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LiveHelp Server
Joomla User Guide
Ver 3
The process of configuration and implementation of the LiveHelp server is divided into four
stages, which are detailed below.
The approximate time of configuration depends on the number of agents and domains to be
managed, but for an average working environment configuration time must not exceed 5
1. Domain configuration
Through the dashboard you can access the domain administration section. The domain
administration section is the starting point where domain configuration starts and where the
chat option is available.
When you enter the domain administration section access is granted to all configured
domains and from there you can perform several actions.
Add domain: Using the option "new" a new domain can be added, to add a new single
domain you only require a domain and enable it for use.
Note: The real domain name is required for use and only this one, if an incomplete domain is configured or
a description is used the Live Chat option will not be visible at the time of activating the chat module.
When adding a new domain default settings are created, which includes more than 50 options
that can be modified according to the needs of each site.
Delete domain: The process of deleting a domain is very simple and only requires you to
select the domain and click on the delete option.
Note: Remember that deleting a domain also deletes all settings for the domain and associated images.
Edit domain: With a simple click on the domain you can access the Edit form which allows
you to change the domain and its status.
Settings: To access the domain settings it is necessary to click on the "Edit Settings"
The domain configuration options are divided into 10 sections, which are: General, Display,
Proactive, Fonts, Chat, Email, Images, Languages and Welcome Message, Rebranding and
Google Analytics Integration.
General: In this section there are the domain general options.
Live Help Name: A name for the Live Help service is placed in this field.
Site Name: The domain link is placed in this field.
Site Address: The entire domain is placed in this field, including http.
Departments: This option allows the Department field to be available in the chat form on the
Disable Geolocation: This option allows you to disable geolocation on the LiveHelp Server.
Geolocation is enabled by default.
Note: Remember that if you use the LiveHelp server on a site with SSL security certificate, geolocation
should be disabled the so alerts are not generated in the certificate. It is also possible to install the
geolocation script on your own server to avoid any inconvenience.
Disable status indicator in offline mode: this option allows you to disable chat module on the
site when there isn’t any online agent.
Captcha: This option allows you to disable verification of authenticity when you send an
offline message. Remember that disabling this setting easily allows offline messages option to
be used for SPAM.
Phone: This option allows the request of the visitor’s phone that asks for chat or leaves a
message offline. This option is disabled by default.
Company: This option allows you to request the name of the visitor’s company; it works both
for chat and for offline messages. This option is disabled by default.
Display: The main visual options at the chat window level are in this section.
Background color: This option defines the color of the chat window.
Chat font type: This option defines the font type the chat window uses.
Guest chat font size: This option defines the font type used by a visitor in the chat.
Admin chat font size: This option defines the font type the chat agent uses.
Disable popup help: This option allows Live Chat help.
Chat Background: This option allows you to choose between four types of available
backgrounds for the chat window.
Chat Image Link: This option allows you to define the output link on the advertising image
within the chat window.
Disable Chat Image: This option allows you to disable the image located in the chat window.
The image is enabled by default.
Chat Image: In this option the image used in the chat window can be set, the maximum size
of the image is: 86px x 181px in gif format.
Chat Send Button: This option allows you to change the send button, the maximum size of
the image is: 65px x 55px in gif format.
Chat Send Hand Over: this option allows you to change the selected send button, the
maximum size of the image is: 65px x 55px in gif format.
Note: Please remember that both the internal image and send and selected send buttons only affect the
default language which is English. If you want to change to another language it is necessary to do it via FTP.
Proactive: The main visual options at chat window level are in this section.
Proactive Chat Invitation
Chat Invitation Image: This option allows you to change the invitation to chat image, the
maximum size of the image is: 377px x 238px in gif format.
Auto Start Invitation Refresh: This option allows you to configure in how many seconds you
want the chat invitation to activate.
Disable Invitation: This option allows you to disable chat invitation. Invitation is enabled by
Proactive Chat Messages
The proactive messages option allows the agent to send messages, up to 90 characters
long, to a specific visitor. In this way, the agent can determine what kind of message is
better for a visitor according to the current page he is visiting or his browsing pattern.
To send a proactive message you just need to click on the “message” button available in
both the Support Panel Desktop and the mobile version.
The message will be popup on the right bottom side of the site.
In contrast with regular invitations, proactive messages are always available.
Fonts: All font options are in this section.
Font type: This option defines the type of font to be used in Live Chat.
Font size: This option sets the font size.
Font color: This option defines the font color.
Font link color: This option defines the font color for the links.
Sent font color: This option defines the font color for sent messages.
Received font color: This option defines the font color for received messages.
Chat: Control options for the behavior of the chat start window are in this section.
Disable login: This option disables the need to enter data to start a chat session; the chat
begins directly with a single click on the image in the status indicator.
Disable chat username: This option allows a visitor to start a chat session without entering
the user name.
Require guest details: This option allows visitors to start a chat as a guest.
Disable language selection: This option allows users to select in which language they want to
start the chat session.
Email: Options that allow you to receive offline messages and send copies of conversations
to visitors are in this section.
Offline email: This option configures the e-mail account where messages that visitors leave
will be sent when offline.
From email: This is the e-mail account that will be seen when an e-mail is sent through the
LiveHelp server as in offline messages and transcripts of chat messages.
Disable offline email: This option disables the offline message form.
Custom offline form: This option allows you to replace the offline message form with your
own form. To enable this simply put the link of the new offline message form.
Log offline message: This option allows the offline messages to be stored and available in the
offline message tab in the Support Panel. This option is disabled by default.
The three options that involve SMTP are already deprecate.
Images: This section allows you to configure the status indicator images.
Language Name: In this option you can choose the language for which you want to change
the images.
Online image: This option displays the online image and allows you to select a new one. The
English language image is always shown by default.
Offline image: This option displays the offline image and allows you to select a new one. The
English language image is always shown by default.
Away image: This option displays the Away image, and allows you to select a new one. The
English language image is always shown by default.
BRB image: This option displays the BRB image and allows you to select a new one. The
English language image is always shown by default.
Note: Remember that you can only use gif format images.
Languages and Welcome message: This section allows language configuration and their
corresponding welcome message.
Only enable the language and put a welcome message to allow both the status indicator and
the chat window to work with this language. You also need to select this language in the
chat module. Currently 27 translations are available.
Re-branding: This section allows changing visible information regarding copyrights and logos
in the chat window.
Copyright: This option allows copyrights in the chat window to be displayed. Copyrights are
enabled by default.
Image Banner: This option allows you to display the banners in the chat window. Banners are
enabled by default.
Company image: This option allows you to change the logo of the product for the logo of the
company that purchases the product. Remember that only files in gif format are allowed.
Company image link: This option allows you to change the link that points to the name of the
company for the link of the company that purchases the product.
Company slogan: This option allows you to change the default slogan for the slogan of the
company that purchases the product.
Note: Remember that re-branding does not transfer the copyrights or product intellectual properties, for this
reason phrases such as manufactured by, designed by or power by are not allowed.
Google Analytics Integration: In this section you can set the Analytics ID to be able to
count the number of times that chat is prompted.
2. Configuring Agents
Through the dashboard you can access the agent administration section. The agent
administration section allows you to add and configure data from the agents of the Live Chat
When entering the agent administration section you have access to all configured agents and
from there you can perform several actions.
Add Agent: Through the "new" button you can access the form of adding a new agent, the
information to create this includes agent data as well as the degree of privileges and the
domains that will be assigned to him.
In the details section, you can add basic agent data such as username, password, Name,
Surname, Email, Department, and State.
It is important to note that the Department field is shown in the first form before the login
and from there you determine for which of the agents a chat request is.
The Domain Privilege Field allows this agent to have access to all chat sessions of the
system and not only to the one he belongs to. It is recommended to enable this option for an
administrator agent.
In the Agent picture field you can define a distinctive image for each agent. Keep in mind
that the maximum size of this image is 86px x 181px in gif format.
In the Available Domain section domains to which an agent has access are defined.
Remember that if a domain is not assigned to the agent he will not be able to connect with
Support Panel Console.
Delete agent: The agent removal process is very simple and only requires that the agent is
selected and click on the delete option.
Edit agent: With a simple click on the agent you can access the Edit form which allows you
to change basic data, password and the domain assigned to the agent.
Note: Remember that if a new domain is added after you have configured the agents, you must
edit each of the agents and associate them to the new domain.
Connection information: The "Client Info" button gives access to connection information
required on the desktop or Mobile Support Panel.
3. Tracking Module Configuration
There are several aspects to be taken into account in displaying the chat module on the
website and two kind status indicator:
Domain Status Indicator
If the chat option will be placed in a joomla site it is necessary to generate the chat module.
This module can be used in the installation itself as in any other joomla site you want to
manage from the main installation.
The generation and implementation process is very simple and consists of the following
1. Generate the module: to generate the chat module simply click on the column options
"Tracking Module", the new module will be generated on the server.
2. Download the module: With the generated module on the server, it is necessary to
download it to your computer to then install it in a normal way.
3. Install the module: The tracking module is installed as any other module in joomla. Just go
to the Extensions Install/Uninstall menu, and click Upload Package File and select the module file
on the computer.
4. Configure the module: In the last step it is necessary to activate and configure the new
module. Like any other module it is necessary to define the position you want it to be
displayed just as the pages.
In the same way, it is necessary to configure additional module options, such as:
Language: In this option you can define the language you want the chat option to work in.
There are currently 27 available languages.
Tracking: This option allows you to enable or disable tracking.
Status Indicator: This option allows you to enable or disable the chat image.
Agent ID : In order to work as domain status indicator this parameter need to be “0”, the
default value.
Agent Status Indicator
It is possible to create a Status Indicator associated exclusively to an agent. This indicator
will only be used by the assigned agent.
The following steps help you create a status indicator:
1. Select the value agent in the option “Status Indicator Type” available in the agent’s
2. Select the images you will use for each status and available languages, by means of the
“settings” button. In the agent administration section you can configure the images.
3. Generate the tracking module and install it as usual.
4. When you activate the tracking module it is necessary to define the agent’s ID in the new
module parameter “Agent ID”.
It is necessary to keep in mind that when an agent is configured in this way, he will only be
available through his corresponding status indicator.
In the same way remember that you can’t have more than one status indicator per page.
External Sites
If you are going to configure the chat option in a not joomla site it is necessary to use the
tracking script option that is a simple JavaScript.
The build process is very simple and consists of the following steps:
1. Enter to generate the script: to enter the script generating option, it is necessary to click
on the "Generate script" option.
2. Set options: in the tracking script configuration form you should set the following
Language: In this option you can define what language you want the chat option to work in.
There are currently 27 available languages.
Tracking: This option allows you to enable or disable the tracking.
Status Indicator: This option allows you to enable or disable the chat image.
Status Indicator Type : For regular domain status indicator you need to use the option
“domain”, for agent status indicator you need to use “agent”.
Agents : If you select “agent” in the status indicator type you need select the right agent
from this selection list.
3. Display the script: after generating the JavaScript code you need to copy it and then
insert it into the desired area on the not joomla site.
Note: Remember that with this code you can create a JavaScript widget in Wordpress or a block in drupal
4. Server Settings.
It is possible to configure some settings that can affect the performance of the LiveHelp
server. In the “Server Settings” section there are many settings that are described below.
Connection Timeout: Number of seconds the server waits before generating a timeout when
a visitor submits a chat request.
Keep Alive Timeout: Number of seconds the server waits before generating a timeout.
Guest Login Timeout: Number of seconds the server waits before the server generates a
timeout when a visitor submits a chat request as guest.
Chat Refresh Rate: This setting determines how often refresh should be executed in the
guest’s browser
Sound Alert when a new message arrives: Through this option you can disable the sound
when a new message appears on the chat window.
Sound Alert for proactive messages : Through this option you can disable the sound when a
new proactive message or invitation appears on the visitor browser.
Status indicator image type: By means of this option you can change the allowed image type
in the status indicator, by default you are allowed to use gif images.
Proactive messages position : This option allow to change the position when a proactive
message or invitation appears on the visitor browser.
Also, in this section there is an option where you can reset all settings to factory defaults,
recreating the installation file with the file system paths. This option can be very useful when
the server is moved to another site or the name is changed.
Additionally there is an option that allows you to erase requests generated by the daily
tracking process. If you have one or several high activity sites, it is recommended to execute
“Clear up requests” option once a month.
5. Agent Sign in.
The last step after fully configuring the LiveHelp server is to Sign in as an agent using the
Support Panel desktop or the Support Panel Mobile.
The connection process is the same for desktop and mobile version; you simply need to enter
data in the Sign in form for the tracking module status to change to online.
Access information for each agent is available in the agent administration area "client info"
Note: Remember that you can only start one simultaneous session with an access account; it is not possible
to access at the same time with Desktop and Mobile Support Panel with the same account.
Support Panel Desktop Sign in Support Panel Mobile Sign in
Note: Remember that you can get the Support Panel Desktop App from our main download area and the
Support Panel Mobile for their respective marke such as Itunes, Google Play and AppWorld.
Also please remember that the only way to go online on the LiveHelp Server is through the Support Panel.

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ActiveHelper Livehelp Server User Guide for Joomla Ver 3 for Joomla 1.5

  • 2. Introduction The process of configuration and implementation of the LiveHelp server is divided into four stages, which are detailed below. The approximate time of configuration depends on the number of agents and domains to be managed, but for an average working environment configuration time must not exceed 5 minutes. 1. Domain configuration Through the dashboard you can access the domain administration section. The domain administration section is the starting point where domain configuration starts and where the chat option is available. When you enter the domain administration section access is granted to all configured domains and from there you can perform several actions.
  • 3. Add domain: Using the option "new" a new domain can be added, to add a new single domain you only require a domain and enable it for use. Note: The real domain name is required for use and only this one, if an incomplete domain is configured or a description is used the Live Chat option will not be visible at the time of activating the chat module. When adding a new domain default settings are created, which includes more than 50 options that can be modified according to the needs of each site. Delete domain: The process of deleting a domain is very simple and only requires you to select the domain and click on the delete option. Note: Remember that deleting a domain also deletes all settings for the domain and associated images. Edit domain: With a simple click on the domain you can access the Edit form which allows you to change the domain and its status. Settings: To access the domain settings it is necessary to click on the "Edit Settings" button.
  • 4. The domain configuration options are divided into 10 sections, which are: General, Display, Proactive, Fonts, Chat, Email, Images, Languages and Welcome Message, Rebranding and Google Analytics Integration. General: In this section there are the domain general options. Live Help Name: A name for the Live Help service is placed in this field. Site Name: The domain link is placed in this field. Site Address: The entire domain is placed in this field, including http. Departments: This option allows the Department field to be available in the chat form on the Website. Disable Geolocation: This option allows you to disable geolocation on the LiveHelp Server. Geolocation is enabled by default. Note: Remember that if you use the LiveHelp server on a site with SSL security certificate, geolocation should be disabled the so alerts are not generated in the certificate. It is also possible to install the geolocation script on your own server to avoid any inconvenience. Disable status indicator in offline mode: this option allows you to disable chat module on the site when there isn’t any online agent. Captcha: This option allows you to disable verification of authenticity when you send an offline message. Remember that disabling this setting easily allows offline messages option to be used for SPAM. Phone: This option allows the request of the visitor’s phone that asks for chat or leaves a message offline. This option is disabled by default. Company: This option allows you to request the name of the visitor’s company; it works both for chat and for offline messages. This option is disabled by default.
  • 5. Display: The main visual options at the chat window level are in this section. Background color: This option defines the color of the chat window. Chat font type: This option defines the font type the chat window uses. Guest chat font size: This option defines the font type used by a visitor in the chat. Admin chat font size: This option defines the font type the chat agent uses. Disable popup help: This option allows Live Chat help. Chat Background: This option allows you to choose between four types of available backgrounds for the chat window. Chat Image Link: This option allows you to define the output link on the advertising image within the chat window. Disable Chat Image: This option allows you to disable the image located in the chat window. The image is enabled by default. Chat Image: In this option the image used in the chat window can be set, the maximum size of the image is: 86px x 181px in gif format. Chat Send Button: This option allows you to change the send button, the maximum size of the image is: 65px x 55px in gif format. Chat Send Hand Over: this option allows you to change the selected send button, the maximum size of the image is: 65px x 55px in gif format.
  • 6. Note: Please remember that both the internal image and send and selected send buttons only affect the default language which is English. If you want to change to another language it is necessary to do it via FTP. Proactive: The main visual options at chat window level are in this section. Proactive Chat Invitation Chat Invitation Image: This option allows you to change the invitation to chat image, the maximum size of the image is: 377px x 238px in gif format. Auto Start Invitation Refresh: This option allows you to configure in how many seconds you want the chat invitation to activate. Disable Invitation: This option allows you to disable chat invitation. Invitation is enabled by default. Proactive Chat Messages The proactive messages option allows the agent to send messages, up to 90 characters long, to a specific visitor. In this way, the agent can determine what kind of message is better for a visitor according to the current page he is visiting or his browsing pattern. To send a proactive message you just need to click on the “message” button available in both the Support Panel Desktop and the mobile version.
  • 7. The message will be popup on the right bottom side of the site. In contrast with regular invitations, proactive messages are always available. Fonts: All font options are in this section. Font type: This option defines the type of font to be used in Live Chat. Font size: This option sets the font size. Font color: This option defines the font color. Font link color: This option defines the font color for the links.
  • 8. Sent font color: This option defines the font color for sent messages. Received font color: This option defines the font color for received messages. Chat: Control options for the behavior of the chat start window are in this section. Disable login: This option disables the need to enter data to start a chat session; the chat begins directly with a single click on the image in the status indicator. Disable chat username: This option allows a visitor to start a chat session without entering the user name. Require guest details: This option allows visitors to start a chat as a guest. Disable language selection: This option allows users to select in which language they want to start the chat session. Email: Options that allow you to receive offline messages and send copies of conversations to visitors are in this section. Offline email: This option configures the e-mail account where messages that visitors leave will be sent when offline. From email: This is the e-mail account that will be seen when an e-mail is sent through the LiveHelp server as in offline messages and transcripts of chat messages.
  • 9. Disable offline email: This option disables the offline message form. Custom offline form: This option allows you to replace the offline message form with your own form. To enable this simply put the link of the new offline message form. Log offline message: This option allows the offline messages to be stored and available in the offline message tab in the Support Panel. This option is disabled by default. The three options that involve SMTP are already deprecate. Images: This section allows you to configure the status indicator images. Language Name: In this option you can choose the language for which you want to change the images. Online image: This option displays the online image and allows you to select a new one. The English language image is always shown by default. Offline image: This option displays the offline image and allows you to select a new one. The English language image is always shown by default. Away image: This option displays the Away image, and allows you to select a new one. The English language image is always shown by default. BRB image: This option displays the BRB image and allows you to select a new one. The English language image is always shown by default. Note: Remember that you can only use gif format images. Languages and Welcome message: This section allows language configuration and their corresponding welcome message.
  • 10. Only enable the language and put a welcome message to allow both the status indicator and the chat window to work with this language. You also need to select this language in the chat module. Currently 27 translations are available. Re-branding: This section allows changing visible information regarding copyrights and logos in the chat window. Copyright: This option allows copyrights in the chat window to be displayed. Copyrights are enabled by default. Image Banner: This option allows you to display the banners in the chat window. Banners are enabled by default. Company image: This option allows you to change the logo of the product for the logo of the company that purchases the product. Remember that only files in gif format are allowed. Company image link: This option allows you to change the link that points to the name of the company for the link of the company that purchases the product. Company slogan: This option allows you to change the default slogan for the slogan of the company that purchases the product. Note: Remember that re-branding does not transfer the copyrights or product intellectual properties, for this reason phrases such as manufactured by, designed by or power by are not allowed.
  • 11. Google Analytics Integration: In this section you can set the Analytics ID to be able to count the number of times that chat is prompted. 2. Configuring Agents Through the dashboard you can access the agent administration section. The agent administration section allows you to add and configure data from the agents of the Live Chat system. When entering the agent administration section you have access to all configured agents and from there you can perform several actions. Add Agent: Through the "new" button you can access the form of adding a new agent, the information to create this includes agent data as well as the degree of privileges and the domains that will be assigned to him. In the details section, you can add basic agent data such as username, password, Name, Surname, Email, Department, and State.
  • 12. It is important to note that the Department field is shown in the first form before the login and from there you determine for which of the agents a chat request is. The Domain Privilege Field allows this agent to have access to all chat sessions of the system and not only to the one he belongs to. It is recommended to enable this option for an administrator agent. In the Agent picture field you can define a distinctive image for each agent. Keep in mind that the maximum size of this image is 86px x 181px in gif format. In the Available Domain section domains to which an agent has access are defined. Remember that if a domain is not assigned to the agent he will not be able to connect with Support Panel Console. Delete agent: The agent removal process is very simple and only requires that the agent is selected and click on the delete option. Edit agent: With a simple click on the agent you can access the Edit form which allows you to change basic data, password and the domain assigned to the agent. Note: Remember that if a new domain is added after you have configured the agents, you must edit each of the agents and associate them to the new domain. Connection information: The "Client Info" button gives access to connection information required on the desktop or Mobile Support Panel. 3. Tracking Module Configuration There are several aspects to be taken into account in displaying the chat module on the website and two kind status indicator:
  • 13. Domain Status Indicator If the chat option will be placed in a joomla site it is necessary to generate the chat module. This module can be used in the installation itself as in any other joomla site you want to manage from the main installation. The generation and implementation process is very simple and consists of the following steps: 1. Generate the module: to generate the chat module simply click on the column options "Tracking Module", the new module will be generated on the server. 2. Download the module: With the generated module on the server, it is necessary to download it to your computer to then install it in a normal way. 3. Install the module: The tracking module is installed as any other module in joomla. Just go to the Extensions Install/Uninstall menu, and click Upload Package File and select the module file on the computer. 4. Configure the module: In the last step it is necessary to activate and configure the new module. Like any other module it is necessary to define the position you want it to be displayed just as the pages. In the same way, it is necessary to configure additional module options, such as: Language: In this option you can define the language you want the chat option to work in. There are currently 27 available languages.
  • 14. Tracking: This option allows you to enable or disable tracking. Status Indicator: This option allows you to enable or disable the chat image. Agent ID : In order to work as domain status indicator this parameter need to be “0”, the default value. Agent Status Indicator It is possible to create a Status Indicator associated exclusively to an agent. This indicator will only be used by the assigned agent. The following steps help you create a status indicator: 1. Select the value agent in the option “Status Indicator Type” available in the agent’s settings. 2. Select the images you will use for each status and available languages, by means of the “settings” button. In the agent administration section you can configure the images.
  • 15. 3. Generate the tracking module and install it as usual. 4. When you activate the tracking module it is necessary to define the agent’s ID in the new module parameter “Agent ID”. It is necessary to keep in mind that when an agent is configured in this way, he will only be available through his corresponding status indicator. In the same way remember that you can’t have more than one status indicator per page. External Sites If you are going to configure the chat option in a not joomla site it is necessary to use the tracking script option that is a simple JavaScript. The build process is very simple and consists of the following steps: 1. Enter to generate the script: to enter the script generating option, it is necessary to click on the "Generate script" option. 2. Set options: in the tracking script configuration form you should set the following parameters:
  • 16. Language: In this option you can define what language you want the chat option to work in. There are currently 27 available languages. Tracking: This option allows you to enable or disable the tracking. Status Indicator: This option allows you to enable or disable the chat image. Status Indicator Type : For regular domain status indicator you need to use the option “domain”, for agent status indicator you need to use “agent”. Agents : If you select “agent” in the status indicator type you need select the right agent from this selection list. 3. Display the script: after generating the JavaScript code you need to copy it and then insert it into the desired area on the not joomla site. Note: Remember that with this code you can create a JavaScript widget in Wordpress or a block in drupal easily. 4. Server Settings. It is possible to configure some settings that can affect the performance of the LiveHelp server. In the “Server Settings” section there are many settings that are described below. Connection Timeout: Number of seconds the server waits before generating a timeout when a visitor submits a chat request. Keep Alive Timeout: Number of seconds the server waits before generating a timeout. Guest Login Timeout: Number of seconds the server waits before the server generates a timeout when a visitor submits a chat request as guest.
  • 17. Chat Refresh Rate: This setting determines how often refresh should be executed in the guest’s browser Sound Alert when a new message arrives: Through this option you can disable the sound when a new message appears on the chat window. Sound Alert for proactive messages : Through this option you can disable the sound when a new proactive message or invitation appears on the visitor browser. Status indicator image type: By means of this option you can change the allowed image type in the status indicator, by default you are allowed to use gif images. Proactive messages position : This option allow to change the position when a proactive message or invitation appears on the visitor browser. Also, in this section there is an option where you can reset all settings to factory defaults, recreating the installation file with the file system paths. This option can be very useful when the server is moved to another site or the name is changed. Additionally there is an option that allows you to erase requests generated by the daily tracking process. If you have one or several high activity sites, it is recommended to execute “Clear up requests” option once a month.
  • 18. 5. Agent Sign in. The last step after fully configuring the LiveHelp server is to Sign in as an agent using the Support Panel desktop or the Support Panel Mobile. The connection process is the same for desktop and mobile version; you simply need to enter data in the Sign in form for the tracking module status to change to online. Access information for each agent is available in the agent administration area "client info" button. Note: Remember that you can only start one simultaneous session with an access account; it is not possible to access at the same time with Desktop and Mobile Support Panel with the same account. Support Panel Desktop Sign in Support Panel Mobile Sign in Note: Remember that you can get the Support Panel Desktop App from our main download area and the Support Panel Mobile for their respective marke such as Itunes, Google Play and AppWorld. Also please remember that the only way to go online on the LiveHelp Server is through the Support Panel.