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Mental Health Care In Prison
The number of aging people in the prison system has and will continue to have a major impact on
health care. Not only while they are in jail but once they are released the cost of health care for these
individuals is still a burden. While incarcerated many illnesses go untreated. Usually there are a
couple different factors in this situation, one is mental health and the other is unmet psychosocial
needs. Many people that are employed by the prison system don't have the proper training to know
how to test for the vast mental illnesses that need to be tested for. Then on the other hand if they
have the training they are understaffed and don't have time to get to everyone that needs the help.
While there has been many studies on how to improve health care while in prison, there is still a lot
of research that needs to be done to get a better handle on the financial aspect. ... Show more content
on ...
Criminal Justice Health Care, "older prisoners is at the root of a healthcare crisis." ( I just used the
title and the sentence that is marked 1). While many of the older inmates are putting a major stress
on the criminal health care system, it is not only effecting them but the public health care as well. It
is hard for those who are released back into the public to get on the insurance that they require. A
parolee can wait months to get some kind of insurance, in the months that are spent waiting they
often go to the emergency room. They often cannot pay the fees that come along with going to the
emergency room, because it is harder for them to get employment. They are not as likely to be
employed based on their age and prison
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Hcp Essay
Your views with respect to the legal rights of HCPs during times of crisis.
Our views concerning the legal rights of HCPs during times of crisis align with the general
recommendations published since the last SARS crisis in Ontario. The SARS crisis brought several
legal and ethical debates to the public place. The most popular topics related to the legal rights of
HCPs during times of crisis surround were:
The HCPs' "Duty to care" vs. HCPs individual rights and personal autonomy to use some discretion
in determining where, how, and when they will practice medicine. (CMA, 2008);
The right to refuse or to stop work where health or safety in danger, HCPs are excluded – Part V
Occupational Health and Safety Act (Ontario, 2016).
The right ... Show more content on ...
Another concern is about the public responsibility to ensure HCPs safe work environment.
Although, the HCPs are excluded from the OHSA, the employers still have the obligation to ensure
the health and safety of its employees. Because crisis, are exceptional situation, health organizations
should prepare its resources to assure the HCPs about the safeguard of their health and their family
members when on duty in high–risk situation (Ruderman, et al., 2006).
Also, HCPs, should not fear more risks from a crisis, such as undue workload, financial burden, up
to employment dismissal (Upshur et al., 2005).
,In 2016, the Ministry of Health and Long–Term Care (MoHLTC) has put in place the "Building a
Ready and Resilient Health System" Plan. The MoHLTC's plan is supposed to reinforce the OHSA;
the rights and obligations of all parties in the workplace to ensure health and safety of the HCPs.
Based on this plan, we can assume that some uncertainty about the risk for HCPs will decrease to
fulfil their duty to care in crisis, because of the OHSA's obligations for:
Administrative controls. Written procedures that change work processes to protect against infectious
agent. (MoHLTC, 2016);
Education and training. Educational sessions training and re–training must meet or
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Incentive Care Unit And Affordable Care Act
Incentive Care Unit and Affordable Care Act The quality of long term care has become a topic for
the elderly and their family. Some of the issues are cost, quality, and access of care. The expansion
of the elderly population, is expected to affect significantly the provision of long–term care. The
impact of care has been considered. Social choice will play in shaping the future of the long–term
care system. The Federal Government and the expansion of the Affordable Care Act are part of this
social decision. One of the major concerns is the cost of long term care. Most of the U.S. population
have the benefits of using Medicare.
Consequently, the cost of intensive care is not well managed. Currently, my relative suffered from a
stroke and ... Show more content on ...
Moreover, Medicare does a poor job in maintaining the cost of care. Some patients have to draw
from their assets to cover the expense of care. Expenses can incur for those diagnosed with a stroke
or heart attack. There are costs not covered by an individual health insurance plan. "These include
deductibles, co–payments and limits on total plan payouts–expenses that could quickly place a
family's financial position in peril" (Hersch, 2014). Family and personal relationships can be
impacted by illness. Family members may have to miss work to care for a relative.
However, this causes a financial burden. Medicare is a program which provides insurance benefits
to all individuals aged sixty–five and older, including younger people with disabilities (Grabowski,
2007). Medicare covers few long–term care services and Medicaid covers the rest of the huge
amount. "Policy options include capitation, pay–for–performance, and federalization, in which
federal government would assume the Medicaid's costs for the dually eligible population"
(Grabowski, 2007). Medicaid and Medicare programs do not sufficiently cover acute and long–term
care services, an example. After the injury the disability process takes long. There is a language
barrier, institutional barrier, and ratio cost–sharing. Also, cost shifting within health care settings,
and cost shifting across health care settings needs major improvements. Policy holders should
expand their critical
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Working With Children And Families
Social work is a career that I have always been interested in, especially working with children and
families. Helping people overcome obstacles and making the most of themselves is a very rewarding
and yet a challenging career. I'll have the chance to meet a variety of different people with different
problems from cases of abuse and neglect as well as supporting those in the care system. I am
particularly interested in working with children and families who often form the most vulnerable
service users, developing a professional and trusting relationship with them, hopefully enabling
them to participate fully in society. There are many different type of social workers and what they
do. Child and Family social workers protect vulnerable children and support families in need of
assistance. Assess client's needs, strengths, and support network to determine their goals. Develop
plans to improve their client's well–being. Help clients adjust to changes and challenges in their
lives, such as divorce, illness or unemployment. Research and refer clients to community resource,
such child care, heath care and food stamps. Help clients work with government agencies to apply
for and receive benefits such as medicare. Respond to crisis situations such as child abuse. Advocate
for and help clients get resource that would improve their well–being. Follow up with clients to
ensure that their situations have improved. Clinical social workers often sit down one on
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Ethical Issues In Managed Care
Managed Care is a system of health care in which patients agree to visit only certain doctor and
hospitals, and in which the cost of treatment is monitored by a managing company. David, a clinical
supervisor of one pad was responsible for the clinical supervision of eight clinical case managers.
On typically day, he receives around 40 phone messages about clients that are in need of his
services. His job is to field calls from mental health providers seeking authorization to provide
treatment for clients. There are those who believe that managed care is simply another example of
corporate America discovering a means to increase profits for shareholders of insurance companies,
at the expense of individuals seeking mental health treatment. (pg. ... Show more content on ...
He recalls a disturbing cases of fraud and unethical treatment–the recent case, for example of a
psychiatrist billing Medicaid for weekly sessions for a client who had died two years previously. He
feels conflicted, torn between opposing the profit–driven corporate greed that drives the managed
health care industry and supporting the need to screen out unethical, inefficient treatment, that at its
best no harm to clients, and at its worst creates considerably more distress and fosters unhealthy
dependence. On Fridays, he spend the day in the clinic on the first floor. David, specialty is in crisis
intervention and trauma, and therefore, I select cases in which have clear precipitating events that
have led to the presenting symptoms. His treatment is crisis–orientated and focused on reducing the
immediate symptoms of the trauma. The deeper work may come later, but for now he helps clients
regain their equilibrium after a particularly traumatizing life event. David has a lot on his plate and
is willing to try is best to provide the correct treatment options for that
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The Healthcare System Of The United States
There is a war in the United States, it is ragging against its healthcare and the people who are
suffering are Medicare recipients, Medicaid recipients, and the uninsured. Those who have the
money and those who hold the power to wield the proverbial stick are controlling this war. Laws of
the government are impeded by incidental bureaucratic bullies who think that as a Republican or a
Democrat, they have the right to not consider a bill that would help healthcare because they would
have more votes that the other. Lives are being lost in the ensuing battle on pretense that one of them
might actually care about saving innocent lives. What works in the healthcare system and what
doesn't work in the healthcare system has been tried and tested and try as we must, there are clear
plans to make a lot of improvements in the US practice. We in the US have a history of introducing
universal health care, only to leave it with a system made up of our government, that pays for over
one half of the nations' health care. If we can control the cost of healthcare spending we would beat
this system. Our healthcare costs have spiraled out of control because of Unemployment which has
caused severe impoverishment across the United States. Without jobs the people are stuck with not
having money to buy food, or money to pay for medications and most of all money to go to the
doctor for treatment. They suffer until they are so sick that they are in worse shape than ever and
have to be
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Skagit Valley Breach Summary
Skagit Herald report, Skagit Valley REACH (Recovery, Empowerment, Advocacy, Community and
Hope) Center support people who suffer from history of mental illness and substance abuse. They
are based on peer counseling, career support, crisis intervention classes, social gathering, and/or just
safe place to come and stay. One of the program members at the center who is in recovering from
addiction had a mental health crisis, suicide ideation. Her response was to get to REACH center
right away because she knew the place can keep her safe. She states the center has been a life–saver.
Now, she is in the process of becoming a certified peer counselor for the center. The center is a self–
help recovery center for people with mental health and recovering from addiction. The center puts
emphasis on Wellness, Recovery, Action Plan (WRAP) which is a group intervention for adult with
mental illness. The plan teaches key concepts of recovery, helpful tools during crisis, post crisis
plan, and assist in creating advance directives. (Demay, 2014).
In our current society, many believe that barriers to mental health treatments are "limited availability
and affordability of mental health care services, insufficient mental health care policies, lack of
education about mental illness, and stigma" (Unite for Site, 2000–2013). If those barriers exist for ...
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Key words used are: mental health, community mental health service, mobile crisis, Clubhouse,
severe mental illness, Housing first. I chose mental health boarding as broad topic and the main
focus was going to be mental health and funding. I had a difficult time narrowing down the topic.
After contemplating and getting advice and suggestions, I finally found my focus topic as to
strategies available for community mental health
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Africa's Health Care Crisis Essay
The residents of Africa are suffering from preventable, treatable, and fatal diseases everyday at a
higher rate compared to developed countries. The healthcare crisis in Africa is the primary cause of
all these deaths, and includes inefficient healthcare systems. Consequently, African's inefficient
healthcare systems results in poor delivery of care and a shortage of health professionals. The
healthcare crisis in Africa is a current issue impacting the lives of many African's who don't have the
same access to resources as developed countries such as the United States. These resources can save
the lives of many African's dying of preventable and curable disease, and understanding why the
African continent has little access to them ... Show more content on ...
The health of many women in Algeria which is part of Sub–Saharan Africa in 1990 were impacted
by the poor health care system because they lived in poverty. Poverty caused these women to lack
essential needs to live a quality life. They lacked or could not afford resources such as supplies,
health care professionals, and facilities for healthcare, clean water, and waste disposal. This
ultimately affected the health of women and their children. For instance, lack of clean water and
waste disposal facilities can cause health abnormalities such as cholera or typhoid fever which can
cause devastating deaths. This is a healthcare problem because of the lack of funding. The lack of
funding prevents antibiotics from being used to prevent death, and prevents African's from being
vaccinated against typhoid fever. Another example of how poverty affects woman's health is
unintended pregnancy, which is because they are more likely to engage in risky sexual behavior. It's
part of the health crisis because it includes a poor health system, and a lack of education about
proper nutrition and behaviors during pregnancy. Complications in these pregnancies due to poor
nutrition and not visiting the doctor regularly includes increased infant mortality. Infant mortality in
the slums of Nairobe is 91.3% while it is 75.9% in urban areas where there is a better developed
healthcare system. The inferiority of poor Africans in
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The Health Care Crisis Of The United States Essay
Health care spending in the United States of America as a percentage of the economy has reached
astonishing heights, equating to 17.7 percent. This number is shocking when compared to other
counties; in Australia health care is 8.9 percent, in United Kingdom 9.4 percent, in Canada 11.2
percent. If the American health care system were to hypothetically become its own economy, it
would be the fifth–largest in the world. While these statistics sound troubling, they lead us to look
for answers about the problems surrounding our system. The first health insurance company was
created in the 1930s to give all American families an equal opportunity for hospital care and
eventually led to a nationwide economic and social controversy that erupted in the 1990s and
continued to be shaped by the government, insurance companies, doctors, and American citizens. In
this paper, I will go in to detail about the various opinions regarding the controversy, the history
behind health insurance companies, and the main dilemmas brought out by the health care crisis.
Greedy insurance companies combined with high costs of doctor visits and pharmaceutical drugs or
the inefficient hospitals all over America can only describe the beginning to this in depth crisis.
Recently, the United States health care industry has become know for the outrageous costs of
insurance models, developments of various social and health services programs, and the frequent
changes in medicinal technology. One potential
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Global Health Crisis: The Affordable Care Act
The Global Health Crisis is a major problem in our world today that could lead to many other issues
in our global economy and political systems. According to the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC), about 36 million people die every year due to diseases such as heart disease,
cancer, stroke, and out of the 36 million people about 6 million children die under the age of 5
because of diseases. Everyday, many families have to go through the most miserable time in their
lives, seeing a loved one pass away. In the United States, many have been able to get access to
healthcare through the Affordable Care Act. However, in many countries throughout the world,
hospitals and doctors are very limited at extremely high expenses. My innovation,
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National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Crisis
The purpose of the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Crisis Center Follow–Up program is to
promote systematic follow–up of suicidal persons who call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
(NSPL) network and those that are discharged from a partnering emergency department.
However, for those at imminent risk for suicide, emergency intervention is frequently initiated.
The grant will be awarded to eligible applicants that demonstrate the knowledge and ethical
capability to manage the award.
The eligible applicants must have the capability to help find solutions to the research findings that
denotes that the period after emergency suicide interventions is one of heightened risk for suicide,
with significant numbers of deaths occurring following discharge from either an emergency
department or inpatient hospitalization.
The Crisis Centers will follow–up with any individual at imminent risk of suicide within 48–hours
of discharge from a partnering emergency department or who was referred from a crisis center to a
partnering emergency department.
This grant program will continue to support the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
Administration's ( SAMHSA) Prevention of Substance Abuse and Mental Illness Strategic Initiative
through its focus on the prevention of mental illness, the reduction of mental illness and substance
abuse across the lifespan. The program will specifically focus on the reduction of suicide and
suicidal behavior. Goal:
The core
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Public Health Policy And The Care Crisis
Public health policy is associated with the need to imposition public health professionals to consider
leading gaps in the future of health care crisis. The purpose is to protect the underserved and
underinsured population by the need to propose public health policy to safeguard individual's health
(Laureate Education, 2012). By protecting community health, in turn, helps control the cost of the
over–burdensome healthcare expenses (Getzen, 2013). A public health professional has an
obligation to influence the health status through evidence–based policymaking needed to intervene
for policy makers. Given financial constraint to reduce health disparities financial preparation and
disseminative communication are the essential tools needed to make supplement legislative policy
(Brownson, Chriqui, & Stamatakis, 2009; Laureate Education, 2012). The future financing to
improve and amend required policy is through evidence–based health surveillance that helps public
health professionals decide the direction of where budget containment should be allocated
(Brownson et al., 2009).
A public health specialist is responsible for the setting up the priorities to inform and advise
stakeholders and government agencies where allocated funding should be directed. It is through the
public health professionals consistence support that financing for public health services are
increasing for the population (Laureate Education, 2012). Moreover, public health professionals are
in charge of
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Health Care Reform : The Affordable Care Act
You Lose in the New Health Care The Patients' Choice Act gives the American people opportunity
to choose the health care plan that met the individual health needs. Obama admirations under the
Democratic Party felt the need for a different health care reform, The Affordable Care Act (ACA).
To justify this health care reform the Democratic Party implied that the health care crisis is caused
by the uninsured and that everyone had a right to health care. Under the Patients' Choice Act the
American people keeps their freedom whether to have health care or not, but the ACA has a personal
mandate that requires individuals to buy or carry health care insurance or face a fine (tax). To fund
ACA will cost more than freedom, it'll cost the individual American people and the government
more money than The Patients' Choice Act. The American people need affordable health care but not
under government control. The Patients' Choice Act was introduced by U.S. congressman Paul Ryan
in 2009. Ryan's plan was to give control to individuals and doctors about health care decisions, not
federal government bureaucrats or insurance companies. The Patients' Choice Act would remove the
barriers that separate Americans from high–value health care by enhancing individual purchasing
power and creating rational government rules (1). He wanted to create a market that played by the
rules and make health care affordable. Ryan believe that the plan would have ensured universal,
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America 's Health Care Crisis : Who 's Responsible By...
I argue that advances in technology, nondiscretionary costs, and lack of competition in the medical
equipment, pharmaceutical retail and insurance markets are the main reasons behind the high cost of
health care. In this paper, I will use and analyze various resources like America's Health Care Crisis:
Who's Responsible by Nancy Levitin, Health Care USA: Understanding its Organization and
Delivery by Harry A. Sultz and Kristina M. Young, and Epidemic of Care by George J. Isham and
George C. Halvorson to prove and support my argument, which is that advances in technology,
nondiscretionary costs, and lack of competition in the medical equipment retail market, are the
specific factors behind the rising cost of health care. I will also propose different strategies that will
help achieve lowering the price of healthcare. Many people across the nation are unable to seek
medical attention due to insufficient funds. If people do not receive health care, communicable
diseases may spread more often on a large scale and life–threatening diseases may go undiagnosed
leading to an increase in death rates. Making health care affordable can be achieved by making
advanced technology less expensive, decreasing the amount of nondiscretionary costs, and
increasing the competition in the medical equipment, pharmaceutical retail and insurance markets.
Advances in technology are a primary reason for the high cost of health care. The book, Health Care
USA: Understanding its Organization and
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Public Relations Between Healthcare Organization Crisis...
Overview of the Study
This case study is primarily aimed at determining the use of public relations in healthcare
organization crisis management and the way health care organizations respond to the crisis. This
was achieved through the facilitation of procedural data collection from the selected case across the
various sources of data available as well as encouraging flexibility throughout the study.
4.2 Research Method
The qualitative case study was embraced as the scientific approach. This study was found to be
successful through the study. The term 'crisis case' refers to 'an instance of crises and the core of this
case study research is to investigate one or more instances of the crisis in healthcare organizations in
the US. This ... Show more content on ...
This was also meant to enable comparative analysis of the types of crises affecting these
organizations. However, the single case study was primarily selected due to criticalness of the issue
and the uniqueness of the case. Special gatekeepers were selected to help in identifying the potential
interviewees as well as the relevant documents in the organization for the study.
4.5 The Study Area
The location of a study was within the healthcare organization (Orange County) located South
Orange, New Jersey. This is because Orange Avenue is at my disposal and it enabled me to have the
easy time of access.
4.6 The Study Population
This is basically taken as the total number of people, elements or subjects engaged in the study and
pose specific and common characteristics within the study area. This research engaged both the
organization's stakeholders totaling to 150 potential participants.
4.7 Sample Size Determination
The following were the considerations for sample size determination;
The sample size that will reach redundancy or saturation– this simply indicates the maximum
number of samples to enable the identification of consistent patterns taking into consideration that
the population of the organization was 150 staffs. The other consideration was the largest number of
sample to enable effective representation of the variation within the population of the target. This
was based on the population size needed to enable the assessment of the
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Public Health
Health is the word used to describe how your body feels.
Being healthy is important because it makes you feel good and live longer.
The field of health psychology is focused on promoting health as well as the prevention and
treatment of disease and illness. Health psychologists also focus on understanding how people react,
cope and recover from illness. Some health psychologists work to improve the health care system
and the government 's approach to health care policy.
Health is the level of functional or metabolic efficiency of a living being. In humans, it is the general
condition of a person 's mind and body, usually meaning to be free from illness, injury or pain (as in
"good health" or "healthy"). The World Health ... Show more content on ...
It is also a field that is concerned with limiting health disparities and a large part of public health is
the fight for health care equity, quality, and accessibility. The field of public health is highly varied
and encompasses many academic disciplines. However, public health is mainly composed of the
following core areas:
The objective of the health officer manual is to support effective public health practice of local
health officers by providing a collection of relevant guidance documents related to issues that health
officers are likely to encounter. Although many of the documents are available in various locations
and websites, the collection allows the local health officer to find many items in one location. These
documents support the health officer role and local response to various environmental health related
conditions. The health officer manual is being updated in 2011 to offer the most current information
available (last update was 2003) and sections will be periodically updated as newer versions of
guidance documents become available.
The role of public halth officer are as follows:.
1. Monitor health status to identify community health problems.
2. Diagnose and investigate health problems and health hazards in the community.
3. Inform, educate, and empower people about health issues.
4. Mobilize
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Mental Health Framework
The Cornell University Mental Health Framework is a comprehensive approach to mental health. It
includes identification of people in need of care, providing mental and medical health services,
delivery of coordinated crisis management, restriction of access to means of suicide, fostering
healthy educational environment, promotion of social connectedness and resilience, and increasing
help–seeking behavior.
The succeeding paragraphs are excerpts from the Cornell University's Mental Health Framework
Identify people in need of care
This is the beginning of the assessment side of the framework when it comes to mental health
response. In Cornells', this comprises gatekeeper training for faculty, staff, and students, alert team
staff, ... Show more content on ...
Promotion of Social Connections Campus and community provide a welcoming and inclusive
environment that respects individuals while promoting community values. Pariticipation in the
Colleges Transition Collaborative (CTC) Pre–Matriculation Social–Belonging Intervention exposes
incoming students to stories that normalize and typify the challenges associated with transitioning to
college. This fosters a different mindset in which belonging is viewed as a process that develops
over time. With this mindset, students come to acknowledge that it is normal for everyone to face
challenges and that they have the ability to learn and improve. Diversity programs encompass
multiple efforts such as the availability of campus program houses and a Pre–Freshman Summer
Program, as well as events designed to foster inclusiveness, for example the Orientation program,
The Identity and Belonging Project which portrays diverse student narratives about how
undergraduates discover a sense of
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The Problem Of The Healthcare Crisis Essay
There is a sad sort of irony these days when using the phrase healthcare. Is the focus truly on the
health or care of the patients any longer, or on the potential earnings of insurance companies and
other stockholders?
Since the introduction of the third–party payor concept decades ago, the industry has set the stage
for insurance company management of healthcare. This paradigm has ensured that the costs of care
remain high while the quality has diminished.
What (or Who) is Behind the Current Crisis?
Singling out one specific cause of the healthcare crisis is like trying to name one thing that's wrong
with boy bands – there are simply far too many things to point to.
If we had to list some of the reasons consumers and providers alike are finding it difficult to
navigate the current landscape, we would include things like reimbursements being fixed at
lowering rates, overhead expenses increasing for physicians, a constant influx of insurance and
government mandates, more paperwork and bureaucracy in medicine in general, malpractice
litigation, understaffing of hospitals and private practices, complex policies leading to lack of
interoperability, and diminished patient and doctor engagement.
There is also the fact that the industry has become increasingly fragmented. Consider that nearly
50% of healthcare spending in this country is publicly funded by federal, state, and county level
governments through various entitlement programs such as Medicare, Medicaid, and the
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Health Care System Is Experiencing A Vital Crisis
Currently in the United States, the health care system is experiencing a vital crisis. The U.S. is
ranked the highest paying health care system per capita out of 10 countries including, Australia and
the Netherlands. We are also ranked worst in patient quality and outcome (Bernstein). Americans
without health care are more prone to life threatening health problems and the life expectancy of an
uninsured individual is about 60 years. Shorter life expectancies are due to health conditions such as
high blood pressure and unhealthy lifestyles that could have been controlled if they had health
insurance. Numerous health care reforms have been put into place to improve the system's
efficiency. However, the reforms have made a weak impact on changing the system. The three major
problems of the U.S. health care system are high cost, low accessibility, and poor patient quality and
The biggest problem that the United States health care faces is the skyrocketing prices. The United
States health care prices have been rising for decades and are still continuing to escalate. The U.S.
has the highest health care prices in the world, even higher than other countries with impressive
standards of living such as Germany, and the UK. Studies predict that the health care could possibly
consume 50% of the Gross Domestic Product by 2082 (Darling, 2009, p. 89). With the costs steadily
rising, the result will be millions more people without health insurance on top of those who are
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Uninsured Americans And The Health Care Crisis
Uninsured Americans; The effects it has on the Health Care Crisis
Imagine a life without health care insurance. The daily struggles of keeping up with your personal
health, but always afraid of what the cost would be to see the doctor. This may be a reality for many
citizens in the United States. One aspect of the Health Care Crisis in America has to deal with those
who are currently uninsured. This paper will discuss who is categized as uninsured, why people are
uninsured, what the Affordable Care Act has done to help, statistics on the uninsured in America,
what happens to those who are uninsured, a voice from inside the financial side of health care, and
what predictions can be made for the future of our country dealing with uninsured ... Show more
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Affordable Care Act
Through the presidency of Barack Obama, the United States was introduced with the Affordable
Care Act (ACA). This act gives the opportunity to individuals and families a greater access to
affordable health insurance options that include medical, dental, vision, and other types of health
insurance that they may not have been applicable for previously. The cost of health care can be
extremely expensive for those who face ongoing medical issues. Through the ACA, it allows
individuals to enroll that have lost previous coverage, had a child, or got married and the list goes
on. "In 2014, Medicaid coverage had been expanded, through the ACA, to almost all adults with
incomes at or below 138% poverty in states that have accepted the expansion, and tax credits are
available for those with incomes up to 400% of poverty who purchase coverage through a health
insurance marketplace" (Garfield). After the ACA was established the uninsured rates dropped to a
historic low.
Statistics on the Uninsured Even though after the Affordable Care Act was established and the
uninsured rates went down, there were still several Americans struggling to obtain health insurance.
By the end of 2015, there were still over 28 million people in America who were ineligible for the
ACA and still fall into the category of being uninsured (Garfield). The uninsured rates of the
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Essay On When Cutting Access To Health Care
Introduction The article, "When Cutting Access to Health Care, There Is a Price to pay" in the New
York Times and written by Eduardo Porter highlights the health crisis that is being experienced in
the United States. This has contributed to the low economies due to low productivity since the sick
people cannot work. The article states that in a research conducted by experts, the United States is
ranked as having the highest mortality rate (Porter, 2017). Conditions such as heart diseases,
diabetes, and infectious diseases also top in the list. Early deaths have become the norm in teenagers
and young adults, due to health conditions related to obesity, chronic diseases, sexually transmitted
diseases, and hypertension among others. ... Show more content on ...
There has been little progress on funding research programs that aim at necessitating on preventive
measures in preventing the chronic diseases. Most are sponsored by private organizations that
promote healthcare. Therefore, there is the need for a change in the budget to promote good health
of the citizens.
Impacts on the Possible Amendment of the Constitution I believe amending the constitution so that
it meets a balanced federal budget would bring positive effects. For instance, it would help in
solving the persistent problem of the increasing deficits and federal debt. Otherwise, the future
generation would suffer the repercussions since they would have to take part in paying the debt. This
could also limit the chances of the future policymakers to engage in corrupt malpractices and
irresponsible fiscal policies which would instead ensure that there is accountability. The federal
government would also be forced to take quick actions to respond to emergencies and economic
recessions (Brazier, et al., 2017). I also believe that the opposing parties would have to comply with
the passed legislation to meet the Constitution's requirement. However, the only set back in my view
would be the political pressure that would be exerted on the lawmakers especially the opponents.
They would be forced to gimmick the budget to meet the balanced expectation. This would make
them work because the law requires them to do so and not because of their willingness in doing
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Crisis Counselor: A Case Study
Crisis can occur on a personal or societal level. When a person experiences personal trauma their
experience of a situation or event can leave them feeling as though they have exhausted his/her
coping skills, self–esteem, power and social support. These can be situations where a person is
making suicidal threats, experiencing threat, witnessing homicide or suicide, or experiencing
personal loss. While a person is experiencing a crisis on the individual level it is important for
counselors to primarily assess safety. Societal or mass trauma can occur in a number of settings and
typically affects a large group or society. These are instances such as school shootings, terrorist
attacks, and natural disaster. As a counselor, my primary concern ... Show more content on ...
The minimum educational requirements vary from state to state, but experts recommend getting a
master's degree in counseling before becoming certified. Once you are certified, you will need to re–
certify every three years to be able to continue practicing as a crisis counselor
To really understand the evolution of crisis intervention, is to understand that several social
movements have been critical to its development. There likely will be many new ideas to inform our
research, theory and practice, but neuroscience will be at the forefront of what happens to us in the
next 10 years. Counseling changes the brain. The major conceptual, theoretical and practical
breakthrough will be the recognition and incorporation of neuroscience into our counseling practice
and research (James,
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Health Care Crisis Essay
The Great Depression causes a shift in priorities. During this unfortunate time period, there is a
greater focus on unemployment insurance and "old age" benefits". In addition, the Social Security
Act is passed, excluding health insurance. President Truman offers a national healthcare plan, which
involves a single system that would include all of the American people. Unfortunately, the American
Medical Association calls Truman's proposal a " communist plot". National Healthcare outlays are
4.5 of the Gross National Product. America will have a private insurance for those who can afford it
and welfare services for the needy. In addition, there is a federal responsibility established for the
poor who are sick. The American Medicine Association ... Show more content on ...
Subsequently, American Medicine is now seen as a crisis. President Nixon's plan for national health
insurance is rejected. Under the presidency of Ronald Reagan, Medicare's payment is by diagnosis
instead of treatment. Insurance companies begin to protest stating that the "traditional fee for
service" technique is exploiting doctors. During the 1990s, Health care costs double due to inflation.
By the end of this decade, 44 million Americans are uninsured. Provides benefits, rights, and
protections in regards to healthcare Sets up a convenient marketplace such as to
purchase health insurance Uses a technique in which people are required to purchase health
insurance and failure to do so will result in a fee According to CMS Chief Actuary, the Affordable
Care Act's payment cut to Medicare Advantage rates will cause a decrease in enrollment. Alas,
millions of senior citizens who voluntarily enroll in Medicare Advantage rates will be forced out.
How is this improving Medicare for our senior citizens? Undoubtedly, the Affordable Care Act is a
demonstration of power. Americans are required to choose from insurance benefit packets and must
heed with federal requirements concerning what is covered and what is not. Why is the government
controlling our rights to appropriate healthcare? Why is that healthcare is a privilege when
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Health Care In Brazil Essay
Health Care in Brazil Brazil's public health care system is not widespread which calls for major
health concerns to the society. The need for improved health care is vital throughout the country of
Brazil. 60% of the population uses the public health care system however it is basic shots and
emergency visits, there is also a shortage of doctors, nurses and hospitals in areas of low population.
In the 1980s, the citizen of Brazil launched an initiative that encouraged and effectively applied a
universal public health system, Sistema Único de Saúde (Rio). By 2008, the use of health care had
increased by 450% (Rio). The creation of the SUS in the late 1980s was an innovative move. Brazil
founded a universal health care system that guaranteed ... Show more content on ...
More than half of infant deaths occur in this area of Brazil. Disease is common between newborns,
particularly in poor areas where basic supplies are lacking. The high infant mortality rates are a
direct reflections of disease, deprived health care, poverty and birth–related issues. Poor maternal
nutrition as well as the damaging effects of cigarette smoking contribute to these high rates. The
most shared diseases include diarrhea, pneumonia, respiratory infections, measles, smallpox and
fraquenza. (Infant Morality in Brazil 2014) Zika Virus Zika virus is primarily spread by mosquitoes.
Public health officials have reported that mosquitoes in Brazil are infected with Zika virus and are
spreading it to people, however exual transmission of Zika virus is also probable. People infected
with Zika virus do not get sick. Amongst people who do develop symptoms experience mild
sickness and have symptoms that last only for several days. Infection during pregnancy can cause
serious birth defects. A pregnant woman can pass Zika virus to her fetus. CDC recommends special
precautions for women who are pregnant; according to the CDC, they should not travel to any area
of Brazil below 6,500 feet, this incudes Salvador, Porto Alegre and Sao
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Socioeconomic In Healthcare
The United States healthcare system is undergoing a tremendous amount of changes. Cost effective
care delivery has become a major focus from a sociopolitical perspective to socioeconomic.
Healthcare policy is needed to support this innovation. There are specific healthcare goals that
require policies derived from health specifics decisions, planning, and actions. Health policy helps
to prioritize goals and roles from different stakeholders in the healthcare field as well as promote the
achievement of vision for the future which in turn helps to establish targets and points of reference
for the short and medium term ( World Health Organization, n.d.). Nurses in the advance leadership
role can engage in this revolution that is to transform the entire healthcare system thus promote
greater opportunities and autonomy for the nursing profession as a whole.
You Decide Reflection The healthcare system is quite complex. However, advance practice
registered nurses must have a reasonable amount of understanding in ... Show more content on ...
This new and improved access to care is not without concerns. Holly (2013) compared the current
PPACA with the U.S health care crisis of 1965 when the government increased demand with the
passage of Medicare and Medicaid while restricting the supply of doctors and hospitals and health
care prices responded by doubling the rate of inflation. The PPACA is thus identified as a repeat of
that crisis. Not to mention many Americans are still without health insurance and emergency
departments are overcrowded. Affordable, quality care and the health care disparities continue to be
a major concern to many part of the nation and vulnerable populations such as minority groups,
gender and high risks behavioral patients are still under care
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The Health Care Crisis Essay
The cost of insurance has increased dramatically over the past decade, far surpassing the general rate
of inflation in most years. Between 1989 and 1996, the average amount an employee had to
contribute for family coverage jumped from $935 to $1778. In 1990, American companies spent
$177 billion on health benefits for workers and their dependents; that number rose to $252 billion by
1996, or more than double the rate of inflation. Among the cost drivers: an aging population – the
number of senior citizens who need health benefits is increasing dramatically every year; medical
technology advances – which decreased the death rate; new drugs – expensive and effective, which
make us live longer; and of course the increase of fear in medical ... Show more content on ...
The survey revealed that over 76% are concerned that malpractice litigation has hurt their ability to
provide quality care to patients. Because of the resulting legal fear, 79% said that they had ordered
more tests than they would, based only on professional judgment of what is medically needed, and
91% have noticed other physicians ordering more tests; 74% have referred patients to specialists
more often than they believed was medically necessary; 51% have recommended invasive
procedures such as biopsies to confirm diagnoses more often than they believed was medically
necessary; and 41% said that they had prescribed more medications, such as antibiotics, than they
would based only on their professional judgment, and 73% have noticed other doctors similarly
prescribing excessive medications. Every test and every treatment poses a risk to the patient, and
takes away funds that could better be used to provide health care to those who need it. Insurance
premiums are largely determined by the expensive litigation system. The malpractice insurance
system and the litigation system are inexorably linked. The litigation system is expensive, but, at the
same time, it is slow and provides little benefit to patients who are injured by medical error. Its
application is unpredictable, largely random, and non–standard. Most victims of
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Health Care Reform: Is Public Opinion In? Essay examples
Health Care Reform is a nothing new to Americans. Americans have been fighting this battle for a
long time. We have reached the point where we must a change. We must change something at this
point it almost doesn't matter what we do as long as it's something different than we have. The
insurance companies are making huge profits already, yet Americans receive some of the poorest
care in the world. We spend twice as much on procedures than other countries spend. Countries like
United Kingdom, France or in Canada spend much less on their procedures. As stated on CNN, 46
million Americans have no insurance and 25 million more is underinsured. The reason is employer
have stopped offering insurance to employees because of high cost. All ... Show more content on ...
Millions of American go without medical care because they can't afford it. As Senator Tom Daschle
reported the problem is rooted in complexity of health care issue and the power of the interest
groups. If health care reform doesn't happen what would happen to us? There will be a lot of
sickness and death due to lack of treatment. The Americans cannot afford insurance to pay for the
doctors and prescriptions that are prescribed. Our elderly would be affected tremendously they need
home services, regular doctor visits and their medication. Health Care Reform been an issue since
the Truman Presidency, he tried to come up with an solution for this problem. As the year went on it
just became a bigger problem that why we in crisis. When former Senator Tom Daschle was in
office he believes the solution lies in the Federal Reserve Board, which overseen the equally
complicated financial system with great success. Daschle also offers a key solutions and creates a
blueprint for solving the crisis. (Daschle,GreenBerger,Lambrew) I am certain that the government
can do a better job with banking and insurance. But in both cases a private sector is needed in
addition to a public sector. For medical insurance, the government should cover basic care, with the
restriction that government insurance would not cover drugs that are still exclusive, unless such
drugs are as cheap in th U.S. as any other of the top 10
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The Health Care Crisis and What to Do About It
The Health Care Crisis and What to Do About It
Ashford University
MHA620, Health Policy Analyses
March 13, 2013
The cost of receiving treatment– cost effectiveness
Hard–core diseases have proved to be hell for most people because of the high costs of treatment. In
a country like the U.S. that is a world leader in advanced medical care, a significant proportion of its
total gross domestic product (GDP) is used to fund health care. A lot of money is used in treating
some of these diseases and there is no guarantee that the disease will be totally suppressed. The
private sector spends more on health care and the government provides funds in enhancing the
health sector. The aspect of spending more in health than in food ... Show more content on ...
When selecting people to receive insurance covers, employers should never assume that the health
status of their employees represents that of the larger population. Health–insurance programs should
benefit the larger population who pays taxes (Krugman).
Innovative health care– the technology involved
Groundbreaking innovations have taken the health system to greater heights. Scientists are working
around the clock to unmask some of the most pressing needs in the field of medicine. They are in
search of drugs that will one day cure some of the deadliest diseases in human history. But how
significant have these innovations been to the majority of people who cannot afford expensive
health care? If the innovation of high–tech medical care is to the detriment of the common people,
why should we continue embracing such kind of technology? We all appreciate the levels to which
technology has taken health care. However, such kind of technology has proved very costly and the
majority of people cannot sustain such kind of system. Some renowned medics have discovered
scientific inventions that are still very relevant in our daily lives. The history of medicine dates back
to the discovery of polio vaccine and the agents that cause cancer. The use of Deep Brain
Stimulation in the treatment of Parkinson's disease is also another great invention in medicine.
Another major innovation of recent
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Health Care Crisis
Health Care Crisis
There are currently about 46,000 licensed doctors practicing in the state of Pennsyvania, according
to the Pennsylvania Department of State and many are leaving. The health care crisis has become a
hot topic in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. With many doctors preparing to leave and some of
which have all ready left the state due to the rising costs of medical malpractice insurance.
According to the American Medical Association Pennsylvania is one of twelve states in the midst of
a liability crisis.
"Steven Barrer doesn't want to move to New Jersey. ‘I'm being forced out,' Barrer said. A
neurosurgeon affiliated with Abington Memorial Hospital, Barrer has been dropped by his current
malpractice insurance carrier and ... Show more content on ...
Jessica was O–positive and the organs were type A. Jessica's body almost instantly began rejecting
the new organs. There was a case where a woman had both breasts wrongly removed because of a
mix up and the woman who died due to a botched organ transplant.
Then there are those claims or lawsuits that are frivolous. One particular case is where a SEPTA bus
was involved in a traffic accident. Injuries reported were minor in nature. However, one woman
initiated a $5 million dollar lawsuit claiming she had lost her clairvoyant powers after the accident.
Citing the use of a CAT scan by the treating physician and hospital as the primary reason she lost
these powers. The Philadelphia jury awarded her $5 million dollars, which was subsequently
reduced to approximately 2 million. The people who seem to benefit most are the lawyers, law firms
and sometimes the patients.
Lawyers will tell you that caps on damages are unfair and ineffective. They claim that capping
awards will not solve the current crisis in the state. Caps would punish the most severely injured
victims of avoidable medical mistakes victims of blindness, deformity, and amputation. Do not even
attempt to speak to a plaintiff's attorney about having caps placed on awards from a civil case. No
one can put a price tag on their child's head. If Jessica were your daughter would a cap of $250,000
be enough for you.
"Caps won't reduce premiums. Insurance companies' bad investments, greed, and even fraud have
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The Patient Protection Affordable Care Act Essay
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, more commonly known as Obamacare, was passed
in June of 2010 by the Supreme Court (Doyle 1). Georges C. Benjamin, MD, the executive director
of the Public Health Association says:
The new law will guarantee millions of Americans access to quality, affordable care regardless of
health status; decrease rates of the nation's leading chronic diseases; control soaring health spending;
and strengthen our battered public health infrastructure... Health reform and its historic investment
in prevention will help us achieve the promise we made to give our children a higher quality of life
than we have ( This new bill includes an individual mandate requiring all uninsured
individuals to ... Show more content on ...
With the new act, insurance companies are no longer able to deny coverage to anyone based on their
history of illnesses, current mental health illnesses, or potential future development of an illness.
Along with coverage of pre–existing conditions and prohibiting insurance companies to cancel
coverage if a person becomes ill, the act is the first act in history that "ensures that mental health and
substance abuse treatment services are required benefits in all basic health insurance packages"
providing health for a much wider range of people ( The Patient Protection and
Affordable Care Act "prohibits all health plans, including grandfathered plans, from rescinding a
health insurance policy once one is covered" ( The only possible reason for a health
insurance policy to rescind ones coverage is if "the enrollee has committed fraud or made an
'intentional misrepresentation of material fact" ( The universal coverage by this new act
is a major benefit in the structure of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. When
determining if the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is beneficial for America or not, it is
important to look at both sides of the argument. There are many positives that provide a strong
argument supporting the bill. When the bill was initially proposed, President Obama assured
Americans that, if they so choose, they would be able to keep their same doctor and
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The Health Care Crisis And An Understanding Of The Reforms
A. The health care crisis and an understanding of the reforms The American Health Care system to
say the least is wasteful, bloated, and generally inefficient and therefore in dire need for immediate
review. This has largely been as a result of factors such as costs, poor investment return for outlays,
inequitably distribution, and being based on anachronistic business model geared at treating diseases
more than promoting wellness. The figures are all there to see why a radical surgery of the health
care reforms has been long overdue. One reason why we have been spending too much on health
care is out of our incentives which are perverse.–we have been paying doctors by the procedures
they perform as opposed to the quality of health care we ... Show more content on ...
Over the last few decades, a deliberate fundamental but progressive shift in structure towards
provision of care in outpatient settings avoiding inpatient overnight stays in hospitals has been
embraced. Theoretically, such a shift is meant to save on costs as fixed costs in outpatients setting
are generally lower than in–hospital stays. Unfortunately, this shift resulted to much higher
utilization and adding more costs to the system. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) was signed into
law by President Obama on March 23, 2010 which marked a historic milestone for the Democrats
who had for decades been yearning for such a legislation. It signified a turning point in Americans'
healthcare expansion, availability and affordability. The coming into force of the Act gave hard
working Americans families security by holding the insurance companies accountable as well as
lowering the cost of health care, and giving them more freedom and control in making their health
care choices and improving the care quality. Previously, different reforms in the health care sector
have been proposed to address issues of cost as well as coverage to include such health areas like
prevention and treatment of chronic ailments, obesity, defensive medicine, incentives rewarding
more care, redundant payment systems, rationing, doctors' and nurses' shortage, fraud, use of
imaging technology, tax
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Essay about Health Care: A Nation in Crisis
The United States of America is current facing a financial crisis of biblical proportions. The central
to this crisis is the catalyst of health care costs. Most American's spend over half of their yearly
income on their health. Only a tenth of the nation's population has health insurance and a chronic or
prolonged illness can and does bankrupt people. Without a plan for the salvation of the national, as
well as the citizen's economic wellbeing, we all will go bankrupt. It will take the entire leadership of
this nation, along with individual efforts is needed to prevent this catastrophe from coming to true.
President Baraka H. Obama, along with the 111th United States Congress enacted, "The Patient
Protection and Affordable Care Act", ... Show more content on ...
What, when and how to buy or sell things is managed by this principal. In a free market the absolute
power to prices determines the allocation and distribution of goods and services. Therefore a true
Free Market economy has very little to no government regulation. (Schansberg 27–58) "Anyone
who knows history, particularly the history of Europe, will, I think, recognize that the domination of
education or of government by any one particular religious faith is never a happy arrangement for
the people." – Anna Eleanor Roosevelt (born October 11, 1884 –dead November 7, 1962) was Civil
Rights advocate, the First Lady and wife of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt of the United
States from 1933 to 1945. (Moncur, 2010) The government in the United States of America has been
active in regulating and financing health care ever since the Franklin Delano Roosevelt's New Deal
programs implemented in the thirty's. The New Deal Welfare, Public Works and re–disruption of
wealth programs of this era have shaped today's crisis. The enactment of personal taxation (excise
taxes, personal income taxes, inheritance taxes, corporate income taxes, holding company taxes and
so–called "excess profits" taxes) tripled federal taxes rolls from $1.6 billion in 1933 to $5.3 billion
in 1940, financing the welfare programs of the New Deal. According to the Cato Institute based in
Washington D.C. and partner
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Fitness Work : The Health Care Crisis
Fitness Work! will serve a suburban area in Melbourne ,Australia, where many of upper middle
class people live. Our goal is to help them to become more productive, while lowering their overall
costs with innovative wellness programs. Our business is based on two simple facts; healthy
employees are more productive than chronically ill employees and it costs less to prevent injuries or
illnesses than to treat them after they occur.
At Fitness Work!, we tie worker productivity directly to the health care issue. We believe that
traditional approaches to the current health care crisis are misdirected. These traditional efforts are
what we call "reactive"; which mean that they wait until after the worker has been stricken with
illness or ... Show more content on ...
We feel the time is right for Fitness Work!.
2. Strategic Focus and Plan
This portion of our marketing plan focuses on the strategic planning of Fitness Work! to make it a
successful business. There are three areas that we will talk about: mission statement, economic and
non–economic goals, and competitive advantage.
Mission Statement:
To help people live healthy and enrich their daily life.
1.To break–even in profits versus losses within the first 3–4 years of business.
2. In six years, achieve a 20%–28% profit from the services we provide.
3. Each year, increase market share in 3% in a constant rate.
4. Lower the expense cost after five years operation.
1.Within six years, expand our services to physic therapy, spa treatment and indoor snowboarding
and skiing if possible.
2. To enlarge demand outside of business contract with companies and individual membership.
3. Make available more services and extend business to every community. Be the largest indoor
super gym complex in the Melbourne
4. Within fifteen years, expand Fitness Work! business to the ten largest cities in the Australia.
5. Provide the highest quality services at a reasonable price to every people.
Competitive Advantage
Fitness Work!'s main competitive advantage is the wide range health services at a reasonable price.
The gym offers a lot of support services for people who need to socialize or have fun after exercises,
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Improving The Quality Of The Care Essay
Furthermore, improving the quality of the care that is received will be cost–effective in the long–
term. Primary care physicians and educators can be further trained to recognize depression as well
as any other mental health disorder. With early identification and referral for diagnosis, much of the
later treatment can be avoided. Intervention for behavioral health occurs in four stages – detection,
medication, counseling, and continuity of care. Currently, all four areas have a deficit. Detection
should be increased with primary care physicians. Medications should be more accessible.
Counseling should be available and affordable. Continuity of care is only possible when patients can
access regular follow–up care with a physician, preferably a psychiatrist. If detection is improved,
there needs to be availability of resources for referral. Smit et al. (2006) found that minimal contact
cognitive behavioral therapy had a 70% chance of being more cost–effective than primary care
alone for subthreshold depression, showing that intervention even before diagnosis can prevent cost
of hospital admissions and decreased productivity in the future1. While this study only focused on
depression, the same is true for many behavioral health pathologies because they are often
progressive in nature. While improvements in quality of care – such as increased training for
primary care physicians on mental health detection and increasing the number of outpatient
psychological and psychiatric
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Obama Care Health Crisis
There have been many deaths going on around the United States and it has been caused by people's
health. Your health should be the main thing you are concerned about so if you haven't already, you
should go for a checkup. In 1980 healthcare expenditures were $256 billion, according to the
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. We become so involved in buying fast foods when it is
not good for the health. A serious illness can lead to financial ruin if you do not have insurance. For
those who do not have insurance can get Obamacare. It is the same as Medicaid or Medicare but it is
a great insurance program.
Health crisis is a complex health system that affects the life of people in different states around the
world. Health issues have been ... Show more content on ...
American spends far more per person on the costs of litigation than any other state in the world.
Some doctors would rather treat the multitude with policy and wealthy than people without.
According to fragmentation issues in the health care system, nearly 50% of wellness aid outlay in
the U.S. is publicly funded by Fed, State, and county floor governments through various entitlement
programs such as Medicare, Medicaid, and the Veterans Administration (VA). The result is a
compartmentalized and fragmented system. This is also true in the buck private health care sector,
with over 1500 health insurers handling the private insurance market place, each offering unique
health policies that have different deductibles. Some people should take health care more serious
and take time out now to fix their problems. They may not think that nothing is wrong with them but
you must take the risk of finding out now than taking the risk of risking your life. Take your life
serious because the world we live in now is weird and many deaths come from health problems.
Take care of your health, go see a doctor and don't refuse medical attention where you need it the
most because a healthier body is a healthier you. The costs of prescription drugs are rising even
faster than the general rise in health care costs. Small businesses do not provide health insurance
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The Health Care Crisis Of The United States
The health care crisis in the United States has been out of control for many years. According to
National Health Expenditure Projections, Americans will spend approximately 3.2 trillion on health
care in 2015. If the United States health care system was a country, it would be the 6th largest
economy on the entire planet (National Health Expenditure). The article stated that back in 1960, an
average person spends 147 dollars on health care, that number had increase rapidly to 8,086 dollars.
I wonder why, but then again, cost of health care is not regulated by the government, prices are set
by American Medical Association (National Health Expenditure).
The United States spends more on health care than Japan, Germany, France, the United Kingdom
and Canada combined (Sick around the World). The top executives at the five largest for–profit
health insurance companies in the United States combined made 200 million (National Health
Expenditure). Hospital executives continue to make millions of dollars in profit while consumers
struggle to pay off their medical costs. The United States is the only develop country where 62
percent of all personal bankruptcies were related to medical bills (Sick around the world).
Some politician had proposed bills to have the health care system reformed, but had rarely been
successful. Surprisingly, in 2010, a reform was passed. The Affordable Care Act, also known as the
Obama Care goal was to address these issues within the health care system and
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Community Mental Health
Evaluate the job role and function of three mental health professionals outlined in this course and
their effectiveness.
Community Psychiatric Nurse (CPN)
Community psychiatric nurses have a vast amount of responsibilities and roles within the mental
health sector.
They are a registered nurse that have undergone specialised training in mental health who work
within the community. Some can be attached to general doctor surgeries, within the prison system,
mental health units, homes and even the homeless and/or community mental health centres to name
a few. They may also have their own practices. They not only work with the patient they also work
with and along side the families educating them to understand and cope with the patients ... Show
more content on ...
Psychologists teach patients new coping strategies during difficult stressful times in their lives. They
conduct therapeutic interviews and provide counselling. They offer a confidential, non–judgemental
place to talk and learn copying strategies for achieving better mental health.
Social Workers
Social workers within the mental health sector require further study and have had to have completed
the necessary post–qualifying requirements. Once this is done they are qualified to involuntarily
detain a patient under the mental health act.
They are normally employed by social services. They have a distinctive role within multi–agency
settings. They work with the patient and their families. They work with the patient with mental
health problems to help identify and realise their own needs. Working with the families and
explaining to the family what their needs are and how to accommodate them while still having a life
Social workers are also there for patients and families that may have had a negative experience
within the mental health services and make it a positive experience.
People with mental health problems can feel isolated and have problems sustaining and preserving
social contacts and social networks, it is a social workers role to coordinate and monitor care plans
so that this does not happen. They are often responsible for managing and budgeting the complete
care package, this also may include
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Mental Health Professional : Carol Mcclelland Of Freedom...
Mental Health Professional
The mental health professional I interviewed was Carol McClelland of Freedom House Recovery
Center in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Carol has worked with Freedom House for a year as the
directory of outpatient services and is licensed as a LPC, LPCS, LCAS, CCS, and MA. Carol's job
requires her to be responsible for the direct oversight of all clinical operations and clinical integrity
for outpatient services at Freedom House. The hours of operation are Monday through Friday from
8am to 5pm, along with a crisis and detox center that is available for contact 24/7. Carol has plenty
of experience in the mental health field, such as working as a dual diagnosis/substance abuse
outpatient therapist, working with the severely mentally ill, working as a criminal justice outpatient
therapist, and also working in a methadone clinic. She chose this career after her experiences in
working with mental health, and her extensive education in psychology and counseling. Carol stated
that outpatient services was the most interesting out of her job experiences, so when she was offered
the job at Freedom House, she accepted.
Freedom House Freedom House opened in 1974 as a recovery center for children and adults with
behavioral, mental, and substance use disorders based on a holistic, person–centered approach to
treatment. The services provided by Freedom House include a comprehensive clinical assessment,
psychiatric evaluation, individual/group/family
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The Current Crisis Within Health Care
The current crisis within health care is a crisis of leadership. Do you agree?
Nowadays, health care setups get exposed to various crisis incidents. It is on the grounds that
medicinal services, suppliers may act because of circumstances amid function as an emergency like
routinely experience wounds, violence, fatalities, human error and human proceeding with the
consistent work. These situations meet the most crisis values, yet they are depended upon to
continue separate, provide proficient, effectual intrusions and a while later on move alongside to the
accompanying patient and condition. In addition, these are frequently called upon to give support to
patients and their families deal with their crisis on an energized ... Show more content on ...
Despite the fact that the administration impact in the calling of nursing is requested on the grounds
that they need to manage the first experiences with patients while on employment in the premises of
health care setting. They manage the issues of patients, including intense subject matters, and for
that they ought to must be prepared. At the same time because of less significance to this nursing
occupation, short wages and aprofessioln dissatisfaction, there is a deficiency of nursing staff
initiative force (Kimball, 2002).
In this assignment, the focus would be on the leadership crisis of nursing profession, the barriers
creating hindrance in the leadership strength of the nursing staff and the possible outcomes as well
as suggestions would be given at the end of the discussion.
Leaders and the Leadership
Leaders are people who settle on the best choice. They help themselves and also other individuals to
do the right things. They set course, develop a touching idea, and create something new. Such as a
political leader, seeking an energetic, individual cause; a pilgrim, statuette a path through the wild
for the straggling leftovers of his assembly to take after; and an official, adds to their association 's
method to beat the resistance (Goleman, 2002).
The leadership is the specialty of getting another person
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Mental Health Care In Prison

  • 1. Mental Health Care In Prison The number of aging people in the prison system has and will continue to have a major impact on health care. Not only while they are in jail but once they are released the cost of health care for these individuals is still a burden. While incarcerated many illnesses go untreated. Usually there are a couple different factors in this situation, one is mental health and the other is unmet psychosocial needs. Many people that are employed by the prison system don't have the proper training to know how to test for the vast mental illnesses that need to be tested for. Then on the other hand if they have the training they are understaffed and don't have time to get to everyone that needs the help. While there has been many studies on how to improve health care while in prison, there is still a lot of research that needs to be done to get a better handle on the financial aspect. ... Show more content on ... Criminal Justice Health Care, "older prisoners is at the root of a healthcare crisis." ( I just used the title and the sentence that is marked 1). While many of the older inmates are putting a major stress on the criminal health care system, it is not only effecting them but the public health care as well. It is hard for those who are released back into the public to get on the insurance that they require. A parolee can wait months to get some kind of insurance, in the months that are spent waiting they often go to the emergency room. They often cannot pay the fees that come along with going to the emergency room, because it is harder for them to get employment. They are not as likely to be employed based on their age and prison ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Hcp Essay Your views with respect to the legal rights of HCPs during times of crisis. Our views concerning the legal rights of HCPs during times of crisis align with the general recommendations published since the last SARS crisis in Ontario. The SARS crisis brought several legal and ethical debates to the public place. The most popular topics related to the legal rights of HCPs during times of crisis surround were: The HCPs' "Duty to care" vs. HCPs individual rights and personal autonomy to use some discretion in determining where, how, and when they will practice medicine. (CMA, 2008); The right to refuse or to stop work where health or safety in danger, HCPs are excluded – Part V Occupational Health and Safety Act (Ontario, 2016). The right ... Show more content on ... Another concern is about the public responsibility to ensure HCPs safe work environment. Although, the HCPs are excluded from the OHSA, the employers still have the obligation to ensure the health and safety of its employees. Because crisis, are exceptional situation, health organizations should prepare its resources to assure the HCPs about the safeguard of their health and their family members when on duty in high–risk situation (Ruderman, et al., 2006). Also, HCPs, should not fear more risks from a crisis, such as undue workload, financial burden, up to employment dismissal (Upshur et al., 2005). ,In 2016, the Ministry of Health and Long–Term Care (MoHLTC) has put in place the "Building a Ready and Resilient Health System" Plan. The MoHLTC's plan is supposed to reinforce the OHSA; the rights and obligations of all parties in the workplace to ensure health and safety of the HCPs. Based on this plan, we can assume that some uncertainty about the risk for HCPs will decrease to fulfil their duty to care in crisis, because of the OHSA's obligations for: Administrative controls. Written procedures that change work processes to protect against infectious agent. (MoHLTC, 2016); Education and training. Educational sessions training and re–training must meet or ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Incentive Care Unit And Affordable Care Act Incentive Care Unit and Affordable Care Act The quality of long term care has become a topic for the elderly and their family. Some of the issues are cost, quality, and access of care. The expansion of the elderly population, is expected to affect significantly the provision of long–term care. The impact of care has been considered. Social choice will play in shaping the future of the long–term care system. The Federal Government and the expansion of the Affordable Care Act are part of this social decision. One of the major concerns is the cost of long term care. Most of the U.S. population have the benefits of using Medicare. Consequently, the cost of intensive care is not well managed. Currently, my relative suffered from a stroke and ... Show more content on ... Moreover, Medicare does a poor job in maintaining the cost of care. Some patients have to draw from their assets to cover the expense of care. Expenses can incur for those diagnosed with a stroke or heart attack. There are costs not covered by an individual health insurance plan. "These include deductibles, co–payments and limits on total plan payouts–expenses that could quickly place a family's financial position in peril" (Hersch, 2014). Family and personal relationships can be impacted by illness. Family members may have to miss work to care for a relative. However, this causes a financial burden. Medicare is a program which provides insurance benefits to all individuals aged sixty–five and older, including younger people with disabilities (Grabowski, 2007). Medicare covers few long–term care services and Medicaid covers the rest of the huge amount. "Policy options include capitation, pay–for–performance, and federalization, in which federal government would assume the Medicaid's costs for the dually eligible population" (Grabowski, 2007). Medicaid and Medicare programs do not sufficiently cover acute and long–term care services, an example. After the injury the disability process takes long. There is a language barrier, institutional barrier, and ratio cost–sharing. Also, cost shifting within health care settings, and cost shifting across health care settings needs major improvements. Policy holders should expand their critical ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Working With Children And Families Social work is a career that I have always been interested in, especially working with children and families. Helping people overcome obstacles and making the most of themselves is a very rewarding and yet a challenging career. I'll have the chance to meet a variety of different people with different problems from cases of abuse and neglect as well as supporting those in the care system. I am particularly interested in working with children and families who often form the most vulnerable service users, developing a professional and trusting relationship with them, hopefully enabling them to participate fully in society. There are many different type of social workers and what they do. Child and Family social workers protect vulnerable children and support families in need of assistance. Assess client's needs, strengths, and support network to determine their goals. Develop plans to improve their client's well–being. Help clients adjust to changes and challenges in their lives, such as divorce, illness or unemployment. Research and refer clients to community resource, such child care, heath care and food stamps. Help clients work with government agencies to apply for and receive benefits such as medicare. Respond to crisis situations such as child abuse. Advocate for and help clients get resource that would improve their well–being. Follow up with clients to ensure that their situations have improved. Clinical social workers often sit down one on ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Ethical Issues In Managed Care Managed Care is a system of health care in which patients agree to visit only certain doctor and hospitals, and in which the cost of treatment is monitored by a managing company. David, a clinical supervisor of one pad was responsible for the clinical supervision of eight clinical case managers. On typically day, he receives around 40 phone messages about clients that are in need of his services. His job is to field calls from mental health providers seeking authorization to provide treatment for clients. There are those who believe that managed care is simply another example of corporate America discovering a means to increase profits for shareholders of insurance companies, at the expense of individuals seeking mental health treatment. (pg. ... Show more content on ... He recalls a disturbing cases of fraud and unethical treatment–the recent case, for example of a psychiatrist billing Medicaid for weekly sessions for a client who had died two years previously. He feels conflicted, torn between opposing the profit–driven corporate greed that drives the managed health care industry and supporting the need to screen out unethical, inefficient treatment, that at its best no harm to clients, and at its worst creates considerably more distress and fosters unhealthy dependence. On Fridays, he spend the day in the clinic on the first floor. David, specialty is in crisis intervention and trauma, and therefore, I select cases in which have clear precipitating events that have led to the presenting symptoms. His treatment is crisis–orientated and focused on reducing the immediate symptoms of the trauma. The deeper work may come later, but for now he helps clients regain their equilibrium after a particularly traumatizing life event. David has a lot on his plate and is willing to try is best to provide the correct treatment options for that ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. The Healthcare System Of The United States There is a war in the United States, it is ragging against its healthcare and the people who are suffering are Medicare recipients, Medicaid recipients, and the uninsured. Those who have the money and those who hold the power to wield the proverbial stick are controlling this war. Laws of the government are impeded by incidental bureaucratic bullies who think that as a Republican or a Democrat, they have the right to not consider a bill that would help healthcare because they would have more votes that the other. Lives are being lost in the ensuing battle on pretense that one of them might actually care about saving innocent lives. What works in the healthcare system and what doesn't work in the healthcare system has been tried and tested and try as we must, there are clear plans to make a lot of improvements in the US practice. We in the US have a history of introducing universal health care, only to leave it with a system made up of our government, that pays for over one half of the nations' health care. If we can control the cost of healthcare spending we would beat this system. Our healthcare costs have spiraled out of control because of Unemployment which has caused severe impoverishment across the United States. Without jobs the people are stuck with not having money to buy food, or money to pay for medications and most of all money to go to the doctor for treatment. They suffer until they are so sick that they are in worse shape than ever and have to be ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Skagit Valley Breach Summary Introduction Skagit Herald report, Skagit Valley REACH (Recovery, Empowerment, Advocacy, Community and Hope) Center support people who suffer from history of mental illness and substance abuse. They are based on peer counseling, career support, crisis intervention classes, social gathering, and/or just safe place to come and stay. One of the program members at the center who is in recovering from addiction had a mental health crisis, suicide ideation. Her response was to get to REACH center right away because she knew the place can keep her safe. She states the center has been a life–saver. Now, she is in the process of becoming a certified peer counselor for the center. The center is a self– help recovery center for people with mental health and recovering from addiction. The center puts emphasis on Wellness, Recovery, Action Plan (WRAP) which is a group intervention for adult with mental illness. The plan teaches key concepts of recovery, helpful tools during crisis, post crisis plan, and assist in creating advance directives. (Demay, 2014). In our current society, many believe that barriers to mental health treatments are "limited availability and affordability of mental health care services, insufficient mental health care policies, lack of education about mental illness, and stigma" (Unite for Site, 2000–2013). If those barriers exist for ... Show more content on ... Key words used are: mental health, community mental health service, mobile crisis, Clubhouse, severe mental illness, Housing first. I chose mental health boarding as broad topic and the main focus was going to be mental health and funding. I had a difficult time narrowing down the topic. After contemplating and getting advice and suggestions, I finally found my focus topic as to strategies available for community mental health ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Africa's Health Care Crisis Essay The residents of Africa are suffering from preventable, treatable, and fatal diseases everyday at a higher rate compared to developed countries. The healthcare crisis in Africa is the primary cause of all these deaths, and includes inefficient healthcare systems. Consequently, African's inefficient healthcare systems results in poor delivery of care and a shortage of health professionals. The healthcare crisis in Africa is a current issue impacting the lives of many African's who don't have the same access to resources as developed countries such as the United States. These resources can save the lives of many African's dying of preventable and curable disease, and understanding why the African continent has little access to them ... Show more content on ... The health of many women in Algeria which is part of Sub–Saharan Africa in 1990 were impacted by the poor health care system because they lived in poverty. Poverty caused these women to lack essential needs to live a quality life. They lacked or could not afford resources such as supplies, health care professionals, and facilities for healthcare, clean water, and waste disposal. This ultimately affected the health of women and their children. For instance, lack of clean water and waste disposal facilities can cause health abnormalities such as cholera or typhoid fever which can cause devastating deaths. This is a healthcare problem because of the lack of funding. The lack of funding prevents antibiotics from being used to prevent death, and prevents African's from being vaccinated against typhoid fever. Another example of how poverty affects woman's health is unintended pregnancy, which is because they are more likely to engage in risky sexual behavior. It's part of the health crisis because it includes a poor health system, and a lack of education about proper nutrition and behaviors during pregnancy. Complications in these pregnancies due to poor nutrition and not visiting the doctor regularly includes increased infant mortality. Infant mortality in the slums of Nairobe is 91.3% while it is 75.9% in urban areas where there is a better developed healthcare system. The inferiority of poor Africans in ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. The Health Care Crisis Of The United States Essay Health care spending in the United States of America as a percentage of the economy has reached astonishing heights, equating to 17.7 percent. This number is shocking when compared to other counties; in Australia health care is 8.9 percent, in United Kingdom 9.4 percent, in Canada 11.2 percent. If the American health care system were to hypothetically become its own economy, it would be the fifth–largest in the world. While these statistics sound troubling, they lead us to look for answers about the problems surrounding our system. The first health insurance company was created in the 1930s to give all American families an equal opportunity for hospital care and eventually led to a nationwide economic and social controversy that erupted in the 1990s and continued to be shaped by the government, insurance companies, doctors, and American citizens. In this paper, I will go in to detail about the various opinions regarding the controversy, the history behind health insurance companies, and the main dilemmas brought out by the health care crisis. Greedy insurance companies combined with high costs of doctor visits and pharmaceutical drugs or the inefficient hospitals all over America can only describe the beginning to this in depth crisis. Recently, the United States health care industry has become know for the outrageous costs of insurance models, developments of various social and health services programs, and the frequent changes in medicinal technology. One potential ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Global Health Crisis: The Affordable Care Act The Global Health Crisis is a major problem in our world today that could lead to many other issues in our global economy and political systems. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about 36 million people die every year due to diseases such as heart disease, cancer, stroke, and out of the 36 million people about 6 million children die under the age of 5 because of diseases. Everyday, many families have to go through the most miserable time in their lives, seeing a loved one pass away. In the United States, many have been able to get access to healthcare through the Affordable Care Act. However, in many countries throughout the world, hospitals and doctors are very limited at extremely high expenses. My innovation, ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Crisis Purpose: The purpose of the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Crisis Center Follow–Up program is to promote systematic follow–up of suicidal persons who call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (NSPL) network and those that are discharged from a partnering emergency department. However, for those at imminent risk for suicide, emergency intervention is frequently initiated. The grant will be awarded to eligible applicants that demonstrate the knowledge and ethical capability to manage the award. The eligible applicants must have the capability to help find solutions to the research findings that denotes that the period after emergency suicide interventions is one of heightened risk for suicide, with significant numbers of deaths occurring following discharge from either an emergency department or inpatient hospitalization. The Crisis Centers will follow–up with any individual at imminent risk of suicide within 48–hours of discharge from a partnering emergency department or who was referred from a crisis center to a partnering emergency department. This grant program will continue to support the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's ( SAMHSA) Prevention of Substance Abuse and Mental Illness Strategic Initiative through its focus on the prevention of mental illness, the reduction of mental illness and substance abuse across the lifespan. The program will specifically focus on the reduction of suicide and suicidal behavior. Goal: The core ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Public Health Policy And The Care Crisis Public health policy is associated with the need to imposition public health professionals to consider leading gaps in the future of health care crisis. The purpose is to protect the underserved and underinsured population by the need to propose public health policy to safeguard individual's health (Laureate Education, 2012). By protecting community health, in turn, helps control the cost of the over–burdensome healthcare expenses (Getzen, 2013). A public health professional has an obligation to influence the health status through evidence–based policymaking needed to intervene for policy makers. Given financial constraint to reduce health disparities financial preparation and disseminative communication are the essential tools needed to make supplement legislative policy (Brownson, Chriqui, & Stamatakis, 2009; Laureate Education, 2012). The future financing to improve and amend required policy is through evidence–based health surveillance that helps public health professionals decide the direction of where budget containment should be allocated (Brownson et al., 2009). A public health specialist is responsible for the setting up the priorities to inform and advise stakeholders and government agencies where allocated funding should be directed. It is through the public health professionals consistence support that financing for public health services are increasing for the population (Laureate Education, 2012). Moreover, public health professionals are in charge of ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Health Care Reform : The Affordable Care Act You Lose in the New Health Care The Patients' Choice Act gives the American people opportunity to choose the health care plan that met the individual health needs. Obama admirations under the Democratic Party felt the need for a different health care reform, The Affordable Care Act (ACA). To justify this health care reform the Democratic Party implied that the health care crisis is caused by the uninsured and that everyone had a right to health care. Under the Patients' Choice Act the American people keeps their freedom whether to have health care or not, but the ACA has a personal mandate that requires individuals to buy or carry health care insurance or face a fine (tax). To fund ACA will cost more than freedom, it'll cost the individual American people and the government more money than The Patients' Choice Act. The American people need affordable health care but not under government control. The Patients' Choice Act was introduced by U.S. congressman Paul Ryan in 2009. Ryan's plan was to give control to individuals and doctors about health care decisions, not federal government bureaucrats or insurance companies. The Patients' Choice Act would remove the barriers that separate Americans from high–value health care by enhancing individual purchasing power and creating rational government rules (1). He wanted to create a market that played by the rules and make health care affordable. Ryan believe that the plan would have ensured universal, ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. America 's Health Care Crisis : Who 's Responsible By... I argue that advances in technology, nondiscretionary costs, and lack of competition in the medical equipment, pharmaceutical retail and insurance markets are the main reasons behind the high cost of health care. In this paper, I will use and analyze various resources like America's Health Care Crisis: Who's Responsible by Nancy Levitin, Health Care USA: Understanding its Organization and Delivery by Harry A. Sultz and Kristina M. Young, and Epidemic of Care by George J. Isham and George C. Halvorson to prove and support my argument, which is that advances in technology, nondiscretionary costs, and lack of competition in the medical equipment retail market, are the specific factors behind the rising cost of health care. I will also propose different strategies that will help achieve lowering the price of healthcare. Many people across the nation are unable to seek medical attention due to insufficient funds. If people do not receive health care, communicable diseases may spread more often on a large scale and life–threatening diseases may go undiagnosed leading to an increase in death rates. Making health care affordable can be achieved by making advanced technology less expensive, decreasing the amount of nondiscretionary costs, and increasing the competition in the medical equipment, pharmaceutical retail and insurance markets. Advances in technology are a primary reason for the high cost of health care. The book, Health Care USA: Understanding its Organization and ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Public Relations Between Healthcare Organization Crisis... Overview of the Study This case study is primarily aimed at determining the use of public relations in healthcare organization crisis management and the way health care organizations respond to the crisis. This was achieved through the facilitation of procedural data collection from the selected case across the various sources of data available as well as encouraging flexibility throughout the study. 4.2 Research Method The qualitative case study was embraced as the scientific approach. This study was found to be successful through the study. The term 'crisis case' refers to 'an instance of crises and the core of this case study research is to investigate one or more instances of the crisis in healthcare organizations in the US. This ... Show more content on ... This was also meant to enable comparative analysis of the types of crises affecting these organizations. However, the single case study was primarily selected due to criticalness of the issue and the uniqueness of the case. Special gatekeepers were selected to help in identifying the potential interviewees as well as the relevant documents in the organization for the study. 4.5 The Study Area The location of a study was within the healthcare organization (Orange County) located South Orange, New Jersey. This is because Orange Avenue is at my disposal and it enabled me to have the easy time of access. 4.6 The Study Population This is basically taken as the total number of people, elements or subjects engaged in the study and pose specific and common characteristics within the study area. This research engaged both the organization's stakeholders totaling to 150 potential participants. 4.7 Sample Size Determination The following were the considerations for sample size determination; The sample size that will reach redundancy or saturation– this simply indicates the maximum number of samples to enable the identification of consistent patterns taking into consideration that the population of the organization was 150 staffs. The other consideration was the largest number of sample to enable effective representation of the variation within the population of the target. This was based on the population size needed to enable the assessment of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Public Health PUBLIC HEALTH Health is the word used to describe how your body feels. Being healthy is important because it makes you feel good and live longer. The field of health psychology is focused on promoting health as well as the prevention and treatment of disease and illness. Health psychologists also focus on understanding how people react, cope and recover from illness. Some health psychologists work to improve the health care system and the government 's approach to health care policy. Health is the level of functional or metabolic efficiency of a living being. In humans, it is the general condition of a person 's mind and body, usually meaning to be free from illness, injury or pain (as in "good health" or "healthy"). The World Health ... Show more content on ... It is also a field that is concerned with limiting health disparities and a large part of public health is the fight for health care equity, quality, and accessibility. The field of public health is highly varied and encompasses many academic disciplines. However, public health is mainly composed of the following core areas: ROLE OF PUBLIC HEALTH OFFICER The objective of the health officer manual is to support effective public health practice of local health officers by providing a collection of relevant guidance documents related to issues that health officers are likely to encounter. Although many of the documents are available in various locations and websites, the collection allows the local health officer to find many items in one location. These documents support the health officer role and local response to various environmental health related conditions. The health officer manual is being updated in 2011 to offer the most current information available (last update was 2003) and sections will be periodically updated as newer versions of guidance documents become available. The role of public halth officer are as follows:. 1. Monitor health status to identify community health problems. 2. Diagnose and investigate health problems and health hazards in the community. 3. Inform, educate, and empower people about health issues. 4. Mobilize ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Mental Health Framework The Cornell University Mental Health Framework is a comprehensive approach to mental health. It includes identification of people in need of care, providing mental and medical health services, delivery of coordinated crisis management, restriction of access to means of suicide, fostering healthy educational environment, promotion of social connectedness and resilience, and increasing help–seeking behavior. The succeeding paragraphs are excerpts from the Cornell University's Mental Health Framework publication. Identify people in need of care This is the beginning of the assessment side of the framework when it comes to mental health response. In Cornells', this comprises gatekeeper training for faculty, staff, and students, alert team staff, ... Show more content on ... Promotion of Social Connections Campus and community provide a welcoming and inclusive environment that respects individuals while promoting community values. Pariticipation in the Colleges Transition Collaborative (CTC) Pre–Matriculation Social–Belonging Intervention exposes incoming students to stories that normalize and typify the challenges associated with transitioning to college. This fosters a different mindset in which belonging is viewed as a process that develops over time. With this mindset, students come to acknowledge that it is normal for everyone to face challenges and that they have the ability to learn and improve. Diversity programs encompass multiple efforts such as the availability of campus program houses and a Pre–Freshman Summer Program, as well as events designed to foster inclusiveness, for example the Orientation program, The Identity and Belonging Project which portrays diverse student narratives about how undergraduates discover a sense of ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. The Problem Of The Healthcare Crisis Essay There is a sad sort of irony these days when using the phrase healthcare. Is the focus truly on the health or care of the patients any longer, or on the potential earnings of insurance companies and other stockholders? Since the introduction of the third–party payor concept decades ago, the industry has set the stage for insurance company management of healthcare. This paradigm has ensured that the costs of care remain high while the quality has diminished. What (or Who) is Behind the Current Crisis? Singling out one specific cause of the healthcare crisis is like trying to name one thing that's wrong with boy bands – there are simply far too many things to point to. If we had to list some of the reasons consumers and providers alike are finding it difficult to navigate the current landscape, we would include things like reimbursements being fixed at lowering rates, overhead expenses increasing for physicians, a constant influx of insurance and government mandates, more paperwork and bureaucracy in medicine in general, malpractice litigation, understaffing of hospitals and private practices, complex policies leading to lack of interoperability, and diminished patient and doctor engagement. There is also the fact that the industry has become increasingly fragmented. Consider that nearly 50% of healthcare spending in this country is publicly funded by federal, state, and county level governments through various entitlement programs such as Medicare, Medicaid, and the ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Health Care System Is Experiencing A Vital Crisis Currently in the United States, the health care system is experiencing a vital crisis. The U.S. is ranked the highest paying health care system per capita out of 10 countries including, Australia and the Netherlands. We are also ranked worst in patient quality and outcome (Bernstein). Americans without health care are more prone to life threatening health problems and the life expectancy of an uninsured individual is about 60 years. Shorter life expectancies are due to health conditions such as high blood pressure and unhealthy lifestyles that could have been controlled if they had health insurance. Numerous health care reforms have been put into place to improve the system's efficiency. However, the reforms have made a weak impact on changing the system. The three major problems of the U.S. health care system are high cost, low accessibility, and poor patient quality and outcome. The biggest problem that the United States health care faces is the skyrocketing prices. The United States health care prices have been rising for decades and are still continuing to escalate. The U.S. has the highest health care prices in the world, even higher than other countries with impressive standards of living such as Germany, and the UK. Studies predict that the health care could possibly consume 50% of the Gross Domestic Product by 2082 (Darling, 2009, p. 89). With the costs steadily rising, the result will be millions more people without health insurance on top of those who are ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Uninsured Americans And The Health Care Crisis Uninsured Americans; The effects it has on the Health Care Crisis Imagine a life without health care insurance. The daily struggles of keeping up with your personal health, but always afraid of what the cost would be to see the doctor. This may be a reality for many citizens in the United States. One aspect of the Health Care Crisis in America has to deal with those who are currently uninsured. This paper will discuss who is categized as uninsured, why people are uninsured, what the Affordable Care Act has done to help, statistics on the uninsured in America, what happens to those who are uninsured, a voice from inside the financial side of health care, and what predictions can be made for the future of our country dealing with uninsured ... Show more content on ... Affordable Care Act Through the presidency of Barack Obama, the United States was introduced with the Affordable Care Act (ACA). This act gives the opportunity to individuals and families a greater access to affordable health insurance options that include medical, dental, vision, and other types of health insurance that they may not have been applicable for previously. The cost of health care can be extremely expensive for those who face ongoing medical issues. Through the ACA, it allows individuals to enroll that have lost previous coverage, had a child, or got married and the list goes on. "In 2014, Medicaid coverage had been expanded, through the ACA, to almost all adults with incomes at or below 138% poverty in states that have accepted the expansion, and tax credits are available for those with incomes up to 400% of poverty who purchase coverage through a health insurance marketplace" (Garfield). After the ACA was established the uninsured rates dropped to a historic low. Statistics on the Uninsured Even though after the Affordable Care Act was established and the uninsured rates went down, there were still several Americans struggling to obtain health insurance. By the end of 2015, there were still over 28 million people in America who were ineligible for the ACA and still fall into the category of being uninsured (Garfield). The uninsured rates of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Essay On When Cutting Access To Health Care Introduction The article, "When Cutting Access to Health Care, There Is a Price to pay" in the New York Times and written by Eduardo Porter highlights the health crisis that is being experienced in the United States. This has contributed to the low economies due to low productivity since the sick people cannot work. The article states that in a research conducted by experts, the United States is ranked as having the highest mortality rate (Porter, 2017). Conditions such as heart diseases, diabetes, and infectious diseases also top in the list. Early deaths have become the norm in teenagers and young adults, due to health conditions related to obesity, chronic diseases, sexually transmitted diseases, and hypertension among others. ... Show more content on ... There has been little progress on funding research programs that aim at necessitating on preventive measures in preventing the chronic diseases. Most are sponsored by private organizations that promote healthcare. Therefore, there is the need for a change in the budget to promote good health of the citizens. Impacts on the Possible Amendment of the Constitution I believe amending the constitution so that it meets a balanced federal budget would bring positive effects. For instance, it would help in solving the persistent problem of the increasing deficits and federal debt. Otherwise, the future generation would suffer the repercussions since they would have to take part in paying the debt. This could also limit the chances of the future policymakers to engage in corrupt malpractices and irresponsible fiscal policies which would instead ensure that there is accountability. The federal government would also be forced to take quick actions to respond to emergencies and economic recessions (Brazier, et al., 2017). I also believe that the opposing parties would have to comply with the passed legislation to meet the Constitution's requirement. However, the only set back in my view would be the political pressure that would be exerted on the lawmakers especially the opponents. They would be forced to gimmick the budget to meet the balanced expectation. This would make them work because the law requires them to do so and not because of their willingness in doing ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Crisis Counselor: A Case Study Crisis can occur on a personal or societal level. When a person experiences personal trauma their experience of a situation or event can leave them feeling as though they have exhausted his/her coping skills, self–esteem, power and social support. These can be situations where a person is making suicidal threats, experiencing threat, witnessing homicide or suicide, or experiencing personal loss. While a person is experiencing a crisis on the individual level it is important for counselors to primarily assess safety. Societal or mass trauma can occur in a number of settings and typically affects a large group or society. These are instances such as school shootings, terrorist attacks, and natural disaster. As a counselor, my primary concern ... Show more content on ... The minimum educational requirements vary from state to state, but experts recommend getting a master's degree in counseling before becoming certified. Once you are certified, you will need to re– certify every three years to be able to continue practicing as a crisis counselor ( To really understand the evolution of crisis intervention, is to understand that several social movements have been critical to its development. There likely will be many new ideas to inform our research, theory and practice, but neuroscience will be at the forefront of what happens to us in the next 10 years. Counseling changes the brain. The major conceptual, theoretical and practical breakthrough will be the recognition and incorporation of neuroscience into our counseling practice and research (James, ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Health Care Crisis Essay The Great Depression causes a shift in priorities. During this unfortunate time period, there is a greater focus on unemployment insurance and "old age" benefits". In addition, the Social Security Act is passed, excluding health insurance. President Truman offers a national healthcare plan, which involves a single system that would include all of the American people. Unfortunately, the American Medical Association calls Truman's proposal a " communist plot". National Healthcare outlays are 4.5 of the Gross National Product. America will have a private insurance for those who can afford it and welfare services for the needy. In addition, there is a federal responsibility established for the poor who are sick. The American Medicine Association ... Show more content on ... Subsequently, American Medicine is now seen as a crisis. President Nixon's plan for national health insurance is rejected. Under the presidency of Ronald Reagan, Medicare's payment is by diagnosis instead of treatment. Insurance companies begin to protest stating that the "traditional fee for service" technique is exploiting doctors. During the 1990s, Health care costs double due to inflation. By the end of this decade, 44 million Americans are uninsured. Provides benefits, rights, and protections in regards to healthcare Sets up a convenient marketplace such as to purchase health insurance Uses a technique in which people are required to purchase health insurance and failure to do so will result in a fee According to CMS Chief Actuary, the Affordable Care Act's payment cut to Medicare Advantage rates will cause a decrease in enrollment. Alas, millions of senior citizens who voluntarily enroll in Medicare Advantage rates will be forced out. How is this improving Medicare for our senior citizens? Undoubtedly, the Affordable Care Act is a demonstration of power. Americans are required to choose from insurance benefit packets and must heed with federal requirements concerning what is covered and what is not. Why is the government controlling our rights to appropriate healthcare? Why is that healthcare is a privilege when ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Health Care In Brazil Essay Health Care in Brazil Brazil's public health care system is not widespread which calls for major health concerns to the society. The need for improved health care is vital throughout the country of Brazil. 60% of the population uses the public health care system however it is basic shots and emergency visits, there is also a shortage of doctors, nurses and hospitals in areas of low population. In the 1980s, the citizen of Brazil launched an initiative that encouraged and effectively applied a universal public health system, Sistema Único de Saúde (Rio). By 2008, the use of health care had increased by 450% (Rio). The creation of the SUS in the late 1980s was an innovative move. Brazil founded a universal health care system that guaranteed ... Show more content on ... More than half of infant deaths occur in this area of Brazil. Disease is common between newborns, particularly in poor areas where basic supplies are lacking. The high infant mortality rates are a direct reflections of disease, deprived health care, poverty and birth–related issues. Poor maternal nutrition as well as the damaging effects of cigarette smoking contribute to these high rates. The most shared diseases include diarrhea, pneumonia, respiratory infections, measles, smallpox and fraquenza. (Infant Morality in Brazil 2014) Zika Virus Zika virus is primarily spread by mosquitoes. Public health officials have reported that mosquitoes in Brazil are infected with Zika virus and are spreading it to people, however exual transmission of Zika virus is also probable. People infected with Zika virus do not get sick. Amongst people who do develop symptoms experience mild sickness and have symptoms that last only for several days. Infection during pregnancy can cause serious birth defects. A pregnant woman can pass Zika virus to her fetus. CDC recommends special precautions for women who are pregnant; according to the CDC, they should not travel to any area of Brazil below 6,500 feet, this incudes Salvador, Porto Alegre and Sao ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Socioeconomic In Healthcare The United States healthcare system is undergoing a tremendous amount of changes. Cost effective care delivery has become a major focus from a sociopolitical perspective to socioeconomic. Healthcare policy is needed to support this innovation. There are specific healthcare goals that require policies derived from health specifics decisions, planning, and actions. Health policy helps to prioritize goals and roles from different stakeholders in the healthcare field as well as promote the achievement of vision for the future which in turn helps to establish targets and points of reference for the short and medium term ( World Health Organization, n.d.). Nurses in the advance leadership role can engage in this revolution that is to transform the entire healthcare system thus promote greater opportunities and autonomy for the nursing profession as a whole. You Decide Reflection The healthcare system is quite complex. However, advance practice registered nurses must have a reasonable amount of understanding in ... Show more content on ... This new and improved access to care is not without concerns. Holly (2013) compared the current PPACA with the U.S health care crisis of 1965 when the government increased demand with the passage of Medicare and Medicaid while restricting the supply of doctors and hospitals and health care prices responded by doubling the rate of inflation. The PPACA is thus identified as a repeat of that crisis. Not to mention many Americans are still without health insurance and emergency departments are overcrowded. Affordable, quality care and the health care disparities continue to be a major concern to many part of the nation and vulnerable populations such as minority groups, gender and high risks behavioral patients are still under care ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. The Health Care Crisis Essay The cost of insurance has increased dramatically over the past decade, far surpassing the general rate of inflation in most years. Between 1989 and 1996, the average amount an employee had to contribute for family coverage jumped from $935 to $1778. In 1990, American companies spent $177 billion on health benefits for workers and their dependents; that number rose to $252 billion by 1996, or more than double the rate of inflation. Among the cost drivers: an aging population – the number of senior citizens who need health benefits is increasing dramatically every year; medical technology advances – which decreased the death rate; new drugs – expensive and effective, which make us live longer; and of course the increase of fear in medical ... Show more content on ... The survey revealed that over 76% are concerned that malpractice litigation has hurt their ability to provide quality care to patients. Because of the resulting legal fear, 79% said that they had ordered more tests than they would, based only on professional judgment of what is medically needed, and 91% have noticed other physicians ordering more tests; 74% have referred patients to specialists more often than they believed was medically necessary; 51% have recommended invasive procedures such as biopsies to confirm diagnoses more often than they believed was medically necessary; and 41% said that they had prescribed more medications, such as antibiotics, than they would based only on their professional judgment, and 73% have noticed other doctors similarly prescribing excessive medications. Every test and every treatment poses a risk to the patient, and takes away funds that could better be used to provide health care to those who need it. Insurance premiums are largely determined by the expensive litigation system. The malpractice insurance system and the litigation system are inexorably linked. The litigation system is expensive, but, at the same time, it is slow and provides little benefit to patients who are injured by medical error. Its application is unpredictable, largely random, and non–standard. Most victims of ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Health Care Reform: Is Public Opinion In? Essay examples Health Care Reform is a nothing new to Americans. Americans have been fighting this battle for a long time. We have reached the point where we must a change. We must change something at this point it almost doesn't matter what we do as long as it's something different than we have. The insurance companies are making huge profits already, yet Americans receive some of the poorest care in the world. We spend twice as much on procedures than other countries spend. Countries like United Kingdom, France or in Canada spend much less on their procedures. As stated on CNN, 46 million Americans have no insurance and 25 million more is underinsured. The reason is employer have stopped offering insurance to employees because of high cost. All ... Show more content on ... Millions of American go without medical care because they can't afford it. As Senator Tom Daschle reported the problem is rooted in complexity of health care issue and the power of the interest groups. If health care reform doesn't happen what would happen to us? There will be a lot of sickness and death due to lack of treatment. The Americans cannot afford insurance to pay for the doctors and prescriptions that are prescribed. Our elderly would be affected tremendously they need home services, regular doctor visits and their medication. Health Care Reform been an issue since the Truman Presidency, he tried to come up with an solution for this problem. As the year went on it just became a bigger problem that why we in crisis. When former Senator Tom Daschle was in office he believes the solution lies in the Federal Reserve Board, which overseen the equally complicated financial system with great success. Daschle also offers a key solutions and creates a blueprint for solving the crisis. (Daschle,GreenBerger,Lambrew) I am certain that the government can do a better job with banking and insurance. But in both cases a private sector is needed in addition to a public sector. For medical insurance, the government should cover basic care, with the restriction that government insurance would not cover drugs that are still exclusive, unless such drugs are as cheap in th U.S. as any other of the top 10 ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. The Health Care Crisis and What to Do About It The Health Care Crisis and What to Do About It Ashford University MHA620, Health Policy Analyses March 13, 2013 The cost of receiving treatment– cost effectiveness Hard–core diseases have proved to be hell for most people because of the high costs of treatment. In a country like the U.S. that is a world leader in advanced medical care, a significant proportion of its total gross domestic product (GDP) is used to fund health care. A lot of money is used in treating some of these diseases and there is no guarantee that the disease will be totally suppressed. The private sector spends more on health care and the government provides funds in enhancing the health sector. The aspect of spending more in health than in food ... Show more content on ... When selecting people to receive insurance covers, employers should never assume that the health status of their employees represents that of the larger population. Health–insurance programs should benefit the larger population who pays taxes (Krugman). Innovative health care– the technology involved Groundbreaking innovations have taken the health system to greater heights. Scientists are working around the clock to unmask some of the most pressing needs in the field of medicine. They are in search of drugs that will one day cure some of the deadliest diseases in human history. But how significant have these innovations been to the majority of people who cannot afford expensive health care? If the innovation of high–tech medical care is to the detriment of the common people, why should we continue embracing such kind of technology? We all appreciate the levels to which technology has taken health care. However, such kind of technology has proved very costly and the majority of people cannot sustain such kind of system. Some renowned medics have discovered scientific inventions that are still very relevant in our daily lives. The history of medicine dates back to the discovery of polio vaccine and the agents that cause cancer. The use of Deep Brain Stimulation in the treatment of Parkinson's disease is also another great invention in medicine. Another major innovation of recent ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Health Care Crisis Health Care Crisis There are currently about 46,000 licensed doctors practicing in the state of Pennsyvania, according to the Pennsylvania Department of State and many are leaving. The health care crisis has become a hot topic in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. With many doctors preparing to leave and some of which have all ready left the state due to the rising costs of medical malpractice insurance. According to the American Medical Association Pennsylvania is one of twelve states in the midst of a liability crisis. "Steven Barrer doesn't want to move to New Jersey. ‘I'm being forced out,' Barrer said. A neurosurgeon affiliated with Abington Memorial Hospital, Barrer has been dropped by his current malpractice insurance carrier and ... Show more content on ... Jessica was O–positive and the organs were type A. Jessica's body almost instantly began rejecting the new organs. There was a case where a woman had both breasts wrongly removed because of a mix up and the woman who died due to a botched organ transplant. Then there are those claims or lawsuits that are frivolous. One particular case is where a SEPTA bus was involved in a traffic accident. Injuries reported were minor in nature. However, one woman initiated a $5 million dollar lawsuit claiming she had lost her clairvoyant powers after the accident. Citing the use of a CAT scan by the treating physician and hospital as the primary reason she lost these powers. The Philadelphia jury awarded her $5 million dollars, which was subsequently reduced to approximately 2 million. The people who seem to benefit most are the lawyers, law firms and sometimes the patients. Lawyers will tell you that caps on damages are unfair and ineffective. They claim that capping awards will not solve the current crisis in the state. Caps would punish the most severely injured victims of avoidable medical mistakes victims of blindness, deformity, and amputation. Do not even attempt to speak to a plaintiff's attorney about having caps placed on awards from a civil case. No one can put a price tag on their child's head. If Jessica were your daughter would a cap of $250,000 be enough for you. "Caps won't reduce premiums. Insurance companies' bad investments, greed, and even fraud have ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. The Patient Protection Affordable Care Act Essay The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, more commonly known as Obamacare, was passed in June of 2010 by the Supreme Court (Doyle 1). Georges C. Benjamin, MD, the executive director of the Public Health Association says: The new law will guarantee millions of Americans access to quality, affordable care regardless of health status; decrease rates of the nation's leading chronic diseases; control soaring health spending; and strengthen our battered public health infrastructure... Health reform and its historic investment in prevention will help us achieve the promise we made to give our children a higher quality of life than we have ( This new bill includes an individual mandate requiring all uninsured individuals to ... Show more content on ... With the new act, insurance companies are no longer able to deny coverage to anyone based on their history of illnesses, current mental health illnesses, or potential future development of an illness. Along with coverage of pre–existing conditions and prohibiting insurance companies to cancel coverage if a person becomes ill, the act is the first act in history that "ensures that mental health and substance abuse treatment services are required benefits in all basic health insurance packages" providing health for a much wider range of people ( The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act "prohibits all health plans, including grandfathered plans, from rescinding a health insurance policy once one is covered" ( The only possible reason for a health insurance policy to rescind ones coverage is if "the enrollee has committed fraud or made an 'intentional misrepresentation of material fact" ( The universal coverage by this new act is a major benefit in the structure of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. When determining if the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is beneficial for America or not, it is important to look at both sides of the argument. There are many positives that provide a strong argument supporting the bill. When the bill was initially proposed, President Obama assured Americans that, if they so choose, they would be able to keep their same doctor and ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. The Health Care Crisis And An Understanding Of The Reforms A. The health care crisis and an understanding of the reforms The American Health Care system to say the least is wasteful, bloated, and generally inefficient and therefore in dire need for immediate review. This has largely been as a result of factors such as costs, poor investment return for outlays, inequitably distribution, and being based on anachronistic business model geared at treating diseases more than promoting wellness. The figures are all there to see why a radical surgery of the health care reforms has been long overdue. One reason why we have been spending too much on health care is out of our incentives which are perverse.–we have been paying doctors by the procedures they perform as opposed to the quality of health care we ... Show more content on ... Over the last few decades, a deliberate fundamental but progressive shift in structure towards provision of care in outpatient settings avoiding inpatient overnight stays in hospitals has been embraced. Theoretically, such a shift is meant to save on costs as fixed costs in outpatients setting are generally lower than in–hospital stays. Unfortunately, this shift resulted to much higher utilization and adding more costs to the system. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) was signed into law by President Obama on March 23, 2010 which marked a historic milestone for the Democrats who had for decades been yearning for such a legislation. It signified a turning point in Americans' healthcare expansion, availability and affordability. The coming into force of the Act gave hard working Americans families security by holding the insurance companies accountable as well as lowering the cost of health care, and giving them more freedom and control in making their health care choices and improving the care quality. Previously, different reforms in the health care sector have been proposed to address issues of cost as well as coverage to include such health areas like prevention and treatment of chronic ailments, obesity, defensive medicine, incentives rewarding more care, redundant payment systems, rationing, doctors' and nurses' shortage, fraud, use of imaging technology, tax ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Essay about Health Care: A Nation in Crisis The United States of America is current facing a financial crisis of biblical proportions. The central to this crisis is the catalyst of health care costs. Most American's spend over half of their yearly income on their health. Only a tenth of the nation's population has health insurance and a chronic or prolonged illness can and does bankrupt people. Without a plan for the salvation of the national, as well as the citizen's economic wellbeing, we all will go bankrupt. It will take the entire leadership of this nation, along with individual efforts is needed to prevent this catastrophe from coming to true. President Baraka H. Obama, along with the 111th United States Congress enacted, "The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act", ... Show more content on ... What, when and how to buy or sell things is managed by this principal. In a free market the absolute power to prices determines the allocation and distribution of goods and services. Therefore a true Free Market economy has very little to no government regulation. (Schansberg 27–58) "Anyone who knows history, particularly the history of Europe, will, I think, recognize that the domination of education or of government by any one particular religious faith is never a happy arrangement for the people." – Anna Eleanor Roosevelt (born October 11, 1884 –dead November 7, 1962) was Civil Rights advocate, the First Lady and wife of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt of the United States from 1933 to 1945. (Moncur, 2010) The government in the United States of America has been active in regulating and financing health care ever since the Franklin Delano Roosevelt's New Deal programs implemented in the thirty's. The New Deal Welfare, Public Works and re–disruption of wealth programs of this era have shaped today's crisis. The enactment of personal taxation (excise taxes, personal income taxes, inheritance taxes, corporate income taxes, holding company taxes and so–called "excess profits" taxes) tripled federal taxes rolls from $1.6 billion in 1933 to $5.3 billion in 1940, financing the welfare programs of the New Deal. According to the Cato Institute based in Washington D.C. and partner ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Fitness Work : The Health Care Crisis Fitness Work! will serve a suburban area in Melbourne ,Australia, where many of upper middle class people live. Our goal is to help them to become more productive, while lowering their overall costs with innovative wellness programs. Our business is based on two simple facts; healthy employees are more productive than chronically ill employees and it costs less to prevent injuries or illnesses than to treat them after they occur. At Fitness Work!, we tie worker productivity directly to the health care issue. We believe that traditional approaches to the current health care crisis are misdirected. These traditional efforts are what we call "reactive"; which mean that they wait until after the worker has been stricken with illness or ... Show more content on ... We feel the time is right for Fitness Work!. 2. Strategic Focus and Plan This portion of our marketing plan focuses on the strategic planning of Fitness Work! to make it a successful business. There are three areas that we will talk about: mission statement, economic and non–economic goals, and competitive advantage. Mission Statement: To help people live healthy and enrich their daily life. Goals: Economic: 1.To break–even in profits versus losses within the first 3–4 years of business. 2. In six years, achieve a 20%–28% profit from the services we provide. 3. Each year, increase market share in 3% in a constant rate. 4. Lower the expense cost after five years operation. Non–economic: 1.Within six years, expand our services to physic therapy, spa treatment and indoor snowboarding and skiing if possible. 2. To enlarge demand outside of business contract with companies and individual membership. 3. Make available more services and extend business to every community. Be the largest indoor super gym complex in the Melbourne 4. Within fifteen years, expand Fitness Work! business to the ten largest cities in the Australia. 5. Provide the highest quality services at a reasonable price to every people.
  • 66. Competitive Advantage Fitness Work!'s main competitive advantage is the wide range health services at a reasonable price. The gym offers a lot of support services for people who need to socialize or have fun after exercises, ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. Improving The Quality Of The Care Essay Furthermore, improving the quality of the care that is received will be cost–effective in the long– term. Primary care physicians and educators can be further trained to recognize depression as well as any other mental health disorder. With early identification and referral for diagnosis, much of the later treatment can be avoided. Intervention for behavioral health occurs in four stages – detection, medication, counseling, and continuity of care. Currently, all four areas have a deficit. Detection should be increased with primary care physicians. Medications should be more accessible. Counseling should be available and affordable. Continuity of care is only possible when patients can access regular follow–up care with a physician, preferably a psychiatrist. If detection is improved, there needs to be availability of resources for referral. Smit et al. (2006) found that minimal contact cognitive behavioral therapy had a 70% chance of being more cost–effective than primary care alone for subthreshold depression, showing that intervention even before diagnosis can prevent cost of hospital admissions and decreased productivity in the future1. While this study only focused on depression, the same is true for many behavioral health pathologies because they are often progressive in nature. While improvements in quality of care – such as increased training for primary care physicians on mental health detection and increasing the number of outpatient psychological and psychiatric ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Obama Care Health Crisis There have been many deaths going on around the United States and it has been caused by people's health. Your health should be the main thing you are concerned about so if you haven't already, you should go for a checkup. In 1980 healthcare expenditures were $256 billion, according to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. We become so involved in buying fast foods when it is not good for the health. A serious illness can lead to financial ruin if you do not have insurance. For those who do not have insurance can get Obamacare. It is the same as Medicaid or Medicare but it is a great insurance program. Health crisis is a complex health system that affects the life of people in different states around the world. Health issues have been ... Show more content on ... American spends far more per person on the costs of litigation than any other state in the world. Some doctors would rather treat the multitude with policy and wealthy than people without. According to fragmentation issues in the health care system, nearly 50% of wellness aid outlay in the U.S. is publicly funded by Fed, State, and county floor governments through various entitlement programs such as Medicare, Medicaid, and the Veterans Administration (VA). The result is a compartmentalized and fragmented system. This is also true in the buck private health care sector, with over 1500 health insurers handling the private insurance market place, each offering unique health policies that have different deductibles. Some people should take health care more serious and take time out now to fix their problems. They may not think that nothing is wrong with them but you must take the risk of finding out now than taking the risk of risking your life. Take your life serious because the world we live in now is weird and many deaths come from health problems. Take care of your health, go see a doctor and don't refuse medical attention where you need it the most because a healthier body is a healthier you. The costs of prescription drugs are rising even faster than the general rise in health care costs. Small businesses do not provide health insurance ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. The Health Care Crisis Of The United States The health care crisis in the United States has been out of control for many years. According to National Health Expenditure Projections, Americans will spend approximately 3.2 trillion on health care in 2015. If the United States health care system was a country, it would be the 6th largest economy on the entire planet (National Health Expenditure). The article stated that back in 1960, an average person spends 147 dollars on health care, that number had increase rapidly to 8,086 dollars. I wonder why, but then again, cost of health care is not regulated by the government, prices are set by American Medical Association (National Health Expenditure). The United States spends more on health care than Japan, Germany, France, the United Kingdom and Canada combined (Sick around the World). The top executives at the five largest for–profit health insurance companies in the United States combined made 200 million (National Health Expenditure). Hospital executives continue to make millions of dollars in profit while consumers struggle to pay off their medical costs. The United States is the only develop country where 62 percent of all personal bankruptcies were related to medical bills (Sick around the world). Some politician had proposed bills to have the health care system reformed, but had rarely been successful. Surprisingly, in 2010, a reform was passed. The Affordable Care Act, also known as the Obama Care goal was to address these issues within the health care system and ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Community Mental Health Evaluate the job role and function of three mental health professionals outlined in this course and their effectiveness. Community Psychiatric Nurse (CPN) Community psychiatric nurses have a vast amount of responsibilities and roles within the mental health sector. They are a registered nurse that have undergone specialised training in mental health who work within the community. Some can be attached to general doctor surgeries, within the prison system, mental health units, homes and even the homeless and/or community mental health centres to name a few. They may also have their own practices. They not only work with the patient they also work with and along side the families educating them to understand and cope with the patients ... Show more content on ... Psychologists teach patients new coping strategies during difficult stressful times in their lives. They conduct therapeutic interviews and provide counselling. They offer a confidential, non–judgemental place to talk and learn copying strategies for achieving better mental health. Social Workers Social workers within the mental health sector require further study and have had to have completed the necessary post–qualifying requirements. Once this is done they are qualified to involuntarily detain a patient under the mental health act. They are normally employed by social services. They have a distinctive role within multi–agency settings. They work with the patient and their families. They work with the patient with mental health problems to help identify and realise their own needs. Working with the families and explaining to the family what their needs are and how to accommodate them while still having a life themselves. Social workers are also there for patients and families that may have had a negative experience within the mental health services and make it a positive experience. People with mental health problems can feel isolated and have problems sustaining and preserving social contacts and social networks, it is a social workers role to coordinate and monitor care plans so that this does not happen. They are often responsible for managing and budgeting the complete care package, this also may include ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. Mental Health Professional : Carol Mcclelland Of Freedom... Mental Health Professional The mental health professional I interviewed was Carol McClelland of Freedom House Recovery Center in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Carol has worked with Freedom House for a year as the directory of outpatient services and is licensed as a LPC, LPCS, LCAS, CCS, and MA. Carol's job requires her to be responsible for the direct oversight of all clinical operations and clinical integrity for outpatient services at Freedom House. The hours of operation are Monday through Friday from 8am to 5pm, along with a crisis and detox center that is available for contact 24/7. Carol has plenty of experience in the mental health field, such as working as a dual diagnosis/substance abuse outpatient therapist, working with the severely mentally ill, working as a criminal justice outpatient therapist, and also working in a methadone clinic. She chose this career after her experiences in working with mental health, and her extensive education in psychology and counseling. Carol stated that outpatient services was the most interesting out of her job experiences, so when she was offered the job at Freedom House, she accepted. Freedom House Freedom House opened in 1974 as a recovery center for children and adults with behavioral, mental, and substance use disorders based on a holistic, person–centered approach to treatment. The services provided by Freedom House include a comprehensive clinical assessment, psychiatric evaluation, individual/group/family ... Get more on ...
  • 77.
  • 78. The Current Crisis Within Health Care The current crisis within health care is a crisis of leadership. Do you agree? Introduction Nowadays, health care setups get exposed to various crisis incidents. It is on the grounds that medicinal services, suppliers may act because of circumstances amid function as an emergency like routinely experience wounds, violence, fatalities, human error and human proceeding with the consistent work. These situations meet the most crisis values, yet they are depended upon to continue separate, provide proficient, effectual intrusions and a while later on move alongside to the accompanying patient and condition. In addition, these are frequently called upon to give support to patients and their families deal with their crisis on an energized ... Show more content on ... Despite the fact that the administration impact in the calling of nursing is requested on the grounds that they need to manage the first experiences with patients while on employment in the premises of health care setting. They manage the issues of patients, including intense subject matters, and for that they ought to must be prepared. At the same time because of less significance to this nursing occupation, short wages and aprofessioln dissatisfaction, there is a deficiency of nursing staff initiative force (Kimball, 2002). In this assignment, the focus would be on the leadership crisis of nursing profession, the barriers creating hindrance in the leadership strength of the nursing staff and the possible outcomes as well as suggestions would be given at the end of the discussion. Leaders and the Leadership Leaders are people who settle on the best choice. They help themselves and also other individuals to do the right things. They set course, develop a touching idea, and create something new. Such as a political leader, seeking an energetic, individual cause; a pilgrim, statuette a path through the wild for the straggling leftovers of his assembly to take after; and an official, adds to their association 's method to beat the resistance (Goleman, 2002). The leadership is the specialty of getting another person ... Get more on ...