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Introduction to Medical
Mr. Mox Malama Kalumbi
March 2023
Learning Objectives
• Define Microbiology, Medical Microbiology
• Understand the History of Microbiology
• Significance of Microbiology in the Health
• Role of Microorganism in disease.
• Understand Spontaneous Generation
• Understand The Germ Theory of Disease
• Understand important early discoveries
History of Microbiology;
Spontaneous Generation
& The Germ Theory of
I. Introduction
• Microbiology is the study of microorganisms
usually less than 1mm in diameter which
requires some form of magnification
(Microscope) to be seen clearly
– Examples:
• Viruses
• Bacteria
• Fungi
• Algae
• Protozoa's
• Some organisms, such as bread molds (fungus),
filamentous algae, and Thiomargarita
namibiensis (bacteria), can be observed without
the use of amplification or magnification.
– These organisms are included in the discipline of
microbiology because of similarities in properties
and techniques used to study them
• Techniques necessary to isolate and culture
microorganisms include:
– Isolation
– Sterilization
– Culture in artificial media
• Microbiologists may be interested in specific
types of organisms:
– Virology - viruses
– Bacteriology - bacteria
– Phycology - algae
– Mycology - fungi
– Protozoology - protozoa
• Microbiology may have a more applied focus:
– Medical microbiology, including immunology
– Food and Dairy microbiology
– Public Health microbiology (Epidemiology)
– Industrial microbiology
– Agricultural microbiology
• Microbiologists may be interested in various
characteristics or activities of microorganisms:
– Microbial morphology
– Microbial cytology
– Microbial physiology
– Microbial ecology
– Microbial genetics and molecular biology
– Microbial taxonomy
II. Historical
• One of the most important discoveries
of biology occurred in 1665, with the
help of a crude microscope, when
Robert Hooke stated that life’s
smallest structural units were cells.
• First to observe living
• His single-lens magnified 50-
300X magnification
• Between 1674-1723 he
wrote series of papers
describing his observations
of bacteria, algae, protozoa,
and fungi (Animalcules)
III. Spontaneous
• Early belief that some forms of life could
arise from “vital forces” present in nonliving
or decomposing matter, abiogenesis.
• In other words, organisms can arise from
non-living matter.
• In 1670 Jablot conducted an experiment in
which he divided a hay infusion that had been
boiled into two containers: a heated container
that was closed to the air and a heated
container that was freely open to the air.
• Only the open vessel developed
• This further helped to disprove abiogenesis
(autogenesis, spontaneous generation).
• Disproved by:
–Schwann, Friedrich Schroder and von
Dusch (1830s) – Air allowed to enter
flask but only after passing through a
heated tube or sterile wool
–John Tyndall (1820-1893) – Omission of
dust → no growth. Demonstrated heat
resistant forms of bacteria (endospores)
LOUIS PASTEUR (1822 - 1895)
• Disproved spontaneous
generation of microbes by
preventing “dust particles”
from reaching the sterile
• In 1861 completes
experiments that lays to rest
spontaneous generation.
• Showed microbes caused
fermentation and spoilage
Trapped airborne organisms in cotton; he also heated the
necks of flasks, drawing them out into long curves, sterilized
the media, and left the flasks open to the air.
In this way Pasteur disproved the theory of spontaneous
IV. Role of
Microorganisms in
• The period from 1860 to 1900 is often
named the Golden Age of Microbiology.
During this period, rapid advances, spear-
headed by Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch,
led to the establishment of microbiology as
a science.
Robert Koch
• In 1860 developed an
elaborate technique
to isolate & identify
specific Pathogens
that cause specific
• He isolated the
anthrax bacterium.
1843 – 1910
• Robert Koch (1843 - 1910),
– using criteria developed by his teacher, Jacob
Henle (1809-1895), established the relationship
between Bacillus anthracis and anthrax.
– His criteria became known as Koch’s Postulates
and are still used to establish the link between a
particular microorganism and a particular
• 1884 Koch’s Postulates of Disease
Transmission - Robert Koch
• In 1876 Robert Koch proved the “Germ
theory of disease” by showing that bacteria
actually caused disease.
• Koch established a sequence of
experimental steps for directly relating a
specific microbe to a specific disease
➢The causative (etiological) agent must be
present in all affected organisms but
absent in healthy individuals
➢The agent must be capable of being
isolated and cultured in pure form
➢When the cultured agent is introduced to
a healthy organism, the same disease
must occur
➢The same causative agent must be isolated
again from the affected host
Koch’s Postulates
• Developed pure culture
• cccIdentified cause of
➢ Anthrax (Bacillus anthrax) ,
➢ TB (Mycobacterium
tuberculosis) , &
➢ Cholera (Vibrio cholera).
Development of Culture Media
• Why?
– To enable the isolation of pure cultures (only one
type of organism)
• Especially important during Koch’s period
• Gelatin not useful as solidifying agent (melts at >28 ºC
and some bacteria hydrolyze it with enzymes)
• Fannie Hesse, the wife of one of Koch’s assistants,
proposed using agar
– Not digested by most bacteria
– Melts at 100 ºC
– Used today - ~2% in solid media
• Richard Petri, another of Koch’s assistants, developed
the Petri dish
• Walter Hesse ( 1846-1911): Used Agar as a solidifying
agent to harden media. Agar is extracted from
seaweeds red algae.
• Rechard Petri ( 1852-1921): Used agar dish to provide
a large area to grow.
• Christian Gram ( 1853-1935): Staining method that
demonstrate bacteria and distinguish between Gram
positive and Gram negative bacteria.
• Raymond Sabouraud ( 1890-1910): Develop culture
media to study yeast and molds.
• Dimitri Ivanovski (1892): Tobacco mosaic virus could
pass through filters used to remove bacteria.
• Selman Waksman (1940): Discovered a number of
antibiotic such as Tetracycline and Streptomycin.
*Developed the germ
theory in 1798
*Also developed vaccine
against anthrax.
*Pasteurization technique
*Developed the germ theory
of disease
“Father of bacteriology and immunology”
Louis Pasteur 1822 – 1895
• In 1864 Pasteur established the relationship
between microbes and disease in
preventing wine from spoiling by using the
process termed pasteurization.
• This process kills bacteria in the alcohol by
heat, thus preventing the formation of acetic
acid (vinegar).
• His discovery of pasteurization, lead
Pasteur to introduce the “Germ theory of
disease” in 1864.
• Pasteur stated that diseases are caused
by the growth of microbes in the body and
not by sins, bad character, or poverty, etc.
• Oliver Holmes (1773 - 1843)
– showed that sepsis could be transmitted
by hands of medical student and may
cause disease
– M. J. Berkeley (ca. 1845)
– demonstrated that the Great Potato
Blight of Ireland was caused by a Fungus
Demonstrations that microorganisms cause
• Louis Pasteur (1822 - 1895)
– showed that the pébrine disease of
silkworms was caused by a protozoan
• Edward Jenner (ca. 1798): Develop the first
Vaccine and used a vaccination procedure to
protect individuals from smallpox
• Louis Pasteur
– developed other vaccines including those for
chicken cholera, anthrax, and rabies
• 1885 - Vaccine against Rabies - Louis Pasteur
• 1796 – First vaccine (smallpox) Edward Jenner
Development of Vaccines and
• Edward Jenner in 1796 discovered that
cowpox (vaccinia) induced protection
against human smallpox
– Called procedure vaccination
• Vaccination:
– Inoculation of healthy individuals with
weakened (or attenuated) forms of
microorganisms, that would otherwise
cause disease, to provide protection, or
active immunity from disease upon later
• Pasteur and Roux reported that
incubating cultures longer than normal
in the lab resulted in ATTENUATED
bacteria that could no longer cause
– Working with chicken cholera (caused by
Pasteurella multocida), they noticed that
animals injected with attenuated cultures
were resistant to the disease.
• Pasteur and Chamberland developed
other vaccines:
– Attenuated anthrax vaccine
• Chemical and heat treatment (potassium
– Attenuated rabies vaccine
• Propagated the virus in rabbit following
injection of infected brain and spinal cord
• Passive immunization
– Work by Emil von Behring (1845-1917) and
Shibasaburo Kitasato (1852-1931)
• Antibodies raised to inactivated diphtheria
toxin by injection different host (rabbit) with the
toxin (a toxoid form)
–Antiserum recovered
ÂťContains antibodies specific for the toxin
ÂťProtection from disease when injected
non -immune subject.
John Tyndall (1820 – 1893)
In 1876 discovered that there were
two different types of bacteria.
a) Heat sensitive or heat labile
forms (vegetative cells)
easily destroyed by boiling
b) Heat resistant types known as an
Tyndall demonstrated that alternate
process of heating & cooling if
repeated five times, can kill all the
This is known as Sterilization
process or Tyndallization
• In 1876, a German
botanist, Ferdinand
Cohn, also discovered
“heat-resistant forms of
• This bacteria are now
termed endospores
(Bacillus species and
Clostridium species)
Bacillus anthracis
History: Joseph Lister
• 1867 Antiseptic Surgery( Carbolic acid- Phenol)
• Joseph Lister (1827 - 1912)
– developed a system of surgery designed to
prevent microorganisms from entering wounds
– phenol (Carbolic Acid) sprayed in air around
surgical incision
– Decreased number of post-operative infections
in patients
– his published findings (1867) transformed the
practice of surgery
➢ In the 1890’s Ehrlich proposed a theory of immunity in
which antibodies were responsible for immunity (
➢ In addition, he is known as the father of modern
➢ He speculated about some “magic bullet” that would
selectively find and destroy pathogens but not harm
the host (Selective Toxicity).
➢ He also develop a staining procedure to identify
tubercle bacilli.
• 1929 Discovery of Penicillin (first antibiotic) -
Alexander Fleming
➢In 1928 Fleming observed that the growth
of the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus
was inhibited in the areas surrounding the
colony of a mold that had contaminated a
Petri plate.
➢The mold was identified as Penicillium
notatum, and its active compound was
named penicillin.
• Reska (1938) – First
Electron Microscope
• The electron microscope is capable of
magnifying biological specimens up to
one million times.
• These computer enhanced images of
• 1. smallpox,
• 2. herpes simplex, and
• 3. mumps are magnified, respectively,
• 150,000, 150,000 and 90,000 times.
• To study detail structures of
• In 1953 Watson and Crick determined the
structure of DNA.
• They used their research, together with
the research of Franklin and Wilkins to
determine the structure of the DNA
V. How
Affect Their
• Louis Pasteur
– demonstrated that alcoholic fermentations were
the result of microbial activity,
– that some organisms could decrease alcohol yield
and sour the product, and
– that some fermentations were aerobic and some
– he also developed the process of pasteurization to
preserve wine during storage
Microorganisms in
the 20th Century
• George W. Beadle and Edward L. Tatum (ca. 1941)
– studied the relationship between genes and
enzymes using the bread mold, Neurospora
– Precursor→ ornithine → citrulline → arginine
– One gene, one polypeptide hypothesis
• Salvadore Luria and Max Delbruck (ca. 1943)
– Demonstrated spontaneous gene mutations in
bacteria (not directed by the environment)
Important Early Discoveries
• Oswald T. Avery, Colin M. MacLeod, and
Maclyn McCarty (1944)
– Following initial studies by Frederick Griffith
(1928) they provided evidence that
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) was the genetic
material and carried genetic information during
– Worked with Streptococcus pneumoniae (rough
and smooth)
• In the 1970s new discoveries in microbiology led to
the development of :
✓ recombinant DNA technology (refers to the
joining together of DNA molecules from two different
species that are inserted into a host organism to
produce new genetic combinations that are of value to
science, medicine, agriculture, and industry) and
✓ genetic engineering (is the process of using
recombinant DNA (rDNA) technology to alter
the genetic makeup of an organism. Traditionally,
humans have manipulated genomes indirectly by
controlling breeding and selecting offspring with
desired traits).
Medical Microbiology
• Medical microbiology is the study of causative
agents of infectious diseases of humans and
their reactions to such infections. In other
words it deals with etiology, pathogenesis,
laboratory diagnosis, specific treatment and
control of infection (immunization).
Modern medical microbiology
• Bacteriology – the science of bacteria, the
causative agents of a member of infectious
• Virology – the science of viruses, non-cellular
living systems, capable of causing infectious
diseases in man.
• Immunology – the science which concerned
with mechanisms of body protection against
pathogenic microorganisms and foreign cells
and substances.
• Mycology – the study of fungi pathogenic for
• Protozoology – which deals with pathogenic
unicellular animal organisms.
Protista Vira
DNA-viruses and RNA-viruses
• Eukaryotes Prokaryotes
• Fungi Blue-green algae
• Algae Bacteria
• Protozoa Scotobacteria Photobacteria
• Slime moulds 1. Class Bacteria
2. Class Rickettsias
3. Class Mollicutes
• Organisms can be divided into five
–the Monera or Prokaryotae,
–Animalia, and
• There are two types of microorganisms:
– Prokaryotes
• have a relatively simple morphology and
lack a true membrane-bound nucleus
– Eukaryotes
• are morphologically complex and have a
true, membrane-bound nucleus
Distinguishing Features of
Prokaryotic Cells:
1. DNA is:
 Not enclosed within a nuclear membrane.
 A single circular chromosome.
 Not associated with histone proteins.
2. Lack membrane-enclosed organelles like
mitochondria, chloroplasts, Golgi, etc.
3. Cell walls usually contain peptidoglycan, a
complex polysaccharide.
4. Divide by binary fission.
❖Histones are a family of basic proteins
that associate with DNA in the nucleus
and help condense it into chromatin.
❖Nuclear DNA does not appear in free
linear strands; it is highly condensed and
wrapped around histones in order to fit
inside of the nucleus and take part in the
formation of chromosomes.
Distinguishing Features of
Eukaryotic Cells:
1. DNA is:
– Enclosed within a nuclear membrane.
– Several linear chromosomes.
– Associated with histones and other proteins.
2. Have membrane-enclosed organelles like
mitochondria, chloroplasts, Golgi,
endoplasmic reticulum, etc.
3. Divide by mitosis.
Prokaryotes Eukaryotes
Cell size 0.2-2 um in diameter 10-100 um in diameter
 Nucleus Absent Present
 Membranous
Organelles Absent Present
 Cell Wall Chemically complex When present, simple
 Ribosomes Smaller (70S) Larger (80S) in cell
70S in organelles
 DNA Single circular Multiple linear
chromosomes (histones)
 Cell Division Binary fission Mitosis
Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells
Bacterial anatomy
Eukaryotic Cell
The Prokaryotic Cell: Size, Shape, and
Arrangement of Bacterial Cells
Cell Size:
Dimensions of most bacterial cells:
 Diameter: 0.2 to 2.0 um.
 Human red blood cell is about 7.5 -10 um in
 Length : 2 to 8 um. Some cyanobacteria are up
to 60 um long.
Bacterial cells have large surface to volume
Bacterial Cell Shapes & Arrangements:
• Coccus (plural: cocci): Spherical.
• May have the following arrangements:
• Diplococci : A pair of attached cocci. Remain
attached after dividing.
• Streptococci : Chainlike arrangement.
• Tetrads : Groups of four. Divide in two
• Sarcinae : Groups of eight. Divide in three
• Staphylococci : Grapelike clusters. Divide in
multiple planes.
2. Diplococci
3. Streptococci
4. Staphylococci
5. Tetracocci
6. Sarcine
The Prokaryotic Cell: Size, Shape,
and Arrangement of Bacterial Cells
Different Types of Bacilli
The Prokaryotic Cell: Size, Shape,
& Arrangements :
 Bacterial Cell Shapes & Arrangements:
▪ Spiral Bacteria: Have one or more twists:
▪ Vibrio: A comma shaped cell. Look like curved rods.
▪ Spirilla: Helical, corkscrew shaped bacteria with rigid
▪ Use whiplike external flagella to move.
▪ Spirochetes: Helical bacteria with flexible bodies.
▪ Use axial filaments (internal flagella) to move.
Spiral Shaped Bacteria
The Prokaryotic Cell: Size, Shape, and
Arrangement of Bacterial Cells
Bacterial Cell Shapes & Arrangements :
Other less common shapes:
▪ Star
▪ Flat and square
▪ Triangular
▪ Pleomorphic bacteria: Have several possible shapes.
Found in a few groups:
▪ Corynebacterium
▪ Rhizobium
▪ Most bacteria are monomorphic: Maintain a single
shape. However environmental factors may affect cell
Pleomorphic bacteria- coccobacilli
of Haemophilus influenzae
The Prokaryotic Cell Structure.
Structures External to the Cell Wall
1. Glycocalyx: “Sugar coat”.
▪ All polysaccharide containing substances found
external to the cell wall, from the thickest capsules to
the thinnest slime layers .
▪ All bacteria have at least a thin slime layer.
▪ Chemical composition varies widely with species.
▪ A glycocalyx made of sugars is called an extracellular
polysaccharide (EPS).
▪ The glycocalyx may have several functions:
▪ Attachment to host cells.
▪ Source of nutrition.
▪ Prevent dehydration.
▪ Escape host immune system.
Prokaryotic Cell Structure
Prokaryotic Cell Structure
Prokaryotic Cell Structure
Structures External to the Cell Wall
1. Glycocalyx: “Sugar coat”.
A. Capsules: Organized polysaccharide substance that is firmly
attached to the cell wall.
• Not formed by all bacteria.
• Important in virulence.
▪ Anthrax bacteria only cause anthrax if have protein capsule.
▪ Only Streptococcus pneumoniae with capsule cause pneumonia.
▪ Help bacteria escape the host immune system, by preventing
destruction by phagocytosis .
▪ When bacteria lose their capsules they become less likely to cause
disease and more susceptible to destruction.
Klebsiella pneumoniae
Enterobacter aerogenes
Prokaryotic Cell Structure
Structures External to the Cell Wall
1. Glycocalyx:
B. Slime Layer: Thin polysaccharide substance that is
loosely attached to the cell wall.
▪ Not formed by all bacteria.
▪ Important for virulence.
▪ Oral bacteria stick to teeth due to slime layer and with time
produce dental plaque.
▪ Allow bacteria to adhere to objects in their environment so
they can remain near sources of nutrients or oxygen.
▪ Rock surfaces
▪ Plant roots
▪ Help bacteria trap nutrients near cell and prevent
Prokaryotic Cell Structure
Structures External to the Cell Wall
2. Flagella (Sing. Flagellum):
▪ About half of all known bacteria are motile, most use
▪ Long, thin, helical appendages.
▪ A bacterium may have one or several flagella, which
can be in the following arrangements:
▪ Monotrichous: Single polar flagellum at one end.
▪ Amphitrichous: Two polar flagella, one at each end.
▪ Lophotrichous: Two or more flagella at one or both
▪ Peritrichous : Many flagella over entire cell surface.
Electron Micrograph of Bacteria with Flagella
Prokaryotic Cell Structure
Structures External to the Cell Wall
2. Flagella (Sing. Flagellum):
Flagella have three basic parts:
1. Filament: Outermost region.
▪ Contains globular protein flagellin.
▪ Not covered by a sheath like eukaryotic filaments.
2. Hook: Wider segment that anchors filament to basal
3. Basal Body: Complex structure with a central rod
▪ surrounded by a set of rings.
▪ Gram negative bacteria have 2 pairs of rings.
▪ Gram positive bacteria only have one pair of rings.
Prokaryotic Cell Structure
Structures External to the Cell Wall
• 2. Flagella (Sing. Flagellum):
▪ Bacterial flagella move by rotation from basal body.
▪ Flagellar movement may be either clockwise or
▪ Bacteria may be capable of several patterns of motility.
▪ Runs or swims: Bacterium moves in one direction.
▪ Tumbles: Bacterium changes direction. Caused by
reversal of flagellar rotation.
Vibrio cholerae has a single polar
flagellum for swimming movement.
Electron Micrograph
Prokaryotic Cell Structure
Structures External to the Cell Wall
2. Flagella (Sing. Flagellum):
▪ Taxis: Movement of a cell toward or away from a
particular stimulus.
▪ Chemotaxis: Movement in response to a chemical
▪ Phototaxis: Movement in response to a light stimulus.
▪ Flagellar protein H antigens are used to identify
important pathogens.
▪ E. coli O157:H7: Causes bloody diarrhea associated
with food borne epidemics. Causes 200-500 deaths per
Prokaryotic Cell Structure
Structures External to the Cell Wall
3. Axial Filaments (Endoflagella):
▪ Bundles of fibers that are anchored at ends of the cell
beneath the outer sheath.
▪ Spiral around the cells.
▪ Have similar structure to flagella.
▪ Rotation of endoflagella produces a corkscrew
▪ May enable bacteria to penetrate body tissues.
▪ Found in spirochetes:
▪ Treponema pallidum: Cause of syphilis.
▪ Borrelia burgdorferi : Cause of Lyme disease.
Prokaryotic Cell Structure
Structures External to the Cell Wall
 4. Fimbriae and Pili:
▪ Hair-like appendages that are shorter, straighter, and thinner than
▪ Used for attachment rather than motility.
▪ Found in Gram-negative bacteria.
A. Fimbriae (Sing: fimbria)
▪ May occur at poles or over entire cell surface.
▪ Like glycocalyx, enable bacteria to adhere to surfaces. Important
for colonization of host tissue.
▪ Neisseria gonorrhoeae: Causes gonorrhea. Attach to sperm
cells and mucous membranes through fimbriae.
▪ Bacteria can attach to broth surface via fimbriae, forming a film-
like layer called pellicle.
Fimbriae of Neisseria gonorrhoeae allow
the bacterium to adhere to tissues
Prokaryotic Cell Structure
Structures External to the Cell Wall
Fimbriae and Pili:
B. Pili (Sing: pilus): Conjugation or sex pili
▪ Only found in certain groups of bacteria.
▪ Longer than fimbriae.
▪ Cells only have one or two sex pili.
▪ Attach two cells together, and allow the transfer of
genetic material (DNA) between cells.
▪ Medically important because allow for the transfer of
antibiotic resistance genes from one cell to another.
Prokaryotic Cell Structure
The Cell Wall
General Characteristics:
Semi-rigid structure that lies outside the cell
membrane in almost all bacteria.
Two major functions:
1. Maintains characteristic shape of cell.
2. Prevents the cell from bursting when fluids flow
into the cell by osmosis.
Contributes to bacterial ability to cause disease.
Site of action of some antibiotics .
Very porous and does not regulate passage of
materials into the cell.
Prokaryotic Cell Structure
The Cell Wall Composition:
Peptidoglycan (Murein): Made up of a repeating
disaccharide attached by polypeptides to form a
Peptidoglycan is one immense covalently linked
molecule, resembling multiple layers of chain link
Disaccharide component: Made up of two
▪ N-acetylglucosamine (NAG)
▪ N-acetylmuramic acid (NAM)
▪ Alternating disaccharides (NAG-NAM) are linked
together in rows of 10 to 65 molecules.
Prokaryotic Cell Structure
The Cell Wall
• Peptidoglycan (Murein):
▪ Adjacent disaccharide rows are linked together
by polypeptide chains which vary in
composition, but always contain tetrapeptide
side chains .
▪ Parallel tetrapeptide side chains may be
directly linked together or linked by a polypeptide
▪ Penicillin interferes with the final linking of
peptidoglycan rows by peptide cross bridges. As
a result, the cell wall is greatly weakened and
cell undergoes lysis.
Prokaryotic Cell Structure
The Cell Wall
Gram-Positive Cell Walls:
Consist of several layers of peptidoglycan, which
form a thick , rigid structure (20-80 nm).
Also contain teichoic acids, which are made up of an
alcohol and a phosphate group. Two types:
Lipoteichoic acids : Span cell wall, linked to cell membrane.
Wall teichoic acids: Linked to peptidoglycan layer.
Teichoic acids are negatively charged and:
▪ Bind to and regulate movement of cations into cell.
▪ Regulate cell growth and prevent cell lysis .
▪ Can be used to identify bacteria.
Gram-positive bacteria (those that retain the purple crystal
violet dye when subjected to the Gram-staining procedure)
the cell wall is a thick layer of murein.
Prokaryotic Cell Structure
The Cell Wall
Gram-Negative Cell Walls:
Cell wall is thinner, more complex and more
susceptible to mechanical breakage than that of Gram-
positive bacteria.
Consist of one or a few peptidoglycan layers and an
Peptidoglycan is bonded to lipoproteins in:
Outer membrane
Periplasmic space: Region between outer membrane
and plasma membrane.
Periplasmic space contains degradative enzymes and
transport proteins.
Gram-negative bacteria (cells which do not retain the crystal
violet dye) the cell wall is relatively thin and is composed of a
thin layer of murein surrounded by a membranous structure
called the outer membrane.
A. Peptidoglycan Structure
B. Gram-Positive and Gram- Negative Cell Wall
Gram positive cell wall
Gram-negative cell wall
 Cell wall in gram-negative bacteria contains much less peptidoglycan
 Surrounded by an outer membrane
 There is much less crosslinking between the peptidoglycan.
 LPS is also present in the outer membrane and penetrates into the surrounding
Cell wall and Gram stain
We now know that the Gram
reaction is based on the structure
of the bacterial cell wall.
In Gram-positive bacteria, the
purple crystal violet stain is
trapped by the layer of
peptidoglycan which forms the
outer layer of the cell.
In Gram-negative bacteria, the
outer membrane prevents the stain
from reaching the peptidoglycan
layer in the periplasm.
The outer membrane is then
permeabilized by acetone
treatment, and the pink safranin
counterstain is trapped by the
peptidoglycan layer.
Cell wall
• In addition to conferring rigidity upon
bacteria, the cell wall protects against
osmotic damage
• Chemically, the rigid part of the cell wall is
• First described by Gram in 1884. It is' used
to study morphologic appearance of
bacteria. Gram's stain differentiates all
bacteria into two distinct groups:
• a. Gram-positive organisms
• b. Gram-negative organisms
Bacteria with deficient cell walls
• Mycoplasma: a genus of naturally occurring
bacteria which lack cell walls
• L-forms: cell-wall-deficient forms of bacteria,
usually produced in the body of patients treated
with penicillin
• Spheroplasts: derived from Gram-negative
bacteria; produced artificially by lysozyme or by
growth with penicillin or any other agent capable
of breaking down the peptidoglycan layer
• Protoplasts: derived from Gram-positive bacteria
and totally lacking cell walls; produced artificially
by lysozyme and hypertonic medium
Electron micrograph mycoplasma
cells (1) and L-forms of Proteus
mirabilis (2)
1 2
Prokaryotic Cell Structure
Structures Internal to the Cell Wall
1. The Plasma (Cytoplasmic) Membrane:
▪ Thin structure inside of cell wall that surrounds the
▪ Phospholipid bilayer with proteins (Fluid mosaic model).
▪ Integral membrane proteins: Penetrate membrane
▪ Peripheral membrane proteins: On inner or outer
membrane surface.
▪ Lack sterols and are less rigid than eukaryotic
▪ Exception: Mycoplasmas
Prokaryotic Cell Structure
Structures Internal to the Cell Wall
Functions of the Plasma (Cytoplasmic) Membrane:
1. Selective barrier that regulates the passage of materials in
and out of the cell.
▪ Impermeable to large proteins, ions, and most polar molecules.
▪ Permeable to water, oxygen, carbon dioxide, some simple sugars,
and small nonpolar substances.
2. Nutrient breakdown and energy (ATP) production: Site
of cellular respiration.
3. Synthesis of cell wall components
Structures Internal to the Cell Wall
Functions of the Plasma (Cytoplasmic)
4. Assists with DNA replication
5. Site of photosynthesis: Photosynthetic
bacteria have membrane extensions called
thylakoids, where photosynthesis occurs.
6. Secretes proteins
7. Contains bases of flagella
8. Responds to chemical substances in the
Structure of Plasma Membrane:
outer membrane
The Cell Wall
Gram-Negative Cell Walls:
2. Outer Membrane (OM):
▪ Consists of:
▪ Phospholipid bilayer
▪ Lipopolysaccharides (LPS) with two components:
▪ O polysaccharides: Antigens, used to identify bacteria.
▪ Lipid A: Endotoxin causes fever and shock.
▪ Porins: Membrane proteins that allow the passage of nucleotides,
disaccharides, peptides, amino acids, vitamins, and iron.
▪ Lipoproteins
▪ Functions of Outer Membrane: Evade phagocytosis a complement
due to strong negative charge.
▪ Barrier to antibiotics (penicillin), digestive enzymes (lysozyme),
detergents, heavy metals, dyes, and bile salts.
Structures Internal to the Cell Wall
Movement of Materials Across Membranes:
Passive Transport Processes:
1. Simple diffusion:
Net movement of molecules or ions from an area of
high concentration to one of low concentration.
▪ Equilibrium: Net movement stops when molecules
are evenly distributed.
▪ Used by cells to transport small molecules
(oxygen, carbon dioxide) across their membranes.
▪ Example: Diffusion of perfume into the air after the
bottle is opened.
Structures Internal to the Cell Wall
Movement of Materials Across Membranes:
Passive Transport Processes:
2. Facilitated diffusion:
▪ Net movement of molecules or ions from an area of high
concentration to one of low concentration.
▪ Substance to be transported combines with a Carrier
protein in plasma membrane.
▪ Extracellular enzymes may be used to break down large
substances before they can be moved into the cell by
facilitated diffusion.
Structures Internal to the Cell Wall
Movement of Materials Across Membranes:
3. Osmosis:
▪ Net movement of water (solvent) molecules
across a semi permeable membrane from
an area of high concentration to one of low
concentration of water.
▪ Osmotic Pressure : Pressure required to
prevent the movement of pure water into a
Osmosis: The diffusion of water across
a semipermeable membrane
Passive Transport Processes:
3. Osmosis (Continued):
 Bacterial cells can be subjected to three different types of osmotic
1. Isotonic: Concentration of solutes (and water) are equal on both
sides of a cell membrane (e.g.: 0.9% NaCl, 5% glucose).
Result: No net movement of water into or out of the cell.
2. Hypotonic: Solute concentration is lower outside the cell (e.g.:
pure water).
Result: Net movement of water into the cell. Most bacteria live
in hypotonic environments. Cell wall protects them from lysis.
3. Hypertonic: Solute concentration is higher outside the cell.
Result: Net movement of water out of the cell.
Movement of Materials Across Membranes:
Active Processes:
▪ Substances are concentrated, i.e.: moved from
an area of low concentration to one of high
▪ Require energy expenditure (ATP) by the cell.
▪ Include the following:
1. Active transport
2. Group translocation
1. Active Transport
Requires carrier proteins or pumps in plasma
Active Transport Processes:
2. Group Translocation
▪ Similar to active transport, but substance transported is
chemically altered during process.
▪ After modification, the substance cannot leave the cell.
▪ Glucose is phosphorylated during group translocation in
bacterial cells.
▪ Note: Endocytosis (phagocytosis, pinocytosis, etc.) does
not occur in prokaryotic cells.
Prokaryotic Cell Structure
Structures Internal to the Cell Wall..cont’d
3. Cytoplasm
Substance inside the cell membrane.
❖80% water
❖Inorganic ions
❖Low molecular weight compounds
Prokaryotic Cell Structure
4. The Nuclear Area (Nucleoid):
– Contains a single chromosome, a long circular molecule
of double stranded DNA.
– The chromosome is attached to the plasma membrane.
– May occupy up to 20% of the intracellular volume.
– Plasmids:
• Small, circular, double stranded DNA molecules.
• Found in many bacterial cells in addition to
chromosomal DNA.
• May contain from 5 to 100 genes that are usually not
essential for survival.
• Antibiotic resistance genes
• Toxins
Prokaryotic Cell Structure
Structures Internal to the Cell Wall
5. Ribosomes:
▪ The site of protein synthesis (translation).
▪ Found in all eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells.
▪ Made up of protein and ribosomal RNA (rRNA).
▪ Prokaryotic ribosomes (70S) are smaller and less dense
than eukaryotic ribosomes (80S).
▪ Prokaryotic ribosomes have two subunits:
▪ Small subunit: 30S
▪ Large subunit: 50S
▪ Several antibiotics work by inhibiting protein synthesis
by prokaryotic ribosomes, without affecting eukaryotic
❖ Bacteria and archaebacteria have smaller ribosomes, termed 70S
ribosomes, which are composed of a small 30S subunit and large
50S subunit. The "S" stands for svedbergs, a unit used to measure
how fast molecules move in a centrifuge.
Prokaryotic Cell Structure
Structures Internal to the Cell Wall
6. Inclusions:
• Reserve deposits in the cytoplasm of cells.
• Not found in all cell types:
• 1. Metachromatic Granules:
– Contain inorganic phosphate that can be used in
the synthesis of ATP.
– Stain red with blue dyes.
– Found in bacteria, algae, protozoa, and fungi.
– Characteristic of Corynebacterium diphtheriae,
causative agent of diphtheria. Useful for
identification purposes.
Prokaryotic Cell Structure
Structures Internal to the Cell Wall
2. Polysaccharide Granules:
– Contain glycogen and starch.
– Stain blue or reddish brown with iodine.
3. Lipid Inclusions:
– Contain lipids, detected with fat soluble dyes.
4. Sulfur Granules:
– Contain sulfur and sulfur containing compounds.
– “Sulfur bacteria” (Thiobacillus) obtain energy by
oxidizing sulfur and its compounds.
Prokaryotic Cell Structure
Structures Internal to the Cell Wall
7. Gas Vacuoles:
• Hollow cavities found in many aquatic bacteria.
• Contain individual gas vesicles, hollow cylinders covered
by protein.
• Used to regulate buoyancy so cells can
8. Endospores:
• Specialized “resting” cells formed by certain Gram-
positive bacteria.
• Genus Bacillus
• Genus Clostridium
Structures Internal to the Cell Wall
Endospores (continued)
• Highly durable dehydrated cells with thick
cell walls and additional layers.
• Can survive extreme temperatures,
disinfectants, acids, bases, lack of water,
toxic chemicals, and radiation.
• Endospores of some thermophilic bacteria
can survive 19
• hours of boiling. Concern in food and
health industries.
Bacterial endospores.
Phase microscopy of sporulating
bacteria demonstrates the refractility
of endospores, as well as
characteristic spore shapes and
locations within the mother cell.
Endospores (continued)
➢ A bacterial structure sometimes observed as an
inclusion is actually A type of dormant cell called
an endospore.
➢ Endospores are formed by a few groups of
Bacteria as intracellular structures, but
ultimately they are released as free endospores.
Endospores exhibit no signs of life, being
described as cryptobiotic.
➢ They are highly resistant to environmental
stresses such as high temperature (some
endospores can be boiled for hours and retain
their viability), irradiation, strong acids,
disinfectants, etc. They are probably the most
durable cell produced in nature.
➢Although cryptobiotic, they retain viability
indefinitely such that under appropriate
environmental conditions, they germinate
back into vegetative cells.
➢Endospores are formed by vegetative cells in
response to environmental signals that
indicate a limiting factor for vegetative
growth, such as exhaustion of an essential
nutrient. They germinate and become
vegetative cells when the environmental stress
is relieved.
➢Hence, endospore-formation is a mechanism
of survival rather than a mechanism of
Prokaryotic Cell Structure
• Process of Sporulation: One cell produces one spore.
1. Newly replicated DNA is isolated by an in growth of the
plasma membrane called a spore septum.
2. Spore septum becomes a double-layered membrane that
surrounds chromosome and cytoplasm (forespore).
3. Peptidoglycan layer forms between membranes of
4. Spore coat forms: Thick layer of protein around the outer
membrane. Makes endospore resistant to many harsh
5. Maturation: Cell wall ruptures, endospore is released.
Prokaryotic Cell Structure
 May be part of normal life cycle or triggered by adverse environmental
 Endospores do not carry out metabolic reactions, unlike normal vegetative
 Endospores can remain dormant for thousands of years.
 Germination: Endospore returns to its vegetative state.
 Usually occurs when environmental conditions become more favorable.
 Triggered by physical or chemical damage to the spore coat.
Sporulation Germination
 Vegetative Cell ----------> Endospore ------------> Vegetative Cell
(Metabolically active), (Not metabolically active), (Metabolically active)
Bacillus megaterium
Bacillus anthracis
Microbiological nomenclature
• In microbiology the binominal system of
nomenclature is accepted where each
species has a generic and a specific
name. The generic name is written with a
capital letter, and the specific name – with
a small letter. For example: the anthrax
bacillus – Bacillus anthracis; the tetanus
bacillus – Clostridium tetani.
The size of bacteria
• The size of bacteria is measured in
micrometer (m) or micron () (1 micron or
micrometer is one thousandth of a
millimeter) and varies from 0.1  to 16-18 .
Most pathogenic bacteria measure from 0.1
to 10 .
• The other units of measurement of
microorganisms are millimicron (m) or
nanometer (nm) (one millionth of a
millimeter) and 1 Angstrom (Å) (one tenth of
Morphology of Bacteria
• Bacteria are intracellular free-living
organisms having both DNA and RNA. Their
biological properties and predominant
reproduction by binary fission relates them to
• Spherical (cocci)
• Rod-shaped
(bacteria, bacilli,
and clostridia)
• Spiral-shaped
(vibriones, spirilla, spirochaetes)
Representatives of pathogenic
1.Scanning Electron Micrograph of Streptococcus pneumoniae
2.Scanning electron micrograph of a Staphylococcus aureus
1 2
Electron Micrograph of
Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Rod-shaped bacteria
• Bacteria (1) include those
microorganisms, which, as rule,
do not produce spores (E.coli,
Salmonella, Shigella).
• Bacilli (2) (B.anthracis) and
clostridia (3) (C.tetani, C.botuli-
num) include organisms the
majority of which produce spores.
• Size of rod-shaped bacteria varies
2-10 Îźm: small rods are 2-4 Îźm;
long rods are 5-10 Îźm.
Rod-shaped bacteria
1. Single Rod
2. Streptobacillus
1 2
• 1. Vibrios – are cells, which resemble a
comma in appearance (curved rods).
Typical representative of this group is
Vibrio cholerae.
2. Spirilla – are coiled forms of bacteria.
Pathogenic species: Spirillum minus (1) – which
is responsible for a disease in humans
transmitted through the bite of rats – rat-bite fever
– sodoku; Helicobacter pylori (2) – causative
agent of ulcer disease of stomach.
1 2
3. Spirochaetes – are flexuous spiral forms which
include: Treponema (T.pallidum) (1), Borrelia
(B.recurrentis) (2), Leptospira (L.interrogans) (3)
• Treponema – exhibits, thin, flexible cells
with 6-14 regular twists. The size of
Treponema varies from 10-18 Îź (T.pallidum).
• Leptospira – are characterized by very thin
cell structure. The leptospirae form 12-18
regular coils (primary spirals)
(L.interrogans) and C- or S- shape according
secondary twist.
• Borrelia – have large irregular spirals, the
number of which varies from 3 to 10.
(B.recurrentis, B.persica).
Morphology of viruses
• Do not possess cellular
• Contain one type of nucleic acid
either RNA or DNA
• Lack enzymes necessary for
protein and nucleic acid
synthesis machinery of host
• They multiply by complex
process and not by binary
• They are unaffected by
• They are sensitive to interferon.
Morphology of viruses
Morphology of Rickettsiae.
• They are minute organisms having properties in between
bacteria and viruses.
• It contains both DNA and RNA.
• Contains enzymes for metabolic functions.
• Multiplies by binary fission.
• It is coccobacilli 300x600 nm in size, non-motile, non-
capsulated and is Gram-negative.
• Sensitive to many antibiotics.
• Can multiply only inside living cells.
Morphology of Rickettsiae
General characteristics
1. They are small, non–motile, gram negative, pleomorphic coccobacilli.
2. They are obligate intracellular parasites and can be cultured only on
guinea pigs or mice, chick embryo or tissue culture with an exception of
Rochalimea Quintana which can be grown on media containing high
concentration of hemin and serum
3. They multiply in the intestinal tract of the anthropod then excreted in the
feces or in salivary gland.
4. Rickettsial growths are enhanced by sulfonamides but para–
aminobenzoic acid (PABA) inhibits their growth.
Morphology of chlamydia.
• Chlamydiae are Gram-negative.
• They lack some important mechanisms for the
production of metabolic energy, so they are
intracellular parasites.
• Chlamydiae exist as two stages: (1) infectious
particles called elementary bodies and (2)
intracytoplasmic, reproductive forms called
reticulate bodies.
• There are 2 morphological forms of chlamydia:
• Elementary bodies
• Reticulate bodies
Developmental cycle
• The “elementary body” (the infectious particle) is so
small (0.2 to 0.4 nm) in diameter which rivals with
Mycoplasma for the smallest prokaryote.
• This EB through phagocytosis is taken by the host cell.
• This small particle is recognized into reticulate body.
• This body grows in size and divides repeatedly by binary
fission. Eventually from reticulated body, it forms an
“inclusion” in the host cell cytoplasm.
• The newly formed particle may be liberated from the host
cells to infect new cells.
Microbiology Books
1. Marjorie Kelly Cowan & Heidi Smith Microbiology
Fundamentals: A Clinical Approach: 2022 (4th Edition)
McGraw-Hill. ISBN No: 978-1260-7-0243-9
2. Jawetz, Melnick, & Adelberg (2019). Medical Microbiology
(28th Edition). McGraw-Hill. ISBN No: 978-1260-0-1202-6.
3. Warren Levinson (2014). Review of Medical Microbiology
and Immunology (13th Edition). McGraw-Hill. ISBN No: 978-
4. Lansing M. (2002). Prescott Microbiology (5th Edition).
McGraw-Hill. ISBN No: 978-0072-8-2905-1
5. Tortora, Funke, & Case (2018). Microbiology – An
introduction (13th Edition). Pearson. ISBN No: 978-0134-6-
Lecture 1. Introduction to Medical Microbiology.pdf

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Lecture 1. Introduction to Medical Microbiology.pdf

  • 1. Introduction to Medical Microbiology Mr. Mox Malama Kalumbi March 2023
  • 2. Learning Objectives • Define Microbiology, Medical Microbiology • Understand the History of Microbiology • Significance of Microbiology in the Health Field. • Role of Microorganism in disease. • Understand Spontaneous Generation • Understand The Germ Theory of Disease • Understand important early discoveries
  • 3. History of Microbiology; Spontaneous Generation & The Germ Theory of Disease.
  • 5. • Microbiology is the study of microorganisms usually less than 1mm in diameter which requires some form of magnification (Microscope) to be seen clearly – Examples: • Viruses • Bacteria • Fungi • Algae • Protozoa's
  • 6. • Some organisms, such as bread molds (fungus), filamentous algae, and Thiomargarita namibiensis (bacteria), can be observed without the use of amplification or magnification. – These organisms are included in the discipline of microbiology because of similarities in properties and techniques used to study them • Techniques necessary to isolate and culture microorganisms include: – Isolation – Sterilization – Culture in artificial media
  • 7. • Microbiologists may be interested in specific types of organisms: – Virology - viruses – Bacteriology - bacteria – Phycology - algae – Mycology - fungi – Protozoology - protozoa
  • 8. • Microbiology may have a more applied focus: – Medical microbiology, including immunology – Food and Dairy microbiology – Public Health microbiology (Epidemiology) – Industrial microbiology – Agricultural microbiology
  • 9. • Microbiologists may be interested in various characteristics or activities of microorganisms: – Microbial morphology – Microbial cytology – Microbial physiology – Microbial ecology – Microbial genetics and molecular biology – Microbial taxonomy
  • 11. ROBERT HOOKE • One of the most important discoveries of biology occurred in 1665, with the help of a crude microscope, when Robert Hooke stated that life’s smallest structural units were cells.
  • 12. ANTONY VAN LEEUWENHOEK • First to observe living microbes • His single-lens magnified 50- 300X magnification • Between 1674-1723 he wrote series of papers describing his observations of bacteria, algae, protozoa, and fungi (Animalcules)
  • 15. SPONTANEOUS GENERATION • Early belief that some forms of life could arise from “vital forces” present in nonliving or decomposing matter, abiogenesis. • In other words, organisms can arise from non-living matter.
  • 16. LOUIS JABLOT • In 1670 Jablot conducted an experiment in which he divided a hay infusion that had been boiled into two containers: a heated container that was closed to the air and a heated container that was freely open to the air. • Only the open vessel developed microorganisms. • This further helped to disprove abiogenesis (autogenesis, spontaneous generation).
  • 18. • Disproved by: –Schwann, Friedrich Schroder and von Dusch (1830s) – Air allowed to enter flask but only after passing through a heated tube or sterile wool –John Tyndall (1820-1893) – Omission of dust → no growth. Demonstrated heat resistant forms of bacteria (endospores)
  • 19. LOUIS PASTEUR (1822 - 1895) • Disproved spontaneous generation of microbes by preventing “dust particles” from reaching the sterile broth • In 1861 completes experiments that lays to rest spontaneous generation. • Showed microbes caused fermentation and spoilage
  • 20. PASTEUR’S EXPERIMENT Trapped airborne organisms in cotton; he also heated the necks of flasks, drawing them out into long curves, sterilized the media, and left the flasks open to the air. In this way Pasteur disproved the theory of spontaneous generation
  • 23. GOLDEN AGE OF MICROBIOLOGY • The period from 1860 to 1900 is often named the Golden Age of Microbiology. During this period, rapid advances, spear- headed by Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch, led to the establishment of microbiology as a science.
  • 24. Robert Koch • In 1860 developed an elaborate technique to isolate & identify specific Pathogens that cause specific diseases. • He isolated the anthrax bacterium. 1843 – 1910
  • 25. • Robert Koch (1843 - 1910), – using criteria developed by his teacher, Jacob Henle (1809-1895), established the relationship between Bacillus anthracis and anthrax. – His criteria became known as Koch’s Postulates and are still used to establish the link between a particular microorganism and a particular disease:
  • 26. History • 1884 Koch’s Postulates of Disease Transmission - Robert Koch
  • 27. GERM THEORY OF DISEASE • In 1876 Robert Koch proved the “Germ theory of disease” by showing that bacteria actually caused disease. • Koch established a sequence of experimental steps for directly relating a specific microbe to a specific disease called KOCH’S POSTULATES
  • 28. ➢The causative (etiological) agent must be present in all affected organisms but absent in healthy individuals ➢The agent must be capable of being isolated and cultured in pure form ➢When the cultured agent is introduced to a healthy organism, the same disease must occur ➢The same causative agent must be isolated again from the affected host Koch’s Postulates
  • 29. ROBERT KOCH • Developed pure culture methods. • cccIdentified cause of ➢ Anthrax (Bacillus anthrax) , ➢ TB (Mycobacterium tuberculosis) , & ➢ Cholera (Vibrio cholera).
  • 30. Development of Culture Media • Why? – To enable the isolation of pure cultures (only one type of organism) • Especially important during Koch’s period • Gelatin not useful as solidifying agent (melts at >28 ÂşC and some bacteria hydrolyze it with enzymes) • Fannie Hesse, the wife of one of Koch’s assistants, proposed using agar – Not digested by most bacteria – Melts at 100 ÂşC – Used today - ~2% in solid media • Richard Petri, another of Koch’s assistants, developed the Petri dish
  • 31. History • Walter Hesse ( 1846-1911): Used Agar as a solidifying agent to harden media. Agar is extracted from seaweeds red algae. • Rechard Petri ( 1852-1921): Used agar dish to provide a large area to grow. • Christian Gram ( 1853-1935): Staining method that demonstrate bacteria and distinguish between Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria.
  • 32. History • Raymond Sabouraud ( 1890-1910): Develop culture media to study yeast and molds. • Dimitri Ivanovski (1892): Tobacco mosaic virus could pass through filters used to remove bacteria. • Selman Waksman (1940): Discovered a number of antibiotic such as Tetracycline and Streptomycin.
  • 33. *Developed the germ theory in 1798 *Also developed vaccine against anthrax. *Pasteurization technique *Developed the germ theory of disease “Father of bacteriology and immunology” Louis Pasteur 1822 – 1895
  • 34. LOUIS PASTEUR • In 1864 Pasteur established the relationship between microbes and disease in preventing wine from spoiling by using the process termed pasteurization. • This process kills bacteria in the alcohol by heat, thus preventing the formation of acetic acid (vinegar).
  • 35. LOUIS PASTEUR • His discovery of pasteurization, lead Pasteur to introduce the “Germ theory of disease” in 1864. • Pasteur stated that diseases are caused by the growth of microbes in the body and not by sins, bad character, or poverty, etc.
  • 36. • Oliver Holmes (1773 - 1843) – showed that sepsis could be transmitted by hands of medical student and may cause disease – M. J. Berkeley (ca. 1845) – demonstrated that the Great Potato Blight of Ireland was caused by a Fungus Demonstrations that microorganisms cause disease
  • 37. • Louis Pasteur (1822 - 1895) – showed that the pĂŠbrine disease of silkworms was caused by a protozoan parasite • Edward Jenner (ca. 1798): Develop the first Vaccine and used a vaccination procedure to protect individuals from smallpox • Louis Pasteur – developed other vaccines including those for chicken cholera, anthrax, and rabies
  • 38. History • 1885 - Vaccine against Rabies - Louis Pasteur
  • 39. History • 1796 – First vaccine (smallpox) Edward Jenner
  • 40. Development of Vaccines and Antisera • Edward Jenner in 1796 discovered that cowpox (vaccinia) induced protection against human smallpox – Called procedure vaccination
  • 41. • Vaccination: – Inoculation of healthy individuals with weakened (or attenuated) forms of microorganisms, that would otherwise cause disease, to provide protection, or active immunity from disease upon later exposure.
  • 42. • Pasteur and Roux reported that incubating cultures longer than normal in the lab resulted in ATTENUATED bacteria that could no longer cause disease. – Working with chicken cholera (caused by Pasteurella multocida), they noticed that animals injected with attenuated cultures were resistant to the disease.
  • 43. • Pasteur and Chamberland developed other vaccines: – Attenuated anthrax vaccine • Chemical and heat treatment (potassium bichromate) – Attenuated rabies vaccine • Propagated the virus in rabbit following injection of infected brain and spinal cord extracts
  • 44. • Passive immunization – Work by Emil von Behring (1845-1917) and Shibasaburo Kitasato (1852-1931) • Antibodies raised to inactivated diphtheria toxin by injection different host (rabbit) with the toxin (a toxoid form) –Antiserum recovered ÂťContains antibodies specific for the toxin ÂťProtection from disease when injected non -immune subject.
  • 45. John Tyndall (1820 – 1893) In 1876 discovered that there were two different types of bacteria. a) Heat sensitive or heat labile forms (vegetative cells) easily destroyed by boiling b) Heat resistant types known as an endospore Tyndall demonstrated that alternate process of heating & cooling if repeated five times, can kill all the endospores. This is known as Sterilization process or Tyndallization
  • 46. FERDINAND COHN • In 1876, a German botanist, Ferdinand Cohn, also discovered “heat-resistant forms of bacteria”. • This bacteria are now termed endospores (Bacillus species and Clostridium species) Bacillus anthracis
  • 47. History: Joseph Lister • 1867 Antiseptic Surgery( Carbolic acid- Phenol)
  • 48. • Joseph Lister (1827 - 1912) – developed a system of surgery designed to prevent microorganisms from entering wounds – phenol (Carbolic Acid) sprayed in air around surgical incision – Decreased number of post-operative infections in patients – his published findings (1867) transformed the practice of surgery
  • 49. PAUL EHRLICH ➢ In the 1890’s Ehrlich proposed a theory of immunity in which antibodies were responsible for immunity ( Antitoxin). ➢ In addition, he is known as the father of modern chemotherapy. ➢ He speculated about some “magic bullet” that would selectively find and destroy pathogens but not harm the host (Selective Toxicity). ➢ He also develop a staining procedure to identify tubercle bacilli.
  • 50. History • 1929 Discovery of Penicillin (first antibiotic) - Alexander Fleming
  • 51. ALEXANDER FLEMING ➢In 1928 Fleming observed that the growth of the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus was inhibited in the areas surrounding the colony of a mold that had contaminated a Petri plate. ➢The mold was identified as Penicillium notatum, and its active compound was named penicillin.
  • 52. History • Reska (1938) – First Electron Microscope • The electron microscope is capable of magnifying biological specimens up to one million times. • These computer enhanced images of • 1. smallpox, • 2. herpes simplex, and • 3. mumps are magnified, respectively, • 150,000, 150,000 and 90,000 times. • To study detail structures of viruses.
  • 53. WATSON and CRICK, FRANKLIN, and WILKINS • In 1953 Watson and Crick determined the structure of DNA. • They used their research, together with the research of Franklin and Wilkins to determine the structure of the DNA molecule.
  • 54. DNA
  • 56. • Louis Pasteur – demonstrated that alcoholic fermentations were the result of microbial activity, – that some organisms could decrease alcohol yield and sour the product, and – that some fermentations were aerobic and some anaerobic; – he also developed the process of pasteurization to preserve wine during storage
  • 58. • George W. Beadle and Edward L. Tatum (ca. 1941) – studied the relationship between genes and enzymes using the bread mold, Neurospora – Precursor→ ornithine → citrulline → arginine – One gene, one polypeptide hypothesis • Salvadore Luria and Max Delbruck (ca. 1943) – Demonstrated spontaneous gene mutations in bacteria (not directed by the environment) Important Early Discoveries
  • 59. • Oswald T. Avery, Colin M. MacLeod, and Maclyn McCarty (1944) – Following initial studies by Frederick Griffith (1928) they provided evidence that deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) was the genetic material and carried genetic information during transformation – Worked with Streptococcus pneumoniae (rough and smooth)
  • 60. • In the 1970s new discoveries in microbiology led to the development of : ✓ recombinant DNA technology (refers to the joining together of DNA molecules from two different species that are inserted into a host organism to produce new genetic combinations that are of value to science, medicine, agriculture, and industry) and ✓ genetic engineering (is the process of using recombinant DNA (rDNA) technology to alter the genetic makeup of an organism. Traditionally, humans have manipulated genomes indirectly by controlling breeding and selecting offspring with desired traits).
  • 62. • Medical microbiology is the study of causative agents of infectious diseases of humans and their reactions to such infections. In other words it deals with etiology, pathogenesis, laboratory diagnosis, specific treatment and control of infection (immunization).
  • 63. Modern medical microbiology • Bacteriology – the science of bacteria, the causative agents of a member of infectious diseases. • Virology – the science of viruses, non-cellular living systems, capable of causing infectious diseases in man. • Immunology – the science which concerned with mechanisms of body protection against pathogenic microorganisms and foreign cells and substances. • Mycology – the study of fungi pathogenic for man. • Protozoology – which deals with pathogenic unicellular animal organisms.
  • 64. CLASSIFICATION OF MICROORGANISMS Protista Vira DNA-viruses and RNA-viruses • Eukaryotes Prokaryotes • Fungi Blue-green algae • Algae Bacteria • Protozoa Scotobacteria Photobacteria • Slime moulds 1. Class Bacteria 2. Class Rickettsias 3. Class Mollicutes
  • 65. • Organisms can be divided into five kingdoms: –the Monera or Prokaryotae, –Protista, –Fungi, –Animalia, and –Plantae
  • 66. • There are two types of microorganisms: – Prokaryotes • have a relatively simple morphology and lack a true membrane-bound nucleus – Eukaryotes • are morphologically complex and have a true, membrane-bound nucleus
  • 67. Distinguishing Features of Prokaryotic Cells: 1. DNA is:  Not enclosed within a nuclear membrane.  A single circular chromosome.  Not associated with histone proteins. 2. Lack membrane-enclosed organelles like mitochondria, chloroplasts, Golgi, etc. 3. Cell walls usually contain peptidoglycan, a complex polysaccharide. 4. Divide by binary fission.
  • 68. ❖Histones are a family of basic proteins that associate with DNA in the nucleus and help condense it into chromatin. ❖Nuclear DNA does not appear in free linear strands; it is highly condensed and wrapped around histones in order to fit inside of the nucleus and take part in the formation of chromosomes.
  • 69. Distinguishing Features of Eukaryotic Cells: 1. DNA is: – Enclosed within a nuclear membrane. – Several linear chromosomes. – Associated with histones and other proteins. 2. Have membrane-enclosed organelles like mitochondria, chloroplasts, Golgi, endoplasmic reticulum, etc. 3. Divide by mitosis.
  • 70. Prokaryotes Eukaryotes Cell size 0.2-2 um in diameter 10-100 um in diameter  Nucleus Absent Present  Membranous Organelles Absent Present  Cell Wall Chemically complex When present, simple  Ribosomes Smaller (70S) Larger (80S) in cell 70S in organelles  DNA Single circular Multiple linear chromosome chromosomes (histones)  Cell Division Binary fission Mitosis
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  • 77. The Prokaryotic Cell: Size, Shape, and Arrangement of Bacterial Cells Cell Size: Dimensions of most bacterial cells:  Diameter: 0.2 to 2.0 um.  Human red blood cell is about 7.5 -10 um in diameter.  Length : 2 to 8 um. Some cyanobacteria are up to 60 um long. Bacterial cells have large surface to volume ratios.
  • 78. Bacterial Cell Shapes & Arrangements: • Coccus (plural: cocci): Spherical. • May have the following arrangements: • Diplococci : A pair of attached cocci. Remain attached after dividing. • Streptococci : Chainlike arrangement. • Tetrads : Groups of four. Divide in two planes. • Sarcinae : Groups of eight. Divide in three planes. • Staphylococci : Grapelike clusters. Divide in multiple planes.
  • 80. The Prokaryotic Cell: Size, Shape, and Arrangement of Bacterial Cells
  • 82. The Prokaryotic Cell: Size, Shape, & Arrangements :  Bacterial Cell Shapes & Arrangements: ▪ Spiral Bacteria: Have one or more twists: ▪ Vibrio: A comma shaped cell. Look like curved rods. ▪ Spirilla: Helical, corkscrew shaped bacteria with rigid bodies. ▪ Use whiplike external flagella to move. ▪ Spirochetes: Helical bacteria with flexible bodies. ▪ Use axial filaments (internal flagella) to move.
  • 84. The Prokaryotic Cell: Size, Shape, and Arrangement of Bacterial Cells Bacterial Cell Shapes & Arrangements : Other less common shapes: ▪ Star ▪ Flat and square ▪ Triangular ▪ Pleomorphic bacteria: Have several possible shapes. Found in a few groups: ▪ Corynebacterium ▪ Rhizobium ▪ Most bacteria are monomorphic: Maintain a single shape. However environmental factors may affect cell shape.
  • 85. Pleomorphic bacteria- coccobacilli of Haemophilus influenzae
  • 86. The Prokaryotic Cell Structure. Structures External to the Cell Wall 1. Glycocalyx: “Sugar coat”. ▪ All polysaccharide containing substances found external to the cell wall, from the thickest capsules to the thinnest slime layers . ▪ All bacteria have at least a thin slime layer. ▪ Chemical composition varies widely with species. ▪ A glycocalyx made of sugars is called an extracellular polysaccharide (EPS). ▪ The glycocalyx may have several functions: ▪ Attachment to host cells. ▪ Source of nutrition. ▪ Prevent dehydration. ▪ Escape host immune system.
  • 89. Prokaryotic Cell Structure Structures External to the Cell Wall 1. Glycocalyx: “Sugar coat”. A. Capsules: Organized polysaccharide substance that is firmly attached to the cell wall. • Not formed by all bacteria. • Important in virulence. ▪ Anthrax bacteria only cause anthrax if have protein capsule. ▪ Only Streptococcus pneumoniae with capsule cause pneumonia. ▪ Help bacteria escape the host immune system, by preventing destruction by phagocytosis . ▪ When bacteria lose their capsules they become less likely to cause disease and more susceptible to destruction.
  • 92. Prokaryotic Cell Structure Structures External to the Cell Wall 1. Glycocalyx: B. Slime Layer: Thin polysaccharide substance that is loosely attached to the cell wall. ▪ Not formed by all bacteria. ▪ Important for virulence. ▪ Oral bacteria stick to teeth due to slime layer and with time produce dental plaque. ▪ Allow bacteria to adhere to objects in their environment so they can remain near sources of nutrients or oxygen. ▪ Rock surfaces ▪ Plant roots ▪ Help bacteria trap nutrients near cell and prevent dehydration.
  • 93. Prokaryotic Cell Structure Structures External to the Cell Wall 2. Flagella (Sing. Flagellum): ▪ About half of all known bacteria are motile, most use flagella. ▪ Long, thin, helical appendages. ▪ A bacterium may have one or several flagella, which can be in the following arrangements: ▪ Monotrichous: Single polar flagellum at one end. ▪ Amphitrichous: Two polar flagella, one at each end. ▪ Lophotrichous: Two or more flagella at one or both ends. ▪ Peritrichous : Many flagella over entire cell surface.
  • 94. FLAGELLA Electron Micrograph of Bacteria with Flagella
  • 96. Prokaryotic Cell Structure Structures External to the Cell Wall 2. Flagella (Sing. Flagellum): Flagella have three basic parts: 1. Filament: Outermost region. ▪ Contains globular protein flagellin. ▪ Not covered by a sheath like eukaryotic filaments. 2. Hook: Wider segment that anchors filament to basal body. 3. Basal Body: Complex structure with a central rod ▪ surrounded by a set of rings. ▪ Gram negative bacteria have 2 pairs of rings. ▪ Gram positive bacteria only have one pair of rings.
  • 97. Prokaryotic Cell Structure Structures External to the Cell Wall • 2. Flagella (Sing. Flagellum): ▪ Bacterial flagella move by rotation from basal body. ▪ Flagellar movement may be either clockwise or counterclockwise. ▪ Bacteria may be capable of several patterns of motility. ▪ Runs or swims: Bacterium moves in one direction. ▪ Tumbles: Bacterium changes direction. Caused by reversal of flagellar rotation.
  • 98. Vibrio cholerae has a single polar flagellum for swimming movement. Electron Micrograph
  • 99. Prokaryotic Cell Structure Structures External to the Cell Wall 2. Flagella (Sing. Flagellum): ▪ Taxis: Movement of a cell toward or away from a particular stimulus. ▪ Chemotaxis: Movement in response to a chemical stimulus. ▪ Phototaxis: Movement in response to a light stimulus. ▪ Flagellar protein H antigens are used to identify important pathogens. ▪ E. coli O157:H7: Causes bloody diarrhea associated with food borne epidemics. Causes 200-500 deaths per year.
  • 100. Prokaryotic Cell Structure Structures External to the Cell Wall 3. Axial Filaments (Endoflagella): ▪ Bundles of fibers that are anchored at ends of the cell beneath the outer sheath. ▪ Spiral around the cells. ▪ Have similar structure to flagella. ▪ Rotation of endoflagella produces a corkscrew motion. ▪ May enable bacteria to penetrate body tissues. ▪ Found in spirochetes: ▪ Treponema pallidum: Cause of syphilis. ▪ Borrelia burgdorferi : Cause of Lyme disease.
  • 101. Prokaryotic Cell Structure Structures External to the Cell Wall  4. Fimbriae and Pili: ▪ Hair-like appendages that are shorter, straighter, and thinner than flagella. ▪ Used for attachment rather than motility. ▪ Found in Gram-negative bacteria. A. Fimbriae (Sing: fimbria) ▪ May occur at poles or over entire cell surface. ▪ Like glycocalyx, enable bacteria to adhere to surfaces. Important for colonization of host tissue. ▪ Neisseria gonorrhoeae: Causes gonorrhea. Attach to sperm cells and mucous membranes through fimbriae. ▪ Bacteria can attach to broth surface via fimbriae, forming a film- like layer called pellicle.
  • 102. Fimbriae of Neisseria gonorrhoeae allow the bacterium to adhere to tissues
  • 103. Prokaryotic Cell Structure Structures External to the Cell Wall Fimbriae and Pili: B. Pili (Sing: pilus): Conjugation or sex pili ▪ Only found in certain groups of bacteria. ▪ Longer than fimbriae. ▪ Cells only have one or two sex pili. ▪ Attach two cells together, and allow the transfer of genetic material (DNA) between cells. ▪ Medically important because allow for the transfer of antibiotic resistance genes from one cell to another.
  • 104. Prokaryotic Cell Structure The Cell Wall General Characteristics: Semi-rigid structure that lies outside the cell membrane in almost all bacteria. Two major functions: 1. Maintains characteristic shape of cell. 2. Prevents the cell from bursting when fluids flow into the cell by osmosis. Contributes to bacterial ability to cause disease. Site of action of some antibiotics . Very porous and does not regulate passage of materials into the cell.
  • 105. Prokaryotic Cell Structure The Cell Wall Composition: Peptidoglycan (Murein): Made up of a repeating disaccharide attached by polypeptides to form a lattice. Peptidoglycan is one immense covalently linked molecule, resembling multiple layers of chain link fence. Disaccharide component: Made up of two monoscaccharides: ▪ N-acetylglucosamine (NAG) ▪ N-acetylmuramic acid (NAM) ▪ Alternating disaccharides (NAG-NAM) are linked together in rows of 10 to 65 molecules.
  • 106. Prokaryotic Cell Structure The Cell Wall Composition: • Peptidoglycan (Murein): ▪ Adjacent disaccharide rows are linked together by polypeptide chains which vary in composition, but always contain tetrapeptide side chains . ▪ Parallel tetrapeptide side chains may be directly linked together or linked by a polypeptide cross-bridge. ▪ Penicillin interferes with the final linking of peptidoglycan rows by peptide cross bridges. As a result, the cell wall is greatly weakened and cell undergoes lysis.
  • 107. Prokaryotic Cell Structure The Cell Wall Gram-Positive Cell Walls: Consist of several layers of peptidoglycan, which form a thick , rigid structure (20-80 nm). Also contain teichoic acids, which are made up of an alcohol and a phosphate group. Two types: Lipoteichoic acids : Span cell wall, linked to cell membrane. Wall teichoic acids: Linked to peptidoglycan layer. Teichoic acids are negatively charged and: ▪ Bind to and regulate movement of cations into cell. ▪ Regulate cell growth and prevent cell lysis . ▪ Can be used to identify bacteria.
  • 108. Gram-positive bacteria (those that retain the purple crystal violet dye when subjected to the Gram-staining procedure) the cell wall is a thick layer of murein.
  • 109. Prokaryotic Cell Structure The Cell Wall Gram-Negative Cell Walls: Cell wall is thinner, more complex and more susceptible to mechanical breakage than that of Gram- positive bacteria. Consist of one or a few peptidoglycan layers and an outermembrane. Peptidoglycan is bonded to lipoproteins in: Outer membrane Periplasmic space: Region between outer membrane and plasma membrane. Periplasmic space contains degradative enzymes and transport proteins.
  • 110. Gram-negative bacteria (cells which do not retain the crystal violet dye) the cell wall is relatively thin and is composed of a thin layer of murein surrounded by a membranous structure called the outer membrane.
  • 111. A. Peptidoglycan Structure B. Gram-Positive and Gram- Negative Cell Wall Structure
  • 113. Gram-negative cell wall  Cell wall in gram-negative bacteria contains much less peptidoglycan  Surrounded by an outer membrane  There is much less crosslinking between the peptidoglycan.  LPS is also present in the outer membrane and penetrates into the surrounding environment.
  • 114. Cell wall and Gram stain We now know that the Gram reaction is based on the structure of the bacterial cell wall. In Gram-positive bacteria, the purple crystal violet stain is trapped by the layer of peptidoglycan which forms the outer layer of the cell. In Gram-negative bacteria, the outer membrane prevents the stain from reaching the peptidoglycan layer in the periplasm. The outer membrane is then permeabilized by acetone treatment, and the pink safranin counterstain is trapped by the peptidoglycan layer.
  • 115. Cell wall • In addition to conferring rigidity upon bacteria, the cell wall protects against osmotic damage • Chemically, the rigid part of the cell wall is peptidoglycan • First described by Gram in 1884. It is' used to study morphologic appearance of bacteria. Gram's stain differentiates all bacteria into two distinct groups: • a. Gram-positive organisms • b. Gram-negative organisms
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  • 117. Bacteria with deficient cell walls • Mycoplasma: a genus of naturally occurring bacteria which lack cell walls • L-forms: cell-wall-deficient forms of bacteria, usually produced in the body of patients treated with penicillin • Spheroplasts: derived from Gram-negative bacteria; produced artificially by lysozyme or by growth with penicillin or any other agent capable of breaking down the peptidoglycan layer • Protoplasts: derived from Gram-positive bacteria and totally lacking cell walls; produced artificially by lysozyme and hypertonic medium
  • 118. Electron micrograph mycoplasma cells (1) and L-forms of Proteus mirabilis (2) 1 2
  • 119. Prokaryotic Cell Structure Structures Internal to the Cell Wall 1. The Plasma (Cytoplasmic) Membrane: ▪ Thin structure inside of cell wall that surrounds the cytoplasm. ▪ Phospholipid bilayer with proteins (Fluid mosaic model). ▪ Integral membrane proteins: Penetrate membrane completely. ▪ Peripheral membrane proteins: On inner or outer membrane surface. ▪ Lack sterols and are less rigid than eukaryotic membranes. ▪ Exception: Mycoplasmas
  • 120. Prokaryotic Cell Structure Structures Internal to the Cell Wall Functions of the Plasma (Cytoplasmic) Membrane: 1. Selective barrier that regulates the passage of materials in and out of the cell. ▪ Impermeable to large proteins, ions, and most polar molecules. ▪ Permeable to water, oxygen, carbon dioxide, some simple sugars, and small nonpolar substances. 2. Nutrient breakdown and energy (ATP) production: Site of cellular respiration. 3. Synthesis of cell wall components
  • 121. Structures Internal to the Cell Wall Functions of the Plasma (Cytoplasmic) Membrane: 4. Assists with DNA replication 5. Site of photosynthesis: Photosynthetic bacteria have membrane extensions called thylakoids, where photosynthesis occurs. 6. Secretes proteins 7. Contains bases of flagella 8. Responds to chemical substances in the environment
  • 122. Structure of Plasma Membrane: outer membrane
  • 123. The Cell Wall Gram-Negative Cell Walls: 2. Outer Membrane (OM): ▪ Consists of: ▪ Phospholipid bilayer ▪ Lipopolysaccharides (LPS) with two components: ▪ O polysaccharides: Antigens, used to identify bacteria. ▪ Lipid A: Endotoxin causes fever and shock. ▪ Porins: Membrane proteins that allow the passage of nucleotides, disaccharides, peptides, amino acids, vitamins, and iron. ▪ Lipoproteins ▪ Functions of Outer Membrane: Evade phagocytosis a complement due to strong negative charge. ▪ Barrier to antibiotics (penicillin), digestive enzymes (lysozyme), detergents, heavy metals, dyes, and bile salts.
  • 124. Structures Internal to the Cell Wall Movement of Materials Across Membranes: Passive Transport Processes: 1. Simple diffusion: Net movement of molecules or ions from an area of high concentration to one of low concentration. ▪ Equilibrium: Net movement stops when molecules are evenly distributed. ▪ Used by cells to transport small molecules (oxygen, carbon dioxide) across their membranes. ▪ Example: Diffusion of perfume into the air after the bottle is opened.
  • 125. Structures Internal to the Cell Wall Movement of Materials Across Membranes: Passive Transport Processes: 2. Facilitated diffusion: ▪ Net movement of molecules or ions from an area of high concentration to one of low concentration. ▪ Substance to be transported combines with a Carrier protein in plasma membrane. ▪ Extracellular enzymes may be used to break down large substances before they can be moved into the cell by facilitated diffusion.
  • 126. Structures Internal to the Cell Wall Movement of Materials Across Membranes: 3. Osmosis: ▪ Net movement of water (solvent) molecules across a semi permeable membrane from an area of high concentration to one of low concentration of water. ▪ Osmotic Pressure : Pressure required to prevent the movement of pure water into a solution.
  • 127. Osmosis: The diffusion of water across a semipermeable membrane Passive Transport Processes: 3. Osmosis (Continued):  Bacterial cells can be subjected to three different types of osmotic solutions: 1. Isotonic: Concentration of solutes (and water) are equal on both sides of a cell membrane (e.g.: 0.9% NaCl, 5% glucose). Result: No net movement of water into or out of the cell. 2. Hypotonic: Solute concentration is lower outside the cell (e.g.: pure water). Result: Net movement of water into the cell. Most bacteria live in hypotonic environments. Cell wall protects them from lysis. 3. Hypertonic: Solute concentration is higher outside the cell. Result: Net movement of water out of the cell.
  • 128. Movement of Materials Across Membranes: Active Processes: ▪ Substances are concentrated, i.e.: moved from an area of low concentration to one of high concentration. ▪ Require energy expenditure (ATP) by the cell. ▪ Include the following: 1. Active transport 2. Group translocation 1. Active Transport Requires carrier proteins or pumps in plasma membrane.
  • 129. Active Transport Processes: 2. Group Translocation ▪ Similar to active transport, but substance transported is chemically altered during process. ▪ After modification, the substance cannot leave the cell. ▪ Glucose is phosphorylated during group translocation in bacterial cells. ▪ Note: Endocytosis (phagocytosis, pinocytosis, etc.) does not occur in prokaryotic cells.
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  • 132. Prokaryotic Cell Structure Structures Internal to the Cell Wall..cont’d 3. Cytoplasm Substance inside the cell membrane. Contains: ❖80% water ❖Proteins ❖Carbohydrates ❖Lipids ❖Inorganic ions ❖Low molecular weight compounds
  • 133. Prokaryotic Cell Structure 4. The Nuclear Area (Nucleoid): – Contains a single chromosome, a long circular molecule of double stranded DNA. – The chromosome is attached to the plasma membrane. – May occupy up to 20% of the intracellular volume. – Plasmids: • Small, circular, double stranded DNA molecules. • Found in many bacterial cells in addition to chromosomal DNA. • May contain from 5 to 100 genes that are usually not essential for survival. • Antibiotic resistance genes • Toxins
  • 134. Prokaryotic Cell Structure Structures Internal to the Cell Wall 5. Ribosomes: ▪ The site of protein synthesis (translation). ▪ Found in all eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells. ▪ Made up of protein and ribosomal RNA (rRNA). ▪ Prokaryotic ribosomes (70S) are smaller and less dense than eukaryotic ribosomes (80S). ▪ Prokaryotic ribosomes have two subunits: ▪ Small subunit: 30S ▪ Large subunit: 50S ▪ Several antibiotics work by inhibiting protein synthesis by prokaryotic ribosomes, without affecting eukaryotic ribosomes. ❖ Bacteria and archaebacteria have smaller ribosomes, termed 70S ribosomes, which are composed of a small 30S subunit and large 50S subunit. The "S" stands for svedbergs, a unit used to measure how fast molecules move in a centrifuge.
  • 135. Prokaryotic Cell Structure Structures Internal to the Cell Wall 6. Inclusions: • Reserve deposits in the cytoplasm of cells. • Not found in all cell types: • 1. Metachromatic Granules: – Contain inorganic phosphate that can be used in the synthesis of ATP. – Stain red with blue dyes. – Found in bacteria, algae, protozoa, and fungi. – Characteristic of Corynebacterium diphtheriae, causative agent of diphtheria. Useful for identification purposes.
  • 136. Prokaryotic Cell Structure Structures Internal to the Cell Wall Inclusions: 2. Polysaccharide Granules: – Contain glycogen and starch. – Stain blue or reddish brown with iodine. 3. Lipid Inclusions: – Contain lipids, detected with fat soluble dyes. 4. Sulfur Granules: – Contain sulfur and sulfur containing compounds. – “Sulfur bacteria” (Thiobacillus) obtain energy by oxidizing sulfur and its compounds.
  • 137. Prokaryotic Cell Structure Structures Internal to the Cell Wall 7. Gas Vacuoles: • Hollow cavities found in many aquatic bacteria. • Contain individual gas vesicles, hollow cylinders covered by protein. • Used to regulate buoyancy so cells can 8. Endospores: • Specialized “resting” cells formed by certain Gram- positive bacteria. • Genus Bacillus • Genus Clostridium
  • 138. Structures Internal to the Cell Wall Endospores (continued) • Highly durable dehydrated cells with thick cell walls and additional layers. • Can survive extreme temperatures, disinfectants, acids, bases, lack of water, toxic chemicals, and radiation. • Endospores of some thermophilic bacteria can survive 19 • hours of boiling. Concern in food and health industries.
  • 139. Bacterial endospores. Phase microscopy of sporulating bacteria demonstrates the refractility of endospores, as well as characteristic spore shapes and locations within the mother cell.
  • 140. Endospores (continued) ➢ A bacterial structure sometimes observed as an inclusion is actually A type of dormant cell called an endospore. ➢ Endospores are formed by a few groups of Bacteria as intracellular structures, but ultimately they are released as free endospores. Endospores exhibit no signs of life, being described as cryptobiotic. ➢ They are highly resistant to environmental stresses such as high temperature (some endospores can be boiled for hours and retain their viability), irradiation, strong acids, disinfectants, etc. They are probably the most durable cell produced in nature.
  • 141. ➢Although cryptobiotic, they retain viability indefinitely such that under appropriate environmental conditions, they germinate back into vegetative cells. ➢Endospores are formed by vegetative cells in response to environmental signals that indicate a limiting factor for vegetative growth, such as exhaustion of an essential nutrient. They germinate and become vegetative cells when the environmental stress is relieved. ➢Hence, endospore-formation is a mechanism of survival rather than a mechanism of reproduction.
  • 142. Prokaryotic Cell Structure • Process of Sporulation: One cell produces one spore. 1. Newly replicated DNA is isolated by an in growth of the plasma membrane called a spore septum. 2. Spore septum becomes a double-layered membrane that surrounds chromosome and cytoplasm (forespore). 3. Peptidoglycan layer forms between membranes of forespore. 4. Spore coat forms: Thick layer of protein around the outer membrane. Makes endospore resistant to many harsh chemicals. 5. Maturation: Cell wall ruptures, endospore is released.
  • 143. Prokaryotic Cell Structure Sporulation  May be part of normal life cycle or triggered by adverse environmental conditions.  Endospores do not carry out metabolic reactions, unlike normal vegetative cells.  Endospores can remain dormant for thousands of years.  Germination: Endospore returns to its vegetative state.  Usually occurs when environmental conditions become more favorable.  Triggered by physical or chemical damage to the spore coat. Sporulation Germination  Vegetative Cell ----------> Endospore ------------> Vegetative Cell (Metabolically active), (Not metabolically active), (Metabolically active)
  • 145. Microbiological nomenclature • In microbiology the binominal system of nomenclature is accepted where each species has a generic and a specific name. The generic name is written with a capital letter, and the specific name – with a small letter. For example: the anthrax bacillus – Bacillus anthracis; the tetanus bacillus – Clostridium tetani.
  • 146. The size of bacteria • The size of bacteria is measured in micrometer (m) or micron () (1 micron or micrometer is one thousandth of a millimeter) and varies from 0.1  to 16-18 . Most pathogenic bacteria measure from 0.1 to 10 . • The other units of measurement of microorganisms are millimicron (m) or nanometer (nm) (one millionth of a millimeter) and 1 Angstrom (Å) (one tenth of nanometer).
  • 147. Morphology of Bacteria • Bacteria are intracellular free-living organisms having both DNA and RNA. Their biological properties and predominant reproduction by binary fission relates them to prokaryotes. • Spherical (cocci) • Rod-shaped (bacteria, bacilli, and clostridia) • Spiral-shaped (vibriones, spirilla, spirochaetes)
  • 148. Representatives of pathogenic cocci 1.Scanning Electron Micrograph of Streptococcus pneumoniae 2.Scanning electron micrograph of a Staphylococcus aureus 1 2
  • 150. Rod-shaped bacteria • Bacteria (1) include those microorganisms, which, as rule, do not produce spores (E.coli, Salmonella, Shigella). • Bacilli (2) (B.anthracis) and clostridia (3) (C.tetani, C.botuli- num) include organisms the majority of which produce spores. • Size of rod-shaped bacteria varies 2-10 Îźm: small rods are 2-4 Îźm; long rods are 5-10 Îźm. 1 2 3
  • 152. Rod-shaped bacteria 1. Single Rod 2. Streptobacillus 1 2
  • 153. SPIRAL FORMS • 1. Vibrios – are cells, which resemble a comma in appearance (curved rods). Typical representative of this group is Vibrio cholerae.
  • 154. 2. Spirilla – are coiled forms of bacteria. Pathogenic species: Spirillum minus (1) – which is responsible for a disease in humans transmitted through the bite of rats – rat-bite fever – sodoku; Helicobacter pylori (2) – causative agent of ulcer disease of stomach. 1 2
  • 155. 3. Spirochaetes – are flexuous spiral forms which include: Treponema (T.pallidum) (1), Borrelia (B.recurrentis) (2), Leptospira (L.interrogans) (3) 1 2 3
  • 156. SPIROCHAETES • Treponema – exhibits, thin, flexible cells with 6-14 regular twists. The size of Treponema varies from 10-18 Îź (T.pallidum). • Leptospira – are characterized by very thin cell structure. The leptospirae form 12-18 regular coils (primary spirals) (L.interrogans) and C- or S- shape according secondary twist. • Borrelia – have large irregular spirals, the number of which varies from 3 to 10. (B.recurrentis, B.persica).
  • 157. Morphology of viruses • Do not possess cellular organization • Contain one type of nucleic acid either RNA or DNA • Lack enzymes necessary for protein and nucleic acid synthesis machinery of host cells • They multiply by complex process and not by binary fission. • They are unaffected by antibiotics. • They are sensitive to interferon.
  • 158.
  • 160. Morphology of Rickettsiae. • They are minute organisms having properties in between bacteria and viruses. • It contains both DNA and RNA. • Contains enzymes for metabolic functions. • Multiplies by binary fission. • It is coccobacilli 300x600 nm in size, non-motile, non- capsulated and is Gram-negative. • Sensitive to many antibiotics. • Can multiply only inside living cells.
  • 162. General characteristics 1. They are small, non–motile, gram negative, pleomorphic coccobacilli. 2. They are obligate intracellular parasites and can be cultured only on guinea pigs or mice, chick embryo or tissue culture with an exception of Rochalimea Quintana which can be grown on media containing high concentration of hemin and serum 3. They multiply in the intestinal tract of the anthropod then excreted in the feces or in salivary gland. 4. Rickettsial growths are enhanced by sulfonamides but para– aminobenzoic acid (PABA) inhibits their growth.
  • 163. Morphology of chlamydia. • Chlamydiae are Gram-negative. • They lack some important mechanisms for the production of metabolic energy, so they are intracellular parasites. • Chlamydiae exist as two stages: (1) infectious particles called elementary bodies and (2) intracytoplasmic, reproductive forms called reticulate bodies. • There are 2 morphological forms of chlamydia: • Elementary bodies • Reticulate bodies
  • 164. Developmental cycle • The “elementary body” (the infectious particle) is so small (0.2 to 0.4 nm) in diameter which rivals with Mycoplasma for the smallest prokaryote. • This EB through phagocytosis is taken by the host cell. • This small particle is recognized into reticulate body. • This body grows in size and divides repeatedly by binary fission. Eventually from reticulated body, it forms an “inclusion” in the host cell cytoplasm. • The newly formed particle may be liberated from the host cells to infect new cells.
  • 165. Microbiology Books 1. Marjorie Kelly Cowan & Heidi Smith Microbiology Fundamentals: A Clinical Approach: 2022 (4th Edition) McGraw-Hill. ISBN No: 978-1260-7-0243-9 2. Jawetz, Melnick, & Adelberg (2019). Medical Microbiology (28th Edition). McGraw-Hill. ISBN No: 978-1260-0-1202-6. 3. Warren Levinson (2014). Review of Medical Microbiology and Immunology (13th Edition). McGraw-Hill. ISBN No: 978- 0071-8-1811-7. 4. Lansing M. (2002). Prescott Microbiology (5th Edition). McGraw-Hill. ISBN No: 978-0072-8-2905-1 5. Tortora, Funke, & Case (2018). Microbiology – An introduction (13th Edition). Pearson. ISBN No: 978-0134-6- 0518-0