fields.
CONNECT 1 Client request to connect to Server
Overview CONNECT message fields:
MQTT message format (cont…)
MQTT message format (cont…)
A good-natured client will send a connect message with the following content among other things:
The client identifier (short ClientId) is an identifier
of each MQTT client connecting to a MQTT broker.
 As the word identifier already suggests, it
should be unique per broker.
 The broker uses it for identifying the client
and the current state of the client.
 If you don’t need a state to be hold by the
broker, in MQTT 3.1.1 (current standard) it is also
possible to send an empty ClientId, which results
in a connection without any state.
 A condition is that clean session is true,
otherwise the connection will be rejected.
Conceptual idea:
Topic name has an upper length limit of 32,767 characters.
Developing a workflow
Clean Session
 The clean session flag indicates the broker, whether the client wants to establish a persistent session or
 A persistent session (CleanSession is false) means,
• that the broker will store all subscriptions for the client and also all missed messages
• when subscribing with Quality of Service (QoS) 1 or 2
 If clean session is set to true,
• the broker won’t store anything for the client and will also purge all information from a previous
persistent session.
MQTT message format (cont…)
True = 1
MQTT message format (cont…)
MQTT message format (cont…)
Username & Password flag
 MQTT allows to send a username and password
for authenticating the client and also authorization.
 However, the password is sent in plaintext,
• if it isn’t encrypted or hashed by
• or TLS is used underneath.
 We highly recommend to use username and
password together with a secure transport of it.
 In brokers like HiveMQ it is also possible to
authenticate clients with an SSL (secure sockets
layer) certificate, so no username and password is
MQTT message format (cont…)
• The will message is part of the last will and testament feature of MQTT.
• It allows to notify other clients, when a client disconnects ungracefully.
• A connecting client will provide his will in form of an MQTT message and topic in the
CONNECT message.
• If this clients gets disconnected ungracefully, the broker sends this message on behalf
of the client. We will talk about this in detail in an individual post.
MQTT message format (cont…)
If a message is published with a topic, the broker distributes it to all subscribers following the topic.
• If nobody is currently following that topic, the message is lost – it isn't cached because there is no queue.
• To prevent this behavior, users can set a retained flag when publishing.
This flag prompts the broker to store the message and to offer it to future subscribers.
• If, for example, the outside temperature is published with temp/terrace and a client subscribes to this topic hours
• this client is immediately sent this recently published temperature value (last-known value) if the retained flag is
What happens if a client unexpectedly fails?
• LWT (Last Will and Testament) is an important feature of MQTT.
• A client tells the broker during the connection setup that: "In case of my death, please send the following message
with this topic …" If the broker then detects that this client is no longer alive, it does as it was told and publishes the
message with the desired topic.
• MQTT thus has monitoring installed: It's easy to write to clients that respond to the passing of other clients, such
as by sending alerts.
LWT messages are often used together with the retained flag in order to permanently describe the state of a client:
• When starting, a client will,
• for example, publish a status message with a retained flag with the clients/id/status topic.
• If this client deceases, the broker would distribute the dead message with a retained flag and the same topic on its
MQTT message format
Last Will and Testament
Example: Subscribers receive last known temperature value from the temperature data
topic. RETAIN=1 indicates to subscriber B that the message may have been published
some time ago
MQTT message format
(cont…)Will Retain: If set to 1 indicates to server that it should retain a Will message for the
client which is published in case the client disconnects unexpectedly.
MQTT message format
(cont…)Will QoS- Specifies the QoS level for a Will message.
MQTT message format
Will Flag- Indicates that the message contains a Will message in the payload
along with Will QoS flags.
MQTT Message Keep Alive
• The keep alive is a time interval, the clients commits to by sending regular
PING Request messages to the broker.
• The broker response with PING Response and this mechanism will allow
both sides to determine if the other one is still alive and reachable.
• That are basically all information that are necessary to connect to a MQTT
broker from a MQTT client.
• Often each individual library will have additional options, which can be
• Protocol includes support for client and server to detect failed connections
– At connection time, a keep alive can be specified
• Maximum keep alive interval of 18 hours
– Can specify a value of 0 to disable keep alive
34 35
MQTT Message Keep Alive (cont…)
MQTT Low Power Usage
• Restriction on some device, such as cell phone may simply be available power,
how does MQTT use power ?
• HTC Desire Android mobile phone
• Protocol allows tuning to suit devices
MQTT uses (much) less bandwidth that HTTP
CONNACK message format:
MQTT message format (cont…)
CONNACK 2 Connect Acknowledgment
MQTT message format (cont…)
PUBLISH 3 Publish message
Byte 2 (At least one byte) contains the Remaining Length field. The fields are described in the following sections.
All data values are in big-endian order: higher order bytes precede lower order bytes. A 16-bit word is presented
on the wire as Most Significant Byte (MSB), followed by Least Significant Byte (LSB).
MQTT message format (cont…)
PUBACK 4 Publish Acknowledgment
PUBREC 5 Publish Received (assured delivery part1)
MQTT message format (cont…)
PUBREL 6 Publish Release (assured delivery part 2)
PUBCOMP 7 Publish Complete (assured delivery part 3 )
MQTT message format (cont…)
SUBSCRIBE 8 Client Subscribe request
MQTT message format (cont…)
SUBACK 9 Subscribe Acknowledgment
MQTT message format (cont…)
UNSUBSCRIBE 10 Client Unsubscribe request
MQTT message format (cont…)
UNSUBACK 11 Unsubscribe Acknowledgment
DISCONNECT 14 Client is Disconnecting
MQTT connection message flow
MQTT message
MQTT example
MQTT example
MQTT example
MQTT example
MQTT example
Variable header
 Protocol name
 Protocol version
 Connect flags
 Clean session flag
 Will flag
 Will QoS
 Will Retain flag
 User name and password flags
 Keep Alive timer
 Connect return code
 Topic name
MQTT Control Packet format (cont…)
Some types of MQTT Control Packets contain a variable header component.
 it resides between the fixed header and the payload
 the content of the variable header varies depending on the Packet type
however one field - the Packet Identifier - is common to several packet types
Variable header
 Protocol name
MQTT Control Packet format (cont…)
o The protocol name is present in the variable header of a MQTT CONNECT
o This field is a UTF-encoded string that represents the protocol name MQIsdp
Variable header
 Protocol name
 Variable header
 Protocol name
 Protocol version
 Connect flags
 Clean session flag
MQTT Control Packet format (cont…)
 Variable header
 Protocol name
 Protocol version
 Connect flags
 Clean session flag
o The protocol version is present in the variable header of a CONNECT message.
o The field is an 8-bit unsigned value that represents the revision level of the
protocol used by the client.
o The value of the Protocol version field for the current version of the protocol, 3
(0x03), is shown in the table below.
MQTT Control Packet format (cont…)
 Variable header
 Protocol name
 Protocol version
 Connect flags
 Clean session flag
The Clean session, Will QoS, and Retain flags are present in the variable header of a CONNECT
 Variable header
 Protocol name
 Protocol version
 Connect flags
 Clean session flag
Position: bit 1 of the Connect flags byte.
 If not set (0), then the server must store the subscriptions of the client after it
 This includes continuing to store QoS 1 and QoS 2 messages for the subscribed
topics so that they can be delivered when the client reconnects.
 The server must also maintain the state of in-flight messages being delivered at the
point the connection is lost.
 This information must be kept until the client reconnects.
MQTT Control Packet format (cont…)
 Variable header
 Protocol name
 Protocol version
 Connect flags
 Clean session flag
 If set (1), then the server must discard any previously maintained information
about the client and treat the connection as "clean".
 The server must also discard any state when the client disconnects.
A client will operate in one mode or the other and not change.
o The choice will depend on the application.
o A clean session client will not receive stale information and it must resubscribe
each time it connects
o A non-clean session client will not miss any QoS 1 or QoS 2 messages that were
published whilst it was disconnected.
o QoS 0 messages are never stored, since they are delivered on a best efforts basis
o This flag was formerly known as “Clean start“
o It has been renamed to clarify the fact it applies to the whole session and not just
to the initial connect
o A server may provide an administrative mechanism for clearing stored
information about a client which can be used when it is known that a client will never
Bit 0 of this byte is not used in the current version of the protocol. It is reserved for
future use.
MQTT Control Packet format (cont…)
 Variable header
 Protocol name
 Protocol version
 Connect flags
 Clean session flag
Variable header
 Protocol name
 Protocol version
 Connect flags
 Clean session flag
 Will flag
 Will QoS
 Will Retain flag
 User name and password flags
MQTT Control Packet format (cont…)
 The Will message defines that a message is published on behalf of the client by the
o when either an I/O error is encountered by the server during communication with
the client
o or the client fails to communicate within the Keep Alive timer schedule
 Sending a Will message is not triggered by the server receiving a DISCONNECT
message from the client
 If the Will flag is set, the Will QoS and Will Retain fields must be present in the
Connect flags byte, and the Will Topic and Will Message fields must be present in the
 The format of the Will flag is shown in the table below.
Variable header
 Protocol name
 Protocol version
 Connect flags
 Clean session flag
 Will flag
 Will QoS
 Will Retain flag
 User name and password flags
MQTT Control Packet format (cont…)
Position: bit 5 of the Connect flags byte.
 The Will Retain flag indicates whether the server should retain the Will message
which is published by the server on behalf of the client in the event that the client is
disconnected unexpectedly.
 The Will Retain flag is mandatory if the Will flag is set, otherwise, it is
 The format of the Will Retain flag is shown in the table below.
Variable header
 Will Retain flag
 User name and password flags
 Keep Alive timer
 Connect return code
 Topic name
MQTT Control Packet format (cont…)
Position: bits 6 and 7 of the Connect flags byte.
 A connecting client can specify a user name and a password, and setting the flag
bits signifies that a User Name, and optionally a password, are included in the
payload of a CONNECT message.
 If the User Name flag is set, the User Name field is mandatory, otherwise its value
is disregarded.
 If the Password flag is set, the Password field is mandatory, otherwise its value is
disregarded. It is not valid to supply a password without supplying a user name.
Variable header
 Will Retain flag
 User name and password flags
 Keep Alive timer
 Connect return code
 Topic name
MQTT Control Packet format (cont…)
 The Keep Alive timer is present in the variable header of a MQTT CONNECT message.
 The Keep Alive timer, measured in seconds, defines the maximum time interval between messages received from a client.
 It enables the server to detect that the network connection to a client has dropped, without having to wait for the long TCP/IP
 The client has a responsibility to send a message within each Keep Alive time period.
 In the absence of a data-related message during the time period, the client sends a PINGREQ message, which the server
acknowledges with a PINGRESP message.
 If the server does not receive a message from the client within one and a half times the Keep Alive time period (the client is
allowed "grace" of half a time period), it disconnects the client as if the client had sent a DISCONNECT message.
 This action does not impact any of the client's subscriptions.
 If a client does not receive a PINGRESP message within a Keep Alive time period after sending a PINGREQ,
 it should close the TCP/IP socket connection.
 The Keep Alive timer is a 16-bit value that represents the number of seconds for the time period.
 The actual value is application-specific, but a typical value is a few minutes.
 The maximum value is approximately 18 hours.
 A value of zero (0) means the client is not disconnected.
 The format of the Keep Alive timer is shown in the table below. The ordering of the 2
 bytes of the Keep Alive Timer is MSB, then LSB (big-endian).
Variable header
 Will Retain flag
 User name and password flags
 Keep Alive timer
 Connect return code
 Topic name
MQTT Control Packet format (cont…)
 The connect return code is sent in the variable header of a CONNACK message.
 This field defines a one byte unsigned return code.
 A return code of zero (0) usually indicates success.
Variable header
 Will Retain flag
 User name and password flags
 Keep Alive timer
 Connect return code
 Topic name
MQTT Control Packet format (cont…)
 The topic name is present in the variable header of an MQTT PUBLISH message.
 The topic name is the key that identifies the information channel to which
payload data
is published.
 Subscribers use the key to identify the information channels on which they want
to receive published information.
 The topic name is a UTF-encoded string. See the section on MQTT and UTF-8
for more information.
 Topic name has an upper length limit of 32,767 characters.
 Payload
 Message identifier
 MQTT and UTF-8
 Unused bits
MQTT format (cont…)
The following types of MQTT command message have a payload:
 The payload contains one or more UTF-8 encoded strings.
 They specify a unqiue identifier for the client, a Will topic and message and the User Name and Password to
 All but the first are optional and their presence is determined based on flags in the variable header.
The payload contains a list of topic names to which the client can subscribe, and the QoS level. These strings are
 The payload contains a list of granted QoS levels. These are the QoS levels at which the administrators for
the server have permitted the client to subscribe to a particular Topic Name.
 Granted QoS levels are listed in the same order as the topic names in the corresponding SUBSCRIBE
 The payload part of a PUBLISH message contains application-specific data only.
 No assumptions are made about the nature or content of the data, and this part of the message is treated as a
 Payload
 Message identifier
 MQTT and UTF-8
 Unused bits
MQTT format (cont…)
 The message identifier is present in the variable header of the following MQTT messages: PUBLISH,
 The Message Identifier (Message ID) field is only present in messages where the QoS bits in the fixed header
indicate QoS levels 1 or 2.
 The Message ID is a 16-bit unsigned integer that must be unique amongst the set of "in flight" messages in a
particular direction of communication. It typically increases by exactly one from one message to the next, but is not
required to do so.
 A client will maintain its own list of Message IDs separate to the Message IDs used by the server it is connected
 It is possible for a client to send a PUBLISH with Message ID 1 at the same time as receiving a PUBLISH with
Message ID 1.
 The ordering of the two bytes of the Message Identifier is MSB, then LSB (big-endian).
 Do not use Message ID 0. It is reserved as an invalid Message ID.
 Payload
 Message identifier
 MQTT and UTF-8
 Unused bits
MQTT format (cont…)
 UTF-8 is an efficient encoding of Unicode character-strings that optimizes the encoding of
ASCII characters in support of text-based communications.
 In MQTT, strings are prefixed with two bytes to denote the length, as shown in the table below.
String Length is the number of bytes of encoded string characters, not the number of characters.
For example, the string OTWP is encoded in UTF-8 as shown in the table below.
Any bits marked as unused should be set to zero (0).
 Payload
 Message identifier
 MQTT and UTF-8
 Unused bits
MQTT format (cont…)
Control Packets that contain a Packet Identifier
Variable header (cont…)
 The Client and Server assign Packet Identifiers
independently of each other.
 As a result, Client Server pairs can participate in
concurrent message exchanges using the same Packet
CONNACK – Acknowledge connection request
The CONNACK Packet is the packet sent by the Server in response to a CONNECT Packet
received from a Client. The first packet sent from the Server to the Client MUST be a
CONNACK Packet [MQTT-3.2.0-1].
If the Client does not receive a CONNACK Packet from the Server within a reasonable
amount of time, the Client SHOULD close the Network Connection. A "reasonable" amount
of time depends on the type of application and the communications infrastructure.
Fixed header
The fixed header format is shown in the table below.
Remaining Length field
This is the length of the variable header.
For the CONNACK Packet this has the value 2.
Variable header
CONNACK – Acknowledge connection request
The values for the one byte unsigned CONNECT Return code field are shown in the table
below. If a well formed CONNECT Packet is received by the Server, but the Server is
unable to process it for some reason, then the Server SHOULD attempt to flow one of the
following non-zero CONNACK return codes.
PUBLISH – Publish message
 Fixed header
The table below shows the fixed header format:
Variable header
The table below illustrates an example of variable header for a PUBLISH Packet.
The format of the variable header in this case is shown in the table below.
The response to a PUBLISH Packet depends on the QoS level. The table below
shows the expected responses.
Variable header (cont…)
PUBACK – Publish acknowledgement
Fixed header
The table below shows the format of the fixed header.
Remaining Length field
This is the length of the variable header. For
the PUBACK Packet this has the value 2.
PUBACK – Publish acknowledgement (cont…)
Contains the Packet Identifier from the PUBLISH Packet that is being acknowledged. The
table below shows the format of the variable header.
Fixed header
The table below shows the format of the fixed header.
Remaining Length field
This is the length of the variable header. For the
PUBREC Packet this has the value 2.
Schedule of next plan
• Next step compare MQTT and CoAP protocols
• Analysis source code steps
• Make those u_CoAP, u_MQTT protocols message format
Link of the source code:
Thank you

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Message queuing telemetry transport (mqtt)and part 3 and summarizing

  • 1. Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) Part 3 and Summarizing Khamdamboy Urunov, a Ph.D. student. Special Communication Research Center., Graduate School of Financial Information Security., Kookmin University Seoul, South Korea
  • 2. Contents and comments • Topic instructions • Message type and examples • Protocol Name (User Name and Password) • u-MQTT message instruction 2
  • 3. MQTT Topic 3 Publish / Subscribe The publish / subscribe model lets you build a network of nodes that don’t need to know each other to function. Instead, nodes only know of topics to publish or subscribe to. For example, you might have a topic structure like this: o inside/bedroom/temperature o inside/kitchen/temperature o inside/bathroom/temperature The various temperature sensors in your house would publish to their own topic, while a display showing temperatures in the house might subscribe to something like: inside/+/temperature The “+” acts as a wildcard, allowing a system to subscribe to a group of similar topics. publisher subscribertopic senso r senso r Temperature Message B = light (On/Off) Temperature Message A = 270
  • 4. MQTT Topic and Wildcards 4 Topics and wildcards Messages are addressed through the use of topics. Topics are separated by a “/“ allowing topics to be grouped in a tree structure. Messages Address topics How you design your topics is important to allow efficient use of wildcard matching. There are two wildcard characters “#” and “+” , level spared “/”  “#” is the multi-level wildcard and matches zero or more levels.  “+ ” is single – level wildcard  “/” spared level How you design your topics? Name: identifying the topic within the domain
  • 5. MQTT Topic Name 5  The MQTT Topic Name is included in every PUBLISH message  In general Topic name have the format: • site/line/machine/data  Notice that the device or appliance ID is useful to include to be able to subscribe to the flow coming from a specific device, the refrigerator, as opposed to all instance of a given device  As such the length of the topic name, in real application is on the order of tens of bytes. site/line/machine/data How to make Topic Name: inside/bedroom/temperature/value ? value How size of Topic Name? Topic Name = 10 byte appliance ID is usefully to include to be able to subscribe to the flow • Refrigerator • Smart door
  • 6. MQTT Topic Name 6 Topic is a UTF-8 string, which is used by the broker to filter messages for each connected client. A topic consists of one or more topic levels. Each topic level is separated by a forward slash (topic level separator). For example a subscription to myhome/groundfloor/+/temperature would match or not match the following topics: Multi Level: # While the single level wildcard only covers one topic level, the multi level wildcard covers an arbitrary number of topic levels. In order to determine the matching topics it is required that the multi level wildcard is always the last character in the topic and it is preceded by a forward slash.
  • 7. 7 MQTT Topic Name (cont….) Multi Level: # Client subscribing to a topic with a multi level wildcard is receiving all messages, which start with the pattern before the wildcard character, no matter how long or deep the topics will get.  If you only specify the multilevel wildcard as a topic (#), it means that you will get every message sent over the MQTT broker.  If you expect high throughput this is an anti pattern.
  • 8. 8 Topics beginning with $ o in general you are totally free in naming your topics, but there is one exception. o each topic, which starts with a $-symbol will be treated specially o for example not part of the subscription when subscribing to # o these topics are reserved for internal statistics of the MQTT broker. o Therefore it is not possible for clients to publish messages to these topics. o At the moment there is no clear official standardization of topics that must be published by the broker. o It is common practice to use $SYS/ for all these information and a lot of brokers implement these, but in different formats. o One suggestion on $SYS-topics is in the MQTT GitHub wiki and here are some examples: $SYS/broker/clients/connected $SYS/broker/clients/disconnected $SYS/broker/clients/total $SYS/broker/messages/sent $SYS/broker/uptime MQTT Topic Name (cont….)
  • 9. MQTT Topic UTF-8 9 The third column of the following table shows the appearance of the space character, in the sense that the cell contains the words “foo” and “bar” in bordered boxes separated by that character. It is possible that your browser does not present all the space characters properly. This depends on the font used, on the browser, and on the fonts available in the system.
  • 10. 10 MQTT Topic and Wildcards
  • 11. 1. One topic for each device For each device a topic is defined. Its state can be controlled by publishing a message with payload “ON” or “OFF”. Pro: • the user must not know about the address code of the Intertechno device • changes of the address must not be published • the message is simply “ON” or “OFF to control the device Contra: • the user must know the topic for each device • the user can only control configured devices 2. One topic for a JSON message Pro: • very flexible to control the devices Contra: • the user must know about the syntax of the JSON and the coding of devices Solution: Provide both options 11 Home Control with Raspberry Pi and MQTT This MQTT client basically follows two design patterns:
  • 12. 12 My configuration is very simple On start-up the Client is searching for sweethomehub-config.xml in the users home directory which is then unmarshalled from JAXB. This configuration contains the codes and the topic for each device and the MQTT settings for the broker connection: Home Control with Raspberry Pi and MQTT (cont…) And there is one additional topic awaiting the JSON commands: sweethome/devices/jsoncommand
  • 13. MQTT Topic Architecture 13 A Topic is a hierarchical structured string, which is used for message filtering and routing and determines which message gets to which client.
  • 15. 15 MQTT QoS value (cont…)
  • 16. MQTT TOPIC Summary 16  Don’t use spaces in a topic A space is the natural enemy of each programmer, they often make it much harder to read and debug topics, when things are not going the way, they should be. So similar to the first one, only because something is allowed doesn’t mean it should be used. UTF-8 knows many different white space types Each topic will be included in every message it is used in, so you should think about making them short and concise. When it comes to small devices, each byte counts and makes really a difference.  Keep the topic short and concise Using non-ASCII UTF-8 character makes it really hard to find typos or issues related to the character set, because often they can not be displayed correctly. Unless it is really necessary we recommend avoid using non ASCII character in a topic.  Use only ASCII characters, avoid non printable characters  Embed a unique identifier or the Client Id into the topic In some cases it is very helpful, when the topic contains a unique identifier of the client the publish is coming from. This helps identifying, who send the message. Another advantage is the enforcement of authorization, so that only a client with the same Client Id as contained in the topic is allowed to publish to that topic. So a client with the idclient1 is allowed to publish to client1/status, but not permitted to publish to client2/status. Topics are a flexible concept and there is no need to preallocate them in any kind of way, regardless both the publisher and subscriber need to be aware of the topic. So it is important to think about how they can be extended in case you are adding new features to your product. For example when your smart home solution is extended by some new sensors, it should be possible to add these to your topic tree without changing the whole topic hierarchy.  Don’t forget extensibility
  • 18. MQTT model (1/3) 18 The core elements of MQTT are clients, servers (=brokers), sessions, subscriptions and topics.
  • 21. 21 MQTT message format Ongoing Message format Discussed
  • 22. CONNECT message format: 22 MQTT message format The CONNECT message contains many session-related information as optional header fields. CONNECT 1 Client request to connect to Server
  • 23. 23 Overview CONNECT message fields: MQTT message format (cont…)
  • 24. 24 MQTT message format (cont…) A good-natured client will send a connect message with the following content among other things: ClientId The client identifier (short ClientId) is an identifier of each MQTT client connecting to a MQTT broker.  As the word identifier already suggests, it should be unique per broker.  The broker uses it for identifying the client and the current state of the client.  If you don’t need a state to be hold by the broker, in MQTT 3.1.1 (current standard) it is also possible to send an empty ClientId, which results in a connection without any state.  A condition is that clean session is true, otherwise the connection will be rejected. Conceptual idea: Topic name has an upper length limit of 32,767 characters. Developing a workflow
  • 25. 25 Clean Session  The clean session flag indicates the broker, whether the client wants to establish a persistent session or not.  A persistent session (CleanSession is false) means, • that the broker will store all subscriptions for the client and also all missed messages • when subscribing with Quality of Service (QoS) 1 or 2  If clean session is set to true, • the broker won’t store anything for the client and will also purge all information from a previous persistent session. MQTT message format (cont…) True = 1 False=0
  • 28. 28 Username & Password flag  MQTT allows to send a username and password for authenticating the client and also authorization.  However, the password is sent in plaintext, • if it isn’t encrypted or hashed by implementation • or TLS is used underneath.  We highly recommend to use username and password together with a secure transport of it.  In brokers like HiveMQ it is also possible to authenticate clients with an SSL (secure sockets layer) certificate, so no username and password is needed. MQTT message format (cont…)
  • 29. MQTT Will Message • The will message is part of the last will and testament feature of MQTT. • It allows to notify other clients, when a client disconnects ungracefully. • A connecting client will provide his will in form of an MQTT message and topic in the CONNECT message. • If this clients gets disconnected ungracefully, the broker sends this message on behalf of the client. We will talk about this in detail in an individual post. 29 MQTT message format (cont…)
  • 30. 30 If a message is published with a topic, the broker distributes it to all subscribers following the topic. • If nobody is currently following that topic, the message is lost – it isn't cached because there is no queue. • To prevent this behavior, users can set a retained flag when publishing. This flag prompts the broker to store the message and to offer it to future subscribers. • If, for example, the outside temperature is published with temp/terrace and a client subscribes to this topic hours later, • this client is immediately sent this recently published temperature value (last-known value) if the retained flag is set. What happens if a client unexpectedly fails? • LWT (Last Will and Testament) is an important feature of MQTT. • A client tells the broker during the connection setup that: "In case of my death, please send the following message with this topic …" If the broker then detects that this client is no longer alive, it does as it was told and publishes the message with the desired topic. • MQTT thus has monitoring installed: It's easy to write to clients that respond to the passing of other clients, such as by sending alerts. LWT messages are often used together with the retained flag in order to permanently describe the state of a client: • When starting, a client will, • for example, publish a status message with a retained flag with the clients/id/status topic. • If this client deceases, the broker would distribute the dead message with a retained flag and the same topic on its behalf. MQTT message format (cont…) Last Will and Testament
  • 31. 31 Example: Subscribers receive last known temperature value from the temperature data topic. RETAIN=1 indicates to subscriber B that the message may have been published some time ago MQTT message format (cont…)Will Retain: If set to 1 indicates to server that it should retain a Will message for the client which is published in case the client disconnects unexpectedly.
  • 32. 32 MQTT message format (cont…)Will QoS- Specifies the QoS level for a Will message.
  • 33. 33 MQTT message format (cont…) Will Flag- Indicates that the message contains a Will message in the payload along with Will QoS flags.
  • 34. MQTT Message Keep Alive • The keep alive is a time interval, the clients commits to by sending regular PING Request messages to the broker. • The broker response with PING Response and this mechanism will allow both sides to determine if the other one is still alive and reachable. • That are basically all information that are necessary to connect to a MQTT broker from a MQTT client. • Often each individual library will have additional options, which can be configured • Protocol includes support for client and server to detect failed connections – At connection time, a keep alive can be specified • Maximum keep alive interval of 18 hours – Can specify a value of 0 to disable keep alive 34
  • 35. 35 MQTT Message Keep Alive (cont…) MQTT Low Power Usage • Restriction on some device, such as cell phone may simply be available power, how does MQTT use power ? • HTC Desire Android mobile phone • Protocol allows tuning to suit devices
  • 37. 37 CONNACK message format: MQTT message format (cont…) CONNACK 2 Connect Acknowledgment
  • 38. 38 MQTT message format (cont…) PUBLISH 3 Publish message Byte 2 (At least one byte) contains the Remaining Length field. The fields are described in the following sections. All data values are in big-endian order: higher order bytes precede lower order bytes. A 16-bit word is presented on the wire as Most Significant Byte (MSB), followed by Least Significant Byte (LSB).
  • 39. 39 MQTT message format (cont…) PUBACK 4 Publish Acknowledgment PUBREC 5 Publish Received (assured delivery part1)
  • 40. 40 MQTT message format (cont…) PUBREL 6 Publish Release (assured delivery part 2) PUBCOMP 7 Publish Complete (assured delivery part 3 )
  • 41. 41 MQTT message format (cont…) SUBSCRIBE 8 Client Subscribe request
  • 42. 42 MQTT message format (cont…) SUBACK 9 Subscribe Acknowledgment
  • 43. 43 MQTT message format (cont…) UNSUBSCRIBE 10 Client Unsubscribe request
  • 44. 44 MQTT message format (cont…) UNSUBACK 11 Unsubscribe Acknowledgment PINGREC 12 PING Request PINGREST 13 PING Response DISCONNECT 14 Client is Disconnecting
  • 45. MQTT connection message flow 45
  • 52. 52 Variable header  Protocol name  Protocol version  Connect flags  Clean session flag  Will flag  Will QoS  Will Retain flag  User name and password flags  Keep Alive timer  Connect return code  Topic name MQTT Control Packet format (cont…)
  • 53. 53 Some types of MQTT Control Packets contain a variable header component.  it resides between the fixed header and the payload  the content of the variable header varies depending on the Packet type however one field - the Packet Identifier - is common to several packet types Variable header  Protocol name MQTT Control Packet format (cont…) o The protocol name is present in the variable header of a MQTT CONNECT message. o This field is a UTF-encoded string that represents the protocol name MQIsdp Variable header  Protocol name  Variable header  Protocol name  Protocol version  Connect flags  Clean session flag
  • 54. 54 MQTT Control Packet format (cont…)  Variable header  Protocol name  Protocol version  Connect flags  Clean session flag o The protocol version is present in the variable header of a CONNECT message. o The field is an 8-bit unsigned value that represents the revision level of the protocol used by the client. o The value of the Protocol version field for the current version of the protocol, 3 (0x03), is shown in the table below.
  • 55. 55 MQTT Control Packet format (cont…)  Variable header  Protocol name  Protocol version  Connect flags  Clean session flag The Clean session, Will QoS, and Retain flags are present in the variable header of a CONNECT message.  Variable header  Protocol name  Protocol version  Connect flags  Clean session flag Position: bit 1 of the Connect flags byte.  If not set (0), then the server must store the subscriptions of the client after it disconnects.  This includes continuing to store QoS 1 and QoS 2 messages for the subscribed topics so that they can be delivered when the client reconnects.  The server must also maintain the state of in-flight messages being delivered at the point the connection is lost.  This information must be kept until the client reconnects.
  • 56. 56 MQTT Control Packet format (cont…)  Variable header  Protocol name  Protocol version  Connect flags  Clean session flag  If set (1), then the server must discard any previously maintained information about the client and treat the connection as "clean".  The server must also discard any state when the client disconnects. A client will operate in one mode or the other and not change. o The choice will depend on the application. o A clean session client will not receive stale information and it must resubscribe each time it connects o A non-clean session client will not miss any QoS 1 or QoS 2 messages that were published whilst it was disconnected. o QoS 0 messages are never stored, since they are delivered on a best efforts basis o This flag was formerly known as “Clean start“ o It has been renamed to clarify the fact it applies to the whole session and not just to the initial connect o A server may provide an administrative mechanism for clearing stored information about a client which can be used when it is known that a client will never
  • 57. 57 Bit 0 of this byte is not used in the current version of the protocol. It is reserved for future use. MQTT Control Packet format (cont…)  Variable header  Protocol name  Protocol version  Connect flags  Clean session flag
  • 58. 58 Variable header  Protocol name  Protocol version  Connect flags  Clean session flag  Will flag  Will QoS  Will Retain flag  User name and password flags MQTT Control Packet format (cont…)  The Will message defines that a message is published on behalf of the client by the server o when either an I/O error is encountered by the server during communication with the client o or the client fails to communicate within the Keep Alive timer schedule  Sending a Will message is not triggered by the server receiving a DISCONNECT message from the client  If the Will flag is set, the Will QoS and Will Retain fields must be present in the Connect flags byte, and the Will Topic and Will Message fields must be present in the payload.  The format of the Will flag is shown in the table below.
  • 59. 59 Variable header  Protocol name  Protocol version  Connect flags  Clean session flag  Will flag  Will QoS  Will Retain flag  User name and password flags MQTT Control Packet format (cont…) Position: bit 5 of the Connect flags byte.  The Will Retain flag indicates whether the server should retain the Will message which is published by the server on behalf of the client in the event that the client is disconnected unexpectedly.  The Will Retain flag is mandatory if the Will flag is set, otherwise, it is disregarded.  The format of the Will Retain flag is shown in the table below.
  • 60. 60 Variable header  Will Retain flag  User name and password flags  Keep Alive timer  Connect return code  Topic name MQTT Control Packet format (cont…) Position: bits 6 and 7 of the Connect flags byte.  A connecting client can specify a user name and a password, and setting the flag bits signifies that a User Name, and optionally a password, are included in the payload of a CONNECT message.  If the User Name flag is set, the User Name field is mandatory, otherwise its value is disregarded.  If the Password flag is set, the Password field is mandatory, otherwise its value is disregarded. It is not valid to supply a password without supplying a user name.
  • 61. 61 Variable header  Will Retain flag  User name and password flags  Keep Alive timer  Connect return code  Topic name MQTT Control Packet format (cont…)  The Keep Alive timer is present in the variable header of a MQTT CONNECT message.  The Keep Alive timer, measured in seconds, defines the maximum time interval between messages received from a client.  It enables the server to detect that the network connection to a client has dropped, without having to wait for the long TCP/IP timeout  The client has a responsibility to send a message within each Keep Alive time period.  In the absence of a data-related message during the time period, the client sends a PINGREQ message, which the server acknowledges with a PINGRESP message.  If the server does not receive a message from the client within one and a half times the Keep Alive time period (the client is allowed "grace" of half a time period), it disconnects the client as if the client had sent a DISCONNECT message.  This action does not impact any of the client's subscriptions.  If a client does not receive a PINGRESP message within a Keep Alive time period after sending a PINGREQ,  it should close the TCP/IP socket connection.  The Keep Alive timer is a 16-bit value that represents the number of seconds for the time period.  The actual value is application-specific, but a typical value is a few minutes.  The maximum value is approximately 18 hours.  A value of zero (0) means the client is not disconnected.  The format of the Keep Alive timer is shown in the table below. The ordering of the 2  bytes of the Keep Alive Timer is MSB, then LSB (big-endian).
  • 62. 62 Variable header  Will Retain flag  User name and password flags  Keep Alive timer  Connect return code  Topic name MQTT Control Packet format (cont…)  The connect return code is sent in the variable header of a CONNACK message.  This field defines a one byte unsigned return code.  A return code of zero (0) usually indicates success.
  • 63. 63 Variable header  Will Retain flag  User name and password flags  Keep Alive timer  Connect return code  Topic name MQTT Control Packet format (cont…)  The topic name is present in the variable header of an MQTT PUBLISH message.  The topic name is the key that identifies the information channel to which payload data is published.  Subscribers use the key to identify the information channels on which they want to receive published information.  The topic name is a UTF-encoded string. See the section on MQTT and UTF-8 for more information.  Topic name has an upper length limit of 32,767 characters.
  • 64. 64  Payload  Message identifier  MQTT and UTF-8  Unused bits MQTT format (cont…) The following types of MQTT command message have a payload: CONNECT  The payload contains one or more UTF-8 encoded strings.  They specify a unqiue identifier for the client, a Will topic and message and the User Name and Password to use.  All but the first are optional and their presence is determined based on flags in the variable header. SUBSCRIBE The payload contains a list of topic names to which the client can subscribe, and the QoS level. These strings are UTF-encoded. SUBACK  The payload contains a list of granted QoS levels. These are the QoS levels at which the administrators for the server have permitted the client to subscribe to a particular Topic Name.  Granted QoS levels are listed in the same order as the topic names in the corresponding SUBSCRIBE message.  The payload part of a PUBLISH message contains application-specific data only.  No assumptions are made about the nature or content of the data, and this part of the message is treated as a
  • 65. 65  Payload  Message identifier  MQTT and UTF-8  Unused bits MQTT format (cont…)  The message identifier is present in the variable header of the following MQTT messages: PUBLISH, PUBACK, PUBREC, PUBREL, PUBCOMP, SUBSCRIBE, SUBACK, UNSUBSCRIBE, UNSUBACK.  The Message Identifier (Message ID) field is only present in messages where the QoS bits in the fixed header indicate QoS levels 1 or 2.  The Message ID is a 16-bit unsigned integer that must be unique amongst the set of "in flight" messages in a particular direction of communication. It typically increases by exactly one from one message to the next, but is not required to do so.  A client will maintain its own list of Message IDs separate to the Message IDs used by the server it is connected to.  It is possible for a client to send a PUBLISH with Message ID 1 at the same time as receiving a PUBLISH with Message ID 1.  The ordering of the two bytes of the Message Identifier is MSB, then LSB (big-endian).  Do not use Message ID 0. It is reserved as an invalid Message ID.
  • 66. 66  Payload  Message identifier  MQTT and UTF-8  Unused bits MQTT format (cont…)  UTF-8 is an efficient encoding of Unicode character-strings that optimizes the encoding of ASCII characters in support of text-based communications.  In MQTT, strings are prefixed with two bytes to denote the length, as shown in the table below. String Length is the number of bytes of encoded string characters, not the number of characters. For example, the string OTWP is encoded in UTF-8 as shown in the table below.
  • 67. 67 Any bits marked as unused should be set to zero (0).  Payload  Message identifier  MQTT and UTF-8  Unused bits MQTT format (cont…)
  • 68. 68 Control Packets that contain a Packet Identifier Variable header (cont…)  The Client and Server assign Packet Identifiers independently of each other.  As a result, Client Server pairs can participate in concurrent message exchanges using the same Packet Identifiers.
  • 69. CONNACK – Acknowledge connection request 69 The CONNACK Packet is the packet sent by the Server in response to a CONNECT Packet received from a Client. The first packet sent from the Server to the Client MUST be a CONNACK Packet [MQTT-3.2.0-1]. If the Client does not receive a CONNACK Packet from the Server within a reasonable amount of time, the Client SHOULD close the Network Connection. A "reasonable" amount of time depends on the type of application and the communications infrastructure. Fixed header The fixed header format is shown in the table below. Remaining Length field This is the length of the variable header. For the CONNACK Packet this has the value 2.
  • 70. 70 Variable header CONNACK – Acknowledge connection request The values for the one byte unsigned CONNECT Return code field are shown in the table below. If a well formed CONNECT Packet is received by the Server, but the Server is unable to process it for some reason, then the Server SHOULD attempt to flow one of the following non-zero CONNACK return codes.
  • 71. PUBLISH – Publish message 71  Fixed header The table below shows the fixed header format:
  • 72. Variable header 72 The table below illustrates an example of variable header for a PUBLISH Packet. The format of the variable header in this case is shown in the table below.
  • 73. 73 The response to a PUBLISH Packet depends on the QoS level. The table below shows the expected responses. Response Variable header (cont…)
  • 74. PUBACK – Publish acknowledgement 74 Fixed header The table below shows the format of the fixed header. Remaining Length field This is the length of the variable header. For the PUBACK Packet this has the value 2.
  • 75. 75 PUBACK – Publish acknowledgement (cont…) Contains the Packet Identifier from the PUBLISH Packet that is being acknowledged. The table below shows the format of the variable header. Fixed header The table below shows the format of the fixed header. Remaining Length field This is the length of the variable header. For the PUBREC Packet this has the value 2.
  • 76. Schedule of next plan • Next step compare MQTT and CoAP protocols • Analysis source code steps • Make those u_CoAP, u_MQTT protocols message format 76 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Link of the source code: