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In India
Question Makers
& Guinea Pigs
Aditya Nath
Ananyo Chakraborty
Avishi Gupta
Lael John
Falit Sijariya
Keona Johny
Sagarika Chaudhary
Sumayya Shamsudeen
• QM's word is law
• Pounce points +10/-5, Bounce +10/0
• Whichever team answers on bounce, the next
direct will go to the team immediately after
• Pouncing will happen on the Whatsapp
groups created for the event
• Please wait till the QM gives the go ahead
before answering a direct
Question 1
The RBI in 1992 issued a commemorative 1 rupee coin to
mark the Golden Jubilee of X, a movement begun with a
speech given by Gandhi hours after which almost the
entirety of the INC leadership was imprisoned without trial.
Gandhi in his speech made a call to Y. Y is a popular phrase
on Indian basketball courts, presenting an ultimatum to a
player when initiating a half court game. If that doesn't help,
then Y is also the name of a TV series from 2014-2015,
where people were put in deadly situations, and made to
put their survival knowledge to the test. X might be seen to
describe a sociological phenomenon, particularly in the
context of well educated indians. ID X and Y
Safety Slide
X- Quit India
Y- Do or Die
Answer 1
Question 2
The _____ were a series of protests in 1990 against a
seemingly controversial set of reccommendations, compiled
over an 11 year period. The reccommendations were of a
disturbing nature to the "majority" of the population of India,
but were quite in line with Ambedkarite thinking and
ideology. The protests came about as the then PM of India
tried to implement said reccommendations, ultimately
leading XY to the act of self immolation in protest. Now XY is
a name that might sound strange in today's context, with Y
being someone's surname who might represent the republic,
while X is someone very connected to a neighbouring
country, through their death.ID ____ and XY
Safety Slide
Protests for
blank. Rajiv for
X and Goswami
for Y
Answer 2
Question 3
The 2011 Indian Musical Film 'Rockstar' featured a song
composed by AR Rahman called 'Sadda Haq'. The hook,
'Sadda Haq aithe rakh" is Punjabi for "give me what's mine,
right here." Following the general theme of the lyrics, the
song also features a sign and a flag, one that is shown in
the attached clip. Both deal with a cause and a people that
has been associated with India and have sought refuge in it
since shortly after independance, and continues to be of
significance. This was cause of controversy, and led to a
tussle between the CBFC and Imitiaz Ali, which was
resloved when the offending signs were blurred. The
blurring led to protests by people of the beleaguered
community in India. What was the movement the flag
referred to?
Safety Slide
Video of
Question 3
Safety Slide
The Tibetan
Answer 3
Question 4
X is widely known for their efforts in the freedom struggle
and especially their radical efforts for the same but what's
less known about X is that they were vehemently opposed
to women's reform movements. Be it women's education, or
agitation against child marriage, X had the tendency to
deem every reform movement in the case of women as a
product of Western thought and hence a threat to indian
nationalism. X's abhorrence became apparent when they
supported the accused in the Phulmoni Dasi case that led
to the Age of Consent Act of 1891. He also took a strong
dislike against Rukhmabai and her agitation against child
marriage and virilocal residence. ID X
Safety Slide
X - Balgangadhar Tilak
TW: mention of r*pe and sexual
In the Phulmoni Dasi case a 30y/o man
was married to a 10y/o girl and the girl
had died owing to attempts at forceful
consummation. while the British Govt
convicted the husband to 12 months of
Jail. Tilak rallied in support of the
Answer 4
Question 5
In 2011 X led a mass movement for Y. X was named
among top 100 global thinkers in 2011 by Foreign
Policy Magazine. X is also the recipient of Padma
Bhushan in 1992. Y was envisaged as an
ombudsman to look after cases of corruption against
certain important public functionaries. The mode of
movement was inspired by the one that defined the
freedom struggle from early 20th century. X also has
a nick-name by which he is commonly referred to
and 2 movies have been made on his life. ID X and Y
Safety Slide
Anna Hazare
Jan Lokpal Bill
Answer 5
Question 6
X is a word that originated in the 19th-20th century,
to describe attacks against a particular community.
The word can be used to describe many horrific
times in Indian history, most notably the events that
took place in the year a fruit gained public
recognition with a product that was revolutionary,
and most recently in a year that saw the world grind
to a halt. The word now comes to mean publicly
sanctioned purgative attacks against religious
groups. Give X, and the most notable year.
Chestnuts to the person who gets this.
Safety Slide
Pogrom, the year the
Apple Macintosh was
Answer 6
Question 7
One of the most pivotal scenes in "The Lord of the
Rings: The Two Towers", is a conversation between
Aragorn and Eowyn, where the former asks the
question "What do you fear, lady?" The response
given is what most of us might feel, given this recent
year in lockdown, but has a particular resonance
with a certain collective of students from Delhi, that
seeks to make sure that their accomodations are not
accompanied by restrictive rules, contrary to popular
beliefs in India. What in particular did Eowyn fear?
Identify the collective.
Safety Slide
Cages, Pinjra Tod
Answer 7
Question 8
In 2015 as a reaction to the discrimination and caste-based
violence faced by Dalit students at AHP Inter-college in
Uttar Pradesh, a certain collective formed. In the College,
students belonging to upper castes would force Dalit
students to clean classrooms and Dalit students were not
allowed to drink water before the upper castes had drunk
their fill. The upper caste students even broke the hand of a
Dalit student who dared to drink water before them. X
provided muscle to the bullied Dalit students which
eventually stopped the violence against Dalit students. X
and one of it's cofounders are now nationally prominent,
especially post multiple arrests of said founder (a lawyer by
profession) and the formation of a new political party in
March 2020. Id X and Leader.
Safety Slide
X- Bhima Army,
Answer 8
Question 9
X was a song that was immediately inspired by the
death of two young boys who were victims of a
bombing in North West England in 1993. The song's
writer, Y, was particularly offended that terrorists
claimed to have carried out these acts in the name of
Ireland. Y asserted "The IRA are not me. It's not me.
It's not my family. It's not Ireland, it's some idiots
living in the past"X went on to be arguably both Y
and Y's band's biggest hit. Id X, a name which
wouldn't be out of place of in a horror movie and the
band Y led.
Safety Slide
X- Zombie, Y's
Answer 9
Question 10
The lives of Mahatma Gandhi and
Matangini Hazra are somewhat parallel.
Hazra got the title of old lady Gandhi for
her efforts in the freedom struggle. More
than the similarities in their work, they
were subject to a similar life-altering
event. What is being talked about here?
Safety Slide
Both died as a result
of being shot. Hazra
was shot by the
police while trying to
lead 6000 protestors
through the streets of
Tamluk, Midnapore
during the Quit India
Answer 10
Question 11
In his 1925 essay, "The Cult of The Y", X takes a stance that can best
be described as progressivist in nature, mirroring Proudhon's and
Marx's take on the centrality of creativity in the flourishing of human
intellect. X, an Indian author, argues that Y symbolically represents the
problem of repetition and aligns with the caste system where
individuals tend to reproduce their existence on the basis of what came
before. He claims this problem of repetition cuts at the very soul of
human spirit and is merely another device that makes Indians conform
to the British. His central thesis is the fact that manual labor prevents
the rejuvenation of the mind of the person undertaking it and so, talking
about "dignity of labour" is perverse as it condemns man to subpar
existence and blocks other forms of constructive economic activity.
Some say that X was not so much against Y as much as he was
against what it symbolically represented - the man Z with whom Y was
frequently associated.
ID. X,Y and Z
Safety Slide
Y- Charkha, X-
Tagore, Z- MKG
Answer 11
Question 12
The Risorgimento was a socio-political movement that led to the
consolidation of the Italian Peninsula into a single state - The Kingdom of
Italy. The most frequent advocate of this was Italian insurrectionist and
activist X who throughout the 19th century organized secret societies,
propaganda pamphlets, coup d'etats against the Savoy-led monarchy
and inspired many radical Italian revolutionaries. He did this via a certain
society that he founded in 1831 called Young Italy. His desire for
Risorgimento and unification gave rise to a form of ethnic nationalism
that was dubbed the Irrident which focused on bringing the many ethnic
italians, still living outside the Kingdom of Italy in states like Corsica and
Nice, under the rule of one Italian State. In 1904, Y founded "Young India"
which he later inconspicuously christened as Abhinav Bharat Society. As
head of the Society, he later published "X Charitra" wherein he detailed
the techniques to be used while fighting the British in the ultimate pursuit
of Indian Unification so as to bring all ethnic Indians and Indian territories
under one rule.
Safety Slide
X-Mazzini and Y-
Answer 12
Question 13
The X effect is a term used to indicate the noticeable impact X, a
Bollywood movie, had on Indian society. A study of bloggers behavioural
patterns during the first month of the film's release revealed a significant
increase in public ire towards government and politicians for corruption
and inefficiency. Unlike other Indian films with jingoistic overtones, many
young Indians could relate well to the characters of this film.While such
reactions were observed on the Internet, youth activism took to streets to
protest on public interest issues. A direct impact was on the 1999 Y case.
A month after the film's release, a court acquitted the main accused
because of inefficient prosecution and hostile witnesses. This sparked
intense civil protests and media campaigns that sought his re-arrest.
Taking cue from the scene in which the protagonists hold a silent,
candlelight vigil at New Delhi's India Gate, one such group of
demonstrators carried out a similar rally to voice their protest. This
eventually led to the rearrest of the accused in the Y case.The Y case,
interestingly, eventually got its own Bollywood movie in 2011, a full circle
of sorts.
Id X and the Y case.
Safety Slide
X- RDB Effect, or the
Rang De Basanti
Y - Jessica Lal Case
Answer 13
Question 14
Recently (earlier this month), a term X came into
Indian public consciousness after being spoken
of by a man of prominence. X was a taunt at
those who behave in a way that seemed
unnecessary and anarchic to the coiner of the
term, who also contrasted the term with words
that indicate trains and intellectuals. Id X, which
garnered opposition from many corners.
Safety Slide
X- The Andolanjeevi
Answer 14
Question 15
Although Black Lives Matter might have gained ground recently, depictions
in art of African American struggles was popular. Nowhere was this true
than in the world of Marvel Comics as it rolled out one of its most popular
comic lines in 1963. Most of its characters were directly inspired by the
leading lights of the Civil Rights Movements : the protagonist with his body
of students was meant to be a representation of X and the antagonist, one
who thought catharsis via conflict was the answer to alleviate suffering,
was meant to embody Y. Indeed, the major demographic in these comics
was meant to represent the African American community at large wherein
this demographic was hated by the majoritarian community due to their
alleged "differences".Even the Z found expression in these comics in the
form of The Sentinels who hunted this demographic and engaged on a
pogrom of genetic cleansing. This was meant to mirror the real world
suffering of the black community at Z's hands.However noble the intentions
might have been both Lee and Kirby had come under immense attack for
alleged whitewashing of the characters which implied assimilation into the
"melting pot".
ID X, Y, and Z.
Safety Slide
X-MLK Jr., Y-
Malcolm X,
Z- American Police
Answer 15
Question 16
What is originally thought of as one night, a five day
supposed "riot" has been instrumental in helping people get
some sort of equality in the United States of America.
Through this outcry stemming from a mafia owned inn, sex
workers got protection through rights and LGBTQ+ youth
also made their demands known. While being part of the
community was considered a mental illness by the APA for
a long time, there is now a children's book which
commemorates this movement and the 2020 pride month
saw a popular hashtag coming up in honour of the uprising.
What is being talked about here?
Safety Slide
Answer 16
Question 17
‘I learnt in Y that it is not essential to be proficient in English to be in
politics. Spotless white clothes are not required. Having money is not a
must. Sometimes the backing of a large organization is not essential. If
you come from a poor or deprived background and talk about it, your
voice is more effective than that of someone who owns a car or wears
fancy clothes. Throughout the world the people who walk on footpaths –
the downtrodden – are those on the margins of politics,but the same
people lead politics in Y. They have also been able to literally save the
footpaths. The downtrodden may not have a roof above their heads and
may have to make the footpath their home but in Y they become thinkers
and leaders.’This is X talking about a certain ‘transformative’ space in
India, one that often dominates headlines. X himself is often used
synonymously with Y by sections of the media, post events of February
2016 within Y. His autobiography Z from which this excerpt is taken, is
named after his journey from his place of birth to a place of Disrepute,
both of which rhyme with each other.
Safety Slide
X - Kanhaiya Kumar,
Y - JNU,
Z - From Bihar to
Answer 17
Question 18
After nearly 20 years of a military dictatorship and struggles for democratic
reforms, Tancredo Neves was elected the Brazilian President through an
electoral colleges that was based on popular mandate. Many hailed his
election as a return to the country's civilian roots as he was accommodating
to groups on both sides of the spectrum, especially the left. However, on the
days leading up to his oath taking ceremony, he began to suffer from a
mysterious ailment. He was reluctant to disclose this to anybody as he feared
that if he were taken to a hospital, military loyalists might try to kill him. On
the eve of his inauguration however, he was admitted to Brasilia's Hospital De
Base. What followed was utter confusion. In an attempt to remove his
wedding ring, they nearly cut his finger off. They initially admitted him to the
wrong operation room. They removed a piece of his intestine instead of
removing a tumour and unwittingly, gave him a blood infection. According to
some, it was in Brasilia that he died because of medical incompetency. Afraid
that their incompetence might be interpreted as an assassination attempt, the
doctors staged a clever plan similar to a 1989 film about "three" people at a
beach. What did they do/Give the name of the film?
Safety Slide
They did a
photoshoot with this
alleged "dead body"
Weekend at Bernie's
Answer 18
Question 19
X is a term used to refer to a class of related beings, one of the
most famous being the creation of an Englishman, in a novel
published at the end of the seventeenth century. The term also
came to light quite recently, in 2018, as well as in 2020, when
conversations about a group that took inspiration from X were
sparked (the name is a specific type of X). More generally, in
Asia, we've seen two bodies associated with X. The first body Y
takes their name quite directly from their Western counterparts,
and seeking to combat oppression of those whom they
represented. The second body, Z, is more known for the death of
a politician, and were again, formed to protect those they
represented from oppressive policies of a certain lingusitic
minority.ID Y and Z, and their connecting link X.
Safety Slide
X - Panthera
Y - Dalit Panthers
Z - Liberation Tigers
of Tamil Eelam
Answer 19
Question 20
Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar has given inspiration to a lot of movements and
ideologies but most peculiarly, to a particular sub-genre of music.
Practiced primarily by members of the Dalit community, their music
focuses on issues of Dalit identity, LGBTQ issues, beef eating, manual
scavenging and the idea of a modern day Ambedkar. Most of these
singers focus on rap and beat boxing as a pathway to musical
empowerement, given how music and musical instruments were largely
inaccessible to Dalits in the past. Examples of singers practicing this
particular sub-genre of music include rappers like Sumeet Samos who
address issues like reservations, the ,Kandhamal riots of 2008 and
Ginni Mahi who talks about reclamation of identities like that of being a
Chamar. They also use folk language as a way of reclaiming languages
and establishing their legitimacy separate from that of the mainstream.
Identify the sub-genre of music that Bhimrao Ambedkar has inspired.
Safety Slide
Answer 20
Question 21
X is a word that appears quite often in various contexts,
often as a suffix to a distinctive root word. A is a
political-comic graphic book named after a source B
which is quite unlikely. The progenitor of the source,
however, has something in common with the community
A's protagonist is most commonly associated with. A
was published by C, an entity with a distinctive ideology,
founded in 2003.A, B and C, all have X as their suffix. ID.
A, B, C and X
Safety Slide
A - Bhimayana,
B - Ramayana,
C - Navayana,
X - 'aayan'
Answer 21
Question 22
TW: Violence
This is a scene from the 2008 movie Halla Bol. Give it's
inspiration/ it's Stephen's connect.
Safety Slide
Safdar Hashmi
Answer 22
Question 23
X was a major movement against caste-based
discrimination led by a Savarna leader. The movement
had a course similar to the modern day Sabrimala
Temple Entry movement, however the affected section
was obviously different. The name of the movement
sounds similar to a popular television entertainment
network that runs channels like Colors, MTV,
Nickelodeon, Comedy Central, etc in India. ID X
Safety Slide
X - Vaikom
Answer 23
Question 24
The annual fest in NIT Kozhikode, 'Ragam' is
held in honour of P. Rajan who dominated headlines in
A Father and Son came into national prominence
in mid-2020 through a very unlikely source, a popular
Identify what both these cases have in
common, apart from the fact that they were both
situated in South India.
Safety Slide
Police Brutality
Answer 24

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  • 2. Question Makers & Guinea Pigs Aditya Nath Ananyo Chakraborty Avishi Gupta Lael John Falit Sijariya Keona Johny Sagarika Chaudhary Sumayya Shamsudeen
  • 3. Rules • QM's word is law • Pounce points +10/-5, Bounce +10/0 • Whichever team answers on bounce, the next direct will go to the team immediately after them • Pouncing will happen on the Whatsapp groups created for the event • Please wait till the QM gives the go ahead before answering a direct
  • 4. Question 1 The RBI in 1992 issued a commemorative 1 rupee coin to mark the Golden Jubilee of X, a movement begun with a speech given by Gandhi hours after which almost the entirety of the INC leadership was imprisoned without trial. Gandhi in his speech made a call to Y. Y is a popular phrase on Indian basketball courts, presenting an ultimatum to a player when initiating a half court game. If that doesn't help, then Y is also the name of a TV series from 2014-2015, where people were put in deadly situations, and made to put their survival knowledge to the test. X might be seen to describe a sociological phenomenon, particularly in the context of well educated indians. ID X and Y GASC X QC
  • 6. PITCH DECK V 1.0 X- Quit India Y- Do or Die Answer 1 GASC X QC
  • 7. Question 2 The _____ were a series of protests in 1990 against a seemingly controversial set of reccommendations, compiled over an 11 year period. The reccommendations were of a disturbing nature to the "majority" of the population of India, but were quite in line with Ambedkarite thinking and ideology. The protests came about as the then PM of India tried to implement said reccommendations, ultimately leading XY to the act of self immolation in protest. Now XY is a name that might sound strange in today's context, with Y being someone's surname who might represent the republic, while X is someone very connected to a neighbouring country, through their death.ID ____ and XY GASC X QC
  • 9. PITCH DECK V 1.0 Mandal Commission Protests for blank. Rajiv for X and Goswami for Y Answer 2 GASC X QC
  • 10. Question 3 The 2011 Indian Musical Film 'Rockstar' featured a song composed by AR Rahman called 'Sadda Haq'. The hook, 'Sadda Haq aithe rakh" is Punjabi for "give me what's mine, right here." Following the general theme of the lyrics, the song also features a sign and a flag, one that is shown in the attached clip. Both deal with a cause and a people that has been associated with India and have sought refuge in it since shortly after independance, and continues to be of significance. This was cause of controversy, and led to a tussle between the CBFC and Imitiaz Ali, which was resloved when the offending signs were blurred. The blurring led to protests by people of the beleaguered community in India. What was the movement the flag referred to? GASC X QC
  • 15. Question 4 X is widely known for their efforts in the freedom struggle and especially their radical efforts for the same but what's less known about X is that they were vehemently opposed to women's reform movements. Be it women's education, or agitation against child marriage, X had the tendency to deem every reform movement in the case of women as a product of Western thought and hence a threat to indian nationalism. X's abhorrence became apparent when they supported the accused in the Phulmoni Dasi case that led to the Age of Consent Act of 1891. He also took a strong dislike against Rukhmabai and her agitation against child marriage and virilocal residence. ID X GASC X QC
  • 17. PITCH DECK V 1.0 X - Balgangadhar Tilak TW: mention of r*pe and sexual a*sault In the Phulmoni Dasi case a 30y/o man was married to a 10y/o girl and the girl had died owing to attempts at forceful consummation. while the British Govt convicted the husband to 12 months of Jail. Tilak rallied in support of the accused. Answer 4 GASC X QC
  • 18. Question 5 In 2011 X led a mass movement for Y. X was named among top 100 global thinkers in 2011 by Foreign Policy Magazine. X is also the recipient of Padma Bhushan in 1992. Y was envisaged as an ombudsman to look after cases of corruption against certain important public functionaries. The mode of movement was inspired by the one that defined the freedom struggle from early 20th century. X also has a nick-name by which he is commonly referred to and 2 movies have been made on his life. ID X and Y GASC X QC
  • 21. Question 6 X is a word that originated in the 19th-20th century, to describe attacks against a particular community. The word can be used to describe many horrific times in Indian history, most notably the events that took place in the year a fruit gained public recognition with a product that was revolutionary, and most recently in a year that saw the world grind to a halt. The word now comes to mean publicly sanctioned purgative attacks against religious groups. Give X, and the most notable year. Chestnuts to the person who gets this. GASC X QC
  • 23. PITCH DECK V 1.0 Pogrom, the year the Apple Macintosh was released Answer 6 GASC X QC
  • 24. Question 7 One of the most pivotal scenes in "The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers", is a conversation between Aragorn and Eowyn, where the former asks the question "What do you fear, lady?" The response given is what most of us might feel, given this recent year in lockdown, but has a particular resonance with a certain collective of students from Delhi, that seeks to make sure that their accomodations are not accompanied by restrictive rules, contrary to popular beliefs in India. What in particular did Eowyn fear? Identify the collective. GASC X QC
  • 27. Question 8 In 2015 as a reaction to the discrimination and caste-based violence faced by Dalit students at AHP Inter-college in Uttar Pradesh, a certain collective formed. In the College, students belonging to upper castes would force Dalit students to clean classrooms and Dalit students were not allowed to drink water before the upper castes had drunk their fill. The upper caste students even broke the hand of a Dalit student who dared to drink water before them. X provided muscle to the bullied Dalit students which eventually stopped the violence against Dalit students. X and one of it's cofounders are now nationally prominent, especially post multiple arrests of said founder (a lawyer by profession) and the formation of a new political party in March 2020. Id X and Leader. GASC X QC
  • 30. Question 9 X was a song that was immediately inspired by the death of two young boys who were victims of a bombing in North West England in 1993. The song's writer, Y, was particularly offended that terrorists claimed to have carried out these acts in the name of Ireland. Y asserted "The IRA are not me. It's not me. It's not my family. It's not Ireland, it's some idiots living in the past"X went on to be arguably both Y and Y's band's biggest hit. Id X, a name which wouldn't be out of place of in a horror movie and the band Y led. GASC X QC
  • 33. Question 10 The lives of Mahatma Gandhi and Matangini Hazra are somewhat parallel. Hazra got the title of old lady Gandhi for her efforts in the freedom struggle. More than the similarities in their work, they were subject to a similar life-altering event. What is being talked about here? GASC X QC
  • 35. PITCH DECK V 1.0 Both died as a result of being shot. Hazra was shot by the police while trying to lead 6000 protestors through the streets of Tamluk, Midnapore during the Quit India Movement. Answer 10 GASC X QC
  • 36. Question 11 In his 1925 essay, "The Cult of The Y", X takes a stance that can best be described as progressivist in nature, mirroring Proudhon's and Marx's take on the centrality of creativity in the flourishing of human intellect. X, an Indian author, argues that Y symbolically represents the problem of repetition and aligns with the caste system where individuals tend to reproduce their existence on the basis of what came before. He claims this problem of repetition cuts at the very soul of human spirit and is merely another device that makes Indians conform to the British. His central thesis is the fact that manual labor prevents the rejuvenation of the mind of the person undertaking it and so, talking about "dignity of labour" is perverse as it condemns man to subpar existence and blocks other forms of constructive economic activity. Some say that X was not so much against Y as much as he was against what it symbolically represented - the man Z with whom Y was frequently associated. ID. X,Y and Z GASC X QC
  • 38. PITCH DECK V 1.0 Y- Charkha, X- Tagore, Z- MKG Answer 11 GASC X QC
  • 39. Question 12 The Risorgimento was a socio-political movement that led to the consolidation of the Italian Peninsula into a single state - The Kingdom of Italy. The most frequent advocate of this was Italian insurrectionist and activist X who throughout the 19th century organized secret societies, propaganda pamphlets, coup d'etats against the Savoy-led monarchy and inspired many radical Italian revolutionaries. He did this via a certain society that he founded in 1831 called Young Italy. His desire for Risorgimento and unification gave rise to a form of ethnic nationalism that was dubbed the Irrident which focused on bringing the many ethnic italians, still living outside the Kingdom of Italy in states like Corsica and Nice, under the rule of one Italian State. In 1904, Y founded "Young India" which he later inconspicuously christened as Abhinav Bharat Society. As head of the Society, he later published "X Charitra" wherein he detailed the techniques to be used while fighting the British in the ultimate pursuit of Indian Unification so as to bring all ethnic Indians and Indian territories under one rule. GASC X QC
  • 42. Question 13 The X effect is a term used to indicate the noticeable impact X, a Bollywood movie, had on Indian society. A study of bloggers behavioural patterns during the first month of the film's release revealed a significant increase in public ire towards government and politicians for corruption and inefficiency. Unlike other Indian films with jingoistic overtones, many young Indians could relate well to the characters of this film.While such reactions were observed on the Internet, youth activism took to streets to protest on public interest issues. A direct impact was on the 1999 Y case. A month after the film's release, a court acquitted the main accused because of inefficient prosecution and hostile witnesses. This sparked intense civil protests and media campaigns that sought his re-arrest. Taking cue from the scene in which the protagonists hold a silent, candlelight vigil at New Delhi's India Gate, one such group of demonstrators carried out a similar rally to voice their protest. This eventually led to the rearrest of the accused in the Y case.The Y case, interestingly, eventually got its own Bollywood movie in 2011, a full circle of sorts. Id X and the Y case. GASC X QC
  • 44. PITCH DECK V 1.0 X- RDB Effect, or the Rang De Basanti Effect Y - Jessica Lal Case Answer 13 GASC X QC
  • 45. Question 14 Recently (earlier this month), a term X came into Indian public consciousness after being spoken of by a man of prominence. X was a taunt at those who behave in a way that seemed unnecessary and anarchic to the coiner of the term, who also contrasted the term with words that indicate trains and intellectuals. Id X, which garnered opposition from many corners. GASC X QC
  • 48. Question 15 Although Black Lives Matter might have gained ground recently, depictions in art of African American struggles was popular. Nowhere was this true than in the world of Marvel Comics as it rolled out one of its most popular comic lines in 1963. Most of its characters were directly inspired by the leading lights of the Civil Rights Movements : the protagonist with his body of students was meant to be a representation of X and the antagonist, one who thought catharsis via conflict was the answer to alleviate suffering, was meant to embody Y. Indeed, the major demographic in these comics was meant to represent the African American community at large wherein this demographic was hated by the majoritarian community due to their alleged "differences".Even the Z found expression in these comics in the form of The Sentinels who hunted this demographic and engaged on a pogrom of genetic cleansing. This was meant to mirror the real world suffering of the black community at Z's hands.However noble the intentions might have been both Lee and Kirby had come under immense attack for alleged whitewashing of the characters which implied assimilation into the "melting pot". ID X, Y, and Z. GASC X QC
  • 50. PITCH DECK V 1.0 X-MLK Jr., Y- Malcolm X, Z- American Police Answer 15 GASC X QC
  • 51. Question 16 What is originally thought of as one night, a five day supposed "riot" has been instrumental in helping people get some sort of equality in the United States of America. Through this outcry stemming from a mafia owned inn, sex workers got protection through rights and LGBTQ+ youth also made their demands known. While being part of the community was considered a mental illness by the APA for a long time, there is now a children's book which commemorates this movement and the 2020 pride month saw a popular hashtag coming up in honour of the uprising. What is being talked about here? GASC X QC
  • 54. Question 17 ‘I learnt in Y that it is not essential to be proficient in English to be in politics. Spotless white clothes are not required. Having money is not a must. Sometimes the backing of a large organization is not essential. If you come from a poor or deprived background and talk about it, your voice is more effective than that of someone who owns a car or wears fancy clothes. Throughout the world the people who walk on footpaths – the downtrodden – are those on the margins of politics,but the same people lead politics in Y. They have also been able to literally save the footpaths. The downtrodden may not have a roof above their heads and may have to make the footpath their home but in Y they become thinkers and leaders.’This is X talking about a certain ‘transformative’ space in India, one that often dominates headlines. X himself is often used synonymously with Y by sections of the media, post events of February 2016 within Y. His autobiography Z from which this excerpt is taken, is named after his journey from his place of birth to a place of Disrepute, both of which rhyme with each other. GASC X QC
  • 56. PITCH DECK V 1.0 X - Kanhaiya Kumar, Y - JNU, Z - From Bihar to Tihar Answer 17 GASC X QC
  • 57. Question 18 After nearly 20 years of a military dictatorship and struggles for democratic reforms, Tancredo Neves was elected the Brazilian President through an electoral colleges that was based on popular mandate. Many hailed his election as a return to the country's civilian roots as he was accommodating to groups on both sides of the spectrum, especially the left. However, on the days leading up to his oath taking ceremony, he began to suffer from a mysterious ailment. He was reluctant to disclose this to anybody as he feared that if he were taken to a hospital, military loyalists might try to kill him. On the eve of his inauguration however, he was admitted to Brasilia's Hospital De Base. What followed was utter confusion. In an attempt to remove his wedding ring, they nearly cut his finger off. They initially admitted him to the wrong operation room. They removed a piece of his intestine instead of removing a tumour and unwittingly, gave him a blood infection. According to some, it was in Brasilia that he died because of medical incompetency. Afraid that their incompetence might be interpreted as an assassination attempt, the doctors staged a clever plan similar to a 1989 film about "three" people at a beach. What did they do/Give the name of the film? GASC X QC
  • 60. PITCH DECK V 1.0 They did a photoshoot with this alleged "dead body" or Weekend at Bernie's Answer 18 GASC X QC
  • 61. Question 19 X is a term used to refer to a class of related beings, one of the most famous being the creation of an Englishman, in a novel published at the end of the seventeenth century. The term also came to light quite recently, in 2018, as well as in 2020, when conversations about a group that took inspiration from X were sparked (the name is a specific type of X). More generally, in Asia, we've seen two bodies associated with X. The first body Y takes their name quite directly from their Western counterparts, and seeking to combat oppression of those whom they represented. The second body, Z, is more known for the death of a politician, and were again, formed to protect those they represented from oppressive policies of a certain lingusitic minority.ID Y and Z, and their connecting link X. GASC X QC
  • 63. PITCH DECK V 1.0 X - Panthera Y - Dalit Panthers Z - Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam Answer 19 GASC X QC
  • 64. Question 20 Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar has given inspiration to a lot of movements and ideologies but most peculiarly, to a particular sub-genre of music. Practiced primarily by members of the Dalit community, their music focuses on issues of Dalit identity, LGBTQ issues, beef eating, manual scavenging and the idea of a modern day Ambedkar. Most of these singers focus on rap and beat boxing as a pathway to musical empowerement, given how music and musical instruments were largely inaccessible to Dalits in the past. Examples of singers practicing this particular sub-genre of music include rappers like Sumeet Samos who address issues like reservations, the ,Kandhamal riots of 2008 and Ginni Mahi who talks about reclamation of identities like that of being a Chamar. They also use folk language as a way of reclaiming languages and establishing their legitimacy separate from that of the mainstream. Identify the sub-genre of music that Bhimrao Ambedkar has inspired. GASC X QC
  • 67. Question 21 X is a word that appears quite often in various contexts, often as a suffix to a distinctive root word. A is a political-comic graphic book named after a source B which is quite unlikely. The progenitor of the source, however, has something in common with the community A's protagonist is most commonly associated with. A was published by C, an entity with a distinctive ideology, founded in 2003.A, B and C, all have X as their suffix. ID. A, B, C and X GASC X QC
  • 69. PITCH DECK V 1.0 A - Bhimayana, B - Ramayana, C - Navayana, X - 'aayan' Answer 21 GASC X QC
  • 70. Question 22 GASC X QC TW: Violence This is a scene from the 2008 movie Halla Bol. Give it's inspiration/ it's Stephen's connect.
  • 73. Question 23 X was a major movement against caste-based discrimination led by a Savarna leader. The movement had a course similar to the modern day Sabrimala Temple Entry movement, however the affected section was obviously different. The name of the movement sounds similar to a popular television entertainment network that runs channels like Colors, MTV, Nickelodeon, Comedy Central, etc in India. ID X GASC X QC
  • 76. Question 24 GASC X QC The annual fest in NIT Kozhikode, 'Ragam' is held in honour of P. Rajan who dominated headlines in 1976. A Father and Son came into national prominence in mid-2020 through a very unlikely source, a popular RJ. Identify what both these cases have in common, apart from the fact that they were both situated in South India.