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Does your FB content build your brand?
Who am I?	Michael	Paredrakos	@mpared
I also play
the managing director over at
Are people still using it? Is it onthe decline?
Can businesses still find it valuable?
There have been
a lot of questions
about Facebook lately
As	of	the	fourth	quarter	of	2016,	Facebook	had	1.86	billion	monthly	acBve	users	so		it’s	
safe	to	say	that	Facebook	is	alive	and	well.	The	way	Facebook	dominates	the	headlines,	it	
someBmes	seems	like	it’s	the	only	“serious”	ad	plaIorm	leJ	on	the	Internet.
While it’s hard to predictthe future of Facebook
and social media, it remainsthe major player in
social media marketing today.
The	truth	is	that	Facebook	takes	engagement	to	a	deeper	
level	than	other	networks	can.	

Since	you	aren’t	limited	by	character	count	or	to	just	
sharing	images,	you	can	really	say	what	you	want	to	say.	

This	key	differenBator	and	its	ability	to	innovate	and	even	
copy	other	emerging	social	media	networks

	has	kept	Facebook	as	the	most	widely-used	social	
plaIorm,	even	as	new	networks	are	introduced	every	day.
How	exactly	Facebook	fits	into	your	
overall	marke7ng	strategy	will	vary	
greatly	depending	on	your	industry,	

your	budget,	and	your	brand.	
Even	though	it’s	effecBve	across	industries,	
ideally	Facebook	shouldn’t	be	your	only	
channel	if	you	want	to	build	your	brand	
and	for	some	brands	it	is	definitely	

not	the	most	important	marke7ng	
Using	Facebook	in	conjuncBon	with	other	
channels	is	a	key	part	of	understanding	the	
plaIorm’s	overall	place	in	your	markeBng	
plan.	Facebook	should	be	part	of	your	
mix,	but	it’s	definitely	not	the	whole	mix	
for	most	brands	out	there
Because	lately	I	tend	to	agree	with	Bob	Hoffman	from	
who	believes	that	They	are	3	Stages	Of	Online	Adver7sing		
(	this	applies	also	in	Facebook	)…..	so	let	check	which	are	those….
WhyI am saying allthis to you ?
Stage 1: "Fools Rush In
This isthe stage we’ve been in forthe past 10 years
Tens	of	billions	of	dollars	have	been	flushed	down	the	digi-drain	with	new	markeBng	buzzwords	
emerging	constantly	online	along	with	people	who	actually	never	heard	of	Kotler	or	know	what	a	
brand	really	is	with	fancy	Btles	like	digital	evangelist,	web	strategist	etc	etc	who	promised	to	all	of	
us	that		online	was	the	absolute	gold	mine	for	brands	and	to	reach	our	audiences.
All of us were happybackthen….
Stage 2: "Wait A Minute”
According	to	Bob	“we	are	about	to	transiBon	into	the	“wait	a	minute”	
stage.Most	of	us	now	know	that	digital	evangelists	are	no	longer	going	
to	have	free	rein	to	piss	money	away	on	digital.	
	The	numbers,	metrics,	and	data	that	just	one	year	ago	were	proof	of	
how	amazing	the	web	is	are	suddenly	morphing	into	proof	on	how	
crazy	now	everything	is!
WhyBob is sayingthatthough?
At one end
we havethese
amazing numbers
By	the	end	of	2017,	global	digital	ad	spending	is	
expected	to	end	TV’s	60-year	reign	and	become	the	
top	adver7sing	category	in	the	world.		
Moreover,	in	2016	digital	banners,	na7ve	adver7sing	
and	digital	video	overtook	search	ads	for	the	first	
7me	and		digital	adver7sing	is	driving	down	costs	
across	all	media.		
Spend	on	content	marke7ng	is	set	to	soar	186%	to	
€2.12	billion	in	Europe	alone	by	2020,	according	to	
research	from	Yahoo	and	Enders	Analysis.		
source:	feeltherealwhitepaper
Facebook	disclosed	in	a	post	on	its	“AdverBser	Help	Center”	back	in	2016	that	its	metric	for	the	average	Bme	users	
spent	watching	videos	was	arBficially	inflated	because	it	was	only	factoring	in	video	views	of	more	than	three	seconds.	
The	company	said	it	was	introducing	a	new	metric	to	fix	the	problem.	
Consumers	are	increasingly	going	out	of	their	way	to	avoid	or	block	ads…Global	Web	Index	just	reported	that	40	
percent	of	the	world’s	Internet	users	have	installed	some	sort	of	ad	blocker,	up	from	just	28	percent	in	
mid-2015.Google	alone	is	reported	to	be	losing	$6.6	billion	a	year	to	ad	blockers.Which	may	explain	why	on	February	
3rd,	2016,	Google	moved	to	block	ad	blockers	from	its	Google	Play	service
Atthe other end…things are a bit scary
2014	it	was	revealed	that	54%	of	online	display	ads	are	non-
viewable,	meaning	that	banners	don’t	load	in	Bme	to	be	
seen	and	ads	did	not	even	appear	on	screen.	
source:	feeltherealwhitepaper
But non-viewabilityis not 

digital advertising’s greatest realityproblem.
	According	to	a	research	by	Igal	Zeifman	is	the	director	of	markeBng	for	Incapsula	
It	is	now	clear	that	a	significant	percentage	of	digital	display	ads	(viewable	or	not)	are	“viewed”	
by	bots.	And	the	majority	of	bots	are	malicious	–	web-surfing	algorithms	meant	to	mimic	human	
traffic	created	by	fraudulent	botnets	and	distributed	by	millions	illegally	hijacking	web	browsers.
Maybe now all ofthese problems are now fixed….
Maybe allthese numbers belong tothe fake news
that we all see online… Who knows…I don’t! Do you?
Stage 3:

"Oh, Now I Get It"
Some7me	in	the	future	—	could	be	2	weeks	
from	now	or	10	years	—	could	be	today	
aTer	watching	this	presenta7on	…
someone’s	going	to	figure	out	how	to	use	
the	web	for	adver7sing	in	a	sensible	way.		
Bob	believes	that	there	will	be	numbers	we	
can	trust,	social	plaVorms	we	can	trust,		
people	we	can	trust,	and	results	and	data	
we	can	trust.
and untilthen …we all still have Facebook :-)
And	the	truth	is	that	without	Facebook	you	have	an	incomplete	brand.		
Complete	brands	are	represented	everywhere	a	consumer	might	look,	so	no	majer	where	they	do	their	research,	online	
you	at	least	have	a	fighBng	chance	of	earning	their	loyalty.	

	Facebook	is	part	of	you	own	media	and	it	is	the	first	thing	consumers	check	about	a	brand	

	and	most	probably	even	before	your	own	website
As now,the truth isthat for mobile,
targeting, and digital video,

it’s hard to beat Facebook 

in terms of what digital has to offer.
	If	your	markeBng	goals	are	Bed	to	those	elements,	then	Facebook	
is	definitely	your	place.	
With	its	vast	reach	and	content	innovaBons	such	social	vr,	live,	360,	
Facebook	tv,	messenger,	arBficial	intelligence,	buy	bujons	etc	etc	
makes	it	very	appealing	for	any	campaign	aiming	at	a	broad	
audience,	while	its	micro	targeBng	features	make	it	worthwhile	for	
a	campaign	aimed	at	a	very	specific	one.		
The	fact	is	that	Facebook	might	be	the	only	social	media	plaVorm	
that	we	we	can	currently	s7ll	“trust”	however	what	emerges	is	
that	chasing	Facebook’s	algorithms	and	its	constant	changes	leads	
to	poor	tac7cal	decision	making.
What you need 

to look after more
in myhumble view is
what type of content
your brand createsthere
and	whether	this	content	adds	some	real	value	to	your	brand	

	or	somehow	effects	the	real	world	where	everybody	lives..	
in	the	form	of	sales!!!	
The	highest	goal	of	markeBng	always	has	been	to	build	brands

	and	this	has	not	changed	and	I	don’t	think

	it	will	not	change	in	near	future.		
So	maybe	its	Bme	to	stop	chasing	likes	and	weird	metrics	

and	do	what	you	always	did.		
Build you brand and build it everywhere
not just Facebook correctly!
So how are you going to dothis!
The future belongs tothose
who getthe following right:
I	think	that	1st	you	have	to	decide	is	whether	you	want

	to	build	a	brand	or	a	publica7on?	

In	the	case	you	are	a	small	,	medium	

or	even	a	large	brand	and	not	a	magazine	or	a	blog

always	go	for	brand	building	and	be	very	strategic	about	it	

and	invest	a	lot	in	doing	it	correctly
The firstthing you need to do	

is	to	idenBfy	the	value	your	brand	offers	to	your	real	consumers	..not	your	fans!	

What	it	stands	for,	and	the	percepBon	you	intend	to	drive,		
What	USP’s	you	can	bring	to	the	table,	what	are	your	values,	vision,	etc,	etc	do	research!	
Always	do	your	research
You	need	to	define	who	is	you	target	audience	and	how	you’re	going	to	reach	them	not	only	in	terms	of	Facebook	but	in	all	available	channels	
depending	on	your	budget	.	It's	important	to	clearly	idenBfy	and	understand	who	your	target	audience	is	

by	both	demographic	and	psychographic	(amtudes,	interests	and	behaviours),	to	help	develop	key	messages	and	to	idenBfy	the	best	communicaBon	
channels	to	reach	them.	In	Facebook	you	can	even	micro	target	them!	So	a	basic	M/W	25-50	will	not	cut	it	there.	
You shouldn’t create anytype of content anywhere
and	especially	on	Facebook	unBl	you’ve	figured	out	who	you’re	creaBng	that	content	for!
Pick your channels. "Not everyone needs to be on Facebook, or on TV.	

	You	need	to	ask	'Which	channels	do	my	customers	use?'	What	are	the	channels'	strengths	and	weaknesses?	How	will	they	help	me	reach	my	business	objecBves?	

Are	my	consumers	online??	Are	they	on	Facebook?	Would	it	be	more	effecBve	to	target	them	on	other	channels?

	If	your	budget	is	small	maybe	it	is	more	effec7ve	to	use	Facebook	but	if	you	have	more	money	to	spend	you	need	to	consider	other	channels.	

Different	channels	have	different	rules.	You	and	your	agency	need	to	know	and	to	respect	always	the	channel	you	use.		

If	you	choose	Facebook	make	sure	you	know	its	rules,	what	type	of	content	currently		promotes,	what	kind	of	ads	you	can	use	there,		
what	are	the	latest	innovaBons	you	can	use	to	your	advantage	to	build	your	brand.	You	need	to		know	all	the	latest	trends	that	are	changing	at	phenomenal	speeds.		
Never		be	lazy	about	this.	
Never be lazyaboutthis.
Never go likethis….
You	and	you	agency	needs	to	create	a	
unifying	idea	across	media	channels	
offline	and	offline	that	can	build	your	
brand	message	across	media.	

This	does	not	in	any	way	mean	here	is	
my	30	or	20	sec	tv	ad	that	I	will	now		
play	on	youtube,	Facebook	and	
Twijer	.	This	is	an	ATL	mentality	that	
will	never	work	online		
Demand	from	you	agency	to	bring	you	
an	idea	that	can	be	easily	adapted	to	
the	rules	of	each	and	every	channel.	
See	how	it	can	spread	before	you	
approve	a	campaign.	If	you	use	it	on	
Facebook	make	sure	that	every	piece	of	
content	whether	it	is	a	360	video,	live,	
social	vr,	posts,	etc	supports	the	same	
brand	idea/	message.	If	you	use	micro	
targeBng	that	Facebook	offers	you	will	
need	to	adapt	this	to	every	single	
target	group	in	the	same	manner	and	
even	change	your	messages	
Inthe casethat you are a huge brand

with a budget to do a 360 integrated campaign …
Then comesthe most difficult part.
You need to be consistent 

both in terms of visual identityand messages! 

This	will	help	your	audience	to	trust	you	and	build	a	connecBon	with	your	brand.		
If	you	are	not	consistent	your	message	will	fail	to	engage.		
Consumers	need	to	see	the	same	message/	idea/	visual	idenBty	everywhere.		They	get	bombarded	with	many	messages	all	the	Bme.		
The	need	to	know	who	you	are	and	what	you	are	on	about	really	fast.	
Visual	idenBty	is	far	more	than	your	logo	as	a	profile	pick.	It	entails	having	a	common	design	(look	and	feel),	style	of	photography	and	graphics,	
consistent	logo	and	video	treatment	,	common	colours	and	fonts	across	your	communicaBon.	Invest	on	that		
	Your	brand	can	not	have	a	visual	iden7ty	on	Facebook	and	then	totally	different	on	tv.		
Alway	be	consistent.	You	need	to	create	the	same	brand	experience	everywhere	even	in	your	web	banners!!
Also Never never never never forget
There is
no digital/ content Strategy,
it's simplyStrategy
applied in a Digital World and
platformsthat needs to address

real business/ brand

problems or opportunities .
To ask your self 

whyas a brand 

I need to use

inthe first place!
To	sell,	to	build	relaBonships,	to	build	my	
brand,	for	consumer	complains	etc	etc.		
Never	go	for	the	most	likes	or	because	
everybody	is	there.

It might not suit your
particular business needs.
The factthat
Schizophrenic brands 

with no direction or strategy
create schizophrenic consumers
who have no loyalty. Never be one!
Especiallyon Facebook
If you have available budget always check with research
how your online communication or efforts on how Facebook effects
the real worldthat people live in.
So does Facebook content build brands?
Yes it does! But onlyif it is donethe right way!
Ending let see where to focus in terms
of all of you content in 2017
1: Be very strategic aboutthe content you produce
and in which channels you choose to invest.		

	Focus	1st	on	your	business	goals	and	mainly	on	your	audience	needs,	From	what	content	formats	they	prefer,		
to	where	they	hang	out	online.	The	technology,	the	plaIorms,	the	formats,	the	strategies	–	exist	solely	to	help	you	
engage	your	brand	with	your	audiences	more.
2: Focus on avoiding
zombie contentthat does
not build your brand
	Many	brands	and	agencies	have	started	driJing	
asleep	and	flooding	the	internet	with	the	same	
generic	zombie	content		that	we	see	in	almost	in	all	
pages	and	that	people	just	trying	desperately	to	
Zombie	content	:		
It	is	boring	and	uninteresBng	for	consumers,		
it	does	not	create	an	emoBonal	connecBon,		
it	is	not	differenBated	from	other	brands,		
It	is	mainly	falling	pray	to	quanBty	over	quality.		
Focus	more	on	doing	less	,becer	and	more	correctly
3: Focus on breakthrough storytelling.
Brands	need	to	start	creaBng	incredible	content	or	else	consumers	are	going	to	tune	out	
completely	or	conBnue	to	block	the	content	you	create.	Learn	from	film	industry.	
The	film	industry	has	great	experience	in	storytelling	and	knows	that	is	not	enough	to	
just	make	a	movie.	In	order	to	enBce	people	to	come	to	the	theatre,	there	has	to	be	a	
good	story.	Which	movies	you	tend	to	remember	??	Which	one	you	pay	to	see	at	the	
cinema?	The	ones	with	a	great	story.		
Don’t	be	a	straight	to	dvd	brand	or	a	b	movie	brand	that	someone	downloads	
and	that	no	one	ever	sees
4: Focus on Tech-enabled

and data-optimized content:
The	creators	and	companies	that	make	smart	use	of	data	and	tech	
will	have	a	huge	advantage	over	the	rest.		
A	great	example	is	how	NeIlix	decided	on	how	to		produce	its	
content.	People	watch	NeIlix	through	its	Apps/	Websites.		
Through	its	data,	NeIlix	knew	three	things:	People	who	watch	
Kevin	Spacey	movies	tend	to	watch	all	the	way	to	the	end.	People	
who	watch	David	Fincher	movies	tend	to	watch	lots	of	David	
Fincher	movies.	And	people	who	watch	the	BriBsh	House	of	Cards	
tend	to	watch	it	all	at	once	and	all	the	way	through.	
With	this	data,	it	didn’t	seem	so	crazy	for	NeIlix	to	invest	on	
producing	the	new	House	of	Cards	that	everybody	watches	now.
5: Personalisation and micro targeting 

We	will	see	brands	focusing	on	gemng	the	right	content,	to	the	right	person,	at	the	right	Bme,	in	the	right	place.		
Brands	especially	the	bigger	ones	that	have	the	available	budget	will	develop	highly	contextual	content	that	goes	beyond	the	
screen	into	the	“phygital”	world,	enabled	by	beacons,	sensors,	and	the	Internet	of	Things.		
They	will	develop	methods	for	making	highly	personalised	and	relevant	real-Bme	messages	based	on	triggers	such	as	
purchase	history,	the	weather,	physical	locaBon,	and	myriad	more	factors.		
Crea7ng	more	personalised,	insight-driven	content	will	be	the	next	evolu7on	of	content	marke7ng.
Stay curious…

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