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Mental Disorder Essay
Personality disorders are very defined and recognized in today's society. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) published
by the American Psychiatric Association provides common language and standards classifying mental disorders. The DSM is used by many people in
varying disciplines in the USA as well as many other countries. In times past, people with disorders may have been outcast from a community or even
persecuted. However, in our current culture the pendulum has swung in the other direction. It almost seems that there is a trend to explain all behavior
by a mental disorder. This results in needing to disprove that certain people are not displaying a disorder, rather acting within a normal human emotion more content...
As the name BPD infers, it was thought to be on the border between psychotic and neurotic behavior. With stigmatizing negative association, BPD
is slowly changing to no longer be considered a relevant term for diagnosing. There is a movement to change the terminology of the diagnosis to
Emotional Unstable. This new term may more accurately depict what someone is going through as well as remove the negative stigmatism
associated with BPD. With BPD there are often extremes in beliefs and views, such as all good or all bad. People with BPD are can be uncertain
about whom they truly are as a person. With no self sense, interests and values may conflict as well as change rapidly. Their views of others may
also change quickly. One day a certain person may be admired. The next day that same person may be despised or hated. Suddenly shifting feelings
often foster relationships that are unstable and intense. There are numerous other identifiable traits someone with BPD may display. Some of these
symptoms may include fear abandonment, feelings of emptiness and boredom, frequent displays of inappropriate anger, destructive impulsiveness,
intolerance of being alone, as well as repeated self crises (i.e. self injury). Diagnosis is often made during young adulthood as well as adolescence. It is
becoming apparent that some children may be displaying BPD from as early as one year old, especially as the condition is further
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Borderline Personality Disorder Essay example
Borderline personality disorder (BPD) first got its name because researchers thought it was in the middle of psychotic illnesses and neurotic disorders
("Treating borderline personality disorders," 2010). Scientists think there is a direct correlation with the receptors in the brain responsible for "opioid"
transmission and the behaviors demonstrated by people with the disorder (Bandelow, B; Schmahi, C; Falki, P; Wedekind, D., 2010, pp. 623–636).
Symptoms of BPD include "interpersonal hypersensitivity, fear of being left alone, self–harming behavior, and extremely impulsive behaviors"
(Gunderson, John, 2011, pp. 2037–2042). Symptoms of the disorder usually present themselves around early adulthood, mostly in women (Biskin, R. & more content...
& Paris, J., 2012, p. 1789). Regulation of the endogenous opioid system in the brain can cause problems with uncontrollable moods and separation
anxiety (Ripoll, Luis, 2013). Neurobiologists think there is a direct link between the "endogenous opioid system and dopaminergic reward system" in
patients with the disorder (Bandelow, Borwin, et al., 2010). Also, studies into the neuropeptide bonding in the brain may shed light on why people with
borderline personality disorder have warped body images and display social dysfunction (Ripoll, Louis, 2013). However, no genes have been identified
to directly relate borderline personality to heredity. Studies indicate "sixty–eight percent of the variance associated with genetic factors are in the same
range as those with hypertension" (Gunderson, John, 2011). The Diagnostic Statistic Manual V. describes the symptoms of borderline personality as a
"pervasive pattern of instability of interpersonal relationships, self–image, and affects, and marked impulsivity beginning at early adulthood"
(American Psychiatry Association, 2013, p. 663). People with this disorder tend to be more promiscuous and as a result feel worthless (Bandelow,
Borwin, et al., 2010). Patients also tend to engage in "nearness–distance conflicts" with their partner, eventually breaking up with the person (Bandelow,
Borwin, et al., 2010). Borderline personality disorder causes patients to perceive they have been wronged
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Borderline Personality Disorder Essay
Borderline Personality Disorder Borderline Personality Disorder is a pattern of instable moods, relationships, and a sense of identity. The Borderline
Personality Disorder is usually found in the Axis I of the DSM–IV, it is can be qualified as a mood disorder because of the disturbance in mood and
most Borderlines tend to have substance abuse problems, which is also found in Axis I. But Borderline Personality Disorder can also be categorized in
the Axis II, because it is a personality disorder. People who are diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder are functioning at the border of
neurosis and psychosis (Halgin & Whitbourne, 2010). Individuals have a higher possibility for developing Borderline Personality Disorder in their more content...
Individuals with Borderline Personality Disorder do not have any or very little, emotion or feelings, they are more likely to commit suicide.
Borderlines are also confused about who they are and what their place is in this world (Halgin & Whitbourne, 2010). Approximately 75 percent of
Borderlines hurt themselves and 10 percent of them commit suicide, compared to only 6 percent rate for people who commit suicide in mood
disorders (Cloud, 2009). Some Borderlines hurt themselves only to seek out attention from others but some end up losing their lives because of a
severe wound or over dosing. These individuals are trying to find a way to escape their depression, numbness, and over exaggerated emotions and
most of the time they turn to alcohol and drugs to make them feel something. Once these factors are added to the Borderline Personality Disorder,
the risk of over dosing is much higher than it is for someone who does not have this disorder. Almost always, individuals who develop Borderline
Personality Disorder were neglected in some ways as a child. Some individuals come from homes where they were abused, some were not allowed to
show their emotions in public (Cloud, 2009), and others who did not have a relationship with their mother like they wanted (Halgin & Whitbourne,
2010). In these situations, "the child does not learn how to understand,
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Borderline Personality Disorder Essay
Borderline Personality Disorders Hunter Boumans Central Louisiana Technical Community College DEFINITION– Aka BPD, is a mental disorder
marked by ongoing intense mood swings, self–imaging problems, and impulsive behavior usually surfacing during adolescence to early adulthood and
can lead to major psychological disorders later in life. POSSIBLE CAUSE/RISK FACTORS– The exact cause has not been distinguished yet.
However, research shows that genetics, and environment as well as social factors are likely involved. Risk Factors Include: пѓ Genetics– According
to NIMH (nation institute of mental health) BPD is 5X more likely to occur if an immediate family member has it. пѓ Environmental & Social
Factors– Research from Mayo Clinic has found that many people diagnosed with BPD have reported traumatic life events during childhood
development. пѓ Brain– Multiple research has found that certain abnormalities in the brains anatomy that regulate impulses and emotions may not be
functioning normally and could be root of the cause. SIGNS/SYMPTOMS– Severe dissociative symptoms (ex. observing themselves from outside of
their body), Uncontrollable and intense anger rages, Chronic depression Unstable and intense mood swings, episodes ranging in length from hours to
days. Reoccurring suicide threats and self–harm Impulsive, dangerous behaviors such as driving fast and substance use Unstable relationships
TREATMENT– пѓ Therapy– General Psychiatric Management–
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Living with Borderline Personality Disorder is either waking up on the wrong side of the bed or the right side of the bed. Patient A has been living
with Borderline personality disorder, also known as BPD for four years now. I chose to interview Patient A because I also was diagnosed with BPD
and wanted to see what another person living with this disorder thinks and feels. First off, what is borderline personality disorder? Borderline
personality disorder is a serious mental disorder marked by a pattern of ongoing instability in moods, behavior, self–image and functioning (Borderline
Personality Disorder, 2016). I wanted to know what symptoms of BPD are and Patient A stated, "symptoms of BPD are impulsive actions or
behaviors, really unhealthy relationships, it's all or nothing, there can be no in the middle with relationships, feeling alone or isolated, feeling
empty, always being afraid of being abandoned, and mood swings," (A, 2016). When researching symptoms of BPD, a lot of what Patient A said
came up. I wanted to know more about being afraid of abandonment and having unhealthy relationships so I did a little digging. Patient A described
her relationships as being 'all or nothing.' When I asked her to explain, she said that all of her relationships were very close and personal relationships.
She does not want or even know how to have a relationship with someone that is more of an acquaintance relationship. She feels like those types of
relationships are superficial
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Essay On Borderline Personality Disorder
Today I chose to write about Borderline Personality Disorder. I chose this because it's a disorder I have been struggling with my whole life.
Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a mental disorder that can be caused by chemical imbalances in the brain, early childhood trauma, and
Borderline Personality Disorder involves many symptoms that interfere with daily life. Some symptoms are chronic fear of abandonment, constant
mood swings, anxiety, dissociation, impulsivity, and manic states. BPD usually begins to manifest in the late teenage years, however, it can be
diagnosed earlier if symptoms have been present for two years or over. If someone had a childhood trauma, especially related to abandonment, it can
cause BPD. Borderline is most common in women, although there is controversy surrounding that statistic because of gender–based discrimination.
Although BPD is a lifelong condition, there are ways more content...
One thing you can do is let them know how much you care about them, it will lessen their fears of you abandoning them. Another thing you can do
is be entirely honest, this will make you more trustworthy and trust is a big issue for those with BPD. Another thing that you can do to help those
with BPD is to try to be less neutral. People with BPD commonly mistake neutrality for anger or annoyance, so by being clear that you are not
angry you can let them know exactly how you feel so that they do not think you are angry with them. This is not their fault, as early childhood abuse
is most likely the cause of mistaking neutrality for anger. Those with BPD tend to see things in black and white terms, so to avoid splitting, a term
used to describe rapidly changing your opinions of someone, you should be entirely honest with someone with BPD so they don't think you are trying
to deceive them in any way, that way they will have less of an issue with
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Borderline Personality Disorder
of developing borderline personality disorder. Along with this belief is that genetics play a very little role of risk of development but it is mostly due
to the type of environment that the child grew up in. Some neurocognitive studies showed that people who have borderline personality disorder have
executive functioning deficits which means that those individuals are more prone to risky decision making. The "reduced serotonergic responsiveness"
(Leichsenring et al., 2011, p. 76) is believed to be associated with the impulsive aggression that borderline personality patients have. The emotional
neglect and invalidation that caretakers may give to individuals with borderline personality disorder seems to help with the development of the disorder. more content...
One of the therapies used is called mentalization–based treatment. The main focus of this therapy is that those diagnosed with borderline personality
disorder learn how to recognize their emotions as well as the emotions of other people. After about 2 years of the mentalization–based treatment it has
been discovered that 8 years after the treatment finished those individuals still showed a "stable level of improvement" (Paris, 2015, p. 15). There is
also transference–focused psychotherapy. This is similar to mentalization–based therapy with the exception that it "focuses mostly on here–and–now
distortion" (Paris, 2015, p. 15) of reality that affects the patients
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Reflection On Borderline Personality Disorder
Reflection Number Three Over the past few units, I have greatly expanded my knowledge about several different psychological topics. Though many of
the topics that were discussed sparked my interest, there were two types of disorders that furthered my knowledge, but also eliminated some
stereotypes that I had about them. The two main areas that I learned more about regarding these disorders were characteristics of the disorders and
different methods of treatment. A common theme that has been discussed in multiple different units is that several psychological disorders can have
similar symptoms and characteristics. It is crucial to understand what makes one psychological disorder different than another one. Determining what
type of disorders an individual might have can lead to better and more accurate treatment options; treatments methods are important because they help
individuals manage their disorders. The two disorders that I found to be the most important and most interesting are borderline personality disorder and
schizophrenia. Borderline personality disorder is associated with a variety of different components and symptoms. The two main areas that borderline
personality disorder is related to are moods and relationships; both of these areas tend to be quite unstable. The element about borderline personality
disorder that I was not aware of was the increased risk that they have of injury or even death by their own hands. It is a common stereotype that is
depicted in the media that those with psychological disorders are always acting sporadically and causing harm. It was discussed in this unit that the
main reason these individuals are risks to themselves is because of instability, dysfunction, and impulsivity. Though these elements may sound like they
match what is portrayed in the media, there are deeper meanings behind them that can cause dangerous behaviors. Instability is associated with
relationships; individuals with borderline personality disorder often have unstable relationships because of their lack of emotional control, which can
then lead to a constant fear of abandonment. Dysfunction is associated with unstable emotions and is often a good predictor of potential suicidal
thoughts and
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Borderline Personality Disorder ( Bpd ) Essay
Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is characterized by difficulties in regulating emotion. This difficulty leads to severe, unstable mood swings,
impulsivity and instability, poor self–image, and troubled personal relationships. When Adolf Stern first coined the term "border line" in 1938, he used
it to describe outpatients that did not fall into the standard classification system used in the psychiatric profession. Patients with this disorder had what
he determined as, "associative thinking, disturbances of reality testing, pervasive anger, and shallowness of effect." Borderline patients were also
describes as having a less severe form schizophrenia. In 1942, psychologist Helene Deutsch described a group of patients lacking a consistent sense of
identity without a source of inner direction. She created the term "As–If Personalities," as the patients completely identified with those people upon
whom they were dependent. Melitta Schmideberg first described Borderline Personality Disorder in 1959 as a disorder of character. These afflicted
individuals experience intense emotional dysregulation, fear of abandonment, and hopelessness within interpersonal relationships. Fortunately, there is
much research available about this particular personality disorder and help is available through both psychotherapy and medicinal therapies. This
paper will discuss the diagnosis and its symptoms as well as efficacious and evidence–based treatment. It will also discuss the Biblical
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Borderline Personality Disorder Essay
Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is described as "a serious mental disorder marked by a pattern of ongoing instability in moods, behavior,
self–image, and functioning" (National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), 2017, p. 1). Individuals who have BPD struggle to regulate or control
their emotions and impulses. There is considerable controversy over the diagnosis of BPD and limited figures on its prevalence within the Canadian
population (Grant et al., 2008), but American figures identify 6% of the population as being diagnosed with BPD (CAMH, 2012). I wish to look
further into the BPD diagnosis and examine the pros and cons of affixing this label to individuals. Further to this, I would like to reflect on the
information presented.
Borderline Personality Disorder Neurological imaging studies propose that individuals with BPD possess an overactive amygdala where emotions are
processed, and decreased activity in the pre–frontal cortex that regulates those emotions (Pier, Marin, Wilsnack & Goodman, 2016). Causation is not
known but correlations include inheritability, childhood trauma and other social and environmental factors (NIMH, 2017). Mental Health Canada
(2017) state "BPD results from a combination of individual vulnerability to environmental stress, neglect or abuse as young children, and a series of
events that trigger the onset of the disorder as young adults" (p. 1).
The amygdala organizes emotional responses, especially those linked to aggression and fear,
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Borderline Personality Disorder ( Bpd ) Essay
Borderline Personality Disorder is a serious psychiatric disorder that is not well known among the greater population. Throughout the years many
advances to treat a once untreatable disorder have been developed. This paper reviews the diagnostic features of Borderline Personality Disorder
(BPD) and its many methods of treatment, in efforts to bring a greater awareness of its presence. Within this body of reading the clinical
presentation, diagnostic criteria, treatment methods, prevalence and incidence rates of BPD and a case study will be reviewed for greater
understanding. Who BPD effects and how it is best treated will also be compared in addition to need to know information regarding BPD will also be
evaluated. Keywords: Borderline Personality Disorder, psychotherapy, pharmacological treatment, Transference–Focused Psychotherapy, Cognitive
Behavioral Therapy, psychodynamically
Borderline Personality Disorder and its Dimensions
There are many mental illnesses that plague our world today will little recognition. This paper will highlight one of these disorders in particular is
that of borderline personality disorder (BPD). By definition borderline personality disorder is characterized as a severe mental disorder with on going
instability in behavior, self–image, moods, and functioning (NIMH, n.d). This disorder is known to commence throughout adolescence but in many
cases it may not surface until adulthood. Affecting both males and females proportionately, this
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Borderline Personality Disorder
The antisocial and borderline personality disorders share a number of common characteristics. Anger is a key affect for some of the individuals who
have been diagnosed of Antisocial Personality disorder. There is a pattern of disregards for and violation of the rights of others. 1) The first thing you
must do is to confine them in a location with locked doors preferably within the jurisdiction system, because they will not stay around very long. 2)
Confrontation– by pointing out the lying by commission, omission or assent. I will repeat it by providing encouragement softly spoken of tone. 3)
Goal setting– allow the client to set reasonable goals for his/or herself. Once the goal has been established, then we will discuss how important it
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Borderline Personality Disorder Essay
What is Borderline Personality Disorder? Is heredity the cause or is it a person's surrounding environment? What are its effects? Are there any
treatments available for it? Borderline Personality Disorder or BPD is a serious illness that causes a person to experience instability in moods, exhibit
impulsive, quite often aggressive, behavior and creates severe self–worth issues. BPD is usually not a "stand alone" illness and typically is
accompanied by other disorders such as Dysthymia, Bipolar Disorder and Substance Abuse. Although BPD can be extremely dangerous to those
affected by it and those surrounded by them, it is quite often not given enough attention or taken as serious as it should be. As well, BPD is commonly
misdiagnosed more content...
"The best explanation appears to be that there is a confluence of environmental factors and a neurobiological propensity that leads to a sensitive,
emotionally labile child." (NAMI, n.d) Clearly, we see the cause discussion is a complex one and that there are many factors involved for a child to
develop BPD. We can see that the cause does not only come down to a person's genetic makeup or the environment in which they are surrounded, but in
many things combined.
Symptoms of Borderline Personality Disorder vary from intense mood swings to suicidal thoughts and attempts. There are a vast number of
symptoms in which a person diagnosed with BPD will most likely display and these need to be dealt with as the serious matter that they are. Those
affected by this disorder will typically engage in harmful, impulsive behavior such as substance abuse, risky sexual behavior and reckless driving. They
struggle with self–worth issues and also with personal relationships. They may feel the need to inflict pain on themselves and some may even take it
as far as attempting to commit suicide or threatening to do so. In my personal experience, I have had to deal with someone who, although not
diagnosed, displays every symptom on BPD that I could find. I was romantically involved with this person and all I can say is that it takes a
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It took me longer than usual to start this essay, because I fell into a deep pit of self–doubt every time I tried. Whenever I start a personal piece about
my childhood, my mind instantly becomes a hive of swirling thoughts in a cloud of static. No matter what I know to be true, the fear of having my
mother discredit me severely impedes progress. I have known about Borderline Personality Disorder for some time, and I knew my estranged mother
was diagnosed with it at one point, but I didn't really start researching it until a friend lent me a copy of Surviving a Borderline Parent. Part of me
was afraid if I learned more about it, I would only feel sympathy for her, and guilt for going no contact. As awful as it sounds, I was tired of trying
to understand her, and I was over feeling guilty about her personal wounds. There was also a bigger part of me that was afraid of admitting my
upbringing influenced my personality in such a strong way. On some level, I know she would take credit for any of it, the good and the bad, because
that is her style. To admit that I was a self–defeatist, that I am intimately familiar with Impostor Syndrome, is to admit that all of her taunting was
correct. I don't live up to my potential, and I am afraid of success. Borderline Personality Disorder(BPD) is estimated to affect up to 5.9% of the U.S.
population, with 75% being women; though it is believed more men may be undiagnosed or mistreated. Because of the lack of conversation surrounding
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Borderline Personality Disorder Essay
Personality disorders are very defined and recognized in today's society. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) published
by the American Psychiatric Association provides common language and standards to classify mental disorders. The DSM is used by many people in
varying disciplines in many other countries. In times past, people with disorders may have been misunderstood, outcast from community, or even
persecuted. However, in our current culture the pendulum has swung in the other direction. People are tricky creatures to study due to the complexity
and magical way our brain works. Very little is known, even less is understood about how and why we work the way we do. 1.One of the disorders
identified in more content...
This can manifest as tension triggered by perceived rejection, being alone, and failure.3 Those with BPD are associated with many different feelings.
Some of the feeling can be positive, but are often recognized as negative; creating destructive thoughts and actions. Diagnosis is often made during
young adulthood as well as adolescence. It is becoming apparent that some children may be displaying BPD from as early as one year old, especially
as the condition is further understood.4 A person with this disorder is often bright, intelligent, and appears friendly and competent.5 A stressful
situation is often the catalyst to break down positive appearances of those who suffer from BPD. A romantic issue, death of someone close, or work
trouble can wash aside developed coping ability, which may have taken years to build. With emotional or situational structure gone, someone with BPD
may take brash action against themselves or others.6 Destructive behaviors and chaotic relationships are an unfortunate expectation in BPD.7 As the
name BPD infers, it was thought to be on the border between psychotic and neurotic behavior. With a potentially stigmatizing negative association, the
term BPD is slowly becoming viewed as irrelevant for diagnosing. There is a movement to change the terminology of the diagnosis due to the possible
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Borderline Personality Disorder Essay
Literature Review
Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) can be described in simple terms as a condition in which sufferers experience long periods of emotional
instability and troubled feelings about themselves and other people. These troubled feelings allow individuals to take impulsive measures and have
trouble in their relationships (Bouchard, Sabourin, Lussier & Villeneuve, 2009). BPD basically comprises of unusual intensities of instability in mood
and irrational thinking also referred to as splitting. Splitting in BPD involves a switch between negative perception of others and idealization (Sperry,
2003). This usually occurs along with irregular mood swings and can negatively impact on the existing relationships such as family, more
The use of the term borderline has however, resulted in a heated controversy between the health care fraternity and patients. Patients argue that this term
appears to be somehow discriminatory and that it should be removed and the disorder renamed. Patients point out that an alternative name, such as
emotionally unstable personality disorder, should be adopted instead of borderline personality disorder. Clinicians, on the other hand, argue that there is
nothing wrong with the use of the term borderline. Opponents of this term argue that the terms used to describe persons suffering from this disorder,
such as demanding, treatment resistant, and difficult among others, are discriminatory. These terms may create a negative feeling of health
professionals towards patients, an aspect that may lead to adoption of negative responses that may trigger self–destructive behavior (Giesen–Bloo et al,
2006). The fact however, is that the term borderline has been misunderstood and misused so much that any attempt to redefine it is pointless leaving
scrapping the term as the only option.
There is also a controversy with regards to whether borderline personality disorder is a disorder on its
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Essay On Borderline Personalities
Borderline personalities are impulsive and have extreme views of people as either good people who have their best interest, or bad people who do not
have any good intentions. These people are unstable in relationships and have a strong fear of being abandoned. They may form an intense personal
attachment with someone they barely know and end it without no apparent reason. They might also engage in a "pull" and "push" behavior that usually
ends with their partner leaving permanently. Self–mutilation, suicidal gestures or attention–seeking destructive behaviors are not uncommon.
Borderline personalities are three times more likely to be female, rather than male. They say that it is more common in women because, ". Others
blame BPD on early–onset incest, other sexual abuse, or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) more content...
Also, it is commonly found that women depend on other people more than males do, and are also more sensitive to rejection with can cause them to
have a higher risk at getting Borderline Personality Disorder rather than a male. When someone is getting diagnosed with Borderline Personality
Disorder there are many things to look for... Frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment, A pattern of unstable and intense interpersonal
relationships characterized by alternating between extremes of idealization and devaluation, Identity disturbance: markedly and persistently unstable
self–image or sense of self. Impulsivity in at least two areas that are potentially self–damaging, Ex – spending, sex, substance abuse, reckless driving,
binge eating. Recurrent suicidal behavior, gestures, or threats, or self–mutilating
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Borderline Personality Essay
The video that I have chosen was about a woman with borderline personality and multiple personalities, a child being abused and had eight
personality inside of her including a violent man, a playful child, and a person who like to write and that person name Mary. She could hear and see
things before they happen. What is so interesting to me is how a person goes through things in life bad or good and how it impact a person mentally
and physically
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Borderline Personality Disorder In Children
Mothers who also have borderline personality disorder will sometimes punish their children severely and not monitor their actions properly. Mothers
with borderline personality disorder act differently than mothers without BPD, such as lashing out, not monitoring their children because of
depression, and can lead to children mimicking their behavior or their bad habits. They can also get irritated with their children easier. Mothers who
have borderline personality disorder will have a harder time being emotionally there for their children. Children are more likely to have attention
disorders, aggressive behavior, or low self–esteem. Children may feel that their mothers love is toxic to them. Having borderline personality disorder
as an adolescent
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Mental Disorder Essay

  • 1. Mental Disorder Essay Personality disorders are very defined and recognized in today's society. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) published by the American Psychiatric Association provides common language and standards classifying mental disorders. The DSM is used by many people in varying disciplines in the USA as well as many other countries. In times past, people with disorders may have been outcast from a community or even persecuted. However, in our current culture the pendulum has swung in the other direction. It almost seems that there is a trend to explain all behavior by a mental disorder. This results in needing to disprove that certain people are not displaying a disorder, rather acting within a normal human emotion more content... As the name BPD infers, it was thought to be on the border between psychotic and neurotic behavior. With stigmatizing negative association, BPD is slowly changing to no longer be considered a relevant term for diagnosing. There is a movement to change the terminology of the diagnosis to Emotional Unstable. This new term may more accurately depict what someone is going through as well as remove the negative stigmatism associated with BPD. With BPD there are often extremes in beliefs and views, such as all good or all bad. People with BPD are can be uncertain about whom they truly are as a person. With no self sense, interests and values may conflict as well as change rapidly. Their views of others may also change quickly. One day a certain person may be admired. The next day that same person may be despised or hated. Suddenly shifting feelings often foster relationships that are unstable and intense. There are numerous other identifiable traits someone with BPD may display. Some of these symptoms may include fear abandonment, feelings of emptiness and boredom, frequent displays of inappropriate anger, destructive impulsiveness, intolerance of being alone, as well as repeated self crises (i.e. self injury). Diagnosis is often made during young adulthood as well as adolescence. It is becoming apparent that some children may be displaying BPD from as early as one year old, especially as the condition is further Get more content on
  • 2. Borderline Personality Disorder Essay example Borderline personality disorder (BPD) first got its name because researchers thought it was in the middle of psychotic illnesses and neurotic disorders ("Treating borderline personality disorders," 2010). Scientists think there is a direct correlation with the receptors in the brain responsible for "opioid" transmission and the behaviors demonstrated by people with the disorder (Bandelow, B; Schmahi, C; Falki, P; Wedekind, D., 2010, pp. 623–636). Symptoms of BPD include "interpersonal hypersensitivity, fear of being left alone, self–harming behavior, and extremely impulsive behaviors" (Gunderson, John, 2011, pp. 2037–2042). Symptoms of the disorder usually present themselves around early adulthood, mostly in women (Biskin, R. & more content... & Paris, J., 2012, p. 1789). Regulation of the endogenous opioid system in the brain can cause problems with uncontrollable moods and separation anxiety (Ripoll, Luis, 2013). Neurobiologists think there is a direct link between the "endogenous opioid system and dopaminergic reward system" in patients with the disorder (Bandelow, Borwin, et al., 2010). Also, studies into the neuropeptide bonding in the brain may shed light on why people with borderline personality disorder have warped body images and display social dysfunction (Ripoll, Louis, 2013). However, no genes have been identified to directly relate borderline personality to heredity. Studies indicate "sixty–eight percent of the variance associated with genetic factors are in the same range as those with hypertension" (Gunderson, John, 2011). The Diagnostic Statistic Manual V. describes the symptoms of borderline personality as a "pervasive pattern of instability of interpersonal relationships, self–image, and affects, and marked impulsivity beginning at early adulthood" (American Psychiatry Association, 2013, p. 663). People with this disorder tend to be more promiscuous and as a result feel worthless (Bandelow, Borwin, et al., 2010). Patients also tend to engage in "nearness–distance conflicts" with their partner, eventually breaking up with the person (Bandelow, Borwin, et al., 2010). Borderline personality disorder causes patients to perceive they have been wronged Get more content on
  • 3. Borderline Personality Disorder Essay Borderline Personality Disorder Borderline Personality Disorder is a pattern of instable moods, relationships, and a sense of identity. The Borderline Personality Disorder is usually found in the Axis I of the DSM–IV, it is can be qualified as a mood disorder because of the disturbance in mood and most Borderlines tend to have substance abuse problems, which is also found in Axis I. But Borderline Personality Disorder can also be categorized in the Axis II, because it is a personality disorder. People who are diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder are functioning at the border of neurosis and psychosis (Halgin & Whitbourne, 2010). Individuals have a higher possibility for developing Borderline Personality Disorder in their more content... Individuals with Borderline Personality Disorder do not have any or very little, emotion or feelings, they are more likely to commit suicide. Borderlines are also confused about who they are and what their place is in this world (Halgin & Whitbourne, 2010). Approximately 75 percent of Borderlines hurt themselves and 10 percent of them commit suicide, compared to only 6 percent rate for people who commit suicide in mood disorders (Cloud, 2009). Some Borderlines hurt themselves only to seek out attention from others but some end up losing their lives because of a severe wound or over dosing. These individuals are trying to find a way to escape their depression, numbness, and over exaggerated emotions and most of the time they turn to alcohol and drugs to make them feel something. Once these factors are added to the Borderline Personality Disorder, the risk of over dosing is much higher than it is for someone who does not have this disorder. Almost always, individuals who develop Borderline Personality Disorder were neglected in some ways as a child. Some individuals come from homes where they were abused, some were not allowed to show their emotions in public (Cloud, 2009), and others who did not have a relationship with their mother like they wanted (Halgin & Whitbourne, 2010). In these situations, "the child does not learn how to understand, Get more content on
  • 4. Borderline Personality Disorder Essay Borderline Personality Disorders Hunter Boumans Central Louisiana Technical Community College DEFINITION– Aka BPD, is a mental disorder marked by ongoing intense mood swings, self–imaging problems, and impulsive behavior usually surfacing during adolescence to early adulthood and can lead to major psychological disorders later in life. POSSIBLE CAUSE/RISK FACTORS– The exact cause has not been distinguished yet. However, research shows that genetics, and environment as well as social factors are likely involved. Risk Factors Include: пѓ Genetics– According to NIMH (nation institute of mental health) BPD is 5X more likely to occur if an immediate family member has it. пѓ Environmental & Social Factors– Research from Mayo Clinic has found that many people diagnosed with BPD have reported traumatic life events during childhood development. пѓ Brain– Multiple research has found that certain abnormalities in the brains anatomy that regulate impulses and emotions may not be functioning normally and could be root of the cause. SIGNS/SYMPTOMS– Severe dissociative symptoms (ex. observing themselves from outside of their body), Uncontrollable and intense anger rages, Chronic depression Unstable and intense mood swings, episodes ranging in length from hours to days. Reoccurring suicide threats and self–harm Impulsive, dangerous behaviors such as driving fast and substance use Unstable relationships TREATMENT– пѓ Therapy– General Psychiatric Management– Get more content on
  • 5. Living with Borderline Personality Disorder is either waking up on the wrong side of the bed or the right side of the bed. Patient A has been living with Borderline personality disorder, also known as BPD for four years now. I chose to interview Patient A because I also was diagnosed with BPD and wanted to see what another person living with this disorder thinks and feels. First off, what is borderline personality disorder? Borderline personality disorder is a serious mental disorder marked by a pattern of ongoing instability in moods, behavior, self–image and functioning (Borderline Personality Disorder, 2016). I wanted to know what symptoms of BPD are and Patient A stated, "symptoms of BPD are impulsive actions or behaviors, really unhealthy relationships, it's all or nothing, there can be no in the middle with relationships, feeling alone or isolated, feeling empty, always being afraid of being abandoned, and mood swings," (A, 2016). When researching symptoms of BPD, a lot of what Patient A said came up. I wanted to know more about being afraid of abandonment and having unhealthy relationships so I did a little digging. Patient A described her relationships as being 'all or nothing.' When I asked her to explain, she said that all of her relationships were very close and personal relationships. She does not want or even know how to have a relationship with someone that is more of an acquaintance relationship. She feels like those types of relationships are superficial Get more content on
  • 6. Essay On Borderline Personality Disorder Today I chose to write about Borderline Personality Disorder. I chose this because it's a disorder I have been struggling with my whole life. Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a mental disorder that can be caused by chemical imbalances in the brain, early childhood trauma, and genetics. Borderline Personality Disorder involves many symptoms that interfere with daily life. Some symptoms are chronic fear of abandonment, constant mood swings, anxiety, dissociation, impulsivity, and manic states. BPD usually begins to manifest in the late teenage years, however, it can be diagnosed earlier if symptoms have been present for two years or over. If someone had a childhood trauma, especially related to abandonment, it can cause BPD. Borderline is most common in women, although there is controversy surrounding that statistic because of gender–based discrimination. Although BPD is a lifelong condition, there are ways more content... One thing you can do is let them know how much you care about them, it will lessen their fears of you abandoning them. Another thing you can do is be entirely honest, this will make you more trustworthy and trust is a big issue for those with BPD. Another thing that you can do to help those with BPD is to try to be less neutral. People with BPD commonly mistake neutrality for anger or annoyance, so by being clear that you are not angry you can let them know exactly how you feel so that they do not think you are angry with them. This is not their fault, as early childhood abuse is most likely the cause of mistaking neutrality for anger. Those with BPD tend to see things in black and white terms, so to avoid splitting, a term used to describe rapidly changing your opinions of someone, you should be entirely honest with someone with BPD so they don't think you are trying to deceive them in any way, that way they will have less of an issue with Get more content on
  • 7. Borderline Personality Disorder of developing borderline personality disorder. Along with this belief is that genetics play a very little role of risk of development but it is mostly due to the type of environment that the child grew up in. Some neurocognitive studies showed that people who have borderline personality disorder have executive functioning deficits which means that those individuals are more prone to risky decision making. The "reduced serotonergic responsiveness" (Leichsenring et al., 2011, p. 76) is believed to be associated with the impulsive aggression that borderline personality patients have. The emotional neglect and invalidation that caretakers may give to individuals with borderline personality disorder seems to help with the development of the disorder. more content... One of the therapies used is called mentalization–based treatment. The main focus of this therapy is that those diagnosed with borderline personality disorder learn how to recognize their emotions as well as the emotions of other people. After about 2 years of the mentalization–based treatment it has been discovered that 8 years after the treatment finished those individuals still showed a "stable level of improvement" (Paris, 2015, p. 15). There is also transference–focused psychotherapy. This is similar to mentalization–based therapy with the exception that it "focuses mostly on here–and–now distortion" (Paris, 2015, p. 15) of reality that affects the patients Get more content on
  • 8. Reflection On Borderline Personality Disorder Reflection Number Three Over the past few units, I have greatly expanded my knowledge about several different psychological topics. Though many of the topics that were discussed sparked my interest, there were two types of disorders that furthered my knowledge, but also eliminated some stereotypes that I had about them. The two main areas that I learned more about regarding these disorders were characteristics of the disorders and different methods of treatment. A common theme that has been discussed in multiple different units is that several psychological disorders can have similar symptoms and characteristics. It is crucial to understand what makes one psychological disorder different than another one. Determining what type of disorders an individual might have can lead to better and more accurate treatment options; treatments methods are important because they help individuals manage their disorders. The two disorders that I found to be the most important and most interesting are borderline personality disorder and schizophrenia. Borderline personality disorder is associated with a variety of different components and symptoms. The two main areas that borderline personality disorder is related to are moods and relationships; both of these areas tend to be quite unstable. The element about borderline personality disorder that I was not aware of was the increased risk that they have of injury or even death by their own hands. It is a common stereotype that is depicted in the media that those with psychological disorders are always acting sporadically and causing harm. It was discussed in this unit that the main reason these individuals are risks to themselves is because of instability, dysfunction, and impulsivity. Though these elements may sound like they match what is portrayed in the media, there are deeper meanings behind them that can cause dangerous behaviors. Instability is associated with relationships; individuals with borderline personality disorder often have unstable relationships because of their lack of emotional control, which can then lead to a constant fear of abandonment. Dysfunction is associated with unstable emotions and is often a good predictor of potential suicidal thoughts and Get more content on
  • 9. Borderline Personality Disorder ( Bpd ) Essay Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is characterized by difficulties in regulating emotion. This difficulty leads to severe, unstable mood swings, impulsivity and instability, poor self–image, and troubled personal relationships. When Adolf Stern first coined the term "border line" in 1938, he used it to describe outpatients that did not fall into the standard classification system used in the psychiatric profession. Patients with this disorder had what he determined as, "associative thinking, disturbances of reality testing, pervasive anger, and shallowness of effect." Borderline patients were also describes as having a less severe form schizophrenia. In 1942, psychologist Helene Deutsch described a group of patients lacking a consistent sense of identity without a source of inner direction. She created the term "As–If Personalities," as the patients completely identified with those people upon whom they were dependent. Melitta Schmideberg first described Borderline Personality Disorder in 1959 as a disorder of character. These afflicted individuals experience intense emotional dysregulation, fear of abandonment, and hopelessness within interpersonal relationships. Fortunately, there is much research available about this particular personality disorder and help is available through both psychotherapy and medicinal therapies. This paper will discuss the diagnosis and its symptoms as well as efficacious and evidence–based treatment. It will also discuss the Biblical Get more content on
  • 10. Borderline Personality Disorder Essay Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is described as "a serious mental disorder marked by a pattern of ongoing instability in moods, behavior, self–image, and functioning" (National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), 2017, p. 1). Individuals who have BPD struggle to regulate or control their emotions and impulses. There is considerable controversy over the diagnosis of BPD and limited figures on its prevalence within the Canadian population (Grant et al., 2008), but American figures identify 6% of the population as being diagnosed with BPD (CAMH, 2012). I wish to look further into the BPD diagnosis and examine the pros and cons of affixing this label to individuals. Further to this, I would like to reflect on the information presented. Borderline Personality Disorder Neurological imaging studies propose that individuals with BPD possess an overactive amygdala where emotions are processed, and decreased activity in the pre–frontal cortex that regulates those emotions (Pier, Marin, Wilsnack & Goodman, 2016). Causation is not known but correlations include inheritability, childhood trauma and other social and environmental factors (NIMH, 2017). Mental Health Canada (2017) state "BPD results from a combination of individual vulnerability to environmental stress, neglect or abuse as young children, and a series of events that trigger the onset of the disorder as young adults" (p. 1). The amygdala organizes emotional responses, especially those linked to aggression and fear, Get more content on
  • 11. Borderline Personality Disorder ( Bpd ) Essay Borderline Personality Disorder is a serious psychiatric disorder that is not well known among the greater population. Throughout the years many advances to treat a once untreatable disorder have been developed. This paper reviews the diagnostic features of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) and its many methods of treatment, in efforts to bring a greater awareness of its presence. Within this body of reading the clinical presentation, diagnostic criteria, treatment methods, prevalence and incidence rates of BPD and a case study will be reviewed for greater understanding. Who BPD effects and how it is best treated will also be compared in addition to need to know information regarding BPD will also be evaluated. Keywords: Borderline Personality Disorder, psychotherapy, pharmacological treatment, Transference–Focused Psychotherapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, psychodynamically Borderline Personality Disorder and its Dimensions There are many mental illnesses that plague our world today will little recognition. This paper will highlight one of these disorders in particular is that of borderline personality disorder (BPD). By definition borderline personality disorder is characterized as a severe mental disorder with on going instability in behavior, self–image, moods, and functioning (NIMH, n.d). This disorder is known to commence throughout adolescence but in many cases it may not surface until adulthood. Affecting both males and females proportionately, this Get more content on
  • 12. Borderline Personality Disorder The antisocial and borderline personality disorders share a number of common characteristics. Anger is a key affect for some of the individuals who have been diagnosed of Antisocial Personality disorder. There is a pattern of disregards for and violation of the rights of others. 1) The first thing you must do is to confine them in a location with locked doors preferably within the jurisdiction system, because they will not stay around very long. 2) Confrontation– by pointing out the lying by commission, omission or assent. I will repeat it by providing encouragement softly spoken of tone. 3) Goal setting– allow the client to set reasonable goals for his/or herself. Once the goal has been established, then we will discuss how important it Get more content on
  • 13. Borderline Personality Disorder Essay What is Borderline Personality Disorder? Is heredity the cause or is it a person's surrounding environment? What are its effects? Are there any treatments available for it? Borderline Personality Disorder or BPD is a serious illness that causes a person to experience instability in moods, exhibit impulsive, quite often aggressive, behavior and creates severe self–worth issues. BPD is usually not a "stand alone" illness and typically is accompanied by other disorders such as Dysthymia, Bipolar Disorder and Substance Abuse. Although BPD can be extremely dangerous to those affected by it and those surrounded by them, it is quite often not given enough attention or taken as serious as it should be. As well, BPD is commonly misdiagnosed more content... "The best explanation appears to be that there is a confluence of environmental factors and a neurobiological propensity that leads to a sensitive, emotionally labile child." (NAMI, n.d) Clearly, we see the cause discussion is a complex one and that there are many factors involved for a child to develop BPD. We can see that the cause does not only come down to a person's genetic makeup or the environment in which they are surrounded, but in many things combined. Symptoms of Borderline Personality Disorder vary from intense mood swings to suicidal thoughts and attempts. There are a vast number of symptoms in which a person diagnosed with BPD will most likely display and these need to be dealt with as the serious matter that they are. Those affected by this disorder will typically engage in harmful, impulsive behavior such as substance abuse, risky sexual behavior and reckless driving. They struggle with self–worth issues and also with personal relationships. They may feel the need to inflict pain on themselves and some may even take it as far as attempting to commit suicide or threatening to do so. In my personal experience, I have had to deal with someone who, although not diagnosed, displays every symptom on BPD that I could find. I was romantically involved with this person and all I can say is that it takes a Get more content on
  • 14. It took me longer than usual to start this essay, because I fell into a deep pit of self–doubt every time I tried. Whenever I start a personal piece about my childhood, my mind instantly becomes a hive of swirling thoughts in a cloud of static. No matter what I know to be true, the fear of having my mother discredit me severely impedes progress. I have known about Borderline Personality Disorder for some time, and I knew my estranged mother was diagnosed with it at one point, but I didn't really start researching it until a friend lent me a copy of Surviving a Borderline Parent. Part of me was afraid if I learned more about it, I would only feel sympathy for her, and guilt for going no contact. As awful as it sounds, I was tired of trying to understand her, and I was over feeling guilty about her personal wounds. There was also a bigger part of me that was afraid of admitting my upbringing influenced my personality in such a strong way. On some level, I know she would take credit for any of it, the good and the bad, because that is her style. To admit that I was a self–defeatist, that I am intimately familiar with Impostor Syndrome, is to admit that all of her taunting was correct. I don't live up to my potential, and I am afraid of success. Borderline Personality Disorder(BPD) is estimated to affect up to 5.9% of the U.S. population, with 75% being women; though it is believed more men may be undiagnosed or mistreated. Because of the lack of conversation surrounding Get more content on
  • 15. Borderline Personality Disorder Essay Personality disorders are very defined and recognized in today's society. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) published by the American Psychiatric Association provides common language and standards to classify mental disorders. The DSM is used by many people in varying disciplines in many other countries. In times past, people with disorders may have been misunderstood, outcast from community, or even persecuted. However, in our current culture the pendulum has swung in the other direction. People are tricky creatures to study due to the complexity and magical way our brain works. Very little is known, even less is understood about how and why we work the way we do. 1.One of the disorders identified in more content... This can manifest as tension triggered by perceived rejection, being alone, and failure.3 Those with BPD are associated with many different feelings. Some of the feeling can be positive, but are often recognized as negative; creating destructive thoughts and actions. Diagnosis is often made during young adulthood as well as adolescence. It is becoming apparent that some children may be displaying BPD from as early as one year old, especially as the condition is further understood.4 A person with this disorder is often bright, intelligent, and appears friendly and competent.5 A stressful situation is often the catalyst to break down positive appearances of those who suffer from BPD. A romantic issue, death of someone close, or work trouble can wash aside developed coping ability, which may have taken years to build. With emotional or situational structure gone, someone with BPD may take brash action against themselves or others.6 Destructive behaviors and chaotic relationships are an unfortunate expectation in BPD.7 As the name BPD infers, it was thought to be on the border between psychotic and neurotic behavior. With a potentially stigmatizing negative association, the term BPD is slowly becoming viewed as irrelevant for diagnosing. There is a movement to change the terminology of the diagnosis due to the possible Get more content on
  • 16. Borderline Personality Disorder Essay Literature Review Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) can be described in simple terms as a condition in which sufferers experience long periods of emotional instability and troubled feelings about themselves and other people. These troubled feelings allow individuals to take impulsive measures and have trouble in their relationships (Bouchard, Sabourin, Lussier & Villeneuve, 2009). BPD basically comprises of unusual intensities of instability in mood and irrational thinking also referred to as splitting. Splitting in BPD involves a switch between negative perception of others and idealization (Sperry, 2003). This usually occurs along with irregular mood swings and can negatively impact on the existing relationships such as family, more content... The use of the term borderline has however, resulted in a heated controversy between the health care fraternity and patients. Patients argue that this term appears to be somehow discriminatory and that it should be removed and the disorder renamed. Patients point out that an alternative name, such as emotionally unstable personality disorder, should be adopted instead of borderline personality disorder. Clinicians, on the other hand, argue that there is nothing wrong with the use of the term borderline. Opponents of this term argue that the terms used to describe persons suffering from this disorder, such as demanding, treatment resistant, and difficult among others, are discriminatory. These terms may create a negative feeling of health professionals towards patients, an aspect that may lead to adoption of negative responses that may trigger self–destructive behavior (Giesen–Bloo et al, 2006). The fact however, is that the term borderline has been misunderstood and misused so much that any attempt to redefine it is pointless leaving scrapping the term as the only option. There is also a controversy with regards to whether borderline personality disorder is a disorder on its Get more content on
  • 17. Essay On Borderline Personalities Borderline personalities are impulsive and have extreme views of people as either good people who have their best interest, or bad people who do not have any good intentions. These people are unstable in relationships and have a strong fear of being abandoned. They may form an intense personal attachment with someone they barely know and end it without no apparent reason. They might also engage in a "pull" and "push" behavior that usually ends with their partner leaving permanently. Self–mutilation, suicidal gestures or attention–seeking destructive behaviors are not uncommon. Borderline personalities are three times more likely to be female, rather than male. They say that it is more common in women because, ". Others blame BPD on early–onset incest, other sexual abuse, or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) more content... Also, it is commonly found that women depend on other people more than males do, and are also more sensitive to rejection with can cause them to have a higher risk at getting Borderline Personality Disorder rather than a male. When someone is getting diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder there are many things to look for... Frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment, A pattern of unstable and intense interpersonal relationships characterized by alternating between extremes of idealization and devaluation, Identity disturbance: markedly and persistently unstable self–image or sense of self. Impulsivity in at least two areas that are potentially self–damaging, Ex – spending, sex, substance abuse, reckless driving, binge eating. Recurrent suicidal behavior, gestures, or threats, or self–mutilating Get more content on
  • 18. Borderline Personality Essay The video that I have chosen was about a woman with borderline personality and multiple personalities, a child being abused and had eight personality inside of her including a violent man, a playful child, and a person who like to write and that person name Mary. She could hear and see things before they happen. What is so interesting to me is how a person goes through things in life bad or good and how it impact a person mentally and physically Get more content on
  • 19. Borderline Personality Disorder In Children Mothers who also have borderline personality disorder will sometimes punish their children severely and not monitor their actions properly. Mothers with borderline personality disorder act differently than mothers without BPD, such as lashing out, not monitoring their children because of depression, and can lead to children mimicking their behavior or their bad habits. They can also get irritated with their children easier. Mothers who have borderline personality disorder will have a harder time being emotionally there for their children. Children are more likely to have attention disorders, aggressive behavior, or low self–esteem. Children may feel that their mothers love is toxic to them. Having borderline personality disorder as an adolescent Get more content on