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30 Factors Analysis of
      Steve Miller
     June 20, 2010
The 30 Factors
1. What’s in it for me (WIIFM)?               17. Trust and credibility
2. Unique value proposition (UVP)             18. Product selection, categorization, and
3. Buying decision                                search results
4. Categorization                             19. Navigation/use of links
5. Usability                                  20. Up-sell/cross-sell
6. Look and feel                              21. Calls to action
7. Search-ability                             22. Point-of-action assurances
8. Layout, visual clarity, and eye tracking   23. Persuasive copywriting
9. Purchasing                                 24. Content
10. Tools                                     25. Headlines
11. Error prevention                          26. Readability
12. Browser compatibility                     27. Use of color and images
13. Product presentation                      28. Terminology/jargon
14. Load time                                 29. “We we”: Customer focused language
15. AIDAS                                     30. Using reviews
16. Security/privacy

Factor #1: WIIFM
       What In It For Me?
The Four Temperaments
Reduce size of banner ad and add copy that appeals to
both Competitive and Spontaneous personas. Add links
to bestsellers.

The category box will appeal to the methodical persona
who will spend the extra time scanning page.
Move this down in the left-navigation.

Top Designers will appeal to Competitive and
Spontaneous visitors, move this up and place above
category box. Collapse list using a fly-out to better utilize
real estate in left-navigation.

Make the Facebook Fan page image & link more visible.
Currently it is below the fold. The positive testimonials on
this page will appeal to this persona type.

Factor #2: UVP

Revised headline to match unique value
proposition that is consistent with organic and
PPC search campaign wording, and consistent
with site’s mission: Discount e-commerce for
cologne, perfumes and designer fragrances for
both men and women.

                                                  Recommended Tests:

                                                  • Test different variations of the Unique Value
                                                    For example, test “Discount Cologne, Perfumes,
                                                    and Designer Fragrances” versus “Discount
                                                    Perfumes, Fragrances and Colognes for Men and

                                                  • Test the UVP as both a banner and a headline.

Factor #3: Buying Decision
 Recommended Tests:

 • Move “We Shop the
   Competition” up on Add to Cart
   page for better visibility and to
   reinforce buying decision inertia.

 • Add POA during checkout –
   make privacy policy more visible
   in Step1.

 • Make testimonials more visible
   during checkout process.

Factor #4: Categorization
Modify Shop By Brand to be more

Recommended tests:

•Test changing the sub-heading on the
 category pages to be consistent with
 the labeling from the category
 selector (or vice-versa). If the visitor
 selected “A” from under “Women’s
 Discount Perfume”, the sub-heading
 on the landing page should read the

•Change headline in the category tool
 to read as “Shop By Brand”. Make
 “Women’s Discount Perfume “and
 “Men’s Discount Cologne” sub-

Factor #5: Usability

Improve page load times by converting
images from JPEG to PNG .

Women’s Perfume home page:
The total size of images is 143,765 bytes,
which is over 100K. Consider switch
graphic formats to achieve consistency
and smaller file sizes (from JPEG/GIF to
PNG for example). This will also help
speed up page load times when the
“Show Images” option is used on the
category pages.

Recommended Tests:

• Substitute CSS techniques for graphics
  techniques to create colored borders,
  backgrounds, and spacing.

• Consider renaming the “Alert Me” link
  to something more intuitive. Such as
  “Temporary out of Stock – Alert Me”
  or if space is a concern replace the
  “You save…” with “Temporary out of
  stock” and keep the “Alert Me” link
  labeled as it is.                          7
Factor #6: Look and Feel

Scanning and Skimming
The approach used for Designers
at the top of the page is easy to
skim, but the long scrolling listing
for Fragrances is not as easy to
scan. Will visitors actually scroll
to the bottom of the page? (See
additional related comments in
Factor #26 for Readability).

Recommended Tests:

•Consider revising layout on
 Category pages so listings for
 Designers and Fragrances have
 consistent layouts.

Factor #7: Search-ability

Recommended Tests:

•Change “Go” button for on-site search
 to read as “Search”.

• Test reordering the browse
  categories, such as the following:

      By Rating
      By Price
      By Gender
      By Brand
      By Fragrance

•Test with and without images in
 search results. Or provide option to
 hide/view images similar to the
 category pages.

Factor #8: Layout and
        Visual Clarity
Heat map / eye –tracking analysis
was performed using the free
services offered through .

Two pages were analyzed – the
original Women’s Top Ten Perfumes
landing page (top images) and the
redesigned version (bottom images)
that was in the final stages of
development by the client (this is
page being used for the A/B testing
of the project).

Recommended Changes / Tests:
• Consolidate into one landing page
  (currently it is three).
• Number each entry 1- 10.
• Add obvious call to actions (Add-
  to-Cart) buttons to each featured
• Add new headline that clearly
  identifies what the page contains.

Factor #9: Purchasing

Shopping Bag (Cart)
The site does a good job in this area by
providing multiple purchasing options
(both credit card and non-credit card
payment options).

Recommended Changes / Tests:

• The Shopping Bag pages and Step
  3(Payment ) in the checkout process
  should be consistent in presenting
  the above purchasing options.

• Make certain the cart is labeled
  consistently through the site. Test as
  “Shopping Cart” versus “Shopping

• Same goes for the add-to-cart
  button. On same pages it is labeled
  as “Add-To-Cart” and in others it is
  labeled “Add-to-Bag”. Test both
  variations for impact on to
  conversions (Add-to-Cart is most
  recent added variation).

Factor #10: Tools

Consider enhancing the Brand Finder
in the left-navigation.

Recommended Changes / Tests:

•Re-label the sub-heading on the
 Brand Finder to “Perfume / Fragrance
 Finder” for women and “Cologne
 Finder” for men.
• Provide a “Previously Viewed” option
  to the Product pages.

Factor #11: Error Prevention

 Recommended Changes / Tests:

 Consider adding a custom 404 Error
 Page or embedded messaging for
 broken links and for page URL’s that
 are mistyped by visitors.

 See the examples for how Amazon and handle this error

Factor #12: Browser
    Compatibility (ch 23)                 IE8
Browser compatibility results from , the first is
presented to the right and the others
on the next five slides.

Six Browsers were tested (all Windows
• IE8
• FireFox 3.6
• FireFox 3.5
• Chrome 5.0
• Safari 4.0

These versions comprised ~92% of
the site traffic for the 30-day period
evaluated for this factor (May 8 – June
8, 2010).

Factor #12: Browser
Browser compatibility results from for Internet Explorer
7 are presented to the right.

Recommended Changes / Tests:
• None recommended                       IE7

Factor #12: Browser
Browser compatibility results for from for FireFox 3.6 are
presented to the right.

Recommended Changes / Tests:
• None recommended

                         FireFox 3.6

Factor #12: Browser
Browser compatibility results from for FireFox 3.5 are
presented to the right.

Recommended Changes / Tests:
• None recommended

          FireFox 3.5

Factor #12: Browser
   Compatibility (ch 23)
Browser compatibility results from for Google Chrome
5.0 are presented to the right.

Recommended Changes / Tests:
• None recommended

                 Chrome 5.0

Factor #12: Browser
Browser compatibility results
from for
Windows Safari 4.0 are
presented to the right.
(Mac version was unavailable
for testing)

Recommended Changes /
• None recommended

 Safari 4.0

Factor #13:
    Product Presentation
Consider consistency with product
presentation on landing pages. The top-
level product page for women’s perfumes
to the right has borders for the images in
Bestsellers, but not for the others.

The Bestsellers each have a call to action
(Add-to-Bag), while the others have
ratings and Bestsellers do not.

Recommended Changes / Tests:

• Test images with and without borders
  and test adding a call to action for all
  featured products on the pages. Same
  with the review rating and links.

• What is the difference between
  Bestsellers and Recommended for You?
  Recommended for me based on what?

• Make sure call to actions are consistent
  throughout product pages. On this page
  the button is labeled “Add To Bag”
  while on other product pages it is
  labeled “Add to Cart”. Consistency adds
  credibility (visitor confidence).
Factor #14:
            Load time
Page speed is now a factor for Google
search rankings.

Recommended Tests:

• Test the current table layout at right
  against a refreshed page with CSS

• To improve load times consider
  eliminating the use of HTML tables
  for product presentation and utilize
  CSS .

Factor #15:
Stimulate desire and get visitors to
take action. These are two areas in
AIDAS that should be leveraged by the
Scentiments site.

Recommended Changes / Tests:

• Experiment by utilizing more images
  of either men and women using
  cologne or perfume on landing
  pages. This will help to stimulate
  “Desire” . This is especially
  important on pages where calls to
  action exist.
• Test image placement and size. The
  image on the men’s cologne page is
  good example of desire (image for
  men’s cologne should emphasize her
  desire to be close to him).

Women’s imagery should include
emphasize how she we will feel using
the perfume.

Factor #16:

Emphasize the security and
privacy of the customer’s
personal information that will be
collected during the initial
account creation phase.

Recommended Changes / Tests:
• Try moving the Privacy
  Statement logo/link in the left-
  hand navigation up higher on
  the page so it easily appears
  above the fold to all potential
  and returning customers.

• Perhaps on this page the “Follow
  us on Twitter” logo/link can be
  moved down or eliminated to
  allow for better emphasis on the
  privacy and trust point of

Factor #17:
       Trust and Credibility

Make sure that during the sign-in and
account creation process that the
customer does not encounter a mixed
HTTP / HTTPS content environment.
These types of messages may create a
lack of confidence in the site, resulting in
the visitor abandoning the shopping cart,
purchase funnel.

Recommended Changes / Tests:

• Group the third-party assurances for
VeriSign and McAfee and the privacy
statement together on checkout pages.
Make sure these are prominently
displayed to help build trust and
credibility with new customers.

•Test moving the third-party assurance
from McAffee higher up in the left-
navigation on the checkout pages.

•Test moving the Privacy Statement link
and logo higher up in the left-navigation
on the checkout pages.

Factor #18: Product
     Selection, Categorization,
          Search Results.
The top product/category pages
need to the following types of
• Those that know precisely want
  they want.
• Those that know approximately
  want they want.
• Those that have an interest, but
  aren’t yet sure what they want.

The top-level pages for individual
 alpha selections are very long ,
 requiring a lot of scrolling
 (Category “A” shown at right).        Make certain that the
                                       Designer links at the
Recommended Tests:                     top of the page have
                                       relevancy to the
• Consider testing with sort           Fragrances section
 capabilities for description ( with   below it. Currently
 options to sort by designer,          there is not an easily
 description and price).
                                       intuitive connection
• Also consider a faceted browse
 similar to the Search pages to        between the two.
 allow users to narrow by brand,
 description and price.

Factor #19:
Navigation and Links
                       Make sure that the active window on the home page
                       has very clear links to keep visitors focused on what
                       they should do next without depending on the top
                       and side global/local navigation elements.

                       Recommended Tests:

                       Add a “Shop by Category” link on the active window.

                       Add categories/selections on the homepage that are
                       consistent with the other landing pages such as the
                       following from the Women’s and Men’s top-level
                       product pages:

Factor #20:
      Up-sell / Cross-sell

Test adding related recommendations
under the “Others Also Bought”
section based upon the visitors
selection (what has been added to
their cart) from the shopping cart.

Recommended Tests:

If it’s a men’s product, recommend
men’s products such as cologne, etc.

If possible recommend products from
the same brand(s) in the shopping cart
also based on gender.

Test without the up-sell and cross-sell
in the shopping cart to see how this
affects abandonment and conversions.

Factor #21:

The “5% Off Any Men’s Selection”
promo should include a call-to-action
button or clickable text that
emphasizes implied benefit of the

Recommended Tests:
• Add call to action button within
  promo on homepage.

• Add clickable text call to action in
  promo on homepage.

• Try adding text on the promo landing
  page (which is the Men’s Cologne
  top-level product page) that ties
  back to the homepage promo. The
  same banner from the homepage is
  repeated at the top of the landing

Factor #22:
 Point-of-Action Assurances

Shipping information should be
added to the Order Conformation
Page in the checkout process (Step
5 - You’re Done). It is provided in
Step 2 – Shipping, but should be
provided again in the final checkout
step as this the most likely page the
customer will print for their

Recommended Tests:

• Add the top section from the
 shipping- information section to
 Step 4 (order processing time) to
 see how this affects conversion and
 checkout abandonment.

Factor #23:
        Persuasive Copywriting

Customer and benefit oriented copy should be
added to the homepage, similar to what is provided
on the top-level men’s and women’s product pages.

The homepage is the first (and maybe the only)
opportunity to appeal to emotional needs of
potential customers.

Recommended Test:

Add benefit and customer-oriented copy to the
homepage such as the following text leveraged and
revised from the men’s top-level product page:

Your Savings, Your Satisfaction - Our Guarantee
“ provides you with the most
affordable perfumes, fragrances and colognes online
- up to 80% less than department store prices! “

“In addition, you are fully guaranteed that all of our
perfumes and colognes are 100% authentic.
Combined with everyday Free Shipping on every
order and our Award Winning Customer Service,
why would you shop for perfume or fragrances
anywhere else?”

Factor #24:                           From Google

Approximately 70% of the content viewed on the
Scentiments .com site are product pages (this metric
comes from Google Analytics, 5/16 – 6/16/2010 at

An example of one of the top viewed pages is
displayed at below right for dolce & gabbana

Recommended Changes / Tests:

• Revise “About” copy to be more benefit oriented
 to the customer. It appears to be just a copy and
 paste from the manufactures site.

•Review for grammatical errors.

• Break up “About” copy into multiple paragraphs for
 better readability.

•To keep the visitor engaged and to keep them
 moving towards conversion consider adding and
 testing the following:

      •Add links to customer testimonials for the
       specific brand and products featured in place
       of the FaceBook Like button.

      •Add call-to-action (Add To Cart) buttons to
       the featured (pictured )products.
Factor #25:                   From Google
             Headlines                    Analytics

Headlines should be written and
formatted to provide “stickiness” to
the page copy. This also serves to
increase visitor confidence in the site
as a whole.
Actual headlines from the site’s top -
20 pages as they appear on both the
target page and in the browser’s title
are listed to the right.

Recommended Changes / Tests:

 • At minimum each page should have
  a brief descriptive headline. In some
  cases on the Scentiments site
  headlines are completely missing or
  incomplete (see the “none” example
  at right).
• Headlines should be properly
  formatted with correct use of
  capitalization (see the dolce &
  gabbana example).
• Test the length of headlines. Example
  for revised dolce & gabbana: “Dolce
  & Gabbana Italian Perfumes and
Factor #26:

Many of the product pages on
the Scentiments site are very
long, requiring a lot of scrolling
by the visitor to scan the entire

Recommended Tests:
• Only list in-stock items under
  each sub-heading to help
  reduce length and improve
  readability of page (what
  percentage of customers
  actually use the Alert Me

• As alternate to the first
  recommendation, test using
  the already available sub-
  section bookmarks as the page
  default without the expanded
  listing. This should help
  improve scan-ability of the
  page, allowing users to expand
  each selection as desired.         33
Factor #27:
        Color and Images

Recommended Changes / Tests:

• Add descriptive Alt tags to all site images.
  Some images appear to contain non-
  descriptive text , such as default
  development scripts or code.

• Test images with and without borders to
  gauge any impact to conversion and bounce
• Test different colors for “Our Price” to make
  certain the correct contrast is provided. The
  objective is to make certain that
  Scentiments’ price is easily recognized as
  the lowest price.
• Test for consistency on pages where there
  is a mix of bordered and non-bordered

For reference a colorblind check was
conducted of the home page. The full page
test can be viewed from this URL:
Factor #28:
    Terminology / Jargon

The Scentiments site overall does not
have a problem with excessive jargon or
Aspects in this area that could be
leveraged to help improve site
“stickiness” and to better appeal to the
methodical persona type and to help re-
enforce benefits are recommended in the
following tests.

Recommended Tests:

• Add context in product descriptions. For
  example “Contains lavender, sage,
  jasmine, amber and oak moss.”. For a
  man, what does this mean? The
  description could be expanded to
  explain why these components are
  relevant to men’s cologne.

• Add a “Scents 101” section, similar to
  Perfume 101 at right from the site, and hyperlink to
  relevant content from product pages.

Factor #29:
   Customer Focused Language

The text from the Scentiment’s Customer Service
page was tested using FutureNow’s Customer
Focus Calculator and scored as follows:

      • Customer Focus Rate = 42%
      • Self Focus Rate = 58%

A Customer Focus Rate of 60% or greater is

Corresponding pages were tested from the
following two competitors for comparison:

       • Customer Focus Rate = 52%
       • Self Focus Rate = 48%
       • Customer Focus Rate = 61%
       • Self Focus Rate = 39%

Recommended Changes / Tests:

• Rewrite and test copy that is more “you”
  focused versus “we” focused.

• Rewrite the price guarantee section to be
  more “you” focused and test placing it higher
  (above the fold) on the Customer Service
Factor #30:
         Using Reviews does a good job of
utilizing product ratings. To potentially
boost conversions the following tests
are recommended.

Recommended Tests:
•Move the Product Rating higher up
 on the page, swap positions with the
 “Share This” section to see if having
 the reviews closer to the call-to-action
 button (Add to Cart) and product
 image improves conversion.
•Re-label “Product Rating” to read as
 “Average Customer Rating” to be
 consistent with the all-ratings page,
 which also helps to enhance its
•Feature any available newer video
 reviews – these will typically get more
 traffic than text based reviews.


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Market Motive Conversion Project

  • 1. 30 Factors Analysis of Steve Miller June 20, 2010 MarketMotive
  • 2. The 30 Factors 1. What’s in it for me (WIIFM)? 17. Trust and credibility 2. Unique value proposition (UVP) 18. Product selection, categorization, and 3. Buying decision search results 4. Categorization 19. Navigation/use of links 5. Usability 20. Up-sell/cross-sell 6. Look and feel 21. Calls to action 7. Search-ability 22. Point-of-action assurances 8. Layout, visual clarity, and eye tracking 23. Persuasive copywriting 9. Purchasing 24. Content 10. Tools 25. Headlines 11. Error prevention 26. Readability 12. Browser compatibility 27. Use of color and images 13. Product presentation 28. Terminology/jargon 14. Load time 29. “We we”: Customer focused language 15. AIDAS 30. Using reviews 16. Security/privacy 2
  • 3. Factor #1: WIIFM What In It For Me? The Four Temperaments Competitive Reduce size of banner ad and add copy that appeals to both Competitive and Spontaneous personas. Add links to bestsellers. Methodical The category box will appeal to the methodical persona who will spend the extra time scanning page. Move this down in the left-navigation. Spontaneous Top Designers will appeal to Competitive and Spontaneous visitors, move this up and place above category box. Collapse list using a fly-out to better utilize real estate in left-navigation. Humanistic Make the Facebook Fan page image & link more visible. Currently it is below the fold. The positive testimonials on this page will appeal to this persona type. 3
  • 4. Factor #2: UVP Revised headline to match unique value proposition that is consistent with organic and PPC search campaign wording, and consistent with site’s mission: Discount e-commerce for cologne, perfumes and designer fragrances for both men and women. Recommended Tests: • Test different variations of the Unique Value Proposition. For example, test “Discount Cologne, Perfumes, and Designer Fragrances” versus “Discount Perfumes, Fragrances and Colognes for Men and Women”. • Test the UVP as both a banner and a headline. 4
  • 5. Factor #3: Buying Decision Recommended Tests: • Move “We Shop the Competition” up on Add to Cart page for better visibility and to reinforce buying decision inertia. • Add POA during checkout – make privacy policy more visible in Step1. • Make testimonials more visible during checkout process. 5
  • 6. Factor #4: Categorization Modify Shop By Brand to be more intuitive. Recommended tests: •Test changing the sub-heading on the category pages to be consistent with the labeling from the category selector (or vice-versa). If the visitor selected “A” from under “Women’s Discount Perfume”, the sub-heading on the landing page should read the same. •Change headline in the category tool to read as “Shop By Brand”. Make “Women’s Discount Perfume “and “Men’s Discount Cologne” sub- headings. 6
  • 7. Factor #5: Usability Improve page load times by converting images from JPEG to PNG . Women’s Perfume home page: The total size of images is 143,765 bytes, which is over 100K. Consider switch graphic formats to achieve consistency and smaller file sizes (from JPEG/GIF to PNG for example). This will also help speed up page load times when the “Show Images” option is used on the category pages. Recommended Tests: • Substitute CSS techniques for graphics techniques to create colored borders, backgrounds, and spacing. ( • Consider renaming the “Alert Me” link to something more intuitive. Such as “Temporary out of Stock – Alert Me” or if space is a concern replace the “You save…” with “Temporary out of stock” and keep the “Alert Me” link labeled as it is. 7
  • 8. Factor #6: Look and Feel Scanning and Skimming The approach used for Designers at the top of the page is easy to skim, but the long scrolling listing for Fragrances is not as easy to scan. Will visitors actually scroll to the bottom of the page? (See additional related comments in Factor #26 for Readability). Recommended Tests: •Consider revising layout on Category pages so listings for Designers and Fragrances have consistent layouts. 8
  • 9. Factor #7: Search-ability Recommended Tests: •Change “Go” button for on-site search to read as “Search”. • Test reordering the browse categories, such as the following: By Rating By Price By Gender By Brand By Fragrance •Test with and without images in search results. Or provide option to hide/view images similar to the category pages. 9
  • 10. Factor #8: Layout and Visual Clarity Heat map / eye –tracking analysis was performed using the free services offered through . Two pages were analyzed – the original Women’s Top Ten Perfumes landing page (top images) and the redesigned version (bottom images) that was in the final stages of development by the client (this is page being used for the A/B testing of the project). Recommended Changes / Tests: • Consolidate into one landing page (currently it is three). • Number each entry 1- 10. • Add obvious call to actions (Add- to-Cart) buttons to each featured product. • Add new headline that clearly identifies what the page contains. 10
  • 11. Factor #9: Purchasing Shopping Bag (Cart) The site does a good job in this area by providing multiple purchasing options (both credit card and non-credit card payment options). Recommended Changes / Tests: • The Shopping Bag pages and Step 3(Payment ) in the checkout process should be consistent in presenting the above purchasing options. • Make certain the cart is labeled consistently through the site. Test as “Shopping Cart” versus “Shopping Bag”. • Same goes for the add-to-cart button. On same pages it is labeled as “Add-To-Cart” and in others it is labeled “Add-to-Bag”. Test both variations for impact on to conversions (Add-to-Cart is most recent added variation). 11
  • 12. Factor #10: Tools Consider enhancing the Brand Finder in the left-navigation. Recommended Changes / Tests: •Re-label the sub-heading on the Brand Finder to “Perfume / Fragrance Finder” for women and “Cologne Finder” for men. • Provide a “Previously Viewed” option to the Product pages. 12
  • 13. Factor #11: Error Prevention Recommended Changes / Tests: Consider adding a custom 404 Error Page or embedded messaging for broken links and for page URL’s that are mistyped by visitors. See the examples for how Amazon and handle this error condition. 13
  • 14. Factor #12: Browser Compatibility (ch 23) IE8 Browser compatibility results from , the first is presented to the right and the others on the next five slides. Six Browsers were tested (all Windows based) • IE8 •IE7 • FireFox 3.6 • FireFox 3.5 • Chrome 5.0 • Safari 4.0 These versions comprised ~92% of the site traffic for the 30-day period evaluated for this factor (May 8 – June 8, 2010). 14
  • 15. Factor #12: Browser Compatibility Browser compatibility results from for Internet Explorer 7 are presented to the right. Recommended Changes / Tests: • None recommended IE7 15
  • 16. Factor #12: Browser Compatibility Browser compatibility results for from for FireFox 3.6 are presented to the right. Recommended Changes / Tests: • None recommended FireFox 3.6 16
  • 17. Factor #12: Browser Compatibility Browser compatibility results from for FireFox 3.5 are presented to the right. Recommended Changes / Tests: • None recommended FireFox 3.5 17
  • 18. Factor #12: Browser Compatibility (ch 23) Browser compatibility results from for Google Chrome 5.0 are presented to the right. Recommended Changes / Tests: • None recommended Chrome 5.0 18
  • 19. Factor #12: Browser Compatibility Browser compatibility results from for Windows Safari 4.0 are presented to the right. (Mac version was unavailable for testing) Recommended Changes / Tests: • None recommended Safari 4.0 (Windows) 19
  • 20. Factor #13: Product Presentation Consider consistency with product presentation on landing pages. The top- level product page for women’s perfumes to the right has borders for the images in Bestsellers, but not for the others. The Bestsellers each have a call to action (Add-to-Bag), while the others have ratings and Bestsellers do not. Recommended Changes / Tests: • Test images with and without borders and test adding a call to action for all featured products on the pages. Same with the review rating and links. • What is the difference between Bestsellers and Recommended for You? Recommended for me based on what? • Make sure call to actions are consistent throughout product pages. On this page the button is labeled “Add To Bag” while on other product pages it is labeled “Add to Cart”. Consistency adds credibility (visitor confidence). 20
  • 21. Factor #14: Load time Page speed is now a factor for Google search rankings. Recommended Tests: • Test the current table layout at right against a refreshed page with CSS layout. • To improve load times consider eliminating the use of HTML tables for product presentation and utilize CSS . 21
  • 22. Factor #15: AIDAS Stimulate desire and get visitors to take action. These are two areas in AIDAS that should be leveraged by the Scentiments site. Recommended Changes / Tests: • Experiment by utilizing more images of either men and women using cologne or perfume on landing pages. This will help to stimulate “Desire” . This is especially important on pages where calls to action exist. • Test image placement and size. The image on the men’s cologne page is good example of desire (image for men’s cologne should emphasize her desire to be close to him). Women’s imagery should include emphasize how she we will feel using the perfume. 22
  • 23. Factor #16: Security/Privacy Emphasize the security and privacy of the customer’s personal information that will be collected during the initial account creation phase. Recommended Changes / Tests: • Try moving the Privacy Statement logo/link in the left- hand navigation up higher on the page so it easily appears above the fold to all potential and returning customers. • Perhaps on this page the “Follow us on Twitter” logo/link can be moved down or eliminated to allow for better emphasis on the privacy and trust point of assurances. 23
  • 24. Factor #17: Trust and Credibility Make sure that during the sign-in and account creation process that the customer does not encounter a mixed HTTP / HTTPS content environment. These types of messages may create a lack of confidence in the site, resulting in the visitor abandoning the shopping cart, purchase funnel. Recommended Changes / Tests: • Group the third-party assurances for VeriSign and McAfee and the privacy statement together on checkout pages. Make sure these are prominently displayed to help build trust and credibility with new customers. •Test moving the third-party assurance from McAffee higher up in the left- navigation on the checkout pages. •Test moving the Privacy Statement link and logo higher up in the left-navigation on the checkout pages. 24
  • 25. Factor #18: Product Selection, Categorization, Search Results. The top product/category pages need to the following types of visitors: • Those that know precisely want they want. • Those that know approximately want they want. • Those that have an interest, but aren’t yet sure what they want. The top-level pages for individual alpha selections are very long , requiring a lot of scrolling (Category “A” shown at right). Make certain that the Designer links at the Recommended Tests: top of the page have relevancy to the • Consider testing with sort Fragrances section capabilities for description ( with below it. Currently options to sort by designer, there is not an easily description and price). intuitive connection • Also consider a faceted browse similar to the Search pages to between the two. allow users to narrow by brand, description and price. 25
  • 26. Factor #19: Navigation and Links Make sure that the active window on the home page has very clear links to keep visitors focused on what they should do next without depending on the top and side global/local navigation elements. Recommended Tests: Add a “Shop by Category” link on the active window. Add categories/selections on the homepage that are consistent with the other landing pages such as the following from the Women’s and Men’s top-level product pages: 26
  • 27. Factor #20: Up-sell / Cross-sell Test adding related recommendations under the “Others Also Bought” section based upon the visitors selection (what has been added to their cart) from the shopping cart. Recommended Tests: If it’s a men’s product, recommend men’s products such as cologne, etc. If possible recommend products from the same brand(s) in the shopping cart also based on gender. Test without the up-sell and cross-sell in the shopping cart to see how this affects abandonment and conversions. 27
  • 28. Factor #21: Call-to-Action The “5% Off Any Men’s Selection” promo should include a call-to-action button or clickable text that emphasizes implied benefit of the promotion. Recommended Tests: • Add call to action button within promo on homepage. • Add clickable text call to action in promo on homepage. • Try adding text on the promo landing page (which is the Men’s Cologne top-level product page) that ties back to the homepage promo. The same banner from the homepage is repeated at the top of the landing page. 28
  • 29. Factor #22: Point-of-Action Assurances Shipping information should be added to the Order Conformation Page in the checkout process (Step 5 - You’re Done). It is provided in Step 2 – Shipping, but should be provided again in the final checkout step as this the most likely page the customer will print for their records. Recommended Tests: • Add the top section from the shipping- information section to Step 4 (order processing time) to see how this affects conversion and checkout abandonment. 29
  • 30. Factor #23: Persuasive Copywriting Customer and benefit oriented copy should be added to the homepage, similar to what is provided on the top-level men’s and women’s product pages. The homepage is the first (and maybe the only) opportunity to appeal to emotional needs of potential customers. Recommended Test: Add benefit and customer-oriented copy to the homepage such as the following text leveraged and revised from the men’s top-level product page: Your Savings, Your Satisfaction - Our Guarantee “ provides you with the most affordable perfumes, fragrances and colognes online - up to 80% less than department store prices! “ “In addition, you are fully guaranteed that all of our perfumes and colognes are 100% authentic. Combined with everyday Free Shipping on every order and our Award Winning Customer Service, why would you shop for perfume or fragrances anywhere else?” 30
  • 31. Factor #24: From Google Analytics Content Approximately 70% of the content viewed on the Scentiments .com site are product pages (this metric comes from Google Analytics, 5/16 – 6/16/2010 at right). An example of one of the top viewed pages is displayed at below right for dolce & gabbana perfume. Recommended Changes / Tests: • Revise “About” copy to be more benefit oriented to the customer. It appears to be just a copy and paste from the manufactures site. •Review for grammatical errors. • Break up “About” copy into multiple paragraphs for better readability. •To keep the visitor engaged and to keep them moving towards conversion consider adding and testing the following: •Add links to customer testimonials for the specific brand and products featured in place of the FaceBook Like button. •Add call-to-action (Add To Cart) buttons to the featured (pictured )products. 31
  • 32. Factor #25: From Google Headlines Analytics Headlines should be written and formatted to provide “stickiness” to the page copy. This also serves to increase visitor confidence in the site as a whole. Actual headlines from the site’s top - 20 pages as they appear on both the target page and in the browser’s title are listed to the right. Recommended Changes / Tests: • At minimum each page should have a brief descriptive headline. In some cases on the Scentiments site headlines are completely missing or incomplete (see the “none” example at right). • Headlines should be properly formatted with correct use of capitalization (see the dolce & gabbana example). • Test the length of headlines. Example for revised dolce & gabbana: “Dolce & Gabbana Italian Perfumes and Colognes”. 32
  • 33. Factor #26: Readability Many of the product pages on the Scentiments site are very long, requiring a lot of scrolling by the visitor to scan the entire page. Recommended Tests: • Only list in-stock items under each sub-heading to help reduce length and improve readability of page (what percentage of customers actually use the Alert Me function?). • As alternate to the first recommendation, test using the already available sub- section bookmarks as the page default without the expanded listing. This should help improve scan-ability of the page, allowing users to expand each selection as desired. 33
  • 34. Factor #27: Color and Images Recommended Changes / Tests: • Add descriptive Alt tags to all site images. Some images appear to contain non- descriptive text , such as default development scripts or code. • Test images with and without borders to gauge any impact to conversion and bounce rate. • Test different colors for “Our Price” to make certain the correct contrast is provided. The objective is to make certain that Scentiments’ price is easily recognized as the lowest price. • Test for consistency on pages where there is a mix of bordered and non-bordered images. For reference a colorblind check was conducted of the home page. The full page test can be viewed from this URL: 12552669/ 34
  • 35. Factor #28: Terminology / Jargon The Scentiments site overall does not have a problem with excessive jargon or terminology. Aspects in this area that could be leveraged to help improve site “stickiness” and to better appeal to the methodical persona type and to help re- enforce benefits are recommended in the following tests. Recommended Tests: • Add context in product descriptions. For example “Contains lavender, sage, jasmine, amber and oak moss.”. For a man, what does this mean? The description could be expanded to explain why these components are relevant to men’s cologne. • Add a “Scents 101” section, similar to Perfume 101 at right from the site, and hyperlink to relevant content from product pages. 35
  • 36. Factor #29: Customer Focused Language The text from the Scentiment’s Customer Service page was tested using FutureNow’s Customer Focus Calculator and scored as follows: • Customer Focus Rate = 42% • Self Focus Rate = 58% A Customer Focus Rate of 60% or greater is recommended. Corresponding pages were tested from the following two competitors for comparison: • • Customer Focus Rate = 52% • Self Focus Rate = 48% • • Customer Focus Rate = 61% • Self Focus Rate = 39% Recommended Changes / Tests: • Rewrite and test copy that is more “you” focused versus “we” focused. • Rewrite the price guarantee section to be more “you” focused and test placing it higher (above the fold) on the Customer Service page. 36
  • 37. Factor #30: Using Reviews does a good job of utilizing product ratings. To potentially boost conversions the following tests are recommended. Recommended Tests: •Move the Product Rating higher up on the page, swap positions with the “Share This” section to see if having the reviews closer to the call-to-action button (Add to Cart) and product image improves conversion. •Re-label “Product Rating” to read as “Average Customer Rating” to be consistent with the all-ratings page, which also helps to enhance its credibility. •Feature any available newer video reviews – these will typically get more traffic than text based reviews. 37