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Massively Shared
Planned Action
Barry Smith
March 20, 2013
Piracy law
Eric Whitacre’s Virtual Choir
• Eric Whitacre’s Virtual Choir 2.0, over 2,000
participants from 58 countries
• Eric Whitacre’s Virtual Choir 2.0, over 2,000
participants from 58 countries
The meshing of actions of over 2000
people in 58 different countries
• in such a way as to give rise to a common
enduring product to which they all make their
own contributions
• is made possible by law
Eric Whitacre Virtual Choir 3
Thank you for planning to be part of Eric Whitacre's Virtual Choir 3, Water Night, recorded via Any recording you upload through this site (your Performance) is
subject to these Terms and Conditions (Terms) so please read them carefully. By recording and uploading your video (your Performance) you are stating that you have read,
understood and agree to be bound by the Terms below. Your agreement is with the Producers, Music Productions Ltd (c/o Pinewood Studios, Pinewood Road, Iver Heath, Bucks SL0
0NH UK) on behalf of Eric Whitacre Inc., in respect of Virtual Choir 3 (the Recording).
You confirm that you have made and submitted video footage of your audio visual performance of the composition, Water Night by Eric Whitacre. You hereby give all requisite
consents under the Copyright Designs and Patents Act of 1988 (or any re-enactments or amendments thereof) to enable the Producers to edit your Performance together with audio
visual material made by third parties to create a new composite Recording as part of the Virtual Choir series.
The Producers hereby confirm that your Performance will not be used in any other way, except as part of the Virtual Choir Recording, without prior consent.
You are responsible for maintaining your equipment and services required to access the recording and upload process for Virtual Choir 3. The data collected about you through sign-in
as part of this process will not be shared with any third party for any purpose at all. You agree that any information provided is accurate, current and true, and that you will not
impersonate any other person.
As part of this process you agree not to violate any local or international laws, nor transmit any inappropriate, libellous, obscene or non-Virtual Choir related material. In consideration
of the Producers agreeing to edit and create the Recording, incorporating your Recording at their sole expense which you acknowledge is a good and valuable consideration, you
confirm that the Producers shall be entitled in perpetuity throughout the world and without payment or liability to you, to alter and exploit the Recording in any manner and in all
media worldwide. This Recording will be seen on the world wide web, in media coverage of all types (broadcast and other), and as part of installations in visitor centres, galleries and at
other public events.
The performer copyright in your Performance remains yours and is not owned by the Producers. The Producers retain the right to remove or refuse any submissions as deemed
necessary, with copyright law or other international laws in mind.
The Producers retain the right to change these Terms if necessary, and these will be posted on the Virtual Choir webpage on as necessary. If you object to these
changes you will need to contact Music Productions Ltd. Continued use of the site indicates your acknowledgement of such changes and agreement to be bound by the terms and
You are solely responsible for the security of your password and the confidentiality of the account through which you logged in to the Recording process for Virtual Choir 3.
You expressly agree that uploading a Recording is at your sole risk. You agree that your audio and video files will be stored at a destination secured by the Producers, pending and
following editing and publication. The Producers are not responsible to you for the loss of any data or any unavailability caused by the Producers or any third party.
By agreeing to these terms and conditions, you understand that to the extent permitted under applicable law, under no circumstances will any of the officers, directors, employees,
agents or licensors be liable under any theory of liability for any incidental, indirect or exemplary damages of any known type without limitation. You agree to indemnify and defend
these officers, directors, employees and consultants from any claims, liabilities, damages, losses, costs, expenses or fees arising from your (or anyone using your account's) violation of
these Terms.
The content you upload, your Recording, is protected by international copyright laws without limitation. These Terms and the relationship between you and the Producers are
governed by British law. These Terms remain in full force and effect in perpetuity.
You warrant that you are entitled to give the above consents, are 14 or more years of age, and thereby agree to grant the rights herein.
To participate in a choral performance
with Eric Whitacre you need:
• Score
• Performance instructions
• Recording instructions
• Contact form (filled out)
• Choral survey (filled out)
• Video or audio files recording 2-3 selections from
within the last calendar year uploaded through
YouSendIt dropbox or by email to
By uploading video or audio files you agree to
… give all requisite consents under the Copyright Designs and
Patents Act of 1988 (or any re-enactments or amendments
thereof) to enable the Producers to edit your Performance
together with audio visual material made by third parties to
create a new composite Recording as part of the Virtual Choir
… The performer copyright in your Performance remains yours
and is not owned by the Producers. The Producers retain the
right to remove or refuse any submissions as deemed necessary,
with copyright law or other international laws in mind.
… The content you upload, your Recording, is protected by
international copyright laws without limitation. These Terms
and the relationship between you and the Producers are
governed by British law. These Terms remain in full force and
effect in perpetuity.
• Documents such as these create an
intermeshing of obligations between the
participants involved in massively shared agency
• Create an expectation of the existence of such
intermeshed obligations (somethings in
• Justifying investment of ever more significant
resources in the creation of ever more elaborate
The meshing of actions of large
numbers of people in musical
• is made possible not only by legal documents
of the more familiar sort
The actions of the players in an
orchestral performance
• are intermeshed through the sets of
intermeshed documents we call orchestral
• scores are sets of instructions for playing
• scores generate intermeshed obligations to
play in a certain way
Scores bring it about that specific obligation series are
distributed across large groups
score with
18Hector Berlioz, Le corsaire, Overture, H 101
players actions are coordinated and steered
through time through intermeshed documents
scores and subscores
plans and subplans
sets of instructions, which also allow training
Modularity of score reflects modularity of
Massive shared agency presupposes modularity
How to do things with documents
• An orchestral musical work (as
something that can be rehearsed,
performed and re-performed)
–could not exist without a score
–could not be rehearsed without scores and
–could not be performed without (either)
scores or rehearsal
How to do things with scores
1. the author authors the score, thereby creates a possibility
of performance, and thereby creates the work
2. conductor and orchestra use the score to form a plan
(including subplans) and commit themselves to its
3. they use the score as a set of instructions to rehearse the
execution of their plan (develop score-coordinated
expertise through drill)
4. they schedule a concert, thereby making a commitment to
a prospective audience to perform that work
5. they perform the work
• systems of intermeshed obligations
• systems of intermeshed plans
• systems of intermeshed instructions
• conception of ever more complex intermeshed
plans through reliance on shared commitments
and on development of intermeshed expertise
• excution of these plans through shared agency
musical scores are inert, unless their users
have the sort of expertise needed to
interpret them
Modular coordination of action presupposes
drilling of the members of each module in the
requisite kinds of skill
documents hold together the executions
of horizontally and vertically meshed
through drill
training in how to execute diagrams
The role of shared practice
This sort of coordinated activity is impossible
without shared expertise, developed
– through training and individual practice
– through practice and rehearsal in small group,
– reusable, recombinable expertise modules
Searle: Directions of fit
• world-to-mind: a plan is formulated to
change the world (to make it conform to
the mind of the planner …)
• mind-to-world: an assertion is about
something in the world
• automatic mind-to-world-and-world-to-
mind: I say “I promise to pay you $100
dollars” and thereby make it true that I
promise to pay you $100 dollars
what begins as a plan,
ends as a record
Directions of fit
• world-to-score: the score tells the world how
to shape itself to create a performance that is
in conformance with the score
• score-to-world: the score, when the
performance is completed, serves as a record
of the performance
• automatic score-to-world-and-world-to-
score: Berlioz completes the score and
thereby brings into being a work that is
precisely in conformance to the score
what begins as a plan,
ends as a record
what makes the record
true is:
the journey you took
what begins as a
ends as a record
• of process
• of product
Plans will be modified along the way
physical changes to the
building to meet
building codes
changes in
changes in allowed
physical processes
changes in administrative
(approval) processes
Plans will involve subplans
Documents enable complex processes extending
over ever larger regions of space and time
codes include subcodes include sub-sub-codes …;jsessionid=A42A2A8
architects, public health officials, and social workers -
spontaneous order vs. planning
biology military operation
market concert performance
language election
document templates
• As Alfred Whitehead has said in another
connection, "It is a profoundly erroneous
truism, repeated by all copy-books and by
eminent people when they are making
speeches, that we should cultivate the habit
of thinking what we are doing. The precise
opposite is the case. Civilization advances by
extending the number of important
operations which we can perform without
thinking about them."
price system
• We must look at the price system as such a mechanism for communicating
information if we want to understand its real function—a function which, of
course, it fulfils less perfectly as prices grow more rigid. (Even when quoted prices
have become quite rigid, however, the forces which would operate through
changes in price still operate to a considerable extent through changes in the other
terms of the contract.) The most significant fact about this system is the economy
of knowledge with which it operates, or how little the individual participants need
to know in order to be able to take the right action. In abbreviated form, by a kind
of symbol, only the most essential information is passed on and passed on only to
those concerned. It is more than a metaphor to describe the price system as a kind
of machinery for registering change, or a system of telecommunications which
enables individual producers to watch merely the movement of a few pointers, as
an engineer might watch the hands of a few dials, in order to adjust their activities
to changes of which they may never know more than is reflected in the price
• Hayek: The Uses of Knowledge in Society
• Wales cites Austrian School economist Friedrich Hayek's essay "The Use of
Knowledge in Society", which he read as an undergraduate,[16] as "central" to his
thinking about "how to manage the Wikipedia project".[11] Hayek argued
that information is decentralized – that each individual only knows a small fraction
of what is known collectively – and that as a result, decisions are best made by
those with local knowledge rather than by a central authority.[11] Wales
reconsidered Hayek's essay in the 1990s, while reading about the open source
movement (which advocated that software be free and distributed). He was
moved in particular by "The Cathedral and the Bazaar", an essay and later book by
one of the founders of the movement, Eric S. Raymond, which "opened [his] eyes
to the possibilities of mass collaboration."[16] From his background in finance and
working as a futures and options trader, Wales developed an interest in game
theory and the effect of incentives on human collaborative activity, a fascination to
which he credits enabling much of his effort with Wikipedia.[84] He has rejected the
notion that his role in promoting Wikipedia is altruistic, which he defines as
"sacrificing your own values for others", stating "[t]hat participating in a
benevolent effort to share information is somehow destroying your own values
makes no sense to me".[54]
Wikipedia cheats
• Climategate: the corruption of Wikipedia
• By James Delingpole Politics Last updated:
December 22nd, 2009
Book of Common Prayer
• Textual deference
• a massive change –moving to drive on right
• abolishing units of measure
• a massive meta-change – introducing a new
• Amish barn raising
Underground railroad documents
Driving on the right
East Germany
Pounds shillings
Moon launches
Internet-scale activities on the internet
• MMOGs = massively multiplayer online games
capable of supporting hundreds or thousands of
players simultaneously.
– real financial markets for virtual game items
– real careers for traders of virtual game items
– real courts passing judgments on crimes involving
theft of virtual game items
• MMWGs agent-based wargame simulations to
support joint military training
Employment Opportunity
• Senior Semantic Cloud Scientist
Skills: Applying semantic technologies
(ontologies) for analysis of internet-scale
data. Developing enterprise solutions for
incredibly large, incredibly heterogeneous
Internet-scale activities on other
computational platforms
• Credit-card payment systems
• Massive on-line choral performances
• International currency markets
• Airline traffic-management systems
• Military communications systems (for satellites,
drones, sensors …)
All of these internet-scale activities
generate and sustain larger phenomena,
which include more than just processes
inside computer networks
• Games played by people
• Journeys made by people
• Wars fought by people
• Political, legal, artistic, financial activities
performed by people
… 59
The ontology of all of these things
• What is the World Cup?
• What is the Dow Jones Industrial Average?
• What is the Constitution of the United States?
• What is Beethoven’s 9th Symphony?
• What is a credit card number?
Kant did not have answers to questions such as this
Das Kapital
[T]he cooperation of the wage-laborers is entirely brought
about by the capital that employs them. Their unification
into one single productive body, and the establishment of a
connection between their individual functions, lies outside
their competence. These things are not their own act, but
the act of the capital that brings them together and
maintains them in that situation. Hence the interconnection
between their various labors confronts them, in the realm of
ideas, as a plan drawn up by the capitalist, and, in practice,
as his authority, as the powerful will of a being outside them,
who subjects their activity to his purpose. (Das Kapital)
Das Kapital
• Die Kooperation der Lohnarbeiter ist ferner
bloße Wirkung des Kapitals, ... ihre Einheit als
produktiver Gesamtkörper liegen außer ihnen,
im Kapital, das sie zusammenbringt und
zusammenhält. Der Zusammenhang ihrer
Arbeiten tritt ihnen daher ideell als Plan,
praktisch als Autorität des Kapitalisten
gegenüber … (Buch 1, S. 540)
The ontology of all of these things
• What is capital?
• What is a plan?
• What is authority?
• What is the internet?
• What is a stockmarket crash?
and especially of planned activities:
• What is a symphony concert?
• What is a military operation?
Scott J. Shapiro, “Massively Shared Agency”, 2013
*Bratman, Searle …+ ‘are unable to account for
the existence of massively shared agency.
they ‘have largely concentrated on analyzing
shared activities among highly committed
participants. The working assumption has been
that those who sing duets or paint houses
together are all committed to the success of the
Searle’s two books on social ontology
The Construction of Social Reality (1997)
Making the Social World (2012)
• Sam is a member of the Board (roughly)
because: people in the relevant context believe
that Sam is a member of the Board
• This does not work e.g. for ‘Kashmir is part of
The Searle Thesis
Through the performance of speech acts (of promising,
marrying, accusing, appointing) we bring into being
₋ claims,
₋ obligations,
₋ relations of authority,
₋ relations of membership,
= the entities making up the ontology of the social world.
How do such entities endure through
• in the local case: through memories, fears,
desires (e.g. your desire to preserve your good
• But what about the global case (where there
is no face-to-face contact)?
Hernando de Soto
Institute for Liberty and Democracy, Lima, Peru
Bill Clinton:
“The most promising anti-poverty initiative in the world”
The de Soto thesis:
documents and document
systems are mechanisms for
creating the institutional orders
of modern societies
The Mystery of Capital: Why Capitalism Triumphs in the West and
Fails Everywhere Else,
New York: Basic Books, 2000
Documents shape society
• Tanzanians are producing valid testaments accepted
and enforced on the basis of local community
• They have found a way to express their individual will
in such a way that it can becomes effective even when
they no longer exist.
• Documents enable them to go beyond the mere
physical control of their assets in the here-and-now.
They are inventing an abstract order which allows
them to transcend time.
Extralegal will filled out
“in the name of the
Republic of Tanzania”
With the invention of documented
claims and obligations
• a new dimension of socio-economic reality
comes into existence:
bank accounts, stocks, shares, bonds,
mortgages, credit cards
• these form enduring social networks –
document systems – of entirely new types
• debts become information entities analogous
to computer software artifacts
How to do things with diagrams
From speech acts to document acts
Documents can be copied, modified, stored …
Documents can be aggregated (meshed
Documents can be algorithmically executable
(Turbotax …)
Diagram-vehiculated question series
Urban Planning Consent Forms
D-Day Landings
Documents made possible
(massively shared agency of)
organized warfare
The Shang Dynasty, 1600-1050 BC
The invention of writing had a profound effect
on Shang government and its ability to rule. It
increased the government’s ability to organize
on a large scale, whether it be to oversee a
hierarchical administration; rule the state’s many
territories; organize the mining of large
quantities of ore for bronzework; wage large
military campaigns; construct city walls and
palaces; or build elaborate tombs for
Genghis Khan
The Mongols established a system of postal-
relay horse stations, similar to the system
employed in ancient Persia for fast transfer of
written messages … Prior to the invasion of
Europe … sent spies for almost ten years into
the heart of Europe, making maps of the old
Roman roads, …
Today: Intermeshed documents make possible
more complex processes extending over ever
larger regions of social, legal, financial reality
Example: The securitization of a mortgage
Standard theories of collective
Searle, Tuomela, Gilbert, Bratman deal with
simple local interaction of cooperative agents
communicating by speech
“Would you like to dance?”
“Let’s lift this table”
“Shall we cook dinner together?”
“Waiter, bring me a beer!”
Shapiro: To adapt standard theory of
collective agency to deal with massively
shared actions we need to add authority
Authorities are … “meshcreating” mechanisms.
When disputes between participants break out
with respect to the proper way to proceed,
authorities can create a mesh between the
subplans of the participants by demanding that
both sides accept a certain solution.
Basic for Shapiro’s theory of the nature of law
Hierarchy of courts
Massive shared agency presupposes modularity
Royal Netherlands Army
What holds such horizontally and
vertically meshed hierarchies together?
(Partial) answer: systems of documents
establish vertical authority relations
create obligations
establish horizontal coordination
allow planning of coordinated actions
unfolding in time
Expanding Bratman’s theory
through the idea of diagrammatically nested
• plans
• authorities
• intentions
• obligations
• expertise
• modules
Searle: one-off, one-person obligations
• I request that you bring me a beer.
• By signing this IOU note I commit myself
to paying you $1000 next Tuesday
Group obligations
Army uses Big Diagrams
US military operations center in Afghanistan
and elaborately nested subdiagrams
US military operations center in Afghanistan
Warfighters’ Information Sharing Environment
LogisticsAir Operations
military plan (map overlay)
Military Symbology
Sample of Military Standard 2525 Military Symbology
Symbols for Military Organizations
Depict functions/capabilities
Depict Roles: Friend, Adversary,
Military Symbology
Sample of Military Standard 2525 Military Symbology
Military Symbology
Sample of Military Standard 2525 Military Symbology
Military Symbology
Sample of Military Standard 2525 Military Symbology
Buildings, Structures, Vehicles,
Formations, Geographic Areas, and
People can all be in a Target_Role for a
period of time
These symbols designate Targets on a
A Target_Role is created by way of the
targeting process
A Role is a Temporal Property of some
Military Symbology
Sample of Military Standard 2525 Military Symbology
Military Symbology
Sample of Military Standard 2525 Military Symbology
Map Overlays
frgament of D-Day invasion plan
Military doctrine
Creates training modules to create expertise
modules and operational modules to be turned
into operational plans and nested subplans
Reading and following orders in coordinated
fashion becomes mechanical
Ontology(ies) that enables interoperability among members of an Operations Center
and other warfighters.
Words, words, words
diagrams, diagrams, diagrams
Ontological methods are used in the process of
A Task-Organization is the Output (Product) of
Task Organizing
A Task-Organization is a Plan or part of a Plan
A Plan is an Information Content Entity
Task-Organizing — The act of designing an operating
force, support staff, or logistic package of specific size
and composition to meet a unique task or mission.
Characteristics to examine when task-organizing the
force include, but are not limited to: training,
experience, equipage, sustainability, operating
environment, enemy threat, and mobility. (JP 3-05)
drill, drill, drill
Source: FM 3-0 Operations
Military Ontologies help planners and operators “see” and
understand the relations between Entities and Events in the
area of operations.
Military Ontologies are prerequisites of military innovations
such as Airborne Operations, Combined Fires and Joint
Military Ontologies are prerequisites for the creation of effective
information systems.
Operational Design — The conception and construction of the
framework that underpins a campaign or major operation plan
and its subsequent execution. See also campaign; major
operation. (JP 3-0)
Human beings know how to coordinate massively shared agency
LogisticsAir Operations

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Massively Shared Planned Action

  • 1. Massively Shared Planned Action Barry Smith March 20, 2013 1
  • 4. • Eric Whitacre’s Virtual Choir 2.0, over 2,000 participants from 58 countries 4
  • 5. • Eric Whitacre’s Virtual Choir 2.0, over 2,000 participants from 58 countries 5
  • 6. The meshing of actions of over 2000 people in 58 different countries • in such a way as to give rise to a common enduring product to which they all make their own contributions • is made possible by law 6
  • 7. Eric Whitacre Virtual Choir 3 TERMS & CONDITIONS Thank you for planning to be part of Eric Whitacre's Virtual Choir 3, Water Night, recorded via Any recording you upload through this site (your Performance) is subject to these Terms and Conditions (Terms) so please read them carefully. By recording and uploading your video (your Performance) you are stating that you have read, understood and agree to be bound by the Terms below. Your agreement is with the Producers, Music Productions Ltd (c/o Pinewood Studios, Pinewood Road, Iver Heath, Bucks SL0 0NH UK) on behalf of Eric Whitacre Inc., in respect of Virtual Choir 3 (the Recording). You confirm that you have made and submitted video footage of your audio visual performance of the composition, Water Night by Eric Whitacre. You hereby give all requisite consents under the Copyright Designs and Patents Act of 1988 (or any re-enactments or amendments thereof) to enable the Producers to edit your Performance together with audio visual material made by third parties to create a new composite Recording as part of the Virtual Choir series. The Producers hereby confirm that your Performance will not be used in any other way, except as part of the Virtual Choir Recording, without prior consent. You are responsible for maintaining your equipment and services required to access the recording and upload process for Virtual Choir 3. The data collected about you through sign-in as part of this process will not be shared with any third party for any purpose at all. You agree that any information provided is accurate, current and true, and that you will not impersonate any other person. As part of this process you agree not to violate any local or international laws, nor transmit any inappropriate, libellous, obscene or non-Virtual Choir related material. In consideration of the Producers agreeing to edit and create the Recording, incorporating your Recording at their sole expense which you acknowledge is a good and valuable consideration, you confirm that the Producers shall be entitled in perpetuity throughout the world and without payment or liability to you, to alter and exploit the Recording in any manner and in all media worldwide. This Recording will be seen on the world wide web, in media coverage of all types (broadcast and other), and as part of installations in visitor centres, galleries and at other public events. The performer copyright in your Performance remains yours and is not owned by the Producers. The Producers retain the right to remove or refuse any submissions as deemed necessary, with copyright law or other international laws in mind. The Producers retain the right to change these Terms if necessary, and these will be posted on the Virtual Choir webpage on as necessary. If you object to these changes you will need to contact Music Productions Ltd. Continued use of the site indicates your acknowledgement of such changes and agreement to be bound by the terms and conditions. You are solely responsible for the security of your password and the confidentiality of the account through which you logged in to the Recording process for Virtual Choir 3. You expressly agree that uploading a Recording is at your sole risk. You agree that your audio and video files will be stored at a destination secured by the Producers, pending and following editing and publication. The Producers are not responsible to you for the loss of any data or any unavailability caused by the Producers or any third party. By agreeing to these terms and conditions, you understand that to the extent permitted under applicable law, under no circumstances will any of the officers, directors, employees, agents or licensors be liable under any theory of liability for any incidental, indirect or exemplary damages of any known type without limitation. You agree to indemnify and defend these officers, directors, employees and consultants from any claims, liabilities, damages, losses, costs, expenses or fees arising from your (or anyone using your account's) violation of these Terms. The content you upload, your Recording, is protected by international copyright laws without limitation. These Terms and the relationship between you and the Producers are governed by British law. These Terms remain in full force and effect in perpetuity. You warrant that you are entitled to give the above consents, are 14 or more years of age, and thereby agree to grant the rights herein. 7
  • 8. To participate in a choral performance with Eric Whitacre you need: • Score • Performance instructions • Recording instructions • Contact form (filled out) • Choral survey (filled out) • Video or audio files recording 2-3 selections from within the last calendar year uploaded through YouSendIt dropbox or by email to By uploading video or audio files you agree to 8
  • 9. … give all requisite consents under the Copyright Designs and Patents Act of 1988 (or any re-enactments or amendments thereof) to enable the Producers to edit your Performance together with audio visual material made by third parties to create a new composite Recording as part of the Virtual Choir series. … The performer copyright in your Performance remains yours and is not owned by the Producers. The Producers retain the right to remove or refuse any submissions as deemed necessary, with copyright law or other international laws in mind. … The content you upload, your Recording, is protected by international copyright laws without limitation. These Terms and the relationship between you and the Producers are governed by British law. These Terms remain in full force and effect in perpetuity. 9
  • 10. 10
  • 11. 11
  • 12. 12 • Documents such as these create an intermeshing of obligations between the participants involved in massively shared agency • Create an expectation of the existence of such intermeshed obligations (somethings in perpetuity) • Justifying investment of ever more significant resources in the creation of ever more elaborate plans
  • 13. The meshing of actions of large numbers of people in musical performances • is made possible not only by legal documents of the more familiar sort 13
  • 14. 14
  • 15. The actions of the players in an orchestral performance • are intermeshed through the sets of intermeshed documents we call orchestral scores • scores are sets of instructions for playing • scores generate intermeshed obligations to play in a certain way 15
  • 16. Scores bring it about that specific obligation series are distributed across large groups 16
  • 18. 18Hector Berlioz, Le corsaire, Overture, H 101
  • 19. players actions are coordinated and steered through time through intermeshed documents 19
  • 20. scores and subscores plans and subplans sets of instructions, which also allow training 20
  • 21. 21 Modularity of score reflects modularity of orchestra
  • 22. 22 Massive shared agency presupposes modularity
  • 23. How to do things with documents • An orchestral musical work (as something that can be rehearsed, performed and re-performed) –could not exist without a score –could not be rehearsed without scores and subscores –could not be performed without (either) scores or rehearsal 24
  • 24. How to do things with scores 1. the author authors the score, thereby creates a possibility of performance, and thereby creates the work 2. conductor and orchestra use the score to form a plan (including subplans) and commit themselves to its execution 3. they use the score as a set of instructions to rehearse the execution of their plan (develop score-coordinated expertise through drill) 4. they schedule a concert, thereby making a commitment to a prospective audience to perform that work 5. they perform the work 25
  • 25. Laws • systems of intermeshed obligations • systems of intermeshed plans • systems of intermeshed instructions allow • conception of ever more complex intermeshed plans through reliance on shared commitments and on development of intermeshed expertise • excution of these plans through shared agency 26
  • 26. musical scores are inert, unless their users have the sort of expertise needed to interpret them Modular coordination of action presupposes drilling of the members of each module in the requisite kinds of skill 30
  • 27. documents hold together the executions of horizontally and vertically meshed subplans through drill 31
  • 28. training in how to execute diagrams 32
  • 29. The role of shared practice This sort of coordinated activity is impossible without shared expertise, developed – through training and individual practice – through practice and rehearsal in small group, yielding – reusable, recombinable expertise modules 33
  • 30. Searle: Directions of fit • world-to-mind: a plan is formulated to change the world (to make it conform to the mind of the planner …) • mind-to-world: an assertion is about something in the world • automatic mind-to-world-and-world-to- mind: I say “I promise to pay you $100 dollars” and thereby make it true that I promise to pay you $100 dollars 34
  • 31. 35 what begins as a plan, ends as a record
  • 32. Directions of fit • world-to-score: the score tells the world how to shape itself to create a performance that is in conformance with the score • score-to-world: the score, when the performance is completed, serves as a record of the performance • automatic score-to-world-and-world-to- score: Berlioz completes the score and thereby brings into being a work that is precisely in conformance to the score 37
  • 33. 39 what begins as a plan, ends as a record what makes the record true is: the journey you took
  • 34. Blueprint what begins as a plan ends as a record • of process • of product 40
  • 35. Plans will be modified along the way physical changes to the building to meet building codes changes in materials/suppliers changes in allowed physical processes changes in administrative (approval) processes 42
  • 37. 44 Documents enable complex processes extending over ever larger regions of space and time
  • 38. 45 codes include subcodes include sub-sub-codes …
  • 40. spontaneous order vs. planning biology 47 biology military operation market concert performance language election
  • 41. document templates • As Alfred Whitehead has said in another connection, "It is a profoundly erroneous truism, repeated by all copy-books and by eminent people when they are making speeches, that we should cultivate the habit of thinking what we are doing. The precise opposite is the case. Civilization advances by extending the number of important operations which we can perform without thinking about them." 48
  • 42. price system • We must look at the price system as such a mechanism for communicating information if we want to understand its real function—a function which, of course, it fulfils less perfectly as prices grow more rigid. (Even when quoted prices have become quite rigid, however, the forces which would operate through changes in price still operate to a considerable extent through changes in the other terms of the contract.) The most significant fact about this system is the economy of knowledge with which it operates, or how little the individual participants need to know in order to be able to take the right action. In abbreviated form, by a kind of symbol, only the most essential information is passed on and passed on only to those concerned. It is more than a metaphor to describe the price system as a kind of machinery for registering change, or a system of telecommunications which enables individual producers to watch merely the movement of a few pointers, as an engineer might watch the hands of a few dials, in order to adjust their activities to changes of which they may never know more than is reflected in the price movement. • Hayek: The Uses of Knowledge in Society 49
  • 43. Wikipedia • Wales cites Austrian School economist Friedrich Hayek's essay "The Use of Knowledge in Society", which he read as an undergraduate,[16] as "central" to his thinking about "how to manage the Wikipedia project".[11] Hayek argued that information is decentralized – that each individual only knows a small fraction of what is known collectively – and that as a result, decisions are best made by those with local knowledge rather than by a central authority.[11] Wales reconsidered Hayek's essay in the 1990s, while reading about the open source movement (which advocated that software be free and distributed). He was moved in particular by "The Cathedral and the Bazaar", an essay and later book by one of the founders of the movement, Eric S. Raymond, which "opened [his] eyes to the possibilities of mass collaboration."[16] From his background in finance and working as a futures and options trader, Wales developed an interest in game theory and the effect of incentives on human collaborative activity, a fascination to which he credits enabling much of his effort with Wikipedia.[84] He has rejected the notion that his role in promoting Wikipedia is altruistic, which he defines as "sacrificing your own values for others", stating "[t]hat participating in a benevolent effort to share information is somehow destroying your own values makes no sense to me".[54] 50
  • 44. Wikipedia cheats • Climategate: the corruption of Wikipedia • By James Delingpole Politics Last updated: December 22nd, 2009 51
  • 46. Book of Common Prayer • Textual deference 53
  • 47. • a massive change –moving to drive on right • abolishing units of measure • a massive meta-change – introducing a new currency 54
  • 48. • Amish barn raising Underground railroad documents Gangs) Driving on the right East Germany Pounds shillings Moon launches 55
  • 49. Internet-scale activities on the internet 56 • MMOGs = massively multiplayer online games capable of supporting hundreds or thousands of players simultaneously. – real financial markets for virtual game items – real careers for traders of virtual game items – real courts passing judgments on crimes involving theft of virtual game items • MMWGs agent-based wargame simulations to support joint military training
  • 50. Employment Opportunity • Senior Semantic Cloud Scientist Skills: Applying semantic technologies (ontologies) for analysis of internet-scale data. Developing enterprise solutions for incredibly large, incredibly heterogeneous federations. 57
  • 51. Internet-scale activities on other computational platforms 58 • Credit-card payment systems • Massive on-line choral performances • International currency markets • Airline traffic-management systems • Military communications systems (for satellites, drones, sensors …)
  • 52. All of these internet-scale activities generate and sustain larger phenomena, which include more than just processes inside computer networks • Games played by people • Journeys made by people • Wars fought by people • Political, legal, artistic, financial activities performed by people … 59
  • 53. The ontology of all of these things • What is the World Cup? • What is the Dow Jones Industrial Average? • What is the Constitution of the United States? • What is Beethoven’s 9th Symphony? • What is a credit card number? Kant did not have answers to questions such as this 60
  • 54. Das Kapital [T]he cooperation of the wage-laborers is entirely brought about by the capital that employs them. Their unification into one single productive body, and the establishment of a connection between their individual functions, lies outside their competence. These things are not their own act, but the act of the capital that brings them together and maintains them in that situation. Hence the interconnection between their various labors confronts them, in the realm of ideas, as a plan drawn up by the capitalist, and, in practice, as his authority, as the powerful will of a being outside them, who subjects their activity to his purpose. (Das Kapital) 61
  • 55. Das Kapital • Die Kooperation der Lohnarbeiter ist ferner bloße Wirkung des Kapitals, ... ihre Einheit als produktiver Gesamtkörper liegen außer ihnen, im Kapital, das sie zusammenbringt und zusammenhält. Der Zusammenhang ihrer Arbeiten tritt ihnen daher ideell als Plan, praktisch als Autorität des Kapitalisten gegenüber … (Buch 1, S. 540) 62
  • 56. The ontology of all of these things • What is capital? • What is a plan? • What is authority? • What is the internet? • What is a stockmarket crash? and especially of planned activities: • What is a symphony concert? • What is a military operation? 63
  • 57. Scott J. Shapiro, “Massively Shared Agency”, 2013 *Bratman, Searle …+ ‘are unable to account for the existence of massively shared agency. they ‘have largely concentrated on analyzing shared activities among highly committed participants. The working assumption has been that those who sing duets or paint houses together are all committed to the success of the activity.’ 64
  • 58. Searle’s two books on social ontology The Construction of Social Reality (1997) Making the Social World (2012) • Sam is a member of the Board (roughly) because: people in the relevant context believe that Sam is a member of the Board • This does not work e.g. for ‘Kashmir is part of India’ 66
  • 59. The Searle Thesis Through the performance of speech acts (of promising, marrying, accusing, appointing) we bring into being ₋ claims, ₋ obligations, ₋ relations of authority, ₋ relations of membership, … = the entities making up the ontology of the social world. 67
  • 60. How do such entities endure through time? • in the local case: through memories, fears, desires (e.g. your desire to preserve your good name) • But what about the global case (where there is no face-to-face contact)? 68
  • 61. Hernando de Soto Institute for Liberty and Democracy, Lima, Peru Bill Clinton: “The most promising anti-poverty initiative in the world” 69
  • 62. The de Soto thesis: documents and document systems are mechanisms for creating the institutional orders of modern societies The Mystery of Capital: Why Capitalism Triumphs in the West and Fails Everywhere Else, New York: Basic Books, 2000 70
  • 63. Documents shape society • Tanzanians are producing valid testaments accepted and enforced on the basis of local community consensus. • They have found a way to express their individual will in such a way that it can becomes effective even when they no longer exist. • Documents enable them to go beyond the mere physical control of their assets in the here-and-now. They are inventing an abstract order which allows them to transcend time. 71
  • 64. Extralegal will filled out “in the name of the Republic of Tanzania” testament 72
  • 65. With the invention of documented claims and obligations • a new dimension of socio-economic reality comes into existence: bank accounts, stocks, shares, bonds, mortgages, credit cards • these form enduring social networks – document systems – of entirely new types • debts become information entities analogous to computer software artifacts 73
  • 66. How to do things with diagrams 78
  • 67. From speech acts to document acts Documents can be copied, modified, stored … Documents can be aggregated (meshed together) Documents can be algorithmically executable (Turbotax …) 79
  • 71. 83
  • 72. 84
  • 74. Documents made possible (massively shared agency of) organized warfare 86
  • 75. The Shang Dynasty, 1600-1050 BC The invention of writing had a profound effect on Shang government and its ability to rule. It increased the government’s ability to organize on a large scale, whether it be to oversee a hierarchical administration; rule the state’s many territories; organize the mining of large quantities of ore for bronzework; wage large military campaigns; construct city walls and palaces; or build elaborate tombs for themselves. 87
  • 76. Genghis Khan The Mongols established a system of postal- relay horse stations, similar to the system employed in ancient Persia for fast transfer of written messages … Prior to the invasion of Europe … sent spies for almost ten years into the heart of Europe, making maps of the old Roman roads, … 88
  • 77. Today: Intermeshed documents make possible more complex processes extending over ever larger regions of social, legal, financial reality Example: The securitization of a mortgage 89
  • 78. Standard theories of collective action 91 Searle, Tuomela, Gilbert, Bratman deal with simple local interaction of cooperative agents communicating by speech “Would you like to dance?” “Let’s lift this table” “Shall we cook dinner together?” “Waiter, bring me a beer!” …
  • 79. Shapiro: To adapt standard theory of collective agency to deal with massively shared actions we need to add authority Authorities are … “meshcreating” mechanisms. When disputes between participants break out with respect to the proper way to proceed, authorities can create a mesh between the subplans of the participants by demanding that both sides accept a certain solution. Basic for Shapiro’s theory of the nature of law 94
  • 81. 96
  • 82. 97
  • 83. 98
  • 84. Massive shared agency presupposes modularity 101
  • 86. 103 What holds such horizontally and vertically meshed hierarchies together? (Partial) answer: systems of documents establish vertical authority relations create obligations establish horizontal coordination allow planning of coordinated actions unfolding in time …
  • 87. Expanding Bratman’s theory through the idea of diagrammatically nested • plans • authorities • intentions • obligations • expertise • modules
  • 88. 109 Searle: one-off, one-person obligations • I request that you bring me a beer. • By signing this IOU note I commit myself to paying you $1000 next Tuesday
  • 90. Army uses Big Diagrams 115
  • 91. 116 US military operations center in Afghanistan and elaborately nested subdiagrams
  • 92. 117 US military operations center in Afghanistan e-diagrams
  • 93. 118 Warfighters’ Information Sharing Environment Fire Support LogisticsAir Operations Intelligence Civil-Military Operations Targeting Maneuver & Blue Force Tracking
  • 94. military plan (map overlay)
  • 95. Military Symbology Sample of Military Standard 2525 Military Symbology Symbols for Military Organizations Depict functions/capabilities Depict Roles: Friend, Adversary, Neutral
  • 96. Military Symbology Sample of Military Standard 2525 Military Symbology
  • 97. Military Symbology Sample of Military Standard 2525 Military Symbology
  • 98. Military Symbology Sample of Military Standard 2525 Military Symbology Buildings, Structures, Vehicles, Formations, Geographic Areas, and People can all be in a Target_Role for a period of time These symbols designate Targets on a map A Target_Role is created by way of the targeting process A Role is a Temporal Property of some entity
  • 99. Military Symbology Sample of Military Standard 2525 Military Symbology
  • 100. Military Symbology Sample of Military Standard 2525 Military Symbology
  • 102. frgament of D-Day invasion plan
  • 103. Military doctrine 128 Creates training modules to create expertise modules and operational modules to be turned into operational plans and nested subplans Reading and following orders in coordinated fashion becomes mechanical
  • 104. 129 Ontology(ies) that enables interoperability among members of an Operations Center and other warfighters.
  • 106. diagrams, diagrams, diagrams Ontological methods are used in the process of Task-Organizing A Task-Organization is the Output (Product) of Task Organizing A Task-Organization is a Plan or part of a Plan A Plan is an Information Content Entity Task-Organizing — The act of designing an operating force, support staff, or logistic package of specific size and composition to meet a unique task or mission. Characteristics to examine when task-organizing the force include, but are not limited to: training, experience, equipage, sustainability, operating environment, enemy threat, and mobility. (JP 3-05)
  • 107. drill, drill, drill Source: FM 3-0 Operations Military Ontologies help planners and operators “see” and understand the relations between Entities and Events in the area of operations. Military Ontologies are prerequisites of military innovations such as Airborne Operations, Combined Fires and Joint Operations. Military Ontologies are prerequisites for the creation of effective information systems. Operational Design — The conception and construction of the framework that underpins a campaign or major operation plan and its subsequent execution. See also campaign; major operation. (JP 3-0)
  • 108. 133 Human beings know how to coordinate massively shared agency Fire Support LogisticsAir Operations Intelligence Civil-Military Operations Targeting Maneuver & Blue Force Tracking

Editor's Notes

  9. An Orchestra's layout – as Corporate structure diagram - diagram:
  10. An Orchestra's layout – as Corporate structure diagram - diagram:
  13., Great City by Adrian Smith + Gordon Gill Architecture
  14., Great City by Adrian Smith + Gordon Gill Architecture
  15., Great City by Adrian Smith + Gordon Gill Architecture
  19. 449-50, trans. Ben Fowkes, as cited by Shapiro, op. cit.
  20. also: what is the Holy Roman Empire? what is the Swedish language?
  21. in M. Vargas and G. Yaffe, eds., Rational and Social Agency: Essays on the Philosophy of Michael Bratman (New York: Oxford University Press)
  27. Adaptedfrom Titus Stahl. Beyond Plans and Practices: Law as Collective Intentional Institutions
  34. “Rakkasan” Commander Col. Luong issues an opening statement at the start of a sand table briefing.