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Media Violence and Children Essay
Media Violence and Children Violence in the media has come under a lot of scrutiny lately. Even though this is not a new concern, it has resurfaced as
the pinnacle of many debates among politicians, parents and educators. Children are progressively becoming more aggressive. This is in direct
correlation to violence becoming more prominent among adults. Parents and educators continue to stress that the damage violent media inflicts on
children will continue into adulthood. Multiple studies have demonstrated that violent media makes violent adults. This problem is larger than just
turning off the violence. The media distributors need to stop mass producing and distributing violence to children. Until executives at television,
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When parents are not involved and the media is raising children, it is natural for the child to emulate the media personalities (Steyer, 2002). One of
the largest problems with children emulating media figures is that there never seems to be ramifications for the actions (Grapes, 2000). Children do
not see that the bullet really hurts; instead, they see the bullet hit a personality who does not appear to be in pain (Grapes, 2000). Children in
general tend to be more emotionally upset by media violence than adults (Steyer, 2002). If a child views something that is overly traumatic, the child
may feel a paralytic sense of fear (Steyer, 2002). This is due to children being unable to distinguish what is real and what is fantasy (Steyer, 2002).
This is the same principle that the child is scared of a "monster in the closet", the child knows that the monster isn't there but they still have the
immature reasoning ability to differentiate that the monster is fantasy and the closet is reality (Anderson, Dill 2002). With all this knowledge, what is
being seen is an increased number of children who have been exposed to violent media becoming more aggressive or violent in young adulthood
(Huesmann, Moise–Titus, Podoiski, 2003). As children become more violent, the risk for unintentional injuries increases (Gilk, D., Kinsler, J., Todd,
W., Clarke, L., Fazio, K., Miyashiro, R., et al.). These trends cross all socio–economic boarders and
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Essay on The Media Violence Debate
Television and video games are favorite ways teenagers spend their leisure hours. Parents and teens themselves have wondered about their effects
because of numerous concerns raised with regards to the negative influences that these form of entertainment bring. Many of today's children grow up
with a television at home or even in their own rooms and there have been studies dedicated to the analysis of their impact of a young child growing up
to adolescence. Young children are heavily influenced by television and video games, many of which are educational. While there are fun educational
shows and games that benefit more content...
How the contents or messages come through changes the attitude of the viewers or readers. The messages that each kind of media exposes are
dependent on person's view. He compares movies and television in their manner of viewing and content saying that the visual presentation presents
different types of influences. Media as a vessel of influential messages is an essential point to consider to every person who is into the broadcast and
print industry.
Video Games Violence
Video games are a lucrative business anywhere in the world today, claiming US$ 10 billion in sales in the United States alone in one year.
However, with this increasing sales come serious concerns about their effects on players, especially teenagers. Researches have been conducted to
show the effects of video games on teenagers. Results prove that there is indeed a high possibility and likelihood of aggressive and violent behaviors
to be manifested in some adolescents who frequently play violent video games. With these findings, public policy options for limiting distribution of
these kind of games are being created; however, the creation and spread of more video games seem too many too stop. In 2006, the Radiological
Society of North America (RSNA) reported their findings on studies conducted on teenagers who play violent games. These young adolescents show
long–lasting effects of abnormal brain functions which include
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Media Violence Essay
Media Violence
Media violence is one of the most debated public issues society faces today. Television screens are loaded with the glamorization of weapon carrying.
Violence constitute as amusing and trivialized. Needless portrayals of interpersonal violence spread across the television screens like wild fire.
Televisions spew the disturbing events such as children being assaulted, husbands inflicting domestic abuse on their wives and children succumbing to
abuse by their parents. Scenes of betrayal, anguish, infiltrate the television screen. Unfortunately, a child becomes subjected to media violence.
Everything a child sees or hears in the media affects them in some way or another. The precise effects of media violence on children more
We as a society cannot succumb to believing such an opinion because we are very familiar with violence and criminal activity resembling something
from a movie scene or television show. Most violent acts shown on television go unpunished and are often accompanied by humor. Rarely does the
media display the consequences of human suffering leading a child accept its reality. Of course, crime can become the result of a number of influences
working together; even researchers point out the independent influence alone cannot directly contribute to the effect.
Evidence show children imitate aggressive behavior. Researchers conducted a study on students happening in the mid 1990's in Israel. The focus of the
study captured the effects of influence from children watching World Wrestling Federation (WWF) matches. The study revealed startling evidence
demonstrating the students in the selected schools developed imitative behavior depicting what they say in the wrestling matches. The children
practiced banging heads, throwing opponents to the floor, jumping onto them from furniture, pulling hair and poking their eyes with fingers. No
surprise when about half of the responding principals reported that these new behaviors resulted in the use of first aid. In addition, the study found one
fourth of the reported injuries required emergency room visits or other professional medical care (Dube, 2000). In yet another
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Essay about Violence in the Media
Some believe that violence in the media is to blame for violence in people, but that argument is undermined by the realization that violence existed
long before video games and television. In fact, violence has actually been steadily decreasing since these things have been growing in popularity.
Critics of violent media seem to long for the "good old days"; a time before there was violence in the media. These critics fail to acknowledge that
those "good old days" were actually far more violent than today. While violence is still present in modern society, it pales in comparison to the
violence that was once a part of daily life. For most of human history, people have lived lives dominated by violence. From primitive
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"Homicide rates in France, Germany, Italy and Japan either failed to change with increasing television ownership in the same period or actually
declined, and American homicide rates have more recently been sharply declining"(30). Despite the growth of violent movies, video games, and
television shows, or perhaps because of it, society as a whole has become a far less violent place than it has ever been before. Proponents of
censorship assert that violence in the media causes violent behavior in children and young adults. As evidence, they point to things like the Littleton
shooters' history of playing violent video games and movies and the similarity of the shootings to certain games. A study conducted by two
psychologists at the University of Michigan is often cited as having "shown that children exposed to violent programming at a young age have a higher
tendency for violent and aggressive behavior later in life than children not so exposed" (31). More in depth studies have contradicted these findings.
Another group did a study which followed 875 children from age eight through eighteen in upstate New York. The group concluded that "the
correlation–0.31–would mean television accounted for 10 percent of the influence that lead to this behavior" (31). It should also be known that this
"only turned up in one of three measures of aggression; the
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The Impact of Media Violence Essays
Media Violence and its negative impact has been discussed and debated for many years As children grow into teens they encounter as vast amount of
violence in the media, negatively impacting today's youth. Teenagers who are exposed to media violence will fail to develop effective socialization
strategies and resort more readily to violence, which makes society a more dangerous place. Through social contact, individuals learn to think and act
in certain ways, this type of learning is called socialization. One of the most influential agents of socialization is mass media. Children spend an average
of four hours in front of a television each day, and with each passing hour, they witness between twenty and twenty–five aggressive more
They cause disruptions in neighborhoods and put the lives of their neighbors in danger by getting involved with a life of crime. Everything these
individuals learned was by observing it on the television, this is known as the imitation effect (Phillips). What they observed was violence, so they
learned to be violent.
The way people behave and problem solve is also impacted from exposure to violence in the media. Jeffery Johnson, of Columbia University,
conducted an experiment in which he observed over seventy families within seventeen years, focusing on their viewing habits and various behavioral
tendencies, finding that the amount of televisions watched during childhood increased the likelihood of behaving aggressively (Phillips). This
experiment is one of many showing that media violence directly impacts behaviour, and has people resorting more readily to violence. Not only does
violence in the media have an impact on the way people behave socially, but according to a study done by Dimitri Christakis of the University of
Washington, children who watched double the average television viewing hours were twenty–five percent likely to be diagnosed with attention deficit
hyperactivity disorder. (Phillips) People diagnosed with ADHD have difficulty focusing, are overactive, and often cannot control their behaviour,
disrupting the way people do things ("ADD / ADHD in Children"). Being in a classroom or on the job with someone who has ADHD will not only affect
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Essay on Violence in the Media
Violence in the Media
Media is all around us. Everywhere we look, there is someone, somewhere trying to communicate his or her thoughts to us. And with the new
technologies in media, this message is stronger than ever. Almost every home in America has a television or radio in it. The messages that are
portrayed through these mediums are unmistakable; buy me, listen to me, think what I think. With all of these messages spinning around there are
bound to be some bad seeds. Violence has become an important issue, something that has become almost part of our daily lives. So often we lose
sight of just how serious violent messages in media can affect our daily lives. Violence in the media has become so much more accepted in
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This sometimes has news teams going to extreme measures to capture the most graphic footage. The viewers like the most graphic footage, so news
teams are always trying to get it. The cyclecreates the news to be very violent and sometimes too violent or graphic for television.
Studies have shown that young children are often exposed to the violence of the real world through the news. By being young, the children are often
with their parents and when the parents are watching the news, the children are also seeing the images. Since a child?s mind retains information, the
images are perceived by the child and the child then becomes desensitized and is accepting of violent material. When the children grow up, they are
already very accustom to violence, and so very graphic images to not
Affect them. With society creating the news, and also watching the news, the cycle is made. The people watch and want the most specific detail of
the story and the news teams do everything they can to give that to the viewers. Without the viewers there would be no audience and therefore people
would just be unaware of what goes on in the world. This is why the news is important. The violence in today?s world is what people see because that
is what goes on.
Violence in Children?s Shows Violence in the media
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Essay on Media and Violence
In this essay I will be analysing whether less visual violence within the media would mean less violence on the streets. Firstly, I will be questioning
whether there is a connection between the viewing of media violence and actual acting upon it. To do this I will analyse the usefulness of the different
methods used to approach such as complex issue. To illustrate this I will use examples of different media forms that seem to have been a catalyst for
acts of violence. I will then attempt to come to a conclusion on whether less media violence could mean less acts of violence. Define
Firstly, to begin to analyse the media effects of violence one must define the term violence. The fact that there are several different more
This post modern society can either have a positive affect or a negative one especially as technology and the media have become more advanced and
widespread, for example technology can be used to cure diseases as well as allow terrorist attacks to occur. Postmodernist fear that the media will
become so overpowering a dominant that it will create hyper reality whereby 'the distinctions between image and reality no longer exist' (Jewkes, 2004:
Some argue that watching violence on screen may have a negative effect on the individual and may lead to that individual imitating that act. Many
researchers especially psychologist have carried out studies attempting to prove that there is a correlation between the two commonly using
experiments with the use of observations (Boyle, 2005). The most common way that researchers go about answering the question is by selecting a
group of children, making them watch something which has a level of violence and analyses the way the children react to it after they have watched
it (Bandura et al, 1963). There are many flaws when conducting such as study, one of them being that the study highly lacks in reliability. Even if there
appears to be a link between media violence and street violence, the results would not be geographically consistent if the study was repeated as they
fail to realise that the social situation of every individual is different, (Guanlett, 2001) therefore, generalising the study based
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Media Violence Essay
There has been far–reaching research on the link between televised violence and violent behavior amongst adolescents. Current studies have shown a
direct correlation between aggressive conduct and watching violence depicted in many media services and suggest that media is a variable that put
children at risk of aggressive behavior (Huesmann, Moise–Titus, Podolski, & Eron, 1992). According to the American Psychological Association,
watching playing violent scenes them on games and television, can desensitize children to the suffering and pain of others and may be a greater risk
of acting aggressively toward others and they're less bothered by violence in general and less likely to see anything wrong with it. Studies disclose that more content...
Many argue that media violence is at least partly to blame for the school shootings in Littleton, Colorado, Taber, Alberta and Erfurt, Germany.
Proponents of the idea that violence depicted on both television and video games affects the behavior of children state that, contrary to other beliefs,
these scenes teach a higher sense of the justification of the use of violence in different situations (Tompkins, 2003). It teaches that violence is a correct
avenue to solve differences, which is not an acceptable action within real life situations. The classic setting of using violence for a virtuous cause may
interpret in daily life into a validation for using violence to even the score against supposed victimizers. Consequently, defenseless youth who have
been maltreated may be tempted to use aggressive means to resolve problems.
The hero in most of these scenes also teaches them that violence has no consequences because he/she never gets in trouble for their actions. Most
psychologists agree that experiences teach children during their early years and have a longstanding effect on their lives. Toddlers between the ages of
eighteen to sixteen months are intelligent enough to comprehend the significance of the programs (Tompkins, 2003) that they watch and respond in the
same manner to both actual and acted violence since their link between dream and actuality is still not strong. Furthermore, toddlers between the ages
of three and five years are
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Essay about Media Violence
Kenny Fuller Health The Impact of Media Violence I was reading in some of my information and it was talking about how "monkey see, monkey
do" is a popular saying now days. Sixty years ago the television was invented. People looked at it as a technological curiosity (I got that part from the
info). For some people now days TV is there best friend. Most of them are little kids. TV shows the news, tries to make us buy certain things, and it
also shows violence. The only thing that it can do is replace written materials (Got that to). The bad thing is that these violent shows are dangering
our society. Certain things on TV and movies have inspired people (I could think of any other word to use so I used theirs) to set their wives on fire, lie more content...
All the people glory the violence in movies, like the movie "Natural Born Killers." They are viewed as normal and everyday entertainment. Now days it
is hard to find a children's cartoon that does not show some type of violence. The violence on shows isn't the problem though. It is what they don't
show. They never show what happens to the people for doing the things that they do. This happens a lot in cartoons, toy commercials, and music
videos. Children often do not realize that it hurts to hit someone else because they see it all the time on TV. Everyday in cartoons a character is
beat up or killed. Then they come back in the next one and they are just fine. So then the kids think that they can do that to someone else and they
think that they will come back tomorrow. If the people keep having a high demand for violent shows and movies, then the shows and movies will
continue to be played. So if the way people think today stay the same then nothing is going to change and the show will keep on playing. So in that
case our society needs to depend on the parents to cut down the violence that is shown to them. There are many different ways that, that can be done.
First the parents should limit the amount of TV their children watch per day. It should be between 1 to 2 hours. Children are exposed to too much
violence every day on TV. Mostly that is because parents see the TV as a babysitter. By cutting down the hours
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Essay about Media Violence
Violence has been a contributing negative factor to society throughout history. Many researchers believe that the use of violent media, particularly
video games, play a huge role in the downward trend of behavior and attitude of youth, and that this behavior continues to spiral out of control.
However, other researchers believe that since violence has been occurring since the beginning of time, that adolescence are as capable today of
violence, as they were a thousand years ago. Research has been found to link violent maladaptive behavior to the use of video games, but other
researchers believe that the outcome is inconsistent to the findings, since the results are often skewed. Meta–analysis have statistically proven that more content...
Two studies were conducted to compare and contrast video gamers' moral attitudes towards violence in video games, and to reveal whether this moral
attitude correlates to real life situations. Media Psychology purports that "In both studies, justification of virtual violence and user's trait empathy
determined guilt in a structurally similar way to real world scenarios" (g.
1644). Players, especially those who were empathetic, felt just as guilty engaging in virtual violence as they would have had if engaging in unjustified
violence in the real world. Research has concluded that violent media content is responsible for desensitization to violence, although those whom are
desensitized have no greater tendency towards violence.
According to Becker–Olsen (2010) desensitization to violence is "a reduction in emotion–related physiological reactivity to real violence" (pg. 85).
Those whom are desensitized show a greater tendency to viewing violence as normal, but out in the real world show no inclination to acting violent
because of the desensitization. The American Academy of Pediatrics (2001) reports that today's younger audiences are more desensitized to violence,
not solely because of violent content of media games, but because of a diet of violent television, movies and
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Media Violence And Children Essay

  • 1. Media Violence and Children Essay Media Violence and Children Violence in the media has come under a lot of scrutiny lately. Even though this is not a new concern, it has resurfaced as the pinnacle of many debates among politicians, parents and educators. Children are progressively becoming more aggressive. This is in direct correlation to violence becoming more prominent among adults. Parents and educators continue to stress that the damage violent media inflicts on children will continue into adulthood. Multiple studies have demonstrated that violent media makes violent adults. This problem is larger than just turning off the violence. The media distributors need to stop mass producing and distributing violence to children. Until executives at television, more content... When parents are not involved and the media is raising children, it is natural for the child to emulate the media personalities (Steyer, 2002). One of the largest problems with children emulating media figures is that there never seems to be ramifications for the actions (Grapes, 2000). Children do not see that the bullet really hurts; instead, they see the bullet hit a personality who does not appear to be in pain (Grapes, 2000). Children in general tend to be more emotionally upset by media violence than adults (Steyer, 2002). If a child views something that is overly traumatic, the child may feel a paralytic sense of fear (Steyer, 2002). This is due to children being unable to distinguish what is real and what is fantasy (Steyer, 2002). This is the same principle that the child is scared of a "monster in the closet", the child knows that the monster isn't there but they still have the immature reasoning ability to differentiate that the monster is fantasy and the closet is reality (Anderson, Dill 2002). With all this knowledge, what is being seen is an increased number of children who have been exposed to violent media becoming more aggressive or violent in young adulthood (Huesmann, Moise–Titus, Podoiski, 2003). As children become more violent, the risk for unintentional injuries increases (Gilk, D., Kinsler, J., Todd, W., Clarke, L., Fazio, K., Miyashiro, R., et al.). These trends cross all socio–economic boarders and Get more content on
  • 2. Essay on The Media Violence Debate THE MEDIA VIOLENCE DEBATE Introduction Television and video games are favorite ways teenagers spend their leisure hours. Parents and teens themselves have wondered about their effects because of numerous concerns raised with regards to the negative influences that these form of entertainment bring. Many of today's children grow up with a television at home or even in their own rooms and there have been studies dedicated to the analysis of their impact of a young child growing up to adolescence. Young children are heavily influenced by television and video games, many of which are educational. While there are fun educational shows and games that benefit more content... How the contents or messages come through changes the attitude of the viewers or readers. The messages that each kind of media exposes are dependent on person's view. He compares movies and television in their manner of viewing and content saying that the visual presentation presents different types of influences. Media as a vessel of influential messages is an essential point to consider to every person who is into the broadcast and print industry. Video Games Violence Video games are a lucrative business anywhere in the world today, claiming US$ 10 billion in sales in the United States alone in one year. However, with this increasing sales come serious concerns about their effects on players, especially teenagers. Researches have been conducted to show the effects of video games on teenagers. Results prove that there is indeed a high possibility and likelihood of aggressive and violent behaviors to be manifested in some adolescents who frequently play violent video games. With these findings, public policy options for limiting distribution of these kind of games are being created; however, the creation and spread of more video games seem too many too stop. In 2006, the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) reported their findings on studies conducted on teenagers who play violent games. These young adolescents show long–lasting effects of abnormal brain functions which include
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  • 4. Media Violence Essay Media Violence Media violence is one of the most debated public issues society faces today. Television screens are loaded with the glamorization of weapon carrying. Violence constitute as amusing and trivialized. Needless portrayals of interpersonal violence spread across the television screens like wild fire. Televisions spew the disturbing events such as children being assaulted, husbands inflicting domestic abuse on their wives and children succumbing to abuse by their parents. Scenes of betrayal, anguish, infiltrate the television screen. Unfortunately, a child becomes subjected to media violence. Everything a child sees or hears in the media affects them in some way or another. The precise effects of media violence on children more content... We as a society cannot succumb to believing such an opinion because we are very familiar with violence and criminal activity resembling something from a movie scene or television show. Most violent acts shown on television go unpunished and are often accompanied by humor. Rarely does the media display the consequences of human suffering leading a child accept its reality. Of course, crime can become the result of a number of influences working together; even researchers point out the independent influence alone cannot directly contribute to the effect. Evidence show children imitate aggressive behavior. Researchers conducted a study on students happening in the mid 1990's in Israel. The focus of the study captured the effects of influence from children watching World Wrestling Federation (WWF) matches. The study revealed startling evidence demonstrating the students in the selected schools developed imitative behavior depicting what they say in the wrestling matches. The children practiced banging heads, throwing opponents to the floor, jumping onto them from furniture, pulling hair and poking their eyes with fingers. No surprise when about half of the responding principals reported that these new behaviors resulted in the use of first aid. In addition, the study found one fourth of the reported injuries required emergency room visits or other professional medical care (Dube, 2000). In yet another Get more content on
  • 5. Essay about Violence in the Media Some believe that violence in the media is to blame for violence in people, but that argument is undermined by the realization that violence existed long before video games and television. In fact, violence has actually been steadily decreasing since these things have been growing in popularity. Critics of violent media seem to long for the "good old days"; a time before there was violence in the media. These critics fail to acknowledge that those "good old days" were actually far more violent than today. While violence is still present in modern society, it pales in comparison to the violence that was once a part of daily life. For most of human history, people have lived lives dominated by violence. From primitive more content... "Homicide rates in France, Germany, Italy and Japan either failed to change with increasing television ownership in the same period or actually declined, and American homicide rates have more recently been sharply declining"(30). Despite the growth of violent movies, video games, and television shows, or perhaps because of it, society as a whole has become a far less violent place than it has ever been before. Proponents of censorship assert that violence in the media causes violent behavior in children and young adults. As evidence, they point to things like the Littleton shooters' history of playing violent video games and movies and the similarity of the shootings to certain games. A study conducted by two psychologists at the University of Michigan is often cited as having "shown that children exposed to violent programming at a young age have a higher tendency for violent and aggressive behavior later in life than children not so exposed" (31). More in depth studies have contradicted these findings. Another group did a study which followed 875 children from age eight through eighteen in upstate New York. The group concluded that "the correlation–0.31–would mean television accounted for 10 percent of the influence that lead to this behavior" (31). It should also be known that this "only turned up in one of three measures of aggression; the Get more content on
  • 6. The Impact of Media Violence Essays Media Violence and its negative impact has been discussed and debated for many years As children grow into teens they encounter as vast amount of violence in the media, negatively impacting today's youth. Teenagers who are exposed to media violence will fail to develop effective socialization strategies and resort more readily to violence, which makes society a more dangerous place. Through social contact, individuals learn to think and act in certain ways, this type of learning is called socialization. One of the most influential agents of socialization is mass media. Children spend an average of four hours in front of a television each day, and with each passing hour, they witness between twenty and twenty–five aggressive more content... They cause disruptions in neighborhoods and put the lives of their neighbors in danger by getting involved with a life of crime. Everything these individuals learned was by observing it on the television, this is known as the imitation effect (Phillips). What they observed was violence, so they learned to be violent. The way people behave and problem solve is also impacted from exposure to violence in the media. Jeffery Johnson, of Columbia University, conducted an experiment in which he observed over seventy families within seventeen years, focusing on their viewing habits and various behavioral tendencies, finding that the amount of televisions watched during childhood increased the likelihood of behaving aggressively (Phillips). This experiment is one of many showing that media violence directly impacts behaviour, and has people resorting more readily to violence. Not only does violence in the media have an impact on the way people behave socially, but according to a study done by Dimitri Christakis of the University of Washington, children who watched double the average television viewing hours were twenty–five percent likely to be diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. (Phillips) People diagnosed with ADHD have difficulty focusing, are overactive, and often cannot control their behaviour, disrupting the way people do things ("ADD / ADHD in Children"). Being in a classroom or on the job with someone who has ADHD will not only affect Get more content on
  • 7. Essay on Violence in the Media Violence in the Media Media is all around us. Everywhere we look, there is someone, somewhere trying to communicate his or her thoughts to us. And with the new technologies in media, this message is stronger than ever. Almost every home in America has a television or radio in it. The messages that are portrayed through these mediums are unmistakable; buy me, listen to me, think what I think. With all of these messages spinning around there are bound to be some bad seeds. Violence has become an important issue, something that has become almost part of our daily lives. So often we lose sight of just how serious violent messages in media can affect our daily lives. Violence in the media has become so much more accepted in more content... This sometimes has news teams going to extreme measures to capture the most graphic footage. The viewers like the most graphic footage, so news teams are always trying to get it. The cyclecreates the news to be very violent and sometimes too violent or graphic for television. Studies have shown that young children are often exposed to the violence of the real world through the news. By being young, the children are often with their parents and when the parents are watching the news, the children are also seeing the images. Since a child?s mind retains information, the images are perceived by the child and the child then becomes desensitized and is accepting of violent material. When the children grow up, they are already very accustom to violence, and so very graphic images to not Affect them. With society creating the news, and also watching the news, the cycle is made. The people watch and want the most specific detail of the story and the news teams do everything they can to give that to the viewers. Without the viewers there would be no audience and therefore people would just be unaware of what goes on in the world. This is why the news is important. The violence in today?s world is what people see because that is what goes on. Violence in Children?s Shows Violence in the media Get more content on
  • 8. Essay on Media and Violence Introduction In this essay I will be analysing whether less visual violence within the media would mean less violence on the streets. Firstly, I will be questioning whether there is a connection between the viewing of media violence and actual acting upon it. To do this I will analyse the usefulness of the different methods used to approach such as complex issue. To illustrate this I will use examples of different media forms that seem to have been a catalyst for acts of violence. I will then attempt to come to a conclusion on whether less media violence could mean less acts of violence. Define Firstly, to begin to analyse the media effects of violence one must define the term violence. The fact that there are several different more content... This post modern society can either have a positive affect or a negative one especially as technology and the media have become more advanced and widespread, for example technology can be used to cure diseases as well as allow terrorist attacks to occur. Postmodernist fear that the media will become so overpowering a dominant that it will create hyper reality whereby 'the distinctions between image and reality no longer exist' (Jewkes, 2004: 26) Research Some argue that watching violence on screen may have a negative effect on the individual and may lead to that individual imitating that act. Many researchers especially psychologist have carried out studies attempting to prove that there is a correlation between the two commonly using experiments with the use of observations (Boyle, 2005). The most common way that researchers go about answering the question is by selecting a group of children, making them watch something which has a level of violence and analyses the way the children react to it after they have watched it (Bandura et al, 1963). There are many flaws when conducting such as study, one of them being that the study highly lacks in reliability. Even if there appears to be a link between media violence and street violence, the results would not be geographically consistent if the study was repeated as they fail to realise that the social situation of every individual is different, (Guanlett, 2001) therefore, generalising the study based Get more content on
  • 9. Media Violence Essay There has been far–reaching research on the link between televised violence and violent behavior amongst adolescents. Current studies have shown a direct correlation between aggressive conduct and watching violence depicted in many media services and suggest that media is a variable that put children at risk of aggressive behavior (Huesmann, Moise–Titus, Podolski, & Eron, 1992). According to the American Psychological Association, watching playing violent scenes them on games and television, can desensitize children to the suffering and pain of others and may be a greater risk of acting aggressively toward others and they're less bothered by violence in general and less likely to see anything wrong with it. Studies disclose that more content... Many argue that media violence is at least partly to blame for the school shootings in Littleton, Colorado, Taber, Alberta and Erfurt, Germany. Proponents of the idea that violence depicted on both television and video games affects the behavior of children state that, contrary to other beliefs, these scenes teach a higher sense of the justification of the use of violence in different situations (Tompkins, 2003). It teaches that violence is a correct avenue to solve differences, which is not an acceptable action within real life situations. The classic setting of using violence for a virtuous cause may interpret in daily life into a validation for using violence to even the score against supposed victimizers. Consequently, defenseless youth who have been maltreated may be tempted to use aggressive means to resolve problems. The hero in most of these scenes also teaches them that violence has no consequences because he/she never gets in trouble for their actions. Most psychologists agree that experiences teach children during their early years and have a longstanding effect on their lives. Toddlers between the ages of eighteen to sixteen months are intelligent enough to comprehend the significance of the programs (Tompkins, 2003) that they watch and respond in the same manner to both actual and acted violence since their link between dream and actuality is still not strong. Furthermore, toddlers between the ages of three and five years are Get more content on
  • 10. Essay about Media Violence Kenny Fuller Health The Impact of Media Violence I was reading in some of my information and it was talking about how "monkey see, monkey do" is a popular saying now days. Sixty years ago the television was invented. People looked at it as a technological curiosity (I got that part from the info). For some people now days TV is there best friend. Most of them are little kids. TV shows the news, tries to make us buy certain things, and it also shows violence. The only thing that it can do is replace written materials (Got that to). The bad thing is that these violent shows are dangering our society. Certain things on TV and movies have inspired people (I could think of any other word to use so I used theirs) to set their wives on fire, lie more content... All the people glory the violence in movies, like the movie "Natural Born Killers." They are viewed as normal and everyday entertainment. Now days it is hard to find a children's cartoon that does not show some type of violence. The violence on shows isn't the problem though. It is what they don't show. They never show what happens to the people for doing the things that they do. This happens a lot in cartoons, toy commercials, and music videos. Children often do not realize that it hurts to hit someone else because they see it all the time on TV. Everyday in cartoons a character is beat up or killed. Then they come back in the next one and they are just fine. So then the kids think that they can do that to someone else and they think that they will come back tomorrow. If the people keep having a high demand for violent shows and movies, then the shows and movies will continue to be played. So if the way people think today stay the same then nothing is going to change and the show will keep on playing. So in that case our society needs to depend on the parents to cut down the violence that is shown to them. There are many different ways that, that can be done. First the parents should limit the amount of TV their children watch per day. It should be between 1 to 2 hours. Children are exposed to too much violence every day on TV. Mostly that is because parents see the TV as a babysitter. By cutting down the hours Get more content on
  • 11. Essay about Media Violence Violence has been a contributing negative factor to society throughout history. Many researchers believe that the use of violent media, particularly video games, play a huge role in the downward trend of behavior and attitude of youth, and that this behavior continues to spiral out of control. However, other researchers believe that since violence has been occurring since the beginning of time, that adolescence are as capable today of violence, as they were a thousand years ago. Research has been found to link violent maladaptive behavior to the use of video games, but other researchers believe that the outcome is inconsistent to the findings, since the results are often skewed. Meta–analysis have statistically proven that more content... Two studies were conducted to compare and contrast video gamers' moral attitudes towards violence in video games, and to reveal whether this moral attitude correlates to real life situations. Media Psychology purports that "In both studies, justification of virtual violence and user's trait empathy determined guilt in a structurally similar way to real world scenarios" (g. 1644). Players, especially those who were empathetic, felt just as guilty engaging in virtual violence as they would have had if engaging in unjustified violence in the real world. Research has concluded that violent media content is responsible for desensitization to violence, although those whom are desensitized have no greater tendency towards violence. According to Becker–Olsen (2010) desensitization to violence is "a reduction in emotion–related physiological reactivity to real violence" (pg. 85). Those whom are desensitized show a greater tendency to viewing violence as normal, but out in the real world show no inclination to acting violent because of the desensitization. The American Academy of Pediatrics (2001) reports that today's younger audiences are more desensitized to violence, not solely because of violent content of media games, but because of a diet of violent television, movies and Get more content on