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                           LEading EdgE
                                                                                            A Comair Central Air Safety
                                                                   SPRING 2009              Committee Publication

            Rebirth of
            at Comair
    By Dean Weaver,
    CRJ 50 First Officer
    This month safety at Comair takes an
    enormous leap forward now that the
    airline industry’s most powerful tool
    to identify safety threats is returned
                                                                                                                       Photo by Brian Futterman
    to pilots.
                                              The 30th Anniversary CRJ900 sits underneath the saucer-shaped roof of Terminal 3 at John
    The Aviation Safety Action Program        F. Kennedy Airport. Delta’s Terminal 3 was a landmark structure when built in 1960 for Pan
    (ASAP) is back after Comair man-          Am. The four-acre roof with its large overhang was designed to keep passengers dry while
    agers, pilot union leaders, and Fed-      boarding planes in uncovered jet bridges. It was renamed the Pan Am Worldport in 1971
                                              when Boeing 747s began parking at its gates.
    eral Aviation Administration officials
    agreed to a better-defined process
                                              Now, the ASAP Event Review Com-                The new agreements and manual
    that stipulates how pilots are shielded
                                              mittee with representatives from the           should lay the foundation for building
    from disciplinary action if they are
                                              pilots union, the FAA, and the Comair          trust between pilots and company
    willing to explain their mistakes.
                                              Corporate Flight Safety Department             managers. This trust is essential
    A two-party Letter of Agreement           will investigate all safety incidents.         because, without pilot participation,
    between the union and the company         The Chief Pilot’s Office will no longer        ASAP cannot succeed.
    creates a new administrative manual       investigate safety incidents if the
                                              pilot is participating in ASAP.                The new ASAP program is designed
    that details exactly how each ASAP
                                                                                             to quickly insulate pilots from disci-
    report will be accepted into the pro-
                                              Once a report is accepted into the             plinary action to keep the focus on im-
    gram. A three-party Memorandum of
                                              ASAP program, the FAA has agreed               provements to safety versus punish-
    Understanding between the union, the
                                              not to suspend pilot certificates              ment for mistakes.
    company, and the Federal Aviation Ad-
                                              or pursue civil fines for mistakes.
    ministration also has been approved.                                                     “Protection for a pilot now begins
                                              Comair managers have agreed to
                      The                     halt any parallel investigation into           the minute they make the phone call
                                                                                             to the ASAP Hotline,” said Captain
                                              incidents accepted into ASAP and

            InSIde…                           not to pursue company discipline.              Chris Obertin, an ALPA Safety mem-
                                                                                             ber and representative on the ASAP
                                              The most discipline a pilot partici-           Event Review Committee. “Now,
                                              pating in ASAP will receive is a Let-          the investigation of ASAP events
        3   ASAP Definitions                  ter of Warning from the FAA. This              has officially shifted from the Chief
                                              letter stays on the pilot’s file for two       Pilot’s Office and Flight Operations
    3    Important ASAP Info                  years. Letters of Warning are rare.
                                              Since 2004, Comair has received
                                                                                             to Comair’s Corporate Flight Safety
                                                                                             Department. We believe this new

4    Frequently Asked                         5,147 ASAP reports, and only 70
                                              Letters of Warning have been issued
                                                                                             program will be very successful.”

     ASAP Questions                           by the FAA.                                                 Please see ASAP page 2 
ASAP                                        computer screen until the de-identi-         Pilots who submit reports rejected
    Continued from page 1                       fied case is closed.                         for the “Big 5” are subject to FAA
                                                                                             enforcement action, law enforcement
    The language in the new agreements          ASAP reports are de-identified by            action, and discipline by the company.
    takes any gray areas out of the ASAP        removing the flight numbers, dates,          Rejection of reports for these reasons
    process. Pilots and airline managers        and names from the event. All data           is extremely rare. Since the inception
    have clear guidance on how to handle        is kept in a secure room. Swipe card
    any safety incident, said Captain                                                        of ASAP at Comair, there has never
                                                access is given to only a handful of         been a report rejected for the “Big 5.”
    Matt Sanderson, manager of Comair           Safety Department personnel at
    Corporate Flight Safety.                    Comair. Airline managers can see the         The ASAP ERC also has the ability to
    “I think having the additional protec-      analysis of safety trends at Comair          vote unanimously to reject a report
    tion from company discipline will           but will not be given access to indi-        for “intentional disregard for safety.”
    foster a healthier reporting climate,”      vidual cases unless they have been           This also is a rare occurrence. Of
    Sanderson said. “As pilots we must          de-identified for training purposes.         the 5,147 ASAP reports received at
    realize this is our ASAP program, and                                                    Comair, only 17 were rejected for
                                                Once pilots tell airline managers, in-       “intentional disregard for safety.”
    the more safety issues we report, the       cluding a chief pilot, that they are using
    more safety issues we can address.”         ASAP all company investigations in-
                                                      ,                                      ASAP reports rejected for “intentional
    The most obvious change pilots will         volving the incident are referred to the     disregard for safety” cannot be used
    see when submitting an ASAP report          ASAP ERC. However, airline managers          by the FAA or Comair to discipline a
    is that now it is all done electronically   are still allowed to discuss time-critical   pilot. Nor can statements made to the
    via the Internet. The old tear and fax      issues with pilots after an incident.        ASAP ERC be used by Comair in any
    sheets are gone. No more wonder-            These conversations may include drug         type of disciplinary action. Instead,
    ing if the fax machine on the other         testing, health and well-being of indi-      the FAA and Comair may conduct
    end was working after submitting an         viduals, integrity of aircraft and other     independent investigations into the
    ASAP report.                                equipment, or removal from duty.             incident. Both the company and FAA
                                                                                             may use information gathered from
    The confirmation that a report is           If the pilot’s ASAP report is later re-      aircraft flight data recorders, main-
    received is instantaneous, and the          jected for any reason, the information       tenance logbooks, and radar tapes
    typed narratives should be easier for       he provides in the ASAP report re-           when investigating a pilot for “inten-
    everyone to read. This system will          mains confidential and cannot be used        tional disregard for safety.”
    not “time out” like electronic Irregular    by the company or FAA for discipline,
    Operations Reports and should be            unless it is excluded for the “Big 5.”       The only other reason to reject an
    more user-friendly.                                                                      ASAP report is for timeliness. The
                                                Pilot reports will not remain confiden-      ASAP ERC must be notified within
    The ASAP Hotline number will still          tial if reports are rejected for the “Big    24 hours from the end of the duty
    exist, and pilots are required to notify    5,” which include:                           day for the date of the occurrence.
    the ASAP Event Review Committee              h Criminal activity                         This can be done by calling the ASAP
    by phone within 24 hours after the                                                       Hotline and answering a few ques-
                                                 h Substance abuse
    end of the flight sequence on the day                                                    tions. A full ASAP report must be
    of the occurrence. This early notifica-      h Controlled substances                     submitted within five days of the
    tion is one of the requirements for an       h Alcohol                                   initial telephone notification.
    ASAP report to be accepted.
                                                 h Intentional falsification
                                                                                                         Please see ASAP page 3 
    The new Internet-filed reports will be
    done via a Web-Based Application

                                                                       LEading EdgE
    Tool (WBAT). Pilots will be given a
    user name and password that allows                           The
    them to log on and create a profile
    with an e-mail and home address.               The Leading Edge is a quarterly publication produced by volunteer Comair pilots
    Once a case is closed, pilots will be          who are members of ALPA’s Central Air Safety Committee. The goal of the com-
    notified by e-mail.                            mittee is to promote and enhance safety at Comair.
    Yet the most significant changes to                                  Mail inquiries to:
    this next-generation ASAP go far                                           Comair MEC Editor: Dean Weaver
    beyond report appearances. A very                                   Attn: Leading Edge E-mail:
                                                             3490 Olympic Blvd., Suite 120
    detailed process has been put in
                                                                       Erlanger, KY 41018
    place that dictates how each ASAP
    submission is handled from the mo-            Please share any ideas, questions, or comments you have with us.
    ment the pilot clicks “Send” on the

2                                                                                                       ThE LEading EdgE
ASAP definitions
ASAP                                            ASAP duties: The Event Review Committee (ERC) may assign to pilots making an
Continued from page 2                           ASAP report these duties, which might include a crew resource management debrief,
                                                interviews, and simulator training. Also required might be additional operating experi-
Once an ASAP report is accepted,                ence with a line check airman; however, it is not a line check. The goal is to learn
the ASAP ERC will examine each                  about the causes of mistakes and prevent future mistakes as well as to train pilots to
report and look for systemic latent             correct any deficiencies. These ASAP duties must be completed to the satisfaction
                                                of the ERC. However, they do not include evaluated events such as line proficiency
safety threats. Once having identified          checks or orals.
these safety concerns, the ERC can
                                                Aviation Safety Action Program (ASAP): Designed by the FAA to encourage air carri-
work with airline managers, dispatch-           ers and their employees to voluntarily report safety information that may be critical
ers, mechanics, schedulers, air traffic         to identifying potential precursors to accidents. Safety issues are resolved through
control supervisors, and pilots to ad-          corrective action rather than through punishment or discipline. It provides a method
dress any threats to safety. The goal           for the collection, analysis, and retention of safety data. The FAA began this industry-
is accident prevention.                         wide program in March 2000. The program came to Comair in 2004.
                                                event Review Committee (eRC): This group of three people reviews and analyzes all
The ASAP ERC may ask pilots to par-             ASAP cases. The group has a representative from ALPA’s Central Air Safety Commit-
ticipate in a Crew Resource Manage-             tee, Comair Corporate Flight Safety, and the FAA’s Flight Standards District Office.
ment debrief of the event or partici-           This group of three meets on a regular basis and must reach a unanimous consensus
                                                on each individual case when it comes to corrective actions or assigning ASAP duties.
pate in additional simulator training
                                                It takes a unanimous vote of this group to reject a report.
or line-operating experience. The
goal of this additional training is to          Letter of Correction: Issued to the pilot by the FAA demonstrating that corrective ac-
                                                tions by the pilot were completed. This stays in the pilot’s record for two years.
improve pilot proficiency. The training
must be completed to the satisfaction           Letter of no Action: Issued to the pilot by the FAA showing there was insufficient evi-
                                                dence to prove a violation. It remains on file for 30 days.
of the ERC, but it is not considered a
line check and is not included in the           Letter of Warning: Issued to the pilot by the FAA showing no ERC resolution was
pilot’s training records.                       reached. It remains on file for two years.
                                                Sole-Source Report: This is an important term because it determines the level of disci-
Training events are rare, with about            pline a pilot may receive when submitting an ASAP report. A sole-source report pro-
200 scheduled since the inception of            vides the ASAP ERC with information that would otherwise be unobtainable. Because
the program. Every Comair pilot has             this information is vital to improving safety, a pilot will not receive any discipline from
passed his or her ASAP assigned                 the FAA for a sole-source report accepted into ASAP.
training event, Sanderson said.                 A sole source is defined as: when the only source reporting the event is the pilot(s)
                                                through ASAP report(s).
Another change to ASAP is a clause              Example of sole-source report—an incident reported by a crew that nearly forgot to extend
in the two-party Letter of Agree-               the landing gear but remembered in time to safely complete the landing without incident,
ment that preserves the integrity of            unless reported by someone other than the flight crew.
the program even if tensions arise              non–Sole Source: Every ASAP report is assumed to be sole source to the FAA, unless
between participants.                           determined to be otherwise known through FAA internal channels. An ASAP report
                                                that involves an incident that the FAA has learned about from Air Traffic Control or an
The agreement has a 30-day “resolu-             FAA inspector or through channels other than the ASAP ERC is non–sole source.
tion period” between union leaders
                                                The FAA has agreed not to suspend pilot certificates or pursue fines against a pilot
and Comair managers. During this
                                                whose ASAP report is accepted by the ERC. However, a pilot may receive a letter of
30-day period, the ASAP program                 warning for an FAR violation for a non–sole-source report if the FAA deems it neces-
will continue as usual, with the ERC            sary. This letter of warning is the toughest disciplinary measure allowed under ASAP.
reviewing ASAP reports. It requires             It stays on the pilot’s record for two years.
the head of the Comair MEC to                   Examples of a non−sole-source report:
meet with the president of Comair to            1. A crew files an ASAP report stating that it failed to level off at its assigned alti-
address the ASAP safety concerns.                  tude. The FAA receives a deviation notice through its Daily Report.
At the end of 30 days, the two must             2. A crew files an ASAP report discussing a GPWS terrain event. The FAA receives
meet again before any suspension of                an FAA Hotline complaint from a passenger who was frightened by the abrupt
ASAP is permitted.h                                EGPWS recovery maneuvers during this flight.
                                                3. A crew lands at the wrong airport by mistake. The event is common knowledge. h

ImPortAnt                           ASAP Hotline 1-866-274-7088
                                     (Call within 24 hours at the end of the duty day)
                                       Electronic reports are submitted to:
            Info:                      Note: The ASAP program will be activated later this month. Pilots should continue to use
                                       NASA’s Aviation Safety Report System until ASAP is active. Incidents filed prior to ASAP’s
                                        being activated will not be grandfathered into the ASAP program.

Spring 2009                                                                                                                                3
    Prepared by Dean Weaver,
                                             Frequently Asked
                                             ASAP Questions
                                                 necessity such as drug testing,          such as radar tapes, mainte-
    CRJ 50 First Officer/Air Safety              health and well-being of individu-       nance logbooks, or flight data
                                                 als, integrity of equipment, or          recorders when gathering
    Committee Member                             removal of a pilot from opera-           information for an independent
                                                 tion. Pilots may discuss these           investigation.
    What happens when I call the
                                                 time-critical matters, but they
    ASAP Hotline within 24 hours                 need to let managers know they       How are ASAP duties
    of the end of the duty day when              are participating in ASAP.           assigned to pilots?
    the incident occurred?
                                             do BOTH pilots have to submit            •	 Participants may be asked to
    •	 The pilot is protected, and any                                                   do a debrief so the ERC repre-
       separate investigation by the         ASAP reports and notify the
                                                                                         sentatives or Corporate Flight
       company or Federal Aviation Ad-       hotline individually?                       Safety staff can identify trends
       ministration is halted. Any inves-                                                or causes and work to prevent
                                             •	 YES, the ASAP ERC must be
       tigation conducted under ASAP                                                     future mistakes at the airline. A
                                                notified within 24 hours of the
       will be done confidentially by the                                                pilot may be assigned a train-
                                                event. Each pilot must submit an
       ASAP Event Review Committee                                                       ing event in the simulator and
                                                electronic report as soon as pos-
       and Comair Corporate Flight                                                       retrained to proficiency. The
                                                sible but no later than five days
       Safety. The chief pilots and other                                                program does not allow the
                                                after the event.
       managers will not have access                                                     company to counsel, suspend,
       to these confidential reports and     •	 If the pilot was unaware of an           or discharge any participant, or
       subsequent investigations. Some          event, such as an ATC devia-             to issue a letter of warning. The
       of the de-identified information         tion, a later submission may be          FAA cannot suspend or revoke
       may later be used for training           accepted. Pilots have 24 hours           the license of a pilot who is
       purposes.                                to submit a report upon learn-           accepted into ASAP. However,
                                                ing they have been involved in a         the FAA may issue a letter of
    •	 The report is de-identified by re-
                                                non−sole-source event.                   warning, which will remain on file
       moving the flight number, names
       of crewmembers, and date of                                                       for two years, or issue a letter of
                                             What if my ASAP report                      no action, which is on file for 30
       the event.
                                             is later rejected?                          days.
    •	 The Chief Pilot’s Office and
                                             •	 If the report is rejected, the        •	 A pilot’s ASAP duties could
       ALPA status representatives
                                                company and the FAA may start            require additional training,
       have agreed to abide by any cor-
                                                their own independent investi-           such as a simulator event, but
       rective actions set forth by the
                                                gations. However, neither the            the company will not conduct
       ASAP Event Review Committee.
                                                company nor the FAA can use              evaluation events such as line
    •	 An Irregular Ops Report must             the pilot’s ASAP narrative in the        checks, proficiency checks, or
       still be filed within 24 hours, but      investigation. Nor can written or        oral checks.
       the pilot can have this report           verbal statements made to the
       reviewed by ALPA Safety Com-             ERC or Corporate Flight Safety        •	 Most of the time a pilot will
       mittee members prior to sub-             be used in these independent             receive an e-mail to sign in to the
       mission. Remember, an IOR is             investigations. The only time            secure ASAP website, known as
       done to let the company know             an ASAP report can be used is            WBAT, to read a new message.
       of an event. It is not the time for      if it is rejected for the “Big 5,”       The message may simply thank
       confession or the time to ana-           which include criminal activity,         the pilot for participating in ASAP
       lyze how the mistake could have          substance abuse, controlled sub-         and tell him the case is closed.
       been prevented. IORs are not             stances, alcohol, and intentional        Additionally, the message may
       de-identified and classified like        falsification.                           offer some areas for the pilot
       ASAP reports.                                                                     to review to address the event.
                                             •	 ASAP reports are off-limits for          Sometimes, the pilot may receive
    •	 A chief pilot or other Comair            reports rejected for “reckless           a phone call with some advice to
       manager may contact the pilot            disregard for safety.” But the           prevent a future mistake.h
       to discuss matters of operational        FAA and Comair may use data

4                                                                                               ThE LEading EdgE

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Leading Edge, pilot safety newsletter, Spring 2009

  • 1. The LEading EdgE A Comair Central Air Safety SPRING 2009 Committee Publication Rebirth of ASAP at Comair By Dean Weaver, CRJ 50 First Officer This month safety at Comair takes an enormous leap forward now that the airline industry’s most powerful tool to identify safety threats is returned Photo by Brian Futterman to pilots. The 30th Anniversary CRJ900 sits underneath the saucer-shaped roof of Terminal 3 at John The Aviation Safety Action Program F. Kennedy Airport. Delta’s Terminal 3 was a landmark structure when built in 1960 for Pan (ASAP) is back after Comair man- Am. The four-acre roof with its large overhang was designed to keep passengers dry while agers, pilot union leaders, and Fed- boarding planes in uncovered jet bridges. It was renamed the Pan Am Worldport in 1971 when Boeing 747s began parking at its gates. eral Aviation Administration officials agreed to a better-defined process Now, the ASAP Event Review Com- The new agreements and manual that stipulates how pilots are shielded mittee with representatives from the should lay the foundation for building from disciplinary action if they are pilots union, the FAA, and the Comair trust between pilots and company willing to explain their mistakes. Corporate Flight Safety Department managers. This trust is essential A two-party Letter of Agreement will investigate all safety incidents. because, without pilot participation, between the union and the company The Chief Pilot’s Office will no longer ASAP cannot succeed. creates a new administrative manual investigate safety incidents if the pilot is participating in ASAP. The new ASAP program is designed that details exactly how each ASAP to quickly insulate pilots from disci- report will be accepted into the pro- Once a report is accepted into the plinary action to keep the focus on im- gram. A three-party Memorandum of ASAP program, the FAA has agreed provements to safety versus punish- Understanding between the union, the not to suspend pilot certificates ment for mistakes. company, and the Federal Aviation Ad- or pursue civil fines for mistakes. ministration also has been approved. “Protection for a pilot now begins Comair managers have agreed to The halt any parallel investigation into the minute they make the phone call to the ASAP Hotline,” said Captain incidents accepted into ASAP and InSIde… not to pursue company discipline. Chris Obertin, an ALPA Safety mem- ber and representative on the ASAP The most discipline a pilot partici- Event Review Committee. “Now, pating in ASAP will receive is a Let- the investigation of ASAP events 3 ASAP Definitions ter of Warning from the FAA. This has officially shifted from the Chief letter stays on the pilot’s file for two Pilot’s Office and Flight Operations 3 Important ASAP Info years. Letters of Warning are rare. Since 2004, Comair has received to Comair’s Corporate Flight Safety Department. We believe this new 4 Frequently Asked 5,147 ASAP reports, and only 70 Letters of Warning have been issued program will be very successful.” ASAP Questions by the FAA. Please see ASAP page 2 
  • 2. ASAP computer screen until the de-identi- Pilots who submit reports rejected Continued from page 1 fied case is closed. for the “Big 5” are subject to FAA enforcement action, law enforcement The language in the new agreements ASAP reports are de-identified by action, and discipline by the company. takes any gray areas out of the ASAP removing the flight numbers, dates, Rejection of reports for these reasons process. Pilots and airline managers and names from the event. All data is extremely rare. Since the inception have clear guidance on how to handle is kept in a secure room. Swipe card any safety incident, said Captain of ASAP at Comair, there has never access is given to only a handful of been a report rejected for the “Big 5.” Matt Sanderson, manager of Comair Safety Department personnel at Corporate Flight Safety. Comair. Airline managers can see the The ASAP ERC also has the ability to “I think having the additional protec- analysis of safety trends at Comair vote unanimously to reject a report tion from company discipline will but will not be given access to indi- for “intentional disregard for safety.” foster a healthier reporting climate,” vidual cases unless they have been This also is a rare occurrence. Of Sanderson said. “As pilots we must de-identified for training purposes. the 5,147 ASAP reports received at realize this is our ASAP program, and Comair, only 17 were rejected for Once pilots tell airline managers, in- “intentional disregard for safety.” the more safety issues we report, the cluding a chief pilot, that they are using more safety issues we can address.” ASAP all company investigations in- , ASAP reports rejected for “intentional The most obvious change pilots will volving the incident are referred to the disregard for safety” cannot be used see when submitting an ASAP report ASAP ERC. However, airline managers by the FAA or Comair to discipline a is that now it is all done electronically are still allowed to discuss time-critical pilot. Nor can statements made to the via the Internet. The old tear and fax issues with pilots after an incident. ASAP ERC be used by Comair in any sheets are gone. No more wonder- These conversations may include drug type of disciplinary action. Instead, ing if the fax machine on the other testing, health and well-being of indi- the FAA and Comair may conduct end was working after submitting an viduals, integrity of aircraft and other independent investigations into the ASAP report. equipment, or removal from duty. incident. Both the company and FAA may use information gathered from The confirmation that a report is If the pilot’s ASAP report is later re- aircraft flight data recorders, main- received is instantaneous, and the jected for any reason, the information tenance logbooks, and radar tapes typed narratives should be easier for he provides in the ASAP report re- when investigating a pilot for “inten- everyone to read. This system will mains confidential and cannot be used tional disregard for safety.” not “time out” like electronic Irregular by the company or FAA for discipline, Operations Reports and should be unless it is excluded for the “Big 5.” The only other reason to reject an more user-friendly. ASAP report is for timeliness. The Pilot reports will not remain confiden- ASAP ERC must be notified within The ASAP Hotline number will still tial if reports are rejected for the “Big 24 hours from the end of the duty exist, and pilots are required to notify 5,” which include: day for the date of the occurrence. the ASAP Event Review Committee h Criminal activity This can be done by calling the ASAP by phone within 24 hours after the Hotline and answering a few ques- h Substance abuse end of the flight sequence on the day tions. A full ASAP report must be of the occurrence. This early notifica- h Controlled substances submitted within five days of the tion is one of the requirements for an h Alcohol initial telephone notification. ASAP report to be accepted. h Intentional falsification Please see ASAP page 3  The new Internet-filed reports will be done via a Web-Based Application LEading EdgE Tool (WBAT). Pilots will be given a user name and password that allows The them to log on and create a profile with an e-mail and home address. The Leading Edge is a quarterly publication produced by volunteer Comair pilots Once a case is closed, pilots will be who are members of ALPA’s Central Air Safety Committee. The goal of the com- notified by e-mail. mittee is to promote and enhance safety at Comair. Yet the most significant changes to Mail inquiries to: this next-generation ASAP go far Comair MEC Editor: Dean Weaver beyond report appearances. A very Attn: Leading Edge E-mail: 3490 Olympic Blvd., Suite 120 detailed process has been put in Erlanger, KY 41018 place that dictates how each ASAP submission is handled from the mo- Please share any ideas, questions, or comments you have with us. ment the pilot clicks “Send” on the 2 ThE LEading EdgE
  • 3. ASAP definitions ASAP ASAP duties: The Event Review Committee (ERC) may assign to pilots making an Continued from page 2 ASAP report these duties, which might include a crew resource management debrief, interviews, and simulator training. Also required might be additional operating experi- Once an ASAP report is accepted, ence with a line check airman; however, it is not a line check. The goal is to learn the ASAP ERC will examine each about the causes of mistakes and prevent future mistakes as well as to train pilots to report and look for systemic latent correct any deficiencies. These ASAP duties must be completed to the satisfaction of the ERC. However, they do not include evaluated events such as line proficiency safety threats. Once having identified checks or orals. these safety concerns, the ERC can Aviation Safety Action Program (ASAP): Designed by the FAA to encourage air carri- work with airline managers, dispatch- ers and their employees to voluntarily report safety information that may be critical ers, mechanics, schedulers, air traffic to identifying potential precursors to accidents. Safety issues are resolved through control supervisors, and pilots to ad- corrective action rather than through punishment or discipline. It provides a method dress any threats to safety. The goal for the collection, analysis, and retention of safety data. The FAA began this industry- is accident prevention. wide program in March 2000. The program came to Comair in 2004. event Review Committee (eRC): This group of three people reviews and analyzes all The ASAP ERC may ask pilots to par- ASAP cases. The group has a representative from ALPA’s Central Air Safety Commit- ticipate in a Crew Resource Manage- tee, Comair Corporate Flight Safety, and the FAA’s Flight Standards District Office. ment debrief of the event or partici- This group of three meets on a regular basis and must reach a unanimous consensus on each individual case when it comes to corrective actions or assigning ASAP duties. pate in additional simulator training It takes a unanimous vote of this group to reject a report. or line-operating experience. The goal of this additional training is to Letter of Correction: Issued to the pilot by the FAA demonstrating that corrective ac- tions by the pilot were completed. This stays in the pilot’s record for two years. improve pilot proficiency. The training must be completed to the satisfaction Letter of no Action: Issued to the pilot by the FAA showing there was insufficient evi- dence to prove a violation. It remains on file for 30 days. of the ERC, but it is not considered a line check and is not included in the Letter of Warning: Issued to the pilot by the FAA showing no ERC resolution was pilot’s training records. reached. It remains on file for two years. Sole-Source Report: This is an important term because it determines the level of disci- Training events are rare, with about pline a pilot may receive when submitting an ASAP report. A sole-source report pro- 200 scheduled since the inception of vides the ASAP ERC with information that would otherwise be unobtainable. Because the program. Every Comair pilot has this information is vital to improving safety, a pilot will not receive any discipline from passed his or her ASAP assigned the FAA for a sole-source report accepted into ASAP. training event, Sanderson said. A sole source is defined as: when the only source reporting the event is the pilot(s) through ASAP report(s). Another change to ASAP is a clause Example of sole-source report—an incident reported by a crew that nearly forgot to extend in the two-party Letter of Agree- the landing gear but remembered in time to safely complete the landing without incident, ment that preserves the integrity of unless reported by someone other than the flight crew. the program even if tensions arise non–Sole Source: Every ASAP report is assumed to be sole source to the FAA, unless between participants. determined to be otherwise known through FAA internal channels. An ASAP report that involves an incident that the FAA has learned about from Air Traffic Control or an The agreement has a 30-day “resolu- FAA inspector or through channels other than the ASAP ERC is non–sole source. tion period” between union leaders The FAA has agreed not to suspend pilot certificates or pursue fines against a pilot and Comair managers. During this whose ASAP report is accepted by the ERC. However, a pilot may receive a letter of 30-day period, the ASAP program warning for an FAR violation for a non–sole-source report if the FAA deems it neces- will continue as usual, with the ERC sary. This letter of warning is the toughest disciplinary measure allowed under ASAP. reviewing ASAP reports. It requires It stays on the pilot’s record for two years. the head of the Comair MEC to Examples of a non−sole-source report: meet with the president of Comair to 1. A crew files an ASAP report stating that it failed to level off at its assigned alti- address the ASAP safety concerns. tude. The FAA receives a deviation notice through its Daily Report. At the end of 30 days, the two must 2. A crew files an ASAP report discussing a GPWS terrain event. The FAA receives meet again before any suspension of an FAA Hotline complaint from a passenger who was frightened by the abrupt ASAP is permitted.h EGPWS recovery maneuvers during this flight. 3. A crew lands at the wrong airport by mistake. The event is common knowledge. h ImPortAnt ASAP Hotline 1-866-274-7088 ASAP (Call within 24 hours at the end of the duty day) Electronic reports are submitted to: Info: Note: The ASAP program will be activated later this month. Pilots should continue to use NASA’s Aviation Safety Report System until ASAP is active. Incidents filed prior to ASAP’s being activated will not be grandfathered into the ASAP program. Spring 2009 3
  • 4. FAQs Prepared by Dean Weaver, Frequently Asked ASAP Questions necessity such as drug testing, such as radar tapes, mainte- CRJ 50 First Officer/Air Safety health and well-being of individu- nance logbooks, or flight data als, integrity of equipment, or recorders when gathering Committee Member removal of a pilot from opera- information for an independent tion. Pilots may discuss these investigation. What happens when I call the time-critical matters, but they ASAP Hotline within 24 hours need to let managers know they How are ASAP duties of the end of the duty day when are participating in ASAP. assigned to pilots? the incident occurred? do BOTH pilots have to submit • Participants may be asked to • The pilot is protected, and any do a debrief so the ERC repre- separate investigation by the ASAP reports and notify the sentatives or Corporate Flight company or Federal Aviation Ad- hotline individually? Safety staff can identify trends ministration is halted. Any inves- or causes and work to prevent • YES, the ASAP ERC must be tigation conducted under ASAP future mistakes at the airline. A notified within 24 hours of the will be done confidentially by the pilot may be assigned a train- event. Each pilot must submit an ASAP Event Review Committee ing event in the simulator and electronic report as soon as pos- and Comair Corporate Flight retrained to proficiency. The sible but no later than five days Safety. The chief pilots and other program does not allow the after the event. managers will not have access company to counsel, suspend, to these confidential reports and • If the pilot was unaware of an or discharge any participant, or subsequent investigations. Some event, such as an ATC devia- to issue a letter of warning. The of the de-identified information tion, a later submission may be FAA cannot suspend or revoke may later be used for training accepted. Pilots have 24 hours the license of a pilot who is purposes. to submit a report upon learn- accepted into ASAP. However, ing they have been involved in a the FAA may issue a letter of • The report is de-identified by re- non−sole-source event. warning, which will remain on file moving the flight number, names of crewmembers, and date of for two years, or issue a letter of What if my ASAP report no action, which is on file for 30 the event. is later rejected? days. • The Chief Pilot’s Office and • If the report is rejected, the • A pilot’s ASAP duties could ALPA status representatives company and the FAA may start require additional training, have agreed to abide by any cor- their own independent investi- such as a simulator event, but rective actions set forth by the gations. However, neither the the company will not conduct ASAP Event Review Committee. company nor the FAA can use evaluation events such as line • An Irregular Ops Report must the pilot’s ASAP narrative in the checks, proficiency checks, or still be filed within 24 hours, but investigation. Nor can written or oral checks. the pilot can have this report verbal statements made to the reviewed by ALPA Safety Com- ERC or Corporate Flight Safety • Most of the time a pilot will mittee members prior to sub- be used in these independent receive an e-mail to sign in to the mission. Remember, an IOR is investigations. The only time secure ASAP website, known as done to let the company know an ASAP report can be used is WBAT, to read a new message. of an event. It is not the time for if it is rejected for the “Big 5,” The message may simply thank confession or the time to ana- which include criminal activity, the pilot for participating in ASAP lyze how the mistake could have substance abuse, controlled sub- and tell him the case is closed. been prevented. IORs are not stances, alcohol, and intentional Additionally, the message may de-identified and classified like falsification. offer some areas for the pilot ASAP reports. to review to address the event. • ASAP reports are off-limits for Sometimes, the pilot may receive • A chief pilot or other Comair reports rejected for “reckless a phone call with some advice to manager may contact the pilot disregard for safety.” But the prevent a future mistake.h to discuss matters of operational FAA and Comair may use data 4 ThE LEading EdgE