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Launching DigitYser a first 18 months review
Independent clubhouse of the tech communities of
● Facilitating the Regional Next Tech initiative for
boosting companies active in ICT
● Greenhouse for early stage (digital) entrepreneurs
● Driving the communities of AI/Datascience, Iot,
Blockchain & AR/VR
● Strong link with Academics, Corporates and SME
● Social Responsibility in the Canal Region
Flagship location in Brussels
Corporate event space
- Executive Floor & Rooftop
- Atrium for events up to 200 people
Co-creation space & business facilities
- Class & Meeting Rooms
- Training Center
- Start-up & projects pods
- Atrium & Digital Café
- Rooftop Terrace
- Meetups & Events
- Hackathons
- Workshops
- Acceleration programs
- Digital Academy
- Bootcamps
4Good Initiatives:
'DigitYser' vormt nieuwe hart
voor digitale ondernemers in
Open since 20/12/2017
First 6 Months
DigitYser Youtube Channel Youtube Channel from l’Echo Youtube Channel from the Region of Brussels
First Year - Key Milestones:
● The move of the datascience community from AXA triggered this project (April 2017)
● Early 2016 we got involved with Hub & the Next Tech project to defend the importance of having a a
clubhouse for the tech communities active in the Brussels region.
● In november 2016 we reconnected with Hub Brussels as Olivier Poulaert proposed the building
from Sofina located next to the Canal of Brussels. We proposed a plan to Sofina based on 3
○ Digitalisation of Brussels
○ Facilitation of Entrepreneurship
○ Social inclusiveness
● Sofina decides to grant us the use of the building after a meeting with Ministre Gosuin in May 2017.
● Project will be financed by the asbl European Data Innovation Hub and Subsidies from the Brussels
Region in the first 3 years.
● We got the keys to the DigitYser building in June 2017 it was empty & disaffected building.
● The subsidies from the Brussels Region for the project were approved on July 13th 2017.
First Year of activity
Link to this activity report Link to this movie
Team & Communities
Adelaide Corporate Event Manager
Florence Administration ( Finance & HR)
Fouad Building Maintenance
Ricardo IT infrastructure & Streaming
Philippe Partner Management
Olivier Training Centre
Ludovic : Special Projects; Juan : VR & AR community; Jean : Blockchain community; Abderrahim IOT community;
Philippe: Data & AI community; Lahcen: 2D & 3D community; Philippe: Freelance & Start-up community
Visitors, Events, companies & badge holders
Q3-17 Q4-17 Q1-18 Q2-18 Year 1 Q3-18 Q4-18
Visiteurs 800 1400 1000 1300 4500 1700 2100
Events 60 60 50 70 240 71 87
Sociétés 5 9 9 12 17 32
Badge holders 26 34 43 40 82 86
Events past 3 months Sept - Oct - Nov 2018
SEP6: Data For Better Health Maggie De Block 200 - SEP7: Team meeting with the staff 10 - SEP13: POLYBIUS token holder night 25 - SEP14: 2nd Friday Lunch with the DigitYser Tenants and coworkers 30 -
SEP14: First Ascent Law is code ½ 10 - SEP14: POLYBIUS internal meeting 3 - SEP17: SAS Exam - Debriefing at 3:30pm and exam at 4:15pm 20 - SEP17: DAY1: Cinematic VR/XR, state of the art, tech, direction,
storyboard & camerawork 8 - SEP17: Elewa Training 10 - SEP18: Blockchain Garage - Building the Digicoin 40 - SEP18: DAY2: Cinematic VR/XR, state of the art, tech, direction, storyboard & camerawork 8 - SEP18:
Sia partners workshop 20 - SEP18: Elewa Training 10 - SEP19 DAY3: Cinematic VR/XR, state of the art, tech, direction, storyboard & camerawork 8 - SEP19 Elewa Training 10 - SEP20: Lunch Masterclass - Beyond the
gem - Top 3 misconceptions when presenting data insights - Alexis Brouard 12 - SEP20: DAY4: Cinematic VR/XR, state of the art, tech, direction, storyboard & camerawork 8 - SEP20: Blockchain in de opsporing :
Centre for Policing and Security CPS 80 - SEP20: Bootcampers DataScience Q&A 10 SEP20: Elewa Training 10 - SEP21: DAY5: Cinematic VR/XR, state of the art, tech, direction, storyboard & camerawork 60 -
SEP21: First Ascent Law is code 2/2 10 - SEP21: Elewa Training 10 - SEP21: Inner wisdom 15- SEP25: ACCENTURE JobFair 20 - SEP25: Friedger meetup Self-Sovereign Identities in the decentralised
internet 30 - SEP25: Elewa Training 10 - SEP26: Lunch Masterclass - Beyond pretty - Data visualization that explain and persuade - Alexis Brouard 12 - SEP26: Elewa Training 10 - SEP27: Datascience Job Fair #1 100
- SEP27: HIV HACK Workshop #5 50 - SEP27: Freelance Thursdays 30 - SEP27: R Ladies: API's and webscraping: Getting data from the web straight into R 25 - SEP27: DATAIKU workshop hands-on workshop in
association with SBI 25 - SEP27: Elewa Training 10 - SEP28: Workshop - The Tip of the Iceberg - Persuade with your data insights - Alexis Brouard - for bootcampers 12 - SEP28: Elewa Training 10 - OCT1:DSB2018
S01 - Build your Data Science GameBook / DSB Students (day 1) 25 - OCT1: Elewa Training 10 - OCT2: DSB2018 S02 - Build your Data Science GameBook / DSB Students (day 2) 25 - OCT2: Elewa Training 10 -
OCT3: NEO4J training 20 - OCT3: Elewa Training 10 - OCT4: Beyond frustration - Captivate with stories about your data - Lunch Masterclass - Alexis Brouard 17 - OCT4:HUB Brussels visit Tech City 30 - OCT4: Elewa
Training 11 - OCT4: Training Joris Swinnen 5th - OCT5: Team meeting with the staff 13 - OCT8: DSB2018 S03 - Text Mining with R - Jan Wijffels / BNOSAC (day 1) 25 - OCT8: Elewa Training 10 - OCT SEP2018
DSB2018 S04 - Text Mining with R - Jan Wijffels / BNOSAC (day 2) 25 - OCT SEP2018 EUROCLEAR workshop 90 - OCT9 EUROCLEAR workshop 90 - OCT9 Elewa Training 10 - OCT9 Blockchain Garage 20 - OCT10:
Elewa Training 10 - OCT10:réunion statistiek in Vlaanderen 20 - OCT11: Woman in Tech 65 - OCT11: DPOpro (Toon Dedonker) 50 - OCT11: Brussels Data Science Meetup 103 - OCT11: Elewa Training 10 - OCT12: 2nd
Friday Lunch with the DigitYser Tenants and coworkers 40 - OCT12: Elewa Training 10 - OCT15: DSB2018 S05 - The Data Science Process: a step by step overview - Maarten Van den Broeck & Jellert Schaepherders /
Xplodata 25 - OCT15: SAP breakfast briefing Obtaining business insights for your company with Cloud, Analytics and IoT 50 - OCT16: DSB2018 S06 - The one day Data Science challenge: how to deliver? - Eric
Lecoutre / WLDS 25 - OCT18: #DATAFORBETTERHEALTH Workshop “Open & FAIR data 50 - OCT18: Hands On Gcis 4 : my poppy 14 - OCT1 SEP2018 Learnathon 25 - OCT20: Learnathon 25 - OCT21: Learnathon 25
- OCT21: Innerwisdom Christiane Moeschler 25 - OCT22: IOT Hands-on 20 - OCT22: DSB2018 S07 - Machine learning training with TIMi - Frank VDB/TIMi (day 1) 25 - OCT22: VUB AI lab 4 - OCT22: SAP ATRIUM A
breakfast briefing 50 - OCT23: DSB2018 S08 - Machine learning training with TIMi - Frank VDB/TIMi (day 2) 25 - OCT23: VUB AI lab 4 - OCT24: VUB AI lab 4 - OCT24: HIV HACK workshop #6 50 - OCT24: How to Shift
from Wantrepreneur to Entrepreneur and Finally Start that Business you Want 30 - OCT25: VUB AI lab 4 - OCT25: R Ladies: R for beginners part II 25 - OCT25: Freelance Thursday (margot) 13 - OCT26: VUB AI lab 4 -
OCT26: Vernissage Gil Sottch et concert 50 - OCT28: Promote Ukraine Training on Time Management 15 - OCT29 DSB2018 S09 - Pricing in Non-Life insurance – Machine learning approaches - Aurélien Couloumy /
ReacFin 25 - OCT30: DSB2018 S10 - Automation of Natural disaster analysis – Parsing & NLP techniques to enhance productivity - Aurélien Couloumy / ReacFin 25 - NOV2: Team meeting with the staff 15 - NOV5:
DSB2018 S11 - Intro to Neuronal networks & deeplearning with Python - Loic Quertenmont 25 - NOV6: DSB2018 S12 - Neo4J - Tom Geudens / Neo4J 25 - NOV7: [DSB2018] Tips & practice to stand out from the crowd
during job applications & interviews - Christiane Moeschler 25 - NOV SEP2018 2nd Friday Lunch with the DigitYser Tenants and coworkers 50 - NOV SEP2018 Inner Wisdom 15 - NOV12: DSB2018 S13 - When Realtiy
Bites in Data Science Projects - Kris Peeters / Data Minded 25 - NOV12: How to boost your search for your DSCI dream job - Meric Potier / P&V - Moved from 5th Nov to 12 Nov 25 - NOV13: DSB2018 S14 - Big Data
Architectures - Kris Peeters / Data Minded 25 - NOV13: Pitch Idol: Make your 2' pitch catchy and try to win our prize! 40 - NOV14: HIV Hack Evan Workshop 10 - NOV15: Data Science Brussels Meetup - Job Fair #2 100
- NOV16: Law is code #3 Craft your first LegalTech app 10 - NOV16: #DATAFORBETTERHEALTH introduction to the Hackathon - explaining the dataset 70 - NOV1 SEP2018 DSB S15 - Predictive Analytics - Nele
Verbiest / Python Predictions 25 - NOV20: DSB S16 - Segmentation - Nele Verbiest / Python Predictions 25 - NOV20: HIV Hack Evan Workshop 15 - NOV21: NEO4J training 15 - NOV21: HIV Hack Evan Workshop 17 -
NOV22: Law is code #4 10 - NOV22: Havila 150 - NOV23: Chief Digital Officer breakfast collibra+mc kinse 30 - NOV23: HIV HACK 107 - NOV24: HIV HACK 75 - NOV26: DSB S17 - Data engineering training with Anatella
/ TIMi - Frank VDB / TIMi 25 - NOV27: DSB S18 - Introduction to R Shiny Package - Eric Lecoutre / WeLoveDataScience 25 - NOV28: Euroclear Innovation Workshop 20 - NOV29 Redfrog seminaire interne 8 - NOV29
Solvay VR workshop (by Juan Bossicart) 20 - NOV29 Visite journalistes HUB 10 - NOV29 Euroclear Innovation Workshop part 2 20 - NOV9 Brussels DSmeetup about Health Thomas Carette 75 - NOV29 Thursday
Freelance 20 - NOV30: Altimis workshop 10
128 E
& 3420
Boost #Digitalskills
● 2 Summer Coding Camp (7 weeks)
● 2 Data Science Bootcamp (12 weeks)
● VR bootcamp
● MIC Boostcamp
● VR Learnathon
● Learn to code with Elewa
● VR paint Jam
● FamilyHack
● GSK Hack
● Music Hack
Regular meetups:
● Brussels DataScience Community
● HIVE Blockchain Community
● Bitcoin Community of Belgium
● IoT meetup
● R meetup & R-Ladies Meetup
● AI meetup
● Blockchain garage
● Kids coding camp with Impala Bridge
● Legal Hackers
● Graph database meetup
● DPO meetup
Facilitating Entrepreneurship
We make Brussels Shine
International Events:
● The global regulator of the web - the W3C - has organized its annual global
event on WebVR (AR / VR) at DigitYser. This type of events usually takes
place in the Silicon Valley or with manufacturers.
● Laval Virtual - the pioneering European VR / AR organization - kicked off its
European Bus Tour in the centre of Brussels at DigitYser
● The Washington Chamber of Commerce workshop «privacy by design»
● GSK Vaccines - the European innovation hub - organized a 3-day #AI & #IOT
● Johnson & Johnson’s global pharma spearhead based near Antwerp -
launched its hackathon in partnership with DigitYser on AIDS (HIVhack).
● DiSummit - the 4th conference on the Belgian DataScience community
organized its speakers’ dinner (VIP banquet 80) at DigitYser, a week before the
actual event at the ULB (800 people)
● Itmo, one of the top 5 IT universities in Russia, conducted a workshop on
augmented reality in conjunction with 5 other European universities at
● DigitYser is visited during official visits from Journalists organised by
Fun Facts
● FREE: People can use the Atrium for free every day of the week
● Coffee: On average about 16 litres of coffee are drunk by the co-workers from
DigitYser - that is 240 cups a day / 1000 a week / 4000 per month / 12000 every
quarter/ nearly 50000 cups a year.
● ROOFTOP: Fouad has renovated the 220m2 rooftop, he used FSC certified
sustainable hardwood and it took him more than 2 months to finalize.
● WiFi: Thanks to Social Ware and Cisco our partner and resident Liia has build
one of the fastest wifi connections in Brussels. Average speed of a connections
is above 500 MBPS
● Printer: The written off big professional XEROX printer is still printing, even
after the move to DigitYser. (thank you Fouad for maintaining the beast)
● Social Media: We already have over 14k interactions on twitter @digityser and
over 5k retweets
What makes us proud
● We are the trusted partner of the digital entrepreneurial ecosystem of Brussels.
● We transformed an empty/disaffected building next to the Canal into a
sparkling tech hub used by all the tech communities of Brussels.
● We employ more than 10 people to organise over 200 events a year.
● We are backed by the most active Tech communities of Brussels.
● We host, coach and assist startups in their first year of activity.
● We are break even ( with the help of the subsidies from Brussels Region)
● We have a mature team and elegant management Team fun to work with.
● We can count on many volunteers to deliver amazing events and solutions
● We ally with the bigger corporations to work with our partners and startups on
innovative solutions.
Challenges for 2019 - 2020
● Governance:
○ Create an active board of advisors by end Q1 2019
○ Implement new IT stack including new website & accounting system
● Break Even by June 2020 (without subsidies)
○ Increase occupancy - recruitment campaign for new tenants
○ Find additional sponsors to cover some key cost elements such as Connectivity & telephony,
Electricity, Heating, Cooling
○ Become an approved Education centre certified by Bruxelles Formation
● Higher standards:
○ Upgrade meeting rooms to business class and executive floor to premier class
○ Get fiber connection for an even faster internet connection
● Wider Offer:
○ Attract new partners to build the office of the future
○ Build and staff a video studio to boost the digital initiatives here in Brussels
○ Staff a permanent digital accelerator office for sme and startups
● AI for managers track April, May & June
● #dataforbetterhealth in Q1
● Digital marketing track in Q2
● Creating a data factory to help companies with data science
● diSummit on 26/6/2019 (preparation workshop 16/01/2019)
● Data Science Bootcamp August - December 2019
● Data4good hackathon in Q4 2020
● Next Tech Awards in December
● About 200 other tech events like meetups, workshops, ...
Next events
Thank you
Special thanks to Sofina ENGIE AI & Data Science Community of Belgium
SAS Teradata DataMinded Accenture SAP Python Predictions Janssen Timi
Thank you to the team for making this DigitYser a reality Tanguy Florence Adélaïde Ludovic Olivier Ricardo &
Fouad Nicolas
Special thanks for your permanent support:
Didier Gosuin Harold Boël Nicolas Harmel Olivier Poulaert Juan Bossicard Jean Wallemacq Mathieu Poma
Ioana Voicu Tania Van Loon Katrien Mondt Claudio Truzzi Bianca Debaets Jeroen Van Godtsenhoven Ivy
Vanderheyden Céline Bouton Alain Heureux Cécile Jodogne Philippe Van Troeye
I hope you have a happy and healthy start to 2019.

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Launching digit yser a first 18 months review

  • 1. Launching DigitYser a first 18 months review 1
  • 2. Strategy Independent clubhouse of the tech communities of Brussels ● Facilitating the Regional Next Tech initiative for boosting companies active in ICT ● Greenhouse for early stage (digital) entrepreneurs ● Driving the communities of AI/Datascience, Iot, Blockchain & AR/VR ● Strong link with Academics, Corporates and SME ● Social Responsibility in the Canal Region 2
  • 3. Flagship location in Brussels Corporate event space - Executive Floor & Rooftop - Atrium for events up to 200 people Co-creation space & business facilities - Class & Meeting Rooms - Training Center - Start-up & projects pods Networking: - Atrium & Digital Café - Rooftop Terrace - Meetups & Events Innovation: - Hackathons - Workshops Programs: - Acceleration programs - Digital Academy - Bootcamps 4Good Initiatives: - - 3 Activities
  • 4. 4 Press 'DigitYser' vormt nieuwe hart voor digitale ondernemers in Brussel
  • 6. 6 First 6 Months DigitYser Youtube Channel Youtube Channel from l’Echo Youtube Channel from the Region of Brussels
  • 7. 7 First Year - Key Milestones: ● The move of the datascience community from AXA triggered this project (April 2017) ● Early 2016 we got involved with Hub & the Next Tech project to defend the importance of having a a clubhouse for the tech communities active in the Brussels region. ● In november 2016 we reconnected with Hub Brussels as Olivier Poulaert proposed the building from Sofina located next to the Canal of Brussels. We proposed a plan to Sofina based on 3 objectives: ○ Digitalisation of Brussels ○ Facilitation of Entrepreneurship ○ Social inclusiveness ● Sofina decides to grant us the use of the building after a meeting with Ministre Gosuin in May 2017. ● Project will be financed by the asbl European Data Innovation Hub and Subsidies from the Brussels Region in the first 3 years. ● We got the keys to the DigitYser building in June 2017 it was empty & disaffected building. ● The subsidies from the Brussels Region for the project were approved on July 13th 2017.
  • 8. 8 First Year of activity Link to this activity report Link to this movie
  • 9. 9 Team & Communities Adelaide Corporate Event Manager Florence Administration ( Finance & HR) Fouad Building Maintenance Ricardo IT infrastructure & Streaming Philippe Partner Management Olivier Training Centre Communities: Ludovic : Special Projects; Juan : VR & AR community; Jean : Blockchain community; Abderrahim IOT community; Philippe: Data & AI community; Lahcen: 2D & 3D community; Philippe: Freelance & Start-up community
  • 10. 10 Visitors, Events, companies & badge holders Q3-17 Q4-17 Q1-18 Q2-18 Year 1 Q3-18 Q4-18 Visiteurs 800 1400 1000 1300 4500 1700 2100 Events 60 60 50 70 240 71 87 Sociétés 5 9 9 12 17 32 Badge holders 26 34 43 40 82 86
  • 11. 11 Events past 3 months Sept - Oct - Nov 2018 > SEP6: Data For Better Health Maggie De Block 200 - SEP7: Team meeting with the staff 10 - SEP13: POLYBIUS token holder night 25 - SEP14: 2nd Friday Lunch with the DigitYser Tenants and coworkers 30 - SEP14: First Ascent Law is code ½ 10 - SEP14: POLYBIUS internal meeting 3 - SEP17: SAS Exam - Debriefing at 3:30pm and exam at 4:15pm 20 - SEP17: DAY1: Cinematic VR/XR, state of the art, tech, direction, storyboard & camerawork 8 - SEP17: Elewa Training 10 - SEP18: Blockchain Garage - Building the Digicoin 40 - SEP18: DAY2: Cinematic VR/XR, state of the art, tech, direction, storyboard & camerawork 8 - SEP18: Sia partners workshop 20 - SEP18: Elewa Training 10 - SEP19 DAY3: Cinematic VR/XR, state of the art, tech, direction, storyboard & camerawork 8 - SEP19 Elewa Training 10 - SEP20: Lunch Masterclass - Beyond the gem - Top 3 misconceptions when presenting data insights - Alexis Brouard 12 - SEP20: DAY4: Cinematic VR/XR, state of the art, tech, direction, storyboard & camerawork 8 - SEP20: Blockchain in de opsporing : Centre for Policing and Security CPS 80 - SEP20: Bootcampers DataScience Q&A 10 SEP20: Elewa Training 10 - SEP21: DAY5: Cinematic VR/XR, state of the art, tech, direction, storyboard & camerawork 60 - SEP21: First Ascent Law is code 2/2 10 - SEP21: Elewa Training 10 - SEP21: Inner wisdom 15- SEP25: ACCENTURE JobFair 20 - SEP25: Friedger meetup Self-Sovereign Identities in the decentralised internet 30 - SEP25: Elewa Training 10 - SEP26: Lunch Masterclass - Beyond pretty - Data visualization that explain and persuade - Alexis Brouard 12 - SEP26: Elewa Training 10 - SEP27: Datascience Job Fair #1 100 - SEP27: HIV HACK Workshop #5 50 - SEP27: Freelance Thursdays 30 - SEP27: R Ladies: API's and webscraping: Getting data from the web straight into R 25 - SEP27: DATAIKU workshop hands-on workshop in association with SBI 25 - SEP27: Elewa Training 10 - SEP28: Workshop - The Tip of the Iceberg - Persuade with your data insights - Alexis Brouard - for bootcampers 12 - SEP28: Elewa Training 10 - OCT1:DSB2018 S01 - Build your Data Science GameBook / DSB Students (day 1) 25 - OCT1: Elewa Training 10 - OCT2: DSB2018 S02 - Build your Data Science GameBook / DSB Students (day 2) 25 - OCT2: Elewa Training 10 - OCT3: NEO4J training 20 - OCT3: Elewa Training 10 - OCT4: Beyond frustration - Captivate with stories about your data - Lunch Masterclass - Alexis Brouard 17 - OCT4:HUB Brussels visit Tech City 30 - OCT4: Elewa Training 11 - OCT4: Training Joris Swinnen 5th - OCT5: Team meeting with the staff 13 - OCT8: DSB2018 S03 - Text Mining with R - Jan Wijffels / BNOSAC (day 1) 25 - OCT8: Elewa Training 10 - OCT SEP2018 DSB2018 S04 - Text Mining with R - Jan Wijffels / BNOSAC (day 2) 25 - OCT SEP2018 EUROCLEAR workshop 90 - OCT9 EUROCLEAR workshop 90 - OCT9 Elewa Training 10 - OCT9 Blockchain Garage 20 - OCT10: Elewa Training 10 - OCT10:réunion statistiek in Vlaanderen 20 - OCT11: Woman in Tech 65 - OCT11: DPOpro (Toon Dedonker) 50 - OCT11: Brussels Data Science Meetup 103 - OCT11: Elewa Training 10 - OCT12: 2nd Friday Lunch with the DigitYser Tenants and coworkers 40 - OCT12: Elewa Training 10 - OCT15: DSB2018 S05 - The Data Science Process: a step by step overview - Maarten Van den Broeck & Jellert Schaepherders / Xplodata 25 - OCT15: SAP breakfast briefing Obtaining business insights for your company with Cloud, Analytics and IoT 50 - OCT16: DSB2018 S06 - The one day Data Science challenge: how to deliver? - Eric Lecoutre / WLDS 25 - OCT18: #DATAFORBETTERHEALTH Workshop “Open & FAIR data 50 - OCT18: Hands On Gcis 4 : my poppy 14 - OCT1 SEP2018 Learnathon 25 - OCT20: Learnathon 25 - OCT21: Learnathon 25 - OCT21: Innerwisdom Christiane Moeschler 25 - OCT22: IOT Hands-on 20 - OCT22: DSB2018 S07 - Machine learning training with TIMi - Frank VDB/TIMi (day 1) 25 - OCT22: VUB AI lab 4 - OCT22: SAP ATRIUM A breakfast briefing 50 - OCT23: DSB2018 S08 - Machine learning training with TIMi - Frank VDB/TIMi (day 2) 25 - OCT23: VUB AI lab 4 - OCT24: VUB AI lab 4 - OCT24: HIV HACK workshop #6 50 - OCT24: How to Shift from Wantrepreneur to Entrepreneur and Finally Start that Business you Want 30 - OCT25: VUB AI lab 4 - OCT25: R Ladies: R for beginners part II 25 - OCT25: Freelance Thursday (margot) 13 - OCT26: VUB AI lab 4 - OCT26: Vernissage Gil Sottch et concert 50 - OCT28: Promote Ukraine Training on Time Management 15 - OCT29 DSB2018 S09 - Pricing in Non-Life insurance – Machine learning approaches - Aurélien Couloumy / ReacFin 25 - OCT30: DSB2018 S10 - Automation of Natural disaster analysis – Parsing & NLP techniques to enhance productivity - Aurélien Couloumy / ReacFin 25 - NOV2: Team meeting with the staff 15 - NOV5: DSB2018 S11 - Intro to Neuronal networks & deeplearning with Python - Loic Quertenmont 25 - NOV6: DSB2018 S12 - Neo4J - Tom Geudens / Neo4J 25 - NOV7: [DSB2018] Tips & practice to stand out from the crowd during job applications & interviews - Christiane Moeschler 25 - NOV SEP2018 2nd Friday Lunch with the DigitYser Tenants and coworkers 50 - NOV SEP2018 Inner Wisdom 15 - NOV12: DSB2018 S13 - When Realtiy Bites in Data Science Projects - Kris Peeters / Data Minded 25 - NOV12: How to boost your search for your DSCI dream job - Meric Potier / P&V - Moved from 5th Nov to 12 Nov 25 - NOV13: DSB2018 S14 - Big Data Architectures - Kris Peeters / Data Minded 25 - NOV13: Pitch Idol: Make your 2' pitch catchy and try to win our prize! 40 - NOV14: HIV Hack Evan Workshop 10 - NOV15: Data Science Brussels Meetup - Job Fair #2 100 - NOV16: Law is code #3 Craft your first LegalTech app 10 - NOV16: #DATAFORBETTERHEALTH introduction to the Hackathon - explaining the dataset 70 - NOV1 SEP2018 DSB S15 - Predictive Analytics - Nele Verbiest / Python Predictions 25 - NOV20: DSB S16 - Segmentation - Nele Verbiest / Python Predictions 25 - NOV20: HIV Hack Evan Workshop 15 - NOV21: NEO4J training 15 - NOV21: HIV Hack Evan Workshop 17 - NOV22: Law is code #4 10 - NOV22: Havila 150 - NOV23: Chief Digital Officer breakfast collibra+mc kinse 30 - NOV23: HIV HACK 107 - NOV24: HIV HACK 75 - NOV26: DSB S17 - Data engineering training with Anatella / TIMi - Frank VDB / TIMi 25 - NOV27: DSB S18 - Introduction to R Shiny Package - Eric Lecoutre / WeLoveDataScience 25 - NOV28: Euroclear Innovation Workshop 20 - NOV29 Redfrog seminaire interne 8 - NOV29 Solvay VR workshop (by Juan Bossicart) 20 - NOV29 Visite journalistes HUB 10 - NOV29 Euroclear Innovation Workshop part 2 20 - NOV9 Brussels DSmeetup about Health Thomas Carette 75 - NOV29 Thursday Freelance 20 - NOV30: Altimis workshop 10 128 E & 3420
  • 12. 12 Boost #Digitalskills Trainings: ● 2 Summer Coding Camp (7 weeks) ● 2 Data Science Bootcamp (12 weeks) ● VR bootcamp ● MIC Boostcamp ● VR Learnathon ● Learn to code with Elewa Hackathons: ● VR paint Jam ● FamilyHack ● GSK Hack ● Music Hack ● HIVHACK Regular meetups: ● Brussels DataScience Community ● HIVE Blockchain Community ● Bitcoin Community of Belgium ● IoT meetup ● R meetup & R-Ladies Meetup ● AI meetup ● Blockchain garage ● Kids coding camp with Impala Bridge ● Legal Hackers ● Graph database meetup ● DPO meetup
  • 14. We make Brussels Shine International Events: ● The global regulator of the web - the W3C - has organized its annual global event on WebVR (AR / VR) at DigitYser. This type of events usually takes place in the Silicon Valley or with manufacturers. ● Laval Virtual - the pioneering European VR / AR organization - kicked off its European Bus Tour in the centre of Brussels at DigitYser ● The Washington Chamber of Commerce workshop «privacy by design» ● GSK Vaccines - the European innovation hub - organized a 3-day #AI & #IOT hackathon ● Johnson & Johnson’s global pharma spearhead based near Antwerp - launched its hackathon in partnership with DigitYser on AIDS (HIVhack). ● DiSummit - the 4th conference on the Belgian DataScience community organized its speakers’ dinner (VIP banquet 80) at DigitYser, a week before the actual event at the ULB (800 people) ● Itmo, one of the top 5 IT universities in Russia, conducted a workshop on augmented reality in conjunction with 5 other European universities at DigitYser. ● DigitYser is visited during official visits from Journalists organised by
  • 15. 15 Fun Facts ● FREE: People can use the Atrium for free every day of the week ● Coffee: On average about 16 litres of coffee are drunk by the co-workers from DigitYser - that is 240 cups a day / 1000 a week / 4000 per month / 12000 every quarter/ nearly 50000 cups a year. ● ROOFTOP: Fouad has renovated the 220m2 rooftop, he used FSC certified sustainable hardwood and it took him more than 2 months to finalize. ● WiFi: Thanks to Social Ware and Cisco our partner and resident Liia has build one of the fastest wifi connections in Brussels. Average speed of a connections is above 500 MBPS ● Printer: The written off big professional XEROX printer is still printing, even after the move to DigitYser. (thank you Fouad for maintaining the beast) ● Social Media: We already have over 14k interactions on twitter @digityser and over 5k retweets
  • 16. 16 What makes us proud ● We are the trusted partner of the digital entrepreneurial ecosystem of Brussels. ● We transformed an empty/disaffected building next to the Canal into a sparkling tech hub used by all the tech communities of Brussels. ● We employ more than 10 people to organise over 200 events a year. ● We are backed by the most active Tech communities of Brussels. ● We host, coach and assist startups in their first year of activity. ● We are break even ( with the help of the subsidies from Brussels Region) ● We have a mature team and elegant management Team fun to work with. ● We can count on many volunteers to deliver amazing events and solutions ● We ally with the bigger corporations to work with our partners and startups on innovative solutions.
  • 17. 17 Challenges for 2019 - 2020 ● Governance: ○ Create an active board of advisors by end Q1 2019 ○ Implement new IT stack including new website & accounting system ● Break Even by June 2020 (without subsidies) ○ Increase occupancy - recruitment campaign for new tenants ○ Find additional sponsors to cover some key cost elements such as Connectivity & telephony, Electricity, Heating, Cooling ○ Become an approved Education centre certified by Bruxelles Formation ● Higher standards: ○ Upgrade meeting rooms to business class and executive floor to premier class ○ Get fiber connection for an even faster internet connection ● Wider Offer: ○ Attract new partners to build the office of the future ○ Build and staff a video studio to boost the digital initiatives here in Brussels ○ Staff a permanent digital accelerator office for sme and startups
  • 18. ● AI for managers track April, May & June ● #dataforbetterhealth in Q1 ● Digital marketing track in Q2 ● Creating a data factory to help companies with data science ● diSummit on 26/6/2019 (preparation workshop 16/01/2019) ● Data Science Bootcamp August - December 2019 ● Data4good hackathon in Q4 2020 ● Next Tech Awards in December ● About 200 other tech events like meetups, workshops, ... 18 Next events
  • 19. 19 Thank you Special thanks to Sofina ENGIE AI & Data Science Community of Belgium SAS Teradata DataMinded Accenture SAP Python Predictions Janssen Timi Thank you to the team for making this DigitYser a reality Tanguy Florence Adélaïde Ludovic Olivier Ricardo & Fouad Nicolas Special thanks for your permanent support: Didier Gosuin Harold Boël Nicolas Harmel Olivier Poulaert Juan Bossicard Jean Wallemacq Mathieu Poma Ioana Voicu Tania Van Loon Katrien Mondt Claudio Truzzi Bianca Debaets Jeroen Van Godtsenhoven Ivy Vanderheyden Céline Bouton Alain Heureux Cécile Jodogne Philippe Van Troeye I hope you have a happy and healthy start to 2019.