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Triggers of Consciousness
a presentation by
Mary Rodwell
Exopolitics Denmark
Video produced by:
Exopolitics Germany
UFOs and Close Encounters
September 26, 2015
National Museum of Denmark
The views expressed in the following don't necessarily
reflect those of Exopolitics Denmark
Triggers of Consciousness.
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Something of GREAT importance is going to happen
on this Earth:
It will not happen in your lifetime but in mine:
•It will affect ALL units of consciousness.
• Mineral, Vegetable, Animal or Man:
•It is to do with global consciousness.
•A vast change in consciousness:
•The energy is heading this way
•The essence of this energy is light, and the energy
will repair our DNA.
It would make us complete and WHO we really are.
That is what I was trying to tell my mother at 4 years
Mike Oram Experiencer/ Author "Does it Rain in Other Dimensions.'(UK)
Disclosure from the ground up

Disclosure from the ground up
• Telephone and Internet support, skype and email
•Access to ie Psychologists MD, and complementary practitioners
• Global Networking
•A "buddy” support
Presentations, lectures domestically and overseas
Media information and interviews
”ACERN Honors all realities “
FREE Mandate:
•The FREE Foundation researches evidence
for the reality of Extraterrestrial
Encounters, which is scientifically
supported through the Quantum Hologram
theory of physics, and linked to non¬
ordinary states of consciousness.
A A %
Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial Encounters
A comprehensive, multidisciplinary academic
research project into the Extraterrestrial Contact
• Academic and scientific
• Experiencer support.
The research will focus on Encounter experiences
however they may be interpreted or understood by
the individual
; Der.ruhagi
Dr Rudy Schild Executive
Director FREE
Dr. Edgar Mitchell Apollo 14 Research astronomer at the
mission: The 6th man to walk
on the moon. Dr. Mitchell
founded the Institute of
Noetic Sciences.
Dr Edgar Mitchell
Harvard/Smithsonian Center for
Astrophysics: Studying Dark Matter,
Black Holes, and the fluid mechanical
origins of Cosmic Structure.
DR Mitchell devoted the last
40 years to studying human
consciousness and psychic and
paranormal phenomena in the
search for a common ground
between science and spirit.
• Research into a coherent
understanding of the nature of space-
time in the Universe.
Astronomy website is
and his personal website is
FREE Board of Directors
Dr. Jon Klimo: retired Professor for over 40 years in the fields of
Transpersonal Psychology and Parapsychology. He is published in many
academic articles and books on these topics.
Dr. Leo Sprinkle: retired Professor of Psychology
publish academic articles on Experiencers of UFO
Dr. Bob Davis: retired professor for over 30 years at the State University of
NY in audiology, neuroscience and electrophysiology and has recently
published a book on the UFO Phenomenon.
Dr. Michael Melton: psychologist who has worked as a therapist
"Experiencers" of ET Contact for many years.
and the first academic to
related “ET Contact”.
Mary Rodwell, Kathleen Marden, Giorgio Piacenza and Rosemary Ellen
Guilev: Internationally recognized non-academic researchers on UFO &
Paranormal Contact Experiencers, who together have researched tens of
thousands of UFO and Paranormal contact cases, and considered by many
to be “experts” in this field.
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Results of the Phase 1 Survey
(1,233 Responses July 1, 2015)
High percentage sighted a UFO & experienced
Telepathic communication
•And received ‘downloaded information’ re new
•High number experienced OBE’s
•Many also lost interest in materialism
•At least half saw a Physical ET and interacted with
A high number described ETs as Positive
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Results of Phase 2 FREE Survey (591
Responses July 1, 2015)
A significant number experienced NDE
•Experienced Medical Healing from the ETs
A high percentage had NOT experienced Abduction
•High percentage felt a connection between ETs and
“Spirit World” (Pre-Birth/Post Death)
•Many reported ETs appeared ‘playful’ with emotions:
High number had Communications with an ET,
Highest number called their encounters a positive
Transformative highlights of FREE
surveys to date:
High percentage had minimal interest in materialism
Felt they were more ‘intuitive’ than the average person.
•Received knowledge and information,
•A high percentage experienced OBE’s
•About half experienced interactions with Greys and or
The Majority had positive experiences
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UFOLOGY: Broadening the
•Photographs/video of space craft and extraterrestrial forms.
Sightings by credible witnesses such as police, pilot etc.
•Implanted objects
•Marks and scars which fluoresce under black ultra violet light.
•Whistleblower testimony, military and political disclosure
•EMF magnetic changes in soil etc.
Multiple witness testimony
Conscious recall.
DNA. Intelligent design? Extraterrestrial manipulation Physical and
non-physical domain) Holographic nature of reality
> Dei
UFOLOGY: Broadening the
Photographs/video of space craft and extraterrestrial forms.
Sightings by credible witnesses such as police, pilot etc.
•Implanted objects
•Marks and scars which fluoresce under black ultra violet light.
Whistleblower testimony, military and political disclosure
•EMF magnetic changes in soil etc.
Multiple witness testimony
Conscious recall.
DNA. Intelligent design? Extraterrestrial manipulation Physical and
non-physical domain) Holographic nature of reality
y ILÿÿU uu
The non-physical, multidimensional
evidence of Extraterrestrial reality
Out of body Experiences (O.B.E. ) ie astral travelling
Near death Experiences (NDE)
Time distortions, missing time.
Healing, and healing abilities
Altered and enhanced senses
Information/knowledge, downloads, such as advanced Physics etc. .
Heighted multidimensional senses such as telepathy, clairvoyance, etc.
Past life recall, both on Earth and other planets
Telekinesis ( moving object with the mind)
Transformative changes in perspective, holistic lifestyles and attitude
Expressions of Contact/scripts/art/star languages
Shamanic types of Experiences
A great many civilizations “out there”
interacting with us.
Dr Rudy
What the UFO phenomenon is now contributing to our overall knowledge of
the structure of the Universe.
Astrophysicist We now understand, the speed of thought far exceeds the speed of light
and we live in a Quantum Universe, in which the quantum effect resides
in the 'dark energy' field.
This Quantum Universe supports Information transfer from mind- to
mind, through the exchange of Quantum Holograms, and proceeding at
the speed of thought allows for what society calls 'miracles/ such as:
telepathy, past life experiences, remote viewing, crop circles.
L UFO’ s in particular, which get here at much faster than the speed of
light and allow their alien visitors to interact with us in a variety of ways.
It has been confusing because the craft can be so very different, and the
'beings' reported can be so different.
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It simply suggests, there are a great many civilizations out there
interacting with us. Basically all stars in our galaxy host a family of
planets, much like our own solar system.
Statement on UFO reality by Dr Schild to Mary R :Newport USA 2010
Triggers of consciousness,
Awakening to who we are.
It may begin with sighting a UFO!
•UFO sightings: Contact/encounters:
Orbs, Crop circles & Communication
with inter-dimensional; extra-
dimensional,Ultra-dimensional or
even time travellers ! m
•The Solar & planetary frequencies
altering Human DNA.
• Communications through downloads
of data, holographic scripts/symbols,
artwork, ’star’ languages,
telepathy, healing & Et /Education
and recall of star origins:
Awakening, to our multidimensional
Every 6 minutes someone sees a UFO.
A Global Phenomenon. Why are they here ?
2007 Megan Hazelwood RN filmed these objects
near Silbury Hill on visit to the UK from Australia
2007 Megan Hazelwood RN filmed these objects
near Silbury Hill on visit to the UK from Australia
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Similar craft in Columbia
Mcda payback Audo Video Tpofc Bcfr
Flying Pyramid
August 2010
South America
TV News
13 July 2010
Visual Trigger sighting these UFO's
was an " Awakening" for Megan
After I saw the "light craft" it
changed my life. I felt VERY
emotional for this loving
was very personal and has
profoundly affected my life,I have
felt compelled to be of service.. SA r,i »•
-•.W-. /x 4, . . aSyg mMJVztir ..f'xiTf,
iUSiehS5e',eannCd1’nsÿK»ithf freal sense of understanding with
many things.
Megan Hazelwood Nurse/Sydney:
Lectures on Crop Circles from this
5 Deinimmairk
Our Cosmic heritage:
The New Human
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ILLBy Ntjry RoJ«tll
orm Youi Life
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We were created by
•One night I had this intense feeling
before sleep. I wrote in a process
where I had little control,
something beyond my present
It was contrary to everything I had
been taught .
•”lt said” the human race had been
created by Extraterrestrials. It
contained information about
genetic manipulation of human
and Et DNA to CREATE another
Tracey Taylor wrote automatically
this statement :
The Human DNA programmer Extraterrestrial ?
The "gods" little g, of mythology
and in religion are they responsible
for the DNA upgrades?
SA Christian BIBLE in Genesis:
“ then God said and now we will
make human beings they will be
like us and resemble us”
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Francis Crick co-founder of the DNA
molecule Author of ‘Life Itself”
•Francis Crick said “ An advanced civilization
transported the seeds of life in a ‘space ship.’
•The Biological mystery :
•223 genes which are a sideways insertion of genetic
material all related to higher psychological
•Where did these come from?
r pj
mm No other species on planet earth has these genesISl'
What some geneticists are NOT
telling you!
"By certain methods of DNA dating, one can tell that numerous genes have been
recently added to the human genome. If workers in my field were to say such things
openly, we would be ostracized!
Any work along these lines would be rejected without any form of appeal. So what
can we do?"
DNA Deep Throat quote from letter to Lloyd Pye Intervention theory ebook
Lloyd Pye with the 900 year old starchild/adult skull found in Mexico. mtDNA and
Fox 2 gene NOT human.
ow I* VMono
Dr William Brown
Molecular Biologist
Hawaii University
•Historical evidence of
genetic manipulation
which points to
intervention ie ‘The
missing Link”
•In DNA molecules fused
together, this does not
happen naturally.
•Many signs of genetic
manipulation showing
advanced technology will
have been used to remodel
the genomes in human
storage system in the entire universe. The immensity of
complex, coded andprecisely sequencedinformation is
absolutely staggering. The DNA evidence speaks of
intelligent, information-bearing design.
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Dr Francis Crick, Co-founder of
DNA molecule concluded
tSSXHSnGenSl. DNA function like letters in a written
language or symbols in a computer code.
Dr Crick Author of ‘Life Itself"
u “They programmed the molecules so that
when we reached a certain level of
intelligence, we wouldbe able to access
their information, and they could
therefore — teach”us about ourselves,
andhow to progress.
For life to form by chance is
mathematically virtually impossible.”
Human DNA is it an extraterrestrial
code? A message conveying our
true origins?
• Vladimir I. shCherbaka and Maxim A. Makukovb :
• The genetic code, "suggests’ it was invented outside the solar system several billions
years ago. It appears there is an intelligent signal embedded in our genetic code.
• A mathematical and semantic message a "biological SETI." This method would have
greater longevity and chance of detecting E.T. than a transient extraterrestrial radio
• There are recognizable hallmarks of artificiality. Patterns essentially irreducible to any
natural origin.
Vladimir I. shCherbaka and Maxim A. Makukovb Department of Mathematics, al-Farabi
Kazakh National University, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan
#U'g Drawing from 13 year old Canada:
The ET ‘s interest in human DNA ?
felt these beings were like
scientists and were curious about us.
Tom was toldit was something to do
with genetics.
Tom 13yrs Canada
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and Anthropological Clues the evidence we have
NEVER been alone!
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Quecatzecoatl Mexico
Pharaoh the Sons of ‘gods,” Ovoid
Skulls found in Peru and Mexico
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sDeqjoÿnections to ancient origins
Karnak Luxor Egypt:
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The pyramids are conscious and
energetic amplifier & focusing
power source and also show our
connections to Sirus and the lion
Tracey Taylor : The ‘all seeing eye’ to greater
awareness: This came to me in a ‘dream.
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The gods or ET’s?
Telefant from the Pleiades,
drawn by Jane/Experiencer Hindu God Ganesha
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The 'gods," Extraterrestrials in
different guises, spiritual guides ?
Emoke 'my friend'
Cathy 9 years old. Indian God Krishna: Note Blue Skin
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Image of his Arcturian ancestry star
family ( 17 year old ) Antonio
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Many humanoids and Grey Types
Nordics Humanoid Blue Beings Zeta Type
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Cone heads! Encounters in
Australia and Europe
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Many non-human forms
Lion Being, and also
feline/cat beings
Grey beings perhaps over
165 types of Grey.
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Lea K’ experiencer’ communicates
with many” Star beings” (Australia)
Neaven Soros Ambassadors Arinu Ambassadors
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Ribbons of light -Light Beings?
I astrally visited the large SHIP WITH
MANY OTHER SOULS... there were a
huge variety of beings, they were playful
and incredibly wise and were able to
shift their form at will from a humanoid
shape to a ribbon of I saw them
they seem to be composed of
effervescent bubbles of energy.
Indigenous Peoples know CONTACT
is real Artist Teddy Chessles
THE BIRTH: My picture was of a native warrior paying
homage to an ET. The ‘orb’ symbolizes light as opposed to
Drawn at 12 years old ONIL Canada
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One of the Ancient 'gods' and
seen by many people globally
In the Eastern Cape of South Africa the Xhosa call
the Mantid being. "The One who teaches." and
pointed up to the sky. In the Bushman legends the
Mantis was the God who came down from the
heavens to share knowledge with mankind.
it *
*The Aborigine in Australia see them as Gods too and
call them the Mamoo.
They are reported to be very Ancient and wise and
master geneticists.
This picture was drawn by Kesara (USA) for Giles
Campbell a former scientist/geneticist, he saw in his
bedroom with his partner ,after witnessing UFO
craft with his father and friends. Australia
stars beyond the Milky Way. Aborigine connection
to the Seven Sisters Constellation
•i* :
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Painting by an aborigine artist:" The planets are half a days journey. They
are very friendly and just watch the aborigine way of life. They have no
guns, spears or weapons. The Air on their planet is food .Their green
uniforms protect from Earth diseases. These Space people speak all
languages. The Elders say the space people showed them how to grow
food, and find water ,and showed them amethyst stones for healing.
5 - Trace'yTaylors " dream image" the Wandjina
holding a Amethyst crystal. Rt: Aborigine
drawing of a Wandjina
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The ghost messenger from the constellation of
Delphinus who is represented by the Owls
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MIN MIN Ghost light, spirit orb,
Messenger of the spirits?
Aboriginal connection
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Fire circles
Taken from the past
tradition, the 'ancients'
set fire to the grasslands
to find the markings for
their ceremonies ..they
were connected to space
and space aliens
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(*> u**.*»c Kttgm K«rc-oo and 1%« «vdr. <0) tufemr
l>*nju. K«i«CJvon and Dingo lydfi ( 10) »»*»«*», Kanftftfflft and
s pfre'Cvrcle in Queensland: Symbols ot
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The Global Awakening, CROP
CIRCLES another trigger?
The design- three circles laid in the form of an equilateral triangle
connected by three pathways- appeared a few days later as a crop circle
at the foot of ancient hill fort, Oliver's Castle, near the main female
energy line that runs across Britain: This exact design/symbol meditated
on by DR Steven Greer's group CESETI a few days prior to this circle
appearing. Conscious manifestation?
Orbs: What are they showing us about the
'Non-Physical world?"
balls/orbs of light,
extraterrestrial, & dimensional
My Contact with Cosmic beings
was before I was born!
•My contact with non humans
Cosmic beings occurred before
I was born. These ‘beings’
were my family before I came
to the Earth domain. And this
close relationship has
continued after my birth.
•Tracey Taylor
A number of experiencers have
recall pre-birth and their soon
to be human parents
Oh,Ichose to do it,Ivolunteered to
come back,Ichose to do this. The two Grey’s, they are
still with me, they said to me, stay on track: Ihave been
John 15 yrsUK
Why me?.
here on Earth 27 times before.
John said: When the The Grey beings arrived in my
I can see orbs, whitey gold with two smaller ones , they
are here to make me feel warm, they are family. The big
one is great nana , the other Nanas dad and Granddads
brother: They are here to reassure me and make me feel .
comfortable Ai'v 0
I asked him how he knew what the ‘orbs of light’ were.
John said, he just “KNEW"
I asked: “ why they are there too? “
John replied, “they had come with the Grey’s to support
me, and make me feel comfortable, so I wouldn’t be
John continued “ When the ‘Grey’s left and the ‘orbs
of light’, went onto the space craft too!
John: “ They did not mean to frighten us”
lames Gilliland: ECETI: Mount
Adams USA “Field of Dreams”
lOlirjftii <3
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1ECETI USA Sky Watch Field of
Dreams 2010 15.26 to 15:27
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Conscious intelligences?
The Experiment:
I called this orb into the
After a meditation in
Tepoztlan. Mexico

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Bunbury- West Australia - Crop Circles and
Contact tour and the strange energy form?
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- JAre we interacting with intelligences through Music
frequencies ?
Certain musical patterns can create amazing perfect
-when the right spirit is fused into the musical-
soundscape. Darren ( Sacred Resonance)
m V
Music & how we can create the Para-
physical Doorways
to the Higher Evolution
The "Higher Intelligences" left humanity with musical cues
and frequency patterns encoded in ancient temples so we
can use them to create the positive contact culture .
Darren gave a musical performance using sacred Hebrew
words demonstrating how sacred language can create a
'portal' The following images were captured by Digital
Camera. Adelaide : Australia
s Denmark
Ribbons of light -Light Beings?
25 I astrally visited the large SHIP
there were a huge variety of
beings, they were playful and
incredibly wise and were able
to shift their form at will from
a humanoid shape to a
ribbon of light.
3 <
m As I saw them they seem to
be composed of effervescent
bubbles of energy.
i was told I was only 22% humanoid
the rest is a form of light energy
•When I speak the star languages I feel I am giving directives to angels.
• Nearly every time I take a video it records spacecraft, really odd
videos I've taken at night. I was gone hours. I woke up with tree-
material in my hair, and I had not left the house since I washed it.
• I believe I am traveling at night to different dimensions, times, and my
actual physical body goes, not just the soul.
In 2009, I began being awaken once or twice in the night between around
1:00 and 3:00. It was just as if someone grabbed me and shook me. As I
moved in bed awakening, I could a very strong but not painful --well,I
can only describe it as similar to a rush of adrenalin or an electric current
going through my body. Only once did I wake myself speaking another
Note: There are recordings of star languages being spoken in sleep state.
Emma Strong USA artist /Experiencer
Emma Strong speaking the language with the orbs.
" Sometimes it will spontaneously come out of my
mouth when I am speaking English 41
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Hyper Communication
“It should be borne in mind that the nature of
Extraterrestrial communications that in a majority of
instances Star visitors communicate with humans by
telepathic transfer of mentalimages and concepts,
rather than by words and speech "
"... everything is made up of the same matter
resonating at different harmonics, so the Ets are able
to communicate with us, directing thought on
subatomic levels.....and so activate subconscious
........these symbols are meant to communicate the
nature of the macrocosm”...Tracey Taylor
Many of these glyphs are actually
formulas' on its way to forming
matter. T. McGrath Physicist
Light formulas and cosmic language
transmissions, Deborah explains.
• Its hard for me not to sing, as signing the
frequencies are an integral part of the
' p • These languages carry billions of bits of
information in a bridge format.
Human language is linear, speaking singing
‘light language’ feels spiral and wave like.
A /" S * v y. Sensation of being awash with layers of
’&• knowing, that is understood, but cannot be
' ? V» articulated in a linear word string.
Advanced beings use telepathy, or direct
•Deborah Lapatina speaks and
writes light languages. USA
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Light Language!
"light language' °1 theArclurlbn collective
duwn by AnLhonlo (IS yrt}
language spoken by Solrolft ( Australia)
" Thu language it a more accurate
representation ol an individual soul
vibration, it means the language comes
dkeclly honi tho essence ol the Universal
mind or god, which ultimately links all ol
existence together
It bypasses linear space lime.....
Thlt Is one ol the slops from words to
telepathic communication
The Symbols *ndscrip! am die ancronJ forms for
CpmmvncJliitg vofumpi of rnlormafron wrf/iout
havirjjj [o roJdpages andpages, ..facey Taylor"
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"Something takes over my hand. I tel) them to try to slow
down and keep within the notebook lines. They do their
best," Emma Strong USA
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<&d talked early and from the age of three started writing this
script. At school I would do pages and pages of these symbols. Leon (UK)
* I put the symbols on my body as I wanted others like me to recognize
Hi papa
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5 Denmark
Martin law - Script
•I was just studying my
hieroglyphicsI am rather
astonished at what "I" have done
there. I mean, the characters are
totally consistent throughout and
not only flawless but ,to my
senses written with the bold
confidence and authenticity of a
piece of Zen calligraphy
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•To be honest, I haven't a clue what
I've written. But, I do know when
I write only one character wrong,
and I have to throw it on the fire
and start over.
/*utM U*r lit* 0?
I do know how I do it.
s Denmark
Script :Josh from West Australia
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Aft (fbWhloaded over years by 'non-physical
intelligences showing our multidimensional worlds
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"the imagery has ledme to an appreciation that the world we live in and the world
beyond this world are interconnected.Ihave an ability to communicate with beings
beyond this dimension who want to communicate with allofus. "Cecy Colichon
Contact Art: Multi-dimensional information
Its almost like a thesis ....a work in progress. It has opened my mind to the bigger
picture that includes biology, neurology, physics, astronomy, astro-physics, theology,
philosophy, spirituality, technology, anthropology, archaeology.
I feel I am in school and higher intelligences are instructing me and teaching me, .
After the work it forces me to read and learn what they have suggested. It has
awakened me to a higher consciousness and awareness
Ilearned to see life differently andhow everything is inter-connectedby a
mathematicalorder, balance andharmony thatflow within us andbeyond
This art progressed in groups at a time telling me something that I was not aware of
until the next body of artwork was completed. It took approximately 10 years before I
realized that specific information was being relayed to me through this art-making
process. _
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Translator: Lorraine Joy Burke : Lorraine was 'told' she
would have " Contact" at Uluru.
One of many Digital pictures she took-of Craft:
Artist/Teacher/Experiencer WA
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Lorraine: Re: Cecy’ s art work
•"Two eyes looking at me.. This is affecting my body.. Another
download.. We are mirror images of they... the matrix... we don’ t
need to understand..Interstellar ..Galactic.
•When people look at this they will be open to possibilities. Some
now being born have a direct link to that bright " ball of white
light" a thread to all the NEW Ones
k 4
Torraine on Tracey's Contact Art, a
•“ Its amazing I am going somewhere else..a portal entrance, its
like f m not here..but can be between both places at the same
time, like the ability to go there and be with them.... Leonardo de
Vinci created the same portal. They are working with me through
the pictures.... The matrix...its downloading to peoples
subconscious, they are full of compassion,
•just like us ..we are they!”
I If
Terrÿ Mace: Psychotherapist UK
“ Decoder”
•WhenIsaw Tracey’s art, to begin withIwas traumatized,Ifelt sick and felt
almost likeIhad a nervous breakdown
metaphysically spiritually andinternalimplosion, like a LIGHT GOING
ON.... Switches pulled ... flashbacks ..Experiences:
• / sensed and understood somethingIshouldn’t have hadknowledge of as
awakening spiritually ... since being a childIhad forgotten and “ somethingI
had been trained to do”
it knockedme offmy feet,
Iwas able to sense and switch on a channel..use my hand as a
barcode reader scanning / with the third eye to /receive the equivalent
of severalhundred terabytes and uploaded them/ an uplink it knocked
me backwards..Ifelt likeIhadbeen hit by a lightening
strike...information /and data at light speed...
Terry Mace: Psychotherapist UK I was a
code breaker esoteric engineer.
I understood on multiple levels what it meant ... what its potential was
for humanity... group consciousness, Interpret codes, ciphers, signs
forms geometric formulae,blueprints,designs models, encryptions,
meta languages, hieroglyphics, schematics, internal Rosetta stone
turned on... an intergalactic process...I could understand on a
conscious and super conscious level... “ SomethingI had been trained
to do”
... I was a code breaker able to interpret encrypted codes received and
downloaded..I don’ t know where it comes from........activated by the
art work........I am able to understand and do something with it...
•- .V -
The NEW HUMAN: The upgrades
demonstrating our future and the potential of
our extraterrestrial creators?
“I have come to the
conclusion that not only
are Star children
amongst us, but the
rapid advancement of
the human species is
due to alien intervention
in our bodies and
Dr Roger Leir. Author: The Aliens and the
The ‘New Humans” are here to guide the
Awakening of terrestrial consciousness
Every year these new babies are born and can over-ride dominant conditioning and
programming that occurs from birth. TT
• Superior mental and analytical abilities, and can bypass inferior unsubstantiated
clutter, to link directly to the subconscious and super-conscious.
Conscious awareness of their innate connection to the Universe balanced by spiritual
understanding. They have enhanced DNA bodily functions and learning skills and
abilities are more advanced. Initially they do not see things as solid, they have
to learn what ‘solid’ is.
Extreme sensitivity to thought, emotion and physical environment, energy
frequencies and parents awareness
Photographic memories, fast motor neuron responses. Telepathy,
manipulation of time and space, non-verbal communication are all conscious
abilities with these children.
Enhanced DNA has 10 times the amount of information available and their molecular
structure allows the cells to vibrate faster, every thing is accelerated, and can recognize
foreign organisms, and turn them into nutrients or enhanced bodily functions:
$ Demi
Extra High Functioning 'psychic'
children in China
•These children are now seen globally.
•Are able to open a flower bud with the power of
Move beans from a sealed bottle with thought.
•Teleportation abilities, objects and people
• Have the abilit
human body o
pressure, hundreds of miles from the person.
"Filmed changing DNA in a petrie dish
in 1997 over 100.000 of these Extra High Functioning
,.1 1 I.
v Vi fw t
ty to remotely cause changes in the
f another such as raise their blood
? #>J fcfiHPI
(Paul Dong and Thomas Raffill (Chinas Super Psychic’s
Chinese boy who can see in the dark
is this evidence we are changing?
Evidence of a" NEW
Nong Yousui from Dauha China
- Two weeks after Nong was born
his eyes were seen to be different
Nong has ‘blue eyes’ which emit a
blue green light just like cats eyes,
‘glow’ and help him see in the
Nong was able to complete a
written questionnaire in a pitch
black room
For such a thing to occur in
humans would require multiple
mutations to happen at once
“I believe genetic modification is occurring right now in
Utero are actually producing “New Humans”
Their NEW genetic architecture allows them to see the
world in a multidimensional fashion. I believe research
would show dormant genetic regions are being integrated
into the biological systems and occurring in all of us to
produce expanded awareness. “
The Exponential increase in ADD, Autistic and Indigo children.
Their brains work faster. I believe they already ‘KNOW ‘ what
they are being taught.
The ‘intrinsic” understanding of knowledge and information
operates at bio-molecular level. Its trans-generational
It is “encoded” within the atomic structure of the DNA
molecule. It can be accessed more efficiently to produce savant
like characteristics .The modification of the DNA , is more like
a remodelin
The ‘Hybrids’ are altogether a new species of human. PhD biology, cellular and Molecular MS
|in Biology Applied Recombinant DNA technology BS in Biology
fc:Dr W. Brown PhD
ofLifo .com
w, g of the genome to make dormant regions
2 LÿCU uu u utgiu rt
Star Seeds:
The New Human
Superior mental and analytical
Direct connection to higher
KWl'Extreme sensitivity to thought and
emotion 17
m w- i
Enhanced DNA .
ILPhotographic memories
Fast motor neuron response
Manipulation of time and space
Non verbal communication
s uenmdim
The New Human: H.S.A
( High Sense abilities )
Recall of being on space craft and being educated by various species
of Et.
Recall of past lives: Including ones where they are NOT human
•Access to knowledge and information that they have not consciously
learnt: Downloads of knowledge.
Sense of mission
•Often feel’ alien’ to this planet.
Intelligent, intuitive, telepathic in some instances: May write unusual
scripts or speak in unusual Languages. ( Star Languages)
Perceive spirits and or Ets both physical or non-physical:
Healing abilities, Aura perception, Highly empathic, some may
communicate with animals: Perceive energy fields/frequencies
mar Past Life connections to
My CONTACT with a non-human cosmic race of beings
has occurred since before t was born, These bongs were
'MY FAMILY' before I came to be in the earth domain,
and a close relationship with them was continued
AFTER my birth. Tracey Taylor
£ .. T
' ' "
The NEW HUMAN: Evolving species
Aquantum, Letter people.
“ I came down to inhabit a human body as I have
done many times before.” Dr L. ohison
r •
* m
The New Human programs, Dr Ohison calls ‘letter” people
who bring different multidimensional skills to humanity.
•“The programs such as ADD, ADHD, Asperger's, the “ Letter people”,
I do not believe these are ‘broken genes’ but instead offering new
multidimensional skills to prevent limited re-programming of a third
dimensional reality.
It is not so simple as foreign DNA. it’s a combination of genetically improved
bodies, in combination with souls from different places in our Universe,
incarnating in these ‘improved ‘ bodies. The souls have different
frequencies/vibrations depending on their evolutionary status and that plays a
role in activation of the DNA in that particular body. I believe we also have to
take into account the collective soul of Homo sapiens
"Letter people" show an impairment in communication between the brain-
halves and thus use one side of the brain for solving the same problem. They
say ‘we are dysfunctional’ However it may be a way to free more space in the
brain for solving difficult tasks. The Asperger part might be responsible for
‘higher 1
knowledge, not interested in traditional learning.
Dr L.O. PhD in Molecular Toxicology Bachelor in biochemistry
and molecular biology
Letter people have different
bodies and nervous systems
•It seems like we have an up-upgraded
nervous system. In my case I have i.e. more
nerve ends for pressure in my skin.I can see
more colors and differences between the
shades of color. Acute sense of smell and
taste and acute hearing (a bit outside the
normal range).
• Very sensitive to frequencies of all kinds
and that means radioactive radiation, energy
fields and energy beaming out from angry
people or animals as well as love and
happiness in them.
If we can learn how to focus and control our
own energy field we would be less prone to
get ill from our surroundings. We can use
our own self healing abilities !
Dr L Ohlson PhD. Experiencer/Scientist
Differences in Letter People
CHI observed the calculated levels of acetylcholine
and dopamine in the brain is ‘higher’ in letter
Acetylcholine is formed from choline in the
vitamin B family and "letter people" need more
choline (but also other vitamin B family members)
because they use more of it. So that’s the
simplicity behind the "cure" for "letter people".
More vitamin B's and MSM
(methylsulfonulmethane) to help in the enzymatic
reactions in the brain and the formation of
acetylcholine from choline
The effect comes a few days after the first intake
and if you stop taking the supplements the first
signs of imbalance (ADHD and so on) can be
noticed after a few days, depending on how much
stress you are exposed to.
DR L Ohlson PhD
O 3
A. •&. CH.H3C o
ADD and ADHD: New programs as
we evolve as a species?
ADHD•woodma tiandcap 0ul A -nay «wtl T>« nwnj tfory « t*» UQa <V on® m*i»
ba fww vary QuattM that
** ht*p to ctuggte tocoma to term* art* fie tact thrt ha
towna humanfy from t% bntead fted dtnan woo rtflo-wnr In an JQ* Mbtn tv* afforonca
Monte r*v)»o< JO NN IMNNO n Ne boot
Iteal aucfi a book uoj owdua
-MwyflnftMtf AN ACCRN
_CLOSE ENCOUNTERStoamng to copa tefi ha ADHD conation ht
daccMcraJ trwd ha abAAea to read and rotate
to paocte of dhtena background*. ongns and
w»fly orhanced May abovt
the nc*m to ah attonttfmg Wuovt and
-CuriasU.CJUV UA
WMt ADHD ta oomoreontdy vtewad at a
ipaottf teamng decndar. ACHO batter doag
nata* ancrvaxvtntcnti way <4 teaming r*a
promtea* to nccrpotate s <jntatef auorynant
of ptfv»ciN« and Wa« Tha bohaMor of tocomng to gnp* w*h ADHD, arrptfted by a
thosa wth ADHOa aratogout toonacrytij to pence* of parancrmaf aroart-atone*-
bnjte out *rr- via vnal ocvAnM <* -ha tnX omruncacnt fteTGouM vantfcrm
rumanbrain tooai/ad to fir* n inter terra tna eognnva deaonanc* and cuteirai nfcter-
nundenftanrfrg Vw world anca d ADHD rtb an tntoryUndng of
n-MctefE Said ADD
KUMT fiopaaa fttfwaaHctuafttte
£ <
15. ,
*r a
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Neil Gould.N
rnn I
A* arttmtey axraptotehew’ CÿUaUcOun W
y »CmitaOiiviteiMi
Victims or co-participants in our own evolution?
ET Screen recall: Transcending FEAR
"Basically at the startImisunderstood the grays ' the knowingET
part ofme initially made a decision to assist them and the
understanding of this can be overshadowedbyfear which stems
from our limitedhumanperceptions andreactions to these
experiences “TT
lg  *ÿ
/ JA
! A
W I il«fu mtilfT »" ..--S )..i
° ~ tv. |»iy ttwi <ÿ,!
Sf ’-3'ÿ '
5 drawings showing energy
fields, and different beings.
© € cr Oaik
»Pfff fttuy _
jr ~
1. *J
Sftic* Ciaf0»jdT locking
-t* Oiler oti t
«t no o '°ÿF
VWlor. C* Hx
ofcor- BtOWC . $IQfJCdfu,wC om<4<*Ahb
“My Guides” Cathy 9 yrs Europe
N f

v m
fl~ J ?kjr>
s Denmark Intergenerational Links:
"Little 'Blue Bears' take me at night, and when they
bring me back, I am sad " 6yrs Australia
All the kids will be taken to a
'New Earth': I named some stars,
" We don't call them those
These are the 'Doctors":.
i if
fv f
Visitors3 By David Dunger

A Lifetime of Experiences
Paul speaks about his Mantid family
and his 'mission'
"I draw what I am seeing like
the Mantid and lion beings:"
My 'Mission' to help animals & help
people understand them
1 . W
t rjfcs.
being from different parts of the globe: Simon
Parkes and Paul(8years old) share the similarities in their
are interactions with the Mantid beings as their 'Family"
"They hold me above their head when they were happy with me."
Paul8 yrs( Australia) & Simon Parkes Politician/experiencer (UK)
On the craft my soul /consciousness is moved into a Mantid form and I would help
with the humans on board. The human container will be inhabited temporarily by an
Et form such as a Mantid or Grey for short periods in time sometimes transfer into my
Mantid body for a time and their soul is transferred into mine. Simon (UK)
Sometimes on the craft there is a Manta body I ‘evaporate’ into. It looks like
‘steam,” Paul 8yrs
The Mantid make chirping trilling sounds ( Simon and Paul )
I have Mantid, Lion and reptilian connections but MANTID are my REAL family.
Simon Parkes
The Mantid are my REAL family: Paul
Soul Transfer into other 'life 'forms, the 'real'
family, & knowledge of ancient mysteries.
•I think I levitated last night and I was in a
bubble when I travelled.
•My ancestors say I go back to my planet
when I die. The Great ancestor is a Manta.
My brother manta is someone I see on
the space ship, I see him as a human and
other times a Manta. U
gmm•Ancient Egyptians were not human and
cat beings/lion beings built the Sphinx. It
was to tell humans there are other life
Paul 8 years old Australia i
Lea introduces herself and why
she feels “different.”
Energy Beings
! t
“The skin feels like Dolphins” 4 yr
old Australia. 15 yr old boy (UK)
ilki /%
'm..ST jffV
p m -0
fU L
2> lÿCU UU U UOl IN.
•The Greys, have
personalities and a sense
of humour.
Dr Michael Wolf: MD
Neurology, PHD Theoretical
Physics: Whistleblower: Area
51, Dulce, S4: Above Top
Secret clearance
• M
Their smooth soft skin
felt like Dolphin skin to
touch,they share the
same evolutionary path as
c Dr Wolf:” I have not met
met a Grey I didn’ t like.”
Author: The catchers of
heaven.” Kolta a Grey, Dr
Wolf communicated with.
BS woi,F
y u
Children with telepathic downloads: Write in
strange scripts, speak star languages, have
awareness of their origins, Mature beyond their
years Able to de-code complex Et art work.
How do they know?
E v'
Scripts are important!
My 4 year old son didn't' know
what it said, but it "MEANS'
something. Qld
My 5 year old wrote this script she
said" to help me understand."
V /
°tVr f
Three times a week I would be woken up by a glow, a woman times
with long blonde hair, green eyes. No beam me up Scotty, we would be
in a room, walls metallic when touched ripple like water, a window like
a plasma screen show stars, nebula and symbols when put in the
correct order would me show things. SCTIpt 3t 3 y63TS
7 f,(K)
* * *o
 Z .
* £UJ °?°?r xlÿ
«* h**. ?
V? 1®
2X 3 &
mark 7 year old from Queensland reading
the scripts and her understanding
r !.
- t. 'ALL
“fticey's Taylors pictures my 7
year old can read them. USA
Pi ,*JT
I wanted to see what my son made of these images
by Tracey Taylor. There were no prompts.
He said:
• They contain information about Aliens .
The pictures contain images of harvesters
of Energy , machines which harvest the
suns energy. There are different types, the ,
other pictures contain information about
the aliens , One is about the 7 who will be
coming. There are eagle people and cat/lion
people. They have ancient messages “
* Ancient Future
pV ii
‘Evolutionary Creation
* Possibilities
; Je
A 7 year olds understanding of
Extraterrestrial art. USA
Tracy Taylors
drawings‘I honestly wish he was making this up Mary
I asked about the pyramids in Tracey's paintings.
Son: "...that's how they [aliens] will come, that's where they will land and
arrive. It is also a teleportation machine. The big pyramid isn't the only
one. There are others. They will come at the pyramids and then fly over the
ground to the south pole and then shoot up to the north pole (by way of a
teleporter) and then fly down to the pyramids again.”
[He made hand motions which indicated that the craft would teleport or pass
through the center of the Earth, from pole to pole. )
Mother: “ When you say others, do you mean other pyramids? “Son: "I mean
other teleport places on every continent. Places all over the world.”
Mother :” So, there are other types of teleportation places other than the big
pyramid [Pyramid of Khufu?"
Son: ”Yes! In the side of the hill. Lots of hills. Hundreds of them around the
world. It's actually a place where the aliens do science there." I stopped asking
questions. I think I just needed to digest this. He was starting to scare
me...again. Her 7 year old son has Dyslexia, and says he sees the information in
his mind.
My d'aOghter has‘helpers’ who guide and teach
her: They are here to help Humanity with the
Blue Guide is ‘Emenoke’ No
hair or ears, human eyes
only bigger
The Green guide is male .
“In my first pregnancy ‘a voice’ told
me that my children are not mine.
They belong to no-one”
My daughter gets important messages in Et
I showed her your presentation: When lady
does healing and writes in Et languages. My
daughter responded in joy and excitement
“She knows what I have written.”
*> ••
“We ALL originate from Dayla
is where the Tight’ lives” There is a
which has NO gender, I call an
‘ULTRATERRESTRIAL and where light and
love and the angels live.” Cathy
Cathy’s mother : Teacher: Europe
nd: Dayland
I am here to help my family ‘wake up”
Everyone is sleeping!
My daughter has healing
abilities and speaks 3 star
languages. She knows where
these languages are from.
Cathy talks to water to heal it!
• It tasted different after this. She
says the languages’ are from a
place ‘outside’ of the Universe.
Parents have to listen.
"o  f jz 0
r - '
GbSomething will happen in the next
5 years to this planet 2012-2017
Children say they can ‘heal’ water with ‘star
languages’ Is this possible?
Scientist: Dr Masaru Emoto
has shown both prayer and
loving intent can alter the
nature of water. Author
Messages in Water
•I have no problem believing this.
•The spiral formations I've been
working with in my water research
are loading energy back in the water
and helps healing/recharging
(strengthens the energy field/the
aura) whatever it is pointed at.
Rightly used, it could be a bliss for
humanity in rebuilding our earth. “
•Healing works on a cellular level
whether you believe it or not. The
healing from my hands affected the
protein binding to a gene p53 which
plays a role in turning genes on and
Dr LOhlsen PhD
The Human body is 50 -75% WATER. If
human language/ frequencies can alter both
DNA and water what affect could star
languages/frequencies have on the human
body and DNA?
 1m O -
Crop Circle Making
•I had the experience of Crop Circle
making through a dream.
• I found myself floating above the
landscape, hills fields and crops,
noticing the orbs floating next to me,
I realized I was in the form of a ball of
energy consciousness with other
•I realized I was headed for a field and
there was an amplification of energy.
A joyful playful action, the grass
moved and arranged swiftly, I know
that as I thought and felt the field
would arrange itself accordingly.
A beautiful communication between
myself as the orb consciousness
and the Earth herself as a reflection
of vibrationaTfields’ below
Some are sacred symbols, and
related to star systems, some
contained within them are
maps to create alternative
power sources, or
mathematical formulae and
some sacred areas of
importance on Earth.
i i
Secret School described by
Whitley Strieber
•Remembering the journey outside
of time was another step....
•9 lessons involved in the
manipulation of time because
learning how to use time as a tool is
the key to reaching higher
consciousness and a real
relationship with the beings...”
•Whitley Strieber “ The Secret
school “
Whitley StrieberAuthor of Hrmhhronfb and Communion
ihe Cosmic syllabus taught on
space craft
Quantum Physics, the Holographic nature of tho Univorse
The non linear nature of time and space
The awareness and connection to all sentience/life
Taught levitation abilities and skills, off world
Understanding the spatial geometry of thought
How to operate in a Multidimensional reality: states of consciousness
Taught how to communicate, interpret and interact with inter-dimensional and
human intelligences
Out of Body Training: OBE
Telepathy and Mind Melds
Multidimensional Ecology
Manifestation, directed thought and emotion
Healing skills and working with energy
True history of mans origins and informed of their own star horitage
Time travel and tolcportation
The true nature of the source and Universal spirituality
Remote influencing
Secret School
1 had never before heard of or read
about anyone else having had alien
classes as a child
I remember having been given physics
classes at the age of three of four
years old’
#LFrederick Queensland
From verbal language to telepathy. Thought
transplanting and mind melds The NEW
way to educate.....teacher
I found I could just go in to their
mind and absorb the concepts
directly and there was
•'thought transplanting' going on
my bank of information was
merged with theirs and they re¬
schematized their own
knowledge systems
Ancient symbols hold the
conceptual keys that trigger within
the observing mind without the
teacher being present .
Star Seeds with multidimensional sight! My
son described his blue energy body when he
was sick.
( 10 yr old. Australia )
i— />
8 yr old Paul educated by on the craft with
school friends and non -humans
They are teaching me so I can teach
the Adults
•" Something will happen in the NEXT
5 years to this planet 2012-2017
I am here to help my family WAKE UP!
•"50% of people on the planet ARE star
seeds. But many get lost, only 20%
will remember who they are.
The ‘light orbs’ are sent here to protect us.
My little brother has a blue orb to protect
•Children are programmed, the
teachers just push the keys. The stress
of modern living extinguishes their
inner core their 'light.' Its like a virus,
we lose the knowledge we had in the
Cathy 9 years. North Europe
Activation of our DNA, HFP and LFP.
Soul choices. LOG.
•I think the increased resonance/frequency from both space and the earth is
"pushing" the DNA into some sort of three dimensional configuration so that
dormant genes in the so called junk DNA are aligning, like a time activated
evolutionary step controlled through DNA. DNA being the crystalline formation
with an 'in-coded message' aimed to speed up evolution.
• However the bio container is one of three parts influenced the other two parts,
mind and soul. The soul is an 'energy container' which moves from body to body
between lives/dimensions and worlds with frequencies which have a huge impact
on DNA. The soul provides the 'life force' and data bank and this 'main control'
sends frequencies, signals, programmed photons, electrons, gamma rays to help
you carry on your mission, and evolve. Not everyone will choose to 'upgrade' so
there will be High Frequency People(HFP) and Low frequency people(LFP) And your
life style with either enhance frequency or lower it.
% M&
w3 V
* u’(gouui]<3iiri&
New Earth?
My daughters script about the New
Earth: Its in a different galaxy Not
everyone will be going there.
People don't know about this, it's a
Ozlem Akman ( Turkey) 5 yr old
daughters script: Ozlem sent a copy
similar to her daughters script from
Dolores Cannon's book
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S&fitf srsg5g
mar Cosmic agenda. Homo Novis is here to make sure
humanity survives and being upgraded now to
Homo Noeticus
At %mm* _iS L
/t* 1
UFO Encounter, WAKE Up call.
Modern day shamanic experience?
Shamanism andAlien
Abductions demonstrates many
amazing parallels between
Shamanism and the alien
if Transcending fear
Healing abilities, present and
past lives with Ets
Telepathic abilities
Changes in Perception
Simon Harvey Wilson author Shamanism and Alien Abductions 2000 ECU W.A
f /
i igt
tr *
Antonio school believes ho is from Arcturas. He temmunieales with light
beings and technologies resonating on pure fight find sound technology
ol crystalline generators. These increase the vibratory level ol the
physical world by crystals around the pyramid and those in the pyramid
could project the vibration ol those inside the pyramid and sent around
tho globe 15 years old School Porject.____
Antonio NZ : 16 year old star seed Images
and Arcturian Light Language
Light language from the
Arcturian Collective
Activation of Psychic
1o ©•
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Russian Scientists found DNA can be influenced and
reprogrammed by words and frequencies.
Is this possible with Star language ?
DNA is not just responsible for the construction of
our body but as data storage which in
communication follows the same rules as language
and just requires the RIGHT FREQUENCIES to be
Living chromosomes function like a holographic
computer using the endogenous DNA laser
radiation, are able to modulate certain frequency
patterns onto a laser ray and influence the DNA
frequency and thus the genetic information itself.
Esoteric and spiritual teachers have known our
body is programmable by language, words and
thought. Now been scientifically proven and
Is it possible the star languages they call “light
languages” or Universal languages the NEW
frequencies which may also re-program OR alter
human DNA as human language appears to?
Von Grazyna Fosar and
Franz Bludorf authors
Vernetzte Intelligenz/
Networked Intelligence
Transformation “l work to re-align the
frequencies: It links with planets.” R
Some of the language is coding in the
‘energy’ fields.
Like shorthand. Art ,languages and scripts
Healing with Extraterrestrials,
Communication and healing
ft tari[*»?*]'
kfssiuscfIICcnldct Expressions ofEl[ontecl
writer few
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The healing encounter with the
Cone head video created by Oim(l Verdon
The room had a green, yellow
while hate. I focused on a small
being,. From hit forehead Ihero
was a white beam, it made a
90deg angle lurn over his hands,
and into my body. He had a tight
ILgM silvery/ light bluish, slim
suit and bools ol the same
color . A buckle of clear glass.
( the shape of a bun) with a swirl
yellow and green strokes rotating
I last, these were the cause of the
green/yellow light In the room, I
was able to leave my body and
look at Ihis being from all
perspectives. I just KNEW they
were healing and transforming my
body. I felt very happy.
f£ V
mar 5 DNA creates magnetized wormholes through
which information can be transmitted to our
DNA can also cause disturbing patterns in the vacuum producing
magnetized wormholes! Microscopic equivalents of the so-called
Einstein-Rosen bridges in the vicinity of black holes, tunnel
connections between entirely different areas in the universe through
which INFORMATION can be transmitted outside of space and time to
our consciousness.
It explains such phenomena as preÿcognitivo insights, clairvoyance.
intuition, telepathy past lives, spontaneous and remote acts of healing,
self healing, remote influencing with weather-patterns. Crop circles and
much mure.........................And the abilities we are seeing manifest with
star seeds as they are able to assimilate this information
• Dr. Pjolr GAItAJAJEV
t....................t muiiitviiH)
Downloaded information on human DNA, origins
and ability to transform into a higher form.
DR Ohlson scientist/Experiencer
The genes have all the characteristics of genes, but
on another level they contain information of their
origin with the tools to transform into a higher form.
The information of the ‘donors and their background
is there, a hidden ‘key’ and like PC programmers
hide their work.
This ‘key’ can be activated and these ‘programmers’
know the person is ready to be contacted .
The activated ones spread a ‘signal’ to wake others
II feel “ they” are speeding this up.
Dr Ohlson PhD in Molecular Toxicology. Bachelor in
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. May 2015
mar The New Human Evolutionary
The Gateway
Communitailor with our galactic
nciehbori ,md intor-dlmonÿlonfil
Inlulliptrltt'i irwolvo:
• LJgMwivti by Vliuniiy nrl
JCJH Lui Ef&rroli
an.l irdii-l.llon by numcreui nsn-himun
flih lit ibtÿhrtkii, iiitiiiiih rii
ejncfli, miih
Oul a1 Dody.
DnwnloMli of (.pmprtu*** dub
Hrmruutipn. muilc. *r1. %!«ÿ Itngutgn.u
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Hifllniiidti *ndiPtqiitKiii b itlitil' DMA ind1ht
blolitpiciil tyriTtnii.,
rttdHtnOtf.To .fttftt it lib tht fill111* It upjr.d.i Tin
ninny pf*nt'*'ir iodl**-
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KgfitrjriiQnt haw lu i*ntw4i oNf piocr jrmt arid n,parti
tanicfeatibnati #<KJ uniJtritiirf tlialmt n*(um or who
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mullidlinantlohat r«*lilf
Mitch Battros Author Solar Rain. Evidence the
sun produce charged particles affect humanity
•Solar Cycle 24 has begun, the suns activity
is 50% stronger, than cycle 23.This wave
affects not only the planet but the human
body’ s magnetic field and human
•Battros believes that the magnetic
influence of the sun will usher what’ s
described by our ancient ancestors, as the
‘transition’ bringing a New state -of- being.
Awakening: A Consciousness shift!
Peter 12 years old USA
Peter said:” Humanity has been at this point
three times, but we have been knocked off
This time there is a 95% chance we will
make it, and possibly a 100% chance we are
headed up to a higher level.
• It’s slow, but in the last three years he has
been getting more and more ‘in tune’ with
things and it's due to the ‘ shift’ that’s
affecting everyone. Peter said it's the star
seeds and indigos of the planet (like us)
Gaia cherishes because we can help the
vibration of the planet more than any others.
(l L'I
From Edward : Engineer/experiencer
mm gpgre
It J"
h'*dL w'tf,' i
V «r_
“l can only come to the conclusion that we are becoming conscious,
co-participants in our own evolution. And with that in mind, ‘they’
had better give us a brochure, which is I guess what they are doing!”
Jane /Experiencer NOETICUS art Jean
Luc Bozzoli

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Mary Rodwell - Triggers of Consciousness

  • 1. Triggers of Consciousness a presentation by Mary Rodwell
  • 2. Host: Exopolitics Denmark Video produced by: Exopolitics Germany Conference: UFOs and Close Encounters Copenhagen September 26, 2015 Venue: National Museum of Denmark The views expressed in the following don't necessarily reflect those of Exopolitics Denmark
  • 3. Triggers of Consciousness. “AWAKENING “ m *;rSw V i Vi f 1 Something of GREAT importance is going to happen on this Earth: It will not happen in your lifetime but in mine: •It will affect ALL units of consciousness. • Mineral, Vegetable, Animal or Man: •It is to do with global consciousness. •A vast change in consciousness: •The energy is heading this way •The essence of this energy is light, and the energy will repair our DNA. It would make us complete and WHO we really are. That is what I was trying to tell my mother at 4 years old: i* EEME Mike Oram Experiencer/ Author "Does it Rain in Other Dimensions.'(UK)
  • 4. Disclosure from the ground up Disclosure from the ground up ACERN & FREE I NTER RFSOURCE fMI«H
  • 5. -yL AUSTRALIAN CLOSE ENCOUNTER RESEARCH NETWORK • Telephone and Internet support, skype and email •Access to ie Psychologists MD, and complementary practitioners •Information •Research • Global Networking •A "buddy” support Presentations, lectures domestically and overseas Media information and interviews ”ACERN Honors all realities “ FREE Mandate: •The FREE Foundation researches evidence for the reality of Extraterrestrial Encounters, which is scientifically supported through the Quantum Hologram theory of physics, and linked to non¬ ordinary states of consciousness. mTrw> DR EDGAR MITCHELL FOUN RESEARCH EXTRATERRESTRIAL El |DATION NCOUNT ERsl A A %
  • 6. jsisz Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial Encounters FREE A comprehensive, multidisciplinary academic research project into the Extraterrestrial Contact phenomenon. • Academic and scientific • Experiencer support. The research will focus on Encounter experiences however they may be interpreted or understood by the individual ; Der.ruhagi Dr Rudy Schild Executive Director FREE Dr. Edgar Mitchell Apollo 14 Research astronomer at the mission: The 6th man to walk on the moon. Dr. Mitchell founded the Institute of Noetic Sciences. Dr Edgar Mitchell Harvard/Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics: Studying Dark Matter, Black Holes, and the fluid mechanical origins of Cosmic Structure. DR Mitchell devoted the last 40 years to studying human consciousness and psychic and paranormal phenomena in the search for a common ground between science and spirit. • Research into a coherent understanding of the nature of space- time in the Universe. Astronomy website is and his personal website is ,.y
  • 7. FREE Board of Directors Dr. Jon Klimo: retired Professor for over 40 years in the fields of Transpersonal Psychology and Parapsychology. He is published in many academic articles and books on these topics. Dr. Leo Sprinkle: retired Professor of Psychology publish academic articles on Experiencers of UFO Dr. Bob Davis: retired professor for over 30 years at the State University of NY in audiology, neuroscience and electrophysiology and has recently published a book on the UFO Phenomenon. Dr. Michael Melton: psychologist who has worked as a therapist "Experiencers" of ET Contact for many years. and the first academic to related “ET Contact”. with Mary Rodwell, Kathleen Marden, Giorgio Piacenza and Rosemary Ellen Guilev: Internationally recognized non-academic researchers on UFO & Paranormal Contact Experiencers, who together have researched tens of thousands of UFO and Paranormal contact cases, and considered by many to be “experts” in this field. A V >w U UU Results of the Phase 1 Survey (1,233 Responses July 1, 2015) High percentage sighted a UFO & experienced Telepathic communication •And received ‘downloaded information’ re new technologies •High number experienced OBE’s •Many also lost interest in materialism •At least half saw a Physical ET and interacted with them A high number described ETs as Positive . v. A A » Ai
  • 8. Results of Phase 2 FREE Survey (591 Responses July 1, 2015) A significant number experienced NDE •Experienced Medical Healing from the ETs A high percentage had NOT experienced Abduction •High percentage felt a connection between ETs and “Spirit World” (Pre-Birth/Post Death) •Many reported ETs appeared ‘playful’ with emotions: High number had Communications with an ET, Highest number called their encounters a positive experience. Transformative highlights of FREE surveys to date: High percentage had minimal interest in materialism Felt they were more ‘intuitive’ than the average person. •Received knowledge and information, •A high percentage experienced OBE’s •About half experienced interactions with Greys and or humanoids The Majority had positive experiences =fM.r I•« t-lMtAM Ml f * M A it •••ii- i m A«» «I«IAI *
  • 9. > Dei UFOLOGY: Broadening the mandate •Photographs/video of space craft and extraterrestrial forms. Sightings by credible witnesses such as police, pilot etc. •Implanted objects •Marks and scars which fluoresce under black ultra violet light. •Whistleblower testimony, military and political disclosure •EMF magnetic changes in soil etc. Multiple witness testimony Conscious recall. DNA. Intelligent design? Extraterrestrial manipulation Physical and non-physical domain) Holographic nature of reality > Dei UFOLOGY: Broadening the mandate Photographs/video of space craft and extraterrestrial forms. Sightings by credible witnesses such as police, pilot etc. •Implanted objects •Marks and scars which fluoresce under black ultra violet light. Whistleblower testimony, military and political disclosure •EMF magnetic changes in soil etc. Multiple witness testimony Conscious recall. DNA. Intelligent design? Extraterrestrial manipulation Physical and non-physical domain) Holographic nature of reality
  • 10. y ILÿÿU uu The non-physical, multidimensional evidence of Extraterrestrial reality Out of body Experiences (O.B.E. ) ie astral travelling Near death Experiences (NDE) Time distortions, missing time. Healing, and healing abilities Altered and enhanced senses Information/knowledge, downloads, such as advanced Physics etc. . Heighted multidimensional senses such as telepathy, clairvoyance, etc. Past life recall, both on Earth and other planets Telekinesis ( moving object with the mind) Transformative changes in perspective, holistic lifestyles and attitude Expressions of Contact/scripts/art/star languages Shamanic types of Experiences A great many civilizations “out there” interacting with us. Dr Rudy Schild: What the UFO phenomenon is now contributing to our overall knowledge of the structure of the Universe. Astrophysicist We now understand, the speed of thought far exceeds the speed of light and we live in a Quantum Universe, in which the quantum effect resides in the 'dark energy' field. k This Quantum Universe supports Information transfer from mind- to mind, through the exchange of Quantum Holograms, and proceeding at the speed of thought allows for what society calls 'miracles/ such as: telepathy, past life experiences, remote viewing, crop circles. L UFO’ s in particular, which get here at much faster than the speed of light and allow their alien visitors to interact with us in a variety of ways. It has been confusing because the craft can be so very different, and the 'beings' reported can be so different. ' V i; m I!JV A ”1 It simply suggests, there are a great many civilizations out there interacting with us. Basically all stars in our galaxy host a family of planets, much like our own solar system. Statement on UFO reality by Dr Schild to Mary R :Newport USA 2010
  • 11. Triggers of consciousness, Awakening to who we are. It may begin with sighting a UFO! •UFO sightings: Contact/encounters: Orbs, Crop circles & Communication with inter-dimensional; extra- dimensional,Ultra-dimensional or even time travellers ! m •The Solar & planetary frequencies altering Human DNA. • Communications through downloads of data, holographic scripts/symbols, artwork, ’star’ languages, telepathy, healing & Et /Education and recall of star origins: Awakening, to our multidimensional selves: THE NEW HUMAN Every 6 minutes someone sees a UFO. A Global Phenomenon. Why are they here ? •$'Ate V V
  • 12. 2007 Megan Hazelwood RN filmed these objects near Silbury Hill on visit to the UK from Australia 2007 Megan Hazelwood RN filmed these objects near Silbury Hill on visit to the UK from Australia V-/ -ft Vi
  • 13. M « V II Similar craft in Columbia Mcda payback Audo Video Tpofc Bcfr Flying Pyramid August 2010 UFOOvor Cueuta Colombia South America TV News 13 July 2010 Visual Trigger sighting these UFO's was an " Awakening" for Megan After I saw the "light craft" it changed my life. I felt VERY emotional for this loving was very personal and has profoundly affected my life,I have felt compelled to be of service.. SA r,i »• -•.W-. /x 4, . . aSyg mMJVztir ..f'xiTf, iUSiehS5e',eannCd1’nsÿK»ithf freal sense of understanding with many things. " a* Megan Hazelwood Nurse/Sydney: Lectures on Crop Circles from this time
  • 14. 5 Deinimmairk Our Cosmic heritage: The New Human PNingl R' 5 ..I |f i L j-» , m /i NSS p’•fc ILLBy Ntjry RoJ«tll •«h orm Youi Life T U*'*U «/ A# l i i->C. We were created by Extraterrestrials:” •One night I had this intense feeling before sleep. I wrote in a process where I had little control, something beyond my present understanding. It was contrary to everything I had been taught . •”lt said” the human race had been created by Extraterrestrials. It contained information about genetic manipulation of human and Et DNA to CREATE another species. Tracey Taylor wrote automatically this statement :
  • 15. The Human DNA programmer Extraterrestrial ? The "gods" little g, of mythology and in religion are they responsible for the DNA upgrades? SA Christian BIBLE in Genesis: “ then God said and now we will make human beings they will be like us and resemble us” BUT WHO IS US? B s / 4 5- v I i V I v/: A... m?n 7l //I n Francis Crick co-founder of the DNA molecule Author of ‘Life Itself” •Francis Crick said “ An advanced civilization transported the seeds of life in a ‘space ship.’ •The Biological mystery : •223 genes which are a sideways insertion of genetic material all related to higher psychological functioning. •Where did these come from? !•=*» r pj v. mm No other species on planet earth has these genesISl' Wi
  • 16. What some geneticists are NOT telling you! "By certain methods of DNA dating, one can tell that numerous genes have been recently added to the human genome. If workers in my field were to say such things openly, we would be ostracized! Any work along these lines would be rejected without any form of appeal. So what can we do?" DNA Deep Throat quote from letter to Lloyd Pye Intervention theory ebook Lloyd Pye with the 900 year old starchild/adult skull found in Mexico. mtDNA and Fox 2 gene NOT human. ....MngYov ow I* VMono u*v« Dr William Brown Molecular Biologist Hawaii University •Historical evidence of genetic manipulation which points to extraterrestrial intervention ie ‘The missing Link” •In DNA molecules fused together, this does not happen naturally. •Many signs of genetic manipulation showing advanced technology will have been used to remodel the genomes in human DNA
  • 17. sDeinimsnrlk storage system in the entire universe. The immensity of complex, coded andprecisely sequencedinformation is absolutely staggering. The DNA evidence speaks of intelligent, information-bearing design. !«• Wf IIVI Wf fft Dr Francis Crick, Co-founder of DNA molecule concluded tSSXHSnGenSl. DNA function like letters in a written language or symbols in a computer code. the Dr Crick Author of ‘Life Itself" u “They programmed the molecules so that when we reached a certain level of intelligence, we wouldbe able to access their information, and they could therefore — teach”us about ourselves, andhow to progress. For life to form by chance is mathematically virtually impossible.” fr # Human DNA is it an extraterrestrial code? A message conveying our true origins? • Vladimir I. shCherbaka and Maxim A. Makukovb : • The genetic code, "suggests’ it was invented outside the solar system several billions years ago. It appears there is an intelligent signal embedded in our genetic code. • A mathematical and semantic message a "biological SETI." This method would have greater longevity and chance of detecting E.T. than a transient extraterrestrial radio transmission • There are recognizable hallmarks of artificiality. Patterns essentially irreducible to any natural origin. Vladimir I. shCherbaka and Maxim A. Makukovb Department of Mathematics, al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan
  • 18. #U'g Drawing from 13 year old Canada: The ET ‘s interest in human DNA ? OL% i l felt these beings were like scientists and were curious about us. Tom was toldit was something to do with genetics. Tom 13yrs Canada - AS rx* u‘ 1 1 ' 1 , and Anthropological Clues the evidence we have NEVER been alone! Kil r 4*1>ÿft.r, * i L4.A C. ffl I &Vl,_1 / k [« MS » .'•J! w’*6 V. v Wi >'ÿ V" ? J j?» <c 1ÿ9 L Quecatzecoatl Mexico
  • 19. Pharaoh the Sons of ‘gods,” Ovoid Skulls found in Peru and Mexico r - A . L., Jmr.- N** > ,.a/ •vKft ' X * -i I - J sDeqjoÿnections to ancient origins Karnak Luxor Egypt: I J ~JÿW- *N I The pyramids are conscious and energetic amplifier & focusing power source and also show our connections to Sirus and the lion people. Tracey Taylor : The ‘all seeing eye’ to greater awareness: This came to me in a ‘dream. Mi nV:ff / <1 J1. JA r> k
  • 20. The gods or ET’s? Telefant from the Pleiades, drawn by Jane/Experiencer Hindu God Ganesha A 4: f fML * $ Sh>U R; ESS The 'gods," Extraterrestrials in different guises, spiritual guides ? Emoke 'my friend' Cathy 9 years old. Indian God Krishna: Note Blue Skin 4?J!4/ ( » f :!*« M iVft. U i* v t IV* V 4
  • 21. Image of his Arcturian ancestry star family ( 17 year old ) Antonio / 43 SKT'. erf? * ) V Js, "i; v :.v veto I« I noi: iHt Tj 5J Many humanoids and Grey Types Nordics Humanoid Blue Beings Zeta Type Jb/ 1 1 f” I Ifi
  • 22. I'JW" k t f) " hlr A 1lI -•• 4 y fj W)'& // r sjoijsjAJBJSjosapadsAue[/j T i,L •f®«r*/*»ÿ; •o <3a&.S rSi3 »-f' /*3 M AH nD -/'! H~a&vxi/~st>mm A -'’1 X&lq.p&'f'T*'>t>r?/ ..........».**._ -' -...-. . *MM /•?- JA o|M L' rAo -i C»II»% V V:/;Aw-• /•.',t -vVJ5 '4>bl-< j; V*. fr _iV 4L£Cl , PUB|0J|:MB~|U!JJB|/| 0|dO0dJB*S5
  • 23. Cone heads! Encounters in Australia and Europe .. !E •] 4ftrv i? a / vi *1i w . iJ tp J m n.' WdtL Many non-human forms Lion Being, and also feline/cat beings Grey beings perhaps over 165 types of Grey. kip* •V t* i*' HP < # i *. 1'' if% i A *#|pTIv V r *.7* 1 : CV' V '%rlr
  • 24. Lea K’ experiencer’ communicates with many” Star beings” (Australia) Neaven Soros Ambassadors Arinu Ambassadors Stvi J : n t & p i * muw/; Ribbons of light -Light Beings? I astrally visited the large SHIP WITH MANY OTHER SOULS... there were a huge variety of beings, they were playful and incredibly wise and were able to shift their form at will from a humanoid shape to a ribbon of I saw them they seem to be composed of effervescent bubbles of energy. ......Josh/Experiencer 'V A i *t«'
  • 25. Indigenous Peoples know CONTACT is real Artist Teddy Chessles A 9%. - "N '; % * r*% * r4 THE BIRTH: My picture was of a native warrior paying homage to an ET. The ‘orb’ symbolizes light as opposed to Darkness, Drawn at 12 years old ONIL Canada Jv n( h vI i v
  • 26. MANTID One of the Ancient 'gods' and seen by many people globally In the Eastern Cape of South Africa the Xhosa call the Mantid being. "The One who teaches." and pointed up to the sky. In the Bushman legends the Mantis was the God who came down from the heavens to share knowledge with mankind. & it * *The Aborigine in Australia see them as Gods too and call them the Mamoo. They are reported to be very Ancient and wise and master geneticists. This picture was drawn by Kesara (USA) for Giles Campbell a former scientist/geneticist, he saw in his bedroom with his partner ,after witnessing UFO craft with his father and friends. Australia stars beyond the Milky Way. Aborigine connection to the Seven Sisters Constellation .tr-.ymfn -Wm • •i* : A 15V sa »GG. in . .!) 10 ’ 13 : 44 Painting by an aborigine artist:" The planets are half a days journey. They are very friendly and just watch the aborigine way of life. They have no guns, spears or weapons. The Air on their planet is food .Their green uniforms protect from Earth diseases. These Space people speak all languages. The Elders say the space people showed them how to grow food, and find water ,and showed them amethyst stones for healing.
  • 27. 5 - Trace'yTaylors " dream image" the Wandjina holding a Amethyst crystal. Rt: Aborigine drawing of a Wandjina V.'Mi m dpi 8ip:|iftil:&v.vai»;v rrÿTTTvTTTTTf* j-rr:r-.--.:-.-.r ;I Mplfcli&gspi < The ghost messenger from the constellation of Delphinus who is represented by the Owls I-, !W r v F
  • 28. MIN MIN Ghost light, spirit orb, Messenger of the spirits? 3> ILÿVCU DU U UISJU If*. Aboriginal connection I M Q*u —§ ' S ' f JL mm , /tfk - as II Ai Af< /[i.vim Fire circles mm Taken from the past tradition, the 'ancients' set fire to the grasslands to find the markings for their ceremonies ..they were connected to space and space aliens a* loo -/ ai Body pd.l.i, I* <m<l to (I. i) c™*rt»d M HK I.«* M lh».........I rjiprt-wW, rchldtu (vpjnv (7) MmOc K*W. 1 «y*s (*> u**.*»c Kttgm K«rc-oo and 1%« «vdr. <0) tufemr l>*nju. K«i«CJvon and Dingo lydfi ( 10) »»*»«*», Kanftftfflft and Dtovxy* i
  • 29. s pfre'Cvrcle in Queensland: Symbols ot Awakening I" I b A, T •* Vi * i. i ;/T Ar. t1 IT, JTJ.:.i 3R. OJL> fair - «•’ 4, 5mr 4->* a JL V«. $®EJ! 1 mt -ft; P-J* ri|< if; m J T » *35 « hd§ : v"' feT “>lU Mppinnjs V- > > .' - S'T -V * 3 1, 'ÿ i *34-J . "V? -• * i * /•* • :T* dK,; -I.JU IV y. •‘y
  • 30. ‘ IJIESK V ,223]>4 > wi/ vfi®5P '-r* ;ir r-*££ r; srsÿ*> fefi rsg n r.;m«•. as H ' < . m V , UMM s Deronmairk O - *; iV-j u *** *T2 / )
  • 31. ; sar.x.z:.< The Global Awakening, CROP CIRCLES another trigger? The design- three circles laid in the form of an equilateral triangle connected by three pathways- appeared a few days later as a crop circle at the foot of ancient hill fort, Oliver's Castle, near the main female energy line that runs across Britain: This exact design/symbol meditated on by DR Steven Greer's group CESETI a few days prior to this circle appearing. Conscious manifestation? |PHIH inm mm «1 Orbs: What are they showing us about the 'Non-Physical world?"
  • 32. balls/orbs of light, extraterrestrial, & dimensional intelligences! ¥ * / ' My Contact with Cosmic beings was before I was born! •My contact with non humans Cosmic beings occurred before I was born. These ‘beings’ were my family before I came to the Earth domain. And this close relationship has continued after my birth. •Tracey Taylor A number of experiencers have recall pre-birth and their soon to be human parents
  • 33. Oh,Ichose to do it,Ivolunteered to come back,Ichose to do this. The two Grey’s, they are still with me, they said to me, stay on track: Ihave been John 15 yrsUK Why me?. here on Earth 27 times before. John said: When the The Grey beings arrived in my garden: I can see orbs, whitey gold with two smaller ones , they are here to make me feel warm, they are family. The big one is great nana , the other Nanas dad and Granddads brother: They are here to reassure me and make me feel . comfortable Ai'v 0 I asked him how he knew what the ‘orbs of light’ were. John said, he just “KNEW" I asked: “ why they are there too? “ John replied, “they had come with the Grey’s to support me, and make me feel comfortable, so I wouldn’t be frightened.” John continued “ When the ‘Grey’s left and the ‘orbs of light’, went onto the space craft too! John: “ They did not mean to frighten us” 3c lames Gilliland: ECETI: Mount Adams USA “Field of Dreams” * ( , V lOlirjftii <3
  • 34. s Deimin 1ECETI USA Sky Watch Field of Dreams 2010 15.26 to 15:27 r % « r • *§ 4 •I •I I,0 t % 4 .fc«i ]fl * *•>:;# f % % '• « 4 i it • . t « I4 * t| > %4 •;v* 03.117.2010 15:26 03.07.2010 15:271*, " t - * A L ‘ I Conscious intelligences? The Experiment: I called this orb into the picture. After a meditation in Tepoztlan. Mexico //i >L f f j A >sr s Vir * I JL I J *
  • 35. Bunbury- West Australia - Crop Circles and Contact tour and the strange energy form? n «** ri ll fewu§§s - JAre we interacting with intelligences through Music frequencies ? Certain musical patterns can create amazing perfect resonance -when the right spirit is fused into the musical- soundscape. Darren ( Sacred Resonance) m V mm$ /(jtiK SACRED RESONANCE
  • 36. Music & how we can create the Para- physical Doorways to the Higher Evolution The "Higher Intelligences" left humanity with musical cues and frequency patterns encoded in ancient temples so we can use them to create the positive contact culture . Darren gave a musical performance using sacred Hebrew words demonstrating how sacred language can create a 'portal' The following images were captured by Digital Camera. Adelaide : Australia / * f
  • 37. llÿirjmark s Denmark Ribbons of light -Light Beings? f 25 I astrally visited the large SHIP WITH MANY OTHER SOULS... there were a huge variety of beings, they were playful and incredibly wise and were able to shift their form at will from a humanoid shape to a ribbon of light. & JF/ * / 3 < m As I saw them they seem to be composed of effervescent bubbles of energy. / it" Josh
  • 38. i was told I was only 22% humanoid the rest is a form of light energy •When I speak the star languages I feel I am giving directives to angels. • Nearly every time I take a video it records spacecraft, really odd videos I've taken at night. I was gone hours. I woke up with tree- material in my hair, and I had not left the house since I washed it. • I believe I am traveling at night to different dimensions, times, and my actual physical body goes, not just the soul. In 2009, I began being awaken once or twice in the night between around 1:00 and 3:00. It was just as if someone grabbed me and shook me. As I moved in bed awakening, I could a very strong but not painful --well,I can only describe it as similar to a rush of adrenalin or an electric current going through my body. Only once did I wake myself speaking another language. Note: There are recordings of star languages being spoken in sleep state. Emma Strong USA artist /Experiencer m mark Emma Strong speaking the language with the orbs. " Sometimes it will spontaneously come out of my mouth when I am speaking English 41 (USA) <&
  • 39. politicsBi|®| * v * - l Hyper Communication “It should be borne in mind that the nature of Extraterrestrial communications that in a majority of instances Star visitors communicate with humans by telepathic transfer of mentalimages and concepts, rather than by words and speech " "... everything is made up of the same matter resonating at different harmonics, so the Ets are able to communicate with us, directing thought on subatomic levels.....and so activate subconscious ........these symbols are meant to communicate the nature of the macrocosm”...Tracey Taylor W
  • 40. it Many of these glyphs are actually formulas' on its way to forming matter. T. McGrath Physicist Light formulas and cosmic language transmissions, Deborah explains. • Its hard for me not to sing, as signing the frequencies are an integral part of the transmission. y/(®L ' p • These languages carry billions of bits of information in a bridge format. ~~ Human language is linear, speaking singing ‘light language’ feels spiral and wave like. A /" S * v y. Sensation of being awash with layers of ’&• knowing, that is understood, but cannot be • ' ? V» articulated in a linear word string. Advanced beings use telepathy, or direct Atthou9h,,ransference •Deborah Lapatina speaks and writes light languages. USA sass> §*s$ A-V m i k - . ' Wu -ÿ mar Light Language! "light language' °1 theArclurlbn collective duwn by AnLhonlo (IS yrt} language spoken by Solrolft ( Australia) " Thu language it a more accurate representation ol an individual soul vibration, it means the language comes dkeclly honi tho essence ol the Universal mind or god, which ultimately links all ol existence together It bypasses linear space lime..... Thlt Is one ol the slops from words to telepathic communication The Symbols *ndscrip! am die ancronJ forms for CpmmvncJliitg vofumpi of rnlormafron wrf/iout havirjjj [o roJdpages andpages, ..facey Taylor" t *1 r * T .ÿ + *
  • 41. "Something takes over my hand. I tel) them to try to slow down and keep within the notebook lines. They do their best," Emma Strong USA I m • r LVi> lA f | ”f| V hJ I* r-/) / v T • * h >6' >r T A * V ) f-V V LhJ -r /» 0rs •, ) V 3 'Vr 'J iu 1 '4‘
  • 42. <&d talked early and from the age of three started writing this script. At school I would do pages and pages of these symbols. Leon (UK) * I put the symbols on my body as I wanted others like me to recognize them: tu Hi papa am .'%W: wMSm m rJBmJtotti fepJBP .*£ i '•>>J m&0mt * •' w 5 Denmark Martin law - Script •I was just studying my hieroglyphicsI am rather astonished at what "I" have done there. I mean, the characters are totally consistent throughout and not only flawless but ,to my senses written with the bold confidence and authenticity of a piece of Zen calligraphy l -«y '*{$ *£•(ÿ<'*r% ?-r i*T* 'f‘V*r *1 *ÿ' f f f T'r?VVK.*'‘ 9.. -aÿC V>-<' T*« «?T / **v* W,«fÿr>-y*»v,s-***ÿ* •&- -• •To be honest, I haven't a clue what I've written. But, I do know when I write only one character wrong, and I have to throw it on the fire and start over. /*utM U*r lit* 0? I do know how I do it.
  • 43. s Denmark Script :Josh from West Australia AO.b.OT WÿWlLl**!*** $ fl?' 1j 4gÿi J&f **V***rt*w f-niu'i' * r 1&& <?, •• ' Aft (fbWhloaded over years by 'non-physical intelligences showing our multidimensional worlds ~ rT*y <n +2* vHÿn £ V O a fog / V vri - & 'ÿ2c-py "the imagery has ledme to an appreciation that the world we live in and the world beyond this world are interconnected.Ihave an ability to communicate with beings beyond this dimension who want to communicate with allofus. "Cecy Colichon
  • 44. Contact Art: Multi-dimensional information Its almost like a thesis ....a work in progress. It has opened my mind to the bigger picture that includes biology, neurology, physics, astronomy, astro-physics, theology, philosophy, spirituality, technology, anthropology, archaeology. I feel I am in school and higher intelligences are instructing me and teaching me, . After the work it forces me to read and learn what they have suggested. It has awakened me to a higher consciousness and awareness Ilearned to see life differently andhow everything is inter-connectedby a mathematicalorder, balance andharmony thatflow within us andbeyond This art progressed in groups at a time telling me something that I was not aware of until the next body of artwork was completed. It took approximately 10 years before I realized that specific information was being relayed to me through this art-making process. _ 1 V fr*' ! Translator: Lorraine Joy Burke : Lorraine was 'told' she would have " Contact" at Uluru. One of many Digital pictures she took-of Craft: Artist/Teacher/Experiencer WA ' i
  • 45. Lorraine: Re: Cecy’ s art work •"Two eyes looking at me.. This is affecting my body.. Another download.. We are mirror images of they... the matrix... we don’ t need to understand..Interstellar ..Galactic. •When people look at this they will be open to possibilities. Some now being born have a direct link to that bright " ball of white light" a thread to all the NEW Ones i 1 . k 4 Torraine on Tracey's Contact Art, a Portal? •“ Its amazing I am going somewhere else..a portal entrance, its like f m not here..but can be between both places at the same time, like the ability to go there and be with them.... Leonardo de Vinci created the same portal. They are working with me through the pictures.... The matrix...its downloading to peoples subconscious, they are full of compassion, •just like us ..we are they!” 'XX I If k
  • 46. Terrÿ Mace: Psychotherapist UK “ Decoder” •WhenIsaw Tracey’s art, to begin withIwas traumatized,Ifelt sick and felt almost likeIhad a nervous breakdown metaphysically spiritually andinternalimplosion, like a LIGHT GOING ON.... Switches pulled ... flashbacks ..Experiences: • / sensed and understood somethingIshouldn’t have hadknowledge of as awakening spiritually ... since being a childIhad forgotten and “ somethingI had been trained to do” it knockedme offmy feet, Iwas able to sense and switch on a channel..use my hand as a barcode reader scanning / with the third eye to /receive the equivalent of severalhundred terabytes and uploaded them/ an uplink it knocked me backwards..Ifelt likeIhadbeen hit by a lightening strike...information /and data at light speed... sat Terry Mace: Psychotherapist UK I was a code breaker esoteric engineer. I understood on multiple levels what it meant ... what its potential was for humanity... group consciousness, Interpret codes, ciphers, signs forms geometric formulae,blueprints,designs models, encryptions, meta languages, hieroglyphics, schematics, internal Rosetta stone turned on... an intergalactic process...I could understand on a conscious and super conscious level... “ SomethingI had been trained to do” ... I was a code breaker able to interpret encrypted codes received and downloaded..I don’ t know where it comes from........activated by the art work........I am able to understand and do something with it... •- .V - I3 A
  • 47. T The NEW HUMAN: The upgrades demonstrating our future and the potential of our extraterrestrial creators? “I have come to the conclusion that not only are Star children amongst us, but the rapid advancement of the human species is due to alien intervention in our bodies and minds.” Dr Roger Leir. Author: The Aliens and the Scalpel. The ‘New Humans” are here to guide the Awakening of terrestrial consciousness Every year these new babies are born and can over-ride dominant conditioning and programming that occurs from birth. TT • Superior mental and analytical abilities, and can bypass inferior unsubstantiated clutter, to link directly to the subconscious and super-conscious. Conscious awareness of their innate connection to the Universe balanced by spiritual understanding. They have enhanced DNA bodily functions and learning skills and abilities are more advanced. Initially they do not see things as solid, they have to learn what ‘solid’ is. Extreme sensitivity to thought, emotion and physical environment, energy frequencies and parents awareness Photographic memories, fast motor neuron responses. Telepathy, manipulation of time and space, non-verbal communication are all conscious abilities with these children. Enhanced DNA has 10 times the amount of information available and their molecular structure allows the cells to vibrate faster, every thing is accelerated, and can recognize foreign organisms, and turn them into nutrients or enhanced bodily functions:
  • 48. $ Demi Extra High Functioning 'psychic' children in China •These children are now seen globally. •Are able to open a flower bud with the power of thought. Move beans from a sealed bottle with thought. •Teleportation abilities, objects and people • Have the abilit human body o pressure, hundreds of miles from the person. "Filmed changing DNA in a petrie dish in 1997 over 100.000 of these Extra High Functioning children ,.1 1 I. v Vi fw t llull min ty to remotely cause changes in the f another such as raise their blood i ? #>J fcfiHPI (Paul Dong and Thomas Raffill (Chinas Super Psychic’s 1997 Chinese boy who can see in the dark is this evidence we are changing? Evidence of a" NEW HUMAN ?" Nong Yousui from Dauha China 2009 - Two weeks after Nong was born his eyes were seen to be different Nong has ‘blue eyes’ which emit a blue green light just like cats eyes, ‘glow’ and help him see in the dark. Nong was able to complete a written questionnaire in a pitch black room For such a thing to occur in humans would require multiple mutations to happen at once
  • 49. “I believe genetic modification is occurring right now in Utero are actually producing “New Humans” Their NEW genetic architecture allows them to see the world in a multidimensional fashion. I believe research would show dormant genetic regions are being integrated into the biological systems and occurring in all of us to produce expanded awareness. “ The Exponential increase in ADD, Autistic and Indigo children. Their brains work faster. I believe they already ‘KNOW ‘ what they are being taught. The ‘intrinsic” understanding of knowledge and information operates at bio-molecular level. Its trans-generational information. It is “encoded” within the atomic structure of the DNA molecule. It can be accessed more efficiently to produce savant like characteristics .The modification of the DNA , is more like a remodelin accessible, The ‘Hybrids’ are altogether a new species of human. PhD biology, cellular and Molecular MS |in Biology Applied Recombinant DNA technology BS in Biology fc:Dr W. Brown PhD WllllamBrownScience ofLifo .com w, g of the genome to make dormant regions AGAIN!! 2 LÿCU uu u utgiu rt Star Seeds: The New Human Superior mental and analytical capabilities Direct connection to higher awareness KWl'Extreme sensitivity to thought and emotion 17 m w- i Enhanced DNA . K3H ILPhotographic memories Fast motor neuron response Manipulation of time and space Non verbal communication Ml m
  • 50. s uenmdim The New Human: H.S.A ( High Sense abilities ) Recall of being on space craft and being educated by various species of Et. Recall of past lives: Including ones where they are NOT human •Access to knowledge and information that they have not consciously learnt: Downloads of knowledge. Sense of mission •Often feel’ alien’ to this planet. Intelligent, intuitive, telepathic in some instances: May write unusual scripts or speak in unusual Languages. ( Star Languages) Perceive spirits and or Ets both physical or non-physical: Healing abilities, Aura perception, Highly empathic, some may communicate with animals: Perceive energy fields/frequencies mar Past Life connections to Extraterrestrials My CONTACT with a non-human cosmic race of beings has occurred since before t was born, These bongs were 'MY FAMILY' before I came to be in the earth domain, and a close relationship with them was continued AFTER my birth. Tracey Taylor
  • 51. £ .. T ' ' " .yÿ The NEW HUMAN: Evolving species Aquantum, Letter people. “ I came down to inhabit a human body as I have done many times before.” Dr L. ohison I? 5c 5] 3] K r • e »uLTfmi * m * LiJK=ÿ The New Human programs, Dr Ohison calls ‘letter” people who bring different multidimensional skills to humanity. •“The programs such as ADD, ADHD, Asperger's, the “ Letter people”, I do not believe these are ‘broken genes’ but instead offering new multidimensional skills to prevent limited re-programming of a third dimensional reality. It is not so simple as foreign DNA. it’s a combination of genetically improved bodies, in combination with souls from different places in our Universe, incarnating in these ‘improved ‘ bodies. The souls have different frequencies/vibrations depending on their evolutionary status and that plays a role in activation of the DNA in that particular body. I believe we also have to take into account the collective soul of Homo sapiens "Letter people" show an impairment in communication between the brain- halves and thus use one side of the brain for solving the same problem. They say ‘we are dysfunctional’ However it may be a way to free more space in the brain for solving difficult tasks. The Asperger part might be responsible for ‘higher 1 knowledge, not interested in traditional learning. Dr L.O. PhD in Molecular Toxicology Bachelor in biochemistry and molecular biology
  • 52. Letter people have different bodies and nervous systems J •It seems like we have an up-upgraded nervous system. In my case I have i.e. more nerve ends for pressure in my skin.I can see more colors and differences between the shades of color. Acute sense of smell and taste and acute hearing (a bit outside the normal range). • Very sensitive to frequencies of all kinds and that means radioactive radiation, energy fields and energy beaming out from angry people or animals as well as love and happiness in them. If we can learn how to focus and control our own energy field we would be less prone to get ill from our surroundings. We can use our own self healing abilities ! Dr L Ohlson PhD. Experiencer/Scientist Differences in Letter People CHI observed the calculated levels of acetylcholine and dopamine in the brain is ‘higher’ in letter people. Acetylcholine is formed from choline in the vitamin B family and "letter people" need more choline (but also other vitamin B family members) because they use more of it. So that’s the simplicity behind the "cure" for "letter people". More vitamin B's and MSM (methylsulfonulmethane) to help in the enzymatic reactions in the brain and the formation of acetylcholine from choline The effect comes a few days after the first intake and if you stop taking the supplements the first signs of imbalance (ADHD and so on) can be noticed after a few days, depending on how much stress you are exposed to. DR L Ohlson PhD O 3 A. •&. CH.H3C o CH3 rotaCM «/ hot V“ ******
  • 53. ADD and ADHD: New programs as we evolve as a species? ADHD•woodma tiandcap 0ul A -nay «wtl T>« nwnj tfory « t*» UQa <V on® m*i» ba fww vary QuattM that ** ht*p to ctuggte tocoma to term* art* fie tact thrt ha towna humanfy from t% bntead fted dtnan woo rtflo-wnr In an JQ* Mbtn tv* afforonca Monte r*v)»o< JO NN IMNNO n Ne boot Iteal aucfi a book uoj owdua -MwyflnftMtf AN ACCRN n S _CLOSE ENCOUNTERStoamng to copa tefi ha ADHD conation ht daccMcraJ trwd ha abAAea to read and rotate to paocte of dhtena background*. ongns and w»fly orhanced May abovt the nc*m to ah attonttfmg Wuovt and payCKdagra* -CuriasU.CJUV UA HJ OF THE ADHD KINDm z n WMt ADHD ta oomoreontdy vtewad at a ipaottf teamng decndar. ACHO batter doag nata* ancrvaxvtntcnti way <4 teaming r*a promtea* to nccrpotate s <jntatef auorynant of ptfv»ciN« and Wa« Tha bohaMor of tocomng to gnp* w*h ADHD, arrptfted by a thosa wth ADHOa aratogout toonacrytij to pence* of parancrmaf aroart-atone*- bnjte out *rr- via vnal ocvAnM <* -ha tnX omruncacnt fteTGouM vantfcrm rumanbrain tooai/ad to fir* n inter terra tna eognnva deaonanc* and cuteirai nfcter- nundenftanrfrg Vw world anca d ADHD rtb an tntoryUndng of conackMinaia a *. .* _ ¥m n-MctefE Said ADD KUMT fiopaaa fttfwaaHctuafttte £ < V 15. , 1-1 § iTJII *r a r ><t 4- i i d> w*> s/ ll V. Neil Gould.N rnn I A* arttmtey axraptotehew’ CÿUaUcOun W mithorrfdusF y »CmitaOiiviteiMi Victims or co-participants in our own evolution? ET Screen recall: Transcending FEAR "Basically at the startImisunderstood the grays ' the knowingET part ofme initially made a decision to assist them and the understanding of this can be overshadowedbyfear which stems from our limitedhumanperceptions andreactions to these experiences “TT .«rr / VV / lg *ÿ kU> / JA ! A ftidm3 W I il«fu mtilfT »" ..--S )..i ° ~ tv. |»iy ttwi <ÿ,! Sf ’-3'ÿ ' _=ÿl
  • 54. 5 drawings showing energy fields, and different beings. M © € cr Oaik za> * »Pfff fttuy _ jr ~ /V Ir r —ta 1. *J Sftic* Ciaf0»jdT locking -t* Oiler oti t «t no o '°ÿF VWlor. C* Hx ofcor- BtOWC . $IQfJCdfu,wC om<4<*Ahb “My Guides” Cathy 9 yrs Europe <*. N f ( v H v m fl~ J ?kjr>
  • 55. s Denmark Intergenerational Links: "Little 'Blue Bears' take me at night, and when they bring me back, I am sad " 6yrs Australia All the kids will be taken to a 'New Earth': I named some stars, " We don't call them those names." These are the 'Doctors":. i if fv f Visitors3 By David Dunger A Lifetime of Experiences Paul speaks about his Mantid family and his 'mission' "I draw what I am seeing like the Mantid and lion beings:" My 'Mission' to help animals & help people understand them % 1 . W Viy/7., t rjfcs. '
  • 56. being from different parts of the globe: Simon Parkes and Paul(8years old) share the similarities in their are interactions with the Mantid beings as their 'Family" "They hold me above their head when they were happy with me." Paul8 yrs( Australia) & Simon Parkes Politician/experiencer (UK) On the craft my soul /consciousness is moved into a Mantid form and I would help with the humans on board. The human container will be inhabited temporarily by an Et form such as a Mantid or Grey for short periods in time sometimes transfer into my Mantid body for a time and their soul is transferred into mine. Simon (UK) Sometimes on the craft there is a Manta body I ‘evaporate’ into. It looks like ‘steam,” Paul 8yrs The Mantid make chirping trilling sounds ( Simon and Paul ) I have Mantid, Lion and reptilian connections but MANTID are my REAL family. Simon Parkes M*™" w The Mantid are my REAL family: Paul f <*£> ii Soul Transfer into other 'life 'forms, the 'real' family, & knowledge of ancient mysteries. •I think I levitated last night and I was in a bubble when I travelled. <2 * •My ancestors say I go back to my planet when I die. The Great ancestor is a Manta. My brother manta is someone I see on the space ship, I see him as a human and other times a Manta. U gmm•Ancient Egyptians were not human and cat beings/lion beings built the Sphinx. It was to tell humans there are other life forms. Paul 8 years old Australia i
  • 57. Lea introduces herself and why she feels “different.” mar Energy Beings ft li STfk i I 'l 1 ! t t “The skin feels like Dolphins” 4 yr old Australia. 15 yr old boy (UK) i w* ! ilki /% r A / I X; 'm..ST jffV p m -0 m kw h fU L ifr ftIS »*?
  • 58. 2> lÿCU UU U UOl IN. •The Greys, have personalities and a sense of humour. Dr Michael Wolf: MD Neurology, PHD Theoretical Physics: Whistleblower: Area 51, Dulce, S4: Above Top Secret clearance • M Their smooth soft skin felt like Dolphin skin to touch,they share the same evolutionary path as Dolphins.” CArcMERS HEAVEII c Dr Wolf:” I have not met met a Grey I didn’ t like.” Author: The catchers of heaven.” Kolta a Grey, Dr Wolf communicated with. A TlllIXHJY mm fl » BS woi,F y u Children with telepathic downloads: Write in strange scripts, speak star languages, have awareness of their origins, Mature beyond their years Able to de-code complex Et art work. How do they know? 1 - r E v' C. ..
  • 59. Scripts are important! My 4 year old son didn't' know what it said, but it "MEANS' something. Qld My 5 year old wrote this script she said" to help me understand." (USA) V / °tVr f Ml ft# IH Three times a week I would be woken up by a glow, a woman times with long blonde hair, green eyes. No beam me up Scotty, we would be in a room, walls metallic when touched ripple like water, a window like a plasma screen show stars, nebula and symbols when put in the correct order would me show things. SCTIpt 3t 3 y63TS 7 f,(K) * * * *o Z . E * £UJ °?°?r xlÿ «* h**. ? »< xTAt-*; * V? 1® <• 2X 3 & *
  • 60. mark 7 year old from Queensland reading the scripts and her understanding jrf, vtiVi* r !. © rrx AWAKENING Q - t. 'ALL “fticey's Taylors pictures my 7 year old can read them. USA Pi ,*JT l I wanted to see what my son made of these images by Tracey Taylor. There were no prompts. He said: • They contain information about Aliens . The pictures contain images of harvesters of Energy , machines which harvest the suns energy. There are different types, the , other pictures contain information about the aliens , One is about the 7 who will be coming. There are eagle people and cat/lion people. They have ancient messages “ * Ancient Future lalM5 mr-J pV ii mi-r ‘Evolutionary Creation * Possibilities :’;dI
  • 61. ; Je A 7 year olds understanding of Extraterrestrial art. USA Tracy Taylors drawings‘I honestly wish he was making this up Mary I asked about the pyramids in Tracey's paintings. Son: "...that's how they [aliens] will come, that's where they will land and arrive. It is also a teleportation machine. The big pyramid isn't the only one. There are others. They will come at the pyramids and then fly over the ground to the south pole and then shoot up to the north pole (by way of a teleporter) and then fly down to the pyramids again.” V YAM. IS 4Tim [He made hand motions which indicated that the craft would teleport or pass through the center of the Earth, from pole to pole. ) aSwss- Mother: “ When you say others, do you mean other pyramids? “Son: "I mean other teleport places on every continent. Places all over the world.” Mother :” So, there are other types of teleportation places other than the big pyramid [Pyramid of Khufu?" (,* Son: ”Yes! In the side of the hill. Lots of hills. Hundreds of them around the world. It's actually a place where the aliens do science there." I stopped asking questions. I think I just needed to digest this. He was starting to scare me...again. Her 7 year old son has Dyslexia, and says he sees the information in his mind. T My d'aOghter has‘helpers’ who guide and teach her: They are here to help Humanity with the Awakening Blue Guide is ‘Emenoke’ No hair or ears, human eyes only bigger The Green guide is male . “In my first pregnancy ‘a voice’ told me that my children are not mine. They belong to no-one” My daughter gets important messages in Et languages. I showed her your presentation: When lady does healing and writes in Et languages. My daughter responded in joy and excitement “She knows what I have written.” •• * *> •• “We ALL originate from Dayla is where the Tight’ lives” There is a which has NO gender, I call an ‘ULTRATERRESTRIAL and where light and love and the angels live.” Cathy Cathy’s mother : Teacher: Europe nd: Dayland BEING =5= Er~ m
  • 62. I am here to help my family ‘wake up” Everyone is sleeping! My daughter has healing abilities and speaks 3 star languages. She knows where these languages are from. Cathy talks to water to heal it! • It tasted different after this. She says the languages’ are from a place ‘outside’ of the Universe. Parents have to listen. -f- "o f jz 0 • r - ' GbSomething will happen in the next 5 years to this planet 2012-2017 Children say they can ‘heal’ water with ‘star languages’ Is this possible? Scientist: Dr Masaru Emoto has shown both prayer and loving intent can alter the nature of water. Author Messages in Water •I have no problem believing this. •The spiral formations I've been working with in my water research are loading energy back in the water and helps healing/recharging (strengthens the energy field/the aura) whatever it is pointed at. Rightly used, it could be a bliss for humanity in rebuilding our earth. “ •Healing works on a cellular level whether you believe it or not. The healing from my hands affected the protein binding to a gene p53 which plays a role in turning genes on and ft off. Dr LOhlsen PhD
  • 63. The Human body is 50 -75% WATER. If human language/ frequencies can alter both DNA and water what affect could star languages/frequencies have on the human body and DNA? 1m O - LTA--V. h 5ft “L Crop Circle Making •I had the experience of Crop Circle making through a dream. • I found myself floating above the landscape, hills fields and crops, noticing the orbs floating next to me, I realized I was in the form of a ball of energy consciousness with other orbs. •I realized I was headed for a field and there was an amplification of energy. A joyful playful action, the grass moved and arranged swiftly, I know that as I thought and felt the field would arrange itself accordingly. A beautiful communication between myself as the orb consciousness and the Earth herself as a reflection of vibrationaTfields’ below Some are sacred symbols, and related to star systems, some contained within them are maps to create alternative power sources, or mathematical formulae and some sacred areas of importance on Earth. i i s9 ML
  • 64. Secret School described by Whitley Strieber •Remembering the journey outside of time was another step.... •9 lessons involved in the manipulation of time because learning how to use time as a tool is the key to reaching higher consciousness and a real relationship with the beings...” •Whitley Strieber “ The Secret school “ II PREPARATION FDD CONTACT... ) Whitley StrieberAuthor of Hrmhhronfb and Communion 5'S ihe Cosmic syllabus taught on space craft Quantum Physics, the Holographic nature of tho Univorse The non linear nature of time and space The awareness and connection to all sentience/life Taught levitation abilities and skills, off world Understanding the spatial geometry of thought How to operate in a Multidimensional reality: states of consciousness Taught how to communicate, interpret and interact with inter-dimensional and human intelligences Out of Body Training: OBE Telokinosis Telepathy and Mind Melds Multidimensional Ecology Manifestation, directed thought and emotion Healing skills and working with energy True history of mans origins and informed of their own star horitage Time travel and tolcportation The true nature of the source and Universal spirituality Remote influencing non u
  • 65. Secret School 1 had never before heard of or read about anyone else having had alien classes as a child » I remember having been given physics classes at the age of three of four years old’ #LFrederick Queensland From verbal language to telepathy. Thought transplanting and mind melds The NEW way to educate.....teacher I found I could just go in to their mind and absorb the concepts directly and there was •'thought transplanting' going on my bank of information was merged with theirs and they re¬ schematized their own knowledge systems accordingly. Ancient symbols hold the conceptual keys that trigger within the observing mind without the teacher being present .
  • 66. Star Seeds with multidimensional sight! My son described his blue energy body when he was sick. ( 10 yr old. Australia ) i— /> i l. 9 8 yr old Paul educated by on the craft with school friends and non -humans v
  • 67. They are teaching me so I can teach the Adults EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE WEJUST NEED TO BELIEVE IT •" Something will happen in the NEXT 5 years to this planet 2012-2017 I am here to help my family WAKE UP! “EVERYONE IS SLEEPING.” •"50% of people on the planet ARE star seeds. But many get lost, only 20% will remember who they are. •WHY DON'T THEY LISTEN?" The ‘light orbs’ are sent here to protect us. My little brother has a blue orb to protect him. •Children are programmed, the teachers just push the keys. The stress of modern living extinguishes their inner core their 'light.' Its like a virus, we lose the knowledge we had in the beginning. Cathy 9 years. North Europe 1 Activation of our DNA, HFP and LFP. Soul choices. LOG. •I think the increased resonance/frequency from both space and the earth is "pushing" the DNA into some sort of three dimensional configuration so that dormant genes in the so called junk DNA are aligning, like a time activated evolutionary step controlled through DNA. DNA being the crystalline formation with an 'in-coded message' aimed to speed up evolution. • However the bio container is one of three parts influenced the other two parts, mind and soul. The soul is an 'energy container' which moves from body to body between lives/dimensions and worlds with frequencies which have a huge impact on DNA. The soul provides the 'life force' and data bank and this 'main control' sends frequencies, signals, programmed photons, electrons, gamma rays to help you carry on your mission, and evolve. Not everyone will choose to 'upgrade' so there will be High Frequency People(HFP) and Low frequency people(LFP) And your life style with either enhance frequency or lower it. rm % M& w3 V .
  • 68. * u’(gouui]<3iiri& New Earth? My daughters script about the New Earth: Its in a different galaxy Not everyone will be going there. People don't know about this, it's a 'secret." Ozlem Akman ( Turkey) 5 yr old daughters script: Ozlem sent a copy similar to her daughters script from Dolores Cannon's book r I./V/ *>(.}£) ft) I ,. e I M'll'ii .j/- jz (>/y < I I i I to to / o tvfi 'v( M ) i () V?s v VÿV V ' fpMi #||5 V'! / .-t S&fitf srsg5g mar Cosmic agenda. Homo Novis is here to make sure humanity survives and being upgraded now to Homo Noeticus At %mm* _iS L f?ykM. /t* 1 /
  • 69. UFO Encounter, WAKE Up call. Modern day shamanic experience? Shamanism andAlien Abductions demonstrates many amazing parallels between Shamanism and the alien abductionphenomenon if Transcending fear Healing abilities, present and past lives with Ets Telepathic abilities Changes in Perception Simon Harvey Wilson author Shamanism and Alien Abductions 2000 ECU W.A f / i igt tr * m'4r4 Antonio school believes ho is from Arcturas. He temmunieales with light beings and technologies resonating on pure fight find sound technology ol crystalline generators. These increase the vibratory level ol the physical world by crystals around the pyramid and those in the pyramid could project the vibration ol those inside the pyramid and sent around tho globe 15 years old School Porject.____ *Mr 4
  • 70. Antonio NZ : 16 year old star seed Images and Arcturian Light Language Light language from the Arcturian Collective Activation of Psychic functioning 1o ©• *. * . 51“ © • • S'- ©.. .-O » i-'o. •• y / . •• •o • C v ?; •<J* '* ‘ €) Russian Scientists found DNA can be influenced and reprogrammed by words and frequencies. Is this possible with Star language ? DNA is not just responsible for the construction of our body but as data storage which in communication follows the same rules as language and just requires the RIGHT FREQUENCIES to be re-programmed!! Living chromosomes function like a holographic computer using the endogenous DNA laser radiation, are able to modulate certain frequency patterns onto a laser ray and influence the DNA frequency and thus the genetic information itself. Esoteric and spiritual teachers have known our body is programmable by language, words and thought. Now been scientifically proven and explained. Is it possible the star languages they call “light languages” or Universal languages the NEW frequencies which may also re-program OR alter human DNA as human language appears to? Von Grazyna Fosar and Franz Bludorf authors Vernetzte Intelligenz/ Networked Intelligence m
  • 71. Transformation “l work to re-align the frequencies: It links with planets.” R Some of the language is coding in the ‘energy’ fields. Like shorthand. Art ,languages and scripts from CONTACT Healing with Extraterrestrials, Communication and healing ExpressionsirffIContact ft tari[*»?*]' kfssiuscfIICcnldct Expressions ofEl[ontecl I[omraunwtion "6Healii>3Bliepnnt?* ItyessansgfHCwtad i *Muernwnww ««•«•*ÿ•<WB' writer few tMl1M»«l'l«OBI *‘JttIt*!««’' ***********wulcmt,*kUi taaiiK ftktflafft (NllMMpvrNlCiliMMl’I* NtaMrr.taWkl«ateU MllMCWllillAXMiBt l« iNW.lkitfliiImiHiUiMilI«4B rdHriJMrdvfdri *mr X T=J o’ • <?•KhMiaMtCO) is IIM £ A If. o ranwmf'HiKarrwii «««Mnh 1MUM1 "T III* a, U? a §=•KMI • £3, • HiOvirr.M*«lir r: U*J»M»wmrto«MI>*:*£. fed M Eam*m» **l**ul riic na<»f *niW »IA a»- S =; • fS1 i**»«»«>*in* 1= 5ft*m*9mt*m u*i Ar<«mt«iN Smm.H'MC fcfti a:ca+ft«r> mrtniMKte* *>*:<<>«nootCMik >4* • V, |4* / 5tmlrCVMHi IHM* •***•*» kfcfelft VilMI Wn inmunis « li ai Biought toutubgl[[Ri [1(711ur a»lorir tew:i(curtI jpBfOuqMfoyoubijflCEflll The healing encounter with the Cone head video created by Oim(l Verdon The room had a green, yellow while hate. I focused on a small being,. From hit forehead Ihero was a white beam, it made a 90deg angle lurn over his hands, and into my body. He had a tight ILgM silvery/ light bluish, slim suit and bools ol the same color . A buckle of clear glass. ( the shape of a bun) with a swirl yellow and green strokes rotating I last, these were the cause of the green/yellow light In the room, I was able to leave my body and look at Ihis being from all perspectives. I just KNEW they were healing and transforming my body. I felt very happy. AQ _.
  • 72. IKenmar M f£ V $ mar 5 DNA creates magnetized wormholes through which information can be transmitted to our consciousness! DNA can also cause disturbing patterns in the vacuum producing magnetized wormholes! Microscopic equivalents of the so-called Einstein-Rosen bridges in the vicinity of black holes, tunnel connections between entirely different areas in the universe through which INFORMATION can be transmitted outside of space and time to our consciousness. It explains such phenomena as preÿcognitivo insights, clairvoyance. intuition, telepathy past lives, spontaneous and remote acts of healing, self healing, remote influencing with weather-patterns. Crop circles and much mure.........................And the abilities we are seeing manifest with star seeds as they are able to assimilate this information • Dr. Pjolr GAItAJAJEV t....................t muiiitviiH) 9b
  • 73. Downloaded information on human DNA, origins and ability to transform into a higher form. DR Ohlson scientist/Experiencer The genes have all the characteristics of genes, but on another level they contain information of their origin with the tools to transform into a higher form. The information of the ‘donors and their background is there, a hidden ‘key’ and like PC programmers hide their work. This ‘key’ can be activated and these ‘programmers’ know the person is ready to be contacted . The activated ones spread a ‘signal’ to wake others sup! II feel “ they” are speeding this up. M Dr Ohlson PhD in Molecular Toxicology. Bachelor in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. May 2015 '.1 mar The New Human Evolutionary The Gateway Communitailor with our galactic nciehbori ,md intor-dlmonÿlonfil Inlulliptrltt'i irwolvo: • LJgMwivti by Vliuniiy nrl JCJH Lui Ef&rroli w»rk an.l irdii-l.llon by numcreui nsn-himun flih lit ibtÿhrtkii, iiitiiiiih rii lllTIfltHIII| ejncfli, miih Oul a1 Dody. DnwnloMli of (.pmprtu*** dub Hrmruutipn. muilc. *r1. %!«ÿ Itngutgn.u Uf0 lltrtt t MI111* b* IIit>tt ot iltd< 0' doHntorii k>' lilt ftc»M To lit utidtnHindi Mull, u Ini*in*' f ,*>L * In I'm lonn *1 t# tl'llyt. «n((iinUil Mill'" l*Sll it*r litilli|i> Hifllniiidti *ndiPtqiitKiii b itlitil' DMA ind1ht blolitpiciil tyriTtnii., rttdHtnOtf.To .fttftt it lib tht fill111* It upjr.d.i Tin ninny pf*nt'*'ir iodl**- n| our KgfitrjriiQnt haw lu i*ntw4i oNf piocr jrmt arid n,parti tanicfeatibnati #<KJ uniJtritiirf tlialmt n*(um or who nt *r# Jivd whirl our fifrttfiilJH am In our mullidlinantlohat r«*lilf
  • 74. Mitch Battros Author Solar Rain. Evidence the sun produce charged particles affect humanity •Solar Cycle 24 has begun, the suns activity is 50% stronger, than cycle 23.This wave affects not only the planet but the human body’ s magnetic field and human emotions. v 1 1* •Battros believes that the magnetic influence of the sun will usher what’ s described by our ancient ancestors, as the ‘transition’ bringing a New state -of- being. i 1 I I I Awakening: A Consciousness shift! Peter 12 years old USA Peter said:” Humanity has been at this point three times, but we have been knocked off course. This time there is a 95% chance we will make it, and possibly a 100% chance we are headed up to a higher level. • It’s slow, but in the last three years he has been getting more and more ‘in tune’ with things and it's due to the ‘ shift’ that’s affecting everyone. Peter said it's the star seeds and indigos of the planet (like us) Gaia cherishes because we can help the vibration of the planet more than any others. (l L'I u From Edward : Engineer/experiencer fUSA
  • 75. mm gpgre Ki It J" m m! M ,;«t h'*dL w'tf,' i %v V «r_ yik> ** 'iflfcI “l can only come to the conclusion that we are becoming conscious, co-participants in our own evolution. And with that in mind, ‘they’ had better give us a brochure, which is I guess what they are doing!” Jane /Experiencer NOETICUS art Jean Luc Bozzoli