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Chapter 3

Managing in the
Learning objectives
At the end of this chapter you should be able to:
• understand and apply the concept of psychological contracts to work
• recognize good practice in managing psychological contracts in
  organizations, and take steps to influence these unwritten contracts;
• understand the problems of managing talent, careers, individual–
  organizational linkages and work–life balance;
• use the ideas of organizational commitment, identity and
  psychological ownership to analyze the strength of employee
  orientations to your organization;
• diagnose your strengths and weaknesses as a leader and those of
  other colleagues;
• construct a learning agenda to build your leadership competencies.
First I would like to ask two important questions:
• What is the nature of the relationships between individuals
  and organizations, how has it changed and how is it likely to
• Can we identify certain core leadership styles which are
  appropriate to managing the relationships between
  individuals and their organizations?
The psychological contract
• “The perception of the two parties, employees and employer,
  of what their mutual obligations are to each other” given by
  Peter Herriot (2001).
• Excellent insights into psychological contracts and the
  employment relationship was provided by Paul Sparrow and
  Cary Cooper (2003)
• They have highlighted four key aspects psychological contracts
  and how they come to be formed and changed:
Four key aspects psychological
• They are subjective, unique and idiosyncratic, in the senses
  • they reside in the subjective expectations and perceptions of
    employees (and employers);
  • every individual has his or her own interpretation of these
    expectations and perceptions; and
  • they vary from one person and organization to another.
Therefore, you can gain an insight into psychological contracts
by questioning only one party to the relationship, because the
contract ‘is in the eyes of the beholder’.
Four key aspects psychological
contracts (cont.)
• They are reciprocal, in the sense that they emerge in the context of
  a specific mutual employment relationship. As there are two parties
  to this relationship, they each have their own expectations about
  the specific employment relationship (but not employment
  relationships in general).
• They are not objective ‘facts’, but based on beliefs and perceptions
  held by individuals. However, because people act on their subjective
  perceptions, they are no less real in their consequences than if they
  were fact.
• They arise from beliefs and perceptions of obligations that, in the
  case of employees, are what they believe they are entitled to as a
  consequence of perceived promises, either explicit or implicit, made
  by the employer. In that sense, a psychological contract is more than
  just a set of expectations that can arise in the absence of a promise.
  Only expectations relating to perceived promises are entitled to be
  considered as part of the psychological contract.
Breach and violation of
Psychological contracts
• Psychological contracts can be breached or violated if
  employees feel that the significant terms have been broken, or
  that perceived obligations are unmet.
• Breaches are treated as minor, more short term and less
• Violations are seen as more serious, more long term and
  significant in terms of outcomes.
Range of employee responses
to psychological contract
Conway and Briner (2002) points to four characteristics of perceived
promises that can have a major impact on employee responses to
breach or violation:
• the degree of explicitness of a perceived promise – the more explicit
  the promise, the greater the sense of injustice and the more active
  (positively or negatively) the employee response;
• attributions of personal responsibility for contract breach or
  violation – the more personally responsible a manager or party is
  held to be for the perceived breach, the more intense the other
  party’s reaction;
• the unexpectedness or infrequency of the breach – the more
  unexpected or infrequent the breach/violation (a break with past
  behavior), the more intense or active the response will be from
• the degree of importance the party attaches to the goal or
  relationship breached – the more important the
  interest/relationship breached, the more likely it will be treated as a
  significant violation and, hence, provoke a negative response.
Types of psychological contract
Measuring psychological
• From a manager’s point of view it is clearly useful to be able to
  gain insights into employee perceptions of perceived promises
• They have extremely important consequences for
  understanding the effectiveness of people management
  strategies and management actions.
• The relationship between what some researchers have found
  to be the important factors which shape psychological
  contracts, the key components or content of psychological
  contracts themselves, and positive and negative outcomes
  associated with the way in which psychological contracts are
Key Factors which shape
Psychological Contracts
The health of psychological
contracts in organizations
Following items are often used in surveys to determine the health of
psychological contracts in organizations:
• to provide an adequate procedure for induction into the job and
  training to make people more effective and safe
• to ensure that the procedures for selection, appraisal, promotion
  and lay-offs are fair;
• to provide justice, fairness and consistency in the application of
  important rules and on discipline and dismissal;
• to provide equitable treatment on pay and rewards in relation to
  market circumstances and to be fair in the allocation of non-pay
  benefits to individuals and groups;
• to provide interesting work where possible;
• to provide fair pay for taking on responsibility in the job;
• to provide career development and support for employees to learn
  new skills;
The health of psychological
contracts in organizations (cont.)
• to allow people reasonable time off and flexibility to meet
  family and personal needs;
• to consult and communicate effectively on matters affecting
• to allow employees reasonable autonomy in how they do
  their jobs;
• to act in a personally supportive way to employees;
• to recognize loyalty and reward special contributions;
• to provide a safe and friendly work environment;
• to do what they can to provide employment security;
• for managers to act in such a manner that they keep promises
  and commitments and do their best for employees.
Managing psychological
Managing the individual–organizational relationship by shaping
the psychological contracts of employees in a positive manner
comprises many elements.
Four management issues of the individual–organizational
relationship, especially in the light of recent and forecasted
changes in employment and in the nature of organizations:
  • managing talent;
  • managing careers;
  • managing organizational commitment and employees’
    identification with the organization;
  • managing work–life balance.
Managing talent
• The term ‘talent management’ has come into popular usage
  as a major study by North-American-based McKinsey
  consultants Ed Michaels, Helen Handfield-Jones and Beth
  Axelrod on the impact of how companies managed their
  leadership talent on corporate performance
• Talent management, required a new talent mindset among
  business leaders, because it was so ‘mission critical’, and
  therefore could not be left to HR departments.
The New Talent Mindset
Three elements of a talent
management strategy
Organizations that sought to become top performers should
implement three elements of a talent management strategy.
There should be:
• disciplined talent management, through rigorous and
  continuous assessment, development of managers and
  matching them with jobs;
• creative recruitment and retention through refined and
  meaningful employee value propositions (EVPs)
• thoughtful executive development, using coaching, mentoring
  and on-the-job experiences at key points in managers’
Elements of effective
talent management
Managing careers
• There are issues requiring more elaboration so that managers are
  better able to understand and deal with the problems they are likely
  to face, both now and in the future.
• In the 1980s, Ed Schein (1990) developed the idea of people having
  different career anchors, relatively stable orientations to one’s
  organization and one’s career(s). He identified eight such anchors
  •   Technical/functional competence.
  •   General managerial competence.
  •   Autonomy/independence.
  •   Security/stability.
  •   Entrepreneurial creativity.
  •   Service/dedication to a cause.
  •   Pure challenge.
  •   Lifestyle.
Potential Variety in
Psychological Contracts
and Career Expectations
Managing organizational
commitment and identification
• For managers, it is important they understand the differences
  in these linkages, especially what they refer to and their
  implications for practice.
• commitment, identification and citizenship each have their
  own specific meaning, antecedents and consequences
• the nature of psychological contracts and the strength of
  employee brands or EVPs.
Organizational commitment
• Organizational commitment is usually defined in terms of the
  reasons underlying people’s wish to join and remain with an
  organization and their feelings towards it
• Three types of organizational commitment
  • Affective (or attitudinal) commitment
  • Continuance commitment
  • Normative commitment
Organizational identification
• Organizational identification is a deeper and richer concept
  than that which is measured by commitment scales. It also has
  a specific meaning.
• Psychologists argue that organizational identification occurs
  when employees incorporate their beliefs about the
  organization into their own personal identity, which is defined
  in terms of how individuals think about themselves.
Social identity theory suggests that we define our self-concept
through the links we have with important reference groups by
forming a relationship in our minds between the identity of
those groups and ourselves.
Psychological ownership
• As a state of the mind, psychological ownership is that state in
  which individuals feel as though the target of ownership
  (material or immaterial in nature) or a piece of it is ‘theirs’ (i.e.
  ‘It is MINE!’).
• The core of psychological ownership is the feeling of
  possessiveness and of being psychologically tied to an object.
  (Pierce et al., 2001, p. 299)
Ownership arises because people have an innate need to
possess, or because it satisfies certain human motives, which
are either socially derived or genetic. These include:
  • the need to control, in which ownership confers on us certain
    rights and abilities to shape our environment so that we can
    become more effective
  • self-identity, which is formed partly through our interactions with
    what we possess and our reflections on what they mean
  • the need to have a place or ‘home’ that we can call our
    own, which is not only a physical but also a psychological space
Ownership is achieved by three ‘routes’, involving:
• Having a strong degree of control of the object of our
  ownership, such as the job or the organization and its
• Coming to know the object of our ownership intimately by
  having a ‘living’ relationship with it – for example, the
  gardener who comes to feel the garden belongs to him or her
  after a certain time of working in it.
• Investing the self into the object of our ownership. Through
  time as we expend effort into shaping, creating or making
  something we feel that we come to own what we have
  shaped, created or made, such as machines, ideas and even
The differences between commitment,
identification and psychological
Over-identification and
• For managers, it is important to be able to identify workaholic
  behavior (especially among themselves), to understand its
  positive and negative consequences and how it can be
  managed for the good of both the organization and individual.
• Workaholism has been distinguished from other types of
  engaged work behaviour in relation to three variables:
  • work involvement, which refers to the degree of psychological
    involvement with work;
  • work drive, which relates to the extent that individuals feel an
    inner pressure to work
  • work satisfaction, which is the degree of pleasure gained from
Causes of workaholism
The causes of workaholism have been attributed to three
sources (Burke, 2000):
• Individuals’ experiences in their family.
• Personal beliefs and fears.
• Organizational values.
Work–life balance
• Work–life balance has become a major issue in many
  developed countries, with legislation being passed in the EU
  to limit the length of time spent at work by people in all kinds
  of employment.
• Annual total hours actually worked (production workers in
  manufacturing industry), 1980-98
Annual leave and public holidays in
the EU, Japan and USA
• The individual–organizational employment relationship should
  be a negotiated psychological and legal contract that meets
  the expectations and obligations of both parties (Sparrow and
  Cooper, 2003).
• The increasing degree of autonomy and control provided by
  this revised psychological contract is brought about by steps
  • to increase the variety of ways in which individuals are able to
    integrate work and non-work activities by giving them choices
    over working hours or job sharing;
  • to help bring about changes in how employees balance work and
    non-work by constructing their own boundaries between the
    two, such as working at home, telecommuting, sabbaticals,
    extended leave, unpaid leave, parental leave and extended
    breaks for family responsibilities.
Leadership in organizations
• Leadership can be thought of as a key factor in shaping
  employee perceptions of their psychological contracts and in
  helping generate organizational commitment, identification
  and psychological ownership.
• One well-known presenter was heard to reply, when asked
  whether leadership was an art, study, discipline or
  concept, that ‘leadership is an industry’ (Barker, 2001).
A commentary on leadership
Approaches to leadership
New Leadership Theory
Mainstream thinking in new leadership agrees on the
overarching nature of the goals of leaders, which are to
motivate followers to achieve organizational goals, usually by
tapping into or shaping the motivations of individuals so that
they coincide with what the organization desires (Barker, 2001).
It is based on three premises:
  • The study of leadership is and should be about leaders and their
    functions in organizations.
  • Leadership is what results from leadership performance.
  • Performance can be attributed to leadership characteristics
    rather than the organization’s environment.
Emotional intelligence and
• One very influential approach to leadership that has its roots in the
  study of leaders and their capabilities is the work by Daniel Goleman
  and his colleagues (Goleman, 1998; Goleman et al., 2002).
• They have used Goleman’s concept of emotional intelligence to
  research into effective leaders, and have produced a very useful way
  of thinking about leaders and leadership.
• Goleman’s original work identified five components of emotional
  intelligence at work
  •   Self-awareness
  •   Self-regulation
  •   Self motivation
  •   Empathy
  •   Social skill
which have been modified in his latest work on leadership to produce
four domains of leadership competencies
• Goleman's four domains of leadership competencies, two of
  which were personal competences, and two of which were
  social competences, are:
• Personal competence (how we manage ourselves)
  • Self-awareness which refers to:
     • Emotional self-awareness
     • Accurate self assessment
     • Self-confidence
  • Self-management/regulation which refers to:
     •   Self-control
     •   Transparency
     •   Adaptability
     •   Achievement
     •   Initiative
     •   Optimism
• Social competence (how we manage relationships)
  • Social awareness which refers to:
     • Empathy
     • Organizational awareness
     • Service
  • Relationship management which refers to:
     •   Inspiration
     •   Influence
     •   Developing others
     •   Conflict management
     •   Teamwork and collaboration
Three key points were stressed by Goleman et al. concerning the
links between EI and leadership:
  • EI competencies can be learned, as they are not innate talents.
    This is good news for organizations, because it means that
    existing leaders can be developed.
  • No single person is likely to be strong across all domains or
    competencies. Effective leaders demonstrated significant
    strengths in one of the EI domains, the most effective leaders
    typically demonstrating strengths in about six of these specific
    competencies, which spanned one of more of the four EI
  • Given that no one was equally skilled in all domains of EI, there
    was no single formula for effective leadership, with different
    leaders having different permutations and combinations of the
    competencies associated with the four EI domains.
Leadership styles and
Learning leadership: a cycle of
five self-discoveries
Caution on leadership
• Leaders can be bad people as well as good people; leadership
  is not a moral concept and leaders often have a dark side to
• One can learn from bad leaders just as much as we can learn
  from good leaders (Kellerman, 2004)
• One major failing, which has been written about extensively to
  counter much of the ‘feel-good’ evangelism of the new
  leadership, is narcissism among leaders (Kets de Vries, 2001).
• Narcissistic leaders can be defined as people who have an
  unhealthy desire for recognition and external affirmation.

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Managing in the individual

  • 1. Chapter 3 Managing in the individual– organizational context
  • 2. Learning objectives At the end of this chapter you should be able to: • understand and apply the concept of psychological contracts to work situations; • recognize good practice in managing psychological contracts in organizations, and take steps to influence these unwritten contracts; • understand the problems of managing talent, careers, individual– organizational linkages and work–life balance; • use the ideas of organizational commitment, identity and psychological ownership to analyze the strength of employee orientations to your organization; • diagnose your strengths and weaknesses as a leader and those of other colleagues; • construct a learning agenda to build your leadership competencies.
  • 3. Introduction First I would like to ask two important questions: • What is the nature of the relationships between individuals and organizations, how has it changed and how is it likely to change? • Can we identify certain core leadership styles which are appropriate to managing the relationships between individuals and their organizations?
  • 4. The psychological contract • “The perception of the two parties, employees and employer, of what their mutual obligations are to each other” given by Peter Herriot (2001). • Excellent insights into psychological contracts and the employment relationship was provided by Paul Sparrow and Cary Cooper (2003) • They have highlighted four key aspects psychological contracts and how they come to be formed and changed:
  • 5. Four key aspects psychological contracts • They are subjective, unique and idiosyncratic, in the senses that: • they reside in the subjective expectations and perceptions of employees (and employers); • every individual has his or her own interpretation of these expectations and perceptions; and • they vary from one person and organization to another. Therefore, you can gain an insight into psychological contracts by questioning only one party to the relationship, because the contract ‘is in the eyes of the beholder’.
  • 6. Four key aspects psychological contracts (cont.) • They are reciprocal, in the sense that they emerge in the context of a specific mutual employment relationship. As there are two parties to this relationship, they each have their own expectations about the specific employment relationship (but not employment relationships in general). • They are not objective ‘facts’, but based on beliefs and perceptions held by individuals. However, because people act on their subjective perceptions, they are no less real in their consequences than if they were fact. • They arise from beliefs and perceptions of obligations that, in the case of employees, are what they believe they are entitled to as a consequence of perceived promises, either explicit or implicit, made by the employer. In that sense, a psychological contract is more than just a set of expectations that can arise in the absence of a promise. Only expectations relating to perceived promises are entitled to be considered as part of the psychological contract.
  • 7. Breach and violation of Psychological contracts • Psychological contracts can be breached or violated if employees feel that the significant terms have been broken, or that perceived obligations are unmet. • Breaches are treated as minor, more short term and less significant • Violations are seen as more serious, more long term and significant in terms of outcomes.
  • 8. Range of employee responses to psychological contract
  • 9. Conway and Briner (2002) points to four characteristics of perceived promises that can have a major impact on employee responses to breach or violation: • the degree of explicitness of a perceived promise – the more explicit the promise, the greater the sense of injustice and the more active (positively or negatively) the employee response; • attributions of personal responsibility for contract breach or violation – the more personally responsible a manager or party is held to be for the perceived breach, the more intense the other party’s reaction; • the unexpectedness or infrequency of the breach – the more unexpected or infrequent the breach/violation (a break with past behavior), the more intense or active the response will be from employees; • the degree of importance the party attaches to the goal or relationship breached – the more important the interest/relationship breached, the more likely it will be treated as a significant violation and, hence, provoke a negative response.
  • 11. Measuring psychological contracts • From a manager’s point of view it is clearly useful to be able to gain insights into employee perceptions of perceived promises • They have extremely important consequences for understanding the effectiveness of people management strategies and management actions. • The relationship between what some researchers have found to be the important factors which shape psychological contracts, the key components or content of psychological contracts themselves, and positive and negative outcomes associated with the way in which psychological contracts are managed.
  • 12. Key Factors which shape Psychological Contracts
  • 13. The health of psychological contracts in organizations Following items are often used in surveys to determine the health of psychological contracts in organizations: • to provide an adequate procedure for induction into the job and training to make people more effective and safe • to ensure that the procedures for selection, appraisal, promotion and lay-offs are fair; • to provide justice, fairness and consistency in the application of important rules and on discipline and dismissal; • to provide equitable treatment on pay and rewards in relation to market circumstances and to be fair in the allocation of non-pay benefits to individuals and groups; • to provide interesting work where possible; • to provide fair pay for taking on responsibility in the job; • to provide career development and support for employees to learn new skills;
  • 14. The health of psychological contracts in organizations (cont.) • to allow people reasonable time off and flexibility to meet family and personal needs; • to consult and communicate effectively on matters affecting employees; • to allow employees reasonable autonomy in how they do their jobs; • to act in a personally supportive way to employees; • to recognize loyalty and reward special contributions; • to provide a safe and friendly work environment; • to do what they can to provide employment security; • for managers to act in such a manner that they keep promises and commitments and do their best for employees.
  • 15. Managing psychological contracts Managing the individual–organizational relationship by shaping the psychological contracts of employees in a positive manner comprises many elements. Four management issues of the individual–organizational relationship, especially in the light of recent and forecasted changes in employment and in the nature of organizations: • managing talent; • managing careers; • managing organizational commitment and employees’ identification with the organization; • managing work–life balance.
  • 16. Managing talent • The term ‘talent management’ has come into popular usage as a major study by North-American-based McKinsey consultants Ed Michaels, Helen Handfield-Jones and Beth Axelrod on the impact of how companies managed their leadership talent on corporate performance • Talent management, required a new talent mindset among business leaders, because it was so ‘mission critical’, and therefore could not be left to HR departments.
  • 17. The New Talent Mindset
  • 18. Three elements of a talent management strategy Organizations that sought to become top performers should implement three elements of a talent management strategy. There should be: • disciplined talent management, through rigorous and continuous assessment, development of managers and matching them with jobs; • creative recruitment and retention through refined and meaningful employee value propositions (EVPs) • thoughtful executive development, using coaching, mentoring and on-the-job experiences at key points in managers’ development.
  • 20. Managing careers • There are issues requiring more elaboration so that managers are better able to understand and deal with the problems they are likely to face, both now and in the future. • In the 1980s, Ed Schein (1990) developed the idea of people having different career anchors, relatively stable orientations to one’s organization and one’s career(s). He identified eight such anchors • Technical/functional competence. • General managerial competence. • Autonomy/independence. • Security/stability. • Entrepreneurial creativity. • Service/dedication to a cause. • Pure challenge. • Lifestyle.
  • 21. Potential Variety in Psychological Contracts and Career Expectations
  • 22. Managing organizational commitment and identification • For managers, it is important they understand the differences in these linkages, especially what they refer to and their implications for practice. • commitment, identification and citizenship each have their own specific meaning, antecedents and consequences • the nature of psychological contracts and the strength of employee brands or EVPs.
  • 23. Organizational commitment • Organizational commitment is usually defined in terms of the reasons underlying people’s wish to join and remain with an organization and their feelings towards it • Three types of organizational commitment • Affective (or attitudinal) commitment • Continuance commitment • Normative commitment
  • 24. Organizational identification • Organizational identification is a deeper and richer concept than that which is measured by commitment scales. It also has a specific meaning. • Psychologists argue that organizational identification occurs when employees incorporate their beliefs about the organization into their own personal identity, which is defined in terms of how individuals think about themselves. Social identity theory suggests that we define our self-concept through the links we have with important reference groups by forming a relationship in our minds between the identity of those groups and ourselves.
  • 25. Psychological ownership • As a state of the mind, psychological ownership is that state in which individuals feel as though the target of ownership (material or immaterial in nature) or a piece of it is ‘theirs’ (i.e. ‘It is MINE!’). • The core of psychological ownership is the feeling of possessiveness and of being psychologically tied to an object. (Pierce et al., 2001, p. 299)
  • 26. Ownership arises because people have an innate need to possess, or because it satisfies certain human motives, which are either socially derived or genetic. These include: • the need to control, in which ownership confers on us certain rights and abilities to shape our environment so that we can become more effective • self-identity, which is formed partly through our interactions with what we possess and our reflections on what they mean • the need to have a place or ‘home’ that we can call our own, which is not only a physical but also a psychological space
  • 27. Ownership is achieved by three ‘routes’, involving: • Having a strong degree of control of the object of our ownership, such as the job or the organization and its performance. • Coming to know the object of our ownership intimately by having a ‘living’ relationship with it – for example, the gardener who comes to feel the garden belongs to him or her after a certain time of working in it. • Investing the self into the object of our ownership. Through time as we expend effort into shaping, creating or making something we feel that we come to own what we have shaped, created or made, such as machines, ideas and even people.
  • 28. The differences between commitment, identification and psychological ownership
  • 29. Over-identification and workaholism • For managers, it is important to be able to identify workaholic behavior (especially among themselves), to understand its positive and negative consequences and how it can be managed for the good of both the organization and individual. • Workaholism has been distinguished from other types of engaged work behaviour in relation to three variables: • work involvement, which refers to the degree of psychological involvement with work; • work drive, which relates to the extent that individuals feel an inner pressure to work • work satisfaction, which is the degree of pleasure gained from work.
  • 30. Causes of workaholism The causes of workaholism have been attributed to three sources (Burke, 2000): • Individuals’ experiences in their family. • Personal beliefs and fears. • Organizational values.
  • 31. Work–life balance • Work–life balance has become a major issue in many developed countries, with legislation being passed in the EU to limit the length of time spent at work by people in all kinds of employment. • Annual total hours actually worked (production workers in manufacturing industry), 1980-98
  • 32. Annual leave and public holidays in the EU, Japan and USA
  • 33. • The individual–organizational employment relationship should be a negotiated psychological and legal contract that meets the expectations and obligations of both parties (Sparrow and Cooper, 2003). • The increasing degree of autonomy and control provided by this revised psychological contract is brought about by steps taken: • to increase the variety of ways in which individuals are able to integrate work and non-work activities by giving them choices over working hours or job sharing; • to help bring about changes in how employees balance work and non-work by constructing their own boundaries between the two, such as working at home, telecommuting, sabbaticals, extended leave, unpaid leave, parental leave and extended breaks for family responsibilities.
  • 34. Leadership in organizations • Leadership can be thought of as a key factor in shaping employee perceptions of their psychological contracts and in helping generate organizational commitment, identification and psychological ownership. • One well-known presenter was heard to reply, when asked whether leadership was an art, study, discipline or concept, that ‘leadership is an industry’ (Barker, 2001).
  • 35. A commentary on leadership Approaches to leadership
  • 36. New Leadership Theory Mainstream thinking in new leadership agrees on the overarching nature of the goals of leaders, which are to motivate followers to achieve organizational goals, usually by tapping into or shaping the motivations of individuals so that they coincide with what the organization desires (Barker, 2001). It is based on three premises: • The study of leadership is and should be about leaders and their functions in organizations. • Leadership is what results from leadership performance. • Performance can be attributed to leadership characteristics rather than the organization’s environment.
  • 37. Emotional intelligence and leadership • One very influential approach to leadership that has its roots in the study of leaders and their capabilities is the work by Daniel Goleman and his colleagues (Goleman, 1998; Goleman et al., 2002). • They have used Goleman’s concept of emotional intelligence to research into effective leaders, and have produced a very useful way of thinking about leaders and leadership. • Goleman’s original work identified five components of emotional intelligence at work • Self-awareness • Self-regulation • Self motivation • Empathy • Social skill which have been modified in his latest work on leadership to produce four domains of leadership competencies
  • 38. • Goleman's four domains of leadership competencies, two of which were personal competences, and two of which were social competences, are: • Personal competence (how we manage ourselves) • Self-awareness which refers to: • Emotional self-awareness • Accurate self assessment • Self-confidence • Self-management/regulation which refers to: • Self-control • Transparency • Adaptability • Achievement • Initiative • Optimism
  • 39. • Social competence (how we manage relationships) • Social awareness which refers to: • Empathy • Organizational awareness • Service • Relationship management which refers to: • Inspiration • Influence • Developing others • Conflict management • Teamwork and collaboration
  • 40. Three key points were stressed by Goleman et al. concerning the links between EI and leadership: • EI competencies can be learned, as they are not innate talents. This is good news for organizations, because it means that existing leaders can be developed. • No single person is likely to be strong across all domains or competencies. Effective leaders demonstrated significant strengths in one of the EI domains, the most effective leaders typically demonstrating strengths in about six of these specific competencies, which spanned one of more of the four EI domains. • Given that no one was equally skilled in all domains of EI, there was no single formula for effective leadership, with different leaders having different permutations and combinations of the competencies associated with the four EI domains.
  • 42. Learning leadership: a cycle of five self-discoveries
  • 43. Caution on leadership • Leaders can be bad people as well as good people; leadership is not a moral concept and leaders often have a dark side to them. • One can learn from bad leaders just as much as we can learn from good leaders (Kellerman, 2004) • One major failing, which has been written about extensively to counter much of the ‘feel-good’ evangelism of the new leadership, is narcissism among leaders (Kets de Vries, 2001). • Narcissistic leaders can be defined as people who have an unhealthy desire for recognition and external affirmation.