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Number 2069
Contents page
• 1 – LO4 details
• 2 – contents page
• 3 – introduction
• 4 – magazine and magazine of inspiration
• 5 – frequency
• 6 – review
• 7 – target audience
• 8 – target audience
• 9 – competition
• 10 – masthead analysis
• 11 – masthead ideas
• 12 – title
• 13 – magazine and hand drawn drafts
• 14 – double page spread hand drawn drafts
• 15 – house style
• 16 – mood board
• 17 – flat plans
• 18 – test photography
• 19 - final choices
• 20 – improvements made
• 21 – advertising intro
• 22 – below the line marketing
• 23 – social media sites
• 24 – process of production
• 25 – budget plan intro
• 26 – printing costs
• 27 – building costs
• 28 – computer costs
• 29 – table costs
• 30 – chair costs
• 31 – printing costs
• 32 – advertising in magazine
• 33 – costs graph
• 34 – employees
• 35 – total budget
• 36 – cots
• 37 – expenses
• 38 – profit
• 39 – next issues
2nd magazine
• 40 – 2nd magazine intro
• 41 – target audience
• 42 – target audience
• 43 – from and style
• 44 – contents
• 45 – target audience
• 46 – target audience
• 47 – masthead ideas
• 48 – final masthead idea
• 49 – 2nd magazine proposal
• 50 – 2nd magazine mind map
• 51 – magazine front cover
and draft
• 52 – front cover hand drawn
• 53 – DPS hand drawn draft
• 54 – mood board
• 55 – flat plan
• 56 – flat plan
• 57 – graphics layout front
• 58 – graphics layout DPS
• 59 – social media site
• 60 – house style
• 61 – colour scheme
• 62 – frequency
• 63 – production plan
• 64 – printing cost
• 65 – issues
• 66 – income
• 67 – expenses
• 68 – profit made
• 69 – calendar events
Welcome to my pitch
Sonu Johny
Stinger a weekly
• Due to vibe (magazine of inspiration)
having bad reviews on not being sold
Target audience
• Target audience is
between the ages of
15 – 30
• Survey I conducted
showed that most
people within this
age group preferred
hip hop music the
Target audience
• One of the main reason for my age range
being so wide is because my magazine has lots
of advertisements of different brands showing
their product. So not much teenagers will be
able to afford all the products shown,
however young adults will most likely have
jobs which means that they are then able to
purchase the products advertised in my
XXL is stingers main
competitor because it also
focuses on the hip hop genre
and therefore may often
include some similar content.
• Sounds fears
• Sounds straight to the point
• It also makes the magazine sound like it digs deep like
a sting from a bee
Masthead idea
These are the fonts that I have narrowed down
to include in my magazines.
Fighting Spirit
I chose this font because it has
sharp edges which goes with the
name stinger.
Olympic Branding
I chose this font because it looks
very none formal and a relaxing
font. By using this type of font it can
easily indicate to the viewer that the
magazine talks openly with the
Husky Stash
I chose this font because this has wide spaces
between its letters which indicates calmness.
This is helpful to make the reader feel like we
are thinking about them and we consider the
readers feelings when reading the magazine.
60s Pop
I chose this font because the font itself looks very retro
and it looks like it’s meant to be for Pop magazines
because of it’s groovy and retro look.
Linkin Park
I have chosen this font because it is very bold
and sharp and because of this it will be easily
noticeable on shelf's amongst other magazines.
This font is also very unique with its letters being
stretched out and having sharp ends. The font is
well aligned apart from the random unusual lets
stepping out this could connote that the
magazine some times goes out of its boundaries
to get us good content because by the letters
being rebellious and stepping out of their
alignment shows that the magazine is also a bit
• Linkin park
• Sharp and blocked font
• Has a serious and professional
look to it unlike some of the
previous options which seemed a
bit childish fonts
Magazine hand drawn drafts
Double page draft
House style
Background Masthead
Colour of
text in front
Text for
Colour of
text in front
As you can see my
magazine and the magazine
of inspiration both follow
the same type of colour
Mood Board
Test photography
Final choice
In the end I made the choice of picking these 2 images to use in my magazine.
Front cover
Double page spread
Improvements made
Advertising stinger
Below the line marketing
• My magazine will use bellow the line marketing to advertise my product
because nowhere days more people most people have social networking
sites .
• By advertising on social networking sites I am able to get to my target
audience because the majority of people using social networking site are
young adults and teenagers.
• Another reason why I have chosen to do advertise on social media sites is
because it is free and a page on a social networking site like Facebook is
really simple to produce.
Social media sites
Process of production
• Step one is to plan out how your magazine and design the front cover.
• Step two is to decide on your editors choice. So to decide which story is going where and how
much of it is going in.
• Next step is to decide on the sub editing and make sure that the magazine is up to good quality
and if not add thing to make it to a good quality.
• Then it's time to proof read and make sure everything is in place and have no errors.
• After you print and produce the product you have to do a quality check on the product to
make sure no faults where made when producing the product.
• The you have to decide the price your are going to sell you product for.
• then finally launch the product.
Budget plan
ICT, overhead
• Cost of computers
• Cost of building you are working in
Working building
Computer cost
Cost of one - £319.99
Cost of 7 – £2,239.93
I will only need 3 computers to
start from because I am only a
start-up business and therefore
shouldn’t not put all my money at
risk by buying lots of equipment
and then not getting good enough
profit back from it.
Working tables
× 7 = £945
× 7 = £476
14 pages of advertising
14 × £1,155= £16,170
cost of
Cost of
Cost of
Cost of staff Profit made
from sales
All costs
Employees Cost
Editor £21,500
Assistant editor £21,084
Staff writer £17,000
Graphic Designer £18,391
Editorial assistant £19,000
Production editor £24,566
Reporter £23,000
Total - £144,541
Total budget
Magazine sales £21,800
Magazine advertising £16,170
Total – £21,986
Magazine sales £21,800
Magazine advertising £327,600
Total – £349,400
Employees Cost
Editor £21,500
Assistant editor £21,084
Staff writer £17,000
Graphic Designer £18,391
Editorial assistant £19,000
Production editor £24,566
Reporter £23,000
Total - £144,541
Cost - £1,250,000
Resources Cost
Office building £7,560
Computers £2,239.93
Decks £945
Chairs £476
Total - £11,220.93
• 10,000 copies will be produced for the price of £8714.50
• Each magazine will be sold for £3 each
• Once we sell 10,000 copies we will have £30,000
• Then once we deduct the printing costs we are left with
£21285.50 profit
Next issue
2nd Magazine – The 6th Sense
Target audience
• Target audience is
between the ages of
15 – 30
• Survey I conducted
showed that most
people within this
age group preferred
hip hop music the
Target audience
As my magazine follows the same genre as XXL I have
decided aim for the same target group as XXL.
This table shows that XXL is commonly targeted at
African Americans and also none of their target
audience are white, this could be because they think
that stereotypically all white people are more illiterate
than the coloured people therefore a magazine full of
slang and swears might not appeal to them, so
therefore they aim for young and black people who
are commonly in gangs and aspire to be gangsters like
some hip hop artists them might admire. This table
also shows that it is mostly targeted at males than
females and so this is also an example of stereotyping,
showing that men are more fears so therefore they
will be more comfortable with reading swears and
slang whereas some females find it disturbing with all
the swears and slang to read it.
Furthermore the average targeted age is 29 could
connote that it is targeted at gang members because
usually they are the ones who are illiterate and have
no jobs, so they find it hard to read massive chunks of
text .
Form and style
XXL is A4 size with 7 1/2″ W x 10″ H
dimensions and contains mostly slang due to
my target audience being young teenagers
who are less alliterate. My magazine will have
contrasting colours of both dark and bright
because it want the background to be a drack
colour such as black and I want the text to be
red so that it really stands out and is easy for
people to read. Also red is the colour which is
usually used to indicate danger so by people
taking this of the shelf and reading it
connotes to the reader of being rebellious.
My front cover will contain few words
because I am aiming at people who are young
teenagers who some maybe illiterate, it is
easier if there are fewer things to read and
more pictures to focus on and view their idol
In my magazine I want the content to be of a article explaining the life of the artist so
that people know what hardships they had to go through to achieve the level of
success they have gained. Also like I have mentioned that my target audience will
consist of people in the D and E group of the social-economic table, therefore this
could be because they dropped out of school to join gangs or just left school because
they got board. So by telling them about the hardships their idols went through might
convince them to make better choices in life to also achieve something or make their
loves more easier and avoid the hardships, by educating themselves.
Also looking at Hartley’s 7 subjectivities, the target audience of my magazine would be
between 18 to 35 because the slang and swears within the content is most likely to
attract young adults, whereas elderly people or children might be repelled when they
see slang and swear.
Target audience
My target group will be included in groups D
and E because my magazine contain slang
swears which are least likely to appeal to
skilled office workers or teachers. However
students and unemployed manual workers
are more likely to like it because they will
probably hear it around them, because
manual worker do not have to act
professional in their job therefore they are
free to swear and use slang, whereas skilled
office workers are required to act
professional and therefore they avoid using
slang and swearing.
Target audience
Hartley’s 7 subjectivities Katz’ Uses &Gratifications
Maslow’s hierarchy of
According to the Hartley’s 7
theory my target audience will
be young adults between the
ages of 18-35, this is because
the content in my magazine
will contain slang and swears
which, young children or
elderly people will most likely
be repelled by this. Therefore
my target audience will be in a
group between those two
which are ok with slang and
The magazine will contain
interviews and stories filled
with interesting updates of
artist and their backstories
which, young people will be
interested in if their idol stars
are present in the magazine.
Looking at Maslow's hierarchy
of needs the magazine seems
to be intended for ‘explorers’
because it targets explorers
because usually it shows
celebrities wearing the
material goods in the advert so
people will automatically think
that because a celebrity is
wearing that sort of stuff must
mean that it is trendy.
Masthead idea
These are the fonts that I have narrowed down
to include in my magazines.
Fighting Spirit
I chose this font because it has
sharp edges which goes with the
name stinger.
Olympic Branding
I chose this font because it looks
very none formal and a relaxing
font. By using this type of font it can
easily indicate to the viewer that the
magazine talks openly with the
Husky Stash
I chose this font because this has wide spaces
between its letters which indicates calmness.
This is helpful to make the reader feel like we
are thinking about them and we consider the
readers feelings when reading the magazine.
60s Pop
I chose this font because the font itself looks very retro
and it looks like it’s meant to be for Pop magazines
because of it’s groovy and retro look.
I have chosen this title because it is a unique font and
therefore it will catch peoples attention easily. Also the
colour is a bright and bold red which will stand out on the
magazine because the masthead will be the only thing on
the magazine front cover that has the brightest colour on
it. The masthead will need have a sharp and bold colour
because it will be behind the main image so it will need to
stand out more so that the main image doesn’t steel all
the attention.
2nd Magazine Proposal
The Second magazine proposal word document
will be linked in the glob page.
The masthead will be similar to VIBE
magazine and will have the name of
the magazine in a large font and will
be on the top of the magazine.
Colour Scheme
For the cover of my magazine
the colour scheme will be a
mixture of dark and light to
contrast each other and make
the important things stand out
more than the others.
Brand Identity
The name of my magazine is called
My magazine will have a large
image of an artist such as Bruno
Mars in the centre with the
Masthead over the image, this
conventional because this is
what similar magazines in my
genre have.
My magazine will also have an
advertisement of a competition to
win an iPhone 6 in order to appeal
to the materialistic needs of the
I have chosen this name
because the name stinger
sounds a bit fears and violent
which is kind off what most
rap is like violent because of
the artists fears facial
expressions. So the name
‘stinger’ will connote to the
reader that the magazines
genre is mostly rap, R&B and
hip hop.
Also the verbal code stinger may
connote to the audience that the
magazine gets strait to the point
of things and won’t mess around
by putting in irrelevant articles to
fill in space.
Main Headline
The main headline will be
positioned at the bottom of the
page similar to Vibe. The main
headline will be in a slightly
smaller font than the Masthead.
My logo will be of a bee to go
with my brand name stinger.
My logo will be placed on the
top left.
My magazine will be released
weekly because I want to keep my
audience wanting more and more
of my magazine without having
them wait so long to get it. Also by
selling it weekly we will keep the
reader interested in our product
because if we have large gaps
between our releases people will
forget about how good our
magazine and wont go through
the trouble of buying it
Main image
The main image will go in
the centre of my magazine
behind the Masthead and
the Main headline. This is
because I don’t the main
image to be the centre of
attention. We will give the
artist importance by
keeping the image big but
will put the masthead in
front to show of the brands
status and put the main
headline over as well
2nd Idea
Magazine design and magazine draft
Hand drawn drafts
The masthead will be located at the top of the page in
a pale yellow colour and in a large font.
This is to show of the grand and for people to instantly
recognize is where ever they see it.
Main Headline
The main headline will be placed in front of the
main image to show that the main story is based
on the artist. Its also to make the headline seem
more important than any of the other cover
Cover line
I have placed the cover lines on and off
the artist because I wanted the cover to
look a bit disorientated because teenagers
are fund of things being a little messy and
so this will be appealing to my target
Colour scheme
The colour scheme of the background will be grey with
the cover line and strap line being black and only the
masthead and some parts of the artist will be in colour.
This is to really highlight what's more important and to
maturity and prosperity through using bright bold
colours and dull black and white.
Hand drawn drafts
The colour scheme
One page is black and one page is
white this reflects that the target
audience is aimed at white people
and black people because vibe has
shown through their selection of
black artists that they are focused on
the black community. However, by
showing equality to both races it
makes my target audience wider.
Main Image
The main image is placed in the
centre of the double-page to show
that the artist is the centre of the
article and the article revolves around
The logo is places in the top-right
corner and it is bright colour to make
it easily noticeable and to make brand
I will have specific from the certain artist which will be next to
the main header, so that it is easily noticed and can easily be
read. It is written in red font so that it is eye-catching and thus
the audience will be drawn to it. Also people will remember
quotes more easily than large contents of text.
Main header
The main header is placed on the top-left
corner so it is the first thing that will be read.
Furthermore, it will be in a large font so that
it will be easily readable and more appealing
to read because it’s of a different font.
Mood board
Flat plan 1
Flat plan 2
Main image
Graphic Layout – Front cover
Main headline
Graphic layout - DPS
Main Image
Main header
goArtist Quote
Web link
The 6th
House style
I will have mast head in bright red and whit so that it
stands out the most front the other dull colours. This
is because the mast head hides behind the main
image therefore it needs stand out more so it is
noticed. Also the texts are in various sizes this could
be to connote how the magazine is more different
from other magazines and show that they are not
just about looking nice. The background will be
shades of grey, from light to dark, going in a diagonal.
Colour scheme
My mast head will be a sharp red so it stands out, the
background will be white with a light grey faded outline
going around it. The content will all be white so it is easy
to read. I would also want the content inside the
magazine to also have black coloured text with the more
important parts such as subheadings to be in red to
draw the reader in.
I want to keep my magazine colour scheme similar to
XXL’s because I like their colours scheme due to all the
content being easily readable and because the colours
contrast each other to make things stand out more.
My magazine will be released every week
because week, because it’s a new magazine so
people will only be discovering its existence and
therefore if I want the magazine to become
popular I need to have frequent releases so that
people are constantly seeing it on shelfs.
Whereas if it was a monthly release people
would see it on shelfs as often because either,
they might all get sold out or because there are
few ins stock.
Process of production
• Step one is to plan out how your magazine and design the front cover.
• Step two is to decide on your editors choice. So to decide which story is going where and how
much of it is going in.
• Next step is to decide on the sub editing and make sure that the magazine is up to good quality
and if not add thing to make it to a good quality.
• Then it's time to proof read and make sure everything is in place and have no errors.
• After you print and produce the product you have to do a quality check on the product to
make sure no faults where made when producing the product.
• The you have to decide the price your are going to sell you product for.
• then finally launch the product.
Magazine cost
Issue The issue date of the magazine will be on the
1st of January 2015. This is a good time to
start my magazine of because a new year
mark the beginning and this is a perfect time
to release my magazine because it reflects on
the beginning of Stinger.
Price The price will be set at £3 because it costs
87p per magazine to print and therefore by
charging £3 per magazine I am making a profit
of £2.18 per magazine sold.
Printed I will have 10,000 copies printed each costing
around 87p.
Distributed The magazine will use online websites and
stores such as WHSmith to sell the magazines
This is a table of the standard
amount it costs to advertise
in a magazine and my page
has 14 pages of
Income in
the first
2 for 1 sales in
the first week
First month
Fist month
with offer
Magazine sales £30,000 £15,000 £120,000 £60,000
Advertising income £16,170 £8,085 £64,680 £258,720
Total £46,170 £23,085 £184,680 £318,720
Resources Cost
Office building £1,250,000
Computers £2,239.93
Decks £945
Chairs £476
Total - £11,220.93
Employees Cost
Editor £21,500
Assistant editor £21,084
Staff writer £17,000
Graphic Designer £18,391
Editorial assistant £19,000
Production editor £24,566
Reporter £23,000
Total - £144,541
Total expenses = £155,761.93
Profit made
£318,720 (INCOME) – £155,761.93 (COSTS) = £162958.07 (PROFIT)
• This is the profit I will be making after the
selling all 10,000 copies of my magazine in the
first month.
The magazine will be sold most in the summer
because that’s when usually most people have
their holidays and have free time to go out and
buy a magazine from a shop and sit and relax
while they are reading it. Another reason why I
have chosen the summer is because it will be
easier to reach my target audience because
usually all the young student have their major
holidays in the summer so they will have lost of
free time to buy a magazine.

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Task 3 media. with changes
Task 3 media.  with changesTask 3 media.  with changes
Task 3 media. with changes
Music magazine evaluation
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media task 3 pp.pptx
media task 3 pp.pptxmedia task 3 pp.pptx
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Lo4 pitch

  • 1. Sonu Johny UNIT 30: UK MEDIA PUBLISHING LO4 Candidate Number 2069 Centre Number 64135
  • 2. Contents page • 1 – LO4 details • 2 – contents page • 3 – introduction • 4 – magazine and magazine of inspiration • 5 – frequency • 6 – review • 7 – target audience • 8 – target audience • 9 – competition • 10 – masthead analysis • 11 – masthead ideas • 12 – title • 13 – magazine and hand drawn drafts • 14 – double page spread hand drawn drafts • 15 – house style • 16 – mood board • 17 – flat plans • 18 – test photography • 19 - final choices • 20 – improvements made • 21 – advertising intro • 22 – below the line marketing • 23 – social media sites • 24 – process of production • 25 – budget plan intro • 26 – printing costs • 27 – building costs • 28 – computer costs • 29 – table costs • 30 – chair costs • 31 – printing costs • 32 – advertising in magazine costs • 33 – costs graph • 34 – employees • 35 – total budget • 36 – cots • 37 – expenses • 38 – profit • 39 – next issues 2nd magazine • 40 – 2nd magazine intro • 41 – target audience • 42 – target audience • 43 – from and style • 44 – contents • 45 – target audience • 46 – target audience • 47 – masthead ideas • 48 – final masthead idea • 49 – 2nd magazine proposal • 50 – 2nd magazine mind map • 51 – magazine front cover and draft • 52 – front cover hand drawn draft • 53 – DPS hand drawn draft • 54 – mood board • 55 – flat plan • 56 – flat plan • 57 – graphics layout front cover • 58 – graphics layout DPS • 59 – social media site • 60 – house style • 61 – colour scheme • 62 – frequency • 63 – production plan • 64 – printing cost • 65 – issues • 66 – income • 67 – expenses • 68 – profit made • 69 – calendar events
  • 3. Welcome to my pitch Sonu Johny
  • 5. Stinger Stinger a weekly magazine • Due to vibe (magazine of inspiration) having bad reviews on not being sold frequently.
  • 6.
  • 7. Target audience • Target audience is between the ages of 15 – 30 • Survey I conducted showed that most people within this age group preferred hip hop music the most
  • 8. Target audience • One of the main reason for my age range being so wide is because my magazine has lots of advertisements of different brands showing their product. So not much teenagers will be able to afford all the products shown, however young adults will most likely have jobs which means that they are then able to purchase the products advertised in my magazine.
  • 9. Competitors XXL is stingers main competitor because it also focuses on the hip hop genre and therefore may often include some similar content.
  • 10. • Sounds fears • Sounds straight to the point • It also makes the magazine sound like it digs deep like a sting from a bee
  • 11. Masthead idea These are the fonts that I have narrowed down to include in my magazines. Fighting Spirit I chose this font because it has sharp edges which goes with the name stinger. Olympic Branding I chose this font because it looks very none formal and a relaxing font. By using this type of font it can easily indicate to the viewer that the magazine talks openly with the audience. Husky Stash I chose this font because this has wide spaces between its letters which indicates calmness. This is helpful to make the reader feel like we are thinking about them and we consider the readers feelings when reading the magazine. 60s Pop I chose this font because the font itself looks very retro and it looks like it’s meant to be for Pop magazines because of it’s groovy and retro look. Linkin Park I have chosen this font because it is very bold and sharp and because of this it will be easily noticeable on shelf's amongst other magazines. This font is also very unique with its letters being stretched out and having sharp ends. The font is well aligned apart from the random unusual lets stepping out this could connote that the magazine some times goes out of its boundaries to get us good content because by the letters being rebellious and stepping out of their alignment shows that the magazine is also a bit rebellious.
  • 12. Title • Linkin park • Sharp and blocked font • Has a serious and professional look to it unlike some of the previous options which seemed a bit childish fonts
  • 15. House style Background Masthead Colour of text in front page Text for Content Colour of text in front page As you can see my magazine and the magazine of inspiration both follow the same type of colour scheme.
  • 17.
  • 19. Final choice In the end I made the choice of picking these 2 images to use in my magazine. Front cover Double page spread
  • 22. Below the line marketing • My magazine will use bellow the line marketing to advertise my product because nowhere days more people most people have social networking sites . • By advertising on social networking sites I am able to get to my target audience because the majority of people using social networking site are young adults and teenagers. • Another reason why I have chosen to do advertise on social media sites is because it is free and a page on a social networking site like Facebook is really simple to produce.
  • 24. Process of production • Step one is to plan out how your magazine and design the front cover. • Step two is to decide on your editors choice. So to decide which story is going where and how much of it is going in. • Next step is to decide on the sub editing and make sure that the magazine is up to good quality and if not add thing to make it to a good quality. • Then it's time to proof read and make sure everything is in place and have no errors. • After you print and produce the product you have to do a quality check on the product to make sure no faults where made when producing the product. • The you have to decide the price your are going to sell you product for. • then finally launch the product. magazine-production-process/
  • 26. ICT, overhead • Cost of computers • Cost of building you are working in
  • 28. Computer cost Cost of one - £319.99 Cost of 7 – £2,239.93 I will only need 3 computers to start from because I am only a start-up business and therefore shouldn’t not put all my money at risk by buying lots of equipment and then not getting good enough profit back from it.
  • 29. Working tables × 7 = £945 furniture/maple-wave-desk/
  • 30. × 7 = £476 airs/skye_black
  • 31.
  • 34. Employees Employees Cost Editor £21,500 Assistant editor £21,084 Staff writer £17,000 Graphic Designer £18,391 Editorial assistant £19,000 Production editor £24,566 Reporter £23,000 Total - £144,541 ry=Magazine_Publisher/Salary
  • 35. Total budget Cost Magazine sales £21,800 Magazine advertising £16,170 Total – £21,986
  • 36. Cost Magazine sales £21,800 Magazine advertising £327,600 Total – £349,400 Employees Cost Editor £21,500 Assistant editor £21,084 Staff writer £17,000 Graphic Designer £18,391 Editorial assistant £19,000 Production editor £24,566 Reporter £23,000 Total - £144,541 Cost - £1,250,000
  • 37. Expenses Resources Cost Office building £7,560 Computers £2,239.93 Decks £945 Chairs £476 Total - £11,220.93
  • 38. • 10,000 copies will be produced for the price of £8714.50 • Each magazine will be sold for £3 each • Once we sell 10,000 copies we will have £30,000 • Then once we deduct the printing costs we are left with £21285.50 profit
  • 40. 2nd Magazine – The 6th Sense
  • 41. Target audience • Target audience is between the ages of 15 – 30 • Survey I conducted showed that most people within this age group preferred hip hop music the most
  • 42. Target audience As my magazine follows the same genre as XXL I have decided aim for the same target group as XXL. This table shows that XXL is commonly targeted at African Americans and also none of their target audience are white, this could be because they think that stereotypically all white people are more illiterate than the coloured people therefore a magazine full of slang and swears might not appeal to them, so therefore they aim for young and black people who are commonly in gangs and aspire to be gangsters like some hip hop artists them might admire. This table also shows that it is mostly targeted at males than females and so this is also an example of stereotyping, showing that men are more fears so therefore they will be more comfortable with reading swears and slang whereas some females find it disturbing with all the swears and slang to read it. Furthermore the average targeted age is 29 could connote that it is targeted at gang members because usually they are the ones who are illiterate and have no jobs, so they find it hard to read massive chunks of text .
  • 43. Form and style XXL is A4 size with 7 1/2″ W x 10″ H dimensions and contains mostly slang due to my target audience being young teenagers who are less alliterate. My magazine will have contrasting colours of both dark and bright because it want the background to be a drack colour such as black and I want the text to be red so that it really stands out and is easy for people to read. Also red is the colour which is usually used to indicate danger so by people taking this of the shelf and reading it connotes to the reader of being rebellious. My front cover will contain few words because I am aiming at people who are young teenagers who some maybe illiterate, it is easier if there are fewer things to read and more pictures to focus on and view their idol stars. andard-specifications/
  • 44. Content In my magazine I want the content to be of a article explaining the life of the artist so that people know what hardships they had to go through to achieve the level of success they have gained. Also like I have mentioned that my target audience will consist of people in the D and E group of the social-economic table, therefore this could be because they dropped out of school to join gangs or just left school because they got board. So by telling them about the hardships their idols went through might convince them to make better choices in life to also achieve something or make their loves more easier and avoid the hardships, by educating themselves. Also looking at Hartley’s 7 subjectivities, the target audience of my magazine would be between 18 to 35 because the slang and swears within the content is most likely to attract young adults, whereas elderly people or children might be repelled when they see slang and swear.
  • 45. Target audience My target group will be included in groups D and E because my magazine contain slang swears which are least likely to appeal to skilled office workers or teachers. However students and unemployed manual workers are more likely to like it because they will probably hear it around them, because manual worker do not have to act professional in their job therefore they are free to swear and use slang, whereas skilled office workers are required to act professional and therefore they avoid using slang and swearing.
  • 46. Target audience Hartley’s 7 subjectivities Katz’ Uses &Gratifications theory Maslow’s hierarchy of needs According to the Hartley’s 7 theory my target audience will be young adults between the ages of 18-35, this is because the content in my magazine will contain slang and swears which, young children or elderly people will most likely be repelled by this. Therefore my target audience will be in a group between those two which are ok with slang and swears. The magazine will contain interviews and stories filled with interesting updates of artist and their backstories which, young people will be interested in if their idol stars are present in the magazine. Looking at Maslow's hierarchy of needs the magazine seems to be intended for ‘explorers’ because it targets explorers because usually it shows celebrities wearing the material goods in the advert so people will automatically think that because a celebrity is wearing that sort of stuff must mean that it is trendy.
  • 47. Masthead idea These are the fonts that I have narrowed down to include in my magazines. Fighting Spirit I chose this font because it has sharp edges which goes with the name stinger. Olympic Branding I chose this font because it looks very none formal and a relaxing font. By using this type of font it can easily indicate to the viewer that the magazine talks openly with the audience. Husky Stash I chose this font because this has wide spaces between its letters which indicates calmness. This is helpful to make the reader feel like we are thinking about them and we consider the readers feelings when reading the magazine. 60s Pop I chose this font because the font itself looks very retro and it looks like it’s meant to be for Pop magazines because of it’s groovy and retro look. Chosen font
  • 48. Title I have chosen this title because it is a unique font and therefore it will catch peoples attention easily. Also the colour is a bright and bold red which will stand out on the magazine because the masthead will be the only thing on the magazine front cover that has the brightest colour on it. The masthead will need have a sharp and bold colour because it will be behind the main image so it will need to stand out more so that the main image doesn’t steel all the attention.
  • 49. 2nd Magazine Proposal The Second magazine proposal word document will be linked in the glob page.
  • 50. Alternative Magazine Ideas Masthead The masthead will be similar to VIBE magazine and will have the name of the magazine in a large font and will be on the top of the magazine. Colour Scheme For the cover of my magazine the colour scheme will be a mixture of dark and light to contrast each other and make the important things stand out more than the others. Brand Identity The name of my magazine is called Stinger. Masthead My magazine will have a large image of an artist such as Bruno Mars in the centre with the Masthead over the image, this conventional because this is what similar magazines in my genre have. My magazine will also have an advertisement of a competition to win an iPhone 6 in order to appeal to the materialistic needs of the reader. I have chosen this name because the name stinger sounds a bit fears and violent which is kind off what most rap is like violent because of the artists fears facial expressions. So the name ‘stinger’ will connote to the reader that the magazines genre is mostly rap, R&B and hip hop. Also the verbal code stinger may connote to the audience that the magazine gets strait to the point of things and won’t mess around by putting in irrelevant articles to fill in space. Main Headline The main headline will be positioned at the bottom of the page similar to Vibe. The main headline will be in a slightly smaller font than the Masthead. Logo My logo will be of a bee to go with my brand name stinger. My logo will be placed on the top left. Frequency My magazine will be released weekly because I want to keep my audience wanting more and more of my magazine without having them wait so long to get it. Also by selling it weekly we will keep the reader interested in our product because if we have large gaps between our releases people will forget about how good our magazine and wont go through the trouble of buying it Main image The main image will go in the centre of my magazine behind the Masthead and the Main headline. This is because I don’t the main image to be the centre of attention. We will give the artist importance by keeping the image big but will put the masthead in front to show of the brands status and put the main headline over as well 2nd Idea
  • 51. Magazine design and magazine draft
  • 52. Hand drawn drafts Masthead The masthead will be located at the top of the page in a pale yellow colour and in a large font. This is to show of the grand and for people to instantly recognize is where ever they see it. Main Headline The main headline will be placed in front of the main image to show that the main story is based on the artist. Its also to make the headline seem more important than any of the other cover lines. Cover line I have placed the cover lines on and off the artist because I wanted the cover to look a bit disorientated because teenagers are fund of things being a little messy and so this will be appealing to my target audience. Colour scheme The colour scheme of the background will be grey with the cover line and strap line being black and only the masthead and some parts of the artist will be in colour. This is to really highlight what's more important and to maturity and prosperity through using bright bold colours and dull black and white.
  • 53. Hand drawn drafts The colour scheme One page is black and one page is white this reflects that the target audience is aimed at white people and black people because vibe has shown through their selection of black artists that they are focused on the black community. However, by showing equality to both races it makes my target audience wider. Main Image The main image is placed in the centre of the double-page to show that the artist is the centre of the article and the article revolves around him. Logo The logo is places in the top-right corner and it is bright colour to make it easily noticeable and to make brand awareness. Quote I will have specific from the certain artist which will be next to the main header, so that it is easily noticed and can easily be read. It is written in red font so that it is eye-catching and thus the audience will be drawn to it. Also people will remember quotes more easily than large contents of text. Main header The main header is placed on the top-left corner so it is the first thing that will be read. Furthermore, it will be in a large font so that it will be easily readable and more appealing to read because it’s of a different font.
  • 57. Masthead Main image Graphic Layout – Front cover Cover line Main headline Strapline barcode Cover line
  • 58. Graphic layout - DPS Main Image Main header Text Text A D V E R T Lo goArtist Quote Web link
  • 60. House style I will have mast head in bright red and whit so that it stands out the most front the other dull colours. This is because the mast head hides behind the main image therefore it needs stand out more so it is noticed. Also the texts are in various sizes this could be to connote how the magazine is more different from other magazines and show that they are not just about looking nice. The background will be shades of grey, from light to dark, going in a diagonal.
  • 61. Colour scheme My mast head will be a sharp red so it stands out, the background will be white with a light grey faded outline going around it. The content will all be white so it is easy to read. I would also want the content inside the magazine to also have black coloured text with the more important parts such as subheadings to be in red to draw the reader in. I want to keep my magazine colour scheme similar to XXL’s because I like their colours scheme due to all the content being easily readable and because the colours contrast each other to make things stand out more.
  • 62. Frequency My magazine will be released every week because week, because it’s a new magazine so people will only be discovering its existence and therefore if I want the magazine to become popular I need to have frequent releases so that people are constantly seeing it on shelfs. Whereas if it was a monthly release people would see it on shelfs as often because either, they might all get sold out or because there are few ins stock.
  • 63. Process of production • Step one is to plan out how your magazine and design the front cover. • Step two is to decide on your editors choice. So to decide which story is going where and how much of it is going in. • Next step is to decide on the sub editing and make sure that the magazine is up to good quality and if not add thing to make it to a good quality. • Then it's time to proof read and make sure everything is in place and have no errors. • After you print and produce the product you have to do a quality check on the product to make sure no faults where made when producing the product. • The you have to decide the price your are going to sell you product for. • then finally launch the product. production-process/
  • 65. Issue Issue The issue date of the magazine will be on the 1st of January 2015. This is a good time to start my magazine of because a new year mark the beginning and this is a perfect time to release my magazine because it reflects on the beginning of Stinger. Price The price will be set at £3 because it costs 87p per magazine to print and therefore by charging £3 per magazine I am making a profit of £2.18 per magazine sold. Printed I will have 10,000 copies printed each costing around 87p. Distributed The magazine will use online websites and stores such as WHSmith to sell the magazines in.
  • 66. dvertising/advertising-rates/ This is a table of the standard amount it costs to advertise in a magazine and my page has 14 pages of advertisement. Income in the first week 2 for 1 sales in the first week First month income Fist month income with offer Magazine sales £30,000 £15,000 £120,000 £60,000 Advertising income £16,170 £8,085 £64,680 £258,720 Total £46,170 £23,085 £184,680 £318,720 Income
  • 67. Resources Cost Office building £1,250,000 Computers £2,239.93 Decks £945 Chairs £476 Total - £11,220.93 Employees Cost Editor £21,500 Assistant editor £21,084 Staff writer £17,000 Graphic Designer £18,391 Editorial assistant £19,000 Production editor £24,566 Reporter £23,000 Total - £144,541 Expenses Total expenses = £155,761.93
  • 68. Profit made £318,720 (INCOME) – £155,761.93 (COSTS) = £162958.07 (PROFIT) • This is the profit I will be making after the selling all 10,000 copies of my magazine in the first month.
  • 69. Calendar The magazine will be sold most in the summer because that’s when usually most people have their holidays and have free time to go out and buy a magazine from a shop and sit and relax while they are reading it. Another reason why I have chosen the summer is because it will be easier to reach my target audience because usually all the young student have their major holidays in the summer so they will have lost of free time to buy a magazine.