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Medical Marijuana Research
Marijuana, as a legitimate medication has for some time been a front running issue in the Medical
Field here in the United States. With many states legalizing medicinal marijuana, and with even a
few having legalized recreational marijuana consumption, the subject has become very popular over
the last few years. Marijuana research, in the medicinal sense, has provided us with a flood of
information on the benefits of medical applications, but also indicates certain risks that come with
consumption. While many people support medicinal use of marijuana, there are still many
unanswered questions about the validity of its effectiveness. There is no denying that medical
marijuana is an increasingly popular and controversial topic. With research ... Show more content on ...
Mark Anderson, Assistant professor of Economics at Montana State University stated in this
following study on Medical Marijuana, "Consistent with the hypothesis that marijuana can be an
effective treatment for depression and other mood disorders, there appears to be a sharp decrease in
the suicide rate of 15– through 19–year olds males in the treatment states as compared to the control
states approximately two years after legalization... Our results suggest that the legalization of
medical marijuana is associated with a 5 percent decrease in the total suicide rate, an 11 percent
decrease in the suicide rate of 20– through 29–year–old males, and a 9 percent decrease in the
suicide rate of 30– through 39 year–old–males." (D. Mark Andersen, PhD; Daniel I. Rees, PhD;
Joseph J. Sabia PhD Jan
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Medical Imaging
Have you ever had an X–ray? What about an ultrasound or a MRI? If you have, you have been
exposed to one of healthcare's most innovative technologies. All these tests come together to form
the field of Medical Imaging. Medical imaging refers to the different technologies that are used to
view the human body to observe, diagnose, and/or treat medical conditions. Medical imaging has
played a major role in medicine for over the past one hundred years. Throughout this essay you will
discover Medical Imaging and its huge impact on the health field. Medical Imaging all started with
radiography in 1895 when Wilhelm Roentgen discovered x–rays. Experimenting in a dark
laboratory, with Crooks tubes wrapped in black cardboard, Roentgen notices light
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Medical Marijuana Essay
[Medicinal Marijuana] [Heather Bryant] Communication and compostition (COM156) University of
Phoenix, Axia College [October 20, 2012] Medicinal Marijuana use in the United States Although
many individuals find medical marijuana illegal, and unnecessary, it is a natural herb used to help
symptoms caused by chronic illnesses. Over three million Americans use medical marijuana.
Medical marijuana is the most widely used drug used to treat chronic illnesses in seventeen states.
The use of medical marijuana has been a controversial issue here in the United States. Although,
there are healthcare professionals that do believe that the use of medical marijuana can be very
beneficial for patients. Just as there ... Show more content on ...
The physician will then decide if the use of marijuana will be beneficial. Medical marijuana has
been proven to benefit patients who have multiple illnesses. The most common uses for medical
marijuana are; pain relief, loss of appetite, depression, and diseases such as AIDS and cancer. TCH
has been proven to block pain receptors in the brain. The blockage of these pain receptors allows
patients dealing with chronic pain to have some relief. Medicinal marijuana also stimulates appetite,
and relieves symptoms associated with depression, AIDS and cancer. This enables patients to not
have to rely on the use of prescription pain pills such opiods. Meidcal marijuana is also less
addictive, and has less physical side effects than other prescription pain relievers. Just as there are
positive benefits associated with medical marijuana there are some health risks. First, marijuana is
not regulated by the FDA. The FDA is the food and drug administration. They regulate medication
and ensure the safety and risk associated with drugs. Without the FDA regulating medical marijuana
there is no way for patients to know if they are getting correct information pertaining to the exact
marijuana they are smoking, and if there may be additives or chemicals on the marijuana. This can
be risky for patients, because marijuana comes in much different strength. The FDA has also found
that dosing of medical
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The Medical Benefits Of Medical Marijuana
As of April 2017, 29 states in the United States have legalized medical marijuana. That now makes
58% of the 50 states that have recognized the medical benefits that marijuana can provide.
Marijuana should be legalized in all states for health purposes because it can reduce seizure activity
for those with epilepsy, provide better long term relief to people that have chronic pain (stemming
from a variety of health issues) versus the use of opioids, and has been effective in not only treating
the symptoms and side effects of cancer, but in killing cancer cells in preclinical trials as well.
Marijuana, in a medical form, can reduce seizure activity in people with epilepsy, especially when
all other forms of treatment have been exhausted. One such case was with a girl by the name of
Charlotte Figi, who first started having seizures at 3 months old, and by the time she was 5 was
having 300 seizures each week. When the hospital told the parents there was nothing more they
could do for Charlotte, they turned to medical marijuana. After working with doctors to find the
correct dosage of cannabis oil that was needed, Charlotte, at the age of 6, was only having two to
three seizures per month (Young, Marijuana Stops Child's Seizures, Additionally, while
the personal stories of those who have seen a reduction in the number of seizures that occur from the
use of medical marijuana are more prevalent than that of published studies by doctors, these studies
do exist and show
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Medical Terminology Essay
In my paper I will be discussing what medical terminology is, where it came from, and how it is
applied to medical assistant careers as well as how it is applied to medical administration careers. I
will give examples of the importance of medical terminology and specific examples of where
medical careers use medical terminology on a day to day basis. I will also give a brief summary and
definition of what medical terminology stands for. After reading my paper you should have a good
concept of medical terminology's importance, use, and why medical terminology is not just applied
to medical assisting jobs but also why it is important for medical administration employees to also
be familiar and have a good grasp on medical terminology. ... Show more content on ...
Decoding is very important because then it becomes easier to understand medical terminology. You
should first break down the word by evaluating the meaning of the suffix, then prefix, and then the
word root. This will in able a worker to identify what it is that is going on and be able to describe it
to their patient and to the doctor or physician when asked. But first the worker needs to have a good
sense of the origin of words which is called etymology. (Theirer & Breitbard, 2007, p. 1–4)Once
you have the basic rules down you should be able to put words together and take them apart by
decoding them. You also need to make sure that the spelling and pronunciation are correct because if
a medical term is used incorrectly, it can become very dangerous and sometimes life threatening
because you diagnose wrong procedures and medication. It creates a communication for health care
professionals to make sure that a patient is treated with the highest amount of service and to ensure
that they are being treated with the right medication. Decoding is essential but the father of medicine
also wrote the Hippocratic Oath. In this Oath physicians are meant to promise to practice medicine
the right way. To make sure their pronunciation and spelling was always accurate and correct. The
Oath has been in use for over two thousand years and physicians and doctors are to follow the Oath
to the best
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Medical law
The recent case of Katie Thorpe who is 15, whose mother Alison Thorpe trusts that she should be
granted a hysterectomy, as she has severe cerebral palsy and the mental capacity of an eighteen–
month–old child. This has stirred the discussion over who should decide the sterilisation of mentally
incompetent adults should be. Katie's mother claims that a hysterectomy is in the best interests of
Katie because she merely would not manage to handle the 'aching, distress and embarrassment'
encompassed in menstruation. There are many cases in relation to this issue, however there is no
instruction for when a parent is allowed to make that choice. The decision to sterilise a patient,
particularly someone with healthy procreative organs who is ... Show more content on ...
She was starting to live alone and had a partner; with whom it was dreaded she was expected to
instigate a sexual relationship. Consequently, Z's mother contended that it was in her best interests to
have a hysterectomy. The solicitor disputed that in place of a hysterectomy it would be better to go
for a contraceptive method. The Court believed that it was in the patient's best interests to
implement a sterilisation as menstruation caused her nothing but agony, distress and humiliation,
together with the likelihood of pregnancy and the subsequent difficulties of managing with a child or
giving it up. The Court consequently evaluates all the evidence in all the cases individually before
determining what is the suitable action to take in respect of each patient. Katie Thorpe's case differs
from these examples as her mother desires to perform preventive sterilisation, before she goes
through menstruation at all. Preceding cases have all been grounded on a situation where the patient
can be shown to be unable to cope with menstruation. In my opinion, the statement made by
Heilbron J [in Re D] is somewhat correct in different circumstances. I believe that if the girl or
woman was incompetent then she would not be able to make her own decision therefore the doctors
or her parents would have to make it for her. If the patient was competent, I would agree that it
would be a violation of her rights to sterilise her for non–therapeutic reasons. WORD
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Is Medical Errors A Medical Error? Essay
In part one of this assignment, we took a closer look at medical errors, including why errors occur,
and what is considered to be a medical error. In the busy clinical setting, nurses are often interrupted
by phone calls, patients, and even other staff members. Research shows that medical errors are now
one of the top three leading causes of death within the United States, therefore it is time to work on
addressing this problem (Daniel, 2016). Theory in nursing provide the "basis of understanding the
reality of nursing; it enables the nurse to understand why an event happens" (McEwen & Wills,
2014, p. 413). In part two, we described how the middle–range nursing theory of nursing intellectual
capital could be applied to medical errors and potentially help to prevent them from occurring in the
future; even with the demand to lower health care costs. In this final paper, we are going to take a
closer look at how we can apply the borrowed theory from W. Edwards Deming on quality
improvement to decrease medical errors. We will discuss how Deming's theory can be applied to
address this issue, along with the origins and other applications of Deming's theory.
Overview of the Issue
Throughout clinical practice environments there is always interruptions and distractions that take
place. Whether it is a phone call, a patient coming up to the desk, or even coworkers, nurses are
constantly multitasking and getting interrupted which causes medical errors to occur. A medical
error is a
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Medical Advances Essay
Medical Advances
Besides the computer revolution, medical advances have caused tension between faith and reason.
The medical advances of the Twentieth Century have many beneficial effects for humanity. Diseases
that used to be dangerous or life threatening, like mumps, measles, and whooping cough, are no
longer worries in todays medical world. Tetanus, typhoid, and the bubonic plaque can now be
treated with antibiotics or other medicines. Vaccines, especially the polio vaccine, freed many
people from the effects of a disease. Advances in heart surgery and organ transplants have saved
many lives. Anesthetics and painkillers have been made to reduce or eliminate pain during surgery
or a painful disease. Advances in cancer and AIDS have ... Show more content on ...
This will tremendously benefit farmers who raise livestock, and cloning of the superior animals will
also make the food supply healthier and larger in this growing world. Other advances in medical
technology deal with the preborn and postborn babies and prolonging life techniques. Prenatal
technology and obstetrics have allowed babies to be born as early as twenty–two weeks after
conception. Life support systems have helped to prolong lives and have even supported people in
comas who have "woken up" after many years. However, these medical advances have been
questioned as to whether they really are "advance." Many of these new medical techniques conflict
with peoples faith in medical ethics and with their religious beliefs, especially Catholicism. A debate
about the extent to which humans are allowed to "play God" to destroy, alter, or create life forms has
risen. Most of the new controversial medical procedures have become accepteed in this impersonal,
technological world, but many people do not believe these procedures are really "progress." Many
people believe that Church should be the driving force in the fight against AIDS. Robert K. Gray in
"Some Diseases Are Less Equal Than Others": The War Against AIDS (1990) states that "the pulpit
of the Catholic Church is the mightiest of weapons" against the spreading of AIDS and against the
hate that evolves for AIDS victims.(6) However, most people who have AIDS were contaminated by
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Medical Marijuana Legalization
Global Impact of the Legalization of Medical Marijuana
Medical marijuana has become an extreme controversy for many different countries around the
world. According to the National Conference of State Legislation, twenty nine states in the United
States have legalized medical marijuana, (State) along with select countries around the world.
Different regions of the world have varying views and laws for medical cannabis. Medical
marijuana can drastically improve the quality of ill people's lives, and ease pain that otherwise make
daily life miserable. According to two well known professors at University of Salerno, cannabis has
been used to relieve chronic pain, muscular cramps and neurological or spinal pains (Bifulco and
Pisanti). Although medical marijuana's purpose would be to alleviate pain, some are concerned that
it could be a gateway drug, which means it could potentially lead people to become addicted to
stronger substances.
California was the first state in the United States to pass laws making medical marijuana legal. As of
2017, thirty three American states or territories have passed similar laws regarding cannabis, leaving
twenty three states with the illegalization of medical marijuana (State). Other countries within North
America have also made medical marijuana legal, including Canada. According to Canada's
government website, medical marijuana has been legal since 2001 (Marihuana). Rob Nikolewski, a
writer for the San Diego Union–Tribune, explains that
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Medical Benefits Of Medical Marijuana
Jacqueline Patterson was born with cerebral palsy. This condition makes her experience stuttering,
crippling pain, and muscle imbalance. She has four children and was living in Kansas City,
Missouri. Now she lives in California, where a judge determined that her cannabis use is medically
necessary to ease her symptoms (Price, In Pot We Trust). Cannabis use for medical purposes and the
relief of various symptoms has been around since before recorded history as the National Institute
on Drug Abuse notes that, "The earliest written reference is found in the 15th century BC Chinese
Pharmacopeia, the Rh–Ya." While cannabis can be used for recreational purposes, recent research
and history provide evidence to its medical benefits (, 2017). While the Chinese
Pharmacopeia may not have understood the science behind medical benefits of cannabis on certain
ailments, it provides a historical background into the use of medicinal cannabis. WebMD defines
medical cannabis (or medical marijuana) as, "A drug that is made up of the leaves, flowers, and buds
of the hemp plant Cannabis sativa. Medical marijuana is the use of this drug to help treat symptoms
like pain, muscle stiffness (spasticity), nausea, and lack of appetite." (WebMD, 2017) This definition
provides us with a basis for what can be considered medical cannabis and what a doctor can
prescribe legally. As with any other drugs like opioids, cannabis can be abused and it is important
that we distinguish what can be used
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Legalizing Medical Marijuana
The use of medical marijuana has both "good" and "bad" side; however legalizing medical
marijuana could aid in the relief of pain, people who are prescribed medical marijuana would not be
prosecuted and the government might be able to control its sale and distribution. People think that
marijuana is "bad". Well marijuana is good. It aids in pain and helps people with cancer. Most
people don't want to legalize marijuana for religious reasons. Which is bogus. I am not a religious
person, and I don't see people's insights on the marijuana campaign. And me knowing some very
religious people say that marijuana is bad cause it messes with your head. But those are only some
types of marijuana the medical marijuana is not a hallucinogen. It is mostly ... Show more content
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That need the marijuana will be prosecuted and will go to jail. Even though they need it. Marijuana
can help people. There is many types of marijuana that are illegal and should stay illegal, but the
medical should be legal, it has nothing wrong with it. It is a natural healer of the earth. It may seem
that I am talking hippie, but it is natural and from the earth. It helps a lot of people. ALOT. they need
the healing that the medical marijuana gives people. The government might even be able to control
its sales and distributions. With it being legal the stores that sell the medical marijuana would have
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A Research Study On Medical Billing And Medical Records
I participated in taking patients histories, doing physical examinations, reviewing lab results and
prescribing the appropriate treatment, I helped in performing administrative duties and updating
patients' medical records. At the clinic's pharmacy, I assisted the pharmacist in explaining the
medication route of administration, dosing and frequency. I also involved in introducing public
health awareness and vaccination projects during our local medical tours.
My responsibilities were taking patients' histories, doing physical examinations, performing
EKGs, reviewing the patient medications, discussing the management plan and updating the
electronic medical records, also I participated in inpatient rounds in the afternoon at Piedmont
Hospital & Emory Midtown Hospital. It was a great experience working with nurses and helping
them giving vaccinations and doing lab work. And from my interaction with the office staff, I
learned more about medical billing and medical coding and this assisted me better understand the
administrative work. My involvement in research at the same time had helped me applying the
concepts of the scientific research in clinical medicine.
During my hand on rotation with Dr. Renfus at Children 's Medicine, I participated by obtaining
histories, performing physical exams, reviewing lab work and discussing differential diagnosis with
assessment and plan. I was directly involved in patients ' care and I had a direct access to patient
medical electronic
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Medical Negligence And Medical Negligence
"If people understood that doctors weren't divine, perhaps the odor of malpractice might diminish."
In India doctors are treated as second life saver after God. The standard of care should be more so
that the cases of negligence may not arise. Nowadays Indian society is experiencing a growing
awareness regarding the patients right as the number of case of medical negligence has increased
A doctor can be charged with criminal negligence when a patient ... Show more content on ...
The protection of patients right should not be at the cost of professional integrity. When an FIR is
filed against a doctor for the death of a patient under treatment than the doctor can be arrested and
can be punished for 2 years of imprisonment under IPC section 304A.
But if the doctor has not charged any fees for the treatment of the patient than, the doctor cannot be
sued for medical negligence. The patient requires proper care as they suffer from disease and
treatment is been provided, it becomes the duty of the hospital as well as that of the staff members to
take care of the patient.
In the case of:
Aparna Dutt V. Appollo Hospital Enterprises Ltd
It was held in this case that the staff members of the hospital had not taken proper care of the patient
and so the court held liable the hospital thus it is the duty of the staff members also to take care. The
doctor is not held liable for every injury caused to the patient, the injury cured only under his
treatment can only be held liable if proper care is not taken by the doctor. It should show all possible
reasons for the injury caused than only the compensation can be
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Medical Marijuana And Medical Therapy
Medical marijuana refers to the use of cannabis as medical therapy in the palliative sense to treat
diseases or alleviate symptoms. This treatment modality has proven to be a highly debatable issue
within the medical field due to the use of this substance as an illicit drug. "The National Youth Risk
Behavior Survey monitors priority health risk behaviors that contribute to the leading causes of
death, disability, and social problems among youth and adults in the United States" (Center for
Disease Control and Prevention, 2012). The most recent survey conducted on ninth through twelfth
grade students in public and private schools throughout the United States indicated that in 2011, a
mean of 39.9% of participants reported ever using marijuana one or more times during their lives
(Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2012). Although this substance has been most often
used for recreational purposes, recent studies have shown that an increasing number of people are
fighting to have legislation passed in order for the use medicinal marijuana to be made legal. The
populations most affected by such legislation include those positively affected by the use of medical
marijuana, patients suffering from chronic and debilitating illnesses, and those who utilize the drug
for other reasons associated with recreation and personal pleasure. The issue highlights the
beneficial aspect of marijuana use detailing symptom management and improving overall quality of
life; and conversely,
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Medical Malpractice
Medical Malpractice
The doctor–patient relationship has been defined differently through the years. In the beginning it
developed into a "common calling" which meant doctors practiced medicine as a duty to their
patients. Laws were developed to protect patients, therefore doctors used proper care and expert
skill. In the past six centuries, medical malpractice has increased, which lead to revision and
addition to the law. Liability was introduced along with the "GIANT of all torts", negligence. Now
in today's society, a doctor's duty is to use reasonable care, skill and judgment in the practice of
his/her profession and when negligent, take full responsibility. What is malpractice? Malpractice is
negligence. Negligence ... Show more content on ...
In cases like these the doctor is incredibly egotistical and is playing God.
who ignore patient requests or fail to ask for consent only build communication barriers and ruin the
profession's reputation. Many people believe doctors are the real victims. They feel doctors are
confined from performing and medical students limit career options in fear of being sued. There are
some illegitimate and ungrateful citizens who insist on filing suits when doctors are not at fault.
When a family member dies, the loss may cause anger and looking for a doctor to sue seems like the
right thing to do. It is human nature to always look for a party at fault in any tragedy. Doctors' fears
of malpractice awards also result in bad medical care. New procedures carry a higher risk of harm
and second guessing later, so doctors stick to conventional treatments, even in terminal cases, for
fear the treatment may hasten the patient's death. The opposite is also true, both overtesting and
overtreating are standard methods of beating malpractice suits. Thousands of unneeded surgeries are
performed each year. Expensive technology is regularly misused – CAT scans to diagnose simple
headaches, for example. Also, the few plaintiff's who win unrealistically high awards raise insurance
costs for all doctors. (Nolo Press editors, # 32) In fact, the Canadian Medical Protective
Association has announced a 20 % increase in premiums for
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Medical Tourism
Tanaka Business School Imperial College London
An Insight into Malaysia's Medical Tourism Industry from a New Entrant Perspective by Mr.
Bhavin J. Shah
A report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the MBA degree and Diploma of
Imperial College London
September 2008
The overarching objective of this project is to provide an insight into Malaysia's medical tourism
industry. The study conducted offers assistance to a new upcoming hospital in Malaysia to
understand the overall scenario of the market it wishes to enter in the near future. An external view
using Porter's Five Forces, an internal resource–based view and an industry snapshot using value
network approach are evaluated to identify ... Show more content on ...
4 Organizational Context ................................................................................ 5 Project Objectives
....................................................................................... 5 Report Structure
.......................................................................................... 5 Chapter
Summary.................................................................................... 6 Introduction
................................................................................................. 7 Traditional strategic management
........................................................ 7 The services sector
.............................................................................. 7 Criticism of Porter's Five Forces
......................................................... 12 Criticisms of Resource–Based
View.................................................... 13 Definition
............................................................................................ 14 Background of network study
............................................................. 15 About value network
........................................................................... 15 About value–
chain............................................................................... 16 Value Network vs. Value–Chain
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Medical Health And Medical Tourism
Imagine if you were in need of medical attention that you could not afford because of where you
live or the doctor nearby did not have standardized treatment for your diagnosis. What would you
do? Would you continue to seek treatment locally or find somewhere else to receive cheaper, proper
care? Most people would want to be taken care of by a doctor who knows what he or she is doing
and if it saves money at the same time, it is a hard deal to turn down. Traveling to seek medical
attention is better known as medical tourism. There are several types of medical tourism, reasons
why people decide to seek health care abroad, and multiple advantages and disadvantages of
medical tourism. If you are considering of whether to seek medical attention domestically or
internationally, this paper will inform its readers about medical tourism and provide experiences of
others. It will also inform its readers why medical tourism is something to consider. According to
Lee Ann Eissler, a nurse practitioner defines medical tourism as "organized travel outside of
someone's healthcare jurisdiction to enhance or restore health." The traveling aspect can be as close
as the next state or as far away as the other side of the world. Patients who are medical tourists seek
care for various health complications such as cancer treatments, surgery, and even dental care. There
are two types of medical tourism: inbound and domestic. Inbound tourism is when one country
provides care to patients from
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Medical Marijuana Dispensaries
Medical Marijuana Dispensaries Are Not Beneficial Medical marijuana has been a debatable subject
of whether it is safe or harmful to people with serious conditions, such as cancer. To add on to the
debate, medical marijuana clinics, or "dispensaries" have been placed in several communities
around the United States, causing uproar between the supporters and the non supporters of medical
marijuana. Some argue that dispensaries help their community and the economy, while others
believe that they will cause trouble in their towns. Although some people strongly believe that
putting medical marijuana dispensaries in their cities will be beneficial to the community, medical
marijuana clinics are unsafe and not helpful to the communities where they ... Show more content
on ...
Some areas have seen an increase of crimes in their community, and medical marijuana clinics are
part of the reason for the rise of crime. Assaults, gang infiltration, and violence have become an
everyday thing for cities with dispensaries. Fights, murders, theft, bombings, and graffiti are all
linked to medical marijuana dispensaries found in California, Colorado, Montana, and several other
big cities with multiple dispensaries (Croke). It is crazy! "It's an absolute nightmare; my prediction
is that it's only going to get worse if we continue to allow it" (qtd. in Croke). Clinics should not be
causing all this trouble in the communities. If they are there to help citizens of the community, it is
certainly not working because of all this insanity caused by them. Something needs to be done about
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Medical Benefits Of Medical Marijuana
Many plants are nowadays beneficial for people and help them to relieve or heal their pain. We often
observe the case of cannabis which is a famous subject these days. It is being legalized in many
countries and most often for its medical benefits.In fact, cannabis is not only a soft drug to relax and
get high, but it is also a more effective medication than what people think. There are several studies
that prove the benefits of cannabis on the human body. It is on these benefits that my thesis will be
based to study whether marijuana really has benefits on the human being and on what does it helps
to treat. Moreover we will see that the progress of medical cannabis has a very promising future
even for the most important diseases. Nowadays cannabis has become a common things in our
society. The cannabis in general is known to relax the user and get him stoned. Following these
virtues it is possible today thanks to medical cannabis to relieve or even cure pain and even diseases.
This fact is highly controversial with studies not always very serious or in order to denigrate
cannabis because they are opponents against the Marijuana and its legalization. However, there are
serious studies and evidence that cannabis has positive virtues on the human body. For example, a
study shows following six trials that included 325 patients examined chronic pain and the patients
felt, for the most part, much less their pain thanks to the benefits of cannabis on their pain because
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Medical Uses Of Medical Marijuana Essay
Medical uses of Marijuana There are different views on the effects and uses of marijuana. Some
consider marijuana as a stimulant with only addictive potential and a gateway drug. Others sees it as
beneficial to treat various medical conditions. The uses of medical marijuana derivatives the risks
and benefits, and the individual needs to consider both if taking.
Benefits of Marijuana Marijuana can be used to treat many chronic diseases, such as: cancer, AIDs,
glaucoma, multiple sclerosis, chronic pain, inflammatory bowel diseases, and other types of
inflammation. The unfortunate disease, cancer, can be unpreventable at times and chemotherapy can
only help so much. There was an ingredient found in marijuana that has the ability to decrease tumor
growth specifically with lung cancer. The research performed at Harvard University reveals that the
active ingredient reduces the spread of the ... Show more content on ...
Nurses promote healing and well–being, and need to be available for patients when there are
questions or issues regarding medical cannabis. According to the American Cannabis Nurses
Association (2017), the cannabis nurses can work in various settings with patients. Cannabis nurses
educates the patients, caregivers, and give the patient's support system. The trained nurses give the
most effective safe guidelines of cannabis for specific health healing, and illness concerns. For the
nurse to make the best clinical decisions and resultant positive healthcare outcomes, he or she will
use only evidence–based practice. The cannabis nurse will build expertise upon experiences with
healing and nursing while supporting the patient's needs (ACNA, 2017). Cannabis nursing requires
education above and beyond a registered nurse competencies. The education taught to the RN
includes cannabis therapeutics, advocacy, ethics, and understanding the law. Like all expected
nurses, the cannabis nurse advocates for the patients and strive to promote health and alleviate
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Medical Imaging
Medical imaging is used to create visual images of the interior part of the body so that it would be
easier to examine, diagnose & treat patients without the need of surgical processes. This process is
used to see what is beneath the skins and bones to find any abnormalities present.
There are many types of medical imaging used, such as :–
X–rays : these invisible beams can go through a number of objects, making it a fast and painless test
done to be able to see inside the human body. This test is mainly used to see the bones and it
depends on the amount of radiation absorbed and the density of the object. It can appear as white
(for bone and metal), black (air in the lungs) or gray (fats and muscles).
Ultrasound : it is
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Getting Into Medical School
Getting into medical school is intense and getting harder. Medical schools are searching for the best
personalities and most decided and inspired college students. They are searching for candidates who
have shown interest and capacity to work with individuals and meet individuals. It takes an
exceptional individual to try and long for a career in medicine, and it takes diligent work and duty to
entering medical school today. About a large portion of all applicants are acknowledged, and more
than 96% of these go for a medical degree.
Candidates have a strong establishment in mathematics and science, which are for the most part
identified with medicine: biology, physics and general and organic chemistry. The vast majority of
the medical schools confirmation necessities incorporate fruition of the continuous work of
mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology and English. On the other hand, the primary fixing to turn
into a specialist performing arts education, so it is vital that the hopeful's college experience is
balanced – and the humanities courses to help candidates plan for people in general side of
medicine. Perfect for specialists to see how society works, and will have the capacity to compose
and convey successfully. Candidates' extracurricular exercises likewise consider, specifically,
volunteering at doctor's facilities or ... Show more content on ...
Considering medicine in one of the top medical schools guarantees the understudy of the correct
education required for a career in the field of medicine. Courses in medicine, nursing, physical
therapy, physician assistant or different courses joined with the medical profession are best brought
in medical schools with demonstrated record in creating skillful graduates. Great execution of
laborers in the medical field has its establishment in the right education of the specialists in medical
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The Legalization Of Medical Marijuana
Thomas Gordon The Legalization of Medical Marijuana Health Care Research Utilization Marie
Vasquez HCS 465 March 19, 2016 The Legalization of Medical Marijuana Marijuana is one of the
most discussed and controversial topics in the U.S today. Many say that it has medicinal benefits
and should be made legal. While many say that it has a "high potential for abuse" (Medical) and
should remain illegal. Among the arguments, proponents for medical marijuana have presented a
stronger argument for legalization through their use of research and evidence. Opponents of medical
marijuana have given many reasons for why it should not be legalized. One of the main reasons they
argue is that "Marijuana smoke contains known carcinogens and produces dependency in users"
(Medical). In many studies it has shown that it does have some harm such as the harms associated
with smoking, but the National Academy of Science affirmed that "marijuana's short term medical
benefits outweigh any smoking–related harms for some patients"(Medical). Though marijuana has
been proven to be damaging to the lungs than tobacco, a study in 2006 "found no evidence that
marijuana smokers had higher rates of lung cancer" (Medical Marijuana). The FDA has tested the
effectiveness of marijuana and has found that the cannabinoids are helpful in "treating pain
associated with chemotherapy, postoperative recovery, and spinal cord injury, as well as neuropathic
pain, which is often experienced by patients
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Medical Maligence In Medical Malpractice Case
If you have been arrested for driving under the influence or DUI, then you're going to need a good
lawyer to represent you. A DUI is a serious offense these days and it's imperative that you hire a
lawyer to defend you as soon as possible. However, not all lawyers are created equal, and since
lawyers are people too, (although some may not think so) there are good lawyers and bad lawyers
out there. If you're searching the Internet for a lawyer, be very careful of sites that claim to be in
connection with a top notch firms. You need to check out this "connection" very carefully. Many
referral sites will call every lawyer in the yellow pages and whoever pays them money gets a link on
their site without any background check, or even a phone call. ... Show more content on ...
If you feel that something is not right after you had a surgery or you have been hospitalized, you
mush consult a medical malpractice lawyer who is highly qualified to evaluate your case. If the case
is strong enough, the written claims are sent to the parties that are supposed to be responsible for
medical malpractice. It is a person's right to claim any injustice that caused him any harms (physical
or moral) and receive the compensation he or she needs to repair the harm that has been
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Medical Benefits Of Medical Marijuana
Marijuana is believe it or not, one of the safest 'illegal' drugs on Earth. It is safer than legal
alternatives: alcohol or tobacco. According to CNN "1 in 8 Americans smoke marijuana on a regular
basis." the drug can provide medical benefits, lower social costs, and better the economy. Therefore
Marijuana should be deemed legal for recreational and medicinal usage across America, because it
provides medical benefits, lowers social cost, and betters the economy across the board. The true
medical benefits of marijuana are nearly endless. Marijuana has been utilized by ancient peoples all
the way up to the modern society. "The first recorded use of marijuana as a medicinal drug occurred
in 2737 BC by the Chinese emperor Shen Nung." (Hill, N/A). According to (Hill, N/a) the Chinese
emperor discovered and well documented just some of the few medicinal benefits of marijuana, he
learned how it controls pains in simple medical issues such as: rheumatism, and the gout. Whilst he
just found out a couple benefits of medicinal marijuana. Other ancient civilizations discovered more
uses, according to (Ghaly, N/A) "The Ancient Egyptians used cannabis and applied it as
suppositories for treatment of hemorrhoids." so it was essentially it was used once again as a pain
reliever. In India, people discovered multiple uses: "Cannabis was used for a plethora of medicinal
and spiritual purposes, ranging anywhere from nausea and diarrhoea to headaches and insomnia. But
the Indians were using
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Medical Malpractice Claims
I've chosen the topic of medical malpractice for this essay. I chose this topic because it is a topic that
I think someone could disagree with and argue, so therefore it's also one that I can help persuade
someone into thinking I'm right about. My question is "has medical malpractice affected the level/
delivery of health care & does it scaring future physicians away?" This topic is important because it
impacts everyone whether they are seeking medical attention or the person providing it. It also
affects the cost of health care and people's access to it. I believe that medical malpractice makes it
hard for physicians to do their job without worry and fear of getting sued. This can impact their
judgment and distract them from getting their ... Show more content on ...
In "The Effect of Medical Malpractice Liability on the Delivery of Health Care," Daniel Weinberg
discusses the effects of " medical malpractice liability on the delivery of health care in the United
States." Weinberg approaches this topic in several different ways by breaking it down into parts. He
focuses on "physician workforce, physician income and patients' access to care." Weinberg discusses
the affect medical malpractice is having on people in certain aspects of the medical field and also
how it is affecting those who are seeking medical attention. One of the main topics that Weinberg
talks about is how medical malpractice affects physicians and if it cause them to use defensive
medicine, which goes into how some people believe that defensive medicine can be a waste of
money and affect how the patients are
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Medical School Should Be A Medical Program
There are thousands universities/colleges in the United States that have a medical school/program.
For those students interested in going into the medical field, deciding on what college to attend can
be very tricky. Students always want to attend the best university out there, but that isn't always the
easiest decision because of certain road blocks. For example, those who live in Arizona have the
chance to go to U of A; there is also the opportunity to go to U of W (University of Washington).
While both schools have a medical program, the University of Washington has more to offer
Arizonian students than the University of Arizona.
When students are looking into the medical school they should attend, they should look into the
school's rank. According to Carleen Eaton, author of Getting into Medical School For Dummies, one
of the factors that students should consider is the medical school rank. After the required years of
undergrad and medical school are complete, students will have to go begin their residency. The
school's ranking can help in that. According to the U.S.News and World Report Education, UW is
ranked "#1 Best Medical Schools: Primary Care" and "#8 Best Medical Schools: Research," while U
of A is ranked "#63 Best Medical Schools: Research," and #74 Best Medical Schools: Primary
Care". Eaton says that going to a "big–name medical school" can help when it's time to enter
residency, and UW is named the number one best medical schools: primary care and U of A is
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Medical Malpractice Lawsuit
Have you or a loved one's health recently been affected by the negligence or misconduct of a
physician or medical staff? If so, you may be eligible to file a medical malpractice lawsuit in order
to recover damages for your medical costs, lost wages, and pain and suffering.
Medical malpractice can take many forms, such as failing to diagnose a serious medical condition,
misdiagnosis, adverse reactions, and anesthesia, surgical, and medication errors. It is important to
note that not all medical errors constitute medical malpractice; thus, it is crucial that you speak with
an experienced malpractice lawyer to determine if negligence has taken place and what your legal
options are.
Who Can File a Lawsuit?
Malpractice lawsuits can be filed ... Show more content on ...
This is known as the rule of collateral source.
In cases involving joint or several liabilities, each person who is deemed negligent is required to pay
the entire amount that is determined by the judge. If one person is unable to pay, the other person
must pay the entire amount.
In order to win your Massachusetts medical malpractice lawsuit, you must show that the other party
was negligent or engaged in misconduct. It is important to hire a medical malpractice lawyer who
has successfully handled cases similar to yours. An experienced attorney will know how to
investigate your case in order to prove liability. If you win your case, you may be compensated for
loss of income, medical bills, mental anguish, and other expenses related to your injury.
How a Medical Malpractice Lawyer Can Help
Insurance companies and hospitals will often attempt to settle quickly in order to avoid costly legal
fees, however, the amount of compensation offered is usually far below what those injuries will cost
you and your family in lost wages and medical treatment, not to mention the significant loss of
quality of life that usually accompanies the serious medical conditions that often result from
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Medical Malpractice And Its Effects
Medical Malpractice and Its Effects According to the American Bar Association "Medical
malpractice is defined as negligence committed by a professional health care provider–a doctor,
nurse, dentist, technician, hospital or hospital worker–whose performance of duties departs from a
standard of practice of those with similar training and experience, resulting in harm to a patient or
patient 's". Medical malpractice makes it hard for physicians to do their job without having the fears
of getting sued. This can impact their judgment and distract them from getting their jobs done the
right way. When people think of medical malpractice they only see how it impacts the victim or the
person who is suing the doctor, but do they ever wonder how it affects the doctors and those who are
in the medical field? Do they think about how medical malpractice impacts the administration of
proper medicine? Now, this is the reason why society should care if our medical personnel are
failing to do their job or why you should it care collectively about a physician who was sued in the
past, but won the case? Medical malpractice doesn't only have negative effects on the patient. I
understand that the patient has to deal with emotional and/or physical distress as well. Their entire
lives are uprooted and they have to make a lot of adjustments as necessary. I am sympathetic to the
families who are affected. I feel the same for the affected physicians who have won their and
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Legalize Medical Marijuana
Should we or should we not legalize Medical Marijuana? Yes, I think we should make medical
marijuana legal in all 50 states. Why is it so difficult for our government and our american society to
vote for marijuana to be used for medical purposes. There are many reasons why medical marijuana
should be legal, why is medical marijuana helpful, and cannabis are my three reasons why Medical
marijuana should be legalized. There are many reasons why medical marijuana should be legal. One
reason is that medical marijuana can help people that are hurt. Another reason is that medical
marijuana can help get rid of nausea and vomiting by settling in your stomach. Finally Medical
Marijuana can help relieve certain types of pains in your body. All in all
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Disadvantages Of Medical Tourism
Medical Tourism is used to represent obtaining medical or surgical services while travelling or
vacationing in another country. Medical tourism is a form of health tourism generally referring to
the travel of people to another country with the objective of obtaining medical treatment in that
country. Medical Tourism, which is defined as movements of people travelling to another country
for medical treatment (Keckley & Underwood, 2008) is continuing to be a growing global industry.
Turner (2007) suggested that due to globalization number of patients is increasing due to reductions
in health benefits offered by states and employers for affordable medical care. Herick (2007) pointed
out that worldwide tough competition in health care is compelling more patients from developed
countries to travel for medical reasons to regions once ... Show more content on ...
Mishra & Shailesh (2012) pointed out that Medical Tourism is a growing @30%annually in India.
Heung et al.,(2010) mentioned that very little academic research has been done on Medical tourism
as of now and still it remains as an emerging niche market.
2. The Literature Review about reasons of Medical Tourism
There are many triggering factors for medical tourism. Cost benefit is one of the reasons (Burkett,
2007; Turner, 2007; Connell, 2006; Ramirez de Arellano, 2007). Transportation and convenience
costs are also play an important role (Connell,2006).Similarly popular tourism country also have an
impact on medical tourism(Connell,2006; Turner,2007)However procedures those are unavailable or
illegal in the home countries of these medical tourists like drug rehabilitation, stem cell therapy ,sex
change procedure ,are also important(Horowitz, Rosenweig & Jones 2007). ART(Assisted
Reproductive Technology),mainly those procedures or treatment related to donation or surrogate
motherhood are illegal
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The Benefits Of Medical Marijuana
Many people don't know what Marijuana is, to clarify what it is, it is a dried bud, occasionally
considered cannabis with a natural dust called THC on the plant. THC is the particle that causes
reactions to the body. Another thing people at times don't comprehend correctly is that the medical
use of marijuana and the recreational use is totally different. The medical use of marijuana is
recommended by a doctor in the treatment of a medical condition such as cancers, HIV/AIDS,
Epilepsy, and many other conditions. The recreational use of marijuana is considered a misused
drug; its use is for a "high" that is not recommended by a doctor, so it is illegal, sold in the black
market trade. Knowing medicals marijuana purpose, it should be legalized for its medical use only
for the soul purpose to help and provide relief to the hurt and/or sick. Medical marijuana use may
provide relief and/or help to many ill people; marijuana's medical use is the new natural drug that
can help with more than one problem as in many other drugs also do. Medical marijuana is a highly
used substance that has been used for millennia and it is here to stay whether it is legal or not
(Newton 137). It is told that marijuana will never truly go away. People need to create legal ways for
the sale of marijuana so it can be used as a medical herb without the common threat of legal
consequences (129). Saying that more and more countries/ states are legalizing the use and/ or sale
of medical marijuana. In fact,
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Medical Marijuana Should Be Legalized For Pure Medical...
Kari Knutson
Kristen Jacobus
English 102
21 April 2015
When Holly was less than a year old she was diagnosed with pediatric convulsions, which
progressed into a severe form of epilepsy. She is now 14–years–old, and needs supervision
constantly due to the severity of her seizures. Because of her seizures she is not able to walk, talk, or
feed herself. Holly's family has exhausted every option medically when it comes to controlling
seizures. The one treatment that they have not tried is medical cannabis. I am an in home caretaker
for Holly, and after interviewing her mother I feel that everyone should understand why medical
cannabis should be legalized for pure medical purposes. Unfortunately the drug has been abused by
recreational users, and now has a bad reputation of being a gateway drug. Some Doctor's also
believe that medical cannabis has no medicinal value. Holly's mother is a Registered Nurse, and
feels that Holly would benefit from medical cannabis; unfortunately it is illegal in Wisconsin. With
the recent increase in funding and research on all medical cannabis products, research is proving that
cannabis does not only help symptoms of epilepsy, but with most neurological disorders, including
multiple sclerosis. Every seizure that a person goes through that lasts more than three minutes
causes brain damage. You can imagine how dangerous it is to be having dozens of seizures daily,
and having no way to control or stop them. If Holly were to have had access to
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Medical Marijuana Essay
Medical marijuana has been used for centuries to combat pain, weakness, anxiety, insomnia, female
problems and nausea. Today it is commonly used by cancer and AIDS patients to stimulate hunger,
combat nausea and vomiting induced by chemotherapy or other drug therapy and reduce pain. It has
also been shown to be effective in reducing eye pressure, especially in the cases with glaucoma.
Medical marijuana, or cannabis, is derived from the Cannabis sativa plant and there is some
evidence of cannabis being used medicinally for over four thousand years. Many believe that
medical marijuana is a healthy and natural alternative to dangerous and toxic pharmaceuticals that
often have side effects worse than the original condition. The United Sates ... Show more content on ...
If you live in a state that has passed medical marijuana laws, it is best to find out if your individual
follows the state–mandated guidelines for acceptable use and the amount each patient is allowed to
have legally.
In California, SB 420 (HS 11362.7) passed in September of 2003 and went into effect in January of
2004. SB 420, Medical Marijuana Implementation, allowed each city and county to adopt specific
rules and regulations for the use of medicinal cannabis, as long as they did not violate the state's set
standards. Proposition 215, also known as the Compassionate Use Act of 1996, was the first
statewide medical cannabis initiative to be passed in the United States.
The California Department of Health created the Medical Marijuana Program as a voluntary registry
designed for qualified patients and their caregivers in order for law enforcement officials to easily
verify a patient's medical marijuana card.
Medical marijuana has many benefits and has helped countless people. Doctors in California have
reportedly helped more than 300,000 migraine sufferers through the use of medical cannabis. The
American Association for Cancer Research's studies has shown, contrary to media messages,
marijuana actually slows the growth rate of tumors down considerably in the brain, lungs and
breasts. A study conducted by Harvard University showed the main ingredient in marijuana, THC or
tetrahydrocannabinol, cuts the growth of
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Medical Application For Medical Residency Program
Throughout all of time there have been people known as doctors. In some places they have been
known as shaman, witch doctor, healing man, or even cleric. The way they were trained was usually
through apprenticeship with an older doctor when they were young. As the times and practices
advanced and changed so did the learning of medicine. People went from apprenticeships to schools.
Then the schools became more extensive and thorough. Now because of there being several
different branches of medicine there are also several branches of schooling. And in order to become
a doctor, surgeon, or a radiologist a person must go through the Medical Residency Program,
otherwise known as the Match Program. Depending on which type of medicine a person wants to go
in they have to choose a type of medical residency program, an example would be that if a person
would want to work as a doctor they would have to go through the Internal Medicine Residency
Program. Each residency program was created at different times. The reason for this fact is that
some of these programs weren 't need until a certain point because of changes in time, culture,
people, and necessities. Point in case being the Emergency Medical Residency Program which was
not created until 1961. This can be backed by what Brian J. Zink 's writing at–history/a–brief–history–of–emergency–medicine–residency–
training/. The history of Emergency Medicine residency training is interwoven with the
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Medical Assistant
Mahan 2 EDU 0100 (A) Ms. Smith March 11, 2013 "Five Keys to Professionalism as an Medical
Assistant." Why Be a Professional in Medical Assistant ? A Medical Assistant (MA) is an integral
member of the health care delivery team, qualified by education and experience to work in the
administrative office, the examining room and the physician office laboratory. The Medical
Assistant, also a liaison between the doctor and the patient, is of vital importance to the success of
the medical practice. When you are a Professional in MA you will enjoy Pride, Respect, and
Opportunities that others will not. There are "Five Keys to becoming a Professional in Medical
Assistant." Character Your Character is who you ... Show more content on ...
MAs understand that service to others is the highest calling one can have. They respond by doing
work that is useful and helpful to others. Excellence Medical Assistant strive to be the best they can
be. They push to do the best work they can do. Being a professional Medical Assistant you listen
when others are speaking. Give them the courtesy of their undivided attention. Pay attention to the
matter at hand. They do not let their thoughts wander. MAs always find out what is expected of
them and find a way to do it properly. Competency MAs acquire the skills necessary to do their job
properly, professional, and with great dexterity. They realize that to become an expert at what they
do, they must matter all aspects of their craft. To do this they must obtain training, education, and
experience. Because most employers prefer graduates who graduated from an accredited Medical
Assisting program. Mahan 4 Accredited Medical Assisting programs are offered in postsecondary
vocational schools, junior colleges and in colleges and universities. Postsecondary programs usually
last either one year or less which results in a certificate or diploma or two years with an associate
degree. Being a MA you have to be a good communicator because they see effective communication
as an extension of their professional and recognize that knowledge and expertise are of little value
until they are applied and shared with others. They know that it is important to put their
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A Career As A Medical Assistant
Medical assistants job outlook is something to look into before a student becomes a certified nursing
assistant. ". . . Employment of medical assistants is projected to grow twenty nine percent from
2016–2026, much faster than the average for all occupations. The growth of the aging baby–boom
population will continue to increase demand for preventive medical services, which are often
provided by physicians ("Medical Assistants: Job Outlook" 1). ". . . Medical assistants are expected
to have good job prospects; however, those who earn certification and have familiarity with
electronic health records may have been job prospects ("Medical Assistants: Job Outlook" 1).
Medical assistants are going to keep being needed more as the years go on and that is very
important. ... Show more content on ...
". . .Medical assistants can expect to receive bonuses and benefits that can easily add as much as
$15,000 to their overall earnings. These benefits include social security benefits, retirement plans,
health–care insurance, disability benefits, pension, and paid time off. These benefits bring the total
value of salary and benefits to around $45,000 a year; quite a nice salary for so little time spent in
training ("Certified Nursing. . ." 2). ". . . To make the field even more attractive, there is a growing
demand for well–trained medical assistants across the country. This demand is creating an upward
trend in wages and benefits, according to a medical assisting salary survey taken in 2011 ("Medical
Assistant: Job Outlook" 2). Medical assistants end up receiving good benefits, which is awesome in
the medical
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Diagnostic Medical Sonography
Heart beating fast, adrenaline flowing, and pressure in the air, is what one would expect in a career
in a medical field; extremely demanding yet very rewarding and fulfilling. When working in a
health care profession, patients often place their trust in a health care stranger's hands to determine
their diagnosis and to establish a treatment strategy. According to the Journal of Diagnostic Medical
Sonography, a diagnostic medical sonographer is an individual who provides patient care services
utilizing ultrasound and related diagnostic procedures. In addition, the Journal of Diagnostic
Medical Sonography states a diagnostic medical sonographer is a multi–specialty profession
comprised of many diverse emerging clinical areas (Bendick, P. ... Show more content on ...
Earning the educational and certificate/license requirements ensures that a health care professional
has the ability and qualifications to aid others in a medical setting. Various college institutions offer
both an associate's and bachelor's degree program in sonography. At Washburn University, a
Diagnostic Medical Sonographer program can be completed between one to two years after
obtaining a Radiological Technologist degree. Like most medical careers, this profession requires a
student to complete courses such as anatomy and physiology, as well as applied science curriculum.
Not only does this profession require in class studies, but it also entails a clinical component.
Requiring students to be hands on in a clinical setting allows the students to gain genuine experience
as well as acquire additional knowledge and expertise in their specific field of study. Once an
individual has completed the required curriculum, they must complete a certification from the
American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonographers. Typically, a person in this career field
earns at least one specialty certification, but could potentially broaden their horizon and get
certificates in many different specialties such as abdomen, breast, vascular, and/or cardiac
sonography. Nonetheless, few
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Medical Use of Marijuana
Since the legalization of marijuana for medical use, eight out of ten states caused a decreased in
teenage cannabis use. Currently in the nation there are several states that allow the use of marijuana
for medical purposes. Government officials have different belief on medical marijuana. According
to Judge Young, "Marijuana has been accepted as capable of relieving the distress of great numbers
of very ill people" ("Top Ten"). The governmental figure sees potential with the use of medical
cannabis. According to Walters, "Smoked marijuana damages the brain, heart, lungs, and immune
system" ("Top Ten"). Walters is suggesting that this study is only going to do harm. Though there
are many people who agree and disagree with cannabis use for ... Show more content on ...
In conclusion, by using medical cannabis it allows the patient to stay happy and healthy.
Finally, medical marijuana can induce appetite problems due to AIDS. When a person is diagnosed
with the disease they are aware that there is no cure at this time but making it possible to survive
with is an option. While a human is caring AIDS they are given treatments to help cure infections
caused by the disease. The treatments then cause the patients to have a few side effects like appetite
loss, pain, and other serious issues. An article states, "These medications can create severe
gastrointestinal effects, which in turn produces AIDS 'wasting syndrome' " ("Marijuana"). The
wasting syndrome from AIDS can be cause a person to starve to death. Medical cannabis can help
this extremely by helping the partaker consume enough calories to survive. "Marijuana and
HIV/AIDS" states, "Because people who have AIDS need more calories just to maintain their
weight marijuana can help stimulate apatite and provide much needed pain relief ("Marijuana"). In
contrast with the many positive aspects of medical marijuana, there are some negative aspects to the
use of cannabis. The negative aspects come from views that insist that medical cannabis is hurting
patients more than helping them.
First, the use of marijuana interferes with certain bodily functions. In reference to a health article,
"Smoking marijuana regularly (a joint a day) can damage the
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Digital Tools and AI for Teaching Learning and Research

Medical Marijuana Research

  • 1. Medical Marijuana Research Marijuana, as a legitimate medication has for some time been a front running issue in the Medical Field here in the United States. With many states legalizing medicinal marijuana, and with even a few having legalized recreational marijuana consumption, the subject has become very popular over the last few years. Marijuana research, in the medicinal sense, has provided us with a flood of information on the benefits of medical applications, but also indicates certain risks that come with consumption. While many people support medicinal use of marijuana, there are still many unanswered questions about the validity of its effectiveness. There is no denying that medical marijuana is an increasingly popular and controversial topic. With research ... Show more content on ... Mark Anderson, Assistant professor of Economics at Montana State University stated in this following study on Medical Marijuana, "Consistent with the hypothesis that marijuana can be an effective treatment for depression and other mood disorders, there appears to be a sharp decrease in the suicide rate of 15– through 19–year olds males in the treatment states as compared to the control states approximately two years after legalization... Our results suggest that the legalization of medical marijuana is associated with a 5 percent decrease in the total suicide rate, an 11 percent decrease in the suicide rate of 20– through 29–year–old males, and a 9 percent decrease in the suicide rate of 30– through 39 year–old–males." (D. Mark Andersen, PhD; Daniel I. Rees, PhD; Joseph J. Sabia PhD Jan ... Get more on ...
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  • 3. Medical Imaging Have you ever had an X–ray? What about an ultrasound or a MRI? If you have, you have been exposed to one of healthcare's most innovative technologies. All these tests come together to form the field of Medical Imaging. Medical imaging refers to the different technologies that are used to view the human body to observe, diagnose, and/or treat medical conditions. Medical imaging has played a major role in medicine for over the past one hundred years. Throughout this essay you will discover Medical Imaging and its huge impact on the health field. Medical Imaging all started with radiography in 1895 when Wilhelm Roentgen discovered x–rays. Experimenting in a dark laboratory, with Crooks tubes wrapped in black cardboard, Roentgen notices light ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Medical Marijuana Essay [Medicinal Marijuana] [Heather Bryant] Communication and compostition (COM156) University of Phoenix, Axia College [October 20, 2012] Medicinal Marijuana use in the United States Although many individuals find medical marijuana illegal, and unnecessary, it is a natural herb used to help symptoms caused by chronic illnesses. Over three million Americans use medical marijuana. Medical marijuana is the most widely used drug used to treat chronic illnesses in seventeen states. The use of medical marijuana has been a controversial issue here in the United States. Although, there are healthcare professionals that do believe that the use of medical marijuana can be very beneficial for patients. Just as there ... Show more content on ... The physician will then decide if the use of marijuana will be beneficial. Medical marijuana has been proven to benefit patients who have multiple illnesses. The most common uses for medical marijuana are; pain relief, loss of appetite, depression, and diseases such as AIDS and cancer. TCH has been proven to block pain receptors in the brain. The blockage of these pain receptors allows patients dealing with chronic pain to have some relief. Medicinal marijuana also stimulates appetite, and relieves symptoms associated with depression, AIDS and cancer. This enables patients to not have to rely on the use of prescription pain pills such opiods. Meidcal marijuana is also less addictive, and has less physical side effects than other prescription pain relievers. Just as there are positive benefits associated with medical marijuana there are some health risks. First, marijuana is not regulated by the FDA. The FDA is the food and drug administration. They regulate medication and ensure the safety and risk associated with drugs. Without the FDA regulating medical marijuana there is no way for patients to know if they are getting correct information pertaining to the exact marijuana they are smoking, and if there may be additives or chemicals on the marijuana. This can be risky for patients, because marijuana comes in much different strength. The FDA has also found that dosing of medical ... Get more on ...
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  • 7. The Medical Benefits Of Medical Marijuana As of April 2017, 29 states in the United States have legalized medical marijuana. That now makes 58% of the 50 states that have recognized the medical benefits that marijuana can provide. Marijuana should be legalized in all states for health purposes because it can reduce seizure activity for those with epilepsy, provide better long term relief to people that have chronic pain (stemming from a variety of health issues) versus the use of opioids, and has been effective in not only treating the symptoms and side effects of cancer, but in killing cancer cells in preclinical trials as well. Marijuana, in a medical form, can reduce seizure activity in people with epilepsy, especially when all other forms of treatment have been exhausted. One such case was with a girl by the name of Charlotte Figi, who first started having seizures at 3 months old, and by the time she was 5 was having 300 seizures each week. When the hospital told the parents there was nothing more they could do for Charlotte, they turned to medical marijuana. After working with doctors to find the correct dosage of cannabis oil that was needed, Charlotte, at the age of 6, was only having two to three seizures per month (Young, Marijuana Stops Child's Seizures, Additionally, while the personal stories of those who have seen a reduction in the number of seizures that occur from the use of medical marijuana are more prevalent than that of published studies by doctors, these studies do exist and show ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Medical Terminology Essay In my paper I will be discussing what medical terminology is, where it came from, and how it is applied to medical assistant careers as well as how it is applied to medical administration careers. I will give examples of the importance of medical terminology and specific examples of where medical careers use medical terminology on a day to day basis. I will also give a brief summary and definition of what medical terminology stands for. After reading my paper you should have a good concept of medical terminology's importance, use, and why medical terminology is not just applied to medical assisting jobs but also why it is important for medical administration employees to also be familiar and have a good grasp on medical terminology. ... Show more content on ... Decoding is very important because then it becomes easier to understand medical terminology. You should first break down the word by evaluating the meaning of the suffix, then prefix, and then the word root. This will in able a worker to identify what it is that is going on and be able to describe it to their patient and to the doctor or physician when asked. But first the worker needs to have a good sense of the origin of words which is called etymology. (Theirer & Breitbard, 2007, p. 1–4)Once you have the basic rules down you should be able to put words together and take them apart by decoding them. You also need to make sure that the spelling and pronunciation are correct because if a medical term is used incorrectly, it can become very dangerous and sometimes life threatening because you diagnose wrong procedures and medication. It creates a communication for health care professionals to make sure that a patient is treated with the highest amount of service and to ensure that they are being treated with the right medication. Decoding is essential but the father of medicine also wrote the Hippocratic Oath. In this Oath physicians are meant to promise to practice medicine the right way. To make sure their pronunciation and spelling was always accurate and correct. The Oath has been in use for over two thousand years and physicians and doctors are to follow the Oath to the best ... Get more on ...
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  • 11. Medical law The recent case of Katie Thorpe who is 15, whose mother Alison Thorpe trusts that she should be granted a hysterectomy, as she has severe cerebral palsy and the mental capacity of an eighteen– month–old child. This has stirred the discussion over who should decide the sterilisation of mentally incompetent adults should be. Katie's mother claims that a hysterectomy is in the best interests of Katie because she merely would not manage to handle the 'aching, distress and embarrassment' encompassed in menstruation. There are many cases in relation to this issue, however there is no instruction for when a parent is allowed to make that choice. The decision to sterilise a patient, particularly someone with healthy procreative organs who is ... Show more content on ... She was starting to live alone and had a partner; with whom it was dreaded she was expected to instigate a sexual relationship. Consequently, Z's mother contended that it was in her best interests to have a hysterectomy. The solicitor disputed that in place of a hysterectomy it would be better to go for a contraceptive method. The Court believed that it was in the patient's best interests to implement a sterilisation as menstruation caused her nothing but agony, distress and humiliation, together with the likelihood of pregnancy and the subsequent difficulties of managing with a child or giving it up. The Court consequently evaluates all the evidence in all the cases individually before determining what is the suitable action to take in respect of each patient. Katie Thorpe's case differs from these examples as her mother desires to perform preventive sterilisation, before she goes through menstruation at all. Preceding cases have all been grounded on a situation where the patient can be shown to be unable to cope with menstruation. In my opinion, the statement made by Heilbron J [in Re D] is somewhat correct in different circumstances. I believe that if the girl or woman was incompetent then she would not be able to make her own decision therefore the doctors or her parents would have to make it for her. If the patient was competent, I would agree that it would be a violation of her rights to sterilise her for non–therapeutic reasons. WORD ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Is Medical Errors A Medical Error? Essay In part one of this assignment, we took a closer look at medical errors, including why errors occur, and what is considered to be a medical error. In the busy clinical setting, nurses are often interrupted by phone calls, patients, and even other staff members. Research shows that medical errors are now one of the top three leading causes of death within the United States, therefore it is time to work on addressing this problem (Daniel, 2016). Theory in nursing provide the "basis of understanding the reality of nursing; it enables the nurse to understand why an event happens" (McEwen & Wills, 2014, p. 413). In part two, we described how the middle–range nursing theory of nursing intellectual capital could be applied to medical errors and potentially help to prevent them from occurring in the future; even with the demand to lower health care costs. In this final paper, we are going to take a closer look at how we can apply the borrowed theory from W. Edwards Deming on quality improvement to decrease medical errors. We will discuss how Deming's theory can be applied to address this issue, along with the origins and other applications of Deming's theory. Overview of the Issue Throughout clinical practice environments there is always interruptions and distractions that take place. Whether it is a phone call, a patient coming up to the desk, or even coworkers, nurses are constantly multitasking and getting interrupted which causes medical errors to occur. A medical error is a ... Get more on ...
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  • 15. Medical Advances Essay Medical Advances Besides the computer revolution, medical advances have caused tension between faith and reason. The medical advances of the Twentieth Century have many beneficial effects for humanity. Diseases that used to be dangerous or life threatening, like mumps, measles, and whooping cough, are no longer worries in todays medical world. Tetanus, typhoid, and the bubonic plaque can now be treated with antibiotics or other medicines. Vaccines, especially the polio vaccine, freed many people from the effects of a disease. Advances in heart surgery and organ transplants have saved many lives. Anesthetics and painkillers have been made to reduce or eliminate pain during surgery or a painful disease. Advances in cancer and AIDS have ... Show more content on ... This will tremendously benefit farmers who raise livestock, and cloning of the superior animals will also make the food supply healthier and larger in this growing world. Other advances in medical technology deal with the preborn and postborn babies and prolonging life techniques. Prenatal technology and obstetrics have allowed babies to be born as early as twenty–two weeks after conception. Life support systems have helped to prolong lives and have even supported people in comas who have "woken up" after many years. However, these medical advances have been questioned as to whether they really are "advance." Many of these new medical techniques conflict with peoples faith in medical ethics and with their religious beliefs, especially Catholicism. A debate about the extent to which humans are allowed to "play God" to destroy, alter, or create life forms has risen. Most of the new controversial medical procedures have become accepteed in this impersonal, technological world, but many people do not believe these procedures are really "progress." Many people believe that Church should be the driving force in the fight against AIDS. Robert K. Gray in "Some Diseases Are Less Equal Than Others": The War Against AIDS (1990) states that "the pulpit of the Catholic Church is the mightiest of weapons" against the spreading of AIDS and against the hate that evolves for AIDS victims.(6) However, most people who have AIDS were contaminated by sinning ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Medical Marijuana Legalization Global Impact of the Legalization of Medical Marijuana Medical marijuana has become an extreme controversy for many different countries around the world. According to the National Conference of State Legislation, twenty nine states in the United States have legalized medical marijuana, (State) along with select countries around the world. Different regions of the world have varying views and laws for medical cannabis. Medical marijuana can drastically improve the quality of ill people's lives, and ease pain that otherwise make daily life miserable. According to two well known professors at University of Salerno, cannabis has been used to relieve chronic pain, muscular cramps and neurological or spinal pains (Bifulco and Pisanti). Although medical marijuana's purpose would be to alleviate pain, some are concerned that it could be a gateway drug, which means it could potentially lead people to become addicted to stronger substances. California was the first state in the United States to pass laws making medical marijuana legal. As of 2017, thirty three American states or territories have passed similar laws regarding cannabis, leaving twenty three states with the illegalization of medical marijuana (State). Other countries within North America have also made medical marijuana legal, including Canada. According to Canada's government website, medical marijuana has been legal since 2001 (Marihuana). Rob Nikolewski, a writer for the San Diego Union–Tribune, explains that ... Get more on ...
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  • 19. Medical Benefits Of Medical Marijuana Jacqueline Patterson was born with cerebral palsy. This condition makes her experience stuttering, crippling pain, and muscle imbalance. She has four children and was living in Kansas City, Missouri. Now she lives in California, where a judge determined that her cannabis use is medically necessary to ease her symptoms (Price, In Pot We Trust). Cannabis use for medical purposes and the relief of various symptoms has been around since before recorded history as the National Institute on Drug Abuse notes that, "The earliest written reference is found in the 15th century BC Chinese Pharmacopeia, the Rh–Ya." While cannabis can be used for recreational purposes, recent research and history provide evidence to its medical benefits (, 2017). While the Chinese Pharmacopeia may not have understood the science behind medical benefits of cannabis on certain ailments, it provides a historical background into the use of medicinal cannabis. WebMD defines medical cannabis (or medical marijuana) as, "A drug that is made up of the leaves, flowers, and buds of the hemp plant Cannabis sativa. Medical marijuana is the use of this drug to help treat symptoms like pain, muscle stiffness (spasticity), nausea, and lack of appetite." (WebMD, 2017) This definition provides us with a basis for what can be considered medical cannabis and what a doctor can prescribe legally. As with any other drugs like opioids, cannabis can be abused and it is important that we distinguish what can be used ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Legalizing Medical Marijuana The use of medical marijuana has both "good" and "bad" side; however legalizing medical marijuana could aid in the relief of pain, people who are prescribed medical marijuana would not be prosecuted and the government might be able to control its sale and distribution. People think that marijuana is "bad". Well marijuana is good. It aids in pain and helps people with cancer. Most people don't want to legalize marijuana for religious reasons. Which is bogus. I am not a religious person, and I don't see people's insights on the marijuana campaign. And me knowing some very religious people say that marijuana is bad cause it messes with your head. But those are only some types of marijuana the medical marijuana is not a hallucinogen. It is mostly ... Show more content on ... That need the marijuana will be prosecuted and will go to jail. Even though they need it. Marijuana can help people. There is many types of marijuana that are illegal and should stay illegal, but the medical should be legal, it has nothing wrong with it. It is a natural healer of the earth. It may seem that I am talking hippie, but it is natural and from the earth. It helps a lot of people. ALOT. they need the healing that the medical marijuana gives people. The government might even be able to control its sales and distributions. With it being legal the stores that sell the medical marijuana would have strict ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. A Research Study On Medical Billing And Medical Records I participated in taking patients histories, doing physical examinations, reviewing lab results and prescribing the appropriate treatment, I helped in performing administrative duties and updating patients' medical records. At the clinic's pharmacy, I assisted the pharmacist in explaining the medication route of administration, dosing and frequency. I also involved in introducing public health awareness and vaccination projects during our local medical tours. My responsibilities were taking patients' histories, doing physical examinations, performing EKGs, reviewing the patient medications, discussing the management plan and updating the electronic medical records, also I participated in inpatient rounds in the afternoon at Piedmont Hospital & Emory Midtown Hospital. It was a great experience working with nurses and helping them giving vaccinations and doing lab work. And from my interaction with the office staff, I learned more about medical billing and medical coding and this assisted me better understand the administrative work. My involvement in research at the same time had helped me applying the concepts of the scientific research in clinical medicine. During my hand on rotation with Dr. Renfus at Children 's Medicine, I participated by obtaining histories, performing physical exams, reviewing lab work and discussing differential diagnosis with assessment and plan. I was directly involved in patients ' care and I had a direct access to patient medical electronic ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Medical Negligence And Medical Negligence MEDICAL NEGLIGENCE RHEA DALAL BBA LLB ROLL NO– 16 "If people understood that doctors weren't divine, perhaps the odor of malpractice might diminish." In India doctors are treated as second life saver after God. The standard of care should be more so that the cases of negligence may not arise. Nowadays Indian society is experiencing a growing awareness regarding the patients right as the number of case of medical negligence has increased drastically. A doctor can be charged with criminal negligence when a patient ... Show more content on ... The protection of patients right should not be at the cost of professional integrity. When an FIR is filed against a doctor for the death of a patient under treatment than the doctor can be arrested and can be punished for 2 years of imprisonment under IPC section 304A. But if the doctor has not charged any fees for the treatment of the patient than, the doctor cannot be sued for medical negligence. The patient requires proper care as they suffer from disease and treatment is been provided, it becomes the duty of the hospital as well as that of the staff members to take care of the patient. In the case of: Aparna Dutt V. Appollo Hospital Enterprises Ltd It was held in this case that the staff members of the hospital had not taken proper care of the patient and so the court held liable the hospital thus it is the duty of the staff members also to take care. The doctor is not held liable for every injury caused to the patient, the injury cured only under his treatment can only be held liable if proper care is not taken by the doctor. It should show all possible reasons for the injury caused than only the compensation can be ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Medical Marijuana And Medical Therapy Medical marijuana refers to the use of cannabis as medical therapy in the palliative sense to treat diseases or alleviate symptoms. This treatment modality has proven to be a highly debatable issue within the medical field due to the use of this substance as an illicit drug. "The National Youth Risk Behavior Survey monitors priority health risk behaviors that contribute to the leading causes of death, disability, and social problems among youth and adults in the United States" (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2012). The most recent survey conducted on ninth through twelfth grade students in public and private schools throughout the United States indicated that in 2011, a mean of 39.9% of participants reported ever using marijuana one or more times during their lives (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2012). Although this substance has been most often used for recreational purposes, recent studies have shown that an increasing number of people are fighting to have legislation passed in order for the use medicinal marijuana to be made legal. The populations most affected by such legislation include those positively affected by the use of medical marijuana, patients suffering from chronic and debilitating illnesses, and those who utilize the drug for other reasons associated with recreation and personal pleasure. The issue highlights the beneficial aspect of marijuana use detailing symptom management and improving overall quality of life; and conversely, ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Medical Malpractice Medical Malpractice The doctor–patient relationship has been defined differently through the years. In the beginning it developed into a "common calling" which meant doctors practiced medicine as a duty to their patients. Laws were developed to protect patients, therefore doctors used proper care and expert skill. In the past six centuries, medical malpractice has increased, which lead to revision and addition to the law. Liability was introduced along with the "GIANT of all torts", negligence. Now in today's society, a doctor's duty is to use reasonable care, skill and judgment in the practice of his/her profession and when negligent, take full responsibility. What is malpractice? Malpractice is negligence. Negligence ... Show more content on ... In cases like these the doctor is incredibly egotistical and is playing God. Physicians who ignore patient requests or fail to ask for consent only build communication barriers and ruin the profession's reputation. Many people believe doctors are the real victims. They feel doctors are confined from performing and medical students limit career options in fear of being sued. There are some illegitimate and ungrateful citizens who insist on filing suits when doctors are not at fault. When a family member dies, the loss may cause anger and looking for a doctor to sue seems like the right thing to do. It is human nature to always look for a party at fault in any tragedy. Doctors' fears of malpractice awards also result in bad medical care. New procedures carry a higher risk of harm and second guessing later, so doctors stick to conventional treatments, even in terminal cases, for fear the treatment may hasten the patient's death. The opposite is also true, both overtesting and overtreating are standard methods of beating malpractice suits. Thousands of unneeded surgeries are performed each year. Expensive technology is regularly misused – CAT scans to diagnose simple headaches, for example. Also, the few plaintiff's who win unrealistically high awards raise insurance costs for all doctors. (Nolo Press editors, # 32) In fact, the Canadian Medical Protective Association has announced a 20 % increase in premiums for ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Medical Tourism Tanaka Business School Imperial College London An Insight into Malaysia's Medical Tourism Industry from a New Entrant Perspective by Mr. Bhavin J. Shah A report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the MBA degree and Diploma of Imperial College London September 2008 SYNOPSIS The overarching objective of this project is to provide an insight into Malaysia's medical tourism industry. The study conducted offers assistance to a new upcoming hospital in Malaysia to understand the overall scenario of the market it wishes to enter in the near future. An external view using Porter's Five Forces, an internal resource–based view and an industry snapshot using value network approach are evaluated to identify ... Show more content on ... 4 Organizational Context ................................................................................ 5 Project Objectives ....................................................................................... 5 Report Structure .......................................................................................... 5 Chapter Summary.................................................................................... 6 Introduction ................................................................................................. 7 Traditional strategic management ........................................................ 7 The services sector .............................................................................. 7 Criticism of Porter's Five Forces ......................................................... 12 Criticisms of Resource–Based View.................................................... 13 Definition ............................................................................................ 14 Background of network study ............................................................. 15 About value network ........................................................................... 15 About value– chain............................................................................... 16 Value Network vs. Value–Chain ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Medical Health And Medical Tourism Imagine if you were in need of medical attention that you could not afford because of where you live or the doctor nearby did not have standardized treatment for your diagnosis. What would you do? Would you continue to seek treatment locally or find somewhere else to receive cheaper, proper care? Most people would want to be taken care of by a doctor who knows what he or she is doing and if it saves money at the same time, it is a hard deal to turn down. Traveling to seek medical attention is better known as medical tourism. There are several types of medical tourism, reasons why people decide to seek health care abroad, and multiple advantages and disadvantages of medical tourism. If you are considering of whether to seek medical attention domestically or internationally, this paper will inform its readers about medical tourism and provide experiences of others. It will also inform its readers why medical tourism is something to consider. According to Lee Ann Eissler, a nurse practitioner defines medical tourism as "organized travel outside of someone's healthcare jurisdiction to enhance or restore health." The traveling aspect can be as close as the next state or as far away as the other side of the world. Patients who are medical tourists seek care for various health complications such as cancer treatments, surgery, and even dental care. There are two types of medical tourism: inbound and domestic. Inbound tourism is when one country provides care to patients from ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Medical Marijuana Dispensaries Medical Marijuana Dispensaries Are Not Beneficial Medical marijuana has been a debatable subject of whether it is safe or harmful to people with serious conditions, such as cancer. To add on to the debate, medical marijuana clinics, or "dispensaries" have been placed in several communities around the United States, causing uproar between the supporters and the non supporters of medical marijuana. Some argue that dispensaries help their community and the economy, while others believe that they will cause trouble in their towns. Although some people strongly believe that putting medical marijuana dispensaries in their cities will be beneficial to the community, medical marijuana clinics are unsafe and not helpful to the communities where they ... Show more content on ... Some areas have seen an increase of crimes in their community, and medical marijuana clinics are part of the reason for the rise of crime. Assaults, gang infiltration, and violence have become an everyday thing for cities with dispensaries. Fights, murders, theft, bombings, and graffiti are all linked to medical marijuana dispensaries found in California, Colorado, Montana, and several other big cities with multiple dispensaries (Croke). It is crazy! "It's an absolute nightmare; my prediction is that it's only going to get worse if we continue to allow it" (qtd. in Croke). Clinics should not be causing all this trouble in the communities. If they are there to help citizens of the community, it is certainly not working because of all this insanity caused by them. Something needs to be done about ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Medical Benefits Of Medical Marijuana Many plants are nowadays beneficial for people and help them to relieve or heal their pain. We often observe the case of cannabis which is a famous subject these days. It is being legalized in many countries and most often for its medical benefits.In fact, cannabis is not only a soft drug to relax and get high, but it is also a more effective medication than what people think. There are several studies that prove the benefits of cannabis on the human body. It is on these benefits that my thesis will be based to study whether marijuana really has benefits on the human being and on what does it helps to treat. Moreover we will see that the progress of medical cannabis has a very promising future even for the most important diseases. Nowadays cannabis has become a common things in our society. The cannabis in general is known to relax the user and get him stoned. Following these virtues it is possible today thanks to medical cannabis to relieve or even cure pain and even diseases. This fact is highly controversial with studies not always very serious or in order to denigrate cannabis because they are opponents against the Marijuana and its legalization. However, there are serious studies and evidence that cannabis has positive virtues on the human body. For example, a study shows following six trials that included 325 patients examined chronic pain and the patients felt, for the most part, much less their pain thanks to the benefits of cannabis on their pain because of ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Medical Uses Of Medical Marijuana Essay Medical uses of Marijuana There are different views on the effects and uses of marijuana. Some consider marijuana as a stimulant with only addictive potential and a gateway drug. Others sees it as beneficial to treat various medical conditions. The uses of medical marijuana derivatives the risks and benefits, and the individual needs to consider both if taking. Benefits of Marijuana Marijuana can be used to treat many chronic diseases, such as: cancer, AIDs, glaucoma, multiple sclerosis, chronic pain, inflammatory bowel diseases, and other types of inflammation. The unfortunate disease, cancer, can be unpreventable at times and chemotherapy can only help so much. There was an ingredient found in marijuana that has the ability to decrease tumor growth specifically with lung cancer. The research performed at Harvard University reveals that the active ingredient reduces the spread of the ... Show more content on ... Nurses promote healing and well–being, and need to be available for patients when there are questions or issues regarding medical cannabis. According to the American Cannabis Nurses Association (2017), the cannabis nurses can work in various settings with patients. Cannabis nurses educates the patients, caregivers, and give the patient's support system. The trained nurses give the most effective safe guidelines of cannabis for specific health healing, and illness concerns. For the nurse to make the best clinical decisions and resultant positive healthcare outcomes, he or she will use only evidence–based practice. The cannabis nurse will build expertise upon experiences with healing and nursing while supporting the patient's needs (ACNA, 2017). Cannabis nursing requires education above and beyond a registered nurse competencies. The education taught to the RN includes cannabis therapeutics, advocacy, ethics, and understanding the law. Like all expected nurses, the cannabis nurse advocates for the patients and strive to promote health and alleviate ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Medical Imaging Medical imaging is used to create visual images of the interior part of the body so that it would be easier to examine, diagnose & treat patients without the need of surgical processes. This process is used to see what is beneath the skins and bones to find any abnormalities present. There are many types of medical imaging used, such as :– X–rays : these invisible beams can go through a number of objects, making it a fast and painless test done to be able to see inside the human body. This test is mainly used to see the bones and it depends on the amount of radiation absorbed and the density of the object. It can appear as white (for bone and metal), black (air in the lungs) or gray (fats and muscles). Ultrasound : it is ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Getting Into Medical School Getting into medical school is intense and getting harder. Medical schools are searching for the best personalities and most decided and inspired college students. They are searching for candidates who have shown interest and capacity to work with individuals and meet individuals. It takes an exceptional individual to try and long for a career in medicine, and it takes diligent work and duty to entering medical school today. About a large portion of all applicants are acknowledged, and more than 96% of these go for a medical degree. Candidates have a strong establishment in mathematics and science, which are for the most part identified with medicine: biology, physics and general and organic chemistry. The vast majority of the medical schools confirmation necessities incorporate fruition of the continuous work of mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology and English. On the other hand, the primary fixing to turn into a specialist performing arts education, so it is vital that the hopeful's college experience is balanced – and the humanities courses to help candidates plan for people in general side of medicine. Perfect for specialists to see how society works, and will have the capacity to compose and convey successfully. Candidates' extracurricular exercises likewise consider, specifically, volunteering at doctor's facilities or ... Show more content on ... Considering medicine in one of the top medical schools guarantees the understudy of the correct education required for a career in the field of medicine. Courses in medicine, nursing, physical therapy, physician assistant or different courses joined with the medical profession are best brought in medical schools with demonstrated record in creating skillful graduates. Great execution of laborers in the medical field has its establishment in the right education of the specialists in medical ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. The Legalization Of Medical Marijuana Thomas Gordon The Legalization of Medical Marijuana Health Care Research Utilization Marie Vasquez HCS 465 March 19, 2016 The Legalization of Medical Marijuana Marijuana is one of the most discussed and controversial topics in the U.S today. Many say that it has medicinal benefits and should be made legal. While many say that it has a "high potential for abuse" (Medical) and should remain illegal. Among the arguments, proponents for medical marijuana have presented a stronger argument for legalization through their use of research and evidence. Opponents of medical marijuana have given many reasons for why it should not be legalized. One of the main reasons they argue is that "Marijuana smoke contains known carcinogens and produces dependency in users" (Medical). In many studies it has shown that it does have some harm such as the harms associated with smoking, but the National Academy of Science affirmed that "marijuana's short term medical benefits outweigh any smoking–related harms for some patients"(Medical). Though marijuana has been proven to be damaging to the lungs than tobacco, a study in 2006 "found no evidence that marijuana smokers had higher rates of lung cancer" (Medical Marijuana). The FDA has tested the effectiveness of marijuana and has found that the cannabinoids are helpful in "treating pain associated with chemotherapy, postoperative recovery, and spinal cord injury, as well as neuropathic pain, which is often experienced by patients ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Medical Maligence In Medical Malpractice Case If you have been arrested for driving under the influence or DUI, then you're going to need a good lawyer to represent you. A DUI is a serious offense these days and it's imperative that you hire a lawyer to defend you as soon as possible. However, not all lawyers are created equal, and since lawyers are people too, (although some may not think so) there are good lawyers and bad lawyers out there. If you're searching the Internet for a lawyer, be very careful of sites that claim to be in connection with a top notch firms. You need to check out this "connection" very carefully. Many referral sites will call every lawyer in the yellow pages and whoever pays them money gets a link on their site without any background check, or even a phone call. ... Show more content on ... If you feel that something is not right after you had a surgery or you have been hospitalized, you mush consult a medical malpractice lawyer who is highly qualified to evaluate your case. If the case is strong enough, the written claims are sent to the parties that are supposed to be responsible for medical malpractice. It is a person's right to claim any injustice that caused him any harms (physical or moral) and receive the compensation he or she needs to repair the harm that has been ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Medical Benefits Of Medical Marijuana Marijuana is believe it or not, one of the safest 'illegal' drugs on Earth. It is safer than legal alternatives: alcohol or tobacco. According to CNN "1 in 8 Americans smoke marijuana on a regular basis." the drug can provide medical benefits, lower social costs, and better the economy. Therefore Marijuana should be deemed legal for recreational and medicinal usage across America, because it provides medical benefits, lowers social cost, and betters the economy across the board. The true medical benefits of marijuana are nearly endless. Marijuana has been utilized by ancient peoples all the way up to the modern society. "The first recorded use of marijuana as a medicinal drug occurred in 2737 BC by the Chinese emperor Shen Nung." (Hill, N/A). According to (Hill, N/a) the Chinese emperor discovered and well documented just some of the few medicinal benefits of marijuana, he learned how it controls pains in simple medical issues such as: rheumatism, and the gout. Whilst he just found out a couple benefits of medicinal marijuana. Other ancient civilizations discovered more uses, according to (Ghaly, N/A) "The Ancient Egyptians used cannabis and applied it as suppositories for treatment of hemorrhoids." so it was essentially it was used once again as a pain reliever. In India, people discovered multiple uses: "Cannabis was used for a plethora of medicinal and spiritual purposes, ranging anywhere from nausea and diarrhoea to headaches and insomnia. But the Indians were using ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Medical Malpractice Claims I've chosen the topic of medical malpractice for this essay. I chose this topic because it is a topic that I think someone could disagree with and argue, so therefore it's also one that I can help persuade someone into thinking I'm right about. My question is "has medical malpractice affected the level/ delivery of health care & does it scaring future physicians away?" This topic is important because it impacts everyone whether they are seeking medical attention or the person providing it. It also affects the cost of health care and people's access to it. I believe that medical malpractice makes it hard for physicians to do their job without worry and fear of getting sued. This can impact their judgment and distract them from getting their ... Show more content on ... In "The Effect of Medical Malpractice Liability on the Delivery of Health Care," Daniel Weinberg discusses the effects of " medical malpractice liability on the delivery of health care in the United States." Weinberg approaches this topic in several different ways by breaking it down into parts. He focuses on "physician workforce, physician income and patients' access to care." Weinberg discusses the affect medical malpractice is having on people in certain aspects of the medical field and also how it is affecting those who are seeking medical attention. One of the main topics that Weinberg talks about is how medical malpractice affects physicians and if it cause them to use defensive medicine, which goes into how some people believe that defensive medicine can be a waste of money and affect how the patients are ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Medical School Should Be A Medical Program There are thousands universities/colleges in the United States that have a medical school/program. For those students interested in going into the medical field, deciding on what college to attend can be very tricky. Students always want to attend the best university out there, but that isn't always the easiest decision because of certain road blocks. For example, those who live in Arizona have the chance to go to U of A; there is also the opportunity to go to U of W (University of Washington). While both schools have a medical program, the University of Washington has more to offer Arizonian students than the University of Arizona. When students are looking into the medical school they should attend, they should look into the school's rank. According to Carleen Eaton, author of Getting into Medical School For Dummies, one of the factors that students should consider is the medical school rank. After the required years of undergrad and medical school are complete, students will have to go begin their residency. The school's ranking can help in that. According to the U.S.News and World Report Education, UW is ranked "#1 Best Medical Schools: Primary Care" and "#8 Best Medical Schools: Research," while U of A is ranked "#63 Best Medical Schools: Research," and #74 Best Medical Schools: Primary Care". Eaton says that going to a "big–name medical school" can help when it's time to enter residency, and UW is named the number one best medical schools: primary care and U of A is ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Medical Malpractice Lawsuit Have you or a loved one's health recently been affected by the negligence or misconduct of a physician or medical staff? If so, you may be eligible to file a medical malpractice lawsuit in order to recover damages for your medical costs, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Medical malpractice can take many forms, such as failing to diagnose a serious medical condition, misdiagnosis, adverse reactions, and anesthesia, surgical, and medication errors. It is important to note that not all medical errors constitute medical malpractice; thus, it is crucial that you speak with an experienced malpractice lawyer to determine if negligence has taken place and what your legal options are. Who Can File a Lawsuit? Malpractice lawsuits can be filed ... Show more content on ... This is known as the rule of collateral source. In cases involving joint or several liabilities, each person who is deemed negligent is required to pay the entire amount that is determined by the judge. If one person is unable to pay, the other person must pay the entire amount. In order to win your Massachusetts medical malpractice lawsuit, you must show that the other party was negligent or engaged in misconduct. It is important to hire a medical malpractice lawyer who has successfully handled cases similar to yours. An experienced attorney will know how to investigate your case in order to prove liability. If you win your case, you may be compensated for loss of income, medical bills, mental anguish, and other expenses related to your injury. How a Medical Malpractice Lawyer Can Help Insurance companies and hospitals will often attempt to settle quickly in order to avoid costly legal fees, however, the amount of compensation offered is usually far below what those injuries will cost you and your family in lost wages and medical treatment, not to mention the significant loss of quality of life that usually accompanies the serious medical conditions that often result from ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Medical Malpractice And Its Effects Medical Malpractice and Its Effects According to the American Bar Association "Medical malpractice is defined as negligence committed by a professional health care provider–a doctor, nurse, dentist, technician, hospital or hospital worker–whose performance of duties departs from a standard of practice of those with similar training and experience, resulting in harm to a patient or patient 's". Medical malpractice makes it hard for physicians to do their job without having the fears of getting sued. This can impact their judgment and distract them from getting their jobs done the right way. When people think of medical malpractice they only see how it impacts the victim or the person who is suing the doctor, but do they ever wonder how it affects the doctors and those who are in the medical field? Do they think about how medical malpractice impacts the administration of proper medicine? Now, this is the reason why society should care if our medical personnel are failing to do their job or why you should it care collectively about a physician who was sued in the past, but won the case? Medical malpractice doesn't only have negative effects on the patient. I understand that the patient has to deal with emotional and/or physical distress as well. Their entire lives are uprooted and they have to make a lot of adjustments as necessary. I am sympathetic to the families who are affected. I feel the same for the affected physicians who have won their and ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Legalize Medical Marijuana Should we or should we not legalize Medical Marijuana? Yes, I think we should make medical marijuana legal in all 50 states. Why is it so difficult for our government and our american society to vote for marijuana to be used for medical purposes. There are many reasons why medical marijuana should be legal, why is medical marijuana helpful, and cannabis are my three reasons why Medical marijuana should be legalized. There are many reasons why medical marijuana should be legal. One reason is that medical marijuana can help people that are hurt. Another reason is that medical marijuana can help get rid of nausea and vomiting by settling in your stomach. Finally Medical Marijuana can help relieve certain types of pains in your body. All in all ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Disadvantages Of Medical Tourism Medical Tourism is used to represent obtaining medical or surgical services while travelling or vacationing in another country. Medical tourism is a form of health tourism generally referring to the travel of people to another country with the objective of obtaining medical treatment in that country. Medical Tourism, which is defined as movements of people travelling to another country for medical treatment (Keckley & Underwood, 2008) is continuing to be a growing global industry. Turner (2007) suggested that due to globalization number of patients is increasing due to reductions in health benefits offered by states and employers for affordable medical care. Herick (2007) pointed out that worldwide tough competition in health care is compelling more patients from developed countries to travel for medical reasons to regions once ... Show more content on ... Mishra & Shailesh (2012) pointed out that Medical Tourism is a growing @30%annually in India. Heung et al.,(2010) mentioned that very little academic research has been done on Medical tourism as of now and still it remains as an emerging niche market. 2. The Literature Review about reasons of Medical Tourism There are many triggering factors for medical tourism. Cost benefit is one of the reasons (Burkett, 2007; Turner, 2007; Connell, 2006; Ramirez de Arellano, 2007). Transportation and convenience costs are also play an important role (Connell,2006).Similarly popular tourism country also have an impact on medical tourism(Connell,2006; Turner,2007)However procedures those are unavailable or illegal in the home countries of these medical tourists like drug rehabilitation, stem cell therapy ,sex change procedure ,are also important(Horowitz, Rosenweig & Jones 2007). ART(Assisted Reproductive Technology),mainly those procedures or treatment related to donation or surrogate motherhood are illegal ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. The Benefits Of Medical Marijuana Many people don't know what Marijuana is, to clarify what it is, it is a dried bud, occasionally considered cannabis with a natural dust called THC on the plant. THC is the particle that causes reactions to the body. Another thing people at times don't comprehend correctly is that the medical use of marijuana and the recreational use is totally different. The medical use of marijuana is recommended by a doctor in the treatment of a medical condition such as cancers, HIV/AIDS, Epilepsy, and many other conditions. The recreational use of marijuana is considered a misused drug; its use is for a "high" that is not recommended by a doctor, so it is illegal, sold in the black market trade. Knowing medicals marijuana purpose, it should be legalized for its medical use only for the soul purpose to help and provide relief to the hurt and/or sick. Medical marijuana use may provide relief and/or help to many ill people; marijuana's medical use is the new natural drug that can help with more than one problem as in many other drugs also do. Medical marijuana is a highly used substance that has been used for millennia and it is here to stay whether it is legal or not (Newton 137). It is told that marijuana will never truly go away. People need to create legal ways for the sale of marijuana so it can be used as a medical herb without the common threat of legal consequences (129). Saying that more and more countries/ states are legalizing the use and/ or sale of medical marijuana. In fact, ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Medical Marijuana Should Be Legalized For Pure Medical... Kari Knutson Kristen Jacobus English 102 21 April 2015 When Holly was less than a year old she was diagnosed with pediatric convulsions, which progressed into a severe form of epilepsy. She is now 14–years–old, and needs supervision constantly due to the severity of her seizures. Because of her seizures she is not able to walk, talk, or feed herself. Holly's family has exhausted every option medically when it comes to controlling seizures. The one treatment that they have not tried is medical cannabis. I am an in home caretaker for Holly, and after interviewing her mother I feel that everyone should understand why medical cannabis should be legalized for pure medical purposes. Unfortunately the drug has been abused by recreational users, and now has a bad reputation of being a gateway drug. Some Doctor's also believe that medical cannabis has no medicinal value. Holly's mother is a Registered Nurse, and feels that Holly would benefit from medical cannabis; unfortunately it is illegal in Wisconsin. With the recent increase in funding and research on all medical cannabis products, research is proving that cannabis does not only help symptoms of epilepsy, but with most neurological disorders, including multiple sclerosis. Every seizure that a person goes through that lasts more than three minutes causes brain damage. You can imagine how dangerous it is to be having dozens of seizures daily, and having no way to control or stop them. If Holly were to have had access to ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Medical Marijuana Essay Medical marijuana has been used for centuries to combat pain, weakness, anxiety, insomnia, female problems and nausea. Today it is commonly used by cancer and AIDS patients to stimulate hunger, combat nausea and vomiting induced by chemotherapy or other drug therapy and reduce pain. It has also been shown to be effective in reducing eye pressure, especially in the cases with glaucoma. Medical marijuana, or cannabis, is derived from the Cannabis sativa plant and there is some evidence of cannabis being used medicinally for over four thousand years. Many believe that medical marijuana is a healthy and natural alternative to dangerous and toxic pharmaceuticals that often have side effects worse than the original condition. The United Sates ... Show more content on ... If you live in a state that has passed medical marijuana laws, it is best to find out if your individual follows the state–mandated guidelines for acceptable use and the amount each patient is allowed to have legally. In California, SB 420 (HS 11362.7) passed in September of 2003 and went into effect in January of 2004. SB 420, Medical Marijuana Implementation, allowed each city and county to adopt specific rules and regulations for the use of medicinal cannabis, as long as they did not violate the state's set standards. Proposition 215, also known as the Compassionate Use Act of 1996, was the first statewide medical cannabis initiative to be passed in the United States. The California Department of Health created the Medical Marijuana Program as a voluntary registry designed for qualified patients and their caregivers in order for law enforcement officials to easily verify a patient's medical marijuana card. Medical marijuana has many benefits and has helped countless people. Doctors in California have reportedly helped more than 300,000 migraine sufferers through the use of medical cannabis. The American Association for Cancer Research's studies has shown, contrary to media messages, marijuana actually slows the growth rate of tumors down considerably in the brain, lungs and breasts. A study conducted by Harvard University showed the main ingredient in marijuana, THC or tetrahydrocannabinol, cuts the growth of ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Medical Application For Medical Residency Program Throughout all of time there have been people known as doctors. In some places they have been known as shaman, witch doctor, healing man, or even cleric. The way they were trained was usually through apprenticeship with an older doctor when they were young. As the times and practices advanced and changed so did the learning of medicine. People went from apprenticeships to schools. Then the schools became more extensive and thorough. Now because of there being several different branches of medicine there are also several branches of schooling. And in order to become a doctor, surgeon, or a radiologist a person must go through the Medical Residency Program, otherwise known as the Match Program. Depending on which type of medicine a person wants to go in they have to choose a type of medical residency program, an example would be that if a person would want to work as a doctor they would have to go through the Internal Medicine Residency Program. Each residency program was created at different times. The reason for this fact is that some of these programs weren 't need until a certain point because of changes in time, culture, people, and necessities. Point in case being the Emergency Medical Residency Program which was not created until 1961. This can be backed by what Brian J. Zink 's writing at–history/a–brief–history–of–emergency–medicine–residency– training/. The history of Emergency Medicine residency training is interwoven with the ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Medical Assistant Mahan 2 EDU 0100 (A) Ms. Smith March 11, 2013 "Five Keys to Professionalism as an Medical Assistant." Why Be a Professional in Medical Assistant ? A Medical Assistant (MA) is an integral member of the health care delivery team, qualified by education and experience to work in the administrative office, the examining room and the physician office laboratory. The Medical Assistant, also a liaison between the doctor and the patient, is of vital importance to the success of the medical practice. When you are a Professional in MA you will enjoy Pride, Respect, and Opportunities that others will not. There are "Five Keys to becoming a Professional in Medical Assistant." Character Your Character is who you ... Show more content on ... MAs understand that service to others is the highest calling one can have. They respond by doing work that is useful and helpful to others. Excellence Medical Assistant strive to be the best they can be. They push to do the best work they can do. Being a professional Medical Assistant you listen when others are speaking. Give them the courtesy of their undivided attention. Pay attention to the matter at hand. They do not let their thoughts wander. MAs always find out what is expected of them and find a way to do it properly. Competency MAs acquire the skills necessary to do their job properly, professional, and with great dexterity. They realize that to become an expert at what they do, they must matter all aspects of their craft. To do this they must obtain training, education, and experience. Because most employers prefer graduates who graduated from an accredited Medical Assisting program. Mahan 4 Accredited Medical Assisting programs are offered in postsecondary vocational schools, junior colleges and in colleges and universities. Postsecondary programs usually last either one year or less which results in a certificate or diploma or two years with an associate degree. Being a MA you have to be a good communicator because they see effective communication as an extension of their professional and recognize that knowledge and expertise are of little value until they are applied and shared with others. They know that it is important to put their ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. A Career As A Medical Assistant Medical assistants job outlook is something to look into before a student becomes a certified nursing assistant. ". . . Employment of medical assistants is projected to grow twenty nine percent from 2016–2026, much faster than the average for all occupations. The growth of the aging baby–boom population will continue to increase demand for preventive medical services, which are often provided by physicians ("Medical Assistants: Job Outlook" 1). ". . . Medical assistants are expected to have good job prospects; however, those who earn certification and have familiarity with electronic health records may have been job prospects ("Medical Assistants: Job Outlook" 1). Medical assistants are going to keep being needed more as the years go on and that is very important. ... Show more content on ... ". . .Medical assistants can expect to receive bonuses and benefits that can easily add as much as $15,000 to their overall earnings. These benefits include social security benefits, retirement plans, health–care insurance, disability benefits, pension, and paid time off. These benefits bring the total value of salary and benefits to around $45,000 a year; quite a nice salary for so little time spent in training ("Certified Nursing. . ." 2). ". . . To make the field even more attractive, there is a growing demand for well–trained medical assistants across the country. This demand is creating an upward trend in wages and benefits, according to a medical assisting salary survey taken in 2011 ("Medical Assistant: Job Outlook" 2). Medical assistants end up receiving good benefits, which is awesome in the medical ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Diagnostic Medical Sonography Heart beating fast, adrenaline flowing, and pressure in the air, is what one would expect in a career in a medical field; extremely demanding yet very rewarding and fulfilling. When working in a health care profession, patients often place their trust in a health care stranger's hands to determine their diagnosis and to establish a treatment strategy. According to the Journal of Diagnostic Medical Sonography, a diagnostic medical sonographer is an individual who provides patient care services utilizing ultrasound and related diagnostic procedures. In addition, the Journal of Diagnostic Medical Sonography states a diagnostic medical sonographer is a multi–specialty profession comprised of many diverse emerging clinical areas (Bendick, P. ... Show more content on ... Earning the educational and certificate/license requirements ensures that a health care professional has the ability and qualifications to aid others in a medical setting. Various college institutions offer both an associate's and bachelor's degree program in sonography. At Washburn University, a Diagnostic Medical Sonographer program can be completed between one to two years after obtaining a Radiological Technologist degree. Like most medical careers, this profession requires a student to complete courses such as anatomy and physiology, as well as applied science curriculum. Not only does this profession require in class studies, but it also entails a clinical component. Requiring students to be hands on in a clinical setting allows the students to gain genuine experience as well as acquire additional knowledge and expertise in their specific field of study. Once an individual has completed the required curriculum, they must complete a certification from the American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonographers. Typically, a person in this career field earns at least one specialty certification, but could potentially broaden their horizon and get certificates in many different specialties such as abdomen, breast, vascular, and/or cardiac sonography. Nonetheless, few ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Medical Use of Marijuana Since the legalization of marijuana for medical use, eight out of ten states caused a decreased in teenage cannabis use. Currently in the nation there are several states that allow the use of marijuana for medical purposes. Government officials have different belief on medical marijuana. According to Judge Young, "Marijuana has been accepted as capable of relieving the distress of great numbers of very ill people" ("Top Ten"). The governmental figure sees potential with the use of medical cannabis. According to Walters, "Smoked marijuana damages the brain, heart, lungs, and immune system" ("Top Ten"). Walters is suggesting that this study is only going to do harm. Though there are many people who agree and disagree with cannabis use for ... Show more content on ... In conclusion, by using medical cannabis it allows the patient to stay happy and healthy. Finally, medical marijuana can induce appetite problems due to AIDS. When a person is diagnosed with the disease they are aware that there is no cure at this time but making it possible to survive with is an option. While a human is caring AIDS they are given treatments to help cure infections caused by the disease. The treatments then cause the patients to have a few side effects like appetite loss, pain, and other serious issues. An article states, "These medications can create severe gastrointestinal effects, which in turn produces AIDS 'wasting syndrome' " ("Marijuana"). The wasting syndrome from AIDS can be cause a person to starve to death. Medical cannabis can help this extremely by helping the partaker consume enough calories to survive. "Marijuana and HIV/AIDS" states, "Because people who have AIDS need more calories just to maintain their weight marijuana can help stimulate apatite and provide much needed pain relief ("Marijuana"). In contrast with the many positive aspects of medical marijuana, there are some negative aspects to the use of cannabis. The negative aspects come from views that insist that medical cannabis is hurting patients more than helping them. First, the use of marijuana interferes with certain bodily functions. In reference to a health article, "Smoking marijuana regularly (a joint a day) can damage the ... Get more on ...