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Qualitative research begins with an assumption, a worldview,
the possible use of a theoretical lens, and the study of research
problems inquiring into the meaning individuals or groups ascribe
to a social or human problem.
“Qualitative research is a situated activity that locates the observer
in the world.”
• Nature Setting- qualitative researchers tend to collect data in the field at the site where
participants’ experience the issue or problem under study.
• Researcher as Key Instrument- qualitative researchers collect data through themselves through
examining documents, observing behavior, and interviewing participants.
• Multiple Sources of Data- researchers typically gather multiple forms of data, such as interviews,
observations, and documents, rather than rely on a single data source.
• Inductive Data Analysis- researchers build their patterns, involves researchers working back and
forth between the themes and the database until they establish a comprehensive set of themes.
• Participant's Meanings- researchers keep a focus on learning the meaning that the participants
hold about the problem or issue, not the meaning that the researchers bring to the research or
writers from the literatures.
• Emergent Design- means that the initial plan for research cannot be tightly prescribed, and that
all phases of the process may change or shift.
• Theoretical Lens- researchers often use lens to view their studies, such as the concept of
culture. Sometimes, the study may be organized around identifying the social, political, or
historical context of the problem under study.
• Interpretive Inquiry- a form of inquiry in which researchers make an interpretation of what they
see, hear, and understand.
• Holistic Account- this involves reporting multiple perspectives, identifying the many factors
involved in a situation, and generally sketching the larger picture that emerges.
• Biographical Narrative- Exploring the life of an individual
• Phenomenology- Understanding the essence of the experience
• Grounded Theory- Developing a theory grounded in data from the
• Ethnography- Describing and interpreting a culture-sharing group
• Case Study- Developing an in-depth description and analysis of a
case or multiple cases
Purpose of the Study
Research Question
Theoretical Lens
Significance of the Study
Definition of Terms
Limitations and Delimitations
Organization of the Study
Research Design
Role of the Researcher
Research Participants
Data Collection
Data Analysis
Ethical Consideration
Chapter 4 RESULTS
Implication for Practice
Implication for Further Research
Concluding Remarks
• Should be two to three pages
• Discussing problems and researches done by various authorities
around the world related to the present study .
• The last paragraph should also contain the “Research Gap” – a
personal statement that would signify that the research has not come
across any study dealing with the present research topic.
“The researcher (I,We) has/have not come across a study that
specifically discuss the _________________. Furthermore, this study
will provide relevant concepts that would possibly
create_____________ in the academic community.”
There are various factors that cause the increasing number of non- readers in the
Philippines most specifically in public schools. Few to mention are the less attention of parent
involvement in child’s learning, intense poverty, lack of funds for learning facilities and materials,
inappropriate teaching techniques employed by teachers, uneven teacher- pupil ratio inside the
classroom, and the students who are not prepared to learn (Eballe, 2012). To some point of
view, these problems are also the basic and common problems that the teachers in far-flung
schools of Banaybanay District in elementary level might be experiencing. And these problems
were talked daily by the teachers exchanging their ideas and opinions. As such, these teachers
“carry out” problems on non-readers, “breathe” problems on non-readers, and “speak” about
problems on non-readers every day.
Past studies mentioned mainly on reading interventions, causes of non-readers and
how to diagnose non-readers. However, I have not come across any study that looked into the
social meanings that the teachers teaching non- readers in remote schools have constructed
themselves and this kind of understandings have become part of their daily life. I am interested
how these groups of teachers socially understand handling non-readers using a social
representations approach.
• Identify the approach applied in qualitative research
• Phenomenology
• Ethnographic
• Case Study
• Biographical Narrative
• Grounded Theory
• Establish the purpose why the study should be conducted
• Present the Informants and Participants
• A paragraph should contain a personal account on how the study will
benefit the discipline
The purpose of this phenomenological study was to capture the socially elaborated knowledge of the teachers
handling non- readers in remote schools of Banaybanay District in elementary level. It also aimed to find out the processes
through which these shared knowledge were created.
At this stage in the research, handling non- readers in remote schools is a social issue and a phenomenon
that actually exists in the field of education. Teachers handling these non- readers encountered many experiences that
sometimes put them into risks, threatens them, or making them unhappy and ineffective. With these daily undertakings, they
may create a common knowledge through their communication, allowing them to come up with different themes. These
themes will become part of their daily lives thus; they socially elaborate these themes in their conversations.
This phenomenological study would add to the growing body of knowledge about the usefulness of the theory
of Social Representation in investigating social issues such as of handling non-readers in far-flung schools. Through this
study, I would be able to acquire salient information that would help us understand how human beings create meanings
about a social phenomenon such as handling non-readers in far-flung schools. It also aims to capture the unheard voices of
teachers handling non-readers in remote schools; and how these teachers cope with the common problems they
encountered in helping the non-readers to read at the end of the school year. It also seeks future directions for teachers how
to facilitate learning inside the classroom with non- readers even if they put themselves into risks or hardships.
This study also visualizes documenting the different experiences of the ten teachers in in-depth interviews and
seven teachers in the focus group discussion both the positive and negative one from their own workplaces, the remote
schools of Banaybanay District, Division of Mati City. Moreover, the intent of this study is to seek, listen, and understand the
unheard stories of the participants as they willingly share their experiences during the interview. In addition, this study aims
to gain additional knowledge in the field of research concerning teachers handling non-readers in far-flung schools.
• General questions
• What and How questions….
• Minimum of Two maximum of Three
1. What are the experiences of students engaged in child labor?
2. How did students cope with the situation of being engaged in child
3. What are the insights of students engaged in child labor?
• Theory, Proposition, Concept, Result of a Study….that served as the
basis in conducting the qualitative study.
• Note: it is only a working theory, this may change as results of the
study will come in and deviates with the course of the research
• Give your justification why the theory was chosen
• Should be two to three pages
• The older the year the better…
• Two paragraphs only!
• The first Paragraph should contain an introductory statement on “how
relevant is the study to the discipline”
• It should be personalized
• Second paragraph will contain Macro to micro presentation of the
I am confident that this phenomenological study would add to the importance
and significance of educating nonreaders especially in far-flung schools. It is through
this study that I was able to obtain information about the teachers’ daily communications
in handling nonreaders, their emotions, hardships, achievements, dedication and
commitment, as well as the different problems they met while teaching non-readers and
to how they cope with these unfavorable experiences.
Moreover, this knowledge would be helpful in attaining the quality education
goal by the Department of Education. Thus, this study is a premeditated and strategic
way of promoting quality education in our country. It is not only that the non- readers
who will be benefitted in this study. Moreover, to the teachers in general who willingly
share their experiences in handling non- readers; on the sense that they can pour their
deepest and sincerest sentiments in teaching non-readers. In such a way, these
experiences might be a significant factor of having a paradigm shift in the aspect of
achieving quality education. Lastly, this study would somehow assist other researchers
in the future who are interested to conduct a study related to teaching non-readers in far-
flung schools. It will lend them a hand on identifying areas of teaching non-readers in
public schools that needs further study and investigation.
• Define the important terms used in the study
• Base the terms on the title
• Operational definition is preferred, but a combination of conceptual
and operational definition can be done
• May be one to two pages
Non- readers. These are pupils who cannot read any printed material and they belong
to frustrated reading level. These are schoolchildren with inability to read properly. They have the
behavior of withdrawing from reading situations (Luz, 2007).
Far-flung schools. These are schools at a considerable distance or largely in space
or time. These are remote schools as to what extent they can be reached by any means of
Social representation. As a product, it is the shared knowledge about a phenomenon
that is co- constructed by the members of a social group. It is also defined as “common sense
knowledge” or “lay knowledge” (Jodelet, 1991). It is an organized and structured whole of
information, beliefs, opinions, and attitudes. It is conceived as a cognitive and a social process
constructed from everyday experience and communications (Abric, 1993). As a process, it is a
means of communication created and elaborated by a group about a social object (Moscovici,
Objectification- transforming what is abstract into something that is concrete (Abric,
1993) by using icon, metaphor or trope that will represent the new phenomenon (Wagner, et al.,
• Half of the Page
• Identify the setting of the Study
• Establish why the study is limited to a certain point
• Discuss the perceived weakness of the study
• Establish that the data to be gathered doesn’t represent the general
view (Generalizability)
This multiple case study is delimited and aimed only at exploring the
experiences of psychologically distressed public secondary school teachers, their
coping strategies, and insights they can share to their peers and to the academe in
general. I selected five teacher-participants who are all female, and teaching in big
schools in the province of Davao del Norte of Davao region, Philippines. Moreover,
this qualitative research inquiry was conducted from November 2015 to March
However, I acknowledge the weaknesses which may not allow this
research to achieve the expected generalizability of this study. Due to the small
sample who participated in the study, results may not be generalized and cannot
adequately support claims of having achieved valid conclusions. In addition, I
cannot guarantee the perfect recollection of all the experiences of the participants
due to the fact that the real stories shared are past events and are subject for
human error in terms of memory.
• An overview of the contents of each chapter
• Chapter 1
• Chapter 2
• Chapter 3
• Chapter 4
• Chapter 5
Chapter 1. This presents the very nature of gay lingo that is unique in the Philippines and particularly in
schools in Tagum City. It also presents the factor of gay lingo conversations. It is here were some simple questions on
its origin was answered and will be the basis for a more elaborate discussion in the outcome of the qualitative
research. Moreover, bringing about all these essential facts on gay lingo would give way to why such study is
Chapter 2. It discusses varied studies and readings on gay lingo, sexuality, factors of gender, sexuality
indexing and the findings of other related studies specifically on how indexing contributes on the linguistic features of
gay lingo.
Chapter 3. This deals with the design of the study, the role of the researcher and the participants involved.
Data Collection and analysis is included. Trustworthiness and Credibility of the study is explained together with its
ethical consideration.
Chapter 4. It discusses the results of the study based from research questions conducted to the participants,
which would shed light on reasons underlying the phenomenological aspects of views. These are the views gathered
from the participants involved.
Chapter 5. It shows the basis of findings and its divergence of the theories presented by sociolinguistic
authors. It also discusses the explanation of its implication in the practice, sociolinguistics and further research to be
conducted together with its concluding remarks.
Review of Related Literature
• Cluster the readings base on the important keywords and concepts of the study
• Should be five years back
• Paraphrase the readings presented
• Use transition markers
• Avoid one sentence paragraphs
• Avoid Inset citation “….Robins (2013)…” should be at the last part of the
paragraph “…(Robins, 2013).”
• Use inventory “….(Chakraborty and Daz, 2005; Doepke, 2006; Lopez-Calva,
2001; Zimmerman, 2007)..” Note: should be alphabetical
• Provide synthesis
Distress as a personal experience by any individual needs to be
understood better and clearer by studying very closely its origin and the theories
that formed the phenomenon because oftentimes, it is used interchangeably with
stress without difference. Psychological distress is a cognitive, emotional, and
behavioral response to a severe form of stressor (also called chronic stress)
characterized by extreme anxiety, anger, sorrow, pain, unhappiness and suffering
that affects the mind, emotion and the physical body including the level of
functioning (Maier & Watskin, 2010; Moberg, 2011; Montgomery & McCrone, 2010;
Potter, 2012).
On the other hand, distress can be used to describe a state in which an
organism, has difficulty to adapt to one or more stressors, and is no longer coping
with its environment, where its well-being is compromised. It is widely used term to
describe unpleasant feelings or emotions that impact the level of functioning and it
is a subjective experience. That is, the severity of psychological distress is
dependent upon the situation and how we perceive it. In addition, it is the difficulty
or even the inability to cope with stressful condition that is both painful physically
and mentally (Anderson, 2011).
The above-mentioned articles discuss the provisions of the government in
its program to reduce the risk of drop-out if not, to eliminate the problem. It also
presents readings on the relevance of the topics concerning drop-outs since
they have become the bases of the researcher in the formulation of the support
to the problem presented, conclusions and recommendations. The readings
also elaborated the importance of the programs initiated by the school in order
reduce the drop-out rate of the enrolment. This, has become the springboard in
the formulation of the enhancement program.
• Identify the Approach applied in qualitative research
• Phenomenology
• Ethnographic
• Case Study
• Biographical Narrative
• Grounded Theory
• Should be with authors (preferably the works of Creswell)
• Give justification why the approach was used
• Three pages minimum
In order to have a better understanding and in-depth analysis of the
distressful experiences, coping strategies and insights of the teacher- informants, I
utilize a multiple case study research. Case study research is a qualitative approach
in which the investigator explores a real-life, either single case or multiple cases
over time, through detailed, in-depth data collection involving multiple sources of
information such as interviews, observations, audio-visual material, documents, and
reports, and generate a case description and case themes (Creswell, 2013).
This phenomenological study described the lived experiences (Creswell,
2009) of teachers handling non- readers in remote schools. It focused into what
common experiences the participants had encountered in teaching non-readers, the
phenomenon under investigation. I used phenomenology because a group of
individuals such as teachers from far- flung schools personally experienced the
same phenomenon which is handling non- readers. They were able to explore such
single idea (Creswell, 2012) about teaching non- readers into more composite
descriptions based on “what and how” they experienced the phenomenon
(Moustakas, 1994; Creswell, 2012).
• Establish the roles played in the research
• Give statements with authority
• Should be personalized
• One page
The role of the researcher in qualitative research is an important matter to be considered in the successful
pursuit of investigation of any social phenomena. In this study, I am highly inclined and qualified to pursue this investigation
because I am also a teacher by profession, and has encountered distressful experience, pain, and frustration when I was not
promoted, despite of my best qualifications, of which I can also relate the feelings of my informants. Besides, I possess
some abilities and aptitude in writing, keen observation, great interest in psychology, and deep concern to help my fellow
mentors to also overcome distress and maintain a healthy living for good. Although, I have some biases, especially that I
can feel what my subjects are feeling, but I see to it that theories and related studies are respected and considered.
With regards to my basic roles, I followed the principles which states that qualitative inquiry is for the
researchers who are willing to commit extensive time to collect data, engage in data analysis, does reflexivity, and write long
passages by themselves. Hence, I played many roles as a researcher such as interviewer, transcriber, translator, analyst,
and encoder. As an interviewer, I established first rapport and friendship with my participant. I called all the informants
through the help of my gatekeepers for some introductions, and asked them if they are willing to participate in my study. As
an interviewer, I used personal emphaty to make the participants feel more willing to tell their stories. During the interview
and observation, I applied some techniques like: asking probing questions, then listening and thinking, then asking more
probing question to get to deeper levels of the conversation. As a transcriber and encoder, I transcribed all the recorded
interviews, and translated correctly and organized them into a standard English statements. Lastly, as an analyst, I
employed suitable analysis methods and procedures fitted for a qualitative research, such as thematic analysis, numeration,
and cross- case analysis. Based on the concepts of Corbin and Strauss, it is the duty of the researcher to interprete the
meaning of hidden in data because he is a primary instrument for data collection and analysis (Creswell, 2013; Corbin &
Strauss, 2014; Miller, et al., 2012).
• Identify the informants and participants of the study
• Give supporting statements with author
• Informants are for in-depth interview while participants are for focus
group discussion
• Purposive sampling will be used as technique to get the sample
• Establish the inclusion and exclusion criteria
• One page
• Biographical Narrative- One Unique Story
• Phenomenology- 10 to 25 participants/informants
• Grounded Theory- 20-60 participants/informants
• Ethnography- 20-60 participants/informants
• Case Study- 1 to 5 cases
(Creswell, 2013)
This section describes the participants and stipulates the criteria for selection and number of
participants, type of sampling, and the recruitment strategy. One of the most important tasks in the study design
phase is to identify appropriate participants because informants are the very people who can best provide
information on their lived experiences, culture, awareness, knowledge, and expertise regarding the phenomenon
under inquiry. Decision about selection was based on the research questions and theoretical perspectives.
Moreover, my informants were chosen through purposive sampling technique. Creswell explains, purposive
sampling considers a particular group of people or when the desired population for the study is rare or very difficult
to locate, it may be the only option (Creswell, 2007; Creswell, 2013; Lingard, Albert & Levinson, 2008).
I followed some criteria for selection of participants like the type or nature of the phenomenon, suitable
characteristics of the subjects, and theoretical perspective. The informants of this study are five public secondary
female teachers, teaching more than 15 years in big schools in Davao del Norte division of Davao Region,
Philippines, and who had undergone distressful experiences in school and personal life, but were able to cope
successfully. I intentionally preferred female teachers because women are reported as more emotional, have higher
levels of negative affect and depression, and have more intense experience of emotions and expressiveness than
men. Moreover, I chose five informants because this number of cases is ideal for a multiple case study, and already
sufficient to provide information with regards to the opportunity to identify and generate the themes of the cases, as
well as for the cross-case analysis. It is recommended that in case study research, it should not be more than four or
five cases in a single study. Moreover, it has been emphasized that excessive number of cases will just dilute the
level of details that a researcher can provide (Creswell, 2013; Denzin, et al., 2008; Larsen & Diener, 1987; Wolcott,
• Personalized the discussion for the data collection
• Use authors to support some statements
• Identify the steps done using transition markers
• Establish the statement how “Triangulation of data” was done
• One and a half page
The following steps were employed in gathering the data:
First, through purposive sampling technique, the participants were identified. They were
requested to sign a consent form and agree to the condition stipulated that their participation is
voluntary and that they were willing to impart their knowledge as needed in the study.
Second, the participants were given an orientation about the study and were asked to
participate through a focus group interview as a means of data collection. The process started with an
introductory phase, in which the moderator welcomes the participants, outlines the purpose of the
discussion and sets the parameters of the interview in terms of length and confidentiality. Researcher
also spent some time explaining why they recorded the interview and what sort of technical issues this
raises in a group discussion (particularly talking one at a time). Finally, it is important to emphasize
that the discussion is about personal views and experiences and therefore there are no right or wrong
answers (Dornyei, 2007).
• Personalized the discussion for the data analysis
• Use authors to support some statements
• Identify the steps done using transition markers
• highlight how transcribing was done
• One and a half page
The answer of the participants were analyzed using thematic analysis. Thematic
analysis is a method of analyzing and reporting pattern or themes with a data (Boyatzis, 1998;
Roulston, 2001). Using thematic analysis on this study is very helpful because it is flexible and a
useful research tool that can probably grant a substantial, complex, and rich account of the data.
As suggested by Boyatzis (1998), I performed the following steps in analyzing the data as to
mention: familiarize data, generate initial codes, search for themes, review the themes, define
and name themes, and construct the report.
Data reduction was used in analyzing the data, which means deleting unnecessary
data and modifying them into a useful material for the study so that many readers can easily
understand it (Namey et al, 2007; Atkinsol and Delamont, 2006; Suter, 2012). In this method, I
asked the help of an expert, a data analyst particularly in handling, sorting, and organizing
voluminous qualitative data for me to merge, manage, sort, and categorize data in easier way.
• Personalize discussion
• Divide sections of discussion using the four elements
• Credibility
• Dependability
• Conformability
• Transferability
• After discussing how each element was addressed (personalized statements) cite authors to
support the claim
When I conducted the qualitative research, I put into account the responses of my informants. I
also meticulously consider all the details of the data. I checked and rechecked all the transcriptions and
the importance of the data that relate to each other on their themes.
To establish trustworthiness and credibility in the study, Creswell and Miller (2000) suggested the
choice of legitimacy of the procedures. The discussions about trustworthiness are governed by the
research lens and its paradigm assumptions that can help the procedures in the study. I contend that in
this study, the plausibility was determined by the response of the informants. Silverman (2007) posed the
questions on “Does it matter?” and “How is the credibility be sustained and recognized?”
Credibility is an evaluation of whether or not the research findings represent a “credible”
conceptual interpretation of the data drawn from the participants’ original data according to Lincoln &
Guba (1985). To address credibility, I used three techniques. First, I presented the credibility of the
experiences as an intent of truthfully illustrating and knowing the facts which are phenomenon in which
my participants are included. Second, in designing the research procedure, I conducted a focus group
discussion which extracted ideas on the evolution of gay lingo in schools and also its process and
systems how it is being used. Third, I deliberately asked the informants to lists gay words they used
during conversations and compared them with the gay words used in the simulation. My intention here
was to create layers of data from each participant.
Transferability is the degree to which the findings of this inquiry can apply or
transfer beyond the bounds of the project according to Lincoln & Guba, (1985). To
address transferability in this study, I have included in the Appendix about several of
the data analysis documents used to give answer to the research question in order to
gain access to the possible inquiry. This will give other researchers the facility to
transfer the conclusions or recommendation as bases for further study.
Dependability is an assessment of the quality of the integrated processes of
data collection, data analysis, and phenomenal explanation. Confirmability is a
measure of how well the inquiry’s findings are supported by the data collected according
to Lincoln & Guba (1985) To address the issues of dependability and confirmability in
this study, I banked on an audit trail of the participants responses wherein their identity
were treated with confidentially. After the video and audion tape was transcribed, the
text were given back to the respondents for authentication and were asked to sign a
verification form. For confirmability, I asked the audit of a competent peer who is a
language teacher and a Master in Applied Linguistics in Australia. After the completion
of my data analysis, the results in Chapter Four, and the discussions in Chapter Five,
my auditor had assessed carefully my audit trail with original transcripts from the
interview, data analysis documents. The auditor had assessed the dependability and
confirmability of the study by signing the verification letter.
• Personalized statements with authors to support in
addressing ethical consideration in the conduct of the
• Establish the use of the “Informed Consent”
• Discuss the how “Confidentiality” was addressed
• Emphasize how benefits outweigh the risks
The main concerns of my study were individuals who are custody on the code of
ethics, they are teachers and in general, they are professionals. Therefore, I have to ensure their
safety, give full protection so that they will not lose their trust to me. I followed ethical standards
in conducting this study as pointed by (Boyatzis, 1998; Mack et al, 2005), these are the
following: respect for persons, beneficence, justice, consent and confidentiality.
Respect for persons needs an obligation of the researcher not to exploit the
weaknesses of the research participants. Self-sufficiency was avoided in order to maintain
friendship, trust, and confidence among the participants and the researcher. Before hand, I
asked permission from the Schools Division Superintendent in elementary where data collection
belongs to. Next, I also sought permission from the different school heads of the research
participants before conducting the research (Creswell, 2012). This was done to pay respect for
the individuals concerned in the study.
Consent is another most important way of showing respect to persons during
research (Creswell, 2012). This is to let all participants became aware on the purpose and
objectives of the research study that they are going to involve. Written consent was provided for
them to get their approval. After getting their nod, they have actively participated the in-depth
interviews and focus group discussions. Of course, they were informed on the results and
findings of the study.
Beneficence requires a commitment of minimizing risks to the research participants rather
maximizing the profits that are due to them. Anonymity of the interviewee was kept in order not to put each
participant into risks. At all times, participants were protected, so every files of information were not left
unattended or unprotected (Bricki and Green, 2007).
Confidentiality towards the results and findings including the safeguard of the participants, coding
system were used. Meaning, the participants’ identities were hidden (Maree and Van Der Westhuizen, 2007).
As recommended by Maree and Van Der Westhuizen (2007), all materials including videotapes, encoded
transcripts, notes, and others should be destroyed after the data were being analyzed. Some of the
informants were hesitant to be interviewed at first because they were afraid what to say but because of my
reassurance to them in regards to the confidentiality of their responses, they later gave me the chance and
showed comfort in answering the interview questions. I was extra careful with my questions and due respect
was given importance to this study.
Justice requires a reasonable allocation of the risks and benefits as results of the research. It is
very important to acknowledge the contributions of all the participants as they generally part of the success of
the research. They must be given due credits in all their endeavors (Bloom and Crabtree, 2006). They were
not able to spend any amount during the interview. Sensible tokens were given to them as a sign of
recognition to their efforts on the study. I am hoping that through this study, they will be set free into whatever
negative experiences they had as they teach non-readers and maintain a good name into what positive
contributions they could offer in this study.

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LECTURE NOTES ON_Qualitative-Study.pptx

  • 2. WHAT IS QUALITATIVE? Qualitative research begins with an assumption, a worldview, the possible use of a theoretical lens, and the study of research problems inquiring into the meaning individuals or groups ascribe to a social or human problem. “Qualitative research is a situated activity that locates the observer in the world.”
  • 3. CHARACTERISTICS OF A QUALITATIVE RESEARCH • Nature Setting- qualitative researchers tend to collect data in the field at the site where participants’ experience the issue or problem under study. • Researcher as Key Instrument- qualitative researchers collect data through themselves through examining documents, observing behavior, and interviewing participants. • Multiple Sources of Data- researchers typically gather multiple forms of data, such as interviews, observations, and documents, rather than rely on a single data source. • Inductive Data Analysis- researchers build their patterns, involves researchers working back and forth between the themes and the database until they establish a comprehensive set of themes.
  • 4. • Participant's Meanings- researchers keep a focus on learning the meaning that the participants hold about the problem or issue, not the meaning that the researchers bring to the research or writers from the literatures. • Emergent Design- means that the initial plan for research cannot be tightly prescribed, and that all phases of the process may change or shift. • Theoretical Lens- researchers often use lens to view their studies, such as the concept of culture. Sometimes, the study may be organized around identifying the social, political, or historical context of the problem under study. • Interpretive Inquiry- a form of inquiry in which researchers make an interpretation of what they see, hear, and understand. • Holistic Account- this involves reporting multiple perspectives, identifying the many factors involved in a situation, and generally sketching the larger picture that emerges.
  • 5. QUALITATIVE STUDY APPROACHES • Biographical Narrative- Exploring the life of an individual • Phenomenology- Understanding the essence of the experience • Grounded Theory- Developing a theory grounded in data from the field • Ethnography- Describing and interpreting a culture-sharing group • Case Study- Developing an in-depth description and analysis of a case or multiple cases
  • 6. CONTENTS Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION Purpose of the Study Research Question Theoretical Lens Significance of the Study Definition of Terms Limitations and Delimitations Organization of the Study Chapter 2 RELATED LITERATURE
  • 7. Chapter 3 METHODOLOGY Research Design Role of the Researcher Research Participants Data Collection Data Analysis Trustworthiness Ethical Consideration Chapter 4 RESULTS Chapter 5DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION Implication for Practice Implication for Further Research Concluding Remarks REFERENCES APPENDICES
  • 9. RATIONALE • Should be two to three pages • Discussing problems and researches done by various authorities around the world related to the present study . • The last paragraph should also contain the “Research Gap” – a personal statement that would signify that the research has not come across any study dealing with the present research topic. “The researcher (I,We) has/have not come across a study that specifically discuss the _________________. Furthermore, this study will provide relevant concepts that would possibly create_____________ in the academic community.”
  • 10. SAMPLE There are various factors that cause the increasing number of non- readers in the Philippines most specifically in public schools. Few to mention are the less attention of parent involvement in child’s learning, intense poverty, lack of funds for learning facilities and materials, inappropriate teaching techniques employed by teachers, uneven teacher- pupil ratio inside the classroom, and the students who are not prepared to learn (Eballe, 2012). To some point of view, these problems are also the basic and common problems that the teachers in far-flung schools of Banaybanay District in elementary level might be experiencing. And these problems were talked daily by the teachers exchanging their ideas and opinions. As such, these teachers “carry out” problems on non-readers, “breathe” problems on non-readers, and “speak” about problems on non-readers every day. Past studies mentioned mainly on reading interventions, causes of non-readers and how to diagnose non-readers. However, I have not come across any study that looked into the social meanings that the teachers teaching non- readers in remote schools have constructed themselves and this kind of understandings have become part of their daily life. I am interested how these groups of teachers socially understand handling non-readers using a social representations approach.
  • 11. PURPOSE OF THE STUDY • Identify the approach applied in qualitative research • Phenomenology • Ethnographic • Case Study • Biographical Narrative • Grounded Theory • Establish the purpose why the study should be conducted • Present the Informants and Participants • A paragraph should contain a personal account on how the study will benefit the discipline
  • 12. SAMPLE (PURPOSE OF THE STUDY) The purpose of this phenomenological study was to capture the socially elaborated knowledge of the teachers handling non- readers in remote schools of Banaybanay District in elementary level. It also aimed to find out the processes through which these shared knowledge were created. At this stage in the research, handling non- readers in remote schools is a social issue and a phenomenon that actually exists in the field of education. Teachers handling these non- readers encountered many experiences that sometimes put them into risks, threatens them, or making them unhappy and ineffective. With these daily undertakings, they may create a common knowledge through their communication, allowing them to come up with different themes. These themes will become part of their daily lives thus; they socially elaborate these themes in their conversations. This phenomenological study would add to the growing body of knowledge about the usefulness of the theory of Social Representation in investigating social issues such as of handling non-readers in far-flung schools. Through this study, I would be able to acquire salient information that would help us understand how human beings create meanings about a social phenomenon such as handling non-readers in far-flung schools. It also aims to capture the unheard voices of teachers handling non-readers in remote schools; and how these teachers cope with the common problems they encountered in helping the non-readers to read at the end of the school year. It also seeks future directions for teachers how to facilitate learning inside the classroom with non- readers even if they put themselves into risks or hardships. This study also visualizes documenting the different experiences of the ten teachers in in-depth interviews and seven teachers in the focus group discussion both the positive and negative one from their own workplaces, the remote schools of Banaybanay District, Division of Mati City. Moreover, the intent of this study is to seek, listen, and understand the unheard stories of the participants as they willingly share their experiences during the interview. In addition, this study aims to gain additional knowledge in the field of research concerning teachers handling non-readers in far-flung schools.
  • 13. RESEARCH QUESTIONS • General questions • What and How questions…. • Minimum of Two maximum of Three 1. What are the experiences of students engaged in child labor? 2. How did students cope with the situation of being engaged in child labor? 3. What are the insights of students engaged in child labor?
  • 14. THEORETICAL LENS • Theory, Proposition, Concept, Result of a Study….that served as the basis in conducting the qualitative study. • Note: it is only a working theory, this may change as results of the study will come in and deviates with the course of the research • Give your justification why the theory was chosen • Should be two to three pages • The older the year the better…
  • 15. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY • Two paragraphs only! • The first Paragraph should contain an introductory statement on “how relevant is the study to the discipline” • It should be personalized • Second paragraph will contain Macro to micro presentation of the beneficiaries
  • 16. SAMPLE (SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY) I am confident that this phenomenological study would add to the importance and significance of educating nonreaders especially in far-flung schools. It is through this study that I was able to obtain information about the teachers’ daily communications in handling nonreaders, their emotions, hardships, achievements, dedication and commitment, as well as the different problems they met while teaching non-readers and to how they cope with these unfavorable experiences. Moreover, this knowledge would be helpful in attaining the quality education goal by the Department of Education. Thus, this study is a premeditated and strategic way of promoting quality education in our country. It is not only that the non- readers who will be benefitted in this study. Moreover, to the teachers in general who willingly share their experiences in handling non- readers; on the sense that they can pour their deepest and sincerest sentiments in teaching non-readers. In such a way, these experiences might be a significant factor of having a paradigm shift in the aspect of achieving quality education. Lastly, this study would somehow assist other researchers in the future who are interested to conduct a study related to teaching non-readers in far- flung schools. It will lend them a hand on identifying areas of teaching non-readers in public schools that needs further study and investigation.
  • 17. DEFINITION OF TERMS • Define the important terms used in the study • Base the terms on the title • Operational definition is preferred, but a combination of conceptual and operational definition can be done • May be one to two pages
  • 18. SAMPLE (DEFINITION OF TERMS) Non- readers. These are pupils who cannot read any printed material and they belong to frustrated reading level. These are schoolchildren with inability to read properly. They have the behavior of withdrawing from reading situations (Luz, 2007). Far-flung schools. These are schools at a considerable distance or largely in space or time. These are remote schools as to what extent they can be reached by any means of transportation. Social representation. As a product, it is the shared knowledge about a phenomenon that is co- constructed by the members of a social group. It is also defined as “common sense knowledge” or “lay knowledge” (Jodelet, 1991). It is an organized and structured whole of information, beliefs, opinions, and attitudes. It is conceived as a cognitive and a social process constructed from everyday experience and communications (Abric, 1993). As a process, it is a means of communication created and elaborated by a group about a social object (Moscovici, 1993). Objectification- transforming what is abstract into something that is concrete (Abric, 1993) by using icon, metaphor or trope that will represent the new phenomenon (Wagner, et al., 1999).
  • 19. DELIMITATIONS AND LIMITATIONS • Half of the Page • Identify the setting of the Study • Establish why the study is limited to a certain point • Discuss the perceived weakness of the study • Establish that the data to be gathered doesn’t represent the general view (Generalizability)
  • 20. SAMPLE (DELIMITATIONS AND LIMITATIONS) This multiple case study is delimited and aimed only at exploring the experiences of psychologically distressed public secondary school teachers, their coping strategies, and insights they can share to their peers and to the academe in general. I selected five teacher-participants who are all female, and teaching in big schools in the province of Davao del Norte of Davao region, Philippines. Moreover, this qualitative research inquiry was conducted from November 2015 to March 2016. However, I acknowledge the weaknesses which may not allow this research to achieve the expected generalizability of this study. Due to the small sample who participated in the study, results may not be generalized and cannot adequately support claims of having achieved valid conclusions. In addition, I cannot guarantee the perfect recollection of all the experiences of the participants due to the fact that the real stories shared are past events and are subject for human error in terms of memory.
  • 21. ORGANIZATION OF THE STUDY • An overview of the contents of each chapter • Chapter 1 • Chapter 2 • Chapter 3 • Chapter 4 • Chapter 5
  • 22. SAMPLE Chapter 1. This presents the very nature of gay lingo that is unique in the Philippines and particularly in schools in Tagum City. It also presents the factor of gay lingo conversations. It is here were some simple questions on its origin was answered and will be the basis for a more elaborate discussion in the outcome of the qualitative research. Moreover, bringing about all these essential facts on gay lingo would give way to why such study is necessary. Chapter 2. It discusses varied studies and readings on gay lingo, sexuality, factors of gender, sexuality indexing and the findings of other related studies specifically on how indexing contributes on the linguistic features of gay lingo. Chapter 3. This deals with the design of the study, the role of the researcher and the participants involved. Data Collection and analysis is included. Trustworthiness and Credibility of the study is explained together with its ethical consideration. Chapter 4. It discusses the results of the study based from research questions conducted to the participants, which would shed light on reasons underlying the phenomenological aspects of views. These are the views gathered from the participants involved. Chapter 5. It shows the basis of findings and its divergence of the theories presented by sociolinguistic authors. It also discusses the explanation of its implication in the practice, sociolinguistics and further research to be conducted together with its concluding remarks.
  • 23. Review of Related Literature CHAPTER 2
  • 24. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE • Cluster the readings base on the important keywords and concepts of the study • Should be five years back • Paraphrase the readings presented • Use transition markers • Avoid one sentence paragraphs • Avoid Inset citation “….Robins (2013)…” should be at the last part of the paragraph “…(Robins, 2013).” • Use inventory “….(Chakraborty and Daz, 2005; Doepke, 2006; Lopez-Calva, 2001; Zimmerman, 2007)..” Note: should be alphabetical • Provide synthesis
  • 25. SAMPLE (RRL) Distress as a personal experience by any individual needs to be understood better and clearer by studying very closely its origin and the theories that formed the phenomenon because oftentimes, it is used interchangeably with stress without difference. Psychological distress is a cognitive, emotional, and behavioral response to a severe form of stressor (also called chronic stress) characterized by extreme anxiety, anger, sorrow, pain, unhappiness and suffering that affects the mind, emotion and the physical body including the level of functioning (Maier & Watskin, 2010; Moberg, 2011; Montgomery & McCrone, 2010; Potter, 2012). On the other hand, distress can be used to describe a state in which an organism, has difficulty to adapt to one or more stressors, and is no longer coping with its environment, where its well-being is compromised. It is widely used term to describe unpleasant feelings or emotions that impact the level of functioning and it is a subjective experience. That is, the severity of psychological distress is dependent upon the situation and how we perceive it. In addition, it is the difficulty or even the inability to cope with stressful condition that is both painful physically and mentally (Anderson, 2011).
  • 26. SAMPLE (SYNTHESIS) The above-mentioned articles discuss the provisions of the government in its program to reduce the risk of drop-out if not, to eliminate the problem. It also presents readings on the relevance of the topics concerning drop-outs since they have become the bases of the researcher in the formulation of the support to the problem presented, conclusions and recommendations. The readings also elaborated the importance of the programs initiated by the school in order reduce the drop-out rate of the enrolment. This, has become the springboard in the formulation of the enhancement program.
  • 28. RESEARCH DESIGN • Identify the Approach applied in qualitative research • Phenomenology • Ethnographic • Case Study • Biographical Narrative • Grounded Theory • Should be with authors (preferably the works of Creswell) • Give justification why the approach was used • Three pages minimum
  • 29. SAMPLE (RESEARCH DESIGN) In order to have a better understanding and in-depth analysis of the distressful experiences, coping strategies and insights of the teacher- informants, I utilize a multiple case study research. Case study research is a qualitative approach in which the investigator explores a real-life, either single case or multiple cases over time, through detailed, in-depth data collection involving multiple sources of information such as interviews, observations, audio-visual material, documents, and reports, and generate a case description and case themes (Creswell, 2013). This phenomenological study described the lived experiences (Creswell, 2009) of teachers handling non- readers in remote schools. It focused into what common experiences the participants had encountered in teaching non-readers, the phenomenon under investigation. I used phenomenology because a group of individuals such as teachers from far- flung schools personally experienced the same phenomenon which is handling non- readers. They were able to explore such single idea (Creswell, 2012) about teaching non- readers into more composite descriptions based on “what and how” they experienced the phenomenon (Moustakas, 1994; Creswell, 2012).
  • 30. ROLE OF THE RESEARCHER • Establish the roles played in the research • Give statements with authority • Should be personalized • One page
  • 31. SAMPLE (ROLE OF THE RESEARCHER) The role of the researcher in qualitative research is an important matter to be considered in the successful pursuit of investigation of any social phenomena. In this study, I am highly inclined and qualified to pursue this investigation because I am also a teacher by profession, and has encountered distressful experience, pain, and frustration when I was not promoted, despite of my best qualifications, of which I can also relate the feelings of my informants. Besides, I possess some abilities and aptitude in writing, keen observation, great interest in psychology, and deep concern to help my fellow mentors to also overcome distress and maintain a healthy living for good. Although, I have some biases, especially that I can feel what my subjects are feeling, but I see to it that theories and related studies are respected and considered. With regards to my basic roles, I followed the principles which states that qualitative inquiry is for the researchers who are willing to commit extensive time to collect data, engage in data analysis, does reflexivity, and write long passages by themselves. Hence, I played many roles as a researcher such as interviewer, transcriber, translator, analyst, and encoder. As an interviewer, I established first rapport and friendship with my participant. I called all the informants through the help of my gatekeepers for some introductions, and asked them if they are willing to participate in my study. As an interviewer, I used personal emphaty to make the participants feel more willing to tell their stories. During the interview and observation, I applied some techniques like: asking probing questions, then listening and thinking, then asking more probing question to get to deeper levels of the conversation. As a transcriber and encoder, I transcribed all the recorded interviews, and translated correctly and organized them into a standard English statements. Lastly, as an analyst, I employed suitable analysis methods and procedures fitted for a qualitative research, such as thematic analysis, numeration, and cross- case analysis. Based on the concepts of Corbin and Strauss, it is the duty of the researcher to interprete the meaning of hidden in data because he is a primary instrument for data collection and analysis (Creswell, 2013; Corbin & Strauss, 2014; Miller, et al., 2012).
  • 32. RESEARCH PARTICIPANTS • Identify the informants and participants of the study • Give supporting statements with author • Informants are for in-depth interview while participants are for focus group discussion • Purposive sampling will be used as technique to get the sample • Establish the inclusion and exclusion criteria • One page
  • 33. • Biographical Narrative- One Unique Story • Phenomenology- 10 to 25 participants/informants • Grounded Theory- 20-60 participants/informants • Ethnography- 20-60 participants/informants • Case Study- 1 to 5 cases (Creswell, 2013)
  • 34. SAMPLE (RESEARCH PARTICIPANTS) This section describes the participants and stipulates the criteria for selection and number of participants, type of sampling, and the recruitment strategy. One of the most important tasks in the study design phase is to identify appropriate participants because informants are the very people who can best provide information on their lived experiences, culture, awareness, knowledge, and expertise regarding the phenomenon under inquiry. Decision about selection was based on the research questions and theoretical perspectives. Moreover, my informants were chosen through purposive sampling technique. Creswell explains, purposive sampling considers a particular group of people or when the desired population for the study is rare or very difficult to locate, it may be the only option (Creswell, 2007; Creswell, 2013; Lingard, Albert & Levinson, 2008). I followed some criteria for selection of participants like the type or nature of the phenomenon, suitable characteristics of the subjects, and theoretical perspective. The informants of this study are five public secondary female teachers, teaching more than 15 years in big schools in Davao del Norte division of Davao Region, Philippines, and who had undergone distressful experiences in school and personal life, but were able to cope successfully. I intentionally preferred female teachers because women are reported as more emotional, have higher levels of negative affect and depression, and have more intense experience of emotions and expressiveness than men. Moreover, I chose five informants because this number of cases is ideal for a multiple case study, and already sufficient to provide information with regards to the opportunity to identify and generate the themes of the cases, as well as for the cross-case analysis. It is recommended that in case study research, it should not be more than four or five cases in a single study. Moreover, it has been emphasized that excessive number of cases will just dilute the level of details that a researcher can provide (Creswell, 2013; Denzin, et al., 2008; Larsen & Diener, 1987; Wolcott, 2008).
  • 35. DATA COLLECTION • Personalized the discussion for the data collection • Use authors to support some statements • Identify the steps done using transition markers (first…then…and…second…third…finally) • Establish the statement how “Triangulation of data” was done • One and a half page
  • 36. SAMPLE (DATA COLLECTION) The following steps were employed in gathering the data: First, through purposive sampling technique, the participants were identified. They were requested to sign a consent form and agree to the condition stipulated that their participation is voluntary and that they were willing to impart their knowledge as needed in the study. Second, the participants were given an orientation about the study and were asked to participate through a focus group interview as a means of data collection. The process started with an introductory phase, in which the moderator welcomes the participants, outlines the purpose of the discussion and sets the parameters of the interview in terms of length and confidentiality. Researcher also spent some time explaining why they recorded the interview and what sort of technical issues this raises in a group discussion (particularly talking one at a time). Finally, it is important to emphasize that the discussion is about personal views and experiences and therefore there are no right or wrong answers (Dornyei, 2007).
  • 37. DATA ANALYSIS • Personalized the discussion for the data analysis • Use authors to support some statements • Identify the steps done using transition markers (first…then…and…second…third…finally) • highlight how transcribing was done • One and a half page
  • 38. SAMPLE (DATA ANALYSIS) The answer of the participants were analyzed using thematic analysis. Thematic analysis is a method of analyzing and reporting pattern or themes with a data (Boyatzis, 1998; Roulston, 2001). Using thematic analysis on this study is very helpful because it is flexible and a useful research tool that can probably grant a substantial, complex, and rich account of the data. As suggested by Boyatzis (1998), I performed the following steps in analyzing the data as to mention: familiarize data, generate initial codes, search for themes, review the themes, define and name themes, and construct the report. Data reduction was used in analyzing the data, which means deleting unnecessary data and modifying them into a useful material for the study so that many readers can easily understand it (Namey et al, 2007; Atkinsol and Delamont, 2006; Suter, 2012). In this method, I asked the help of an expert, a data analyst particularly in handling, sorting, and organizing voluminous qualitative data for me to merge, manage, sort, and categorize data in easier way.
  • 39. TRUSTWORTHINESS • Personalize discussion • Divide sections of discussion using the four elements • Credibility • Dependability • Conformability • Transferability • After discussing how each element was addressed (personalized statements) cite authors to support the claim
  • 40. SAMPLE (TRUSTWORTHINESS) When I conducted the qualitative research, I put into account the responses of my informants. I also meticulously consider all the details of the data. I checked and rechecked all the transcriptions and the importance of the data that relate to each other on their themes. To establish trustworthiness and credibility in the study, Creswell and Miller (2000) suggested the choice of legitimacy of the procedures. The discussions about trustworthiness are governed by the research lens and its paradigm assumptions that can help the procedures in the study. I contend that in this study, the plausibility was determined by the response of the informants. Silverman (2007) posed the questions on “Does it matter?” and “How is the credibility be sustained and recognized?” Credibility is an evaluation of whether or not the research findings represent a “credible” conceptual interpretation of the data drawn from the participants’ original data according to Lincoln & Guba (1985). To address credibility, I used three techniques. First, I presented the credibility of the experiences as an intent of truthfully illustrating and knowing the facts which are phenomenon in which my participants are included. Second, in designing the research procedure, I conducted a focus group discussion which extracted ideas on the evolution of gay lingo in schools and also its process and systems how it is being used. Third, I deliberately asked the informants to lists gay words they used during conversations and compared them with the gay words used in the simulation. My intention here was to create layers of data from each participant.
  • 41. Transferability is the degree to which the findings of this inquiry can apply or transfer beyond the bounds of the project according to Lincoln & Guba, (1985). To address transferability in this study, I have included in the Appendix about several of the data analysis documents used to give answer to the research question in order to gain access to the possible inquiry. This will give other researchers the facility to transfer the conclusions or recommendation as bases for further study. Dependability is an assessment of the quality of the integrated processes of data collection, data analysis, and phenomenal explanation. Confirmability is a measure of how well the inquiry’s findings are supported by the data collected according to Lincoln & Guba (1985) To address the issues of dependability and confirmability in this study, I banked on an audit trail of the participants responses wherein their identity were treated with confidentially. After the video and audion tape was transcribed, the text were given back to the respondents for authentication and were asked to sign a verification form. For confirmability, I asked the audit of a competent peer who is a language teacher and a Master in Applied Linguistics in Australia. After the completion of my data analysis, the results in Chapter Four, and the discussions in Chapter Five, my auditor had assessed carefully my audit trail with original transcripts from the interview, data analysis documents. The auditor had assessed the dependability and confirmability of the study by signing the verification letter.
  • 42. ETHICAL CONSIDERATION • Personalized statements with authors to support in addressing ethical consideration in the conduct of the research • Establish the use of the “Informed Consent” • Discuss the how “Confidentiality” was addressed • Emphasize how benefits outweigh the risks
  • 43. SAMPLE (ETHICAL CONSIDERATION) The main concerns of my study were individuals who are custody on the code of ethics, they are teachers and in general, they are professionals. Therefore, I have to ensure their safety, give full protection so that they will not lose their trust to me. I followed ethical standards in conducting this study as pointed by (Boyatzis, 1998; Mack et al, 2005), these are the following: respect for persons, beneficence, justice, consent and confidentiality. Respect for persons needs an obligation of the researcher not to exploit the weaknesses of the research participants. Self-sufficiency was avoided in order to maintain friendship, trust, and confidence among the participants and the researcher. Before hand, I asked permission from the Schools Division Superintendent in elementary where data collection belongs to. Next, I also sought permission from the different school heads of the research participants before conducting the research (Creswell, 2012). This was done to pay respect for the individuals concerned in the study. Consent is another most important way of showing respect to persons during research (Creswell, 2012). This is to let all participants became aware on the purpose and objectives of the research study that they are going to involve. Written consent was provided for them to get their approval. After getting their nod, they have actively participated the in-depth interviews and focus group discussions. Of course, they were informed on the results and findings of the study.
  • 44. SAMPLE (ETHICAL CONSIDERATION) Beneficence requires a commitment of minimizing risks to the research participants rather maximizing the profits that are due to them. Anonymity of the interviewee was kept in order not to put each participant into risks. At all times, participants were protected, so every files of information were not left unattended or unprotected (Bricki and Green, 2007). Confidentiality towards the results and findings including the safeguard of the participants, coding system were used. Meaning, the participants’ identities were hidden (Maree and Van Der Westhuizen, 2007). As recommended by Maree and Van Der Westhuizen (2007), all materials including videotapes, encoded transcripts, notes, and others should be destroyed after the data were being analyzed. Some of the informants were hesitant to be interviewed at first because they were afraid what to say but because of my reassurance to them in regards to the confidentiality of their responses, they later gave me the chance and showed comfort in answering the interview questions. I was extra careful with my questions and due respect was given importance to this study. Justice requires a reasonable allocation of the risks and benefits as results of the research. It is very important to acknowledge the contributions of all the participants as they generally part of the success of the research. They must be given due credits in all their endeavors (Bloom and Crabtree, 2006). They were not able to spend any amount during the interview. Sensible tokens were given to them as a sign of recognition to their efforts on the study. I am hoping that through this study, they will be set free into whatever negative experiences they had as they teach non-readers and maintain a good name into what positive contributions they could offer in this study.