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Elasticità e tessuto neoplastico
Considerazioni di fisiopatologia

        Antonio Pio Masciotra

Email :
Skype : antonio.masciotra
Mechanical (elastic) properties
    of neoplastic tissue

        Antonio Pio Masciotra

Email :
Skype : antonio.masciotra
Elastografia mammaria :
    quantitativa o qualitativa?

         Antonio Pio Masciotra

Email :
Skype : antonio.masciotra
Breast sonoelastography :
    quantitative or qualitative?

         Antonio Pio Masciotra

Email :
Skype : antonio.masciotra

    Those characteristics of the materials which describe their behaviour under external loads are known as
                                           Mechanical Properties.
                           The most important and useful mechanical properties are:

It is the resistance offered by a material when subjected to external loading.
So, stronger the material the greater the load it can withstand.
Depending upon the type of load applied the strength can be tensile, compressive, shear or torsional.
The maximum stress that any material will withstand before destruction is called its ultimate strength.

Elasticity of a material is its power of coming back to its original position after deformation when the stress
or load is removed.
Elasticity is a tensile property of its material.
The greatest stress that a material can endure without taking up some permanent set is called elastic limit.

Stiffness (Rigidity)
The resistance of a material to deflection is called stiffness or rigidity.
Steel is stiffer or more rigid than aluminium.
Stiffness is measured by Young‟s modulus E.
The higher the value of the Young‟s modulus, the stiffer the material.

It is the ability of a material to resist scratching, abrasion, indentation or penetration.

   Le caratteristiche dei materiali che descrivono il loro comportamento quando vengono sottoposti a carichi
                           esterni vengono definite PROPRIETA’ MECCANICHE.
                                          Le più importanti di esse sono:

E‟ la resistenza offerta da un materiale quando viene sottoposto ad un carico esterno.
Pertanto, quanto più forte è un materiale tanto maggiore sarà il carico che esso può sorreggere.

E‟ la capacità di un materiale a recuperare le sue posizione e forma iniziali dopo la rimozione di un carico od una
forza, la cui applicazione ne aveva indotto la deformazione.

E‟ la resistenza che un materiale oppone al suo „piegamento‟.
L‟acciaio è più rigido dell‟alluminio.
La stiffness viene misurata dal Modulo di Young E.
Quanto maggiore è il valore del modulo di Young tanto maggiore è la stiffness del materiale.

E‟ la capacità di un materiale a resistere al graffio, all‟abrasione, alla scalfittura od alla penetrazione
Stiffness distribution of cells and results of
                                           migration and invasion test

Citation: Xu W, Mezencev R, Kim B, Wang L, McDonald J, et al. (2012)
Cell Stiffness Is a Biomarker of the Metastatic Potential of Ovarian Cancer Cells.
PLoS ONE 7(10): e46609. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0046609
The distribution of the actin network plays an important role in
determining the mechanical properties of single cells.
As cells transform from non-malignant to cancerous states, their
cytoskeletal structure changes from an organized to an irregular
network, and this change subsequently reduces the stiffness of single
Further progressive reduction of stiffness corresponds to an increase
in invasive and migratory capacity of malignant cells.
                                                            Less invasive

                            Normal cell toward cancer cell

                            Single cell stiffness reduction

                                                           More invasive
Mammary epithelial growth and morphogenesis is
regulated by matrix stiffness.
(A) 3D cultures of normal mammary epithelial cells
within collagen gels of different concentration.
Stiffening the ECM through an incremental increase in
collagen concentration (soft gels: 1 mg/ml Collagen I,
140 Pa; stiff gels 3.6 mg/ml Collagen I, 1200 Pa) results
in the progressive perturbation of morphogenesis, and
the increased growth and modulated survival of MECs.

Altered mammary acini morphology is illustrated by the
destabilization of cell–cell adherens junctions and
disruption of basal tissue polarity indicated by the
gradual loss of cell–cell localized β-catenin (green) and
disorganized β4 integrin (red) visualized through
immunofluorescence and confocal imaging.

Kass et al. Page 9
Int J Biochem Cell Biol. Author manuscript; available in
PMC 2009 March 19.
Tumor cells‟ stiffness decreases

Extracellular matrix‟s stiffness increases
La rigidità delle cellule neoplastiche diminuisce

La rigidità della matrice extracellulare aumenta

CD 31                Densità dei vasi


CD 31                Microvascular density

Stiffness in funzione del volume

         5 mm                  7 mm              11 mm                 16 mm

a) Molto „molle‟ (9 kPa)   „Molle‟ (22 kPa)   „Duro‟ (50 kPa)   Molto „duro‟ (108 kPa)
Stiffness depending on volume

       5 mm                7 mm          11 mm                  16 mm

a) Very soft (9 kPa)   Soft (22 kPa)   Stiff (50 kPa)   Very stiff (108 kPa)

                                                  Densità dei vasi


Molto „molle‟   „Molle‟   „Duro‟   Molto „duro‟



Very soft   Soft   Stiff   Very stiff



14                                           MVD score

                                             Cellularity score

8                                            Fibrosis score

4                                            Stiffness Score


     Very soft   Soft   Stiff   Very stiff
Transizione da un ‘imaging’ ‘morfologico’ ad
        un’imaging fisiopatologico?
Going from a morphologic to a
 physiopathologic ‘imaging’?
Transizione da un ‘imaging’ ‘morfologico’
     ad un’imaging fisiopatologico?
Going from a morphologic to a
 physiopathologic ‘imaging’?
 Nell‟Antico Egitto il riscontro di una massa dura
  nel corpo veniva correlata ad uno stato di

 Nella Medicina Ippocratica la palpazione era
  parte essenziale dell‟esame fisico del paziente.

 Nel Terzo Millennio la «Palpazione Remota»
  sta diventando    realtà grazie all‟ Imaging
 In ancient Egypt, a link was established between
 a hard mass within the human body & pathology.

 In Hippocratic medicine, palpation was
  an essential part of a physical examination.

 In the 21st century, «remote palpation» by means
 of elastographic imaging is becoming a reality.
 Many R& D techniques have emerged since the 1990s, based on the
  Ultrasound and Magnetic Resonance imaging modalities.
        Sonoelasticity:                     KJ Parker et al, 1990
        Ultrasound Strain Elastography:     J Ophir et al, 1991
        MR Elastography:                    R Sinkus et al, 2000
        Shear Wave Elastography:            J Bercoff et al, 2004

 All techniques are based on the same principle:
     Generate a stress, and then use an imaging technique to map the
      tissue response to this stress in every point of the image.
                  but differ substantially in terms of their performance
     Qualitative / quantitative nature, absolute / relative quantification.
     Accuracy / precision / reproducibility, …
     Spatial / temporal resolution, sensitivity / penetration, …

 Initially introduced by Hitachi, and later on
       Siemens, in the early 2000s.

      More manufacturers have followed in the last

       The basic principle used is the one proposed
        by Ophir‟s group in the early 1990s:
      1. Tissue compression (Stress) is induced
         manually by the user.

      2. Multiple images are recorded using
         conventional imaging at standard frame rates.
      3. The relative deformation (Strain) is estimated
         using Tissue Doppler techniques.
      4. The derived strains are displayed as
         a qualitative elasticity image.
Strain Elastography Summary
 Stress Source             Manual Compression (user-dependent).
 Stress Frequency          Static (user-induced vibration < 2 Hz).
 Result Type               Qualitative image (E=Stress/Strain, but Stress is
                            Relative quantification (Background-to-Lesion-Ratio).

   Straightforward implementation on
    current scanners (standard acquisition
    architecture, plus Tissue-Doppler-like processing)..

   Stress penetration / uniformity issues.
    User-applied compression is attenuated by
    soft objects & depth and cannot penetrate hard-shelled lesions.

   User-dependence.
     User-applied compression is attenuated by soft objects & depth, and
    cannot penetrate hard-shelled lesions.
External                  Natural

 Mechanical force               Heart

  SuperSonic Imagine has developed a novel method called
 which is based on focused ultrasound, and can remotely generate
Shear Wave-fronts providing uniform coverage of a 2D area interest.
Esempio di viscosità
La sostanza in basso ha maggior viscosità
      della sostanza acquosa in alto
Viscosity demonstration
The bottom substance has higher viscosity
        than the clear liquid above
Strain vs. Shear Wave Elastography

Strain Elastography tends to
produce a
binary classification, where the
whole lesion is either hard or soft.
                                                Shear Wave Elastography provides
                                                richer & more complex information with
                                                many cases of hard borders plus soft

       The differences between Strain and Shear Wave Elastography are not
  34   surprising, given the very different principles on which they are based.
Shear Wave Elastography
 Phantom with liquid center inside hard lesion

                                                     Highly-localized estimation
                                                     of tissue elasticity
                                                     • Especially, inside hard lesions

                                                 Shear Wave Elastography can “see” inside
                                                 the hard lesion, because the shear waves
                                                 can propagate through the hard shell.

Strain Elastography interprets the whole
lesion as hard, because the applied manual
compression cannot penetrate the hard shell.
Tipo di tessuto/organo    Young‟s modulus    Densità
                                             E (kPa)         (kg/L)

Mammella   Tessuto adiposo normale           18-24

           Tessuto ghiandolare normale       28-66

           Tessuto fibroso                   96-244

           Carcinoma                         22-560

Prostata   Parte anteriore normale           55-63         1.0 10%
                                                            ~ Acqua
           Parte posteriore normale          62-71

           Iperplasia benigna                36-41

           Carcinoma                         96-241

Muscolo                                        6-7

Fegato     Parenchima sano                    0.4-6

Rene       Tessuto fibroso                   10-55
Breast multiple fibroadenomas – Directional PD

• Mother (58 years old)              • Daughter (29 years old)
Breast multiple fibroadenomas – SW Elastography

• Mother (58 years old)            • Daughter (29 years old)
Breast SWE – Normal
  •   Fat     53.5 kPa
  •   Gland   29.0 kPa
Breast SWE – Hyperechoic nodule in fat
           •   Fat      7.8 kPa
           •   Nodule   4.8 kPa
Breast SWE – unilateral gynecomastia 16 years

           •   Nodule       14.8 kPa
           •   Parenchima   21.3 kPa
RT induced effects on breast
             Bidimensional US

6 months after RT           13 years after RT
RT induced effects on breast
                SW Elastography

6 months after RT 135 kPa   13 years after RT 25 kPa
RT induced breast subacute effects
             3D US
RT induced breast subacute effects
            3D SWE
Breast complicated cyst
          Bidimensional US

First study           7 days after therapy
Breast complicated cyst

First study           7 days after therapy
Breast complicated cyst
          SW Elastography

First study           7 days after therapy
Breast complicated cyst
                3D US

First study              7 days after therapy
Breast complicated cyst
              3D SWE

First study           7 days after therapy
Breast complicated cyst
         SWE different settings

Resolution mode         Penetration mode
Breast fibroadenomas
            Bidimensional US

Almost homogeneous       Inhomogeneous
Breast fibroadenomas
            SW Elastography

  Different kPa         Similar elasticity ratio
26kPa Vs 83 kPa               2.1 Vs 2.5
Breast papillary carcinoma




Breast carcinoma – Mammography

 Benign                Malignant
Breast carcinoma – US

Bidimensional – 0.89 cm       3D – 1.86 xm
Breast carcinoma – SWE

Bidimensional              3D
Breast carcinoma – SWE

• High transparence            • Low transparence
Breast carcinoma Vs Fibroadenoma
• High transparence           • High transparence
2 more nodules in the same breast
        Bidimensional US

Nodule n. 1             Nodule n. 2
2 more nodules in the same breast
SW Elastography (both benign at histology)

    Nodule n. 1              Nodule n. 2
Breast carcinoma – Axilla US

Bidimensional                3D
Breast carcinoma – Axilla SWE

Bidimensional               3D
Lymphnodes 2D US

B cell Lymphoma   Breast cancer metastasis
Lymphnodes US 3D

B cell Lymphoma      Breast cancer metastasis
Lymphnodes SWE

B cell Lymphoma    Breast cancer metastasis
Lymphnodes in different sites in the same patient
              Bidimensional US

B cell Lymphoma inguinal   B cell Lymphoma ext. iliac
Lymphnodes in different sites in the same patient
              SW Elastography

B cell Lymphoma inguinal   B cell Lymphoma ext. iliac
Lymphnodes SWE
            Different stiffness depending on histology
•   B cell Lymphoma - 21 kPa                   •   Breast cancer metastasis – 16 kPa

                          •    NET metastasis -209 kPa
Aims of elastography

Correct tissue elasticity quantification

Identification of „cut off‟ elasticity values
   for the right diagnostic workup of
        diffuse and focal diseases
Breast lipomas
       SW Elastography precision and repeatibility
Fat 19.9 kPa Lipoma 20.5 kPa    Fat 8.0 kPa Lipoma 7.8 kPa
       SW Ratio 1.03                     SW Ratio 1.03
         Ore 10:07:09                     Ore 10:07:34
Breast sonoelastography :
Question n. 1 :
quantitative or qualitative?

Answer n. 1 Quantitative!

Question n. 2 :
SW or Strain Elastography?

Answer n. 2 SW Elastography

            Antonio Pio Masciotra

Email :
Skype : antonio.masciotra
Email :
Skype : antonio.masciotra

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Masciotra prato 2012 compresso

  • 1. Elasticità e tessuto neoplastico Considerazioni di fisiopatologia Antonio Pio Masciotra Campobasso-Molise-Italia Email : Skype : antonio.masciotra
  • 2. Mechanical (elastic) properties of neoplastic tissue Physiopathology Antonio Pio Masciotra Campobasso-Molise-Italy Email : Skype : antonio.masciotra
  • 3. Elastografia mammaria : quantitativa o qualitativa? Antonio Pio Masciotra Campobasso Email : Skype : antonio.masciotra
  • 4. Breast sonoelastography : quantitative or qualitative? Antonio Pio Masciotra Campobasso-Molise-Italy Email : Skype : antonio.masciotra
  • 5. PRINCIPAL MECHANICAL PROPERTIES Those characteristics of the materials which describe their behaviour under external loads are known as Mechanical Properties. The most important and useful mechanical properties are: Strength It is the resistance offered by a material when subjected to external loading. So, stronger the material the greater the load it can withstand. Depending upon the type of load applied the strength can be tensile, compressive, shear or torsional. The maximum stress that any material will withstand before destruction is called its ultimate strength. Elasticity Elasticity of a material is its power of coming back to its original position after deformation when the stress or load is removed. Elasticity is a tensile property of its material. The greatest stress that a material can endure without taking up some permanent set is called elastic limit. Stiffness (Rigidity) The resistance of a material to deflection is called stiffness or rigidity. Steel is stiffer or more rigid than aluminium. Stiffness is measured by Young‟s modulus E. The higher the value of the Young‟s modulus, the stiffer the material. Hardness It is the ability of a material to resist scratching, abrasion, indentation or penetration.
  • 6. PRINCIPALI PROPRIETA’ MECCANICHE Le caratteristiche dei materiali che descrivono il loro comportamento quando vengono sottoposti a carichi esterni vengono definite PROPRIETA’ MECCANICHE. Le più importanti di esse sono: FORZA E‟ la resistenza offerta da un materiale quando viene sottoposto ad un carico esterno. Pertanto, quanto più forte è un materiale tanto maggiore sarà il carico che esso può sorreggere. ELASTICITA’ E‟ la capacità di un materiale a recuperare le sue posizione e forma iniziali dopo la rimozione di un carico od una forza, la cui applicazione ne aveva indotto la deformazione. STIFFNESS (RIGIDITA’) E‟ la resistenza che un materiale oppone al suo „piegamento‟. L‟acciaio è più rigido dell‟alluminio. La stiffness viene misurata dal Modulo di Young E. Quanto maggiore è il valore del modulo di Young tanto maggiore è la stiffness del materiale. DUREZZA E‟ la capacità di un materiale a resistere al graffio, all‟abrasione, alla scalfittura od alla penetrazione
  • 7.
  • 9. Stiffness distribution of cells and results of migration and invasion test Citation: Xu W, Mezencev R, Kim B, Wang L, McDonald J, et al. (2012) Cell Stiffness Is a Biomarker of the Metastatic Potential of Ovarian Cancer Cells. PLoS ONE 7(10): e46609. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0046609
  • 10. The distribution of the actin network plays an important role in determining the mechanical properties of single cells. As cells transform from non-malignant to cancerous states, their cytoskeletal structure changes from an organized to an irregular network, and this change subsequently reduces the stiffness of single cells. Further progressive reduction of stiffness corresponds to an increase in invasive and migratory capacity of malignant cells. Less invasive Normal cell toward cancer cell Single cell stiffness reduction More invasive
  • 11. Mammary epithelial growth and morphogenesis is regulated by matrix stiffness. (A) 3D cultures of normal mammary epithelial cells within collagen gels of different concentration. Stiffening the ECM through an incremental increase in collagen concentration (soft gels: 1 mg/ml Collagen I, 140 Pa; stiff gels 3.6 mg/ml Collagen I, 1200 Pa) results in the progressive perturbation of morphogenesis, and the increased growth and modulated survival of MECs. Altered mammary acini morphology is illustrated by the destabilization of cell–cell adherens junctions and disruption of basal tissue polarity indicated by the gradual loss of cell–cell localized β-catenin (green) and disorganized β4 integrin (red) visualized through immunofluorescence and confocal imaging. Kass et al. Page 9 Int J Biochem Cell Biol. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2009 March 19. NIH-PA
  • 12.
  • 13. Tumor cells‟ stiffness decreases Extracellular matrix‟s stiffness increases
  • 14. La rigidità delle cellule neoplastiche diminuisce La rigidità della matrice extracellulare aumenta
  • 15. Cellularità HES NV V CD 31 Densità dei vasi Fibrosis Masson‟s Trichrome
  • 16. Cellularity HES NV V CD 31 Microvascular density Fibrosis Masson‟s Trichrome
  • 17. Stiffness in funzione del volume 5 mm 7 mm 11 mm 16 mm a) Molto „molle‟ (9 kPa) „Molle‟ (22 kPa) „Duro‟ (50 kPa) Molto „duro‟ (108 kPa)
  • 18. Stiffness depending on volume 5 mm 7 mm 11 mm 16 mm a) Very soft (9 kPa) Soft (22 kPa) Stiff (50 kPa) Very stiff (108 kPa)
  • 19. Cellularità Densità dei vasi Fibrosi Molto „molle‟ „Molle‟ „Duro‟ Molto „duro‟
  • 20. Cellularity Microvascular density Fibrosis Very soft Soft Stiff Very stiff
  • 21. 20 18 16 14 MVD score 12 Cellularity score 10 8 Fibrosis score 6 "Pathological 4 Stiffness Score 2 0 Very soft Soft Stiff Very stiff
  • 22. Transizione da un ‘imaging’ ‘morfologico’ ad un’imaging fisiopatologico?
  • 23. Going from a morphologic to a physiopathologic ‘imaging’?
  • 24. Transizione da un ‘imaging’ ‘morfologico’ ad un’imaging fisiopatologico?
  • 25. Going from a morphologic to a physiopathologic ‘imaging’?
  • 26.  Nell‟Antico Egitto il riscontro di una massa dura nel corpo veniva correlata ad uno stato di malattia.  Nella Medicina Ippocratica la palpazione era parte essenziale dell‟esame fisico del paziente.  Nel Terzo Millennio la «Palpazione Remota» sta diventando realtà grazie all‟ Imaging Elastografico.
  • 27.  In ancient Egypt, a link was established between a hard mass within the human body & pathology.  In Hippocratic medicine, palpation was an essential part of a physical examination.  In the 21st century, «remote palpation» by means of elastographic imaging is becoming a reality.
  • 28.  Many R& D techniques have emerged since the 1990s, based on the Ultrasound and Magnetic Resonance imaging modalities.  Sonoelasticity: KJ Parker et al, 1990  Ultrasound Strain Elastography: J Ophir et al, 1991  MR Elastography: R Sinkus et al, 2000  Shear Wave Elastography: J Bercoff et al, 2004  All techniques are based on the same principle:  Generate a stress, and then use an imaging technique to map the tissue response to this stress in every point of the image. but differ substantially in terms of their performance characteristics:  Qualitative / quantitative nature, absolute / relative quantification.  Accuracy / precision / reproducibility, …  Spatial / temporal resolution, sensitivity / penetration, … 28
  • 29.  Initially introduced by Hitachi, and later on Siemens, in the early 2000s.  More manufacturers have followed in the last year(s).  The basic principle used is the one proposed by Ophir‟s group in the early 1990s: 1. Tissue compression (Stress) is induced manually by the user. 2. Multiple images are recorded using conventional imaging at standard frame rates. 3. The relative deformation (Strain) is estimated using Tissue Doppler techniques. 4. The derived strains are displayed as 29 a qualitative elasticity image.
  • 30. Strain Elastography Summary  Stress Source  Manual Compression (user-dependent).  Stress Frequency  Static (user-induced vibration < 2 Hz).  Result Type  Qualitative image (E=Stress/Strain, but Stress is unknown). Relative quantification (Background-to-Lesion-Ratio).  Straightforward implementation on current scanners (standard acquisition architecture, plus Tissue-Doppler-like processing)..  Stress penetration / uniformity issues. User-applied compression is attenuated by soft objects & depth and cannot penetrate hard-shelled lesions.  User-dependence. User-applied compression is attenuated by soft objects & depth, and cannot penetrate hard-shelled lesions. 30
  • 31. External Natural Mechanical force Heart  SuperSonic Imagine has developed a novel method called SonicTouch, which is based on focused ultrasound, and can remotely generate Shear Wave-fronts providing uniform coverage of a 2D area interest.
  • 32. Esempio di viscosità La sostanza in basso ha maggior viscosità della sostanza acquosa in alto
  • 33. Viscosity demonstration The bottom substance has higher viscosity than the clear liquid above
  • 34. Strain vs. Shear Wave Elastography Strain Elastography tends to produce a binary classification, where the whole lesion is either hard or soft. Shear Wave Elastography provides richer & more complex information with many cases of hard borders plus soft centers. The differences between Strain and Shear Wave Elastography are not 34 surprising, given the very different principles on which they are based.
  • 35. Shear Wave Elastography Phantom with liquid center inside hard lesion Highly-localized estimation of tissue elasticity • Especially, inside hard lesions Shear Wave Elastography can “see” inside the hard lesion, because the shear waves can propagate through the hard shell. Strain Elastography interprets the whole lesion as hard, because the applied manual 35 compression cannot penetrate the hard shell.
  • 36. Tipo di tessuto/organo Young‟s modulus Densità E (kPa) (kg/L) Mammella Tessuto adiposo normale 18-24 Tessuto ghiandolare normale 28-66 Tessuto fibroso 96-244 Carcinoma 22-560 Prostata Parte anteriore normale 55-63 1.0 10% ~ Acqua Parte posteriore normale 62-71 Iperplasia benigna 36-41 Carcinoma 96-241 Muscolo 6-7 Fegato Parenchima sano 0.4-6 Rene Tessuto fibroso 10-55
  • 37. Breast multiple fibroadenomas – Directional PD • Mother (58 years old) • Daughter (29 years old)
  • 38. Breast multiple fibroadenomas – SW Elastography • Mother (58 years old) • Daughter (29 years old)
  • 39. Breast SWE – Normal • Fat 53.5 kPa • Gland 29.0 kPa
  • 40. Breast SWE – Hyperechoic nodule in fat • Fat 7.8 kPa • Nodule 4.8 kPa
  • 41. Breast SWE – unilateral gynecomastia 16 years • Nodule 14.8 kPa • Parenchima 21.3 kPa
  • 42. RT induced effects on breast Bidimensional US 6 months after RT 13 years after RT
  • 43. RT induced effects on breast SW Elastography 6 months after RT 135 kPa 13 years after RT 25 kPa
  • 44. RT induced breast subacute effects 3D US
  • 45. RT induced breast subacute effects 3D SWE
  • 46.
  • 47. Breast complicated cyst Bidimensional US First study 7 days after therapy
  • 48. Breast complicated cyst Powerdoppler First study 7 days after therapy
  • 49. Breast complicated cyst SW Elastography First study 7 days after therapy
  • 50. Breast complicated cyst 3D US First study 7 days after therapy
  • 51. Breast complicated cyst 3D SWE First study 7 days after therapy
  • 52. Breast complicated cyst SWE different settings Resolution mode Penetration mode
  • 53. Breast fibroadenomas Bidimensional US Almost homogeneous Inhomogeneous
  • 54. Breast fibroadenomas SW Elastography Different kPa Similar elasticity ratio 26kPa Vs 83 kPa 2.1 Vs 2.5
  • 55. Breast papillary carcinoma 2008 2009 2010 2009 2008 2011 2010 2011
  • 56. Breast carcinoma – Mammography Benign Malignant
  • 57. Breast carcinoma – US Bidimensional – 0.89 cm 3D – 1.86 xm
  • 58. Breast carcinoma – SWE Bidimensional 3D
  • 59. Breast carcinoma – SWE • High transparence • Low transparence
  • 60. Breast carcinoma Vs Fibroadenoma SWE • High transparence • High transparence
  • 61. 2 more nodules in the same breast Bidimensional US Nodule n. 1 Nodule n. 2
  • 62. 2 more nodules in the same breast SW Elastography (both benign at histology) Nodule n. 1 Nodule n. 2
  • 63. Breast carcinoma – Axilla US Bidimensional 3D
  • 64. Breast carcinoma – Axilla SWE Bidimensional 3D
  • 65. Lymphnodes 2D US B cell Lymphoma Breast cancer metastasis
  • 66. Lymphnodes US 3D B cell Lymphoma Breast cancer metastasis
  • 67. Lymphnodes SWE B cell Lymphoma Breast cancer metastasis
  • 68. Lymphnodes in different sites in the same patient Bidimensional US B cell Lymphoma inguinal B cell Lymphoma ext. iliac
  • 69. Lymphnodes in different sites in the same patient SW Elastography B cell Lymphoma inguinal B cell Lymphoma ext. iliac
  • 70. Lymphnodes SWE Different stiffness depending on histology • B cell Lymphoma - 21 kPa • Breast cancer metastasis – 16 kPa • NET metastasis -209 kPa
  • 71.
  • 72. Aims of elastography Correct tissue elasticity quantification Identification of „cut off‟ elasticity values for the right diagnostic workup of diffuse and focal diseases
  • 73. Breast lipomas SW Elastography precision and repeatibility Fat 19.9 kPa Lipoma 20.5 kPa Fat 8.0 kPa Lipoma 7.8 kPa SW Ratio 1.03 SW Ratio 1.03 Ore 10:07:09 Ore 10:07:34
  • 74. Breast sonoelastography : Question n. 1 : quantitative or qualitative? Answer n. 1 Quantitative! Question n. 2 : SW or Strain Elastography? Answer n. 2 SW Elastography Antonio Pio Masciotra Campobasso-Molise-Italy Email : Skype : antonio.masciotra