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Meaning of Food and Family
Critically analyze the concept of meat hunger. What are the
potential causes and effects?
Initial responses should be no less than 250 words in length not
including your reference(s) and supported by at least two
references (aside from the textbook) APA format
Food & Gender, Ethnicity, & SES
Gender roles include tasks and identities related to food. What
are the most common food-related tasks considered masculine in
US culture? What are the most common food related tasks
considered feminine in US culture? Which tasks are the prestige
tasks and which are the routine, thankless tasks?
Initial responses should be no less than 250 words in length not
including your reference(s) and supported by at least two
references (aside from the textbook) APA format
Food Norms and Taboos
Early European colonial powers discovered people-eating in
some of the indigenous peoples they met around the world.
What was their initial conclusion concerning why this choice is
made? What does Harris think is the driving force making some
societies people-eaters and others not? Explain the theories in
detail, explaining the logic and evidence. Also address the
concept of food taboos.
Initial responses should be no less than 250 words in length not
including your reference(s) and supported by at least two
references (aside from the textbook) APA format
(Texas Barbeque)
For this assignment, you will discuss a food memory, preferably
from your childhood. This could be a memory of tasting or
liking/disliking a particular food, or it could be a memory
focused on a dish from a particular eating event, collective or
individual. Pay attention to as many senses as you can invoke to
evoke this memory. If you recalled a dish at a specific event,
talk to others who were also present and see how they remember
the dish and the event; analyze the similarities and
discrepancies between your recollections. You can also include
a brief recipe if you like.
Do a bit of research to place your memory in wider context,
incorporating related sources when applicable. Discuss the
cultural, symbolic, social, structural, or other meanings of this
dish. Specify the social group for whom it has meaning, for
what kinds of occasions and settings is this dish prepared, who
is involved in the preparation, serving, and consumption of this
dish, background, etc.
Is this a food that unique to your culture? What are its
traditional names? (And, do these names have any special
significance and/or meaning?) What ingredients go into making
these foods? How and when are they eaten? Are there unspoken
family “rules” about food consumption (e.g., what’s okay, and
not okay, to eat; how and where should one eat, etc.)Instead of
writing a traditional paper, I want you to have FUN with this
assignment. To that end, please put together a presentation
using one of the FREE online multimedia programs listed
below. In addition to these sites, you might want to use to enhance your presentations with free
pictures/graphics from a wide variety of sources.
Multimedia sites:
For – go to Try Prezi Next free, go to Students &
Teachers click on "learn more," click on EDU Standard
Continue, and create an account.
For – students and teachers can register for a free
account and then proceed to create a multimedia presentation.
For – students and teachers can register for a free
account by clicking "start now."
For – students and teachers can register for a free
account by clicking "sign up for free."
The best way to capture the "richness" of this topic is through a
presentation that allows you to select colors and music and
backgrounds and pictures and images that convey how this food
memory resonates with you after all this time.
Here is an example of how you can enhance things using
This class focuses on the ins and outs of food and culture. Why
do different groups eat what they eat? What meaning do food
rituals have in a culture? All of these are topics that we get to
explore together in this class. Growing up in New Orleans, I
was introduced to food as a key part of social ritual early on.
King cakes at Mardi Gras, red beans and rice on Mondays. All
of these have special meanings that are tied to the culture and
the ritual behaviors of people in New Orleans.
Each Section Needs to be longer almost double of what it is, 20
– 25 peer reviewed references required, each section needs 3 or
more citations
Homeless Men and Women and the Difference
Table of Contents
Table of Figures
Problem Statement
Research Question
Significance of the Study
Definition of Terms
Delimitations (Scope)
Literature Review
Conclusion and Recommendation
Table of Figures
Figure 1: The population distribution of homeless men and
Figure 2: Distribution of homeless men and women with
problems and mental complication…..
The homeless population is comprised of more men than
women according to research. These families go through a lot
just to survive and stay safe. Therefore, this issue is developing
to be a major issue among many states as it emerged in more
than a century ago and was driven by the great depression in the
United States. This has therefore, become a major issue to the
government hence the need to conduct the research on this field.
Moreover, researchers have often neglected research on the
difference between the homeless men and women and this has
been a motive to focus this research on the existing gap. The
study is expected to help governments, states and organizations
to understand and deal with the rising problem of homelessness
and in budgeting and delivery of public services.
This study will involve a survey that used instruments
such as interviews and observation in collection of data.
However, most of the information was obtained through
secondary research on peer reviewed sources that were of
relevant to the topic of study. Through the secondary research,
it was found that men make up most of the homeless population
while they also suffered more than the women following a
number of favors and services that are only available for the
women and not the men. More men also engaged in drug and
substance abuse as compared to the number of homeless women
who also engaged in the same activities. This was backed up
with the research conducted.
The following are some of the recommendations of this
study; the society needs to get off the stereotype that men
cannot fall victims of domestic violence, that they can’t be
homeless with their kids and that men are strong and cannot
suffer the many social problems. Also, the society should
approach this problem without gender bias so as to fix the
problem in all the circumstances. Future research should focus
on finding more recommendations.
Homeless men and homeless women are very different and in
most cases, the homeless population are believed to be more of
male than females. According to the latest report by SAHMSA,
the homeless population is approximated to comprise 51 percent
of single men as single women made up 24 percent while the
remaining 23 percent were families which in most cases are
single mothers and their children (Quigley & Steven, 2001). The
number of homeless men and women in every state sum up to
more than ten thousand but it is difficult to tell exactly where
these populations are. Due to this factor, it is quite difficult to
determine the exact statistics on the level of homelessness with
respect to gender and track the homeless population. These
people do not want to identify as homeless following the
increased risk of them being attacked. In addition, the homeless
women prefer not to stay in shelters or anywhere close to men.
For their, defense, they tend to dress like men and do whatever
it takes to belong. This includes hiding for safety by spending
the nights in cars or sleeping during the day so as to stay alert
during the night. This presents quite some difference with men.
Problem Statement
Homelessness among both men and women is becoming
a big problem in the United States and other parts of the world.
This phenomenon emerged as a national issue in the 1870s when
many homeless individuals began showing up in urban cities.
This problem is as a result of various conditions such as
unemployment and laziness that was further driven by the great
depression. Moreover, the homeless population often find life
harder than other people as they have to deal with problems
including health, substance abuse and basic needs. The
government also finds it hard to take the homeless away from
the streets or providing them with public services. In addition,
the two gender, male and female, experience homelessness
differently therefore, it is important to conduct a research on
this phenomenon. Most researchers have always focused their
studies on causes and effects of homelessness with no
consideration on the difference between homelessness in men
and women. This created a gap in research that this study
intends to fill.
Research Question
This research seeks to answer the question “What are the
differences between homeless men and women”
Significance of the Study
This research will be significant in a number of ways as
i. It will help governments increase accuracy in budget
allocations that pertains to gender.
ii. It helps the government deal with the problem of
homelessness of men and women.
iii. It will contribute to the future literature review for further
research into the field of homelessness and other related fields.
Definition of Terms
i. Homelessness refers to the condition where an individual or
persons lack a fixed, regular and adequate place to reside at
night (Quigley & Steven, 2001).
ii. Homeless men refer to male persons that do not have a fixed,
adequate and regular place of nighttime residence (Nieto et al.,
iii. Homeless women are the females who live without a fixed,
regular and adequate place of residing at night (Nieto et al.,
i. Unknown factors or conditions may exist where participants
operate that could cause bias on their responses.
ii. The feelings, situations and events of the participants could
be questionable.
Delimitations (Scope)
The scope of the study covered homeless persons from
all gender, that is, both female and male, within United States
of America.
i. The chosen participants are sincerely interested in
participating in this research and have no other unknown
ii. The participants are expected to answer research questions
candidly and honestly.
Literature Review
Analysis and Synthesis
North & Smith (1993) in their study on homeless men
and women, they presented the pivotal difference between
homeless women and men. These women, unlike men, mostly
had in their custody, young children while the women
themselves were also younger than the men (North & Smith,
1993). The women were more likely to belong to a minority
group that often depend on welfare. Unlike men, the ladies
often have little histories of substance and drug abuse, felony
conviction and incarceration. The homeless women population
is also heterogeneous and include at least two subgroups that
stand a high chance to benefit from intervention programs
established so as to address their specific needs and problems
(North & Smith, 1994). These are not necessary for homeless
Causes of Homelessness
Americans perceive homelessness differently as many
people engage in victim-blaming and perceive homelessness to
be a result of substance abuse and laziness especially in men.
However, research shows that more than thirty percent of the
homeless population have a problem of drug and substance
abuse. Among this population, the adult men who use drugs are
twice as many as the adult women, a ratio that correlates with
overall number of female to male homeless population.
According to Fischer & Breakey (1991), it is true that
homelessness can result from addiction but the problem can’t be
corrected by blaming the victims. Instead, it is important to
understand the litany of other issues to obtain an understanding
on how an individual can make the difference.
Other factors could include unemployment, lack of public
support, affordable health care, mental illness (Nieto et al.,
2008), teenager evictions, natural disasters and domestic
violence among other social complications that come with
extreme consequences beyond the control of many people.
Apparently, homelessness can also be blamed on poverty.
According to Buckner et al. (1993), most of these factors affect
more men as compared to women being homeless. Unlike
women, homelessness in men also results from misandry. For
instance, in the case of veterans, particularly the ones who
return from combat duties, most of them are men (Browne,
1993). These men exhibit many complications including mental
health crisis, broken families and job replacements, problems
that cause extreme conditions like homelessness and in extreme
cases suicide. Additionally, the high number of homeless men
than women is also exacerbated by the fact that women are
streamlined from the system especially when it comes to
securing jobs. Also, social services often extend services to first
and foremost helping kids. But since most homeless families are
made up of single mothers, these women often receive more
services compared to single males.
As explained by First et al. (1994), in order to make a
difference, the society does not need to consider whether the
homeless individual is a woman or a man. Instead, the society
should focus on fixing the general economics that include the
housing market and unemployment (Quigley & Steven, 2001).
This will help deal with the problem rather than passing blames
from one person to the other on why their conditions is the way
it is.
Conclusions and Recommendations
Figure 1: The population distribution of homeless men and
Percentage (%)
From the study, it was found that 60% of the homeless
people were single men, 25% women and 15% families as
illustrates in Figure 1 above. Also, the population of homeless
men that had mental problems or problem of drug and substance
abuse was 70% of the homeless men while women were only
40% of the homeless women as illustrated in figure 2 below.
This information corresponds to previous research that
concludes that most of the homeless population is made up of
men than women and most of the men experience the problem of
drug and substance abuse, mental illness and unemployment as
compared to the homeless women.
Figure 2: Distribution of homeless men and women with
problems and mental complication
Men (%)
With problems and mental complications
First, the society needs to get off the stereotype that
men cannot fall victims of domestic violence, that they can’t be
homeless with their kids and that men are strong and cannot
suffer the many social problems. Addressing this kind of
thinking will be a major step towards rescuing or minimizing
the number of homeless men and women across the streets.
Lastly, just as explained by First et al. (1994), the society
should approach this problem without gender bias so as to fix
the problem in all the circumstances.
Recommended Future Research
Due to limited research and resources, this research did
not explore all the remedies available for resolving the issue,
therefore, there is need for future research in order to determine
how the difference in homelessness between men and women
can be minimized or eradicated.
Browne, A. (1993). Family violence and homelessness: the
relevance of trauma histories in the
lives of homeless women. American Journal of
Orthopsychiatry. 63(3): 370-84.
Buckner, J.C., Zima, BT. & Bassuk, EL. (1993). Mental health
issues affecting homeless
women: Implication for intervention. American Journal of
Orthopsychiatry. 63(3): 385-99.
First, RJ., Rife, JC. & Toomey, BG. (1994). Homelessness in
rural areas: Causes, patterns and
trends. Social Work. 39(1): 97-108.
Fischer, PJ. & Breakey, WR. (1991). The epidemiology of
alcohol, drug and mental disorders
among homeless persons. American Journal of
Psychology. 46(11): 1115-28.
Nieto, G., Gittelman, M. & Abad, A. (2008). Homeless mentally
ill persons: A bibliography
review. International Journal of Psychosocial
Rehabilitation. 12(2).
North, C.S. & Smith, E.M. (1993). A comparison of homeless
men and women: different
populations, different needs. Community Mental Health
Journal. 29(5): 423-431.
North, C.S. & Smith, E.M. (1994). Not all homeless women are
alike: effects of motherhood and
the presence of children. Community Mental Health
Journal. 30(6): 601-610.
Quigley, J.M. & Steven, R. (2001). The economics of
homelessness: The evidence from North
America. European Journal of Housing Policy. 1(3):
Course Code and Title: LDR 502 Leadership and the New
Course Description: This course provides a wide-view
background of the relationship between scientific thinking,
research processes and design, leadership and organizational
life. Seminar members will explore the implications of the “new
sciences” of quantum theory, fractal and chaos theory,
information and field theory, and theories of change on our
ideas and practices of leadership in organizations. Seminar
members will also review fundamentals of the scientific
research process and will focus on the use of qualitative and
quantitative research methods as an appropriate response to
understanding how and why organizations and leadership within
them function as they do
Topic: Literature Review
Learning Objective(s)
· Understand the difference between an annotated bibliography
and a formal literature review
· Formalize the final project for the research
· Examine the process of identifying a formal research question
· Create an annotated bibliography to support the research
Reading Assignment(s):
· Read Creswell:
· Chapter 1: The Selection of a Research Approach
· Chapter 2: Review of the Literature
· Chapter 7: Research Questions
Description of Homework Assignment(s) (all students): Final
Project Topic and Annotated Bibliography
For this assignment, you are to submit Draft Topic for your
final project. You are also to complete an Annotated
Bibliography on articles that support your topic direction. It
should also include at least five reliable sources. The
submission needs to be in APA format. Follow the Annotated
Bibliography sample in the NEWS FORUM area titled
“Annotated Bibliography Example”.
Note: you will need 20 peer reviewed sources for the entire
project and 3 citations for each portion of the assignment
Topic: Introduction, Problem Statement and Significance
elements of Research
Learning Objective(s)
· Understand the elements of the introduction, problem
statement and significance portions of a research project
· Examine the necessity of the alignment between the
introduction, problem statement and significance portions of a
research project
· Formalize the final project topic and research questions
Reading Assignment(s):
· Read Creswell:
· Chapter 5: Introduction
· Chapter 6: Purpose Statement
Description of Homework Assignment(s) (all students): Final
Project Topic and Research Questions
For this assignment, you are to submit your final project topic,
the Research Question(s) and your final project shell. For the
shell, follow the example in the NEWS FORUM area titled
“Final Paper Shell”.
Other Notes and/or Activities: n/a
Topic: Research Methods Part I
Reading Assignment(s):
· Read Creswell:
· Chapter 8: Quantitative Methods
· Chapter 9: Qualitative Methods
Description of Homework Assignment(s) (all students):
Introduction, Problem Statement and Significance elements of
For this assignment, you are to submit your Introduction,
Problem Statement, Purpose Statement, Significance, Definition
of Terms, Delimitations and Assumptions sections of the
research project.
Please make sure you are following APA format and submit this
in the Final Paper Shell you created in Week three.
Other Notes and/or Activities: n/a
Topic: Research Methods Part II
Learning Objective(s)
· Analyze the elements required for successful
· Understand the various data collection techniques utilized in
· Examine various literature to identify potential methodology
strategies for the chosen research project
· Create a draft of a formal literature review to support the
chosen research topic
Reading Assignment(s):
· Read Creswell:
· Chapter 10: Mixed Methods
Description of Homework Assignment(s) (All students) :
Literature Review Part I
For this assignment, you are to use your annotated bibliography
assignment from week two and transition it into a literature
review. The literature review is an analysis and synthesis of the
research that has already been done on your topic or related
topics. You must utilize subheadings and at least 8 reliable
sources and correct APA formatting for citations and references.
You need to use scholarly, peer reviewed journals for your
review (5-6 pages). Please submit this in the Final Paper Shell
you created in Week three
Other Notes and/or Activities: n/a
Topic: Theory Building Research
Learning Objective(s)
· Identify the advantages of using quantitative, qualitative and
mixed methodologies
· Review the use and role of theory in research
· Complete a formal literature review to support the chosen
research topic
Reading Assignment(s):
· Read Creswell:
· Chapter 3: Use of Theory
Description of Homework Assignment(s) (All students):
Literature Review Part II
For this assignment, you are to submit your final literature
review that must be in APA format (8-10 pages) and have a
minimum of 20 sources. Please submit this in the Final Paper
Shell you created in Week three.
Note: you will need 20 sources in your final project
Other Notes and/or Activities: n/a
Topic: Ethics in Research
Learning Objective(s)
· Understand the need for utilizing ethical approaches in
· Examine the institutional review board (IRB) concepts
· Identify ethical issues associated with a research problem,
questions, data collection, analysis and interpretation of the
· Create the conclusion and recommendation sections of the
research project
Reading Assignment(s):
· Read Creswell:
· Chapter 4: Writing Strategies & Ethical Considerations
Description of Homework Assignment(s) (All Students):
Conclusion & Recommendations
For this assignment, you are to submit your Research findings,
Conclusion and Recommendations (4-5 pages). Please submit
this in the Final Paper Shell you created in Week three
Other Notes and/or Activities: n/a
Topic: Final Project Review
Learning Objective(s)
· Complete the final research project
· Provide a reflection discussion on the course and learning
Reading Assignment(s): N/A
Description of Homework Assignment(s) (All Students): Final
Submit your Final Project per the guidelines in the “Final Paper
Shell” outline provided in week three:
· Utilize the outline that you created in your week three
· Final paper must include all sections
· Paper must be in APA format
· You must have a minimum of 20 reliable sources—more for a
better grade
Other Notes and/or Activities: n/a
Homeless Men and Women and the Difference
Table of Contents (example)
Statement of the Problem
Purpose of the Study
Significance of the Study
Definition of Terms
Delimitations (Scope)
Table of Figures
The abstract is a summary of the entire study. It should
describe in short, concise language the statement of purpose,
methods of investigation and conclusions.
The abstract should begin with a clear statement of the problem
or problems being researched. Describe the purpose of the
paper or what is to be proven or discovered. Express these
points with as few words as possible.
Briefly describe the methods of investigation and where the
information was obtained. Relate how the materials and data
were used in the study. Outline the system of analysis.
Finally, state the conclusions and how they relate to the original
problem. Recommendations which are directly made from the
results of the study should be presented.
The total length of the abstract should be approximately 250
words (under 1 page).
Introduce the reader to your topic.
Note: See the Creswell text Chapter 5 for examples
Problem Statement
What are the organizational problems / issues you are
investigating? What is the problem? Define it explicitly! Why
is it worthy of research? Why is it important? How long has it
been going on? Why are you doing the study? What is the “gap”
in the research you are trying to fill?
Note: See the Creswell text Chapter 6 for examples
Research Question
Note: See the Creswell text Chapter 7 for examples of research
Significance of the Study
The significance section is the area where you need to answer
the magic question: “so what?” The significance makes your
research worth it to the reader. It is best if you can link this
more to productivity issues and provide “numbers/facts” to
support your direction. Why do researchers and management
care about your problem?
Definition of Terms
How do YOU define the important terms in the study? I may
define downsizing different than you. When I read your paper I
need to know exactly how you, the researcher, define the
important terms. You need to “ground” your definitions with
Note: See the Creswell text Chapter 2 for examples
Delimitations (Scope)
What specific population or area are you looking into? Are you
only interested in people from your organization? Will it cover
multiple organizations? Are you only interested in people who
work in HR? Only men, etc…Remember this is how YOU focus
your study.
What are you assuming about the people you are studying?
Remember, this is what you are assuming, not what you are
aiming to uncover through your research. In other words, if you
are asking a question you aren’t assuming the answer. This is
also where you can identify and minimize your bias.
Literature Review
In this assignment, you are to take your annotated bibliography
assignment from week two and transition it into a literature
The literature review is an analysis andsynthesis of the research
that has already been done on your topic or related topics.
You must utilize subheadings and at least 8 reliable sources and
correct APA formatting for citations and references. You need
to use scholarly, peer reviewed journals for your review·
Analysis and synthesis of research on topic· What do other
researchers say about the problem?· What have they done or
what has been done to remedy the issue/problem?· What are the
trends, patterns, similarities, differences, etc. from the other
Note: See the Creswell text Chapter 2 for examples
Conclusions and Recommendations
In this section you describe the results you found in your
research and relate the findings to your literature review. You
should include figures, tables and graphs to illustrate your
findings. Label the figures/tables/graphs with numbers (Figure
1, Table 2, etc.) and refer to them within the text.
This section should be divided into three sections, conclusions,
recommendations and recommended future research. It is
written in the present tense as you are now drawing conclusions
from your research and making recommendations based on the
implications of your research. You are also suggesting ideas
towards further research on your topic.
You are stating the implications, interpretations and opinions of
your findings. Did you find information to “close the gap”?
You will also discuss the limitations of your research in relation
to the conclusions and recommendations. If, for example, your
original direction does not parallel the literature you
discovered, you want to explain why or why not.
Use all peer reviewed references
Appendices (if necessary)

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  • 2. talk to others who were also present and see how they remember the dish and the event; analyze the similarities and discrepancies between your recollections. You can also include a brief recipe if you like. Do a bit of research to place your memory in wider context, incorporating related sources when applicable. Discuss the cultural, symbolic, social, structural, or other meanings of this dish. Specify the social group for whom it has meaning, for what kinds of occasions and settings is this dish prepared, who is involved in the preparation, serving, and consumption of this dish, background, etc. Is this a food that unique to your culture? What are its traditional names? (And, do these names have any special significance and/or meaning?) What ingredients go into making these foods? How and when are they eaten? Are there unspoken family “rules” about food consumption (e.g., what’s okay, and not okay, to eat; how and where should one eat, etc.)Instead of writing a traditional paper, I want you to have FUN with this assignment. To that end, please put together a presentation using one of the FREE online multimedia programs listed below. In addition to these sites, you might want to use to enhance your presentations with free pictures/graphics from a wide variety of sources. Multimedia sites: For – go to Try Prezi Next free, go to Students & Teachers click on "learn more," click on EDU Standard Continue, and create an account. For – students and teachers can register for a free account and then proceed to create a multimedia presentation. For – students and teachers can register for a free account by clicking "start now." For – students and teachers can register for a free account by clicking "sign up for free." The best way to capture the "richness" of this topic is through a presentation that allows you to select colors and music and backgrounds and pictures and images that convey how this food
  • 3. memory resonates with you after all this time. Here is an example of how you can enhance things using pixabay. This class focuses on the ins and outs of food and culture. Why do different groups eat what they eat? What meaning do food rituals have in a culture? All of these are topics that we get to explore together in this class. Growing up in New Orleans, I was introduced to food as a key part of social ritual early on. King cakes at Mardi Gras, red beans and rice on Mondays. All of these have special meanings that are tied to the culture and the ritual behaviors of people in New Orleans. Running head: HOMELESS MEN AND WOMEN AND THE DIFFERENCE 1 HOMELESS MEN AND WOMEN AND THE DIFFERENCE 2 Each Section Needs to be longer almost double of what it is, 20 – 25 peer reviewed references required, each section needs 3 or more citations Homeless Men and Women and the Difference Name Course Date Table of Contents Page Table of Figures ………………………………………………………………………… ..3 Abstract …………………………………………………………………………
  • 4. …………4 Introduction ………………………………………………………………………… …….5 Problem Statement ………………………………………………………………………..5 Research Question ………………………………………………………………………... 6 Significance of the Study ………………………………………………………………….6 Definition of Terms ………………………………………………………………………..6 Limitations ………………………………………………………………………… ………7 Delimitations (Scope) ………………………………………………………………………7 Assumptions ………………………………………………………………………… ……..7 Literature Review ………………………………………………………………………… .7 Conclusion and Recommendation ………………………………………………………...9 References ………………………………………………………………………… ………..11 Table of Figures Page
  • 5. Figure 1: The population distribution of homeless men and women…………………………….. 9 Figure 2: Distribution of homeless men and women with problems and mental complication….. 10 Abstract The homeless population is comprised of more men than women according to research. These families go through a lot just to survive and stay safe. Therefore, this issue is developing to be a major issue among many states as it emerged in more than a century ago and was driven by the great depression in the United States. This has therefore, become a major issue to the government hence the need to conduct the research on this field. Moreover, researchers have often neglected research on the difference between the homeless men and women and this has been a motive to focus this research on the existing gap. The study is expected to help governments, states and organizations to understand and deal with the rising problem of homelessness and in budgeting and delivery of public services. This study will involve a survey that used instruments such as interviews and observation in collection of data. However, most of the information was obtained through secondary research on peer reviewed sources that were of relevant to the topic of study. Through the secondary research, it was found that men make up most of the homeless population while they also suffered more than the women following a number of favors and services that are only available for the women and not the men. More men also engaged in drug and substance abuse as compared to the number of homeless women who also engaged in the same activities. This was backed up with the research conducted. The following are some of the recommendations of this study; the society needs to get off the stereotype that men cannot fall victims of domestic violence, that they can’t be homeless with their kids and that men are strong and cannot
  • 6. suffer the many social problems. Also, the society should approach this problem without gender bias so as to fix the problem in all the circumstances. Future research should focus on finding more recommendations. Introduction Homeless men and homeless women are very different and in most cases, the homeless population are believed to be more of male than females. According to the latest report by SAHMSA, the homeless population is approximated to comprise 51 percent of single men as single women made up 24 percent while the remaining 23 percent were families which in most cases are single mothers and their children (Quigley & Steven, 2001). The number of homeless men and women in every state sum up to more than ten thousand but it is difficult to tell exactly where these populations are. Due to this factor, it is quite difficult to determine the exact statistics on the level of homelessness with respect to gender and track the homeless population. These people do not want to identify as homeless following the increased risk of them being attacked. In addition, the homeless women prefer not to stay in shelters or anywhere close to men. For their, defense, they tend to dress like men and do whatever it takes to belong. This includes hiding for safety by spending the nights in cars or sleeping during the day so as to stay alert during the night. This presents quite some difference with men. Problem Statement Homelessness among both men and women is becoming a big problem in the United States and other parts of the world. This phenomenon emerged as a national issue in the 1870s when many homeless individuals began showing up in urban cities. This problem is as a result of various conditions such as unemployment and laziness that was further driven by the great depression. Moreover, the homeless population often find life harder than other people as they have to deal with problems including health, substance abuse and basic needs. The government also finds it hard to take the homeless away from
  • 7. the streets or providing them with public services. In addition, the two gender, male and female, experience homelessness differently therefore, it is important to conduct a research on this phenomenon. Most researchers have always focused their studies on causes and effects of homelessness with no consideration on the difference between homelessness in men and women. This created a gap in research that this study intends to fill. Research Question This research seeks to answer the question “What are the differences between homeless men and women” Significance of the Study This research will be significant in a number of ways as follows; i. It will help governments increase accuracy in budget allocations that pertains to gender. ii. It helps the government deal with the problem of homelessness of men and women. iii. It will contribute to the future literature review for further research into the field of homelessness and other related fields. Definition of Terms i. Homelessness refers to the condition where an individual or persons lack a fixed, regular and adequate place to reside at night (Quigley & Steven, 2001). ii. Homeless men refer to male persons that do not have a fixed, adequate and regular place of nighttime residence (Nieto et al., 2008). iii. Homeless women are the females who live without a fixed, regular and adequate place of residing at night (Nieto et al., 2008). Limitations i. Unknown factors or conditions may exist where participants operate that could cause bias on their responses. ii. The feelings, situations and events of the participants could be questionable.
  • 8. Delimitations (Scope) The scope of the study covered homeless persons from all gender, that is, both female and male, within United States of America. Assumptions i. The chosen participants are sincerely interested in participating in this research and have no other unknown motives. ii. The participants are expected to answer research questions candidly and honestly. Literature Review Analysis and Synthesis North & Smith (1993) in their study on homeless men and women, they presented the pivotal difference between homeless women and men. These women, unlike men, mostly had in their custody, young children while the women themselves were also younger than the men (North & Smith, 1993). The women were more likely to belong to a minority group that often depend on welfare. Unlike men, the ladies often have little histories of substance and drug abuse, felony conviction and incarceration. The homeless women population is also heterogeneous and include at least two subgroups that stand a high chance to benefit from intervention programs established so as to address their specific needs and problems (North & Smith, 1994). These are not necessary for homeless men. Causes of Homelessness Americans perceive homelessness differently as many people engage in victim-blaming and perceive homelessness to be a result of substance abuse and laziness especially in men. However, research shows that more than thirty percent of the homeless population have a problem of drug and substance abuse. Among this population, the adult men who use drugs are twice as many as the adult women, a ratio that correlates with overall number of female to male homeless population.
  • 9. According to Fischer & Breakey (1991), it is true that homelessness can result from addiction but the problem can’t be corrected by blaming the victims. Instead, it is important to understand the litany of other issues to obtain an understanding on how an individual can make the difference. Other factors could include unemployment, lack of public support, affordable health care, mental illness (Nieto et al., 2008), teenager evictions, natural disasters and domestic violence among other social complications that come with extreme consequences beyond the control of many people. Apparently, homelessness can also be blamed on poverty. According to Buckner et al. (1993), most of these factors affect more men as compared to women being homeless. Unlike women, homelessness in men also results from misandry. For instance, in the case of veterans, particularly the ones who return from combat duties, most of them are men (Browne, 1993). These men exhibit many complications including mental health crisis, broken families and job replacements, problems that cause extreme conditions like homelessness and in extreme cases suicide. Additionally, the high number of homeless men than women is also exacerbated by the fact that women are streamlined from the system especially when it comes to securing jobs. Also, social services often extend services to first and foremost helping kids. But since most homeless families are made up of single mothers, these women often receive more services compared to single males. As explained by First et al. (1994), in order to make a difference, the society does not need to consider whether the homeless individual is a woman or a man. Instead, the society should focus on fixing the general economics that include the housing market and unemployment (Quigley & Steven, 2001). This will help deal with the problem rather than passing blames from one person to the other on why their conditions is the way it is. Conclusions and Recommendations
  • 10. Conclusion Figure 1: The population distribution of homeless men and women 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 MenWomenFamilies Percentage (%) From the study, it was found that 60% of the homeless people were single men, 25% women and 15% families as illustrates in Figure 1 above. Also, the population of homeless men that had mental problems or problem of drug and substance abuse was 70% of the homeless men while women were only 40% of the homeless women as illustrated in figure 2 below. This information corresponds to previous research that concludes that most of the homeless population is made up of men than women and most of the men experience the problem of drug and substance abuse, mental illness and unemployment as compared to the homeless women. Figure 2: Distribution of homeless men and women with problems and mental complication Men (%) Women(%) With problems and mental complications 70 40 Without
  • 11. 30 60 Recommendation First, the society needs to get off the stereotype that men cannot fall victims of domestic violence, that they can’t be homeless with their kids and that men are strong and cannot suffer the many social problems. Addressing this kind of thinking will be a major step towards rescuing or minimizing the number of homeless men and women across the streets. Lastly, just as explained by First et al. (1994), the society should approach this problem without gender bias so as to fix the problem in all the circumstances. Recommended Future Research Due to limited research and resources, this research did not explore all the remedies available for resolving the issue, therefore, there is need for future research in order to determine how the difference in homelessness between men and women can be minimized or eradicated. References Browne, A. (1993). Family violence and homelessness: the relevance of trauma histories in the lives of homeless women. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry. 63(3): 370-84. Buckner, J.C., Zima, BT. & Bassuk, EL. (1993). Mental health issues affecting homeless women: Implication for intervention. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry. 63(3): 385-99. First, RJ., Rife, JC. & Toomey, BG. (1994). Homelessness in rural areas: Causes, patterns and trends. Social Work. 39(1): 97-108. Fischer, PJ. & Breakey, WR. (1991). The epidemiology of alcohol, drug and mental disorders among homeless persons. American Journal of Psychology. 46(11): 1115-28. Nieto, G., Gittelman, M. & Abad, A. (2008). Homeless mentally
  • 12. ill persons: A bibliography review. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation. 12(2). North, C.S. & Smith, E.M. (1993). A comparison of homeless men and women: different populations, different needs. Community Mental Health Journal. 29(5): 423-431. North, C.S. & Smith, E.M. (1994). Not all homeless women are alike: effects of motherhood and the presence of children. Community Mental Health Journal. 30(6): 601-610. Quigley, J.M. & Steven, R. (2001). The economics of homelessness: The evidence from North America. European Journal of Housing Policy. 1(3): 323-336. _1591176739. 7 Course Code and Title: LDR 502 Leadership and the New Science Course Description: This course provides a wide-view background of the relationship between scientific thinking, research processes and design, leadership and organizational life. Seminar members will explore the implications of the “new sciences” of quantum theory, fractal and chaos theory, information and field theory, and theories of change on our ideas and practices of leadership in organizations. Seminar
  • 13. members will also review fundamentals of the scientific research process and will focus on the use of qualitative and quantitative research methods as an appropriate response to understanding how and why organizations and leadership within them function as they do Topic: Literature Review Learning Objective(s) · Understand the difference between an annotated bibliography and a formal literature review · Formalize the final project for the research · Examine the process of identifying a formal research question · Create an annotated bibliography to support the research Reading Assignment(s): · Read Creswell: · Chapter 1: The Selection of a Research Approach · Chapter 2: Review of the Literature · Chapter 7: Research Questions Description of Homework Assignment(s) (all students): Final Project Topic and Annotated Bibliography For this assignment, you are to submit Draft Topic for your final project. You are also to complete an Annotated Bibliography on articles that support your topic direction. It should also include at least five reliable sources. The submission needs to be in APA format. Follow the Annotated Bibliography sample in the NEWS FORUM area titled “Annotated Bibliography Example”. Note: you will need 20 peer reviewed sources for the entire
  • 14. project and 3 citations for each portion of the assignment Topic: Introduction, Problem Statement and Significance elements of Research Learning Objective(s) · Understand the elements of the introduction, problem statement and significance portions of a research project · Examine the necessity of the alignment between the introduction, problem statement and significance portions of a research project · Formalize the final project topic and research questions Reading Assignment(s): · Read Creswell: · Chapter 5: Introduction · Chapter 6: Purpose Statement Description of Homework Assignment(s) (all students): Final Project Topic and Research Questions For this assignment, you are to submit your final project topic, the Research Question(s) and your final project shell. For the shell, follow the example in the NEWS FORUM area titled “Final Paper Shell”. Other Notes and/or Activities: n/a Topic: Research Methods Part I Reading Assignment(s): · Read Creswell: · Chapter 8: Quantitative Methods
  • 15. · Chapter 9: Qualitative Methods Description of Homework Assignment(s) (all students): Introduction, Problem Statement and Significance elements of Research For this assignment, you are to submit your Introduction, Problem Statement, Purpose Statement, Significance, Definition of Terms, Delimitations and Assumptions sections of the research project. Please make sure you are following APA format and submit this in the Final Paper Shell you created in Week three. Other Notes and/or Activities: n/a Topic: Research Methods Part II Learning Objective(s) · Analyze the elements required for successful mixedmethodologies · Understand the various data collection techniques utilized in mixedmethodologies · Examine various literature to identify potential methodology strategies for the chosen research project · Create a draft of a formal literature review to support the chosen research topic Reading Assignment(s): · Read Creswell: · Chapter 10: Mixed Methods
  • 16. Description of Homework Assignment(s) (All students) : Literature Review Part I For this assignment, you are to use your annotated bibliography assignment from week two and transition it into a literature review. The literature review is an analysis and synthesis of the research that has already been done on your topic or related topics. You must utilize subheadings and at least 8 reliable sources and correct APA formatting for citations and references. You need to use scholarly, peer reviewed journals for your review (5-6 pages). Please submit this in the Final Paper Shell you created in Week three Other Notes and/or Activities: n/a Topic: Theory Building Research Learning Objective(s) · Identify the advantages of using quantitative, qualitative and mixed methodologies · Review the use and role of theory in research · Complete a formal literature review to support the chosen research topic Reading Assignment(s): · Read Creswell: · Chapter 3: Use of Theory Description of Homework Assignment(s) (All students): Literature Review Part II For this assignment, you are to submit your final literature review that must be in APA format (8-10 pages) and have a
  • 17. minimum of 20 sources. Please submit this in the Final Paper Shell you created in Week three. Note: you will need 20 sources in your final project Other Notes and/or Activities: n/a Topic: Ethics in Research Learning Objective(s) · Understand the need for utilizing ethical approaches in research · Examine the institutional review board (IRB) concepts · Identify ethical issues associated with a research problem, questions, data collection, analysis and interpretation of the data · Create the conclusion and recommendation sections of the research project Reading Assignment(s): · Read Creswell: · Chapter 4: Writing Strategies & Ethical Considerations Description of Homework Assignment(s) (All Students): Conclusion & Recommendations For this assignment, you are to submit your Research findings, Conclusion and Recommendations (4-5 pages). Please submit this in the Final Paper Shell you created in Week three Other Notes and/or Activities: n/a
  • 18. Topic: Final Project Review Learning Objective(s) · Complete the final research project · Provide a reflection discussion on the course and learning concepts Reading Assignment(s): N/A Description of Homework Assignment(s) (All Students): Final Project Submit your Final Project per the guidelines in the “Final Paper Shell” outline provided in week three: · Utilize the outline that you created in your week three assignment · Final paper must include all sections · Paper must be in APA format · You must have a minimum of 20 reliable sources—more for a better grade Other Notes and/or Activities: n/a Homeless Men and Women and the Difference Name Course Date
  • 19. Table of Contents (example) Page Introduction Statement of the Problem Purpose of the Study Significance of the Study Definition of Terms Limitations Delimitations (Scope) Assumptions Table of Figures Page Abstract The abstract is a summary of the entire study. It should describe in short, concise language the statement of purpose, methods of investigation and conclusions. The abstract should begin with a clear statement of the problem or problems being researched. Describe the purpose of the paper or what is to be proven or discovered. Express these points with as few words as possible. Briefly describe the methods of investigation and where the information was obtained. Relate how the materials and data were used in the study. Outline the system of analysis.
  • 20. Finally, state the conclusions and how they relate to the original problem. Recommendations which are directly made from the results of the study should be presented. The total length of the abstract should be approximately 250 words (under 1 page). Introduction Introduce the reader to your topic. Note: See the Creswell text Chapter 5 for examples Problem Statement What are the organizational problems / issues you are investigating? What is the problem? Define it explicitly! Why is it worthy of research? Why is it important? How long has it been going on? Why are you doing the study? What is the “gap” in the research you are trying to fill? Note: See the Creswell text Chapter 6 for examples Research Question Note: See the Creswell text Chapter 7 for examples of research questions Significance of the Study The significance section is the area where you need to answer the magic question: “so what?” The significance makes your research worth it to the reader. It is best if you can link this more to productivity issues and provide “numbers/facts” to support your direction. Why do researchers and management care about your problem? Definition of Terms How do YOU define the important terms in the study? I may define downsizing different than you. When I read your paper I need to know exactly how you, the researcher, define the important terms. You need to “ground” your definitions with citations/references Note: See the Creswell text Chapter 2 for examples Delimitations (Scope) What specific population or area are you looking into? Are you only interested in people from your organization? Will it cover
  • 21. multiple organizations? Are you only interested in people who work in HR? Only men, etc…Remember this is how YOU focus your study. Assumptions What are you assuming about the people you are studying? Remember, this is what you are assuming, not what you are aiming to uncover through your research. In other words, if you are asking a question you aren’t assuming the answer. This is also where you can identify and minimize your bias. Literature Review In this assignment, you are to take your annotated bibliography assignment from week two and transition it into a literature review. The literature review is an analysis andsynthesis of the research that has already been done on your topic or related topics. You must utilize subheadings and at least 8 reliable sources and correct APA formatting for citations and references. You need to use scholarly, peer reviewed journals for your review· Analysis and synthesis of research on topic· What do other researchers say about the problem?· What have they done or what has been done to remedy the issue/problem?· What are the trends, patterns, similarities, differences, etc. from the other researchers? Note: See the Creswell text Chapter 2 for examples Conclusions and Recommendations In this section you describe the results you found in your research and relate the findings to your literature review. You should include figures, tables and graphs to illustrate your findings. Label the figures/tables/graphs with numbers (Figure 1, Table 2, etc.) and refer to them within the text. This section should be divided into three sections, conclusions, recommendations and recommended future research. It is written in the present tense as you are now drawing conclusions
  • 22. from your research and making recommendations based on the implications of your research. You are also suggesting ideas towards further research on your topic. You are stating the implications, interpretations and opinions of your findings. Did you find information to “close the gap”? You will also discuss the limitations of your research in relation to the conclusions and recommendations. If, for example, your original direction does not parallel the literature you discovered, you want to explain why or why not. References Use all peer reviewed references Appendices (if necessary)