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                                                                                                   Instructor Exercises Guide

EXempty   Exercise 7. Connect to a Database

          Estimated time

          What this exercise is about
                                  In this exercise you will explore the Data perspective. You will
                                  manipulate database information, both by importing it into Rational
                                  Application Developer and by generating a new database and
                                  exporting it.

          What you should be able to do
                                  At the end of this lab, you will be able to:
                                   • Connect to a database and sample the data
                                   • Import the database structure into Rational Application Developer
                                   • Create and populate new database tables
                                   • Use the SQL Builder to create a SQL statement and query the
                                     library database
                                   • Create a diagram from the tables

                                  Developers are generally more concerned with examining existing
                                  database structures and sampling data, rather than creating new
                                  structures and writing them back to the database. Nevertheless, there
                                  are times when it is necessary to create a new database for test
                                  purposes, and IBM Rational Application Developer (V7 and later) has
                                  the tools to do this.
                                  This lab takes you through both processes: importing information (both
                                  structural and sample data), and exporting artifacts created in Rational
                                  Application Developer.

          © Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, 2007                                       Exercise 7. Connect to a Database        7-1
                                      Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part
                                             without the prior written permission of IBM.
Instructor Exercises Guide

                        This exercise requires one code fragment. Make sure that the file
                        appears in the <LAB_FILES> DataSnippets directory before
                        starting the lab.
                        It also requires that the Derby database (LIBRARY) exist. This should
                        have been set up in Lab 1. If it has not been set up, see Appendix A for
                        instructions on how to do this.

Instructor exercise overview
This exercise divides into four sections, of which the first and third are the most important
for developers:
1. Importing structure from a database, and sampling data.
There are several different ways to create the project to contain the database structure.
The one used in this lab is not necessarily the fastest, but it is expected that students will
discover other ways themselves when they need to use this process. Step 3b) has the key
screenshot, the dialog where the database type is chosen, the address entered and the
connection tested. You should have gone over this in the presentation. It would be good, if
there is time, to revisit this dialog after the lab before continuing with the next presentation.
2. Creating structure in Rational Application Developer and exporting it to a
Students should understand that they would not usually have the permission to create
databases this way in the real world! This is strictly a development environment. DBAs may
have their own tools to create databases.
3. Querying the database.
This section also should be clearly understood by students. They will need to create SQL
statements, so this part of the lab is crucial. If after forty minutes you see that some
students are still in part 1, suggest that they skip step 2 and do this section.
4. Creating a diagram.
A very brief section, and not too important for the understanding of the Data Perspective
and the data tools.
If students are behind in lab work, try to make sure that they have at least accomplished
the first part and the third part.

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                                                                                                   Instructor Exercises Guide

EXempty   Exercise instructions
          Open the workspace from the previous lab and add a database connection. Import
          structural information into a new project in Rational Application Developer, and create a
          new structure that will be deployed to a database. Create a diagram to see the
          relationships between the different tables.
          The following references in the exercise instructions represent directory locations in your
                   • <LAB_FILES> : C:LabFiles70
                   • <SDP_DIR> : c:IBMSDP70

          © Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, 2007                                       Exercise 7. Connect to a Database        7-3
                                      Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part
                                             without the prior written permission of IBM.
Instructor Exercises Guide

7.1. Prepare the Workspace
__ 1. Start Rational Application Developer with the workspace from the previous lab.
      __ a. In the Workspace Launcher dialog, specify <LAB_FILES>workspace as the
            workspace directory (it should already be pointing to that directory from the
            previous lab).

      __ b. Click OK to open the workspace. If this is a new workspace, follow the
            instructions in Appendix A to set up the projects for this exercise.

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                             Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part
                                    without the prior written permission of IBM.
                                                                                                   Instructor Exercises Guide

EXempty   7.2. Import the Library Database Schema
          __ 2. Create a Data Design project to hold the database information.
              __ a. Switch to the Data perspective. This can be accomplished by selecting Window
                      Open Perspective Other from the main menu and choosing Data from the
                    Select Perspective dialog.
              __ b. Right-click in the Data Project Explorer and select New                        Data Design Project.
              __ c. In the New Data Design Project dialog, enter LibraryData in the Project
                    name field.

              __ d. Click Finish.
          __ 3. Create a connection to the library database that was created in the first exercise.


          You will not be able to connect to the database if the test server is running. To stop the
          server, go to the Servers view, right-click the server and select Stop.

          © Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, 2007                                       Exercise 7. Connect to a Database        7-5
                                      Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part
                                             without the prior written permission of IBM.
Instructor Exercises Guide

      __ a. In the Database Explorer view, right-click anywhere in the view and select New

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                                    without the prior written permission of IBM.
                                                                                                   Instructor Exercises Guide

EXempty       __ b. In the New Connection dialog, enter the following:
                       - Database Manager: Derby                  10.1
                       - JDBC Driver: Derby Embedded JDBC Driver
                       - Database location: Browse to <LAB_FILES>databaselibrary
                       - Class location: Browse to

              __ c. Click Test Connection to check if the parameters are valid. The following
                    message should display.

              __ d. Click Finish.
          __ 4. Copy the Data model to the LibraryData project.

          © Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, 2007                                       Exercise 7. Connect to a Database        7-7
                                      Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part
                                             without the prior written permission of IBM.
Instructor Exercises Guide

      __ a. In the Database Explorer, expand the library connection to show the library

      __ b. Drag the library database from the Database Explorer onto the LibraryData
            project in the Data Project Explorer. The Physical Data Model Editor for
            library.dbm will open.

      __ c. Expand the Library connection in the Database Explorer view. It should have the
            following structure. (Note that some systems are not shown at the bottom of the

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                             Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part
                                    without the prior written permission of IBM.
                                                                                                   Instructor Exercises Guide

EXempty   __ 5. Sample the data from the Patron table.
              __ a. In the Database Explorer view, expand the connection to Connections
                       LibraryConnection library LIBRARY Tables.
              __ b. Right-click LIBRARY.PATRON and select Data                         Sample contents.

              __ c. The result is shown in the Data Output view.

          © Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, 2007                                       Exercise 7. Connect to a Database        7-9
                                      Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part
                                             without the prior written permission of IBM.
Instructor Exercises Guide

7.3. Create and Populate New Database Tables
        With the library database schema copied into the LibraryData project, you can
        examine the database schema even after disconnecting from the actual database.
        You can also create a new database schema within Rational Application Developer
        and export the tables to the actual database.


Another way to work with a connection offline is to right-click the connection in the
DatabaseExplorer and select Save Offline. Once disconnected, you can right-click the
connection and select Work Offline. Saving the connection offline saves the database
schema, but not the data. Another issue is that you cannot get metrics or live information
from the underlying database management system.

__ 6. Create a new database.
    __ a. In the Data Project Explorer, right-click LibraryData and select New                        Physical
          Data Model.

7-10 Developing Web Applications                                                  © Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, 2007
                             Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part
                                    without the prior written permission of IBM.
                                                                                                   Instructor Exercises Guide

EXempty       __ b. In the New Physical Data Model dialog, enter the following:
                           • Destination Folder: /LibraryData
                           • File name: BOOKSTORE
                           • Database: Derby
                           • Version: 10.1

              __ c. Click Finish. A Physical Data Model editor and a Diagram editor will open for the
                    new database. Close the Diagram editor.
          __ 7. The Data Project Explorer now displays the BOOKSTORE database model.
                Rename the database to BOOKSTORE and the schema to CATALOG.
              __ a. In the Data Project Explorer, select LibraryData Data
                    Models BOOKSTORE.dbm New Database.
              __ b. Either click New Database or use the Properties view to change the name to

          © Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, 2007                                       Exercise 7. Connect to a Database      7-11
                                      Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part
                                             without the prior written permission of IBM.
Instructor Exercises Guide

    __ c. In the Data Project Explorer, select the Schema node below the BOOKSTORE
          database node. Click the node name again and change the name to CATALOG.

    __ d. Save your changes by clicking within the BOOKSTORE.dbm Physical Data
          Model Editor and pressing CTRL+S.
__ 8. Add a new table to the schema.
    __ a. Right-click CATALOG in the Data Project Explorer and select Add Data Object

    __ b. Change the table name from Table1 to NewRelease.
    __ c. Select the NewRelease node in the Data Project Explorer.
    __ d. In the Properties view, select the Columns tab.

    __ e. Click the New icon (circled above) to add each of the columns listed below:
                Column 1
                 — Name: title
                 — Data Type: VARCHAR
                 — Length: 30
                Column 2

7-12 Developing Web Applications                                                  © Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, 2007
                             Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part
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                                                                                                   Instructor Exercises Guide

EXempty                    — Name: author
                           — Data Type: VARCHAR
                           — Length: 30
                          Column 3
                           — Name: price
                           — Data Type: DOUBLE
                          Column 4
                           — Name: releasedate
                           — Data Type: DATE

              __ f.   Save your changes by pressing CTRL+S.
          __ 9. With the BOOKSTORE database completed, you can export the schema and table
                to the actual BOOKSTORE Derby database.

          © Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, 2007                                       Exercise 7. Connect to a Database      7-13
                                      Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part
                                             without the prior written permission of IBM.
Instructor Exercises Guide

    __ a. In the Data Project Explorer, right-click BOOKSTORE and select Generate DDL.

    __ b. In the Generate DDL dialog, on the Options page, select the following check
          boxes: Fully qualified name, DROP statements, and CREATE statements.

    __ c. Click Next.
    __ d. Accept the defaults on the Objects page. Click Next.

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                                                                                                   Instructor Exercises Guide

EXempty       __ e. On the Save and Run DDL page, change the File Name to
                    createBookStoreTables.sql. Select the Run DDL on server check box.

              __ f.   Click Next.

          © Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, 2007                                       Exercise 7. Connect to a Database      7-15
                                      Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part
                                             without the prior written permission of IBM.
Instructor Exercises Guide

    __ g. On the Select Connection page, select the Create a new connection check
          box. A new connection is required as this is a different database.

    __ h. Click Next.
    __ i.   On the Connection Parameters page, fill in the following information:
                 • Database Location: <LAB_FILES>databasebookstore
                 • Class Location: Browse to

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                                                                                                   Instructor Exercises Guide

EXempty                    • User ID: CATALOG )


          This database does not exist. The Create the database if required check box is selected.
          This means that the Connection URL in the proceeding image will have ;create=true
          appended to the end. This will create the database if it does not exist.
          The User ID will create the schema - (CATALOG in this case).

              __ j.   Click Next. Click Finish on the Summary page.
              __ k. Check that the Data Output view indicates success. Note: There may be a
                    failure related to the attempt to drop the CATALOG schema that does not exist.

          © Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, 2007                                       Exercise 7. Connect to a Database      7-17
                                      Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part
                                             without the prior written permission of IBM.
Instructor Exercises Guide

__ 10. After creating the new schema and new table in the Derby database, you can
       populate it through an SQL/DDL Script.
    __ a. In the Data Project Explorer, right-click the SQL Scripts node and select New
             SQL Statement.


The createBookStoreTables.sql script was created in the same location.

    __ b. In the New SQL Statement dialog, click SQL Editor first. Enter
          populateNewRelease.sql as the Statement name and select Sample
          Statements from the Statement template drop-down list.

    __ c. Click Finish.

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                                                                                                   Instructor Exercises Guide

EXempty       __ d. The Connection Selection dialog will open to allow the SQL editor to create
                    SQL for a specific database type. Click Use an existing connection and select
                    bookstore from the Existing connections list.

              __ e. Click Finish.

          © Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, 2007                                       Exercise 7. Connect to a Database      7-19
                                      Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part
                                             without the prior written permission of IBM.
Instructor Exercises Guide


An SQL editor appears with the text as shown below. Notice that because you selected
Generate sample DML statements, you have four example statements to use in your
SQL file. The SQL is tailored for the type of database specified by the connection.
Note that these statements will not work as-is with the database. The default parameters
need to be changed.

__ 11. Write the SQL statements to populate the NewRelease table.
    __ a. Enter the following lines to replace the template statements. Notice the delete
          statement at the beginning; this statement deletes all existing rows in the
          newrelease table. This is not standard practice for a production environment, but

7-20 Developing Web Applications                                                  © Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, 2007
                             Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part
                                    without the prior written permission of IBM.
                                                                                                   Instructor Exercises Guide

EXempty               it is useful for testing purposes. You can also copy and paste the statements
                      from <LAB_FILES>Datasnippets snippet01.txt.

              __ b. Save the changes.
          __ 12. Run the SQL/DDL script on the database.
              __ a. In the Data Project Explorer, right-click LibraryData                    SQL Scripts
                       populateNewRelease.sql and select Run SQL.
              __ b. In the Connection Selection dialog, click Use an existing connection and
                    select bookstore from the Existing connections list.

              __ c. Click Finish.
              __ d. Check that the Data Output view indicates success. There should be five entries
                    for the script that was just run. The first entry for the SQL Editor is a warning
                    indicating that the NewRelease table was empty when a DELETE was executed.

          © Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, 2007                                       Exercise 7. Connect to a Database      7-21
                                      Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part
                                             without the prior written permission of IBM.
Instructor Exercises Guide

__ 13. Sample the database contents to ensure that the correct data has been populated.
    __ a. In the Database Explorer, right-click the bookstore connection and select
    __ b. Right-click bookstore bookstore                     Schemas CATALOG                   Tables
            NEWRELEASE, and select Data                       Sample contents.

    __ c. The result is shown in the Data Output view.

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                                    without the prior written permission of IBM.
                                                                                                   Instructor Exercises Guide

EXempty   7.4. Use the SQL Query Builder to Query the Library Database
                  You will now use the Query builder to display a list of items a patron has on loan.
                  You will join the ITEM, ONLOAN, and PATRON tables to display the patron’s full
                  name, and the title of the items currently loaned to that patron.
          __ 14. Create a select statement in the library database.
              __ a. In the Data Project Explorer, right-click LibraryData Data Models
                       library.dbm library SQL Statements and select New SQL Statement..

              __ b. In the New SQL Statement dialog, enter selectOnLoanItems as the
                    Statement name and choose SELECT as the Statement Template. Click OK.

              __ c. The SQL Builder for selectOnLoans will open.
          __ 15. In the SQL Builder, add the ITEM (alias I), ONLOAN(alias O) and PATRON(alias P)
                 tables to the select. Display the I.TITLE, P.FIRST_NAME and P.LAST_NAME fields
                 in the select. Join I.ITEM_KEY to O.PATRON_ID and O.PATRON_ID to

          © Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, 2007                                       Exercise 7. Connect to a Database      7-23
                                      Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part
                                             without the prior written permission of IBM.
Instructor Exercises Guide

    __ a. Right-click in the middle pane to add a table to the select statement.

    __ b. In the Add Table dialog, select LIBRARY.ITEM in the Table name list, and enter
          I (uppercase ‘i’) as the Table alias. Click OK.

    __ c. Add two more tables in the same fashion, using the following parameters.
                    Table 2
                 — Table name: LIBRARY.ONLOAN
                 — Table alias: O
                    Table 3
                 — Table name: LIBRARY.PATRON
                 — Table alias: P

    __ d. Specify the fields to display in the SELECT, by selecting the following check
          boxes: TITLE in Table I, and FIRST_NAME and LAST_NAME in Table P.

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                             Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part
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                                                                                                   Instructor Exercises Guide

EXempty       __ e. Join the tables, by dragging I.ITEM_KEY to O.ITEM_KEY. Drag O.PATRON_ID
                    to P.PATRON_ID. Lines should appear to indicate a join operation.

          __ 16. Set the sort order in selectOnLoansItems to sort ascending P.LAST_NAME and
              __ a. Click the Columns tab near the bottom of the SQL Builder.
              __ b. In the P.LAST_NAME row, select Sort Order to be 1, and select Sort Type


          Tip to set the Sort Type and Sort Order.
                   • For the Sort Type, select Ascending, and then press TAB.
                   • Do the same for Sort Order.

              __ c. In the P.FIRST_NAME row, select Sort Order to be 2, and select Sort Type to

              __ d. The SQL source should now be as follows. Note that carriage returns were
                    added to display the full SQL.

              __ e. Save your changes.
          __ 17. Run the selectOnLoanItems statement in the SQL Builder.

          © Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, 2007                                       Exercise 7. Connect to a Database      7-25
                                      Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part
                                             without the prior written permission of IBM.
Instructor Exercises Guide

    __ a. In the SQL Builder, right-click in the SQL pane and select Run SQL.

    __ b. In the Connection Selection dialog, click Use an existing connection and
          select library from the Existing connections list.

    __ c. If you are not connected to the library database, click Reconnect. When
          prompted, enter X as the password. Click Finish.
    __ d. Check the result in the Data Output view.

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                             Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part
                                    without the prior written permission of IBM.
                                                                                                   Instructor Exercises Guide

EXempty   7.5. Create a Diagram for the Data Tables
          __ 18. Display the tables from the LIBRARY schema in the Library database.
              __ a. In the Data Project Explorer, right-click LibraryData Data Models
                       library.dbm library Library Diagrams and select New Blank

              __ b. In the Data Project Explorer, navigate to LibraryData                      Data Models
                       library.dbm library Library folder.
              __ c. Select all five tables, LIBRARY.COPY, LIBRARY.ITEM, LIBRARY.ONLOAN,
                    LIBRARY.PATRON, and LIBRARY.TABLEMAX. You can select multiple items by
                    holding down the CTRL key while clicking on the individual items.
              __ d. Drag the five tables into the Diagram1 editor.
              __ e. The tables should now appear in the diagram with connections signifying their

          © Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, 2007                                       Exercise 7. Connect to a Database      7-27
                                      Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part
                                             without the prior written permission of IBM.
Instructor Exercises Guide

__ 19. Right-click anywhere in the diagram and select Arrange All.

__ 20. Save your changes.

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                             Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part
                                    without the prior written permission of IBM.
                                                                                                   Instructor Exercises Guide

EXempty   7.6. Close the Database Connections
          __ 21. In the Database Explorer view, right-click the Library connection and select
                 Disconnect. This will release the database so that it will be available for later
                 exercises. Do the same for the bookstore connection.
          __ 22. [OPTIONAL] Close the LibraryData project.
              __ a. In the Data Project Explorer, right-click the Library Data project and select
                    Close Project.

          End of exercise

          © Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, 2007                                       Exercise 7. Connect to a Database      7-29
                                      Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part
                                             without the prior written permission of IBM.

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Lab 4) working with databases

  • 1. V4.1 Instructor Exercises Guide EXempty Exercise 7. Connect to a Database Estimated time 01:00 What this exercise is about In this exercise you will explore the Data perspective. You will manipulate database information, both by importing it into Rational Application Developer and by generating a new database and exporting it. What you should be able to do At the end of this lab, you will be able to: • Connect to a database and sample the data • Import the database structure into Rational Application Developer • Create and populate new database tables • Use the SQL Builder to create a SQL statement and query the library database • Create a diagram from the tables Introduction Developers are generally more concerned with examining existing database structures and sampling data, rather than creating new structures and writing them back to the database. Nevertheless, there are times when it is necessary to create a new database for test purposes, and IBM Rational Application Developer (V7 and later) has the tools to do this. This lab takes you through both processes: importing information (both structural and sample data), and exporting artifacts created in Rational Application Developer. © Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, 2007 Exercise 7. Connect to a Database 7-1 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
  • 2. Instructor Exercises Guide Requirements This exercise requires one code fragment. Make sure that the file appears in the <LAB_FILES> DataSnippets directory before starting the lab. It also requires that the Derby database (LIBRARY) exist. This should have been set up in Lab 1. If it has not been set up, see Appendix A for instructions on how to do this. Instructor exercise overview This exercise divides into four sections, of which the first and third are the most important for developers: 1. Importing structure from a database, and sampling data. There are several different ways to create the project to contain the database structure. The one used in this lab is not necessarily the fastest, but it is expected that students will discover other ways themselves when they need to use this process. Step 3b) has the key screenshot, the dialog where the database type is chosen, the address entered and the connection tested. You should have gone over this in the presentation. It would be good, if there is time, to revisit this dialog after the lab before continuing with the next presentation. 2. Creating structure in Rational Application Developer and exporting it to a database. Students should understand that they would not usually have the permission to create databases this way in the real world! This is strictly a development environment. DBAs may have their own tools to create databases. 3. Querying the database. This section also should be clearly understood by students. They will need to create SQL statements, so this part of the lab is crucial. If after forty minutes you see that some students are still in part 1, suggest that they skip step 2 and do this section. 4. Creating a diagram. A very brief section, and not too important for the understanding of the Data Perspective and the data tools. If students are behind in lab work, try to make sure that they have at least accomplished the first part and the third part. 7-2 Developing Web Applications © Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, 2007 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
  • 3. V4.1 Instructor Exercises Guide EXempty Exercise instructions Preface Open the workspace from the previous lab and add a database connection. Import structural information into a new project in Rational Application Developer, and create a new structure that will be deployed to a database. Create a diagram to see the relationships between the different tables. The following references in the exercise instructions represent directory locations in your workstation: • <LAB_FILES> : C:LabFiles70 • <SDP_DIR> : c:IBMSDP70 © Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, 2007 Exercise 7. Connect to a Database 7-3 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
  • 4. Instructor Exercises Guide 7.1. Prepare the Workspace __ 1. Start Rational Application Developer with the workspace from the previous lab. __ a. In the Workspace Launcher dialog, specify <LAB_FILES>workspace as the workspace directory (it should already be pointing to that directory from the previous lab). __ b. Click OK to open the workspace. If this is a new workspace, follow the instructions in Appendix A to set up the projects for this exercise. 7-4 Developing Web Applications © Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, 2007 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
  • 5. V4.1 Instructor Exercises Guide EXempty 7.2. Import the Library Database Schema __ 2. Create a Data Design project to hold the database information. __ a. Switch to the Data perspective. This can be accomplished by selecting Window Open Perspective Other from the main menu and choosing Data from the Select Perspective dialog. __ b. Right-click in the Data Project Explorer and select New Data Design Project. __ c. In the New Data Design Project dialog, enter LibraryData in the Project name field. __ d. Click Finish. __ 3. Create a connection to the library database that was created in the first exercise. Note You will not be able to connect to the database if the test server is running. To stop the server, go to the Servers view, right-click the server and select Stop. © Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, 2007 Exercise 7. Connect to a Database 7-5 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
  • 6. Instructor Exercises Guide __ a. In the Database Explorer view, right-click anywhere in the view and select New Connection. 7-6 Developing Web Applications © Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, 2007 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
  • 7. V4.1 Instructor Exercises Guide EXempty __ b. In the New Connection dialog, enter the following: - Database Manager: Derby 10.1 - JDBC Driver: Derby Embedded JDBC Driver - Database location: Browse to <LAB_FILES>databaselibrary - Class location: Browse to <SDP_DIR>runtimesbase_v61derbylibderby.jar __ c. Click Test Connection to check if the parameters are valid. The following message should display. __ d. Click Finish. __ 4. Copy the Data model to the LibraryData project. © Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, 2007 Exercise 7. Connect to a Database 7-7 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
  • 8. Instructor Exercises Guide __ a. In the Database Explorer, expand the library connection to show the library database. __ b. Drag the library database from the Database Explorer onto the LibraryData project in the Data Project Explorer. The Physical Data Model Editor for library.dbm will open. __ c. Expand the Library connection in the Database Explorer view. It should have the following structure. (Note that some systems are not shown at the bottom of the image.) 7-8 Developing Web Applications © Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, 2007 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
  • 9. V4.1 Instructor Exercises Guide EXempty __ 5. Sample the data from the Patron table. __ a. In the Database Explorer view, expand the connection to Connections LibraryConnection library LIBRARY Tables. __ b. Right-click LIBRARY.PATRON and select Data Sample contents. __ c. The result is shown in the Data Output view. © Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, 2007 Exercise 7. Connect to a Database 7-9 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
  • 10. Instructor Exercises Guide 7.3. Create and Populate New Database Tables With the library database schema copied into the LibraryData project, you can examine the database schema even after disconnecting from the actual database. You can also create a new database schema within Rational Application Developer and export the tables to the actual database. Note Another way to work with a connection offline is to right-click the connection in the DatabaseExplorer and select Save Offline. Once disconnected, you can right-click the connection and select Work Offline. Saving the connection offline saves the database schema, but not the data. Another issue is that you cannot get metrics or live information from the underlying database management system. __ 6. Create a new database. __ a. In the Data Project Explorer, right-click LibraryData and select New Physical Data Model. 7-10 Developing Web Applications © Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, 2007 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
  • 11. V4.1 Instructor Exercises Guide EXempty __ b. In the New Physical Data Model dialog, enter the following: • Destination Folder: /LibraryData • File name: BOOKSTORE • Database: Derby • Version: 10.1 __ c. Click Finish. A Physical Data Model editor and a Diagram editor will open for the new database. Close the Diagram editor. __ 7. The Data Project Explorer now displays the BOOKSTORE database model. Rename the database to BOOKSTORE and the schema to CATALOG. __ a. In the Data Project Explorer, select LibraryData Data Models BOOKSTORE.dbm New Database. __ b. Either click New Database or use the Properties view to change the name to BOOKSTORE. © Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, 2007 Exercise 7. Connect to a Database 7-11 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
  • 12. Instructor Exercises Guide __ c. In the Data Project Explorer, select the Schema node below the BOOKSTORE database node. Click the node name again and change the name to CATALOG. __ d. Save your changes by clicking within the BOOKSTORE.dbm Physical Data Model Editor and pressing CTRL+S. __ 8. Add a new table to the schema. __ a. Right-click CATALOG in the Data Project Explorer and select Add Data Object Table. __ b. Change the table name from Table1 to NewRelease. __ c. Select the NewRelease node in the Data Project Explorer. __ d. In the Properties view, select the Columns tab. __ e. Click the New icon (circled above) to add each of the columns listed below: Column 1 — Name: title — Data Type: VARCHAR — Length: 30 Column 2 7-12 Developing Web Applications © Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, 2007 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
  • 13. V4.1 Instructor Exercises Guide EXempty — Name: author — Data Type: VARCHAR — Length: 30 Column 3 — Name: price — Data Type: DOUBLE Column 4 — Name: releasedate — Data Type: DATE __ f. Save your changes by pressing CTRL+S. __ 9. With the BOOKSTORE database completed, you can export the schema and table to the actual BOOKSTORE Derby database. © Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, 2007 Exercise 7. Connect to a Database 7-13 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
  • 14. Instructor Exercises Guide __ a. In the Data Project Explorer, right-click BOOKSTORE and select Generate DDL. __ b. In the Generate DDL dialog, on the Options page, select the following check boxes: Fully qualified name, DROP statements, and CREATE statements. __ c. Click Next. __ d. Accept the defaults on the Objects page. Click Next. 7-14 Developing Web Applications © Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, 2007 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
  • 15. V4.1 Instructor Exercises Guide EXempty __ e. On the Save and Run DDL page, change the File Name to createBookStoreTables.sql. Select the Run DDL on server check box. __ f. Click Next. © Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, 2007 Exercise 7. Connect to a Database 7-15 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
  • 16. Instructor Exercises Guide __ g. On the Select Connection page, select the Create a new connection check box. A new connection is required as this is a different database. __ h. Click Next. __ i. On the Connection Parameters page, fill in the following information: • Database Location: <LAB_FILES>databasebookstore • Class Location: Browse to <SDP_DIR>runtimesbase_v61derbylibderby.jar 7-16 Developing Web Applications © Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, 2007 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
  • 17. V4.1 Instructor Exercises Guide EXempty • User ID: CATALOG ) Note This database does not exist. The Create the database if required check box is selected. This means that the Connection URL in the proceeding image will have ;create=true appended to the end. This will create the database if it does not exist. The User ID will create the schema - (CATALOG in this case). __ j. Click Next. Click Finish on the Summary page. __ k. Check that the Data Output view indicates success. Note: There may be a failure related to the attempt to drop the CATALOG schema that does not exist. © Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, 2007 Exercise 7. Connect to a Database 7-17 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
  • 18. Instructor Exercises Guide __ 10. After creating the new schema and new table in the Derby database, you can populate it through an SQL/DDL Script. __ a. In the Data Project Explorer, right-click the SQL Scripts node and select New SQL Statement. Note The createBookStoreTables.sql script was created in the same location. __ b. In the New SQL Statement dialog, click SQL Editor first. Enter populateNewRelease.sql as the Statement name and select Sample Statements from the Statement template drop-down list. __ c. Click Finish. 7-18 Developing Web Applications © Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, 2007 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
  • 19. V4.1 Instructor Exercises Guide EXempty __ d. The Connection Selection dialog will open to allow the SQL editor to create SQL for a specific database type. Click Use an existing connection and select bookstore from the Existing connections list. __ e. Click Finish. © Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, 2007 Exercise 7. Connect to a Database 7-19 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
  • 20. Instructor Exercises Guide Information An SQL editor appears with the text as shown below. Notice that because you selected Generate sample DML statements, you have four example statements to use in your SQL file. The SQL is tailored for the type of database specified by the connection. Note that these statements will not work as-is with the database. The default parameters need to be changed. __ 11. Write the SQL statements to populate the NewRelease table. __ a. Enter the following lines to replace the template statements. Notice the delete statement at the beginning; this statement deletes all existing rows in the newrelease table. This is not standard practice for a production environment, but 7-20 Developing Web Applications © Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, 2007 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
  • 21. V4.1 Instructor Exercises Guide EXempty it is useful for testing purposes. You can also copy and paste the statements from <LAB_FILES>Datasnippets snippet01.txt. __ b. Save the changes. __ 12. Run the SQL/DDL script on the database. __ a. In the Data Project Explorer, right-click LibraryData SQL Scripts populateNewRelease.sql and select Run SQL. __ b. In the Connection Selection dialog, click Use an existing connection and select bookstore from the Existing connections list. __ c. Click Finish. __ d. Check that the Data Output view indicates success. There should be five entries for the script that was just run. The first entry for the SQL Editor is a warning indicating that the NewRelease table was empty when a DELETE was executed. © Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, 2007 Exercise 7. Connect to a Database 7-21 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
  • 22. Instructor Exercises Guide __ 13. Sample the database contents to ensure that the correct data has been populated. __ a. In the Database Explorer, right-click the bookstore connection and select Refresh. __ b. Right-click bookstore bookstore Schemas CATALOG Tables NEWRELEASE, and select Data Sample contents. __ c. The result is shown in the Data Output view. 7-22 Developing Web Applications © Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, 2007 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
  • 23. V4.1 Instructor Exercises Guide EXempty 7.4. Use the SQL Query Builder to Query the Library Database You will now use the Query builder to display a list of items a patron has on loan. You will join the ITEM, ONLOAN, and PATRON tables to display the patron’s full name, and the title of the items currently loaned to that patron. __ 14. Create a select statement in the library database. __ a. In the Data Project Explorer, right-click LibraryData Data Models library.dbm library SQL Statements and select New SQL Statement.. __ b. In the New SQL Statement dialog, enter selectOnLoanItems as the Statement name and choose SELECT as the Statement Template. Click OK. __ c. The SQL Builder for selectOnLoans will open. __ 15. In the SQL Builder, add the ITEM (alias I), ONLOAN(alias O) and PATRON(alias P) tables to the select. Display the I.TITLE, P.FIRST_NAME and P.LAST_NAME fields in the select. Join I.ITEM_KEY to O.PATRON_ID and O.PATRON_ID to P.PATRON_ID. © Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, 2007 Exercise 7. Connect to a Database 7-23 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
  • 24. Instructor Exercises Guide __ a. Right-click in the middle pane to add a table to the select statement. __ b. In the Add Table dialog, select LIBRARY.ITEM in the Table name list, and enter I (uppercase ‘i’) as the Table alias. Click OK. __ c. Add two more tables in the same fashion, using the following parameters. Table 2 — Table name: LIBRARY.ONLOAN — Table alias: O Table 3 — Table name: LIBRARY.PATRON — Table alias: P __ d. Specify the fields to display in the SELECT, by selecting the following check boxes: TITLE in Table I, and FIRST_NAME and LAST_NAME in Table P. 7-24 Developing Web Applications © Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, 2007 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
  • 25. V4.1 Instructor Exercises Guide EXempty __ e. Join the tables, by dragging I.ITEM_KEY to O.ITEM_KEY. Drag O.PATRON_ID to P.PATRON_ID. Lines should appear to indicate a join operation. __ 16. Set the sort order in selectOnLoansItems to sort ascending P.LAST_NAME and P.FIRST_NAME. __ a. Click the Columns tab near the bottom of the SQL Builder. __ b. In the P.LAST_NAME row, select Sort Order to be 1, and select Sort Type Ascending. Note Tip to set the Sort Type and Sort Order. • For the Sort Type, select Ascending, and then press TAB. • Do the same for Sort Order. __ c. In the P.FIRST_NAME row, select Sort Order to be 2, and select Sort Type to Ascending. __ d. The SQL source should now be as follows. Note that carriage returns were added to display the full SQL. __ e. Save your changes. __ 17. Run the selectOnLoanItems statement in the SQL Builder. © Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, 2007 Exercise 7. Connect to a Database 7-25 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
  • 26. Instructor Exercises Guide __ a. In the SQL Builder, right-click in the SQL pane and select Run SQL. __ b. In the Connection Selection dialog, click Use an existing connection and select library from the Existing connections list. __ c. If you are not connected to the library database, click Reconnect. When prompted, enter X as the password. Click Finish. __ d. Check the result in the Data Output view. 7-26 Developing Web Applications © Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, 2007 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
  • 27. V4.1 Instructor Exercises Guide EXempty 7.5. Create a Diagram for the Data Tables __ 18. Display the tables from the LIBRARY schema in the Library database. __ a. In the Data Project Explorer, right-click LibraryData Data Models library.dbm library Library Diagrams and select New Blank Diagram. __ b. In the Data Project Explorer, navigate to LibraryData Data Models library.dbm library Library folder. __ c. Select all five tables, LIBRARY.COPY, LIBRARY.ITEM, LIBRARY.ONLOAN, LIBRARY.PATRON, and LIBRARY.TABLEMAX. You can select multiple items by holding down the CTRL key while clicking on the individual items. __ d. Drag the five tables into the Diagram1 editor. __ e. The tables should now appear in the diagram with connections signifying their relationships. © Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, 2007 Exercise 7. Connect to a Database 7-27 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
  • 28. Instructor Exercises Guide __ 19. Right-click anywhere in the diagram and select Arrange All. __ 20. Save your changes. 7-28 Developing Web Applications © Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, 2007 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
  • 29. V4.1 Instructor Exercises Guide EXempty 7.6. Close the Database Connections __ 21. In the Database Explorer view, right-click the Library connection and select Disconnect. This will release the database so that it will be available for later exercises. Do the same for the bookstore connection. __ 22. [OPTIONAL] Close the LibraryData project. __ a. In the Data Project Explorer, right-click the Library Data project and select Close Project. End of exercise © Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, 2007 Exercise 7. Connect to a Database 7-29 Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.