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Four Groups Quarterly

Leadership, Intangibles and Talent

Q3 2010
Four Groups Quarterly Update - Q3 2010

        Fixing HR
        Welcome to the Q3 Quarterly Update for 2010. After the Summer lull, we have
        seen some thought provoking articles surrounding intangibles, HR, innovation
        and leadership. In this issue we’ll also explore the following themes:

        - Compensation and Motivation
        - The HR Conundrum
        - Relationships
        - Culture
        - Talent

        Articles are included from the likes of AT&T, the Financial Times, Hay Group,
        Hewlett Packard, Science Magazine, Wharton Business School and

        Compensation and Motivation
                                                 Furthermore, we are seeing the role
        In the past few issues, the role of      of compensation being held up as
        the HR function has not been given       a barrier to many of the things that
        much attention. We’ll try to rectify     organisations actually want to achieve.
        matters this issue and revisit this      For example, in a blog post Jeffrey
        much discussed issue in light of some    Phillips1, looks at how traditional
        current thinking on organisational       compensation structures, particularly
        development.                             in large organisations can be seen as a
                                                 barrier to innovation:
        As we will see, in many ways, the
        future of HR can be seen to be           “The reason that compensation is such
        bound up with many of the new            an insidious barrier to innovation is
        ideas surrounding organisational         that we all share it and it’s not polite
        development. Whether HR practitioners    to talk about. No one wants to focus
        are in a position to influence matters   on compensation since it can be such
        however, is another question entirely.   a headache to revise and restructure,
                                                 but there’s little doubt it is a serious
        Before we get on to the HR discussion,   impediment to innovation. Unlike
        we are seeing a growing number of        some of the other barriers that can be
        articles confirming what the likes of    overcome - few resources, few dollars,
        Dan Pink and Dan Ariely have been        few insights - compensation affects
        talking about in previous issues,        everyone and it is a personal barrier
        namely the impact of traditional         as well as a corporate barrier. It’s hard
        compensation policies on performance     to rally people round the innovation
        and motivation.                          1

Four Groups Quarterly Update - Q3 2010

        flag when they are looking over           “It is the non-financial rewards — as
        their shoulder wondering about how        opposed to the financial rewards —
        the innovation work will affect their     that are viewed as having more impact
        compensation.”                            on employee engagement,” said Tom
                                                  McMullen, North American Practice
        “I think that when we strip away all of   Leader for Hay Group. “Quality of work,
        the other innovation constraints and      career development, organization
        blockades, we’re going to find a very     climate and work-life balance all
        small but very powerful disincentive      have a greater perceived impact on
        to innovate, buried in how we             employee engagement than financial
        compensate our teams.”                    rewards such as base salaries, benefits
                                                  and monetary incentives.”
        There is another interesting take
        on the role of group interaction on       This is particularly interesting
        innovation in an article from Wharton2.   quote coming from an executive
        In this example it is interesting that    at the Hay Group, a consultancy
        the authors pick up on the often          offering compensation and benefits
        negative impact of managers on the        services. In particular Dan Ariely
        innovation process:                       has been particularly critical of such
        “People like having a process because
        they understand that it’s fair. In a      “The biggest curse in compensation are
        typical brainstorming meeting, it’s not   compensation consulting firms that do
        fair and everybody knows it. The boss     nothing but benchmark compensation
        is always right.”                         against companies, which may or may
                                                  not be useful comparisons. They know
        I think that this complements the         nothing about the science” says Prof
        idea that compensation can have a         Ariely. “They’re just perpetuating the
        negative impact on innovation and         misery.”
        also change. Current compensation
        models clearly have the effect of         Compensation consultancies have long
        creating a hierarchy of ideas and built   been favourites of HR directors looking
        in bias towards certain people’s ideas.   to bring some impartial analysis
                                                  to the table. However, Ariely has a
        Coming back to the role compensation      point when he argues that there is
        has on engagement, another piece3         no evidence for the effectiveness of
        on HR Vendor News touches a               comparing compensation and benefits
        perspective that seems to be picking      policies at different organisations.
        up more traction:                         When comparing benefits, a one-
                                                  size fits all approach to people issues
                                                  definitely does not work.


Four Groups Quarterly Update - Q3 2010

        If HR wants greater influence, focus on    In seeking to show value, the
        the unique, maximise your expertise        result is that HR practitioners have
        and solve important and complex            been taking a macro view of the
        problems. Above all get away from a        organisation, striving to provide a
        one size fits all approach.                similar service to the organisation
                                                   as the finance department in terms
        The HR Conundrum                           of crunching numbers and applying
                                                   a uniform approach to their areas of
        What is the future for HR? In the next     responsibility, hiring, firing, talent etc.
        few paragraphs I will set out a few
        thoughts that have coalesced around a      Without doubt, analytics are here
        number of recent articles and surveys.     to stay and are likely to play
        Many commentators continue to argue        an increasingly important role
        for a strategic role at the top table.     in organisational planning and
        However, there is very little sign of      development. For example, Cathy
        this happening. The main problem in        Missildine-Martin has a blog post6
        my view is that current thinking states    about a recent HR Magazine article
        that gaining such influence is done        by Dave Zielinksi7 that looks at the
        through providing evidence of a ROI        composition of Google’s HR team:
        for the HR Department.
                                                   “ 1/3 of the HR team have HR
        For too long HR has laboured under         backgrounds and bring expertise in
        the belief that if it can somehow          employee relations along with other
        conjour up tangible performance            specialist expertise like benefits and
        figures, it’s future as a strategic        compensation.
        influence on the organisation will be
        guaranteed.                                 1/3 of the HR team has little or
                                                   no HR background and come from
        A recent HR Magazine article by            strategic consulting firms or internally
        Chris Roebuck highlights the ongoing       from Google’s sales and engineering
        search for hard numbers to back up         departments. These individuals
        the continuing existence of the HR         are embedded in the business as
        function5:                                 consultants.

        “How many HR functions have                1/3 of the HR team are the quant
        presented a clear case to their FD on      jocks. They are statisticians, PhD’s in
        the financial value they are likely to     finance and organizational psychology.
        be adding? How many have identified        Their job is organizational analytics
        specific initiatives that have delivered   especially the predictive kind.”
        specific value to improve service to
        end users or customers?”                   There are a couple of interesting

Four Groups Quarterly Update - Q3 2010

        things, firstly that 1/3 of the HR team     A question we keep coming back to is,
        has little or no HR background. This        is there an argument to be had that
        emphasises the fundamental need             the way to get a strategic role is to
        for a commercial understanding of           give up the macro, organisational wide
        the business. Secondly, the analytics       view and instead concentrate on micro
        are supplied by specialists in esoteric     issues? Alternatively, by giving up the
        and complex areas such as cognitive         quest to show ROI, can HR instead
        heuristics. I was particularly interested   make itself indispensible?
        in the emphasis on predictive
        analytics. This flies in the face of the    Relationships
        traditional dashboard type information
        gathered and processed by the HR            Let’s start at the top. How can HR best
        department. Unfortunately most HR           help the CEO? I think that HR’s standing
        departments don’t have the budget,          in the eyes of most of the current
        infrastructure or data required to          generation of CEOs is so low that any
        appoint such specialists.                   thoughts of a key strategic role is more
                                                    wishful thinking than imminent reality.
        A further example of the role
        analytics are here to stay and that         Instead, by focusing on three areas:
        advances in technology and creative         relationships, culture and talent, but
        thinking are bringing new insight           in new, more innovative ways, HR
        into organisational performance are         can potentially make a significant day
        highlighted in a blog post by Gautam        to day impact on the CEO and other
        Ghosh 8:                                    senior executives.

        “Many companies favor job                   Presuming the average CEO has
        candidates with stellar academic            between 8 and 12 direct reports,
        records from prestigious schools—but        dealing with these relationships must
        AT&T and Google have established            take up a considerable amount of time
        through quantitative analysis that a        and effort. These relationships, their
        demonstrated ability to take initiative     dynamics and productivity are likely to
        is a far better predictor of high           play a key role on the CEOs perception
        performance on the job.”                    of their own and the organisation’s
                                                    performance. Even as an organisation’s
        However, no matter how smart                leader, it is impossible to separate your
        you are, the use of such analytics is       own day to day experiences and take
        unlikely to move HR up the corporate        a global view of the organisation. For
        totem pole. Furthermore, the majority       example, overall performance may
        of HR professionals lack the necessary      be good but one or two of the CEO’s
        skills to drive this forward. Analytics     relationships with direct reports may
        are here to stay, but only as an            be suffering.
        offshoot of the HR function.
                                                    By providing the CEO with the
                                                    information and understanding to

Four Groups Quarterly Update - Q3 2010

        optimise their relationships and           to performance and collaboration are
        collaboration with those closest           achieved.
        to them tools such as our own
        4G methodology apply directly to
        this area, it is possible to make a        It is important to emphasise that this
        significant contribution to senior level   approach should not be confined to
        communication.                             senior executives. Arguably, helping
                                                   all managers improve their own
        To support this, there is an interesting   relationships is the most effective use
        article from McKinsey Quarterly9           of the HR function. In a blog post10,
        that emphasises the need for all           Meredith Wright cites an interesting
        managers to work at their relationship     quote from Robert Hogan:
        management and awareness of those
        around them:                               “People don’t quit their job, they quit
                                                   their boss.”
        “Bosses matter. They matter because
        more than 95 percent of all people         Culture
        in the workforce have bosses, are
        bosses, or both. They matter because       Coming back to the HR Magazine
        they set the tone for their followers      article by Chris Roebuck cited above11,
        and organizations. And they matter         he uses the military as an example of
        because many studies show that for         an organisation that has been able to
        more than 75 percent of employees,         function without HR.
        dealing with their immediate boss is
        the most stressful part of the job.”     “Many quote the Armed Forces who
                                                 are able to do such amazing tasks
        “The best bosses work doggedly           and succeed without almost any HR
        to stay in tune with this relentless     function at all save a minimal pay and
        attention and use it to their advantage. record keeping function. How can this
        They are self-absorbed, but not for      possibly work? Should there not be
        selfish reasons. On the contrary,        HR business partners running round in
        they know that the success of their      uniform at the front line? One reason
        people and organizations depends         it works is because there is total
        on maintaining an accurate view of       clarity of role around who does what
        how others construe their moods and      with people and the line managers,
        moves - and responding with rapid,       I.e. officers and NCOs, take full
        effective adjustments.”                  responsibility for their people unlike
                                                 some non Forces line managers.”
        Theoretically, HR is well placed to
        influence this and by systematically     I believe a second area for HR to
        addressing the way each manager          make itself indispensable is around
        engages and conducts their               facilitating the understanding and
        relationships with subordinates, gains   development of organisational culture.
        9      10


Four Groups Quarterly Update - Q3 2010

        In other words providing that clarity        providing the opportunity for people
        around the role and values of the            to use their capabilities efficiently and
        organisation.                                effectively. I don’t mean you are not to
                                                     give orders. I mean that what you are
        In another post, Gautam Ghosh12              trying to get is something else.”
        cites CEO Tony Hsieh
        and his book, Delivering Happiness13.        “Our first obligation, which is self-
        By placing culture at the heart of an        evident from my previous remarks,
        organisation’s values, alignment and         is to let people know they are
        consistency are easily achieved. Surely      doing something worthwhile. We
        this is a job for HR?                        must provide a means of letting our
                                                     employees know they have done a
        “Tony’s belief is that the culture of        good job. You as supervisors must
        the organization is the biggest brand        convey this to your groups. Don’t just
        it has, and that value drives the way        give orders. Provide the opportunity
        Zappos treats its people and lets            for your people to do something
        them take decisions. The culture             important.”
        is tied to the core competence of
        the organization which is Customer           This very much ties in with Vineet
        Service.”                                    Nayar’s book we featured in the last
        What Hsieh is arguing is not new. The
        technology website Gizmodo recently          I think we are only just starting to
        republished a 1960 speech by Hewlett         appreciate the scope that culture
        Packard founder Bill Hewlett.                impacts an organisation. A good article
                                                     in Strategy + Business15 discusses a
        “I think many people assume, wrongly,        study on the role that culture plays on
        that a company exists simply to make         product development:
        money. While this is an important
        result of a company’s existence,             “They found that companies
        we have to go deeper and find the            introducing a steady stream of
        real reasons for our being. As we            incrementally improved products
        investigate this, we inevitably come         typically have a different strategic
        to the conclusion that a group of            focus than companies such as Apple
        people get together and exist as an          that are known for developing novel
        institution that we call a company so        products.”
        they are able to accomplish something
        collectively which they could not            This is interesting because it implies
        accomplish separately.”                      that culture is at the heart of
                                                     everything an organisation does, right
        “We must realize that supervision is         through to the type of products and
        not a job of giving orders; it is a job of
        12       15

Four Groups Quarterly Update - Q3 2010

        services offered. In another interesting      So where does HR fit in to the culture
        piece in Strategy + Business16, Stephen       equation. I think that coming back to
        Shapiro has a go at equating culture          the military analogy is important. And
        to personality, an interesting approach       I think that this is where it gets really
        and something that could have                 interesting. As we know in the military,
        potential when it comes to defining           the culture is so clear and deeply
        and comparing culture.                        ingrained that managers or officers
                                                      in this case, are able to effectively
        “The personality of a company impacts         communicate and ensure that this
        the people they hire and the methods          culture becomes deeply ingrained in
        they use to motivate and retain               the minds of new recruits.
        employees. People who don’t fit the
        mold, never join or eventually leave.         The important thing to remember is
        The result? More of the same.”                that culture is not uniform across the
                                                      military per se. Instead we find that
        I think this is a very example of one of      culture changes across regiments,
        the reasons why change is so difficult.       batallions, ships, squadron etc. This
        This theme is carried on with a couple        is an extremely powerful and useful
        of good pieces17 and 18 about the             phenomenon that helps instill values
        difficulty of change. Interestingly, both     and identity. However, it also governs
        articles focus on the human factor in         how communication with outside or
        terms of project failure:                     external bodies is conducted.

        “Fear makes change intensely                  I think this applies to organisations
        personal. Don’t forget, change scares         as well and this is where HR should
        most people: they fear for their jobs,        get involved. Again, we need to drop
        they worry about their families, they         the organisation-wide macro view
        wonder what will happen to their              and concentrate on local culture and
        careers. When fear kicks in, that             identity. Within organisations you find
        big corporate change can become               distinct cultural identities in individual
        intensely personal. When people are           business units and departments. The
        afraid, they literally can’t hear as well.”   trouble is that people fail to appreciate
                                                      these cultural differences and the
        “Only full disclosure and truthfulness        impact they have on communication
        allows for quick course corrections.          and collaboration.
        empower the team and encourage
        them to take calculated risks without         The role of HR should be to help
        fear of penalization.”                        individual managers understand and
                                                      appreciate not only the cultural values
                                                      within their own business unit but also
                                                      how this will impact on interaction and
                                                      communication with other business
        16        units.

Four Groups Quarterly Update - Q3 2010

        I think by definition this is an element   compensation the way it was done 20
        of HR that should have a limited shelf     years ago.”
        life. In a provocative blog post, John
        Sumser sums up this up19. Clearly, if      A further critique of “we focus on
        HR can execute this in a meaningful        getting the smartest people” approach
        manner, it becomes self-perpetuating       is featured in a Wired article21 which
        as it is in the armed forces.              discusses the role of individual
                                                   intelligence on group performance:
        “A jaundiced eye notices that HR is
        a catch all for the cats and dogs that     “Their analysis, published Sept. 30 in
        no other function wants. Providing         Science, found several characteristics
        the glue that holds employees to the       linked to group performance — and
        organization is the best description       none involved individual intelligence.
        that can be mustered. As the               What mattered instead was the social
        need for that glue evaporates, one         sensitivity of individual members, the
        wonders about the relevance of the         proportion of women (who tend to be
        department.”                               more sensitive) in each group, and a
                                                   balanced participation of conversation.”
                                                   On a similar theme, another piece
        A third way for HR to make itself          of research appearing in Strategy +
        indispensable is through a more            Business22 suggested that:
        sophisticated and considered approach
        to talent management. Again, we are        “hiring too many high-status
        not talking about talent management        employees dampened effectiveness,
        in the traditional sense. Instead by       the authors found. Moreover,
        focusing on social networks and            companies with high-level expertise
        connectivity, HR can play a key role at    tended to fare worse with superstars
        the very heart of the business.            in tow than did more run-of-the-mill
        The problem with the current approach
        is discussed in the Zielinski piece we     The alternative is that HR can play a
        have already highlighted20 and features    key role in fostering experimentation,
        comments from Laszlo Bock, vice            creating networks, identifying the key
        president of global people operations      influencers, mapping change etc.
        at Google:
                                                   This means adopting a new and in
        “HR is still essentially doing talent      many ways experimental approach to
        reviews the same way they were             talent. A couple of interesting articles
        done 40 years ago, and doing               have tapped into this idea and present
                                                   some new ideas that may hold the key

        19     21
        20     22

Four Groups Quarterly Update - Q3 2010

        to improved performance. By moving        identification of such people who are
        the focus away from identifying and       strategically best placed in the network
        developing talented individuals, the      is not always the most straightforward
        focal point should be on groups and       challenge.
        networks.                                 “The subtle, dark-matter mystery of
                                                  social networks is that influence is
        For example, there is an interesting      oblique and not easily determined by
        blog post from Stowe Boyd23, where        the sorts of tools we have today.”
        he discusses some recent research
        from Maksim Kitsak at Boston              Conclusion
                                                  Dropping the pretence that HR can
        “The importance of hubs may have          deliver an audited contribution to the
        been overstated” say Kitsak and pals.     business like other departments is a
                                                  huge step. However, by focusing on the
        In contrast to common belief, the         micro rather than macro, it becomes
        most influential spreaders in a social    easy to identify areas where HR can
        network do not correspond to the          make a significant contribution. Above
        best connected people or to the most      all, what is implied in all of the above
        central people” At first glance this      is that each organisation requires it’s
        seems somewhat counter-intuitive but      own unique solutions and approach.
        on reflection it makes perfect sense.     Unfortunately, this is where the role of
        Kitsak and co point out that there        experimentation and failure comes in
        are various scenarios in which well       to play. Traditionally, something that HR
        connected hubs have little influence      has struggled with.
        over the spread of information. “For
        example, if a hub exists at the end       If I was from Mars, it would strike
        of a branch at the periphery of a         me as obvious that the department
        network, it will have a minimal impact    that can contribute to overcoming
        in the spreading process through the      these people-based obstacles is HR.
        core of the network.”                     However, I’m not from Mars and have
                                                  been reading the FT recently, and in
        “By contrast, “a less connected person    this case I’ll leave the final word to
        who is strategically placed in the core   Dan Ariely24:
        of the network will have a significant
        effect that leads to dissemination        “There is no worse place to try to do
        through a large fraction of the           experiments than human resources,”
        population.””                             he said. “The first thing on their mind
                                                  when they hear the word ‘experiment’
        This is an interesting idea and           is lawsuits.”
        has clear implications for change
        management, communication and
        collaboration. At the same time, the
        23    24

Four Groups Quarterly Update - Q3 2010

        Written by

        Michael Folkman, Director

        About Four Groups

        Four Groups have developed a new
        approach called 4G to understand be-
        haviour, relationships and culture. 4G
        provides its users with insight into per-
        sonal characteristics, how relationships
        develop within teams and groups and
        how culture can be best defined and

        4G provides organisations with infor-
        mation on how best to deploy and
        optimise the performance of their
        people. It also enables preventative
        measures to be taken which minimise
        the less productive aspects of interac-
        tion and group dynamics such as fric-
        tion and misunderstanding between

        4G represents a systematic approach
        to managing the intangible aspects of
        organisational behaviour. The method-
        ology is easily replicable and can be
        implemented quickly and efficiently.

                                                                                       Four Groups Ltd.
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                                                             Tel: +44 (0) 20 7250 4779
        © Four Groups Ltd.                      

        All rights reserved. No part of this document          Company Number: 4650494
        may be reproduced without written permission             VAT Number: 817 7962 85
        from Four Groups Ltd                               Registered in England and Wales

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Leadership, Intangibles & Talent Q3 2010

  • 1. Four Groups Quarterly Update Leadership, Intangibles and Talent Q3 2010
  • 2. Four Groups Quarterly Update - Q3 2010 Fixing HR Welcome to the Q3 Quarterly Update for 2010. After the Summer lull, we have seen some thought provoking articles surrounding intangibles, HR, innovation and leadership. In this issue we’ll also explore the following themes: - Compensation and Motivation - The HR Conundrum - Relationships - Culture - Talent Articles are included from the likes of AT&T, the Financial Times, Hay Group, Hewlett Packard, Science Magazine, Wharton Business School and Compensation and Motivation Furthermore, we are seeing the role In the past few issues, the role of of compensation being held up as the HR function has not been given a barrier to many of the things that much attention. We’ll try to rectify organisations actually want to achieve. matters this issue and revisit this For example, in a blog post Jeffrey much discussed issue in light of some Phillips1, looks at how traditional current thinking on organisational compensation structures, particularly development. in large organisations can be seen as a barrier to innovation: As we will see, in many ways, the future of HR can be seen to be “The reason that compensation is such bound up with many of the new an insidious barrier to innovation is ideas surrounding organisational that we all share it and it’s not polite development. Whether HR practitioners to talk about. No one wants to focus are in a position to influence matters on compensation since it can be such however, is another question entirely. a headache to revise and restructure, but there’s little doubt it is a serious Before we get on to the HR discussion, impediment to innovation. Unlike we are seeing a growing number of some of the other barriers that can be articles confirming what the likes of overcome - few resources, few dollars, Dan Pink and Dan Ariely have been few insights - compensation affects talking about in previous issues, everyone and it is a personal barrier namely the impact of traditional as well as a corporate barrier. It’s hard compensation policies on performance to rally people round the innovation and motivation. 1 2
  • 3. Four Groups Quarterly Update - Q3 2010 flag when they are looking over “It is the non-financial rewards — as their shoulder wondering about how opposed to the financial rewards — the innovation work will affect their that are viewed as having more impact compensation.” on employee engagement,” said Tom McMullen, North American Practice “I think that when we strip away all of Leader for Hay Group. “Quality of work, the other innovation constraints and career development, organization blockades, we’re going to find a very climate and work-life balance all small but very powerful disincentive have a greater perceived impact on to innovate, buried in how we employee engagement than financial compensate our teams.” rewards such as base salaries, benefits and monetary incentives.” There is another interesting take on the role of group interaction on This is particularly interesting innovation in an article from Wharton2. quote coming from an executive In this example it is interesting that at the Hay Group, a consultancy the authors pick up on the often offering compensation and benefits negative impact of managers on the services. In particular Dan Ariely innovation process: has been particularly critical of such organisations4: “People like having a process because they understand that it’s fair. In a “The biggest curse in compensation are typical brainstorming meeting, it’s not compensation consulting firms that do fair and everybody knows it. The boss nothing but benchmark compensation is always right.” against companies, which may or may not be useful comparisons. They know I think that this complements the nothing about the science” says Prof idea that compensation can have a Ariely. “They’re just perpetuating the negative impact on innovation and misery.” also change. Current compensation models clearly have the effect of Compensation consultancies have long creating a hierarchy of ideas and built been favourites of HR directors looking in bias towards certain people’s ideas. to bring some impartial analysis to the table. However, Ariely has a Coming back to the role compensation point when he argues that there is has on engagement, another piece3 no evidence for the effectiveness of on HR Vendor News touches a comparing compensation and benefits perspective that seems to be picking policies at different organisations. up more traction: When comparing benefits, a one- size fits all approach to people issues definitely does not work. 2 3 4 3
  • 4. Four Groups Quarterly Update - Q3 2010 If HR wants greater influence, focus on In seeking to show value, the the unique, maximise your expertise result is that HR practitioners have and solve important and complex been taking a macro view of the problems. Above all get away from a organisation, striving to provide a one size fits all approach. similar service to the organisation as the finance department in terms The HR Conundrum of crunching numbers and applying a uniform approach to their areas of What is the future for HR? In the next responsibility, hiring, firing, talent etc. few paragraphs I will set out a few thoughts that have coalesced around a Without doubt, analytics are here number of recent articles and surveys. to stay and are likely to play Many commentators continue to argue an increasingly important role for a strategic role at the top table. in organisational planning and However, there is very little sign of development. For example, Cathy this happening. The main problem in Missildine-Martin has a blog post6 my view is that current thinking states about a recent HR Magazine article that gaining such influence is done by Dave Zielinksi7 that looks at the through providing evidence of a ROI composition of Google’s HR team: for the HR Department. “ 1/3 of the HR team have HR For too long HR has laboured under backgrounds and bring expertise in the belief that if it can somehow employee relations along with other conjour up tangible performance specialist expertise like benefits and figures, it’s future as a strategic compensation. influence on the organisation will be guaranteed. 1/3 of the HR team has little or no HR background and come from A recent HR Magazine article by strategic consulting firms or internally Chris Roebuck highlights the ongoing from Google’s sales and engineering search for hard numbers to back up departments. These individuals the continuing existence of the HR are embedded in the business as function5: consultants. “How many HR functions have 1/3 of the HR team are the quant presented a clear case to their FD on jocks. They are statisticians, PhD’s in the financial value they are likely to finance and organizational psychology. be adding? How many have identified Their job is organizational analytics specific initiatives that have delivered especially the predictive kind.” specific value to improve service to end users or customers?” There are a couple of interesting 6 7 5 4
  • 5. Four Groups Quarterly Update - Q3 2010 things, firstly that 1/3 of the HR team A question we keep coming back to is, has little or no HR background. This is there an argument to be had that emphasises the fundamental need the way to get a strategic role is to for a commercial understanding of give up the macro, organisational wide the business. Secondly, the analytics view and instead concentrate on micro are supplied by specialists in esoteric issues? Alternatively, by giving up the and complex areas such as cognitive quest to show ROI, can HR instead heuristics. I was particularly interested make itself indispensible? in the emphasis on predictive analytics. This flies in the face of the Relationships traditional dashboard type information gathered and processed by the HR Let’s start at the top. How can HR best department. Unfortunately most HR help the CEO? I think that HR’s standing departments don’t have the budget, in the eyes of most of the current infrastructure or data required to generation of CEOs is so low that any appoint such specialists. thoughts of a key strategic role is more wishful thinking than imminent reality. A further example of the role analytics are here to stay and that Instead, by focusing on three areas: advances in technology and creative relationships, culture and talent, but thinking are bringing new insight in new, more innovative ways, HR into organisational performance are can potentially make a significant day highlighted in a blog post by Gautam to day impact on the CEO and other Ghosh 8: senior executives. “Many companies favor job Presuming the average CEO has candidates with stellar academic between 8 and 12 direct reports, records from prestigious schools—but dealing with these relationships must AT&T and Google have established take up a considerable amount of time through quantitative analysis that a and effort. These relationships, their demonstrated ability to take initiative dynamics and productivity are likely to is a far better predictor of high play a key role on the CEOs perception performance on the job.” of their own and the organisation’s performance. Even as an organisation’s However, no matter how smart leader, it is impossible to separate your you are, the use of such analytics is own day to day experiences and take unlikely to move HR up the corporate a global view of the organisation. For totem pole. Furthermore, the majority example, overall performance may of HR professionals lack the necessary be good but one or two of the CEO’s skills to drive this forward. Analytics relationships with direct reports may are here to stay, but only as an be suffering. offshoot of the HR function. By providing the CEO with the 8 information and understanding to 5
  • 6. Four Groups Quarterly Update - Q3 2010 optimise their relationships and to performance and collaboration are collaboration with those closest achieved. to them tools such as our own 4G methodology apply directly to this area, it is possible to make a It is important to emphasise that this significant contribution to senior level approach should not be confined to communication. senior executives. Arguably, helping all managers improve their own To support this, there is an interesting relationships is the most effective use article from McKinsey Quarterly9 of the HR function. In a blog post10, that emphasises the need for all Meredith Wright cites an interesting managers to work at their relationship quote from Robert Hogan: management and awareness of those around them: “People don’t quit their job, they quit their boss.” “Bosses matter. They matter because more than 95 percent of all people Culture in the workforce have bosses, are bosses, or both. They matter because Coming back to the HR Magazine they set the tone for their followers article by Chris Roebuck cited above11, and organizations. And they matter he uses the military as an example of because many studies show that for an organisation that has been able to more than 75 percent of employees, function without HR. dealing with their immediate boss is the most stressful part of the job.” “Many quote the Armed Forces who are able to do such amazing tasks “The best bosses work doggedly and succeed without almost any HR to stay in tune with this relentless function at all save a minimal pay and attention and use it to their advantage. record keeping function. How can this They are self-absorbed, but not for possibly work? Should there not be selfish reasons. On the contrary, HR business partners running round in they know that the success of their uniform at the front line? One reason people and organizations depends it works is because there is total on maintaining an accurate view of clarity of role around who does what how others construe their moods and with people and the line managers, moves - and responding with rapid, I.e. officers and NCOs, take full effective adjustments.” responsibility for their people unlike some non Forces line managers.” Theoretically, HR is well placed to influence this and by systematically I believe a second area for HR to addressing the way each manager make itself indispensable is around engages and conducts their facilitating the understanding and relationships with subordinates, gains development of organisational culture. 9 10 11 6
  • 7. Four Groups Quarterly Update - Q3 2010 In other words providing that clarity providing the opportunity for people around the role and values of the to use their capabilities efficiently and organisation. effectively. I don’t mean you are not to give orders. I mean that what you are In another post, Gautam Ghosh12 trying to get is something else.” cites CEO Tony Hsieh and his book, Delivering Happiness13. “Our first obligation, which is self- By placing culture at the heart of an evident from my previous remarks, organisation’s values, alignment and is to let people know they are consistency are easily achieved. Surely doing something worthwhile. We this is a job for HR? must provide a means of letting our employees know they have done a “Tony’s belief is that the culture of good job. You as supervisors must the organization is the biggest brand convey this to your groups. Don’t just it has, and that value drives the way give orders. Provide the opportunity Zappos treats its people and lets for your people to do something them take decisions. The culture important.” is tied to the core competence of the organization which is Customer This very much ties in with Vineet Service.” Nayar’s book we featured in the last issue14. What Hsieh is arguing is not new. The technology website Gizmodo recently I think we are only just starting to republished a 1960 speech by Hewlett appreciate the scope that culture Packard founder Bill Hewlett. impacts an organisation. A good article in Strategy + Business15 discusses a “I think many people assume, wrongly, study on the role that culture plays on that a company exists simply to make product development: money. While this is an important result of a company’s existence, “They found that companies we have to go deeper and find the introducing a steady stream of real reasons for our being. As we incrementally improved products investigate this, we inevitably come typically have a different strategic to the conclusion that a group of focus than companies such as Apple people get together and exist as an that are known for developing novel institution that we call a company so products.” they are able to accomplish something collectively which they could not This is interesting because it implies accomplish separately.” that culture is at the heart of everything an organisation does, right “We must realize that supervision is through to the type of products and not a job of giving orders; it is a job of 14 12 15 13 7
  • 8. Four Groups Quarterly Update - Q3 2010 services offered. In another interesting So where does HR fit in to the culture piece in Strategy + Business16, Stephen equation. I think that coming back to Shapiro has a go at equating culture the military analogy is important. And to personality, an interesting approach I think that this is where it gets really and something that could have interesting. As we know in the military, potential when it comes to defining the culture is so clear and deeply and comparing culture. ingrained that managers or officers in this case, are able to effectively “The personality of a company impacts communicate and ensure that this the people they hire and the methods culture becomes deeply ingrained in they use to motivate and retain the minds of new recruits. employees. People who don’t fit the mold, never join or eventually leave. The important thing to remember is The result? More of the same.” that culture is not uniform across the military per se. Instead we find that I think this is a very example of one of culture changes across regiments, the reasons why change is so difficult. batallions, ships, squadron etc. This This theme is carried on with a couple is an extremely powerful and useful of good pieces17 and 18 about the phenomenon that helps instill values difficulty of change. Interestingly, both and identity. However, it also governs articles focus on the human factor in how communication with outside or terms of project failure: external bodies is conducted. “Fear makes change intensely I think this applies to organisations personal. Don’t forget, change scares as well and this is where HR should most people: they fear for their jobs, get involved. Again, we need to drop they worry about their families, they the organisation-wide macro view wonder what will happen to their and concentrate on local culture and careers. When fear kicks in, that identity. Within organisations you find big corporate change can become distinct cultural identities in individual intensely personal. When people are business units and departments. The afraid, they literally can’t hear as well.” trouble is that people fail to appreciate these cultural differences and the “Only full disclosure and truthfulness impact they have on communication allows for quick course corrections. and collaboration. empower the team and encourage them to take calculated risks without The role of HR should be to help fear of penalization.” individual managers understand and appreciate not only the cultural values within their own business unit but also how this will impact on interaction and communication with other business 16 units. 17 18 8
  • 9. Four Groups Quarterly Update - Q3 2010 I think by definition this is an element compensation the way it was done 20 of HR that should have a limited shelf years ago.” life. In a provocative blog post, John Sumser sums up this up19. Clearly, if A further critique of “we focus on HR can execute this in a meaningful getting the smartest people” approach manner, it becomes self-perpetuating is featured in a Wired article21 which as it is in the armed forces. discusses the role of individual intelligence on group performance: “A jaundiced eye notices that HR is a catch all for the cats and dogs that “Their analysis, published Sept. 30 in no other function wants. Providing Science, found several characteristics the glue that holds employees to the linked to group performance — and organization is the best description none involved individual intelligence. that can be mustered. As the What mattered instead was the social need for that glue evaporates, one sensitivity of individual members, the wonders about the relevance of the proportion of women (who tend to be department.” more sensitive) in each group, and a balanced participation of conversation.” Talent On a similar theme, another piece A third way for HR to make itself of research appearing in Strategy + indispensable is through a more Business22 suggested that: sophisticated and considered approach to talent management. Again, we are “hiring too many high-status not talking about talent management employees dampened effectiveness, in the traditional sense. Instead by the authors found. Moreover, focusing on social networks and companies with high-level expertise connectivity, HR can play a key role at tended to fare worse with superstars the very heart of the business. in tow than did more run-of-the-mill outfits.” The problem with the current approach is discussed in the Zielinski piece we The alternative is that HR can play a have already highlighted20 and features key role in fostering experimentation, comments from Laszlo Bock, vice creating networks, identifying the key president of global people operations influencers, mapping change etc. at Google: This means adopting a new and in “HR is still essentially doing talent many ways experimental approach to reviews the same way they were talent. A couple of interesting articles done 40 years ago, and doing have tapped into this idea and present some new ideas that may hold the key 19 21 20 22 9
  • 10. Four Groups Quarterly Update - Q3 2010 to improved performance. By moving identification of such people who are the focus away from identifying and strategically best placed in the network developing talented individuals, the is not always the most straightforward focal point should be on groups and challenge. networks. “The subtle, dark-matter mystery of social networks is that influence is For example, there is an interesting oblique and not easily determined by blog post from Stowe Boyd23, where the sorts of tools we have today.” he discusses some recent research from Maksim Kitsak at Boston Conclusion University: Dropping the pretence that HR can “The importance of hubs may have deliver an audited contribution to the been overstated” say Kitsak and pals. business like other departments is a huge step. However, by focusing on the In contrast to common belief, the micro rather than macro, it becomes most influential spreaders in a social easy to identify areas where HR can network do not correspond to the make a significant contribution. Above best connected people or to the most all, what is implied in all of the above central people” At first glance this is that each organisation requires it’s seems somewhat counter-intuitive but own unique solutions and approach. on reflection it makes perfect sense. Unfortunately, this is where the role of Kitsak and co point out that there experimentation and failure comes in are various scenarios in which well to play. Traditionally, something that HR connected hubs have little influence has struggled with. over the spread of information. “For example, if a hub exists at the end If I was from Mars, it would strike of a branch at the periphery of a me as obvious that the department network, it will have a minimal impact that can contribute to overcoming in the spreading process through the these people-based obstacles is HR. core of the network.” However, I’m not from Mars and have been reading the FT recently, and in “By contrast, “a less connected person this case I’ll leave the final word to who is strategically placed in the core Dan Ariely24: of the network will have a significant effect that leads to dissemination “There is no worse place to try to do through a large fraction of the experiments than human resources,” population.”” he said. “The first thing on their mind when they hear the word ‘experiment’ This is an interesting idea and is lawsuits.” has clear implications for change management, communication and collaboration. At the same time, the 23 24 10
  • 11. Four Groups Quarterly Update - Q3 2010 Written by Michael Folkman, Director About Four Groups Four Groups have developed a new approach called 4G to understand be- haviour, relationships and culture. 4G provides its users with insight into per- sonal characteristics, how relationships develop within teams and groups and how culture can be best defined and managed. 4G provides organisations with infor- mation on how best to deploy and optimise the performance of their people. It also enables preventative measures to be taken which minimise the less productive aspects of interac- tion and group dynamics such as fric- tion and misunderstanding between colleagues. 4G represents a systematic approach to managing the intangible aspects of organisational behaviour. The method- ology is easily replicable and can be implemented quickly and efficiently. Four Groups Ltd. 5 St John’s Lane London EC1M 4BH Tel: +44 (0) 20 7250 4779 Email: © Four Groups Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this document Company Number: 4650494 may be reproduced without written permission VAT Number: 817 7962 85 from Four Groups Ltd Registered in England and Wales