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Meridian	2:	connected	
vehicles	data	exchange
Applicant	Briefing
Monday	11th June	
Joe	Lyford	– Portfolio	Manager
Phillip	Haddow	– Portfolio	Manager
Welcome and Introductions
• Eligibility	Criteria
• Application	process
• Application	form	
• Funding	Rules
• Assessment	and	selection
• Q&A
Eligibility	Criteria
Project	Eligibility
ü Lead	must	be	a	UK-based	business	or	research	organisation	
ü Must	carry	out	work	in	the	UK
ü commit	to	exploit	the	results	from	the	UK
ü Must	be	collaborative
Project	cost Up	to	£10	million
Project	length Start	by	March	2019	and	be	fully	operational	in	12	months
Application	form 10	marked	questions	
Appendices Yes	– see	GFA
J-eS output	document Yes
Competition details
• Business	– Small/Micro,	Medium	or	Large	(EU	definition)
• Research	Organisation	(RO):
• Universities	(HEIs)
• Non	profit	distributing	Research	&	Technology	Organisation	(RTO)	
including	Catapults
• Public	Sector	Research	Establishments	(PSRE)
• Public	sector	organisations	and	charities	doing	research	activity
Types of Organisation
• to	be	considered	collaborative,	at	least	2	organisations	must	be	requesting	
grant	funding	from	Innovate	UK.	The	lead	organisation	must	request	grant	and	
no	single	organisation	should	have	more	than	70%	of	the	costs
• only	UK-based	companies	and	research	organisations	are	eligible	to	receive	
funding	from	Innovate	UK
• projects	can	be	led	by	any	organisation	type.	There	is	no	restriction	to	the	
total	level	of	project	participation	by	research	organisations
Participation rules
Timeline Dates
Competition Opens Monday 4th June
Briefing Event Monday 11th June
Submission Deadline Wednesday 5th September
Invite to interview Friday 21st September
Interviews 15th – 18th October
Applicants informed Friday 9th November
Key Dates
Application	process
Application	process
Notify	applicants
Interview	&	VfM
Complete	and	submit	documents
Download	finance	form
Register	for	the	competition
Use	all	of	the	space	provided.		Upload	documents	to	the	FTP	site.		
Don’t	leave	submission	until	the	last	minute
Project	Finance	Form– for	all	non-academic	partners	claiming	grant
Applications	will	be	sent	for	assessment.		We	will	assign	appropriate	
assessors	to	each	application
Innovate	UK	will	invite	projects	to	interview	and	have	a	value	for	
money	assessment
Within	4	weeks	of	receiving	your	notification
Via	competition	website	– application	form	will	be	emailed
By	date	provided
All	applications	are	assessed	by	
independent	assessors	drawn	from	
industry	and	academia
Application	assessment
What	do	they	look	for?
• Clear and	concise answers
• The	right	amount	of	information
• not	too	much	detail	
• no	assumptions		
• Quantification	and	justification
• That	the	applicant	(team)	has	presented	
a	viable	opportunity	for	growth,	a	level	
of	innovation	that	necessitates	public	
sector	investment	and	an	appropriate	
team	and	approach	to	take	it	forward
Forms	required
• Application	form
• Project	finance	form	for	all	grant	claiming	
organisations	(except	for	HEI’s)
• Appendices	(Optional)
• JeS	output	document	confirming	
“With	Council”	status	(for	each	academic	
Application	form
Please	refer	
to	the
Application	form
Application	details
Summary	of	proposed	project
Public	description	of	the	project
Gateway Question Scope
Question 1 Aim	for	the	facility
Question	2 Market	opportunity	
Question	3 Impact	the	facility	will	have
Question	4 Supporting Meridian Test	Bed and	beyond	the	project
Question	5 Governance structure
Question	6 Project	management	and	timelines
Question	7 Risks	and	risk management
Question	8 Project team
Question	9 Financial commitment	
Question	10 Funding and	added	value
Other	funding	from	public	sector	bodies	
Finance	summary	table
Project	summary
Summary	of	Proposed	Project	(Not	Scored)
Question Guidance
Please	provide	a	short	summary	of	
the	content	and	objectives	of	the	
project	including	what	is	innovative	
about	it.
This	summary	is	not	scored,	but	provides	an	
introduction	to	your	proposal	for	the	benefit	of	
Innovate	UK	staff	and	assessors	only.	It	will	not	be	
used	for	any	public	dissemination.	It	should	cover,	
in	brief:		
• The	business	vision	of	the	project		
• The	approach	to	be	taken	and	how	this	will	
improve	on	current	state-of-the-art	
• The	difference	the	project	will	make	to	the	
competitiveness	and	productivity	of	the	partners	
• What	the	next	steps will	be	after	the	project
This	part	of	the	application	is	not	marked
Public	description	of	the	project
Public	Description	of	the	Project	(Not	Scored)
Question Guidance
If	your	application	is	successful,	
Innovate	UK	will	publish	the	
following	brief	description	of	
your	proposal.		Provision	of	this	
description	is	mandatory	but	
will	not	be	assessed.	
To	comply	with	government	practice	on	openness	and	
transparency	of	public-funded	activities,	Innovate	UK	has	
to	publish	information	relating	to	funded	projects.	Please	
provide	a	short	description	of	your	proposal	in	a	way	that	
will	be	comprehensible	to	the	general	public.	Do	not	
include	any	commercially	confidential	information,	for	
example	intellectual	property	or	patent	details.	
Please	describe	your	project.	Funding	will	not	be	
provided	to	successful	projects	without	this.
This	part	of	the	application	is	not	marked
Gateway question:	Scope
Question Guidance
Gateway	question:		
Scope	- How	does	this	
application	align	with	
the	specific	competition	
To	be	considered in	scope	applications	
must	align	with	the	specific	competition	
scope	criteria	as	described	in	the	relevant	
competition	brief
to	demonstrate	alignment,	you	need	to	
show	that	a	clear	majority	of	the	
project’s	objectives	and	activities	are	
aligned	with	the	specific	competition		
You	must	also	show	how	your	proposal	
will	improve	business	growth,	
productivity	and/or	create	export	
This	part	of	the	application	is	marked	Yes	or	No
Gateway	question:	Scope
How	well	does	the	project	fit	the	competition?
Key	points:
• “must	align”
• “clear	majority	of	the	
project’s	objectives	
and	activities”
• detail	the	aim	and	vision	for	the	facility	you	intend	to	deliver,	both	in	terms	of	the	
capabilities		or	services	offered	to	customers
• detail	each	of	the	facility’s	major	features	and	set	out	their	associated	benefits
• describe	how	the	facility’s	future	operational	model	matches	the	organisation’s		corporate	
strategy	and	vision.	
• give	a	clear	explanation	of	how	the	facility	will	operate	on	an	open	access	basis	and	explain	
how	you	will	ensure	SMEs	and	smaller	organisations	will	be	aware	of	and	able	to	use	the	
• detail	your	expected	operational	hours	per	day,	days	per	week	and	any	restrictions	that	the	
facility	may	face.
• describe	how	the	facility	builds	on	any	existing	or	proposed	test	facilities	or	centres	of	
excellence	and	what	benefits	this	offers,	for	example	enhancing	existing	capabilities,	cost	or	
time	saved	in	delivery	by	using	existing	infrastructure	and/or	operating	models
Question	1	: What	is	the	aim	of	this	facility	and	what	capabilities	will	it	
• describe	the	market	and	customers	the	facility	and	operating	model	will	target
• detail	the	market	analysis	that	shows	the	size	of	the	attainable	market,	competitors	
(especially	international)	both	existing	and	expected	in	the	short,	medium	term	and	long	
• describe	where	your	proposal	fits,	and	what	market	share	you	believe	you	can	secure	
including	the	strategy	that	will	deliver	that	share.	Provide	evidence	where	possible	to	
support	this	(include	letters	of	support	with	clear	financial	commitments).
• describe	the	main	benefits	to	your	target	customer	of	your	facility	and	how	the	
product/services	you	will	offer	will	be	different	from	or	better	than	competitors
• show	analysis	of	your	proposal’s	strengths,	weaknesses,	opportunities,	and	threats
• the	scope	requires	that	business	plans	must	demonstrate	how	the	facility	is	‘customer	
friendly’	for	all,	including	international	customers.	Detail	how	you	meet	this	requirement.	
Please	especially	consider	international	customers	and	competitor	benchmarking	in	this	
• set	out	the	metrics	you	will	use	to	measure	the	facility	performance	and	international	
• describe	how	you	will	market	capabilities	and	services,	and	how	the	organisations	involved	
are	best	placed	to	commercially	exploit	the	investment
Question	2	: What	is	the	size	of	the	market	opportunity?
• describe	the	impact	on	the	UK	and	international	automotive	or	CAV	community	that	you	expect	the	
proposed	facility	to	create.	Consider	a	high,	medium	and	low	impact	scenario	approach
• describe	how	the	proposed	facility	will	add	value	and	increase	the	UK’s	reputation	for	being	a	focal	point	
for	CAV	development	and	testing
• detail	how	you	will	maximise	value	from	the	facility	through	measures	like	the	time	the	facility	is	available	
for	use
• indicate	the	scale	of	operation	(how	many	customers,	staff	and	vehicles)	you	expect	to	see	using	the	
facility	in	any	day,	week	and	year.	
• set	out	the	return	on	investment	that	the	project	could	reasonably	achieve	in	low,	expected	and	high	
cases	(we	strongly	encourage	a	range	of	returns,	risk	weighted	and	not	single	number	estimates).	
• detail	the	number	of	jobs	that	will	be	created	or	retained	directly	by	the	facility	and	in	any	direct	or	
indirect	supporting	roles.	
• describe	all	envisaged	benefits	that	result	from	establishing	this	test	facility
• demonstrate	how	you	intend	to	exploit	the	facility.	
• how	will	companies	which	are	not	part	of	the	funded	consortium	benefit	from	the	project	outputs?	
• set	out	any	plans	for	scalability	in	the	proposals.	For	example,	if	provision	to	expand	exists	should	demand	
exceed	planned	capacity?	
• describe	any	links	to	CAV	collaborative	research	and	development	(CR&D)	projects
• set	out	any	wider	social	and	economic	impacts	the	project	may	contribute	towards,	being	careful	to	
highlight	where	this	is	direct	or	indirect
Question	3	: What	will	be	the	impact	of	the	facility?
• detail	how	the	facility	will	cooperate	with	other	test	facilities	as	part	of	the	
Meridian	UK	testing	community	for	CAV:	this	should	include	how	the	
facility	will	support	Meridian	in	promoting	UK	CAV	capability	as	well	as	
how	the	facility	can	work	seamlessly	with	other	facilities	to	offer	a	joined	
up	benefit	to	customers
• describe	how	you	ensure	a	strong	link	between	the	proposed	facility	and	
the	other	facilities	within	the	Meridian	testbed
• indicate	how	the	facility	will	be	further	developed	or	improved	beyond	the	
timeframe	or	outside	of	the	scope	of	this	project;	detail	any	follow-on	
projects	or	future	improvement	opportunities	currently	envisaged
Question	4	: How	will	the	facility	support	the	Meridian	test	bed	and	how	
will	it	be	developed	beyond	what	is	delivered	inside	of	the	
defined	project?
• Detail	the	project	governance	structure	for	the	facility	once	it	is	operational.	
This	could	include:
– overarching	project	governance	(including	structure	of	the	team	including	responsible	or	
accountable	project	director)
– management	reporting	lines
– roles	of	consortium	members
– milestones	and	gateways
– deliverables	with	timings
– leading	KPIs
– communication	management
• Detail	how	the	governance	team	will	be	kept	informed	of	progress	and	highlight	
concerns	or	issues	early	to	all	impacted	stakeholders,	including	CCAV	and	
Innovate	UK.
• Detail	main	commitments	and	responsibilities	of	each	partner.	This	may	take	
the	form	of	a	RASIC	matrix.
Question	5	: What	is	the	governance	structure	and	operating	model	of	the	
facility	during	operation?
• identify	who	will	lead	the	project	day-to-day	(the	project	manager)	and	how	the	
project	team	will	be	structured
• detail	a	clear	project	plan	that	links	to	the	deliverables,	milestones	and	gateways
• outline	the	management	reporting	lines
• describe	your	approach	to	project	management,	identifying	any	major	tools	and	
mechanisms	that	will	be	used	to	ensure	a	successful	project	outcome
• identify	the	main	work	packages	including	resource,	capital	and	management	
requirements.	These	should	be	clearly	linked	to	the	costs	allocated
• describe	how	the	project	will	achieve	effective	project	team	integration	between	
the	partners,	as	well	as	the	supply	chain	and	any	other	main	actors
• identify	any	internal	and	external	support	that	is	required	and	indicate	what	is	
agreed	at	time	of	writing,	and	what	is	still	to	be	agreed	(any	external	project	or	
cost	management	support	should	be	estimated	and	justified)
• detail	which	stakeholders	the	project	needs	to	address	and	how	these	have	been	
or	will	be	engaged.
Question	6	: How	will	the	project	be	managed	through	the	build	phase?
• identify	the	main	risks	and	uncertainties	of	the	project	during	the	build	
phase	and	operational	period	and	provide	a	detailed	risk	analysis	for	the	
project	content	and	approach.	Rate	the	main	risks	as	high/medium/low	
• state	how	the	project	would	avoid	these	main	risks.	You	should	tackle	all	
significant	and	relevant	risks	and	their	mitigation,	transfer	or	avoidance
• identify	vital	project	management	tools	and	mechanisms	that	will	be	used	
to	minimise	operational	risk	and	promote	a	successful	project	outcome.	
Proposals	should	specifically	address	any	legal	agreements	or	consents	that	
need	to	be	put	in	place	to	enable	the	project	to	be	undertaken	(software	
licences,	copyright,	etc.)
Question	7	: What	are	the	risks	to	project	success	and	what	is	the	project’s	
risk	management	strategy?
• Describe	the	track	record	of	the	project	team	members	in	undertaking	and	
exploiting	the	results	of	data	infrastructure	or	data	test	facility	projects.	
This	should	highlight	your	capability	to	deliver	the	proposal	on	time,	to	
cost	and	quality.
• For	the	consortium,	is	there	evidence	of	additional	benefit	from	the	
collaboration?	If	the	consortium	is	greater	than	the	sum	of	its	parts,	how	
will	the	organisations	achieve	more	working	together	than	if	they	were	
working	individually?
Question	8	: Do	the	project	team	have	the	right	skills,	experience	and	access	
to	capabilities	to	deliver	the	project	and	identified	benefits?
• detail	the	estimated	project	cost	per	work	package,	making	clear	the	level	
of	contribution	from	any	project	participants	and	the	level	of	funding	
required	from	Innovate	UK.	This	information	should	be	provided	in	the	
financial	summary	table	in	the	application	form
• detail	a	cost	plan	with	details	of	how	costs	have	been	assessed,	including	
any	professional	cost	advice	and	benchmarking
• detail	the	spend	profile	by	month,	linked	to	milestones,	gateways	and	
deliverables	as	needed
• detail	how	the	works,	equipment	or	software	will	be	procured	to	ensure	
best	value	for	money	and	high	UK	content	is	obtained	by	describing	
tendering	route
• clarify	expected	investment	after	the	project	to	achieve	50%	industry	
contribution,	if	required
Question	9	: What	is	the	financial	commitment	required	for	the	project?
• explain	what	the	contribution	requested	from	government	is	per	work	package	
and	why	is	it	good	value	for	money
• detail	how	the	funding	required	for	the	project	to	be	able	to	proceed	allows	you	to	
undertake	the	project	both	in	terms	of	time	to	market	and	at	scale.	Explain	why	
this	would	be	beneficial	to	the	UK
• give	clear	indication	of	the	match	funding	from	industry	and	any	direct	follow-on	
funding	from	industry.	detail	the	financial	benefits	inside	and	outside	of	the	
consortium	should	the	project	go	ahead	(in	addition	to	benefits	that	would	be	
achieved	if	funding	was	not	awarded)
• demonstrate	the	return	on	investment	for	the	partners	involved	in	the	project,	as	
well	as	the	UK	tax	payer.	This	should	be	linked	to	the	outcomes	from	the	project
• why	would	this	project	not	be	viable		in	the	absence	of	government	funding?
Question	10	: How	does	financial	support	from	CCAV	and	Innovate	UK	add	
Appendix Guidance
Appendix	A
Up	to	5	sides	of	A4
PDF	format
Use	Appendix	A	to	provide	additional	information	to	support	
question	1	to	4.		
Appendix	B
Up	to	5	sides	of	A4
PDF	format
Use	Appendix	B	to	provide	additional	information	to	support	
question	5	to	8.		
Appendix	C
Up	to	½	side	of	A4	for	each	
organisation	in	the	project
PDF	format
Use	Appendix	C	to	provide	additional	information	regarding	
each	applicant	organisation.
Appendix	D
Up	to	1	side	of	A4	
PDF	format
Use	Appendix	D	to	provide	additional	information	to	support	
question	9.	Specifically,	this	should	be	used	to	detail	the	spend	
profile	(cost	and	grant)	by	month,	linked	to	milestones,	
gateways	and	deliverables	as	needed
Finance	summary	table
Postcode	where	
majority	of	work	
will	be	done
to	project	by	
sought	from	
Innovate	UK
Lead	org. 0 0 0 0
Partner	1 0 0 0 0
Partner	2 0 0 0 0
Partner	3 0 0 0 0
Partner	4 0 0 0 0
Partner	5 0 0 0 0
Partner	6 0 0 0 0
Partner	7 0 0 0 0
Partner	8 0 0 0 0
Partner	9 0 0 0 0
Partner	10 0 0 0 0
Total	(£) 0 0 0 0
Project	cost	summary
(for	each	project	participant)
1.				Organisation	name
2.				Organisation	registration	number
3.				Enterprise	category
4.				Postcode	where	the	majority	of	the	work	will				be	done
5.				Contribution	to	project	by	each	organisation
6. Funding	sought	from	Innovate	UK
7. Other	funding	from	public	sector	bodies
8. Total
Funding	rules
Non-Economic	Activity	Project	- Grant	dependent	upon	type	of	organisation
Investment Aid	for	Research	
Micro/Small	– 50%
Medium	–50%	
Large	– 50%
Universities – 100%	(80% of	Full	Economic	
Other	research	organisations	can	claim	100%
of	their	project	costs	– see	note:
Other	research	organisations must:
• be	non-profit	distributing
• disseminate	the	project	results	& explain	in	the	
application	form how	this	will	be	done
• Demonstrate	how	match-funded	investment	will	
be	contributed
Public	Sector	
Organisation	or	
100% of	eligible	costs
Must	be:
• Be	performing research	activity	&
• disseminate	project	results	&	explain	in	the	
application	form	how	this	will	be	done
• ensure	that	the	eligible	costs	do	not	include	work	/	
costs	already	funded	from	other	public	sector	
• Demonstrate	how	match-funded	investment	will	
be	contributed
Project	participation
• The	State	Aid	scheme	for	this	competition	is	different	to	the	‘usual’	Innovate	UK	CR&D	state	aid.	
The	state	aid	category	for		this	competition	is	investment	aid	for	research	infrastructures:
– “Support	given	for	construction	or	upgrade	or	research	infrastructures	that	perform	economic	
• The	lead	organisation	must	claim	grant.
• This	competition	is	limited	to	grant	payments	of	up	to	50%	of	the	investment	costs.	If	some	
project	partners	are	grant	funded	above	50%,	other	partners	must	provide	non-government	
investment	in	the	facility.	This	does	not	have	to	happen	during	the	project,	but	must	be	evident	
within	10	years	from	the	start	of	operation	of	the	facility.	
• Your	project	must	have	at	least	30%	industry	contribution	to	the	initial	investment,	and	a	50%	
industry	contribution	up	to	10	years	from	the	start	of	the	operation
• Overall	grant	funding	must	not	exceed	70%	of	the	eligible	costs	at	the	end	of	the	project.
• Please	see	Guidance	for	Applicants	for	an	example
Project	finance	forms	– capital	projects
• Each	non-academic	organisation	claiming	a	grant	must	complete	a	Project	Finance	Form.
• IMPORTANT:	Figures	on	the	individual	Project	Finance	Forms	must	total	the	same as	those	
shown	on	the	Finance	Summary	Table	on	the	application	form.
• The	form	includes	a	tab	for	each	cost	category	which	needs	to	be	completed.	The	figures	in	
each	cost	category	tab	populates	the	summary/total	fields.
• Cost	categories	are	split	into	operating	(O)	and	capital	(C).	In	this	competition	we	will	only	
fund	capital	costs.	
• Form	must	show	the	status	as	“complete”	before	submitting.
Eligible	project	costs – capital	costs
(businesses	and	all	other non-academic	partners)
ü Capital	equipment
ü Property	capital	costs
ü Capitalised	labour
ü Other	costs
• Usually	one-off	expenditure	on	the	acquisition,	construction	or	
enhancement	of	significant	fixed assets including	land,	buildings	
and equipment	that	will	be	of	use	or	benefit	for	more	than	one	
financial	year.
Capital	equipment
• All	specialist	materials,	plant	
and	equipment,	laboratory	/	
process	kit,	machinery,	
computers,	furniture	etc
Property	Capital	Costs
• All	costs	associated	with	the	capital	
• Land	purchase	costs
• Property	acquisition	(including	
acquisition	price,	Land	Registry	
fees,	Stamp	Duty	Land	Tax)
• Construction	costs	(new	build,	
refurbishment	and	fit-out)
• Equipment	procured	via	a	works	
contractor	(furniture,	fixtures	and	
fittings,	IT	and	AV	costs)
• Professional	fees	(legal,	PM/QS,	
design	fees,	commissions,	statutory	
fees,	consultant	fees,	project	
insurance	etc)
Capitalised	Labour
• Labour	costs	incurred	specifically	
associated	with	the	capital	build,	e.g.	
technicians	to	get	the	equipment	up	
and	running,	consultant	fees	directly	
associated	with	the	development
• This	does	NOT	include	labour	costs	
associated	with	the	day	to	day	running	
of	the	facility
Other	capital	costs
• Any	other	costs	which	are	not	specific	to	
the	other	tabs
Ineligible project	costs – operating	costs
• Labour	Costs
• Overheads
• Materials
• Capital	Equipment	Usage
• Sub-Contracts
• Travel	&	Subsistence
• Other	Costs
We	would	not	expect	to	see	any	
costs	associated	with	your	day	to	
day	operations	in	this	project.
Project	costs
• Business	&	non-academic	partners
– Eligible	Project	Costs
– Partner	Finance	Form
• Academics
– Je-S
Why	Je-S?
• The	Research	Councils	Joint	Electronic	Submission	System	(Je-S)	
is	being	used	to	collect	ALL	academic	finance	forms
• Also	to	collect	project	finance	details	from	non-HEIs	(e.g.	RTOs)	
that	are	claiming	they	are	carrying	out	academic	quality	work	
and	want	to	be	funded	on	an	FEC	basis
• The	Je-S	system	automates	the	collection	of	Full	Economic	
Costs	(FEC)	based	costs	from	academic	partners	and	tells	them	
exactly	what	numbers	should	be	used	in	the	application	form	
for	their	costs
• Using	Je-S	enables	Research	Councils	to	easily	co-fund	
Technology	Programme	projects
Eligible	costs	(academic	partners)
• Eligible	costs	are	based	on	FEC	
• RC	Contribution	is	the	total	
eligible	cost	of	academic	
• The	20%	difference	between	
this	and	the	FEC	total	DOES
NOT represent	a	contribution	
to	the	project	and	should	not	
be	included	anywhere	within	
the	application.
Normal	Je-S	application	elements
Not	just	the	financials
– E.g.	Justification	of	resources
– E.g Pathways	to	impact	
• Full	details	on	the	Je-S	system
• Queries	about	Je-S	via	the	Je-S	Helpdesk
– 01793	44	4164
Submitting	your	application
The	application	submission	process
Take	your	time,	use	all	space	providedCOMPLETE	
Finance	Form	2016	– for	all	non-academic	partners	claiming	
Don’t	leave	it	to	the	last	minute.	Do	it	early!UPLOAD	documents
On	date	providedINVITE	to	interview
REGISTER Via	competition	website
Public	area
Click	Login	to	access	the	Secure	area
Check:	your	application	number	matches	your	login	username	number
a) Your	documents	should	contain	your	unique application	number	
(e.g.	App12345.docx)
b) Appendices	begin	with	APPENDIX	and	should	contain	the	last	6	digits	of	
your	unique application	number
a) Application	Form	submitted	as	a	Word file	(.doc	/.docx)
b) Finance	forms	submitted	as	an	Excel file	(.xls /	.xlsx)
c) Appendices,	including	Je-S	form	(where	applicable)	submitted	as	
PDF	file	- check	the	guidance	for	page	limits	&	naming	convention
COMPLETE	documents
Secure	area
Enter	your	login	details	
and	accept	the	T	and	
Cs.	Click	the	Login	
button	at	the	bottom.
Click	Upload	and	
follow	the	on-
screen	instructions.
UPLOAD	documents
Issued	for	both	successful	and	unsuccessful	applicants	within	4	weeks	of	
receiving	your	notification
Word	document
Uploaded	to	your	
secure	area
Not	issued	via	email
FEEDBACK	received
• If	you	are	invited	to	progress	to	interview,	you	will	be	able	to	bring		representatives	
from	your	consortium	to	answer	questions	from	the	panel.
• You	will	have	an	opportunity	to	respond	to	the	technical	and	economic	feedback	so	
the	panel	can	read	it	prior	to	interview
• You	will	be	invited	to	present	to	the	panel,	followed	by	a	Q&A	session.
• The	response	to	feedback,	presentations	and	presenters’	names	have	to	be	provided	
ahead	of	the	interview.
• You	will	need	to	bring	a	draft	collaboration	agreement	in	paper	and	electronic	formats
• Further	details	will	be	provided	to	those	applicants	who	are	invited	to	the	interview	
What	happens	if	you	are	successful
Innovate	UK Successful		Applicant
The	Project	may	not	start	until	the	organisation	has	received	and	returned	
signed	acceptance	of	the	Grant	Confirmation	Letter
Conditional	offer	
letters	will	be	issued	
3	– 4	weeks	after	
Return	documents	
stated	in	conditional	
offer	letter
Submit	financial	
forecast	and	
detailed	project	plan
Financial	cost	review	
and	viability	checks
Issue	Grant	
Confirmation	Letter
Sign	&	return	Grant	
Confirmation	Letter	
with	project	start	
Conditional	Offer	Letter
• Project	lead	organisation
• Total	grant	amount
• Project	title
• Terms	&	Conditions	of	offer
• Payment	terms
• Changes	affecting	the	Project
• Publicity
• State	Aid	Obligations
• Role	of	the	Lead	and	project	
• Confidentiality	and	Intellectual	
• Exploitation
• Acceptance	of	Offer	
• Dispute	Resolution
Collaboration	Agreement
• To	be	completed	prior	to	interview	and	brought	with	you	as	a	digital	and	
paper	copy
• Original	agreement	signed	by	all	participants
• Key	Features:
– Who	is	in	the	Consortium?
– What	are	the	aims,	and	how	is	the	work	divided	up?
– Ownership	of	IPR
– Management	of	consortium
Note:	Negotiating	a	Collaboration	Agreement	can	be	complex	and	time	consuming.	Start	work	on	
this	at	an	early	stage	in	the	process,	ideally	before	submitting	your	full	application.
Project	finance
• Looking	after	the	public	purse
• Ensuring	monies	are	appropriated	to	legitimate/valid	enterprises
- Applicant	viability	checks,	reviewing;	audited	accounts,	management	accounts,	
cash	flow	forecast,	 working	capital,	current	ratios,	etc.	- to	ensure	that	the	
company	legally	exists,	and	to	assess	whether	it	can	meet	its	financial	obligations	
for	the	project.
• Ensuring	costs	meet	eligibility/State	Aid/competition	rules
- Project	cost	eligibility	checks	involve	reviewing	an	applicant’s	project	costs	-
labour	costs,	administration	overhead	rates,	materials,	sub-contactors,	travel,	
capital	equipment,	other	costs	and	overall	project	costs	- and	intervention	rates,	
to	check	that	the	project	costs	meets	the	published	eligibility	criteria.
Grant	claims	and	payments
• Claims	can	only	be	made	for	costs	incurred	and paid between	the	project	start	
and	end	dates
• Claims	may	be	subject	to	an	independent	audit (including	all	academic	partners)	
according	to	grant	size
• Claims	are	only	paid	once	quarterly	reporting	and	necessary	audits	are	complete
• Projects	over	6	months	are	monitored	on	a	quarterly	basis including	a	visit	from	
the	appointed	Monitoring	Officer.	Anything	outside	of	this	will	be	discussed	on	a	
case	by	case	basis.
• The	monitoring	will	be	carried	out	against	a	detailed	project	plan	and	financial	
Q&A	– Application	process	and	finances
Contact	us:
Customer	Support	Services:		0300	321	4357	(Mon-Fri,	9am-5:30pm)
Knowledge	Transfer	Network:
Innovate	UK:
Thank	You

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