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Let’s Have a Cup of
me = {
  name: “Nicolás”,
  location: “Montevideo, Uruguay”,
  age: 26,
  likesWorkingOn: [“Ruby”, “JavaScript”],
  twitter: “@godfoca”,
  github: “”,
  url: “”,
  company: {
    name: “Cubox”,
    url: “”
me = {
  name: “Nicolás”,
  location: “Montevideo, Uruguay
  age: 26,
  likesWorkingOn: [“Ruby”, “Java
  twitter: “@godfoca”,
  github: “
  url: “http://nicolassanguinett
  company: {
    name: “Cubox”,
    url: “”
me = {
  name: “Nicolás”,
  location: “Montevid
  age: 26,
  likesWorkingOn: [“R
  twitter: “@godfoca”
  github: “http://git
me = {
  name: “Nicolás”
  location: “Mont
  age: 26,
  twitter: “@godf
There’s no var
me = {
  name: “Nico
  age: 26,
me = {
  name: “Nicolás”,
  location: “Montevideo, Uruguay”,
  age: 26,
  likesWorkingOn: [“Ruby”, “JavaScript”],
  twitter: “@godfoca”,
  github: “”,
  url: “”,
  company: {
    name: “Cubox”,
    url: “”
me = {
  name: “Nicolás”,
  location: “Montevideo, Uruguay”,
  age: 26,
  likesWorkingOn: [“Ruby”, “JavaScript”],
  twitter: “@godfoca”,
  github: “”,
  url: “”,
  company: {
    name: “Cubox”,
    url: “”
me =
  name: “Nicolás”,
  location: “Montevideo, Uruguay”,
  age: 26,
  likesWorkingOn: [“Ruby”, “JavaScript”],
  twitter: “@godfoca”,
  github: “”,
  url: “”,
     name: “Cubox”,
     url: “”
me =
  name: “Nicolás”,
  location: “Montevideo, Uruguay”,
  age: 26,
  likesWorkingOn: [“Ruby”, “JavaScript”],
  twitter: “@godfoca”,
  github: “”,
  url: “”,
     name: “Cubox”,
     url: “”
me =
  name: “Nicolás”,
  location: “Montevideo, Uruguay”,
  age: 26,
  likesWorkingOn: [“Ruby”, “JavaScript”],
  twitter: “@godfoca”,
  github: “”,
  url: “”,
     name: “Cubox”,
     url: “”
me =
  name: “Nicolás”
  location: “Montevideo, Uruguay”
  age: 26
  likesWorkingOn: [“Ruby”, “JavaScript”]
  twitter: “@godfoca”
  github: “”
  url: “”
     name: “Cubox”
     url: “”
me =
  name: “Nicolás”
  location: “Montevideo, Uruguay”
  age: 26
  likesWorkingOn: [“Ruby”, “JavaScript”]
  twitter: “@godfoca”
  github: “”
  url: “”
     name: “Cubox”
     url: “”
Let’s Have a few Cups of
1st Cup
A simple comparison
1st Cup: A simple comparison

var square = function(num) {
  return num * num;
var list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
var squares = [];
for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
1st Cup: A simple comparison

var square = function(num) {
  return num * num;
var list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
var squares = [];
for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
1st Cup: A simple comparison

var square = function(num) {
  return num * num;
var list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
var squares = [];
for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
1st Cup: A simple comparison

var square = function(num) {
  return num * num;
var list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
var squares = [];
for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
1st Cup: A simple comparison

var square = function(num) {
  return num * num;
var list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
var squares = [];
for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
1st Cup: A simple comparison

square = (num) -> num * num
list = [1..5]
squares = (square n for n in list)
1st Cup: A simple comparison

square = (num) -> num * num
list = [1..5]
squares = (square n for n in list)
1st Cup: A simple comparison

square = (num) -> num * num
list = [1..5]
squares = (square n for n in list)
1st Cup: A simple comparison

square = (num) -> num * num
list = [1..5]
squares = (square n for n in list)
1st Cup: A simple comparison

square = (num) -> num * num
list = [1..5]
squares = (square n for n in list)
2nd Cup
The Useless Calculator
2nd Cup: The Useless Calculator

var add = function(num1, num2) {
  return num1 + “ + “ + num2 +
    “ = “ + (num1 + num2);

console.log(add(2, 3))
> 2 + 3 = 5
console.log(add(5, 7))
> 5 + 7 = 12
2nd Cup: The Useless Calculator

var add = function(num1, num2) {
  return num1 + “ + “ + num2 +
    “ = “ + (num1 + num2);

console.log(add(2, 3))
> 2 + 3 = 5
console.log(add(5, 7))
> 5 + 7 = 12
2nd Cup: The Useless Calculator

var add = function(num1, num2) {
  return num1 + “ + “ + num2 +
    “ = “ + (num1 + num2);

console.log(add(2, 3))
> 2 + 3 = 5
console.log(add(5, 7))
> 5 + 7 = 12
2nd Cup: The Useless Calculator

var add = function(num1, num2) {
  return num1 + “ + “ + num2 +
    “ = “ + (num1 + num2);

console.log(add(2, 3))
> 2 + 3 = 5
console.log(add(5, 7))
> 5 + 7 = 12
2nd Cup: The Useless Calculator

var add = function(num1, num2) {
  return num1 + “ + “ + num2 +
    “ = “ + (num1 + num2);

console.log(add(2, 3))
> 2 + 3 = 5
console.log(add(5, 7))
> 5 + 7 = 12
2nd Cup: The Useless Calculator

add = (num1, num2) ->
  “#{num1} + #{num2} = #{num1 + num2}”

console.log add(2, 3)
> 2 + 3 = 5
console.log add(5, 7)
> 5 + 7 = 12
2nd Cup: The Useless Calculator

add = (num1, num2) ->
  “#{num1} + #{num2} = #{num1 + num2}”

console.log add(2, 3)
> 2 + 3 = 5
console.log add(5, 7)
> 5 + 7 = 12
2nd Cup: The Useless Calculator

add = (num1, num2) ->
  “#{num1} + #{num2} = #{num1 + num2}”

console.log add(2, 3)
> 2 + 3 = 5
console.log add(5, 7)
> 5 + 7 = 12
2nd Cup: The Useless Calculator

add = (num1, num2) ->
  “#{num1} + #{num2} = #{num1 + num2}”

console.log add(2, 3)
> 2 + 3 = 5
console.log add(5, 7)
> 5 + 7 = 12
2nd Cup: The Useless Calculator

add = (num1, num2) ->
  “#{num1} + #{num2} = #{num1 + num2}”

console.log add(2, 3)
> 2 + 3 = 5
console.log add(5, 7)
> 5 + 7 = 12
3rd Cup
Your Favorite Language
3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language

languageOfChoice = (lang) ->
  “#{lang} rocks!”
3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language

languageOfChoice = (lang) ->
  “#{lang} rocks!”

console.log languageOfChoice(“Ruby”)
> Ruby rocks!
3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language
           Implicit Return

languageOfChoice = (lang) ->
  “#{lang} rocks!”
3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language
           Implicit Return

languageOfChoice = (lang) ->
  return “#{lang} rocks!”
3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language
           Implicit Return

languageOfChoice = (lang) ->
  if lang == “PHP”
    “Get outta here!”
    “#{lang} rocks!”
3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language
           Implicit Return

languageOfChoice = (lang) ->
  if lang == “PHP”
    return “Get outta here!”
    return “#{lang} rocks!”
3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language
          Default Arguments

languageOfChoice = (lang = “Ruby”) ->
  “#{lang} rocks!”
3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language
          Default Arguments

languageOfChoice = (lang = “Ruby”) ->
  “#{lang} rocks!”

console.log languageOfChoice(“Lua”)
> Lua rocks!
3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language
          Default Arguments

languageOfChoice = (lang = “Ruby”) ->
  “#{lang} rocks!”

console.log languageOfChoice(“Lua”)
> Lua rocks!
console.log languageOfChoice()
> Ruby rocks!
3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language
         Optional Parentheses

languageOfChoice = (lang = “Ruby”) ->
  “#{lang} rocks!”
3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language
         Optional Parentheses

languageOfChoice = (lang = “Ruby”) ->
  “#{lang} rocks!”

console.log languageOfChoice “Lua”
> Lua rocks!
3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language
         Optional Parentheses

languageOfChoice = (lang = “Ruby”) ->
  “#{lang} rocks!”

console.log languageOfChoice “Lua”
> Lua rocks!
console.log languageOfChoice
3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language
         Optional Parentheses

languageOfChoice = (lang = “Ruby”) ->
  “#{lang} rocks!”

console.log languageOfChoice “Lua”
> Lua rocks!
console.log languageOfChoice
> [function “languageOfChoice”]
3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language
         Optional Parentheses

languageOfChoice = (lang = “Ruby”) ->
  “#{lang} rocks!”

console.log languageOfChoice “Lua”
> Lua rocks!
console.log languageOfChoice
> [function “languageOfChoice”]
console.log languageOfChoice()
> Ruby rocks!
3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language

languagesOfChoice = (langs...) ->
  “I like #{langs.join(“, “)}”
3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language

languagesOfChoice = (langs...) ->
  “I like #{langs.join(“, “)}”

languagesOfChoice “Ruby”, “JS”, “Python”
> I like Ruby, JS, Python
3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language

myLangs = [“Ruby”, “JS”, “Python”]
3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language

myLangs = [“Ruby”, “JS”, “Python”]

languagesOfChoice myLangs...
> I like Ruby, JS, Python
3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language

languagesOfChoice = (best, langs...) ->
  “I love #{best},
  and I like #{langs.join(“, “)}”
3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language

languagesOfChoice = (best, langs...) ->
  “I love #{best},
  and I like #{langs.join(“, “)}”

languagesOfChoice “Ruby”, “JS”, “Python”
> I love Ruby, and I like JS, Python
3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language

languagesOfChoice = (langs..., worst) ->
  “I like #{langs.join(“, “)},
  but I hate #{worst}”
3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language

languagesOfChoice = (langs..., worst) ->
  “I like #{langs.join(“, “)},
  but I hate #{worst}”

languagesOfChoice “Ruby”, “JS”, “PHP”
> I like Ruby, JS, but I hate PHP
3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language
           Existential Operator

languagesOfChoice = (best, langs...) ->
  “I love #{best},
  and I like #{langs.join(“, “)}”
3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language
           Existential Operator

languagesOfChoice = (best, langs...) ->
  “I love #{best},
  and I like #{langs.join(“, “)}”

languagesOfChoice “Ruby”
> I love Ruby, and I like
3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language
           Existential Operator

languagesOfChoice = (best, langs...) ->
  “I love #{best},
  and I like #{langs.join(“, “)}”

languagesOfChoice “Ruby”
> I love Ruby, and I like
> I love , and I like
3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language
           Existential Operator

languagesOfChoice = (best, langs...) ->
  ret = []
  if best?
    ret.push “I love #{best}”
  if langs.length > 0
    ret.push “I like #{langs.join(“, “)}”
  ret.join(“, and “)
3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language
           Existential Operator

languagesOfChoice = (best, langs...) ->
  ret = []
  if best?
    ret.push “I love #{best}”
  if langs.length > 0
    ret.push “I like #{langs.join(“, “)}”
  ret.join(“, and “)
3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language
           Existential Operator

languagesOfChoice = (best, langs...) ->
  ret = []
  if best?
    ret.push “I love #{best}”
  if langs.length > 0
    ret.push “I like #{langs.join(“, “)}”
  ret.join(“, and “)
3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language
           Existential Operator

languagesOfChoice = (best, langs...) ->
  ret = []
  if best?
    ret.push “I love #{best}”
  if langs.length > 0
    ret.push “I like #{langs.join(“, “)}”
  ret.join(“, and “)
3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language
           Existential Operator

languagesOfChoice = (best, langs...) ->
  ret = []
  if best?
    ret.push “I love #{best}”
  if langs.length > 0
    ret.push “I like #{langs.join(“, “)}”
  ret.join(“, and “)
3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language
           Existential Operator

languagesOfChoice “Ruby”, “JS”, “Python”
> I love Ruby, and I like JS, Python
3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language
           Existential Operator

languagesOfChoice “Ruby”, “JS”, “Python”
> I love Ruby, and I like JS, Python
languagesOfChoice “Ruby”
> I love Ruby
3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language
           Existential Operator

languagesOfChoice “Ruby”, “JS”, “Python”
> I love Ruby, and I like JS, Python
languagesOfChoice “Ruby”
> I love Ruby
languagesOfChoice undefined, “Ruby”, “JS”
> I like Ruby, JS
3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language
           Existential Operator

languagesOfChoice “Ruby”, “JS”, “Python”
> I love Ruby, and I like JS, Python
languagesOfChoice “Ruby”
> I love Ruby
languagesOfChoice undefined, “Ruby”, “JS”
> I like Ruby, JS
> “”
3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language
        Existential Operator

3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language
            Existential Operator


typeof expr !== undefined && expr !== null
3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language
        Existential Operator

              x ?= y
3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language
        Existential Operator

              x ?= y

         x = y unless x?
3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language
        Existential Operator

        obj = x: { y: 2 }
3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language
        Existential Operator

        obj = x: { y: 2 }

3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language
          Existential Operator

          obj = x: { y: 2 }


if obj.x? then obj.x.y else undefined
3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language
          Existential Operator

          obj = x: { y: 2 }


if obj.x? then obj.x.y else undefined
3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language
          Existential Operator

          obj = x: { y: 2 }


if obj.x? then obj.x.y else undefined
3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language
          Existential Operator

          obj = x: { y: 2 }


if obj.x? then obj.x.y else undefined
3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language
        Existential Operator

3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language
         Existential Operator


func() if typeof func == “function”
3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language
        Existential Operator

Interlude: Ranges

[1..5]   #=> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
Interlude: Ranges

[1..5] #=> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
[1...5] #=> [1, 2, 3, 4]
Interlude: Ranges

list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
list[2..3] #=> [3, 4]
Interlude: Ranges

list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
list[2..-1] #=> [3, 4, 5]
4th Cup
4th Cup: Patterns

list = [“Ruby”, “JS”, “Python”]
4th Cup: Patterns

list = [“Ruby”, “JS”, “Python”]

     Head            Tail
4th Cup: Patterns

list = [“Ruby”, “JS”, “Python”]

head = list[0]
tail = list[1..-1]
4th Cup: Patterns
           Pattern Matching

list = [“Ruby”, “JS”, “Python”]
[head, tail] = [list[0], list[1..-1]]
4th Cup: Patterns
              Pattern Matching

list = [“Ruby”, “JS”, “Python”]
[head, tail] = [list[0], list[1..-1]]

4th Cup: Patterns
              Pattern Matching

list = [“Ruby”, “JS”, “Python”]
[head, tail] = [list[0], list[1..-1]]

  Pattern                 Values
4th Cup: Patterns
           Pattern Matching

list = [“Ruby”, “JS”, “Python”]
[head, tail] = [list[0], list[1..-1]]
4th Cup: Patterns
           Pattern Matching

list = [“Ruby”, “JS”, “Python”]
[head, tail] = [list[0], list[1..-1]]
4th Cup: Patterns
           Pattern Matching

list = [“Ruby”, “JS”, “Python”]
[head, tail] = [list[0], list[1..-1]]

head #=> “Ruby”
4th Cup: Patterns
           Pattern Matching

list = [“Ruby”, “JS”, “Python”]
[head, tail] = [list[0], list[1..-1]]

head #=> “Ruby”
tail #=> [“JS”, “Python”]
4th Cup: Patterns
           Pattern Matching

list = [“Ruby”, “JS”, “Python”]
[head, tail...] = list
4th Cup: Patterns
           Pattern Matching

list = [“Ruby”, “JS”, “Python”]
[head, tail...] = list
4th Cup: Patterns
           Pattern Matching

list = [“Ruby”, “JS”, “Python”]
[head, tail...] = list

head #=> “Ruby”
4th Cup: Patterns
           Pattern Matching

list = [“Ruby”, “JS”, “Python”]
[head, tail...] = list

head #=> “Ruby”
tail #=> [“JS”, “Python”]
4th Cup: Patterns
           Pattern Matching

list = [“Ruby”, “JS”, “Python”]
[top, rest..., bottom] = list
4th Cup: Patterns
           Pattern Matching

list = [“Ruby”, “JS”, “Python”]
[top, rest..., bottom] = list

top #=> “Ruby”
4th Cup: Patterns
           Pattern Matching

list = [“Ruby”, “JS”, “Python”]
[top, rest..., bottom] = list

top #=> “Ruby”
bottom #=> “Python”
4th Cup: Patterns
           Pattern Matching

list = [“Ruby”, “JS”, “Python”]
[top, rest..., bottom] = list

top #=> “Ruby”
bottom #=> “Python”
rest #=> [“JS”]
4th Cup: Patterns
           Pattern Matching

list = [“Ruby”, “JS”]
[top, rest..., bottom] = list
4th Cup: Patterns
           Pattern Matching

list = [“Ruby”, “JS”]
[top, rest..., bottom] = list

top #=> “Ruby”
4th Cup: Patterns
           Pattern Matching

list = [“Ruby”, “JS”]
[top, rest..., bottom] = list

top #=> “Ruby”
bottom #=> “JS”
4th Cup: Patterns
           Pattern Matching

list = [“Ruby”, “JS”]
[top, rest..., bottom] = list

top #=> “Ruby”
bottom #=> “JS”
rest #=> []
4th Cup: Patterns
            Pattern Matching
me =
  name: “Nicolás”
  age: 26
     name: “Cubox”
4th Cup: Patterns
            Pattern Matching
me =
  name: “Nicolás”
  age: 26
     name: “Cubox”

name =
age = me.age
4th Cup: Patterns
            Pattern Matching
me =
  name: “Nicolás”
  age: 26
     name: “Cubox”

{ name: name, age: age } = me
4th Cup: Patterns
             Pattern Matching
me =
  name: “Nicolás”
  age: 26
     name: “Cubox”

{ name: name, age: age } = me

4th Cup: Patterns
             Pattern Matching
me =
  name: “Nicolás”
  age: 26
     name: “Cubox”

{ name: name, age: age } = me

4th Cup: Patterns
            Pattern Matching
me =
  name: “Nicolás”
  age: 26
     name: “Cubox”

{ name: name, age: age } = me

4th Cup: Patterns
            Pattern Matching
me =
  name: “Nicolás”
  age: 26
     name: “Cubox”

{ name: name, age: age } = me

name #=> “Nicolás”
age #=> 26
4th Cup: Patterns
          Pattern Matching

{ name, age } = me
4th Cup: Patterns
          Pattern Matching

{ name, age } = me

name #=> “Nicolás”
4th Cup: Patterns
          Pattern Matching

{ name, age } = me

name #=> “Nicolás”
age #=> 26
5th Cup
Collecting Collections
5th Cup: Collecting Collections
          Iterating over arrays

list = [1..10]

for item in list
5th Cup: Collecting Collections
          Iterating over arrays

list = [1..10]

for item in list
5th Cup: Collecting Collections
          Iterating over objects

me = name: “Nicolás”, age: 26

for key, value of me
  console.log “#{key}: #{value}”
5th Cup: Collecting Collections
          Iterating over objects

me = name: “Nicolás”, age: 26

for key, value of me
  console.log “#{key}: #{value}”
5th Cup: Collecting Collections

alert n for n in [1..5]
5th Cup: Collecting Collections

alert n for n in [1..5]
5th Cup: Collecting Collections

doubles = (n * 2 for n in [1..5])
5th Cup: Collecting Collections
      Filtering Comprehensions

alert n for n in [1..5] when n > 2
5th Cup: Collecting Collections
      Filtering Comprehensions

alert n for n in [1..5] when n > 2
5th Cup: Collecting Collections
      Filtering Comprehensions

alert n for n in [1..5] when n > 2

for n in [1..5]
  continue unless n > 2
  alert n
5th Cup: Collecting Collections
      Filtering Comprehensions

alert n for n in [1..5] when n > 2

for n in [1..5]
  continue unless n > 2
  alert n
Interlude: this

function isCute() {
  return this.cute;
Interlude: this

       var cuteKitty = {
         cute: true,
         isCute: isCute
Interlude: this

       var meanKitty = {
         cute: false,
         isCute: isCute
Interlude: this

cuteKitty.isCute()   meanKitty.isCute()
Interlude: this

cuteKitty.isCute()   meanKitty.isCute()
Interlude: this

cuteKitty.isCute()   meanKitty.isCute()
       true                 false
Interlude: this

function whatHappensNow() {

Interlude: this

function whatHappensNow() {

> [window]
Interlude: this

$(“a.sign-out”).click(function() {
Interlude: this

$(“a.sign-out”).click(function() {
Interlude: this

$(“a.sign-out”).click(function() {

<a href=”#” class=”delete”>Delete</a>
Interlude: this

function returnThis() {
  return this;
Interlude: this

function returnThis() {
  return this;

returnThis.apply(42);     //=> 42
Interlude: this

function returnThis() {
  return this;

returnThis.apply(42);   //=> 42
returnThis.apply(“hi”); //=> “hi”
6th Cup
Context, the classy way
6th Cup: Context, the classy way

User = (id, name) -> = id = name
  this.element = $(“#user-#{}”)
6th Cup: Context, the classy way
            Context Accessor

User = (id, name) -> = id = name
  this.element = $(“#user-#{}”)
6th Cup: Context, the classy way
            Context Accessor

User = (id, name) -> = id = name
  this.element = $(“#user-#{}”)
6th Cup: Context, the classy way
            Context Accessor

User = (id, name) -> = id = name
  this.element = $(“#user-#{}”)
6th Cup: Context, the classy way
            Context Accessor

User = (id, name) -> = id = name
  this.element = $(“#user-#{}”)
6th Cup: Context, the classy way
            Context Accessor

User = (id, name) ->
  @id = id
  @name = name
  @element = $(“#user-#{@id}”)
6th Cup: Context, the classy way
          Property Arguments

User = (id, name) ->
  @id = id
  @name = name
  @element = $(“#user-#{@id}”)
6th Cup: Context, the classy way
          Property Arguments

User = (id, name) ->
  @id = id
  @name = name
  @element = $(“#user-#{@id}”)
6th Cup: Context, the classy way
          Property Arguments

User = (@id, @name) ->
  @element = $(“#user-#{@id}”)
6th Cup: Context, the classy way
          Property Arguments

User = (@id, @name) ->
  @element = $(“#user-#{@id}”)
6th Cup: Context, the classy way
          Property Arguments

User = (@id, @name) ->
  @element = $(“#user-#{@id}”)
6th Cup: Context, the classy way

User = (@id, @name) ->
  @element = $(“#user-#{@id}”)
6th Cup: Context, the classy way
            Bound Functions

User = (@id, @name) ->
  @element = $(“#user-#{@id}”)

User.prototype.signOut = ->
6th Cup: Context, the classy way
            Bound Functions

User = (@id, @name) ->
  @element = $(“#user-#{@id}”)

User.prototype.signOut = ->
6th Cup: Context, the classy way
            Bound Functions

User = (@id, @name) ->
  @element = $(“#user-#{@id}”)

User.prototype.signOut = ->
6th Cup: Context, the classy way
            Bound Functions

User = (@id, @name) ->
  @element = $(“#user-#{@id}”)

 $(“a.sign-out”, @element).click ->

User.prototype.signOut = ->
6th Cup: Context, the classy way
            Bound Functions

User = (@id, @name) ->
  @element = $(“#user-#{@id}”)

 $(“a.sign-out”, @element).click ->

User.prototype.signOut = ->
6th Cup: Context, the classy way
            Bound Functions

User = (@id, @name) ->
  @element = $(“#user-#{@id}”)

 $(“a.sign-out”, @element).click ->

User.prototype.signOut = ->
6th Cup: Context, the classy way
            Bound Functions

User = (@id, @name) ->
  @element = $(“#user-#{@id}”)
  self = this

 $(“a.sign-out”, @element).click ->

User.prototype.signOut = ->
6th Cup: Context, the classy way
            Bound Functions

User = (@id, @name) ->
  @element = $(“#user-#{@id}”)
  self = this

 $(“a.sign-out”, @element).click ->

User.prototype.signOut = ->
6th Cup: Context, the classy way
            Bound Functions

User = (@id, @name) ->
  @element = $(“#user-#{@id}”)

 $(“a.sign-out”, @element).click =>

User.prototype.signOut = ->
6th Cup: Context, the classy way
            Bound Functions

User = (@id, @name) ->
  @element = $(“#user-#{@id}”)

 $(“a.sign-out”, @element).click =>

User.prototype.signOut = ->
6th Cup: Context, the classy way
            Bound Functions

User = (@id, @name) ->
  @element = $(“#user-#{@id}”)

 $(“a.sign-out”, @element).click =>

User.prototype.signOut = ->
6th Cup: Context, the classy way

User = (@id, @name) ->
  @element = $(“#user-#{@id}”)

User.prototype.signOut = ->
6th Cup: Context, the classy way

class User
  constructor: (@id, @name) ->
    @element = $(“#user-#{@id}”)

 signOut: ->
6th Cup: Context, the classy way

class User
  constructor: (@id, @name) ->
    @element = $(“#user-#{@id}”)

 signOut: ->
6th Cup: Context, the classy way

class User
  constructor: (@id, @name) ->
    @element = $(“#user-#{@id}”)

 signOut: ->
6th Cup: Context, the classy way

class User
  constructor: (@id, @name) ->
    @element = $(“#user-#{@id}”)

 signOut: ->
6th Cup: Context, the classy way

class User
  constructor: (@id, @name) ->
    @element = $(“#user-#{@id}”)

 signOut: ->
6th Cup: Context, the classy way

class SignedInUser extends User

class SignedOutUser extends User
6th Cup: Context, the classy way

class SignedInUser extends User
  constructor: (args...) ->
    super args...

   $(“a.sign-out”, @element).click =>
6th Cup: Context, the classy way
           On variable locality

class User
  constructor: (@id, @name) ->
    @element = $(“#user-#{@id}”)

 signOut: ->
6th Cup: Context, the classy way
           On variable locality

class window.User
  constructor: (@id, @name) ->
    @element = $(“#user-#{@id}”)

 signOut: ->
6th Cup: Context, the classy way
           On variable locality

class window.User
  constructor: (@id, @name) ->
    @element = $(“#user-#{@id}”)

 signOut: ->
6th Cup: Context, the classy way
           On variable locality

class this.User
  constructor: (@id, @name) ->
    @element = $(“#user-#{@id}”)

 signOut: ->
6th Cup: Context, the classy way
           On variable locality

class @User
  constructor: (@id, @name) ->
    @element = $(“#user-#{@id}”)

 signOut: ->
We’ve Covered
➡ Object Literals        ➡ Existential Operator
➡ String Interpolation   ➡ Context and this
➡ Functions              ➡ Property Accessors
➡ Default Arguments      ➡ Bound Functions
➡ Splats                 ➡ Classes
➡ Ranges                 ➡ Inheritance
➡ Pattern Matching       ➡ super
…is it worth it?


Loop closures and do
Follow-up: Loop closures and do

for i in [1..5]
  console.log i
Follow-up: Loop closures and do

for i in [1..5]
  setTimeout (-> console.log i), 100
Follow-up: Loop closures and do

for i in [1..5]
  setTimeout (-> console.log i), 100

>   5
>   5
>   5
>   5
>   5
Follow-up: Loop closures and do

for i in [1..5]
  setTimeout (-> console.log i), 100

>   5
>   5
>   5
>   5
>   5
Follow-up: Loop closures and do

for i in [1..5]
  ((i) ->
    setTimeout (-> console.log i), 100

> 1
> 2
> ...
Follow-up: Loop closures and do

for i in [1..5]
  do (i) ->
    setTimeout (-> console.log i), 100

> 1
> 2
> ...
Comprehension Madness
Follow-up: Comprehension Madness
           Keep It Simple, Stupid

A = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
B = [8, 7, 1, 2]

cartesian = ([x, y] for x in A for y in B)
Follow-up: Comprehension Madness
                   Keep It Simple, Stupid

(ret.push(val) unless val in ret) for val in orig when shouldAdd(val)
Let's Have a Cup of CoffeeScript

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Let's Have a Cup of CoffeeScript

  • 1. Let’s Have a Cup of
  • 2.
  • 4.
  • 5. me = { name: “Nicolás”, location: “Montevideo, Uruguay”, age: 26, likesWorkingOn: [“Ruby”, “JavaScript”], twitter: “@godfoca”, github: “”, url: “”, company: { name: “Cubox”, url: “” } }
  • 6. me = { name: “Nicolás”, location: “Montevideo, Uruguay age: 26, likesWorkingOn: [“Ruby”, “Java twitter: “@godfoca”, github: “ url: “http://nicolassanguinett company: { name: “Cubox”, url: “”
  • 7. me = { name: “Nicolás”, location: “Montevid age: 26, likesWorkingOn: [“R twitter: “@godfoca” github: “http://git
  • 8. me = { name: “Nicolás” location: “Mont age: 26, likesWorkingOn: twitter: “@godf
  • 9. There’s no var me = { name: “Nico location: age: 26,
  • 10.
  • 11. me = { name: “Nicolás”, location: “Montevideo, Uruguay”, age: 26, likesWorkingOn: [“Ruby”, “JavaScript”], twitter: “@godfoca”, github: “”, url: “”, company: { name: “Cubox”, url: “” } }
  • 12.
  • 13. me = { name: “Nicolás”, location: “Montevideo, Uruguay”, age: 26, likesWorkingOn: [“Ruby”, “JavaScript”], twitter: “@godfoca”, github: “”, url: “”, company: { name: “Cubox”, url: “” } }
  • 14. me = name: “Nicolás”, location: “Montevideo, Uruguay”, age: 26, likesWorkingOn: [“Ruby”, “JavaScript”], twitter: “@godfoca”, github: “”, url: “”, company: name: “Cubox”, url: “”
  • 15. me = name: “Nicolás”, location: “Montevideo, Uruguay”, age: 26, likesWorkingOn: [“Ruby”, “JavaScript”], twitter: “@godfoca”, github: “”, url: “”, company: name: “Cubox”, url: “”
  • 16. me = name: “Nicolás”, location: “Montevideo, Uruguay”, age: 26, likesWorkingOn: [“Ruby”, “JavaScript”], twitter: “@godfoca”, github: “”, url: “”, company: name: “Cubox”, url: “”
  • 17. me = name: “Nicolás” location: “Montevideo, Uruguay” age: 26 likesWorkingOn: [“Ruby”, “JavaScript”] twitter: “@godfoca” github: “” url: “” company: name: “Cubox” url: “”
  • 18. me = name: “Nicolás” location: “Montevideo, Uruguay” age: 26 likesWorkingOn: [“Ruby”, “JavaScript”] twitter: “@godfoca” github: “” url: “” company: name: “Cubox” url: “”
  • 19. Let’s Have a few Cups of
  • 20. 1st Cup A simple comparison
  • 21. 1st Cup: A simple comparison var square = function(num) {   return num * num; } var list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; var squares = []; for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {   squares.push(square(list[i])); }
  • 22. 1st Cup: A simple comparison var square = function(num) {   return num * num; } var list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; var squares = []; for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {   squares.push(square(list[i])); }
  • 23. 1st Cup: A simple comparison var square = function(num) {   return num * num; } var list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; var squares = []; for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {   squares.push(square(list[i])); }
  • 24. 1st Cup: A simple comparison var square = function(num) {   return num * num; } var list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; var squares = []; for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {   squares.push(square(list[i])); }
  • 25. 1st Cup: A simple comparison var square = function(num) {   return num * num; } var list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; var squares = []; for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {   squares.push(square(list[i])); }
  • 26. 1st Cup: A simple comparison square = (num) -> num * num list = [1..5] squares = (square n for n in list)
  • 27. 1st Cup: A simple comparison square = (num) -> num * num list = [1..5] squares = (square n for n in list)
  • 28. 1st Cup: A simple comparison square = (num) -> num * num list = [1..5] squares = (square n for n in list)
  • 29. 1st Cup: A simple comparison square = (num) -> num * num list = [1..5] squares = (square n for n in list)
  • 30. 1st Cup: A simple comparison square = (num) -> num * num list = [1..5] squares = (square n for n in list)
  • 31. 2nd Cup The Useless Calculator
  • 32. 2nd Cup: The Useless Calculator var add = function(num1, num2) {   return num1 + “ + “ + num2 + “ = “ + (num1 + num2); } console.log(add(2, 3)) > 2 + 3 = 5 console.log(add(5, 7)) > 5 + 7 = 12
  • 33. 2nd Cup: The Useless Calculator var add = function(num1, num2) {   return num1 + “ + “ + num2 + “ = “ + (num1 + num2); } console.log(add(2, 3)) > 2 + 3 = 5 console.log(add(5, 7)) > 5 + 7 = 12
  • 34. 2nd Cup: The Useless Calculator var add = function(num1, num2) {   return num1 + “ + “ + num2 + “ = “ + (num1 + num2); } console.log(add(2, 3)) > 2 + 3 = 5 console.log(add(5, 7)) > 5 + 7 = 12
  • 35. 2nd Cup: The Useless Calculator var add = function(num1, num2) {   return num1 + “ + “ + num2 + “ = “ + (num1 + num2); } console.log(add(2, 3)) > 2 + 3 = 5 console.log(add(5, 7)) > 5 + 7 = 12
  • 36. 2nd Cup: The Useless Calculator var add = function(num1, num2) {   return num1 + “ + “ + num2 + “ = “ + (num1 + num2); } console.log(add(2, 3)) > 2 + 3 = 5 console.log(add(5, 7)) > 5 + 7 = 12
  • 37. 2nd Cup: The Useless Calculator add = (num1, num2) -> “#{num1} + #{num2} = #{num1 + num2}” console.log add(2, 3) > 2 + 3 = 5 console.log add(5, 7) > 5 + 7 = 12
  • 38. 2nd Cup: The Useless Calculator add = (num1, num2) -> “#{num1} + #{num2} = #{num1 + num2}” console.log add(2, 3) > 2 + 3 = 5 console.log add(5, 7) > 5 + 7 = 12
  • 39. 2nd Cup: The Useless Calculator add = (num1, num2) -> “#{num1} + #{num2} = #{num1 + num2}” console.log add(2, 3) > 2 + 3 = 5 console.log add(5, 7) > 5 + 7 = 12
  • 40. 2nd Cup: The Useless Calculator add = (num1, num2) -> “#{num1} + #{num2} = #{num1 + num2}” console.log add(2, 3) > 2 + 3 = 5 console.log add(5, 7) > 5 + 7 = 12
  • 41. 2nd Cup: The Useless Calculator add = (num1, num2) -> “#{num1} + #{num2} = #{num1 + num2}” console.log add(2, 3) > 2 + 3 = 5 console.log add(5, 7) > 5 + 7 = 12
  • 43. 3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language languageOfChoice = (lang) -> “#{lang} rocks!”
  • 44. 3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language languageOfChoice = (lang) -> “#{lang} rocks!” console.log languageOfChoice(“Ruby”) > Ruby rocks!
  • 45. 3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language Implicit Return languageOfChoice = (lang) -> “#{lang} rocks!”
  • 46. 3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language Implicit Return languageOfChoice = (lang) -> return “#{lang} rocks!”
  • 47. 3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language Implicit Return languageOfChoice = (lang) -> if lang == “PHP” “Get outta here!” else “#{lang} rocks!”
  • 48. 3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language Implicit Return languageOfChoice = (lang) -> if lang == “PHP” return “Get outta here!” else return “#{lang} rocks!”
  • 49. 3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language Default Arguments languageOfChoice = (lang = “Ruby”) -> “#{lang} rocks!”
  • 50. 3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language Default Arguments languageOfChoice = (lang = “Ruby”) -> “#{lang} rocks!” console.log languageOfChoice(“Lua”) > Lua rocks!
  • 51. 3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language Default Arguments languageOfChoice = (lang = “Ruby”) -> “#{lang} rocks!” console.log languageOfChoice(“Lua”) > Lua rocks! console.log languageOfChoice() > Ruby rocks!
  • 52. 3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language Optional Parentheses languageOfChoice = (lang = “Ruby”) -> “#{lang} rocks!”
  • 53. 3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language Optional Parentheses languageOfChoice = (lang = “Ruby”) -> “#{lang} rocks!” console.log languageOfChoice “Lua” > Lua rocks!
  • 54. 3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language Optional Parentheses languageOfChoice = (lang = “Ruby”) -> “#{lang} rocks!” console.log languageOfChoice “Lua” > Lua rocks! console.log languageOfChoice
  • 55. 3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language Optional Parentheses languageOfChoice = (lang = “Ruby”) -> “#{lang} rocks!” console.log languageOfChoice “Lua” > Lua rocks! console.log languageOfChoice > [function “languageOfChoice”]
  • 56. 3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language Optional Parentheses languageOfChoice = (lang = “Ruby”) -> “#{lang} rocks!” console.log languageOfChoice “Lua” > Lua rocks! console.log languageOfChoice > [function “languageOfChoice”] console.log languageOfChoice() > Ruby rocks!
  • 57. 3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language Splats languagesOfChoice = (langs...) -> “I like #{langs.join(“, “)}”
  • 58. 3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language Splats languagesOfChoice = (langs...) -> “I like #{langs.join(“, “)}” languagesOfChoice “Ruby”, “JS”, “Python” > I like Ruby, JS, Python
  • 59. 3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language Splats myLangs = [“Ruby”, “JS”, “Python”]
  • 60. 3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language Splats myLangs = [“Ruby”, “JS”, “Python”] languagesOfChoice myLangs... > I like Ruby, JS, Python
  • 61. 3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language Splats languagesOfChoice = (best, langs...) -> “I love #{best}, and I like #{langs.join(“, “)}”
  • 62. 3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language Splats languagesOfChoice = (best, langs...) -> “I love #{best}, and I like #{langs.join(“, “)}” languagesOfChoice “Ruby”, “JS”, “Python” > I love Ruby, and I like JS, Python
  • 63. 3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language Splats languagesOfChoice = (langs..., worst) -> “I like #{langs.join(“, “)}, but I hate #{worst}”
  • 64. 3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language Splats languagesOfChoice = (langs..., worst) -> “I like #{langs.join(“, “)}, but I hate #{worst}” languagesOfChoice “Ruby”, “JS”, “PHP” > I like Ruby, JS, but I hate PHP
  • 65. 3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language Existential Operator languagesOfChoice = (best, langs...) -> “I love #{best}, and I like #{langs.join(“, “)}”
  • 66. 3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language Existential Operator languagesOfChoice = (best, langs...) -> “I love #{best}, and I like #{langs.join(“, “)}” languagesOfChoice “Ruby” > I love Ruby, and I like
  • 67. 3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language Existential Operator languagesOfChoice = (best, langs...) -> “I love #{best}, and I like #{langs.join(“, “)}” languagesOfChoice “Ruby” > I love Ruby, and I like languagesOfChoice() > I love , and I like
  • 68. 3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language Existential Operator languagesOfChoice = (best, langs...) -> ret = [] if best? ret.push “I love #{best}” if langs.length > 0 ret.push “I like #{langs.join(“, “)}” ret.join(“, and “)
  • 69. 3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language Existential Operator languagesOfChoice = (best, langs...) -> ret = [] if best? ret.push “I love #{best}” if langs.length > 0 ret.push “I like #{langs.join(“, “)}” ret.join(“, and “)
  • 70. 3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language Existential Operator languagesOfChoice = (best, langs...) -> ret = [] if best? ret.push “I love #{best}” if langs.length > 0 ret.push “I like #{langs.join(“, “)}” ret.join(“, and “)
  • 71. 3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language Existential Operator languagesOfChoice = (best, langs...) -> ret = [] if best? ret.push “I love #{best}” if langs.length > 0 ret.push “I like #{langs.join(“, “)}” ret.join(“, and “)
  • 72. 3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language Existential Operator languagesOfChoice = (best, langs...) -> ret = [] if best? ret.push “I love #{best}” if langs.length > 0 ret.push “I like #{langs.join(“, “)}” ret.join(“, and “)
  • 73. 3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language Existential Operator languagesOfChoice “Ruby”, “JS”, “Python” > I love Ruby, and I like JS, Python
  • 74. 3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language Existential Operator languagesOfChoice “Ruby”, “JS”, “Python” > I love Ruby, and I like JS, Python languagesOfChoice “Ruby” > I love Ruby
  • 75. 3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language Existential Operator languagesOfChoice “Ruby”, “JS”, “Python” > I love Ruby, and I like JS, Python languagesOfChoice “Ruby” > I love Ruby languagesOfChoice undefined, “Ruby”, “JS” > I like Ruby, JS
  • 76. 3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language Existential Operator languagesOfChoice “Ruby”, “JS”, “Python” > I love Ruby, and I like JS, Python languagesOfChoice “Ruby” > I love Ruby languagesOfChoice undefined, “Ruby”, “JS” > I like Ruby, JS languagesOfChoice() > “”
  • 77. 3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language Existential Operator expr?
  • 78. 3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language Existential Operator expr? typeof expr !== undefined && expr !== null
  • 79. 3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language Existential Operator x ?= y
  • 80. 3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language Existential Operator x ?= y x = y unless x?
  • 81. 3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language Existential Operator obj = x: { y: 2 }
  • 82. 3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language Existential Operator obj = x: { y: 2 } obj.x?.y
  • 83. 3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language Existential Operator obj = x: { y: 2 } obj.x?.y if obj.x? then obj.x.y else undefined
  • 84. 3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language Existential Operator obj = x: { y: 2 } obj.x?.y if obj.x? then obj.x.y else undefined
  • 85. 3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language Existential Operator obj = x: { y: 2 } obj.x?.y if obj.x? then obj.x.y else undefined
  • 86. 3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language Existential Operator obj = x: { y: 2 } obj.x?.y if obj.x? then obj.x.y else undefined
  • 87. 3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language Existential Operator func?()
  • 88. 3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language Existential Operator func?() func() if typeof func == “function”
  • 89. 3rd Cup: Your Favorite Language Existential Operator options.callback?()
  • 91. Interlude: Ranges [1..5] #=> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
  • 92. Interlude: Ranges [1..5] #=> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] [1...5] #=> [1, 2, 3, 4]
  • 93. Interlude: Ranges list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] list[2..3] #=> [3, 4]
  • 94. Interlude: Ranges list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] list[2..-1] #=> [3, 4, 5]
  • 96. 4th Cup: Patterns list = [“Ruby”, “JS”, “Python”]
  • 97. 4th Cup: Patterns list = [“Ruby”, “JS”, “Python”] Head Tail
  • 98. 4th Cup: Patterns list = [“Ruby”, “JS”, “Python”] head = list[0] tail = list[1..-1]
  • 99. 4th Cup: Patterns Pattern Matching list = [“Ruby”, “JS”, “Python”] [head, tail] = [list[0], list[1..-1]]
  • 100. 4th Cup: Patterns Pattern Matching list = [“Ruby”, “JS”, “Python”] [head, tail] = [list[0], list[1..-1]] Pattern
  • 101. 4th Cup: Patterns Pattern Matching list = [“Ruby”, “JS”, “Python”] [head, tail] = [list[0], list[1..-1]] Pattern Values
  • 102. 4th Cup: Patterns Pattern Matching list = [“Ruby”, “JS”, “Python”] [head, tail] = [list[0], list[1..-1]]
  • 103. 4th Cup: Patterns Pattern Matching list = [“Ruby”, “JS”, “Python”] [head, tail] = [list[0], list[1..-1]]
  • 104. 4th Cup: Patterns Pattern Matching list = [“Ruby”, “JS”, “Python”] [head, tail] = [list[0], list[1..-1]] head #=> “Ruby”
  • 105. 4th Cup: Patterns Pattern Matching list = [“Ruby”, “JS”, “Python”] [head, tail] = [list[0], list[1..-1]] head #=> “Ruby” tail #=> [“JS”, “Python”]
  • 106. 4th Cup: Patterns Pattern Matching list = [“Ruby”, “JS”, “Python”] [head, tail...] = list
  • 107. 4th Cup: Patterns Pattern Matching list = [“Ruby”, “JS”, “Python”] [head, tail...] = list
  • 108. 4th Cup: Patterns Pattern Matching list = [“Ruby”, “JS”, “Python”] [head, tail...] = list head #=> “Ruby”
  • 109. 4th Cup: Patterns Pattern Matching list = [“Ruby”, “JS”, “Python”] [head, tail...] = list head #=> “Ruby” tail #=> [“JS”, “Python”]
  • 110. 4th Cup: Patterns Pattern Matching list = [“Ruby”, “JS”, “Python”] [top, rest..., bottom] = list
  • 111. 4th Cup: Patterns Pattern Matching list = [“Ruby”, “JS”, “Python”] [top, rest..., bottom] = list top #=> “Ruby”
  • 112. 4th Cup: Patterns Pattern Matching list = [“Ruby”, “JS”, “Python”] [top, rest..., bottom] = list top #=> “Ruby” bottom #=> “Python”
  • 113. 4th Cup: Patterns Pattern Matching list = [“Ruby”, “JS”, “Python”] [top, rest..., bottom] = list top #=> “Ruby” bottom #=> “Python” rest #=> [“JS”]
  • 114. 4th Cup: Patterns Pattern Matching list = [“Ruby”, “JS”] [top, rest..., bottom] = list
  • 115. 4th Cup: Patterns Pattern Matching list = [“Ruby”, “JS”] [top, rest..., bottom] = list top #=> “Ruby”
  • 116. 4th Cup: Patterns Pattern Matching list = [“Ruby”, “JS”] [top, rest..., bottom] = list top #=> “Ruby” bottom #=> “JS”
  • 117. 4th Cup: Patterns Pattern Matching list = [“Ruby”, “JS”] [top, rest..., bottom] = list top #=> “Ruby” bottom #=> “JS” rest #=> []
  • 118. 4th Cup: Patterns Pattern Matching me = name: “Nicolás” age: 26 company: name: “Cubox”
  • 119. 4th Cup: Patterns Pattern Matching me = name: “Nicolás” age: 26 company: name: “Cubox” name = age = me.age
  • 120. 4th Cup: Patterns Pattern Matching me = name: “Nicolás” age: 26 company: name: “Cubox” { name: name, age: age } = me
  • 121. 4th Cup: Patterns Pattern Matching me = name: “Nicolás” age: 26 company: name: “Cubox” { name: name, age: age } = me Pattern
  • 122. 4th Cup: Patterns Pattern Matching me = name: “Nicolás” age: 26 company: name: “Cubox” { name: name, age: age } = me Variables
  • 123. 4th Cup: Patterns Pattern Matching me = name: “Nicolás” age: 26 company: name: “Cubox” { name: name, age: age } = me Values
  • 124. 4th Cup: Patterns Pattern Matching me = name: “Nicolás” age: 26 company: name: “Cubox” { name: name, age: age } = me name #=> “Nicolás” age #=> 26
  • 125. 4th Cup: Patterns Pattern Matching { name, age } = me
  • 126. 4th Cup: Patterns Pattern Matching { name, age } = me name #=> “Nicolás”
  • 127. 4th Cup: Patterns Pattern Matching { name, age } = me name #=> “Nicolás” age #=> 26
  • 129. 5th Cup: Collecting Collections Iterating over arrays list = [1..10] for item in list doSomethingWith(item)
  • 130. 5th Cup: Collecting Collections Iterating over arrays list = [1..10] for item in list doSomethingWith(item)
  • 131. 5th Cup: Collecting Collections Iterating over objects me = name: “Nicolás”, age: 26 for key, value of me console.log “#{key}: #{value}”
  • 132. 5th Cup: Collecting Collections Iterating over objects me = name: “Nicolás”, age: 26 for key, value of me console.log “#{key}: #{value}”
  • 133. 5th Cup: Collecting Collections Comprehensions alert n for n in [1..5]
  • 134. 5th Cup: Collecting Collections Comprehensions alert n for n in [1..5]
  • 135. 5th Cup: Collecting Collections Comprehensions doubles = (n * 2 for n in [1..5])
  • 136. 5th Cup: Collecting Collections Filtering Comprehensions alert n for n in [1..5] when n > 2
  • 137. 5th Cup: Collecting Collections Filtering Comprehensions alert n for n in [1..5] when n > 2
  • 138. 5th Cup: Collecting Collections Filtering Comprehensions alert n for n in [1..5] when n > 2 for n in [1..5] continue unless n > 2 alert n
  • 139. 5th Cup: Collecting Collections Filtering Comprehensions alert n for n in [1..5] when n > 2 for n in [1..5] continue unless n > 2 alert n
  • 140. Interlude this
  • 141. Interlude: this function isCute() { return this.cute; }
  • 142. Interlude: this var cuteKitty = { cute: true, isCute: isCute };
  • 143. Interlude: this var meanKitty = { cute: false, isCute: isCute };
  • 144. Interlude: this cuteKitty.isCute() meanKitty.isCute()
  • 145. Interlude: this cuteKitty.isCute() meanKitty.isCute() true
  • 146. Interlude: this cuteKitty.isCute() meanKitty.isCute() true false
  • 147. Interlude: this function whatHappensNow() { console.log(this); } whatHappensNow()
  • 148. Interlude: this function whatHappensNow() { console.log(this); } whatHappensNow() > [window]
  • 151. Interlude: this $(“a.sign-out”).click(function() { console.log(this); }); <a href=”#” class=”delete”>Delete</a>
  • 153. Interlude: this function returnThis() { return this; } returnThis.apply(42); //=> 42
  • 154. Interlude: this function returnThis() { return this; } returnThis.apply(42); //=> 42 returnThis.apply(“hi”); //=> “hi”
  • 155. 6th Cup Context, the classy way
  • 156. 6th Cup: Context, the classy way User = (id, name) -> = id = name this.element = $(“#user-#{}”)
  • 157. 6th Cup: Context, the classy way Context Accessor User = (id, name) -> = id = name this.element = $(“#user-#{}”)
  • 158. 6th Cup: Context, the classy way Context Accessor User = (id, name) -> = id = name this.element = $(“#user-#{}”)
  • 159. 6th Cup: Context, the classy way Context Accessor User = (id, name) -> = id = name this.element = $(“#user-#{}”)
  • 160. 6th Cup: Context, the classy way Context Accessor User = (id, name) -> = id = name this.element = $(“#user-#{}”)
  • 161. 6th Cup: Context, the classy way Context Accessor User = (id, name) -> @id = id @name = name @element = $(“#user-#{@id}”)
  • 162. 6th Cup: Context, the classy way Property Arguments User = (id, name) -> @id = id @name = name @element = $(“#user-#{@id}”)
  • 163. 6th Cup: Context, the classy way Property Arguments User = (id, name) -> @id = id @name = name @element = $(“#user-#{@id}”)
  • 164. 6th Cup: Context, the classy way Property Arguments User = (@id, @name) -> @element = $(“#user-#{@id}”)
  • 165. 6th Cup: Context, the classy way Property Arguments User = (@id, @name) -> @element = $(“#user-#{@id}”)
  • 166. 6th Cup: Context, the classy way Property Arguments User = (@id, @name) -> @element = $(“#user-#{@id}”)
  • 167. 6th Cup: Context, the classy way User = (@id, @name) -> @element = $(“#user-#{@id}”)
  • 168. 6th Cup: Context, the classy way Bound Functions User = (@id, @name) -> @element = $(“#user-#{@id}”) User.prototype.signOut = -> $.ajax(...)
  • 169. 6th Cup: Context, the classy way Bound Functions User = (@id, @name) -> @element = $(“#user-#{@id}”) User.prototype.signOut = -> $.ajax(...)
  • 170. 6th Cup: Context, the classy way Bound Functions User = (@id, @name) -> @element = $(“#user-#{@id}”) User.prototype.signOut = -> $.ajax(...)
  • 171. 6th Cup: Context, the classy way Bound Functions User = (@id, @name) -> @element = $(“#user-#{@id}”) $(“a.sign-out”, @element).click -> this.signOut() false User.prototype.signOut = -> $.ajax(...)
  • 172. 6th Cup: Context, the classy way Bound Functions User = (@id, @name) -> @element = $(“#user-#{@id}”) $(“a.sign-out”, @element).click -> this.signOut() false User.prototype.signOut = -> $.ajax(...)
  • 173. 6th Cup: Context, the classy way Bound Functions User = (@id, @name) -> @element = $(“#user-#{@id}”) $(“a.sign-out”, @element).click -> this.signOut() false User.prototype.signOut = -> $.ajax(...)
  • 174.
  • 175. 6th Cup: Context, the classy way Bound Functions User = (@id, @name) -> @element = $(“#user-#{@id}”) self = this $(“a.sign-out”, @element).click -> self.signOut() false User.prototype.signOut = -> $.ajax(...)
  • 176. 6th Cup: Context, the classy way Bound Functions User = (@id, @name) -> @element = $(“#user-#{@id}”) self = this $(“a.sign-out”, @element).click -> self.signOut() false User.prototype.signOut = -> $.ajax(...)
  • 177. 6th Cup: Context, the classy way Bound Functions User = (@id, @name) -> @element = $(“#user-#{@id}”) $(“a.sign-out”, @element).click => this.signOut() false User.prototype.signOut = -> $.ajax(...)
  • 178. 6th Cup: Context, the classy way Bound Functions User = (@id, @name) -> @element = $(“#user-#{@id}”) $(“a.sign-out”, @element).click => this.signOut() false User.prototype.signOut = -> $.ajax(...)
  • 179. 6th Cup: Context, the classy way Bound Functions User = (@id, @name) -> @element = $(“#user-#{@id}”) $(“a.sign-out”, @element).click => this.signOut() false User.prototype.signOut = -> $.ajax(...)
  • 180. 6th Cup: Context, the classy way User = (@id, @name) -> @element = $(“#user-#{@id}”) User.prototype.signOut = -> ...
  • 181. 6th Cup: Context, the classy way Classes class User constructor: (@id, @name) -> @element = $(“#user-#{@id}”) signOut: -> ...
  • 182. 6th Cup: Context, the classy way Classes class User constructor: (@id, @name) -> @element = $(“#user-#{@id}”) signOut: -> ...
  • 183. 6th Cup: Context, the classy way Classes class User constructor: (@id, @name) -> @element = $(“#user-#{@id}”) signOut: -> ...
  • 184. 6th Cup: Context, the classy way Classes class User constructor: (@id, @name) -> @element = $(“#user-#{@id}”) signOut: -> ...
  • 185. 6th Cup: Context, the classy way Inheritance class User constructor: (@id, @name) -> @element = $(“#user-#{@id}”) signOut: -> ...
  • 186. 6th Cup: Context, the classy way Inheritance class SignedInUser extends User ... class SignedOutUser extends User ...
  • 187. 6th Cup: Context, the classy way super class SignedInUser extends User constructor: (args...) -> super args... $(“a.sign-out”, @element).click => this.signOut()
  • 188. 6th Cup: Context, the classy way On variable locality class User constructor: (@id, @name) -> @element = $(“#user-#{@id}”) signOut: -> ...
  • 189. 6th Cup: Context, the classy way On variable locality class window.User constructor: (@id, @name) -> @element = $(“#user-#{@id}”) signOut: -> ...
  • 190. 6th Cup: Context, the classy way On variable locality class window.User constructor: (@id, @name) -> @element = $(“#user-#{@id}”) signOut: -> ...
  • 191. 6th Cup: Context, the classy way On variable locality class this.User constructor: (@id, @name) -> @element = $(“#user-#{@id}”) signOut: -> ...
  • 192. 6th Cup: Context, the classy way On variable locality class @User constructor: (@id, @name) -> @element = $(“#user-#{@id}”) signOut: -> ...
  • 193.
  • 194. We’ve Covered ➡ Object Literals ➡ Existential Operator ➡ String Interpolation ➡ Context and this ➡ Functions ➡ Property Accessors ➡ Default Arguments ➡ Bound Functions ➡ Splats ➡ Classes ➡ Ranges ➡ Inheritance ➡ Pattern Matching ➡ super
  • 195. So…
  • 197.
  • 198.
  • 202. Thanks! @godfoca
  • 203.
  • 205. Follow-up: Loop closures and do for i in [1..5] console.log i
  • 206. Follow-up: Loop closures and do for i in [1..5] setTimeout (-> console.log i), 100
  • 207. Follow-up: Loop closures and do for i in [1..5] setTimeout (-> console.log i), 100 > 5 > 5 > 5 > 5 > 5
  • 208.
  • 209. Follow-up: Loop closures and do for i in [1..5] setTimeout (-> console.log i), 100 > 5 > 5 > 5 > 5 > 5
  • 210. Follow-up: Loop closures and do for i in [1..5] ((i) -> setTimeout (-> console.log i), 100 )(i) > 1 > 2 > ...
  • 211. Follow-up: Loop closures and do for i in [1..5] do (i) -> setTimeout (-> console.log i), 100 > 1 > 2 > ...
  • 213. Follow-up: Comprehension Madness Keep It Simple, Stupid A = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] B = [8, 7, 1, 2] cartesian = ([x, y] for x in A for y in B)
  • 214. Follow-up: Comprehension Madness Keep It Simple, Stupid (ret.push(val) unless val in ret) for val in orig when shouldAdd(val)

Editor's Notes

  1. \n
  2. Here to talk CoffeeScript \nCS is lang generates JS\n***\nBut first: JavaScript\n
  3. Quick Hack: 10 days\nLisp and self, political: C syntax\nBut, web&amp;#x2019;s lingua franca\nSome Good Parts\nSome Not-So-Good Parts\n
  4. Not-So-Good outweigh Good\nCoffee focuses on Good\nHides bad.\n***\nbut first, this is me\n
  5. but first, this is me\nname / location / work\nhere&amp;#x2019;s some javascript\nthere&amp;#x2019;s something very wrong with it\n
  6. \n
  7. \n
  8. \n
  9. there&amp;#x2019;s no var\nme is global\npotentially dangerous\nand a very common mistake\ndon&amp;#x2019;t want to debug sth for 3 hours\nfind out it was you who made the mistake\nvery frustrating\n
  10. fortunately here to talk about cs\ncs has no var keyword :)\n
  11. perfectly valid cs\n*whew*\nin cs all vars are local\nwant global? force it\n***\nhaml\n
  12. cs and haml compared a lot\nboth abstractions\nboth generate known language\n&amp;#x2026;both have significant whitespace\n\n
  13. fns must be indented if span mult lines\nifs and other statements as well\nbut cs also takes advantage w/ obj lit\n***\nignore curlies\n
  14. by making curly braces optional\n
  15. if you indent your keys properly\n
  16. it goes beyond curly braces\nif we write one key:value per line\n
  17. commas are also optional\n
  18. so this is me, in coffeescript\n
  19. just one cup? unacceptable\nstructured in various examples\n
  20. \n
  21. \n
  22. \n
  23. \n
  24. \n
  25. \n
  26. \n
  27. \n
  28. \n
  29. \n
  30. VERY succinct\ndare I say more expressive\n
  31. \n
  32. \n
  33. \n
  34. \n
  35. \n
  36. \n
  37. \n
  38. \n
  39. \n
  40. \n
  41. \n
  42. \n
  43. let&amp;#x2019;s talk functions\nsimple syntax\nargs, arrow, body\n
  44. call as any other fn\n***\nimplicit return\n
  45. no need to return from functions\n
  46. last statement always has implicit return\n***\nif/etc constructs\n
  47. even if last statement is an if, while, etc\n
  48. it always has an implicit return\n***\ndefault args, favorite lang?\n
  49. fns can take def args\n\n
  50. \n
  51. ***\noptional parens\n
  52. you prob noticed I call fns w/o ()\n
  53. this is perfectly valid\n
  54. what do you expect will happen?\n
  55. fns are 1st class objects\nreferring to a fn will return the fn obj\n
  56. if the fn takes no arguments\nparens are mandatory\n***\nhaving to choose one lang is unfair\nI like ruby, js, python, lua, coffee&amp;#x2026;\nlet&amp;#x2019;s make our function accept mult args\nalready in js: arguments, but clunky\n
  57. by using ... we tell the function\ntake all args, pass array w/ them to the fn\n
  58. by using ... we tell the function\ntake all args, pass array w/ them to the fn\n***\nsplat when calling\n
  59. let&amp;#x2019;s say we have an array\n
  60. can use splats to expand it to args\n\nbut even if we like a lot of langs\nwe always have a favorite\n
  61. splats can be after arguments\n
  62. ***\nbut splats don&amp;#x2019;t need to go at the end\n
  63. as long as you have only one splat\nthey can go anywhere\n
  64. \n
  65. go back to thinking positive\nwhat happens when called with 1 arg?\n
  66. or no args?\n
  67. so let&amp;#x2019;s fix that\nwe need to return both separately\ncheck &amp;#x2018;best&amp;#x2019; -&gt; return I love...\ncheck &amp;#x2018;langs&amp;#x2019; -&gt; return I like...\ndefine array, add each bit iff, join array\n
  68. \n
  69. \n
  70. \n
  71. \n
  72. \n
  73. let&amp;#x2019;s try it\n
  74. \n
  75. \n
  76. \n
  77. \n
  78. \n
  79. \n
  80. \n
  81. \n
  82. \n
  83. \n
  84. \n
  85. \n
  86. \n
  87. \n
  88. \n
  89. ***\nranges\n
  90. \n
  91. very much like ruby\nexcept only for numbers\nwe have inclusive ranges\n
  92. and exclusive ranges\n***\nnot only for generating arrays\n
  93. ranges are useful for slicing\n
  94. and they support negative ind\n
  95. \n
  96. \n
  97. \n
  98. \n
  99. assign mult vars at the same time\n
  100. assign mult vars at the same time\n
  101. assign mult vars at the same time\n
  102. 1st is matched to the 1st element\n
  103. 2nd element is matched to 2nd\n
  104. this works\nwe get what we want\n
  105. but syntax is very noisy\nin fact, it was better before!\n
  106. we match a list to a list\n
  107. \n
  108. \n
  109. \n
  110. assign mult vars at the same time\n
  111. assign mult vars at the same time\n
  112. assign mult vars at the same time\n
  113. assign mult vars at the same time\n
  114. what would happen now?\n
  115. what would happen now?\n
  116. what would happen now?\n
  117. non-splat args always take precedence over splats\n***\nranges&amp;#x2026;pat match is not only meant for arrays\n
  118. we&amp;#x2019;ve an obj literal\nwe want to get the name and age\n
  119. simple, right?\nbut we want pattern matching\n
  120. \n
  121. \n
  122. \n
  123. \n
  124. but still, there&amp;#x2019;s repetition\nvar == key\n
  125. \n
  126. \n
  127. ***\ncollections\n
  128. - iterations\n- array comprehensions\n\n
  129. basic iteration on an array\n
  130. you use in for arrays\n
  131. can also iterate over key/val on objects\n
  132. watch out! of for gral objects\n
  133. comprehensions\niterate over a list and do sth with items\n
  134. just a postfix for (almost)\n
  135. also, map\n
  136. or select/filter\n\n
  137. when is equivalent to skipping items\nreturned array only has subset\n***\nif you expanded this into a full for\n
  138. when is equivalent to skipping steps\n
  139. ***\nthis\n
  140. &lt;show hands&gt; how many fully understand this?\njavascript has keyword &amp;#x201C;this&amp;#x201D;\nit refers to current &amp;#x201C;evaluation context&amp;#x201D;\nakin to current scope\n
  141. we have a cat\n
  142. \n
  143. \n
  144. \n
  145. \n
  146. this is the receiver when explicit receiver\n
  147. can anyone tell?\n
  148. no receiver: this is top context\n
  149. \n
  150. \n
  151. \n
  152. how does jquery do it?\n
  153. fn.apply\n
  154. &amp;#x201C;this&amp;#x201D; refers to whatever we pass\n***\nfinal cup: context\n
  155. \n
  156. \n
  157. \n
  158. \n
  159. \n
  160. ***\ncs takes @ from ruby\n
  161. there&amp;#x2019;s a bit of repetition\n***\nproperty arguments\n
  162. define arguments&amp;#x2026;\n\n
  163. &amp;#x2026; just to assign them to this.whatever\n
  164. shorthand syntax\n
  165. assigns the first argument to\n
  166. assigns the second argument to\n
  167. \n
  168. let&amp;#x2019;s say user has signout fn\n\n
  169. triggers ajax request\nwe don&amp;#x2019;t care about internals\n
  170. trigger by a browser event\n
  171. naive implementation\n
  172. naive implementation\ndoesn&amp;#x2019;t work\n
  173. dom element\n
  174. \n
  175. naive solution\n
  176. naive solution\n
  177. better solution\n
  178. better solution\nforces this inside function\nwraps function so it calls apply\n
  179. ***\nlet&amp;#x2019;s disregard the impl\n
  180. pretty, but not idiomatic\nthis looks a lot like a class\n
  181. \n
  182. class keyword\n
  183. constructor function\n
  184. other functions are just nested\nno explicit prototypes\n
  185. user abilities depend on user signed in or not\neg only signed in users can signOut\n
  186. user abilities depend on user signed in or not\nwe can extend User to provide specifics\n
  187. and we can use super\n
  188. CS wraps everything on an ANON FREE fn\nso everything is truly local to the file it&amp;#x2019;s defined on\nnice, but we want classes outside!\n\n\n
  189. global class\n\n
  190. anon free fn =&gt; this is window\n\n
  191. anon free fn =&gt; this is window\n\n
  192. you can use @\n\n
  193. \n
  194. \n
  195. \n
  196. you tell me :)\n\n
  197. there&amp;#x2019;s a large community\n
  198. big names using it like 37s\n
  199. \n
  200. \n
  201. \n
  202. \n
  203. \n
  204. \n
  205. let&amp;#x2019;s take this simple for loop\n
  206. suppose we need timeouts\nwe wrap it in a function\nbut&amp;#x2026;\n
  207. \n
  208. \n
  209. js passes last value to closure\n
  210. solution: autocalling fn\nensure closure gets proper val\n
  211. cs has a shorthand :)\n
  212. \n
  213. this can start getting weird\n\n
  214. and get downright out of hand\n
  215. down this road lies madness\nKeep It Simple, Stupid\n