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Machine Learning Foundations
for Professional Managers
Taiwan AI Academy
Hsinchu, 2018/08/04
Albert Y. C. Chen, Ph.D.
Albert Y. C. Chen, Ph.D.
陳彥呈 博⼠士
• Currently
VP of R&D @ Viscovery
Adjunct Faculty @ Taiwan AI Academy
Reviewer @ MOST, MOEA AI programs
Consultant @ Nexus Frontier Tech, UK
Consultant @ Cinnamon AI, Japan
Mentor @ Hack NTU, Make NTU, NTU GIS Forum, NTUST incubator
• Previously
2015–2017:Chief Scientist, Viscovery
2015–2015:Principal Scientist, Nervve Technologies, NY
2013–2014:Computer Vision Scientist, Tandent Vision Science, CA
2011–2012:R&D Staff, GE Global Research, NY
• Education
Ph.D. in CS (Computer Vision & Machine Learning), SUNY-Buffalo
B.S. in CS, National Tsing-Hua University
• data-driven
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
• hand-crafted rules
Machine Learning (ML)
• Define learning
process and
model, learn
from data
• Define network
structure, learn
model from data
Deep Learning (DL)
Before we start, AI vs ML vs DL?
• Strategically, to:
• select AI features for implementation
incrementally, that delivers significant value
with controllable risk,
• build up competitive advantage with a unique
AI that has a robust data cycle.
• Tactically, to:
• manage the development of AI features with a
lean cycle, to assure the deliverability when
data is obtained gradually or when
unexpected complications occur.
Professional managers, why study AI?
• Should a manager approve such requests?
(a) E.g., Give me 100 GPU's and 1000
annotated data/class * 1M classes. Don't ask
for results until 12 months later?
(b) Do quick prototype in 2 weeks on 100
classes with 10 annotated data/class. Add
more classes and data afterwards.
• Machine Learning algorithm used for (a) and (b)
are drastically different.
Why incremental? Why go lean?
• Incremental/lean isn't just for implementing a feature,
but also for product planning and feature selection.
• E.g., BD want AI feature A, B, C, ...Z. Select minimum
set that is least risky and delivers the most value.
• A gamechanger: people will want to buy your
product because of this AI feature.
• A showstopper: people won’t buy your product if
you’re missing this AI feature, but adding it won’t
generate additional demand.
• A distraction: this AI feature will make 

no measurable impact on adoption.
Why incremental? Why go lean?
• Chatbot to greet customers vs chatbots for
increasing traffic to EC site.
• Inappropriate content monitoring for self-
regulation vs for entering lucrative new markets.
• Product recognition to speedup checkout and
retain customers vs to reduce labor or theft.
• Visual inspection for product QA, for different
industries and different manufacturers.
• Facility inspection robot for semi-conductor
facilities vs electronic device OEM makers.
Value of an AI feature differs greatly
It's not just features, but also data cycle
• Data are valuable & expensive. The faster the data
cycle, or the larger the volume in each cycle, the
better the AI.
different data
unique AI
Plan your AI product/feature wisely,
for the sake of a strong data cycle
Problem Data Scenario
Data cycle
Face Recognition
user photos from
around the world
users would
correct labels
Face Recognition
cameras in China
police would
need to manually
correct labels
app users
hire add'l labor to
manually inspect
the results
Virtual makeup app users
hire add'l labor to
manually inspect
the results
1. AI Engineer
Data -> Train -> works!
2. AI Engineer/Researcher
Data -> Train -> no luck?
-> make it work!
3. Senior AI Researcher
Data -> Train -> no luck?
new data collection method,
new model, make it work!
4. Junior AI Manager
Customer want 99/100,
deliver 99 all at once (with
uncertain time and cost)
5. AI Manager
Customer want 99/100,
deliver 80, 90, 95, 99
incrementally to accelerate
delivery and minimize risk
6. Senior AI Manager
Customer want 99/100,
deliver incrementally plus
accurately predict &
manage cost and time
7. Associate AI Strategist
With the help of domain
experts, quickly analyze
cost, value, risk. Propose &
deliver multi-stage AI plan.
8. AI Strategist
Independently analyze cost,
value, risk. Propose &
deliver multi-stage AI plan.
9. Senior AI Strategist
Independently analyze cost,
value, risk. Propose &
deliver multi-stage AI plan
across multiple domains.
aim of this semester
rare & in demand; driving force of "industry+AI"
AI/ML expert's 3x3 stages of growth
What is “Machine Learning”?
• Machine Learning (ML):
• Human Learning:
• Manual Programming:
• Deterministic problems: repeat 1B
times, still get the same answer,
• problems lacking data,
• problems with easily separable data.
Manual Programming vs Machine Learning
• Data with noise,
• data of high dimension,
• data of large volume,
• data that changes over time.
When to manual program?
When to use machine learning?
our focus
• Data easily separable with Exploratory Data
Analysis (EDA), e.g.,
• What if the data remains messy/inseparable?
Problems with easily Separable Data
Box Plot Histograms Scatter Plots
• Automatic seafood sorting machine
• How do we sort them? By length? By weight?
Dealing with not-so-separable data?
• Sort salmon and sea bass by weight? hmm...
Dealing with not-so-separable data?
• Sort salmon and sea bass by color? slightly better
Dealing with not-so-separable data?
• What if we sort salmon and sea bass with both
weight and color? Much better, but still...
Dealing with not-so-separable data?
What if we add another feature?
• More features ≠ better: number of features*N,
feature space grows by ^N, the number of samples
needed for ML grows proportionally as well.
• Most of the volume of an n-D sphere is
concentrated in a thin shell near the surface!!!
• nD sphere of , the volume of sphere
between and is:
The curse of dimensionality
r = 1
r = 1 ✏ r = 1 1 (1 ✏)D
• The curse of dimensionality not just effects the
feature space, but also input, output, and others.
• Much more challenging to train a good n-class
classifier, e.g., face recognition, 1-to-1
verification vs 1-to-n identification.
• Much more issues arise from using a general
purpose 1M-class classifier vs problem
specific 1k-class classifier.
Problems w. high-dim is prevalent
• 1 to 1: 99%+
• 1 to 100: 90%
• 1 to 10,000:
• 1 to 1M: 30%.
LFW dataset, common FN↑, FP↓
Prevalent high-dim problem, eg.1
• 1-to-N face identification, in the wild!
Prevalent high-dim problem, eg.2
• Smart photo album, with Google Cloud Vision
Distance between
histograms of 1M bins
is very close to 0 for
most of the time.
• Real data will often be confined to a region of
the space having lower effective dimensionality.
• Data will typically exhibit some smoothness
properties (at least locally).
Living with high dimensions
E.g., Low-dimensional
“manifold” of faces,
embedded within a
high-dim space.
• dimension reduction,
• learned features,
• manifold learning.
• Data is often not clean and easily separable.
• Sometimes, data is way too noisy
• A way to deal with that is to add additional
features/measurements, but we run into the
problem of: feature dimension >> # data
• Sometimes, the data volume is too large to be
put into memory and learned at once.
• Sometimes, the data evolves over time.
That's what machine learning is about
Where should we start?
We present you,
a simple & usable map for ML!
Regression Classification
(predicting a quantity)
(predicting a category)
ML Roadmap, in more detail
Dimension Reduction
Machine Learning Roadmap
Regression Classification
(predicting a quantity)
(predicting a category)
• Goal: try to find a more compact
representation of the data
• Assume that the high
dimensional data actually
reside in an inherent low-
dimensional space.
• Additional dimensions are

just random noise
• Goal is to recover these
inherent dimensions and
discard noise.
Unsupervised Dimension Reduction
• Create a basis where
the axes represent the
dimensions of variance,
from high to low.
• Finds correlations in
data dimensions to
product best possible
representation based
on linear projections.
Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
PCA, maximizing variance
PCA algorithm, conceptual steps
• Find a line s.t. when data is projected onto the
line, it has the maximum variance.
• Find new line orthogonal to the first that has the
maximum projected variance.
PCA algorithm, conceptual steps
• Repeated until d lines. The projected position of
a point on these lines gives the coordinates in
the m-dimensional reduced space.
• Computing these set of lines is achieved by
eigen-decomposition of the covariance matrix.
PCA algorithm, conceptual steps
• View PCA as minimizing the reconstruction error
of using a low-dimensional approximation of the
original data.
Alternative view of PCA
• Calculate the covariance matrix of the data S
• Calculate the eigen-vectors/eigen-values of S
• Rank the eigen-values in decreasing order
• Select eigen-vectors that retain a fixed % of the
variance, e.g., 80%, s.t.,
Dimension Reduction using PCA
i=1 i
i i
PCA example: Eigenfaces
Mean face
Basis of variance (eigenvectors)
M. Turk; A. Pentland (1991). "Face recognition using eigenfaces".
Proc. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. pp. 586–591.
The ATT face database (formerly the ORL
database), 10 pictures of 40 subjects each
• Covariance of the image data is big. Finding
eigenvector of large matrices is slow.
• Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) can be
used to compute principal components.
• SVD steps:
• Create centered data matrix X
• Solve: X = USVT
• Columns of V are the eigenvectors of
sorted from largest to smallest eigenvalues.
PCA, scaling up
Singular Value Decomposition
Singular Value Decomposition
• Useful preprocessing for easing the "curse of
dimensionality" problem.
• Reduced dimension: simpler hypothesis
• Smaller VC dimension: less overfitting
• PCA can also be seen as noise reduction
• Fails when data consists of multiple separate
PCA discussion
• Also named Fisher Discriminant Analysis
• It can be viewed as
• a dimension reduction method,
• a generative classifier p(x|y), Gaussian with
distinct for each class but shared .
Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA)
µ ⌃
classes mixed better separation
• Find a project direction so that the separation
between classes is maximized.
• Objective 1: maximize the distance between the
projected means of different classes
LDA Objectives
m1 =
x m2 =
original means:
projected means:
1 =
x m0
2 =
• Objective 2: minimize scatter (variance within
LDA Objectives
i =
x m0
i)2Total within class scatter
for projected class i:
Total within class scatter: s2
1 + s2
• There are a number of different ways to combine
the two objectives.
• LDA seeks to optimize the following objective:
LDA Objective
LDA for two classes
w = S 1
w (m1 m2)
• Objective remains the same, with slightly
different definition for between-class scatter:
• Solution: k-1 eigenvectors of
LDA for Multi-Classes
J(w) =
SB =
(mi m)(mi m)T
S 1
w SB
• Data often lies on
or near a nonlinear
• We call such a
low-d structure
• Algorithms include:
ICA, LLE, Isomap.
Nonlinear Dimension Reduction
swiss roll data
• A non-linear method for dimensionality reduction
• Preserves the global, nonlinear geometry of the
data by preserving the geodesic distances.
• Geodesic: shortest route between two points on
the surface of a manifold.
ISOMAP: Isometric Feature Mapping
1. Approximate the geodesic distance between
every pair of points in the data.
• The manifold is locally linear
• Euclidean distance works well for points that
are close enough.
• For points that are far apart, their geodesic
distance can be approximated by summing
up local Euclidean distances.
2. Find a Euclidean mapping of the data that
preserves the geodesic distance.
ISOMAP algorithm
• Construct a graph by:
• Connecting i and j if:
• d(i,j) < (if computing -isomap), or
• i is one of j's k nearest neighbors (k-isomap)
• Set the edge weight equal d(i,j) - Euclidean
• Compute the Geodesic distance between any
two points as the shortest path distance.
Geodesic Distance
" "
• We can use Multi-Dimensional Scaling (MDS), a
class of statistical techniques that:
• Given:
• n x n matrix of dissimilarities between n
• Outputs:
• a coordinate configuration of the data in low-d
space Rd whose Euclidean distances closely
match given dissimilarities.
Compute low-dimensional mapping
ISOMAP on Swiss Roll Data
ISOMAP Examples
ISOMAP Examples
Machine Learning Roadmap
Regression Classification
(predicting a quantity)
(predicting a category)
• Sometimes, the data volume is large.
• Group together similar points and represent
them with a single token.
• Issues:
• How do we define two points/images/patches
being "similar"?
• How do we compute an overall grouping from
pairwise similarity?
• Grouping pixels of similar appearance and
spatial proximity together; there's so many ways
to do it, yet none are perfect.
Clustering Example
Clustering Example
• Summarizing Data
• Look at large amounts of data
• Patch-based compression or denoising
• Represent a large continuous vector with the
cluster number
• Counting
• Histograms of texture, color, SIFT vectors
• Segmentation
• Separate the image into different regions
• Prediction
• Images in the same cluster may have the same
Why do we cluster?
• K-means
• Iteratively re-assign points to the nearest cluster
• Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) Clustering
• Mean-shift clustering
• Estimate modes of pdf
• Hierarchical clustering
• Start with each point as its own cluster and
iteratively merge the closest clusters
• Spectral clustering
• Split the nodes in a graph based on assigned
links with similarity weights
How do we cluster?
• Goal: cluster to minimize variance in data given
clusters while preserving information.
Clustering for Summarization
, ⇤
= argmin
i,j(ci xj)2
cluster center
Whether is assigned toxj ci
• Euclidean Distance:
• Cosine similarity:
How do we measure similarity?
✓ = arccos
||y x|| =
(y x) · (y x)
distance(x, y) =
(y1 x1)2 + (y2 x2)2 + · · · + (yn xn)2
(yi xi)2
x · y = ||x||2 ||y||2 cos ✓
similarity(x, y) = cos(✓) =
x · y
||x||2 ||y||2
• Compare distance of closest (NN1) and second
closest (NN2) feature vector neighbor.
• If NN1≈NN2, ratio NN1/NN2 will be ≈1 →
matches too close.
• As NN1 << NN2, ratio NN1/NN2 tends to 0.
• Sorting by this ratio puts matches in order of
Nearest Neighbor Distance Ratio
• How to threshold the nearest neighbor ratio?
Nearest Neighbor Distance Ratio
2004 on
depends on
data and
1. Randomly select k initial cluster centers
2. Assign each point to nearest center
3. Update cluster centers as the mean of the points
4. repeat 2-3 until no points are re-assigned.
k-means clustering
k-means convergence example
• Initialization
• Randomly select K points as initial cluster
• Greedily choose K points to minimize residual
• Distance measures
• Euclidean or others?
• Optimization
• Will converge to local minimum
• May want to use the best out of multiple trials
k-means: design choices
• Cluster on one set, use another (reserved) set to
test K.
• Minimum Description Length (MDL) principal for
model comparison.
• Minimize Schwarz Criterion, a.k.a. Bayes
Information Criteria (BIC)
• (When building dictionaries, more clusters
typically work better.)
How to choose k
• Generative
• How well are points reconstructed from the
• Discriminative
• How well do the clusters correspond to labels
How to evaluate clusters?
• Pros
• Finds cluster center that minimize conditional
variance (good representation of data)
• simple and fast
• easy to implement
k-means pros & cons
• Cons
• Need to choose K
• Sensitive to outliers
• Prone to local minima
• All clusters have the same parameters
• Can be slow. Each iteration is O(KNd) for N d-
dimensional points
k-means pros & cons
• Clusters are spherical
• Clusters are well separated
• Clusters are of similar volumes
• Clusters have similar number of points
k-means works if
• Hard assignments, or probabilistic assignments?
• Case against hard assignments:
• Clusters may overlap
• Clusters may be wider than others
• Can use a probabilistic model,
• Challenge: need to estimate model
parameters without labeled Ys.
GMM Clustering
P(X|Y )P(Y )
• Assume m-dimensional data points
• still multinomial, with k classes
• are k
multivariate Gaussians
Gaussian Mixture Models
P(Y )
P(X|Y = i), i = 1, · · · , k
P(X = x|Y = i)
(x µi)T
⌃ 1
(x µi)
mean (m-dim vector)
variance (m*m matrix)
determinant of matrix
Expectation Maximization (EM) for GMM
Maximum Likelihood Estimate (MLE) example
1 2 3
4 5 6
• EM after 20 iterations
EM for GMM MLE example
• GMM for some bio assay data
EM for GMM MLE example
EM for GMM MLE example
• GMM for some bio
assay data, fitted
separately for three
• GMM with hard assignments and unit variance,
EM is equivalent to k-means clustering
• EM, like k-NN, uses coordinate ascent, and can
get stuck in local optimum.
GMM Clustering, notes
• mean-shift seeks modes of a given set of points
1. Choose kernel and bandwidth
2. For each point:
1. center a window on that point
2. compute the mean of the data in the
search window
3. center the search window at the new
mean location, repeat 2,3 until converge.
3. Assign points that lead to nearby modes to
the same cluster.
Mean-Shift Clustering
• Try to find modes of a non-parametric density
Mean-shift algorithm
• Attraction basin: the region for which all
trajectories lead to the same mode.
• Cluster: all data points in the attraction basin of
a mode.
Attraction Basin
Slides by Y. Ukrainitz & B. Sarel
Mean Shift
region of interest
mean-shift vector
center of mass
Mean Shift
Mean Shift
Mean Shift
• Mean-shift can also be used as clustering-based
image segmentation.
Mean-Shift Segmentation
D. Comaniciu and P. Meer, Mean Shift: A Robust
Approach toward Feature Space Analysis, PAMI 2002.
• Compute features for each pixel (color, gradients,
texture, etc.).
• Set kernel size for features and position .
• Initialize windows at individual pixel locations.
• Run mean shift for each window until convergence.
• Merge windows that are within width of and .
Mean-Shift Segmentation
Kf Ks
Kf Ks
• Speedups:
• binned estimation
• fast neighbor search
• update each window in each iteration
• Other tricks
• Use kNN to determine window sizes
• Pros
• Good general-practice segmentation
• Flexible in number and shape of regions
• robust to outliers
• Cons
• Have to choose kernel size in advance
• Not suitable for high-dimensional features
Mean-Shift pros & cons
• DBSCAN: Density-based spatial
clustering of applications with noise.
• Density: number of points within a
specified radius (ε-Neighborhood)
• Core point: a point with more than
a specified number of points
(MinPts) within ε.
• Border point: has fewer than
MinPts within ε, but is in the
neighborhood of a core point.
• Noise point: any point that is not a
core point or border point.
p is core point
q is border point
o is noise point
q p
• Density-reachable: p is density-
reachable from q w.r.t. ε and
MinPts if there is a chain of
objects p1, ..., pn with p1=q and
pn=p, s.t. pi+1 is directly density-
reachable from pi w.r.t. ε and
MinPts for all
• Density-connectivity: p is
density-connected to q w.r.t. ε
and MinPts if there is an object
o, s.t. both p and q are density-
reachable from o w.r.t. ε and
1  i  n
• Cluster: a cluster C in a set of objects D w.r.t. ε
and MinPts is a non-empty subset of D satisfying
• Maximality: for all p,q, if p ∈ C and if q is
density reachable from p w.r.t. ε.
• Connectivity: for all p,q ∈ C, p is density-
connected to q w.r.t. ε and MinPts in D.
• Note: cluster contains core & border points.
• Noise: objects which are not directly density-
reachable from at least one core object.
DBSCAN clustering
1. Select a point p
2. Retrieve all points density-reachable from p
w.r.t. ε and MinPts.
1. if p is a core point, a cluster is formed
2. if p is a border point, no points are density
reachable from p and DBSCAN visits the
next point of the database
3. continue 1,2, until all points are processed.
(result independent of process ordering)
DBSCAN clustering algorithm
• Heuristic: for points in a cluster, their kth nearest
neighbors are at roughly the same distance.
• Noise points have the kth nearest neighbor at
farthest distance.
• So, plot sorted distance of every point to its kth
nearest neighbor.
DBSCAN parameters
sharp change;
good candidate
for ε and MinPts.
• Pros
• No need to decide K beforehand,
• Robust to noise, since it doesn't require every
point being assigned nor partition the data.
• Scales well to large datasets with .
• Stable across runs and different data ordering.
• Cons
• Trouble when clusters have different densities.
• ε may be hard to choose.
DBSCAN pros & cons
• Agglomerative clustering v.s. Divisive clustering
Hierarchical Clustering
• Method:
1. Every point is its own cluster
2. Find closest pair of clusters, merge into one
3. repeat
• The definition of closest is what differentiates
various flavors of agglomerative clustering
Agglomerative Clustering
• How to define the linkage/cluster similarity?
• Maximum or complete-linkage clustering
(a.k.a., farthest neighbor clustering)
• Minimum or single linkage clustering (UPGMA)
(a.k.a., nearest neighbor clustering)
• Centroid linkage clustering (UPGMC)
• Minimum Energy Clustering
• Sum of all intra-cluster variance
• Increase in variance for clusters being merged
Agglomerative Clustering
single linkage complete linkage average linkage centroid linkage
• How many clusters?
• Clustering creates a dendrogram (a tree)
• Threshold based on max number of clusters or
based on distance between merges.
Agglomerative Clustering
• Pros
• Simple to implement, widespread application
• Clusters have adaptive shapes
• Provides a hierarchy of clusters
• Cons
• May have imbalanced clusters
• Still have to choose the number of clusters or
• Need to use an ultrametric to get a meaningful
Agglomerative Clustering
• Group points based on links in a graph
Spectral Clustering
• Normalized Cut
• A cut in a graph that penalizes large
• Fix by normalizing for size of segments

volume(A) = sum of costs of all edges that
touch A
Spectral Clustering
Normalized Cut(A, B) =
cut(A, B)
cut(A, B)
• Determining importance by random walk
• What's the probability of visiting a given node?
• Create adjacency matrix based on visual similarity
• Edge weights determine probability of transition
Visual Page Rank
Jing Baluja 2008
• Quantization/Summarization: K-means
• aims to preserve variance of original data
• can easily assign new point to a cluster
Which Clustering Algorithm to use?
Quantization for computing
Summary of 20,000 photos of Rome using “greedy k-means”
• Image segmentation: agglomerative clustering
• More flexible with distance measures (e.g.,
can be based on boundry prediction)
• adapts better to specific data
• hierarchy can be useful
Which Clustering Algorithm to use?
• K-means useful for
summarization, building
dictionaries of patches,
general clustering.
• Agglomerative clustering
useful for segmentation,
general clustering.
• Spectral clustering useful for
determining relevance,
summarization, segmentation.
Which Clustering Algorithm to use?
• Synthetic dataset
Clustering algo. compared
• K-means, k=6
Clustering algo. compared
• Meanshift
Clustering algo. compared
• DBSCAN, ε=0.025
Clustering algo. compared
• Agglomerative Clustering, k=6, linkage=ward
Clustering algo. compared
• Spectral Clustering, k=6
Clustering algo. compared
Machine Learning Roadmap
Regression Classification
(predicting a quantity)
(predicting a category)
Linear Correlations
Linear relationships
Curvilinear relationships
Strong relationships
Weak relationships
No relationship
• In correlation, two variables are treated as
• In regression, one variable (x) is independent,
while the other (y) is dependent.
• Goal: if you know something about x, this would
help you predict something about y.
• Expected value at a
given level of x:
• Predicted value for a
new x:
Simple Linear Regression
random error that
follows a normal distribution
with 0 mean and variance
fixed exactly
on the line
y = w0 + w1x
= w0 + w1x + "
Multiple Linear Regression
y(x, w) = w0 + w1x1 + · · · + wDxD
w0, ..., wD
• Linear function of parameters , also a
linear function of the input variables , has very
restricted modeling power (can't even fit curves).
• Assumes that:
• The relationship between X and Y is linear.
• Y is distributed normally at each value of X.
• The variance of Y at each value of X is the
• The observations are independent.
• Before going further, let’s take a look at
polynomial line fitting (polynomial regression.)
Linear Regression
Given N=10 blue dots, try to find the function
that is used for generating the data points.
• Polynomial line fitting:
• M is the order of the polynomial
• linear function of the coefficients
• nonlinear function of
• Objective: minimize the error between the
predictions and the target value of
Polynomial Regression
y(xn, w) tn xn
2E(w⇤)/Nor, the root-mean-square error
E(w) =
{y(xn, w) tn}
y(x, w) = w0 + w1x + w2x2
+ · · · + wM xM
+ "
Polynomial regression w. var. M
• There's only 10 data points, i.e., 9 degrees of
freedom; we can get 0 training error when M=9.
• Food for thought: make sure your deep neural
network's is not just "memorizing the training
data when its M >> data's DoF.
Polynomial regression w. var. M
• With M=9, but N=15 (left) and N=100, the over-
fitting problem is greatly reduced.
• ML is all about balancing M and N. One rough
heuristic is that N should be 5x-10x of M (model
complexity, not necessarily the number of param.)
What happens with more data?
• Regularization: used for controlling over-fitting.
• E.g., discourage coefficients from reaching
large values:

˜E(w) =
{y(xn, w) tn}
= wT
w = w2
0 + w2
1 + · · · + w2
• Extending linear regression to linear
combinations of fixed nonlinear functions:

• Basis functions: act as "features" in ML.
• Linear basis function:
• Polynomial basis function:
• Gaussian basis function
• Sigmoid basis function
Linear Models for Regression
y(x, w) =
M 1X
wj (x)
w = (w0, . . . , wM 1)T
, = ( 0, . . . , M 1)T
{ j(x)}
j(x) = xj
j(x) = xj
• Global functions of
the input variable,
s.t. changes in one
region of input
space affect all
other regions.
Polynomial Basis Functions
j(x) = xj
• Local functions, a
small change in x
only affect nearby
basis functions.
• and control
the location and
scale (width).
Gaussian Basis Functions
j(x) = exp
(x µj)2
µj s
• Local functions, a
small change in x
only affect nearby
basis functions.
• and control
the location and
scale (slope).
Sigmoidal Basis Functions
µj s
j(x) =
x µj
(a) =
1 + exp( a)
• Adding a regularization term to an error function:
• One of simplest forms of regularizer is sum-of-
squares of the weight vector elements:
• This type of weight decay regularizer (in ML),
a.k.a., parameter shrinkage (in statistics)
encourages weight values to decay towards
zero, unless supported by the data.
Regularized Least Squares
EW (w) =
ED(w) + EW (w)
• A more general regularizer in the form of:
• q=2 is the quadratic regularizer (last page).
• q=1 is known as lasso in statistics.
Regularized Least Squares
tn wT
sum of squared error generalized regularizer,
• LASSO: least absolute shrinkage and selection
• When is sufficiently large, some of the
coefficients are driven to zero, leading to a
sparse model
The Bias-Variance Trade-off
• Large values of : small variance but large bias
• Small values of : large variance, small bias
The Bias-Variance Tradeoff
Machine Learning Roadmap
Regression Classification
(predicting a quantity)
(predicting a category)
• Before we start, we need to estimate data
distribution and develop sampling strategies,
• figure out how to measure/quantify data, or, in
other words, represent them as features,
• figure out how to split data to training and
validation set.
• After we learn a model, we need to measure the
fit, or the error on validation set.
• Finally, how do we evaluate how well our trained
model generalize.
Steps for Supervised Learning
Sampling & Distributions
😃 🤪
The importance of good sampling & distribution estimation.
Population with attribute
modeled by functionf : X ! Y
Learn from D =
😃 🤪🤣
x 2 X, y 2 Y
{(x1, y1), (x2, y2), ..., (xN , yN )}
incorrectly predicts that
everyone else “smiles crazily”
• The chances of getting a "perfect" sample of the
population at first try is very very small. When
the population is huge, this problem worsens.
• Noise during the measurement process adds
additional uncertainties.
• As a result, it is natural to try multiple times, and
formulate the problem in a probabilistic way.
Sampling & Distributions
When we measure the wrong
features, we’ll need very
complicated classifiers, and
the results are still not ideal.
baseball tennis ball
There’s always “exceptions”
that would ruin our perfect
assumptions yellow
we learn the best features from data with deep learning.
• k-fold cross validation
Splitting data
😄😃 🤪😀 🤣 😂😅😆 😁 ☺😊 😇🙂🙃 😉😌 😍🤓 😎🤩 😏 😬🤠 😋
Repurposing the smily faces
figures to represent the set of
annotated data.
😃 🤪
Randomly split into k groups
• Given a set of samples and their ground
truth annotation , learn a function
that minimizes the prediction error
for new .
• The function is a classifier. Classifiers
divides input space into decision regions
separated by decision boundaries.
Supervised Learning
xj /2 X
xi 2 X
decision boundary
E(yj, f(xj))
y = f(x)
y = f(x)
• Spam detection:
• X = { characters and words in the email }
• Y = { spam, not spam}
• Digit recognition:
• X = cut out, normalized images of digits
• Y = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}
• Medical diagnosis
• X = set of all symptoms
• Y = set of all diseases
Supervised Learning Examples
• Joint probability of X taking
the value xi and Y taking the
value yi :
• Marginalizing: probability
that X takes the value xi
irrespective of Y:
Before we train classifiers, a gentle
review on probability notations
yj nij
} rj
p(X = xi, Y = yi) =
p(X = xi) =
, where ci =
• Conditional Probability: the
fraction of instances where Y
= yj given that X = xi.
• Product Rule:
yj nij
} rj
p(Y = yj|X = xi) =
p(X = xi, Y = yj) =
= p(Y = yj|X = xi)p(X = xi)
we will be seeing this a lot when building classifiers
Before we train classifiers, a gentle
review on probability notations
• Bayes' Rule plays a central
role in pattern recognition
and machine learning.
• From the product rule,
together with the symmetric
we get:
Bayes' Rule & Posterior Probability
yj nij
} rj
p(X, Y ) = p(Y, X)
p(Y |X) =
p(X|Y )p(Y )
, where p(X) =
p(X|Y )p(Y )
posterior probability, given prior p(Y) and likelihood p(X|Y)
• p(Y = a) = 1/4, p(Y = b) = 3/4
• p(X = blue | Y = a) = 3/5
• p(X = green | Y = a) = 2/5
When we randomly draw a ball that is blue, the
probability that it comes from Y=a is?
Example of Bayes' Rule
Y=a Y=b
p(Y = a|X = blue) =
p(X = blue|Y = a)p(Y = a)
p(X = blue)
p(X = blue|Y = a)p(Y = a)
(p(X = blue|Y = a)p(Y = a) + (p(X = blue|Y = b)p(Y = b)
5 · 1
5 · 1
4 + 2
5 · 3
20 + 6
What are Posterior Probability and
Generative Models good for?
Discriminative Model:
directly learn the data
Generative Model:
represent the data
and boundary
• Learn to directly predict labels from the data
• Often uses simpler boundaries (e.g., linear) for
hopes of better generalization.
• Often easier to predict a label from the data than
to model the data.
• E.g.,
• Logistic Regression
• Support Vector Machines
• Max Entropy Markov Model
• Conditional Random Fields
Discriminative Models
• Represent both the data and the boundary.
• Often use conditional independence and priors.
• Modeling data is challenging; need to make and
verify assumptions about data distribution
• Modeling data aids prediction & generalization.
• E.g.,
• Naive Bayes
• Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM)
• Hidden Markov Model
• Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN)
Generative Models
• Find a linear function to separate the classes
Linear Classifiers
• Logistic Regression
• Naïve Bayes
• Linear SVM
• Using a probabilistic approach to model data,
the distribution of P(X,Y): given data X, find the Y
that maximizes the posterior probability p(Y|X).
• Problem: we need to model all p(X|Y) and p(Y).
If | X | = n, there are 2n possible values for X.
• The Naïve Bayes' assumption assumes that xi's
are conditionally independent.
Naïve Bayes Classifier
p(Y |X) =
p(X|Y )p(Y )
, where p(X) =
p(X|Y )p(Y )
p(X1 . . . Xn|Y ) =
p(Xi|Y )
• Given:
• Prior p(Y)
• n conditionally independent features,
represented by the vector X, given the class Y
• For each Xi, we have likelihood p(Xi | Y)
• Decision rule:
Naïve Bayes Classifier
Y ⇤
= argmax
p(Y )p(X1, . . . , Xn|Y )
= argmax
p(Y )
p(Xi|Y )
• For discrete Naïve Bayes, simply count:
• Prior:
• Likelihood:
• Naïve Bayes Model:
Maximum Likelihood for Naïve Bayes
p(Y = y0
) =
Count(Y = y0
y Count(Y = y)
p(Xi = x0
|Y = y0
) =
Count(Xi = x0
, Y = y0
x Count(Xi = x, Y = y)
p(Y |X) / p(Y )
p(X|Y )
• Conditional probability model over:
• Classifier:
Naïve Bayes Classifier
p(Ck|x1, . . . , xn) =
˜y = argmax
• Features X are entire document. Xi for ith word in
article. X is huge! NB assumption helps a lot!
Naïve Bayes for Text Classification
• Typical additional assumption: Xi's position in
document doesn't matter: bag of words.
aardvark 0
about 2
all 2
Africa 1
apple 0
gas 1
oil 1
Zaire 0
Naïve Bayes for Text Classification
• Learning Phase:
• Prior: p(Y), count how many documents in
each topic (prior).
• Likelihood: p(Xi|Y), for each topic, count how
many times a word appears in documents of
this topic.
• Testing Phase: for each document, use Naïve
Bayes' decision rule:
Naïve Bayes for Text Classification
• Given 1000 training documents from each
group, learn to classify new documents
according to which newsgroup it came from.
• ...
• soc.religion.christian
• talk.religion.misc
• ...
• ...
Naïve Bayes for Text Classification
Naïve Bayes for Text Classification
• Usually, features are not conditionally independent:
• Actual probabilities p(Y|X) often bias towards 0 or 1
• Nonetheless, Naïve Bayes is the single most used
• Naïve Bayes performs well, even when
assumptions are violated.
• Know its assumptions and when to use it.
Naïve Bayes Classifier Issues
p(X1, . . . , Xn|Y ) 6=
p(Xi|Y )
• Regression model for which the dependent
variable is categorical.
• Binomial/Binary Logistic Regression
• Multinomial Logistic Regression
• Ordinal Logistic Regression (categorical, but
• Substituting Logistic Function


we get:
Logistic Regression
y(x, w) =
1 + e (w0+w1x)
˜x = w0 + w1xf(˜x) =
1 + e ˜x
• E.g., for predicting:
• mortality of injured patients,
• risk of developing a certain disease based on
observations of the patient,
• whether an American voter would vote
Democratic or Republican,
• probability of failure of a given process, system or
• customer's propensity to purchase a product or
halt a subscription,
• likelihood of homeowner defaulting on mortgage.
When to use logistic regression?
• Hours studied vs passing the exam
Logistic Regression Example
Ppass(h) =
1 + e ( 4.0777+1.5046·h)
• Prediction: output the Y with highest p(Y|X). For
binary Y, output Y if
Logistic Regression: decision boundary
p(Y = 0|X, w) =
1 + exp(w0 +
i wiXi)
p(Y = 1|X, w) =
exp(w0 +
i wiXi)
1 + exp(w0 +
i wiXi)
1 <
P(Y = 1|X)
P(Y = 0|X)
1 < exp(w0 +
0 < w0 +
w0 + w · X = 0
• Decision boundary: p(Y=0 | X, w) = 0.5
• Slope of the line defines how quickly probabilities go to 0
or 1 around decision boundary.
Visualizing p(Y = 0|X, w) =
1 + exp(w0 + w1x1)
• Decision boundary is defined by y=0 hyperplane
Visualizing p(Y = 0|X, w) =
1 + exp(w0 + w1x1 + w2x2)
• Generative (Naïve Bayes) loss function:
• Data likelihood
• Discriminative (logistic regression) loss function:
• Conditional Data likelihood
• Maximize conditional log likelihood!
Logistic Regression Param. Estimation
ln p(D|w) =
ln p(xj
, yj
|w) =
ln p(yj
, w) +
ln p(xj
ln p(DY |DX, w) =
ln p(yj
, w)
• Maximize conditional log likelihood (Maximum
Likelihood Estimation, MLE):
• No closed-form solution.
• Concave function of w → no need to worry
about local optima; easy to optimize.
l(w) ⌘ ln
, w)
(w0 +
i ) ln(1 + exp(w0 +
i )
Logistic Regression Param. Estimation
• Conditional likelihood for logistic regression is convex!
• Gradient:
• Gradient Ascent update rule:
• Simple, powerful, use in

many places.
rwl(w) =
, . . . ,
w = ⌘rwl(w)
i w
i + ⌘
Logistic Regression Param. Estimation
• MLE tends to prefer large weights
• Higher likelihood of properly classified
examples close to decision boundary.
• Larger influence of corresponding features on
• Can cause overfitting!!!
Logistic Regression Param. Estimation
• Regularization to avoid large weights, overfitting.
• Add priors on w and formulate as Maximum a
Posteriori (MAP) optimization problem.
• Define prior with normal distribution, zero
mean, identity towards zero; pushes
parameters towards zero.
• MAP estimate:
Logistic Regression Param. Estimation
p(w|Y, X) / p(Y |X, w)p(w)
= argmax
, w)
• Logistic Regression in more general case, where
Y = { y1, ..., yR}. Define a weight vector wi for
each yi, i=1,...,R-1.
Logistic Regression for Discrete Classification
p(Y = 1|X) / exp(w10 +
p(Y = 2|X) / exp(w20 +
p(Y = r|X) = 1
r 1X
p(Y = j|X)
• E.g., Y={0,1}, X = <X1, ..., Xn>, Xi continuous.
Naïve Bayes vs Logistic Regression
Naïve Bayes
Logistic Regression
Number of parameters 4n+1 n+1
parameter estimation uncoupled coupled
when # training samples → infinite

& model correct
good classifier good classifier
when # training samples → infinite

& model incorrect
biased classifier
Training samples needed O(log N) O (N)
Training convergence speed faster slower
Naïve Bayes vs Logistic Regression
• Examples from UCI Machine Learning dataset
• Invented in 1957 at the Cornell Aeronautical
Lab. Intended to be a machine instead of a
program that is capable of recognition.
• A linear (binary) classifier.
Mark I
perceptron machine
+ f o
o = f
ik · wk
• Start with zero weights: w=0
• For t=1...T (T passes over data)
• For i=1...n (each training sample)
• Classify with current weights

(sign(x) is +1 if x>0, else -1)
• If correct, (i.e., y=yi), no change!
• If wrong, update
Binary Perceptron Algorithm
w = w + yi
y = sign(w · xi
w xi
w + (-1) xi
Binary Perceptron example
update = 0
Binary Perceptron example
update = 1update = 1
Binary Perceptron example
update = 1update = 1update = 2
Binary Perceptron example
update = 1update = 1update = 2update = 3
Binary Perceptron example
update = 1update = 1update = 2update = 3update = 5
Binary Perceptron example
update = 1update = 1update = 2update = 3update = 5update = 10
Binary Perceptron example
update = 1update = 1update = 2update = 3update = 5update = 10update = 20
• If we have more than two classes:
• Have a weight vector for each class wy
• Calculate an activation function for each class
• Highest activation wins
Multiclass Perceptron
activationw(x, y) = wy · x
= argmax
(activationw(x, y))
• Starts with zero weights
• For t=1, ..., T, i=1, ..., n (T times over data)
• Classify with current weights
• If correct (y=yi), no change!
• If wrong: subtract features xi from weights for
predicted class wy and add them to weights
for correct class wyi.
Multiclass Perceptron
y = argmax
wy · xi
wy = wy xi
wyi = wyi xi
wyi + xi
wy xi
• Text classification example:
x = "win the vote" sentence
Multiclass Perceptron Example
win 1
game 0
vote 1
the 1
win 4
game 4
vote 0
the 0
win 2
game 0
vote 4
the 0
win 0
game 2
vote 0
the 0
x · wsports = 2
x · wpolitics = 7
x · wtech = 2
Classified as "politics"
• The data is linearly separable with margin if
Linearly separable (binary)
9w 8t yt
(w · xt
) > 0
• Assume data is separable with margin
• Also assume there is a number R such that
• Theorem: the number of mistakes (parameter
updates) made by the perceptron is bounded:
Mistake Bound for Perceptron
||2 = 1 and 8t yt
8t ||xt
||2  R
mistakes 
• Noise: if the data isn't separable,
weights might thrash (averaging
weight vectors over time can help).
• Mediocre generalization: finds a
barely separating solution.
• Overtraining: test / hold-out
accuracy usually rises then falls.
Issues with Perceptrons
Seperable: Non-Seperable:
barely separable
• Find a linear function to separate the classes
Linear SVM Classifier
f(x) = g(w · x + b)
• Define hyperplane where is the
tangent to hyperplane, is the matrix of all
data points. Minimize s.t.
produces correct label for all .
tX b = 0
||t|| tX b
• Find a linear function to separate the classes
Linear SVM Classifier
x2 f(x) = g(w · x + b)
• Define hyperplane where is the
tangent to hyperplane, is the matrix of all
data points. Minimize s.t.
produces correct label for all .
tX b = 0
||t|| tX b
support vectors
• Some data sets are not linearly separable!
• Option 1:
• Use non-linear features, e.g., polynomial basis
• Learn linear classifers in a transformed, non-
linear feature space
• Option 2:
• Use non-linear classifiers (decision trees,
neural networks, nearest neighbors)
Nonlinear Classifiers
• Assign label of nearest training data point to
each test data point.
Nearest Neighbor Classifier
Duda, Hart and Stork, Pattern Classification
K-Nearest Neighbor Classifier
x x
x x
x x
x x
• Data that are linearly separable work out great:
• But what if the dataset is just too hard?
• We can map it to a higher-dimensional space!
Nonlinear SVMs
• Map the input space to some higher dimensional
feature space where the training set is
Nonlinear SVMs
: x ! (x)
• The kernel trick: instead of explicitly computing
the lifting transformation
• This gives a non-linear decision boundary in the
original feature space:
• Common kernel function: Radial basis function
Nonlinear SVMs
K(xi, xj) = (xi) · (xj)
↵iyi (xi) · (x) + b =
↵iyiK(xi, x) + b
• Consider the mapping:
Nonlinear kernel example
(x) = (x, x2
(x) · (y) = (x, x2
) · (y, y2
) = xy + x2
K(x, y) = xy + x2
• Histogram intersection kernel:
• Generlized Gaussian kernel:
D can be (inverse) L1 distance, Euclidean
distance, distance, etc.
Kernels for bags of features
I(h1, h2) =
min(h1(i), h2(i))
K(h1, h2) = exp
D(h1, h2)2
• Combine multiple two-class SVMs
• One vs others:
• Training: learn an SVM for each class vs the others.
• Testing: apply each SVM to test example and
assign it to the class of the SVM that returns the
highest decision value.
• One vs one:
• Training: learn an SVM for each pair of classes
• Testing: each learned SVM votes for a class to
assign to the test example.
Multi-class SVM
• Pros:
• SVMs work very well in practice, even with very
small training sample sizes.
• Cons:
• No direct multi-class SVM; must combine two-class
• Computation and memory usage:
• Must compute matrix of kernel values for each
pair of examples.
• Learning can take a long time for large problems.
SVMs: Pros & Cons
• Prediction is done by sending the example down
the tree until a class assignment is reached.
Decision Tree Classifier
• Internal Nodes: each test a feature
• Leaf nodes: each assign a classification
• Decision Trees divide the feature space into axis-
parallel rectangles and label each rectangle with
one of the K classes.
Decision Tree Classifier
• Goal: find a decision tree that achieves minimum
misclassification errors on the training data.
• Brute-force solution: create a tree with one path
from root to leaf for each training sample.

(problem: just memorizing, won't generalize.)
• Find the smallest tree that minimizes error.

(problem: this is NP-hard.)
Training Decision Trees
1. Choose the best feature a* for the root of the tree.
2. Split training set S into subsets {S1, S2, ..., Sk}
where each subset Si contains examples having
the same value for a*.
3. Recursively apply the algorithm on each new
subset until all examples have the same class
The problem is, what defines the "best" feature?
Top-down induction of Decision Tree
• Decision Tree feature selection based on
classification error.
Choosing Best Feature
Does not work well, since it doesn't reflect progress
towards a good tree.
• Choose feature that gives the highest
information gain (X that has the highest mutual
information with Y).
• Define to be the expected remaining
uncertainty about y after testing xj.
Choosing Best Feature
I(Xj; Y ) = argmax
H(Y ) H(Y |Xj)
= argmin
H(Y |Xj)
˜J(j) = H(YX)j) =
p(Xj = x)H(Y |Xj = x)
• Before we start, we need to estimate data
distribution and develop sampling strategies,
• figure out how to measure/quantify data, or, in
other words, represent them as features,
• figure out how to split data to training and
validation set.
• After we learn a model, we need to measure the
fit, or the error on validation set.
• Finally, how do we evaluate how well our trained
model generalize.
Steps for Supervised Learning
• Minimizing the misclassification rate
• Minimizing the expected loss
• The reject option
Decision Theory
• Decision boundary, or simply, in 1D, a threshold,
s.t. anything larger than the threshold are
classified as a class, and smaller than the
threshold as another class.
Decision Boundary
• Different metrics & names used in different fields
for measuring ML performance; however, the
common cornerstones are:
• True positive (TP): sample is an apple,
classified as an apple.
• False positive (FP): sample is not an apple, but
classified as an apple.
• True negative (TN): sample is not an apple,
classified as not an apple.
• False negative (FN): sample is an apple, but
misclassified as "not an apple.
True/False, Positive/Negative
• Precision: 

Classifier identified (TP+FP)
apples, only TP are apples.
(aka positive predictive value.)
• Recall:

Total (TP+FN) apples,
classifier identified TP. 

(aka, hit rate, sensitivity, true
positive rate)
Precision vs Recall
• F-measure: 

harmonic mean of precision and recall. F-
measure is criticized outside Information
Retrieval field for neglecting the true negative.
• Accuracy (ACC): 

a weighted arithmetic mean of precision and
inverse precision, as well as the weighted
arithmetic mean of recall and inverse recall.
A single balanced metric?
TP + TN + FP + FN
2 ·
precision · recall
precision + recall
Multi-objective Optimization
e.g., micro air vehicle wing design
• Different types of errors are weighted differently;
e.g., medical examinations, minimize false
negative but can tolerate false positive.
• Reformulate objectives from maximizing
probability to minimizing weighted loss
• The reject option: refrain from making decisions
on difficult cases (e.g., for samples within a
certain region inside the decision boundary.)
Minimizing the expected loss
• Minimizing Training and Validation Error, v.s.
minimizing Testing Error.
• Memorizing every “practice exam” question ≠
doing well on new questions. Avoid overfitting.
E.g., training a classifier
that recognizes trees
Odd trees of the world
Odd trees of the world
Odd trees of the world
• Bias:
• Difference between the expected (or
averaged) prediction of our model and the
correct value.
• Error due to inaccurate assumptions/
• Variance:
• Amount that the estimate of the target function
will change if different training data was used.
Generalization Error
Bias/variance trade-off
Scott Fortmann-Roe
• Model is too simple to represent all the relevant
class characteristics.
• High bias (few degrees of freedom, DoF) and
low variance.
• High training error and high test error.
• Model is too complex and fits
irrelevant noise in the data
• Low bias, high variance
• Low training error, high test error
Error (mean square error, MSE) 

= noise2 + bias2 + variance
Bias-Variance Trade-off
error due to incorrect
assumptions made
about the data
error due to variance
of training samples
Model Complexity
Slide credit: D. Hoiem
Training Sample vs Model Complexity
Slide credit: D. Hoiem
Effect of Training Sample Size
Slide credit: D. Hoiem
Ensembles: Combining Classifiers
1. Create T bootstrap samples, {S1, ..., ST} of S as
• For each Si, randomly draw |S| examples from
S with replacement.
• With large |S|, each Si will contain 1 - 1/e =
63.2% unique examples.
2. For each i=1, ..., T, hi = Learn (Si)
3. Output H = <{h1, ..., hT}, majority vote >
Bootstrap Aggregating (Bagging)
Leo Breiman, "Bagging Predictors", Machine Learning, 24, 123-140 (1996)
• A learning algorithm is unstable if small changes
in the training data produces large changes in
the output hypothesis.
• Bagging will have little benefit when used with
stable learning algorithms.
• Bagging works best when used with unstable
yet relatively accurate classifiers.
Learning Algorithm Stability
100 bagged decision trees
• Bagging: individual classifiers are independent
• Boosting: classifiers are learned iteratively
• Look at errors from previous classifiers to
decide what to focus on for the next iteration
over data.
• Successive classifiers depends upon its
• Result: more weights on "hard" examples, i.e.,
the ones classified incorrectly in the previous
• Consider E = <{h1, h2, h3}, majority vote>
• If h1, h2, h3 have error rates less than e, the error
rate of E is upper-bounded by g(a): 3e2-2e3 < e
Error Upper Bound
• Hypothesis of getting a classifier ensemble of
arbitrary accuracy, from weak classifiers.
Arbitrary Accuracy from Weak Classifiers
The original formulating of boosting learns too slowly.
Empirical studies show that Adaboost is highly effective.
• Adaboost works by learning many times on
different distributions over the training data.
• Modify learner to take distribution as input.
1. For each boosting round, learn on data set S
with distribution Dj to produce jth ensemble
member hj.
2. Compute the j+1th round distribution Dj+1 by
putting more weight on instances that hj made
mistake on.
3. Compute a voting weight wj for hj.
Adaboost Example
Credit: "A tutorial on boosting" by Yoav Freund and Rob Schapire.
Adaboost Example
Credit: "A tutorial on boosting" by Yoav Freund and Rob Schapire.
Adaboost Example
Credit: "A tutorial on boosting" by Yoav Freund and Rob Schapire.
Adaboost Example
Credit: "A tutorial on boosting" by Yoav Freund and Rob Schapire.
Adaboost Example
• Suppose the base learner L is a weak learner,
with error rate slightly less than 0.5 (better than
random guess)
• Training error goes to zero exponentially fast!!!
Adaboost Properties
Semi-supervised Learning
Machine Learning Roadmap
Regression Classification
(predicting a quantity)
(predicting a category)
• When annotated data is costly to obtain.
• When data volume is HUGE!
When to use semi-
supervised learning?
• Assume that class boundary should go through
low density areas.
• Having unlabeled data helps getting better
decision boundary.
Why can unlabeled data help?
supervised learning
semi-supervised learning
• Assume that each
class contains a
coherent group of
points (e.g., Gaussian)
• Having unlabeled data
points can help learn
the distribution more
Why can unlabeled data help?
• Generative models:
• Use unlabeled data to more accurately
estimate the models.
• Discriminative models:
• Assume that p(y|x) is locally smooth
• Graph/manifold regularization
• Multi-view approach: multiple independent
learners that agree on unlabeled data
• Cotraining
Semi-Supervised Learning (SSL)
SSL Bayes Gaussian Classifier
Without SSL:
With SSL:
p(Xl, Yl|✓)
p(Xl, Yl, Xu|✓)
• In SSL, the learned needs to explain the
unlabeled data well, too.
• Find MLE or MAP estimate of joint and marginal
• Common mixture models used in SSL:
• Mixture of Multinomials
SSL Bayes Gaussian Classifier
p(Xl, Yl, Xu|✓) =
p(Xl, Yl, Xu, Yu|✓)
• Binary classification with GMM using MLE
• Using labeled data only, MLE is trivial:
• With both labeled and unlabeled data, MLE is
harder---use EM:
Estimating SSL GMM params
log p(Xl, Yl|✓) =
log p(yi|✓) p(xi|yi, ✓)
log (
p(y|✓) p(xi|y, ✓))
log p(Xl, Yl|✓) =
log p(yi|✓) p(xi|yi, ✓)
• Start with MLE
• = proportion of class c
• = sample mean of class c
• = sample covariance of class c
• The E-step: compute the expected label

for all .
• The M-step: update MLE with (now labeled)
Semi-Supervised EM for GMM
✓ = {w, µ, ⌃}1:2 on (Xl, Yl)
p(y|x, ✓) =
p(x, y|✓)
y0 p(x, y0|✓)
x 2 Xµ
✓ Xµ
• SSL is sensitive to assumptions!!!
• Cases when the assumption is wrong:
SSL GMM Discussions
So, where's Deep Learning?
Machine Learning Roadmap
Regression Classification
(predicting a quantity)
(predicting a category)
Machine Learning Workflow
Classical Workflow:
1. Data collection
2. Feature Extraction
3. Dimension Reduction
4. Classifier (re)Design
5. Classifier Verification
6. Deploy
Modern workflow; brute-force deep learning
1. Data collection
2. Throw everything into a Deep Neural Network
3. Mommy, why doesn’t it work ???
Features for Computer Vision,
before Deep Learning
Features Learned by modern
Deep Neural Networks
• Neurons act like “custom-trained filters”; react to
very different visual cues, depending on data.
• Does not “memorize” millions of viewed images.
• Extracts greatly reduced number of features that
are vital to classify different classes of data.
• Classifying data becomes a simple task when
the features measured are “”good”.
What do DNNs learn?
More to follow in the
remainder of the semester
• Deep Learning
• Transfer Learning
• Reinforcement Learning
• Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN)
• ...
1. AI Engineer
Data -> Train -> works!
2. AI Engineer/Researcher
Data -> Train -> no luck?
-> make it work!
3. Senior AI Researcher
Data -> Train -> no luck?
new data collection method,
new model, make it work!
4. Junior AI Manager
Customer want 99/100,
deliver 99 all at once (with
uncertain time and cost)
5. AI Manager
Customer want 99/100,
deliver 80, 90, 95, 99
incrementally to accelerate
delivery and minimize risk
6. Senior AI Manager
Customer want 99/100,
deliver incrementally plus
accurately predict &
manage cost and time
7. Associate AI Strategist
With the help of domain
experts, quickly analyze
cost, value, risk. Propose &
deliver multi-stage AI plan.
8. AI Strategist
Independently analyze cost,
value, risk. Propose &
deliver multi-stage AI plan.
9. Senior AI Strategist
Independently analyze cost,
value, risk. Propose &
deliver multi-stage AI plan
across multiple domains.
aim of this semester
rare & in demand; driving force of "industry+AI"
Again, AI/ML expert's 3x3 stages of growth
When something is important enough,
you do it even if the odds are not in your favor.
Elon Musk
Falcon 9
Falcon 9
Falcon 9

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Machine Learning Foundations for Professional Managers

  • 1. Machine Learning Foundations for Professional Managers Taiwan AI Academy Hsinchu, 2018/08/04 Albert Y. C. Chen, Ph.D.
  • 2. Albert Y. C. Chen, Ph.D. 陳彥呈 博⼠士 • Currently VP of R&D @ Viscovery Adjunct Faculty @ Taiwan AI Academy Reviewer @ MOST, MOEA AI programs Consultant @ Nexus Frontier Tech, UK Consultant @ Cinnamon AI, Japan Mentor @ Hack NTU, Make NTU, NTU GIS Forum, NTUST incubator • Previously 2015–2017:Chief Scientist, Viscovery 2015–2015:Principal Scientist, Nervve Technologies, NY 2013–2014:Computer Vision Scientist, Tandent Vision Science, CA 2011–2012:R&D Staff, GE Global Research, NY • Education Ph.D. in CS (Computer Vision & Machine Learning), SUNY-Buffalo B.S. in CS, National Tsing-Hua University
  • 3. • data-driven learning methods Artificial Intelligence (AI) • hand-crafted rules Machine Learning (ML) • Define learning process and model, learn from data • Define network structure, learn model from data Deep Learning (DL) Before we start, AI vs ML vs DL?
  • 4. • Strategically, to: • select AI features for implementation incrementally, that delivers significant value with controllable risk, • build up competitive advantage with a unique AI that has a robust data cycle. • Tactically, to: • manage the development of AI features with a lean cycle, to assure the deliverability when data is obtained gradually or when unexpected complications occur. Professional managers, why study AI?
  • 5. • Should a manager approve such requests? (a) E.g., Give me 100 GPU's and 1000 annotated data/class * 1M classes. Don't ask for results until 12 months later? (b) Do quick prototype in 2 weeks on 100 classes with 10 annotated data/class. Add more classes and data afterwards. • Machine Learning algorithm used for (a) and (b) are drastically different. Why incremental? Why go lean?
  • 6. • Incremental/lean isn't just for implementing a feature, but also for product planning and feature selection. • E.g., BD want AI feature A, B, C, ...Z. Select minimum set that is least risky and delivers the most value. • A gamechanger: people will want to buy your product because of this AI feature. • A showstopper: people won’t buy your product if you’re missing this AI feature, but adding it won’t generate additional demand. • A distraction: this AI feature will make 
 no measurable impact on adoption. Why incremental? Why go lean?
  • 7. • Chatbot to greet customers vs chatbots for increasing traffic to EC site. • Inappropriate content monitoring for self- regulation vs for entering lucrative new markets. • Product recognition to speedup checkout and retain customers vs to reduce labor or theft. • Visual inspection for product QA, for different industries and different manufacturers. • Facility inspection robot for semi-conductor facilities vs electronic device OEM makers. Value of an AI feature differs greatly
  • 8. It's not just features, but also data cycle • Data are valuable & expensive. The faster the data cycle, or the larger the volume in each cycle, the better the AI. different data unique AI business advantage Speed~~
  • 9. Plan your AI product/feature wisely, for the sake of a strong data cycle Problem Data Scenario Data cycle quality Face Recognition user photos from around the world users would correct labels themselves ★★★★★ Face Recognition surveillance cameras in China police would need to manually correct labels ★★★★ Face beautification app users hire add'l labor to manually inspect the results ★★ Virtual makeup app users hire add'l labor to manually inspect the results ★★
  • 10. 1. AI Engineer Data -> Train -> works! 2. AI Engineer/Researcher Data -> Train -> no luck? -> make it work! 3. Senior AI Researcher Data -> Train -> no luck? new data collection method, new model, make it work! 4. Junior AI Manager Customer want 99/100, deliver 99 all at once (with uncertain time and cost) 5. AI Manager Customer want 99/100, deliver 80, 90, 95, 99 incrementally to accelerate delivery and minimize risk 6. Senior AI Manager Customer want 99/100, deliver incrementally plus accurately predict & manage cost and time 7. Associate AI Strategist With the help of domain experts, quickly analyze cost, value, risk. Propose & deliver multi-stage AI plan. 8. AI Strategist Independently analyze cost, value, risk. Propose & deliver multi-stage AI plan. 9. Senior AI Strategist Independently analyze cost, value, risk. Propose & deliver multi-stage AI plan across multiple domains. aim of this semester rare & in demand; driving force of "industry+AI" AI/ML expert's 3x3 stages of growth
  • 11. What is “Machine Learning”? • Machine Learning (ML): • Human Learning: • Manual Programming: rules
  • 12. • Deterministic problems: repeat 1B times, still get the same answer, • problems lacking data, • problems with easily separable data. Manual Programming vs Machine Learning • Data with noise, • data of high dimension, • data of large volume, • data that changes over time. When to manual program? When to use machine learning? our focus today
  • 13. • Data easily separable with Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA), e.g., • What if the data remains messy/inseparable? Problems with easily Separable Data Box Plot Histograms Scatter Plots
  • 14. • Automatic seafood sorting machine • How do we sort them? By length? By weight? Dealing with not-so-separable data? Salmon vs Seabass
  • 15. • Sort salmon and sea bass by weight? hmm... Dealing with not-so-separable data?
  • 16. • Sort salmon and sea bass by color? slightly better Dealing with not-so-separable data?
  • 17. • What if we sort salmon and sea bass with both weight and color? Much better, but still... Dealing with not-so-separable data?
  • 18. What if we add another feature? • More features ≠ better: number of features*N, feature space grows by ^N, the number of samples needed for ML grows proportionally as well.
  • 19. • Most of the volume of an n-D sphere is concentrated in a thin shell near the surface!!! • nD sphere of , the volume of sphere between and is: The curse of dimensionality r = 1 r = 1 ✏ r = 1 1 (1 ✏)D
  • 20. • The curse of dimensionality not just effects the feature space, but also input, output, and others. • Much more challenging to train a good n-class classifier, e.g., face recognition, 1-to-1 verification vs 1-to-n identification. • Much more issues arise from using a general purpose 1M-class classifier vs problem specific 1k-class classifier. Problems w. high-dim is prevalent
  • 21. Recognition Accuracy: • 1 to 1: 99%+ • 1 to 100: 90% • 1 to 10,000: 50%-70%. • 1 to 1M: 30%. LFW dataset, common FN↑, FP↓ Prevalent high-dim problem, eg.1 • 1-to-N face identification, in the wild!
  • 22. Prevalent high-dim problem, eg.2 • Smart photo album, with Google Cloud Vision Distance between histograms of 1M bins is very close to 0 for most of the time.
  • 23. • Real data will often be confined to a region of the space having lower effective dimensionality. • Data will typically exhibit some smoothness properties (at least locally). Living with high dimensions E.g., Low-dimensional “manifold” of faces, embedded within a high-dim space. Keywords: • dimension reduction, • learned features, • manifold learning.
  • 24. • Data is often not clean and easily separable. • Sometimes, data is way too noisy • A way to deal with that is to add additional features/measurements, but we run into the problem of: feature dimension >> # data • Sometimes, the data volume is too large to be put into memory and learned at once. • Sometimes, the data evolves over time. That's what machine learning is about
  • 25. Where should we start?
  • 26. We present you, a simple & usable map for ML! Dimension Reduction Clustering Regression Classification continuous (predicting a quantity) discrete (predicting a category) supervisedunsupervised
  • 27. ML Roadmap, in more detail
  • 28. Dimension Reduction Machine Learning Roadmap Dimension Reduction Clustering Regression Classification continuous (predicting a quantity) discrete (predicting a category) supervisedunsupervised
  • 29. • Goal: try to find a more compact representation of the data • Assume that the high dimensional data actually reside in an inherent low- dimensional space. • Additional dimensions are
 just random noise • Goal is to recover these inherent dimensions and discard noise. Unsupervised Dimension Reduction
  • 30. • Create a basis where the axes represent the dimensions of variance, from high to low. • Finds correlations in data dimensions to product best possible lower-dimensional representation based on linear projections. Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
  • 32. PCA algorithm, conceptual steps • Find a line s.t. when data is projected onto the line, it has the maximum variance.
  • 33. • Find new line orthogonal to the first that has the maximum projected variance. PCA algorithm, conceptual steps
  • 34. • Repeated until d lines. The projected position of a point on these lines gives the coordinates in the m-dimensional reduced space. • Computing these set of lines is achieved by eigen-decomposition of the covariance matrix. PCA algorithm, conceptual steps
  • 35. • View PCA as minimizing the reconstruction error of using a low-dimensional approximation of the original data. Alternative view of PCA
  • 36. • Calculate the covariance matrix of the data S • Calculate the eigen-vectors/eigen-values of S • Rank the eigen-values in decreasing order • Select eigen-vectors that retain a fixed % of the variance, e.g., 80%, s.t., Dimension Reduction using PCA Pd i=1 i P i i 80%
  • 37. PCA example: Eigenfaces Mean face Basis of variance (eigenvectors) M. Turk; A. Pentland (1991). "Face recognition using eigenfaces". Proc. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. pp. 586–591.
  • 38. The ATT face database (formerly the ORL database), 10 pictures of 40 subjects each
  • 39. • Covariance of the image data is big. Finding eigenvector of large matrices is slow. • Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) can be used to compute principal components. • SVD steps: • Create centered data matrix X • Solve: X = USVT • Columns of V are the eigenvectors of sorted from largest to smallest eigenvalues. PCA, scaling up ⌃
  • 42. • Useful preprocessing for easing the "curse of dimensionality" problem. • Reduced dimension: simpler hypothesis space • Smaller VC dimension: less overfitting • PCA can also be seen as noise reduction • Fails when data consists of multiple separate clusters PCA discussion
  • 43. • Also named Fisher Discriminant Analysis • It can be viewed as • a dimension reduction method, • a generative classifier p(x|y), Gaussian with distinct for each class but shared . Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) µ ⌃ classes mixed better separation
  • 44. • Find a project direction so that the separation between classes is maximized. • Objective 1: maximize the distance between the projected means of different classes LDA Objectives m1 = 1 N1 X x2C1 x m2 = 1 N2 X x2C2 x original means: projected means: m0 1 = 1 N1 X x2C1 wT x m0 2 = 1 N2 X x2C2 wT x
  • 45. • Objective 2: minimize scatter (variance within class) LDA Objectives s2 i = X x2Ci (wT x m0 i)2Total within class scatter for projected class i: Total within class scatter: s2 1 + s2 2
  • 46. • There are a number of different ways to combine the two objectives. • LDA seeks to optimize the following objective: LDA Objective
  • 47. LDA for two classes w = S 1 w (m1 m2)
  • 48. • Objective remains the same, with slightly different definition for between-class scatter: • Solution: k-1 eigenvectors of LDA for Multi-Classes J(w) = wT SBw wTSww SB = 1 k kX i=1 (mi m)(mi m)T S 1 w SB
  • 49. • Data often lies on or near a nonlinear low-dimensional curve. • We call such a low-d structure manifolds • Algorithms include: ICA, LLE, Isomap. Nonlinear Dimension Reduction swiss roll data
  • 50. • A non-linear method for dimensionality reduction • Preserves the global, nonlinear geometry of the data by preserving the geodesic distances. • Geodesic: shortest route between two points on the surface of a manifold. ISOMAP: Isometric Feature Mapping
  • 51. 1. Approximate the geodesic distance between every pair of points in the data. • The manifold is locally linear • Euclidean distance works well for points that are close enough. • For points that are far apart, their geodesic distance can be approximated by summing up local Euclidean distances. 2. Find a Euclidean mapping of the data that preserves the geodesic distance. ISOMAP algorithm
  • 52. • Construct a graph by: • Connecting i and j if: • d(i,j) < (if computing -isomap), or • i is one of j's k nearest neighbors (k-isomap) • Set the edge weight equal d(i,j) - Euclidean distance • Compute the Geodesic distance between any two points as the shortest path distance. Geodesic Distance " "
  • 53. • We can use Multi-Dimensional Scaling (MDS), a class of statistical techniques that: • Given: • n x n matrix of dissimilarities between n objects • Outputs: • a coordinate configuration of the data in low-d space Rd whose Euclidean distances closely match given dissimilarities. Compute low-dimensional mapping
  • 54. ISOMAP on Swiss Roll Data
  • 57. Clustering Machine Learning Roadmap Dimension Reduction Clustering Regression Classification continuous (predicting a quantity) discrete (predicting a category) supervisedunsupervised
  • 58. • Sometimes, the data volume is large. • Group together similar points and represent them with a single token. • Issues: • How do we define two points/images/patches being "similar"? • How do we compute an overall grouping from pairwise similarity? Clustering
  • 59. • Grouping pixels of similar appearance and spatial proximity together; there's so many ways to do it, yet none are perfect. Clustering Example
  • 61. • Summarizing Data • Look at large amounts of data • Patch-based compression or denoising • Represent a large continuous vector with the cluster number • Counting • Histograms of texture, color, SIFT vectors • Segmentation • Separate the image into different regions • Prediction • Images in the same cluster may have the same labels Why do we cluster?
  • 62. • K-means • Iteratively re-assign points to the nearest cluster center • Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) Clustering • Mean-shift clustering • Estimate modes of pdf • Hierarchical clustering • Start with each point as its own cluster and iteratively merge the closest clusters • Spectral clustering • Split the nodes in a graph based on assigned links with similarity weights How do we cluster?
  • 63. • Goal: cluster to minimize variance in data given clusters while preserving information. Clustering for Summarization c⇤ , ⇤ = argmin c, 1 N NX j=0 KX i=0 i,j(ci xj)2 cluster center data Whether is assigned toxj ci
  • 64. • Euclidean Distance: • Cosine similarity: How do we measure similarity? ✓ = arccos ✓ xy |x||y| ◆ x y ||y x|| = p (y x) · (y x) distance(x, y) = p (y1 x1)2 + (y2 x2)2 + · · · + (yn xn)2 = v u u t nX i=1 (yi xi)2 x · y = ||x||2 ||y||2 cos ✓ similarity(x, y) = cos(✓) = x · y ||x||2 ||y||2
  • 65. • Compare distance of closest (NN1) and second closest (NN2) feature vector neighbor. • If NN1≈NN2, ratio NN1/NN2 will be ≈1 → matches too close. • As NN1 << NN2, ratio NN1/NN2 tends to 0. • Sorting by this ratio puts matches in order of confidence. Nearest Neighbor Distance Ratio
  • 66. • How to threshold the nearest neighbor ratio? Nearest Neighbor Distance Ratio Lowe IJCV 2004 on 40,000 points. Threshold depends on data and specific applications
  • 67. 1. Randomly select k initial cluster centers 2. Assign each point to nearest center 3. Update cluster centers as the mean of the points 4. repeat 2-3 until no points are re-assigned. k-means clustering
  • 69. • Initialization • Randomly select K points as initial cluster center • Greedily choose K points to minimize residual • Distance measures • Euclidean or others? • Optimization • Will converge to local minimum • May want to use the best out of multiple trials k-means: design choices
  • 70. • Cluster on one set, use another (reserved) set to test K. • Minimum Description Length (MDL) principal for model comparison. • Minimize Schwarz Criterion, a.k.a. Bayes Information Criteria (BIC) • (When building dictionaries, more clusters typically work better.) How to choose k
  • 71. • Generative • How well are points reconstructed from the cluster? • Discriminative • How well do the clusters correspond to labels (purity) How to evaluate clusters?
  • 72. • Pros • Finds cluster center that minimize conditional variance (good representation of data) • simple and fast • easy to implement k-means pros & cons
  • 73. • Cons • Need to choose K • Sensitive to outliers • Prone to local minima • All clusters have the same parameters • Can be slow. Each iteration is O(KNd) for N d- dimensional points k-means pros & cons
  • 74. • Clusters are spherical • Clusters are well separated • Clusters are of similar volumes • Clusters have similar number of points k-means works if
  • 75. • Hard assignments, or probabilistic assignments? • Case against hard assignments: • Clusters may overlap • Clusters may be wider than others • Can use a probabilistic model, • Challenge: need to estimate model parameters without labeled Ys. GMM Clustering P(X|Y )P(Y )
  • 76. • Assume m-dimensional data points • still multinomial, with k classes • are k multivariate Gaussians Gaussian Mixture Models P(Y ) P(X|Y = i), i = 1, · · · , k P(X = x|Y = i) = 1 p (2⇡)m|⌃i| exp ✓ 1 2 (x µi)T ⌃ 1 (x µi) ◆ mean (m-dim vector) variance (m*m matrix) determinant of matrix
  • 77. Expectation Maximization (EM) for GMM Maximum Likelihood Estimate (MLE) example 1 2 3 4 5 6
  • 78. • EM after 20 iterations EM for GMM MLE example
  • 79. • GMM for some bio assay data EM for GMM MLE example
  • 80. EM for GMM MLE example • GMM for some bio assay data, fitted separately for three different compounds.
  • 81. • GMM with hard assignments and unit variance, EM is equivalent to k-means clustering algorithm!!! • EM, like k-NN, uses coordinate ascent, and can get stuck in local optimum. GMM Clustering, notes
  • 82. • mean-shift seeks modes of a given set of points 1. Choose kernel and bandwidth 2. For each point: 1. center a window on that point 2. compute the mean of the data in the search window 3. center the search window at the new mean location, repeat 2,3 until converge. 3. Assign points that lead to nearby modes to the same cluster. Mean-Shift Clustering
  • 83. • Try to find modes of a non-parametric density Mean-shift algorithm Color space Color space clusters
  • 84. • Attraction basin: the region for which all trajectories lead to the same mode. • Cluster: all data points in the attraction basin of a mode. Attraction Basin Slides by Y. Ukrainitz & B. Sarel
  • 85. Mean Shift region of interest mean-shift vector center of mass
  • 89. • Mean-shift can also be used as clustering-based image segmentation. Mean-Shift Segmentation D. Comaniciu and P. Meer, Mean Shift: A Robust Approach toward Feature Space Analysis, PAMI 2002.
  • 90. • Compute features for each pixel (color, gradients, texture, etc.). • Set kernel size for features and position . • Initialize windows at individual pixel locations. • Run mean shift for each window until convergence. • Merge windows that are within width of and . Mean-Shift Segmentation Color space Color space clusters Kf Ks Kf Ks
  • 91. • Speedups: • binned estimation • fast neighbor search • update each window in each iteration • Other tricks • Use kNN to determine window sizes adaptively Mean-Shift
  • 92. • Pros • Good general-practice segmentation • Flexible in number and shape of regions • robust to outliers • Cons • Have to choose kernel size in advance • Not suitable for high-dimensional features Mean-Shift pros & cons
  • 93. • DBSCAN: Density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise. • Density: number of points within a specified radius (ε-Neighborhood) • Core point: a point with more than a specified number of points (MinPts) within ε. • Border point: has fewer than MinPts within ε, but is in the neighborhood of a core point. • Noise point: any point that is not a core point or border point. DBSCAN MinPts=4 p is core point q is border point o is noise point q p " " o
  • 94. • Density-reachable: p is density- reachable from q w.r.t. ε and MinPts if there is a chain of objects p1, ..., pn with p1=q and pn=p, s.t. pi+1 is directly density- reachable from pi w.r.t. ε and MinPts for all • Density-connectivity: p is density-connected to q w.r.t. ε and MinPts if there is an object o, s.t. both p and q are density- reachable from o w.r.t. ε and MinPts. DBSCAN 1  i  n
  • 95. • Cluster: a cluster C in a set of objects D w.r.t. ε and MinPts is a non-empty subset of D satisfying • Maximality: for all p,q, if p ∈ C and if q is density reachable from p w.r.t. ε. • Connectivity: for all p,q ∈ C, p is density- connected to q w.r.t. ε and MinPts in D. • Note: cluster contains core & border points. • Noise: objects which are not directly density- reachable from at least one core object. DBSCAN clustering
  • 96. 1. Select a point p 2. Retrieve all points density-reachable from p w.r.t. ε and MinPts. 1. if p is a core point, a cluster is formed 2. if p is a border point, no points are density reachable from p and DBSCAN visits the next point of the database 3. continue 1,2, until all points are processed. (result independent of process ordering) DBSCAN clustering algorithm
  • 97. • Heuristic: for points in a cluster, their kth nearest neighbors are at roughly the same distance. • Noise points have the kth nearest neighbor at farthest distance. • So, plot sorted distance of every point to its kth nearest neighbor. DBSCAN parameters sharp change; good candidate for ε and MinPts.
  • 98. • Pros • No need to decide K beforehand, • Robust to noise, since it doesn't require every point being assigned nor partition the data. • Scales well to large datasets with . • Stable across runs and different data ordering. • Cons • Trouble when clusters have different densities. • ε may be hard to choose. DBSCAN pros & cons
  • 99. • Agglomerative clustering v.s. Divisive clustering Hierarchical Clustering
  • 100. • Method: 1. Every point is its own cluster 2. Find closest pair of clusters, merge into one 3. repeat • The definition of closest is what differentiates various flavors of agglomerative clustering algorithms. Agglomerative Clustering
  • 101. • How to define the linkage/cluster similarity? • Maximum or complete-linkage clustering (a.k.a., farthest neighbor clustering) • Minimum or single linkage clustering (UPGMA) (a.k.a., nearest neighbor clustering) • Centroid linkage clustering (UPGMC) • Minimum Energy Clustering • Sum of all intra-cluster variance • Increase in variance for clusters being merged Agglomerative Clustering single linkage complete linkage average linkage centroid linkage
  • 102. • How many clusters? • Clustering creates a dendrogram (a tree) • Threshold based on max number of clusters or based on distance between merges. Agglomerative Clustering
  • 103. • Pros • Simple to implement, widespread application • Clusters have adaptive shapes • Provides a hierarchy of clusters • Cons • May have imbalanced clusters • Still have to choose the number of clusters or thresholds • Need to use an ultrametric to get a meaningful hierarchy Agglomerative Clustering
  • 104. • Group points based on links in a graph Spectral Clustering A B
  • 105. • Normalized Cut • A cut in a graph that penalizes large segments • Fix by normalizing for size of segments
 volume(A) = sum of costs of all edges that touch A Spectral Clustering Normalized Cut(A, B) = cut(A, B) volume(A) + cut(A, B) volume(B)
  • 106. • Determining importance by random walk • What's the probability of visiting a given node? • Create adjacency matrix based on visual similarity • Edge weights determine probability of transition Visual Page Rank Jing Baluja 2008
  • 107. • Quantization/Summarization: K-means • aims to preserve variance of original data • can easily assign new point to a cluster Which Clustering Algorithm to use? Quantization for computing histograms Summary of 20,000 photos of Rome using “greedy k-means”
  • 108. • Image segmentation: agglomerative clustering • More flexible with distance measures (e.g., can be based on boundry prediction) • adapts better to specific data • hierarchy can be useful Which Clustering Algorithm to use?
  • 109. • K-means useful for summarization, building dictionaries of patches, general clustering. • Agglomerative clustering useful for segmentation, general clustering. • Spectral clustering useful for determining relevance, summarization, segmentation. Which Clustering Algorithm to use?
  • 110. • Synthetic dataset Clustering algo. compared
  • 111. • K-means, k=6 Clustering algo. compared
  • 112. • Meanshift Clustering algo. compared
  • 113. • DBSCAN, ε=0.025 Clustering algo. compared
  • 114. • Agglomerative Clustering, k=6, linkage=ward Clustering algo. compared
  • 115. • Spectral Clustering, k=6 Clustering algo. compared
  • 116. Regression Machine Learning Roadmap Dimension Reduction Clustering Regression Classification continuous (predicting a quantity) discrete (predicting a category) supervisedunsupervised
  • 117. Linear Correlations Y X Y X Linear relationships Y Y X X Curvilinear relationships Y X Y X Strong relationships Y Y X X Weak relationships Y X No relationship Y X
  • 118. • In correlation, two variables are treated as independent. • In regression, one variable (x) is independent, while the other (y) is dependent. • Goal: if you know something about x, this would help you predict something about y. Regression
  • 119. • Expected value at a given level of x: • Predicted value for a new x: Simple Linear Regression y x random error that follows a normal distribution with 0 mean and variance " 2 fixed exactly on the line y = w0 + w1x y0 = w0 + w1x + " w0 w0/w1
  • 120. Multiple Linear Regression y(x, w) = w0 + w1x1 + · · · + wDxD w0, ..., wD xi • Linear function of parameters , also a linear function of the input variables , has very restricted modeling power (can't even fit curves). • Assumes that: • The relationship between X and Y is linear. • Y is distributed normally at each value of X. • The variance of Y at each value of X is the same. • The observations are independent.
  • 121. • Before going further, let’s take a look at polynomial line fitting (polynomial regression.) Linear Regression Given N=10 blue dots, try to find the function that is used for generating the data points. sin(2⇡x)
  • 122. • Polynomial line fitting: • M is the order of the polynomial • linear function of the coefficients • nonlinear function of • Objective: minimize the error between the predictions and the target value of Polynomial Regression x w y(xn, w) tn xn ERMS = p 2E(w⇤)/Nor, the root-mean-square error E(w) = 1 2 NX n=1 {y(xn, w) tn} 2 y(x, w) = w0 + w1x + w2x2 + · · · + wM xM + "
  • 124. • There's only 10 data points, i.e., 9 degrees of freedom; we can get 0 training error when M=9. • Food for thought: make sure your deep neural network's is not just "memorizing the training data when its M >> data's DoF. Polynomial regression w. var. M
  • 125. • With M=9, but N=15 (left) and N=100, the over- fitting problem is greatly reduced. • ML is all about balancing M and N. One rough heuristic is that N should be 5x-10x of M (model complexity, not necessarily the number of param.) What happens with more data?
  • 126. • Regularization: used for controlling over-fitting. • E.g., discourage coefficients from reaching large values:
 where Regularization ˜E(w) = 1 2 NX n=1 {y(xn, w) tn} 2 + 2 ||w||2 ||w||2 = wT w = w2 0 + w2 1 + · · · + w2 M
  • 127. • Extending linear regression to linear combinations of fixed nonlinear functions:
 where • Basis functions: act as "features" in ML. • Linear basis function: • Polynomial basis function: • Gaussian basis function • Sigmoid basis function Linear Models for Regression y(x, w) = M 1X j=0 wj (x) w = (w0, . . . , wM 1)T , = ( 0, . . . , M 1)T { j(x)} j(x) = xj j(x) = xj
  • 128. • Global functions of the input variable, s.t. changes in one region of input space affect all other regions. Polynomial Basis Functions j(x) = xj
  • 129. • Local functions, a small change in x only affect nearby basis functions. • and control the location and scale (width). Gaussian Basis Functions j(x) = exp ⇢ (x µj)2 2s2 µj s
  • 130. • Local functions, a small change in x only affect nearby basis functions. • and control the location and scale (slope). Sigmoidal Basis Functions µj s j(x) = ✓ x µj s ◆ (a) = 1 1 + exp( a) where
  • 131. • Adding a regularization term to an error function: • One of simplest forms of regularizer is sum-of- squares of the weight vector elements: • This type of weight decay regularizer (in ML), a.k.a., parameter shrinkage (in statistics) encourages weight values to decay towards zero, unless supported by the data. Regularized Least Squares EW (w) = 1 2 wT w ED(w) + EW (w)
  • 132. • A more general regularizer in the form of: • q=2 is the quadratic regularizer (last page). • q=1 is known as lasso in statistics. Regularized Least Squares 1 2 NX n=1 tn wT (xn) 2 + 2 MX j=1 |wj|q sum of squared error generalized regularizer,
  • 133. • LASSO: least absolute shrinkage and selection operator • When is sufficiently large, some of the coefficients are driven to zero, leading to a sparse model LASSO wj
  • 135. • Large values of : small variance but large bias • Small values of : large variance, small bias The Bias-Variance Tradeoff
  • 136. Classification Machine Learning Roadmap Dimension Reduction Clustering Regression Classification continuous (predicting a quantity) discrete (predicting a category) supervisedunsupervised
  • 137. • Before we start, we need to estimate data distribution and develop sampling strategies, • figure out how to measure/quantify data, or, in other words, represent them as features, • figure out how to split data to training and validation set. • After we learn a model, we need to measure the fit, or the error on validation set. • Finally, how do we evaluate how well our trained model generalize. Steps for Supervised Learning
  • 138. Sampling & Distributions 😄 😃 🤪 😀 🤣 😂 😅😆 😁 ☺ 😊 😇 🙂 🙃 😉😌 😍 🤓 😎 🤩 😏 😬 🤠 😋 The importance of good sampling & distribution estimation. Population with attribute modeled by functionf : X ! Y X Y Learn from D = 😄 😃 🤪🤣 😂 🤩 😋 sample x 2 X, y 2 Y {(x1, y1), (x2, y2), ..., (xN , yN )} f0 incorrectly predicts that everyone else “smiles crazily” f0
  • 139. • The chances of getting a "perfect" sample of the population at first try is very very small. When the population is huge, this problem worsens. • Noise during the measurement process adds additional uncertainties. • As a result, it is natural to try multiple times, and formulate the problem in a probabilistic way. Sampling & Distributions
  • 140. When we measure the wrong features, we’ll need very complicated classifiers, and the results are still not ideal. Features baseball tennis ball vs There’s always “exceptions” that would ruin our perfect assumptions yellow baseball? we learn the best features from data with deep learning.
  • 141. • k-fold cross validation Splitting data 😄😃 🤪😀 🤣 😂😅😆 😁 ☺😊 😇🙂🙃 😉😌 😍🤓 😎🤩 😏 😬🤠 😋 Repurposing the smily faces figures to represent the set of annotated data. 😄 😃 🤪 😀 🤣 😂 😅😆 😁 ☺ 😊 😇 🙂 🙃 😉😌 😍 🤓 😎 🤩 😏 😬 🤠 😋 Randomly split into k groups
  • 142. • Given a set of samples and their ground truth annotation , learn a function that minimizes the prediction error for new . • The function is a classifier. Classifiers divides input space into decision regions separated by decision boundaries. Supervised Learning xj /2 X xi 2 X yi decision boundary E(yj, f(xj)) y = f(x) y = f(x) x1 x2 R1 R2 R3
  • 143. • Spam detection: • X = { characters and words in the email } • Y = { spam, not spam} • Digit recognition: • X = cut out, normalized images of digits • Y = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9} • Medical diagnosis • X = set of all symptoms • Y = set of all diseases Supervised Learning Examples
  • 144. • Joint probability of X taking the value xi and Y taking the value yi : • Marginalizing: probability that X takes the value xi irrespective of Y: Before we train classifiers, a gentle review on probability notations yj nij xi } rj } ci p(X = xi, Y = yi) = nij N p(X = xi) = ci N , where ci = X j nij
  • 145. • Conditional Probability: the fraction of instances where Y = yj given that X = xi. • Product Rule: yj nij xi } rj } ci p(Y = yj|X = xi) = nij ci p(X = xi, Y = yj) = nij N = nij ci · ci N = p(Y = yj|X = xi)p(X = xi) we will be seeing this a lot when building classifiers Before we train classifiers, a gentle review on probability notations
  • 146. • Bayes' Rule plays a central role in pattern recognition and machine learning. • From the product rule, together with the symmetric property we get: Bayes' Rule & Posterior Probability yj nij xi } rj } ci p(X, Y ) = p(Y, X) p(Y |X) = p(X|Y )p(Y ) p(X) , where p(X) = X Y p(X|Y )p(Y ) posterior probability, given prior p(Y) and likelihood p(X|Y)
  • 147. • p(Y = a) = 1/4, p(Y = b) = 3/4 • p(X = blue | Y = a) = 3/5 • p(X = green | Y = a) = 2/5 When we randomly draw a ball that is blue, the probability that it comes from Y=a is? Example of Bayes' Rule Y=a Y=b p(Y = a|X = blue) = p(X = blue|Y = a)p(Y = a) p(X = blue) = p(X = blue|Y = a)p(Y = a) (p(X = blue|Y = a)p(Y = a) + (p(X = blue|Y = b)p(Y = b) = 3 5 · 1 4 3 5 · 1 4 + 2 5 · 3 4 = 3 20 3 20 + 6 20 = 3 20 9 20 = 1 3
  • 148. What are Posterior Probability and Generative Models good for? Discriminative Model: directly learn the data boundary Generative Model: represent the data and boundary
  • 149. • Learn to directly predict labels from the data • Often uses simpler boundaries (e.g., linear) for hopes of better generalization. • Often easier to predict a label from the data than to model the data. • E.g., • Logistic Regression • Support Vector Machines • Max Entropy Markov Model • Conditional Random Fields Discriminative Models
  • 150. • Represent both the data and the boundary. • Often use conditional independence and priors. • Modeling data is challenging; need to make and verify assumptions about data distribution • Modeling data aids prediction & generalization. • E.g., • Naive Bayes • Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) • Hidden Markov Model • Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) Generative Models
  • 151. • Find a linear function to separate the classes Linear Classifiers • Logistic Regression • Naïve Bayes • Linear SVM
  • 152. • Using a probabilistic approach to model data, the distribution of P(X,Y): given data X, find the Y that maximizes the posterior probability p(Y|X). • Problem: we need to model all p(X|Y) and p(Y). If | X | = n, there are 2n possible values for X. • The Naïve Bayes' assumption assumes that xi's are conditionally independent. Naïve Bayes Classifier p(Y |X) = p(X|Y )p(Y ) p(X) , where p(X) = X Y p(X|Y )p(Y ) p(X1 . . . Xn|Y ) = Y i p(Xi|Y )
  • 153. • Given: • Prior p(Y) • n conditionally independent features, represented by the vector X, given the class Y • For each Xi, we have likelihood p(Xi | Y) • Decision rule: Naïve Bayes Classifier Y ⇤ = argmax Y p(Y )p(X1, . . . , Xn|Y ) = argmax Y p(Y ) Y i p(Xi|Y )
  • 154. • For discrete Naïve Bayes, simply count: • Prior: • Likelihood: • Naïve Bayes Model: Maximum Likelihood for Naïve Bayes p(Y = y0 ) = Count(Y = y0 ) P y Count(Y = y) p(Xi = x0 |Y = y0 ) = Count(Xi = x0 , Y = y0 ) P x Count(Xi = x, Y = y) p(Y |X) / p(Y ) Y i,j p(X|Y )
  • 155. • Conditional probability model over: • Classifier: Naïve Bayes Classifier p(Ck|x1, . . . , xn) = 1 Z p(Ck) nY i=1 p(xi|Ck) ˜y = argmax k2{1,...,K} p(Ck) nY i=1 p(xi|Ck)
  • 156. • Features X are entire document. Xi for ith word in article. X is huge! NB assumption helps a lot! Naïve Bayes for Text Classification
  • 157. • Typical additional assumption: Xi's position in document doesn't matter: bag of words. aardvark 0 about 2 all 2 Africa 1 apple 0 ... gas 1 ... oil 1 ... Zaire 0 Naïve Bayes for Text Classification
  • 158. • Learning Phase: • Prior: p(Y), count how many documents in each topic (prior). • Likelihood: p(Xi|Y), for each topic, count how many times a word appears in documents of this topic. • Testing Phase: for each document, use Naïve Bayes' decision rule: argmax y p(y) wordsY i=1 p(xi|y) Naïve Bayes for Text Classification
  • 159. • Given 1000 training documents from each group, learn to classify new documents according to which newsgroup it came from. •, • • ... • soc.religion.christian • talk.religion.misc • ... • • ... Naïve Bayes for Text Classification
  • 160. Naïve Bayes for Text Classification
  • 161. • Usually, features are not conditionally independent: • Actual probabilities p(Y|X) often bias towards 0 or 1 • Nonetheless, Naïve Bayes is the single most used classifier. • Naïve Bayes performs well, even when assumptions are violated. • Know its assumptions and when to use it. Naïve Bayes Classifier Issues p(X1, . . . , Xn|Y ) 6= Y i p(Xi|Y )
  • 162. • Regression model for which the dependent variable is categorical. • Binomial/Binary Logistic Regression • Multinomial Logistic Regression • Ordinal Logistic Regression (categorical, but ordered) • Substituting Logistic Function
 we get: Logistic Regression y(x, w) = 1 1 + e (w0+w1x) ˜x = w0 + w1xf(˜x) = 1 1 + e ˜x
  • 163. • E.g., for predicting: • mortality of injured patients, • risk of developing a certain disease based on observations of the patient, • whether an American voter would vote Democratic or Republican, • probability of failure of a given process, system or product, • customer's propensity to purchase a product or halt a subscription, • likelihood of homeowner defaulting on mortgage. When to use logistic regression?
  • 164. • Hours studied vs passing the exam Logistic Regression Example Ppass(h) = 1 1 + e ( 4.0777+1.5046·h)
  • 165. • Prediction: output the Y with highest p(Y|X). For binary Y, output Y if Logistic Regression: decision boundary p(Y = 0|X, w) = 1 1 + exp(w0 + P i wiXi) p(Y = 1|X, w) = exp(w0 + P i wiXi) 1 + exp(w0 + P i wiXi) 1 < P(Y = 1|X) P(Y = 0|X) 1 < exp(w0 + nX i=1 wiXi) 0 < w0 + nX i=1 wiXi w0 + w · X = 0
  • 166. • Decision boundary: p(Y=0 | X, w) = 0.5 • Slope of the line defines how quickly probabilities go to 0 or 1 around decision boundary. Visualizing p(Y = 0|X, w) = 1 1 + exp(w0 + w1x1)
  • 167. • Decision boundary is defined by y=0 hyperplane Visualizing p(Y = 0|X, w) = 1 1 + exp(w0 + w1x1 + w2x2)
  • 168. • Generative (Naïve Bayes) loss function: • Data likelihood • Discriminative (logistic regression) loss function: • Conditional Data likelihood • Maximize conditional log likelihood! Logistic Regression Param. Estimation ln p(D|w) = NX j=1 ln p(xj , yj |w) = NX j=1 ln p(yj |xj , w) + NX j=1 ln p(xj |w) ln p(DY |DX, w) = NX j=1 ln p(yj |xj , w)
  • 169. • Maximize conditional log likelihood (Maximum Likelihood Estimation, MLE): • No closed-form solution. • Concave function of w → no need to worry about local optima; easy to optimize. l(w) ⌘ ln Y j p(yj |xj , w) = X j yj (w0 + X i wixj i ) ln(1 + exp(w0 + X i wixj i ) Logistic Regression Param. Estimation
  • 170. • Conditional likelihood for logistic regression is convex! • Gradient: • Gradient Ascent update rule: • Simple, powerful, use in
 many places. rwl(w) =  dl(w) dw0 , . . . , dl(w) dwn w = ⌘rwl(w) w (t+1) i w (t) i + ⌘ dl(w) dwi Logistic Regression Param. Estimation
  • 171. • MLE tends to prefer large weights • Higher likelihood of properly classified examples close to decision boundary. • Larger influence of corresponding features on decision. • Can cause overfitting!!! Logistic Regression Param. Estimation
  • 172. • Regularization to avoid large weights, overfitting. • Add priors on w and formulate as Maximum a Posteriori (MAP) optimization problem. • Define prior with normal distribution, zero mean, identity towards zero; pushes parameters towards zero. • MAP estimate: Logistic Regression Param. Estimation p(w|Y, X) / p(Y |X, w)p(w) w⇤ = argmax w ln 2 4p(w) NY j=1 p(yj |xj , w) 3 5
  • 173. • Logistic Regression in more general case, where Y = { y1, ..., yR}. Define a weight vector wi for each yi, i=1,...,R-1. Logistic Regression for Discrete Classification p(Y = 1|X) / exp(w10 + X i w1iXi) p(Y = 2|X) / exp(w20 + X i w2iXi) p(Y = r|X) = 1 r 1X j=1 p(Y = j|X) ...
  • 174. • E.g., Y={0,1}, X = <X1, ..., Xn>, Xi continuous. Naïve Bayes vs Logistic Regression Naïve Bayes (generative) Logistic Regression (discriminative) Number of parameters 4n+1 n+1 parameter estimation uncoupled coupled when # training samples → infinite
 & model correct good classifier good classifier when # training samples → infinite
 & model incorrect biased classifier less-biased classifier Training samples needed O(log N) O (N) Training convergence speed faster slower
  • 175. Naïve Bayes vs Logistic Regression • Examples from UCI Machine Learning dataset
  • 176. Perceptron • Invented in 1957 at the Cornell Aeronautical Lab. Intended to be a machine instead of a program that is capable of recognition. • A linear (binary) classifier. Mark I perceptron machine i1 i2 in ... + f o o = f nX k=1 ik · wk !
  • 177. • Start with zero weights: w=0 • For t=1...T (T passes over data) • For i=1...n (each training sample) • Classify with current weights
 (sign(x) is +1 if x>0, else -1) • If correct, (i.e., y=yi), no change! • If wrong, update Binary Perceptron Algorithm w = w + yi xi y = sign(w · xi ) w xi w + (-1) xi
  • 180. Binary Perceptron example update = 1update = 1update = 2
  • 181. Binary Perceptron example update = 1update = 1update = 2update = 3
  • 182. Binary Perceptron example update = 1update = 1update = 2update = 3update = 5
  • 183. Binary Perceptron example update = 1update = 1update = 2update = 3update = 5update = 10
  • 184. Binary Perceptron example update = 1update = 1update = 2update = 3update = 5update = 10update = 20
  • 185. • If we have more than two classes: • Have a weight vector for each class wy • Calculate an activation function for each class • Highest activation wins Multiclass Perceptron activationw(x, y) = wy · x y⇤ = argmax y (activationw(x, y))
  • 186. • Starts with zero weights • For t=1, ..., T, i=1, ..., n (T times over data) • Classify with current weights • If correct (y=yi), no change! • If wrong: subtract features xi from weights for predicted class wy and add them to weights for correct class wyi. Multiclass Perceptron y = argmax y wy · xi wy = wy xi wyi = wyi xi xi wyi wyi + xi wy wy xi
  • 187. • Text classification example: x = "win the vote" sentence Multiclass Perceptron Example BIAS 1 win 1 game 0 vote 1 the 1 ,,, BIAS -2 win 4 game 4 vote 0 the 0 ,,, BIAS 1 win 2 game 0 vote 4 the 0 ,,, BIAS 2 win 0 game 2 vote 0 the 0 ,,, wsports wpolitics wtech x x · wsports = 2 x · wpolitics = 7 x · wtech = 2 Classified as "politics"
  • 188. • The data is linearly separable with margin if Linearly separable (binary) 9w 8t yt (w · xt ) > 0 x1 x2
  • 189. • Assume data is separable with margin • Also assume there is a number R such that • Theorem: the number of mistakes (parameter updates) made by the perceptron is bounded: Mistake Bound for Perceptron 9w⇤ s.t.||w⇤ ||2 = 1 and 8t yt (w⇤ ·t ) 8t ||xt ||2  R mistakes  R2 r2
  • 190. • Noise: if the data isn't separable, weights might thrash (averaging weight vectors over time can help). • Mediocre generalization: finds a barely separating solution. • Overtraining: test / hold-out accuracy usually rises then falls. Issues with Perceptrons Seperable: Non-Seperable: thrashing barely separable
  • 191. • Find a linear function to separate the classes Linear SVM Classifier f(x) = g(w · x + b) • Define hyperplane where is the tangent to hyperplane, is the matrix of all data points. Minimize s.t. produces correct label for all . t X tX b = 0 ||t|| tX b X x1 x2
  • 192. • Find a linear function to separate the classes Linear SVM Classifier x1 x2 f(x) = g(w · x + b) • Define hyperplane where is the tangent to hyperplane, is the matrix of all data points. Minimize s.t. produces correct label for all . t X tX b = 0 ||t|| tX b X support vectors
  • 193. • Some data sets are not linearly separable! • Option 1: • Use non-linear features, e.g., polynomial basis functions • Learn linear classifers in a transformed, non- linear feature space • Option 2: • Use non-linear classifiers (decision trees, neural networks, nearest neighbors) Nonlinear Classifiers
  • 194. • Assign label of nearest training data point to each test data point. Nearest Neighbor Classifier Duda, Hart and Stork, Pattern Classification
  • 195. K-Nearest Neighbor Classifier x x x x x x x x o o o o o o o x2 x1 + + x x x x x x x x o o o o o o o x2 x1 + + 1-nearest x x x x x x x x o o o o o o o x2 x1 + + 3-nearest x x x x x x x x o o o o o o o x2 x1 + + 5-nearest
  • 196. • Data that are linearly separable work out great: • But what if the dataset is just too hard? • We can map it to a higher-dimensional space! Nonlinear SVMs 0 0 x x 0 x x2
  • 197. • Map the input space to some higher dimensional feature space where the training set is separable: Nonlinear SVMs : x ! (x)
  • 198. • The kernel trick: instead of explicitly computing the lifting transformation • This gives a non-linear decision boundary in the original feature space: • Common kernel function: Radial basis function kernel. Nonlinear SVMs K(xi, xj) = (xi) · (xj) X i ↵iyi (xi) · (x) + b = X i ↵iyiK(xi, x) + b
  • 199. • Consider the mapping: Nonlinear kernel example 0 x x2 (x) = (x, x2 ) (x) · (y) = (x, x2 ) · (y, y2 ) = xy + x2 y2 K(x, y) = xy + x2 y2
  • 200. • Histogram intersection kernel: • Generlized Gaussian kernel: D can be (inverse) L1 distance, Euclidean distance, distance, etc. Kernels for bags of features I(h1, h2) = NX i=1 min(h1(i), h2(i)) K(h1, h2) = exp ✓ 1 A D(h1, h2)2 ◆ X2
  • 201. • Combine multiple two-class SVMs • One vs others: • Training: learn an SVM for each class vs the others. • Testing: apply each SVM to test example and assign it to the class of the SVM that returns the highest decision value. • One vs one: • Training: learn an SVM for each pair of classes • Testing: each learned SVM votes for a class to assign to the test example. Multi-class SVM
  • 202. • Pros: • SVMs work very well in practice, even with very small training sample sizes. • Cons: • No direct multi-class SVM; must combine two-class SVMs. • Computation and memory usage: • Must compute matrix of kernel values for each pair of examples. • Learning can take a long time for large problems. SVMs: Pros & Cons
  • 203. • Prediction is done by sending the example down the tree until a class assignment is reached. Decision Tree Classifier
  • 204. • Internal Nodes: each test a feature • Leaf nodes: each assign a classification • Decision Trees divide the feature space into axis- parallel rectangles and label each rectangle with one of the K classes. Decision Tree Classifier
  • 205. • Goal: find a decision tree that achieves minimum misclassification errors on the training data. • Brute-force solution: create a tree with one path from root to leaf for each training sample.
 (problem: just memorizing, won't generalize.) • Find the smallest tree that minimizes error.
 (problem: this is NP-hard.) Training Decision Trees
  • 206. 1. Choose the best feature a* for the root of the tree. 2. Split training set S into subsets {S1, S2, ..., Sk} where each subset Si contains examples having the same value for a*. 3. Recursively apply the algorithm on each new subset until all examples have the same class label. The problem is, what defines the "best" feature? Top-down induction of Decision Tree
  • 207. • Decision Tree feature selection based on classification error. Choosing Best Feature Does not work well, since it doesn't reflect progress towards a good tree.
  • 208. • Choose feature that gives the highest information gain (X that has the highest mutual information with Y). • Define to be the expected remaining uncertainty about y after testing xj. Choosing Best Feature argmax j I(Xj; Y ) = argmax j H(Y ) H(Y |Xj) = argmin j H(Y |Xj) ˜J(j) ˜J(j) = H(YX)j) = X x p(Xj = x)H(Y |Xj = x)
  • 209. • Before we start, we need to estimate data distribution and develop sampling strategies, • figure out how to measure/quantify data, or, in other words, represent them as features, • figure out how to split data to training and validation set. • After we learn a model, we need to measure the fit, or the error on validation set. • Finally, how do we evaluate how well our trained model generalize. Steps for Supervised Learning
  • 210. • Minimizing the misclassification rate • Minimizing the expected loss • The reject option Decision Theory
  • 211. • Decision boundary, or simply, in 1D, a threshold, s.t. anything larger than the threshold are classified as a class, and smaller than the threshold as another class. Decision Boundary
  • 212. • Different metrics & names used in different fields for measuring ML performance; however, the common cornerstones are: • True positive (TP): sample is an apple, classified as an apple. • False positive (FP): sample is not an apple, but classified as an apple. • True negative (TN): sample is not an apple, classified as not an apple. • False negative (FN): sample is an apple, but misclassified as "not an apple. True/False, Positive/Negative
  • 213. • Precision: 
 Classifier identified (TP+FP) apples, only TP are apples. (aka positive predictive value.) • Recall:
 Total (TP+FN) apples, classifier identified TP. 
 (aka, hit rate, sensitivity, true positive rate) Precision vs Recall TP TP + FP TP TP + FN
  • 214. • F-measure: 
 harmonic mean of precision and recall. F- measure is criticized outside Information Retrieval field for neglecting the true negative. • Accuracy (ACC): 
 a weighted arithmetic mean of precision and inverse precision, as well as the weighted arithmetic mean of recall and inverse recall. A single balanced metric? TP + TN TP + TN + FP + FN 2 · precision · recall precision + recall
  • 215. Multi-objective Optimization e.g., micro air vehicle wing design
  • 216. • Different types of errors are weighted differently; e.g., medical examinations, minimize false negative but can tolerate false positive. • Reformulate objectives from maximizing probability to minimizing weighted loss functions. • The reject option: refrain from making decisions on difficult cases (e.g., for samples within a certain region inside the decision boundary.) Minimizing the expected loss
  • 217. • Minimizing Training and Validation Error, v.s. minimizing Testing Error. • Memorizing every “practice exam” question ≠ doing well on new questions. Avoid overfitting. Generalization E.g., training a classifier that recognizes trees
  • 218. Odd trees of the world
  • 219. Odd trees of the world
  • 220. Odd trees of the world
  • 221. • Bias: • Difference between the expected (or averaged) prediction of our model and the correct value. • Error due to inaccurate assumptions/ simplifications. • Variance: • Amount that the estimate of the target function will change if different training data was used. Generalization Error
  • 223. • Model is too simple to represent all the relevant class characteristics. • High bias (few degrees of freedom, DoF) and low variance. • High training error and high test error. Underfitting
  • 224. • Model is too complex and fits irrelevant noise in the data • Low bias, high variance • Low training error, high test error Overfitting
  • 225. Error (mean square error, MSE) 
 = noise2 + bias2 + variance Bias-Variance Trade-off unavoidable error error due to incorrect assumptions made about the data error due to variance of training samples
  • 227. Training Sample vs Model Complexity Slide credit: D. Hoiem
  • 228. Effect of Training Sample Size Slide credit: D. Hoiem
  • 230. 1. Create T bootstrap samples, {S1, ..., ST} of S as follows: • For each Si, randomly draw |S| examples from S with replacement. • With large |S|, each Si will contain 1 - 1/e = 63.2% unique examples. 2. For each i=1, ..., T, hi = Learn (Si) 3. Output H = <{h1, ..., hT}, majority vote > Bootstrap Aggregating (Bagging) Leo Breiman, "Bagging Predictors", Machine Learning, 24, 123-140 (1996)
  • 231. • A learning algorithm is unstable if small changes in the training data produces large changes in the output hypothesis. • Bagging will have little benefit when used with stable learning algorithms. • Bagging works best when used with unstable yet relatively accurate classifiers. Learning Algorithm Stability
  • 233. • Bagging: individual classifiers are independent • Boosting: classifiers are learned iteratively • Look at errors from previous classifiers to decide what to focus on for the next iteration over data. • Successive classifiers depends upon its predecessors. • Result: more weights on "hard" examples, i.e., the ones classified incorrectly in the previous iterations. Boosting
  • 234. • Consider E = <{h1, h2, h3}, majority vote> • If h1, h2, h3 have error rates less than e, the error rate of E is upper-bounded by g(a): 3e2-2e3 < e Error Upper Bound e 3e2-2e3
  • 235. • Hypothesis of getting a classifier ensemble of arbitrary accuracy, from weak classifiers. Arbitrary Accuracy from Weak Classifiers The original formulating of boosting learns too slowly. Empirical studies show that Adaboost is highly effective.
  • 236. • Adaboost works by learning many times on different distributions over the training data. • Modify learner to take distribution as input. 1. For each boosting round, learn on data set S with distribution Dj to produce jth ensemble member hj. 2. Compute the j+1th round distribution Dj+1 by putting more weight on instances that hj made mistake on. 3. Compute a voting weight wj for hj. Adaboost
  • 237. Adaboost Example Credit: "A tutorial on boosting" by Yoav Freund and Rob Schapire.
  • 238. Adaboost Example Credit: "A tutorial on boosting" by Yoav Freund and Rob Schapire.
  • 239. Adaboost Example Credit: "A tutorial on boosting" by Yoav Freund and Rob Schapire.
  • 240. Adaboost Example Credit: "A tutorial on boosting" by Yoav Freund and Rob Schapire.
  • 242. • Suppose the base learner L is a weak learner, with error rate slightly less than 0.5 (better than random guess) • Training error goes to zero exponentially fast!!! Adaboost Properties
  • 243. Semi-supervised Learning Machine Learning Roadmap Dimension Reduction Clustering Regression Classification continuous (predicting a quantity) discrete (predicting a category) supervisedunsupervised
  • 244. • When annotated data is costly to obtain. • When data volume is HUGE! When to use semi- supervised learning?
  • 245. • Assume that class boundary should go through low density areas. • Having unlabeled data helps getting better decision boundary. Why can unlabeled data help? supervised learning semi-supervised learning
  • 246. • Assume that each class contains a coherent group of points (e.g., Gaussian) • Having unlabeled data points can help learn the distribution more accurately. Why can unlabeled data help?
  • 247. • Generative models: • Use unlabeled data to more accurately estimate the models. • Discriminative models: • Assume that p(y|x) is locally smooth • Graph/manifold regularization • Multi-view approach: multiple independent learners that agree on unlabeled data • Cotraining Semi-Supervised Learning (SSL)
  • 248. SSL Bayes Gaussian Classifier Without SSL: optimize With SSL: optimize p(Xl, Yl|✓) p(Xl, Yl, Xu|✓)
  • 249. • In SSL, the learned needs to explain the unlabeled data well, too. • Find MLE or MAP estimate of joint and marginal likelihood: • Common mixture models used in SSL: • GMM • Mixture of Multinomials SSL Bayes Gaussian Classifier ✓ p(Xl, Yl, Xu|✓) = X Yu p(Xl, Yl, Xu, Yu|✓)
  • 250. • Binary classification with GMM using MLE • Using labeled data only, MLE is trivial: • With both labeled and unlabeled data, MLE is harder---use EM: Estimating SSL GMM params log p(Xl, Yl|✓) = lX i=1 log p(yi|✓) p(xi|yi, ✓) + l+uX i=l+1 log ( 2X y=1 p(y|✓) p(xi|y, ✓)) log p(Xl, Yl|✓) = lX i=1 log p(yi|✓) p(xi|yi, ✓)
  • 251. • Start with MLE • = proportion of class c • = sample mean of class c • = sample covariance of class c • The E-step: compute the expected label
 for all . • The M-step: update MLE with (now labeled) Semi-Supervised EM for GMM ✓ = {w, µ, ⌃}1:2 on (Xl, Yl) wc µc ⌃c p(y|x, ✓) = p(x, y|✓) P y0 p(x, y0|✓) x 2 Xµ ✓ Xµ
  • 252. • SSL is sensitive to assumptions!!! • Cases when the assumption is wrong: SSL GMM Discussions
  • 253. So, where's Deep Learning? Machine Learning Roadmap Dimension Reduction Clustering Regression Classification continuous (predicting a quantity) discrete (predicting a category) supervisedunsupervised
  • 254. Machine Learning Workflow Classical Workflow: 1. Data collection 2. Feature Extraction 3. Dimension Reduction 4. Classifier (re)Design 5. Classifier Verification 6. Deploy Modern workflow; brute-force deep learning 1. Data collection 2. Throw everything into a Deep Neural Network 3. Mommy, why doesn’t it work ???
  • 255. Features for Computer Vision, before Deep Learning
  • 256. Features Learned by modern Deep Neural Networks • Neurons act like “custom-trained filters”; react to very different visual cues, depending on data.
  • 257. • Does not “memorize” millions of viewed images. • Extracts greatly reduced number of features that are vital to classify different classes of data. • Classifying data becomes a simple task when the features measured are “”good”. What do DNNs learn?
  • 258. More to follow in the remainder of the semester • Deep Learning • Transfer Learning • Reinforcement Learning • Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) • ...
  • 259. 1. AI Engineer Data -> Train -> works! 2. AI Engineer/Researcher Data -> Train -> no luck? -> make it work! 3. Senior AI Researcher Data -> Train -> no luck? new data collection method, new model, make it work! 4. Junior AI Manager Customer want 99/100, deliver 99 all at once (with uncertain time and cost) 5. AI Manager Customer want 99/100, deliver 80, 90, 95, 99 incrementally to accelerate delivery and minimize risk 6. Senior AI Manager Customer want 99/100, deliver incrementally plus accurately predict & manage cost and time 7. Associate AI Strategist With the help of domain experts, quickly analyze cost, value, risk. Propose & deliver multi-stage AI plan. 8. AI Strategist Independently analyze cost, value, risk. Propose & deliver multi-stage AI plan. 9. Senior AI Strategist Independently analyze cost, value, risk. Propose & deliver multi-stage AI plan across multiple domains. aim of this semester rare & in demand; driving force of "industry+AI" Again, AI/ML expert's 3x3 stages of growth
  • 260. When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor. Elon Musk Falcon 9 takeoff Falcon 9 decelerate Falcon 9 vertical touchdown