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From the desk of CEO
Dear HBJ Family Members,
After the successful release of our previous 3 market outlook reports during last 10 months, we are once again back with
       the market forecasting report called “The Market & Business Cycles”. This issue is more informative, can be used
       for education purpose. It will help you to look at the BIG PICTURE of the world economy & various asset class.
Last week, Ben Bernanke has warned about the US crisis. Market took it seriously, but later on nobody on the street was
       cheered about Obama’s 447 billion dollars job package. Euro zone crisis is also deepening particularly, the Greece
       crisis has become worse. ECB’s German member Jeorge Stark has decided to resign over dispute on helping
       Greece. All these concerns will dampen the investors sentiments. At home, India Inc. will announce Advance tax
       data for the second quarter on 15th September followed by RBI credit policy on Sept 16th.
We know that we can never predict the future. But with Market Cycles we can anticipate the safe times and the dangerous
       times, the moment to take risk and the moment to conserve capital. Understanding the fact that bonds lead stocks,
       and stocks lead commodities will help in selecting the asset class to part our funds. The rich understands the
       economic cycle. Unlike the poor, the rich will start to park their cash in the stock market towards the end of
       the depression. The rich will wait patiently for 1, 2 or 3 years. They are not bothered by the daily fluctuation in
       stock prices. When stock market revive, they easily make 200-300% return.
Remember, Economy changes but history repeats itself.You don’t have to be a swami guru to predict the future. What
       you need to be is just a part of HBJ Family. At this moment, wait for further downside in the market. Keep
       cash in your hand, nowhere else. You are very close to once in a lifetime opportunity to invest in
Kumar Harendra, CEO, HBJ Capital
Successfully predicted the market trends

 “Is this a trend reversal?” [Nov’10 Issue]
 “Fat Boys” [Dec’10 Issue]
 “The Sixth Sense” [Feb’11 Issue]
 “The Market & Business Cycles” [Sept’11 Issue]
Market Overview
We are in “Early Contraction/Recession” Phase
Interest rate near peak during “Early Contraction”

Interest rates play a very important role in determining economic activity, the phases of the business cycle and the
performance of the stock market. Higher interest rates increase the costs to businesses and individuals. Companies must
pay more to borrow money for capital investments or to fund daily business operations. Higher interest rates also increase
the demand for money to invest in bonds, competing for money to invest in the stock market.
Look for Sensex/Nifty PE of 14-15 by Dec’11

As on today Nifty is trading around 18 P/E - Historically market has never traded below PE of 8. Best time to
buy a stock is when you have money! Those looking for great deals can buy stocks around Nifty 4000-
4200 levels or Sensex 12-13K where PE will be around 14-15 by Dec’11.

Should I sell? Should I buy? -You have to stick to your plan. If the plan is to be long, then start getting in now, there
are lots of stocks that are cheap, available much cheaper than earlier.
Indian Market Forecasting
NIFTY traders should play with short-sell strategies
                           Prices always prefer to traverse the path of least
                           The important event for the coming week is RBI will
                           meet on Sept 16th to review its monetary policy. They
                           have already raised the key lending rate 11 times since
                           March 2010 as a measure to fight against inflation.
                           Market will obviously react in a negative manner if there
                           is any further increase.
                           Drop below 5000 would certainly trigger more short
                           selling and NIFTY index may try to retest 4800 level. On
                           derivatives side there was unwinding of Put options and
                           heavy writing at 5100-5200 strike Call options, which
                           again indicates bearishness for the coming week.
                           The major reason behind the sharp increase in prices
                           can be attributed to excessive short positions in the
                           market, who rush to cover their positions. As a result we
                           witness sharp rallies but once the short covering dies
                           down, then the rally will lose its steam and prices fall
                           sharply. This is exactly what we have seen last week.
                           Prices always prefer to traverse the path of least
                           resistance and in our market that happens to point
False Upside in Sept, Crash in Oct & Down in Dec
Another 15-20% correction due from here!

   How much market can fall further? – Another 15-20% correction from the current levels.
    Look for Sensex 12,000-13,000 Levels & Nifty 4,000 – 4,200 Levels
   How long this market correction/crash will continue? – Maximum extent of
    correction will happen during Oct & Nov’11. A dull & distress period from Dec’11 till Apr’12 is likely
    before recovery takes place.
   How ugly are things going to get? –Worst than 2008 meltdown in term of sentiments
    breakdown but NOT in terms of price correction.
   What we need to do right away to protect ourselves from it! – Stay Invested with
    HBJ approved stocks, Arrange more & more Cash by selling some of your holding in Sept’11
    bounce or from outside and Take Advantage of market fall during next 4 months to accumulate
    wealth creating stocks.
   Do you suggest investing in GOLD ETF? –Yes, if you are looking for short term gains, you
    should invest in GOLD ETF or Short Nifty Future or Buy domestic consumption based stocks. Bond
    prices has already fallen, stocks are falling now, commodity will soon follow

Market is in “Decline” Phase, Similar to late 2008
Watch out for the following changes

World Market Forecasting
Are we heading for an 'equities bloodbath'?

 Equity investors are in for a rude shock.The global economy is sliding back into recession and they are still not even
aware that these events will trigger another leg down in valuations, the third major bear market since the equity valuation
bubble burst.
 Economic data is increasingly pointing to a double-dip recession and that presently there is too much optimism among
investors. So far the equity market has shrugged off much of the weaker data that abounds, and has not joined the bond
market in a perceptive move.
 The equity market will though crumble like the house of cards it is, when the nationwide [US] manufacturing ISM
slides below 50 into recession territory in coming months. During Aug’11 it was 50.6 almost close to recession zone!
S&P chart showing similarities between 2000 & 2008
S&P : May go down by another 40-50% from here

S&P may drop down to 600 levels from 1154 today and Dow may fall down to 7000 levels from current
level of 10992 . This is in-line with the kind of drop seen in 2000 and 2008!
Sorry, the party is over!
European Bank run every bit as serious as 2007-2009 !
                         European policymakers would like you to believe we can never have another Lehman
                         Brothers-style implosion. Don’t listen to the policymakers! The markets are
                         telling you the exact OPPOSITE story!

                         Just consider 

                         Earlier this week, Greek 2-year note yields surged above 50 percent. FIFTY PERCENT!
                         Subprime credit card borrowers don’t even pay rates like that, which tells you everything
                         you need to know about how serious their debt crisis.
                         Italian bonds just fell in value for 11 straight days, erasing most of the gains notched after
                         the European Central Bank agreed to step into the breach and buy Italian and Spanish
                         Belgian bond yields just blew out to the widest premium against core German bond yields
                         since the euro currency was introduced in 1999! That indicates the crisis is spreading even
Bottom line: Every       beyond the so-called “PIIGS” countries.
reliable popular and     Credit Default Swap (CDS), cost of protecting against losses on senior bonds issued by 25
esoteric credit market   major European banks and insurers just surged to the highest level ever — 278,000 Euros
indicator is flashing    per year for every 10 million Euros in bonds!
bright red 
 just like   German Finance Minister Juergen Stark unexpectedly resigned from the board Friday in a
they did in 2007-2009!   move analysts said was triggered by disagreements over the ECB's bond buying program to
                         stabilize interest rates for struggling nations Italy and Spain. The announcement of Stark's
                         departure sent stocks and the euro tumbling, as it raised only more questions over the Euro
                         zone's crisis strategy.
U.S. Economy sinking toward 2009 levels or Worse !
                        If all the problems were “across the pond,” as they say, then markets could potentially shrug off
                        some of the European selling. But they’re not! Here in the U.S., the economy is clearly slumping
                        toward recession for the second time in the past couple of years.

                        The hard evidence?
                        ==> US created precisely zero jobs last month for the first time since the 1940s. ZERO! Job
                        losses were widespread across a wide range of industries, from construction to manufacturing to
                        ==> The Conference Board’s consumer confidence index just sank to 44.5 in August from 59.2
                        in July. That was the worst reading since April 2009.
                        ==> GDP grew at a rate of only 0.4 percent in the first quarter. The last time the U.S.
                        economy grew that slowly, the Dow was trading for around 7,500
                        ==> Purchase mortgage application activity just slumped to its lowest level since December
                        1996. The last time this few home buyers were applying for loans, the Dow was going for 6,300.
It is impossible for
                        Bottom line: Major European and U.S. bank stocks are plunging to levels last seen
the U.S. to ever pay    in the 2007-2009 crisis. Key economic data is slumping to levels last seen during
off its debt, in fact   the 2007-2009 crisis. And credit market risk indicators are soaring toward levels
U.S. is bankrupt        last seen in the chaotic days of 2007-2009.

                        So we ask you a simple question: “Why shouldn’t the Dow plunge back toward those
                        levels too?”
Now, Bank of America is also in danger !
                  Right now, BofA is caught in a vicious cycle of its own making.
                  The main reason: Back in January of 2008, it made the horrendous blunder
                  of buying the nation’s largest mortgage company, Countrywide Financial, just
                  before the mortgage market’s worst collapse in history.

                  Result: Bank of America’s main banking unit is saddled with $3.9 billion in
                  repossessed real estate. (Back in March 2009, even when its stock was in the
                  gutter and it was getting an emergency capital transfusion from Washington, it
                  had less than half that much in repossessed properties — only $1.7 billion.)

                  And the homes BofA has foreclosed on so far are just the tip of the iceberg. The
                  bank also has a whopping $20 billion in home mortgages that are in the process
                  of foreclosure, up a shocking 224 percent from March ’09.

                  Yes, for a few months last year, there was some hope of a housing market
                  recovery. But now those hopes have been dashed by the reality of sinking home
                  prices — down another 5.9 percent in the second quarter, their biggest drop
                  since 2009.

                  See how Bank of America is caught smack in the middle of this
                  storm? It has a total of $421.7 billion tied up in mortgages — more
                  than any other bank on the planet!
Europe is on the doorstep of disaster.
Europe is on the doorstep of disaster. If it breaks-up, the trade barriers will rise with regulations and
freedom of movement will cease as everyone will be pointing fingers at everyone else as the cause.
That opens the door to WAR whether or not you want to even entertain that possibility.
This decision that there is EITHER a unified Europe or it disintegrates will have to be made VERY soon.

We are deeply concerned that the world will turn VERY, VERY Ugly and we are not talking about long-term
stuff here.

Japan found the magic formula to create a 26 year Great Depression.
Central banks raise and lower interest rates in HOPE or affecting DEMAND. This method is never
successful because it is INDIRECT and is based upon a hope and a prayer.
Because Japan lowered interest rates to virtually ZERO, they failed to stimulate DEMAND and all they
managed to create was a massive exportation of yen largely to dollars called the YEN CARRY TRADE.
They could earn 8% at the time in the USA and the domestic economy in Japan merely stagnated as capital
fled seeking profit elsewhere. Japan found the magic formula of how to create a 26 year Great Depression.

Guess what! This failed theory that making interest rates really cheap will somehow stimulate borrowing and
economic growth is so flawed because again it is based upon a domestic closed economy that does not exist
ignoring what happens if money just picks up and leaves.
Gold can spike high above $2300, now trading around $1855
              What makes markets go up and down is NOT the fundamentals – it is people. Between
              1970 and 1974 gold rallied from $35 to about $200 on the same default. Nothing changed,
              but gold fell into 1976 to $103. Then it rallied to $875 into 1980. There was NO change in
              the fundamentals.

              Rumors are echoing in the corridors of power in Wall Street and Washington — whispers
              about Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke's secret plan for interest rates. The Fed on Aug. 9
              pledged to keep the benchmark rate near zero until at least mid-2013. Now, the rumor is
              that "Helicopter Ben" is seeking to force down longer-maturity bond yields — in a last-
              ditch attempt to boost the economy.

              Mind you, the 10-year note is only yielding about 2 percent now. But even on the rumor of
              this shift in Fed policy, Wall Street heavyweights are rumbling there could be unforeseen
              consequences from such a move. Lower returns on Treasuries drive investors into riskier
              assets in search of a higher return. This can boost equities and most commodities —
              including gold.

              Investors who have never even thought about owning gold before will rush into the metal.
              This could be the critical thrust we need to drive gold above $2,000 an ounce, then $2,300
              — and potentially much higher! And it's not just gold. Commodities of all types —
              precious metals, agriculture, energy and more — are poised to rocket on Bernanke's
But this time, things are far worse!
It’s about preservation of capital not returns

When Standard & Poor’s downgraded U.S. government debt, everyone was stirring about the prospects of a big sell-off in
the dollar and U.S. Treasuries — but it didn’t happen. Instead, we witnessed a mass sell-off in nearly all other markets
around the world. Why? Because this is a global economic crisis 
 not a U.S.-specific economic crisis.

And as we found in 2008, there simply aren’t many safe places to hide in this depression-like environment. In the end, the
world’s deepest, most liquid capital markets and currency — U.S. Treasuries and the U.S. dollar — are favored, despite
the downgrade.

That indeed makes a clear statement: A downgrade to U.S. government debt is the equivalent of a
downgrade to the global economy.

The loss of “risk-free” status in U.S. government debt would likely spread to other sovereign ratings. After all, ratings are
relative — not absolute. Perhaps the more troubling part is the systemic damage it would cause. What’s more, a
downgrade of U.S. creditworthiness has all of the ingredients to ignite 

Flight of global capital back to the United States because it still has most liquid currency

Many think the world is looking like a scary place again. The fact is, the world economy has been a scary place for four
years. And all of the evidence points to a continuation.
We should always seek out investment returns that compensate for risks taken. In this environment, which is highly
vulnerable to economic shocks, not many exist.
That’s why we continue to think we’ll see another aggressive flight of global capital back to the United States — home
of the deepest capital markets and most liquid currency. In crises, capital preservation is king.
U.S. Govt. has taken on too much debt it can't pay.
No institution on Earth has enough money to save the U.S. government now.

In 2008, investors were worried that consumers had taken on too much debt they couldn't pay.
This time around, investors are panicking because single largest institution — THE U.S. GOVERNMENT
— has taken on too much debt it can't pay.
Back then, investors could only hope that Washington would find a way to end the nightmare with bailouts
and stimulus.
This time, investors know that government “rescues” only delay the inevitable collapse. And they have
come to the shocking realization that no institution on Earth has enough money to save the U.S. government
4 things happen just before major stock market crashes

1.   Bank stocks are leading the entire market lower.
2.   The economy is winding down; politicians and the Fed are scrambling to find a solution.
3.   The Volatility Index — the VIX — is at levels not seen in more than two years.
4.   Gold is setting one new record after another.

These are precisely the things that happened just before America's LAST great stock market
   crash in 2008! and they're happening RIGHT NOW!
Unemployment Rate explain today’s markets.

The number of unemployed persons, at 14.0 million, was essentially unchanged in August, and the
unemployment rate held at 9.1 percent. The rate has shown little change since April.
U.S. GDP revised down to 1% in Q2
Defaults Ahead - Austerity is not working!

Since adopting tough austerity measures, the Greek economic activity is contracting more aggressively.
Its debt burden is growing, led by continued worsening deficits — precisely what the austerity plans are crafted to
The risk premium in Greek government bonds is higher, government revenue is lower, spending is higher and Greece
needs even more money to stay afloat.
Put simply: Austerity is not working! One thing austerity is doing, though, is its killing global growth.
And that’s not good for the outlook of commodities. And historically, a common trigger for global sovereign debt defaults
happens to be 
 falling commodity prices.
The Market & Business Cycles
Economy works in a predictable cycle: Learn It
                    The rich understands this economic cycle. Unlike the poor, the rich will start to
                    park their cash in the stock market towards the end of the depression. The rich
                    will wait patiently for 1, 2 or 3 years. They are not bothered by the daily
                    fluctuation in stock prices. When stock market revive, they easily make 200-
                    300% return. The next thing they watch out for is the property prices.
                    When property prices begin to show its first quarter increase, they will sell off
   The rich will    some of their shares and grab a few properties. In another 1 or 2 years, their
  wait patiently    properties appreciate in value and they easily make a few millions. When the
                    economy reaches its peak, they will sell off some of their properties, keep some to
    for 1, 2 or 3   earn rental income and park the rest of their money in fix deposit, survive
  years. They are   through the depression (which can last for about 5 years!) and wait for the
                    next cycle!
   not bothered     Guess what the poor will be doing? They do the exact opposite. When
    by the daily    the market is good, they got their pay rise and bonuses. They feel rich
                    and start to think of some investment. Usually, they will turn to a bank
  fluctuation in    and listen to those unit trust managers who show them all kinds of track record
   stock prices.    about the superb performance of their unit trusts. The poor will then put their
                    hard-earned cash into those unit trusts and become a victim of the next economy
                    Remember, Economy changes but history repeats itself. You don’t have
                    to be a swami guru to predict the future. What you need to be is a
                    member of HBJ Family.
Very long term outlook : Power shifting to PRIVATE

Martin Armstrong the founder of Economic Confidence Model says that we are observing a shift of the confidence from
public (government) money to a confidence in private (corporate stock/bonds) money. During next few years we will
see the large amount of global debt (and each governments actions toward that debt) and the international capital flows
that result from the confidence or lack of confidence regarding the debt.
100 Yrs Dow: DJIA is in bear market from last 11 yrs

Looking at the very long term:
A panoramic viewpoint makes it obvious that Markets go through long phases -- bullish, bearish and sideways -- lasting
anywhere from 5 to 18 years. We can notice that from year 2000 till today, Dow is in 11 years long bearish phase !
Last century saw three secular Bull markets:
     The first lasted from 1921-29. The Dow went from 75 to 350+ -- a 367% gain over 8 years.
     The post WWII Bull market 16 years later, and ran from 1945-63. It propelled the Dow from the low 200s to
     1,000. That 354.5% gain occurred over 18 years.
     The next Bull market began some 19 years later in 1982. The Dow starting at 1,000, and by the time the Bull
     ended in 2000, the Industrials had peaked at 11,750 -- a whopping gain of 1,075% in 18 years.
Market to bottom out around Nov-Dec’11
                                  The next 4.3 years
                                  The change on the horizon for
                                  the next 4.3 years is going to be
                                  very different. We are entering a
                                  phase of the Private Wave where
                                  confidence in government sinks
                                  lower still. The irony of these
                                  types of moves is that the
                                  economic decline continues, but
                                  the financial markets recover with
                                  a twist. Capital becomes leery of
                                  government debt and thus the
                                  private sector rebounds in the
                                  face of rising unemployment and
                                  worsening economic statistics.

                                  Market will bottom out around
                                  Nov-Dec’11 followed by a dull
                                  period of 4-6 months and
                                  recovery after that. We can see
                                  intermediate peak around Aug
                                  2013 & major peak by Oct 2015.
Power shifting to Asian Economy!
                         PERHAPS there are two of the greatest kept secrets
                         in the West that are impacting our future that
                         continue to be ignored.

                         Lower interest rates destroy the economy reducing the
                         value of money at a time when its value rises removing the
                         incentive to lend money.
                         Fact that Asia use to be the largest economy and financial
                         capital of the world. Indeed, we are passing the torch from
                         the West to Asia because that is part of the nature of all

                         The Financial Capital Of The World and the World’s
                         Largest Economy are two titles that have often
                         been shared, yet are never fixed.

                         Perhaps at first you might respond thinking China or
                         Japan may have held that title.
                         Yet, to your surprise, India once also held this title
                         around 1000AD. Today, India is one of the fastest growing
                         regions and Asia is evolving independent of Europe and
                         America. This is why the British were so interested in India.
Sector Rotation : Investing Strategy
Sector Rotation, a Proven Investing Strategy
                                                      Bonds  Stocks Commodities,
                                                      Bond has fallen down, Stock is
                                                      falling now, Commodity will fall
                                                      in future & the cycle continues!
At every time period, a certain sector will do well due to changes in the economic and market cycle. Due to these
changes, an investor can invest in that sector that is doing well for that time period by buying a sector exchange traded
funds (ETFs). The economy lags the market by 3 to 6 months as investors try to predict economic events.This was evident
during the recent crisis.The market bottomed in March 2009 but the economic numbers began to pick up only much
later. This happens because the market attempt to predict the economy well ahead. Remember that the market is made up
of people with emotions and feelings.

The stock market cycle tends to precede the business cycle by six months on average, as investors try to anticipate when
the market will respond to changes in the economy. This means investors are more likely to beat the market, if they invest
in the sectors that line up with the current and next phase of the business cycle.

By using the sector rotation model, one can intelligently invest in the markets and liquidate when the needs arises. Even
though one cannot predict the market accurately, at least one can use this to intelligently guess where the market is headed
next without relying solely on those “economists”.
We are in the “Early Contraction Phase”

To know how to rotate between assets, it's necessary to be a little more familiar with how the relationships between
different markets work. The simple version breaks the market down into three markets: bonds (or interest rates),
stocks and commodities.
Generally, bonds lead stocks, and stocks lead commodities.
Typical investment cycle consists of a bond rally, which is followed by a stock rally, which is then followed by a
commodity rally. The opposite is true as well -- weakness in bonds generally precedes weakness in stocks, which in turn
precedes weakness in commodities.
Not surprisingly, these relationships are due in large part to the causality between these different markets. In this cycle,
for instance, stocks are in the middle of their declining phase as rallying commodities put the squeeze on margins.
Stage IV : Gas & Electricals Utilities, Telecom
The 4 Stages of Market & Economy Cycles
The market cycle can be divided into 4
1) Market bottom- This is represented by prices
   dropping, culminating in a low.
2) Bull market- This begins as the market rallies
   from the market bottom.
3) Market top- As the name suggests, this stage hits
   the top as the bull market starts to flatten out.
4) Bear market- Here we go down again. This is the
   precursor to the next market bottom.

The economic cycle can be divided into 4
stages as well:-
 Full Recession - Not a good time for businesses
    or the unemployed. GDP has been retracting,
    quarter-over-quarter, interest rates are falling,
    consumer expectations have bottomed and
    the yield curve is normal. Sectors that have
    historically profited most in this stage include:
      ‱Cyclical and transports (near the beginning).
      ‱Industrials (near the end).                    Legend: Market Cycle | Economic Cycle
 Early Recovery -Finally, things are starting to pick up. Consumer
     expectations are rising, industrial production is growing, interest
     rates have bottomed and the yield curve is beginning to get steeper.
     Historically successful sectors at this stage include:
       ‱Industrials (near the beginning).
       ‱Basic materials industry.
       ‱Energy (near the end).
 Late Recovery - In this stage, interest rates can be rising rapidly,
with a flattening yield curve. Consumer expectations are beginning to
decline, and industrial production is flat. Here are the historically
profitable sectors in this stage:
       ‱Energy (near the beginning).
       ‱Services (near the end).
 Early Recession -This is where things start to go bad for the overall
economy. Consumer expectations are at their worst; industrial
production is falling; interest rates are at their highest; and the yield
curve is flat or even inverted. Historically, the following sectors have
found favor during these rough times:
       ‱Services (near the beginning).
       ‱Cyclical and transports (near the end).
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Market Outlook Report - The Market & Business Cycles - Sept 2011 Issue

  • 1.
  • 2. From the desk of CEO Dear HBJ Family Members, After the successful release of our previous 3 market outlook reports during last 10 months, we are once again back with the market forecasting report called “The Market & Business Cycles”. This issue is more informative, can be used for education purpose. It will help you to look at the BIG PICTURE of the world economy & various asset class. Last week, Ben Bernanke has warned about the US crisis. Market took it seriously, but later on nobody on the street was cheered about Obama’s 447 billion dollars job package. Euro zone crisis is also deepening particularly, the Greece crisis has become worse. ECB’s German member Jeorge Stark has decided to resign over dispute on helping Greece. All these concerns will dampen the investors sentiments. At home, India Inc. will announce Advance tax data for the second quarter on 15th September followed by RBI credit policy on Sept 16th. We know that we can never predict the future. But with Market Cycles we can anticipate the safe times and the dangerous times, the moment to take risk and the moment to conserve capital. Understanding the fact that bonds lead stocks, and stocks lead commodities will help in selecting the asset class to part our funds. The rich understands the economic cycle. Unlike the poor, the rich will start to park their cash in the stock market towards the end of the depression. The rich will wait patiently for 1, 2 or 3 years. They are not bothered by the daily fluctuation in stock prices. When stock market revive, they easily make 200-300% return. Remember, Economy changes but history repeats itself.You don’t have to be a swami guru to predict the future. What you need to be is just a part of HBJ Family. At this moment, wait for further downside in the market. Keep cash in your hand, nowhere else. You are very close to once in a lifetime opportunity to invest in stocks! Regards, Kumar Harendra, CEO, HBJ Capital
  • 3. Successfully predicted the market trends
  “Is this a trend reversal?” [Nov’10 Issue] – HIGH ALERT GIVEN ADVISING TO KEEP 50% CASH IN HAND & 50% IN STOCKS.  “Fat Boys” [Dec’10 Issue] –ALERT GIVEN TO SAFEGUARD INVESTORS FROM THE FALSE BREAKOUT IN DEC’10  “The Sixth Sense” [Feb’11 Issue] – PREDICTED SENSEX/NIFTY LEVELS OF 16K & 4800 BY JUNE’11, ACHIEVED IN AUG’11.  “The Market & Business Cycles” [Sept’11 Issue] –– PREDICTED SENSEX/NIFTY LEVELS OF 12-13K & 4000-4200 BY DEC’11.
  • 5. We are in “Early Contraction/Recession” Phase
  • 6. Interest rate near peak during “Early Contraction” Interest rates play a very important role in determining economic activity, the phases of the business cycle and the performance of the stock market. Higher interest rates increase the costs to businesses and individuals. Companies must pay more to borrow money for capital investments or to fund daily business operations. Higher interest rates also increase the demand for money to invest in bonds, competing for money to invest in the stock market.
  • 7. Look for Sensex/Nifty PE of 14-15 by Dec’11 As on today Nifty is trading around 18 P/E - Historically market has never traded below PE of 8. Best time to buy a stock is when you have money! Those looking for great deals can buy stocks around Nifty 4000- 4200 levels or Sensex 12-13K where PE will be around 14-15 by Dec’11. Should I sell? Should I buy? -You have to stick to your plan. If the plan is to be long, then start getting in now, there are lots of stocks that are cheap, available much cheaper than earlier.
  • 9. NIFTY traders should play with short-sell strategies Prices always prefer to traverse the path of least resistance.... The important event for the coming week is RBI will meet on Sept 16th to review its monetary policy. They have already raised the key lending rate 11 times since March 2010 as a measure to fight against inflation. Market will obviously react in a negative manner if there is any further increase. Drop below 5000 would certainly trigger more short selling and NIFTY index may try to retest 4800 level. On derivatives side there was unwinding of Put options and heavy writing at 5100-5200 strike Call options, which again indicates bearishness for the coming week. The major reason behind the sharp increase in prices can be attributed to excessive short positions in the market, who rush to cover their positions. As a result we witness sharp rallies but once the short covering dies down, then the rally will lose its steam and prices fall sharply. This is exactly what we have seen last week. Prices always prefer to traverse the path of least resistance and in our market that happens to point southwards.
  • 10. False Upside in Sept, Crash in Oct & Down in Dec
  • 11. Another 15-20% correction due from here!  How much market can fall further? – Another 15-20% correction from the current levels. Look for Sensex 12,000-13,000 Levels & Nifty 4,000 – 4,200 Levels  How long this market correction/crash will continue? – Maximum extent of correction will happen during Oct & Nov’11. A dull & distress period from Dec’11 till Apr’12 is likely before recovery takes place.  How ugly are things going to get? –Worst than 2008 meltdown in term of sentiments breakdown but NOT in terms of price correction.  What we need to do right away to protect ourselves from it! – Stay Invested with HBJ approved stocks, Arrange more & more Cash by selling some of your holding in Sept’11 bounce or from outside and Take Advantage of market fall during next 4 months to accumulate wealth creating stocks.  Do you suggest investing in GOLD ETF? –Yes, if you are looking for short term gains, you should invest in GOLD ETF or Short Nifty Future or Buy domestic consumption based stocks. Bond prices has already fallen, stocks are falling now, commodity will soon follow

  • 12. Market is in “Decline” Phase, Similar to late 2008
  • 13. Watch out for the following changes

  • 15. Are we heading for an 'equities bloodbath'?  Equity investors are in for a rude shock.The global economy is sliding back into recession and they are still not even aware that these events will trigger another leg down in valuations, the third major bear market since the equity valuation bubble burst.  Economic data is increasingly pointing to a double-dip recession and that presently there is too much optimism among investors. So far the equity market has shrugged off much of the weaker data that abounds, and has not joined the bond market in a perceptive move.  The equity market will though crumble like the house of cards it is, when the nationwide [US] manufacturing ISM slides below 50 into recession territory in coming months. During Aug’11 it was 50.6 almost close to recession zone!
  • 16. S&P chart showing similarities between 2000 & 2008
  • 17. S&P : May go down by another 40-50% from here S&P may drop down to 600 levels from 1154 today and Dow may fall down to 7000 levels from current level of 10992 . This is in-line with the kind of drop seen in 2000 and 2008!
  • 18. Sorry, the party is over!
  • 19. European Bank run every bit as serious as 2007-2009 ! European policymakers would like you to believe we can never have another Lehman Brothers-style implosion. Don’t listen to the policymakers! The markets are telling you the exact OPPOSITE story! Just consider 
 Earlier this week, Greek 2-year note yields surged above 50 percent. FIFTY PERCENT! Subprime credit card borrowers don’t even pay rates like that, which tells you everything you need to know about how serious their debt crisis. Italian bonds just fell in value for 11 straight days, erasing most of the gains notched after the European Central Bank agreed to step into the breach and buy Italian and Spanish bonds. Belgian bond yields just blew out to the widest premium against core German bond yields since the euro currency was introduced in 1999! That indicates the crisis is spreading even Bottom line: Every beyond the so-called “PIIGS” countries. reliable popular and Credit Default Swap (CDS), cost of protecting against losses on senior bonds issued by 25 esoteric credit market major European banks and insurers just surged to the highest level ever — 278,000 Euros indicator is flashing per year for every 10 million Euros in bonds! bright red 
 just like German Finance Minister Juergen Stark unexpectedly resigned from the board Friday in a they did in 2007-2009! move analysts said was triggered by disagreements over the ECB's bond buying program to stabilize interest rates for struggling nations Italy and Spain. The announcement of Stark's departure sent stocks and the euro tumbling, as it raised only more questions over the Euro zone's crisis strategy.
  • 20. U.S. Economy sinking toward 2009 levels or Worse ! If all the problems were “across the pond,” as they say, then markets could potentially shrug off some of the European selling. But they’re not! Here in the U.S., the economy is clearly slumping toward recession for the second time in the past couple of years. The hard evidence? ==> US created precisely zero jobs last month for the first time since the 1940s. ZERO! Job losses were widespread across a wide range of industries, from construction to manufacturing to retail. ==> The Conference Board’s consumer confidence index just sank to 44.5 in August from 59.2 in July. That was the worst reading since April 2009. ==> GDP grew at a rate of only 0.4 percent in the first quarter. The last time the U.S. economy grew that slowly, the Dow was trading for around 7,500 ==> Purchase mortgage application activity just slumped to its lowest level since December 1996. The last time this few home buyers were applying for loans, the Dow was going for 6,300. It is impossible for Bottom line: Major European and U.S. bank stocks are plunging to levels last seen the U.S. to ever pay in the 2007-2009 crisis. Key economic data is slumping to levels last seen during off its debt, in fact the 2007-2009 crisis. And credit market risk indicators are soaring toward levels U.S. is bankrupt last seen in the chaotic days of 2007-2009. So we ask you a simple question: “Why shouldn’t the Dow plunge back toward those levels too?”
  • 21. Now, Bank of America is also in danger ! Right now, BofA is caught in a vicious cycle of its own making. The main reason: Back in January of 2008, it made the horrendous blunder of buying the nation’s largest mortgage company, Countrywide Financial, just before the mortgage market’s worst collapse in history. Result: Bank of America’s main banking unit is saddled with $3.9 billion in repossessed real estate. (Back in March 2009, even when its stock was in the gutter and it was getting an emergency capital transfusion from Washington, it had less than half that much in repossessed properties — only $1.7 billion.) And the homes BofA has foreclosed on so far are just the tip of the iceberg. The bank also has a whopping $20 billion in home mortgages that are in the process of foreclosure, up a shocking 224 percent from March ’09. Yes, for a few months last year, there was some hope of a housing market recovery. But now those hopes have been dashed by the reality of sinking home prices — down another 5.9 percent in the second quarter, their biggest drop since 2009. See how Bank of America is caught smack in the middle of this storm? It has a total of $421.7 billion tied up in mortgages — more than any other bank on the planet!
  • 22. Europe is on the doorstep of disaster. Europe is on the doorstep of disaster. If it breaks-up, the trade barriers will rise with regulations and freedom of movement will cease as everyone will be pointing fingers at everyone else as the cause. That opens the door to WAR whether or not you want to even entertain that possibility. This decision that there is EITHER a unified Europe or it disintegrates will have to be made VERY soon. We are deeply concerned that the world will turn VERY, VERY Ugly and we are not talking about long-term stuff here. Japan found the magic formula to create a 26 year Great Depression. Central banks raise and lower interest rates in HOPE or affecting DEMAND. This method is never successful because it is INDIRECT and is based upon a hope and a prayer. Because Japan lowered interest rates to virtually ZERO, they failed to stimulate DEMAND and all they managed to create was a massive exportation of yen largely to dollars called the YEN CARRY TRADE. They could earn 8% at the time in the USA and the domestic economy in Japan merely stagnated as capital fled seeking profit elsewhere. Japan found the magic formula of how to create a 26 year Great Depression. Guess what! This failed theory that making interest rates really cheap will somehow stimulate borrowing and economic growth is so flawed because again it is based upon a domestic closed economy that does not exist ignoring what happens if money just picks up and leaves.
  • 23. Gold can spike high above $2300, now trading around $1855 What makes markets go up and down is NOT the fundamentals – it is people. Between 1970 and 1974 gold rallied from $35 to about $200 on the same default. Nothing changed, but gold fell into 1976 to $103. Then it rallied to $875 into 1980. There was NO change in the fundamentals. Rumors are echoing in the corridors of power in Wall Street and Washington — whispers about Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke's secret plan for interest rates. The Fed on Aug. 9 pledged to keep the benchmark rate near zero until at least mid-2013. Now, the rumor is that "Helicopter Ben" is seeking to force down longer-maturity bond yields — in a last- ditch attempt to boost the economy. Mind you, the 10-year note is only yielding about 2 percent now. But even on the rumor of this shift in Fed policy, Wall Street heavyweights are rumbling there could be unforeseen consequences from such a move. Lower returns on Treasuries drive investors into riskier assets in search of a higher return. This can boost equities and most commodities — including gold. Investors who have never even thought about owning gold before will rush into the metal. This could be the critical thrust we need to drive gold above $2,000 an ounce, then $2,300 — and potentially much higher! And it's not just gold. Commodities of all types — precious metals, agriculture, energy and more — are poised to rocket on Bernanke's gambit!
  • 24. But this time, things are far worse!
  • 25. It’s about preservation of capital not returns
 When Standard & Poor’s downgraded U.S. government debt, everyone was stirring about the prospects of a big sell-off in the dollar and U.S. Treasuries — but it didn’t happen. Instead, we witnessed a mass sell-off in nearly all other markets around the world. Why? Because this is a global economic crisis 
 not a U.S.-specific economic crisis. And as we found in 2008, there simply aren’t many safe places to hide in this depression-like environment. In the end, the world’s deepest, most liquid capital markets and currency — U.S. Treasuries and the U.S. dollar — are favored, despite the downgrade. That indeed makes a clear statement: A downgrade to U.S. government debt is the equivalent of a downgrade to the global economy. The loss of “risk-free” status in U.S. government debt would likely spread to other sovereign ratings. After all, ratings are relative — not absolute. Perhaps the more troubling part is the systemic damage it would cause. What’s more, a downgrade of U.S. creditworthiness has all of the ingredients to ignite 
 Flight of global capital back to the United States because it still has most liquid currency

 Many think the world is looking like a scary place again. The fact is, the world economy has been a scary place for four years. And all of the evidence points to a continuation. We should always seek out investment returns that compensate for risks taken. In this environment, which is highly vulnerable to economic shocks, not many exist. That’s why we continue to think we’ll see another aggressive flight of global capital back to the United States — home of the deepest capital markets and most liquid currency. In crises, capital preservation is king.
  • 26. U.S. Govt. has taken on too much debt it can't pay. No institution on Earth has enough money to save the U.S. government now. In 2008, investors were worried that consumers had taken on too much debt they couldn't pay. This time around, investors are panicking because single largest institution — THE U.S. GOVERNMENT — has taken on too much debt it can't pay. Back then, investors could only hope that Washington would find a way to end the nightmare with bailouts and stimulus. This time, investors know that government “rescues” only delay the inevitable collapse. And they have come to the shocking realization that no institution on Earth has enough money to save the U.S. government now. 4 things happen just before major stock market crashes 1. Bank stocks are leading the entire market lower. 2. The economy is winding down; politicians and the Fed are scrambling to find a solution. 3. The Volatility Index — the VIX — is at levels not seen in more than two years. 4. Gold is setting one new record after another. These are precisely the things that happened just before America's LAST great stock market crash in 2008! and they're happening RIGHT NOW!
  • 27. Unemployment Rate explain today’s markets. The number of unemployed persons, at 14.0 million, was essentially unchanged in August, and the unemployment rate held at 9.1 percent. The rate has shown little change since April. U.S. GDP revised down to 1% in Q2
  • 28. Defaults Ahead - Austerity is not working! Since adopting tough austerity measures, the Greek economic activity is contracting more aggressively. Its debt burden is growing, led by continued worsening deficits — precisely what the austerity plans are crafted to reduce. The risk premium in Greek government bonds is higher, government revenue is lower, spending is higher and Greece needs even more money to stay afloat. Put simply: Austerity is not working! One thing austerity is doing, though, is its killing global growth. And that’s not good for the outlook of commodities. And historically, a common trigger for global sovereign debt defaults happens to be 
 falling commodity prices.
  • 29. The Market & Business Cycles
  • 30. Economy works in a predictable cycle: Learn It The rich understands this economic cycle. Unlike the poor, the rich will start to park their cash in the stock market towards the end of the depression. The rich will wait patiently for 1, 2 or 3 years. They are not bothered by the daily fluctuation in stock prices. When stock market revive, they easily make 200- 300% return. The next thing they watch out for is the property prices. When property prices begin to show its first quarter increase, they will sell off The rich will some of their shares and grab a few properties. In another 1 or 2 years, their wait patiently properties appreciate in value and they easily make a few millions. When the economy reaches its peak, they will sell off some of their properties, keep some to for 1, 2 or 3 earn rental income and park the rest of their money in fix deposit, survive years. They are through the depression (which can last for about 5 years!) and wait for the next cycle! not bothered Guess what the poor will be doing? They do the exact opposite. When by the daily the market is good, they got their pay rise and bonuses. They feel rich and start to think of some investment. Usually, they will turn to a bank fluctuation in and listen to those unit trust managers who show them all kinds of track record stock prices. about the superb performance of their unit trusts. The poor will then put their hard-earned cash into those unit trusts and become a victim of the next economy depression. Remember, Economy changes but history repeats itself. You don’t have to be a swami guru to predict the future. What you need to be is a member of HBJ Family.
  • 31. Very long term outlook : Power shifting to PRIVATE Martin Armstrong the founder of Economic Confidence Model says that we are observing a shift of the confidence from public (government) money to a confidence in private (corporate stock/bonds) money. During next few years we will see the large amount of global debt (and each governments actions toward that debt) and the international capital flows that result from the confidence or lack of confidence regarding the debt.
  • 32. 100 Yrs Dow: DJIA is in bear market from last 11 yrs Looking at the very long term: A panoramic viewpoint makes it obvious that Markets go through long phases -- bullish, bearish and sideways -- lasting anywhere from 5 to 18 years. We can notice that from year 2000 till today, Dow is in 11 years long bearish phase ! Last century saw three secular Bull markets: The first lasted from 1921-29. The Dow went from 75 to 350+ -- a 367% gain over 8 years. The post WWII Bull market 16 years later, and ran from 1945-63. It propelled the Dow from the low 200s to 1,000. That 354.5% gain occurred over 18 years. The next Bull market began some 19 years later in 1982. The Dow starting at 1,000, and by the time the Bull ended in 2000, the Industrials had peaked at 11,750 -- a whopping gain of 1,075% in 18 years.
  • 33. Market to bottom out around Nov-Dec’11 The next 4.3 years
. The change on the horizon for the next 4.3 years is going to be very different. We are entering a phase of the Private Wave where confidence in government sinks lower still. The irony of these types of moves is that the economic decline continues, but the financial markets recover with a twist. Capital becomes leery of government debt and thus the private sector rebounds in the face of rising unemployment and worsening economic statistics. Market will bottom out around Nov-Dec’11 followed by a dull period of 4-6 months and recovery after that. We can see intermediate peak around Aug 2013 & major peak by Oct 2015.
  • 34. Power shifting to Asian Economy! PERHAPS there are two of the greatest kept secrets in the West that are impacting our future that continue to be ignored. Lower interest rates destroy the economy reducing the value of money at a time when its value rises removing the incentive to lend money. Fact that Asia use to be the largest economy and financial capital of the world. Indeed, we are passing the torch from the West to Asia because that is part of the nature of all things. The Financial Capital Of The World and the World’s Largest Economy are two titles that have often been shared, yet are never fixed. Perhaps at first you might respond thinking China or Japan may have held that title. Yet, to your surprise, India once also held this title around 1000AD. Today, India is one of the fastest growing regions and Asia is evolving independent of Europe and America. This is why the British were so interested in India.
  • 35. Sector Rotation : Investing Strategy
  • 36. Sector Rotation, a Proven Investing Strategy Bonds  Stocks Commodities, Bond has fallen down, Stock is falling now, Commodity will fall in future & the cycle continues! At every time period, a certain sector will do well due to changes in the economic and market cycle. Due to these changes, an investor can invest in that sector that is doing well for that time period by buying a sector exchange traded funds (ETFs). The economy lags the market by 3 to 6 months as investors try to predict economic events.This was evident during the recent crisis.The market bottomed in March 2009 but the economic numbers began to pick up only much later. This happens because the market attempt to predict the economy well ahead. Remember that the market is made up of people with emotions and feelings. The stock market cycle tends to precede the business cycle by six months on average, as investors try to anticipate when the market will respond to changes in the economy. This means investors are more likely to beat the market, if they invest in the sectors that line up with the current and next phase of the business cycle. By using the sector rotation model, one can intelligently invest in the markets and liquidate when the needs arises. Even though one cannot predict the market accurately, at least one can use this to intelligently guess where the market is headed next without relying solely on those “economists”.
  • 37. We are in the “Early Contraction Phase” To know how to rotate between assets, it's necessary to be a little more familiar with how the relationships between different markets work. The simple version breaks the market down into three markets: bonds (or interest rates), stocks and commodities. Generally, bonds lead stocks, and stocks lead commodities. Typical investment cycle consists of a bond rally, which is followed by a stock rally, which is then followed by a commodity rally. The opposite is true as well -- weakness in bonds generally precedes weakness in stocks, which in turn precedes weakness in commodities. Not surprisingly, these relationships are due in large part to the causality between these different markets. In this cycle, for instance, stocks are in the middle of their declining phase as rallying commodities put the squeeze on margins.
  • 38. Stage IV : Gas & Electricals Utilities, Telecom
  • 39. The 4 Stages of Market & Economy Cycles The market cycle can be divided into 4 stages:- 1) Market bottom- This is represented by prices dropping, culminating in a low. 2) Bull market- This begins as the market rallies from the market bottom. 3) Market top- As the name suggests, this stage hits the top as the bull market starts to flatten out. 4) Bear market- Here we go down again. This is the precursor to the next market bottom. The economic cycle can be divided into 4 stages as well:-  Full Recession - Not a good time for businesses or the unemployed. GDP has been retracting, quarter-over-quarter, interest rates are falling, consumer expectations have bottomed and the yield curve is normal. Sectors that have historically profited most in this stage include: ‱Cyclical and transports (near the beginning). ‱Technology. ‱Industrials (near the end). Legend: Market Cycle | Economic Cycle
  • 40. Contd.  Early Recovery -Finally, things are starting to pick up. Consumer expectations are rising, industrial production is growing, interest rates have bottomed and the yield curve is beginning to get steeper. Historically successful sectors at this stage include: ‱Industrials (near the beginning). ‱Basic materials industry. ‱Energy (near the end).  Late Recovery - In this stage, interest rates can be rising rapidly, with a flattening yield curve. Consumer expectations are beginning to decline, and industrial production is flat. Here are the historically profitable sectors in this stage: ‱Energy (near the beginning). ‱Staples. ‱Services (near the end).  Early Recession -This is where things start to go bad for the overall economy. Consumer expectations are at their worst; industrial production is falling; interest rates are at their highest; and the yield curve is flat or even inverted. Historically, the following sectors have found favor during these rough times: ‱Services (near the beginning). ‱Utilities. ‱Cyclical and transports (near the end).
  • 41. Regular Income For YOU E-Mail: Call: +91 98867 36791
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  • 43. Disclaimer This document is not for public distribution and has been furnished to you solely for your information and must not be reproduced or redistributed to any other person. Persons into whose possession this document may come are required to observe these restrictions. This material is for the personal information of the authorized recipient only. The recommendation made herein does not constitute an offer to sell or solicitation to buy any of the securities mentioned. No representation can be made that recommendation contained herein will be profitable or that they will not result in loss. Information obtained is deemed to be reliable but do not guarantee its accuracy and completeness. Readers using the information contained herein are solely responsible for their action. HBJ Capital, or its representative will not be liable for the recipient’s investment decision based on this report. HBJ Capital, officers, directors, employees or its affiliates may or may not hold positions in the companies /stocks mentioned herein.