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Bernard Aschwanden
Make the Move
Unstructured to Structured
@aschwanden4stc #stc19
Migrating Word to FrameMaker to Structure
14:04@aschwanden4stc #stc19
 Word is great when you have content that is managed by
SharePoint, or based on standard and highly-enforced
templates, or you have a team of developers to support
your team of writers. However, there are too many ways
for too many people to cause too many problems. Style
overrides, manual formats, or just incorrect use of a
template can haunt good content. You spend time and
effort to make content great; now put a little bit more time
into getting to know a tool that isn’t created for everyone.
It’s created for those of us who work in technical
communication. It’s time for Adobe FrameMaker.
Overall Objectives
14:33@aschwanden4stc #stc19
 Evaluate a Word document for content quality
 Rework content for a topic-based model
 Import a Word file to Adobe FrameMaker
 Create a structured workflow
 Migrate legacy content to a structured format
 Move your content to a CCMS
 Publish single sourced content to multiple channels,
formats & devices
Rule 1: Know your audience
14:33@aschwanden4stc #stc19
 Why are you here? (A bit of a “show of hands”)
 Free certificate that I can use to get a raise at work?
 Here because “my boss made me do it”?
 Here because migrating to structure is something you
 Are just starting to talk about?
 Want to do in the next 6 to 12 months?
 Love it more than almost anything else on earth and you need it yesterday?
 Prerequisite is a basic familiarity with content creation
 Who is planning to “play along” as we do the work?
Housekeeping and note taking
14:37@aschwanden4stc #stc19
 Not all slides or topics are
equally weighted
 Use some, discard others
 Slides speed varies (reference)
 Questions? Ask along the way!
 I’d love to claim errors/typos is
on purpose… they isn’t,
weren’t never, and ain’t; I’ll fix
‘em as I can…
 Tweet using @AdobeTCS and
 Reference #stc19
About your speaker
14:37@aschwanden4stc #stc19
 Publishing Smarter: President
 Content strategist, publishing
technologies expert, author,
and geek-enough
 Certified Technical Trainer
 FrameMaker
 Content management
 Topic-based writing
 Structured content (includes
 Society for Technical
 Past President
 STC Associate Fellow
Standard disclaimer
14:38@aschwanden4stc #stc19
 In the interest of brevity I
will make some blanket
statements to keep it simple
 It’s not all 100% “the truth”,
but I’ll stay close
 Purists may complain
 And they are wrong!
 (except when they are right)
 A lot of slides to guide us,
plus hands-on work
Some stuff you know, some tech you
may not, and some hands on work
Go ahead, launch Word now…
@aschwanden4stc #stc19 14:40
Evaluate a Word Document
We created 3 documents to quickly demo ideas
14:40@aschwanden4stc #stc19
Mix and match: Sample 1—Poor styles
14:42@aschwanden4stc #stc19
PDF of the“Poor”has weak/flawed bookmarks
14:42@aschwanden4stc #stc19
Mix and match: Sample 2—Mixed styles
14:43@aschwanden4stc #stc19
PDF of the“Mixed”has 6 (incorrect) bookmarks
14:44@aschwanden4stc #stc19
Mix and match: Sample 3—Good styles
14:44@aschwanden4stc #stc19
PDF of the“Good”has well-nested bookmarks
14:45@aschwanden4stc #stc19
Before we go further
14:03@aschwanden4stc #stc19
 Do you know if your content is well styled? (If so, how?)
 Do you think that there may be:
 Format overrides (to make that paragraph fit on a line, or the word
stand out, or the content fit on a page)
 Empty paragraphs (or even empty spaces that may have style info)
 A mix of manual and programmed references (see X on page #)
 Manual and automated numbering mixed together
 Content copied/pasted from other documents
 If so, then content may be a risk for conversion
Let’s talk about the *.docx extension
14:03@aschwanden4stc #stc19
 It’s actually XML
 You can “unzip” DOCX
 Creates folders including
the /word folder
 document.xml
 styles.xml
 /media
 Each XML has info
 The document.xml is info
about the content including
overrides to formats
 The styles.xml is the actual
set of default styles that exist
 The media folder contains,
amongst other things, images
The process (defaults in Windows, no magic)
14:03@aschwanden4stc #stc19
1. Create a *.docx file
2. Make a copy of it
3. Rename the copy to *.zip
4. Extract the zip file
5. Review content
We’ll look at the
document.xml file and
discuss the styles.xml
document.xml from a good doc
14:03@aschwanden4stc #stc19
 <w:p w:rsidR="003754B0" w:rsidRDefault="00391015"
<w:pStyle w:val="Title"/>
<w:t>Prepping a Word Document for
document.xml from a mixed doc
14:03@aschwanden4stc #stc19
 <w:p w:rsidR="003754B0" w:rsidRDefault="00615507"
<w:pStyle w:val="Title"/>
<w:jc w:val="center"/>
<w:t>Prepping a Word Document:
document.xml from a poor doc
14:03@aschwanden4stc #stc19
 <w:p w:rsidR="0056B"
<w:pStyle w:val="Title"/>
<w:sz w:val="54"/>
<w:szCs w:val="54"/>
<w:r w:rsidRPr="0014B">
<w:sz w:val="54"/>
<w:szCs w:val="54"/>
<w:r w:rsidR="0014B">
<w:sz w:val="54"/>
<w:szCs w:val="54"/>
<w:t xml:space="preserve" />
<w:r w:rsidR="00FAC"
<w:sz w:val="54"/>
<w:szCs w:val="54"/>
<w:t>Prepping a Word
Document: Poor</w:t>
The good styles.xml defines character style
14:03@aschwanden4stc #stc19
 <w:style w:type="character" w:styleId="Strong">
<w:name w:val="Strong"/>
<w:basedOn w:val="DefaultParagraphFont"/>
<w:uiPriority w:val="22"/>
<w:rsid w:val="00391015"/>
styles.xml also defines table style
14:03@aschwanden4stc #stc19
 <w:style w:type="table" w:default="1" w:styleId="TableNormal">
<w:name w:val="Normal Table"/>
<w:uiPriority w:val="99"/>
<w:tblInd w:w="0" w:type="dxa"/>
<w:top w:w="0" w:type="dxa"/>
<w:left w:w="108" w:type="dxa"/>
<w:bottom w:w="0" w:type="dxa"/>
<w:right w:w="108" w:type="dxa"/>
styles.xml also has paragraph style (+bonus!)
14:03@aschwanden4stc #stc19
 <w:style w:type="paragraph" w:styleId="Heading1">
<w:name w:val="heading 1"/>
<w:basedOn w:val="Normal"/>
<w:next w:val="Normal"/>
<w:link w:val="Heading1Char"/>
<w:uiPriority w:val="9"/>
<w:rsid w:val="003754B0"/>
<w:spacing w:before="240" w:after="0"/>
<w:outlineLvl w:val="0"/>
What this means for you
14:03@aschwanden4stc #stc19
 You can create Word files with or without overrides
 You can create a zip and extract/analyze the XML
 Look for things like:
 w:pStyle
 w:style w:type="character“
 w:style w:type=“table“
 w:p (this is the default “Normal” tag)
 Reference the Microsoft materials and other content for details
 Get Hands On: Let’s create a Word file now
 Launch Word and File > New to create a generic file
The goal is to build this (Details follow)
14:03@aschwanden4stc #stc19
Initial content to write (no format, just text)
14:03@aschwanden4stc #stc19
Moving to structured content¶
The move to structured content is gaining a lot of traction.¶
There are many reasons, including:¶
Working with large volumes of content¶
Managing complex numbering systems¶
Meeting online or print design and layout requirements¶
Publishing to Responsive HTML5 (plus apps, ebooks, and
PDF), or¶
Other reasons to retire just a word processor and use a
professional communications tool!
Next steps (add formats)
14:03@aschwanden4stc #stc19
Moving to structured content [Assign Title, +Center Button]
The move to structured content is gaining a lot of traction. There
are many reasons, including: [Make 2 words Emphasis]
 Working with large volumes of content
 Managing complex numbering systems
 Meeting online or print design and
layout requirements
 Publishing to Responsive HTML5
(plus apps, ebooks, and PDF), or
 Other reasons to retire just a word processor and use a
professional communications tool!
[Make the rest of the
paragraphs bulleted;
select them all, then
click the toolbar icon]
Save the file as“MoveToStructure.docx”
14:03@aschwanden4stc #stc19
Title paragraph
(+manual center)
“Normal” paragraph
with 2 words in
Collection of bullets
(using the toolbar icon)
Behind the scenes (the XML you could extract)
14:03@aschwanden4stc #stc19
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<w:document xmlns:ve=""
<w:p w:rsidR="008E34F2" w:rsidRDefault="00AA6835" w:rsidP="00A801F8">
<w:pStyle w:val="Title"/>
<w:jc w:val="center"/>
<w:t xml:space="preserve">Moving to structured </w:t>
<w:r w:rsidR="00A801F8">
<w:p w:rsidR="00AA6835" w:rsidRDefault="00AA6835" w:rsidP="00AA6835">
<w:t xml:space="preserve">The move to </w:t>
<w:r w:rsidRPr="00AA6835">
<w:rStyle w:val="Emphasis"/>
<w:t>structured content</w:t>
<w:t xml:space="preserve"> is gaining a lot of traction. There are many reasons, including:</w:t>
<w:p w:rsidR="00AA6835" w:rsidRDefault="00AA6835" w:rsidP="00AA6835">
<w:pStyle w:val="ListParagraph"/>
<w:ilvl w:val="0"/>
<w:numId w:val="1"/>
<w:t>Working with large volumes of content</w:t>
 <w:p w:rsidR="00AA6835" w:rsidRDefault="00AA6835" w:rsidP="00AA6835">
<w:pStyle w:val="ListParagraph"/>
<w:ilvl w:val="0"/>
<w:numId w:val="1"/>
<w:t>Managing complex numbering systems</w:t>
<w:p w:rsidR="00AA6835" w:rsidRDefault="00AA6835" w:rsidP="00AA6835">
<w:pStyle w:val="ListParagraph"/>
<w:ilvl w:val="0"/>
<w:numId w:val="1"/>
<w:t>Meeting online or print design and layout requirements</w:t>
<w:p w:rsidR="00AA6835" w:rsidRDefault="00AA6835" w:rsidP="00AA6835">
<w:pStyle w:val="ListParagraph"/>
<w:ilvl w:val="0"/>
<w:numId w:val="1"/>
<w:t xml:space="preserve">Publishing to Responsive HTML5 (plus apps, </w:t>
<w:proofErr w:type="spellStart"/>
<w:proofErr w:type="spellEnd"/>
<w:t>, and PDF), or</w:t>
<w:p w:rsidR="00AA6835" w:rsidRPr="00AA6835" w:rsidRDefault="00AA6835" w:rsidP="00AA6835">
<w:pStyle w:val="ListParagraph"/>
<w:ilvl w:val="0"/>
<w:numId w:val="1"/>
<w:t>Other reasons to retire just a word processor and use a professional communications tool!</w:t>
<w:sectPr w:rsidR="00AA6835" w:rsidRPr="00AA6835" w:rsidSect="008E34F2">
<w:pgSz w:w="12240" w:h="15840"/>
<w:pgMar w:top="1440" w:right="1440" w:bottom="1440" w:left="1440" w:header="720"
w:footer="720" w:gutter="0"/>
<w:cols w:space="720"/>
<w:docGrid w:linePitch="360"/>
The details you may care about…
14:04@aschwanden4stc #stc19
<w:p w:rsidR="008E34F2"
w:rsidRDefault="00AA6835" w:rsidP="00A801F8">
<w:pStyle w:val="Title"/>
<w:jc w:val="center"/>
<w:t xml:space="preserve">Moving to structured
<w:r w:rsidR="00A801F8">
<w:p w:rsidR="00AA6835"
<w:t xml:space="preserve">The move to </w:t>
<w:r w:rsidRPr="00AA6835">
<w:rStyle w:val="Emphasis"/>
<w:t>structured content</w:t>
<w:t xml:space="preserve"> is gaining a lot of
traction. There are many reasons, including:</w:t>
<w:p w:rsidR="00AA6835"
w:rsidRDefault="00AA6835" w:rsidP="00AA6835">
<w:pStyle w:val="ListParagraph"/>
<w:ilvl w:val="0"/>
<w:numId w:val="1"/>
<w:t>Working with large volumes of
Diving deeper
/* Get Word DOCX Statistics
// Prompt for Word files.
// Set up an output file.
// Get the files to process.
// Process all files.
// Write the file statistics
// Append the field list
// Get the number of pages.
// Add tables's style data
// Generate the report
// Format it all for Excel
 Remember our 3 Word files?
 We decided to go explore them
 Using our own tools we converted
each of the three “sources” to XML
 We can ID what is in the XML
 Consolidate info into a spreadsheet
 Can be done file by file
 We ended up automating it
14:56@aschwanden4stc #stc19
Analytics initially show 3 similar docs…
14:56@aschwanden4stc #stc19
… but the details show very different results
14:57@aschwanden4stc #stc19
Just character level details are scary (poor)
14:58@aschwanden4stc #stc19
The details remain scary (mixed)
14:58@aschwanden4stc #stc19
The details are scary (but less so in the good)
14:59@aschwanden4stc #stc19
Content cleanup tips
14:59@aschwanden4stc #stc19
 We can find very detailed issues
 Track them down
 Fix them “one-by-one” or ID when it makes sense to do it
 The tricky part kicks in with larger doc sets
 Hundreds, or even 1000s of source Word documents
For example, with many documents
15:00@aschwanden4stc #stc19
Once you know the volume and types of issues
15:00@aschwanden4stc #stc19
Legacy content review
15:01@aschwanden4stc #stc19
 Please feel free to ask me about your own content later on
 I’m also at the Adobe booth for the conference
 Mention the STC conference and the Adobe workshop
Making the move to modular topics
may mean rewriting legacy content
@aschwanden4stc #stc19 15:02
Rework content for a
topic-based model
 Modular means:
 Pieces of information must
make sense without context
 Pieces of information can
be moved around
 Context may or may not
bring extra meaning to
individual pieces
@aschwanden4stc #stc19
Benefits of topic-based content for users
15:04@aschwanden4stc #stc19
 Read what you want
 Read in the order you want
 Common layout makes it fast to scan and find content
(beyond search)
 Right information, right format, right time
 Information is in topic types, each with a purpose
 Task: How to complete a goal
 Concept: Why a goal is worth achieving, or what it is
 Reference: Quick lookup or guide to technical specs
Review your materials for nested content
15:05@aschwanden4stc #stc19
Learning’s complex enough
 Use titles that relate to the goal of a
 Don’t nest additional steps or tasks
 Rework content into clear topics
1. Select File > Save As
The Save dialog appears.
2. Select a location
3. If required, create a folder
a) Click New Folder
A new folder is created
b) Type a name for the folder
c) Press Enter
4. Choose a file format
 RTF: Rich Text Format
 DOC: Microsoft Word document
 FM: Adobe FrameMaker file
5. Name the file and click Save.
Save a file Create folders to organize files
1. Select File > Save As
2. Select a location
3. Choose a file format
4. Name the file
5. Click Save
1. Click New Folder
2. Type a name for the folder
3. Press Enter
Much better would be
15:06@aschwanden4stc #stc19
 Darwin Information Typing Architecture
 DITA is about Topic, Maps, Specializations
 Some common topic types include
 concept
 reference
 task
 glossary
 bookmap and map
15:07@aschwanden4stc #stc19
DITA supports topic-based content
DITA Information Types
Types of topics
15:07@aschwanden4stc #stc19
 Tasks: Start with tasks (Users don’t want to
learn about something unless they have to)
 What does the user need to do? Identify those and
then write how they do it.
 Concepts: Supporting info for a task
 In many cases, concepts can provide a clear
conceptual model that is lacking in a task. Used to
orient the users.
 References: Quick look up; no procedures,
no conceptual information
Work with images: Text heavy, mixed source
15:08@aschwanden4stc #stc19
It has been said a picture is worth
1000 words. If this is true, it
makes sense to use images to
show ideas, visualize things, or to
add life to dry text. You can add
images in supported formats to
web pages.
To insert images first select
where you want in on your web
page. Choose Insert in the Image
menu. There are many image
formats supported (web formats),
and since pictures draw the eye
to a specific location, you may
want to add maps or charts.
If maps or charts are used they
can visually explain ideas that
may take many pages to write
about. They can even make
content feel more alive, so if it
makes sense, add them to reports
to accentuate an idea that
Once you know the format you
need, select a file location and
click Map or Chart if needed. We
support jpg, gif, png, svg (and we
convert Illustrator or Photoshop
too!). Click on a file, then Insert.
ID the task / concept / reference?
15:09@aschwanden4stc #stc19
It has been said a picture is worth
1000 words. If this is true, it
makes sense to use images to
show ideas, visualize things, or to
add life to dry text. You can add
images in supported formats to
web pages.
To insert images first select
where you want in on your web
page. Choose Insert in the Image
menu. There are many image
formats supported (web formats),
and since pictures draw the eye
to a specific location, you may
want to add maps or charts.
If maps or charts are used they
can visually explain ideas that
may take many pages to write
about. They can even make
content feel more alive, so if it
makes sense, add them to reports
to accentuate an idea that
Once you know the format you
need, select a file location and
click Map or Chart if needed. We
support jpg, gif, png, svg (and we
convert Illustrator or Photoshop
too!). Click on a file, then Insert.
Remember: Tasks come first
15:10@aschwanden4stc #stc19
It has been said a picture is worth
1000 words. If this is true, it
makes sense to use images to
show ideas, visualize things, or to
add life to dry text. You can add
images in supported formats to
web pages.
To insert images first select
where you want in on your web
page. Choose Insert in the Image
menu. There are many image
formats supported (web formats),
and since pictures draw the eye
to a specific location, you may
want to add maps or charts.
If maps or charts are used they
can visually explain ideas that
may take many pages to write
about. They can even make
content feel more alive, so if it
makes sense, add them to reports
to accentuate an idea that
Once you know the format you
need, select a file location and
click Map or Chart if needed. We
support jpg, gif, png, svg (and we
convert Illustrator or Photoshop
too!). Click on a file, then Insert.
Repeat for concepts
15:10@aschwanden4stc #stc19
It has been said a picture is worth
1000 words. If this is true, it
makes sense to use images to
show ideas, visualize things, or to
add life to dry text. You can add
images in supported formats to
web pages.
To insert images first select
where you want in on your web
page. Choose Insert in the Image
menu. There are many image
formats supported (web formats),
and since pictures draw the eye
to a specific location, you may
want to add maps or charts.
If maps or charts are used they
can visually explain ideas that
may take many pages to write
about. They can even make
content feel more alive, so if it
makes sense, add them to reports
to accentuate an idea that
Once you know the format you
need, select a file location and
click Map or Chart if needed. We
support jpg, gif, png, svg (and we
convert Illustrator or Photoshop
too!). Click on a file, then Insert.
And for references
15:10@aschwanden4stc #stc19
It has been said a picture is worth
1000 words. If this is true, it
makes sense to use images to
show ideas, visualize things, or to
add life to dry text. You can add
images in supported formats to
web pages.
To insert images first select
where you want in on your web
page. Choose Insert in the Image
menu. There are many image
formats supported (web formats),
and since pictures draw the eye
to a specific location, you may
want to add maps or charts.
If maps or charts are used they
can visually explain ideas that
may take many pages to write
about. They can even make
content feel more alive, so if it
makes sense, add them to reports
to accentuate an idea that
Once you know the format you
need, select a file location and
click Map or Chart if needed. We
support jpg, gif, png, svg (and we
convert Illustrator or Photoshop
too!). Click on a file, then Insert.
Consider using highlighters!
15:10@aschwanden4stc #stc19
Now, the task title reads: Import pictures
15:11@aschwanden4stc #stc19
Images, maps, and charts can be added to web
Prereq: Ensure graphics are in a supported
web-friendly file format.
1. Select the location to insert an image.
2. Select Image > Insert.
If inserting a Map or Chart, specify this.
3. Select a folder location.
4. Select a file.
5. Click Insert.
6. Configure the image as needed.
Concept title: Reasons to use pictures
15:11@aschwanden4stc #stc19
It has been said a picture is worth 1000 words;
use images to show ideas, visualize complex
ideas, or to add life to dry text.
Pictures draw the eye to a specific location. If
maps or charts are used they can graphically
explain an idea that may take many pages to
write about. They can even make content feel
more alive, so if it makes sense, add them to
reports to accentuate an idea that matters.
Reference title: Supported image formats
15:11@aschwanden4stc #stc19
Graphic types, how they are used, and
background information.
Format Function Notes
.jpg Raster based
images displayed
online (web).
Our conversion tools allow
multiple options, test for best
.svg Vector based
images displayed
online (web)
Our conversion tools allow
multiple options, test for best
.ps Adobe Photoshop Raster based source.
.ai Adobe Illustrator Vector based source.
Remember: Styles are your friends
@aschwanden4stc #stc19 15:11
Import a Word file to FrameMaker
Importing Word to FrameMaker
15:12@aschwanden4stc #stc19
 Styles can be mapped
 Once mapped, save it
 Import one or more *.docx
 Results vary
 Better results
 Better styles in the source
 Better use of the styles
 Poorer results
 Poor use of styles
 Misuse of styles
Poor document mapped may look like
15:12@aschwanden4stc #stc19
Mid range
15:13@aschwanden4stc #stc19
Good document mapped may look like
15:14@aschwanden4stc #stc19
Importing our Word document
15:14@aschwanden4stc #stc19
1. Launch FrameMaker
2. Select File > New >
Document, then Portrait
3. Select File > Import > File
4. At the bottom, click
Copy Into Document
5. Find/select the Word
6. Import the document
7. Confirm message dialogs
Configure the import
15:15@aschwanden4stc #stc19
 FrameMaker scans the Word source document
 If styles in Word match tags in FrameMaker they are
automatically mapped for you
 If they do NOT then you can map them via a visual
 Character format and table format conversion can be done
 Advanced settings allow for further cleanup
 You can even save your settings
 Demo: Configure the dialog as seen on the next slide
Configure your settings, then click OK
15:16@aschwanden4stc #stc19
Save the file
15:18@aschwanden4stc #stc19
Launch FrameMaker and create your
first structured content
@aschwanden4stc #stc19 15:20
Create a Structured Workflow
Look for Element and Structure in Menu
15:22@aschwanden4stc #stc19
If NOT, select Edit > Preferences
15:26@aschwanden4stc #stc19
Optional relaunch File > New > DITA > Concept
15:26@aschwanden4stc #stc19
By default you see this (or similar)
15:26@aschwanden4stc #stc19
Change to a structured author mode
15:28@aschwanden4stc #stc19
Structure View: Hierarchy of content
15:28@aschwanden4stc #stc19
Click to the right of an element and type
14:02@aschwanden4stc #stc19
Save and Close the file
14:02@aschwanden4stc #stc19
Our imported Word source can be
converted to structured, DITA-ready
content with a bit of setup
@aschwanden4stc #stc19 15:31
From Legacy to Structure
Big picture for conversion
15:34@aschwanden4stc #stc19
 Any content in FrameMaker can be converted
 The more complex the content, the tougher the setup
 We have a basic document
 Title paragraph
 Body paragraph
 Bulleted paragraphs
 Emphasis character format
 Our conversion table basics are just that… Basics
15:35@aschwanden4stc #stc19
Structure > Utilities > Generate CT
15:36@aschwanden4stc #stc19
Structure > Utilities > Generate CT
15:36@aschwanden4stc #stc19
Generate a New Conversion Table
15:37@aschwanden4stc #stc19
A bit of detail on the columns
15:37@aschwanden4stc #stc19
Wrap this object or objects In this element With this qualifier
P:Title Title
P:Body Body
P:Bulleted Bulleted
C:Emphasis Emphasis
When a P (paragraph) or C
(character) with a name is
...take that tagged
content and wrap it
into a named element
Save as
15:38@aschwanden4stc #stc19
Wrap this object or objects In this element With this qualifier
P:Title Title
P:Body Body
P:Bulleted Bulleted
C:Emphasis Emphasis
Update to names DITA likes
15:39@aschwanden4stc #stc19
Wrap this object or objects In this element With this qualifier
P:Title title
P:Body p
P:Bulleted li
C:Emphasis i
Nest elements
15:39@aschwanden4stc #stc19
Wrap this object or objects In this element With this qualifier
P:Title title
P:Body p
P:Bulleted li
C:Emphasis i
E:li+ ul
(E:p | E:ul)+ conbody
E:title, E:conbody concept
Apply the Conversion Table
15:40@aschwanden4stc #stc19
1. Go to MoveToStructure
2. Structure > Utilities >
Structure Current Doc
3. Choose the CT file
4. Click Add Structure
5. Click OK
6. Review the structure
Once converted to structure (and based on DITA)
15:43@aschwanden4stc #stc19
 The content could be
copied into a DITA concept
 Once there, a bit of minor
 For example, you may choose
to click View menu and show
or hide boundaries to dive in
deeper, or change attribute
display options
 May want to “right-click” the
concept element and assign
an ID
 Regardless of additional
changes, the core of the
conversion is complete
 The file can quickly be
converted to DITA
 If the source has more
paragraphs or bullets
added, re-run the CT
 If more objects are added,
the CT needs more dev
Good Word, when mapped, may import as…
15:45@aschwanden4stc #stc19
Migrating Frame to DITA
15:46@aschwanden4stc #stc19
What a Structured (DITA) file looks like
15:46@aschwanden4stc #stc19
Remember the Good, the Bad, and the
@aschwanden4stc #stc19 15:47
Move content to a CCMS
Good topic-based content is standard content
15:47@aschwanden4stc #stc19
Live? Video? Slides?
15:48@aschwanden4stc #stc19
 Going to try it live because…
 I’m an idiot?
 Hotel networks are 100% reliable and fast?
 I tested this extensively?
 If it WON’T play nice I have a backup in Captivate
 Let’s go…
PDF, HTML5, and other formats
@aschwanden4stc #stc19 15:48
FrameMaker offers PDF/HTML5, etc File > Publish
15:51@aschwanden4stc #stc19
But… Word also converts to PDF and HTML
15:51@aschwanden4stc #stc19
Yeah. About that.
15:52@aschwanden4stc #stc19
Oh. Look. Word to HTML
15:52@aschwanden4stc #stc19
PDF from FrameMaker
15:53@aschwanden4stc #stc19
HTML5 from FrameMaker
15:53@aschwanden4stc #stc19
Summary and next steps
@aschwanden4stc #stc19 15:54
In about 75 minutes we did this:
15:54@aschwanden4stc #stc19
 Evaluate a Word document for content quality
 Rework content for a topic-based model
 Import a Word file to Adobe FrameMaker
 Create a structured workflow
 Migrate legacy content to a structured format
 Move your content to a CCMS
 Publish single sourced content to multiple channels,
formats & devices
Download the whitepaper Watch the videos
16:48@aschwanden4stc #stc19
15:56@aschwanden4stc #stc19
Follow up contact information
15:58@aschwanden4stc #stc19
905 833 8448 (Eastern Time)

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Make the move from basic documents to structured documents

  • 1. Bernard Aschwanden Make the Move Unstructured to Structured 14:04 1 @aschwanden4stc #stc19
  • 2. Migrating Word to FrameMaker to Structure 14:04@aschwanden4stc #stc19 2  Word is great when you have content that is managed by SharePoint, or based on standard and highly-enforced templates, or you have a team of developers to support your team of writers. However, there are too many ways for too many people to cause too many problems. Style overrides, manual formats, or just incorrect use of a template can haunt good content. You spend time and effort to make content great; now put a little bit more time into getting to know a tool that isn’t created for everyone. It’s created for those of us who work in technical communication. It’s time for Adobe FrameMaker.
  • 3. Overall Objectives 14:33@aschwanden4stc #stc19 3  Evaluate a Word document for content quality  Rework content for a topic-based model  Import a Word file to Adobe FrameMaker  Create a structured workflow  Migrate legacy content to a structured format  Move your content to a CCMS  Publish single sourced content to multiple channels, formats & devices
  • 4. Rule 1: Know your audience 14:33@aschwanden4stc #stc19 4  Why are you here? (A bit of a “show of hands”)  Free certificate that I can use to get a raise at work?  Here because “my boss made me do it”?  Here because migrating to structure is something you  Are just starting to talk about?  Want to do in the next 6 to 12 months?  Love it more than almost anything else on earth and you need it yesterday?  Prerequisite is a basic familiarity with content creation  Who is planning to “play along” as we do the work?
  • 5. Housekeeping and note taking 14:37@aschwanden4stc #stc19  Not all slides or topics are equally weighted  Use some, discard others  Slides speed varies (reference)  Questions? Ask along the way!  I’d love to claim errors/typos is on purpose… they isn’t, weren’t never, and ain’t; I’ll fix ‘em as I can…  Tweet using @AdobeTCS and @aschwanden4stc  Reference #stc19 5
  • 6. About your speaker 14:37@aschwanden4stc #stc19  Publishing Smarter: President  Content strategist, publishing technologies expert, author, and geek-enough  Certified Technical Trainer  FrameMaker  Content management  Topic-based writing  Structured content (includes DITA)  Society for Technical Communications  Past President  STC Associate Fellow 6
  • 7. Standard disclaimer 14:38@aschwanden4stc #stc19  In the interest of brevity I will make some blanket statements to keep it simple  It’s not all 100% “the truth”, but I’ll stay close  Purists may complain  And they are wrong!  (except when they are right)  A lot of slides to guide us, plus hands-on work 7
  • 8. Some stuff you know, some tech you may not, and some hands on work Go ahead, launch Word now… @aschwanden4stc #stc19 14:40 8 Evaluate a Word Document
  • 9. We created 3 documents to quickly demo ideas 14:40@aschwanden4stc #stc19 9
  • 10. Mix and match: Sample 1—Poor styles 14:42@aschwanden4stc #stc19 10
  • 11. PDF of the“Poor”has weak/flawed bookmarks 14:42@aschwanden4stc #stc19 11
  • 12. Mix and match: Sample 2—Mixed styles 14:43@aschwanden4stc #stc19 12
  • 13. PDF of the“Mixed”has 6 (incorrect) bookmarks 14:44@aschwanden4stc #stc19 13
  • 14. Mix and match: Sample 3—Good styles 14:44@aschwanden4stc #stc19 14
  • 15. PDF of the“Good”has well-nested bookmarks 14:45@aschwanden4stc #stc19 15
  • 16. Before we go further 14:03@aschwanden4stc #stc19 16  Do you know if your content is well styled? (If so, how?)  Do you think that there may be:  Format overrides (to make that paragraph fit on a line, or the word stand out, or the content fit on a page)  Empty paragraphs (or even empty spaces that may have style info)  A mix of manual and programmed references (see X on page #)  Manual and automated numbering mixed together  Content copied/pasted from other documents  If so, then content may be a risk for conversion
  • 17. Let’s talk about the *.docx extension 14:03@aschwanden4stc #stc19  It’s actually XML  You can “unzip” DOCX  Creates folders including the /word folder  document.xml  styles.xml  /media  Each XML has info  The document.xml is info about the content including overrides to formats  The styles.xml is the actual set of default styles that exist  The media folder contains, amongst other things, images 17
  • 18. The process (defaults in Windows, no magic) 14:03@aschwanden4stc #stc19 1. Create a *.docx file 2. Make a copy of it 3. Rename the copy to *.zip 4. Extract the zip file 5. Review content We’ll look at the document.xml file and discuss the styles.xml briefly. 18
  • 19. document.xml from a good doc 14:03@aschwanden4stc #stc19 19  <w:p w:rsidR="003754B0" w:rsidRDefault="00391015" w:rsidP="003754B0"> <w:pPr> <w:pStyle w:val="Title"/> </w:pPr> <w:r> <w:t>Prepping a Word Document for Structure</w:t> </w:r> </w:p>
  • 20. document.xml from a mixed doc 14:03@aschwanden4stc #stc19 20  <w:p w:rsidR="003754B0" w:rsidRDefault="00615507" w:rsidP="00A3480A"> <w:pPr> <w:pStyle w:val="Title"/> <w:jc w:val="center"/> </w:pPr> <w:r> <w:t>Prepping a Word Document: Mixed</w:t> </w:r> </w:p>
  • 21. document.xml from a poor doc 14:03@aschwanden4stc #stc19  <w:p w:rsidR="0056B" w:rsidRPr="0017024B" w:rsidRDefault="00433EC2" w:rsidP="00445B46"> <w:pPr> <w:pStyle w:val="Title"/> <w:rPr> <w:sz w:val="54"/> <w:szCs w:val="54"/> </w:rPr> </w:pPr> <w:r w:rsidRPr="0014B"> <w:rPr> <w:b/> <w:sz w:val="54"/> <w:szCs w:val="54"/> </w:rPr> <w:tab/> </w:r> <w:r w:rsidR="0014B"> <w:rPr> <w:b/> <w:sz w:val="54"/> <w:szCs w:val="54"/> </w:rPr> <w:t xml:space="preserve" /> </w:r> <w:r w:rsidR="00FAC" w:rsidRPr="0017024B"> <w:rPr> <w:sz w:val="54"/> <w:szCs w:val="54"/> </w:rPr> <w:t>Prepping a Word Document: Poor</w:t> </w:r> </w:p> 21
  • 22. The good styles.xml defines character style 14:03@aschwanden4stc #stc19 22  <w:style w:type="character" w:styleId="Strong"> <w:name w:val="Strong"/> <w:basedOn w:val="DefaultParagraphFont"/> <w:uiPriority w:val="22"/> <w:qFormat/> <w:rsid w:val="00391015"/> <w:rPr> <w:b/> <w:bCs/> </w:rPr> </w:style>
  • 23. styles.xml also defines table style 14:03@aschwanden4stc #stc19 23  <w:style w:type="table" w:default="1" w:styleId="TableNormal"> <w:name w:val="Normal Table"/> <w:uiPriority w:val="99"/> <w:semiHidden/> <w:unhideWhenUsed/> <w:qFormat/> <w:tblPr> <w:tblInd w:w="0" w:type="dxa"/> <w:tblCellMar> <w:top w:w="0" w:type="dxa"/> <w:left w:w="108" w:type="dxa"/> <w:bottom w:w="0" w:type="dxa"/> <w:right w:w="108" w:type="dxa"/> </w:tblCellMar> </w:tblPr> </w:style>
  • 24. styles.xml also has paragraph style (+bonus!) 14:03@aschwanden4stc #stc19 24  <w:style w:type="paragraph" w:styleId="Heading1"> <w:name w:val="heading 1"/> <w:basedOn w:val="Normal"/> <w:next w:val="Normal"/> <w:link w:val="Heading1Char"/> <w:uiPriority w:val="9"/> <w:qFormat/> <w:rsid w:val="003754B0"/> <w:pPr> <w:keepNext/> <w:keepLines/> <w:spacing w:before="240" w:after="0"/> <w:outlineLvl w:val="0"/> </w:pPr> </w:style>
  • 25. What this means for you 14:03@aschwanden4stc #stc19 25  You can create Word files with or without overrides  You can create a zip and extract/analyze the XML  Look for things like:  w:pStyle  w:style w:type="character“  w:style w:type=“table“  w:p (this is the default “Normal” tag)  Reference the Microsoft materials and other content for details  Get Hands On: Let’s create a Word file now  Launch Word and File > New to create a generic file
  • 26. The goal is to build this (Details follow) 14:03@aschwanden4stc #stc19 26
  • 27. Initial content to write (no format, just text) 14:03@aschwanden4stc #stc19 27 Moving to structured content¶ The move to structured content is gaining a lot of traction.¶ There are many reasons, including:¶ Working with large volumes of content¶ Managing complex numbering systems¶ Meeting online or print design and layout requirements¶ Publishing to Responsive HTML5 (plus apps, ebooks, and PDF), or¶ Other reasons to retire just a word processor and use a professional communications tool!
  • 28. Next steps (add formats) 14:03@aschwanden4stc #stc19 28 Moving to structured content [Assign Title, +Center Button] The move to structured content is gaining a lot of traction. There are many reasons, including: [Make 2 words Emphasis]  Working with large volumes of content  Managing complex numbering systems  Meeting online or print design and layout requirements  Publishing to Responsive HTML5 (plus apps, ebooks, and PDF), or  Other reasons to retire just a word processor and use a professional communications tool! [Make the rest of the paragraphs bulleted; select them all, then click the toolbar icon]
  • 29. Save the file as“MoveToStructure.docx” 14:03@aschwanden4stc #stc19 29 Title paragraph (+manual center) “Normal” paragraph with 2 words in Emphasis Collection of bullets (using the toolbar icon)
  • 30. Behind the scenes (the XML you could extract) 14:03@aschwanden4stc #stc19  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <w:document xmlns:ve="" xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" xmlns:r="" xmlns:m="" xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" xmlns:wp="" xmlns:w10="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word" xmlns:w="" xmlns:wne=""> <w:body> <w:p w:rsidR="008E34F2" w:rsidRDefault="00AA6835" w:rsidP="00A801F8"> <w:pPr> <w:pStyle w:val="Title"/> <w:jc w:val="center"/> </w:pPr> <w:r> <w:t xml:space="preserve">Moving to structured </w:t> </w:r> <w:r w:rsidR="00A801F8"> <w:t>content</w:t> </w:r> </w:p> <w:p w:rsidR="00AA6835" w:rsidRDefault="00AA6835" w:rsidP="00AA6835"> <w:r> <w:t xml:space="preserve">The move to </w:t> </w:r> <w:r w:rsidRPr="00AA6835"> <w:rPr> <w:rStyle w:val="Emphasis"/> </w:rPr> <w:t>structured content</w:t> </w:r> <w:r> <w:t xml:space="preserve"> is gaining a lot of traction. There are many reasons, including:</w:t> </w:r> </w:p> <w:p w:rsidR="00AA6835" w:rsidRDefault="00AA6835" w:rsidP="00AA6835"> <w:pPr> <w:pStyle w:val="ListParagraph"/> <w:numPr> <w:ilvl w:val="0"/> <w:numId w:val="1"/> </w:numPr> </w:pPr> <w:r> <w:t>Working with large volumes of content</w:t> </w:r> </w:p>  <w:p w:rsidR="00AA6835" w:rsidRDefault="00AA6835" w:rsidP="00AA6835"> <w:pPr> <w:pStyle w:val="ListParagraph"/> <w:numPr> <w:ilvl w:val="0"/> <w:numId w:val="1"/> </w:numPr> </w:pPr> <w:r> <w:t>Managing complex numbering systems</w:t> </w:r> </w:p> <w:p w:rsidR="00AA6835" w:rsidRDefault="00AA6835" w:rsidP="00AA6835"> <w:pPr> <w:pStyle w:val="ListParagraph"/> <w:numPr> <w:ilvl w:val="0"/> <w:numId w:val="1"/> </w:numPr> </w:pPr> <w:r> <w:t>Meeting online or print design and layout requirements</w:t> </w:r> </w:p> <w:p w:rsidR="00AA6835" w:rsidRDefault="00AA6835" w:rsidP="00AA6835"> <w:pPr> <w:pStyle w:val="ListParagraph"/> <w:numPr> <w:ilvl w:val="0"/> <w:numId w:val="1"/> </w:numPr> </w:pPr> <w:r> <w:t xml:space="preserve">Publishing to Responsive HTML5 (plus apps, </w:t> </w:r> <w:proofErr w:type="spellStart"/> <w:r> <w:t>ebooks</w:t> </w:r> <w:proofErr w:type="spellEnd"/> <w:r> <w:t>, and PDF), or</w:t> </w:r> </w:p> <w:p w:rsidR="00AA6835" w:rsidRPr="00AA6835" w:rsidRDefault="00AA6835" w:rsidP="00AA6835"> <w:pPr> <w:pStyle w:val="ListParagraph"/> <w:numPr> <w:ilvl w:val="0"/> <w:numId w:val="1"/> </w:numPr> </w:pPr> <w:r> <w:t>Other reasons to retire just a word processor and use a professional communications tool!</w:t> </w:r> </w:p> <w:sectPr w:rsidR="00AA6835" w:rsidRPr="00AA6835" w:rsidSect="008E34F2"> <w:pgSz w:w="12240" w:h="15840"/> <w:pgMar w:top="1440" w:right="1440" w:bottom="1440" w:left="1440" w:header="720" w:footer="720" w:gutter="0"/> <w:cols w:space="720"/> <w:docGrid w:linePitch="360"/> </w:sectPr> </w:body> </w:document> 30
  • 31. The details you may care about… 14:04@aschwanden4stc #stc19 <w:body> <w:p w:rsidR="008E34F2" w:rsidRDefault="00AA6835" w:rsidP="00A801F8"> <w:pPr> <w:pStyle w:val="Title"/> <w:jc w:val="center"/> </w:pPr> <w:r> <w:t xml:space="preserve">Moving to structured </w:t> </w:r> <w:r w:rsidR="00A801F8"> <w:t>content</w:t> </w:r> </w:p> <w:p w:rsidR="00AA6835" w:rsidRDefault="00AA6835" w:rsidP="00AA6835"> <w:r> <w:t xml:space="preserve">The move to </w:t> </w:r> <w:r w:rsidRPr="00AA6835"> <w:rPr> <w:rStyle w:val="Emphasis"/> </w:rPr> <w:t>structured content</w:t> </w:r> <w:r> <w:t xml:space="preserve"> is gaining a lot of traction. There are many reasons, including:</w:t> </w:r> </w:p> <w:p w:rsidR="00AA6835" w:rsidRDefault="00AA6835" w:rsidP="00AA6835"> <w:pPr> <w:pStyle w:val="ListParagraph"/> <w:numPr> <w:ilvl w:val="0"/> <w:numId w:val="1"/> </w:numPr> </w:pPr> <w:r> <w:t>Working with large volumes of content</w:t> </w:r> </w:p> 31
  • 32. Diving deeper /* Get Word DOCX Statistics // Prompt for Word files. // Set up an output file. // Get the files to process. // Process all files. // Write the file statistics // Append the field list // Get the number of pages. // Add tables's style data // Generate the report // Format it all for Excel  Remember our 3 Word files?  We decided to go explore them  Using our own tools we converted each of the three “sources” to XML  We can ID what is in the XML  Consolidate info into a spreadsheet  Can be done file by file  We ended up automating it 32 14:56@aschwanden4stc #stc19
  • 33. Analytics initially show 3 similar docs… 14:56@aschwanden4stc #stc19 33
  • 34. … but the details show very different results 14:57@aschwanden4stc #stc19 34
  • 35. Just character level details are scary (poor) 14:58@aschwanden4stc #stc19 35
  • 36. The details remain scary (mixed) 14:58@aschwanden4stc #stc19 36
  • 37. The details are scary (but less so in the good) 14:59@aschwanden4stc #stc19 37
  • 38. Content cleanup tips 14:59@aschwanden4stc #stc19 38  We can find very detailed issues  Track them down  Fix them “one-by-one” or ID when it makes sense to do it programmatically  The tricky part kicks in with larger doc sets  Hundreds, or even 1000s of source Word documents
  • 39. For example, with many documents 15:00@aschwanden4stc #stc19 39
  • 40. Once you know the volume and types of issues 15:00@aschwanden4stc #stc19 40
  • 41. Legacy content review 15:01@aschwanden4stc #stc19 41  Please feel free to ask me about your own content later on   ENSURE YOU CAN ACTUALLY SHARE IT (legal/NDA)  I’m also at the Adobe booth for the conference  Mention the STC conference and the Adobe workshop
  • 42. Making the move to modular topics may mean rewriting legacy content @aschwanden4stc #stc19 15:02 42 Rework content for a topic-based model
  • 43.  Modular means:  Pieces of information must make sense without context  Pieces of information can be moved around  Context may or may not bring extra meaning to individual pieces 15:03 43 @aschwanden4stc #stc19
  • 44. Benefits of topic-based content for users 15:04@aschwanden4stc #stc19 44  Read what you want  Read in the order you want  Common layout makes it fast to scan and find content (beyond search)  Right information, right format, right time  Information is in topic types, each with a purpose  Task: How to complete a goal  Concept: Why a goal is worth achieving, or what it is  Reference: Quick lookup or guide to technical specs
  • 45. Review your materials for nested content 15:05@aschwanden4stc #stc19 45 Learning’s complex enough  Use titles that relate to the goal of a user  Don’t nest additional steps or tasks  Rework content into clear topics Saving 1. Select File > Save As The Save dialog appears. 2. Select a location 3. If required, create a folder a) Click New Folder A new folder is created b) Type a name for the folder c) Press Enter 4. Choose a file format  RTF: Rich Text Format  DOC: Microsoft Word document  FM: Adobe FrameMaker file 5. Name the file and click Save.
  • 46. Save a file Create folders to organize files 1. Select File > Save As 2. Select a location 3. Choose a file format 4. Name the file 5. Click Save 1. Click New Folder 2. Type a name for the folder 3. Press Enter Much better would be 15:06@aschwanden4stc #stc19 46
  • 47.  Darwin Information Typing Architecture  DITA is about Topic, Maps, Specializations  Some common topic types include  concept  reference  task  glossary  bookmap and map 15:07@aschwanden4stc #stc19 47 DITA supports topic-based content DITA Information Types Topic–Concept–Task–Reference
  • 48. Types of topics 15:07@aschwanden4stc #stc19 48  Tasks: Start with tasks (Users don’t want to learn about something unless they have to)  What does the user need to do? Identify those and then write how they do it.  Concepts: Supporting info for a task  In many cases, concepts can provide a clear conceptual model that is lacking in a task. Used to orient the users.  References: Quick look up; no procedures, no conceptual information
  • 49. Work with images: Text heavy, mixed source 15:08@aschwanden4stc #stc19 It has been said a picture is worth 1000 words. If this is true, it makes sense to use images to show ideas, visualize things, or to add life to dry text. You can add images in supported formats to web pages. To insert images first select where you want in on your web page. Choose Insert in the Image menu. There are many image formats supported (web formats), and since pictures draw the eye to a specific location, you may want to add maps or charts. If maps or charts are used they can visually explain ideas that may take many pages to write about. They can even make content feel more alive, so if it makes sense, add them to reports to accentuate an idea that matters. Once you know the format you need, select a file location and click Map or Chart if needed. We support jpg, gif, png, svg (and we convert Illustrator or Photoshop too!). Click on a file, then Insert. 49
  • 50. ID the task / concept / reference? 15:09@aschwanden4stc #stc19 It has been said a picture is worth 1000 words. If this is true, it makes sense to use images to show ideas, visualize things, or to add life to dry text. You can add images in supported formats to web pages. To insert images first select where you want in on your web page. Choose Insert in the Image menu. There are many image formats supported (web formats), and since pictures draw the eye to a specific location, you may want to add maps or charts. If maps or charts are used they can visually explain ideas that may take many pages to write about. They can even make content feel more alive, so if it makes sense, add them to reports to accentuate an idea that matters. Once you know the format you need, select a file location and click Map or Chart if needed. We support jpg, gif, png, svg (and we convert Illustrator or Photoshop too!). Click on a file, then Insert. 50
  • 51. Remember: Tasks come first 15:10@aschwanden4stc #stc19 It has been said a picture is worth 1000 words. If this is true, it makes sense to use images to show ideas, visualize things, or to add life to dry text. You can add images in supported formats to web pages. To insert images first select where you want in on your web page. Choose Insert in the Image menu. There are many image formats supported (web formats), and since pictures draw the eye to a specific location, you may want to add maps or charts. If maps or charts are used they can visually explain ideas that may take many pages to write about. They can even make content feel more alive, so if it makes sense, add them to reports to accentuate an idea that matters. Once you know the format you need, select a file location and click Map or Chart if needed. We support jpg, gif, png, svg (and we convert Illustrator or Photoshop too!). Click on a file, then Insert. 51
  • 52. Repeat for concepts 15:10@aschwanden4stc #stc19 It has been said a picture is worth 1000 words. If this is true, it makes sense to use images to show ideas, visualize things, or to add life to dry text. You can add images in supported formats to web pages. To insert images first select where you want in on your web page. Choose Insert in the Image menu. There are many image formats supported (web formats), and since pictures draw the eye to a specific location, you may want to add maps or charts. If maps or charts are used they can visually explain ideas that may take many pages to write about. They can even make content feel more alive, so if it makes sense, add them to reports to accentuate an idea that matters. Once you know the format you need, select a file location and click Map or Chart if needed. We support jpg, gif, png, svg (and we convert Illustrator or Photoshop too!). Click on a file, then Insert. 52
  • 53. And for references 15:10@aschwanden4stc #stc19 It has been said a picture is worth 1000 words. If this is true, it makes sense to use images to show ideas, visualize things, or to add life to dry text. You can add images in supported formats to web pages. To insert images first select where you want in on your web page. Choose Insert in the Image menu. There are many image formats supported (web formats), and since pictures draw the eye to a specific location, you may want to add maps or charts. If maps or charts are used they can visually explain ideas that may take many pages to write about. They can even make content feel more alive, so if it makes sense, add them to reports to accentuate an idea that matters. Once you know the format you need, select a file location and click Map or Chart if needed. We support jpg, gif, png, svg (and we convert Illustrator or Photoshop too!). Click on a file, then Insert. 53
  • 55. Now, the task title reads: Import pictures 15:11@aschwanden4stc #stc19 55 Images, maps, and charts can be added to web pages. Prereq: Ensure graphics are in a supported web-friendly file format. 1. Select the location to insert an image. 2. Select Image > Insert. If inserting a Map or Chart, specify this. 3. Select a folder location. 4. Select a file. 5. Click Insert. 6. Configure the image as needed.
  • 56. Concept title: Reasons to use pictures 15:11@aschwanden4stc #stc19 56 It has been said a picture is worth 1000 words; use images to show ideas, visualize complex ideas, or to add life to dry text. Pictures draw the eye to a specific location. If maps or charts are used they can graphically explain an idea that may take many pages to write about. They can even make content feel more alive, so if it makes sense, add them to reports to accentuate an idea that matters.
  • 57. Reference title: Supported image formats 15:11@aschwanden4stc #stc19 57 Graphic types, how they are used, and background information. Format Function Notes .jpg Raster based images displayed online (web). Our conversion tools allow multiple options, test for best compatibility. .gif .png .svg Vector based images displayed online (web) Our conversion tools allow multiple options, test for best compatibility. .ps Adobe Photoshop Raster based source. .ai Adobe Illustrator Vector based source.
  • 58. Remember: Styles are your friends @aschwanden4stc #stc19 15:11 58 Import a Word file to FrameMaker
  • 59. Importing Word to FrameMaker 15:12@aschwanden4stc #stc19  Styles can be mapped  Once mapped, save it  Import one or more *.docx  Results vary  Better results  Better styles in the source  Better use of the styles  Poorer results  Poor use of styles  Misuse of styles 59
  • 60. Poor document mapped may look like 15:12@aschwanden4stc #stc19 60
  • 62. Good document mapped may look like 15:14@aschwanden4stc #stc19 62
  • 63. Importing our Word document 15:14@aschwanden4stc #stc19 1. Launch FrameMaker 2. Select File > New > Document, then Portrait 3. Select File > Import > File 4. At the bottom, click Copy Into Document 5. Find/select the Word source 6. Import the document 7. Confirm message dialogs 63
  • 64. Configure the import 15:15@aschwanden4stc #stc19 64  FrameMaker scans the Word source document  If styles in Word match tags in FrameMaker they are automatically mapped for you  If they do NOT then you can map them via a visual interface  Character format and table format conversion can be done  Advanced settings allow for further cleanup  You can even save your settings  Demo: Configure the dialog as seen on the next slide
  • 65. Configure your settings, then click OK 15:16@aschwanden4stc #stc19 65
  • 67. Launch FrameMaker and create your first structured content @aschwanden4stc #stc19 15:20 67 Create a Structured Workflow
  • 68. Look for Element and Structure in Menu 15:22@aschwanden4stc #stc19 68
  • 69. If NOT, select Edit > Preferences 15:26@aschwanden4stc #stc19 69 1 2 3
  • 70. Optional relaunch File > New > DITA > Concept 15:26@aschwanden4stc #stc19 70
  • 71. By default you see this (or similar) 15:26@aschwanden4stc #stc19 71
  • 72. Change to a structured author mode 15:28@aschwanden4stc #stc19 72 1 2
  • 73. Structure View: Hierarchy of content 15:28@aschwanden4stc #stc19 73
  • 74. Click to the right of an element and type 14:02@aschwanden4stc #stc19 74
  • 75. Save and Close the file 14:02@aschwanden4stc #stc19 75
  • 76. Our imported Word source can be converted to structured, DITA-ready content with a bit of setup @aschwanden4stc #stc19 15:31 76 From Legacy to Structure
  • 77. Big picture for conversion 15:34@aschwanden4stc #stc19 77  Any content in FrameMaker can be converted  The more complex the content, the tougher the setup  We have a basic document  Title paragraph  Body paragraph  Bulleted paragraphs  Emphasis character format  Our conversion table basics are just that… Basics
  • 79. Structure > Utilities > Generate CT 15:36@aschwanden4stc #stc19 79
  • 80. Structure > Utilities > Generate CT 15:36@aschwanden4stc #stc19 80
  • 81. Generate a New Conversion Table 15:37@aschwanden4stc #stc19 81
  • 82. A bit of detail on the columns 15:37@aschwanden4stc #stc19 82 Wrap this object or objects In this element With this qualifier P:Title Title P:Body Body P:Bulleted Bulleted C:Emphasis Emphasis When a P (paragraph) or C (character) with a name is found... ...take that tagged content and wrap it into a named element
  • 83. Save as 15:38@aschwanden4stc #stc19 83 Wrap this object or objects In this element With this qualifier P:Title Title P:Body Body P:Bulleted Bulleted C:Emphasis Emphasis
  • 84. Update to names DITA likes 15:39@aschwanden4stc #stc19 84 Wrap this object or objects In this element With this qualifier P:Title title P:Body p P:Bulleted li C:Emphasis i
  • 85. Nest elements 15:39@aschwanden4stc #stc19 85 Wrap this object or objects In this element With this qualifier P:Title title P:Body p P:Bulleted li C:Emphasis i E:li+ ul (E:p | E:ul)+ conbody E:title, E:conbody concept
  • 86. Apply the Conversion Table 15:40@aschwanden4stc #stc19 1. Go to MoveToStructure 2. Structure > Utilities > Structure Current Doc 3. Choose the CT file 4. Click Add Structure 5. Click OK 6. Review the structure 86
  • 87. Once converted to structure (and based on DITA) 15:43@aschwanden4stc #stc19  The content could be copied into a DITA concept  Once there, a bit of minor cleanup  For example, you may choose to click View menu and show or hide boundaries to dive in deeper, or change attribute display options  May want to “right-click” the concept element and assign an ID  Regardless of additional changes, the core of the conversion is complete  The file can quickly be converted to DITA  If the source has more paragraphs or bullets added, re-run the CT  If more objects are added, the CT needs more dev 87
  • 88. Good Word, when mapped, may import as… 15:45@aschwanden4stc #stc19 88
  • 89. Migrating Frame to DITA 15:46@aschwanden4stc #stc19 89
  • 90. What a Structured (DITA) file looks like 15:46@aschwanden4stc #stc19 90
  • 91. Remember the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly @aschwanden4stc #stc19 15:47 91 Move content to a CCMS
  • 92. Good topic-based content is standard content 15:47@aschwanden4stc #stc19 92
  • 93. Live? Video? Slides? 15:48@aschwanden4stc #stc19 93  Going to try it live because…  I’m an idiot?  Hotel networks are 100% reliable and fast?  I tested this extensively?  If it WON’T play nice I have a backup in Captivate  Let’s go…
  • 94. PDF, HTML5, and other formats @aschwanden4stc #stc19 15:48 94 Publishing
  • 95. FrameMaker offers PDF/HTML5, etc File > Publish 15:51@aschwanden4stc #stc19 95
  • 96. But… Word also converts to PDF and HTML 15:51@aschwanden4stc #stc19 96
  • 98. Oh. Look. Word to HTML 15:52@aschwanden4stc #stc19 98
  • 101. Summary and next steps @aschwanden4stc #stc19 15:54 101 Conclusion
  • 102. In about 75 minutes we did this: 15:54@aschwanden4stc #stc19 102  Evaluate a Word document for content quality  Rework content for a topic-based model  Import a Word file to Adobe FrameMaker  Create a structured workflow  Migrate legacy content to a structured format  Move your content to a CCMS  Publish single sourced content to multiple channels, formats & devices
  • 103. Download the whitepaper Watch the videos 16:48@aschwanden4stc #stc19 103
  • 105. Follow up contact information 15:58@aschwanden4stc #stc19 105 905 833 8448 (Eastern Time)