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4M - Tips on Management

     Retail Catalyst—Good to Great Initiative
                                             NEXT INNOVATION

                                     Business leaders can learn a lot from the way that designers solve problems and create new
                                     innovations. Successful designers find new ideas in seemingly mundane places. Here are four
                                     steps to finding something original in the ordinary:
                                     Question. Don't just ask the obvious questions. Look deeper and don't be afraid to rethink
                                        basic fundamentals about your business and products.
                                     Care. Caring doesn't just mean giving great customer service. Get to know your customers as
                                        intimately as possible. Immerse yourself in the lives of the people you are trying to serve.
                                     Connect. Find ways to bring together concepts, people, and products. Many great break-
                                        throughs are "mash-ups" of existing ideas.
                                     Commit. Give form to your idea as quickly as possible: create a prototype and begin testing
                                        it right away. This is the only way to know if you've touched on something truly promis-

Courtesy : Harvard Business Review

                                                                                                          Posted on : 11/20/2011
Avoid Three common
                                                decision traps

                                     Making decisions is your most critical job as a leader. The more high-stakes a decision is, the
                                     more likely you are to get stuck. Here's how to avoid three of the most common traps:

                                      Anchoring. Many people give disproportionate weight to the first information they receive.
                                         Be sure to pursue other lines of thinking, even if the first one seems right.

                                      Status quo. Change can be unsettling and it's easy to favor alternatives that keep things the
                                         same. Ask yourself if the status quo truly serves your objectives and downplay the urge
                                         to stay in your current state.

                                      Confirming evidence. If you find that new information continually validates your existing
                                         point of view, ask a respected colleague to argue against your perspective. Also try to
                                         avoid working with people who always agree with you

Courtesy : Harvard Business Review

                                                                                                            Posted on : 12/4/2011
                                                                          DECIDING WHEN AND WHERE

                                                         Managing your workload with a to-do list can be a productive way to organize your work and
                                                         keep yourself on task. But don't let your list become a collection of everything you want to do
                                                         but will never have time for. Make sure each item on your list has a time and place attached.
                                                         Don't add "write management presentation" without including the day and time slot in which
                                                         you'll do it. Consider foregoing the list and scheduling items on your calendar instead. You may
                                                         still want a place to write down things you hope to get to, but be sure that each day you know
                                                         what you need to accomplish and when.

Source :

                                                                                                                             Posted on : 12/26/2011
                                                                             THE PHONE

                                                        Email has fundamentally changed the way we interact. But, it cannot replace live conversa-
                                                        tion. This especially applies when resolving a conflict or communicating an important business
                                                        decision. Far too many people try to do sensitive business via email. This is problematic be-
                                                        cause tone and context are easy to misread. In a live conversation, how one says something is
                                                        as important as what they are saying. Without inflections and intonations, it’s hard to under-
                                                        stand the feelings behind the words. In fact, email-based conflict often escalates because you
                                                        aren’t forced to be as thoughtful as you would be in a one-on-one conversation. Next time you
                                                        have a delicate or complex issue to discuss, take your hands off the keyboard and pick up the

Source :

                                                                                                                             Posted on : 1/6/2012
                                                         KEEP PROJECTS ON TRACK

                                                   As a project leader your job is to monitor progress against the project plan. But you don’t
                                                   have to do this alone. Use buddy checks to verify that tasks are done properly. When someone
                                                   completes an activity, have another team member looks at the results. This shouldn’t be an in
                                                   -depth analysis, just a quick check to confirm that the person didn’t overlook or misunder-
                                                   stand anything. The ideal reviewer is someone who will use the results of the task. Just make
                                                   clear that this is not a performance appraisal. It’s one team member looking out for another.

                                                                                                                      Posted on : 1/9/2012
                                            HIGH-PRIORITY INITIATIVES

                                           If your calendar is like most, it is packed to the gills. Between regular, mandatory meetings,
                                           meetings you or your boss calls, and interactions with customers, there can be little time to
                                           think or plan. This means that high-priority projects often end up getting the short shrift. In-
                                           stead of figuring out what on your calendar can go, start over and build your schedule from
                                           the ground up. Figure out how much time the most important projects need and block it off.
                                           You may not know now how you will use that time now but if you don't save it, you'll lose it.
                                           Then, add in mandatory meetings that have value, such as decision-making meetings or cus-
                                           tomer visits. For those recurring meetings that don't make the cut, ask yourself whether they
                                           need to happen and you have to be there.

Source : from Ron Ashkenas
                                                                                                                 Posted on : 1/10/2012

                                                   How many times have you trained a colleague in a task, only to have that person come knock-
                                                   ing on your door every five minutes with a question?

                                                    People learn by watching others, so instead of telling people how to solve a problem, show
                                                   them. Take them through each step, explaining the reasons behind each. Then allow them to
                                                   ask as many questions as needed. This will not only give them the foundation they need to do
                                                   the task, but will prompt you to master the task more deeply as you provide a justification
                                                   for each step.

Source :
                                                                                                                      Posted on : 1/30/2012

                       Everyone reacts differently to failure: some immediately accuse others while some
                       take the heat themselves, even if undeserved. Next time you and your team fail, re-
                       sist the temptation to place blame. Take these three steps instead:
                       Think before you act. Don't respond immediately or impulsively. Doing so can make
                          matters worse. Take the time to consider several possible interpretations of the
                          event and how you might react.
                       Listen and communicate. Never assume you know what others think. Gather feed-
                           back and then explain your own actions and intentions.
                       Search for a lesson. Mistakes happen. It may be that you're to blame, someone else
                          is, or no one is. Create and test hypotheses about how and why the failure hap-
                          pened to prevent it from happening again.

Source :
                                                                                      Posted on : 2/6/2012
                                  PUTTING YOUR
                       PROFESSIONAL SELF ONLINE

                       Social media is not just for socializing. When handled correctly, you can use it to enhance your
                       personal brand, establish your expertise, or demonstrate your digital fluency. Commit to using
                       social media for professional reasons and be proactive about managing your activity and im-
                       age. Consider what potential employers or colleagues will see — you don't want them to dis-
                       cover only pictures of you and your dog, or worse. Make sure at a minimum you have a
                       LinkedIn account with a completed profile. Try tweeting or blogging about your area of exper-
                       tise, thereby creating content that others can forward, retweet, or repost. This can help you
                       establish yourself as an expert in your field.

Source :

                                                                                              Posted on : 3/12/2012
                                                     THE ART OF LEADERSHIP

                                           ― Emotion and belief are inseparable twins. The 21st century leader should touch the
                                           heart, touch the mind, touch the emotion. Emotional Commitment is infectious, and
                                           it’s the biggest difference between effective leaders and typical managers. If a lead-
                                           er has emotional commitment, he/she strive beyond all else to succeed.‖ Believe‖
                                           should be effective leader’s watchword. Leaders must create an atmosphere in which
                                           people believe in strategy, believe in management decisions, and believe in their
                                           work ‖ – Subir Chowdhary

                                           ―Management is efficiency in climbing the ladder of success; leadership determines
                                           whether the ladder is leaning against the right wall. If the ladder is not leaning
                                           against the right wall, every step we take just gets us to the wrong place faster. Ef-
                                           fective leadership is putting first things first. Effective management is discipline, car-
                                           rying it out. You have to decide what your highest priorities are and have the courage
                                           -pleasantly, smilingly, non-apologetically – to say ―NO‖ to other things.‖ – Stephen

Source : Businessworld dated Feb 13,2012
                                                                                                            Posted on : 2/13/2012
                                                                        YOUR WRITING

                                                      Writing today—a report, memo, or email—must be short if you want people to read it. But suc-
                                                      cinctly expressing yourself can be tough. Here are three ways to trim your writing and say
                                                      what you want in fewer words:
                                                      Refine it. Take a hard look at the structure of your writing. Only include sections that are nec-
                                                      essary to support your points.

                                                      Consider an informal tone. Just because you're writing a report doesn't mean you need to be
                                                      formal. Writing like a bureaucrat makes you use longer words and a complicated sentence
                                                      structure. Adopting a more informal tone often helps you be direct and concise.

                                                      Cut and then cut more. Look over your document sentence by sentence. If a sentence doesn't
                                                      serve an important purpose, get rid of it.

Source :

                                                                                                                          Posted on : 2/20/2012
                        DIFFICULT CONVERSATIONS

                       No one is immune to workplace tensions: It is inevitable that you will have some trying con-
                       versations with colleagues or clients. Here are three ways to reach a productive outcome, no
                       matter how tough things get:
                       Keep it civil. Don't turn the conversation into a combat with a winner and a loser. Everyone
                          looks bad when the discussion turns toxic.

                       Don't rehearse. When you know things are going to be tough, it's tempting to practice what
                          you're going to say ahead of time. But this is a conversation — not a performance. In-
                          stead, know where you stand but be open enough to listen and react.

                       Resist making assumptions. You don't have access to anyone's intentions but your own. Don't
                          assume that you know where your counterpart is coming from or how she views the prob-
                          lem. Instead, ask for her perspective.

Source :
                                                                                            Posted on : 2/27/2012
                                                                                 YOUR TEAM

                                                      We’re all grown-ups here, right? Then why do teams still whine? It’s part of the human condi-

                                                      tion to complain, but it doesn’t have to derail your group. When people on your team get frus-

                                                      trated and need a sympathetic ear, do the following:

                                                         Insist on accountability. Don’t allow people to present a problem without attempting a

                                                      solution. Advise them to do what they think is necessary to achieve results.

                                                      Encourage positivity. If the whining is about fellow teammates, encourage the group to work
                                                      with each other to better understand the nature of the problem, and then create a joint solu-
                                                      tion. Remind them that most people aren’t intentionally difficult.

Source :
                                                                                                                           Posted on : 3/26/2012
                                       TRULY MEASURE YOU

                       Many people find it easy to identify metrics that measure the worth of their work: sales-
                       people have sales targets, production managers track whether inventory is delivered on
                       time and under budget. But not all jobs or skills are so easily quantifiable, and far too
                       many people choose not to measure at all. If you fall into this category, invent a new, in-
                       novative metric that gets at the real value of what you do. For example, if one of your
                       critical roles is to develop your people, rather than looking at how many training opportu-
                       nities you provided your team, focus on an outcome measurement, such as how many
                       people you effectively brokered into other parts of the organization. Or if delivering inno-
                       vation is in your job description, count the number of ideas generated by your team, and
                       how many of those went on to become valuable projects.

Source :

                                                                                        Posted on : 4/9/2012
                THREE STEPS . NOT ONE

Most managers complain of not having enough time. They rush through tasks so they can
move on to the next thing. But this kind of haste creates more chaos than it avoids. Instead,
approach every task in three parts: Prep-Do-Review. Spend a minute or two, or even a few
seconds, thinking about what you're going to do before you do it. Ask yourself what you're try-
ing to accomplish and who should be involved. Then, do the task. Once completed, think
about what you did and what happened. What did you learn? What will you do differently?
Being thoughtful allows you to accomplish more with each task. You may not be crossing
things off your to-do list faster, but you'll find you have more control over the results.

                                                                         Posted on : 4/23/2012
                                     3 ESSENTIAL CHARACTERISTICS
                       What makes a team work can feel like a mystery. While you can't guarantee success, you can
                       give your team a better chance by being sure it has the following:

                          A common purpose. Most teams form as a result of an outside mandate. To work togeth-
                       er effectively, team members need to rally around a meaningful purpose they've embraced as
                       their own.

                          A mix of complementary skills. It's dangerous for everyone on a team to have the same
                       skills and perspective. Look for people with varying technical and functional expertise who
                       bring different approaches to problem-solving and decision-making.

                       Mutual accountability. You cannot coerce commitment. The process of agreeing on a goal
                       together will forge trust and build the team's accountability to one another.

Source :
                                                                                            Posted on : 4/30/2012
                                                                 Then Disengage
                       Entrusting a project to someone else can be tough. But if you don’t rely on others, you’ll al-
                       ways end up doing everything yourself. You’ll also shortchange those who could learn by tak-
                       ing new tasks. Once you delegate something, don’t be tempted to micromanage the process.
                       Agree on the expected outcomes and just let go. If you’ve asked a team member to take care
                       of an important presentation, don’t spend endless time on edits and corrections. Be clear on
                       the parameters and remove yourself so she can do it her way, not yours. This is much more
                       efficient than taking over, and the end product will likely be better.

Source :
                                                                                                Posted on : 5/21/2012
                                YOUR WRITING CLEAR

                       In business writing, you get points for clarity, not style. Instead of trying to wax poetic about
                       your division's plans for the next 60 days, just make your point. Here are three ways to do
                          One idea per paragraph. Novels hold several complex ideas and emotions in a single para-
                           graph. In business writing, limit your thoughts to one per paragraph. When you have anoth-
                           er suggestion, thought or idea, start a new paragraph.

                          Put your point in the first sentence. Don't entice your readers with background infor-
                           mation and build-up. No one has time for that. Make your primary point first. Then go into
                           supporting detail.

                          Make it "scan able." Few people read every word in an email. Use headers and bullet
                           points so that your audience can quickly scan your message and understand your point

                       ―Decoding Success‖- Speech by Subra - Video is available in ―‖

Source :

                                                                                                          Posted on : 5/28/2012
Mic management        ro

                                                      Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary defines micromanagement as "management
                                                      especially with excessive control or attention on details".

                                             defines micromanagement as "management or control with excessive
                                                      attention to minor details‖.

                                               To overcome Micro Management :-

                                                  Increase Trust
                                                  Make upfront agreements
                                                  Keep your boss in the loop
                                                  Give feedback, only if appropriate
                                                                                                                    Posted on : 6/4/2012
Appeal to the power
                                    of Generosity
                       Feeling powerless makes people frustrated and anxious. And in business, it is easy to feel that someone
                       else always has the power: customers can take their business elsewhere, employees can leave their
                       jobs, colleagues can focus on their own agendas. Instead of trying to wrestle power back, or exerting
                       your own positional power, appeal to generosity. Pushing people makes them resist, but asking respect-
                       fully for what you want often encourages kindness. Next time you need something, issue a request in-
                       stead of an order, or rely on a relationship built on trust rather than hierarchy. You're more likely to get
                       what you need and to feel better doing so.

Source :
                                                                                                          Posted on : 6/11/2012
Where does TRUST
                                                                    comes from ?
                             Hint: it never comes from the good times and from the easy projects.
                             We trust people because they showed up when it wasn't convenient, because they told the
                             truth when it was easier to lie and because they kept a promise when they could have gotten
                             away with breaking it.
                             Every tough time and every pressured project is another opportunity to earn the trust of
                             someone you care about.
                             Adapted from "Add an Hour to Your Day" by Ron Ashkenas.

                                                                                                   Posted on : 6/25/2012

 Posted on : 7/2/2012
                                                                 A HABIT

                       Creativity is an essential skill for navigating an increasingly complex world. And yet the path
                       to innovative thinking can be surprisingly simple. To improve your own ingenuity, practice the
                          Reduce stress, but not too much. Being overly relaxed won’t get your creative juices
                       flowing. Embrace an in-between emotional state, neither complacent nor stressed out.
                           Get out of the office. Walk to work, take public transportation, wander about to see
                       how real consumers behave and spend their time. If you never take the time to fill your crea-
                       tive well, you'll have nothing to contribute.
                           Let your mind wander. Studies show that day dreaming stimulates a unique mental
                       state. You’ll connect dots in new ways when you allow your mind to roam.

Source :
                                                                                             Posted on : 7/16/2012
                            EMPLOYEES WANT
                                  FROM YOU
                      Figuring out what your people want can feel like an intricate puzzle, especially when differ-
                      ent employees require different things. Here are four things most employees need to be suc-

                       Role clarity. Tell your employees what their roles are, what you want them to achieve, and
                           what the rules are for getting there.

                       Autonomy. People want something interesting to work on and they want to be trusted to do
                          it well.

                       Accountability. Holding people accountable is not just about being fair. It also sends a mes-
                          sage about what is and what isn't acceptable. This is critical for employees who are try-
                          ing to figure out how to succeed.

                       Praise. Everyone wants to be recognized when they've done something right. You can moti-
                           vate employees by highlighting their strengths and not harping on their weaknesses.


                                                                                           Posted on : 6/18/2012
Start your TEAM on
                                  the RIGHT PATH

                      Any manager who has put together a team — be it large or small, in-person or virtual — knows
                      how difficult it is to get a group started off right. Next time you have to launch a team, try
                      these three things to improve your chances of success:
                        Foster trust. People who trust one another tend to get work done quickly. Encourage an
                      environment where people feel free to speak their minds.
                        Quickly acknowledge mistakes. No group can succeed without correcting itself along the
                      way. Candid and timely conversations are essential.
                      Be clear about expectations. The clearer the mission, the better the team performance.

                      Everyone must know what is expected of them, in as granular a way as is practical


                                                                                            Posted on : 7/23/2012
                                                                                                     YOUR BRAIN..
                                                     Every leader faces a share of irritating screw-ups and minor setbacks. In response to those
                                                     annoyances, some leaders get irritable and stressed out. Others keep on moving. To be in
                                                     that enviable latter category, you need resilience. Train your brain to bounce back from has-
                                                     sles rather than get snagged by them. Find a quiet place where you won't be interrupted. Sit
                                                     comfortably and focus on your breath. Notice yourself inhale and exhale. Don't try to change
                                                     your breathing, just be attentive to it. As thoughts, sounds, or other distractions come up, let
                                                     them go and return your attention to your breath. By doing this 30 minutes a day you will
                                                     teach your brain to go to a quiet calm place when it is stressed, rather than triggering your
                                                     fight or flight response

Source : “Emotional Intelligence” – Daniel Goleman

                                                                                                                            Posted on : 8/6/2012
Demonstrate your
                                     CREDIBILITY as a Leader
                       One of the most critical traits of an effective leader is credibility. If your team doesn’t be-
                       lieve in your ability to do your job, you’ll struggle to motivate them. Don’t assume your cred-
                       ibility is apparent. Make an effort to establish it from the beginning by showing your willing-
                       ness to work hard, modeling the behaviors you’re trying to encourage in others, and keeping
                       promises and meeting deadlines. Always be prepared for meetings and presentations. Hold
                       others accountable, treating them fairly and consistently. And, use your power and influence
                       for the benefit of others. Remember that once you’ve established it, it’s important to contin-
                       ue to demonstrate your trustworthiness credibility for the long term.

Source :

                                                                                             Posted on : 8/13/2012
How to run
                                                                     A PROBLEM SOLVING
                                             This is a special sort of get together, similar to the meeting where you organize people to fig-
                                             ure out the best way to take advantage of an opportunity. In both cases, amateurs usually run
                                             the meetings, and the group often fails to do their best work.
                                             Ignore these rules at your peril:
                                             1. Only the minimum number of people should participate. Don't invite anyone for political
                                             reasons. Don't invite anyone to socialize them on the solution because they were part of in-
                                             venting it--people don't need to be in the kitchen to enjoy the meal at the restaurant.
                                             2. No one participating by conference call... it changes the tone of the proceedings.
                                             3. A very structured agenda to prevent conversation creep. You are only here to do one
                                             4. All the needed data provided to all attendees, in advance, in writing.
                                             5. At least one person, perhaps the host, should have a point of view about what the best
                                             course is, but anyone who comes should only be invited if they are willing to change their po-
                                             6. Agree on the structure of a deliverable solution before you start.
                                             7. Deliver on that structure when you finish.

Source : and,

                                                                                                                     Posted on : 8/20/2012
Encourage the use of
                                      SOCIAL MEDIA @ Work
                       Most organizations limit or frown upon the use of social media in the workplace.
                       Understandably, leaders have nightmarish visions of their employees wasting hours
                       on Facebook and Twitter. But reasonable employee use of social media has actual-
                       ly been shown to benefit companies. Here are three reasons to let your employees
                       get connected:
                        More attractive workplace. Many people, especially younger generations, see
                       social media as a staple of work life and seek out employers who understand and
                       acknowledge the critical role these new technologies play in our world.
                        Improved productivity. Research has shown that employees who take breaks
                       to surf the internet for fun are ultimately more productive than their surf-adverse
                       More engaged workforce. Employees not only appreciate companies that allow
                       them to check Facebook at work, but they also use social media to connect with
                       colleagues, improve communication, and speed up decision making processes — all
                       of which helps them engage with their work and the organization.

Source :

                                                                                    Posted on : 9/3/2012
                               EMPLOYEES EVERY DAY

                      As a manager, dealing with employees who lack enthusiasm for their jobs or don’t
                      feel connected to the company is a big hurdle. Here are three things you can do daily
                      to engage your people:
                       Facilitate progress. Employees feel engaged when they make headway toward ob-
                      jectives. Provide clear goals and resources to support their progress.
                       Make work meaningful. Your company doesn’t need a lofty mission to make em-
                      ployees care. They simply need to see how their actions contribute to company value,
                      like a service or product.
                      Reward and recognize. Don’t wait for milestones. Show appreciation every day for
                      the work your employees do.


                                                                                    Posted on : 9/10/2012
Find your EXTRA
                       Crises and special events force us to find "extra" time in our day for crucial tasks. In an ordi-
                       nary week, however, those hours are buried in unnecessary meetings, interruptions, and inef-
                       ficiency. Don't wait for the next emergency. Here are two ways to regain wasted time:
                          Analyze your calendar. Look back at the last month. Which meetings were truly needed
                       to advance your goals? Then look forward at the coming month and eliminate ones that you
                       can bypass without any consequence.

                          Ask for feedback. Our worst time-wasting activities are often invisible to us. Ask direct
                           reports and peers to identify tasks that you could do less often or stop altogether.

Source :

                                                                                              Posted on : 9/17/2012
                                       HIGH-ACHIEVER CYCLE

                      If you're a high-achiever, it can be difficult to grow professionally. You have a successful image
                      to preserve, so instead of embracing risk, you may lock yourself into a familiar routine. Here
                      are three ways to break that cycle:
                        Use your support network. High achievers are very independent. But, everyone needs
                      help. Ask people around you what skills they think you need to reach the next level.
                         Be vulnerable. Open yourself up to new learning experiences that make you feel uncertain
                      at best and incompetent at worst. Remember that those feelings are temporary and a prelude
                      to greater professional ability.

                          Admit to small failures. Practice acknowledging uncertainty or confessing mistakes with
                            people close to you.

                      Course on ―Creativity‖ from Venture Lab – Stanford . Course
                      is signed by 24000 + members across globe.


                                                                                              Posted on : 10/8/2012
                                                EMPLOYEES HIDDEN
                      In today's economy, finding external talent to fill your company's needs isn't always possible.
                      Nor is it always necessary. By paying attention and asking the right questions, you will likely
                      discover myriad hidden talents among your existing employees:
                        Turn a compliment into an interview. When congratulating an employee on a job well
                      done, ask exactly what helped her succeed. By better understanding her process, you may un-
                      cover an unseen strength.
                         Ask why employees prefer certain tasks or projects. Preferences can be a view into
                      someone's talents. An employee might enjoy a project because it involves a product she cares
                      about or because it gave her a chance to design surveys. Knowing which will possibly uncover
                         Inquire about dreams. Ask your employees what they would do if they had their career to
                          do over again. Peoples' dreams often include an aspect of themselves they don't regularly


                                                                                          Posted on : 10/15/2012
                                                                  DON’T FORGET

                      It is common wisdom that failure is inevitable, especially when innovating. If you want people
                      to take risks and try new things, failure must be an option. But few organizations have actual-
                      ly created cultures that accept gaffes. To show your support for failure, encourage your peo-
                      ple to make the most of their blunders. Try adopting a "forgive but not forget" approach. For-
                      give honest mistakes, but make sure employees learn from past failures so they don't repeat

                      Smart Link : - 11 Books every young reader must read…


                                                                                          Posted on : 10/22/2012
                                  LEADERSHIP APPROACH

                      When you manage a team of people, adapt your leadership style to meet each person’s needs.
                      In general there are four types of approaches: directing, coaching, supporting, and delegating.
                      Depending on the level of your employee’s competence and commitment, choose which will
                      work best. When your direct report is learning new skills, be directive. Define tasks clearly and
                      check progress to make sure he’s not faltering. Use periodic coaching when your employee is
                      learning new skills but needs the freedom to make mistakes and learn from them. Be support-
                      ive, encouraging highly competent employees who lack confidence. With employees who are
                      both highly motivated and experienced, delegate tasks. In all cases, your responsibility is to
                      find the balance between hand-holding and empowering.


                                                                                           Posted on : 10/29/2012
                                                         DON’T KNOW !

                      Many managers are afraid to utter things like: "I don't know," "Would you help me?" or "I'm not
                      sure I get it." But failing to admit when you make a mistake or lack knowledge makes you less
                      effective. When you pretend to know everything, you miss opportunities to learn. And if you
                      try to hide your ignorance or your errors, you'll lose peoples' trust. They know when you don't
                      know something or make an error. Fess up when you're in those situations. Acknowledge your
                      own limitations so others can do the same. And when you need it, ask for help and be open to


                                                                                            Posted on : 11/5/2012
                                   EMPLOYEES NEED FROM
                      Traditional leaders see the employee-boss relationship as a transaction: money in exchange for
                      labor. Transformational leaders know and recognize that employees want much more than
                      that. Here are the four things your people need to succeed:

                       Love. This may sound touchy-feely, but love simply means focused concern that is exclusive-
                          ly for that person's good. Show your employees you care about them and their futures.

                       Growth. No one wants to be exactly where they are forever. Create a culture that allows
                          your people to grow and expand.

                       Contribution. To feel fulfilled, employees must know that they are contributing to the
                          whole. Emphasize the ways that their work matters to the organization.

                       Meaning. We are meaning-seeking creatures. Share a vision that demonstrates that all of
                           your employees are engaged in a larger purpose.


                                                                                       Posted on : 11/12/2012
The questions
                                                                   Every manager
                                                                       should ask
                                     Asking questions is an essential skill of a great boss. Yet many fail to inquire enough.

                                     Here are three types of questions you should be asking:

                                     Questions about yourself. Good managers ask themselves and others about what they could
                                     do better. Ask in a way that invites constructive, candid responses.

                                     Questions about plans and projects. These should both advance the work and develop the
                                     people. Tough and direct questions are ok, as long as they are in the interest of progress.

                                     Questions about the organization. Look for ways that the organization can function more
                                     effectively by questioning practices, processes, and structures. Ask: Why do we do things this
                                     way? Is there a better approach?

Courtesy : Harvard Business Review

                                                                                                            Posted on : 11/7/2012
Turning STRESS into
                                                          an Asset
                                     Stress is unavoidable, but it doesn't have to be damaging. When managed correctly, strain
                                     can positively impact productivity and performance. Here are three things you can do to
                                     make stress work for you:
                                     Recognize worry for what it is. Stress is a feeling, not a sign of dysfunction. When you start
                                        to worry, realize it's an indication that you care about something, not a cause for panic.
                                     Focus on what you can control. Too many people feel bad about things they simply can't
                                        change. Remember what you can affect and what you can't.
                                     Create a supportive network. Knowing you have somebody to turn to can help a lot. Build
                                        relationships so that you have people to rely on in times of stress.

Courtesy : Harvard Business Review

                                                                                                        Posted on : 11/14/2012
Go AHEAD and
                        MAKE A MISTAKE OR
                      Very few people feel comfortable making mistakes at work. They fear they will lose the re-

                      spect of their managers and peers, and that their reputations will be tarnished. Yet, mistakes

                      are often the best teachers. It's impossible for your people to learn something new if they

                      only do things they know well. Create a mistake-making culture. Encourage your people to

                      take risks. Help them accept their gaffes and share what they've learned from them. Of

                      course, there are times when blunders are too costly. But for those less mission-critical

                      times, ask your people to approach problems as learners, not experts.


                                                                                           Posted on : 11/19/2012
                      INGREDIENTS TO JOB
                      Far too many people toil away in jobs that leave them dissatisfied. To avoid — or remedy —
                      an unhappy job situation, find a position that allows you to do three things:
                        What you like to do. If what you enjoy doing most is useful, it ought to be part of your
                        What you do best. Many people spend years trying to improve areas of weakness. Focus
                      your energy on mastering what you're good at.
                      What is valuable to the organization. Figure out how your particular strengths can be used
                      to better your company, unit, or team. A sense of contribution will make you feel more en-
                      If your current role doesn't fulfill all three, talk with your manager about changing some of
                      your responsibilities


                                                                                         Posted on : 11/26/2012
Stop making decisions that
                                                 waste time and money

                                     Many managers rely on gut instinct to make important decisions, which often leads to poor
                                     results. On the contrary, when managers insist on incorporating logic and evidence, they
                                     make better choices and their companies benefit. Here are three ways to introduce evidence-
                                     based management at your company:
                                     Demand evidence. Whenever anyone makes a compelling claim, ask for supporting data.
                                       Don't take someone's word for it.
                                     Examine logic. Look closely at the evidence and be sure the logic holds up. Be on the look-
                                        out for faulty cause-and-effect reasoning.
                                     Encourage experimentation. If you don't have evidence, create some. Invite managers to
                                        conduct small experiments to test the viability of proposed strategies and use the result-
                                        ing data to guide decisions.

Courtesy : Harvard Business Review

                                                                                                        Posted on : 12/11/2012
                                   LEAD CONFIDENTLY

                      Confidence is a key ingredient in leading effectively. Unfortunately, sometimes it’s easier to
                      know your weaknesses than your strengths. Ask yourself these two questions to help find your

                                   - What do you do well? Make a list of your strengths. These items are not the
                             same as the accomplishments on your resume; they are what made those accomplish-
                             ments possible. How will your strengths lead you to future successes?
                                    - Why should people follow you? Look at situations where you mobilized your-
                             self and your team to face a particularly tough challenge. Why did people believe in
                             your ability to get things done and trust that you were the one to follow?


                                                                                         Posted on : 12/17/2012
                                          BRAND ?

                       A leadership brand tells people what is distinctive about you as a leader and communicates
                       what you have to offer. Summarizing your brand in a statement is a useful and often enlight-
                       ening task.

                       First, answer two important questions: What do you want to be known for? What results do you
                       want to achieve in the next 12 months?

                       Take these two answers and put them into the following statement: I want to be known for
                       ______ so that I can deliver ______. Once you have your statement, be sure that you are living
                       up to it.

                       Ask others for input on whether you are achieving your goals and whether they see your lead-
                       ership brand in the same way you do.

Source :

                                                                                            Posted on : 12/31/2012

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Monday Mrng Mgmt Message

  • 1. 4M - Tips on Management MONDAY MORNING MANAGEMENT MESSAGE (4M) Retail Catalyst—Good to Great Initiative
  • 2. FOUR STEPS TO NEXT INNOVATION Business leaders can learn a lot from the way that designers solve problems and create new innovations. Successful designers find new ideas in seemingly mundane places. Here are four steps to finding something original in the ordinary: Question. Don't just ask the obvious questions. Look deeper and don't be afraid to rethink basic fundamentals about your business and products. Care. Caring doesn't just mean giving great customer service. Get to know your customers as intimately as possible. Immerse yourself in the lives of the people you are trying to serve. Connect. Find ways to bring together concepts, people, and products. Many great break- throughs are "mash-ups" of existing ideas. Commit. Give form to your idea as quickly as possible: create a prototype and begin testing it right away. This is the only way to know if you've touched on something truly promis- ing. Courtesy : Harvard Business Review Posted on : 11/20/2011
  • 3. Avoid Three common decision traps Making decisions is your most critical job as a leader. The more high-stakes a decision is, the more likely you are to get stuck. Here's how to avoid three of the most common traps: Anchoring. Many people give disproportionate weight to the first information they receive. Be sure to pursue other lines of thinking, even if the first one seems right. Status quo. Change can be unsettling and it's easy to favor alternatives that keep things the same. Ask yourself if the status quo truly serves your objectives and downplay the urge to stay in your current state. Confirming evidence. If you find that new information continually validates your existing point of view, ask a respected colleague to argue against your perspective. Also try to avoid working with people who always agree with you Courtesy : Harvard Business Review Posted on : 12/4/2011
  • 4. GETTING THINGS DONE BY DECIDING WHEN AND WHERE Managing your workload with a to-do list can be a productive way to organize your work and keep yourself on task. But don't let your list become a collection of everything you want to do but will never have time for. Make sure each item on your list has a time and place attached. Don't add "write management presentation" without including the day and time slot in which you'll do it. Consider foregoing the list and scheduling items on your calendar instead. You may still want a place to write down things you hope to get to, but be sure that each day you know what you need to accomplish and when. Source : -way-to-manage-your-to.html Posted on : 12/26/2011
  • 5. STOP EMAILING & PICK UP THE PHONE Email has fundamentally changed the way we interact. But, it cannot replace live conversa- tion. This especially applies when resolving a conflict or communicating an important business decision. Far too many people try to do sensitive business via email. This is problematic be- cause tone and context are easy to misread. In a live conversation, how one says something is as important as what they are saying. Without inflections and intonations, it’s hard to under- stand the feelings behind the words. In fact, email-based conflict often escalates because you aren’t forced to be as thoughtful as you would be in a one-on-one conversation. Next time you have a delicate or complex issue to discuss, take your hands off the keyboard and pick up the phone. Source : that-email-pick-up-t.html Posted on : 1/6/2012
  • 6. USE BUDDY CHECKS TO KEEP PROJECTS ON TRACK As a project leader your job is to monitor progress against the project plan. But you don’t have to do this alone. Use buddy checks to verify that tasks are done properly. When someone completes an activity, have another team member looks at the results. This shouldn’t be an in -depth analysis, just a quick check to confirm that the person didn’t overlook or misunder- stand anything. The ideal reviewer is someone who will use the results of the task. Just make clear that this is not a performance appraisal. It’s one team member looking out for another. Source: project-management/an/10725-PDF-ENG Posted on : 1/9/2012
  • 7. SCHEDULE REAL TIME FOR HIGH-PRIORITY INITIATIVES If your calendar is like most, it is packed to the gills. Between regular, mandatory meetings, meetings you or your boss calls, and interactions with customers, there can be little time to think or plan. This means that high-priority projects often end up getting the short shrift. In- stead of figuring out what on your calendar can go, start over and build your schedule from the ground up. Figure out how much time the most important projects need and block it off. You may not know now how you will use that time now but if you don't save it, you'll lose it. Then, add in mandatory meetings that have value, such as decision-making meetings or cus- tomer visits. For those recurring meetings that don't make the cut, ask yourself whether they need to happen and you have to be there. Source : from Ron Ashkenas Posted on : 1/10/2012
  • 8. TO TEACH, SHOW AND TELL How many times have you trained a colleague in a task, only to have that person come knock- ing on your door every five minutes with a question? People learn by watching others, so instead of telling people how to solve a problem, show them. Take them through each step, explaining the reasons behind each. Then allow them to ask as many questions as needed. This will not only give them the foundation they need to do the task, but will prompt you to master the task more deeply as you provide a justification for each step. Source : Posted on : 1/30/2012
  • 9. RESPONDING TO FAILURE Everyone reacts differently to failure: some immediately accuse others while some take the heat themselves, even if undeserved. Next time you and your team fail, re- sist the temptation to place blame. Take these three steps instead: Think before you act. Don't respond immediately or impulsively. Doing so can make matters worse. Take the time to consider several possible interpretations of the event and how you might react. Listen and communicate. Never assume you know what others think. Gather feed- back and then explain your own actions and intentions. Search for a lesson. Mistakes happen. It may be that you're to blame, someone else is, or no one is. Create and test hypotheses about how and why the failure hap- pened to prevent it from happening again. Source : Posted on : 2/6/2012
  • 10. KNOW THE BASICS OF PUTTING YOUR PROFESSIONAL SELF ONLINE Social media is not just for socializing. When handled correctly, you can use it to enhance your personal brand, establish your expertise, or demonstrate your digital fluency. Commit to using social media for professional reasons and be proactive about managing your activity and im- age. Consider what potential employers or colleagues will see — you don't want them to dis- cover only pictures of you and your dog, or worse. Make sure at a minimum you have a LinkedIn account with a completed profile. Try tweeting or blogging about your area of exper- tise, thereby creating content that others can forward, retweet, or repost. This can help you establish yourself as an expert in your field. Source : Posted on : 3/12/2012
  • 11. Guruspeak: THE ART OF LEADERSHIP ― Emotion and belief are inseparable twins. The 21st century leader should touch the heart, touch the mind, touch the emotion. Emotional Commitment is infectious, and it’s the biggest difference between effective leaders and typical managers. If a lead- er has emotional commitment, he/she strive beyond all else to succeed.‖ Believe‖ should be effective leader’s watchword. Leaders must create an atmosphere in which people believe in strategy, believe in management decisions, and believe in their work ‖ – Subir Chowdhary ―Management is efficiency in climbing the ladder of success; leadership determines whether the ladder is leaning against the right wall. If the ladder is not leaning against the right wall, every step we take just gets us to the wrong place faster. Ef- fective leadership is putting first things first. Effective management is discipline, car- rying it out. You have to decide what your highest priorities are and have the courage -pleasantly, smilingly, non-apologetically – to say ―NO‖ to other things.‖ – Stephen Covey Source : Businessworld dated Feb 13,2012 Posted on : 2/13/2012
  • 12. THREE WAYS TO TIGHTEN YOUR WRITING Writing today—a report, memo, or email—must be short if you want people to read it. But suc- cinctly expressing yourself can be tough. Here are three ways to trim your writing and say what you want in fewer words: Refine it. Take a hard look at the structure of your writing. Only include sections that are nec- essary to support your points. Consider an informal tone. Just because you're writing a report doesn't mean you need to be formal. Writing like a bureaucrat makes you use longer words and a complicated sentence structure. Adopting a more informal tone often helps you be direct and concise. Cut and then cut more. Look over your document sentence by sentence. If a sentence doesn't serve an important purpose, get rid of it. Source : writing Posted on : 2/20/2012
  • 13. SURVIVING DIFFICULT CONVERSATIONS No one is immune to workplace tensions: It is inevitable that you will have some trying con- versations with colleagues or clients. Here are three ways to reach a productive outcome, no matter how tough things get: Keep it civil. Don't turn the conversation into a combat with a winner and a loser. Everyone looks bad when the discussion turns toxic. Don't rehearse. When you know things are going to be tough, it's tempting to practice what you're going to say ahead of time. But this is a conversation — not a performance. In- stead, know where you stand but be open enough to listen and react. Resist making assumptions. You don't have access to anyone's intentions but your own. Don't assume that you know where your counterpart is coming from or how she views the prob- lem. Instead, ask for her perspective. Source : Posted on : 2/27/2012
  • 14. STOP THE WHINING ON YOUR TEAM We’re all grown-ups here, right? Then why do teams still whine? It’s part of the human condi- tion to complain, but it doesn’t have to derail your group. When people on your team get frus- trated and need a sympathetic ear, do the following:  Insist on accountability. Don’t allow people to present a problem without attempting a solution. Advise them to do what they think is necessary to achieve results. Encourage positivity. If the whining is about fellow teammates, encourage the group to work with each other to better understand the nature of the problem, and then create a joint solu- tion. Remind them that most people aren’t intentionally difficult. Source : writing Posted on : 3/26/2012
  • 15. FIND THE METRICS THAT TRULY MEASURE YOU Many people find it easy to identify metrics that measure the worth of their work: sales- people have sales targets, production managers track whether inventory is delivered on time and under budget. But not all jobs or skills are so easily quantifiable, and far too many people choose not to measure at all. If you fall into this category, invent a new, in- novative metric that gets at the real value of what you do. For example, if one of your critical roles is to develop your people, rather than looking at how many training opportu- nities you provided your team, focus on an outcome measurement, such as how many people you effectively brokered into other parts of the organization. Or if delivering inno- vation is in your job description, count the number of ideas generated by your team, and how many of those went on to become valuable projects. Source : Posted on : 4/9/2012
  • 16. TREAT EVERY TASK AS THREE STEPS . NOT ONE Most managers complain of not having enough time. They rush through tasks so they can move on to the next thing. But this kind of haste creates more chaos than it avoids. Instead, approach every task in three parts: Prep-Do-Review. Spend a minute or two, or even a few seconds, thinking about what you're going to do before you do it. Ask yourself what you're try- ing to accomplish and who should be involved. Then, do the task. Once completed, think about what you did and what happened. What did you learn? What will you do differently? Being thoughtful allows you to accomplish more with each task. You may not be crossing things off your to-do list faster, but you'll find you have more control over the results. Posted on : 4/23/2012
  • 17. YOUR TEAM NEEDS 3 ESSENTIAL CHARACTERISTICS What makes a team work can feel like a mystery. While you can't guarantee success, you can give your team a better chance by being sure it has the following:  A common purpose. Most teams form as a result of an outside mandate. To work togeth- er effectively, team members need to rally around a meaningful purpose they've embraced as their own.  A mix of complementary skills. It's dangerous for everyone on a team to have the same skills and perspective. Look for people with varying technical and functional expertise who bring different approaches to problem-solving and decision-making. Mutual accountability. You cannot coerce commitment. The process of agreeing on a goal together will forge trust and build the team's accountability to one another. Source : Posted on : 4/30/2012
  • 18. Delegate.. Then Disengage Entrusting a project to someone else can be tough. But if you don’t rely on others, you’ll al- ways end up doing everything yourself. You’ll also shortchange those who could learn by tak- ing new tasks. Once you delegate something, don’t be tempted to micromanage the process. Agree on the expected outcomes and just let go. If you’ve asked a team member to take care of an important presentation, don’t spend endless time on edits and corrections. Be clear on the parameters and remove yourself so she can do it her way, not yours. This is much more efficient than taking over, and the end product will likely be better. Source : Posted on : 5/21/2012
  • 19. THREE RULES FOR MAKING YOUR WRITING CLEAR In business writing, you get points for clarity, not style. Instead of trying to wax poetic about your division's plans for the next 60 days, just make your point. Here are three ways to do that:  One idea per paragraph. Novels hold several complex ideas and emotions in a single para- graph. In business writing, limit your thoughts to one per paragraph. When you have anoth- er suggestion, thought or idea, start a new paragraph.  Put your point in the first sentence. Don't entice your readers with background infor- mation and build-up. No one has time for that. Make your primary point first. Then go into supporting detail.  Make it "scan able." Few people read every word in an email. Use headers and bullet points so that your audience can quickly scan your message and understand your point ―Decoding Success‖- Speech by Subra - Video is available in ―‖ Source : Posted on : 5/28/2012
  • 20. Mic management ro Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary defines micromanagement as "management especially with excessive control or attention on details". defines micromanagement as "management or control with excessive attention to minor details‖. To overcome Micro Management :-  Increase Trust  Make upfront agreements  Keep your boss in the loop  Give feedback, only if appropriate Posted on : 6/4/2012
  • 21. Appeal to the power of Generosity Feeling powerless makes people frustrated and anxious. And in business, it is easy to feel that someone else always has the power: customers can take their business elsewhere, employees can leave their jobs, colleagues can focus on their own agendas. Instead of trying to wrestle power back, or exerting your own positional power, appeal to generosity. Pushing people makes them resist, but asking respect- fully for what you want often encourages kindness. Next time you need something, issue a request in- stead of an order, or rely on a relationship built on trust rather than hierarchy. You're more likely to get what you need and to feel better doing so. Source : Posted on : 6/11/2012
  • 22. Where does TRUST comes from ? Hint: it never comes from the good times and from the easy projects. We trust people because they showed up when it wasn't convenient, because they told the truth when it was easier to lie and because they kept a promise when they could have gotten away with breaking it. Every tough time and every pressured project is another opportunity to earn the trust of someone you care about. Adapted from "Add an Hour to Your Day" by Ron Ashkenas. Source: Posted on : 6/25/2012
  • 23. Passion Posted on : 7/2/2012
  • 24. MAKE CREATIVITY A HABIT Creativity is an essential skill for navigating an increasingly complex world. And yet the path to innovative thinking can be surprisingly simple. To improve your own ingenuity, practice the following:  Reduce stress, but not too much. Being overly relaxed won’t get your creative juices flowing. Embrace an in-between emotional state, neither complacent nor stressed out.  Get out of the office. Walk to work, take public transportation, wander about to see how real consumers behave and spend their time. If you never take the time to fill your crea- tive well, you'll have nothing to contribute.  Let your mind wander. Studies show that day dreaming stimulates a unique mental state. You’ll connect dots in new ways when you allow your mind to roam. Source : Posted on : 7/16/2012
  • 25. FOUR THINGS YOUR EMPLOYEES WANT FROM YOU Figuring out what your people want can feel like an intricate puzzle, especially when differ- ent employees require different things. Here are four things most employees need to be suc- cessful: Role clarity. Tell your employees what their roles are, what you want them to achieve, and what the rules are for getting there. Autonomy. People want something interesting to work on and they want to be trusted to do it well. Accountability. Holding people accountable is not just about being fair. It also sends a mes- sage about what is and what isn't acceptable. This is critical for employees who are try- ing to figure out how to succeed. Praise. Everyone wants to be recognized when they've done something right. You can moti- vate employees by highlighting their strengths and not harping on their weaknesses. Source: Posted on : 6/18/2012
  • 26. Start your TEAM on the RIGHT PATH Any manager who has put together a team — be it large or small, in-person or virtual — knows how difficult it is to get a group started off right. Next time you have to launch a team, try these three things to improve your chances of success:  Foster trust. People who trust one another tend to get work done quickly. Encourage an environment where people feel free to speak their minds.  Quickly acknowledge mistakes. No group can succeed without correcting itself along the way. Candid and timely conversations are essential. Be clear about expectations. The clearer the mission, the better the team performance. Everyone must know what is expected of them, in as granular a way as is practical Source: Posted on : 7/23/2012
  • 27. Retrain YOUR BRAIN.. Every leader faces a share of irritating screw-ups and minor setbacks. In response to those annoyances, some leaders get irritable and stressed out. Others keep on moving. To be in that enviable latter category, you need resilience. Train your brain to bounce back from has- sles rather than get snagged by them. Find a quiet place where you won't be interrupted. Sit comfortably and focus on your breath. Notice yourself inhale and exhale. Don't try to change your breathing, just be attentive to it. As thoughts, sounds, or other distractions come up, let them go and return your attention to your breath. By doing this 30 minutes a day you will teach your brain to go to a quiet calm place when it is stressed, rather than triggering your fight or flight response Source : “Emotional Intelligence” – Daniel Goleman Posted on : 8/6/2012
  • 28. Demonstrate your CREDIBILITY as a Leader One of the most critical traits of an effective leader is credibility. If your team doesn’t be- lieve in your ability to do your job, you’ll struggle to motivate them. Don’t assume your cred- ibility is apparent. Make an effort to establish it from the beginning by showing your willing- ness to work hard, modeling the behaviors you’re trying to encourage in others, and keeping promises and meeting deadlines. Always be prepared for meetings and presentations. Hold others accountable, treating them fairly and consistently. And, use your power and influence for the benefit of others. Remember that once you’ve established it, it’s important to contin- ue to demonstrate your trustworthiness credibility for the long term. Source : Posted on : 8/13/2012
  • 29. How to run A PROBLEM SOLVING MEETING This is a special sort of get together, similar to the meeting where you organize people to fig- ure out the best way to take advantage of an opportunity. In both cases, amateurs usually run the meetings, and the group often fails to do their best work. Ignore these rules at your peril: 1. Only the minimum number of people should participate. Don't invite anyone for political reasons. Don't invite anyone to socialize them on the solution because they were part of in- venting it--people don't need to be in the kitchen to enjoy the meal at the restaurant. 2. No one participating by conference call... it changes the tone of the proceedings. 3. A very structured agenda to prevent conversation creep. You are only here to do one thing. 4. All the needed data provided to all attendees, in advance, in writing. 5. At least one person, perhaps the host, should have a point of view about what the best course is, but anyone who comes should only be invited if they are willing to change their po- sition. 6. Agree on the structure of a deliverable solution before you start. 7. Deliver on that structure when you finish. Source : and, Posted on : 8/20/2012
  • 30. Encourage the use of SOCIAL MEDIA @ Work Most organizations limit or frown upon the use of social media in the workplace. Understandably, leaders have nightmarish visions of their employees wasting hours on Facebook and Twitter. But reasonable employee use of social media has actual- ly been shown to benefit companies. Here are three reasons to let your employees get connected:  More attractive workplace. Many people, especially younger generations, see social media as a staple of work life and seek out employers who understand and acknowledge the critical role these new technologies play in our world.  Improved productivity. Research has shown that employees who take breaks to surf the internet for fun are ultimately more productive than their surf-adverse colleagues. More engaged workforce. Employees not only appreciate companies that allow them to check Facebook at work, but they also use social media to connect with colleagues, improve communication, and speed up decision making processes — all of which helps them engage with their work and the organization. Source : Posted on : 9/3/2012
  • 31. THREE WAYS TO ENGAGE EMPLOYEES EVERY DAY As a manager, dealing with employees who lack enthusiasm for their jobs or don’t feel connected to the company is a big hurdle. Here are three things you can do daily to engage your people:  Facilitate progress. Employees feel engaged when they make headway toward ob- jectives. Provide clear goals and resources to support their progress.  Make work meaningful. Your company doesn’t need a lofty mission to make em- ployees care. They simply need to see how their actions contribute to company value, like a service or product. Reward and recognize. Don’t wait for milestones. Show appreciation every day for the work your employees do. Source: Posted on : 9/10/2012
  • 32. Find your EXTRA Time Crises and special events force us to find "extra" time in our day for crucial tasks. In an ordi- nary week, however, those hours are buried in unnecessary meetings, interruptions, and inef- ficiency. Don't wait for the next emergency. Here are two ways to regain wasted time:  Analyze your calendar. Look back at the last month. Which meetings were truly needed to advance your goals? Then look forward at the coming month and eliminate ones that you can bypass without any consequence.  Ask for feedback. Our worst time-wasting activities are often invisible to us. Ask direct reports and peers to identify tasks that you could do less often or stop altogether. Source : Posted on : 9/17/2012
  • 33. BREAK THE HIGH-ACHIEVER CYCLE If you're a high-achiever, it can be difficult to grow professionally. You have a successful image to preserve, so instead of embracing risk, you may lock yourself into a familiar routine. Here are three ways to break that cycle:  Use your support network. High achievers are very independent. But, everyone needs help. Ask people around you what skills they think you need to reach the next level.  Be vulnerable. Open yourself up to new learning experiences that make you feel uncertain at best and incompetent at worst. Remember that those feelings are temporary and a prelude to greater professional ability. Admit to small failures. Practice acknowledging uncertainty or confessing mistakes with people close to you. Course on ―Creativity‖ from Venture Lab – Stanford . Course is signed by 24000 + members across globe. Source: Posted on : 10/8/2012
  • 34. IDENTIFY YOUR EMPLOYEES HIDDEN TALENTS In today's economy, finding external talent to fill your company's needs isn't always possible. Nor is it always necessary. By paying attention and asking the right questions, you will likely discover myriad hidden talents among your existing employees:  Turn a compliment into an interview. When congratulating an employee on a job well done, ask exactly what helped her succeed. By better understanding her process, you may un- cover an unseen strength.  Ask why employees prefer certain tasks or projects. Preferences can be a view into someone's talents. An employee might enjoy a project because it involves a product she cares about or because it gave her a chance to design surveys. Knowing which will possibly uncover talents.  Inquire about dreams. Ask your employees what they would do if they had their career to do over again. Peoples' dreams often include an aspect of themselves they don't regularly share. Source: Posted on : 10/15/2012
  • 35. FORGIVE BUT DON’T FORGET It is common wisdom that failure is inevitable, especially when innovating. If you want people to take risks and try new things, failure must be an option. But few organizations have actual- ly created cultures that accept gaffes. To show your support for failure, encourage your peo- ple to make the most of their blunders. Try adopting a "forgive but not forget" approach. For- give honest mistakes, but make sure employees learn from past failures so they don't repeat them. Smart Link : - 11 Books every young reader must read… Source: Posted on : 10/22/2012
  • 36. CHOOSE THE RIGHT LEADERSHIP APPROACH When you manage a team of people, adapt your leadership style to meet each person’s needs. In general there are four types of approaches: directing, coaching, supporting, and delegating. Depending on the level of your employee’s competence and commitment, choose which will work best. When your direct report is learning new skills, be directive. Define tasks clearly and check progress to make sure he’s not faltering. Use periodic coaching when your employee is learning new skills but needs the freedom to make mistakes and learn from them. Be support- ive, encouraging highly competent employees who lack confidence. With employees who are both highly motivated and experienced, delegate tasks. In all cases, your responsibility is to find the balance between hand-holding and empowering. Source: Posted on : 10/29/2012
  • 37. ADMIT WHEN YOU DON’T KNOW ! Many managers are afraid to utter things like: "I don't know," "Would you help me?" or "I'm not sure I get it." But failing to admit when you make a mistake or lack knowledge makes you less effective. When you pretend to know everything, you miss opportunities to learn. And if you try to hide your ignorance or your errors, you'll lose peoples' trust. They know when you don't know something or make an error. Fess up when you're in those situations. Acknowledge your own limitations so others can do the same. And when you need it, ask for help and be open to learning Source: Posted on : 11/5/2012
  • 38. FOUR THINGS YOUR EMPLOYEES NEED FROM YOU Traditional leaders see the employee-boss relationship as a transaction: money in exchange for labor. Transformational leaders know and recognize that employees want much more than that. Here are the four things your people need to succeed: Love. This may sound touchy-feely, but love simply means focused concern that is exclusive- ly for that person's good. Show your employees you care about them and their futures. Growth. No one wants to be exactly where they are forever. Create a culture that allows your people to grow and expand. Contribution. To feel fulfilled, employees must know that they are contributing to the whole. Emphasize the ways that their work matters to the organization. Meaning. We are meaning-seeking creatures. Share a vision that demonstrates that all of your employees are engaged in a larger purpose. Source: Posted on : 11/12/2012
  • 39. The questions Every manager should ask Asking questions is an essential skill of a great boss. Yet many fail to inquire enough. Here are three types of questions you should be asking: Questions about yourself. Good managers ask themselves and others about what they could do better. Ask in a way that invites constructive, candid responses. Questions about plans and projects. These should both advance the work and develop the people. Tough and direct questions are ok, as long as they are in the interest of progress. Questions about the organization. Look for ways that the organization can function more effectively by questioning practices, processes, and structures. Ask: Why do we do things this way? Is there a better approach? Courtesy : Harvard Business Review Posted on : 11/7/2012
  • 40. Turning STRESS into an Asset Stress is unavoidable, but it doesn't have to be damaging. When managed correctly, strain can positively impact productivity and performance. Here are three things you can do to make stress work for you: Recognize worry for what it is. Stress is a feeling, not a sign of dysfunction. When you start to worry, realize it's an indication that you care about something, not a cause for panic. Focus on what you can control. Too many people feel bad about things they simply can't change. Remember what you can affect and what you can't. Create a supportive network. Knowing you have somebody to turn to can help a lot. Build relationships so that you have people to rely on in times of stress. Courtesy : Harvard Business Review Posted on : 11/14/2012
  • 41. Go AHEAD and MAKE A MISTAKE OR TWO Very few people feel comfortable making mistakes at work. They fear they will lose the re- spect of their managers and peers, and that their reputations will be tarnished. Yet, mistakes are often the best teachers. It's impossible for your people to learn something new if they only do things they know well. Create a mistake-making culture. Encourage your people to take risks. Help them accept their gaffes and share what they've learned from them. Of course, there are times when blunders are too costly. But for those less mission-critical times, ask your people to approach problems as learners, not experts. Source: Posted on : 11/19/2012
  • 42. FIND THE THREE INGREDIENTS TO JOB SATISFACTION Far too many people toil away in jobs that leave them dissatisfied. To avoid — or remedy — an unhappy job situation, find a position that allows you to do three things:  What you like to do. If what you enjoy doing most is useful, it ought to be part of your career.  What you do best. Many people spend years trying to improve areas of weakness. Focus your energy on mastering what you're good at. What is valuable to the organization. Figure out how your particular strengths can be used to better your company, unit, or team. A sense of contribution will make you feel more en- gaged. If your current role doesn't fulfill all three, talk with your manager about changing some of your responsibilities Source: Posted on : 11/26/2012
  • 43. Stop making decisions that waste time and money Many managers rely on gut instinct to make important decisions, which often leads to poor results. On the contrary, when managers insist on incorporating logic and evidence, they make better choices and their companies benefit. Here are three ways to introduce evidence- based management at your company: Demand evidence. Whenever anyone makes a compelling claim, ask for supporting data. Don't take someone's word for it. Examine logic. Look closely at the evidence and be sure the logic holds up. Be on the look- out for faulty cause-and-effect reasoning. Encourage experimentation. If you don't have evidence, create some. Invite managers to conduct small experiments to test the viability of proposed strategies and use the result- ing data to guide decisions. Courtesy : Harvard Business Review Posted on : 12/11/2012
  • 44. MANAGING YOUR TEAM : LEAD CONFIDENTLY Confidence is a key ingredient in leading effectively. Unfortunately, sometimes it’s easier to know your weaknesses than your strengths. Ask yourself these two questions to help find your self-confidence: - What do you do well? Make a list of your strengths. These items are not the same as the accomplishments on your resume; they are what made those accomplish- ments possible. How will your strengths lead you to future successes? - Why should people follow you? Look at situations where you mobilized your- self and your team to face a particularly tough challenge. Why did people believe in your ability to get things done and trust that you were the one to follow? Source: Posted on : 12/17/2012
  • 45. WHAT’S YOUR LEADERSHIP BRAND ? A leadership brand tells people what is distinctive about you as a leader and communicates what you have to offer. Summarizing your brand in a statement is a useful and often enlight- ening task. First, answer two important questions: What do you want to be known for? What results do you want to achieve in the next 12 months? Take these two answers and put them into the following statement: I want to be known for ______ so that I can deliver ______. Once you have your statement, be sure that you are living up to it. Ask others for input on whether you are achieving your goals and whether they see your lead- ership brand in the same way you do. Source : Posted on : 12/31/2012