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Research Paper
A Writer’s Checklist
Choosing your research topic
Remembering your purpose
Developing your research questions
Finding and evaluating your sources
Gathering your information
Drafting your thesis
Organizing your information
A Writer’s Model
Your Turn: Writing a research paper

Think for a moment about how many questions you
consider during the course of a day.

“How old is that building?”

“Why don’t The Rolling Stones call it quits?”

“How long until lunch?”

People are naturally curious. All human knowledge is
a result of people wanting their questions answered.

To find answers, people explore. That exploration
takes many forms. Some people travel through jungles;
others dig around old ruins. Still others read to gain
new knowledge.

Research is
exploration to
answer questions.

Researchers often share their
discoveries by arranging and
presenting their discoveries
in a research paper.
A Writer’s Checklist

When you write a research paper, you should:

    Choose a research topic that you and your
     audience will find interesting.
    Remember the purpose of your research
     paper and keep it in mind as you write.
    Develop a list of research questions to guide
     your research.
    Find and evaluate sources to ensure that your
     research paper is based on solid information.
    Gather information from the sources to
     answer your research questions.
    Draft a thesis, organize the information, and
     write your paper.
Choosing your research topic

Begin work on your research paper by choosing a
research topic. Find a subject that will generate an
interesting thesis. Consider these strategies:
 Investigate nonfiction books,
 newspapers, magazines, and
 informational TV programs. What
 subjects catch your attention? Explore
 them further on the Internet.

 Observe your surroundings.
 What things in your everyday life
 might make interesting subjects?

 Talk to people about their jobs and interests.
Choosing your research topic

Rosetta came upon a book about Greek mythology in
her school library. She thought:

     These                                Other
  stories are                            people
  fascinating                             might
       !                                think so,
Choosing your research topic

Once you’ve picked an overall subject, you must
refine your topic to make it a manageable size.

As Rosetta investigated Greek myths further, she found
an article entitled “Greek Nature Myths.” She decided to
narrow her focus to that topic. She jotted down a short
description of her research topic.

                     How the ancient Greeks
                     used myths to explain
                     things in nature.
Writing Tip: Choosing your research topic

            When choosing and refining a research

  Make certain that your topic is
  objective rather than subjective.
  Personal (subjective) experiences
  and opinions are not suitable for
  research papers.

  Be sure that you have adequate
  access to sources on your topic. You
  don’t want to choose a topic that is
  difficult to find information about.
Remembering your purpose

As you work, remember the purpose of research.

You conduct research to
answer your own questions
about a research topic, and
you publish your research
in order to inform others
about that topic.

To achieve this second purpose effectively, you must
consider your audience and communicate with them
using the proper tone.
Remembering your purpose

Readers expect to come away from a research paper
with a new and better understanding of its topic. As
you prepare to write, ask yourself:
  Who is my audience?

  Which aspects of my topic might
  interest them?

  What background information might
  they need to understand my topic?

  How might I increase their
  understanding of my topic?
Remembering your purpose

Rosetta wrote these notes to clarify her purpose and
her audience’s needs:
 Topic: Greek Nature Myths
 My audience is: my classmates
 Interesting aspects of my topic: some of the stories
 ancient Greeks told to explain natural phenomena
 Background information needed: The ancient Greeks
 didn’t have the knowledge of science that we do.
 I want my readers to understand that: The Greeks
 believed their myths. They used the myths to make sense
 of nature.
Developing your research questions

Before you begin your research, develop a list of
research questions to explore. To get started, ask
What exactly are the parameters of my topic?
What does it include and exclude?

What are some of the “smaller pieces” of my
overall topic? How do these pieces fit together?

What other topics are related to mine?

Remember that revising your list of questions (or even
your topic) as you work is a natural part of the research
Developing your research questions

Here are some of Rosetta’s research questions:

  Which gods did the early Greeks hold
  responsible for fire?
  How did the early Greeks think
  diseases originated and spread?
  How did the Greeks explain day, night,
  and the seasons?

She wrote out her questions and kept them at hand.
They would help her to keep her information organized
as she collected it.
Finding and evaluating your sources

You must find and evaluate sources to support the
content of your research paper. The first step in
finding information on your topic is knowing where to
There are many resources for tracking and finding
reliable information. Here are a few:

  the Internet     encyclopedias         magazines

    libraries         museums            dictionaries

  newspapers            maps             bookstores
Writing Tip: Choosing your research topic

          The quality of your research paper will be
          only as good as the quality of your sources.
Evaluate your sources carefully. Ask yourself:

  Do all of my sources contain information
  relevant to my topic?

  Are the sources I am using reliable? Are they
  accurate and objective?

  Is the information in my sources recent?

  Are my sources representative of both sides
  of any controversial issue?
Finding and evaluating your sources

Your readers will want to know where you got your
information, so it’s important to keep track of your
sources as you find them.

                   For each of your sources,
                   record the author, title, and
                   publication information.

                   You should also assign each
                   source a number for your own
Finding and evaluating your sources

Rosetta organized her source information on note cards
like this one:

          Bullfinch, Thomas. The Age of Fable.
              New York, NY: Review of Reviews
              Company, 1999.

          School Library

Along with the source number and publication
information, she wrote the location where the source
was found and the book’s call number.
Gathering your information

With her research questions before her, Rosetta began
to gather information from her sources.
She skimmed each source and took notes when she
found information that related to her research
Gathering your information

Rosetta used note cards to record the information she
found. For each note she recorded the source number
and a keyword describing the card’s subject. For print
sources, she also noted the page number.

       Keyword                      Source Number
                      from Source

                                     Page Number
Gathering your information

Research papers often make use of direct quotations.
Quotations are used when the exact words of the
author are important.

  Disease Myth                                2
  “Forthwith escaped a multitude of plagues
  for hapless man, such as gout, rheumatism,
  and colic for his body, and envy, spite, and
  revenge for his mind.”
                                     page 8
Gathering your information

Paraphrasing is used when you want to explain an
idea in detail. When you paraphrase, you use your own
words to either restate or elaborate on a point.

  Fire Myth                                  6
  Prometheus was a Titan. The Greeks
  believed that Titans were giants who lived on
  earth long ago. Prometheus is credited with
  bringing fire from the Sun down to man.
                                     page 13
Gathering your information

A summary is a condensed version of a point or idea.
Like a paraphrase, it is stated in your own words.

  Fire Myth                                 4
  The ancient Greeks also knew about fire,
  but their explanation of its origin was very
                                     page 27
Writing Tip: Gathering your information

           Unless you are using a direct quotation,
           do not copy word-for-word from your
sources. Any time you use someone else’s words or
ideas without giving proper credit, you are committing

Always cite, or name,
your sources, whether
you are summarizing,
paraphrasing, or directly
quoting the words or
ideas of others.
Drafting your thesis

Next, draft a thesis statement to identify your topic
and tell which aspects of it you will cover. To do this:

1.   Review your note cards, focusing on main ideas.

2.   Consider which approach your notes suggest.

      A. Do your notes suggest a certain relationship,
          such as cause-effect or comparison-contrast?
      B. Will your paper explore new information?

      C. Will your paper examine how the topic has
          changed over time?
Drafting your thesis

3.   Write a statement that illustrates the approach
     supported by your notes.

After reviewing her information and choosing her
approach, Rosetta wrote this thesis statement:

 The ancient Greeks used myths to explain
 phenomena they observed in nature.

Remember that the content or
wording of your thesis may change
to suit the needs of your paper.
Organizing your information

Organize your information in accordance with the
approach you have chosen for your paper.
Group your note cards according to their keywords.
Then put the groups in the order in which you will
discuss them in your paper. Finally, decide how best to
order the ideas within each group of cards.

   Disease Myth                   2
   “Forthwith escaped a multitude of
                       Fire Myth                       4
   plagues for hapless man, such as             Fire Myth                        6
                       The ancient Greeks also knew
   gout, rheumatism, and colic for his
   body, and envy, spite, andfire, but their explanation of was a Titan. The Greeks
                       about revenge            Prometheus
   for his mind.”      its origin 8             believed that Titans were giants who
                            Page was very different.
                                                lived on earth long ago. Prometheus
                                             Page 27
                                                is credited with bringing fire from the
                                                Sun down to man.          Page 13
Gathering your information

Once your note cards are in order, use them to create
an outline to follow as you write your paper.
Begin with a working outline, arranging your details
in groups without using numbers or letters.

        Main idea from first group of cards:
           First point (note card text)
               Supporting detail (note card text)

        Main idea from second group of cards:
           First point (note card text))
                 Supporting detail (note card text)
        Etc. . . .
Gathering your information

You may then choose to create a formal outline, with
Roman numerals and capital letters.
            I. Main idea from first group of cards
               A. First point
                   1. Supporting detail
                   2. Supporting detail
              B. Second point
                 1. Supporting detail
                 2. Supporting detail
        Etc. . . .

Either type of outline will give you a map to follow as
you write the first draft of your research paper.
A Writer’s Checklist
Use the checklist as you look at the following Writer’s
Model and as you evaluate and revise your own paper.
    Choose a research topic that you and your
     audience will find interesting.
    Remember the purpose of your research
     paper and keep it in mind as you write.
    Develop a list of research questions to guide
     your research.
    Find and evaluate sources to ensure that your
     research paper is based on solid information.
    Gather information from the sources to
     answer your research questions.
    Draft a thesis, organize the information, and
     write your paper.
Greek Nature Myths
    We learn about science from the      attention-getter
time we are children. Basic facts
about nature are common knowledge.
For instance, most of us take it for     background
granted that our world is round. We
know that Earth’s rotation gives us
day and night and that the stars are
suns much like our own. We know
that clouds are made of evaporated
water and that lightning is actually a
form of electricity. A list of well-
known science facts could go on and
In ancient Greece, however, it           background
was different. Although the Greeks           information
are known for their contributions to
civilization (“Greek Civilization”), their   shortened
grasp of science was very incomplete.        form of
                                             source title
    The ancient Greeks did not have
our scientific knowledge. To explain         thesis
the world around them, they created
myths which, historian Bernard Doyle         author’s name
tells us, “sought to explain everyday        in text
natural phenomena. Drops of
morning dew, for instance, were seen         quotation/
as tears from Heaven over its                first example
separation from Earth.” (14)
For example, any scientist today     second example
can describe the physical process that
results in fire (“Fire”). The ancient    summary with
Greeks also knew about fire, but their   supporting details
explanation of its origin was very
different. They believed that an
ancient race of giants called Titans
formed the Earth, animals, and
people out of Chaos. According to this   paraphrase
mythology, a Titan named
Prometheus stole fire from the chariot
that held the Sun and brought it to
Earth as a gift to humankind
(Bullfinch 12).
Similarly, although the ancient      third example
Greeks knew nothing about germs
(“Germs”), they still had an            online source
explanation of where diseases came
from. According to a myth still         summary
famous today, sickness, pain, and
sadness were unleashed upon the
world by Pandora, the first woman.
Out of curiosity, she disobeyed the     paraphrase of
Greek gods and opened a box in          supporting details
which the Titan Epimetheus
(Prometheus’s brother) had placed “a    phrase quotation
multitude of plagues for hapless man”
(Bullfinch 13).
Many of the constellations in our    fourth example
night skies were originally named by
ancient Greeks. We know some of
them by the same names today.
    Of course, the Greeks were not      summary
the only ancient people with nature
myths. Even today, many cultures tell   restatement of
fanciful stories to explain the world   thesis
around them (Buxton). Even though
we know that myths are not true,
these stories give us insight into
cultures of long ago while at the       concluding thought
same time entertaining us.
Works Cited

Bell, Cathy. “The Mythology of the     online source

   Constellations.” Princeton

   University. 8 Nov. 2008. <http://>.
Bullfinch, Thomas. The Age of Fable.

   New York: Review Of Reviews

   Company, 1999.
Works Cited (cont’d)

Buxton, Richard. “The Complete      magazine

   World of Greek Mythology.”

   Science News. 7 Mar. 2004:

   53-62.                           book

Doyle, Bernard. Mythology.

   Cambridge, UK: Anthropographia

   Publications, 1996.
Works Cited (cont’d)

“Fire.” The Encyclopedia Britannica.   encyclopedia article

   International ed. 1998.

“Greek Civilization Topics.” 9 Nov.    online source

   2008. <http://>.
Works Cited (cont’d)

“Louis Pasteur Proves Germs Cause     online source

   Disease.” Great Moments in the

   History of Science. <http://www.>.
Your Turn: Writing a research paper

Write a research paper in response to one of the
prompts below. Then, use the Writer’s Checklist as a
guide to evaluating and revising your work.

 Brainstorm three subjects that might be interesting to
 research. Choose a subject from your list and write a
 short research paper, following the instructions in this
 lesson. Remember to cite sources.

 Choose a topic that is current in today’s news and
 explore it in a research paper. Remember to find a
 variety of sources to give different information and
 perspectives on the topic.
The End

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Level2 lesson18 researchreport

  • 1. Research Paper Introduction A Writer’s Checklist Choosing your research topic Remembering your purpose Developing your research questions Finding and evaluating your sources Gathering your information Drafting your thesis Organizing your information A Writer’s Model Your Turn: Writing a research paper
  • 2. Introduction Think for a moment about how many questions you consider during the course of a day. “How old is that building?” “Why don’t The Rolling Stones call it quits?” “How long until lunch?” People are naturally curious. All human knowledge is a result of people wanting their questions answered.
  • 3. Introduction To find answers, people explore. That exploration takes many forms. Some people travel through jungles; others dig around old ruins. Still others read to gain new knowledge. Research is exploration to answer questions. Researchers often share their discoveries by arranging and presenting their discoveries in a research paper.
  • 4. A Writer’s Checklist When you write a research paper, you should:  Choose a research topic that you and your audience will find interesting.  Remember the purpose of your research paper and keep it in mind as you write.  Develop a list of research questions to guide your research.  Find and evaluate sources to ensure that your research paper is based on solid information.  Gather information from the sources to answer your research questions.  Draft a thesis, organize the information, and write your paper.
  • 5. Choosing your research topic Begin work on your research paper by choosing a research topic. Find a subject that will generate an interesting thesis. Consider these strategies: Investigate nonfiction books, newspapers, magazines, and informational TV programs. What subjects catch your attention? Explore them further on the Internet. Observe your surroundings. What things in your everyday life might make interesting subjects? Talk to people about their jobs and interests.
  • 6. Choosing your research topic Rosetta came upon a book about Greek mythology in her school library. She thought: These Other stories are people fascinating might ! think so, too!
  • 7. Choosing your research topic Once you’ve picked an overall subject, you must refine your topic to make it a manageable size. As Rosetta investigated Greek myths further, she found an article entitled “Greek Nature Myths.” She decided to narrow her focus to that topic. She jotted down a short description of her research topic. How the ancient Greeks used myths to explain things in nature.
  • 8. Writing Tip: Choosing your research topic When choosing and refining a research topic: Make certain that your topic is objective rather than subjective. Personal (subjective) experiences and opinions are not suitable for research papers. Be sure that you have adequate access to sources on your topic. You don’t want to choose a topic that is difficult to find information about.
  • 9. Remembering your purpose As you work, remember the purpose of research. You conduct research to answer your own questions about a research topic, and you publish your research in order to inform others about that topic. To achieve this second purpose effectively, you must consider your audience and communicate with them using the proper tone.
  • 10. Remembering your purpose Readers expect to come away from a research paper with a new and better understanding of its topic. As you prepare to write, ask yourself: Who is my audience? Which aspects of my topic might interest them? What background information might they need to understand my topic? How might I increase their understanding of my topic?
  • 11. Remembering your purpose Rosetta wrote these notes to clarify her purpose and her audience’s needs: Topic: Greek Nature Myths My audience is: my classmates Interesting aspects of my topic: some of the stories ancient Greeks told to explain natural phenomena Background information needed: The ancient Greeks didn’t have the knowledge of science that we do. I want my readers to understand that: The Greeks believed their myths. They used the myths to make sense of nature.
  • 12. Developing your research questions Before you begin your research, develop a list of research questions to explore. To get started, ask yourself: What exactly are the parameters of my topic? What does it include and exclude? What are some of the “smaller pieces” of my overall topic? How do these pieces fit together? What other topics are related to mine? Remember that revising your list of questions (or even your topic) as you work is a natural part of the research process.
  • 13. Developing your research questions Here are some of Rosetta’s research questions: Which gods did the early Greeks hold responsible for fire? How did the early Greeks think diseases originated and spread? How did the Greeks explain day, night, and the seasons? She wrote out her questions and kept them at hand. They would help her to keep her information organized as she collected it.
  • 14. Finding and evaluating your sources You must find and evaluate sources to support the content of your research paper. The first step in finding information on your topic is knowing where to look. There are many resources for tracking and finding reliable information. Here are a few: the Internet encyclopedias magazines libraries museums dictionaries newspapers maps bookstores
  • 15. Writing Tip: Choosing your research topic The quality of your research paper will be only as good as the quality of your sources. Evaluate your sources carefully. Ask yourself: Do all of my sources contain information relevant to my topic? Are the sources I am using reliable? Are they accurate and objective? Is the information in my sources recent? Are my sources representative of both sides of any controversial issue?
  • 16. Finding and evaluating your sources Your readers will want to know where you got your information, so it’s important to keep track of your sources as you find them. For each of your sources, record the author, title, and publication information. You should also assign each source a number for your own reference.
  • 17. Finding and evaluating your sources Rosetta organized her source information on note cards like this one: 8 Bullfinch, Thomas. The Age of Fable. New York, NY: Review of Reviews Company, 1999. School Library 115.22Bul Along with the source number and publication information, she wrote the location where the source was found and the book’s call number.
  • 18. Gathering your information With her research questions before her, Rosetta began to gather information from her sources. She skimmed each source and took notes when she found information that related to her research questions.
  • 19. Gathering your information Rosetta used note cards to record the information she found. For each note she recorded the source number and a keyword describing the card’s subject. For print sources, she also noted the page number. Keyword Source Number Information from Source Page Number
  • 20. Gathering your information Research papers often make use of direct quotations. Quotations are used when the exact words of the author are important. Disease Myth 2 “Forthwith escaped a multitude of plagues for hapless man, such as gout, rheumatism, and colic for his body, and envy, spite, and revenge for his mind.” page 8
  • 21. Gathering your information Paraphrasing is used when you want to explain an idea in detail. When you paraphrase, you use your own words to either restate or elaborate on a point. Fire Myth 6 Prometheus was a Titan. The Greeks believed that Titans were giants who lived on earth long ago. Prometheus is credited with bringing fire from the Sun down to man. page 13
  • 22. Gathering your information A summary is a condensed version of a point or idea. Like a paraphrase, it is stated in your own words. Fire Myth 4 The ancient Greeks also knew about fire, but their explanation of its origin was very different. page 27
  • 23. Writing Tip: Gathering your information Unless you are using a direct quotation, do not copy word-for-word from your sources. Any time you use someone else’s words or ideas without giving proper credit, you are committing plagiarism. Always cite, or name, your sources, whether you are summarizing, paraphrasing, or directly quoting the words or ideas of others.
  • 24. Drafting your thesis Next, draft a thesis statement to identify your topic and tell which aspects of it you will cover. To do this: 1. Review your note cards, focusing on main ideas. 2. Consider which approach your notes suggest. A. Do your notes suggest a certain relationship, such as cause-effect or comparison-contrast? B. Will your paper explore new information? C. Will your paper examine how the topic has changed over time?
  • 25. Drafting your thesis 3. Write a statement that illustrates the approach supported by your notes. After reviewing her information and choosing her approach, Rosetta wrote this thesis statement: The ancient Greeks used myths to explain phenomena they observed in nature. Remember that the content or wording of your thesis may change to suit the needs of your paper.
  • 26. Organizing your information Organize your information in accordance with the approach you have chosen for your paper. Group your note cards according to their keywords. Then put the groups in the order in which you will discuss them in your paper. Finally, decide how best to order the ideas within each group of cards. Disease Myth 2 “Forthwith escaped a multitude of Fire Myth 4 plagues for hapless man, such as Fire Myth 6 The ancient Greeks also knew gout, rheumatism, and colic for his body, and envy, spite, andfire, but their explanation of was a Titan. The Greeks about revenge Prometheus for his mind.” its origin 8 believed that Titans were giants who Page was very different. lived on earth long ago. Prometheus Page 27 is credited with bringing fire from the Sun down to man. Page 13
  • 27. Gathering your information Once your note cards are in order, use them to create an outline to follow as you write your paper. Begin with a working outline, arranging your details in groups without using numbers or letters. Main idea from first group of cards: First point (note card text) Supporting detail (note card text) Main idea from second group of cards: First point (note card text)) Supporting detail (note card text) Etc. . . .
  • 28. Gathering your information You may then choose to create a formal outline, with Roman numerals and capital letters. Thesis I. Main idea from first group of cards A. First point 1. Supporting detail 2. Supporting detail B. Second point 1. Supporting detail 2. Supporting detail Etc. . . . Either type of outline will give you a map to follow as you write the first draft of your research paper.
  • 29. A Writer’s Checklist Use the checklist as you look at the following Writer’s Model and as you evaluate and revise your own paper.  Choose a research topic that you and your audience will find interesting.  Remember the purpose of your research paper and keep it in mind as you write.  Develop a list of research questions to guide your research.  Find and evaluate sources to ensure that your research paper is based on solid information.  Gather information from the sources to answer your research questions.  Draft a thesis, organize the information, and write your paper.
  • 30. Greek Nature Myths We learn about science from the attention-getter time we are children. Basic facts about nature are common knowledge. For instance, most of us take it for background information granted that our world is round. We know that Earth’s rotation gives us day and night and that the stars are suns much like our own. We know that clouds are made of evaporated water and that lightning is actually a form of electricity. A list of well- known science facts could go on and on.
  • 31. In ancient Greece, however, it background was different. Although the Greeks information are known for their contributions to civilization (“Greek Civilization”), their shortened grasp of science was very incomplete. form of source title The ancient Greeks did not have our scientific knowledge. To explain thesis the world around them, they created myths which, historian Bernard Doyle author’s name tells us, “sought to explain everyday in text natural phenomena. Drops of morning dew, for instance, were seen quotation/ as tears from Heaven over its first example separation from Earth.” (14)
  • 32. For example, any scientist today second example can describe the physical process that results in fire (“Fire”). The ancient summary with Greeks also knew about fire, but their supporting details explanation of its origin was very different. They believed that an ancient race of giants called Titans formed the Earth, animals, and people out of Chaos. According to this paraphrase mythology, a Titan named Prometheus stole fire from the chariot that held the Sun and brought it to Earth as a gift to humankind (Bullfinch 12).
  • 33. Similarly, although the ancient third example Greeks knew nothing about germs (“Germs”), they still had an online source explanation of where diseases came from. According to a myth still summary famous today, sickness, pain, and sadness were unleashed upon the world by Pandora, the first woman. Out of curiosity, she disobeyed the paraphrase of Greek gods and opened a box in supporting details which the Titan Epimetheus (Prometheus’s brother) had placed “a phrase quotation multitude of plagues for hapless man” (Bullfinch 13).
  • 34. Many of the constellations in our fourth example night skies were originally named by ancient Greeks. We know some of them by the same names today. (Bell). Of course, the Greeks were not summary the only ancient people with nature myths. Even today, many cultures tell restatement of fanciful stories to explain the world thesis around them (Buxton). Even though we know that myths are not true, these stories give us insight into cultures of long ago while at the concluding thought same time entertaining us.
  • 35. Works Cited Bell, Cathy. “The Mythology of the online source Constellations.” Princeton University. 8 Nov. 2008. <http://>. book Bullfinch, Thomas. The Age of Fable. New York: Review Of Reviews Company, 1999.
  • 36. Works Cited (cont’d) Buxton, Richard. “The Complete magazine World of Greek Mythology.” Science News. 7 Mar. 2004: 53-62. book Doyle, Bernard. Mythology. Cambridge, UK: Anthropographia Publications, 1996.
  • 37. Works Cited (cont’d) “Fire.” The Encyclopedia Britannica. encyclopedia article International ed. 1998. “Greek Civilization Topics.” 9 Nov. online source 2008. <http://>.
  • 38. Works Cited (cont’d) “Louis Pasteur Proves Germs Cause online source Disease.” Great Moments in the History of Science. <http://www.>.
  • 39. Your Turn: Writing a research paper Write a research paper in response to one of the prompts below. Then, use the Writer’s Checklist as a guide to evaluating and revising your work. Brainstorm three subjects that might be interesting to research. Choose a subject from your list and write a short research paper, following the instructions in this lesson. Remember to cite sources. Choose a topic that is current in today’s news and explore it in a research paper. Remember to find a variety of sources to give different information and perspectives on the topic.