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At the end of this lesson, students are expected to:
1.Define characteristics of muscle.
2.Enumerate functions of muscle.
3.List and compare the 3 types of muscle cells.
4.Describe physiologic anatomy of skeletal muscle cells
5.Discuss on contraction and relaxation processes of Skeletal
and Smooth muscles
6.Identify disorders related to skeletal muscle cell
 It is the fleshy organ of the body that converts potential
energy of food into mechanical energy.
 Human body contains over 400 skeletal muscles
 Accounts 40% of the total BW.
 Skeletal muscle alone makes up about 40% of body
weight in men and 32% in women, with smooth and
cardiac muscle making up another 10% of the total
Muscle Functions
1. Produces Movement
 Movement of body parts
 Movement of blood throughout the body
 Movement of lymph through the lymphatic
 Movement of food through the GI tract
 Movement of bile out of the gallbladder and
into the digestive tract
 Movement of urine through the urinary tract
 Movement of semen through the male and
female reproductive tracts
 Movement of a newborn through the birth
Muscle Functions
2. Maintenance of posture
 Muscle contraction is constantly
allowing us to remain upright.
 The muscles of your neck are
keeping your head up right now.
 As you stand, your leg muscles
keep you on two feet.
3. Thermogenesis
 Generation of heat. Occurs via
shivering – an involuntary
contraction of skeletal muscle.
Muscle Functions
4. Stabilization of
 Muscles keep the
tendons that cross the
joint nice and firm
 This does a wonderful
job of maintaining the
integrity of the joint.
All the things muscles do fall under one of these 4 categories.
1.Skeletal/voluntary muscles
Located attached to bones & moves skeleton
They are elongated, cylindrical and multinucleated cells,
They are striated muscle
They are voluntary muscle, controlled by somatic NS (SNS)
2. Cardiac muscle:
Muscle of the heart
They are striated, branched and mononucleated
They are involuntary, controlled by autonomous NS (ANS),
drugs and hormones
Have the property of autorhythmicity and syncytium
Types of muscles: 3 types
Cardiac Muscle
 Striated, involuntary muscle
 Found in walls of the heart
 Consists of branching chains
of stocky muscle cells.
 Uni- or binucleate.
 Has sarcomeres & T-tubules
 Cardiac muscle cells are
joined by structures called
intercalated discs – which
consist of desmosomes and
gap junctions.
Notice the branching and
the intercalated disc,
indicated by the blue arrow.
3. Smooth muscles
 Located in the wall of hallow organs (GIT, blood vessels,
uterus, urinary bladder, Iris)
 They have non-striated appearance, mononucleated cells
 involuntary muscle, controlled by ANS, drugs and hormones
 Have the property of autorhythmicity and syncytium
Types of muscles: 3 types
Types of muscle ….
Types of muscles
Characteristics of muscle:
 Excitability: Responds to stimuli (e.g. nervous impulses)
 Stimulus could be: neurotransmitter, hormone, stretch,
 Contractility: Able to shorten forcefully in length
 Extensibility: Stretches when pulled
 Elasticity: Tends to return to original shape & length after
contraction or extension
Structure of Skeletal Muscle
 A single skeletal muscle cell, known as a muscle fiber, is
relatively large, elongated, and cylinder-shaped.
 A skeletal muscle consists of a number of muscle fibers lying
parallel to each other and bundled together by connective tissue
 The fibers usually extend the entire length of the muscle.
Skeletal Muscle
• Each muscle fiber in most skeletal
– Extends the entire length of the muscle.
– Innervated by only one nerve ending,
located near the middle of fiber.
– Supplied by an artery & drained by one
or more veins.
Physiologic-anatomy of skeletal muscle
Physiologic-Anatomy of skeletal
Structure of skeletal muscles: Connective Tissue Covering
 Epimysium
 Surrounds entire muscle
 Perimysium
 Surrounds bundles of muscle fibers (fascicles)
 Endomysium
 Surrounds individual muscle fibers
Components of a muscle fiber
Skeletal Muscle…physiologic anatomy
• Sarcolemma: plasma membrane of muscle fiber
• Sarcoplasm: cytoplasm of muscle fiber
– Sarcosome: mitochondria of muscle fiber
– Glycogen granules: provide glucose for energy needs
– Sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR): ER of muscle fiber
 functions as calcium storage depot in muscle cells.
• Transverse tubules (T-tubules):
 Invaginations on sarcolemma that penetrate through the
cell 16
• Rod like specialized contractile elements of muscle fiber
• Constitute 80% of volume of muscle fiber .
• Compose d of thick & thin myofilaments.
 ~ 1500 myosin filaments and 3000 actin filaments
• A single muscle fiber may contain
• About 16 billion thick and 32 billion thin filaments
Thick Myofilaments
• Thick myofilament is made of contractile proteins called
• Single thick filament is made of ~ 300 myosin
• Myosin protein’s tails are intertwined each other and
the heads form crossbridge.
• Each crossbridge has two important sites crucial for
1. Actin-binding site
2. Myosin ATPase (ATP-splitting) site 19
Figure. Structure of myosin molecules and their organization within a thick filam
Thin Myofilaments
• Thin filament is made of 3 different types of proteins:
– Actin, tropomyosin and troponin.
• Primary structural proteins of the thin filament
• Each actin molecule has special binding site, for attachment
with myosin crossbridge called myosin binding site
• Threadlike proteins those cover myosin binding site of actin
blocking interaction b/n actin and myosin at rest. 21
• Trio (triad=three) of protein complex
• Made of three polypeptide units:
 Troponin-C (C- Calcium) = can bind with Ca2+
 Troponin- T (T= tropomyosin) = binds to tropomyosin
 Troponin-I (I- inhibitory) = binds to actin
• When troponin is not bound to Ca2+
– This protein stabilizes Tropomyosin in its blocking position
over actin’s crossbridges binding sites 22
Thin Myofilaments…
Thin Myofilaments…
• When Ca2+ binds to troponin,
– Shape of this protein is changed
Tropomyosin slips away from its blocking position.
– Hence, actin and myosin can bind and interact at the cross
bridges, resulting in muscle contraction.
• Tropomyosin and troponin are called regulatory proteins
– Because of their role in covering (preventing contraction) or
exposing (permitting contraction) the binding sites for cross-
bridge interaction between actin and myosin. 23
Thin Myofilaments
Thin Myofilaments…
Relation of thick and thin
Structural proteins
–filamentous proteins connecting myosin to Z disc
–the largest proteins, being made up of nearly 30,000 AA.
Functions of Titin:
–Stabilize the position of the thick filaments
–By acting like a spring, it helps a muscle to passively recoil to its
resting length.
– An inelastic giant protein
– Lies alongside thin filaments and attaches to the Z disk.
– Helps align the actin filaments
• Each myofibril is made up of 1000’s of repeating individual
units known as sarcomeres
• Each sarcomere is an ordered arrangement of thick and thin
filaments. It has:
– regions of thin filaments by themselves
– a region of thick filaments by themselves
– regions of thick filaments and thin filaments overlapping.
• Myosin and actin filaments partially interdigitated and cause
myofibrils to have alternate light and dark bands
• Light or I bands contain only actin filaments
• One I band is actually part of 2 sarcomeres at once.
• Dark bands , contain zone of overlapping and H Zone (only
myosin region), are called A bands.
• M line is at the middle of H zone that helps to hold
thick filaments to one another
• Z disk ( line ) passes crosswise across the myofibril attaching
myofibrils to one another all the way across muscle fiber.
• A = anisotropic meaning not light
• I = isotropic , meaning light
• Z = German word Zwischenscheibe, means “between
• H= German word Hensen’s disc, meaning “bright” or clear.
• M= German word Mittelmembran, meaning middle
Titin structure:
Sarcotubular System = T-Tubules + SR
• Each muscle fiber has many T-tubules
– Typically each myofibril has branch of T-tubule encircling
at each A-I junction
• At each A-I junction, SR will expand and form dilated sac
called terminal cisterna.
• Each T-tubule will be flanked by a terminal cisterna.
– This forms a triad consisting of 2 terminal cisternae and
one T-tubule branch.
Sarco-tubular System…
Molecular basis of skeletal Muscle Contraction
“Sliding filament hypothesis”
• Discovered by Hanson & Huxley in 1955
• Is the theory that states inward sliding of the thin
filaments, on each side of a sarcomere , over the stationary
thick filaments toward the A band’s center
• As they slide inward, the thin filaments pull the Z lines to
which they are attached closer together,
• So the sarcomere shortens.
• As all the sarcomeres throughout the muscle fiber’s length
shorten simultaneously, the entire fiber shortens
Sliding filament hypothesis…
Figure. Sliding of the thin filaments over thick filaments
Sliding filament hypothesis…
Figure. Structural changes during muscle contraction
Sliding filament hypothesis…
Sliding Filaments…
• All sarcomeres in a fiber will contract together which contracts
the fiber itself.
• Number of fibers contracting will determine force of contraction
of whole muscle.
• Whole process of muscle contraction can have 4 steps:
Step 1. Excitation
Step 2. Excitation-contraction coupling
Step 3. Contraction
Step 4. Relaxation
1. Excitation
• All cells have voltage difference across their plasma
– Causes?????
• The value for Vm in inactive muscle cells is typically
–80 and –90 millivolts.
• Generally each muscle is served by one nerve
• With muscle, each axon will go its own way and eventually
branch into multiple small extensions called telodendria.
• Each telodendria ends in a bulbous swelling known as the synaptic
end bulb
• The site of interaction b/n a neuron and any other cell is known as a
• The synapse b/n a neuron and a muscle is known as the
neuromuscular junction
• Minute space b/n synaptic end bulb & sarcolemma is called
synaptic cleft.
• Motor end plate: depression in sarcolemma at synaptic cleft
• The synaptic end bulb is filled with vesicles that contain the
neurotransmitter, acetylcholine
• Motor end plate is chock full of acetylcholine receptors (Ach-R).
Characteristics of neuromuscular junction
1. Transmission is unidirectional
2. There is a single NMJ per muscle fiber
3. The neurotransmitter is always acetylcholine (Ach)
4. The post junctional receptor is always nicotinic receptor
5. The effect of Ach on NR is always excitatory producing
6. There is a synaptic delay (0.2 – 0.3 ms)
7. It is fatigable due to depletion of ATP and NT storage
Factors affecting the NMJ:
NMJ an be affected by various factors
• Calcium level:
– Hypercalcemia inhibits membrane excitability
– Hypocalcaemia increases membrane excitability
• Hypoxia: inhibits membrane excitability
Factors affecting the NMJ…
I. Ach- release inhibitors: Botulin toxin extracted from
Clostridium botulinum- inhibits membrane excitability
II. Nicotinic receptor (cholinergic) blockers: d-tubocurarine, Îą-
cobratoxin - inhibits membrane excitability
III. Cholinergic stimulants: nicotine, metacholine, carbacholine
- increases membrane excitability
IV. Anti-cholinstrase drugs: Physiostegmin, neostegmin
- increases membrane excitability 51
Factors affecting the NMJ…
•Hemicholinium-3 (hemi-choline)--drug
– Blocks choline transporter protein on neuron cell
•Vesamicol (drug)
– Blocks acetylcholine transporter protein on the vesicle
•Succinylcholine --drug for general anesthesia
– Continuous stimulation of EPP then decrease
responsiveness of V. gated Na channel – no AP
•Tubocurarine (toxin)
– Blocks nicotinic receptors on motor end plate –paralyzing
muscles of the body 52
How Excitation Occurs?
1. Nerve signal arriving at synaptic end bulb will cause
– Ach-containing vesicles to undergo exocytosis.
2. Ach will diffuse across synaptic cleft & bind to Ach receptors
which are ligand-gated Na+ channels.
– Binding of Ach causes opening of Na+ channels.
3. Na+ will rush into cell:
– Making local cell interior more positive (depolarization) but
it is a local event (local potential)= EPP
4. Adjacent to motor end plate, sarcolemma contains voltage-
gated ion channels(Na+ channels)
– In order for these channels to open,
– Vm must depolarize from its resting value of –90mV to
nearly –50mV,
– this is threshold potential.
– This local potential or end plate potential cause action
How Excitation Occurs ...
STEP1: Action Potential
 STEP 1: ACTION POTENTIAL reaches the muscle
cell membrane
– The action potential comes from the motor neuron,
which contacts the muscle at the Neuromuscular
– Acetylcholine is released, and the muscle membrane
in depolarized
STEP1: Action Potential
How Excitation Occurs…
• Degree of depolarization depends on amount of Na+ influx
• Na+ influx
depends on how many Na+ channels were opened by binding
• If Vm fails to
depolarize to threshold, nothing will happen. – Vm
will soon return to normal & no muscle contraction
• If Vm does reach threshold, 2 types of voltage-gated ion
channels will open:
How Excitation Occurs…
• If Vm reaches threshold, fast Na+ channels open and Na+
rushes in causing the Vm to depolarize to +30mV.
• Depolarization stops when Na+ channels become inactivated.
• At this point, slow K+ channels have opened & K+ efflux occurs.
• This returns Vm back to its resting level. This is
2. Excitation-Contraction Coupling
• It is the process by which depolarization of muscle fiber
initiates contraction.
• AP travels along sarcolemma going in both directions and
spread down the T- tubules .
• Since T-tubules are simply invaginations of the sarcolemma,
– AP will spread down them
• It is electromechanical mechanism
STEP2: Calcium is Released
STEP 2: the depolarization of the muscle cell
membrane causes calcium release
Depolarization spreads into membrane regions
called Transverse Tubules (Ttubules)
T-tubules contact the Sarcoplasmic Reticulum
The sarcoplasmic reticulum is a modified
endoplasmic reticulum that stores Ca2+ and
contains Ca2+ channels
Calcium is released from the sarcoplasmic
reticulum into the cytosol of the muscle cell
STEP3: Calcium Activates Troponin
STEP 3: Calcium activates troponin
 Troponin normally holds tropomyosin onto actin
Troponin responds to Ca2+ entry and releases from
tropomyosin and actin
STEP4: Tropomyosin moves out of the
 Tropomyosin is released from myosin binding sites,
freeing the actin
3. Contraction
• Once actin’s myosin binding site is exposed,
– myosin will attach to actin.
– myosin has just hydrolyzed ATP into ADP and Pi –
– both molecules are still bound to the myosin.
– The ATP hydrolysis provides energy for “cocking” of myosin
• Once myosin is bound to actin,
– myosin head will release the ADP and Pi which will cause it
change of conformation. 61
STEP5: Myosin binds to Actin
 Myosin heads bind to actin, forming a
STEP6: Myosin moves actin
 Myosin heads move actin inward toward the M
 Line, a movement called the POWERSTROKE –
requires ATP
• A common analogy is climbing a rope hand over hand.
4. Relaxation
• Ca2+ pumps in SR membrane work constantly to get calcium
out of sarcoplasm and back into SR.
• They are unable to do this as long as muscle is still binding
• ACh is released by the motor neuron as long as it keeps
– ACh does not remain bound to Ach-R for very long.
• It quickly releases and either binds again or
• hydrolyzed by the enzyme acetyl cholinesterase
• When the muscle ceases being stimulated,
– the calcium pumps “win” and sarcoplasmic [Ca2+] drops.
– Calcium stops being available for troponin and then
– tropomyosin shifts back into its inhibitory position.
• Muscle then
– returns back to its original length via elasticity of connective
tissue elements,
– And the contraction of antagonistic muscles
STEP7: Myosin releases actin
 Myosin detaches from actin and resets for the next
 Requires ATP
STEP8: Calcium is returned to SR
 Calcium pumps return calcium to SR to stop the
signal, reset calcium and prepare for next contraction
Mechanism of muscle contraction (Excitation-
contraction coupling)-summary
• The process by which depolarization initiates
• Contraction is called excitation contraction coupling.
• It has several steps as follow:
1. Action potential initiated & propagated along the motor nerve fibre
and arrives at the end feet.
2. Opening of VG-Ca-channels and influx of Ca2+ to trigger the release
of Ach.
3. Ach released by Ca-dependent exocytosis and diffuse through the
synaptic cleft and binds to NR on post junctional membrane. 73
Mechanism of muscle contraction…
4. Opening of ligand gated Na-channels and influx of Na+ to
produce EPP.
5. Spread of depolarization through the sarcolemma
6. Spread of depolarization through the T-tubules
7. Depolarization of T-tubules stimulate SR to release Ca2+ into
8. Ca2+ binds to troponin-C
9. Ca2+ and troponin-C combination detaches troponin-I from the
active sites of actin
Mechanism of muscle contraction…
10. The detachment of troponin-I from actin displaces
tropomyosin, uncovering the active sites of actin filaments.
11. When the active site of actin exposed, the heads of myosin
connect to them, making cross-bridges b/n myosin and actin.
12. The ATPase enzyme on the myosin heads hydrolyze ATP into
ADP + -P plus energy.
13. The released energy causes the movement of the head
stroke) towards the centre.
14. The head of myosin is charged with a new molecule of ATP
and then detached from actin leading to relaxation.
Mechanism of muscle relaxation
It has the following steps
1.Following muscle contraction, Ca2+ is re-uptaken back into SR
by Ca-pump, this requires ATP.
2.Decreased Ca2+ in the sarcoplasm→ Ca2+ detaches from
troponin-C →Tropomyosin covers the active sites of actin.
3.Head of myosin charged with ATP, and detached from actin –
Therefore, muscle relaxation is an active process requiring
Importance of ATP
• Large amount of energy (ATP) is consumed during muscular
performance for the following activities:
– To move the head of myosin (power stroke)
– Active Ca2+ pump from sarcoplasm to SR
– For Na-K-pump in the membrane
– For muscle relaxation
Motor unit
• Composed of a group of muscle fibers that function together
and the somatic motor neuron that controls them
• When this neuron is stimulated, all the muscle fibers it
synapses upon will be stimulated and will contract as a unit
• The number of muscle fibers per motor unit may be as high
as several hundred or as few as four.
– The smaller the motor unit, the finer and more delicate the
– Extraocular muscles typically have small motor units while
large postural muscles have large motor units
Motor unit..
• Twitch → contractile response of a muscle to a single action
A sub-threshold stimulus would not cause contraction because no
AP would be produced
•1 stimulation → 1 twitch
• The muscle quickly contracts and then relaxes
•A single muscle twitch produces only a very
small force, Thus incapable of doing anything
Muscle Twitch
Phases of muscle twitch
A. Latent phase
• Time between stimulus application and generation of tension
• Includes all the time required for
excitation, E-C coupling, and activation of muscle
• Myosin binding to actin active site
B. Contraction phase
• Beginning to end of muscle tension → myosin heads slide along
the actin filaments
C. Relaxation phase
• From peak tension to no tension
• Ca2+ moved back into the cisternae
• Tropomyosin moves back over actin
• Myosin head release actin and the filaments move back into
resting position
Twitch Contraction
measurement of a neuron’s AP, a muscle fiber’s AP, and the tension developed by that
musc8l3e fiber.
Strength of muscle contraction
• This depends on the
– number of muscle fibers contracting within a muscle
– extent of motor unit recruitment
– tension developed by each contracting fiber
• To prevent fatigue the body alternates motor unit activity, like
shift s at a factory, to give motor units that have been active
an opportunity to rest while others take over.
• Changing of the shift is carefully coordinated,
– so the sustained contraction is smooth rather than jerky.84
Factors determining Whole-muscle
1. Frequency of stimulation
2. Length of the fiber at the onset of contraction
3. Extent of fatigue
4. Thickness of the fiber
1. Frequency of stimulation…
• If the muscle fiber has completely relaxed before the next action
potential takes place, a second twitch of the same magnitude as
the first occurs (see Fig below) results in identical twitch
• If, however, the muscle fiber is stimulated a second time before it
has completely relaxed from the first twitch, a second action
potential causes a second contractile response, which is added
“piggyback” on top of the first twitch.
• The two twitches from the two action potentials add together,
or sum, to produce greater tension in the fiber than that
produced by a single action potential. This is called twitch
1. Frequency of stimulation…
• Twitch summation is possible only because the duration of
the action potential (1 to 2 msec) is much shorter than the
duration of the resulting twitch (100 msec)
• If the muscle fiber is stimulated so rapidly that it does not
have a chance to relax at all between stimuli, a smooth,
sustained contraction of maximal strength known as tetanus
• A tetanic contraction is usually three to four times stronger
than a single twitch. (Don’t confuse this normal physiologic
tetanus with the disease tetanus
1. Frequency of stimulation…
• If the stimuli are of moderate frequency just below the
minimum tetanic frequency, and each stimulus falls in the
relaxation phase, the result is a series of contraction with
incomplete relaxation.
• This type of contraction is called clonic contraction, clonus
or incomplete tetanus
• Twitch summation results from a sustained elevation in
cytosolic calcium permitting greater cross-bridge cycling
and from increased time to stretch the series-elastic
• There is an optimal muscle length at which maximal tension
can be developed.
• AT OPTIMAL LENGTH (lo) At lo, when maximum tension can be
developed (point A in ● Fig below), the thin filaments optimally
overlap the regions of the thick filaments from which the cross
bridges project.
• At this length, a maximal number of cross bridges and actin
molecules are accessible to each other for cyles of binding and
• The central region of thick filaments, where the thin filaments do
overlap at lo, lacks cross bridges; only myosin tails are found here
2. Length of the fiber at the onset of contraction…
Types of Contractions
• Contractions can be:
– Isometric
• Iso= same,
– Isotonic
• Iso=same, ton=tension
Isotonic Contraction
• It is the type of contraction with no change in muscle tension
• There is shortening of the total Length of the muscle
• Occurs when contraction moves an object of moderate Weight
• Work is done in this type of contraction
(muscle shortens)
c: flexion
Isometric Contractions
 It is the type of contraction with out change in
 Occurs when muscle contraction fails to move
heavy objects
 No work is done in this type of contraction
Maintains posture
Maintains objects
fixed position
Skeletal Muscle Metabolism and Fiber
• Three different steps in the contraction–relaxation process
require ATP
1. Splitting of ATP by myosin ATPase provides the
energy for the power stroke of the cross bridge.
2. Binding of a fresh molecule of ATP to myosin lets the
bridge detach from the actin filament at the end of a power
stroke so that the cycle can be repeated.
– This ATP is later split to provide energy for the next stroke of
the cross bridge.
Skeletal Muscle Metabolism…
3. Active transport of Ca2+ back into the sarcoplasmic reticulum
during relaxation depends on energy derived from the
breakdown of ATP.
• At rest ATP is also utilized by sodium potassium pump to
maintain resting membrane potential
Muscle fibers have alternate pathways for
forming ATP.
• Only limited stores of ATP are immediately available in muscle
• But three pathways supply additional ATPase needed during
muscle contraction:
1. Transfer of a high-energy phosphate from creatine
phosphate to ADP
2. Oxidative phosphorylation and
3. Glycolysis
1. Creatine phosphate
• Creatine phosphate is the first energy storehouse tapped at
the onset of contractile activity
• Just as energy is released when the terminal phosphate bond
in ATP is split, similarly energy is released when the bond b/n
phosphate and creatine is broken.
• The energy released from the hydrolysis of creatine
phosphate, along with the phosphate, can be donated directly
to ADP to form ATP.
• This reaction is catalyzed by the muscle cell enzyme creatine
2. Oxidative phosphorylation
• If the energy-dependent contractile activity is to continue
• takes place within the muscle mitochondria if sufficient O2 is
• This pathway is fueled by glucose or fatty acids, depending on
the intensity and duration of the activity
• yield of 32 ATP molecules for each glucose but slow process.
• muscle cells can form enough ATP through oxidative
phosphorylation during light exercise (such as walking) to
moderate exertion such as jogging or swimming
3. Glycolysis
• There are respiratory and cardiovascular limits to how much O2
can be delivered to a muscle.
– That is, the lungs and heart can pick up and deliver just so much
O2 to exercising muscles.
• Furthermore, in near-maximal contractions, the powerful
contraction compresses almost closed the blood vessels that
course through the muscle,
– severely limiting the O2 avail able to the muscle fibers.
3. Glycolysis…
• Even when O2 is available, the relatively slow oxidative-
phosphorylation system may not be able to produce ATP
rapidly enough to meet the muscle’s needs during intense
• A skeletal muscle’s energy consumption may increase up to
100-fold when going from rest to high intensity exercise
• Glycolysis alone has two advantages over the oxidative
phosphorylation pathway:
1. Operates anaerobically
2. proceed more rapidly than oxidative phosphorylation.
3. Glycolysis…
• Lactate production
– when the end product of an aerobic glycolysis, pyruvate,
cannot be further processed by the oxidative
phosphorylation pathway, it is converted to lactate.
– Lactate accumulation has been implicated in the muscle
soreness that occurs during the time that intense exercise is
actually taking place.
• The delayed-onset pain and stiff ness that begin the
day after unaccustomed muscular exertion, however, are
probably caused by reversible structural damage.
Muscle Fatigue
• Occurs when an exercising muscle can no longer respond
to stimulation.
• Physiological inability to contract
• Possible causes of muscle fatigue
– Local increase in ADP and Pi
– Accumulation of lactate
– Accumulation of extracellular K+
– Depletion of glycogen energy reserves
• Physiological inability to contract. Types:
– Psychological (central) fatigue
• Feeling of tiredness and a desire to stop
• Depends on emotional state of individual
– Muscular
• Depletion of glycogen energy reserve
– Synaptic
• Occurs in NMJ due to lack of acetylcholine
Muscle Fatigue…
• Refers to the fact that post-exercise breathing rate > resting
breathing rate.
• This excess oxygen intake serves many tasks:
– Replenish the oxygen stored by myoglobin and hemoglobin
– Convert remaining lactic acid back into glucose
– Used for aerobic metabolism to make ATP which is used to:
• Replenish the phosphagen system
• Replenish the glycogen stores
• Power the Na+/K+ pump so as to maintain RMP 109
Oxygen Debts
Types of Skeletal Muscle Fibers
• Based on major pathways used to form ATP and
– Oxidative fibers – use aerobic pathways
– Glycolytic fibers – use anaerobic glycolysis
• Muscle fibers are classified into 3 types as
– Type-I: Slow, fatigue-resistant, oxidative fibers.
– Type-II a: fast, fatigue-resistant, oxidative fibers.
– Type-IIx: fast, fatigable, glycolytic fibers. 110
Types of Skeletal Muscle
• Fast/glycolytic fibers have:
– Myosin with high ATPase activities
– High content of glycolytic enzymes
– Large storage of glycogen
– Little myoglobin contents
– Few mitochondria
• Slow oxidative fibers have:
– Myosin with low ATPase activities
– Numerous mitochondria
– High capacity of oxidative phosphorylation
– Rich in arterial blood supply, high BF
– Large amount of myoglobin contents
Characteristics of Skeletal Muscle Fibers
slowest (slow-
Red muscle:
lots of mito,
myo, & blood
Aerobic cellular
respiration 
High fatigue
activities (marathon
sprinting 115
Aerobic &
respiration 
ATP (store
Moderate fatigue
strongest, fast
High glycogen
White muscle: less
mito, myo, blood
• Men’s muscle fibers are thicker, and accordingly, their
muscles are larger and stronger than those of women, even
without weight training,
– because of the actions of testosterone, a steroid hormone
secreted primarily in males.
• Testosterone promotes the synthesis and assembly of myosin
and actin.
• This fact has led some athletes, both males and females, to the
dangerous practice of taking this or closely related steroids to
increase their athletic performance. 117
Hypertrophy: Increase in size of a cell, tissue or an organ.
•Muscle hypertrophy occurs due to the synthesis of more
myofibrils and synthesis of larger myofibrils.
•Resulting from very forceful, repetitive muscular activity.
 More capillaries
 More mitochondria
Caused by:
 Strenuous exercise
 Steroid hormones such as testosterone
 stimulate muscle growth and hypertrophy
Muscular Adaptation
Muscular Adaptation…
• Atrophy : Reduction in size of a cell, tissue, or
• In muscles, its often caused by disuse.
Muscular Disorders
• Rigor Mortis
– Upon death, muscle cells are unable to prevent Ca2+ entry.
• This allows myosin to bind to actin.
– Since there is no ATP made postmortem,
• the myosin cannot unbind and the body remains in a
state of muscular rigidity for almost the next couple
• Cramp: prolonged spasm that causes muscle to become taut
and painful
• Fibrosis : Replacement of normal tissue with heavy fibrous
• Myasthenia Gravis:
– My=muscle, asthen=weakness, gravi=heavy
– Autoimmune disease where antibodies attack the ACh
receptors on neuromuscular junctions.
– Results in progressive weakening of skeletal muscles.
– Treated by Anticholinesterase agents such as
Inhibits AChE temporarily and
 Prolongs the action of ACh at the NMJ to initiate an
AP and subsequent contraction in the muscle fibe1
Muscular Disorders…
Myasthenia Gravis
Muscular Disorders…
Eaton Lambert syndrome
–Auto immune destruction of Ca2+ channel on pre-SM
Organophosphate poisoning
–OPs are Chemicals that irreversibly inhibit AChE.
• Prevent the inactivation of ACh.
• Normally ACh rapidly hydrolyze in to inactive
fragments of
choline and acetic acid.
–Death occurs due to respiratory failure
• b/c the diaphragm cannot repolarize and return to
resting conditions, then contract again
Muscular Disorders…
•Caused by Clostridium botulinum found in improperly canned
•When the toxin of the bacteria is consumed,
– blocks release of Ach at the NMJ by inhibiting the action
of proteins (synaptobrevin & syntaxin) on presynaptic
– It prevents muscles from responding to nerve impulses.
– Muscle contraction can not occur.
•Death is due to respiratory failure caused by inability to
contract the diaphragm(paralysis of the diaphragm)
Muscular Disorders…
Smooth muscle
• Involuntary, non-striated muscle tissue
• Occurs within almost every organ, forming sheets,
• In Cardiovascular system:
– Smooth muscle in blood vessels regulates blood flow
through vital organs.
– Smooth muscle also helps regulate blood pressure.
Smooth muscle…
• Digestive systems:
– Rings of smooth muscle, called sphincters, regulate mov’t
along internal passageways.
– Smooth muscle lining passageways alternates contraction
and relaxation to propel matter through alimentary canal.
• Integumentary system:
– Regulates blood flow to the superficial dermis
– Allows for piloerection
Smooth muscle …
• Respiratory system
– Alters the diameter of the airways and changes the
resistance to airflow
• Urinary system
– Sphincters regulate the passage of urine
– Move urine into and out of the urinary bladder
Smooth muscle…
Reproductive system
–Assists in mov’t of the egg (and of sperm) through the female
reproductive tract
–Plays a large role in childbirth
–Allows for mov’t of sperm along reproductive tract
–Allows for secretion of non-cellular parts of semen
– Allows for erection and ejaculation. 128
Smooth muscle cells
• Are uninucleate: contain 1 centrally placed nucleus
• Lack T-tubules
• Have a scanty sarcoplasmic reticulum
• Smooth muscle tissue is innervated by the autonomic
nervous system
• Myosin and actin are present and crossbridges formation
powers contraction,
• but the thick and thin filaments do not have the strict
repeating arrangement like that found in skeletal muscle
• No Z discs, instead thin filaments are attached to protein
structures called dense bodies which attach to the
Smooth muscle cells
Types of Smooth Muscle
• Smooth muscle varies widely from organ to organ in terms of:
– Fiber arrangement
– Responsiveness to certain stimuli
• Broad types of smooth muscle:
– Single unit
– Multi unit
Single Unit Smooth Muscle
• More common
• Cells contract as a unit b/c all connected by gap junctions.
• AP can propagate through neighboring muscle cells due to
gap junctions.
• Due to this property, SUSM bundles form a syncytium that
contracts in a coordinated fashion
– such as uterine muscles contraction during childbirth
• Commonly found in the walls of the digestive tract, urinary
bladder, and uterus
Single Unit Smooth Muscle
Characteristics of Single Unit
Smooth Muscles
• Innervated by an autonomic nerve fiber.
• SUSM is myogenic;
– it can contract regularly without input from a motor
• A few of the cells in a given SUSM unit may behave
– pacemaker cells, generating rhythmic action potentials
due to their intrinsic electrical activity.
Multi-Unit Smooth Muscle
• No gap junctions.
• Contraction of each fiber is independent of all the others.
• Responsible to neural & hormonal controls
• Less common and have no pacemaker cells
• It is neurogenic
– its contraction must be initiated by motor neuron.
• Found in
– large airways (lungs), large arteries, arrector pili,
internal eye muscles
Smooth Muscle Contraction
• Begins with opening of membrane channels.
• Channels may be ligand (NTs, hormones ), voltage, or
mechanically-gated (stretch).
• Channels will allow significant calcium entry from ECF. –
Smooth muscle has little SR.
• Ca2+ binds to regulatory molecule called calmodulin and
activates it.
• Activated calmodulin activates an enzyme called Myosin
Light Chain Kinase (MLCK).
Smooth Muscle Contraction…
• Activated MLCK will add a phosphate group to the myosin
of thick filament.
• This enables myosin to interact with actin.
• Tropomyosin is present but not blocking actin’s myosin
binding sites
• Troponin is absent
Smooth Muscle Contraction…
• For smooth muscle to relax
– Ca++ ions must be removed from the intracellular fluids by a
calcium pump back into the
A. ECF, or
B. Into sarcoplasmic reticulum
– This pump is slow-acting
• Accounts for prolonged contraction 143
Smooth Muscle Relaxation
Smooth Muscle Relaxation
Cardiac Muscle
• Provides the motive power for blood circulation
• Striated, involuntary muscle
• Found in walls of the heart
• Consists of branching chains of stocky muscle cells.
• Uni- or binucleate.
• Has sarcomeres & T-tubules
• Are joined by structures called intercalated discs
– which consist of desmosomes and gap
Cardiac Muscle…
Cardiac Muscle
Intercalated disc
Cardiac Muscle…
• Intercalated discs have 2 components.
– Gap junctions (which provide an electrical link between all
cardiac myocytes) and
– Desmosomes (which provide a mechanical link between
all cardiac myocytes).
• The electrical & mechanical connections created by the
intercalated discs allow the thousands of cardiac muscle cells
to behave as if they were one giant cell.
• Multiple cells that function as one entity are often referred to
a functional syncytium. 148
Cardiac Muscle…
Cardiac Muscle…
• All cardiac myocytes are not identical.
• 99% of cardiac wall is composed of the contractile cardiac
muscle cells.
– they generate the force that pumps blood through the
systemic and pulmonary circuits.
• 1% are the autorhythmic cells (pacemakers) of the heart.
• lack the elaborate sarcomeres & other contractile
– specialized to generate action potential spontaneously
without nervous system input.
Cardiac muscle…
• Do not contract unless stimulated electrically by pacemaker
• Less abundant but larger size T tubules
• Less developed SR
– Smaller intracellular reserve of Ca++, cardiac muscle cells
need additional Ca from ECF for contraction
– 90% of calcium source for contraction is from SR and
10% is from ECF
Excitation-contraction coupling in cardiac
• Mechanism by which AP causes contraction of myocardium
• Calcium ions provide the link b/n electrical excitation &
muscle contraction
• Influx of Ca2+ from ECF during excitation (plateau) triggers
release of Ca2+ from SR.
• Free cytosolic Ca2+ activates contraction of myofilaments
Excitation-contraction coupling in
cardiac muscle
• Relaxation (diastole) occurs as result of uptake of Ca2+ by SR &
extrusion of intracellular Ca2+ by Na+-Ca2+ exchange
• Sequences
– Auto-rhythmicity → Membrane depolarization →T-tubule
depolarization→ Release of Ca2+ from SR + from T-tubule
(ECF)→ Ca2+ activates contractile molecules →Sliding of
filaments→ Contraction
Excitation-contraction coupling:
cardiac muscle
Fig: EC coupling and relaxation in cardiac muscle cells
Excitation-contraction coupling:
cardiac muscle…
Cardiac muscle syncytium
• B/c cardiac cells are joined by gap junctions, AP propagates
from cell to cell
• Muscle cells contract as unit ( syncytium)
• Atrial syncytium: All atrial cells excite and contract together
as a unit
• Ventricular syncytium: All ventricular cells excite and contract
together as a unit
Electromechanical Properties of Heart
• Heart continues to beat after full denervation b/c of intrinsic
properties it has:
A. Automaticity : start pacemaking
B. Conductivity: highly developed in PNW
C. Contractility: Atrial & ventricular muscles are specialized for
C. Refractoriness :
– Cardiac cell is unresponsive to further stimuli
– The AP of cardiac muscle has a prolonged refractory period
Electrical activity of cardiac cells…
• Ionic basis of cardiac AP is associated with changes in
– permeability of cell membrane to: Na+, K+, and Ca2+
• Ionic basis of myocardial AP has 5-phases.
 Phase-0: Rapid depolarization caused by rapid Na-
 Phase-1: initial repolarization caused by fast K+ channel
 Phase-2: plateau caused by Ca2+ influx
 Phase-3: rapid Repolarization caused by slow
channel opening K+ efflux
 Phase-4: resting state
• RMP is re-established by Na-K-ATPase.
NB- RMP = -90 mv 158
Comparison of 3 muscle types

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Med Muscle physiology merged.ppt HAWASSA

  • 2. Objectives At the end of this lesson, students are expected to: 1.Define characteristics of muscle. 2.Enumerate functions of muscle. 3.List and compare the 3 types of muscle cells. 4.Describe physiologic anatomy of skeletal muscle cells 5.Discuss on contraction and relaxation processes of Skeletal and Smooth muscles 6.Identify disorders related to skeletal muscle cell 2 2
  • 3.  It is the fleshy organ of the body that converts potential energy of food into mechanical energy.  Human body contains over 400 skeletal muscles  Accounts 40% of the total BW.  Skeletal muscle alone makes up about 40% of body weight in men and 32% in women, with smooth and cardiac muscle making up another 10% of the total weight. Introduction 3
  • 4. Muscle Functions 1. Produces Movement  Movement of body parts  Movement of blood throughout the body  Movement of lymph through the lymphatic vessels  Movement of food through the GI tract  Movement of bile out of the gallbladder and into the digestive tract  Movement of urine through the urinary tract  Movement of semen through the male and female reproductive tracts  Movement of a newborn through the birth canal 4
  • 5. Muscle Functions 2. Maintenance of posture  Muscle contraction is constantly allowing us to remain upright.  The muscles of your neck are keeping your head up right now.  As you stand, your leg muscles keep you on two feet. 3. Thermogenesis  Generation of heat. Occurs via shivering – an involuntary contraction of skeletal muscle. 5
  • 6. Muscle Functions 4. Stabilization of joints  Muscles keep the tendons that cross the joint nice and firm  This does a wonderful job of maintaining the integrity of the joint. All the things muscles do fall under one of these 4 categories. 6
  • 7. 1.Skeletal/voluntary muscles Located attached to bones & moves skeleton They are elongated, cylindrical and multinucleated cells, They are striated muscle They are voluntary muscle, controlled by somatic NS (SNS) 2. Cardiac muscle: Muscle of the heart They are striated, branched and mononucleated They are involuntary, controlled by autonomous NS (ANS), drugs and hormones Have the property of autorhythmicity and syncytium Types of muscles: 3 types 7
  • 8. Cardiac Muscle  Striated, involuntary muscle  Found in walls of the heart  Consists of branching chains of stocky muscle cells.  Uni- or binucleate.  Has sarcomeres & T-tubules  Cardiac muscle cells are joined by structures called intercalated discs – which consist of desmosomes and gap junctions. Notice the branching and the intercalated disc, indicated by the blue arrow. 8
  • 9. 3. Smooth muscles  Located in the wall of hallow organs (GIT, blood vessels, uterus, urinary bladder, Iris)  They have non-striated appearance, mononucleated cells  involuntary muscle, controlled by ANS, drugs and hormones  Have the property of autorhythmicity and syncytium Types of muscles: 3 types 9
  • 10. Types of muscle …. 10
  • 12. Characteristics of muscle:  Excitability: Responds to stimuli (e.g. nervous impulses)  Stimulus could be: neurotransmitter, hormone, stretch, pH  Contractility: Able to shorten forcefully in length  Extensibility: Stretches when pulled  Elasticity: Tends to return to original shape & length after contraction or extension 12
  • 13. Structure of Skeletal Muscle  A single skeletal muscle cell, known as a muscle fiber, is relatively large, elongated, and cylinder-shaped.  A skeletal muscle consists of a number of muscle fibers lying parallel to each other and bundled together by connective tissue  The fibers usually extend the entire length of the muscle. 13
  • 14. Skeletal Muscle • Each muscle fiber in most skeletal muscles: – Extends the entire length of the muscle. – Innervated by only one nerve ending, located near the middle of fiber. – Supplied by an artery & drained by one or more veins. 14
  • 17. Structure of skeletal muscles: Connective Tissue Covering  Epimysium  Surrounds entire muscle  Perimysium  Surrounds bundles of muscle fibers (fascicles)  Endomysium  Surrounds individual muscle fibers 17
  • 18. Components of a muscle fiber 18
  • 19. Skeletal Muscle…physiologic anatomy • Sarcolemma: plasma membrane of muscle fiber • Sarcoplasm: cytoplasm of muscle fiber – Sarcosome: mitochondria of muscle fiber – Glycogen granules: provide glucose for energy needs – Sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR): ER of muscle fiber  functions as calcium storage depot in muscle cells. • Transverse tubules (T-tubules):  Invaginations on sarcolemma that penetrate through the cell 16 19
  • 20. Myofibrils • Rod like specialized contractile elements of muscle fiber • Constitute 80% of volume of muscle fiber . • Compose d of thick & thin myofilaments.  ~ 1500 myosin filaments and 3000 actin filaments • A single muscle fiber may contain • About 16 billion thick and 32 billion thin filaments 20
  • 22. Thick Myofilaments • Thick myofilament is made of contractile proteins called myosin • Single thick filament is made of ~ 300 myosin molecules • Myosin protein’s tails are intertwined each other and the heads form crossbridge. • Each crossbridge has two important sites crucial for contraction: 1. Actin-binding site 2. Myosin ATPase (ATP-splitting) site 19 22
  • 23. Figure. Structure of myosin molecules and their organization within a thick filam 20ent. 23
  • 24. Thin Myofilaments • Thin filament is made of 3 different types of proteins: – Actin, tropomyosin and troponin. Actin: • Primary structural proteins of the thin filament • Each actin molecule has special binding site, for attachment with myosin crossbridge called myosin binding site Tropomyosin • Threadlike proteins those cover myosin binding site of actin blocking interaction b/n actin and myosin at rest. 21 24
  • 25. Troponin • Trio (triad=three) of protein complex • Made of three polypeptide units:  Troponin-C (C- Calcium) = can bind with Ca2+  Troponin- T (T= tropomyosin) = binds to tropomyosin  Troponin-I (I- inhibitory) = binds to actin • When troponin is not bound to Ca2+ – This protein stabilizes Tropomyosin in its blocking position over actin’s crossbridges binding sites 22 Thin Myofilaments… 25
  • 26. Thin Myofilaments… • When Ca2+ binds to troponin, – Shape of this protein is changed Tropomyosin slips away from its blocking position. – Hence, actin and myosin can bind and interact at the cross bridges, resulting in muscle contraction. • Tropomyosin and troponin are called regulatory proteins – Because of their role in covering (preventing contraction) or exposing (permitting contraction) the binding sites for cross- bridge interaction between actin and myosin. 23 26
  • 29. Relation of thick and thin myofilaments 26 29
  • 30. Structural proteins Titin: –filamentous proteins connecting myosin to Z disc –the largest proteins, being made up of nearly 30,000 AA. Functions of Titin: –Stabilize the position of the thick filaments –By acting like a spring, it helps a muscle to passively recoil to its resting length. Nebulin: – An inelastic giant protein – Lies alongside thin filaments and attaches to the Z disk. – Helps align the actin filaments 27 30
  • 31. Sarcomeres • Each myofibril is made up of 1000’s of repeating individual units known as sarcomeres • Each sarcomere is an ordered arrangement of thick and thin filaments. It has: – regions of thin filaments by themselves – a region of thick filaments by themselves – regions of thick filaments and thin filaments overlapping. 31
  • 32. Sarcomeres… • Myosin and actin filaments partially interdigitated and cause myofibrils to have alternate light and dark bands • Light or I bands contain only actin filaments • One I band is actually part of 2 sarcomeres at once. • Dark bands , contain zone of overlapping and H Zone (only myosin region), are called A bands. • M line is at the middle of H zone that helps to hold thick filaments to one another 32
  • 33. • Z disk ( line ) passes crosswise across the myofibril attaching myofibrils to one another all the way across muscle fiber. Key • A = anisotropic meaning not light • I = isotropic , meaning light • Z = German word Zwischenscheibe, means “between disc.” • H= German word Hensen’s disc, meaning “bright” or clear. • M= German word Mittelmembran, meaning middle Sarcomere… 33
  • 37. Sarcotubular System = T-Tubules + SR • Each muscle fiber has many T-tubules – Typically each myofibril has branch of T-tubule encircling it at each A-I junction • At each A-I junction, SR will expand and form dilated sac called terminal cisterna. • Each T-tubule will be flanked by a terminal cisterna. – This forms a triad consisting of 2 terminal cisternae and one T-tubule branch. 37
  • 39. Molecular basis of skeletal Muscle Contraction “Sliding filament hypothesis” • Discovered by Hanson & Huxley in 1955 • Is the theory that states inward sliding of the thin filaments, on each side of a sarcomere , over the stationary thick filaments toward the A band’s center • As they slide inward, the thin filaments pull the Z lines to which they are attached closer together, • So the sarcomere shortens. • As all the sarcomeres throughout the muscle fiber’s length shorten simultaneously, the entire fiber shortens 39
  • 40. Sliding filament hypothesis… 38 Figure. Sliding of the thin filaments over thick filaments 40
  • 41. Sliding filament hypothesis… 39 Figure. Structural changes during muscle contraction 41
  • 43. Sliding Filaments… • All sarcomeres in a fiber will contract together which contracts the fiber itself. • Number of fibers contracting will determine force of contraction of whole muscle. • Whole process of muscle contraction can have 4 steps: Step 1. Excitation Step 2. Excitation-contraction coupling Step 3. Contraction Step 4. Relaxation 41 43
  • 44. 1. Excitation • All cells have voltage difference across their plasma membrane. – Causes????? • The value for Vm in inactive muscle cells is typically between –80 and –90 millivolts. • Generally each muscle is served by one nerve • With muscle, each axon will go its own way and eventually branch into multiple small extensions called telodendria. 44
  • 45. • Each telodendria ends in a bulbous swelling known as the synaptic end bulb • The site of interaction b/n a neuron and any other cell is known as a synapse. • The synapse b/n a neuron and a muscle is known as the neuromuscular junction • Minute space b/n synaptic end bulb & sarcolemma is called synaptic cleft. Excitation… 45
  • 46. • Motor end plate: depression in sarcolemma at synaptic cleft • The synaptic end bulb is filled with vesicles that contain the neurotransmitter, acetylcholine • Motor end plate is chock full of acetylcholine receptors (Ach-R). Excitation… 46
  • 47. Excitation… Characteristics of neuromuscular junction 1. Transmission is unidirectional 2. There is a single NMJ per muscle fiber 3. The neurotransmitter is always acetylcholine (Ach) 4. The post junctional receptor is always nicotinic receptor 5. The effect of Ach on NR is always excitatory producing EPSP/EPP 6. There is a synaptic delay (0.2 – 0.3 ms) 7. It is fatigable due to depletion of ATP and NT storage 46 47
  • 49. Excitation… Factors affecting the NMJ: NMJ an be affected by various factors • Calcium level: – Hypercalcemia inhibits membrane excitability – Hypocalcaemia increases membrane excitability • Hypoxia: inhibits membrane excitability 50 49
  • 50. Excitation… Factors affecting the NMJ… 3.Drugs: I. Ach- release inhibitors: Botulin toxin extracted from Clostridium botulinum- inhibits membrane excitability II. Nicotinic receptor (cholinergic) blockers: d-tubocurarine, Îą- cobratoxin - inhibits membrane excitability III. Cholinergic stimulants: nicotine, metacholine, carbacholine - increases membrane excitability IV. Anti-cholinstrase drugs: Physiostegmin, neostegmin - increases membrane excitability 51 50
  • 51. Factors affecting the NMJ… •Hemicholinium-3 (hemi-choline)--drug – Blocks choline transporter protein on neuron cell membrane •Vesamicol (drug) – Blocks acetylcholine transporter protein on the vesicle •Succinylcholine --drug for general anesthesia – Continuous stimulation of EPP then decrease responsiveness of V. gated Na channel – no AP •Tubocurarine (toxin) – Blocks nicotinic receptors on motor end plate –paralyzing muscles of the body 52 Excitation… 51
  • 52. How Excitation Occurs? 1. Nerve signal arriving at synaptic end bulb will cause – Ach-containing vesicles to undergo exocytosis. 2. Ach will diffuse across synaptic cleft & bind to Ach receptors which are ligand-gated Na+ channels. – Binding of Ach causes opening of Na+ channels. 3. Na+ will rush into cell: – Making local cell interior more positive (depolarization) but it is a local event (local potential)= EPP 52
  • 53. 4. Adjacent to motor end plate, sarcolemma contains voltage- gated ion channels(Na+ channels) – In order for these channels to open, – Vm must depolarize from its resting value of –90mV to nearly –50mV, – this is threshold potential. – This local potential or end plate potential cause action potential. How Excitation Occurs ... 53
  • 54. STEP1: Action Potential  STEP 1: ACTION POTENTIAL reaches the muscle cell membrane – The action potential comes from the motor neuron, which contacts the muscle at the Neuromuscular Junction – Acetylcholine is released, and the muscle membrane in depolarized 54
  • 56. How Excitation Occurs… • Degree of depolarization depends on amount of Na+ influx • Na+ influx depends on how many Na+ channels were opened by binding ACh. • If Vm fails to depolarize to threshold, nothing will happen. – Vm will soon return to normal & no muscle contraction • If Vm does reach threshold, 2 types of voltage-gated ion channels will open: 56
  • 57. How Excitation Occurs… • If Vm reaches threshold, fast Na+ channels open and Na+ rushes in causing the Vm to depolarize to +30mV. • Depolarization stops when Na+ channels become inactivated. • At this point, slow K+ channels have opened & K+ efflux occurs. • This returns Vm back to its resting level. This is repolarization. 57
  • 58. 2. Excitation-Contraction Coupling • It is the process by which depolarization of muscle fiber initiates contraction. • AP travels along sarcolemma going in both directions and spread down the T- tubules . • Since T-tubules are simply invaginations of the sarcolemma, – AP will spread down them • It is electromechanical mechanism 58
  • 59. STEP2: Calcium is Released STEP 2: the depolarization of the muscle cell membrane causes calcium release Depolarization spreads into membrane regions called Transverse Tubules (Ttubules) T-tubules contact the Sarcoplasmic Reticulum The sarcoplasmic reticulum is a modified endoplasmic reticulum that stores Ca2+ and contains Ca2+ channels Calcium is released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum into the cytosol of the muscle cell 59
  • 60. STEP3: Calcium Activates Troponin STEP 3: Calcium activates troponin  Troponin normally holds tropomyosin onto actin Troponin responds to Ca2+ entry and releases from tropomyosin and actin 60
  • 61. STEP4: Tropomyosin moves out of the way  Tropomyosin is released from myosin binding sites, freeing the actin 61
  • 62. 3. Contraction • Once actin’s myosin binding site is exposed, – myosin will attach to actin. – myosin has just hydrolyzed ATP into ADP and Pi – – both molecules are still bound to the myosin. – The ATP hydrolysis provides energy for “cocking” of myosin head. • Once myosin is bound to actin, – myosin head will release the ADP and Pi which will cause it change of conformation. 61 62
  • 63. STEP5: Myosin binds to Actin  Myosin heads bind to actin, forming a CROSSBRIDGE 63
  • 64. STEP6: Myosin moves actin  Myosin heads move actin inward toward the M  Line, a movement called the POWERSTROKE – requires ATP 64
  • 65. Contraction… • A common analogy is climbing a rope hand over hand. 65
  • 66. 4. Relaxation • Ca2+ pumps in SR membrane work constantly to get calcium out of sarcoplasm and back into SR. • They are unable to do this as long as muscle is still binding ACh. • ACh is released by the motor neuron as long as it keeps being stimulated. – ACh does not remain bound to Ach-R for very long. • It quickly releases and either binds again or • hydrolyzed by the enzyme acetyl cholinesterase 66
  • 67. Relaxation… • When the muscle ceases being stimulated, – the calcium pumps “win” and sarcoplasmic [Ca2+] drops. – Calcium stops being available for troponin and then – tropomyosin shifts back into its inhibitory position. • Muscle then – returns back to its original length via elasticity of connective tissue elements, – And the contraction of antagonistic muscles 67
  • 68. STEP7: Myosin releases actin  Myosin detaches from actin and resets for the next contraction  Requires ATP 68
  • 69. STEP8: Calcium is returned to SR  Calcium pumps return calcium to SR to stop the signal, reset calcium and prepare for next contraction 69
  • 70. Mechanism of muscle contraction (Excitation- contraction coupling)-summary • The process by which depolarization initiates • Contraction is called excitation contraction coupling. • It has several steps as follow: 1. Action potential initiated & propagated along the motor nerve fibre and arrives at the end feet. 2. Opening of VG-Ca-channels and influx of Ca2+ to trigger the release of Ach. 3. Ach released by Ca-dependent exocytosis and diffuse through the synaptic cleft and binds to NR on post junctional membrane. 73 70
  • 71. Mechanism of muscle contraction… 4. Opening of ligand gated Na-channels and influx of Na+ to produce EPP. 5. Spread of depolarization through the sarcolemma 6. Spread of depolarization through the T-tubules 7. Depolarization of T-tubules stimulate SR to release Ca2+ into sarcoplasm 8. Ca2+ binds to troponin-C 9. Ca2+ and troponin-C combination detaches troponin-I from the active sites of actin 74 71
  • 72. Mechanism of muscle contraction… 10. The detachment of troponin-I from actin displaces tropomyosin, uncovering the active sites of actin filaments. 11. When the active site of actin exposed, the heads of myosin connect to them, making cross-bridges b/n myosin and actin. 12. The ATPase enzyme on the myosin heads hydrolyze ATP into ADP + -P plus energy. 13. The released energy causes the movement of the head (power stroke) towards the centre. 14. The head of myosin is charged with a new molecule of ATP and then detached from actin leading to relaxation. 75 72
  • 73. Mechanism of muscle relaxation It has the following steps 1.Following muscle contraction, Ca2+ is re-uptaken back into SR by Ca-pump, this requires ATP. 2.Decreased Ca2+ in the sarcoplasm→ Ca2+ detaches from troponin-C →Tropomyosin covers the active sites of actin. 3.Head of myosin charged with ATP, and detached from actin – Therefore, muscle relaxation is an active process requiring energy. 73
  • 74. Importance of ATP • Large amount of energy (ATP) is consumed during muscular performance for the following activities: – To move the head of myosin (power stroke) – Active Ca2+ pump from sarcoplasm to SR – For Na-K-pump in the membrane – For muscle relaxation 74
  • 75. Motor unit • Composed of a group of muscle fibers that function together and the somatic motor neuron that controls them • When this neuron is stimulated, all the muscle fibers it synapses upon will be stimulated and will contract as a unit • The number of muscle fibers per motor unit may be as high as several hundred or as few as four. – The smaller the motor unit, the finer and more delicate the movements. – Extraocular muscles typically have small motor units while large postural muscles have large motor units 78 75
  • 77. • Twitch → contractile response of a muscle to a single action potential A sub-threshold stimulus would not cause contraction because no AP would be produced •1 stimulation → 1 twitch • The muscle quickly contracts and then relaxes •A single muscle twitch produces only a very small force, Thus incapable of doing anything Muscle Twitch 77
  • 78. Phases of muscle twitch A. Latent phase • Time between stimulus application and generation of tension • Includes all the time required for excitation, E-C coupling, and activation of muscle proteins • Myosin binding to actin active site B. Contraction phase • Beginning to end of muscle tension → myosin heads slide along the actin filaments 78
  • 79. C. Relaxation phase • From peak tension to no tension • Ca2+ moved back into the cisternae • Tropomyosin moves back over actin • Myosin head release actin and the filaments move back into resting position 79
  • 81. measurement of a neuron’s AP, a muscle fiber’s AP, and the tension developed by that musc8l3e fiber. 81
  • 82. Strength of muscle contraction • This depends on the – number of muscle fibers contracting within a muscle – extent of motor unit recruitment – tension developed by each contracting fiber • To prevent fatigue the body alternates motor unit activity, like shift s at a factory, to give motor units that have been active an opportunity to rest while others take over. • Changing of the shift is carefully coordinated, – so the sustained contraction is smooth rather than jerky.84 82
  • 83. Factors determining Whole-muscle tension 1. Frequency of stimulation 2. Length of the fiber at the onset of contraction 3. Extent of fatigue 4. Thickness of the fiber 83
  • 84. 1. Frequency of stimulation… • If the muscle fiber has completely relaxed before the next action potential takes place, a second twitch of the same magnitude as the first occurs (see Fig below) results in identical twitch responses. • If, however, the muscle fiber is stimulated a second time before it has completely relaxed from the first twitch, a second action potential causes a second contractile response, which is added “piggyback” on top of the first twitch. • The two twitches from the two action potentials add together, or sum, to produce greater tension in the fiber than that produced by a single action potential. This is called twitch summation 84
  • 85. 1. Frequency of stimulation… • Twitch summation is possible only because the duration of the action potential (1 to 2 msec) is much shorter than the duration of the resulting twitch (100 msec) • If the muscle fiber is stimulated so rapidly that it does not have a chance to relax at all between stimuli, a smooth, sustained contraction of maximal strength known as tetanus occurs. • A tetanic contraction is usually three to four times stronger than a single twitch. (Don’t confuse this normal physiologic tetanus with the disease tetanus 85
  • 86. 86
  • 87. 1. Frequency of stimulation… • If the stimuli are of moderate frequency just below the minimum tetanic frequency, and each stimulus falls in the relaxation phase, the result is a series of contraction with incomplete relaxation. • This type of contraction is called clonic contraction, clonus or incomplete tetanus • Twitch summation results from a sustained elevation in cytosolic calcium permitting greater cross-bridge cycling and from increased time to stretch the series-elastic component. 87
  • 88. • There is an optimal muscle length at which maximal tension can be developed. • AT OPTIMAL LENGTH (lo) At lo, when maximum tension can be developed (point A in ● Fig below), the thin filaments optimally overlap the regions of the thick filaments from which the cross bridges project. • At this length, a maximal number of cross bridges and actin molecules are accessible to each other for cyles of binding and bending • The central region of thick filaments, where the thin filaments do not overlap at lo, lacks cross bridges; only myosin tails are found here 90 88
  • 89. 2. Length of the fiber at the onset of contraction… 89
  • 90. Types of Contractions • Contractions can be: – Isometric • Iso= same, metr=measure – Isotonic • Iso=same, ton=tension 90
  • 91. Isotonic Contraction • It is the type of contraction with no change in muscle tension • There is shortening of the total Length of the muscle • Occurs when contraction moves an object of moderate Weight • Work is done in this type of contraction 91
  • 93. Isometric Contractions  It is the type of contraction with out change in Length  Occurs when muscle contraction fails to move heavy objects  No work is done in this type of contraction 95 93
  • 95. Skeletal Muscle Metabolism and Fiber Types • Three different steps in the contraction–relaxation process require ATP 1. Splitting of ATP by myosin ATPase provides the energy for the power stroke of the cross bridge. 2. Binding of a fresh molecule of ATP to myosin lets the bridge detach from the actin filament at the end of a power stroke so that the cycle can be repeated. – This ATP is later split to provide energy for the next stroke of the cross bridge. 95
  • 96. Skeletal Muscle Metabolism… 3. Active transport of Ca2+ back into the sarcoplasmic reticulum during relaxation depends on energy derived from the breakdown of ATP. • At rest ATP is also utilized by sodium potassium pump to maintain resting membrane potential 96
  • 97. 97
  • 98. Muscle fibers have alternate pathways for forming ATP. • Only limited stores of ATP are immediately available in muscle tissue, • But three pathways supply additional ATPase needed during muscle contraction: 1. Transfer of a high-energy phosphate from creatine phosphate to ADP 2. Oxidative phosphorylation and 3. Glycolysis 98
  • 99. 99
  • 100. 1. Creatine phosphate • Creatine phosphate is the first energy storehouse tapped at the onset of contractile activity • Just as energy is released when the terminal phosphate bond in ATP is split, similarly energy is released when the bond b/n phosphate and creatine is broken. • The energy released from the hydrolysis of creatine phosphate, along with the phosphate, can be donated directly to ADP to form ATP. • This reaction is catalyzed by the muscle cell enzyme creatine kinase 102 100
  • 101. 2. Oxidative phosphorylation • If the energy-dependent contractile activity is to continue • takes place within the muscle mitochondria if sufficient O2 is present. • This pathway is fueled by glucose or fatty acids, depending on the intensity and duration of the activity • yield of 32 ATP molecules for each glucose but slow process. • muscle cells can form enough ATP through oxidative phosphorylation during light exercise (such as walking) to moderate exertion such as jogging or swimming 101
  • 102. 3. Glycolysis • There are respiratory and cardiovascular limits to how much O2 can be delivered to a muscle. – That is, the lungs and heart can pick up and deliver just so much O2 to exercising muscles. • Furthermore, in near-maximal contractions, the powerful contraction compresses almost closed the blood vessels that course through the muscle, – severely limiting the O2 avail able to the muscle fibers. 102
  • 103. 3. Glycolysis… • Even when O2 is available, the relatively slow oxidative- phosphorylation system may not be able to produce ATP rapidly enough to meet the muscle’s needs during intense activity. • A skeletal muscle’s energy consumption may increase up to 100-fold when going from rest to high intensity exercise • Glycolysis alone has two advantages over the oxidative phosphorylation pathway: 1. Operates anaerobically 2. proceed more rapidly than oxidative phosphorylation. 105 103
  • 104. 3. Glycolysis… • Lactate production – when the end product of an aerobic glycolysis, pyruvate, cannot be further processed by the oxidative phosphorylation pathway, it is converted to lactate. – Lactate accumulation has been implicated in the muscle soreness that occurs during the time that intense exercise is actually taking place. • The delayed-onset pain and stiff ness that begin the day after unaccustomed muscular exertion, however, are probably caused by reversible structural damage. 106 104
  • 105. Muscle Fatigue • Occurs when an exercising muscle can no longer respond to stimulation. • Physiological inability to contract • Possible causes of muscle fatigue – Local increase in ADP and Pi – Accumulation of lactate – Accumulation of extracellular K+ – Depletion of glycogen energy reserves 107 105
  • 106. • Physiological inability to contract. Types: – Psychological (central) fatigue • Feeling of tiredness and a desire to stop • Depends on emotional state of individual – Muscular • Depletion of glycogen energy reserve – Synaptic • Occurs in NMJ due to lack of acetylcholine 108 Muscle Fatigue… 106
  • 107. • Refers to the fact that post-exercise breathing rate > resting breathing rate. • This excess oxygen intake serves many tasks: – Replenish the oxygen stored by myoglobin and hemoglobin – Convert remaining lactic acid back into glucose – Used for aerobic metabolism to make ATP which is used to: • Replenish the phosphagen system • Replenish the glycogen stores • Power the Na+/K+ pump so as to maintain RMP 109 Oxygen Debts 107
  • 108. Types of Skeletal Muscle Fibers • Based on major pathways used to form ATP and fatigability, – Oxidative fibers – use aerobic pathways – Glycolytic fibers – use anaerobic glycolysis • Muscle fibers are classified into 3 types as – Type-I: Slow, fatigue-resistant, oxidative fibers. – Type-II a: fast, fatigue-resistant, oxidative fibers. – Type-IIx: fast, fatigable, glycolytic fibers. 110 108
  • 109. Types of Skeletal Muscle Fibers... • Fast/glycolytic fibers have: – Myosin with high ATPase activities – High content of glycolytic enzymes – Large storage of glycogen – Little myoglobin contents – Few mitochondria • Slow oxidative fibers have: – Myosin with low ATPase activities – Numerous mitochondria – High capacity of oxidative phosphorylation – Rich in arterial blood supply, high BF – Large amount of myoglobin contents 111 109
  • 110. Characteristics of Skeletal Muscle Fibers 112 110
  • 111. Smallest, weakest, slowest (slow- twitch) Red muscle: lots of mito, myo, & blood Aerobic cellular respiration  113 74 111
  • 113. sprinting 115 77 Aerobic & anaerobic respiration  ATP (store glycogen) Moderate fatigue resistance Walking, 113
  • 115. INFLUENCE OF TESTOSTERONE • Men’s muscle fibers are thicker, and accordingly, their muscles are larger and stronger than those of women, even without weight training, – because of the actions of testosterone, a steroid hormone secreted primarily in males. • Testosterone promotes the synthesis and assembly of myosin and actin. • This fact has led some athletes, both males and females, to the dangerous practice of taking this or closely related steroids to increase their athletic performance. 117 115
  • 116. Hypertrophy: Increase in size of a cell, tissue or an organ. •Muscle hypertrophy occurs due to the synthesis of more myofibrils and synthesis of larger myofibrils. •Resulting from very forceful, repetitive muscular activity.  More capillaries  More mitochondria Caused by:  Strenuous exercise  Steroid hormones such as testosterone  stimulate muscle growth and hypertrophy 118 Muscular Adaptation 116
  • 117. Muscular Adaptation… • Atrophy : Reduction in size of a cell, tissue, or organ • In muscles, its often caused by disuse. 119 117
  • 118. Muscular Disorders • Rigor Mortis – Upon death, muscle cells are unable to prevent Ca2+ entry. • This allows myosin to bind to actin. – Since there is no ATP made postmortem, • the myosin cannot unbind and the body remains in a state of muscular rigidity for almost the next couple days. • Cramp: prolonged spasm that causes muscle to become taut and painful • Fibrosis : Replacement of normal tissue with heavy fibrous 120 118
  • 119. • Myasthenia Gravis: – My=muscle, asthen=weakness, gravi=heavy – Autoimmune disease where antibodies attack the ACh receptors on neuromuscular junctions. – Results in progressive weakening of skeletal muscles. – Treated by Anticholinesterase agents such as neostigmine Inhibits AChE temporarily and  Prolongs the action of ACh at the NMJ to initiate an AP and subsequent contraction in the muscle fibe1 r21 Muscular Disorders… 119
  • 121. Eaton Lambert syndrome –Auto immune destruction of Ca2+ channel on pre-SM Organophosphate poisoning –OPs are Chemicals that irreversibly inhibit AChE. • Prevent the inactivation of ACh. • Normally ACh rapidly hydrolyze in to inactive fragments of choline and acetic acid. –Death occurs due to respiratory failure • b/c the diaphragm cannot repolarize and return to resting conditions, then contract again Muscular Disorders… 121
  • 122. Botulism: •Caused by Clostridium botulinum found in improperly canned food •When the toxin of the bacteria is consumed, – blocks release of Ach at the NMJ by inhibiting the action of proteins (synaptobrevin & syntaxin) on presynaptic membrane. – It prevents muscles from responding to nerve impulses. – Muscle contraction can not occur. •Death is due to respiratory failure caused by inability to contract the diaphragm(paralysis of the diaphragm) 124 Muscular Disorders… 122
  • 123. Smooth muscle • Involuntary, non-striated muscle tissue • Occurs within almost every organ, forming sheets, bundles, • In Cardiovascular system: – Smooth muscle in blood vessels regulates blood flow through vital organs. – Smooth muscle also helps regulate blood pressure. 123
  • 124. Smooth muscle… • Digestive systems: – Rings of smooth muscle, called sphincters, regulate mov’t along internal passageways. – Smooth muscle lining passageways alternates contraction and relaxation to propel matter through alimentary canal. • Integumentary system: – Regulates blood flow to the superficial dermis – Allows for piloerection 124
  • 125. Smooth muscle … • Respiratory system – Alters the diameter of the airways and changes the resistance to airflow • Urinary system – Sphincters regulate the passage of urine – Move urine into and out of the urinary bladder 125
  • 126. Smooth muscle… Reproductive system Females –Assists in mov’t of the egg (and of sperm) through the female reproductive tract –Plays a large role in childbirth Males –Allows for mov’t of sperm along reproductive tract –Allows for secretion of non-cellular parts of semen – Allows for erection and ejaculation. 128 126
  • 127. Smooth muscle cells • Are uninucleate: contain 1 centrally placed nucleus • Lack T-tubules • Have a scanty sarcoplasmic reticulum • Smooth muscle tissue is innervated by the autonomic nervous system • Myosin and actin are present and crossbridges formation powers contraction, • but the thick and thin filaments do not have the strict repeating arrangement like that found in skeletal muscle 127
  • 128. • No Z discs, instead thin filaments are attached to protein structures called dense bodies which attach to the sarcolemma. Smooth muscle cells 128
  • 129. Types of Smooth Muscle • Smooth muscle varies widely from organ to organ in terms of: – Fiber arrangement – Responsiveness to certain stimuli • Broad types of smooth muscle: – Single unit – Multi unit 129
  • 130. Single Unit Smooth Muscle (SUSM) • More common • Cells contract as a unit b/c all connected by gap junctions. • AP can propagate through neighboring muscle cells due to gap junctions. • Due to this property, SUSM bundles form a syncytium that contracts in a coordinated fashion – such as uterine muscles contraction during childbirth • Commonly found in the walls of the digestive tract, urinary bladder, and uterus 130
  • 131. Single Unit Smooth Muscle (SUSM)… 131
  • 132. Characteristics of Single Unit Smooth Muscles • Innervated by an autonomic nerve fiber. • SUSM is myogenic; – it can contract regularly without input from a motor neuron • A few of the cells in a given SUSM unit may behave – pacemaker cells, generating rhythmic action potentials due to their intrinsic electrical activity. 132
  • 133. Multi-Unit Smooth Muscle • No gap junctions. • Contraction of each fiber is independent of all the others. • Responsible to neural & hormonal controls • Less common and have no pacemaker cells • It is neurogenic – its contraction must be initiated by motor neuron. • Found in – large airways (lungs), large arteries, arrector pili, internal eye muscles 135 133
  • 134. Smooth Muscle Contraction • Begins with opening of membrane channels. • Channels may be ligand (NTs, hormones ), voltage, or mechanically-gated (stretch). • Channels will allow significant calcium entry from ECF. – Smooth muscle has little SR. • Ca2+ binds to regulatory molecule called calmodulin and activates it. • Activated calmodulin activates an enzyme called Myosin Light Chain Kinase (MLCK). 134
  • 135. Smooth Muscle Contraction… • Activated MLCK will add a phosphate group to the myosin of thick filament. • This enables myosin to interact with actin. • Tropomyosin is present but not blocking actin’s myosin binding sites • Troponin is absent 135
  • 137. 137
  • 138. • For smooth muscle to relax – Ca++ ions must be removed from the intracellular fluids by a calcium pump back into the A. ECF, or B. Into sarcoplasmic reticulum – This pump is slow-acting • Accounts for prolonged contraction 143 Smooth Muscle Relaxation 138
  • 140. Cardiac Muscle • Provides the motive power for blood circulation • Striated, involuntary muscle • Found in walls of the heart • Consists of branching chains of stocky muscle cells. • Uni- or binucleate. • Has sarcomeres & T-tubules • Are joined by structures called intercalated discs – which consist of desmosomes and gap junctions. 140
  • 143. Cardiac Muscle… • Intercalated discs have 2 components. – Gap junctions (which provide an electrical link between all cardiac myocytes) and – Desmosomes (which provide a mechanical link between all cardiac myocytes). • The electrical & mechanical connections created by the intercalated discs allow the thousands of cardiac muscle cells to behave as if they were one giant cell. • Multiple cells that function as one entity are often referred to as a functional syncytium. 148 143
  • 145. Cardiac Muscle… • All cardiac myocytes are not identical. • 99% of cardiac wall is composed of the contractile cardiac muscle cells. – they generate the force that pumps blood through the systemic and pulmonary circuits. • 1% are the autorhythmic cells (pacemakers) of the heart. • lack the elaborate sarcomeres & other contractile machinery. – specialized to generate action potential spontaneously and without nervous system input. 145
  • 146. Cardiac muscle… • Do not contract unless stimulated electrically by pacemaker tissue • Less abundant but larger size T tubules • Less developed SR – Smaller intracellular reserve of Ca++, cardiac muscle cells need additional Ca from ECF for contraction – 90% of calcium source for contraction is from SR and 10% is from ECF 146
  • 147. Excitation-contraction coupling in cardiac muscle • Mechanism by which AP causes contraction of myocardium • Calcium ions provide the link b/n electrical excitation & muscle contraction • Influx of Ca2+ from ECF during excitation (plateau) triggers release of Ca2+ from SR. • Free cytosolic Ca2+ activates contraction of myofilaments (systole) 147
  • 148. Excitation-contraction coupling in cardiac muscle • Relaxation (diastole) occurs as result of uptake of Ca2+ by SR & extrusion of intracellular Ca2+ by Na+-Ca2+ exchange • Sequences – Auto-rhythmicity → Membrane depolarization →T-tubule depolarization→ Release of Ca2+ from SR + from T-tubule (ECF)→ Ca2+ activates contractile molecules →Sliding of filaments→ Contraction 148
  • 150. 155 Fig: EC coupling and relaxation in cardiac muscle cells Excitation-contraction coupling: cardiac muscle… 150
  • 151. Cardiac muscle syncytium • B/c cardiac cells are joined by gap junctions, AP propagates from cell to cell • Muscle cells contract as unit ( syncytium) • Atrial syncytium: All atrial cells excite and contract together as a unit • Ventricular syncytium: All ventricular cells excite and contract together as a unit 151
  • 152. Electromechanical Properties of Heart • Heart continues to beat after full denervation b/c of intrinsic properties it has: A. Automaticity : start pacemaking B. Conductivity: highly developed in PNW C. Contractility: Atrial & ventricular muscles are specialized for contraction C. Refractoriness : – Cardiac cell is unresponsive to further stimuli – The AP of cardiac muscle has a prolonged refractory period 152
  • 153. Electrical activity of cardiac cells… • Ionic basis of cardiac AP is associated with changes in – permeability of cell membrane to: Na+, K+, and Ca2+ • Ionic basis of myocardial AP has 5-phases. ions.  Phase-0: Rapid depolarization caused by rapid Na- influx  Phase-1: initial repolarization caused by fast K+ channel opening  Phase-2: plateau caused by Ca2+ influx  Phase-3: rapid Repolarization caused by slow potassium channel opening K+ efflux  Phase-4: resting state • RMP is re-established by Na-K-ATPase. NB- RMP = -90 mv 158 153
  • 154. 154
  • 155. 161 Comparison of 3 muscle types 155