SlideShare a Scribd company logo
January 2023
• You have a new product/service/event to communicate to members or an outside audience
(free OR paid)
• You need an extra push to meet your revenue goal or ideas to refresh an existing
• You need new graphics created
• You need stock photography options
• You would like to strategize on pricing, streamlining processes, or look at the big picture for
your marketing efforts for the year
• You need assistance budgeting for marketing efforts
• You need video or other multi-media developed
• You need help writing copy for anything (i.e., member letters, website copy)
• You need a webpage/capture form created on one of our websites | 2
• Helps streamline the way we collect information about your
upcoming projects
• Makes it easy for you to outline the relevant info needed for us
to get started
• No need to wonder “who this should go to,” just submit your
ticket and we’ll handle the rest – for larger projects your POC
will reach out to schedule a kick-off meeting to learn more | 3
Staff Submits Ticket via Online
Jim gets an alert that a ticket
has been submitted.
Jim opens ticket and assigns it
to a marketing staff member.
Whoever it has been assigned
to gets an alert.
That person then works on the
ticket requirements. When
they are done, they re-assign
the ticket to the next person or
back to the original person for
The proofing stage can be
several versions, going back
and forth between the person
who submitted the ticket and
the person working on the
ticket requirements.
Once the person who
submitted the ticket has
approved the final version, will
note it in the ticket and re-
assign it back to the person
who has been working on it.
The person who has been
working on it now can mark
the ticket as “Completed”
which will close the ticket.
The “completed” ticket will
alert Jim to send the Closed
Ticket Survey to the “Person
Required to Sign-off on
Project” noted on the ticket.
Once the ticket is closed, it will
be hidden from the Marketing
Project list view.
Then at the end of the year,
Jim does an audit on the list. | 5
Customer Submits a
Marketing Request
Kick-off Meeting
(if needed)
Content Submitted
- Content
- Mailing lists
- Preferred graphics
Jim to get quotes and
postage estimates for the
customer to sign off.
Outsourced Editing Design/Layout
1st Proof Reviewed
by Customer
1st Corrections
2nd Proof Reviewed
by Customer
2nd Corrections
Customer Signs Off
Final Files Sent to
Printer and/or
Upload to Web
Create Comm Plan
Close the Ticket
Send Exit Survey
Reviews Edits
The proof and
correction stages could
go on for several
This entire process will
be handled within the
Marketing Request
This process will also
be used for any
revisions, updates, etc.
steps can be several
depending on the
• MarComm to schedule this meeting
once he is made aware of the
• Strategy
• Project/Communication Plan
• Budget and Account Code(s)
• Get customer sign-off on plan.
• MarComm to create schedule in Smartsheet with staff
responsibilities and present to Marketing and the customer
for approval.
• Marketing and/or customer to develop copy.
The Marketing Request Form
will be required to be used
when submitting these items.
This step will be
on all projects unless
otherwise indicated.
If needed, get print
updated quotes, postage
estimates and have the
customer sign off.
• This could be started by a staff person
or Marketing/Communications.
These could
at times be
on the
Note: Fact Sheets, Guidance Document, Position Statements and
White Papers require the following items along with their content.
• Version number* (will be noted on the cover)
• Date (will be noted on the cover)
• Sponsoring volunteer group (will be noted on the first page of content)
• Taxonomy
*Each revision will require the next version number.
Denotes optional steps
depending on the project type.
Customer Submits a
Marketing Request
Kick-off Meeting
MarComm meets
(if needed)
Project Management
Key Points submitted Animation?
Look & Feel
Contractor Quote
Reviews Storyboard
Project Timeframe
Rough cut
1st Proof Reviewed by
1st Corrections
2nd Proof Reviewed by
2nd Corrections
Customer Signs Off
Final approval for
Video branded, rendered,
and encoded
Create Comm Plan
Uploaded to AIHA
Close the Ticket
Send Exit Survey
• The proof and
correction stages could
go on for several
• This entire process will
be handled via email
and shared links, as
video draft files can be
• This process will also
be used for any
revisions, updates, etc.
• Corrections/Proofing
steps can be several
depending on the
• Started by a staff person
or MarComm
• Strategy
• Project/Communication Plan
• Budget and Account Code(s)
• Get customer sign-off on plan
• The Marketing Request Form
will be required to be used
when submitting these items.
Denotes optional steps
depending on the project type.
• SEO copy written for channel
• Captions created/uploaded to video
• Webpage embedding, if needed | 7
Submit MarComm
Kick-off Meeting
Strategy & Project
Marketing Plan
Stakeholder Sign Off
Close the Ticket
Send Exit Survey
MarComm staff to schedule
this meeting once ticket assigned to
them by Jim or stakeholder.
Rough strategy & project
timeline with staff responsibilities to
stakeholder for review.
MarComm staff to develop marketing plan
to include strategy, timeline, estimated
expenses, and copy for stakeholder to
review and approve.
Initiated by the stakeholder or
MarComm staff. Source documents to be
included at this time i.e. product descriptions,
mailing lists, preferred graphics, etc.
These could
be combined
on the
Denotes optional steps
depending on the project type.
If marketing plan is provided, the ticket
will be closed once the stakeholder
approves and the project managed via the
SmartSheet timeline. A complimentary
communications plan will be created as
If a marketing plan is NOT required,
marcomm deliverables and feedback will be
managed directly in the ticket until final sign
Submit MarComm
Kick-off Meeting
Strategy & Project
Linked to content
Comm Plan
Stakeholder Sign
Close the Ticket
Send Exit Survey
Communications staff to schedule
this meeting once ticket assigned to
them by Jim or stakeholder.
Rough strategy & project
timeline with staff responsibilities to
stakeholder for review.
Links to any assets (video, images, ads, etc)
that can provide content details so specific
channel messaging can be created.
Communications staff provides channel
timelines, estimated expenses, and copy
for stakeholder to review and approve.
This could be started by the
stakeholder or MarComm staff.
These could
at times be
on the
Denotes optional steps
depending on the project type.
If comm plan is provided, once the
stakeholder signs off, the ticket will be
closed and the project managed via the
marketing/comm SmartSheet timeline.
Submit MarComm
Kick-off Meeting
Strategy & Project
Content Submitted
Marketing/Comm Plan
Stakeholder Sign Off
Close the Ticket
Exit Survey Sent
MarComm staff to schedule
this meeting once ticket assigned to
them by Jim or stakeholder.
For more involved projects (New website,
new sections, etc.) Rough strategy &
project timeline with staff responsibilities
to stakeholder for review.
The Marketing Request Form will be
required to be used when submitting source
documents including product descriptions,
mailing lists, preferred graphics, etc.
MarComm staff to develop marketing or
comm plan to include strategy, timeline,
estimated expenses, and copy for
stakeholder to review and approve.
This could be started by the
stakeholder or MarComm staff.
These could
at times be
on the
Note: Fact Sheets, Guidance Document, Position
Statements and White Papers require the following
items along with their content.
• Version number* (will be noted on the cover)
• Date (will be noted on the cover)
• Sponsoring volunteer group (will be noted on the
first page of content)
• Taxonomy
*Each revision will require the next version number.
Denotes optional steps
depending on the project type.
If marketing or comm plan is provided,
once the stakeholder signs off, the ticket
will be closed and the project managed via
the marketing/comm SmartSheet timeline.
If a marketing or comm plan is NOT
required, marcomm deliverables and
feedback will be managed directly in the
ticket until final sign off.
For projects with multiple moving parts, MarComm Staff will create a SmartSheet project
timeline to share with the stakeholder prior to implementation.
This will outline deliverables associated with the project and when items will come to you for
review and approval.
Examples of when a timeline is required:
• Marketing campaigns
• Communication plans
• Print/mail projects
• Video production
Once the stakeholder approves the timeline, the project will be primarily managed via
SmartSheet from that point forward. | 10
Preparing Copy
Our goal is to produce high-quality, creative, cost-
efficient, and timely materials for you. If you follow
these guidelines closely, you will enable the MarComm
Department to process your project in the most
efficient manner.
Final Drafts
Please submit to the MarComm Project Request
SharePoint site only final drafts that contain the most
complete, accurate information available with no
substantial changes anticipated.
If your project is a completely new job, type your
information into a Word (Doc) file. If your job is a
revision of a previous piece, save time by requesting a
copy of the most up-to-date file from MarComm. You
can then mark minor changes directly on the hard copy
of this file; if your changes are substantial, you can
retype them in a new file.
Creating Your Text File
One of the first processes your project will undergo
once you submit it is editing. You can help move your
project quickly through this process, while simplifying
your work, by following a few simple guidelines when
typing your information into your Word file:
• Allow Word to “wrap” your text from one line to the
next; do not hit hard returns at the end of lines.
• Use capital letters only at the beginning of
sentences, for proper nouns, acronyms, or where
otherwise grammatically correct.
• When creating tables or charts, type column
headings on one line. After each heading, hit the tab
key once before typing the next heading.
• Perform a spell check before submitting your work.
• Indicate any design requests using brackets [ ]. | 11
Consulting with the MarComm Department
If you require assistance creating your final draft,
or if you have questions about its format or
design, MarComm will be happy to help in any
way we can. Feel free to contact the editors,
marketing, or web teams to set up a consultation
time that will be convenient for all involved.
Submitting Off-Site Web Jobs to the Web Team
Those other than AIHA national staff (committees,
local sections, SIGs, etc.) can e-mail their
electronic files as attachments to their staff liaison
as Word files, html files, GIFs, or JPGs. Any other
formats, please contact the AIHA Webmaster for
more information.
Planning Your Delivery Date
These guidelines will help ensure that your project
is finished by the desired date.
• Reproduction Jobs (ready for press):
Allow 3-5 days
• Small- to medium-sized repeat jobs (with minor
updates required): Allow 1-2 weeks
• Small- to medium-sized new jobs:
Allow 2-3 weeks
• Big jobs: Meet with MarComm for proper
scheduling and time frames.
It is always best to provide MarComm with as
much advance notice of a project as possible. At
that time, you can agree on deadlines to ensure
your project will get off to a good start. | 12
Refer to this checklist often; duplicate it if you like.
 Information is as close to final, accurate and consistent as possible.
 Copy has been typed into a Word file.
 Spell check has been performed.
 Suggestions/requests for design elements have been marked with
brackets [ ] in the Word file.
 If applicable, design input has been provided; notes added to the
MarComm Project Request form, sample(s) attached.
 If applicable, appointments for design consultation have been
arranged with MarComm staff.
 If applicable, provide supporting graphics or photos up front
(i.e., speaker headshots, logos). | 13
AIHA’s Taxonomy Form Button
• If your project is to be posted to the web, please fill out this
taxonomy form.
Project Name (required)
• Please use a naming convention that would describe the
project. Note: If it is a RUSH project, please enter RUSH as
the first part of your project name.
Level of Proofing
• Proofing, Technical Line Editing, Both, N/A (not applicable)
Project Type (multiple choice optional)
• Digital PDF, Print, Social Media, Web, Other | 14
Preview the form
Due Date (required)
• This is where you will note your deadline
for completion.
Planning Your Delivery Date
These guidelines will help ensure that your
project is finished by the desired date.
• Reproduction Jobs (ready for
press): Allow 3-5 days
• Small- to medium-sized repeat jobs (with
minor updates required): Allow 1-2
• Small- to medium-sized new jobs: Allow
2-3 weeks
• Big jobs: Meet with MarComm for proper
scheduling and time frames.
It is always best to provide marketing with
as much advance notice of a project as
Contact Name
• The person who MarComm should work with.
Person Required to Sign-off on Project (required)
• The person who gives final approval.
Budget Amount $
• This is needed when/if we are to use any
outsourced partners.
Budget Code # (include all 10 digits)
• This is needed when/if we are to use any
outsourced partners.
• This is use for print projects. | 15
Assigned To
• When first submitted,
this should always be
Jim Myers. Then,
once the project is in
production, different
names will show
depending on the
• Not Started - This for projects that have
just been started. This is the one you will
use when you first submit your project.
• In Progress - This is when the project
has begun and will have notes in the
"Production Notes" area as to where it
is (i.e., editing, design, corrections, etc.).
• Waiting on someone else - This is when we
are waiting on input from the project
originator, volunteers, etc.
• Waiting on Invoice – Jim uses this one.
• Completed - This should only be used
by a MarComm team member. Once the
person who submitted the ticket
has approved the final version, they will
note it in the ticket and re-assign it back to
the person who has been working on it. | 16
• Communications or Marketing
Communications Plan Needed? (required)
• Yes or No
Project Description
• Please provide a brief overview of the project.
List top features and/or facts about the product,
program, or service. When writing the overview,
it is helpful to think through and answer the 5
"Ws" - who, what, when, where, and why.
• What is the purpose of this project? What do
you hope to achieve? How will success be
• Who is the audience? Please be as specific as
possible. i.e., AIHA members who purchased
the "White Book." Is there anything that should
be highlighted and/or avoided in talking to this
• If you require specific deliverables for this
project, such as a website, flyer, graphic, etc.
• This is where your attached documents
(Word, Excel, PDFs, etc.) will be listed. To
attach your documents to Project/Task, you
will need to click on the “Attach File”.
Production Notes
• This is where we log the process of the
project. Here is an example. We indicate the
date and the person's initials making the
entry along with a short message.
To submit your ticket, click on the “Submit”
button at the bottom of the form. | 17
You can review the status of your projects by visiting the
MarComm Active Projects Dashboard: | 18
Feel free to contact any member of the MarComm team.
• Sue Marchese Lewis – Lead strategist, product pricing.
• Jennifer Newell – Email campaigns, marketing strategies, digital
advertising strategies.
• Ben Rome – Communication plans, social media, video projects, content
strategy, website content, App support, AIHA booth
• Ina Xhani – Press releases, develops and monitors communication plans,
content development for blogs, social media content and advertising.
• Ed Rutkowski – Synergist, Vendor Directory, JOEH, writing and editing.
• Kay Bechtold – Synergist, writing and editing.
• Abby Roberts – Writing, editing, proofing.
• Kat Thomas – Email campaigns, digital campaign tracking
• Jim Myers – He does everything. | 19

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Marketing Project Ticket Management Process 2023.pptx

  • 2. • You have a new product/service/event to communicate to members or an outside audience (free OR paid) • You need an extra push to meet your revenue goal or ideas to refresh an existing product/service/event • You need new graphics created • You need stock photography options • You would like to strategize on pricing, streamlining processes, or look at the big picture for your marketing efforts for the year • You need assistance budgeting for marketing efforts • You need video or other multi-media developed • You need help writing copy for anything (i.e., member letters, website copy) • You need a webpage/capture form created on one of our websites | 2 WHEN TO SUBMIT A MARCOMM TICKET
  • 3. • Helps streamline the way we collect information about your upcoming projects • Makes it easy for you to outline the relevant info needed for us to get started • No need to wonder “who this should go to,” just submit your ticket and we’ll handle the rest – for larger projects your POC will reach out to schedule a kick-off meeting to learn more | 3 WHAT’S IN IT FOR YOU
  • 4. | 4 MARCOMM PROJECT REQUEST TICKET FLOW Staff Submits Ticket via Online Form. Jim gets an alert that a ticket has been submitted. Jim opens ticket and assigns it to a marketing staff member. Whoever it has been assigned to gets an alert. That person then works on the ticket requirements. When they are done, they re-assign the ticket to the next person or back to the original person for proofing. The proofing stage can be several versions, going back and forth between the person who submitted the ticket and the person working on the ticket requirements. Once the person who submitted the ticket has approved the final version, will note it in the ticket and re- assign it back to the person who has been working on it. The person who has been working on it now can mark the ticket as “Completed” which will close the ticket. The “completed” ticket will alert Jim to send the Closed Ticket Survey to the “Person Required to Sign-off on Project” noted on the ticket. Once the ticket is closed, it will be hidden from the Marketing Project list view. Then at the end of the year, Jim does an audit on the list.
  • 5. | 5 Customer Submits a Marketing Request Kick-off Meeting MarComm (if needed) Project Management Content Submitted - Content - Mailing lists - Preferred graphics Jim to get quotes and postage estimates for the customer to sign off. Outsourced Editing Design/Layout 1st Proof Reviewed by Customer 1st Corrections 2nd Proof Reviewed by Customer 2nd Corrections Customer Signs Off Final Files Sent to Printer and/or Upload to Web Create Comm Plan Close the Ticket Send Exit Survey Customer Reviews Edits The proof and correction stages could go on for several versions. This entire process will be handled within the Marketing Request Form. This process will also be used for any revisions, updates, etc. Corrections/Proofing steps can be several depending on the project. • MarComm to schedule this meeting once he is made aware of the project. • Strategy • Project/Communication Plan • Budget and Account Code(s) • Get customer sign-off on plan. • MarComm to create schedule in Smartsheet with staff responsibilities and present to Marketing and the customer for approval. • Marketing and/or customer to develop copy. The Marketing Request Form will be required to be used when submitting these items. This step will be required on all projects unless otherwise indicated. If needed, get print updated quotes, postage estimates and have the customer sign off. • This could be started by a staff person or Marketing/Communications. These could at times be combined depending on the project. Note: Fact Sheets, Guidance Document, Position Statements and White Papers require the following items along with their content. • Version number* (will be noted on the cover) • Date (will be noted on the cover) • Sponsoring volunteer group (will be noted on the first page of content) • Taxonomy *Each revision will require the next version number. Denotes optional steps depending on the project type. PRINT/MAIL
  • 6. | 6 Customer Submits a Marketing Request Kick-off Meeting MarComm meets internally (if needed) Project Management Key Points submitted Animation? Script/Storyboard Look & Feel Contractor Quote Customer Reviews Storyboard (animation) Project Timeframe provided Production Rough cut 1st Proof Reviewed by Customer 1st Corrections 2nd Proof Reviewed by Customer 2nd Corrections Customer Signs Off Final approval for rendering Video branded, rendered, and encoded Create Comm Plan Uploaded to AIHA Network Close the Ticket Send Exit Survey • The proof and correction stages could go on for several versions. • This entire process will be handled via email and shared links, as video draft files can be large. • This process will also be used for any revisions, updates, etc. • Corrections/Proofing steps can be several depending on the project. • Started by a staff person or MarComm • Strategy • Project/Communication Plan • Budget and Account Code(s) • Get customer sign-off on plan • The Marketing Request Form will be required to be used when submitting these items. Denotes optional steps depending on the project type. VIDEO • SEO copy written for channel • Captions created/uploaded to video • Webpage embedding, if needed
  • 7. | 7 Submit MarComm Request Kick-off Meeting Strategy & Project Timeline Marketing Plan Delivered Stakeholder Sign Off Close the Ticket Send Exit Survey MarComm staff to schedule this meeting once ticket assigned to them by Jim or stakeholder. Rough strategy & project timeline with staff responsibilities to stakeholder for review. MarComm staff to develop marketing plan to include strategy, timeline, estimated expenses, and copy for stakeholder to review and approve. Initiated by the stakeholder or MarComm staff. Source documents to be included at this time i.e. product descriptions, mailing lists, preferred graphics, etc. These could be combined depending on the project. Denotes optional steps depending on the project type. If marketing plan is provided, the ticket will be closed once the stakeholder approves and the project managed via the SmartSheet timeline. A complimentary communications plan will be created as needed. If a marketing plan is NOT required, marcomm deliverables and feedback will be managed directly in the ticket until final sign off. MARKETING CAMPAIGNS
  • 8. | 8 Submit MarComm Request Kick-off Meeting Strategy & Project Timeline Linked to content Comm Plan Delivered Stakeholder Sign Off Close the Ticket Send Exit Survey Communications staff to schedule this meeting once ticket assigned to them by Jim or stakeholder. Rough strategy & project timeline with staff responsibilities to stakeholder for review. Links to any assets (video, images, ads, etc) that can provide content details so specific channel messaging can be created. Communications staff provides channel timelines, estimated expenses, and copy for stakeholder to review and approve. This could be started by the stakeholder or MarComm staff. These could at times be combined depending on the project. Denotes optional steps depending on the project type. If comm plan is provided, once the stakeholder signs off, the ticket will be closed and the project managed via the marketing/comm SmartSheet timeline. COMMUNICATIONS PLAN
  • 9. | 9 Submit MarComm Request Kick-off Meeting Strategy & Project Timeline Content Submitted Marketing/Comm Plan Delivered Stakeholder Sign Off Close the Ticket Exit Survey Sent MarComm staff to schedule this meeting once ticket assigned to them by Jim or stakeholder. For more involved projects (New website, new sections, etc.) Rough strategy & project timeline with staff responsibilities to stakeholder for review. The Marketing Request Form will be required to be used when submitting source documents including product descriptions, mailing lists, preferred graphics, etc. MarComm staff to develop marketing or comm plan to include strategy, timeline, estimated expenses, and copy for stakeholder to review and approve. This could be started by the stakeholder or MarComm staff. These could at times be combined depending on the project. Note: Fact Sheets, Guidance Document, Position Statements and White Papers require the following items along with their content. • Version number* (will be noted on the cover) • Date (will be noted on the cover) • Sponsoring volunteer group (will be noted on the first page of content) • Taxonomy *Each revision will require the next version number. Denotes optional steps depending on the project type. If marketing or comm plan is provided, once the stakeholder signs off, the ticket will be closed and the project managed via the marketing/comm SmartSheet timeline. If a marketing or comm plan is NOT required, marcomm deliverables and feedback will be managed directly in the ticket until final sign off. WEB PAGES
  • 10. For projects with multiple moving parts, MarComm Staff will create a SmartSheet project timeline to share with the stakeholder prior to implementation. This will outline deliverables associated with the project and when items will come to you for review and approval. Examples of when a timeline is required: • Marketing campaigns • Communication plans • Print/mail projects • Video production Once the stakeholder approves the timeline, the project will be primarily managed via SmartSheet from that point forward. | 10 MARCOMM PROJECT TIMELINES
  • 11. Preparing Copy Our goal is to produce high-quality, creative, cost- efficient, and timely materials for you. If you follow these guidelines closely, you will enable the MarComm Department to process your project in the most efficient manner. Final Drafts Please submit to the MarComm Project Request SharePoint site only final drafts that contain the most complete, accurate information available with no substantial changes anticipated. If your project is a completely new job, type your information into a Word (Doc) file. If your job is a revision of a previous piece, save time by requesting a copy of the most up-to-date file from MarComm. You can then mark minor changes directly on the hard copy of this file; if your changes are substantial, you can retype them in a new file. Creating Your Text File One of the first processes your project will undergo once you submit it is editing. You can help move your project quickly through this process, while simplifying your work, by following a few simple guidelines when typing your information into your Word file: • Allow Word to “wrap” your text from one line to the next; do not hit hard returns at the end of lines. • Use capital letters only at the beginning of sentences, for proper nouns, acronyms, or where otherwise grammatically correct. • When creating tables or charts, type column headings on one line. After each heading, hit the tab key once before typing the next heading. • Perform a spell check before submitting your work. • Indicate any design requests using brackets [ ]. | 11 MARCOMM CREATIVE SERVICES GUIDELINES
  • 12. Consulting with the MarComm Department If you require assistance creating your final draft, or if you have questions about its format or design, MarComm will be happy to help in any way we can. Feel free to contact the editors, marketing, or web teams to set up a consultation time that will be convenient for all involved. Submitting Off-Site Web Jobs to the Web Team Those other than AIHA national staff (committees, local sections, SIGs, etc.) can e-mail their electronic files as attachments to their staff liaison as Word files, html files, GIFs, or JPGs. Any other formats, please contact the AIHA Webmaster for more information. Planning Your Delivery Date These guidelines will help ensure that your project is finished by the desired date. • Reproduction Jobs (ready for press): Allow 3-5 days • Small- to medium-sized repeat jobs (with minor updates required): Allow 1-2 weeks • Small- to medium-sized new jobs: Allow 2-3 weeks • Big jobs: Meet with MarComm for proper scheduling and time frames. It is always best to provide MarComm with as much advance notice of a project as possible. At that time, you can agree on deadlines to ensure your project will get off to a good start. | 12 MARCOMM CREATIVE SERVICES GUIDELINES
  • 13. Refer to this checklist often; duplicate it if you like.  Information is as close to final, accurate and consistent as possible.  Copy has been typed into a Word file.  Spell check has been performed.  Suggestions/requests for design elements have been marked with brackets [ ] in the Word file.  If applicable, design input has been provided; notes added to the MarComm Project Request form, sample(s) attached.  If applicable, appointments for design consultation have been arranged with MarComm staff.  If applicable, provide supporting graphics or photos up front (i.e., speaker headshots, logos). | 13 CHECKLIST PRIOR TO SUBMISSION OF A MARCOMM TICKET
  • 14. AIHA’s Taxonomy Form Button • If your project is to be posted to the web, please fill out this taxonomy form. Project Name (required) • Please use a naming convention that would describe the project. Note: If it is a RUSH project, please enter RUSH as the first part of your project name. Level of Proofing • Proofing, Technical Line Editing, Both, N/A (not applicable) Project Type (multiple choice optional) • Digital PDF, Print, Social Media, Web, Other | 14 PROJECT REQUEST FORM Preview the form
  • 15. Due Date (required) • This is where you will note your deadline for completion. Planning Your Delivery Date These guidelines will help ensure that your project is finished by the desired date. • Reproduction Jobs (ready for press): Allow 3-5 days • Small- to medium-sized repeat jobs (with minor updates required): Allow 1-2 weeks • Small- to medium-sized new jobs: Allow 2-3 weeks • Big jobs: Meet with MarComm for proper scheduling and time frames. It is always best to provide marketing with as much advance notice of a project as possible. Contact Name • The person who MarComm should work with. Person Required to Sign-off on Project (required) • The person who gives final approval. Budget Amount $ • This is needed when/if we are to use any outsourced partners. Budget Code # (include all 10 digits) • This is needed when/if we are to use any outsourced partners. Quantity • This is use for print projects. | 15 PROJECT REQUEST FORM
  • 16. Assigned To • When first submitted, this should always be Jim Myers. Then, once the project is in production, different names will show depending on the status. Status • Not Started - This for projects that have just been started. This is the one you will use when you first submit your project. • In Progress - This is when the project has begun and will have notes in the "Production Notes" area as to where it is (i.e., editing, design, corrections, etc.). • Waiting on someone else - This is when we are waiting on input from the project originator, volunteers, etc. • Waiting on Invoice – Jim uses this one. • Completed - This should only be used by a MarComm team member. Once the person who submitted the ticket has approved the final version, they will note it in the ticket and re-assign it back to the person who has been working on it. | 16 PROJECT REQUEST FORM
  • 17. Category • Communications or Marketing Communications Plan Needed? (required) • Yes or No Project Description • Please provide a brief overview of the project. List top features and/or facts about the product, program, or service. When writing the overview, it is helpful to think through and answer the 5 "Ws" - who, what, when, where, and why. Goals • What is the purpose of this project? What do you hope to achieve? How will success be measured? Audience • Who is the audience? Please be as specific as possible. i.e., AIHA members who purchased the "White Book." Is there anything that should be highlighted and/or avoided in talking to this audience? Deliverables • If you require specific deliverables for this project, such as a website, flyer, graphic, etc. Attachments • This is where your attached documents (Word, Excel, PDFs, etc.) will be listed. To attach your documents to Project/Task, you will need to click on the “Attach File”. Production Notes • This is where we log the process of the project. Here is an example. We indicate the date and the person's initials making the entry along with a short message. To submit your ticket, click on the “Submit” button at the bottom of the form. | 17 PROJECT REQUEST FORM
  • 18. You can review the status of your projects by visiting the MarComm Active Projects Dashboard: | 18 REVIEWING PROJECT REQUESTS
  • 19. Feel free to contact any member of the MarComm team. • Sue Marchese Lewis – Lead strategist, product pricing. • Jennifer Newell – Email campaigns, marketing strategies, digital advertising strategies. • Ben Rome – Communication plans, social media, video projects, content strategy, website content, App support, AIHA booth • Ina Xhani – Press releases, develops and monitors communication plans, content development for blogs, social media content and advertising. • Ed Rutkowski – Synergist, Vendor Directory, JOEH, writing and editing. • Kay Bechtold – Synergist, writing and editing. • Abby Roberts – Writing, editing, proofing. • Kat Thomas – Email campaigns, digital campaign tracking • Jim Myers – He does everything. | 19 NEED ASSISTANCE?