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Level Up Your Biml:
Best Practices and Coding Techniques
Cathrine Wilhelmsen
Session Description
Is your Biml solution starting to remind you of a bowl of tangled spaghetti code? Good! That
means you are solving real problems while saving a lot of time. The next step is to make sure
that your solution does not grow too complex and confusing – you do not want to waste all
that saved time on future maintenance!
Attend this session for an overview of Biml best practices and coding techniques. Learn how to
centralize and reuse code with Include files and the CallBimlScript method. Make your code
easier to read and write by utilizing LINQ (Language-Integrated Queries). Share code between
files by using Annotations and ObjectTags. And finally, if standard Biml is not enough to solve
your problems, you can create your own C# helper classes and extension methods to
implement custom logic.
Start improving your code today and level up your Biml in no time!
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Code Management
…the next 60 minutes…
C# Classes and MethodsPractical Biml Coding
Cathrine Wilhelmsen
Data Warehouse Architect
Business Intelligence Developer
Biml vs.
Biml vs. BimlScript
Generate, control and
manipulate Biml with C#
XML Language
"Just plain text"
Biml is an XML language – it's just plain text
Easy to read and write – but can be verbose
You probably don't want to write 50000 lines of
Biml code manually...?
Generating Biml
You can use any tool to generate Biml for you:
• Text editor macros
• Excel
• PowerShell
…but the recommended tool is BimlScript :)
What is BimlScript?
Extend Biml with C# or VB code blocks
Import database structure and metadata
Loop over tables and columns
Expressions replace static values
Allows you to generate, control and manipulate Biml code
BimlScript Code Nuggets
<# … #> Control Nuggets (Control logic)
<#= … #> Text Nuggets (Returns string)
<#@ … #> Directives (Compiler instructions)
<#+ … #> Class Nuggets (Create C# classes)
BimlScript Syntax
<# var con = SchemaManager.CreateConnectionNode(...); #>
<# var metadata = con.GetDatabaseSchema(); #>
<Biml xmlns="">
<# foreach (var table in metadata.TableNodes) { #>
<Package Name="Load_<#=table.Name#>"></Package>
<# } #>
BimlScript Syntax: Import metadata
<# var con = SchemaManager.CreateConnectionNode(...); #>
<# var metadata = con.GetDatabaseSchema(); #>
<Biml xmlns="">
<# foreach (var table in metadata.TableNodes) { #>
<Package Name="Load_<#=table.Name#>"></Package>
<# } #>
BimlScript Syntax: Loop over tables
<# var con = SchemaManager.CreateConnectionNode(...); #>
<# var metadata = con.GetDatabaseSchema(); #>
<Biml xmlns="">
<# foreach (var table in metadata.TableNodes) { #>
<Package Name="Load_<#=table.Name#>"></Package>
<# } #>
BimlScript Syntax: Replace static values
<# var con = SchemaManager.CreateConnectionNode(...); #>
<# var metadata = con.GetDatabaseSchema(); #>
<Biml xmlns="">
<# foreach (var table in metadata.TableNodes) { #>
<Package Name="Load_<#=table.Name#>"></Package>
<# } #>
How does it work?
Yes, but how does it work?
Yes, but how does it actually work?
<# foreach (var table in metadata.TableNodes) { #>
<Package Name="Load_<#=table.Name#>"></Package>
<# } #>
<Package Name="Load_Customer"></Package>
<Package Name="Load_Product"></Package>
<Package Name="Load_Sales"></Package>
Biml Tools
What do you need?
BIDS Helper
Free open-source add-in for Visual Studio
60+ features for SSIS, SSAS and SSRS
Includes basic Biml package generator
…or you can use the new Biml tools…
Free add-in for Visual Studio
Code editor with syntax highlighting and Biml Intellisense
More frequent updates than BIDS Helper
Free browser-based Biml editor
Code editor with Biml and C# Intellisense
Reverse-engineer from SSIS to Biml
Licensed full-featured development environment for Biml
Visual designer and metadata modeling
Full-stack automation and transformers
Biml Tools Comparison
Biml Intellisense
"Black Box"
Full Intellisense
Logical View
Full IDE
Preview BimlScript
Don't Repeat Yourself
Move common code to separate files
Centralize and reuse in many projects
Update code once for all projects
1. Include files
2. CallBimlScript with parameters
3. Tiered Biml files
Include Files
Include common code in multiple files and projects
Can include many file types: .biml .txt .sql .cs
Use the include directive
<#@ include file="CommonCode.biml" #>
The directive will be replaced by the included file
Works like an automated Copy & Paste
Include Files
Include Files
Include Files
CallBimlScript with Parameters
Works like a parameterized include (or stored procedure)
File to be called (callee) specifies accepted parameters:
<#@ property name="Parameter" type="String" #>
File that calls (caller) passes parameters:
<#=CallBimlScript("Common.biml", Parameter)#>
CallBimlScript with Parameters
CallBimlScript with Parameters
CallBimlScript with Parameters
CallBimlScript with Parameters
CallBimlScript with Parameters
Tiered Biml Files
Split Biml code in multiple files
Specify the tier per file by using the template directive:
<#@ template tier="2" #>
Biml is compiled from lowest to highest tier to:
• Solve logical dependencies
• Build solutions in multiple steps behind the scenes
Tiered Biml Files
Biml is compiled step-by-step from lowest to highest tier
• Biml files are implicitly tier 0
• BimlScript files are implicitly tier 1
For each tier, objects are added to the in-memory RootNode
Higher tiers can use objects defined in lower tiers
What is this RootNode?
When working with Biml, the
<Biml> root element contains
collections of elements:
When working with BimlScript,
the RootNode object contains
collections of objects:
Tiered Biml Files: Behind the Scenes
<#@ template tier="1" #>
<#@ template tier="2" #>
<#@ template tier="3" #>
Tiered Biml Files: Behind the Scenes
<#@ template tier="1" #>
<#@ template tier="2" #>
<#@ template tier="3" #>
Tiered Biml Files: Behind the Scenes
<#@ template tier="1" #>
<#@ template tier="2" #>
<#@ template tier="3" #>
Tiered Biml Files: Behind the Scenes
<#@ template tier="1" #>
<#@ template tier="2" #>
<#@ template tier="3" #>
Tiered Biml Files: Behind the Scenes
<#@ template tier="1" #>
<#@ template tier="2" #>
<#@ template tier="3" #>
Tiered Biml Files: Behind the Scenes
<#@ template tier="1" #>
<#@ template tier="2" #>
<#@ template tier="3" #>
Tiered Biml Files: Behind the Scenes
<#@ template tier="1" #>
<#@ template tier="2" #>
<#@ template tier="3" #>
Tiered Biml Files: Behind the Scenes
<#@ template tier="1" #>
<#@ template tier="2" #>
<#@ template tier="3" #>
Tiered Biml Files: Behind the Scenes
<#@ template tier="1" #>
<#@ template tier="2" #>
<#@ template tier="3" #>
Tiered Biml Files: Behind the Scenes
<#@ template tier="1" #>
<#@ template tier="2" #>
<#@ template tier="3" #>
Tiered Biml Files: Behind the Scenes
How do you use Tiered Biml files?
1. Create Biml files with specified tiers
2. Select all the tiered Biml files
3. Right-click and click Generate SSIS Packages
How does this actually work?
and ObjectTags
Annotations and ObjectTags
Annotations and ObjectTags are Key / Value pairs
Use them to pass code between Biml files
Annotations: String / String
ObjectTags: String / Object
Create annotations:
<OleDbConnection Name="Destination" ConnectionString="…">
<Annotation Tag="Schema">AW2014</Annotation>
Use annotations:
Create ObjectTags:
= new List<string>{"Product","ProductCategory"};
Use ObjectTags:
LINQ (Language-Integrated Query)
One language to query:
SQL Server Databases
Two ways to write queries:
SQL-ish Syntax
Extension Methods
LINQ Extension Methods
OrderBy, ThenBy
Where, OfType
Count, Sum
Check Collections
All, Any, Contains
Get Elements
First, Last, ElementAt
Project Collections
Select, SelectMany
LINQ Extension Methods Example
var numConnections = RootNode.Connections.Count()
foreach (var table in RootNode.Tables.Where(…))
if (RootNode.Packages.Any(…))
LINQ Extension Methods Example
foreach (var table in RootNode.Tables.Where(…))
if (RootNode.Packages.Any(…))
But what do you put in here?
Lambda Expressions
"A lambda expression is an anonymous
function that you can use to create
delegates or expression tree types"
Lambda Expressions
…huh? o_O
Lambda Expressions
table => table.Name == "Product"
Lambda Expressions
table => table.Name == "Product"
The arrow is the lambda operator
Lambda Expressions
table => table.Name == "Product"
Input parameter is on the left side
Lambda Expressions
table => table.Name == "Product"
Expression is on the right side
LINQ and Lambda
Chain LINQ Methods and use Lambda Expressions
for simple and powerful querying of collections:
.Where(table => table.Schema.Name == "Production")
.OrderBy(table => table.Name)
LINQ: Filter collections
Returns the filtered collection with all elements that meet the criteria
RootNode.Tables.Where(t => t.Schema.Name == "Production")
Returns the filtered collection with all elements of the specified type
LINQ: Sort collections
Returns the collection sorted by key…
RootNode.Tables.OrderBy(t => t.Name)
…then sorted by secondary key
RootNode.Tables.OrderBy(t => t.Schema.Name)
.ThenBy(t => t.Name)
LINQ: Sort collections
Returns the collection sorted by key…
RootNode.Tables.OrderByDescending(t => t.Name)
…then sorted by secondary key
RootNode.Tables.OrderBy(t => t.Schema.Name)
.ThenByDescending(t => t.Name)
LINQ: Sort collections
Returns the collection sorted in reverse order
LINQ: Group collections
Returns a collection of key-value pairs where each value is a new collection
RootNode.Tables.GroupBy(t => t.Schema.Name)
LINQ: Aggregate collections
Returns the number of elements in the collection
RootNode.Tables.Count(t => t.Schema.Name == "Production")
LINQ: Aggregate collections
Returns the sum of the (numeric) values in the collection
RootNode.Tables.Sum(t => t.Columns.Count)
Returns the average value of the (numeric) values in the collection
RootNode.Tables.Average(t => t.Columns.Count)
LINQ: Aggregate collections
Returns the minimum value of the (numeric) values in the collection
RootNode.Tables.Min(t => t.Columns.Count)
Returns the maximum value of the (numeric) values in the collection
RootNode.Tables.Max(t => t.Columns.Count)
LINQ: Check collections
Returns true if all elements in the collection meet the criteria
RootNode.Databases.All(d => d.Name.StartsWith("A"))
Returns true if any element in the collection meets the criteria
RootNode.Databases.Any(d => d.Name.Contains("DW"))
LINQ: Check collections
Returns true if collection contains element
LINQ: Get elements
Returns the first element in the collection (that meets the criteria)
RootNode.Tables.First(t => t.Schema.Name == "Production")
Returns the first element in the collection or default value (that meets the criteria)
RootNode.Tables.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Schema.Name == "Production")
LINQ: Get elements
Returns the last element in the collection (that meets the criteria)
RootNode.Tables.Last(t => t.Schema.Name == "Production")
Returns the last element in the collection or default value (that meets the criteria)
RootNode.Tables.LastOrDefault(t => t.Schema.Name == "Production")
LINQ: Get elements
Returns the element in the collection at the specified index
Returns the element in the collection or default value at the specified index
LINQ: Project collections
Creates a new collection from one collection
A list of table names:
RootNode.Tables.Select(t => t.Name)
A list of table and schema names:
RootNode.Tables.Select(t => new {t.Name, t.Schema.Name})
LINQ: Project collections
Creates a new collection from many collections and merges the collections
A list of all columns from all tables:
RootNode.Tables.SelectMany(t => t.Columns)
Debugging Biml
BimlExpress is a "black box":
• You only see the generated SSIS packages
• Not possible to view expanded BimlScript or compiled Biml
Add high-tier helper files to debug and save compiled Biml to files
• Use Check Biml For Errors to debug without generating packages
Add the helper file to your project…
<#@ template tier="999" #>
<# System.IO.File.WriteAllText(
); #>
…with a high tier so it is executed as the last step
<#@ template tier="999" #>
<# System.IO.File.WriteAllText(
); #>
It creates a file…
<#@ template tier="999" #>
<# System.IO.File.WriteAllText(
); #>
…at the specified path…
<#@ template tier="999" #>
<# System.IO.File.WriteAllText(
); #>
…with all the Biml for all the objects in RootNode :)
<#@ template tier="999" #>
<# System.IO.File.WriteAllText(
); #>
How do you use this helper file?
1. Create the helper file
2. Select all the Biml files and the helper file
3. Right-click and click Check Biml For Errors
How do you debug Biml?
C# Classes
and Methods
C# Classes and Methods
BimlScript and LINQ not enough?
Need to reuse C# code?
Create your own classes and methods!
C# Classes and Methods
public static class HelperClass {
public static bool AnnotationTagExists(AstNode node, string tag) {
C# Classes and Methods: From this…
public static class HelperClass {
public static bool AnnotationTagExists(AstNode node, string tag) {
if (node.GetTag(tag) != "") {
return true;
} else {
return false;
C# Classes and Methods: …to this
public static class HelperClass {
public static bool AnnotationTagExists(AstNode node, string tag) {
if (node.GetTag(tag) != "") {
return true;
return false;
C# Classes and Methods: …to this
public static class HelperClass {
public static bool AnnotationTagExists(AstNode node, string tag) {
if (node.GetTag(tag) != "") { return true; } return false;
C# Classes and Methods: …to this
public static class HelperClass {
public static bool AnnotationTagExists(AstNode node, string tag) {
return (node.GetTag(tag) != "") ? true : false;
C# Classes and Methods: …to this
public static class HelperClass {
public static bool AnnotationTagExists(AstNode node, string tag) {
return (node.GetTag(tag) != "");
Where do you put your C# code?
Inline code nuggets
Included Biml files with code nuggets
Reference code files
C# Classes and Methods: Inline
<Biml xmlns="">
<# foreach (var table in RootNode.Tables) { #>
<# if (HelperClass.AnnotationTagExists(table, "SourceSchema")) { #>
<# } #>
<# } #>
public static class HelperClass {
public static bool AnnotationTagExists(AstNode node, string tag) {
return (node.GetTag(tag) != "") ? true : false;
C# Classes and Methods: Included Files
<#@ include file="HelperClass.biml" #>
<Biml xmlns="">
<# foreach (var table in RootNode.Tables) { #>
<# if (HelperClass.AnnotationTagExists(table, "SourceSchema")) { #>
<# } #>
<# } #>
public static class HelperClass {
public static bool AnnotationTagExists(AstNode node, string tag) {
return (node.GetTag(tag) != "") ? true : false;
C# Classes and Methods: Code Files
<#@ code file="HelperClass.cs" #>
<Biml xmlns="">
<# foreach (var table in RootNode.Tables) { #>
<# if (HelperClass.AnnotationTagExists(table, "SourceSchema")) { #>
<# } #>
<# } #>
public static class HelperClass {
public static bool AnnotationTagExists(AstNode node, string tag) {
return (node.GetTag(tag) != "") ? true : false;
Extension Methods
"Make it look like the method belongs to
an object instead of a helper class"
Extension Methods: From this…
<#@ code file="HelperClass.cs" #>
<Biml xmlns="">
<# foreach (var table in RootNode.Tables) { #>
<# if (HelperClass.AnnotationTagExists(table, "SourceSchema")) { #>
<# } #>
<# } #>
public static class HelperClass {
public static bool AnnotationTagExists(AstNode node, string tag) {
return (node.GetTag(tag) != "") ? true : false;
Extension Methods: …to this
<#@ code file="HelperClass.cs" #>
<Biml xmlns="">
<# foreach (var table in RootNode.Tables) { #>
<# if (HelperClass.AnnotationTagExists(table, "SourceSchema")) { #>
<# } #>
<# } #>
public static class HelperClass {
public static bool AnnotationTagExists(this AstNode node, string tag) {
return (node.GetTag(tag) != "") ? true : false;
Extension Methods: …to this
<#@ code file="HelperClass.cs" #>
<Biml xmlns="">
<# foreach (var table in RootNode.Tables) { #>
<# if (table.AnnotationTagExists("SourceSchema")) { #>
<# } #>
<# } #>
public static class HelperClass {
public static bool AnnotationTagExists(this AstNode node, string tag) {
return (node.GetTag(tag) != "") ? true : false;
Extension Methods: …to this :)
<#@ code file="HelperClass.cs" #>
<Biml xmlns="">
<# foreach (var table in RootNode.Tables.Where(t =>
t.AnnotationTagExists("SourceSchema")) { #>
<# } #>
<# } #>
public static class HelperClass {
public static bool AnnotationTagExists(this AstNode node, string tag) {
return (node.GetTag(tag) != "") ? true : false;
Code Management
…the past 60 minutes…
C# Classes and MethodsPractical Biml Coding
Get things done
Start small
Start simple
Start with ugly code
Keep going
Deliver often
Biml on Monday…
…BimlBreak the rest of the week 
Biml resources and references:

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Level Up Your Biml: Best Practices and Coding Techniques (SQLSaturday Minnesota)

  • 1. Level Up Your Biml: Best Practices and Coding Techniques Cathrine Wilhelmsen
  • 2. Session Description Is your Biml solution starting to remind you of a bowl of tangled spaghetti code? Good! That means you are solving real problems while saving a lot of time. The next step is to make sure that your solution does not grow too complex and confusing – you do not want to waste all that saved time on future maintenance! Attend this session for an overview of Biml best practices and coding techniques. Learn how to centralize and reuse code with Include files and the CallBimlScript method. Make your code easier to read and write by utilizing LINQ (Language-Integrated Queries). Share code between files by using Annotations and ObjectTags. And finally, if standard Biml is not enough to solve your problems, you can create your own C# helper classes and extension methods to implement custom logic. Start improving your code today and level up your Biml in no time!
  • 3. Thank you Sponsors! Please visit the sponsors and enter their end-of-day raffles. Event After Party Sky Deck Sports Grille and Lanes at the Mall of America at 7 PM. Want More Free Training? PASSMN meets the 3rd Tuesday of every month. SQL Saturday #557
  • 4. Lunch Sponsor - Dell EMC For those who paid for lunch already, we will refund you via PayPal. If you wish to donate to Rebecca CoderDojo, please drop your ticket in the bucket at registration.
  • 5. You Rock Sponsor - Pyramid Analytics Gold Sponsors IDERA Pragmatic Works VMWare GNet Tail Wind Microsoft Dell Software
  • 6. Other Sponsors Silver Sponsors Improving Experts Exchange Pure Storage Bronze Sponsors SQL Sentry COZYROC PASS Blog Sponsors SQLVariant
  • 7. Code Management …the next 60 minutes… C# Classes and MethodsPractical Biml Coding
  • 8. Cathrine Wilhelmsen @cathrinew Data Warehouse Architect Business Intelligence Developer
  • 10. Biml vs. BimlScript Generate, control and manipulate Biml with C# XML Language "Just plain text"
  • 11. Biml Biml is an XML language – it's just plain text Easy to read and write – but can be verbose You probably don't want to write 50000 lines of Biml code manually...?
  • 12. Generating Biml You can use any tool to generate Biml for you: • Text editor macros • Excel • PowerShell • T-SQL …but the recommended tool is BimlScript :)
  • 13. What is BimlScript? Extend Biml with C# or VB code blocks Import database structure and metadata Loop over tables and columns Expressions replace static values Allows you to generate, control and manipulate Biml code
  • 14. BimlScript Code Nuggets <# … #> Control Nuggets (Control logic) <#= … #> Text Nuggets (Returns string) <#@ … #> Directives (Compiler instructions) <#+ … #> Class Nuggets (Create C# classes)
  • 15. BimlScript Syntax <# var con = SchemaManager.CreateConnectionNode(...); #> <# var metadata = con.GetDatabaseSchema(); #> <Biml xmlns=""> <Packages> <# foreach (var table in metadata.TableNodes) { #> <Package Name="Load_<#=table.Name#>"></Package> <# } #> </Packages> </Biml>
  • 16. BimlScript Syntax: Import metadata <# var con = SchemaManager.CreateConnectionNode(...); #> <# var metadata = con.GetDatabaseSchema(); #> <Biml xmlns=""> <Packages> <# foreach (var table in metadata.TableNodes) { #> <Package Name="Load_<#=table.Name#>"></Package> <# } #> </Packages> </Biml>
  • 17. BimlScript Syntax: Loop over tables <# var con = SchemaManager.CreateConnectionNode(...); #> <# var metadata = con.GetDatabaseSchema(); #> <Biml xmlns=""> <Packages> <# foreach (var table in metadata.TableNodes) { #> <Package Name="Load_<#=table.Name#>"></Package> <# } #> </Packages> </Biml>
  • 18. BimlScript Syntax: Replace static values <# var con = SchemaManager.CreateConnectionNode(...); #> <# var metadata = con.GetDatabaseSchema(); #> <Biml xmlns=""> <Packages> <# foreach (var table in metadata.TableNodes) { #> <Package Name="Load_<#=table.Name#>"></Package> <# } #> </Packages> </Biml>
  • 19. How does it work?
  • 20. Yes, but how does it work?
  • 21. Yes, but how does it actually work? <# foreach (var table in metadata.TableNodes) { #> <Package Name="Load_<#=table.Name#>"></Package> <# } #> <Package Name="Load_Customer"></Package> <Package Name="Load_Product"></Package> <Package Name="Load_Sales"></Package>
  • 23. What do you need?
  • 24. BIDS Helper Free open-source add-in for Visual Studio 60+ features for SSIS, SSAS and SSRS Includes basic Biml package generator
  • 25. …or you can use the new Biml tools…
  • 26. BimlExpress Free add-in for Visual Studio Code editor with syntax highlighting and Biml Intellisense More frequent updates than BIDS Helper
  • 27. BimlOnline Free browser-based Biml editor Code editor with Biml and C# Intellisense Reverse-engineer from SSIS to Biml
  • 28. BimlStudio Licensed full-featured development environment for Biml Visual designer and metadata modeling Full-stack automation and transformers
  • 29. Biml Tools Comparison Free Biml Intellisense "Black Box" Free Full Intellisense Logical View Licensed Full IDE Preview BimlScript
  • 31. Don't Repeat Yourself Move common code to separate files Centralize and reuse in many projects Update code once for all projects 1. Include files 2. CallBimlScript with parameters 3. Tiered Biml files
  • 32. Include Files Include common code in multiple files and projects Can include many file types: .biml .txt .sql .cs Use the include directive <#@ include file="CommonCode.biml" #> The directive will be replaced by the included file Works like an automated Copy & Paste
  • 36. CallBimlScript with Parameters Works like a parameterized include (or stored procedure) File to be called (callee) specifies accepted parameters: <#@ property name="Parameter" type="String" #> File that calls (caller) passes parameters: <#=CallBimlScript("Common.biml", Parameter)#>
  • 42. Tiered Biml Files Split Biml code in multiple files Specify the tier per file by using the template directive: <#@ template tier="2" #> Biml is compiled from lowest to highest tier to: • Solve logical dependencies • Build solutions in multiple steps behind the scenes
  • 43. Tiered Biml Files Biml is compiled step-by-step from lowest to highest tier • Biml files are implicitly tier 0 • BimlScript files are implicitly tier 1 For each tier, objects are added to the in-memory RootNode Higher tiers can use objects defined in lower tiers
  • 44. What is this RootNode? When working with Biml, the <Biml> root element contains collections of elements: When working with BimlScript, the RootNode object contains collections of objects: <Biml> <Connections>...</Connections> <Databases>...</Databases> <Schemas>...</Schemas> <Tables>...</Tables> <Projects>...</Projects> <Packages>...</Packages> </Biml>
  • 45. Tiered Biml Files: Behind the Scenes <#@ template tier="1" #> <Connections>...</Connections> <#@ template tier="2" #> <Packages>...</Packages> <#@ template tier="3" #> <Package>...</Package>
  • 46. Tiered Biml Files: Behind the Scenes <#@ template tier="1" #> <Connections>...</Connections> <#@ template tier="2" #> <Packages>...</Packages> <#@ template tier="3" #> <Package>...</Package>
  • 47. Tiered Biml Files: Behind the Scenes <#@ template tier="1" #> <Connections>...</Connections> <#@ template tier="2" #> <Packages>...</Packages> <#@ template tier="3" #> <Package>...</Package>
  • 48. Tiered Biml Files: Behind the Scenes <#@ template tier="1" #> <Connections>...</Connections> <#@ template tier="2" #> <Packages>...</Packages> <#@ template tier="3" #> <Package>...</Package>
  • 49. Tiered Biml Files: Behind the Scenes <#@ template tier="1" #> <Connections>...</Connections> <#@ template tier="2" #> <Packages>...</Packages> <#@ template tier="3" #> <Package>...</Package>
  • 50. Tiered Biml Files: Behind the Scenes <#@ template tier="1" #> <Connections>...</Connections> <#@ template tier="2" #> <Packages>...</Packages> <#@ template tier="3" #> <Package>...</Package>
  • 51. Tiered Biml Files: Behind the Scenes <#@ template tier="1" #> <Connections>...</Connections> <#@ template tier="2" #> <Packages>...</Packages> <#@ template tier="3" #> <Package>...</Package>
  • 52. Tiered Biml Files: Behind the Scenes <#@ template tier="1" #> <Connections>...</Connections> <#@ template tier="2" #> <Packages>...</Packages> <#@ template tier="3" #> <Package>...</Package>
  • 53. Tiered Biml Files: Behind the Scenes <#@ template tier="1" #> <Connections>...</Connections> <#@ template tier="2" #> <Packages>...</Packages> <#@ template tier="3" #> <Package>...</Package>
  • 54. Tiered Biml Files: Behind the Scenes <#@ template tier="1" #> <Connections>...</Connections> <#@ template tier="2" #> <Packages>...</Packages> <#@ template tier="3" #> <Package>...</Package>
  • 55. Tiered Biml Files: Behind the Scenes
  • 56. How do you use Tiered Biml files? 1. Create Biml files with specified tiers 2. Select all the tiered Biml files 3. Right-click and click Generate SSIS Packages 1 2 3
  • 57. How does this actually work?
  • 59. Annotations and ObjectTags Annotations and ObjectTags are Key / Value pairs Use them to pass code between Biml files Annotations: String / String ObjectTags: String / Object
  • 60. Annotations Create annotations: <OleDbConnection Name="Destination" ConnectionString="…"> <Annotations> <Annotation Tag="Schema">AW2014</Annotation> </Annotations> </OleDbConnection> Use annotations: RootNode.OleDbConnections["Destination"].GetTag("Schema");
  • 61. ObjectTags Create ObjectTags: RootNode.OleDbConnections["Destination"].ObjectTag["Filter"] = new List<string>{"Product","ProductCategory"}; Use ObjectTags: RootNode.OleDbConnections["Destination"].ObjectTag["Filter"];
  • 62. LINQ
  • 63. LINQ (Language-Integrated Query) One language to query: SQL Server Databases Datasets Collections Two ways to write queries: SQL-ish Syntax Extension Methods
  • 64. LINQ Extension Methods Sort OrderBy, ThenBy Filter Where, OfType Group GroupBy Aggregate Count, Sum Check Collections All, Any, Contains Get Elements First, Last, ElementAt Project Collections Select, SelectMany
  • 65. LINQ Extension Methods Example var numConnections = RootNode.Connections.Count() foreach (var table in RootNode.Tables.Where(…)) if (RootNode.Packages.Any(…))
  • 66. LINQ Extension Methods Example foreach (var table in RootNode.Tables.Where(…)) if (RootNode.Packages.Any(…)) But what do you put in here?
  • 67. Lambda Expressions "A lambda expression is an anonymous function that you can use to create delegates or expression tree types"
  • 69. Lambda Expressions table => table.Name == "Product"
  • 70. Lambda Expressions table => table.Name == "Product" The arrow is the lambda operator
  • 71. Lambda Expressions table => table.Name == "Product" Input parameter is on the left side
  • 72. Lambda Expressions table => table.Name == "Product" Expression is on the right side
  • 73. LINQ and Lambda Chain LINQ Methods and use Lambda Expressions for simple and powerful querying of collections: .Where(table => table.Schema.Name == "Production") .OrderBy(table => table.Name)
  • 74. LINQ: Filter collections Where() Returns the filtered collection with all elements that meet the criteria RootNode.Tables.Where(t => t.Schema.Name == "Production") OfType() Returns the filtered collection with all elements of the specified type RootNode.Connections.OfType<AstExcelOleDbConnectionNode>()
  • 75. LINQ: Sort collections OrderBy() Returns the collection sorted by key… RootNode.Tables.OrderBy(t => t.Name) ThenBy() …then sorted by secondary key RootNode.Tables.OrderBy(t => t.Schema.Name) .ThenBy(t => t.Name)
  • 76. LINQ: Sort collections OrderByDescending() Returns the collection sorted by key… RootNode.Tables.OrderByDescending(t => t.Name) ThenByDescending() …then sorted by secondary key RootNode.Tables.OrderBy(t => t.Schema.Name) .ThenByDescending(t => t.Name)
  • 77. LINQ: Sort collections Reverse() Returns the collection sorted in reverse order RootNode.Tables.Reverse()
  • 78. LINQ: Group collections GroupBy() Returns a collection of key-value pairs where each value is a new collection RootNode.Tables.GroupBy(t => t.Schema.Name)
  • 79. LINQ: Aggregate collections Count() Returns the number of elements in the collection RootNode.Tables.Count() RootNode.Tables.Count(t => t.Schema.Name == "Production")
  • 80. LINQ: Aggregate collections Sum() Returns the sum of the (numeric) values in the collection RootNode.Tables.Sum(t => t.Columns.Count) Average() Returns the average value of the (numeric) values in the collection RootNode.Tables.Average(t => t.Columns.Count)
  • 81. LINQ: Aggregate collections Min() Returns the minimum value of the (numeric) values in the collection RootNode.Tables.Min(t => t.Columns.Count) Max() Returns the maximum value of the (numeric) values in the collection RootNode.Tables.Max(t => t.Columns.Count)
  • 82. LINQ: Check collections All() Returns true if all elements in the collection meet the criteria RootNode.Databases.All(d => d.Name.StartsWith("A")) Any() Returns true if any element in the collection meets the criteria RootNode.Databases.Any(d => d.Name.Contains("DW"))
  • 83. LINQ: Check collections Contains() Returns true if collection contains element RootNode.Databases.Contains(AdventureWorks2014)
  • 84. LINQ: Get elements First() Returns the first element in the collection (that meets the criteria) RootNode.Tables.First() RootNode.Tables.First(t => t.Schema.Name == "Production") FirstOrDefault() Returns the first element in the collection or default value (that meets the criteria) RootNode.Tables.FirstOrDefault() RootNode.Tables.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Schema.Name == "Production")
  • 85. LINQ: Get elements Last() Returns the last element in the collection (that meets the criteria) RootNode.Tables.Last() RootNode.Tables.Last(t => t.Schema.Name == "Production") LastOrDefault() Returns the last element in the collection or default value (that meets the criteria) RootNode.Tables.LastOrDefault() RootNode.Tables.LastOrDefault(t => t.Schema.Name == "Production")
  • 86. LINQ: Get elements ElementAt() Returns the element in the collection at the specified index RootNode.Tables.ElementAt(42) ElementAtOrDefault() Returns the element in the collection or default value at the specified index RootNode.Tables.ElementAtOrDefault(42)
  • 87. LINQ: Project collections Select() Creates a new collection from one collection A list of table names: RootNode.Tables.Select(t => t.Name) A list of table and schema names: RootNode.Tables.Select(t => new {t.Name, t.Schema.Name})
  • 88. LINQ: Project collections SelectMany() Creates a new collection from many collections and merges the collections A list of all columns from all tables: RootNode.Tables.SelectMany(t => t.Columns)
  • 90. Debugging Biml BimlExpress is a "black box": • You only see the generated SSIS packages • Not possible to view expanded BimlScript or compiled Biml Add high-tier helper files to debug and save compiled Biml to files • Use Check Biml For Errors to debug without generating packages
  • 91. SaveCompiledBimlToFile.biml Add the helper file to your project… <#@ template tier="999" #> <# System.IO.File.WriteAllText( @"C:BimlCompiledBiml.xml", RootNode.GetBiml() ); #>
  • 92. SaveCompiledBimlToFile.biml …with a high tier so it is executed as the last step <#@ template tier="999" #> <# System.IO.File.WriteAllText( @"C:BimlCompiledBiml.xml", RootNode.GetBiml() ); #>
  • 93. SaveCompiledBimlToFile.biml It creates a file… <#@ template tier="999" #> <# System.IO.File.WriteAllText( @"C:BimlCompiledBiml.xml", RootNode.GetBiml() ); #>
  • 94. SaveCompiledBimlToFile.biml …at the specified path… <#@ template tier="999" #> <# System.IO.File.WriteAllText( @"C:BimlCompiledBiml.xml", RootNode.GetBiml() ); #>
  • 95. SaveCompiledBimlToFile.biml …with all the Biml for all the objects in RootNode :) <#@ template tier="999" #> <# System.IO.File.WriteAllText( @"C:BimlCompiledBiml.xml", RootNode.GetBiml() ); #>
  • 96. How do you use this helper file? 1. Create the helper file 2. Select all the Biml files and the helper file 3. Right-click and click Check Biml For Errors 1 2 3
  • 97. How do you debug Biml?
  • 99. C# Classes and Methods BimlScript and LINQ not enough? Need to reuse C# code? Create your own classes and methods!
  • 100. C# Classes and Methods public static class HelperClass { public static bool AnnotationTagExists(AstNode node, string tag) { } }
  • 101. C# Classes and Methods: From this… public static class HelperClass { public static bool AnnotationTagExists(AstNode node, string tag) { if (node.GetTag(tag) != "") { return true; } else { return false; } } }
  • 102. C# Classes and Methods: …to this public static class HelperClass { public static bool AnnotationTagExists(AstNode node, string tag) { if (node.GetTag(tag) != "") { return true; } return false; } }
  • 103. C# Classes and Methods: …to this public static class HelperClass { public static bool AnnotationTagExists(AstNode node, string tag) { if (node.GetTag(tag) != "") { return true; } return false; } }
  • 104. C# Classes and Methods: …to this public static class HelperClass { public static bool AnnotationTagExists(AstNode node, string tag) { return (node.GetTag(tag) != "") ? true : false; } }
  • 105. C# Classes and Methods: …to this public static class HelperClass { public static bool AnnotationTagExists(AstNode node, string tag) { return (node.GetTag(tag) != ""); } }
  • 106. Where do you put your C# code? Inline code nuggets Included Biml files with code nuggets Reference code files
  • 107. C# Classes and Methods: Inline <Biml xmlns=""> <# foreach (var table in RootNode.Tables) { #> <# if (HelperClass.AnnotationTagExists(table, "SourceSchema")) { #> ... <# } #> <# } #> </Biml> <#+ public static class HelperClass { public static bool AnnotationTagExists(AstNode node, string tag) { return (node.GetTag(tag) != "") ? true : false; } } #>
  • 108. C# Classes and Methods: Included Files <#@ include file="HelperClass.biml" #> <Biml xmlns=""> <# foreach (var table in RootNode.Tables) { #> <# if (HelperClass.AnnotationTagExists(table, "SourceSchema")) { #> ... <# } #> <# } #> </Biml> <#+ public static class HelperClass { public static bool AnnotationTagExists(AstNode node, string tag) { return (node.GetTag(tag) != "") ? true : false; } } #>
  • 109. C# Classes and Methods: Code Files <#@ code file="HelperClass.cs" #> <Biml xmlns=""> <# foreach (var table in RootNode.Tables) { #> <# if (HelperClass.AnnotationTagExists(table, "SourceSchema")) { #> ... <# } #> <# } #> </Biml> public static class HelperClass { public static bool AnnotationTagExists(AstNode node, string tag) { return (node.GetTag(tag) != "") ? true : false; } }
  • 111. Extension Methods "Make it look like the method belongs to an object instead of a helper class"
  • 112. Extension Methods: From this… <#@ code file="HelperClass.cs" #> <Biml xmlns=""> <# foreach (var table in RootNode.Tables) { #> <# if (HelperClass.AnnotationTagExists(table, "SourceSchema")) { #> ... <# } #> <# } #> </Biml> public static class HelperClass { public static bool AnnotationTagExists(AstNode node, string tag) { return (node.GetTag(tag) != "") ? true : false; } }
  • 113. Extension Methods: …to this <#@ code file="HelperClass.cs" #> <Biml xmlns=""> <# foreach (var table in RootNode.Tables) { #> <# if (HelperClass.AnnotationTagExists(table, "SourceSchema")) { #> ... <# } #> <# } #> </Biml> public static class HelperClass { public static bool AnnotationTagExists(this AstNode node, string tag) { return (node.GetTag(tag) != "") ? true : false; } }
  • 114. Extension Methods: …to this <#@ code file="HelperClass.cs" #> <Biml xmlns=""> <# foreach (var table in RootNode.Tables) { #> <# if (table.AnnotationTagExists("SourceSchema")) { #> ... <# } #> <# } #> </Biml> public static class HelperClass { public static bool AnnotationTagExists(this AstNode node, string tag) { return (node.GetTag(tag) != "") ? true : false; } }
  • 115. Extension Methods: …to this :) <#@ code file="HelperClass.cs" #> <Biml xmlns=""> <# foreach (var table in RootNode.Tables.Where(t => t.AnnotationTagExists("SourceSchema")) { #> ... <# } #> <# } #> </Biml> public static class HelperClass { public static bool AnnotationTagExists(this AstNode node, string tag) { return (node.GetTag(tag) != "") ? true : false; } }
  • 116. Code Management …the past 60 minutes… C# Classes and MethodsPractical Biml Coding
  • 117. Get things done Start small Start simple Start with ugly code Keep going Expand Improve Deliver often
  • 118. Biml on Monday… …BimlBreak the rest of the week 