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    Muhammad Usman Chaudhry
         SZABIST CS4615

                              Lecture # 2
Today - OOP Revision
    ● Classes & Obejcts Overview
    ● Nested Classes
       ○ Static nested & Inner classes
       ○ Local & anonymous classes
    ● Inheritance
    ● Method Overriding & Dynamic Polymorphism
    ● Abstraction
    ● Interfaces
    ● Packages
    ● Annotations & Javadocs

Muhammad Usman Chaudhry       CS4615             SZABIST
Today - Design Patterns
    ●   Design Patterns Overview
    ●   Context Pattern
    ●   Adapter Pattern
    ●   Separation of Concerns
        ○ Model-View-Controller

Muhammad Usman Chaudhry       CS4615   SZABIST
Classes & Objects
    ● Coming code example will explain:
         ○   Classes
         ○   Objects
         ○   Encapsulation
         ○   Constructors
         ○   Class Members & Methods
         ○   Instance Members & Methods
         ○   Entry Point
         ○   Getter & Setters

Muhammad Usman Chaudhry        CS4615     SZABIST
class Student{      Access
                    Modifier           Attribute
  private String studentName;
  private static int count;         Member
                    Not Recommended                         Setter
  public void setStudentName(String _studentName){
     if(!_studentName.equals("")) this.studentName = _studentName;
  public String getStudentName(){
    return this.studentName;
  public String getEncodedUrlForStudentName(){
      return UrlEncoder.encode(this.getStudentName(),"UTF-8");

Muhammad Usman Chaudhry              CS4615                               SZABIST
                                                Class Method
    public static int getCount(){
        return Student.count;
                                          Default Constructor
    public Student(){
                                        Calling 1-argument
      this("No Name");                  constructor
    }                                                    1-argument
    public Student(String studentName){                  Constructor
    }                                                        Entry Point
    public static void main(String[] args){
                                                      Object of Type
      Student stduent = new Student();
      String name = student.getName();
      int count = Student.getCount();                 Instance Method
}                                                     Class Method Call

Muhammad Usman Chaudhry                CS4615                              SZABIST
Nested Classes
    ● Java allows defining class within another class.
    ● Nested classes are divided into 2 more
      ○ Static Nested Classes (Declared Static)
      ○ Inner Nested Classes (Non-static)
         ■ Local Classes
         ■ Anonymous Classes
      ○ Both Inner & Static nested classes have
         member scope.
    ● Examples & Uses are in coming slides.

Muhammad Usman Chaudhry   CS4615                    SZABIST
Example: Static & Inner Nested Classes
//Outer class can only be public or package-private
class OuterClass{
   private int someVariable;
   //Modifier can be private, protected, public or package-private
   static class StaticNestedClass{
      //Cannot access private members of outer class directly.
   class InnerClass{
      //Can access private members of outer class
      OuterClass oc = OuterClass.this; // implicit reference available
      int a = oc.someVariable; //can be done
      int b = OuterClass.this.someVariable; //is another way to access...
   //Cannot declare static members within inner nested class.

Muhammad Usman Chaudhry                           CS4615                    SZABIST
Example: Accessing Nested Inner Class

//Accessing Nested Inner Class
OuterClass oc = new OuterClass(); //Either create new object or use previous instance
OuterClass.InnerClass innerClassObject = InnerClass(); //Way#1
OuterClass.InnerClass innerClassObject = new OuterClass().new InnerClass(); //Way#2

    ● Way#1 is using previous instance so all
      values of the object of outer class will be
      intact and accessible via inner class.
    ● Way#2 is creating new instance of outer
      class as well.

Muhammad Usman Chaudhry                  CS4615                                  SZABIST
Example: Accessing Nested Static Class

//Accessing Nested Static Class
OuterClass.StaticNestedClass sncObj = new OuterClass.StaticNestedClass();

● As simple as creating the normal object. No
  added syntax.

Muhammad Usman Chaudhry                 CS4615                              SZABIST
Local & Anonymous Inner Classes
    ● Inner class within 'body' of a method is
      known as local inner class.
    ● Inner class within 'body' of a method
      without naming it is known as anonymous
      inner class.
    ● Scope of local inner class is local to
    ● Scope of anonymous inner class is only to
      the point where it's declared.

Muhammad Usman Chaudhry   CS4615                  SZABIST
Example: Local Inner Class

class OuterClass{
   private int someVariable;
   public OuterClass(){
      //Local inner classes don't specify access modifiers
      class LocalInnerClass{
         public void myInnerMethod(){
           //implicit reference available to access members of outer class...
           int count = OuterClass.this.someVariable;
     LocalInnerClass lic = new LocalInnerClass();

Muhammad Usman Chaudhry                     CS4615                              SZABIST
Example: Anonymous Inner Class

  public void someFunction(){        class RunnableThread implements Runnable{
    new Thread(new Runnable(){          RunnableThread(){
       @Override                        //do something in constructor
       public void run(){               }
          //do something here...        public void run(){
       }                                  //do something here...
    }).start();                         }
  }                                  }
                                     //To access it
                                     RunnableThread myThread = new RunnableThread();
                                     new Thread(myThread).start();

                   ●    Left (Anonymous) Vs Right (Normal)
                   ●    No clutter in coding

Muhammad Usman Chaudhry                   CS4615                                       SZABIST
Why Use Nested Classes
    ● Logically grouping classes together.
    ● Increase encapsulation.
    ● Clean coding.

Muhammad Usman Chaudhry   CS4615             SZABIST
    ● Java don't have anything exactly similar to
      Objective-C or .Net delegates, the closest
      thing is anonymous inner class which are
      used instead of delegates.
    ● The main trick is to create an interface
      with a single function and then implement
      it via anonymous inner class.

Muhammad Usman Chaudhry   CS4615                SZABIST
    ● When you want to create a new class and there is
      already a class that includes some of the code that you
      want, you can derive your new class from the existing
    ● A class that is derived from another class is called sub-
      class, inherited class (derived, extended, child etc.)
    ● Java does support multi-level inheritance.
    ● There is no support for multiple inheritance in Java
      and every class can extend up to one class at a time.
    ● Lets go through examples in next slides.

Muhammad Usman Chaudhry       CS4615                        SZABIST
//A bicycle class : Example taken from Oracle Docs...
public class Bicycle {
  public int cadence; public int gear; public int speed;
  public Bicycle(int startCadence, int startSpeed, int startGear) {
     gear = startGear;
     cadence = startCadence;
     speed = startSpeed;
   public void setCadence(int newValue) {
     cadence = newValue;
  public void setGear(int newValue) {
     gear = newValue;
  public void applyBrake(int decrement) {
     speed -= decrement;
  public void speedUp(int increment) {
     speed += increment;

Muhammad Usman Chaudhry                          CS4615               SZABIST
public class MountainBike extends Bicycle {
  // the MountainBike subclass adds
  // one field
  public int seatHeight;

    // the MountainBike subclass has one
    // constructor
    public MountainBike(int startHeight,
                 int startCadence,
                 int startSpeed,
                 int startGear) {
       super(startCadence, startSpeed, startGear);
       seatHeight = startHeight;

    // the MountainBike subclass adds
    // one method
    public void setHeight(int newValue) {
       seatHeight = newValue;

Muhammad Usman Chaudhry                          CS4615   SZABIST
Method Overriding & Dynamic Polymorphism

    ● Redefining superclass method in subclass.
    ● An instance method in subclass with the same signature
      (name, number, type of params & return type) as instance
      method in superclass overrides the superclass's method.
    ● We may access the functionality of methods and members
      of super class via 'super' keyword.
    ● In case reference variable is calling an overridden method
      the method to be invoked is determined by the object, your
      reference variable is pointing to. (dynamic polymorphism).
    ● Examples to follow in coming slides.

Muhammad Usman Chaudhry        CS4615                        SZABIST
//Class professional                         //Calling all
class Professional {                         Professional p = new Professional();
   public String name;
   public Professional(){
                                             Programmer prog = new Programmer();
   public boolean isDisciplined(){
     //professional level implementations    p.isDisciplined();//Normal call
}                                            //First professional is called, then
                                             //programmer's isDisciplined is called.
//Class programmer                           prog.isDisciplined();
class Programmer extends Professional{
   public Programmer(){
                                             //without super.isDisciplined() statement
   @Override                                 //calling prog.isDisciplined(); will only call
   public boolean isDisciplined(){           //programmer's isDisciplined() method.
     //professional rules also apply
     super.isDisciplined();                  //dynamic polymorphism
     //programmer level implementations      Professional pr = new Programmer();

Muhammad Usman Chaudhry                     CS4615                                        SZABIST
    ● An abstract class cannot be instantiated.
    ● Abstract class can be subclassed.
    ● An abstract method, only has signatures.
    ● If any class has abstract methods it must be declared
      abstract itself.
    ● Subclass must implement all the abstract methods of
      abstract class otherwise it must be declared abstract
      as well.
    ● Abstract class may also contain abstract methods.
    ● Examples in next slides.

Muhammad Usman Chaudhry      CS4615                       SZABIST
//Abstract class example               //Implementation
abstract class GraphicObject {         class Circle extends GraphicObject {
  int x;                                  void draw() {
  int y;
                                             //circle specific implementation
  void moveTo(int newX, int newY) {
     //some implementation
  }                                       void resize() {
  abstract void draw();                      //circle specific resize
  abstract void resize();                 }
}                                      }
                                       class Rectangle extends GraphicObject {
                                          void draw() {
                                             //rectangle specific implementation
                                          void resize() {
                                             //rectangle specific resizing

Muhammad Usman Chaudhry               CS4615                                   SZABIST
    ● Interfaces are implemented by other classes
      and extended by other interfaces.
    ● Unlike class inheritance an interface can
      extend multiple interfaces.
    ● Interface body contains signatures only.
    ● All methods in an interface are implicitly
    ● Example to follow.

Muhammad Usman Chaudhry   CS4615              SZABIST
//Interface example                    //Implementation
public Interface GraphicInterface {    class Circle implements GraphicInterface {
  void draw();                            void draw() {
  void resize();
                                             //circle specific implementation
                                          void resize() {
                                             //circle specific resize
                                       class Rectangle extends GraphicInterface {
                                          void draw() {
                                             //rectangle specific implementation
                                          void resize() {
                                             //rectangle specific resizing

Muhammad Usman Chaudhry               CS4615                                 SZABIST
Abstract Class Vs Interface
    ● Abstract class can contain fields that are
      not static & final.
    ● Similarly abstract class can contain
      implementations, while interface is
      signature only.
    ● One class can implement multiple
      interfaces. While the same class cannot
      extend multiple abstract classes.

Muhammad Usman Chaudhry   CS4615                   SZABIST
    ● Grouping similar classes together is called
    ● It's similar to that of namespace in .Net
    ● An example would be custom controls
      related classes are in controls package, or
      graphics related classes in graphics package
    ● import statement is used to include
    ● Examples to follow.
Muhammad Usman Chaudhry   CS4615                SZABIST
//Package example
//Sample package
package net.thepaksoft.appname; //current package

//all graphics related customized classes

//ListView class
import net.thepaksoft.appname.controls.ListView;

Muhammad Usman Chaudhry    CS4615                   SZABIST
Annotations & Javadocs
    ● Annotation provide data about code, they
      don't have direct impact over it.
    ● Annotations are mostly used for:
         ○ Information for compiler. //Suppress warnings etc.
         ○ Compile time & deploy time processing.//Code generation.
         ○ Runtime processing.//Examination at runtime
    ● Annotations are used in comments for
      Javadocs to generate automatic
      documentation against code.
    ● Examples to follow.

Muhammad Usman Chaudhry           CS4615                          SZABIST
// Javadoc comment follows
    * @deprecated
    * explanation of why it
    * was deprecated
   static void deprecatedMethod() { }

// mark method as a superclass method
  // that has been overridden
  int overriddenMethod() { }
// use a deprecated method and tell
  // compiler not to generate a warning
   void useDeprecatedMethod() {
      // deprecation warning
      // - suppressed

Muhammad Usman Chaudhry                   CS4615   SZABIST
Design Patterns
    ● They're used to solve the common problems.
    ● Classical design patterns include 3 categories and 23
      ○ Creational - Deals with creation of object.
      ○ Structural - Deals with structure of object/class.
      ○ Behavioral - Communication between objects
    ● Bad patterns or approaches are known as anti-
      patterns as well.
    ● There are 100s of other patterns.
    ● We'll study the most relevant and commonly used
      under android.

Muhammad Usman Chaudhry      CS4615                     SZABIST
Context Pattern in Android
    ● Interface to global information about application
    ● It maintains current state of application/object.
    ● Mostly used to get information about other part of
    ● Used to access standard common resources.
    ● Used to access components implicitly.
    ● Implemented by Android System to provide access to
      application specific resources and classes.

Muhammad Usman Chaudhry     CS4615                     SZABIST
Context Pattern in Android
    ● We may get context by invoking any of these:
         ○   getApplicationContext()
         ○   getContext()
         ○   getBaseContext()
         ○   this (Current activity)
    ● And use above like:
         ○   ListAdapter adapter = new SimpleCursorAdapter(getApplicationContext(),...);
         ○   getApplicationContext().getSharedPreference(name,mode);

Muhammad Usman Chaudhry                      CS4615                                        SZABIST
Adapter Pattern in Android
    ●   Aimed at binding view with data.
    ●   When your data changes your view changes as well.
    ●   No need to add/update data one by one into the view.
    ●   Android have following implementations for Adapter:
        ○ BaseAdapter inherits Adapter implements
           ListAdapter, SpinnerAdapter
         ○ ArrayAdatper
         ○ ResrouceCursorAdapter

Muhammad Usman Chaudhry       CS4615                      SZABIST
Adapter Pattern Android (Code)

ArrayList<HashMap> myList = new ArrayList<HashMap>();
String[] data = new String[] { "line1","line2" } ;
int[] idList = new int[] {, } ;
SimpleAdapter dataToView = new SimpleAdapter(this,
myList, R.layout.two_lines, data, idList);
setListAdapter( dataToView );

Muhammad Usman Chaudhry   CS4615                    SZABIST
Separation of Concerns
    ● Appropriate layered approach
    ● Separate Presentation, Business Logic, from
    ● Partial classes, under Smalltalk, .Net &
    ● MVC, MVP, MVVM etc. Patterns

Muhammad Usman Chaudhry   CS4615               SZABIST
MVC - Model-View-Controller
    ● UI Presentation pattern
    ● Separates View (UI) from Model (Business
    ● Separation of Concerns:
         ○ View is responsible for rendering UI.
         ○ Model is responsible for business behavior.
         ○ Controller is responsible for responding to UI
           Actions & communication between Model & View.
    ● All 3 can directly communicate with each

Muhammad Usman Chaudhry       CS4615                    SZABIST
MVC - Model-View-Controller
    ● Implementations as discussed in previous
      slides exist in many web frameworks like
      Rails & Yii etc.
    ● Implementation varies in some frameworks
      like Cocoa Touch, where:
         ○ Controller is used as communication bridge
           between Model & Views, as mentioned previously
           but Models & Views cannot communicate directly.
         ○ Views don't have knowledge of Model.
         ○ Models have no knowledge of Views.

Muhammad Usman Chaudhry       CS4615                     SZABIST
MVC in Android
    ● MVC is kind of built into Android
    ● You may create as many 'Model' classes you
      like to represent the business data.
    ● 'Views' are there in form of XML Layouts.
    ● 'Controllers' are there in form of Activity

Muhammad Usman Chaudhry   CS4615               SZABIST
That's All for Today
    ● Have great vacations & Eid Mubarak!

Muhammad Usman Chaudhry   CS4615            SZABIST
Coming Up Next Week
    ● Dive into Android.
         ○   Hello World
         ○   SDK
         ○   File Organization
         ○   AVD
         ○   DDMS
         ○   LogCat
         ○   Debugging
         ○   Manifest
         ○   And Much more...
    ● Totally interactive class.

Muhammad Usman Chaudhry          CS4615   SZABIST

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Developing Applications for Android - Lecture#2

  • 1. Developing Applications for Android Muhammad Usman Chaudhry SZABIST CS4615 Lecture # 2
  • 2. Today - OOP Revision ● Classes & Obejcts Overview ● Nested Classes ○ Static nested & Inner classes ○ Local & anonymous classes ● Inheritance ● Method Overriding & Dynamic Polymorphism ● Abstraction ● Interfaces ● Packages ● Annotations & Javadocs Muhammad Usman Chaudhry CS4615 SZABIST
  • 3. Today - Design Patterns ● Design Patterns Overview ● Context Pattern ● Adapter Pattern ● Separation of Concerns ○ Model-View-Controller Muhammad Usman Chaudhry CS4615 SZABIST
  • 4. Classes & Objects ● Coming code example will explain: ○ Classes ○ Objects ○ Encapsulation ○ Constructors ○ Class Members & Methods ○ Instance Members & Methods ○ Entry Point ○ Getter & Setters Muhammad Usman Chaudhry CS4615 SZABIST
  • 5. // class Student{ Access Modifier Attribute private String studentName; Static private static int count; Member Not Recommended Setter public void setStudentName(String _studentName){ if(!_studentName.equals("")) this.studentName = _studentName; } Validation Getter public String getStudentName(){ return this.studentName; } Instance Method public String getEncodedUrlForStudentName(){ return UrlEncoder.encode(this.getStudentName(),"UTF-8"); } ... Muhammad Usman Chaudhry CS4615 SZABIST
  • 6. ... Class Method public static int getCount(){ return Student.count; } Default Constructor public Student(){ Calling 1-argument this("No Name"); constructor } 1-argument public Student(String studentName){ Constructor this.setStudentName(studentName); } Entry Point public static void main(String[] args){ Object of Type Student stduent = new Student(); Student String name = student.getName(); int count = Student.getCount(); Instance Method Call } } Class Method Call Muhammad Usman Chaudhry CS4615 SZABIST
  • 7. Nested Classes ● Java allows defining class within another class. ● Nested classes are divided into 2 more categories: ○ Static Nested Classes (Declared Static) ○ Inner Nested Classes (Non-static) ■ Local Classes ■ Anonymous Classes ○ Both Inner & Static nested classes have member scope. ● Examples & Uses are in coming slides. Muhammad Usman Chaudhry CS4615 SZABIST
  • 8. Example: Static & Inner Nested Classes //Outer class can only be public or package-private class OuterClass{ private int someVariable; //Modifier can be private, protected, public or package-private static class StaticNestedClass{ //Cannot access private members of outer class directly. } class InnerClass{ //Can access private members of outer class OuterClass oc = OuterClass.this; // implicit reference available int a = oc.someVariable; //can be done int b = OuterClass.this.someVariable; //is another way to access... } //Cannot declare static members within inner nested class. } Muhammad Usman Chaudhry CS4615 SZABIST
  • 9. Example: Accessing Nested Inner Class //Accessing Nested Inner Class OuterClass oc = new OuterClass(); //Either create new object or use previous instance OuterClass.InnerClass innerClassObject = InnerClass(); //Way#1 OuterClass.InnerClass innerClassObject = new OuterClass().new InnerClass(); //Way#2 ● Way#1 is using previous instance so all values of the object of outer class will be intact and accessible via inner class. ● Way#2 is creating new instance of outer class as well. Muhammad Usman Chaudhry CS4615 SZABIST
  • 10. Example: Accessing Nested Static Class //Accessing Nested Static Class OuterClass.StaticNestedClass sncObj = new OuterClass.StaticNestedClass(); ● As simple as creating the normal object. No added syntax. Muhammad Usman Chaudhry CS4615 SZABIST
  • 11. Local & Anonymous Inner Classes ● Inner class within 'body' of a method is known as local inner class. ● Inner class within 'body' of a method without naming it is known as anonymous inner class. ● Scope of local inner class is local to function. ● Scope of anonymous inner class is only to the point where it's declared. Muhammad Usman Chaudhry CS4615 SZABIST
  • 12. Example: Local Inner Class class OuterClass{ private int someVariable; public OuterClass(){ //Local inner classes don't specify access modifiers class LocalInnerClass{ public void myInnerMethod(){ //implicit reference available to access members of outer class... int count = OuterClass.this.someVariable; } } LocalInnerClass lic = new LocalInnerClass(); lic.myInnerMethod(); } } Muhammad Usman Chaudhry CS4615 SZABIST
  • 13. Example: Anonymous Inner Class public void someFunction(){ class RunnableThread implements Runnable{ new Thread(new Runnable(){ RunnableThread(){ @Override //do something in constructor public void run(){ } //do something here... public void run(){ } //do something here... }).start(); } } } . . //To access it RunnableThread myThread = new RunnableThread(); new Thread(myThread).start(); ● Left (Anonymous) Vs Right (Normal) ● No clutter in coding Muhammad Usman Chaudhry CS4615 SZABIST
  • 14. Why Use Nested Classes ● Logically grouping classes together. ● Increase encapsulation. ● Clean coding. Muhammad Usman Chaudhry CS4615 SZABIST
  • 15. Important ● Java don't have anything exactly similar to Objective-C or .Net delegates, the closest thing is anonymous inner class which are used instead of delegates. ● The main trick is to create an interface with a single function and then implement it via anonymous inner class. Muhammad Usman Chaudhry CS4615 SZABIST
  • 16. Inheritance ● When you want to create a new class and there is already a class that includes some of the code that you want, you can derive your new class from the existing class. ● A class that is derived from another class is called sub- class, inherited class (derived, extended, child etc.) ● Java does support multi-level inheritance. ● There is no support for multiple inheritance in Java and every class can extend up to one class at a time. ● Lets go through examples in next slides. Muhammad Usman Chaudhry CS4615 SZABIST
  • 17. //A bicycle class : Example taken from Oracle Docs... public class Bicycle { public int cadence; public int gear; public int speed; public Bicycle(int startCadence, int startSpeed, int startGear) { gear = startGear; cadence = startCadence; speed = startSpeed; } public void setCadence(int newValue) { cadence = newValue; } public void setGear(int newValue) { gear = newValue; } public void applyBrake(int decrement) { speed -= decrement; } public void speedUp(int increment) { speed += increment; } } Muhammad Usman Chaudhry CS4615 SZABIST
  • 18. public class MountainBike extends Bicycle { // the MountainBike subclass adds // one field public int seatHeight; // the MountainBike subclass has one // constructor public MountainBike(int startHeight, int startCadence, int startSpeed, int startGear) { super(startCadence, startSpeed, startGear); seatHeight = startHeight; } // the MountainBike subclass adds // one method public void setHeight(int newValue) { seatHeight = newValue; } } Muhammad Usman Chaudhry CS4615 SZABIST
  • 19. Method Overriding & Dynamic Polymorphism ● Redefining superclass method in subclass. ● An instance method in subclass with the same signature (name, number, type of params & return type) as instance method in superclass overrides the superclass's method. ● We may access the functionality of methods and members of super class via 'super' keyword. ● In case reference variable is calling an overridden method the method to be invoked is determined by the object, your reference variable is pointing to. (dynamic polymorphism). ● Examples to follow in coming slides. Muhammad Usman Chaudhry CS4615 SZABIST
  • 20. //Class professional //Calling all class Professional { Professional p = new Professional(); public String name; public Professional(){ Programmer prog = new Programmer(); } public boolean isDisciplined(){ //professional level implementations p.isDisciplined();//Normal call } } //First professional is called, then //programmer's isDisciplined is called. //Class programmer prog.isDisciplined(); class Programmer extends Professional{ public Programmer(){ //without super.isDisciplined() statement } @Override //calling prog.isDisciplined(); will only call public boolean isDisciplined(){ //programmer's isDisciplined() method. //professional rules also apply super.isDisciplined(); //dynamic polymorphism //programmer level implementations Professional pr = new Programmer(); } pr.isDisciplined(); } Muhammad Usman Chaudhry CS4615 SZABIST
  • 21. Abstraction ● An abstract class cannot be instantiated. ● Abstract class can be subclassed. ● An abstract method, only has signatures. ● If any class has abstract methods it must be declared abstract itself. ● Subclass must implement all the abstract methods of abstract class otherwise it must be declared abstract as well. ● Abstract class may also contain abstract methods. ● Examples in next slides. Muhammad Usman Chaudhry CS4615 SZABIST
  • 22. //Abstract class example //Implementation abstract class GraphicObject { class Circle extends GraphicObject { int x; void draw() { int y; //circle specific implementation void moveTo(int newX, int newY) { //some implementation } } void resize() { abstract void draw(); //circle specific resize abstract void resize(); } } } class Rectangle extends GraphicObject { void draw() { //rectangle specific implementation } void resize() { //rectangle specific resizing } } Muhammad Usman Chaudhry CS4615 SZABIST
  • 23. Interfaces ● Interfaces are implemented by other classes and extended by other interfaces. ● Unlike class inheritance an interface can extend multiple interfaces. ● Interface body contains signatures only. ● All methods in an interface are implicitly public. ● Example to follow. Muhammad Usman Chaudhry CS4615 SZABIST
  • 24. //Interface example //Implementation public Interface GraphicInterface { class Circle implements GraphicInterface { void draw(); void draw() { void resize(); //circle specific implementation } } void resize() { //circle specific resize } } class Rectangle extends GraphicInterface { void draw() { //rectangle specific implementation } void resize() { //rectangle specific resizing } } Muhammad Usman Chaudhry CS4615 SZABIST
  • 25. Abstract Class Vs Interface ● Abstract class can contain fields that are not static & final. ● Similarly abstract class can contain implementations, while interface is signature only. ● One class can implement multiple interfaces. While the same class cannot extend multiple abstract classes. Muhammad Usman Chaudhry CS4615 SZABIST
  • 26. Packages ● Grouping similar classes together is called package. ● It's similar to that of namespace in .Net ● An example would be custom controls related classes are in controls package, or graphics related classes in graphics package etc. ● import statement is used to include packages. ● Examples to follow. Muhammad Usman Chaudhry CS4615 SZABIST
  • 27. //Package example //Sample package package net.thepaksoft.appname; //current package //all graphics related customized classes import*; //ListView class import net.thepaksoft.appname.controls.ListView; Muhammad Usman Chaudhry CS4615 SZABIST
  • 28. Annotations & Javadocs ● Annotation provide data about code, they don't have direct impact over it. ● Annotations are mostly used for: ○ Information for compiler. //Suppress warnings etc. ○ Compile time & deploy time processing.//Code generation. ○ Runtime processing.//Examination at runtime ● Annotations are used in comments for Javadocs to generate automatic documentation against code. ● Examples to follow. Muhammad Usman Chaudhry CS4615 SZABIST
  • 29. // Javadoc comment follows /** * @deprecated * explanation of why it * was deprecated */ @Deprecated static void deprecatedMethod() { } } // mark method as a superclass method // that has been overridden @Override int overriddenMethod() { } // use a deprecated method and tell // compiler not to generate a warning @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") void useDeprecatedMethod() { // deprecation warning // - suppressed objectOne.deprecatedMethod(); } Muhammad Usman Chaudhry CS4615 SZABIST
  • 30. Design Patterns ● They're used to solve the common problems. ● Classical design patterns include 3 categories and 23 patterns: ○ Creational - Deals with creation of object. ○ Structural - Deals with structure of object/class. ○ Behavioral - Communication between objects ● Bad patterns or approaches are known as anti- patterns as well. ● There are 100s of other patterns. ● We'll study the most relevant and commonly used under android. Muhammad Usman Chaudhry CS4615 SZABIST
  • 31. Context Pattern in Android ● Interface to global information about application environment. ● It maintains current state of application/object. ● Mostly used to get information about other part of program. ● Used to access standard common resources. ● Used to access components implicitly. ● Implemented by Android System to provide access to application specific resources and classes. Muhammad Usman Chaudhry CS4615 SZABIST
  • 32. Context Pattern in Android ● We may get context by invoking any of these: ○ getApplicationContext() ○ getContext() ○ getBaseContext() ○ this (Current activity) ● And use above like: ○ ListAdapter adapter = new SimpleCursorAdapter(getApplicationContext(),...); ○ getApplicationContext().getSharedPreference(name,mode); Muhammad Usman Chaudhry CS4615 SZABIST
  • 33. Adapter Pattern in Android ● Aimed at binding view with data. ● When your data changes your view changes as well. ● No need to add/update data one by one into the view. ● Android have following implementations for Adapter: ○ BaseAdapter inherits Adapter implements ListAdapter, SpinnerAdapter ○ ArrayAdatper ○ ResrouceCursorAdapter Muhammad Usman Chaudhry CS4615 SZABIST
  • 34. Adapter Pattern Android (Code) ArrayList<HashMap> myList = new ArrayList<HashMap>(); String[] data = new String[] { "line1","line2" } ; int[] idList = new int[] {, } ; SimpleAdapter dataToView = new SimpleAdapter(this, myList, R.layout.two_lines, data, idList); setListAdapter( dataToView ); Muhammad Usman Chaudhry CS4615 SZABIST
  • 35. Separation of Concerns ● Appropriate layered approach ● Separate Presentation, Business Logic, from Design ● Partial classes, under Smalltalk, .Net & Ruby ● MVC, MVP, MVVM etc. Patterns Muhammad Usman Chaudhry CS4615 SZABIST
  • 36. MVC - Model-View-Controller ● UI Presentation pattern ● Separates View (UI) from Model (Business Logic) ● Separation of Concerns: ○ View is responsible for rendering UI. ○ Model is responsible for business behavior. ○ Controller is responsible for responding to UI Actions & communication between Model & View. ● All 3 can directly communicate with each other. Muhammad Usman Chaudhry CS4615 SZABIST
  • 37. MVC - Model-View-Controller ● Implementations as discussed in previous slides exist in many web frameworks like Rails & Yii etc. ● Implementation varies in some frameworks like Cocoa Touch, where: ○ Controller is used as communication bridge between Model & Views, as mentioned previously but Models & Views cannot communicate directly. ○ Views don't have knowledge of Model. ○ Models have no knowledge of Views. Muhammad Usman Chaudhry CS4615 SZABIST
  • 38. MVC in Android ● MVC is kind of built into Android ● You may create as many 'Model' classes you like to represent the business data. ● 'Views' are there in form of XML Layouts. ● 'Controllers' are there in form of Activity classes. Muhammad Usman Chaudhry CS4615 SZABIST
  • 39. That's All for Today ● Have great vacations & Eid Mubarak! Muhammad Usman Chaudhry CS4615 SZABIST
  • 40. Coming Up Next Week ● Dive into Android. ○ Hello World ○ SDK ○ File Organization ○ AVD ○ DDMS ○ LogCat ○ Debugging ○ Manifest ○ And Much more... ● Totally interactive class. Muhammad Usman Chaudhry CS4615 SZABIST