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Literary Comparison Theme Essay example
Literary Theme
The Cask of Amontillado is an 1846 short story by Edgar Allan Poe, which gives an account of
Montresor, a man who executes a plan of vengeance against his friend, whom he claims insulted him.
As the narrator in the story, Montresor provides a vivid image of his plan to lure Fortunato to his
death, which ends in the eventual live burial of Fortunato. The theme of revenge is the most
prominent element of this story, which enables the reader follow the narrator's character, thus
gaining a comprehensive understanding of the story. Similarly, the development of William
Shakespeare's play, Hamlet, is founded on the theme of revenge. From the onset of the play, the
ghost of Hamlet's father appears to him and asks that he more content...
This careful consideration of vengeance as well as the style of execution demonstrates the power
and influence of revenge on Montresor, a power that drives him till the very last act of murder.
As the story progresses, Montresor devises a careful plan to lure Fortunato to his death trap, but he
is careful enough not to place himself at risk. He approaches him at a carnival, and plays on his
victim's weakness for wine by offering to show him a brand of wine akin to the light Spanish sherry,
Amontillado (8). The narrator presents an interesting description of his encounter with Fortunato at
the carnival; at first expressing dislike for his friend's behavior by claiming that he approached him
with too much warmth since he was drunk, but then he adds that he was extremely delighted to see
Fortunato at that particular moment. This illustrates the depth of Montresor's desire to exert revenge
on his friend, since the sole reason of his pleasure at seeing Fortunato is that he knew his plans had
taken off, and he anticipated the satisfaction of the act of brutal revenge.
As they walk into Montresor's damp vaults to get the wine, it is apparent that the narrator sent all his
servants to the carnival to guarantee that only he and Fortunato were at the vaults at the time. After
Fortunato is heavily intoxicated with wine, Montresor ceases his moment and chains him up to a
stone wall, and finally buries him alive. From the moment the two get
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A Comparative Approach In Comparative Literature
Comparative literature can be regarded as comparative criticism in substance, because comparison
and analysis have been and continue to be the principal organs of literary criticism since Aristotle
(384 B.C. – 322 B.C.). Of the early theoretical practitioners, Quintilian (35 A.D. – 95 A.D.) and
Longinus (1st century) tried the comparative method fairly and systematically. Comparative
literature as a separate and independent discipline is, comparatively, a recent phenomenon. From the
historical viewpoint, the term comparative literature is said to have originated by with the first use
of this term by H.M. Posnett. But he used the term not exactly in the sense it is used now. The credit
of its origin must be given to Matthew Arnold (1822 A.D.–1888 A.D.) who was a relentless
advocate and practitioner of comparative literature. According to him the best method of literary
evaluation is touchstone method in which the analogical similarity of the term comparative literature
is involved in the sense which is supposed nowadays. Internationalism in aesthetics made a first
debut in the first international congress of Aesthetics, held in 1913 in Berlin. But it was confined
within the limits of Western literature. The gap between the occidental and the oriental aesthetics
remained as ever before. But due to the zeal of renaissance spirit,scholars in the East, particularly in
India, China and Japan, and orientalists in the West started writing on oriental arts and aesthetics in
English and other European languages. Their works made the western aestheticians recognise that
"oriental art contains important values not attained by art in the west"(Munru 13) led to the
discovery of important insights in oriental aesthetics, applicable to art and aesthetic experience
everywhere and made many Western artists and critics believe that the Western art has much to learn
from Eastern methods. Oriental school of poetics has six types; Dhavani,. Rasa, Alamkar, Vakroti,
Reeti and Auchitya. The last school is Auchitya propounded by Kshemendra (circa 11 A.D.) After
the gap of six hundred years, the name of Panditraj Jagannath can be mentioned, but his theory of
poetics can also be included in rasa–theory. It should also be kept in mind
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Art and Literature, a Comparison
Art and Literature: A Comparison Art and writing are two very different ways of expressing
oneself, but there are elements of artistic expression that remain common in both. Tone, theme, and
structure are just a few of these elements. The works of Jasper Johns, "False Start," and, "Painting
with Two Balls," as well as Annie Dillard's, "Heaven and Earth in Jest," are comparable in that all
three works of art use the aforementioned elements in order to reach the audience with a direct
point, which seems to be the idea that in order to understand anything in life and nature, you need to
look to actually see the true meaning and purpose behind it. The structure and tone of these works
are used similarly by both artists in order more content...
Created in 1960, the painting is 65 by 54 inches, almost the exact same size as, "False Start,"
(Artchive Painting). The paint used in, "Painting with Two Balls," does not differ much from
that of, "False Start." The bright colors are used again, setting the same uplifting tone for this
piece as the other two works. The structure of this piece differs dramatically from, "False Start,"
but is much like Annie Dillard's, "Heaven in Earth in Jest," in that it is broken into three visible
parts, just as Dillard created intentional paragraph breaks. The structure of the painting seems to
literally demonstrate the theme. The first break with two balls symbolically and literally
represents two eyes peering through blinds. This is a literal representation of the theme in the
sense that it is comparable to two eyes looking past what is on the surface for a deeper meaning.
The structure and tone of both works by Jasper Johns demonstrate the simplistic beauty of plain
existence. The works analyzed by Annie Dillard and Jasper Johns utilize structure and tone to
clearly present the theme they wish to portray. The bright colors of Johns' paintings are
comparable to the imagery used by Dillard in her anecdotes, and the structures of all three works
are somewhat similar, as described above. The idea that you need to look past what's on the surface
in order to fully understand anything is present in all three works, and the simplicity of existence is
a message
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Literary Comparison Of A Clock Essay
A Literary Comparison Of
A Clockwork Orange and The Crucible
The existence of evil in the world is a universal question that is often contemplated. Anthony Burgess
and Arthur Miller in their novels A Clockwork Orange and The Crucible address this question of
evil. One of these stories is set in the future, and the other in the past confirming the belief that the
human struggle between good and evil is timeless and applies to every person in society. Throughout
history numerous examples of leaders have attempted to control the nature of people within their
society through systems of punishment and reward. This system had failed continuously to control
the entire population because people still retain more content...
The citizens of the town are narrow–minded, hardworking people who live in constant fear of sin
and the Devil, and whose habitual lives revolve around the church. “Salem was
governed by a combine of state and religious power whose function it was to keep the community
together, and to prevent ant kind of disunity that might open it to destruction by material or
ideological enemies';. (Moss, 38) It is this mindset, shared by the community that Proctor disagrees
and rebels against when he has an affair with Abigail Williams. Proctor soon realizes his mistake
and denies the affair. Abigail, however, is still in love with him and is bitter for him rejecting her as
she shouts; “You loved me,John Proctor, and whatever sin it is, you love me yet!';
(Miller, 24) John Proctor is ashamed of his adulterous sin. “Were I stone I would have
cracked for shame this seventh month!'; (Miller, 62) Although he feels remorse for his sin Proctor is
unable to confess it because he knows he will suffer judgment and disapproval. Both Alex and John
Proctor are different from those around them, and therefore find it difficult to live by the same rules.
It is this, which prompts them to rebel against authority, and commit crimes in order to remain true
to themselves in a time and place where individuality is
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Essay On Comparative Literature
Even though Comparative literature is established as a discipline very recently, we could trace its
origin from time immemorial. It is almost impossible to speak about a text without mentioning
another. In The Preface to Shakespeare, as Dr. Johnson expresses "without the knowledge of many
mountains, and many rivers; so in the productions of genius, nothing can be styled excellent till it
has been compared with other works of the same kind." Comparative literature deals with all the
elements with which the literary text interacts without any confinement. It studies the interactions of
a literary text with other texts from other cultures, from other national literatures, from other times,
from other spaces. In this respect, it is open more content...
Generally, we, first start reading the text and then we arrive at comparison. We start comparing that
text with another that has similarities and dissimilarities. Comparative Literature which included the
consideration of more than one literature was in circulation in Europe in the nineteenth century.
Comparative Literature is different from national literature, general literature and world literature. It
was begun as "Literature Compare" in 1860 in Germany. And Comparative literature got recognition
as a study in 1897. In 1848, Matthew Arnold had used this term "Comparative Literature "for the
first time in English. He defines this term. He
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English Literature Periods Literature by definition according to Oxford dictionary is " the written
works, especially those considered of superior or lasting artistic merit". Literature has classified
into several periods. Which has affected by the surrounding events in the society in each period like
economic levels, war and peace. Literature is considering as a human creation is differing from the
other because of the changing in the society and language development in every period. This essay
will demonstrate the relation between the literature and social events, and how authors affected and
contributed to form those periods, also I will try to compare two different literature periods. The
Renaissance (rebirth period) The Renaissance more content...
The writers focused on these genres of literature and during this era, William Shakespeare
appeared and he becomes the most famous writer in the history of literature and his plays had
played in the theatres around the world. The themes in this era related somehow to the
surrounding events during this period so the majority of the literature works had a tragic end
which was death and that related to the Black Death (the plague), which spread during this
period. The poets like John Donne and George Herbert even Shakespeare followed a special
technique at writing their poems, which were the sonnet. A sonnet is a poem of fourteen lines
using a number of formal rhyme schemes. Victorian period The Victorian age was an era in Great
Britain 's history, which takes its name from Queen Victoria during its reign. The British Empire in
this era was the biggest and the most powerful, its spread their army all over the world and they
were governed approximately 400 million people in several continentals. The Victorian period
witnessed a huge development in industrial fields such as the railway, which helped to make the
travel easier, electricity and telegram, which make the long–distance connection easier. However, the
industry evolution had created many problems like the social classes and the accumulation of
money with a class of people, where you can find in London for example very rich people and on
the other side, you can found poor people. In addition, the role of women in
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Literature Compare and Contrast
Literature Compare and Contrast ENG 125: Introduction to Literature Instructor: December 19, 2011
Literature Compare and Contrast Stories and poems are both constructed differently and have their
own meaning behind them. The authors have underlying messages that they are attempting to
convey to the reader using their own characterization, style, setting and rhythm that is essentially
used in for the purposes of the narrative. The wonderful thing about poems and stories is that they
are created from ones imagination. Through their imagination we are able to use our won
imaginations to not only read the storyline that is intended but feel it as well. It allows us to use the
literary pieces to create a personal connection with more content...
Symbolism is a feature that poetry could not exist without as it is a main feature in the author
portraying a story. Colors in a poem could symbolize something new and shiny or they could also
symbolize something faded and worn. In the story "The Wizard of Oz" the "yellow" brick road is
a path that the characters are facing. They color yellow carries much weight on the way the
reader portrays they journey the character is about to take. Going down a road symbolizes choice.
In Frosts story there are two roads which symbolize choices that may involve conflict or dilemma.
In this poem the reader gets the impression that the character is facing two fates based on the path
she takes. The two paths are further described when the author says "And both that morning equally
lay in leaves no step had trodden black". The color black symbolizes death which the reader could
interpret that the character may be facing death. While there are choices in the paths that the
character may take there is still the thought of the "unknown" destiny of each of these paths.
Looking further into the symbolization of the writing the reader sees that the character is facing
conflict with the choice of paths to take. The poem begins to give the impression that character has
already made a choice, as mention is made of the character being on one path and opting to stay on
that path for another day knowing how one may
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Literary Comparison Essay
In the literary works, The Color Purple by Alice Walker; and Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen,
the authors make specific sociohistorical commentary on an issue of social concern. Some of these
issues of social concern include: marriage, class, racism, gender roles, violence, and etc. Jane
Austen and Alice Walker use an array of literary devices in their books to portray their point of
view on the issues of social concern listed previously and use it effectively by bringing attention to
the reader of these issues during their time period. Without a doubt, Alice Walker could be described
as a feminist from the story she generated around the protagonist in The Color Purple: Celie.
Throughout the letters that is comprised within the book, Walker strives to explore the oppressions
and triumphs of black women trying to sustain their creativity in a society that believes them to be
property belonging to only men. She reveals the self–discovery of Celie, a poor, uneducated black more content...
Alice Walker's choice and effective handling of the epistolary style of The Color Purple assisted her
to tell a touching tale of women's struggle for equality and independence in a society dominated by
males. On the contrary, granting the full force of the arrogance, the mistreatment, and the
ruthlessness of all the evils that reduce the human spirit and are essential in an avaricious society,
Pride and Prejudice clearly confirms the cynical "truth" of the opening sentence. At the same time,
without evading the degree of Elizabeth's submission to society, it asserts the vivacity and the
independent life that is possible, at least to an Elizabeth Bennet. Pride and Prejudice, like its title,
offers misleadingly simple antitheses that yield up the intricacy of life
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They're All Mad Here: A Literary Comparison of "The Fall of the House of Usher" and "The
Masque of the Red Death" Internationally known romantic author Edgar Allan Poe has always
represented darkness, madness, and death in his stories. With these representations, Poe must
provide this mood for the reader to become engulfed in the madness. In his tale "The Fall of the
House of Usher," Poe uses descriptive details about the dull color and ruggedness of the house and
the Ushers themselves to set a gloomy mood. He also describes in detail Roderick Usher's descent
into madness and his fearfulness of death. In turn, he depicts brightly colored chambers in "The
Masque of the Red Death," but the arrangement of colors provides a more content...
This routine breaks when his twin sister Madeline "dies" and Roderick and the narrator entomb
her within the house. The death of his sister causes Roderick to descend deeper into his own
madness. He spends most of his time roaming "from chamber to chamber with hurried, unequal,
and objectless step" and began neglecting the daily activities shared between him and the narrator
(Poe). Due to the lack of social interaction between the two, literary expert Craig Howes believes
the already mad Roderick now "draws the narrator into madness," (Howes). Now that Roderick
has become less sociable with the narrator and there is one less person in the house, the narrator
lacks the social interactions required by most humans. He feels uneasy about the "corpse" they
have entombed and begins to fear the initial dark and gloom of the house itself both inside and
out. Although Prince Prospero from "The Masque of the Red Death" has descended into madness
just as much, if not more so, as Roderick Usher, his madness is represented in a different manner.
Prospero's madness is fueled primarily by ignorance. He believes as long as he and his guests
remain within the confines of the abbey, they will all be safe from the "Red Death." Due to this
ignorance, within the abbey "there were buffoons, there were improvisatori, there were
ballet–dancers, there were musicians, there was Beauty, there was wine. All these and security were
within. Without was
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Compare And Contrast Literary Theory And Marxism
Literary Theory at Work: 1984, Psychoanalysis, and Marxism
The words "literary theory" strike fear in the hearts of students. For thousands of years, though,
people have been telling and interpreting stories, trying to make sense of the world, which is, in
essence, what literary theory attempts to do. As people experience life, interpretations of stories
change and evolve. These stories and their interpretations, which started out as life lessons, evolved
into ideas as complex as contemplating the existence of man. As a student of literary theory, it seems
that there are theories to either support or contradict every possible line of thinking that could have
ever existed. From deconstructionist to psychoanalysis, Marxism to Feminism, theories abound.
Each theory steeped in its own tradition, per se, drawing on the works of the great thinkers to help
readers develop unique perspectives and analysis.
Marxist theory is based upon the writings of Karl Marx and examines social hierarchies, as well as
governmental structures and capitalist ideas. This theory allows the reader to more clearly examine
the relationships between characters and how each character fits into society. While the theoretical
application may not be what the author intended, it does help the reader develop an understanding of
both different times and cultures. "Marxist literary criticism has traditionally been concerned with
studying the embeddedness of a work within its historical, social, and
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Chaos and Literary Comparison Essay example
Chaos and Literary Comparison
Abstract: I will show how chaos is can be found in art, specifically in literature, and analyze John
Hawkes's Travesty to show the similarities between literature and chaos.
John Hawkes describes the "artistic challenge" as conceiving the inconceivable. In accordance with
that thought, Wallace Stevens says, "Imagination is the power that enables us to perceive the normal
in the abnormal." It is arguable that chaos, deterministic disorder, is both abnormal and
inconceivable to the untrained mind; even to the person accustomed to chaos, the imagination is key
to his/her perception of chaos. Therefore, chaos can be found not only in nature and scientific
studies, but also in art, more content...
He refutes the perception of life as a slow, undisturbed flow; he welcomes turbulence as a factor of
art and life in general. He focuses on the processes by which turbulence is obtained, and on the
moment when that turbulence reveals itself. He is interested in the instant when the ordinary flow
of molecules becomes random: the transition between "invention and destruction, the calculable and
the inscrutable, the process of life and the stasis of death" (Conte, 123). He is aware that chaos is an
undeniable part of his life which he can only comprehend through his imagination and, therefore,
through art (no matter how bizarre that art may appear to be).
The initial conditions in the story are infidelity, betrayal, and artistic temperament. The variables
produced by these initial conditions are Papa's driving skill, the empty road, and the time of night.
All of these variables are crucial; if one is changed in the slightest way, it alters Papa's original plan,
thereby taking away the underlying meaning of the "art" and transforming it into mere debris. These
variables exemplify the Butterfly effect and sensitive dependence upon initial conditions, concepts
that suggest that even a minor change in the initial circumstances of a system (here, the conditions
leading up to the crash) determine its outcome. If by some odd happenstance, Papa's
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Literature Comparison between a Short Story and a Poem
Gian Carlo O. Dela Cruz
Literature Comparison between a Short Story and a Poem
Literature? This form of entertainment had been around for ages, whether be in a form of a
Poetry, a Drama or a Short Story. This Type of literature had been used by Poets and Authors to
convey their deepest desires, feelings, Ideas, amazing imaginations which makes us, whoever we
want and an escape to daily normal life and with this making it humorous and lively. Everyone
definitely have been exposed to a genre of literature in their life at one point. It comes from the
French language and is used to identify types or categories of literature. (Clugston, 2010). This can
be further classified more content...
Thurber was encouraged by his family as well as society to advance himself socially. He had two
brothers and a father to constantly enforce male views. However, his mother was dominant
personality of the family. Described as a larger than life, born comedienne, Mary Anne (Mame)
Fisher Thurber was a source of inspiration for her son's literary works. James Thurber attended
college at Ohio State University from 1913 to 1918. Shortly after returning from Paris, France as a
code clerk for the U.S. Department of State, Thurber married Althea Adams. Unfortunately, the
marriage was troubled and ended in divorce 12 years later in 1935.
Emily Dickinson of "Because I Could Not Stop for Death" and James Thurber's "The Secret Life of
Walter Mitty" are both great literary works. Although these stories are well written, they both own a
different character. Emily's story is a solemn and compacts with the matter of death and tragedy
events involving a women who remains so busy that she never has time to stop and think about
anything else, including death. In contrast, Thurber's story has a comedic sensibility presented
through the acts of a somewhat unlucky man. "The main theme of this story is escapism, in which
the main character deals with his everyday frustrations by escaping into daydreams" (Cummings,
Alongside the advantage of the enormous differences, a commonality exists which describes the
negative compromise of
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Literary Comparison
A Literary Comparison of "Fiesta 1980" and Fences
Cultural Role in the Family Dynamic
Arthur Junot Diaz was born in the Dominican Republic and with his family immigrated to the
United States when he was only seven years old. His Hispanic cultural background influences his
story and characters Diaz's characters use Latin dialect throughout the story "Fiesta 1980". Likewise
August Wilson grew up in a black neighborhood up north that influenced his characters, setting, and
dialect in Fences. Both Diaz and Miller wrote from a cultural perspective. Each Arthur depicted how
it was to live and grow up in their particular culture. Through the use of culture both Diaz and Wilson
portray how important more content...
If I was mad at you I'd tell you about it." (Wilson, 1985, 1529) .They own a house and a small
piece of property. Both Diaz and Wilson show how relevant the setting is in regard to the culture
because it is vital in understanding the family dynamic. The members in both families were not
entitled to opinions or input. Papi was going to drive the green Volkswagen van and Troy was
going to live in the house his brother bought. The family is second to what both Papi and Troy want
the desire first to be admired and respected for what material things they have acquired.
In "Fiesta 1980" Papi uses the fact that he is Dominican and in his Hispanic culture he can cheat
and get away with it. It is understood in most Latin cultures that if the man is the breadwinner
and brings home the money then what he should not be questioned. Papi was arrogant and let the
fact that he was head of his family cloud his better judgment. Papi should have protected his sons
from his lies and infidelity's. Instead, Papi would use to fact that he was a macho man and the
head of the family to show his sons a lesson in cheating. Papi would take them around his mistress
and expose them to that side of his life, the side of his life that should have not even existed. "I met
the Puerto Rican woman right after Papi had gotten the van" (Diaz,1996,155). Papi would use to
van as an excuse and take his son driving, trying to help his car
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Compare and Contrast of Two Literary Works
This paper compares and contrasts two different literary works, "Country Lovers" written by
Nadine Gordimer and "The Welcome Table" by Alice Walker. Both stories follow the same theme,
or hidden message or underlying idea in a story. They are about ethnicity and racism which
ultimately results in the death of a person: the infant daughter in "Country Lovers" and the old lady
in "The Welcome Table."Racism has transcended generations, separated families and nations, and
left heartache and grief in its wake.
Synopsis of Both Stories
The first story, "Country Lovers" is about Paulus, the spoiled, rich son of a white farmer and
Thebedi, the daughter of a poor black worker. The story tells how Paulus and Thebedi grew up
together on more content...
The preacher who she apparently has had a "familial" relationship with throughout many years
lovingly refers to her as "Auntie" and tells her that she does not belong here and this is not her
church. The usher, too, similarly called her "Grandma". In "Country Lovers" the poor black laborers
worked for the rich white people in harsh conditions.
Conditional and Unconditional Love
As mentioned, both stories tell of tough racial and discrimination issues that plagued the times they
were written, although any separation of color was illegal. During those days, love was very much
conditional, not unconditional (Bauer, 1992). Both stories are filled with the symbolism of love
and hatred, life and death, good and evil. Despite the obvious love and affection in both stories for
Thebedi and the old lady, the white men are still racist.
For Paulus and Thebedi, there is obviously a childhood attraction between the two although they
kept it secret because interracial relationships in this era were illegal. Even though they know it is
wrong to love each other, they still do. Their childhood love and attraction they felt for each other
resulted in them growing up to be more than friends. The crime is represented in the birth of their
daughter; therefore, Paulus must make her go away. Being the racist that Paulus's father has raised
him to be and his need to cover up their crime, Paulus makes the decision to murder his own child.
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Literature Comparison
Literature Comparison
Krystal Swafford
Loretta Crosson
October 15, 2012
There are different types and forms of literature. They are novel, drama, poetry, biography,
non–fictional prose, essay, epic and short story. All these types of literature have some elements. To
complete a piece of literature, a writer, dramatist or a novelist must use certain elements like plot,
character, theme, etc. to capture the interest of their readers. When reading literature, there are
themes which are interpreted within the literary piece. Themes reflect innocence, experience, life,
death, reality, fate, madness, sanity, love, society, individual, etc. Such themes present a point of a
lesson learned or the particular meaning more content...
After using the historical approach to analyze this story and researching the author herself I found an
underlying theme of freedom from social norms with the plot and the character portrayed
contributing to that theme.
A plot is a dynamic element in fiction, a sequence of interrelated, conflicting actions and events that
typically build to a climax and bring about a resolution. In this story the plot is by no means
climatic but it starts with a tragic death, which draws you in, I know morbid but true. Everyone is
afraid to tell the young woman about her husband's death because of her weak heart. They all fear
she will die from grief. But when she is told, she locks herself in her room after a crying fit, again,
everyone worried that she will make herself ill with grief.
But this is not what the young woman is doing. She is realizing something, struggling with
something. You have to keep reading because now you want to know...what is she doing? If you
understand the metaphors, similes and symbols you can figure it out before the epiphany happens,
but you have to read carefully. If you don't you begin to think her cruel, she's happy her husband is
dead? And the plot thickens until the words escape her mouth, "Free, free, free!" And there is the
epiphany, what we have been waiting for. She has struggled with social norms and her husband's
will bend because he was the man and
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A Literary Analysis on the "Shall I Compare Thee?" (Sonnet XVIII) by William Shakespeare and the
"To his Coy Mistress" Poem by Andrew Marvell
This article compares the poems "Shall I Compare Thee?" (Sonnet XVIII) with "To his Coy
Mistress" and examines the purposes of the poems and their implemented poetry techniques to
convey their poets ideas. On first look it seems both poems are sharing the common ideas of
"Love" but by analyzing the poems, it becomes clear that the purposes of the two poems are not
similar. The purpose of Shakespeare in writing his poem for a woman whom he loves is to praise
her by comparing her to beautiful facts of life such as "Summer" and furthermore, to grant her
immortality through his poem's lines, meaning as long as his sonnet is being read and exists, his
lady exists while he does not expect anything else from her. On the other side, the "To his Coy
Mistress" by Marvell is about a man's intent in having sex with a woman whom he likes and
persuades her to lose her virginity by warning her that time is running out. In this regard, this paper
by examining and comparing the poems languages, techniques and expressed themes will
demonstrate that the "To his Coy Mistress" poem by Marvell is more argumentative in this
In his poem "To his Coy Mistress," Marvell persuades the girl to have sex with him by connecting
"Death" to this issue and by using words such as "Grave," "Dust," "Marble," "Vault," "Ashes," and
"Worms." An example of using
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Comparing and Contrasting Literary Forms
Comparing & Contrasting Literary Forms
Author's name
Author's institutional affiliation
Author's note
Comparing & Contrasting Literary Forms
The paper will consider the similarities and differences among the literary forms of drama, poetry,
and the short story. Certainly, an obvious similarity is that they are all forms of literature and as
such have the great potential to affect people's hearts, minds, and experiences. Literature, when
executive well, has the potential to change a person's perspective, inspire, or otherwise change who
that person is and how that person thinks. This is a similarity that each one of these literary forms
has in common off the bat.
It is the opinion of this author that one of the highest forms of literature is poetry. Poetry is a very
old form of literature and it is one of the most challenging forms of literature to write well or
successfully. There are far less poets than there are short story writers and dramatists. It is
additionally arguable that each form of literature is a type of poetry, or that each form of literature,
when at its most beautiful and poignant, is poetic in its successful. There are short stories by Ernest
Hemingway that are poetic in how he crafts tropes and other turns of language. There are also
poems, in fact, an entire genre of poetry that is arguably a short story or a novel, such as epic
poetry. These forms do have distinct characteristics, obviously, or else they would not have separate
names for them, but
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Comparing Two Literary Texts
Canonical texts are regarded as being well written texts which reflect aspects of how life is
influenced by social historical and cultural beliefs. They explore how different characteristics such
as religion, poverty, social classes and perspectives can influence people over time and in different
situations. Canonical authors and the literary heritage are usually refers to writers who inhabited a
very different world from our own. Many children's Canonical Texts explore a range of features
relating to childhood experiences. One theme that had been explored by a number of writers is how
a certain object can help to expand a child's imagination. Imagination is said to be the ability for
someone to form different mental images of something more content...
Frank Baum that has help to transport children's imagination form the real world to the imaginary
world . In The Wizard of OZ, Dorothy has been portrayed as a character who needs to find her true
self and from her experiences throughout the novel she does. L. Frank Baum has started
Dorothy's adventure into the imaginary world by a freak cyclone that has swept across her aunt's
farm, but with Dorothy's dog Toto stuck inside the house, she goes back to get him and that's
when her imagination starts to expand and she is then transported to the land of Oz. Dorothy
soon realises that she is not on her aunt's farm and starts to find a way back. She meets different
characters along the way who help her to get home, L. Frank Baum has portrayed each character
with a different personality trait to show Dorothy that everyone is different and that people don't
all think and act the same, her imagination has allowed her to experience these three different
personality traits that have helped her to find her way home. At the end of the novel Dorothy finds
Glinda the good witch and she help's Dorothy to get back to the farm. "The red shoes have
wonderful powers ... they can carry you to any place in the world in three steps" instead of the
object that transports the child's imagination to a different world being at the start of the book
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Non–literary text forms an independent part of a publication .Non–literary texts are informational
writing: factual material, informational explanations, newspaper articles, textbooks, journal and
diary entries, and so forth that are published in newspapers, Informative magazines current affairs
news and educative articles. Non–literary composition uses facts and figures to proof a point.
Examples of non–literary texts are personal diaries, current affairs news, journals, text books and
articles. Non–literary composition is written objectively. In contrast, literary texts are fictional
compositions based on the artist's will and imaginations and are therefore subjective. Poetry, novels,
short stories and dramas are written in a more content...
Above all, poetry involves aspects of language that appeal to, and communicate by sound and sight.
In literary text the meaning is linked to the purpose, and it means that the character in the poem is
fed up with boredom, loneliness and social isolation. In contrast, the meaning which is linked to the
purpose of the article in the newspaper has to do with the wave of knife crime among the youth in
United Kingdom. Articles and poems always have meanings for their readers.
A poem and an article share similarities when it comes to the choice, use of stock of words in a
language and order of words in a sentence. Authors and/or narrators make correct choice of words
from in a language and arrange them properly in sentences to express clearly the intended meaning.
Writers' aim is to get the readers' attention, so syntax and lexis are manner of speaking when used
properly in literature. However, Poetry is often a fluid and personal passion without the necessary
need to adhere to certain grammar rules or stanza styles.
The structure, as seen in the article is more pronounced in that; a good title is created, an
introduction that outlined the main features of the subject and described how the subject is all
about was explained in a clear way. It had a conclusion. However, the poem has no beginning,
middle and ending. Poetry differs in visual form from articles. It has been noticed that the
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Similarities Between Literature And Arts
The value of literature and arts in our society gives us the ability to establish many perspectives of
the world; which leads literature and arts to help us understand ourselves and the science of English
language. In the essay by Northrop Frye, "The Motive for
Metaphor" there are a few examples on how he supports my thesis while in the essay by
Aaron Copland "How We Listen" his ideas oppose mine and Frye's ideas. While they are both
essays on literature, they are definitely not the same in their own ways, one essay is about literature
on English while the other is on the literature on music or as to "behind the scenes" of music.
The belief that literature and arts help us to understand ourselves and the science of
English language that I decided to talk about actually derived from Frye's essay. "The sciences
begin by accepting facts and the evidence about an outside world without trying to alter them.
Science proceeds by accurate measurement and description, and follows the demands of the reason
rather than the emotions [...] we'd be naturally inclined to think that the arts follow the path of
emotion, in contrast to the sciences up to a point they do, but there's a complicating factor."(Frye,
891) What I was able to take out of this is that literature and the arts and science are different but yet
similar at the same time, because he goes into further detail to explain their differences and how they
are similar. However,
Deane 2 from reading Copland's essay I was more
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Literary Comparison Essay

  • 1. Literary Comparison Theme Essay example Literary Theme The Cask of Amontillado is an 1846 short story by Edgar Allan Poe, which gives an account of Montresor, a man who executes a plan of vengeance against his friend, whom he claims insulted him. As the narrator in the story, Montresor provides a vivid image of his plan to lure Fortunato to his death, which ends in the eventual live burial of Fortunato. The theme of revenge is the most prominent element of this story, which enables the reader follow the narrator's character, thus gaining a comprehensive understanding of the story. Similarly, the development of William Shakespeare's play, Hamlet, is founded on the theme of revenge. From the onset of the play, the ghost of Hamlet's father appears to him and asks that he more content... This careful consideration of vengeance as well as the style of execution demonstrates the power and influence of revenge on Montresor, a power that drives him till the very last act of murder. As the story progresses, Montresor devises a careful plan to lure Fortunato to his death trap, but he is careful enough not to place himself at risk. He approaches him at a carnival, and plays on his victim's weakness for wine by offering to show him a brand of wine akin to the light Spanish sherry, Amontillado (8). The narrator presents an interesting description of his encounter with Fortunato at the carnival; at first expressing dislike for his friend's behavior by claiming that he approached him with too much warmth since he was drunk, but then he adds that he was extremely delighted to see Fortunato at that particular moment. This illustrates the depth of Montresor's desire to exert revenge on his friend, since the sole reason of his pleasure at seeing Fortunato is that he knew his plans had taken off, and he anticipated the satisfaction of the act of brutal revenge. As they walk into Montresor's damp vaults to get the wine, it is apparent that the narrator sent all his servants to the carnival to guarantee that only he and Fortunato were at the vaults at the time. After Fortunato is heavily intoxicated with wine, Montresor ceases his moment and chains him up to a stone wall, and finally buries him alive. From the moment the two get Get more content on
  • 2. A Comparative Approach In Comparative Literature Comparative literature can be regarded as comparative criticism in substance, because comparison and analysis have been and continue to be the principal organs of literary criticism since Aristotle (384 B.C. – 322 B.C.). Of the early theoretical practitioners, Quintilian (35 A.D. – 95 A.D.) and Longinus (1st century) tried the comparative method fairly and systematically. Comparative literature as a separate and independent discipline is, comparatively, a recent phenomenon. From the historical viewpoint, the term comparative literature is said to have originated by with the first use of this term by H.M. Posnett. But he used the term not exactly in the sense it is used now. The credit of its origin must be given to Matthew Arnold (1822 A.D.–1888 A.D.) who was a relentless advocate and practitioner of comparative literature. According to him the best method of literary evaluation is touchstone method in which the analogical similarity of the term comparative literature is involved in the sense which is supposed nowadays. Internationalism in aesthetics made a first debut in the first international congress of Aesthetics, held in 1913 in Berlin. But it was confined within the limits of Western literature. The gap between the occidental and the oriental aesthetics remained as ever before. But due to the zeal of renaissance spirit,scholars in the East, particularly in India, China and Japan, and orientalists in the West started writing on oriental arts and aesthetics in English and other European languages. Their works made the western aestheticians recognise that "oriental art contains important values not attained by art in the west"(Munru 13) led to the discovery of important insights in oriental aesthetics, applicable to art and aesthetic experience everywhere and made many Western artists and critics believe that the Western art has much to learn from Eastern methods. Oriental school of poetics has six types; Dhavani,. Rasa, Alamkar, Vakroti, Reeti and Auchitya. The last school is Auchitya propounded by Kshemendra (circa 11 A.D.) After the gap of six hundred years, the name of Panditraj Jagannath can be mentioned, but his theory of poetics can also be included in rasa–theory. It should also be kept in mind Get more content on
  • 3. Art and Literature, a Comparison Art and Literature: A Comparison Art and writing are two very different ways of expressing oneself, but there are elements of artistic expression that remain common in both. Tone, theme, and structure are just a few of these elements. The works of Jasper Johns, "False Start," and, "Painting with Two Balls," as well as Annie Dillard's, "Heaven and Earth in Jest," are comparable in that all three works of art use the aforementioned elements in order to reach the audience with a direct point, which seems to be the idea that in order to understand anything in life and nature, you need to look to actually see the true meaning and purpose behind it. The structure and tone of these works are used similarly by both artists in order more content... Created in 1960, the painting is 65 by 54 inches, almost the exact same size as, "False Start," (Artchive Painting). The paint used in, "Painting with Two Balls," does not differ much from that of, "False Start." The bright colors are used again, setting the same uplifting tone for this piece as the other two works. The structure of this piece differs dramatically from, "False Start," but is much like Annie Dillard's, "Heaven in Earth in Jest," in that it is broken into three visible parts, just as Dillard created intentional paragraph breaks. The structure of the painting seems to literally demonstrate the theme. The first break with two balls symbolically and literally represents two eyes peering through blinds. This is a literal representation of the theme in the sense that it is comparable to two eyes looking past what is on the surface for a deeper meaning. The structure and tone of both works by Jasper Johns demonstrate the simplistic beauty of plain existence. The works analyzed by Annie Dillard and Jasper Johns utilize structure and tone to clearly present the theme they wish to portray. The bright colors of Johns' paintings are comparable to the imagery used by Dillard in her anecdotes, and the structures of all three works are somewhat similar, as described above. The idea that you need to look past what's on the surface in order to fully understand anything is present in all three works, and the simplicity of existence is a message Get more content on
  • 4. Literary Comparison Of A Clock Essay A Literary Comparison Of A Clockwork Orange and The Crucible The existence of evil in the world is a universal question that is often contemplated. Anthony Burgess and Arthur Miller in their novels A Clockwork Orange and The Crucible address this question of evil. One of these stories is set in the future, and the other in the past confirming the belief that the human struggle between good and evil is timeless and applies to every person in society. Throughout history numerous examples of leaders have attempted to control the nature of people within their society through systems of punishment and reward. This system had failed continuously to control the entire population because people still retain more content... The citizens of the town are narrow–minded, hardworking people who live in constant fear of sin and the Devil, and whose habitual lives revolve around the church. “Salem was governed by a combine of state and religious power whose function it was to keep the community together, and to prevent ant kind of disunity that might open it to destruction by material or ideological enemies';. (Moss, 38) It is this mindset, shared by the community that Proctor disagrees and rebels against when he has an affair with Abigail Williams. Proctor soon realizes his mistake and denies the affair. Abigail, however, is still in love with him and is bitter for him rejecting her as she shouts; “You loved me,John Proctor, and whatever sin it is, you love me yet!'; (Miller, 24) John Proctor is ashamed of his adulterous sin. “Were I stone I would have cracked for shame this seventh month!'; (Miller, 62) Although he feels remorse for his sin Proctor is unable to confess it because he knows he will suffer judgment and disapproval. Both Alex and John Proctor are different from those around them, and therefore find it difficult to live by the same rules. It is this, which prompts them to rebel against authority, and commit crimes in order to remain true to themselves in a time and place where individuality is Get more content on
  • 5. Essay On Comparative Literature Even though Comparative literature is established as a discipline very recently, we could trace its origin from time immemorial. It is almost impossible to speak about a text without mentioning another. In The Preface to Shakespeare, as Dr. Johnson expresses "without the knowledge of many mountains, and many rivers; so in the productions of genius, nothing can be styled excellent till it has been compared with other works of the same kind." Comparative literature deals with all the elements with which the literary text interacts without any confinement. It studies the interactions of a literary text with other texts from other cultures, from other national literatures, from other times, from other spaces. In this respect, it is open more content... Generally, we, first start reading the text and then we arrive at comparison. We start comparing that text with another that has similarities and dissimilarities. Comparative Literature which included the consideration of more than one literature was in circulation in Europe in the nineteenth century. Comparative Literature is different from national literature, general literature and world literature. It was begun as "Literature Compare" in 1860 in Germany. And Comparative literature got recognition as a study in 1897. In 1848, Matthew Arnold had used this term "Comparative Literature "for the first time in English. He defines this term. He Get more content on
  • 6. English Literature Periods Literature by definition according to Oxford dictionary is " the written works, especially those considered of superior or lasting artistic merit". Literature has classified into several periods. Which has affected by the surrounding events in the society in each period like economic levels, war and peace. Literature is considering as a human creation is differing from the other because of the changing in the society and language development in every period. This essay will demonstrate the relation between the literature and social events, and how authors affected and contributed to form those periods, also I will try to compare two different literature periods. The Renaissance (rebirth period) The Renaissance more content... The writers focused on these genres of literature and during this era, William Shakespeare appeared and he becomes the most famous writer in the history of literature and his plays had played in the theatres around the world. The themes in this era related somehow to the surrounding events during this period so the majority of the literature works had a tragic end which was death and that related to the Black Death (the plague), which spread during this period. The poets like John Donne and George Herbert even Shakespeare followed a special technique at writing their poems, which were the sonnet. A sonnet is a poem of fourteen lines using a number of formal rhyme schemes. Victorian period The Victorian age was an era in Great Britain 's history, which takes its name from Queen Victoria during its reign. The British Empire in this era was the biggest and the most powerful, its spread their army all over the world and they were governed approximately 400 million people in several continentals. The Victorian period witnessed a huge development in industrial fields such as the railway, which helped to make the travel easier, electricity and telegram, which make the long–distance connection easier. However, the industry evolution had created many problems like the social classes and the accumulation of money with a class of people, where you can find in London for example very rich people and on the other side, you can found poor people. In addition, the role of women in Get more content on
  • 7. Literature Compare and Contrast Literature Compare and Contrast ENG 125: Introduction to Literature Instructor: December 19, 2011 Literature Compare and Contrast Stories and poems are both constructed differently and have their own meaning behind them. The authors have underlying messages that they are attempting to convey to the reader using their own characterization, style, setting and rhythm that is essentially used in for the purposes of the narrative. The wonderful thing about poems and stories is that they are created from ones imagination. Through their imagination we are able to use our won imaginations to not only read the storyline that is intended but feel it as well. It allows us to use the literary pieces to create a personal connection with more content... Symbolism is a feature that poetry could not exist without as it is a main feature in the author portraying a story. Colors in a poem could symbolize something new and shiny or they could also symbolize something faded and worn. In the story "The Wizard of Oz" the "yellow" brick road is a path that the characters are facing. They color yellow carries much weight on the way the reader portrays they journey the character is about to take. Going down a road symbolizes choice. In Frosts story there are two roads which symbolize choices that may involve conflict or dilemma. In this poem the reader gets the impression that the character is facing two fates based on the path she takes. The two paths are further described when the author says "And both that morning equally lay in leaves no step had trodden black". The color black symbolizes death which the reader could interpret that the character may be facing death. While there are choices in the paths that the character may take there is still the thought of the "unknown" destiny of each of these paths. Looking further into the symbolization of the writing the reader sees that the character is facing conflict with the choice of paths to take. The poem begins to give the impression that character has already made a choice, as mention is made of the character being on one path and opting to stay on that path for another day knowing how one may Get more content on
  • 8. Literary Comparison Essay In the literary works, The Color Purple by Alice Walker; and Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, the authors make specific sociohistorical commentary on an issue of social concern. Some of these issues of social concern include: marriage, class, racism, gender roles, violence, and etc. Jane Austen and Alice Walker use an array of literary devices in their books to portray their point of view on the issues of social concern listed previously and use it effectively by bringing attention to the reader of these issues during their time period. Without a doubt, Alice Walker could be described as a feminist from the story she generated around the protagonist in The Color Purple: Celie. Throughout the letters that is comprised within the book, Walker strives to explore the oppressions and triumphs of black women trying to sustain their creativity in a society that believes them to be property belonging to only men. She reveals the self–discovery of Celie, a poor, uneducated black more content... Alice Walker's choice and effective handling of the epistolary style of The Color Purple assisted her to tell a touching tale of women's struggle for equality and independence in a society dominated by males. On the contrary, granting the full force of the arrogance, the mistreatment, and the ruthlessness of all the evils that reduce the human spirit and are essential in an avaricious society, Pride and Prejudice clearly confirms the cynical "truth" of the opening sentence. At the same time, without evading the degree of Elizabeth's submission to society, it asserts the vivacity and the independent life that is possible, at least to an Elizabeth Bennet. Pride and Prejudice, like its title, offers misleadingly simple antitheses that yield up the intricacy of life Get more content on
  • 9. They're All Mad Here: A Literary Comparison of "The Fall of the House of Usher" and "The Masque of the Red Death" Internationally known romantic author Edgar Allan Poe has always represented darkness, madness, and death in his stories. With these representations, Poe must provide this mood for the reader to become engulfed in the madness. In his tale "The Fall of the House of Usher," Poe uses descriptive details about the dull color and ruggedness of the house and the Ushers themselves to set a gloomy mood. He also describes in detail Roderick Usher's descent into madness and his fearfulness of death. In turn, he depicts brightly colored chambers in "The Masque of the Red Death," but the arrangement of colors provides a more content... This routine breaks when his twin sister Madeline "dies" and Roderick and the narrator entomb her within the house. The death of his sister causes Roderick to descend deeper into his own madness. He spends most of his time roaming "from chamber to chamber with hurried, unequal, and objectless step" and began neglecting the daily activities shared between him and the narrator (Poe). Due to the lack of social interaction between the two, literary expert Craig Howes believes the already mad Roderick now "draws the narrator into madness," (Howes). Now that Roderick has become less sociable with the narrator and there is one less person in the house, the narrator lacks the social interactions required by most humans. He feels uneasy about the "corpse" they have entombed and begins to fear the initial dark and gloom of the house itself both inside and out. Although Prince Prospero from "The Masque of the Red Death" has descended into madness just as much, if not more so, as Roderick Usher, his madness is represented in a different manner. Prospero's madness is fueled primarily by ignorance. He believes as long as he and his guests remain within the confines of the abbey, they will all be safe from the "Red Death." Due to this ignorance, within the abbey "there were buffoons, there were improvisatori, there were ballet–dancers, there were musicians, there was Beauty, there was wine. All these and security were within. Without was Get more content on
  • 10. Compare And Contrast Literary Theory And Marxism Literary Theory at Work: 1984, Psychoanalysis, and Marxism The words "literary theory" strike fear in the hearts of students. For thousands of years, though, people have been telling and interpreting stories, trying to make sense of the world, which is, in essence, what literary theory attempts to do. As people experience life, interpretations of stories change and evolve. These stories and their interpretations, which started out as life lessons, evolved into ideas as complex as contemplating the existence of man. As a student of literary theory, it seems that there are theories to either support or contradict every possible line of thinking that could have ever existed. From deconstructionist to psychoanalysis, Marxism to Feminism, theories abound. Each theory steeped in its own tradition, per se, drawing on the works of the great thinkers to help readers develop unique perspectives and analysis. Marxist theory is based upon the writings of Karl Marx and examines social hierarchies, as well as governmental structures and capitalist ideas. This theory allows the reader to more clearly examine the relationships between characters and how each character fits into society. While the theoretical application may not be what the author intended, it does help the reader develop an understanding of both different times and cultures. "Marxist literary criticism has traditionally been concerned with studying the embeddedness of a work within its historical, social, and Get more content on
  • 11. Chaos and Literary Comparison Essay example Chaos and Literary Comparison Abstract: I will show how chaos is can be found in art, specifically in literature, and analyze John Hawkes's Travesty to show the similarities between literature and chaos. John Hawkes describes the "artistic challenge" as conceiving the inconceivable. In accordance with that thought, Wallace Stevens says, "Imagination is the power that enables us to perceive the normal in the abnormal." It is arguable that chaos, deterministic disorder, is both abnormal and inconceivable to the untrained mind; even to the person accustomed to chaos, the imagination is key to his/her perception of chaos. Therefore, chaos can be found not only in nature and scientific studies, but also in art, more content... He refutes the perception of life as a slow, undisturbed flow; he welcomes turbulence as a factor of art and life in general. He focuses on the processes by which turbulence is obtained, and on the moment when that turbulence reveals itself. He is interested in the instant when the ordinary flow of molecules becomes random: the transition between "invention and destruction, the calculable and the inscrutable, the process of life and the stasis of death" (Conte, 123). He is aware that chaos is an undeniable part of his life which he can only comprehend through his imagination and, therefore, through art (no matter how bizarre that art may appear to be). The initial conditions in the story are infidelity, betrayal, and artistic temperament. The variables produced by these initial conditions are Papa's driving skill, the empty road, and the time of night. All of these variables are crucial; if one is changed in the slightest way, it alters Papa's original plan, thereby taking away the underlying meaning of the "art" and transforming it into mere debris. These variables exemplify the Butterfly effect and sensitive dependence upon initial conditions, concepts that suggest that even a minor change in the initial circumstances of a system (here, the conditions leading up to the crash) determine its outcome. If by some odd happenstance, Papa's Get more content on
  • 12. Literature Comparison between a Short Story and a Poem Gian Carlo O. Dela Cruz Literature Comparison between a Short Story and a Poem Literature? This form of entertainment had been around for ages, whether be in a form of a Poetry, a Drama or a Short Story. This Type of literature had been used by Poets and Authors to convey their deepest desires, feelings, Ideas, amazing imaginations which makes us, whoever we want and an escape to daily normal life and with this making it humorous and lively. Everyone definitely have been exposed to a genre of literature in their life at one point. It comes from the French language and is used to identify types or categories of literature. (Clugston, 2010). This can be further classified more content... Thurber was encouraged by his family as well as society to advance himself socially. He had two brothers and a father to constantly enforce male views. However, his mother was dominant personality of the family. Described as a larger than life, born comedienne, Mary Anne (Mame) Fisher Thurber was a source of inspiration for her son's literary works. James Thurber attended college at Ohio State University from 1913 to 1918. Shortly after returning from Paris, France as a code clerk for the U.S. Department of State, Thurber married Althea Adams. Unfortunately, the marriage was troubled and ended in divorce 12 years later in 1935. Emily Dickinson of "Because I Could Not Stop for Death" and James Thurber's "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" are both great literary works. Although these stories are well written, they both own a different character. Emily's story is a solemn and compacts with the matter of death and tragedy events involving a women who remains so busy that she never has time to stop and think about anything else, including death. In contrast, Thurber's story has a comedic sensibility presented through the acts of a somewhat unlucky man. "The main theme of this story is escapism, in which the main character deals with his everyday frustrations by escaping into daydreams" (Cummings, 2009). Alongside the advantage of the enormous differences, a commonality exists which describes the negative compromise of Get more content on
  • 13. Literary Comparison A Literary Comparison of "Fiesta 1980" and Fences Cultural Role in the Family Dynamic Arthur Junot Diaz was born in the Dominican Republic and with his family immigrated to the United States when he was only seven years old. His Hispanic cultural background influences his story and characters Diaz's characters use Latin dialect throughout the story "Fiesta 1980". Likewise August Wilson grew up in a black neighborhood up north that influenced his characters, setting, and dialect in Fences. Both Diaz and Miller wrote from a cultural perspective. Each Arthur depicted how it was to live and grow up in their particular culture. Through the use of culture both Diaz and Wilson portray how important more content... If I was mad at you I'd tell you about it." (Wilson, 1985, 1529) .They own a house and a small piece of property. Both Diaz and Wilson show how relevant the setting is in regard to the culture because it is vital in understanding the family dynamic. The members in both families were not entitled to opinions or input. Papi was going to drive the green Volkswagen van and Troy was going to live in the house his brother bought. The family is second to what both Papi and Troy want the desire first to be admired and respected for what material things they have acquired. In "Fiesta 1980" Papi uses the fact that he is Dominican and in his Hispanic culture he can cheat and get away with it. It is understood in most Latin cultures that if the man is the breadwinner and brings home the money then what he should not be questioned. Papi was arrogant and let the fact that he was head of his family cloud his better judgment. Papi should have protected his sons from his lies and infidelity's. Instead, Papi would use to fact that he was a macho man and the head of the family to show his sons a lesson in cheating. Papi would take them around his mistress and expose them to that side of his life, the side of his life that should have not even existed. "I met the Puerto Rican woman right after Papi had gotten the van" (Diaz,1996,155). Papi would use to van as an excuse and take his son driving, trying to help his car Get more content on
  • 14. Compare and Contrast of Two Literary Works This paper compares and contrasts two different literary works, "Country Lovers" written by Nadine Gordimer and "The Welcome Table" by Alice Walker. Both stories follow the same theme, or hidden message or underlying idea in a story. They are about ethnicity and racism which ultimately results in the death of a person: the infant daughter in "Country Lovers" and the old lady in "The Welcome Table."Racism has transcended generations, separated families and nations, and left heartache and grief in its wake. Synopsis of Both Stories The first story, "Country Lovers" is about Paulus, the spoiled, rich son of a white farmer and Thebedi, the daughter of a poor black worker. The story tells how Paulus and Thebedi grew up together on more content... The preacher who she apparently has had a "familial" relationship with throughout many years lovingly refers to her as "Auntie" and tells her that she does not belong here and this is not her church. The usher, too, similarly called her "Grandma". In "Country Lovers" the poor black laborers worked for the rich white people in harsh conditions. Conditional and Unconditional Love As mentioned, both stories tell of tough racial and discrimination issues that plagued the times they were written, although any separation of color was illegal. During those days, love was very much conditional, not unconditional (Bauer, 1992). Both stories are filled with the symbolism of love and hatred, life and death, good and evil. Despite the obvious love and affection in both stories for Thebedi and the old lady, the white men are still racist. For Paulus and Thebedi, there is obviously a childhood attraction between the two although they kept it secret because interracial relationships in this era were illegal. Even though they know it is wrong to love each other, they still do. Their childhood love and attraction they felt for each other resulted in them growing up to be more than friends. The crime is represented in the birth of their daughter; therefore, Paulus must make her go away. Being the racist that Paulus's father has raised him to be and his need to cover up their crime, Paulus makes the decision to murder his own child. Get more content on
  • 15. Literature Comparison Literature Comparison Krystal Swafford ENG125 Loretta Crosson October 15, 2012 There are different types and forms of literature. They are novel, drama, poetry, biography, non–fictional prose, essay, epic and short story. All these types of literature have some elements. To complete a piece of literature, a writer, dramatist or a novelist must use certain elements like plot, character, theme, etc. to capture the interest of their readers. When reading literature, there are themes which are interpreted within the literary piece. Themes reflect innocence, experience, life, death, reality, fate, madness, sanity, love, society, individual, etc. Such themes present a point of a lesson learned or the particular meaning more content... After using the historical approach to analyze this story and researching the author herself I found an underlying theme of freedom from social norms with the plot and the character portrayed contributing to that theme. A plot is a dynamic element in fiction, a sequence of interrelated, conflicting actions and events that typically build to a climax and bring about a resolution. In this story the plot is by no means climatic but it starts with a tragic death, which draws you in, I know morbid but true. Everyone is afraid to tell the young woman about her husband's death because of her weak heart. They all fear she will die from grief. But when she is told, she locks herself in her room after a crying fit, again, everyone worried that she will make herself ill with grief. But this is not what the young woman is doing. She is realizing something, struggling with something. You have to keep reading because now you want to know...what is she doing? If you understand the metaphors, similes and symbols you can figure it out before the epiphany happens, but you have to read carefully. If you don't you begin to think her cruel, she's happy her husband is dead? And the plot thickens until the words escape her mouth, "Free, free, free!" And there is the epiphany, what we have been waiting for. She has struggled with social norms and her husband's will bend because he was the man and Get more content on
  • 16. A Literary Analysis on the "Shall I Compare Thee?" (Sonnet XVIII) by William Shakespeare and the "To his Coy Mistress" Poem by Andrew Marvell This article compares the poems "Shall I Compare Thee?" (Sonnet XVIII) with "To his Coy Mistress" and examines the purposes of the poems and their implemented poetry techniques to convey their poets ideas. On first look it seems both poems are sharing the common ideas of "Love" but by analyzing the poems, it becomes clear that the purposes of the two poems are not similar. The purpose of Shakespeare in writing his poem for a woman whom he loves is to praise her by comparing her to beautiful facts of life such as "Summer" and furthermore, to grant her immortality through his poem's lines, meaning as long as his sonnet is being read and exists, his lady exists while he does not expect anything else from her. On the other side, the "To his Coy Mistress" by Marvell is about a man's intent in having sex with a woman whom he likes and persuades her to lose her virginity by warning her that time is running out. In this regard, this paper by examining and comparing the poems languages, techniques and expressed themes will demonstrate that the "To his Coy Mistress" poem by Marvell is more argumentative in this comparison. In his poem "To his Coy Mistress," Marvell persuades the girl to have sex with him by connecting "Death" to this issue and by using words such as "Grave," "Dust," "Marble," "Vault," "Ashes," and "Worms." An example of using Get more content on
  • 17. Comparing and Contrasting Literary Forms Comparing & Contrasting Literary Forms Author's name Author's institutional affiliation Author's note Comparing & Contrasting Literary Forms The paper will consider the similarities and differences among the literary forms of drama, poetry, and the short story. Certainly, an obvious similarity is that they are all forms of literature and as such have the great potential to affect people's hearts, minds, and experiences. Literature, when executive well, has the potential to change a person's perspective, inspire, or otherwise change who that person is and how that person thinks. This is a similarity that each one of these literary forms has in common off the bat. It is the opinion of this author that one of the highest forms of literature is poetry. Poetry is a very old form of literature and it is one of the most challenging forms of literature to write well or successfully. There are far less poets than there are short story writers and dramatists. It is additionally arguable that each form of literature is a type of poetry, or that each form of literature, when at its most beautiful and poignant, is poetic in its successful. There are short stories by Ernest Hemingway that are poetic in how he crafts tropes and other turns of language. There are also poems, in fact, an entire genre of poetry that is arguably a short story or a novel, such as epic poetry. These forms do have distinct characteristics, obviously, or else they would not have separate names for them, but Get more content on
  • 18. Comparing Two Literary Texts Canonical texts are regarded as being well written texts which reflect aspects of how life is influenced by social historical and cultural beliefs. They explore how different characteristics such as religion, poverty, social classes and perspectives can influence people over time and in different situations. Canonical authors and the literary heritage are usually refers to writers who inhabited a very different world from our own. Many children's Canonical Texts explore a range of features relating to childhood experiences. One theme that had been explored by a number of writers is how a certain object can help to expand a child's imagination. Imagination is said to be the ability for someone to form different mental images of something more content... Frank Baum that has help to transport children's imagination form the real world to the imaginary world . In The Wizard of OZ, Dorothy has been portrayed as a character who needs to find her true self and from her experiences throughout the novel she does. L. Frank Baum has started Dorothy's adventure into the imaginary world by a freak cyclone that has swept across her aunt's farm, but with Dorothy's dog Toto stuck inside the house, she goes back to get him and that's when her imagination starts to expand and she is then transported to the land of Oz. Dorothy soon realises that she is not on her aunt's farm and starts to find a way back. She meets different characters along the way who help her to get home, L. Frank Baum has portrayed each character with a different personality trait to show Dorothy that everyone is different and that people don't all think and act the same, her imagination has allowed her to experience these three different personality traits that have helped her to find her way home. At the end of the novel Dorothy finds Glinda the good witch and she help's Dorothy to get back to the farm. "The red shoes have wonderful powers ... they can carry you to any place in the world in three steps" instead of the object that transports the child's imagination to a different world being at the start of the book Get more content on
  • 19. Non–literary text forms an independent part of a publication .Non–literary texts are informational writing: factual material, informational explanations, newspaper articles, textbooks, journal and diary entries, and so forth that are published in newspapers, Informative magazines current affairs news and educative articles. Non–literary composition uses facts and figures to proof a point. Examples of non–literary texts are personal diaries, current affairs news, journals, text books and articles. Non–literary composition is written objectively. In contrast, literary texts are fictional compositions based on the artist's will and imaginations and are therefore subjective. Poetry, novels, short stories and dramas are written in a more content... Above all, poetry involves aspects of language that appeal to, and communicate by sound and sight. In literary text the meaning is linked to the purpose, and it means that the character in the poem is fed up with boredom, loneliness and social isolation. In contrast, the meaning which is linked to the purpose of the article in the newspaper has to do with the wave of knife crime among the youth in United Kingdom. Articles and poems always have meanings for their readers. A poem and an article share similarities when it comes to the choice, use of stock of words in a language and order of words in a sentence. Authors and/or narrators make correct choice of words from in a language and arrange them properly in sentences to express clearly the intended meaning. Writers' aim is to get the readers' attention, so syntax and lexis are manner of speaking when used properly in literature. However, Poetry is often a fluid and personal passion without the necessary need to adhere to certain grammar rules or stanza styles. The structure, as seen in the article is more pronounced in that; a good title is created, an introduction that outlined the main features of the subject and described how the subject is all about was explained in a clear way. It had a conclusion. However, the poem has no beginning, middle and ending. Poetry differs in visual form from articles. It has been noticed that the Get more content on
  • 20. Similarities Between Literature And Arts The value of literature and arts in our society gives us the ability to establish many perspectives of the world; which leads literature and arts to help us understand ourselves and the science of English language. In the essay by Northrop Frye, "The Motive for Metaphor" there are a few examples on how he supports my thesis while in the essay by Aaron Copland "How We Listen" his ideas oppose mine and Frye's ideas. While they are both essays on literature, they are definitely not the same in their own ways, one essay is about literature on English while the other is on the literature on music or as to "behind the scenes" of music. The belief that literature and arts help us to understand ourselves and the science of English language that I decided to talk about actually derived from Frye's essay. "The sciences begin by accepting facts and the evidence about an outside world without trying to alter them. Science proceeds by accurate measurement and description, and follows the demands of the reason rather than the emotions [...] we'd be naturally inclined to think that the arts follow the path of emotion, in contrast to the sciences up to a point they do, but there's a complicating factor."(Frye, 891) What I was able to take out of this is that literature and the arts and science are different but yet similar at the same time, because he goes into further detail to explain their differences and how they are similar. However, Deane 2 from reading Copland's essay I was more Get more content on