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Institut für Symptomforschung                                            Gunnar Torbohm
(Institute for Symptom Research)                                         E-mail:
                                        © G. Torbohm 2007

                                              Attachment 2
             List of 100+ symptoms that are possibly linked to chronic ilnesses

                                             Updated 23/10/10

Still nowadays laboratory diagnostics have fatal deficiencies in evidencing pathogens that are carried by
sufferers! Therefore the clinical evidence is of much importance. E.g. the CDC codifies that the diagnos-
is of Lyme disease is based on clinical evidence and that the laboratory diagnostics only support the clin-
ical evidence. But often the GP deals with the patient contrarily. The clinical evidence is often disputed
or not taken seriously and the laboratory diagnostics is constituted as the “Gold Standard”.

But how does the sufferer get to his clinical evidence anyway? At first the GP collects the number of
symptoms during the anamnesis. These symptoms are based on the statements of the sufferer and the ob-
servations of the GP. They allow coming to a thesis about the possible cause of the symptoms. Unfortu-
nately the anamnesis is often carried out inadequately and incomplete which leads to false diagnosis and
medical malpractice.

The following list is just another incomplete catalogue of possible symptoms that can be triggered by a
number of pathogenic germs. The person concerned usually suffers from several of these symptoms. The
sum of the single symptoms represents the severity of the illness. Only few of these symptoms are visually
detectable and if they are, this is some times for a very short period of time and therefore hard to catch for
an observation through the GP. Most of the symptoms have a deep impact on the every day life of the suf-
ferer for he perceives them with all his senses. The existence of neurones and receptors in higher de-
veloped organisms enables sensitive and differentiated sensory perception. During the course of chronic
infection often the neurotransmission between the neurones becomes more or less seriously damaged by
the pathogenic organisms.

The resulting pains are signals of the body. Therefore chronic pains are only in very rare cases caused
just by the sufferer’s imagination. Normally the person concerned does not suffer hypersensitivity or a
too low tolerance of pain. In many cases the sufferers have learned to bear severe pains for months and
even years. On the one hand it is a fact that there are people who get benefit out of imagined syndromes
of illness. On the contrary there is the tendency of many GPs to explain to an increasing number of
symptom sufferers that their symptoms are caused by psychological/mental disorders or are incurable
which clearly is related to economic/commercial aspects inside the Public Health System.

Not every symptom can be fully understood. Not every little ache needs a therapy or gives reason for
concern. Life is finite and feelings of well-being as well as of paraesthesia up to a certain level are just a
natural part of this life. A person who possibly suffers a chronic infection should therefore ease his GP’s
diagnosis by providing him with a preferably detailed and exact description of his symptoms. It is not
necessary to describe every single symptom in all its details. Experience shows that only the sufferer
himself can fully understand the degree of his impairment. Every person concerned feels individually and
describes his symptoms in his own words. In addition the intensity of the symptoms can swing and
change in an hourly rate.
The following list of 100 possible symptoms will help you to approach the symptoms that are ap-
propriate for you and to use them for the documentation of your condition and progress relating to
therapies you have undergone or will be undergoing.
The course of the emerging documentation includes the answers to most of your questions regarding
your symptoms.
•What therapy helps decrease my symptoms?
•What pathogen/s cause/s my symptoms?
•For how long should I carry on with a therapy?
•What additional treatment would be of benefit?
Without documentation the “Therapy of your Borreliosis” is like a blind flight through fog.

Following logical discretion and experience from symptom research the symptoms on the list, in the next
column to the last on the right which are marked with an X are adequate for documentation. Symptoms
like diarrhoea, loss of libido, alcohol intolerance, fears and depression are not adequate for the docu-

The aim of this symptom documentation is the creation of a “fever curve“ with which you and your GP
or alternative practitioner will be able to quickly visualise the progress of your symptoms in relation to
absolved therapies.

Symptom research is epistemology in the sense of philosophy of science. Therefore a central evaluation
of a number of people who suffer from one of the below named syndromes is the main aim of symptom

© Gunnar. Torbohm 2007
Brief descriptions and explanatory notes of symptoms
Name:                         Medical diagnosis:                                                   Age:
Tel:                          E-mail:                                                              Date:

 Current Symptom              P                           Detailed Description                                 intern-

Acrodermatitis chronica           Swelling with reddish-violet skin rash, initially puffy swelling, bluey-red X
atrophicans                       coloured, later atrophied (shrunken) paper-thin, transparent in appear-
                                  ance – earlobes, hands, scrotum, calves, feet.
Alcohol intolerance               Often reported, tending to lead to abstinence.

Allergic maxillary sinusit-       Non-healing infections, formation of cysts.

Amnesic aphasia (diffi-           Speech problems, sufferer struggles to find the appropriate words to ex-         x
culty to find the correct         press himself or cannot remember what he wanted to say, names slip
word(s))                          one’s mind etc. Friends may distance themselves increasingly with time
                                  which potentially leads to social isolation.
Anxiety                           Belief in one’s abilities drops with increase in symptoms. General state
                                  of anxiousness or due to extreme pain and/or heart arrhythmia a fear of

Apathy                            Loss of interest and initiative, loss of interest in hobbies and career,         X
                                  simple decisions become difficult, urgent tasks are put to one side, de-
                                  manding situations are avoided, social isolation due to lethargy.

Bladder dysfunction               Permanent urgency, bladder infections, urinary tract infections including        x
                                  incomplete urination.

Bloodshot eyes                    Blood vessels stand out unnaturally, making the eyes swell and appear
                                  inflamed. Combined with other symptoms third parties can believe the
                                  sufferer is depressed or in grief.

Blurred/hazy vision               Thousands of moving spots like snow; tunnel vision.
Borreliosis psychosis             The delusive idea to suffer from a chronic Lyme Disease infection after
                                  proper antibiotic treatments, no medical confirmation by a medical doc-
Brain fog, numbness               On waking, feeling of excessive alcohol consumption on previous                  x
                                  evening. Clear thoughts are difficult and structured actions are diffi-
Breast pain                       Specific to women: pressure, touch sensitivity. Karl Hüsing listed this
                                  symptom in 2004.

Burning, stinging, crawl-         Sensory disturbance, so-called paraesthesia – feeling of pins and                x
ing sensations                    needles, stroking of forearm provokes pain, stabbing pain in torso, heart,
                                  lungs, stomach, spleen, liver, …
Candida infections of the         Susceptibility to Candida infections. Particularly likely to occur during        x
skin                              antibiotic therapy and may require additional treatment. Compare: “Fluc-
                                  onazole“ and the “Fluconazole-Study“.
Circulatory disorders             Generally unspecific, resulting in weakening of the whole organism;
                                  shortness of breath, increased need for rest, slowness in carrying out
                                  daily activities. At the same time the heart beat rate is very high. Meas-
                                  urable as beats per minute. Responds to therapy.
Cognitive problems         Decision making ability greatly reduced, inability to follow conversa-          x
                           tions leading to reduced involvement, reduced driving ability, normal
                           straightforward logical problem solving becomes difficult/impossible,
                           avoidance taking on additional responsibilities. Unspecific
                           symptomatology but using specific testing techniques measurable.
Comprehension problems     Failure to understand the content of a sentence, resulting in one sentence      x
when reading               being read repeatedly. The heavier the symptoms the more reduced the
                           ability to concentrate.

Confusion                  Brain fog; the feeling that one’s head is full of cotton wool.                  x

Cough                      Karl Hüsing listed this symptom in 2004.
Creeping sensations        Creeping sensations in the extremities, as if (part of) limb has gone to        x
                           sleep. This symptom often occurs at night time.

Delusive parasitosis       The delusive idea to suffer from a chronic microbiotic infection with no
                           medical confirmation by a medical doctor.
Depression                 Inability to carry on with profession; social isolation, breakdown of rela-
                           tionships, lack of positive medical prognosis.

Diarrhoea                  Karl Hüsing listed this symptom in 2004.

Concentration problems     Inability to concentrate leading to unemployability. Even easy tasks be-        x
                           come a challenge e.g. writing a letter, reading a book, having a conver-
                           sation on the phone, tidying a room. It takes a much extended length of
                           time to get started, carry out and finish even small tasks and often they
                           are too much and are just left.
Difficulty swallowing      This symptom occurs together with a sore throat and neck pain. The              x
                           sufferer has difficulties swallowing – this symptom is located on a
                           clearly defined area. Swallowing raises the level of pain. Also reflux.
Disorientation             Getting lost, walking the wrong way, no overview of important appoint-
                           ments or where one left their keys or wallet etc.
Ear/hearing                Buzzing, whistling, pain, sensitivity to noise, tinnitus, inflammation of
                           the middle ear.

Emotional instability      The sufferer tends to become upset and cries easily, gets annoyed
                           quickly, tantrums are possible etc.
Energy during the day      Lack of or no motivation - can’t see things through, no stamina, no drive       x
                           to straightforward carry out essential tasks like e.g. brushing teeth. In ex-
                           treme cases leading to a bed-bound life.
Energy upon waking         Extreme feeling of tiredness directly after getting up which forces the         x
                           sufferer to sit or lie down immediately or even to return to bed.

Erythema migrans (EM)      EM is the typical pathognomonic symptom of an initiating Borrelia-in-
                           fection. Focal, red dermatological reaction/phenomenon which seems to
                           move, also known as bull’s eye rash.
Exhaustion                 An unnatural level of exhaustion can already be experienced directly            x
                           after an extended period of rest. E.g. awaking in the morning and feeling
                           the need to go straight back to bed, when possible.
Fever, extremely high      Nightly fever attacks which include extremely high temperatures, heavy
and frequent               sweating and exhaustion. Days are more regenerative than nights. This is
                           a typical pathognomonic symptom of a recent Borrelia-infection and is a
                           natural immune reaction.
Fever, inability to pro-   The immune system is not able to create a high temperature “purging”
duce satisfactorily        fever anymore. Harming bacteria are suspected of blocking the body’s
                           natural ability to create fevers in order to protect themselves.
Eyes, glaucoma              Karl Hüsing listed this symptom in 2004.
Facial palsy                Numbness of cheeks, forehead and/or temples; swelling, loss of con-         x
                            trol over facial-muscles, distorted facial expression etc.

Fatigue                     Unbearable fatigue during the daytime that can lead e.g. to the sufferer    x
                            falling asleep whilst reading or watching a film.
Fatigue – mornings          The documentation of the fatigue perception in the mornings, afternoons     x
Fatigue – afternoons        and evenings can be useful in making a diagnosis. Additionally the suf-
Fatigue – evenings          ferer can document times of awakening and dormancy. A lack of sleep
                            weakens the immune system. The sleep/wake cycle is controlled by hor-
                            mones. These hormones are produced in the epiphysis. As the brain is in-
                            fected the hormone production becomes out of sync.
Food intolerance            Sudden intolerance to certain foods which were well tolerated before.
                            Occurrence of various digestive problems e.g. nausea, vomiting,
                            diarrhoea, constipation etc.
Foot pain                   Pain and swelling of the toes, ball of the foot and ankle.                  x

Forgetfulness, which can    Particularly a restriction in short term memory; the sufferer forgets im-   x
be noticed by those         portant appointments, cannot remember names, loses things etc.
around one
Hair loss                   Extreme loss of hair, which is always accompanied by other symptoms.

Headaches                   Unexpected attacks which can remain for hours or even days; from per-       x
                            manent light to extreme pressure, leaving the sufferer absolutely incapa-
                            citated. On top of that the sufferer generally has to endure more than
                            just this one symptom.
Hearing loss, (acute)       Karl Hüsing listed this symptom in 2004.

Heart pains                 See Pericarditis                                                            x

Heart rhythm disturbance    Irregular heart-beat, quick short beats followed by extremely long
(arrhythmia)                pauses. Loss of a stable rhythm.

Hiatus hernia               Karl Hüsing listed this symptom in 2004.

Hormones                    Karl Hüsing, „Borreliose – Krank nach Zeckenbiss – Wege zur
                            Heilung“, 2004, 3. Auflage, S.33 (“Borreliosis – Ill After Tick Bite –
                            Ways To Recover“, 2004, 3. edition, p. 33)
Inappropriate aggression    Person can psychologically or physically overreact to demanding situ-
Indigestion                 Constipation, diarrhoea, cramps, bleedings, permanent paraesthesia be-      x
                            cause of blocked defecation, chronic cramping of the gastrointestinal
Inflammation of joints      Arthritis-like symptoms including suspicion of rheumatism in hands, el-     x
                            bows, knees etc…

Internet Borreliosis        The delusive idea to suffer from a chronic Borreliosis infection with no
                            medical confirmation by a medical doctor as a result of the patient’s in-
                            ternet research.
Intestinal pain             Diffuse, difficult to locate pains.                                         x

Irregular menstrual cycle   The cycle is not regular making it difficult to be prepared.
Joint pain / elbows         Pains of inflammation partly including overheating and reddening of         x
                            the elbow.
Joint pain / hands       Hands are stiff in the mornings, swollen, immobile and unusable. The           x
                         normal function of the hands returns only after specific exercise.

Joint pain / hips        Walking becomes painful and difficult, sitting upright becomes rapidly         x
                         unbearable, - trying to find a comfortable position leads to ridiculous
                         postures, driving or sitting in a car can become a torture.

Joint pain / knees       The pain can “jump“ to and fro between the knees in just an hour, but          x
                         also inflammation, overheating, reddening and swelling can occur and
                         stay for days, weeks and even months.
Joint pain / neck        Extreme pains which can often be comparable to the pain of a herniated         x
                         disc. This neck pain is a typical symptom of a chronic/persistent Borrelia
                         infection but cannot be medically verified and sedated like a herniated
Joint pain / shoulder    Racking pains in the shoulders which severely restrict the ability to
                         move the arms or even the upper part of the body.
Joint pain / spine       The spine feels stiff, grates and clicks – in particular the cervical spine,   x
                         the lower part of the spine and the lumbar region.

Lack of stamina          Walking, cycling, team sports, work, even brushing one’s teeth is              x
                         avoided. The more severe the symptoms the greater the immobility.

Light sensitivity        Direct sunlight can be very aggravating and leads to the sufferer retreat-
                         ing from outdoor activities.
Liver pain               Can occur as light prickling below the rips on the right and can increase      x
                         to stabbing sensations with every breath causing the sufferer to take
                         short sniffs rather than breathing normally.

Loss/lack of libido      Related to other hormone regulated systems like sleep rhythm.

Weight loss/gain         Weight loss or gain can occur e.g. because of a change in diet or because
                         of hormonal changes.
Low blood sugar          Hypoglycaemia, Karl Hüsing listed this symptom in 2004.
Lymph nodes              Swollen and painful.                                                           x

MCS -Multiple Chemical   Karl Hüsing listed this symptom in 2004.
Meningitis               The meninges appear to be a convenient milieu for the Borrelia bac-            x
                         teria. The consequences are typically concentration problems, forgetful-
                         ness, headaches, migraine-like symptoms, nausea etc.

Migraine                 Occurs in attacks lasting hours, days or even weeks – extreme                  x
                         headaches including sensations of inflammation and overpressure.
                         Every heartbeat causes throbbing inside the head. Total inability to
                         carry on normally resulting in retreat from all daily activities.
Mood swings              Mood can vary extremely. Manic-depressive disorders, suddenly chan-
                         ging expressions of aggression, grief or lethargy. This symptom depends
                         on many factors and on the person’s character. It is not a typical
                         pathognomonic symptom for a Borrelia infection.
Muscular pains           Muscle cramps which can occur everywhere at the same time or in spe-           x
                         cific locations – in the calves, compressor, shoulders, hands etc.

Neck pain                See joint pain/neck                                                            x
Sleep disturbances            The sleep/wake cycle, which is hormone controlled, becomes disturbed          x
                              so that the sufferer may wake up in the middle of the night feeling wide
                              awake and not able to fall asleep again for hours. This is followed by fa-
                              tigue attacks during the day.
Night sweats                  Sweat attacks that occur during the night and are not explainable, -
                              see also fever.

Pain in meninges              Permanent shooting sensations of pain under the scalp.                        x

Palpitations                  Palpitations and abnormal heartbeat can be so pronounced that they dis-       x
                              turb sleep. It can take hours till the heartbeat eventually slows down to a
                              normal rate.

Paraesthesia                  Particularly concerning the skin: being touched or stroked (sensitively)      x
                              can be a painful torture, as can warmth or chilliness. Numbness of face,
                              arms or legs.

Paralysis                     With similarities to MS, the sufferer might even end up in a wheel-           x
                              chair. E.g. facial palsy and numbness of hands are very common and
                              often accompanied by creeping sensations.

Pelvic pain                   Accompanied by hip pain, difficulty walking, sitting upright quickly be-
                              comes unbearable, - trying to find a comfortable position leads to ridicu-
                              lous postures.
Pericarditis                  Inexplicable cardiac pains, heart aches (tachycardia) and palpitations oc-
                              curring most often at night can even cause fear of death. May feel similar
                              to a “weak heart“. This association plus any underlying causes have to be
                              taken into account.
Tetchiness                    Permanent exposure to pain can lead to a lack of tolerance and a tend-
                              ency to overreact. During an episode of severe pain the sufferer prefers
                              to withdraw from any demanding or difficult situations. Symptom too
Pins and needles in the       Extremities go numb – loss of the sense of touch. Can occur more or           x
extremities                   less severely, only for a few minutes or even having a long term im-
                              pact, leaving the sufferer wheelchair bound. No official figures known.

Pleurisy                      Stabbing pain in the chest, ribs feel sore, shortness of breath.              x

Problems with the cranial                                                                                   x
nerves, facial nerve pares-
Production of milk            Not explainable
Prostate, bladder prob-       Pain, dull or stinging like suffering an inflammation of the bladder or       x
lems                          the ureter. Permanent and useable as pathognomonic symptom for a
                              Borrelia infection.
Restricted agility            Increased level of symptoms lead directly to restricted movement. Ex-         x
                              ample: neck, knee, hip, hand etc. Tying shoe laces or weeding difficult.

Sensitivity to smells         Either overreaction to certain smells or the opposite – a total loss of the
                              sense of smell.
Sexual dysfunction

Shortness of breath           Dyspnoea, even undemanding tasks like walking up a few stairs can lead
                              to the feeling that one is not able to get enough air.

Sleep/wake cycle              Great fatigue possible at all times of the day; uncontrollable wakefulness    x
                              during the night. See also: Hormones, impact of therapy, thistle.
Sore throat                    The throat hurts in general and the sufferer has difficulties swallowing        x
                               – this symptom is related to the neck pain and located on a clearly
                               defined area. Swallowing provokes even more pain.

Stiffness of neck              Feels like a pulled muscle in the area around the neck. The sufferer may        x
                               only turn his head a tiny bit because the turning of the head causes pain
                               and is mechanically restricted. Cracking and shooting pains.

Stomach ache                   Regular stomach aches despite a healthy diet.                                   x

Stomach complaints             See stomach ache                                                                x

Tachycardia at night           Abnormally fast heartbeat which can be felt so strongly and also so             x
                               loudly that it disturbs the sleep. It can take hours till the heartbeat even-
                               tually slows down to a normal rate.

Tantrums                       Increased potential for aggression; sometimes the sufferer literally ex-
                               plodes due to some minor thing, gets annoyed easily. Also see mood
Teeth                          Teeth can die; the sufferer regularly gets increased maxillary sinusitis
                               more frequent treatment. But the sufferer tends to be lethargic and for-
                               gets about necessary dental care and hygiene.
Testicular pains
Tremor                         Involuntary shivering or shaking of hands or legs.                              x

Tunnel vision                  The view gets restricted and narrower until the sufferer can only see
                               what happens right in front of them. The swollen face and the brain
                               symptomatology act negatively together during an attack.

Twitches                       Facial muscles and other body parts start twitching uncontrollably –            x
                               without leading to pain.
Twitching muscles              Uncontrollable twitching and wincing of muscles, possible in the facial
                               areas like the eyelid.

Vertigo                        Sudden giddiness, the feeling of being about to pass out, which increases       x
                               the concern of losing control.

Weak immune                    Frequent occurring infections e.g. with Herpes virus, intestinal para-
system                         sites and/or Candida infections.

                   Name and describe your individual symptoms that are missing!

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List of symptoms

  • 1. Institut für Symptomforschung Gunnar Torbohm (Institute for Symptom Research) E-mail: E-mail: © G. Torbohm 2007 Attachment 2 List of 100+ symptoms that are possibly linked to chronic ilnesses Updated 23/10/10 Still nowadays laboratory diagnostics have fatal deficiencies in evidencing pathogens that are carried by sufferers! Therefore the clinical evidence is of much importance. E.g. the CDC codifies that the diagnos- is of Lyme disease is based on clinical evidence and that the laboratory diagnostics only support the clin- ical evidence. But often the GP deals with the patient contrarily. The clinical evidence is often disputed or not taken seriously and the laboratory diagnostics is constituted as the “Gold Standard”. But how does the sufferer get to his clinical evidence anyway? At first the GP collects the number of symptoms during the anamnesis. These symptoms are based on the statements of the sufferer and the ob- servations of the GP. They allow coming to a thesis about the possible cause of the symptoms. Unfortu- nately the anamnesis is often carried out inadequately and incomplete which leads to false diagnosis and medical malpractice. The following list is just another incomplete catalogue of possible symptoms that can be triggered by a number of pathogenic germs. The person concerned usually suffers from several of these symptoms. The sum of the single symptoms represents the severity of the illness. Only few of these symptoms are visually detectable and if they are, this is some times for a very short period of time and therefore hard to catch for an observation through the GP. Most of the symptoms have a deep impact on the every day life of the suf- ferer for he perceives them with all his senses. The existence of neurones and receptors in higher de- veloped organisms enables sensitive and differentiated sensory perception. During the course of chronic infection often the neurotransmission between the neurones becomes more or less seriously damaged by the pathogenic organisms. The resulting pains are signals of the body. Therefore chronic pains are only in very rare cases caused just by the sufferer’s imagination. Normally the person concerned does not suffer hypersensitivity or a too low tolerance of pain. In many cases the sufferers have learned to bear severe pains for months and even years. On the one hand it is a fact that there are people who get benefit out of imagined syndromes of illness. On the contrary there is the tendency of many GPs to explain to an increasing number of symptom sufferers that their symptoms are caused by psychological/mental disorders or are incurable which clearly is related to economic/commercial aspects inside the Public Health System. Not every symptom can be fully understood. Not every little ache needs a therapy or gives reason for concern. Life is finite and feelings of well-being as well as of paraesthesia up to a certain level are just a natural part of this life. A person who possibly suffers a chronic infection should therefore ease his GP’s diagnosis by providing him with a preferably detailed and exact description of his symptoms. It is not necessary to describe every single symptom in all its details. Experience shows that only the sufferer himself can fully understand the degree of his impairment. Every person concerned feels individually and describes his symptoms in his own words. In addition the intensity of the symptoms can swing and change in an hourly rate.
  • 2. The following list of 100 possible symptoms will help you to approach the symptoms that are ap- propriate for you and to use them for the documentation of your condition and progress relating to therapies you have undergone or will be undergoing. The course of the emerging documentation includes the answers to most of your questions regarding your symptoms. •What therapy helps decrease my symptoms? •What pathogen/s cause/s my symptoms? •For how long should I carry on with a therapy? •What additional treatment would be of benefit? Without documentation the “Therapy of your Borreliosis” is like a blind flight through fog. Following logical discretion and experience from symptom research the symptoms on the list, in the next column to the last on the right which are marked with an X are adequate for documentation. Symptoms like diarrhoea, loss of libido, alcohol intolerance, fears and depression are not adequate for the docu- mentation. The aim of this symptom documentation is the creation of a “fever curve“ with which you and your GP or alternative practitioner will be able to quickly visualise the progress of your symptoms in relation to absolved therapies. Symptom research is epistemology in the sense of philosophy of science. Therefore a central evaluation of a number of people who suffer from one of the below named syndromes is the main aim of symptom research. © Gunnar. Torbohm 2007
  • 3. Brief descriptions and explanatory notes of symptoms Name: Medical diagnosis: Age: Tel: E-mail: Date: Current Symptom P Detailed Description intern- al Acrodermatitis chronica Swelling with reddish-violet skin rash, initially puffy swelling, bluey-red X atrophicans coloured, later atrophied (shrunken) paper-thin, transparent in appear- ance – earlobes, hands, scrotum, calves, feet. Alcohol intolerance Often reported, tending to lead to abstinence. Allergic maxillary sinusit- Non-healing infections, formation of cysts. is Amnesic aphasia (diffi- Speech problems, sufferer struggles to find the appropriate words to ex- x culty to find the correct press himself or cannot remember what he wanted to say, names slip word(s)) one’s mind etc. Friends may distance themselves increasingly with time which potentially leads to social isolation. Anxiety Belief in one’s abilities drops with increase in symptoms. General state of anxiousness or due to extreme pain and/or heart arrhythmia a fear of death. Apathy Loss of interest and initiative, loss of interest in hobbies and career, X simple decisions become difficult, urgent tasks are put to one side, de- manding situations are avoided, social isolation due to lethargy. Bladder dysfunction Permanent urgency, bladder infections, urinary tract infections including x incomplete urination. Bloodshot eyes Blood vessels stand out unnaturally, making the eyes swell and appear inflamed. Combined with other symptoms third parties can believe the sufferer is depressed or in grief. Blurred/hazy vision Thousands of moving spots like snow; tunnel vision. Borreliosis psychosis The delusive idea to suffer from a chronic Lyme Disease infection after proper antibiotic treatments, no medical confirmation by a medical doc- tor. Brain fog, numbness On waking, feeling of excessive alcohol consumption on previous x evening. Clear thoughts are difficult and structured actions are diffi- cult. Breast pain Specific to women: pressure, touch sensitivity. Karl Hüsing listed this symptom in 2004. Burning, stinging, crawl- Sensory disturbance, so-called paraesthesia – feeling of pins and x ing sensations needles, stroking of forearm provokes pain, stabbing pain in torso, heart, lungs, stomach, spleen, liver, … Candida infections of the Susceptibility to Candida infections. Particularly likely to occur during x skin antibiotic therapy and may require additional treatment. Compare: “Fluc- onazole“ and the “Fluconazole-Study“. Circulatory disorders Generally unspecific, resulting in weakening of the whole organism; shortness of breath, increased need for rest, slowness in carrying out daily activities. At the same time the heart beat rate is very high. Meas- urable as beats per minute. Responds to therapy.
  • 4. Cognitive problems Decision making ability greatly reduced, inability to follow conversa- x tions leading to reduced involvement, reduced driving ability, normal straightforward logical problem solving becomes difficult/impossible, avoidance taking on additional responsibilities. Unspecific symptomatology but using specific testing techniques measurable. Comprehension problems Failure to understand the content of a sentence, resulting in one sentence x when reading being read repeatedly. The heavier the symptoms the more reduced the ability to concentrate. Confusion Brain fog; the feeling that one’s head is full of cotton wool. x Cough Karl Hüsing listed this symptom in 2004. Creeping sensations Creeping sensations in the extremities, as if (part of) limb has gone to x sleep. This symptom often occurs at night time. Delusive parasitosis The delusive idea to suffer from a chronic microbiotic infection with no medical confirmation by a medical doctor. Depression Inability to carry on with profession; social isolation, breakdown of rela- tionships, lack of positive medical prognosis. Diarrhoea Karl Hüsing listed this symptom in 2004. Concentration problems Inability to concentrate leading to unemployability. Even easy tasks be- x come a challenge e.g. writing a letter, reading a book, having a conver- sation on the phone, tidying a room. It takes a much extended length of time to get started, carry out and finish even small tasks and often they are too much and are just left. Difficulty swallowing This symptom occurs together with a sore throat and neck pain. The x sufferer has difficulties swallowing – this symptom is located on a clearly defined area. Swallowing raises the level of pain. Also reflux. Disorientation Getting lost, walking the wrong way, no overview of important appoint- ments or where one left their keys or wallet etc. Ear/hearing Buzzing, whistling, pain, sensitivity to noise, tinnitus, inflammation of the middle ear. Emotional instability The sufferer tends to become upset and cries easily, gets annoyed quickly, tantrums are possible etc. Energy during the day Lack of or no motivation - can’t see things through, no stamina, no drive x to straightforward carry out essential tasks like e.g. brushing teeth. In ex- treme cases leading to a bed-bound life. Energy upon waking Extreme feeling of tiredness directly after getting up which forces the x sufferer to sit or lie down immediately or even to return to bed. Erythema migrans (EM) EM is the typical pathognomonic symptom of an initiating Borrelia-in- fection. Focal, red dermatological reaction/phenomenon which seems to move, also known as bull’s eye rash. Exhaustion An unnatural level of exhaustion can already be experienced directly x after an extended period of rest. E.g. awaking in the morning and feeling the need to go straight back to bed, when possible. Fever, extremely high Nightly fever attacks which include extremely high temperatures, heavy and frequent sweating and exhaustion. Days are more regenerative than nights. This is a typical pathognomonic symptom of a recent Borrelia-infection and is a natural immune reaction. Fever, inability to pro- The immune system is not able to create a high temperature “purging” duce satisfactorily fever anymore. Harming bacteria are suspected of blocking the body’s natural ability to create fevers in order to protect themselves.
  • 5. Eyes, glaucoma Karl Hüsing listed this symptom in 2004. Facial palsy Numbness of cheeks, forehead and/or temples; swelling, loss of con- x trol over facial-muscles, distorted facial expression etc. Fatigue Unbearable fatigue during the daytime that can lead e.g. to the sufferer x falling asleep whilst reading or watching a film. Fatigue – mornings The documentation of the fatigue perception in the mornings, afternoons x Fatigue – afternoons and evenings can be useful in making a diagnosis. Additionally the suf- Fatigue – evenings ferer can document times of awakening and dormancy. A lack of sleep weakens the immune system. The sleep/wake cycle is controlled by hor- mones. These hormones are produced in the epiphysis. As the brain is in- fected the hormone production becomes out of sync. Food intolerance Sudden intolerance to certain foods which were well tolerated before. Occurrence of various digestive problems e.g. nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, constipation etc. Foot pain Pain and swelling of the toes, ball of the foot and ankle. x Forgetfulness, which can Particularly a restriction in short term memory; the sufferer forgets im- x be noticed by those portant appointments, cannot remember names, loses things etc. around one Hair loss Extreme loss of hair, which is always accompanied by other symptoms. Headaches Unexpected attacks which can remain for hours or even days; from per- x manent light to extreme pressure, leaving the sufferer absolutely incapa- citated. On top of that the sufferer generally has to endure more than just this one symptom. Hearing loss, (acute) Karl Hüsing listed this symptom in 2004. Heart pains See Pericarditis x Heart rhythm disturbance Irregular heart-beat, quick short beats followed by extremely long (arrhythmia) pauses. Loss of a stable rhythm. Hiatus hernia Karl Hüsing listed this symptom in 2004. Hormones Karl Hüsing, „Borreliose – Krank nach Zeckenbiss – Wege zur Heilung“, 2004, 3. Auflage, S.33 (“Borreliosis – Ill After Tick Bite – Ways To Recover“, 2004, 3. edition, p. 33) Inappropriate aggression Person can psychologically or physically overreact to demanding situ- ations. Indigestion Constipation, diarrhoea, cramps, bleedings, permanent paraesthesia be- x cause of blocked defecation, chronic cramping of the gastrointestinal tract. Inflammation of joints Arthritis-like symptoms including suspicion of rheumatism in hands, el- x bows, knees etc… Internet Borreliosis The delusive idea to suffer from a chronic Borreliosis infection with no medical confirmation by a medical doctor as a result of the patient’s in- ternet research. Intestinal pain Diffuse, difficult to locate pains. x Irregular menstrual cycle The cycle is not regular making it difficult to be prepared. Joint pain / elbows Pains of inflammation partly including overheating and reddening of x the elbow.
  • 6. Joint pain / hands Hands are stiff in the mornings, swollen, immobile and unusable. The x normal function of the hands returns only after specific exercise. Joint pain / hips Walking becomes painful and difficult, sitting upright becomes rapidly x unbearable, - trying to find a comfortable position leads to ridiculous postures, driving or sitting in a car can become a torture. Joint pain / knees The pain can “jump“ to and fro between the knees in just an hour, but x also inflammation, overheating, reddening and swelling can occur and stay for days, weeks and even months. Joint pain / neck Extreme pains which can often be comparable to the pain of a herniated x disc. This neck pain is a typical symptom of a chronic/persistent Borrelia infection but cannot be medically verified and sedated like a herniated disc. Joint pain / shoulder Racking pains in the shoulders which severely restrict the ability to move the arms or even the upper part of the body. Joint pain / spine The spine feels stiff, grates and clicks – in particular the cervical spine, x the lower part of the spine and the lumbar region. Lack of stamina Walking, cycling, team sports, work, even brushing one’s teeth is x avoided. The more severe the symptoms the greater the immobility. Light sensitivity Direct sunlight can be very aggravating and leads to the sufferer retreat- ing from outdoor activities. Liver pain Can occur as light prickling below the rips on the right and can increase x to stabbing sensations with every breath causing the sufferer to take short sniffs rather than breathing normally. Loss/lack of libido Related to other hormone regulated systems like sleep rhythm. Weight loss/gain Weight loss or gain can occur e.g. because of a change in diet or because of hormonal changes. Low blood sugar Hypoglycaemia, Karl Hüsing listed this symptom in 2004. Lymph nodes Swollen and painful. x MCS -Multiple Chemical Karl Hüsing listed this symptom in 2004. Sensitivity Meningitis The meninges appear to be a convenient milieu for the Borrelia bac- x teria. The consequences are typically concentration problems, forgetful- ness, headaches, migraine-like symptoms, nausea etc. Migraine Occurs in attacks lasting hours, days or even weeks – extreme x headaches including sensations of inflammation and overpressure. Every heartbeat causes throbbing inside the head. Total inability to carry on normally resulting in retreat from all daily activities. Mood swings Mood can vary extremely. Manic-depressive disorders, suddenly chan- ging expressions of aggression, grief or lethargy. This symptom depends on many factors and on the person’s character. It is not a typical pathognomonic symptom for a Borrelia infection. Muscular pains Muscle cramps which can occur everywhere at the same time or in spe- x cific locations – in the calves, compressor, shoulders, hands etc. Neck pain See joint pain/neck x
  • 7. Sleep disturbances The sleep/wake cycle, which is hormone controlled, becomes disturbed x so that the sufferer may wake up in the middle of the night feeling wide awake and not able to fall asleep again for hours. This is followed by fa- tigue attacks during the day. Night sweats Sweat attacks that occur during the night and are not explainable, - see also fever. Pain in meninges Permanent shooting sensations of pain under the scalp. x Palpitations Palpitations and abnormal heartbeat can be so pronounced that they dis- x turb sleep. It can take hours till the heartbeat eventually slows down to a normal rate. Paraesthesia Particularly concerning the skin: being touched or stroked (sensitively) x can be a painful torture, as can warmth or chilliness. Numbness of face, arms or legs. Paralysis With similarities to MS, the sufferer might even end up in a wheel- x chair. E.g. facial palsy and numbness of hands are very common and often accompanied by creeping sensations. Pelvic pain Accompanied by hip pain, difficulty walking, sitting upright quickly be- comes unbearable, - trying to find a comfortable position leads to ridicu- lous postures. Pericarditis Inexplicable cardiac pains, heart aches (tachycardia) and palpitations oc- curring most often at night can even cause fear of death. May feel similar to a “weak heart“. This association plus any underlying causes have to be taken into account. Tetchiness Permanent exposure to pain can lead to a lack of tolerance and a tend- ency to overreact. During an episode of severe pain the sufferer prefers to withdraw from any demanding or difficult situations. Symptom too unspecific. Pins and needles in the Extremities go numb – loss of the sense of touch. Can occur more or x extremities less severely, only for a few minutes or even having a long term im- pact, leaving the sufferer wheelchair bound. No official figures known. Pleurisy Stabbing pain in the chest, ribs feel sore, shortness of breath. x Problems with the cranial x nerves, facial nerve pares- is Production of milk Not explainable Prostate, bladder prob- Pain, dull or stinging like suffering an inflammation of the bladder or x lems the ureter. Permanent and useable as pathognomonic symptom for a Borrelia infection. Restricted agility Increased level of symptoms lead directly to restricted movement. Ex- x ample: neck, knee, hip, hand etc. Tying shoe laces or weeding difficult. Sensitivity to smells Either overreaction to certain smells or the opposite – a total loss of the sense of smell. Sexual dysfunction Shortness of breath Dyspnoea, even undemanding tasks like walking up a few stairs can lead to the feeling that one is not able to get enough air. Sleep/wake cycle Great fatigue possible at all times of the day; uncontrollable wakefulness x during the night. See also: Hormones, impact of therapy, thistle.
  • 8. Sore throat The throat hurts in general and the sufferer has difficulties swallowing x – this symptom is related to the neck pain and located on a clearly defined area. Swallowing provokes even more pain. Stiffness of neck Feels like a pulled muscle in the area around the neck. The sufferer may x only turn his head a tiny bit because the turning of the head causes pain and is mechanically restricted. Cracking and shooting pains. Stomach ache Regular stomach aches despite a healthy diet. x Stomach complaints See stomach ache x Tachycardia at night Abnormally fast heartbeat which can be felt so strongly and also so x loudly that it disturbs the sleep. It can take hours till the heartbeat even- tually slows down to a normal rate. Tantrums Increased potential for aggression; sometimes the sufferer literally ex- plodes due to some minor thing, gets annoyed easily. Also see mood swings. Teeth Teeth can die; the sufferer regularly gets increased maxillary sinusitis more frequent treatment. But the sufferer tends to be lethargic and for- gets about necessary dental care and hygiene. Testicular pains Tremor Involuntary shivering or shaking of hands or legs. x Tunnel vision The view gets restricted and narrower until the sufferer can only see what happens right in front of them. The swollen face and the brain symptomatology act negatively together during an attack. Twitches Facial muscles and other body parts start twitching uncontrollably – x without leading to pain. Twitching muscles Uncontrollable twitching and wincing of muscles, possible in the facial areas like the eyelid. Vertigo Sudden giddiness, the feeling of being about to pass out, which increases x the concern of losing control. Weak immune Frequent occurring infections e.g. with Herpes virus, intestinal para- system sites and/or Candida infections. Name and describe your individual symptoms that are missing!