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Math Discussion Questions
Math 1280 discussion 2: Answer to: 1)i) Calculate the "average" of these things have no meaning in
this case. A) the sample sizes are too small. B) apples, banana, cherry are different fruit, people
usually do not mix them together. C) there is no meaning for "average" to have decimal places in
this case, people never heard the term such as 0.8 apple. "average" have meaning only if the average
of fruit (group all fruit type) is concerned. ii) therefore, I will code this as a factor in R. 2)i) average
of quiz score: 90.67 (2 d.p.) ii) I will code this as numeric value. 3)i) average: assume using 4.0 GPA
scale to treat those grades, that means A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1, E=F=0. Then the average would be
2.67 (2 d.p.), that is usually considered as
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Reflection About Math
Ever since I can remember math for me, has been a nuisance. I always get the, "what's your
favorite or best subject?" My response being something like, "anything but math." I am the type
to cringe at the sight of a math problem. Despite how "great," I may actually be at math, my
confidence level in the subject is extremely low. That being said, it is as if I have a permanent
mind block to anything that is or could be considered, math related. Personally I believe that most
of my issues lacking in success related to math, is my confidence level. The lack of confidence
that I have for math makes it always seem so hard. I at this point, am fearful that if I was chosen
to teach math to my students, I'd feel the same lack of confidence that I do when doing math,
myself. My best year of math was senior year of high school, the year that I conquered Pre–Calc.
The name of the class alone had me worried sick. I started off as scared as ever, doubting myself
and my skills. As the semester went on my teacher continually encouraged me, by the time my
final came around I just knew there was no way that I would do well on it. The teacher actually
graded our tests on the spot. He called me up to his desk and told me that I had made the highest
grade out of all of his classes. That in itself was the little boost of confidence that I needed to help
push me on as I started my college math journey. Although I don't really like math, I enjoy certain
aspects of it. I love when something
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Reflection On My Math Class
Since starting this class, I feel as though my background knowledge of math would have been
enough for me to feel comfortable in the classroom but, because of the readings and in–class tasks
with my peers I've become more knowledgeable on many terms and practices of math.
It is clear that within the classroom of my peers we all complete a math problem differently. Some
students answer questions the completely different way than I do but, we get the same answers.
For example, when we were asked to add simple math numbers, two of the four of us thought the
same way. While to other people found different ways to get the answer. Amongst the four of us
there were three different ways to solve one simple addition question. This small task opened my
mind completely. I can see that was in my group of four people, there were three strategies to
answer one question. I can only imagine a number of ways a class of 30 students comes up with.
This will enhance my understanding as a teacher because I know that every student does not think
the same and there is more than one right way to solve a question. This class has also shown me
that using manipulatives is one of the best tools to enhance the students understanding. Using
manipulatives will not only help the students, but it will help me as a teacher to understand the
student's steps in solving questions. The best example in class was when my group was given
coloured bears and asked to show 1 as many ways as possible. We decided to
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Essay on MAth
Course Project Milestone 2 Interview Guide and Questions Form This is a form to record your
information for this assignment. Review the Course Project Milestone 2: Interviewee Guide and
Questions guidelines and grading rubric in Doc Sharing (Assignments) prior to completing this
form. Review the document in Doc Sharing entitled, NR391 Question Tips. Refer to Appendix A in
your text and select five categories upon which you will concentrate for your interview guide and
questions. Type your answers to the following questions using complete sentences and correct
grammar, spelling, and syntax. Note that the form is expandable. Indeed, you may need more pages
to include the information that is requested in the guidelines for more content...
The categories from which you may choose are listed below. Biocultural Variations and Cultural
Aspects of the Incidence of Disease Communication Cultural Affiliations Cultural Sanctions &
Restrictions Developmental Considerations Economics Educational Background Health–Related
beliefs and Practices Kinship and Social Networks Nutrition Religion and Spirituality Values
Orientation Type the names of the five categories you have chosen in the table below in the column
marked "Categories." 4. Develop one primary question for each of the five categories. Please note
that the questions should be in your own words and designed to elicit meaningful responses, for
example, open–ended or focused format. Use the table to type each question next to its
corresponding category. (60 points) 5. Develop two follow–up questions for each primary question.
Type these next to the corresponding primary questions. (40 points) 6. Indicate reasons for asking
specific questions that relate to culture of origin and healthcare experiences. (50 points) Categories
Primary Question Related to Category Follow–up Questions for each primary question Reasons for
asking questions that are related to culture of origin Category 1: Cultural Sanctions & Restrictions
Help me better understand your culture by explaining the different health care restrictions? 1. What
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Why I Hate Math
Everybody seems to hate math, every kind of math Algebra, Trig, Any type somebody hears math
they hate it. I use to be that person that hated math but my math experiences made me love math
and understand it. Math is a subject that you have to build up, if your foundation is not good you
won't learn or understand math. I was blessed to be able to meet teachers that gave me a strong
foundation so that I could continue to excel in math. I went from barely passing to get 90's on my
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Mathematics in Everyday Life Essay
Mathematics is possibly one of the most underappreciated sciences. It everywhere in our lives,
mathematics runs our computers, flies our aircraft, and protects our information. But for such a
major part of our lives, very few people can say that they know how it is done, how the RSA
encryption protects their e–mail, or even that 21 squared is 441 without going into tedious mental
calculations or reaching for their calculator. Contrary to popular belief, mathematics has a wide
range of useful applications. Those who would ask whenever they would need algebra, both linear
algebra and calculus is used extensively in computer programming and engineering. The fact is that
mathematics is integrated into almost every profession, and more content...
There are some issues with this system. For example, imagine that both Person A and Person B
want to include a third person in their correspondences, Person C. First they would need to give
Person C a key, through some sort of secure system, preferably a face–to–face meeting. But what if
Person C lives in Alaska and both Person A and Person B don't have the time, money, or desire to
travel to Alaska to give Person C the key, nor does Person C want to travel to Person A or B. This
is a key weakness of the symmetric key system. In an asymmetric key system, Person A sends
many open locks to Person B, these locks can be put on messages and only Person A has the key
to them. Person B does the same thing, now if they wish to include Person C all Person C need to
do is send open locks to Person A and Person B. In real life, there are usually two keys, one for
encryption and one for decryption, and these keys are in fact, usually numbers which determine
how the message is encoded. Now we are going to work off a common example, your credit
company. Most public key cryptography will have your encryption key public, anyone can view it,
and use it, but only you can decrypt it. So if someone wanted to send you a message, they would
take your key, encrypt your message, and leave it in your mailbox, you would then use your
decryption key, to decipher the message. The main problem with public key cryptography is that no
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Math Essay
General Information on the DBQ
The required DBQ differs from the standard essays in its emphasis on your ability to analyze and
synthesize historical data and assess verbal, quantitative, or pictorial materials as historical evidence.
Like the standard essays, however, the DBQ is judged on its thesis and argument.
Although confined to no single format, the documents are unlikely to be the familiar classics (such
as the Emancipation Proclamation or the Declaration of Independence), but their authors may be
major historical figures. The documents vary in length and are chosen to illustrate the interactions
and complexities of the historical process. They may include charts, graphs, cartoons, and pictures,
as well as written more content...
Students may work as a class or in collaborative groups and follow these five steps:
Read the question –– that is, the prompt –– three times. Remember that in this instance "AP" stands
for "address prompt."
Identify the task. State in your own words what you are being asked to write.
Circle or underline the main words, especially words of direction, such as "analyze," "explain,"
"compare and contrast," "evaluate," and "to what extent."
Briefly list the main events of the historical time period addressed. Use the acronym PERSIA to help
you categorize the political, economic, religious, social, intellectual, and artistic aspects of the
period. This is outside information that may be included in the essay.
Read each document, noting the source or the title. Briefly write the main point of each document. If
the prompt requires you to take one position or another, group the documents on the basis of those
positions. For example, in the 1999 DBQ you are asked to evaluate colonial identity AND unity.
Note that documents A, C, E, and G are about unity, whereas documents B, D, F, and H deal with
identity. Some documents may be used to support both unity and identity.
Use the source or the title when referring to the information in the document. Do NOT use the word
"document" in the narrative of your essay. (Writing "Document A says," "Document B says," and so
on results in a laundry
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Reflection On Math Lesson
What? For my second lesson, I taught a math lesson on multiplying decimals with zeros in the
product. I wanted students to be able to show that they could multiply with decimals in the
product and I wanted them to be able to explain how they know where to add the decimal point in
the answer. This lesson was part of the unit over decimals. Students will learn to add them,
subtract, multiply, divide, and then take a test for the unit. I decided to teach this lesson because
this is what my teacher had planned for the day and needed me to teach to keep her on track for
the test. Honestly, I was excited to teach a math lesson because it was a great refresher for me.
Overall, I was very satisfied with the way the lesson went. The students were understanding the
instruction I delivered and were giving the answers I had hoped for. The students were on task
and engaged for the entire lesson and when they weren't engaged, I could draw or mention sticks
and I would get more active participation. Before I asked students to work independently or with a
partner, I modeled exactly what they should be doing and how they should do it. This made a huge
difference from my first lesson because there was no confusion. When I had one students come up
to the board and share their answer, everyone in the class had the same answer. While I was
formatively checking their understanding, this told me that the way I was teaching was working
because they all understood the problem. I really can not think of anything that did not go as I
had planned or that I was not happy with. Although, there was one point where my math was
wrong because I was not thinking logically. I need to make sure I slow down while I am teaching
to check my own work so I am not teaching the students incorrect information! The only change I
would try and make if I taught this lesson again would be to find a way to make it more engaging
and less teaching instruction out of the book. I feel that with math this is sometimes challenging, but
I think it could be done. Even though I did use multiple means of representation by doing a whole
class discussion, partner work, and independent work, I could have found maybe a more "hands–on"
activity for the students to
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Math Reflection Paper
Reflection Paper
Peggy Clayton
University of Phoenix
Shannon Manke
January 18, 2010
Running Head: Reflection Paper
Math has been around for quiet a long time. We all see math in a different way some can grasp it
and some cannot. Learning math concept is very frustrating some will master it and some want. I
have struggle with math myself. In fact, every time the word math was said throughout my school
years and I hated it. Now throughout this course, I realize that I need a great amount of math skills
before I can even consider teaching math skills. Math is a difficult concept to teach. So how can I
teach math, if I do not understand it myself? This is a question I must ask myself and hopefully one
day more content...
I have been in a lot of class rooms and one of the main things that were told to me is to get involved
with your students. So now I am a firm believer that when you get involved with your students they
will learn and pick up the concepts faster. With all the hands on activity and learning manipulative
this is a great way to teach students math theories. When students are given a pencils and full page of
math problems they tense to get bored with math all together. Using manipulative and getting
involved will help keep students on track and enjoyed the class more. Students like when teacher are
interacted with them, it makes them feel closer to the teacher as well as wanting to participation in
class more. The key to teaching is to be more interacted with the students and not just sitting students
down with pencils and paper and accepted them to learn.
As a future teacher in elementary education learning these math concepts and finding a comfort
within me to teach these concepts is very important. I have enjoyed working in a school setting for
the pass third five years and have seen many different ways of teaching method as well as seen many
different theories come and go. I do relate to the concept and ways of teaching throughout the course.
As a teacher she must show the students that she can get involved with them. Students love how
different methods are taught to remember certain concepts like riddle and rhymes "example
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Understanding Mathematics Essays
Understanding Mathematics
This paper is an attempt to explain the structure of the process of understanding mathematical objects
such as notions, definitions, theorems, or mathematical theories. Understanding is an indirect
process of cognition which consists in grasping the sense of what is to be understood, showing itself
in the ability to apply what is understood in other circumstances and situations. Thus understanding
should be treated functionally: as acquiring sense. We can distinguish three basic planes on which
the process of understanding mathematics takes place. The first is the plane of understanding the
meaning of notions and terms existing in mathematical considerations. A mathematician must have
the knowledge of what more content...
The only statement characterizing this notion is the remark that understanding is connected with
The problem of understanding mathematics requires, in my opinion, a short presentation of a more
general issue, that is the issue of understanding as such. I will treat understanding as a kind of
indirect cognition, determined by the perception of the relations between the objects of various
order (y becomes comprehensible for x as a part of the relation xRy, in which y is anobject of a
different order intentionally grasped by x). As it can be seen, I neglect here the problem of
understanding another human being, although it is usually achieved through understanding the
phenomenally accessible human behaviours, i.e. linguistic or extralinguistic creations.
It seems that the Polish philosopher Izydora Dąmbska grasped the problem of understanding
accurately and concisely, stating that this kind of cognition is characterized by the following factors:
1) it refers to the objects connected with the spiritual reality–signs, psychic and psychophysical
creations, logical structures sensu largo etc.
2) it consists in grasping relations which determine the sense of what is to be understood.
3) it enables the reconstruction and the application, in other conditions, of what we understand.
The essence of this kind of cognition, which we call understanding, decides about the hypothetical
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Reflection Essay For Math
My thoughts in regards to the course up to this point are indifferent. It is math, and math will
always be difficult for me, but in regards to the instruction process, I do feel like it could be
approached in a different way. I do not feel confident that there is enough focus on processes as
there are on practice problems. Every week I think there is going to be a great explanation of
something, and every week I'm disappointed. It's just "This week is slopes, here is why we use
slopes, now solve it." There isn't a lot of in depth instruction. Or, there is the "What is a real life
slope?" I don't need to know that. I need to know the steps that I will need in the future in order to
solve for slopes, one step at a time, in numerical more content...
A lot of the courses at this institution operate the same way. Perhaps it's me. Perhaps I'm better
suited for a different learning style, but I've never had any problem with learning, nor my grades
until I started with this institution. I feel that there should be more interaction, content, helpful
hints, things to keep, such as diagrams, etc. I feel like I'm paying thousands of dollars to sit
around and Google all day, and at the end of Googling answers for a few years, I will get a fancy
piece of paper. I could sit at home and Google educational concepts for free. Of the five study
strategies from my week one discussion post that I have implemented, 2 and 3 have been the
most useful so far. They have kept me going, emotionally. I have done fairly well with not
becoming discouraged and giving up completely. I have done well with trying to give it some
effort. I am not letting my negative feelings towards math keep me from at least trying. For this, I
am proud of myself. The most interesting concept that has been covered so far in my opinion has
to be breaking down equations. I just like to break things down. It is an easy lesson, but is so
important. It has such significance. The most difficult so far is the current lesson. I honestly have no
idea what is going on with the physics thing. I like physics itself, but I think the example in the
lesson was poorly presented, thus making it difficult to understand. I am not getting a newly found
feel for how much
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Reflection About Math
Math is the language of the universe. It is used in every subject and understand it is absolutely
imperative. As highschool comes to an end and college is about to start, math is one of those
subjects that can be a pain in the butt to remind yourself how to do some topics. This project has
helped me understand the type of math I will be exposed to on the placement test and what type of
questions to expect. I chose to complete the Maryland placement test as I have some interest to
attend. It has also exposed me to the college lifestyle a little and got me insight of application and
what courses are required. I have concluded that these tests were a useful tool to measure my math
skills on the colgate level.
These tests were surprising in some aspects and in others very predictable. For one, I expected
them to be much longer and more thorough. I expected their to be open ended questions and less
multiple choice. I was surprised by the simplicity of some questions, but on contrasty, other
questions were more challenging than what I was anticipating. I was also surprised at the lack of
variety in questions. Much of the questions were the same format just with different number. But
for the most part, I was not too caught off guard by any of the questions, as I had learned them all
in my 4 year years at JCHS. The only things that I must address is reminding myself on some of
the older material that I learned in my freshman and junior years here. The test was easier than I
expected, although it was not easy. I expected the test to be very complicated and to include
difficult questions. Instead, it had simpler questions but were still a challenge. For example, the
concept of a problem could be fairly easy, but the numbers are hard to work with or had fractions
in them. On this test, calculators were permitted and were a huge help to me. This tells myself that
I need to get better at mental math to save time on tests and to not rely on calculators so much.
Mental math has always been difficult for me, but mastering it can be greatly beneficial to my
math. The test can be taken online or in person, it is really up to the person. I personally would
prefer an in person test, as I feel writing the problems out with pencil
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Math Essay Topics

  • 1. Math Discussion Questions Math 1280 discussion 2: Answer to: 1)i) Calculate the "average" of these things have no meaning in this case. A) the sample sizes are too small. B) apples, banana, cherry are different fruit, people usually do not mix them together. C) there is no meaning for "average" to have decimal places in this case, people never heard the term such as 0.8 apple. "average" have meaning only if the average of fruit (group all fruit type) is concerned. ii) therefore, I will code this as a factor in R. 2)i) average of quiz score: 90.67 (2 d.p.) ii) I will code this as numeric value. 3)i) average: assume using 4.0 GPA scale to treat those grades, that means A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1, E=F=0. Then the average would be 2.67 (2 d.p.), that is usually considered as Get more content on
  • 2. Reflection About Math Ever since I can remember math for me, has been a nuisance. I always get the, "what's your favorite or best subject?" My response being something like, "anything but math." I am the type to cringe at the sight of a math problem. Despite how "great," I may actually be at math, my confidence level in the subject is extremely low. That being said, it is as if I have a permanent mind block to anything that is or could be considered, math related. Personally I believe that most of my issues lacking in success related to math, is my confidence level. The lack of confidence that I have for math makes it always seem so hard. I at this point, am fearful that if I was chosen to teach math to my students, I'd feel the same lack of confidence that I do when doing math, myself. My best year of math was senior year of high school, the year that I conquered Pre–Calc. The name of the class alone had me worried sick. I started off as scared as ever, doubting myself and my skills. As the semester went on my teacher continually encouraged me, by the time my final came around I just knew there was no way that I would do well on it. The teacher actually graded our tests on the spot. He called me up to his desk and told me that I had made the highest grade out of all of his classes. That in itself was the little boost of confidence that I needed to help push me on as I started my college math journey. Although I don't really like math, I enjoy certain aspects of it. I love when something Get more content on
  • 3. Reflection On My Math Class Since starting this class, I feel as though my background knowledge of math would have been enough for me to feel comfortable in the classroom but, because of the readings and in–class tasks with my peers I've become more knowledgeable on many terms and practices of math. It is clear that within the classroom of my peers we all complete a math problem differently. Some students answer questions the completely different way than I do but, we get the same answers. For example, when we were asked to add simple math numbers, two of the four of us thought the same way. While to other people found different ways to get the answer. Amongst the four of us there were three different ways to solve one simple addition question. This small task opened my mind completely. I can see that was in my group of four people, there were three strategies to answer one question. I can only imagine a number of ways a class of 30 students comes up with. This will enhance my understanding as a teacher because I know that every student does not think the same and there is more than one right way to solve a question. This class has also shown me that using manipulatives is one of the best tools to enhance the students understanding. Using manipulatives will not only help the students, but it will help me as a teacher to understand the student's steps in solving questions. The best example in class was when my group was given coloured bears and asked to show 1 as many ways as possible. We decided to Get more content on
  • 4. Essay on MAth Course Project Milestone 2 Interview Guide and Questions Form This is a form to record your information for this assignment. Review the Course Project Milestone 2: Interviewee Guide and Questions guidelines and grading rubric in Doc Sharing (Assignments) prior to completing this form. Review the document in Doc Sharing entitled, NR391 Question Tips. Refer to Appendix A in your text and select five categories upon which you will concentrate for your interview guide and questions. Type your answers to the following questions using complete sentences and correct grammar, spelling, and syntax. Note that the form is expandable. Indeed, you may need more pages to include the information that is requested in the guidelines for more content... The categories from which you may choose are listed below. Biocultural Variations and Cultural Aspects of the Incidence of Disease Communication Cultural Affiliations Cultural Sanctions & Restrictions Developmental Considerations Economics Educational Background Health–Related beliefs and Practices Kinship and Social Networks Nutrition Religion and Spirituality Values Orientation Type the names of the five categories you have chosen in the table below in the column marked "Categories." 4. Develop one primary question for each of the five categories. Please note that the questions should be in your own words and designed to elicit meaningful responses, for example, open–ended or focused format. Use the table to type each question next to its corresponding category. (60 points) 5. Develop two follow–up questions for each primary question. Type these next to the corresponding primary questions. (40 points) 6. Indicate reasons for asking specific questions that relate to culture of origin and healthcare experiences. (50 points) Categories Primary Question Related to Category Follow–up Questions for each primary question Reasons for asking questions that are related to culture of origin Category 1: Cultural Sanctions & Restrictions Help me better understand your culture by explaining the different health care restrictions? 1. What would Get more content on
  • 5. Why I Hate Math Everybody seems to hate math, every kind of math Algebra, Trig, Any type somebody hears math they hate it. I use to be that person that hated math but my math experiences made me love math and understand it. Math is a subject that you have to build up, if your foundation is not good you won't learn or understand math. I was blessed to be able to meet teachers that gave me a strong foundation so that I could continue to excel in math. I went from barely passing to get 90's on my Get more content on
  • 6. Mathematics in Everyday Life Essay Mathematics is possibly one of the most underappreciated sciences. It everywhere in our lives, mathematics runs our computers, flies our aircraft, and protects our information. But for such a major part of our lives, very few people can say that they know how it is done, how the RSA encryption protects their e–mail, or even that 21 squared is 441 without going into tedious mental calculations or reaching for their calculator. Contrary to popular belief, mathematics has a wide range of useful applications. Those who would ask whenever they would need algebra, both linear algebra and calculus is used extensively in computer programming and engineering. The fact is that mathematics is integrated into almost every profession, and more content... There are some issues with this system. For example, imagine that both Person A and Person B want to include a third person in their correspondences, Person C. First they would need to give Person C a key, through some sort of secure system, preferably a face–to–face meeting. But what if Person C lives in Alaska and both Person A and Person B don't have the time, money, or desire to travel to Alaska to give Person C the key, nor does Person C want to travel to Person A or B. This is a key weakness of the symmetric key system. In an asymmetric key system, Person A sends many open locks to Person B, these locks can be put on messages and only Person A has the key to them. Person B does the same thing, now if they wish to include Person C all Person C need to do is send open locks to Person A and Person B. In real life, there are usually two keys, one for encryption and one for decryption, and these keys are in fact, usually numbers which determine how the message is encoded. Now we are going to work off a common example, your credit company. Most public key cryptography will have your encryption key public, anyone can view it, and use it, but only you can decrypt it. So if someone wanted to send you a message, they would take your key, encrypt your message, and leave it in your mailbox, you would then use your decryption key, to decipher the message. The main problem with public key cryptography is that no Get more content on
  • 7. Math Essay General Information on the DBQ The required DBQ differs from the standard essays in its emphasis on your ability to analyze and synthesize historical data and assess verbal, quantitative, or pictorial materials as historical evidence. Like the standard essays, however, the DBQ is judged on its thesis and argument. Although confined to no single format, the documents are unlikely to be the familiar classics (such as the Emancipation Proclamation or the Declaration of Independence), but their authors may be major historical figures. The documents vary in length and are chosen to illustrate the interactions and complexities of the historical process. They may include charts, graphs, cartoons, and pictures, as well as written more content... Students may work as a class or in collaborative groups and follow these five steps: Read the question –– that is, the prompt –– three times. Remember that in this instance "AP" stands for "address prompt." Identify the task. State in your own words what you are being asked to write. Circle or underline the main words, especially words of direction, such as "analyze," "explain," "compare and contrast," "evaluate," and "to what extent." Briefly list the main events of the historical time period addressed. Use the acronym PERSIA to help you categorize the political, economic, religious, social, intellectual, and artistic aspects of the period. This is outside information that may be included in the essay. Read each document, noting the source or the title. Briefly write the main point of each document. If the prompt requires you to take one position or another, group the documents on the basis of those positions. For example, in the 1999 DBQ you are asked to evaluate colonial identity AND unity. Note that documents A, C, E, and G are about unity, whereas documents B, D, F, and H deal with identity. Some documents may be used to support both unity and identity. Use the source or the title when referring to the information in the document. Do NOT use the word "document" in the narrative of your essay. (Writing "Document A says," "Document B says," and so on results in a laundry Get more content on
  • 8. Reflection On Math Lesson What? For my second lesson, I taught a math lesson on multiplying decimals with zeros in the product. I wanted students to be able to show that they could multiply with decimals in the product and I wanted them to be able to explain how they know where to add the decimal point in the answer. This lesson was part of the unit over decimals. Students will learn to add them, subtract, multiply, divide, and then take a test for the unit. I decided to teach this lesson because this is what my teacher had planned for the day and needed me to teach to keep her on track for the test. Honestly, I was excited to teach a math lesson because it was a great refresher for me. Overall, I was very satisfied with the way the lesson went. The students were understanding the instruction I delivered and were giving the answers I had hoped for. The students were on task and engaged for the entire lesson and when they weren't engaged, I could draw or mention sticks and I would get more active participation. Before I asked students to work independently or with a partner, I modeled exactly what they should be doing and how they should do it. This made a huge difference from my first lesson because there was no confusion. When I had one students come up to the board and share their answer, everyone in the class had the same answer. While I was formatively checking their understanding, this told me that the way I was teaching was working because they all understood the problem. I really can not think of anything that did not go as I had planned or that I was not happy with. Although, there was one point where my math was wrong because I was not thinking logically. I need to make sure I slow down while I am teaching to check my own work so I am not teaching the students incorrect information! The only change I would try and make if I taught this lesson again would be to find a way to make it more engaging and less teaching instruction out of the book. I feel that with math this is sometimes challenging, but I think it could be done. Even though I did use multiple means of representation by doing a whole class discussion, partner work, and independent work, I could have found maybe a more "hands–on" activity for the students to Get more content on
  • 9. Math Reflection Paper Reflection Paper Peggy Clayton University of Phoenix MTH/214 Shannon Manke January 18, 2010 Running Head: Reflection Paper Math has been around for quiet a long time. We all see math in a different way some can grasp it and some cannot. Learning math concept is very frustrating some will master it and some want. I have struggle with math myself. In fact, every time the word math was said throughout my school years and I hated it. Now throughout this course, I realize that I need a great amount of math skills before I can even consider teaching math skills. Math is a difficult concept to teach. So how can I teach math, if I do not understand it myself? This is a question I must ask myself and hopefully one day more content... I have been in a lot of class rooms and one of the main things that were told to me is to get involved with your students. So now I am a firm believer that when you get involved with your students they will learn and pick up the concepts faster. With all the hands on activity and learning manipulative this is a great way to teach students math theories. When students are given a pencils and full page of math problems they tense to get bored with math all together. Using manipulative and getting involved will help keep students on track and enjoyed the class more. Students like when teacher are interacted with them, it makes them feel closer to the teacher as well as wanting to participation in class more. The key to teaching is to be more interacted with the students and not just sitting students down with pencils and paper and accepted them to learn. As a future teacher in elementary education learning these math concepts and finding a comfort within me to teach these concepts is very important. I have enjoyed working in a school setting for the pass third five years and have seen many different ways of teaching method as well as seen many different theories come and go. I do relate to the concept and ways of teaching throughout the course. As a teacher she must show the students that she can get involved with them. Students love how different methods are taught to remember certain concepts like riddle and rhymes "example
  • 10. Get more content on
  • 11. Understanding Mathematics Essays Understanding Mathematics This paper is an attempt to explain the structure of the process of understanding mathematical objects such as notions, definitions, theorems, or mathematical theories. Understanding is an indirect process of cognition which consists in grasping the sense of what is to be understood, showing itself in the ability to apply what is understood in other circumstances and situations. Thus understanding should be treated functionally: as acquiring sense. We can distinguish three basic planes on which the process of understanding mathematics takes place. The first is the plane of understanding the meaning of notions and terms existing in mathematical considerations. A mathematician must have the knowledge of what more content... The only statement characterizing this notion is the remark that understanding is connected with effort. The problem of understanding mathematics requires, in my opinion, a short presentation of a more general issue, that is the issue of understanding as such. I will treat understanding as a kind of indirect cognition, determined by the perception of the relations between the objects of various order (y becomes comprehensible for x as a part of the relation xRy, in which y is anobject of a different order intentionally grasped by x). As it can be seen, I neglect here the problem of understanding another human being, although it is usually achieved through understanding the phenomenally accessible human behaviours, i.e. linguistic or extralinguistic creations. It seems that the Polish philosopher Izydora Dąmbska grasped the problem of understanding accurately and concisely, stating that this kind of cognition is characterized by the following factors: 1) it refers to the objects connected with the spiritual reality–signs, psychic and psychophysical creations, logical structures sensu largo etc. 2) it consists in grasping relations which determine the sense of what is to be understood. 3) it enables the reconstruction and the application, in other conditions, of what we understand. The essence of this kind of cognition, which we call understanding, decides about the hypothetical Get more content on
  • 12. Reflection Essay For Math My thoughts in regards to the course up to this point are indifferent. It is math, and math will always be difficult for me, but in regards to the instruction process, I do feel like it could be approached in a different way. I do not feel confident that there is enough focus on processes as there are on practice problems. Every week I think there is going to be a great explanation of something, and every week I'm disappointed. It's just "This week is slopes, here is why we use slopes, now solve it." There isn't a lot of in depth instruction. Or, there is the "What is a real life slope?" I don't need to know that. I need to know the steps that I will need in the future in order to solve for slopes, one step at a time, in numerical more content... A lot of the courses at this institution operate the same way. Perhaps it's me. Perhaps I'm better suited for a different learning style, but I've never had any problem with learning, nor my grades until I started with this institution. I feel that there should be more interaction, content, helpful hints, things to keep, such as diagrams, etc. I feel like I'm paying thousands of dollars to sit around and Google all day, and at the end of Googling answers for a few years, I will get a fancy piece of paper. I could sit at home and Google educational concepts for free. Of the five study strategies from my week one discussion post that I have implemented, 2 and 3 have been the most useful so far. They have kept me going, emotionally. I have done fairly well with not becoming discouraged and giving up completely. I have done well with trying to give it some effort. I am not letting my negative feelings towards math keep me from at least trying. For this, I am proud of myself. The most interesting concept that has been covered so far in my opinion has to be breaking down equations. I just like to break things down. It is an easy lesson, but is so important. It has such significance. The most difficult so far is the current lesson. I honestly have no idea what is going on with the physics thing. I like physics itself, but I think the example in the lesson was poorly presented, thus making it difficult to understand. I am not getting a newly found feel for how much Get more content on
  • 13. Reflection About Math Math is the language of the universe. It is used in every subject and understand it is absolutely imperative. As highschool comes to an end and college is about to start, math is one of those subjects that can be a pain in the butt to remind yourself how to do some topics. This project has helped me understand the type of math I will be exposed to on the placement test and what type of questions to expect. I chose to complete the Maryland placement test as I have some interest to attend. It has also exposed me to the college lifestyle a little and got me insight of application and what courses are required. I have concluded that these tests were a useful tool to measure my math skills on the colgate level. These tests were surprising in some aspects and in others very predictable. For one, I expected them to be much longer and more thorough. I expected their to be open ended questions and less multiple choice. I was surprised by the simplicity of some questions, but on contrasty, other questions were more challenging than what I was anticipating. I was also surprised at the lack of variety in questions. Much of the questions were the same format just with different number. But for the most part, I was not too caught off guard by any of the questions, as I had learned them all in my 4 year years at JCHS. The only things that I must address is reminding myself on some of the older material that I learned in my freshman and junior years here. The test was easier than I expected, although it was not easy. I expected the test to be very complicated and to include difficult questions. Instead, it had simpler questions but were still a challenge. For example, the concept of a problem could be fairly easy, but the numbers are hard to work with or had fractions in them. On this test, calculators were permitted and were a huge help to me. This tells myself that I need to get better at mental math to save time on tests and to not rely on calculators so much. Mental math has always been difficult for me, but mastering it can be greatly beneficial to my math. The test can be taken online or in person, it is really up to the person. I personally would prefer an in person test, as I feel writing the problems out with pencil Get more content on