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World Class Leadership
Keynote or Training Module 1: The Culture of Leadership
Your team is looking to you for how to act and what to believe. As a
leader you are both a behavioral example and a cultural icon to your
Keynote or Training Module 2: The Blame Addiction
Playing the What went wrong, or, What we should do next time only
delay issue resolution. Those conversations are valuable only
AFTER an issue is brought to resolution. During crisis, leaders think
in the present tense.
Keynote or Training Module 3: Managing to the Exception
When you feel that Managing to the Exception is starting to ruin
productive conversations, a leader must 1. Use his/her radar to
recognize it, 2. Decide whether or not the exception is truly a “deal-
breaker”, 3. Stop the bus (step in and interrupt the momentum of bad
thinking) and 4. Call it what it is. Use the words “managing to the
exception” and get the conversation back on track.
Keynote or Training Module 4: The Super Doer
YOU are the head chef. Many pots boiling. 1. You’ve got to have
your eyes on everything, not your hands, 2. Recognize effort, but
manage to the results, 3. Let your people do their jobs.
Keynote or Training Module 5: It’s All About Me!
You cannot let petty personal agendas influence your decision-
making. We are all human, we all have an axe to grind once and a
while. True leaders NEVER let personal preferences or dislikes get
in the way of what’s best for the business. Ask yourself; Is this a ME
thing or a BCBS thing? Ask yourself, Whom is the primary
beneficiary of this decision? Me or BCBS?
Keynote or Training Module 6: The Popularity Priority
When you have to deliver bad or challenging news to your team or to
an individual, do NOT shirk your leadership role and side-step by
saying “Hey don’t shoot the messenger! This is coming from
upstairs. I’m with you. I think it’s stupid too. Etc…” That is 180
degrees away from a leadership position.
Keynote or Training Module 7: The Popularity Priority
Sometimes you can feel a twinge in your gut when you realize certain
changes or new challenges are going to provoke a negative response
from your team or a particular team Customer. Respect that twinge!
You are at a leadership crossroads and you MUST avoid the path of
least resistance, grow a backbone, and stand in the fire. The twinge
is your natural alert system. Pay attention to it.
Keynote or Training Module 8: Cloudy Expectations
A magic question! When starting a new initiative or getting an
existing one back on track, this question is invaluable in getting your
team focused on the results, not just solely the action items. This
question brings clarity to your expectations of them and of the
Keynote or Training Module 9: Confrontation Phobia
If a leader does NOT confront (firmly but without drama) poor results
and / or poor behavior, that leader is TEACHING the individual and
the rest of the team that poor results/behavior is acceptable. By not
stepping in with professional coaching and / or consequences a
leader is sending a loud and clear message. Also, this maxim helps
a leader stay consistent across all team Customers.
Keynote or Training Module 10: Managing by Committee
As a leader, you set the team direction. And that means you
recognize the difference between a vote and a say. A vote equals an
opinion and opinions are important to gather. But in the end game,
as the leader you have the say. A say equals the decision.
World Class Customer Relationships
Keynote or Training Module 1: Creating the Culture of Service
When interacting with a Customer you want to create a “standout
experience.” The cold water fountain is the one in your grammar
school that you KNOW (for whatever reason) dispensed colder water
than any other water fountain. YOU are the cold water fountain. You
must strive to deliver service experiences that stand out in the minds
of our Customers.
Keynote or Training Module 2: The 1st Expectation of a Service
When resolving an issue for a Customer, no matter how big or small
the issue is, the first question in a Customer’s mind is “Who is on top
of this.” If it is you, it’s you. If it is a team Customer, then name that
team Customer. Even if it is another department, it is important that a
name gets communicated to the Customer. And a department is not
a name.
Keynote or Training Module 3: The 2nd Expectation of a Service
Time lapse is a HUGE question in the mind of a Customer who has
an issue to be resolved. The question (often unspoken!) of “How long
is this gonna take?” is one that must be addressed up front or as
soon as the timeframe is known. If this question is left unanswered, it
can be very anxiety provoking for the Customer. And this we do not
Keynote or Training Module 4: The 3rd Expectation of a Service
Are you transmitting to the Customer that you understand the issue?
Are transmitting that either you can fix the issue or you can lead the
Customer to resolve the issue him or herself? The best way to do
this is to reiterate the issue back to the Customer so they can relax in
the confidence that you a command of the issue and the competence
to get it resolved.
Keynote or Training Module 5: Irate Clients! Strategies for a Soft
When a Customer is irate (it happens) sometimes they just want to be
heard before they can be brought back to rational again. You must
give them the “runway” enough to tell their story, even if you have the
answer midway through. Interruption often equals detonation! Make
sure you are the willow that bends in the breeze not the oak that
snaps in the storm.
Keynote or Training Module 6: Irate Clients! Strategies for a Soft
Reflective listening demands that while you are listening to a
Customer, you make sure to get clarity on certain points, repeat
certain parts back, and in general transmit that you are ENGAGED.
Keynote or Training Module 7: Irate Clients! Strategies for a Soft
“Mr/Ms Customer, if we talked 90 days from now and you said ‘Wow!
That issue was resolved extremely well because of this, this, and
this.’ What would ‘this, this, and this’ be?” You get a Customer to
answer that question, you have the blueprint to a standout service
experience. Takes practice, but it really works.
Keynote or Training Module 8: Issue Resolution
When working on an issue for a Customer you must temporarily
INCREASE your communication. An update on nothing is better than
no update at all! Never let your Customers think their issue has fallen
into a “black hole.”
Keynote or Training Module 9: Issue Resolution
Let’s skip to the moral of the story: In this analogy, YOU are the
duck. OK, picture a duck. The duck is gliding gracefully across the
big pond. On the surface: Head up, making progress in one
direction, calm and confident. Underneath the water: Paddling like
crazy! You must always present the former to the Customer, never
the latter. Even though we all know the latter is happening! Always
present a well-oiled machine to the Customer. This reflects well on
the brand, on your department, and on yourself.
Keynote or Training Module 10: Creating the Standout
Think! As a service employee, with whom are you in competition? If
you said (NAME), (NAME) you are correct!! Partly. Take a step back
and widen your service vision. As it pertains to a Customer, take this
to heart: You are in competition with EVERYONE they talked to that
day. Think about it. No matter whom they talked to, you have to
establish yourself as the standout service experience.
World Class Communication Skills
Keynote or Training Module 1: Communication and Credibility
The only currency we have with our peers, our superiors, our
subordinates, and our CUSTOMERS is our credibility. And nothing is
going to have a greater impact on your credibility than your ability or
inability to communicate. Sweat the details. They count.
Keynote or Training Module 2: The Phone: Power and Pitfalls
(part 1)
One of the best questions you can ask in the very beginning of any
phone call is “am I catching you at a bad time?” This allows the
colleague / Customer to either grant access or tell you that it’s a bad
time. This is not only a courtesy, it erases call reluctance owing to
you KNOW you are either going to get the green light or not.
Keynote or Training Module 3: The Phone: Power and Pitfalls
(part 2)
Don’t do this!! Whenever you are having trouble getting a callback
from someone and you call them and they FINALLY answer do not,
under any circumstances, unleash the Wrath of the Caller by saying a
variation on “Hey! Well, you sure are a hard man to find” or some
sort of passive aggressive admonishment. It’s beneath you, it’s
unprofessional, and it reflects poorly on the brand.
Keynote or Training Module 4: Voice Mail: Treacherous Waters!
(part 1)
Is there someone in your professional (or personal) life who, when
you just hear their voice come on the voice mail, your heart
immediately sinks because you know you’re in for a looooong voice
mail? This is the kiss of death. You must be prepared, and I have
the method. It’s easier than you think.
Keynote or Training Module 5: Voice Mail: Treacherous Waters!
(part 2)
Have you ever rewound a message just to get the person’s phone
number? That is because they said it at 1 million miles per hour.
You must NEVER do this. It can be the difference between a call
back or not.
Keynote or Training Module 6: Face to Face! The Confident
Communicator (part 1)
This is a magic sentence. This sentence is the human ray gun that
will make anyone pay attention to you for a short period of time. It is
most useful on voice mail, and in person. Don’t abuse it.
Keynote or Training Module 7: Face to Face! The Confident
Communicator (part 2)
When you are in a meeting, a group meeting or a 1 on 1, it is
imperative that you take notes. Let’s go backwards at it. What
message does it send when you don’t take notes? Right. It says that
you are disinterested and you believe nothing said in the meeting is
worth writing down. Never show up for a meeting without a notebook
or a device to take notes.
Keynote or Training Module 8: E Mail: Pay Attention!
Question: If you had a job to fill on your team and a resume crossed
your desk with a glaring typo on it. Do you hire that person? Do you
even interview that person? Most people say No and no. Why? It is
because how you handle yourself with the written word is indicative of
your overall attention to detail.
Keynote or Training Module 9: E mail: Pay Attention, It’s
Permanent (part 2)
No one, not you, not me, no one can send an e mail while they are in
a highly emotional state that everyone who reads the email can’t
TELL that the writer was in a highly emotional state. It is impossible
to hide. 1 word of advice: One night shall pass! If in the morning
you feel like sending that e-mail, send it! But I bet you don’t.
Whatever you do, do not send it in the moment.
Keynote or Training Module 10: Group Conversation vs. One on
In a group setting, the goal is to make progress on specific agenda
items. Whether that’s getting buy-in, brain storming or rolling out a
new initiative, a group meeting is all about progress. In a one-on one,
the goals are connection, understanding, and clarity of expectations.
You cannot approach both meetings the same way.
World Class Sales Skills
Keynote or Training Module 1: Building & Maintaining a Robust
A realistic robust pipeline of prospects is the greatest sleep aide ever
created. But the key is that it is robust (many prospects, not just one
big elephant) and that it is realistic (the prospects really are
interested). Simple math will tell you the value of your pipeline. It’s
simple, but it’s a tough exercise.
Keynote or Training Module 2: Sales Activities that Get Results
Acquiring new prospects is not something we do once and a while,
prospect acquisition is an everyday thing. It is a lifestyle. 2 reasons;
It builds the pipeline and it you get good at it.
Keynote or Training Module 3: Unsticking Stuck Accounts
In sales, stuck accounts are the WORST! One way to jumpstart a
stuck account is to gain a meeting and in the course of conversation
ask the question “What if you did nothing?” This answer to this
question will give you either a chance to regain sales momentum or
put this opportunity on ice for a while.
Keynote or Training Module 4: Appointment Setting
Whether on the phone or in person, this is the gateway question to
setting an appointment. If there is an objection to setting a sales
appointment, it will come out right here.
Keynote or Training Module 5: Running a Great First Meeting
To the degree a prospect will do something physical (return an e mail
/ phone call, attend a follow up meeting, etc…) is to the degree that
the prospect is actually ENGAGED in the sales process. It’s all about
next steps. Leaving a sales meeting without next steps is not selling,
it’s visiting.
Keynote or Training Module 6: First Impressions
Whenever you go to a prospect’s office for the first time and the
prospect asks (because they always do) “Can I get you something to
drink?” always take the drink. Always! Most sales people say “No
thanks, I’m fine.” This isn’t a dealbreaker, but why refuse the
hospitality. Take the drink. You might get lucky and go a field trip to
the break room.
Keynote or Training Module 7: Positioning the Value
The prospect buys in a mental progression. First they buy YOU.
Then they buy the company and the brand. Then they buy the
product or service. Most sales reps are great at describing the value
of the product or service, but lousy at describing the value of both the
company and themselves.
Keynote or Training Module 8: Closing Skills - Asking for the
As early in the sales process as you can, communicate the timeline of
the implementation. This doesn’t assume the sale, but it definitely
takes the drama out of the signing of the documents because it’s just
another item on the timeline checklist. Closing should be a natural
part of the sale, not an event unto itself.
Keynote or Training Module 9: Objection Handling (in the 11th
If an objection pops up late in the sales process the first thing a good
sales person must do is take the emotional impact out of the
equation. A good response to an 11th
hour objection or delay is “I
think we can work around that” or “That’s not a deal-breaker…” .
Any mollifying sentence will do, the key is to position the objection as
an intellectual obstacle that can be overcome.
Keynote or Training Module 10: The Part Everyone Skips
Referrals are a GREAT pipeline builder. A warm introduction beats a
cold call all day. The correct time to ask for a referral is one week
after the paperwork is signed and the prospect has been brought on
board as a customer. It is at this time that a simple question “Do you
know anyone else that would benefit from our service?” will yield its
greatest results.
World Class Sales Management
Keynote or Training Module 1: Fundamentals of Sales
Super rep is the sales manager that winds up performing the critical
tasks for his or her reps. These tasks usually include, but are not
limited to proposals and closing. The problem is Super Rep cannot
carry the entire sales team. Also, a sales manager must teach the
reps to do this for themselves. That is the only way a team can
perform at true potential.
Keynote or Training Module 2: Establishing an Inspiring Sales
Quotas are the price of admission. Too many times Sales Managers
celebrate a sales rep hitting a sales quota by inches. Or even coming
close. This establishes a culture of bare minimum. A culture of over
achievement celebrates when a rep or a team performs well past the
bare minimum quota requirement. Raise your expectations and
break the culture of bare minimum.
Keynote or Training Module 3: Critical Pipeline Assessment
(Part 1)
Too many sales managers rely on forecasts like “50% chance” or “60
day expected close”. These are subjective guesses and no way to
forecast sales performance. A pipeline must rely on ARTICULATED
DEFINITIONS of where a sale is in the sales cycle if accurate
forecasting is to be achieved.
Keynote or Training Module 4: Critical Pipeline Assessment
(Part 2)
Whenever sales manager assesses the value of a particular rep’s
pipeline, that sales manager must throw out the biggest opportunity
and the smallest opportunity immediately. This allows the manager
to get an accurate look at the true value of a sales pipeline. Throw
out the high and the low: “Figure Skater Math.”
Keynote or Training Module 5: Coaching in the Field
While in the field, it’s easy to step in and take over a sales
appointment for your rep. However, it takes backbone to let a rep
take control, observe how they do, and then coach later. But that is
the only way they will learn to do it for themselves.
Keynote or Training Module 6: Effective Team Meetings
Great sales meetings follow the same agenda each time they are
held. Also, they are held in a repeating time frame (rhythmically).
This way the reps (and the manager) have a built in consistency of
expectations not only on their schedule, but also in the meeting itself.
Keynote or Training Module 7: Presentation Skills for Sales
Preparation is EVERYTHING when it comes to presenting as a sales
manager. Your credibility is going to be very badly effected if you
come unprepared and “wing it.” Unfortunately, many managers do.
Keynote or Training Module 8: Productive 1 on 1's
Regular 1 on 1 meetings with each rep is critical. These are chances
to review performance, set goals, and provide valuable coaching.
Too many managers see 1 on 1’s as a necessary nuisance. But a 1
on 1 with your rep is the most important meeting of BOTH your days.
Keynote or Training Module 9: Sales Training in Real Time
All sales managers want sales training for their teams. However,
very few implement training. Whether it is on-site, on-line, in a group,
or individual training, the trick is to pick a valuable topic and
implement the training. Training sends so many good messages to
the team and they quite possibly will perform better because of it.
Keynote or Training Module 10: Motivating Your Team
Motivation is no mystery. While each rep craves different things
(money, trophies, trips, etc…) they ALL crave attention when they do
well. The currency of recognition is attention. And that is the easiest
and cheapest currency of all.
World Class Presentation Skills
Keynote or Training Module 1: Relax, Of Course You’re a Good
Whoever says “Oh I can’t be a good presenter” is (fortunately) dead
wrong. The skills are knowable, learnable, and actually quite
uncomplicated. The same skills you use telling your friend about a
great movie are the ones you use in front of a group.
Keynote or Training Module 2: Fear, Anxiety, and Abject Terror
It is natural to have your heart beat a bit when you are asked to
speak, but sometimes that heart pounds with terror. The trick to
defeating that terror is preparation! The more prepared you are, the
less you will fear the moment. If you believe in the message and you
are prepared, your heart will beat with excitement and not pound with
Keynote or Training Module 3: Building a Presentation
Critical teaching points are the building blocks of ANY presentation.
Think about this: After you are done speaking, what do you want the
audience to know? To feel? To DO? The answers will begin to
inform how you articulate your CTP’s for maximum impact.
Keynote or Training Module 4: Look the Part
“Audience +1” is simply dressing one notch above your audience. If
your audience is in polo shirts and kakis, throw a jacket on.
ReCustomer, how you present yourself physically impacts how the
audience receives your message.
Keynote or Training Module 5: Getting Out There, Feeling
Comfortable, and Killing It
Scripts are great for movies but not so much for presentations. It is
better to have a list of bullet points in an outline rather than a script.
You will sound more natural, they are easier to follow, and they allow
for easier Q&A on the fly.
Keynote or Training Module 6: Presentation Landmines!
Lose your laser pointer. Now. Laser pointers do nothing but distract
an audience and they make you look like a geek. And it is so much
more powerful to say “I’d like to draw your attention to the lower left of
the screen …” than to point at it with a child’s toy.
Keynote or Training Module 7: Taming the AV Tiger
If something is going to go wrong during your presentation, it is your
AV that will be first in line to mess you up. Even forgetting to disable
your screen saver can throw off your performance. Here’s a quick
Keynote or Training Module 8: Handling Q&A Like a Pro
The presenter has a hidden job: Keep us out of the weeds.
Unfortunately too many Q&A sessions throw us right there. A
presenter has to keep in mind that all questions to be discussed as a
group must pertain to the group. All other questions can be
answered off-line.
Keynote or Training Module 9: Transmitting Complex
Information to a Group
Don’t lead up to your point. Lead with your main critical teaching
point and then support the point with any facts, figures, charts, graphs
etc… That way the audience can receive information in proper
Keynote or Training Module 10: Points for Style? Not Really.
No one cares about the color of a bridge. As long as it gets you from
point a to point b, job well done. So it goes for presenting. As long
as you get your information across in a succinct and compelling way,
it does not matter that you are not flashy, funny, or have some sort of
natural magnetism. Focus on the learning, not on the entertainment
World Class Professionalism
Keynote or Training Module 1: What Exactly Is Professionalism
Professionalism. It’s a word that gets thrown around a lot. But ask
around and you’ll find very few people can give you a solid answer to
the question: What IS professionalism?” Professionalism all comes
down to the big four: conduct, dress code, communication, and
quality of work. Simple as that.
Keynote or Training Module 2: Professionalism and Your Future
Let’s talk about the concept of professionalism and it’s connection
and impact on your future. In doing so, I’d like to start with a quote
you will NEVER hear: “Well, we love her, she is on her way up the
ladder in this company that is for sure. Not the most professional
person I ever met but…”
Keynote or Training Module 3: Office Interaction
You know, they say you can pick your friends, but you can’t pick your
family. And how true that is. And what that adage is trying to convey
is you don’t always get it the way you want it, so it is advisable to
make the best of what you have. Now, you know what no one has
said, except me, right now, you can pick your friends, you can’t pick
your family, and can’t pick your coworkers.
Keynote or Training Module 4: Office Interaction and Anger
Anger is a normal human emotion. However, anger is the wind that
blows out the candle of the mind. You don’t think straight when you
are angry and when you aren’t thinking straight, you are VERY
susceptible to falling into unprofessional behaviors.
Keynote or Training Module 5: Reacting Well When Anger Hits
I want to raise both your anticipatory awareness as well as your
reaction skills. And that is because I want you to be a professional,
head and shoulders above your peers.
Keynote or Training Module 6: Professionalism and Personal
I think we can all agree that how we dress at home is slightly if not
drastically different than how we dress at work . And a good question
is: Why? Why do we dress differently at home than we do at work?
And my answer lies in one word: Respect. Or if you’d like four
words: Respect for the occasion.
Keynote or Training Module 7: Communicating With Each Other
When we are communicating with our coworkers, I want you to be as
professional as possible. And of course that means keeping your
voicemails and emails clear and to the point and all that. But there is
a demon out there that will ruin your professional image so fast your
head will spin.
Keynote or Training Module 8: Communicating With Our
In this Keynote or Training Module we focus on the importance of
professional communication skills when we are communicating
outside the walls of our offices and to our customers. And this could
be over the phone or on e mail or written correspondence. Whenever
we communicate with our customers we ARE the face of the
organization. We hold the credibility of the brand in our hands.
Keynote or Training Module 9: Professionalism: Busy vs.
Productive people are always busy, but busy people are not always
productive. The truth is you can spend your day running around,
doing all kinds of things and still make no progress against your
stated work goals.
Keynote or Training Module 10: CUSTOM KEYNOTE OR
Typically at least one of the Professionalism Keynote or Training
Modules will address a specific topic identified by the client.

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Marty Clarke Course List - Lnkdin

  • 1.   919-757-2903   World Class Leadership Keynote or Training Module 1: The Culture of Leadership Your team is looking to you for how to act and what to believe. As a leader you are both a behavioral example and a cultural icon to your team. Keynote or Training Module 2: The Blame Addiction Playing the What went wrong, or, What we should do next time only delay issue resolution. Those conversations are valuable only AFTER an issue is brought to resolution. During crisis, leaders think in the present tense. Keynote or Training Module 3: Managing to the Exception When you feel that Managing to the Exception is starting to ruin productive conversations, a leader must 1. Use his/her radar to recognize it, 2. Decide whether or not the exception is truly a “deal- breaker”, 3. Stop the bus (step in and interrupt the momentum of bad thinking) and 4. Call it what it is. Use the words “managing to the exception” and get the conversation back on track. Keynote or Training Module 4: The Super Doer YOU are the head chef. Many pots boiling. 1. You’ve got to have your eyes on everything, not your hands, 2. Recognize effort, but manage to the results, 3. Let your people do their jobs.
  • 2.   919-757-2903   Keynote or Training Module 5: It’s All About Me! You cannot let petty personal agendas influence your decision- making. We are all human, we all have an axe to grind once and a while. True leaders NEVER let personal preferences or dislikes get in the way of what’s best for the business. Ask yourself; Is this a ME thing or a BCBS thing? Ask yourself, Whom is the primary beneficiary of this decision? Me or BCBS? Keynote or Training Module 6: The Popularity Priority When you have to deliver bad or challenging news to your team or to an individual, do NOT shirk your leadership role and side-step by saying “Hey don’t shoot the messenger! This is coming from upstairs. I’m with you. I think it’s stupid too. Etc…” That is 180 degrees away from a leadership position. Keynote or Training Module 7: The Popularity Priority Sometimes you can feel a twinge in your gut when you realize certain changes or new challenges are going to provoke a negative response from your team or a particular team Customer. Respect that twinge! You are at a leadership crossroads and you MUST avoid the path of least resistance, grow a backbone, and stand in the fire. The twinge is your natural alert system. Pay attention to it. Keynote or Training Module 8: Cloudy Expectations A magic question! When starting a new initiative or getting an existing one back on track, this question is invaluable in getting your team focused on the results, not just solely the action items. This question brings clarity to your expectations of them and of the initiative.
  • 3.   919-757-2903   Keynote or Training Module 9: Confrontation Phobia If a leader does NOT confront (firmly but without drama) poor results and / or poor behavior, that leader is TEACHING the individual and the rest of the team that poor results/behavior is acceptable. By not stepping in with professional coaching and / or consequences a leader is sending a loud and clear message. Also, this maxim helps a leader stay consistent across all team Customers. Keynote or Training Module 10: Managing by Committee As a leader, you set the team direction. And that means you recognize the difference between a vote and a say. A vote equals an opinion and opinions are important to gather. But in the end game, as the leader you have the say. A say equals the decision.
  • 4.   919-757-2903   World Class Customer Relationships Keynote or Training Module 1: Creating the Culture of Service When interacting with a Customer you want to create a “standout experience.” The cold water fountain is the one in your grammar school that you KNOW (for whatever reason) dispensed colder water than any other water fountain. YOU are the cold water fountain. You must strive to deliver service experiences that stand out in the minds of our Customers. Keynote or Training Module 2: The 1st Expectation of a Service Interaction When resolving an issue for a Customer, no matter how big or small the issue is, the first question in a Customer’s mind is “Who is on top of this.” If it is you, it’s you. If it is a team Customer, then name that team Customer. Even if it is another department, it is important that a name gets communicated to the Customer. And a department is not a name. Keynote or Training Module 3: The 2nd Expectation of a Service Interaction Time lapse is a HUGE question in the mind of a Customer who has an issue to be resolved. The question (often unspoken!) of “How long is this gonna take?” is one that must be addressed up front or as soon as the timeframe is known. If this question is left unanswered, it can be very anxiety provoking for the Customer. And this we do not want. Keynote or Training Module 4: The 3rd Expectation of a Service Interaction
  • 5.   919-757-2903   Are you transmitting to the Customer that you understand the issue? Are transmitting that either you can fix the issue or you can lead the Customer to resolve the issue him or herself? The best way to do this is to reiterate the issue back to the Customer so they can relax in the confidence that you a command of the issue and the competence to get it resolved. Keynote or Training Module 5: Irate Clients! Strategies for a Soft Landing When a Customer is irate (it happens) sometimes they just want to be heard before they can be brought back to rational again. You must give them the “runway” enough to tell their story, even if you have the answer midway through. Interruption often equals detonation! Make sure you are the willow that bends in the breeze not the oak that snaps in the storm. Keynote or Training Module 6: Irate Clients! Strategies for a Soft Landing Reflective listening demands that while you are listening to a Customer, you make sure to get clarity on certain points, repeat certain parts back, and in general transmit that you are ENGAGED. Keynote or Training Module 7: Irate Clients! Strategies for a Soft Landing “Mr/Ms Customer, if we talked 90 days from now and you said ‘Wow! That issue was resolved extremely well because of this, this, and this.’ What would ‘this, this, and this’ be?” You get a Customer to answer that question, you have the blueprint to a standout service experience. Takes practice, but it really works. Keynote or Training Module 8: Issue Resolution
  • 6.   919-757-2903   When working on an issue for a Customer you must temporarily INCREASE your communication. An update on nothing is better than no update at all! Never let your Customers think their issue has fallen into a “black hole.” Keynote or Training Module 9: Issue Resolution Let’s skip to the moral of the story: In this analogy, YOU are the duck. OK, picture a duck. The duck is gliding gracefully across the big pond. On the surface: Head up, making progress in one direction, calm and confident. Underneath the water: Paddling like crazy! You must always present the former to the Customer, never the latter. Even though we all know the latter is happening! Always present a well-oiled machine to the Customer. This reflects well on the brand, on your department, and on yourself. Keynote or Training Module 10: Creating the Standout Experience Think! As a service employee, with whom are you in competition? If you said (NAME), (NAME) you are correct!! Partly. Take a step back and widen your service vision. As it pertains to a Customer, take this to heart: You are in competition with EVERYONE they talked to that day. Think about it. No matter whom they talked to, you have to establish yourself as the standout service experience.
  • 7.   919-757-2903   World Class Communication Skills Keynote or Training Module 1: Communication and Credibility The only currency we have with our peers, our superiors, our subordinates, and our CUSTOMERS is our credibility. And nothing is going to have a greater impact on your credibility than your ability or inability to communicate. Sweat the details. They count. Keynote or Training Module 2: The Phone: Power and Pitfalls (part 1) One of the best questions you can ask in the very beginning of any phone call is “am I catching you at a bad time?” This allows the colleague / Customer to either grant access or tell you that it’s a bad time. This is not only a courtesy, it erases call reluctance owing to you KNOW you are either going to get the green light or not. Keynote or Training Module 3: The Phone: Power and Pitfalls (part 2) Don’t do this!! Whenever you are having trouble getting a callback from someone and you call them and they FINALLY answer do not, under any circumstances, unleash the Wrath of the Caller by saying a variation on “Hey! Well, you sure are a hard man to find” or some sort of passive aggressive admonishment. It’s beneath you, it’s unprofessional, and it reflects poorly on the brand. Keynote or Training Module 4: Voice Mail: Treacherous Waters! (part 1)
  • 8.   919-757-2903   Is there someone in your professional (or personal) life who, when you just hear their voice come on the voice mail, your heart immediately sinks because you know you’re in for a looooong voice mail? This is the kiss of death. You must be prepared, and I have the method. It’s easier than you think. Keynote or Training Module 5: Voice Mail: Treacherous Waters! (part 2) Have you ever rewound a message just to get the person’s phone number? That is because they said it at 1 million miles per hour. You must NEVER do this. It can be the difference between a call back or not. Keynote or Training Module 6: Face to Face! The Confident Communicator (part 1) This is a magic sentence. This sentence is the human ray gun that will make anyone pay attention to you for a short period of time. It is most useful on voice mail, and in person. Don’t abuse it. Keynote or Training Module 7: Face to Face! The Confident Communicator (part 2) When you are in a meeting, a group meeting or a 1 on 1, it is imperative that you take notes. Let’s go backwards at it. What message does it send when you don’t take notes? Right. It says that you are disinterested and you believe nothing said in the meeting is worth writing down. Never show up for a meeting without a notebook or a device to take notes. Keynote or Training Module 8: E Mail: Pay Attention!
  • 9.   919-757-2903   Question: If you had a job to fill on your team and a resume crossed your desk with a glaring typo on it. Do you hire that person? Do you even interview that person? Most people say No and no. Why? It is because how you handle yourself with the written word is indicative of your overall attention to detail. Keynote or Training Module 9: E mail: Pay Attention, It’s Permanent (part 2) No one, not you, not me, no one can send an e mail while they are in a highly emotional state that everyone who reads the email can’t TELL that the writer was in a highly emotional state. It is impossible to hide. 1 word of advice: One night shall pass! If in the morning you feel like sending that e-mail, send it! But I bet you don’t. Whatever you do, do not send it in the moment. Keynote or Training Module 10: Group Conversation vs. One on One In a group setting, the goal is to make progress on specific agenda items. Whether that’s getting buy-in, brain storming or rolling out a new initiative, a group meeting is all about progress. In a one-on one, the goals are connection, understanding, and clarity of expectations. You cannot approach both meetings the same way.
  • 10.   919-757-2903   World Class Sales Skills Keynote or Training Module 1: Building & Maintaining a Robust Pipeline A realistic robust pipeline of prospects is the greatest sleep aide ever created. But the key is that it is robust (many prospects, not just one big elephant) and that it is realistic (the prospects really are interested). Simple math will tell you the value of your pipeline. It’s simple, but it’s a tough exercise. Keynote or Training Module 2: Sales Activities that Get Results Acquiring new prospects is not something we do once and a while, prospect acquisition is an everyday thing. It is a lifestyle. 2 reasons; It builds the pipeline and it you get good at it. Keynote or Training Module 3: Unsticking Stuck Accounts In sales, stuck accounts are the WORST! One way to jumpstart a stuck account is to gain a meeting and in the course of conversation ask the question “What if you did nothing?” This answer to this question will give you either a chance to regain sales momentum or put this opportunity on ice for a while. Keynote or Training Module 4: Appointment Setting Whether on the phone or in person, this is the gateway question to setting an appointment. If there is an objection to setting a sales appointment, it will come out right here.
  • 11.   919-757-2903   Keynote or Training Module 5: Running a Great First Meeting To the degree a prospect will do something physical (return an e mail / phone call, attend a follow up meeting, etc…) is to the degree that the prospect is actually ENGAGED in the sales process. It’s all about next steps. Leaving a sales meeting without next steps is not selling, it’s visiting. Keynote or Training Module 6: First Impressions Whenever you go to a prospect’s office for the first time and the prospect asks (because they always do) “Can I get you something to drink?” always take the drink. Always! Most sales people say “No thanks, I’m fine.” This isn’t a dealbreaker, but why refuse the hospitality. Take the drink. You might get lucky and go a field trip to the break room. Keynote or Training Module 7: Positioning the Value PropositionS The prospect buys in a mental progression. First they buy YOU. Then they buy the company and the brand. Then they buy the product or service. Most sales reps are great at describing the value of the product or service, but lousy at describing the value of both the company and themselves. Keynote or Training Module 8: Closing Skills - Asking for the Order As early in the sales process as you can, communicate the timeline of the implementation. This doesn’t assume the sale, but it definitely takes the drama out of the signing of the documents because it’s just
  • 12.   919-757-2903   another item on the timeline checklist. Closing should be a natural part of the sale, not an event unto itself. Keynote or Training Module 9: Objection Handling (in the 11th hour) If an objection pops up late in the sales process the first thing a good sales person must do is take the emotional impact out of the equation. A good response to an 11th hour objection or delay is “I think we can work around that” or “That’s not a deal-breaker…” . Any mollifying sentence will do, the key is to position the objection as an intellectual obstacle that can be overcome. Keynote or Training Module 10: The Part Everyone Skips Referrals are a GREAT pipeline builder. A warm introduction beats a cold call all day. The correct time to ask for a referral is one week after the paperwork is signed and the prospect has been brought on board as a customer. It is at this time that a simple question “Do you know anyone else that would benefit from our service?” will yield its greatest results.
  • 13.   919-757-2903   World Class Sales Management Keynote or Training Module 1: Fundamentals of Sales Leadership Super rep is the sales manager that winds up performing the critical tasks for his or her reps. These tasks usually include, but are not limited to proposals and closing. The problem is Super Rep cannot carry the entire sales team. Also, a sales manager must teach the reps to do this for themselves. That is the only way a team can perform at true potential. Keynote or Training Module 2: Establishing an Inspiring Sales Culture Quotas are the price of admission. Too many times Sales Managers celebrate a sales rep hitting a sales quota by inches. Or even coming close. This establishes a culture of bare minimum. A culture of over achievement celebrates when a rep or a team performs well past the bare minimum quota requirement. Raise your expectations and break the culture of bare minimum. Keynote or Training Module 3: Critical Pipeline Assessment (Part 1) Too many sales managers rely on forecasts like “50% chance” or “60 day expected close”. These are subjective guesses and no way to forecast sales performance. A pipeline must rely on ARTICULATED DEFINITIONS of where a sale is in the sales cycle if accurate forecasting is to be achieved. Keynote or Training Module 4: Critical Pipeline Assessment (Part 2)
  • 14.   919-757-2903   Whenever sales manager assesses the value of a particular rep’s pipeline, that sales manager must throw out the biggest opportunity and the smallest opportunity immediately. This allows the manager to get an accurate look at the true value of a sales pipeline. Throw out the high and the low: “Figure Skater Math.” Keynote or Training Module 5: Coaching in the Field While in the field, it’s easy to step in and take over a sales appointment for your rep. However, it takes backbone to let a rep take control, observe how they do, and then coach later. But that is the only way they will learn to do it for themselves. Keynote or Training Module 6: Effective Team Meetings Great sales meetings follow the same agenda each time they are held. Also, they are held in a repeating time frame (rhythmically). This way the reps (and the manager) have a built in consistency of expectations not only on their schedule, but also in the meeting itself. Keynote or Training Module 7: Presentation Skills for Sales Managers Preparation is EVERYTHING when it comes to presenting as a sales manager. Your credibility is going to be very badly effected if you come unprepared and “wing it.” Unfortunately, many managers do. Keynote or Training Module 8: Productive 1 on 1's Regular 1 on 1 meetings with each rep is critical. These are chances to review performance, set goals, and provide valuable coaching. Too many managers see 1 on 1’s as a necessary nuisance. But a 1 on 1 with your rep is the most important meeting of BOTH your days.
  • 15.   919-757-2903   Keynote or Training Module 9: Sales Training in Real Time All sales managers want sales training for their teams. However, very few implement training. Whether it is on-site, on-line, in a group, or individual training, the trick is to pick a valuable topic and implement the training. Training sends so many good messages to the team and they quite possibly will perform better because of it. Keynote or Training Module 10: Motivating Your Team Motivation is no mystery. While each rep craves different things (money, trophies, trips, etc…) they ALL crave attention when they do well. The currency of recognition is attention. And that is the easiest and cheapest currency of all.
  • 16.   919-757-2903   World Class Presentation Skills Keynote or Training Module 1: Relax, Of Course You’re a Good Speaker Whoever says “Oh I can’t be a good presenter” is (fortunately) dead wrong. The skills are knowable, learnable, and actually quite uncomplicated. The same skills you use telling your friend about a great movie are the ones you use in front of a group. Keynote or Training Module 2: Fear, Anxiety, and Abject Terror It is natural to have your heart beat a bit when you are asked to speak, but sometimes that heart pounds with terror. The trick to defeating that terror is preparation! The more prepared you are, the less you will fear the moment. If you believe in the message and you are prepared, your heart will beat with excitement and not pound with terror. Keynote or Training Module 3: Building a Presentation Critical teaching points are the building blocks of ANY presentation. Think about this: After you are done speaking, what do you want the audience to know? To feel? To DO? The answers will begin to inform how you articulate your CTP’s for maximum impact. Keynote or Training Module 4: Look the Part “Audience +1” is simply dressing one notch above your audience. If your audience is in polo shirts and kakis, throw a jacket on. ReCustomer, how you present yourself physically impacts how the audience receives your message.
  • 17.   919-757-2903   Keynote or Training Module 5: Getting Out There, Feeling Comfortable, and Killing It Scripts are great for movies but not so much for presentations. It is better to have a list of bullet points in an outline rather than a script. You will sound more natural, they are easier to follow, and they allow for easier Q&A on the fly. Keynote or Training Module 6: Presentation Landmines! Lose your laser pointer. Now. Laser pointers do nothing but distract an audience and they make you look like a geek. And it is so much more powerful to say “I’d like to draw your attention to the lower left of the screen …” than to point at it with a child’s toy. Keynote or Training Module 7: Taming the AV Tiger If something is going to go wrong during your presentation, it is your AV that will be first in line to mess you up. Even forgetting to disable your screen saver can throw off your performance. Here’s a quick story… Keynote or Training Module 8: Handling Q&A Like a Pro The presenter has a hidden job: Keep us out of the weeds. Unfortunately too many Q&A sessions throw us right there. A presenter has to keep in mind that all questions to be discussed as a group must pertain to the group. All other questions can be answered off-line. Keynote or Training Module 9: Transmitting Complex Information to a Group
  • 18.   919-757-2903   Don’t lead up to your point. Lead with your main critical teaching point and then support the point with any facts, figures, charts, graphs etc… That way the audience can receive information in proper context. Keynote or Training Module 10: Points for Style? Not Really. No one cares about the color of a bridge. As long as it gets you from point a to point b, job well done. So it goes for presenting. As long as you get your information across in a succinct and compelling way, it does not matter that you are not flashy, funny, or have some sort of natural magnetism. Focus on the learning, not on the entertainment value.
  • 19.   919-757-2903   World Class Professionalism Keynote or Training Module 1: What Exactly Is Professionalism Professionalism. It’s a word that gets thrown around a lot. But ask around and you’ll find very few people can give you a solid answer to the question: What IS professionalism?” Professionalism all comes down to the big four: conduct, dress code, communication, and quality of work. Simple as that. Keynote or Training Module 2: Professionalism and Your Future Let’s talk about the concept of professionalism and it’s connection and impact on your future. In doing so, I’d like to start with a quote you will NEVER hear: “Well, we love her, she is on her way up the ladder in this company that is for sure. Not the most professional person I ever met but…” Keynote or Training Module 3: Office Interaction You know, they say you can pick your friends, but you can’t pick your family. And how true that is. And what that adage is trying to convey is you don’t always get it the way you want it, so it is advisable to make the best of what you have. Now, you know what no one has said, except me, right now, you can pick your friends, you can’t pick your family, and can’t pick your coworkers. Keynote or Training Module 4: Office Interaction and Anger Anger is a normal human emotion. However, anger is the wind that blows out the candle of the mind. You don’t think straight when you are angry and when you aren’t thinking straight, you are VERY susceptible to falling into unprofessional behaviors.
  • 20.   919-757-2903   Keynote or Training Module 5: Reacting Well When Anger Hits I want to raise both your anticipatory awareness as well as your reaction skills. And that is because I want you to be a professional, head and shoulders above your peers. Keynote or Training Module 6: Professionalism and Personal Appearance I think we can all agree that how we dress at home is slightly if not drastically different than how we dress at work . And a good question is: Why? Why do we dress differently at home than we do at work? And my answer lies in one word: Respect. Or if you’d like four words: Respect for the occasion. Keynote or Training Module 7: Communicating With Each Other When we are communicating with our coworkers, I want you to be as professional as possible. And of course that means keeping your voicemails and emails clear and to the point and all that. But there is a demon out there that will ruin your professional image so fast your head will spin. Keynote or Training Module 8: Communicating With Our Customers In this Keynote or Training Module we focus on the importance of professional communication skills when we are communicating outside the walls of our offices and to our customers. And this could be over the phone or on e mail or written correspondence. Whenever we communicate with our customers we ARE the face of the organization. We hold the credibility of the brand in our hands.   Keynote or Training Module 9: Professionalism: Busy vs. Productive
  • 21.   919-757-2903   Productive people are always busy, but busy people are not always productive. The truth is you can spend your day running around, doing all kinds of things and still make no progress against your stated work goals.   Keynote or Training Module 10: CUSTOM KEYNOTE OR TRAINING MODULE, CLIENT DRIVEN Typically at least one of the Professionalism Keynote or Training Modules will address a specific topic identified by the client.