SlideShare a Scribd company logo
…is a big idea
…is awsm
× How to discuss the subject with
× Aligning measurement with brand KPIs
× Multi-channel/cross-channel content
measurement vs. channel-specific
× The nuts and bolts of actually reporting on
content success
Issue #1:
Who are your stakeholders?
⌐ The sales force?
Who are your stakeholders?
⌐ Old-school marketers?
Who are your stakeholders?
⌐ Perfectly sensible, but busy
brand manager
What are there concerns?
How can you help?
⌐ Sales guy:
⌐ He wants leads (duh).
⌐ He is scared of what competition is up to.
⌐ He may not really get why content is
important (though he really does).
⌐ How can you help and relate?
What are there concerns?
How can you help?
⌐ Old school guy:
⌐ He wants impressions, damnit.
⌐ He is scared of buying into what might be
trend or a fad (remember QR codes?)
⌐ He may not really get why “content” is
important, even though he has been using
it all his career.
⌐ How can you help and relate?
What are there concerns?
How can you help?
⌐ Sensible Brand Manager:
⌐ She is completely inundated by different
methods of communicating with customers.
⌐ She is overwhelmed by the stress of
answering to multiple other stakeholders.
⌐ She needs it to be obvious and defensible.
⌐ How can you help and relate?
What do they know about content?
⌐ How do you explain it?
⌐ What language do you use when talking about
content with stakeholders?
⌐ How do we explain its value?
⌐ How do we discuss the methods for
measuring content value?
Issue #2:
KPI definition
⌐ A Key Performance Indicator is a measure of
how well a goal is being met.
⌐ They are rarely as simple as number of
impressions and pageviews…
⌐ “Modern” KPIs are often multi-layered and
involve a combination of metrics that equal a
“key” campaign or brand success.
KPI frameworking
⌐ As we have discussed already, different
people have different interests…and your
KPIs will likely need to reflect all or nearly all
of them.
⌐ One of the best ways to do this is creating a
KPI “framework” that will get input and buyoff
from all stakeholders.
Great, so what do we do?
⌐ To decide what KPIs should be tracked and
used to define success, one only needs to
look at how the organization defines success.
⌐ Easy, right?!
⌐ Truthfully, this is a tricky and iterative process
that should involve input from multiple parts of
an organization, where each will express how
they define success.
⌐ The subject of KPIs is something that likely
will cause a good deal of contention among
different stakeholders and departments.
⌐ As such, you should tread lightly and make
sure all parties are involved in the decisions of
what the final KPI framework should look like.
KPI framework examples –
Cloud services
xxx,xxx Engagers
x,xxx Users
30% Churn
X revenue
(?) 50% completing X
xx,xxx Complete
Demos, X Trialers
GoalsKPIs Measures
# Engagers
New Subscribers
Churn Rate
Average revenue per subscriber
Product Usage
Interaction, Trial
xx,xxx ContactsLeads # Contacts
KPI framework examples –
Traditional funnel
Via Jonny Longden:
Content Influences on KPIs
⌐ Traffic patterns and site usage
⌐ Lead generation, conversion and retention
⌐ Brand engagement
⌐ Thought leadership
⌐ Sharing/Social
⌐ Anything else?
Traffic patterns and site usage
⌐ One of the values content can provide is
driving visitors to sites.
⌐ Once there, it can influence what visitors do
and how long they stay.
⌐ We will discuss how to measure the value of
content on sites using Google Analytics later..
Lead generation and conversion
⌐ Content‟s influence on lead generation is the
first thing many think about when they think
about content‟s value…
⌐ Tactics like content gating, syndication and
signups are typical examples of how content
can directly lead to..well, more leads.
⌐ Any other thoughts?
Brand engagement
⌐ While getting people to engage on your site is
great, it doesn‟t always translate to giving a
crap about your brand.
⌐ What do we want to see people do with
content to show they are engaged with our
⌐ Indexing!
Thought leadership
⌐ It‟s a hot topic..and often overused.
⌐ Do you really want your brand to be seen as a thought
leader in the whatever business? What does that even
⌐ The best way to gauge how your content contributes to
overall brand thought-leadership is to look at how it
ranks in search engines.
⌐ Content quality, usefulness and thought-leader-ish-ness
is the #1 way to rank in search engines, by the way..
⌐ Good content grows legs..
⌐ Good content can be the vessel through which
your social campaigns meet their goals.
⌐ Measuring how people are , and
how other people are consuming shared
content is a powerful way to gauge how “viral”
your content is.
⌐ Use This:
Issue #3:
Channel-specific measurement
⌐ Once success are seen in one‟s
time, and your job is done…right?
⌐ It is easy to get distracted by how one
program, possibly a pet program, is
⌐ In the long run, specific program success is
likely not as important as overall campaign
We all have our favorites…
⌐ A lot of love, money and attention can be
given to pet projects..
⌐ Myopic focus on a single program can lead to
ignorance of overall efficiency.
⌐ How do we fight this?
What about the whole picture?
⌐ And what about the ..?
⌐ By focusing on short term tactics, we miss
looking at trends in how content is helping to
move people through their journey.
⌐ How do you talk about the Buyer‟s Journey in
your organization?
Issue #4:
What can Google Analytics do?
1. Measure the engagement level with content
on a site you manage.
2. Track what goals are being completed and
what content is contributing to the
completions rates.
3. Track traffic coming into your sites via shared
or syndicated content.
4. Make coffee afterwards.
The Basics
• Assumption #1: At the most basic level, you want people
to “engage” with your content. What does this mean?
• Look at it
• Spend time with it
• Not leave the site after seeing it
• Push its buttons and otherwise poke it
• Share it
• Assumption #2: Content is typically contained on a web
“page” and a lot about the content can be learned by
stats pertaining to that page.
The Basics:
Look at it
• At the most basic
level, you want to
know how many
times your
content has been
• Content > All
Pages >
• But, never will
raw pageviews
be enough…
• What about
Average Time on
• Generally, this is a
very good leading
indicator on content
• The assumption is
that the more time
people are
spending on the
page, the better the
The Basics:
Spend time
• How about the
ability of content to
keep people on a
• Bounce rate is often
overlooked as a
great way to see
what content keeps
your site “sticky.”
The Basics:
Not leave
• One of the purest forms
of engagement is
actually poking the
• This is usually captured
through custom events,
like: downloads, video
plays, widget pushes,
• The more this is
happening, the cooler
the content is.
The Basics:
Poke things
• On a similar note, we
can see what pages
(content) are being
shared, again assuming
custom events are
installed on share
• Events > Top events,
filter down to your
Sharing event,
• Add a “Page”
Secondary dimension.
• Filter to only look at
“share” events.
The Basics:
Share it
The Basics
Something to keep in mind:
• Looking at “content” pages
is very different then
looking at root and
subdirectory pages (unless
they contain content).
• It may be helpful to filter out
the root and subdirectory
URLs before looking at
content in this way.
Socratic Dialog about Goals…
• Socrates: “Whenever anyone spends any amount of time or money
creating something digital and putting it on a website, they should
have some sort of goal or outcome associated with it.”
• Plato: “Do you mean a „Goal‟ in Google Analytics?”
• Socrates: “Yes, but first they should establish what the business
„goal‟ of the content is. Do they just want people to visit their site, or
do something once they get there? What is that? Spend a certain
amount of time on the site? Fill out a form? Buy something? Share
• Plato: “Then, they want to make a goal in Google Analytics to reflect
these business goals?”
• Socrates: “Of course!”
• Plato: “Genius!”
What does that have to do with content?
• The theory is that good content leads to more
overall engagement with the site, and thus more
time on the site and higher chance for goal
• This can often be seen by looking at what page
visitors are converting on, and where they were
before hitting that page.
Content and Goals
• First, take a look at the
Goals section of GA, under
the Conversation menu.
Click “Goal URLs.”
• You can see what pages
(URL) the goal selected are
completed on, and for
certain goals, this is a good
(but not perfect) indicator of
how successfully pages with
certain content are at
converting visitors.
• However, this may not be
very helpful, as some goals
always conclude on the
same page.
Content and Goals
• For a better (and easier) look, looking at “Funnel Visualization,” you can
start to get a picture of what URLs most often lead to a conversion.
Content and Goals
• If you have a more complicated path to conversion, looking at “Reverse
Goal Path,” will more completely show pathing.
• However, this is a somewhat messy view…
What is Marketing Automation?
⌐ Marketing automation refers to software platforms designed to automate
repetitive tasks. Originally focused on email marketing automation,
marketing automation refers to a broad range of automation and analytic
tools for marketing.
⌐ Capabilities:
⌐ Demand generation
⌐ Lead management
⌐ Lead scoring
⌐ Lead nurturing
⌐ Lead generation
⌐ Campaign analysis
⌐ Lead qualification
⌐ Sales effectiveness
What about content?
⌐ MA platforms were made to
“automate” marketing functions
⌐ Through this, they also collect a lot
of information about content is used
and how it intersects with lead
It’s all about the leads..and content!
⌐ Every piece of content you own can be
tracked using MA platforms…and content
types can be compared.
It’s all about the leads..and content!
⌐ As a contact progresses through their ,
where they engage is captured…
It’s all about the leads..and content!
⌐ Things get interesting when you start to think of
content as a lead source…
⌐ The popularity of your content will draw interest in
you and your message.
⌐ If tagged correctly, you can track social content
sharing as a lead source in your MA platform.
All kinds of metadata
⌐ The word “metadata” means different things based
on the context, even when just thinking about
⌐ While you should be concerned about things like the context of measurement we
want to know how content is driving and
⌐ First up, traffic source in Google Analytics.
Campaign Tagging and Tracking 101
• Google Analytics tracks four basic traffic sources:
• Direct
• Search
• Referral
• Campaign
• Campaign traffic is only tracked if the link bringing someone
to the site in questions contains specifically formatted
* Append: Stuff added to the back of a URL with things like ?’s and &’s and
stuff=something. We’ve all seen them, and often have no idea what they do.
Campaign Tagging and Tracking 101
• The appends that Google Analytics uses have four elements
we are interested in:
1. Source (Ex: referrer: google, citysearch, newsletter4)
2. Medium (Ex: marketing medium: cpc, banner, email)
3. Content (use to differentiate ads)
4. Name (Ex: product, promo code, or slogan)
• They are joined using things like ?‟s and &‟s into a string that
is added to the back of URLs
• When someone clicks on a link with an append like this, the
traffic they generate is associated with a “Campaign” in GA.
Anatomy of a Campaign Tag
• For the purpose of this example, we will be applying the
following appends to a link of a video on,
which will be shared on Twitter:
• Source = social
• Medium = twitter
• Content = video
• Name = how_to_be_awesome
• Plop everything into Google‟s URL builder*
• The resulting URL:
Anatomy of a Campaign Tag
• This URL is a little unwieldy, so it makes sense to shorten it
using a service like
Measuring the Effect
• Unlike previous methods of measuring content,
this is not looking at the content itself.
• Rather, we are looking at how well the content,
once shared, is at attracting the right people to
your site.
Measuring the Effect
• Assuming your campaign appends are working, the tagged traffic
should appear under Campaigns in the Traffic Sources view.
Measuring the Effect
• Looking in the “All
Traffic” view and
putting up a quick
filter to only see
“social” (or email in
the case, same
• Now you can see
what content links
drove the most
amount of traffic..
Measuring the Effect
• …and what
content is driving
higher quality
traffic who are
staying on the site
longer, looking at
more stuff, and not
• It‟s like magic, but
it actually happens!
And unicorns!
Marketing automation lead source
⌐ There are two essential ways a MA platform can
track content and lead source:
1. Gating form
2. Shared content tracking
Gating content with form
⌐ Everybody loves forms!
⌐ Everybody loves gating!
⌐ Ok, maybe not..but they are
a necessary evil of lead
Value of content via gating
⌐ It is a very simple idea:
The more people are filling out
forms to see content, the better
that content is at eliciting interest.
Tracking content sharing
⌐ Just as with GA, MA platforms can track visitors
and converted leads using tracking appends.
⌐ Marketo example: mkt_tok
SEO: Oh yes you did!
⌐ As mentioned previously…the single best driver of
SEO success is the quality of your content.
⌐ If people love your content, they will link to it.
⌐ People linking to your site is one of the best
influencers on search engine ranking.
⌐ Ergo, search engine ranking is a leading
indicator of content value!
SEO: Great, so what do we do?
⌐ Get Moz
⌐ Seriously,
just get it.
Edict 1: Keep It Simple, Stupid
⌐ Focus on KPIs, keep metrics in your back pocket
(or an appendix).
Edict 2: Make it relevant
⌐ Focus on what can drive action, not just what‟s
Edict 3: Sweat the details
⌐ Don‟t overlook opportunities to get access to and
integrate data.
Lars von Sneidern

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The Why, How and What of Measuring Content

  • 1.
  • 2. …is a big idea @LarsvonS
  • 6. AGENDA! × How to discuss the subject with stakeholders × Aligning measurement with brand KPIs × Multi-channel/cross-channel content measurement vs. channel-specific measurement × The nuts and bolts of actually reporting on content success @LarsvonS
  • 8. Who are your stakeholders? ⌐ The sales force? @LarsvonS
  • 9. Who are your stakeholders? ⌐ Old-school marketers? @LarsvonS
  • 10. Who are your stakeholders? ⌐ Perfectly sensible, but busy brand manager @LarsvonS
  • 12. What are there concerns? How can you help? ⌐ Sales guy: ⌐ He wants leads (duh). ⌐ He is scared of what competition is up to. ⌐ He may not really get why content is important (though he really does). ⌐ How can you help and relate? @LarsvonS
  • 13. What are there concerns? How can you help? ⌐ Old school guy: ⌐ He wants impressions, damnit. ⌐ He is scared of buying into what might be trend or a fad (remember QR codes?) ⌐ He may not really get why “content” is important, even though he has been using it all his career. ⌐ How can you help and relate? @LarsvonS
  • 14. What are there concerns? How can you help? ⌐ Sensible Brand Manager: ⌐ She is completely inundated by different methods of communicating with customers. ⌐ She is overwhelmed by the stress of answering to multiple other stakeholders. ⌐ She needs it to be obvious and defensible. ⌐ How can you help and relate? @LarsvonS
  • 15. What do they know about content? ⌐ How do you explain it? ⌐ What language do you use when talking about content with stakeholders? ⌐ How do we explain its value? ⌐ How do we discuss the methods for measuring content value? @LarsvonS
  • 20. KPI definition ⌐ A Key Performance Indicator is a measure of how well a goal is being met. ⌐ They are rarely as simple as number of impressions and pageviews… ⌐ “Modern” KPIs are often multi-layered and involve a combination of metrics that equal a “key” campaign or brand success. @LarsvonS
  • 21. KPI frameworking ⌐ As we have discussed already, different people have different interests…and your KPIs will likely need to reflect all or nearly all of them. ⌐ One of the best ways to do this is creating a KPI “framework” that will get input and buyoff from all stakeholders. @LarsvonS
  • 22. Great, so what do we do? ⌐ To decide what KPIs should be tracked and used to define success, one only needs to look at how the organization defines success. ⌐ Easy, right?! ⌐ Truthfully, this is a tricky and iterative process that should involve input from multiple parts of an organization, where each will express how they define success. @LarsvonS
  • 23. INTERNAL POLITICS ALERT! ⌐ The subject of KPIs is something that likely will cause a good deal of contention among different stakeholders and departments. ⌐ As such, you should tread lightly and make sure all parties are involved in the decisions of what the final KPI framework should look like. @LarsvonS
  • 24. KPI framework examples – Cloud services xxx,xxx Engagers x,xxx Users 30% Churn X revenue (?) 50% completing X workflows xx,xxx Complete Demos, X Trialers GoalsKPIs Measures Adoption Renewal Engagement Preference # Engagers New Subscribers Churn Rate Average revenue per subscriber Product Usage Subscribers Interaction, Trial xx,xxx ContactsLeads # Contacts @LarsvonS
  • 25. KPI framework examples – Traditional funnel Via Jonny Longden: @LarsvonS
  • 27. Content Influences on KPIs ⌐ Traffic patterns and site usage ⌐ Lead generation, conversion and retention ⌐ Brand engagement ⌐ Thought leadership ⌐ Sharing/Social ⌐ Anything else? @LarsvonS
  • 28. Traffic patterns and site usage ⌐ One of the values content can provide is driving visitors to sites. ⌐ Once there, it can influence what visitors do and how long they stay. ⌐ We will discuss how to measure the value of content on sites using Google Analytics later.. @LarsvonS
  • 29. Lead generation and conversion ⌐ Content‟s influence on lead generation is the first thing many think about when they think about content‟s value… ⌐ Tactics like content gating, syndication and signups are typical examples of how content can directly lead to..well, more leads. ⌐ Any other thoughts? @LarsvonS
  • 30. Brand engagement ⌐ While getting people to engage on your site is great, it doesn‟t always translate to giving a crap about your brand. ⌐ What do we want to see people do with content to show they are engaged with our brand? ⌐ Indexing! @LarsvonS
  • 31. Thought leadership ⌐ It‟s a hot topic..and often overused. ⌐ Do you really want your brand to be seen as a thought leader in the whatever business? What does that even mean? ⌐ The best way to gauge how your content contributes to overall brand thought-leadership is to look at how it ranks in search engines. ⌐ Content quality, usefulness and thought-leader-ish-ness is the #1 way to rank in search engines, by the way.. @LarsvonS
  • 32. Sharing/Social ⌐ Good content grows legs.. ⌐ Good content can be the vessel through which your social campaigns meet their goals. ⌐ Measuring how people are , and how other people are consuming shared content is a powerful way to gauge how “viral” your content is. @LarsvonS
  • 36. Channel-specific measurement ⌐ Once success are seen in one‟s time, and your job is done…right? ⌐ It is easy to get distracted by how one program, possibly a pet program, is performing. ⌐ In the long run, specific program success is likely not as important as overall campaign success. @LarsvonS
  • 37. We all have our favorites… ⌐ A lot of love, money and attention can be given to pet projects.. ⌐ Myopic focus on a single program can lead to ignorance of overall efficiency. ⌐ How do we fight this? @LarsvonS
  • 38. What about the whole picture? ⌐ And what about the ..? ⌐ By focusing on short term tactics, we miss looking at trends in how content is helping to move people through their journey. ⌐ How do you talk about the Buyer‟s Journey in your organization? @LarsvonS
  • 42. What can Google Analytics do? 1. Measure the engagement level with content on a site you manage. 2. Track what goals are being completed and what content is contributing to the completions rates. 3. Track traffic coming into your sites via shared or syndicated content. 4. Make coffee afterwards. @LarsvonS
  • 43. The Basics • Assumption #1: At the most basic level, you want people to “engage” with your content. What does this mean? • Look at it • Spend time with it • Not leave the site after seeing it • Push its buttons and otherwise poke it • Share it • Assumption #2: Content is typically contained on a web “page” and a lot about the content can be learned by stats pertaining to that page. @LarsvonS
  • 44. The Basics: Look at it • At the most basic level, you want to know how many times your content has been seen. • Content > All Pages > Pageviews • But, never will raw pageviews be enough… @LarsvonS
  • 45. • What about Average Time on Page? • Generally, this is a very good leading indicator on content quality. • The assumption is that the more time people are spending on the page, the better the content. @LarsvonS The Basics: Spend time
  • 46. • How about the ability of content to keep people on a site? • Bounce rate is often overlooked as a great way to see what content keeps your site “sticky.” @LarsvonS The Basics: Not leave
  • 47. WARNING: ADVANCED CONFIGURATION REQUIRED! • One of the purest forms of engagement is actually poking the content. • This is usually captured through custom events, like: downloads, video plays, widget pushes, etc. • The more this is happening, the cooler the content is. @LarsvonS The Basics: Poke things
  • 48. • On a similar note, we can see what pages (content) are being shared, again assuming custom events are installed on share buttons. • Events > Top events, filter down to your Sharing event, • Add a “Page” Secondary dimension. • Filter to only look at “share” events. @LarsvonS The Basics: Share it
  • 49. The Basics Something to keep in mind: • Looking at “content” pages is very different then looking at root and subdirectory pages (unless they contain content). • It may be helpful to filter out the root and subdirectory URLs before looking at content in this way. @LarsvonS
  • 51. Socratic Dialog about Goals… • Socrates: “Whenever anyone spends any amount of time or money creating something digital and putting it on a website, they should have some sort of goal or outcome associated with it.” • Plato: “Do you mean a „Goal‟ in Google Analytics?” • Socrates: “Yes, but first they should establish what the business „goal‟ of the content is. Do they just want people to visit their site, or do something once they get there? What is that? Spend a certain amount of time on the site? Fill out a form? Buy something? Share content?” • Plato: “Then, they want to make a goal in Google Analytics to reflect these business goals?” • Socrates: “Of course!” • Plato: “Genius!” @LarsvonS
  • 52. What does that have to do with content? • The theory is that good content leads to more overall engagement with the site, and thus more time on the site and higher chance for goal conversion. • This can often be seen by looking at what page visitors are converting on, and where they were before hitting that page. @LarsvonS
  • 53. Content and Goals • First, take a look at the Goals section of GA, under the Conversation menu. Click “Goal URLs.” • You can see what pages (URL) the goal selected are completed on, and for certain goals, this is a good (but not perfect) indicator of how successfully pages with certain content are at converting visitors. • However, this may not be very helpful, as some goals always conclude on the same page. @LarsvonS
  • 54. Content and Goals • For a better (and easier) look, looking at “Funnel Visualization,” you can start to get a picture of what URLs most often lead to a conversion. @LarsvonS
  • 55. Content and Goals • If you have a more complicated path to conversion, looking at “Reverse Goal Path,” will more completely show pathing. • However, this is a somewhat messy view… @LarsvonS
  • 57. What is Marketing Automation? ⌐ Marketing automation refers to software platforms designed to automate repetitive tasks. Originally focused on email marketing automation, marketing automation refers to a broad range of automation and analytic tools for marketing. ⌐ Capabilities: ⌐ Demand generation ⌐ Lead management ⌐ Lead scoring ⌐ Lead nurturing ⌐ Lead generation ⌐ Campaign analysis ⌐ Lead qualification ⌐ Sales effectiveness @LarsvonS
  • 58. What about content? @LarsvonS ⌐ MA platforms were made to “automate” marketing functions (duh). ⌐ Through this, they also collect a lot of information about content is used and how it intersects with lead conversion.
  • 59. It’s all about the leads..and content! ⌐ Every piece of content you own can be tracked using MA platforms…and content types can be compared. @LarsvonS
  • 60. It’s all about the leads..and content! ⌐ As a contact progresses through their , where they engage is captured… @LarsvonS
  • 61. It’s all about the leads..and content! ⌐ Things get interesting when you start to think of content as a lead source… ⌐ The popularity of your content will draw interest in you and your message. ⌐ If tagged correctly, you can track social content sharing as a lead source in your MA platform. @LarsvonS
  • 63. All kinds of metadata ⌐ The word “metadata” means different things based on the context, even when just thinking about content… ⌐ While you should be concerned about things like the context of measurement we want to know how content is driving and . ⌐ First up, traffic source in Google Analytics. @LarsvonS
  • 64. Campaign Tagging and Tracking 101 @LarsvonS • Google Analytics tracks four basic traffic sources: • Direct • Search • Referral • Campaign • Campaign traffic is only tracked if the link bringing someone to the site in questions contains specifically formatted appends*. * Append: Stuff added to the back of a URL with things like ?’s and &’s and stuff=something. We’ve all seen them, and often have no idea what they do.
  • 65. Campaign Tagging and Tracking 101 @LarsvonS • The appends that Google Analytics uses have four elements we are interested in: 1. Source (Ex: referrer: google, citysearch, newsletter4) 2. Medium (Ex: marketing medium: cpc, banner, email) 3. Content (use to differentiate ads) 4. Name (Ex: product, promo code, or slogan) • They are joined using things like ?‟s and &‟s into a string that is added to the back of URLs • When someone clicks on a link with an append like this, the traffic they generate is associated with a “Campaign” in GA.
  • 66. Anatomy of a Campaign Tag @LarsvonS • For the purpose of this example, we will be applying the following appends to a link of a video on, which will be shared on Twitter: • Source = social • Medium = twitter • Content = video • Name = how_to_be_awesome • Plop everything into Google‟s URL builder* • The resulting URL: video&utm_campaign=how_to_be_awesome *
  • 67. Anatomy of a Campaign Tag @LarsvonS • This URL is a little unwieldy, so it makes sense to shorten it using a service like m_campaign=how_to_be_awesome • Now, SHARE LIKE THE WIND!
  • 68. Measuring the Effect @LarsvonS • Unlike previous methods of measuring content, this is not looking at the content itself. • Rather, we are looking at how well the content, once shared, is at attracting the right people to your site.
  • 69. Measuring the Effect @LarsvonS • Assuming your campaign appends are working, the tagged traffic should appear under Campaigns in the Traffic Sources view.
  • 70. Measuring the Effect @LarsvonS • Looking in the “All Traffic” view and putting up a quick filter to only see “social” (or email in the case, same principle). • Now you can see what content links drove the most amount of traffic..
  • 71. Measuring the Effect @LarsvonS • …and what content is driving higher quality traffic who are staying on the site longer, looking at more stuff, and not bouncing. • It‟s like magic, but it actually happens! And unicorns!
  • 72. Marketing automation lead source ⌐ There are two essential ways a MA platform can track content and lead source: 1. Gating form 2. Shared content tracking @LarsvonS
  • 73. Gating content with form ⌐ Everybody loves forms! ⌐ Everybody loves gating! ⌐ Ok, maybe not..but they are a necessary evil of lead generation. @LarsvonS
  • 74. Value of content via gating ⌐ It is a very simple idea: The more people are filling out forms to see content, the better that content is at eliciting interest. @LarsvonS
  • 75. Tracking content sharing ⌐ Just as with GA, MA platforms can track visitors and converted leads using tracking appends. ⌐ Marketo example: mkt_tok @LarsvonS 8gujsdf08sdfujkbzsd8fgasgidufg
  • 77. SEO: Oh yes you did! ⌐ As mentioned previously…the single best driver of SEO success is the quality of your content. ⌐ If people love your content, they will link to it. ⌐ People linking to your site is one of the best influencers on search engine ranking. ⌐ Ergo, search engine ranking is a leading indicator of content value! @LarsvonS
  • 78. SEO: Great, so what do we do? ⌐ Get Moz ⌐ Seriously, just get it. @LarsvonS
  • 80. Edict 1: Keep It Simple, Stupid ⌐ Focus on KPIs, keep metrics in your back pocket (or an appendix). @LarsvonS
  • 81. Edict 2: Make it relevant ⌐ Focus on what can drive action, not just what‟s interesting. @LarsvonS
  • 82. Edict 3: Sweat the details ⌐ Don‟t overlook opportunities to get access to and integrate data. @LarsvonS