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Brand Audit

                   Ashley M. Orndoff
                    Marissa Burkett
                      Nigar Kanji
                     Alex Higgins
                   Global Branding
              Study Abroad-Brazil Courses
                       April 2009
What Is H.Stern?

Foundations for Building Marketing Strategy
Customer Knowledge

• H. Stern is a family owned jeweler that first
  opened its doors in 1945.
• The company focuses on pairing the finest
  quality jewels with the most innovative design.
• When asked about H. Stern, customers might
  describe the company as “unique,” “high-
  status,” and “luxurious.”
Consumer Reports

 Advertising                                                                                Consumer
                                                                                      Identification of Brand
                   Brand                                                                        with                Brand
Merchandising    Recognition         Brand                                            Company, County, Ch           Equity
                                    Awareness                                          annel, Person, Place

 Sponsorship     Brand Recall
                                                       Brand          Differential                   Customer
                                                     Knowledge           Effect                       Based
                                                                                      Loyalty         Brand
Word of Mouth                                                                         BOND            Equity

                                                        Brand      Support
       Perceptions              Associations                       Value for
                      Value Proposition                                  Value           Value         Value          Brand
                                                                        Creation      Satisfaction   Commitment       Value

     Customer   Targeting     Company           Strong



                                                                       I want H.
                Competitors                                            Elegance!

Independent Variables

   Variable        Operational                             Applied by
                    Definition                              H. Stern
                Any paid form of non personal          H.Stern’s entity (magazine,
Advertising     presentation and promotion of          spa, restaurant), Celebrities
                ideas, goods, or services by an        (Grammy’s Oscars)
                unidentified sponsor.

                A term of many varied and not
Merchandising   generally adopted meanings. It
                can (1) relate to the promotional
                activities of manufacturers that
                bring about in-store displays, or
                (2) identify the product and
                product line decisions of retailers.
                Advertising that seeks to              Endorsements: Celebrities
Sponsorship     establish a deeper association         (Grammy’s, Oscars, Red Carpet
                and integration between an             Events)
                advertiser and a publisher,
                often involving coordinated
                Personal communication about           Relying on the customers to
Word of Mouth   a product between target               share their interpretation of
                buyers and neighbor, friends,          HStern
                family members, and                                                    5
Independent Variables

   Variable       Operational                         Applied by
                   Definition                          H. Stern
               The attributes and benefits that
Associations   characterize the most
               important aspects or               •Points of Difference
               dimensions of a brand. They        •Associations
               can serve as the basis of brand    •Points of Parity Associations
               positioning in terms of how
               they create points of parity
               and points of difference.

               Based on prior attitudes,          •Luxurious
Perceptions    beliefs, needs, stimulus           •High-end
               factors, and situational           •High social status
               determinants, individuals          •Elegant
               perceive objects, events, or
               people in the world about them.
               Perception is the cognitive
               impression that is formed of
               "reality" which in turn
               influences the individual's
               actions and behavior toward
               that object.
Independent Variables

   Variable          Operational                       Applied by
                      Definition                        H. Stern
                  The act of designing the         •Custom Made to Order
Positioning       company’s offer and image        •Innovative Design
                  so that it occupies a distinct
                  and valued place in the
                  target customer’s minds.

                  A market covered strategy in     Image Differentiation:
Differentiation   which a firm decides to          luxurious, elegance
                  target several market
                                                   Service Differentiation: family
                  segments and designs             owned and operated
                  separate offers for each.

Mediating Variables

       Variable      Operational                      Applied by
                      Definition                       H. Stern
                  A result of consumers’          •Family owned and operated
    Brand         knowledge about the brand.      •Good Customer Service
    Knowledge     The key to creating brand
                                                  •Custom Made to Order

                  The perception of a brand in    • Gain Social Approval
    Brand Image   the minds of persons. The       •Unique
                  brand image is a mirror         •Rare pieces
                  reflection (though perhaps
                  inaccurate) of the brand
                  personality or product being.
                  It is what people believe
                  about a brand-their thoughts,
                  feelings, expectations.

Mediating Variables

   Variable      Operational                       Applied by
                  Definition                        H. Stern
              consumer knowing of a           Brand recognition Consumers’
Brand         brand's existence; at           ability to e able to recognize the
                                              brand as one to which they have
Awareness     aggregate (brand) level it
              refers to the proportion of
                                              already been exposed to
                                              Brand recall.
              consumers who know of the       Consumers’ ability to retrieve
              brand. two components of        the brand from memory when
              brand awareness is brand        given the product category ,the
              recognition and brand recall.   needs fulfilled by the category,
                                              or a purchase or usage situation
                                              as a cue.
              Describes how well the          •Product reliability
Brand         product or service meets        •Efficiency
              customers’ more functional      •Durability
Performance   needs.
                                              •Highest Quality

              The degree of a customer        Customers willingness to invest
Customer      staying with a specific         time, energy, money or other
                                              resources in the brand
Loyalty       vendor or brand.
                                              Repeat Purchases

Dependent Variables

   Variable       Operational                          Applied by
                   Definition                           H. Stern
               marketing effects or outcomes       Market Share
Brand Equity   that accrue to a product with its
               brand name compared with
               those that would accrue if the
               same product did not have the
               brand name
               The differential effect that
Customer       brand knowledge has on
               consumer response to the
Based Brand    marketing of that brand

               business buzz term, which           Stock Price
Shareholder    implies that the ultimate           Price/Earnings Multiple
               measure of a company's              Market Capitalization
Value          success is to enrich

Position and Values

     • Market Segmentation
     • Market Targeting
     • Differentiation
     • Positioning
Position and Values

 • Market Segmentation
 Divides the market into distinct groups of homogeneous
   consumers who have similar needs and consumer
   behavior, and who thus require similar marketing mixes
               According to Claritas PRIZM NE, H. Stern applies to
               the Segments of Urban Uptown, the Elite Suburbs to
               some extent, the Landed Gentry Segment groups.
               these represent the Upper and Higher Middle classes.
Position and Values

  The degree to which our corporate brand is seen as different
  from others.

  Points of Parity            Points of Difference
     High Quality               Handpicked Gems
     Hand Crafted               Overall Buying Experience
     Top Gems and Metals        Innovative Design
     Popular Design             Nature Oriented
                                 Stern Star Collection
                                 Noble Gold
Position and Values
 •Market Targeting
 The specific part of the population to whom a product offering is aimed and
 all marketing communication is tailored.
         Concentrated Marketing - H. Stern has diversified their target
         market opening the spa and restaurant. This add business (and leisure)
         lunch diners to their repertoire of already affluent
         shoppers. These people demand quality and service. By limiting
         the hours of the restaurant, H. Stern ensures that Eca is a destination
         experience, and not just chosen out of pure convenience. These
         market segments frequently overlap.
Position and Values

 • Positioning
 The act of designing the company‟s offer and image so that it
   occupies a distinct and valued place in the target customer’s
                        When customers think “H. Stern” they
                        think quality and opulence. Furthermore,
                        words such as “shiny,” “bold,” and
                        “unique” may bring H. Stern to mind.
Branding Strategy

    Marketing            Brand                 Secondary
    Programs            Elements               Association

Brand Awareness                                 Brand Image

                                                              What about You and Me?

                    Judgments   Feelings
                                                                 What about You?

                Performance          Imagery
                                                                  What are You?

                       Salience                                      Identity:
                                                                  Who are You?

                Market Share
Branding Strategy

 Branding Strategy has three components:
      • Development of Marketing Programs which consist
        of Product, Price, Distribution Channels and
      • Carefully chosen Brand Elements
      • Secondary Associations made in relation to the brand.
Developing Marketing Programs


        Communications   Marketing        Product

Developing Marketing Programs

 Product Strategy
 Discusses how value and quality perceptions are formed by
   consumers and includes both tangible and intangible benefits.
                   • Functional benefits – H. Stern creates high value, high
                     quality jewelry from the finest locally mined gems.
                   • Process benefits – H. Stern has 160 stores in 12
                     countries and has infiltrated most luxury hotels.
                     Furthermore, H. Stern jewelry is available in high end
                     department stores and online.
                   • Relationship benefits - H. Stern is an easy company to
                     love, an inspiring rags to riches story. The dedication
                     and enthusiasm of it‟s employees is inclusive and makes
                     the consumer want to be part of the circle.
                     Henceforth, people want the company to succeed.
                     Also, the spa and Eça emotionally draw people into the
                     entire experience.
Developing Marketing Programs

 Pricing Strategy
 Dictates how consumers categorize the price of the brand and
   how firm or flexible the price is. Price can lead to consumer
   associations of perceived value and price categories.
                        H. Stern is a high end luxury good. It‟s prices
                        potentially can go into the millions of dollars
                        making it only accessible to the wealthiest
               consumers. This knowledge adds to H. Stern‟s
               Customer Based Brand Equity by offering it‟s
               lucky ladies a feeling of high status and social
Developing Marketing Programs

 Channel Strategy
 The manner by which a product is sold or
  distributed, includes intermediaries on all levels
  of the chain.
                   Concentrated in high-end department stores,
                   luxury hotels, company owned flagship stores
                   and the Tel Aviv airport.
                   These stores employ top notch experienced
                   salespeople which enhances H. Stern‟s
                   customers‟ buying experience.
Developing Marketing Programs

 Communication Strategy
 Marketing communication is the process of informing, reminding, and
   persuading the consumers about a particular product or service.
                    • Advertising
                    • Celebrity Endorsers – H. Stern regularly offers their
                      jewels to celebrities to wear to the Oscars, Grammy‟s
                      and such. This gives them free advertising as every
                      fashion magazine in the world covers what each starlet
                      wore on the red carpet.
                    • Marketing Programs
                    • Word of Mouth
                    • H. Stern magazine – This allows H. Stern to directly
                      control what the consumer reads and learns about their
Branding Strategy

    Marketing            Brand                 Secondary
    Programs            Elements               Association

Brand Awareness                                 Brand Image

                                                              What about You and Me?

                    Judgments   Feelings
                                                                 What about You?

                Performance          Imagery
                                                                  What are You?

                       Salience                                      Identity:
                                                                  Who are You?

                Market Share
Choosing Brand Elements

 • Brand Identity
 The contribution of all brand elements to brand awareness and
       • Name
       • Logos
       • Packaging
Choosing Brand Elements

 • Names
 Companies named after their founders often
   provoke a feeling of intimacy. The name H.
   Stern represents dedication, commitment to
   quality and vision.
Choosing Brand Elements

 • Logos
 The H. Stern logo has evolved over the years. The
   new logo, adopted in 2001 adds a new
   modernity to the company. Roberto Stern says
   “It‟s classic, but with a very sensual, assertive „S‟
   that will be modern, even fifty years from now.”
Choosing Brand Elements

          H. Stern‟s main packaging is in their display. H. Stern takes
 great care to ensure that their stores mirror their jewelry in design and
 opulence. Furthermore, The H. Stern museum and gem tour allows
 potential customers to become part of the process, forming an
 emotional bond with the company which should lead to greater customer
Leveraging Secondary Associations

 • Celebrity Endorsers
 A celebrity endorsement is great
    publicity for any firm but H.
    Stern manages to get it‟s
    jewels on some of the
    world‟s leading ladies year
    after year. This exposes
    them to an entirely different
    market (think upper middle
    class housewives and affluent
    teenagers) that may not have
    had exposure to the brand
Branding Strategy

    Marketing            Brand                 Secondary
    Programs            Elements               Association

Brand Awareness                                 Brand Image

                                                              What about You and Me?

                    Judgments   Feelings
                                                                 What about You?

                Performance          Imagery
                                                                  What are You?

                       Salience                                      Identity:
                                                                  Who are You?

                Market Share
Brand Awareness

 • Brand Awareness is the strength of the brand node or
   trace in memory, the consumer‟s ability to identify the
   brand under different conditions.
              H. Stern jewelry is becoming more recognizable in
              the world. Their attention to detail and the finest
              cuts and quality have them a favorite with gem
              aficionados while their celebrity endorsers have
              increased brand knowledge to the rest of the
Brand Image

 • Marketing programs that link strong, favorable, and
   unique associations to the brand in memory create a
   positive brand image. Consumers can form brand
   associations through direct experience to information
   from commercials or nonpartisan sources. The Brands
   attempt to meet customers‟ psychological or social needs.
Branding Strategy

    Marketing            Brand                 Secondary
    Programs            Elements               Association

Brand Awareness                                 Brand Image

                                                              What about You and Me?

                    Judgments   Feelings
                                                                 What about You?

                Performance          Imagery
                                                                  What are You?

                       Salience                                      Identity:
                                                                  Who are You?

                Market Share
What about the
                          Customer &
                     ( Brand Resonance)
What about the H.Stern                What about the H.Stern
     Customer?                              Customer?
(Consumer Judgments)                      (Consumer Feelings)

                                          What is H.Stern
What is H.Stern about?                       about?
   (Brand Imagery)                    (Brand Performance)

                      Who is H.Stern?
                      (Brand Salience)
Brand Building Blocks   Definition                                           H. Stern

Salience                Salience refers to the recall and recognition of     The name H. Stern is known throughout the
                        a brand as well as a consumers consideration         world for it’s quality and innovative design.
                        of the product

Performance             Performance addresses primary                        H. Stern jewelry is reliable and of the highest
                        characteristics of a product as well as aspects      quality jewels and craftsmanship. It inventive
                        such as reliability, durability, style, design and   without being trendy.

Imagery                 Imagery concerns a brand’s personality,              H. Stern is seen as a progressive company
                        usage, and history as well as the market’s           loved by the very wealthy and celebrities. It is
                        perceptions of it.                                   family owned and operated and built from the
                                                                             ground up.

Judgment                Judgment addresses a brand’s quality,                H. Stern is supreme quality and cutting edge.
                        credibility, superiority and relevance.              It is unique, modern and exclusive.

Feelings                Feelings refers to how a brand makes a               H. Stern jewelry gives customers a feeling of
                        consumer feel.                                       self-respect and social approval. When
                                                                             bought for yourself, it is self-rewarding.

Resonance               Resonance concerns brand loyalty and                 H. Sterns uses it’s restaurant, home store and
                        attachment plus active participation in a            spa to create an entire H. Stern community.
                        brand’s community.                                   The inclusive environment creates customer
Who is H. Stern?
         Salience       •   H. Stern is synonymous in South America and around the
                            world with high quality gems; and to a further extent, they
   •Is the customer         are known for being a company that has succeeded
                            through hard work, ingenuity, top quality and
  aware of H. Stern?        performance.
                        •   Maintains awareness through its vertically integrated
                            marketing system.
                              – Hans Stern wanted to “make the country of Samba
                                 and Soccer also known as the country of colored
  •Does the customer    •   The customer can recall H.Stern through its:
   recall the H.Stern         – Guided Tours that give step-by-step views of the
                                 design process
        Brand ?               – Modernized Moniker that coveys the company‟s
                        •   The brand is recognizable through the famous necks and
                            wrists whose H.Stern jewels are seen adorning.
                              – Partnerships with Respected Colleagues
  •Does the customer          – “Appear predominately in the world‟s most respected
     recognize the               fashion magazines.”
    H.Stern Brand?
What is H. Stern about?

      Performance                 H. Stern Brand Performance
  •What makes a customer want     •   H. Stern jewelry is made of the finest quality gems by the
    to purchase from H.Stern?
                                      highest qualified designers and gemologists. It is
                                      within the top four of international jewelers and hold‟s its
                                      value well.
                                  •   “The Gemological Laboratory‟s standards are in
                                      accordance with GIA.”
                                  •   Hans “Invested in quality, creating in 1949 an
                                      International Warranty Certificate to attest to the value
                                      of his jewels.”

          Imagery                 H. Stern Brand Image
                                  •   H. Stern offers high-end luxury items promoted through
  •What type of associations do       celebrities and endorsers. It is often seen as modern and
  customers form from wearing         exotic.
           H.Stern?               •   H. Stern realizes that women buy jewelry in order to
                                      reward themselves or to gain social approval from their
                                      peers. By making unique, rare pieces, a woman‟s ultimate
                                      jewelry need is fulfilled: to have a piece that is entirely
                                      their own
                                  •   “Buying a jewel becomes a treasured moment of
What about the H. Stern customer?

       Judgments        H. Stern Brand Judgments
                        H. Stern Jewelry is thought of to be exclusive, unique
  What are the              and of progressive design; Family owned and
  customers                 operated, H. Stern is seen as a company built on
  personal opinions         hard work and innovation
                        Seen as “daring and innovative, clean and
  and evaluations of        contemporary-attracts men and women of every
  the H.Stern Brand?        nationality and generation.”.
                        H. Stern Brand Feelings
         Feelings       H. Stern jewelry gives a feeling of achievement ,
     How does the          status and social approval. When a woman
                           buys it for her self, it is self rewarding and
     H.Stern brand         offers a feeling of accomplishment.
   affect customer’s    When purchasing a piece, the customer can feel
     feelings about        as though they are part of an elite society,
    themselves and         owning a piece that was created for them
   their relationship      alone.
What about the customer and H. Stern?

                      H. Stern Brand Resonance
      Resonance       • The company‟s spa, restaurant and home store
     How well do        create an entire H. Stern community.
      H.Stern’s       • This exclusivity leads to greater customer
   customers feel a     brand loyalty all around.
   connection with    • Every H.Stern employee strives to build
                        relationships with their customers, gaining
     the brand?
                      • The customer is never pressured to
                        purchase in a given moment
Sources of Brand Equity
 H. Stern creates Customer brand equity through the many H. Stern
    product options, special services and personalized care.
 •   International Warranty Certificate – H. Stern offers a certificate in order to “attest
     to the value of his jewels.” (H. Stern website)
 •   H. Stern Spa – H. Stern offers services in addition to their jewelry line that maintain
     the goal of providing customers with a luxurious experience. The H. Stern website
     sums it all up “To transform dreams into reality. This is H.Stern´s mission. And this
     principle is not restricted to the creation of products of the brand, but it‟s also
     extended to the services we aim to offer to our customers.” This conveys the kind of
     added value that customers look for in a brand.
 •   Eça Restaurant - The Restaurant not only adds to the H. Stern jewelry buying
     experience, but it gives the company access to an entirely different market; the
     business world. H. Stern says that its restaurant is “transforming any business lunch
     into a delightful pleasure time.”
 •   H. Stern Home – H. Stern Home rounds out the overall experience by bringing the
     incomparable quality and pioneering design of H. Stern gems into the kitchen. Like
     Tiffany &Co., a major competitor, H. Stern offers china settings, accessories and
     lighting. If very pleased with the jewelry, a customer may be more inclined to buy their
     furnishings at H. Stern, and vice versa.
Sources of Brand Equity

 • H. Stern Magazine – The Magazine builds Customer Equity
   in many ways and has many different benefits:
    • Each magazine offers a behind-the-scenes view of the company
      and fashion which draws the consumer into the story as though
      they were somehow part of the business.
    • The magazines feature celebrities who have been wearing their
      jewelry, creating a desire for those influenced by celebrity culture to
      buy H. Stern‟s jewelry as well. This could make the socially
      conscience consumer feel that “if it is good enough for
      Angelina, it‟s good enough for me.”
    • Each magazine showcases the H. Stern collection, thereby
      exposing its wares to a larger geographical market.

 • Philip Kotler, Principles of Marketing, 12 th
   edition, Prentice Hall, 2007.
 • Keller, Kevin. Strategic Brand Management, 3rd
   edition. Prentice-Hall, 2008.
 • H. Stern website:

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Marissa Burkett H. Stern Brand Brief

  • 1. Brand Audit Ashley M. Orndoff Marissa Burkett Nigar Kanji Alex Higgins Global Branding Study Abroad-Brazil Courses April 2009
  • 2. What Is H.Stern? • S_V2QE1I
  • 3. Foundations for Building Marketing Strategy Customer Knowledge • H. Stern is a family owned jeweler that first opened its doors in 1945. • The company focuses on pairing the finest quality jewels with the most innovative design. • When asked about H. Stern, customers might describe the company as “unique,” “high- status,” and “luxurious.”
  • 4. Consumer Reports Advertising Consumer Identification of Brand Brand with Brand Merchandising Recognition Brand Company, County, Ch Equity Awareness annel, Person, Place Sponsorship Brand Recall Brand Differential Customer Customer Knowledge Effect Based Loyalty Brand Word of Mouth BOND Equity Brand Image Service Brand Support Performance Perceptions Associations Value for money Value Proposition Value Value Value Brand Creation Satisfaction Commitment Value Customer Targeting Company Strong Favorable Unique I want H. Stern’s Competitors Elegance! Shareholder Value
  • 5. Independent Variables Variable Operational Applied by Definition H. Stern Any paid form of non personal H.Stern’s entity (magazine, Advertising presentation and promotion of spa, restaurant), Celebrities ideas, goods, or services by an (Grammy’s Oscars) unidentified sponsor. A term of many varied and not Merchandising generally adopted meanings. It can (1) relate to the promotional activities of manufacturers that bring about in-store displays, or (2) identify the product and product line decisions of retailers. Advertising that seeks to Endorsements: Celebrities Sponsorship establish a deeper association (Grammy’s, Oscars, Red Carpet and integration between an Events) advertiser and a publisher, often involving coordinated beyond-the-banner placements. Personal communication about Relying on the customers to Word of Mouth a product between target share their interpretation of buyers and neighbor, friends, HStern family members, and 5 associates
  • 6. Independent Variables Variable Operational Applied by Definition H. Stern The attributes and benefits that Associations characterize the most important aspects or •Points of Difference dimensions of a brand. They •Associations can serve as the basis of brand •Points of Parity Associations positioning in terms of how they create points of parity and points of difference. Based on prior attitudes, •Luxurious Perceptions beliefs, needs, stimulus •High-end factors, and situational •High social status determinants, individuals •Elegant perceive objects, events, or people in the world about them. Perception is the cognitive impression that is formed of "reality" which in turn influences the individual's actions and behavior toward that object. 6
  • 7. Independent Variables Variable Operational Applied by Definition H. Stern The act of designing the •Custom Made to Order Positioning company’s offer and image •Innovative Design so that it occupies a distinct and valued place in the target customer’s minds. A market covered strategy in Image Differentiation: Differentiation which a firm decides to luxurious, elegance target several market Service Differentiation: family segments and designs owned and operated separate offers for each. 7
  • 8. Mediating Variables Variable Operational Applied by Definition H. Stern A result of consumers’ •Family owned and operated Brand knowledge about the brand. •Good Customer Service •Distinct Knowledge The key to creating brand equity. •Custom Made to Order The perception of a brand in • Gain Social Approval Brand Image the minds of persons. The •Unique brand image is a mirror •Rare pieces reflection (though perhaps inaccurate) of the brand personality or product being. It is what people believe about a brand-their thoughts, feelings, expectations. 8
  • 9. Mediating Variables Variable Operational Applied by Definition H. Stern consumer knowing of a Brand recognition Consumers’ Brand brand's existence; at ability to e able to recognize the brand as one to which they have Awareness aggregate (brand) level it refers to the proportion of already been exposed to Brand recall. consumers who know of the Consumers’ ability to retrieve brand. two components of the brand from memory when brand awareness is brand given the product category ,the recognition and brand recall. needs fulfilled by the category, or a purchase or usage situation as a cue. Describes how well the •Product reliability Brand product or service meets •Efficiency customers’ more functional •Durability Performance needs. •Highest Quality The degree of a customer Customers willingness to invest Customer staying with a specific time, energy, money or other resources in the brand Loyalty vendor or brand. Repeat Purchases 9
  • 10. Dependent Variables Variable Operational Applied by Definition H. Stern marketing effects or outcomes Market Share Brand Equity that accrue to a product with its brand name compared with those that would accrue if the same product did not have the brand name The differential effect that Customer brand knowledge has on consumer response to the Based Brand marketing of that brand Equity business buzz term, which Stock Price Shareholder implies that the ultimate Price/Earnings Multiple measure of a company's Market Capitalization Value success is to enrich shareholders. 10
  • 11. Position and Values Includes: • Market Segmentation • Market Targeting • Differentiation • Positioning
  • 12. Position and Values • Market Segmentation Divides the market into distinct groups of homogeneous consumers who have similar needs and consumer behavior, and who thus require similar marketing mixes According to Claritas PRIZM NE, H. Stern applies to the Segments of Urban Uptown, the Elite Suburbs to some extent, the Landed Gentry Segment groups. these represent the Upper and Higher Middle classes.
  • 13. Position and Values Differentiation The degree to which our corporate brand is seen as different from others. Points of Parity Points of Difference  High Quality  Handpicked Gems  Hand Crafted  Overall Buying Experience  Top Gems and Metals  Innovative Design  Popular Design  Nature Oriented  Stern Star Collection  Noble Gold
  • 14. Position and Values •Market Targeting The specific part of the population to whom a product offering is aimed and all marketing communication is tailored. Concentrated Marketing - H. Stern has diversified their target market opening the spa and restaurant. This add business (and leisure) lunch diners to their repertoire of already affluent shoppers. These people demand quality and service. By limiting the hours of the restaurant, H. Stern ensures that Eca is a destination experience, and not just chosen out of pure convenience. These market segments frequently overlap.
  • 15. Position and Values • Positioning The act of designing the company‟s offer and image so that it occupies a distinct and valued place in the target customer’s minds. When customers think “H. Stern” they think quality and opulence. Furthermore, words such as “shiny,” “bold,” and “unique” may bring H. Stern to mind.
  • 16. Branding Strategy Marketing Brand Secondary Programs Elements Association Brand Awareness Brand Image Relationships: What about You and Me? Resonance Response: Judgments Feelings What about You? Meaning: Performance Imagery What are You? Salience Identity: Who are You? Market Share
  • 17. Branding Strategy Branding Strategy has three components: • Development of Marketing Programs which consist of Product, Price, Distribution Channels and Communication • Carefully chosen Brand Elements • Secondary Associations made in relation to the brand.
  • 18. Developing Marketing Programs Price Communications Marketing Product (Promotion) Program Distribution Channels (Place)
  • 19. Developing Marketing Programs Product Strategy Discusses how value and quality perceptions are formed by consumers and includes both tangible and intangible benefits. • Functional benefits – H. Stern creates high value, high quality jewelry from the finest locally mined gems. • Process benefits – H. Stern has 160 stores in 12 countries and has infiltrated most luxury hotels. Furthermore, H. Stern jewelry is available in high end department stores and online. • Relationship benefits - H. Stern is an easy company to love, an inspiring rags to riches story. The dedication and enthusiasm of it‟s employees is inclusive and makes the consumer want to be part of the circle. Henceforth, people want the company to succeed. Also, the spa and Eça emotionally draw people into the entire experience.
  • 20. Developing Marketing Programs Pricing Strategy Dictates how consumers categorize the price of the brand and how firm or flexible the price is. Price can lead to consumer associations of perceived value and price categories. H. Stern is a high end luxury good. It‟s prices potentially can go into the millions of dollars making it only accessible to the wealthiest consumers. This knowledge adds to H. Stern‟s Customer Based Brand Equity by offering it‟s lucky ladies a feeling of high status and social approval.
  • 21. Developing Marketing Programs Channel Strategy The manner by which a product is sold or distributed, includes intermediaries on all levels of the chain. Concentrated in high-end department stores, luxury hotels, company owned flagship stores and the Tel Aviv airport. These stores employ top notch experienced salespeople which enhances H. Stern‟s customers‟ buying experience.
  • 22. Developing Marketing Programs Communication Strategy Marketing communication is the process of informing, reminding, and persuading the consumers about a particular product or service. ( • Advertising • Celebrity Endorsers – H. Stern regularly offers their jewels to celebrities to wear to the Oscars, Grammy‟s and such. This gives them free advertising as every fashion magazine in the world covers what each starlet wore on the red carpet. • Marketing Programs • Word of Mouth • H. Stern magazine – This allows H. Stern to directly control what the consumer reads and learns about their company.
  • 23. Branding Strategy Marketing Brand Secondary Programs Elements Association Brand Awareness Brand Image Relationships: What about You and Me? Resonance Response: Judgments Feelings What about You? Meaning: Performance Imagery What are You? Salience Identity: Who are You? Market Share
  • 24. Choosing Brand Elements • Brand Identity The contribution of all brand elements to brand awareness and image • Name • Logos • Packaging
  • 25. Choosing Brand Elements • Names Companies named after their founders often provoke a feeling of intimacy. The name H. Stern represents dedication, commitment to quality and vision.
  • 26. Choosing Brand Elements • Logos The H. Stern logo has evolved over the years. The new logo, adopted in 2001 adds a new modernity to the company. Roberto Stern says “It‟s classic, but with a very sensual, assertive „S‟ that will be modern, even fifty years from now.”
  • 27. Choosing Brand Elements •Packaging H. Stern‟s main packaging is in their display. H. Stern takes great care to ensure that their stores mirror their jewelry in design and opulence. Furthermore, The H. Stern museum and gem tour allows potential customers to become part of the process, forming an emotional bond with the company which should lead to greater customer Loyalty.
  • 28. Leveraging Secondary Associations • Celebrity Endorsers A celebrity endorsement is great publicity for any firm but H. Stern manages to get it‟s jewels on some of the world‟s leading ladies year after year. This exposes them to an entirely different market (think upper middle class housewives and affluent teenagers) that may not have had exposure to the brand before.
  • 29. Branding Strategy Marketing Brand Secondary Programs Elements Association Brand Awareness Brand Image Relationships: What about You and Me? Resonance Response: Judgments Feelings What about You? Meaning: Performance Imagery What are You? Salience Identity: Who are You? Market Share
  • 30. Brand Awareness • Brand Awareness is the strength of the brand node or trace in memory, the consumer‟s ability to identify the brand under different conditions. H. Stern jewelry is becoming more recognizable in the world. Their attention to detail and the finest cuts and quality have them a favorite with gem aficionados while their celebrity endorsers have increased brand knowledge to the rest of the world.
  • 31. Brand Image • Marketing programs that link strong, favorable, and unique associations to the brand in memory create a positive brand image. Consumers can form brand associations through direct experience to information from commercials or nonpartisan sources. The Brands attempt to meet customers‟ psychological or social needs.
  • 32. Branding Strategy Marketing Brand Secondary Programs Elements Association Brand Awareness Brand Image Relationships: What about You and Me? Resonance Response: Judgments Feelings What about You? Meaning: Performance Imagery What are You? Salience Identity: Who are You? Market Share
  • 33. What about the Customer & H.Stern? ( Brand Resonance) What about the H.Stern What about the H.Stern Customer? Customer? (Consumer Judgments) (Consumer Feelings) What is H.Stern What is H.Stern about? about? (Brand Imagery) (Brand Performance) Who is H.Stern? (Brand Salience)
  • 34. Brand Building Blocks Definition H. Stern Salience Salience refers to the recall and recognition of The name H. Stern is known throughout the a brand as well as a consumers consideration world for it’s quality and innovative design. of the product Performance Performance addresses primary H. Stern jewelry is reliable and of the highest characteristics of a product as well as aspects quality jewels and craftsmanship. It inventive such as reliability, durability, style, design and without being trendy. price Imagery Imagery concerns a brand’s personality, H. Stern is seen as a progressive company usage, and history as well as the market’s loved by the very wealthy and celebrities. It is perceptions of it. family owned and operated and built from the ground up. Judgment Judgment addresses a brand’s quality, H. Stern is supreme quality and cutting edge. credibility, superiority and relevance. It is unique, modern and exclusive. Feelings Feelings refers to how a brand makes a H. Stern jewelry gives customers a feeling of consumer feel. self-respect and social approval. When bought for yourself, it is self-rewarding. Resonance Resonance concerns brand loyalty and H. Sterns uses it’s restaurant, home store and attachment plus active participation in a spa to create an entire H. Stern community. brand’s community. The inclusive environment creates customer loyalty.
  • 35. Who is H. Stern? Salience • H. Stern is synonymous in South America and around the world with high quality gems; and to a further extent, they •Is the customer are known for being a company that has succeeded through hard work, ingenuity, top quality and aware of H. Stern? performance. • Maintains awareness through its vertically integrated marketing system. – Hans Stern wanted to “make the country of Samba and Soccer also known as the country of colored gemstones.” •Does the customer • The customer can recall H.Stern through its: recall the H.Stern – Guided Tours that give step-by-step views of the design process Brand ? – Modernized Moniker that coveys the company‟s ideals • The brand is recognizable through the famous necks and wrists whose H.Stern jewels are seen adorning. – Partnerships with Respected Colleagues •Does the customer – “Appear predominately in the world‟s most respected recognize the fashion magazines.” H.Stern Brand?
  • 36. P What is H. Stern about? Performance H. Stern Brand Performance •What makes a customer want • H. Stern jewelry is made of the finest quality gems by the to purchase from H.Stern? highest qualified designers and gemologists. It is within the top four of international jewelers and hold‟s its value well. • “The Gemological Laboratory‟s standards are in accordance with GIA.” • Hans “Invested in quality, creating in 1949 an International Warranty Certificate to attest to the value of his jewels.” Imagery H. Stern Brand Image • H. Stern offers high-end luxury items promoted through •What type of associations do celebrities and endorsers. It is often seen as modern and customers form from wearing exotic. H.Stern? • H. Stern realizes that women buy jewelry in order to reward themselves or to gain social approval from their peers. By making unique, rare pieces, a woman‟s ultimate jewelry need is fulfilled: to have a piece that is entirely their own • “Buying a jewel becomes a treasured moment of pleasure.”
  • 37. What about the H. Stern customer? Judgments H. Stern Brand Judgments H. Stern Jewelry is thought of to be exclusive, unique What are the and of progressive design; Family owned and customers operated, H. Stern is seen as a company built on personal opinions hard work and innovation Seen as “daring and innovative, clean and and evaluations of contemporary-attracts men and women of every the H.Stern Brand? nationality and generation.”. H. Stern Brand Feelings Feelings H. Stern jewelry gives a feeling of achievement , How does the status and social approval. When a woman buys it for her self, it is self rewarding and H.Stern brand offers a feeling of accomplishment. affect customer’s When purchasing a piece, the customer can feel feelings about as though they are part of an elite society, themselves and owning a piece that was created for them their relationship alone.
  • 38. What about the customer and H. Stern? H. Stern Brand Resonance Resonance • The company‟s spa, restaurant and home store How well do create an entire H. Stern community. H.Stern’s • This exclusivity leads to greater customer customers feel a brand loyalty all around. connection with • Every H.Stern employee strives to build relationships with their customers, gaining the brand? customers-for-life. • The customer is never pressured to purchase in a given moment
  • 39. Sources of Brand Equity H. Stern creates Customer brand equity through the many H. Stern product options, special services and personalized care. • International Warranty Certificate – H. Stern offers a certificate in order to “attest to the value of his jewels.” (H. Stern website) • H. Stern Spa – H. Stern offers services in addition to their jewelry line that maintain the goal of providing customers with a luxurious experience. The H. Stern website sums it all up “To transform dreams into reality. This is H.Stern´s mission. And this principle is not restricted to the creation of products of the brand, but it‟s also extended to the services we aim to offer to our customers.” This conveys the kind of added value that customers look for in a brand. • Eça Restaurant - The Restaurant not only adds to the H. Stern jewelry buying experience, but it gives the company access to an entirely different market; the business world. H. Stern says that its restaurant is “transforming any business lunch into a delightful pleasure time.” • H. Stern Home – H. Stern Home rounds out the overall experience by bringing the incomparable quality and pioneering design of H. Stern gems into the kitchen. Like Tiffany &Co., a major competitor, H. Stern offers china settings, accessories and lighting. If very pleased with the jewelry, a customer may be more inclined to buy their furnishings at H. Stern, and vice versa.
  • 40. Sources of Brand Equity • H. Stern Magazine – The Magazine builds Customer Equity in many ways and has many different benefits: • Each magazine offers a behind-the-scenes view of the company and fashion which draws the consumer into the story as though they were somehow part of the business. • The magazines feature celebrities who have been wearing their jewelry, creating a desire for those influenced by celebrity culture to buy H. Stern‟s jewelry as well. This could make the socially conscience consumer feel that “if it is good enough for Angelina, it‟s good enough for me.” • Each magazine showcases the H. Stern collection, thereby exposing its wares to a larger geographical market.
  • 41. Fim!
  • 42. References • Philip Kotler, Principles of Marketing, 12 th edition, Prentice Hall, 2007. • • i=3&si=4&pn=prizmne_segments • Keller, Kevin. Strategic Brand Management, 3rd edition. Prentice-Hall, 2008. • H. Stern website: • the-use-marketing-mix-product-launch--87-303- 1.php

Editor's Notes

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