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King Lear

King Lear

                                   LETTER FROM THE REP
                         Dear Educators,

                         Welcome to the Rep! We are thrilled to be presenting King Lear, our first Shake-
  CONTENTS:              speare production in five seasons. We are also proud to be presenting it in coopera-
                         tion with the University of Kansas City Department of Theatre. It is, sadly, rare that
 LETTER FROM             students have opportunities to see fully and professionally produced productions by
   THE REP               the world’s greatest playwright. The themes of this classical tragedy are enormous.
                         They include such significant topics as justice, power, madness, abdication, redemp-
PLOT SUMMARY             tion, family responsibility, material possessions and wealth (bling!) and the true na-
                         ture and expression of love. Although we are not an elderly and wealthy king in
   WILLIAM               Britain during the Celtic era in the 8th century, these are themes that are a part of
                  6      our modern lives. And although they are themes of depth and magnificence in a
                         royal kingdom, they reflect the dynamics of questions with which we continue to
 SHAKESPEARE             wrestle and dance in our own lives today.
  KING LEAR              When actors, directors and designers begin work on a play by William Shakespeare,
PLOT SOURCES             they must first immerse themselves in the words of the play or the text. A rich un-
BY DR. THOMAS            derstanding of the way he used words to create the most complex of human relation-
   CANFIELD              ships is integral to interpreting them on the stage today. In Shakespeare’s time, his
  KING LEAR              plays were not published and so the audience’s appreciation of them depended en-
                  10     tirely on performance. In the period during which these plays were performed, there
                         were no computers, TV’s, DVD players or iPods. There would have been no elec-
                  11     tricity or high technology to bring to life the sound and lights of the raging storm for
                         their afternoon performances. So the words played a much more meaningful role in
  CLASSROOM              storytelling than they do in our highly visual world. For those of us who want to
  ACTIVITIES             make sure that the art of bringing the written word to life onstage survives and is
 CREATE YOUR             shared with future artists and audience members, Shakespeare is heaven-sent.
  OWN FAMILY     12-13
 COAT OF ARMS            Young audience members possess the ideal openness and imagination to embrace
 AS I WRITE IT   14-15
                         the size of Shakespeare’s stories and unforgettable characters. The first Shake-
                         speare production I saw as a youngster was Much Ado About Nothing here at the
  KING LEAR’S            Rep. I have never forgotten those colorful men and women, the vibrancy of their
  TALK SHOW              passions or the wonder of their words. That early exposure to the richness of
SHAKESPEARE’S            Shakespeare’s world sent me on a continually joyous adventure of discovery.
 WORDS ARE        16
 OUR WORDS               There is an abundance of research and information available to us when we study
                         Shakespeare. Included here you will find just the tip of the iceberg. His characters
                         are so uniquely expressive with words which is a skill I know you’d love for your
   THEMES,               students to cultivate. We love opening up the world of theatrical language and lit-
 LANGUAGE AND    18-19   erature to students. If you would like us to help you do that, please be in touch any-
  DISCUSSION             time. Enjoy the play!
                20-21    We relish your responses and opinions.
                  22     Melinda McCrary
  CARPENTER              Director of Education and Community Programs
  RESOURCES       23

King Lear

                                          KING LEAR PLOT SUMMARY
          It is the night of a lunar eclipse in Celtic Britain               delia exit.
and the aging King Lear has decided to relinquish his                                   Later that night, as the eclipse
royal throne and divide his kingdom between his three                        wanes, Edmund, bastard son of the Earl
daughters, Goneril, Regan and Cordelia. His surprise                         of Gloucester, vows to himself to secure the land his
stipulation is that each daughter must prove her love to                     father has given to his legitimate son Edgar. His
him by public declaration in order to receive her third of                   scheme involves a clumsy attempt to hide a letter
his land and power.                                                          from Gloucester that was supposedly written by his
          Goneril, the oldest, speaks first, declaring that she              half-brother Edgar. Falling into Edmund’s trap,
loves Lear “dearer than eye-sight, space and liberty…No                      Gloucester demands to see the letter. Edmund’s for-
less than life.” Regan continues the flattery, adding, “I                    gery of his brother’s hand states that Edgar believes
am alone felicitate in your dear highness’ love.” Lear                       their aging father should turn over his fortune to his
then asks Cordelia, the youngest and his favorite, “what                     sons and let them manage his affairs. Gloucester is
can you say to win a third more opulent than your sisters?                   enraged, but Edmund calms him. Later, Edmund
Speak.” Cordelia, indignant at having to prove her love                      warns Edgar that he is in trouble with their father,
and refusing to flatter her father, proclaims “I love your                   “Bethink yourself wherein you may have offended
Majesty according to my bond, no more nor less.” Her                         him.” After Edgar’s departure, the wily Edmund re-
father fervently urges her to mend her speech “lest you                      flects on his situation which he believes is soon to
mar your fortunes” but she says she cannot.                                  change in his favor: “Let me, if not by birth, have
          Unjustly enraged, Lear                                                                        lands by wit.”
withdraws his offer to give Corde-                                                                                At Goneril’s house on
lia her share of his land. His long-                                                                    a subsequent day, the mistress
time ally the Earl of Kent implores                                                                     accuses her father of disruptive
his king to reconsider, but Lear is                                                                     behavior and instructs her
steadfast. He calls forth the Dukes                                                                     steward, Oswald, to act coldly
of Albany and Cornwall, husbands                                                                        towards Lear and his knights.
of Goneril and Regan, and passes                                                                        Meanwhile, the banished Kent
his coronet to them, investing them                                                                     arrives, disguised as a servant,
jointly with his power, and says                                                                        intending to continue to be of
that he will alternate living in their                                                                  service to Lear, behind the
households. Kent again urges Lear                                                                       scenes. “Now, banished Kent,
to reconsider but his loyalty and                                                                       if thou canst serve where thou
sound advice are ignored; Lear              (l to r) Naomi Peter (Cordelia), Larry Paulsen (Fool), John dost stand condemned so may
considers Kent’s advice treasonous        Rensenhouse (Albany), Kandis Chappell (Goneril), Gary Neal it come, my master, whom
                                                    Johnson (Gloucester), and Denis Arndt (Lear)
and banishes him on threat of death.                     Photo by: Don Ipock Photography                though lov’st shall find thee
          Lear has called for the King                                                                  full of labours.”
of France and the Duke of Burgundy, both long-time suit-                                Lear demands to see Goneril, but she in-
ors of the now impoverished Cordelia. He offers Cordelia                     structs Oswald to say she is ill; Lear’s Fool jeers him
first to Burgundy but, without the dowry of land, as previ-                  for giving his lands to his unappreciative daughters.
ously agreed; the duke declines. Acknowledging Corde-                        Finally, Goneril enters and begins arguing with her
lia’s discredit, Lear then beseeches France to “direct your                  father about an outbreak of quarrelling and rioting in
liking a more worthier way than on a wretch whom Na-                         his retinue of 100 men, accusing him of protecting the
ture is ashamed almost to acknowledge hers.” France,                         miscreants and being too old to keep his knights in
however, is impressed by Cordelia's steadfastness and                        order. Furious, Lear leaves, proclaiming to Albany,
says that he considers Lear’s youngest daughter “herself a                   Goneril’s husband, “How sharper than a serpent’s
dowry.” He takes her as Queen of France, explaining,                         tooth it is to have a thankless child!”
“Thy dowerless daughter, King, thrown to my chance, is                                  Lear vows to take refuge at Regan’s, declar-
Queen of us, of ours, and our fair France.” Lear’s court                     ing “I have another daughter, who, I am sure, is kind
exits, leaving behind Regan, Goneril, France, and Corde-                     and comfortable,” unaware that Goneril is at that mo-
lia who entreats her sisters to “Love well our father: to                    ment writing to her sister.
your professed bosoms I commit him.” France and Cor-                                                                    (Continued on page 4)

King Lear

                       That night, at Gloucester's cas-         you all…made you my guardians…” Lear, in a rage,
               tle, Edmund convinces Edgar that he is           leaves Gloucester’s castle and sets out into the storm.
               in danger and urges him to flee. Ed-             Gloucester is concerned for his safety, but Cornwall urges
               mund then wounds himself to make it              him to “Shut up your doors my Lord; ‘tis a wild night…
look as if Edgar has attacked him. Gloucester, mis-             come out o’th’storm.”
guidedly thankful for Edmund's support, vows to cap-                     Gloucester complains to Edmund that Lear’s
ture Edgar and reward Edmund.                                   daughters and their husbands have commandeered his
         Meanwhile Regan and Cornwall arrive to                 home for their own use and “charged me, on pain of per-
discuss their ensuing war against Lear, using                   petual displeasure, neither to speak of him [Lear], entreat
Gloucester’s dispute with his son as fuel. Edgar is             from him, or any way sustain him.” But Gloucester vows
accused of being a companion of Lear’s riotous                  to search for his old master even if it costs him his life.
knights. Regan vows that if Lear “come to sojourn at                     On the Heath, Lear and the Fool are buffeted by
my house, I’ll not be there.”                                   the raging storm when Kent arrives, still in disguise. He
         In the predawn hours, Kent arrives at                  finds shelter for the King, whose sanity is faltering – “My
Gloucester's with a message from Lear and meets                 wits begin to turn.” Lear refuses to enter. Unexpectedly,
Oswald (whom Kent dislikes and mistrusts) who is                Edgar, disguised as Poor Tom, a madman, comes out of
carrying a message from Goneril. Kent attacks                   the hovel. Recognizing the King and his Fool, Poor Tom
Oswald, but Cornwall and Regan break up the fight               engages the men but Lear sees only references to his
and Cornwall puts Kent in the stocks. Gloucester                daughters in Tom’s rages and begins tearing off his
tries to intervene, “Pray, do not, Sir.” replies Kent.          clothes. Gloucester arriveds, and entreats the half naked
Meanwhile, Edgar decides he must flee and disguise              Lear to enter the hut explaining, “My duty cannot obey
himself as a beggar, for his own safety.                        your daughters’ hard commands to bar my doors…I have
                                                                ventured to come seek you out and bring you where both
                                                                fire and food is ready.”
                                                                         Back at Gloucester’s, Cornwall tells Edmund that
                                                                he will seek revenge against Gloucester for his sympathy
                                                                for Lear. Cornwall urges Edmund to betray his father,
                                                                claiming, “though shalt find a dearer father in my love.”
                                                                         During the night, Gloucester has brought Lear,
                                                                Edgar (as Poor Tom) and the Fool to an isolated farm-
                                                                house. Lear, half mad, continues his rant against his
                                                                daughters, prosecuting them in a mock trial. Kent cau-
                                                                tions Lear to show patience with his daughters, and Ed-
                                                                gar, in an aside, takes pity on the old king. Gloucester
                                                                encourages Kent to immediately take Lear to Dover,
                                                                where protection awaits him. “If though should’st dally
                                                                half an hour, his life…stand[s] in assured loss.” Together,
                                                                they leave for Dover.
                                                                         Meanwhile, the storm is blowing itself out and
                                                                Cornwall, Regan, Goneril and Edmund return to Glouces-
              Gary Holcombe (Kent) and knights                  ter’s house with their servants. Cornwall tells Goneril that
              Photo by: Don Ipock Photography
                                                                an army from France has landed at Dover, and tells his
         Lear now arrives, and finds Kent in the                knights to seek out the traitor Gloucester. Goneril says to
stocks. At first, Regan and Cornwall refuse to see her          pluck out his eyes. Cornwall takes his leave and tells Ed-
father claiming fatigue from the night’s travels. Fi-           mund, who is now calling himself Earl of Gloucester, to
nally, they agree to see Lear, and Regan chides him,            stay behind. “The revenges we are bound to take upon
telling him that he “should be ruled and led” and en-           your traitorous father are not fit for your beholding.”
couraging him to return to Goneril’s. Soon, Goneril                      Gloucester, now a prisoner, is returned to his
arrives and together the sisters admonish Lear for his          home where he is interrogated about his alleged treason
behavior, accusing him of weakness; they push Lear              and his loyalty to “the lunatic king.” Cornwall savagely
to the brink of sanity to which he comments, “I gave                                                      (Continued on page 5)

King Lear

plucks out Gloucester’s eyes. Blinded, Gloucester calls                      At the French camp near Do-
out to his son Edmund for mercy but Regan exclaims,                 ver, Kent, who has continued to serve
“Thou call’st on him that hates thee; it was he that made           as Lear’s protector, and Cordelia dis-
the overture of thy treasons to us.” Gloucester is turned           cuss Lear’s condition with a doctor.
out of his home, but is followed by two servants who plan           When Lear awakes, he seems saner than before and
to help him.                                                        recognizes his formerly favorite daughter. Lear ques-
          On the Heath the following morning, Goneril’s             tions whether or not Cordelia has plans to poison him,
servant leads Gloucester to the farmhouse and comes                 “I know you do not love me; for your sisters have, as
upon Poor Tom (Edgar). Gloucester sends the servant                 I do remember, done me wrong: You have some
away and asks Tom to lead him to the edge of the high               cause, they have not.”
cliffs at Dover.                                                             That night Regan interrogates Edmund about
          That afternoon, Edmund                                                               his possible love for her sis-
pledges his loyalty and love to                                                                ter. “Dear my lord, be not
Goneril. When her husband Al-                                                                  familiar with her.” Goneril
bany learns that the daughters                                                                 and Albany enter. Albany
have mistreated their father he                                                                tells them that Lear is with
lashes out at Goneril, “You are                                                                Cordelia. Goneril says the
not worth the dust which the                                                                   sisters and their forces must
rude wind blows in your face.” A                                                               band together to battle Cor-
messenger brings news that                                                                     delia and the French troops.
Cornwall is dead from a fatal jab                                                              Still disguised, Edgar pulls
he received from a protesting                                                                  Albany aside and present a
knight during his savage attack                                                                letter that he believes will
on Gloucester. Albany, feeling                                                                 change the course of action.
sorry for Gloucester and learning          Denis Arndt (Lear) and Naomi Peter (Cordelia)       Edmund enters, soliloquizing
                                                 Photo by: Don Ipock Photography
of Edmund's treachery with his                                                                 to himself about having
wife, vows revenge.                                                 pledged his love to both sisters. If Albany is killed in
          At a French camp near Dover, Cordelia sends out           battle, both sisters will be widows. Edmund vows to
a sentry to find her father. That night, at Regan’s nearby          show no mercy to Lear and Cordelia.
encampment, Regan shares her concerns with Oswald                            Lear and Cordelia are captured in battle by
(who has delivered a letter to the encampment) that her             Edmund who orders them taken to jail and instructs a
sister might be in love with Edmund, whom Regan (now a              Captain to kill them. Albany, Goneril and Regan ar-
widow) would like to marry. “My Lord is dead; Edmund                rive and argue about the battle. Regan complains of
and I have talk’d and more convenient is he for my hand             stomach pains and is taken to her tent.
than for your Lady’s.”                                                       Edgar, the rightful heir of his father to the
          In the countryside near Dover, Edgar describes            title of Earl of Gloucester, arrives and challenges Ed-
the perilous drop off the cliff to the blind Gloucester who         mund’s claim to the title. They fight and Edmund is
jumps, thinking he will die. In fact, he falls but a short          injured. Goneril cries out to save Edmund but Albany
distance. Realizing he is alive, Gloucester cries out,              intervenes and reveals Goneril’s letter; Goneril hastily
“Alack, I have no eyes. Is wretchedness deprived that               leaves. Edmund and Edgar continue to argue and
benefit to endself by death?” Now telling Gloucester he             Edgar admits to protecting Lear. A knight rushes in
is a beggar, Edgar helps his father up. Lear, now fully             carrying a bloody knife. Goneril has poisoned Regan
mad, approaches and speaks to them. Gloucester recog-               and then stabbed herself. Both sisters are dead. Ed-
nizes Lear’s voice. A French knight and some comrades               mund reveals that he has ordered his Captain to hang
approach and, finding Lear, try to convince him to go to            Cordelia and kill Lear. Edmund dies of his wounds.
Cordelia, but Lear runs away.                                                Lear emerges, carrying the body of Cordelia
          Oswald comes across Edgar and Gloucester and              in his arms, and cries out “A plague upon you, mur-
threatens to kill them. Edgar, though, kills Oswald in a            derers, traitors all.” Grief stricken, he dies. The fu-
fight; he then discovers a letter that proves that Goneril          ture of his kingdom rests in the hands of Albany, the
plans to murder Albany and marry Edmund. Edgar takes                aging Kent, and Edgar.
Gloucester’s hand and leads him away.

King Lear

                             WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE (1564-1616)
             Only a small collection of documents          1606). The first performances of Antony and Cleopatra,
             about the life of William Shakespeare         Coriolanus, and Timon of Athens most likely occurred
has come down through the centuries to us, but             during 1607 and 1608. Late in his life, Shakespeare pro-
available materials state that he was born in 1564         duced a series of plays—including Cymbeline (circa
and grew up in Stratford-upon-Avon, a prosperous           1609), The Winter’s Tale (circa 1610), and The Tempest
English market town in the county of Warwickshire          (1612)—to which scholars have attached different la-
northwest of London. His father, John Shakespeare,         bels; sometimes these have been referred to as
was a glove maker and a prominent citizen of Strat-        “tragicomedies,” but in recent years they have most usu-
ford who eventually held the                                                          ally been described as
position of mayor. No known                                                           “romances.”
surviving formal records of                                                           In 1613, the Globe Theatre
the playwright’s life exist dat-                                                      caught fire and burned to the
ing from the time between his                                                         ground. About this time,
christening in 1564 at Strat-                                                         Shakespeare returned to Strat-
ford’s Holy Trinity Church                                                            ford, where his wife and chil-
and his marriage in 1582 to                                                           dren still lived. (Like the play-
Anne Hathaway, a woman                                                                wright’s early years, this move
eight years his senior. The                                                           has long been the subject of
couple’s daughter Susannah                                                            extensive scholarly conjec-
was born six months after                                                             ture.) Made financially pros-
their wedding, and twins,                                                             perous by his years in the thea-
Hamnet and Judith, were born                                                          tre, he died a wealthy Stratford
in 1585. How Shakespeare                                                              landowner at age 52, in 1616,
supported himself in his early                                                        and is buried in the same Strat-
adulthood and when or why                                                             ford church where he had been
he left Stratford for the Lon-                                                        christened.
don theatrical world have                                                             Although many of Shake-
been the subject of much                                                              speare’s plays were extremely
scholarly speculation.                                                                popular in England during the
By 1592, Shakespeare had                                                              playwright’s lifetime, it was
achieved some prominence in                                                           not until the 18th century—
London both as an actor and                                                           more than 100 years after his
as an author, especially of                                                           death—that his work began to
history plays; he also had pub-                                                       exert a major influence interna-
lished a long narrative poem,                                                         tionally. His plays now are
                                        The title page of the First Folio of
The Rape of Lucrece. The                   William Shakespeare's plays.              produced worldwide more than
Taming of the Shrew (circa                                                           those of any other dramatist.
1593) gained him further rec-                                                        Since the mid-19th century, it
ognition. By about this time he also had become a          has occasionally been argued that someone else of no-
member of the Lord Chamberlain’s Men, a theatre            bler lineage and greater education must have written his
company (renamed the King’s Men during the reign           works, because some have found it inconceivable that a
of James I which began in 1603) of which he was a          man of modest family background and only a grammar
principal actor, playwright and shareholder for the        school education could have written the 37 masterpieces
next 20 years. In 1598, Shakespeare’s company was          credited to Shakespeare. Nevertheless, the literary canon
evicted from its playhouse and then built the Globe        which every season is celebrated by theatrical compa-
Theatre in South London near the Thames River. It          nies worldwide continues to bear his name, as do Shake-
was at the Globe that Shakespeare produced his             speare festivals all around the English-speaking parts of
most famous tragedies: Hamlet (1600), Othello              the globe.
(circa 1604), Macbeth (1606), and King Lear (circa

King Lear

                                  SHAKESPEARE TIMELINE
          This is an overview of what is believed to be the timeline of William Shakespeare’s work:
1564. William Shakespeare is born in Stratford upon Avon to local tanner John and Mary Shakespeare. His actual
birthday is unknown but assumed and celebrated today on April the 23rd, just three days before his baptism was recorded in the Parish
register of the Holy Trinity Church on April the 26th.
1582. At age 18, he marries the considerably older Anne Hathaway (26 years old) from Shottery on November the 27th.
1583. Susanna, William and Anne Shakespeare’s first child who lives a full 66 years, is born just five months after Shakespeare and
Anne Hathaway’s wedding (May 26th).
1585-1592. Shakespeare is believed to have left his family in Stratford to join a company of actors as both playwright and performer,
starting his career in theatre.
1585. Shakespeare’s twins, Judith and Hamnet are born, (February 2) Hamnet living only eleven years whilst Judith lived 77.
1589-1590. Shakespeare is believed by most academics to have written his very first play, Henry VI, Part One in this year.
1590-91. Shakespeare is again believed to have written Henry VI, Part Two and Henry VI, Part III.
1592. Shakespeare begins to be noticed as a force within London theatre; Robert Greene’s Groatworth of Wit famously calls Shake-
speare an "upstart crow". He attacks Shakespeare as lacking originality since he borrows ideas from other sources for his own plays.
Academics see this criticism as proof that Shakespeare was in London at this time. Theatres in London close because of the plague.
1592-93. It is believed that Shakespeare wrote the poem Venus and Adonis and the plays Richard III and The Two Gentlemen of Verona.
1592-94. The Comedy of Errors written in this time.
1593. Shakespeare begins to compose the first of what will amount to a 154 sonnet collection. His narrative poem Venus and Adonis is
his first ever published.
1593-94. The Rape of Lucrece, Titus Andronicus and The Taming of the Shrew are thought to have been penned by Shakespeare.
1594. The Lord Chamberlain’s Men, a theatre troupe including distinguished actor Richard Burbage and comic Will Kemp performs
with Shakespeare in their group.
1594-1595. Shakespeare pen’s Love Labour’s Lost.
1594-1596. King John is assumed to have been written.
1595. A busy year for Shakespeare as he is thought to have composed Richard II performed that very same year, A Midsummer Night’s
Dream, thought to be composed for a wedding and the greatest love story of all time, Romeo and Juliet.
1596-1597. The Merchant of Venice and Henry IV, Part One are thought to have been written.
1598. William is thought to have written the play Henry IV, Part Two and Shakespeare’s reputation as an actor is confirmed his per-
formance in Ben Jonson’s Every Man in his Humor which clearly lists his name as a principal actor in the London play.
1598-99. William writes the play Much Ado About Nothing in this year.
1600-1601. Shakespeare is thought to have composed arguably his greatest play, Hamlet at this time.
1601. The narrative poem, The Phoenix and the Turtle is thought to have been written.
1601-1602. Twelfth Night or What You Will, Alls Well That Ends Well and Troilus and Cressida are probably composed.
1604. Measure for Measure is believed to have been written in this year. It is later performed at King James I Court. Othello is also
penned, being performed on November the 1st at Whitehall.
1605. The Merchant of Venice is performed twice at King James’ Court earning a commendation from the King. King Lear is believed
to have been composed in this year and as is Macbeth, the play’s Scottish background and kind portrayal of ancestor Malcolm being
intended as a celebration and honoring of King James Scottish ancestry.
1606. Antony And Cleopatra is believed to have been composed.
1607-1608. Timon of Athens, Pericles and Coriolanus are composed .
1608. The King’s Men take on a twenty-one year lease of London’s first permanently enclosed theatre, the Blackfriars Theatre in this
year. The return of the plague forces a closure of all playhouses and theatres from the spring of 1608 through to early 1610.
1609-1610. Cymbeline is thought to have been composed.
1610-1611. The Winter’s Tale is written.
1611. The Tempest was written.
1612-1613. The King’s men perform Othello and Julius Caesar amongst others in this year. Shakespeare is thought to have written
Cardenio, his only lost play during this period and with John Fletcher as a likely contributor, composes Henry VIII.
1613. The Globe Theatre burns to the ground. The Two Noble Kinsmen is penned. A 1634 entry within the Stationer’s Registry confirms
that both William Shakespeare and John Fletcher composed this play.
1614. The Globe Theatre reopens.
1616. William dies on April 23rd, his burial being recorded in the Stratford Holy Church Register two days later.
1619. Hamlet is performed as part of Christmas celebrations at court.
1623. Shakespeare’s wife, Anne Hathaway dies, the same year, and fellow actors John Hemminges and Henry Condell gather together
and publish for the first time, 36 of Shakespeare’s 37 plays in a collection known as The First Folio.


King Lear
                              SHAKESPEARE’S SOURCES FOR KING LEAR
                                                         by Dr. Thomas Canfield
                 Popular commentators and academic ex-              to their relative professions of affection. The youngest daugh-
                 perts around the world have celebrated             ter, when she refuses to flatter her father, is disinherited and
Shakespeare’s genius for 400 years. Yet theatre audiences           afterwards marries the king of the Franks. No English transla-
do not often realize that the most esteemed playwright in           tion of this work was available in Shakespeare’s day, but he
world history, whom they adore for his great dramatic plots         might have read it in its original Latin or, just as likely, re-
and poetic language, was in fact a very liberal borrower            ceived the story as it was retold by numerous later writers who
from a variety of sources. A significant portion of Shake-          borrowed from the Historia. For example, Geoffrey’s work
speare’s true greatness does not exist in the originality of        forms the basis of two verse romance chronicles which retell
his stories, which he typically derived and reconstructed,          the Lear story: the Anglo-Norman Roman de Brut (1155) by
but rather is due to his artistic transformation–through lan-       Wace–translated into English by William Caxton before Shake-
guage and character development–of materials by earlier             speare’s time–and Brut by Layamon, one of the first major texts
authors masterfully conscripted for his own use. The Trag-          written in Middle English.
edy of King Lear is a perfect example                                                               Three centuries later, the Lear
of Shakespeare’s inspired adaptation                                                       story was again briefly retold by John
of sources, and also typifies his skill in                                                 Hardyng in his Chronicles (1436), but it
employing older elements to create                                                         was a renewed interest in the story by the
works of dramatic art which com-                                                           Tudor chroniclers and versifiers of the
pletely overshadow their originals in                                                      next century that gave the tale truly wide-
craftsmanship and brilliance.                                                              spread circulation. Obviously, such more
          Numerous early versions of                                                       contemporary sources have greater prob-
the basic Lear story existed hundreds                                                      ability of having been familiar to Shake-
of years before Shakespeare’s play                                                         speare. For example, the story of Lear was
was written in the early seventeenth                                                       recounted by Robert Fabyan in his New
century, and this has caused frustration                                                   Chronicles of England and France
for scholars seeking to answer the                                                         (1516), and it appears as well in Polydore
sphinx-like riddle of exactly which                                                        Vergil’s Anglicae Historiae (1534), a
sources Shakespeare had on hand                                                            work which introduces Cordilla’s argu-
when composing his work. In King                                                           ment for transferring her primary devotion
Lear, for example, the general theme                                                       from her father to her husband after mar-
of filial ingratitude and the contrast                   Denis Arndt (Lear)                riage–a detail which also appears in
between the treatment of their aged               Photo by: Don Ipock Photography         Shakespeare’s version. Later, elements
parents by good and selfish children                                                      from both Hardyng and Fabyan were ap-
are common features found in ancient tales from Asian               propriated by John Stow in his Summarie of Englyshe Chroni-
tradition. The motif of a love test as a basis for the division     cles (1563) and Annales (1592).
of a parent’s property comes from European folklore, sev-                     In the 1574 edition of A Mirror for Magistrates, a
eral variants developing a tale in which a daughter first           verse biography of various figures from English history, John
tells her father that she loves him as much as salt, and then       Higgins reiterated the tale of Leire as part of a collection of
dissipates his anger by demonstrating that this means he is         early legends of Britain. In Higgins’s version, which draws
essential to her life. Scholars have also recognized in             upon Geoffrey of Monmouth as a primary source and contains
Lear’s motif of three sisters, two of whom are evil and one         many similar details, the dead Cordilla provides a first-person
who is good, superficial affinities between the play and the        narrative account–in the form of a verse complaint–of her disin-
fairy tale of Cinderella. The name “Lear” itself appears to         heritance and the subsequent disgrace inflicted on her father at
originate in Celtic tradition, with characters called Ler, Leir     the hands of her sisters. Eventually, Leire comes to France and
or Lyr.                                                             requests his estranged daughter’s assistance. Once reconciled,
          The earliest extant written down version of the           Cordilla aids him in reestablishing his rule for three years and,
Lear story–one that Shakespeare could have known–is the             after Leire dies, she rules the country for five additional years–
Historia Regum Britanniae (History of the Kings of Brit-            until the sons of Gonerell and Ragan imprison her in a dungeon,
ain), a work composed in Latin by Geoffrey of Monmouth              eventually leading her to commit suicide in despair.
(c. 1100-c. 1155), a twelfth-century monk and historian. In                   Other possible sources for the play are William War-
this text, a pseudo-historical figure called Leir, eleventh         ner’s Albion’s England (1586), a long verse chronicle contain-
king of the Britons and legendary founder of the city of            ing a version of the Lear story, as well as the 1587 second edi-
Leicester, plans to divide his kingdom among his three              tion of Raphael Holinshed’s Chronicles of England, Scotland,
daughters–Gonorilla, Regau and Cordeilla–who are put to a           and Wales, a work which Shakespeare clearly used as a staple
verbal test and given rule over their father’s land according                                                      (Continued on page 9)

King Lear
source not only for King Lear, but also for Macbeth, Cymbeline       fiends by whom Edgar . . . claims to be
and several of his English history plays. It was not until 1590,     possessed” as well as “some of the lan-
with the publication of two of the most famous English Renais-       guage of madness, several of the attributes
sance poems–Edmund Spenser’s The Fairie Queene and Sir               of hell and a number of colorful adjec-
Philip Sidney’s The Countess of Pembroke’s Arcadia–that plau-        tives.”
sible antecedents for Shakespeare’s play represent literary and                In the same year that Harsnett’s work was pub-
artistic modes rather than historical writing. This is also where    lished, two other possible sources for Shakespeare’s play
it becomes possible that Shakespeare becomes the source for          also emerged, namely John Florio’s translation of Michel
subsequent works dealing with the story, in the view of some         de Montaigne’s Essais and an account of the highly pub-
scholars.                                                            licized court case in October involving Sir Brian An-
          Book II of Spenser’s unfinished epic allegory cele-        nesley. Scholars have noted that more than one hundred
brates the virtue of Temperance in the character of a knight         words from Florio’s translation do not appear anywhere
named Sir Guyon. In Canto X, Sir Guyon reads a “chronicle of         in Shakespeare’s writing before King Lear, and that two
Briton kings” while sojourning at the House of Alma. This            of Montaigne's famous essays, “Of Solitariness” and “An
seven-stanza section of the lengthy epic is notable especially for   Apology for Raymond Sebonde,” apparently refer to
the mode of Cordelia’s death; it is in Spenser that, for the first   themes similar to those which Shakespeare's deals with
time known, the manner of her death is specified as being            in Lear. In the lawsuit involving Annesley, an ex-servant
through hanging, by her own hand. Sidney’s work is also nota-        of Queen Elizabeth I who owned a valuable estate in
ble for being a primary source for the secondary Gloucester plot     Kent, the eldest of his three daughters, Lady Grace
in King Lear. One episode in Book II is set in “a certain hollow     Wildgoose, attempted to have her father certified as in-
rocke” where the two main characters are compelled to take           competent so that she and her husband could take over
shelter from the hail and wind of a “tempests furie.” There, they    the management of his affairs. Although the role played
encounter a king who has been alienated from his legitimate          by Annesley’s second daughter in the affair is unknown,
son by the false accusation of his bastard son–who has usurped       his youngest daughter, Cordell, opposed the malevolent
his father’s title and blinded him. Subsequently, the rightful       designs of her elder sisters by appealing to Sir Robert
son, described as “poorely arayed” and “extreamely weather-          Cecil.
beaten,” rescues his father and prevents him from committing                   The Annesley case, moreover, does not stand
suicide by leaping from a cliff.                                     alone as a possible legal history source of themes ex-
          The single most important and immediate source for         pressed by Shakespeare’s play. Another case involved
the main plot of Shakespeare’s tragedy, however, is The True         Sir William Allen, Lord Mayor of London from 1571-72.
Chronicle Historie of King Leir and his Three Daughters:             Growing old and frail, Allen decided to divide his estates
Gonorill, Ragan, and Cordella, a chronicle play (author un-          and wealth between his three married daughters, arrang-
known) published in 1605 (although there is evidence that it         ing to stay with each in turn. The trio eventually resented
was performed by the Queen’s Men before 1594). Because this          the charge of his upkeep and argued that Allen was rude
play draws upon many of the same historical sources that             to their servants. After cursing his daughters for their
Shakespeare may have used independently for his own work,            mistreatment of him, Allen died in misery.
the problem of scholarly attribution is tangled. There is no                   Yet one more literary and dramatic source for
doubt that Shakespeare freely adapted some language and plot         King Lear may be the work of John Marston (1576-
details of the earlier play to his own ends, making it superior.     1634), the English poet, playwright and satirist. Some
However, unlike Shakespeare’s play, King Leir features a             scholars have identified the mad speeches of Lear as
prevalent Christian emphasis. Another major difference is the        being influenced by Marston’s book of satires, The
fact that the king and Cordella do not die Lear but survive and      Scourge of Villanie (1598), but more importantly they
live happily. The king goes off with his companions at the con-                                            (Continued on page 10)
clusion, leaving Cordella to reign in his place. Her two sisters–
called Gonorill and Ragan–also do not die, but instead become
fugitives. Two important features in Shakespeare’s play, the
parallel plot of Gloucester and the character of the Fool, do not                  Did you know???
appear in Leir.                                                         There are some scholars who speculate that the
          For the mad verbiage Edgar employs when disguised             roles of Cordelia and The Fool may have been
as Poor Tom O’Bedlam, Shakespeare may have been indebted                      originally played by the same actor.
to a work published in 1603 by Samuel Harsnett (1561-1631).                 How could this work? One of the most
Harsnett was Chaplain to the Bishop of London and later be-
                                                                         obvious ways is that the two characters never
came Archdeacon of Essex and subsequently Archbishop of
York. His tract A Declaration of Egregious Popish Impostures                        appear onstage together.
is a detailed account of several heretical exorcisms conducted                 What could this doubling of roles
by Roman Catholic priests in England during 1585-86. In                   accomplish for both the theatre and for the
Shakespearean Negotiations, Stephen Greenblatt notes that                  significance in character’s relationships?
Shakespeare appropriated from Harsnett “the names of the foul

King Lear

                have seen his play The Malcontent (1604)
                as a source for the saturnine personality and
                                                                                CHARACTERS IN THE PLAY
                psychology of Edmund. The malcontent, a
                character type which frequently appears in         King Lear, King of Britain, “a very foolish, fond old man,
                Renaissance drama, stands apart from the           fourscore and upward,” who is headstrong and “full of
society surrounding him, usually having separated himself          changes,” yet “every inch a king,” and “more sinned against
by choice. A discontented observer, the malcontent is              than sinning.”
often a melancholic anti-hero with a dark, sarcastic view
of life. In Edmund’s case, it should be noted in fairness,         Goneril and Regan, Lear’s two older daughters, “the shame of
this separation is not only by nature but also due to ille-        ladies,” “she-foxes,” “gilded serpents,” “tigers, not daughters.”
gitimate birth.
          While the quest to unearth Shakespeare’s sources         Cordelia, Lear's youngest daughter, the “unpriz’d precious
provides much interesting material for study and research,         maid,” who lacks “that glib and oily art to speak and purpose
it is often a difficult and inconclusive endeavor resulting        not.” “Her voice was ever soft, gentle, and low; an excellent
in more questions than solutions. The same evidence can            thing in a woman.”
point to opposing interpretations. King Lear is by no
means an exception to the typical problem of identifying           Earl of Gloucester, like Lear, a gullible, rash old man.
the originals of Shakespeare’s work, and is perhaps an
indication of the playwright’s genius by showing how he            Edgar, Gloucester’s elder legitimate son, “whose nature is so
combined elements from a wide variety of previous au-              far from doing harms that he suspects none.”
thors. Ultimately, for the true lover of dramatic art, the
products of Shakespeare’s craft usually soar above any of          Edmund, Gloucester’s illegitimate son, “a most toad-spotted
his historical or literary sources, and their excellence far       traitor,” “rough and lecherous.”
surpasses the quality of the raw materials the playwright
exploited for their composition.                                   Duke of Albany, Goneril's “mild husband,”; “a man of milky
Bullough, Geoffrey, ed. Narrative and Dramatic Sources             Duke of Cornwall, wicked husband of Regan, a man “whose
         of Shakespeare. Vol. 7. London: Routledge and             disposition...will not be rubb’d nor stopped.”
         Keagan Paul, 1973.
Collington, Philip D. “Self-Discovery in Montaigne’s ‘Of           The Duke of Burgundy and The King of France, rival suitors
         Solitariness’ and King Lear.” Comparative                 for the hand of Cordelia.
         Drama 35 (2001): 248-69.
Greenblatt, Stephen. Shakespearean Negotiations. Berke             Earl of Kent, a “noble and true-hearted” courtier, whose plain
         ley: U of California P, 1988.                             honest speech, like Cordelia’s, sometimes results in evil for the
Halio, Jay L. King Lear: A Guide to the Play. Greenwood            old King to whom he is devoted. “He cannot flatter, he; an
         Guides to Shakespeare. Westport, CT: Green                honest mind and plain, he most speak truth.”
         wood P, 2001.
Kermode, Frank. “King Lear.” The Riverside Shake                   The Fool, “a pretty knave,” Lear’s “bitter, all licensed” jester,
         speare. Ed. G. Blakemore Evans and J.J.R.                 also devoted to Lear and Cordelia, but one whose words are “a
         Tobin. 2nd ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1997.            pestilent gall” to the old King.
“King Lear.” The Norton Anthology of English Literature.
         Ed. M.H. Abrams. 7th ed. Vol. 1. New York:                Oswald, Goneril's steward, “a serviceable villain,” whose
         W.W. Norton, 2000. 1106-1109.                             “easy-borrowed pride dwells in the fickle grace of her he fol-
“King Lear.” The Oxford Companion to Shakespeare. Ed.              lows.”
         Michael Dobson and Stanley Wells. Oxford:
         Oxford UP, 2001. 244-248.                                 An old tenant of Gloucester’s
The True Chronicle History of King Leir. Ed. Sir Sidney
         Lee. London: Oxford UP, 1900.                             A Doctor
Wells, Stanley. Introduction. The History of King Lear.
         The Oxford Shakespeare. Oxford: Clarendon,                Knights, Captains, Heralds, Soldiers, Pages and Attendants
         2000. 1-80.

    Dr. Canfield has a Ph.D. in Renaissance Drama from the
   University of Louisiana at Lafayette. He currently teaches                              Bibliography
   English at Grantham University and is Dramaturge for the        Watt, Homer. “Outlines of Shakespeare’s Plays. New York:
    Kansas City Repertory Theatre production of King Lear.                 Barnes & Noble, 1958.

King Lear
                                   THE LEAR FAMILY TREE

             THE FOOL                                                           (EARL   OF)   KENT
   A court jester who is devoted to                                    Faithful to Lear, he is banished after
         Lear and Cordelia.                                             he speaks out about the treatment
                                                                       of Cordelia. He disguises himself to
                                                                       help serve Lear after he has given up
                                                                                   his kingdom.

                                               KING LEAR
                     The ruler of Britain. Upon the knowledge of his impeding
                   retirement, he request his daughters to tell them how much
                   they love him. His reaction to this act becomes his downfall.

        GONERIL                                      REGAN                              CORDELIA
                                        Lear’s middle daughter. She           Lear’s youngest daughter. Her
Lear’s eldest daughter. She                                                   name means (“heart of a lion”).
chooses to turn her back on               too turns her back on her
                                         father (after inheriting half         Is disowned by her father yet
 her father (after inheriting                                                 remains loyal to him. Uses her
   half his kingdom) and                        his kingdom).
                                                                               husbands power to try to help
   betrays her husband.                                                        her father after he is banished
                                                                                       by her sisters.

        (DUKE   OF)   ALBANY                  (DUKE   OF)   CORNWALL
          Goneril’s husband.                       Regan’s husband.                   KING    OF   FRANCE
       A powerful nobleman in                Another powerful nobleman             Chooses to marry Cordelia
   Britain. He sees the brutality of          in Britain. He leaves Lear            even after she has been
   what he and his wife have done.           out in the storm and gouges            disowned by her father.
                                                Gloucester’s eyes out.               Helps Cordelia storm
                                                                                    Britain in an attempt to
                                                                                   take back the country for

            EDMUND                                          EDGAR
  Gloucester’s illegitimate son.                     Gloucester’s son. His
   Turns his father against his                       illegitimate brother
    brother. Uses Goneril and                       forces him to leave the
 Regan to further his ambitions.                    kingdom and disguises
 Forms a romantic triangle with                             himself as
         the two sisters.                              “Tom of Bedlam”.

                            (EARL      OF)   GLOUCESTER
                       Loyal to Lear. A nobleman in Britain.
                        The father of Edgar and his illegiti-
                         mate son, Edmund. Tries to help
                       Lear and pays for it with his eyesight.

                                                         - 11 -
King Lear
                                               CLASSROOM ACTIVITES
                                                   COAT OF ARMS
                                   Create Your Own Family Coat of Arms
      On the opposite page, create your own Coat of Arms use Symbols and Colors from
          below for inspiration. Write a paragraph about your Family Coat of Arms.
              What specific attributes did you use for your Coat of Arms? Why?

                        ANIMALS                                                                OBJECTS
Bear       Strength, cunning, ferocity in the protection of one's       Candle            Light, life, and spirituality
                                                                        Compass           Direction
Bee        Efficient industry
Cat        Liberty, vigilance, forecast, and courage                    Fire              Zealousness

Deer       One who will not fight unless provoked; peace and            Flowers           Hope and joy
                                                                        Globe             Worldliness; world travel
Dog        Courage, vigilance, and loyalty
           Loving constancy and peace; the Holy Spirit; with an         Hand              Pledge of faith, sincerity, and justice;
           olive branch in its bill, it signifies a harbinger of good                     two right hands conjoined represent union and
           tidings                                                                        alliance
                                                                        Ivy Leaves        Strong and lasting friendship
Duck       Person of many resources

Elephant   Great strength, wit, longevity, happiness, royalty,          Inkhorn or        Art of writing and educated employment
           good luck, and ambition                                      Inkwell
                                                                        Moon              Serene power over mundane actions
Fish       A true, generous mind; virtuous for himself, not be-
           cause of his heritage; also unity with Christ, spiritual     Pears             Felicity and peace
Fox        One who will use all that he/she may possess of wis-         Rainbow           Good times after bad
           dom and wit in his/her own defense
                                                                        Star              Celestial goodness; noble person
Lion       Dauntless courage
Mermaid    Eloquence                                                    Sun               Glory and splendor; fountain of life

Owl        One who is vigilant and of acute wit                         Tree              Life and the mystical connection of the earth
                                                                                          with heaven and the underworld
Panther    Fierce, but tender and loving to children and will de-
                                                                        Wings             Swiftness and protection
           fend her children with her life
Peacock    Beauty, power, and knowledge
Tortoise   Invulnerability to attack

Snake      Wisdom
Swan       Poetic harmony and learning, or lover thereof; light,        Gold              Generosity and elevation of the mind
           love, grace, sincerity, perfection
                                                                        Silver or White   Peace and sincerity
Unicorn    Extreme courage; virtue and strength                         Red               Warrior; Military strength
                                                                        Blue              Truth and loyalty
                                                                        Green             Hope, joy, and loyalty in love
                                                                        Black             Constancy or grief
                                                                        Purple            Royal majesty, sovereignty, and justice
                                                                        Orange            Worthy ambition
                                                                        Maroon            Patient in battle, and yet victorious

King Lear


For More Information Regarding Coat of Arms:

King Lear
                                       AS I WRITE IT
                           Writing and Comprehension Classroom Exercise
                                      Shakespeare’s King Lear

Objective: To enhance comprehension of individual words and the overall meaning of the text and how
the very specific words and images of Shakespeare bring the characters’ thoughts, feelings and goals to
life. To help the students learn to listen carefully to why particular language is chosen to tell a story.

Resources: Paper/pencil or computer. Dictionary or annotated script of King Lear. A great reference
book for Shakespeare’s words is A Shakespeare Glossary by C. T. Onions.

Suggested Scenes to Use: Edmund’s soliloquy – Act 1, Scene 2
                         Act 1, Scene 4 - It’s a long scene and can be divided up among the class.
                         Act 4, Scene 6 - Kent, Cordelia, Lear, Gentleman

                                           Sequence of Activity:

1.) Pick a scene or a soliloquy or monologue from King Lear. Discuss it’s meaning and how it moves
the plot of the play forward. Discuss each character’s motivations and their feelings about the other char-
acters in the scene.

2.) Write the scene or monologue out on notebook paper leaving a blank line between each of
Shakespeare’s lines.

•   Ask each student to use their own words and language and re-write the script of the scene.
•   It is acceptable to use contemporary slang because Shakespeare certainly did.
•   If you are using a scene, you may want half of the class to do this with the lines of a major speaking
    character and the other half to do the lines of another major speaking character.
•   An objective is to write specifically to the sense of what Shakespeare is saying and not to write too
    much more.
•   Be sure to include all indications in the language about entrances and exits. Shakespeare wrote very
    few stage directions. Instead, he put that information and those clues in the words.

3.) Make sure each student reviews their work and makes certain that their punctuation is how they want
it to be. Punctuation is very important for actors as they make decisions about pauses and rhythm as they
deliver their character’s lines. A period can mean something different than a comma.

4.) Have each student read their work aloud, pairing students if you are using a scene. It is important to
the understanding of the language for it to be read aloud. He never meant for his plays to be read quietly
at home. You may want to have the students trade scripts and express the work of others.

5.) Discuss each scene to evaluate whether or not the student captured the sense of the scene as Shake-
speare meant it to play.

6.) After discussion, let the students edit and re-write their work based on the feedback.

King Lear


                                       Questions for Discussion:

Did the scene have the same meaning and emotional level as Shakespeare’s? What words or phrases did
he use to communicate that emotional level?

As you wrote, was there a particular character whose motivations and feelings you identified with more
than others? Did that make that character’s lines easier to put into your own words?

Did the students use more words than Shakespeare to achieve the meaning of the scene? Why?

Did the students use fewer words than Shakespeare to achieve the meaning of the scene? Why?

                                   KING LEAR TALK SHOW
                                       Active Classroom Exercise
                                        Shakespeare’s King Lear

Objective: To encourage students to move beyond the language in expressing their understanding of
Shakespeare's play. To bring the motivations of the characters and the sequence of the play to life for the
students in order to enhance their comprehension of the plot and characters.

Resources: The play, paper, a pen or pencil, 2 chairs.

                                          Sequence of Activity:

1.) Ask the students to help name the talk show using the language and themes of King Lear.

2.) Have the students write down one question they’d like to ask a major character in the play. Give them
several characters from whom to choose.

3.) Have one character play the talk show host and give them the questions for each character.

4.) Have other students portray the major characters who are the guests of the talk show. They can appear
on the show one at a time or as a panel.

                                        Questions for Discussion:

Was your question answered?

Do you have a greater understanding of why some of the characters behaved as they did in the play?

If you portrayed a character on the talk show panel, do you have a greater understanding of that character
now that you have been asked to speak on their behalf?

Does this exercise make you think of more questions you’d like to ask the characters?
King Lear
                                       Classroom Poetry Exercise for
                                         Shakespeare’s King Lear

Objectives: To solidify comprehension of words in the play, to break down Shakespeare’s poetry and liter-
ary devices and use them again in an original way. To reinforce comprehension of literary devices such as
imagery, tone, alliteration, assonance, metaphor, simile. To find the emotional meaning behind words and
a new way to begin to write a play.

Resources: Paper, pencil or computer. Scissors. Envelopes. King Lear script (or any Shakespeare play)
and dictionary. A great reference book is A Shakespeare Glossary by C. T. Onions.

                                            Sequence of Activity:

1.) Choose a passage from the play that is particularly rich in language and literary devices. (It’s not a hard

Suggested Scenes to Use:        Edmund’s soliloquy Act 1, Scene 2
                                Lear and the Fool Act 1, Scene 5
                                Edgar’s soliloquy Act 2, Scene 3
                                Lear’s monologue at the end of Act 2, Scene 4
                                Lear’s monologue at the beginning of Act 3, Scene 2
                                Edgar’s monologue at the end of Act 3, Scene 4
                                Cordelia’s lines in Act 4, Scene 6 - “ O my dear father…….Speak to him.”

2.) Read the passage out loud and discuss the meaning of your selection and why those particular words,
images and sounds are effective in expressing that moment in the life of the character. Make certain that
you have researched the definition of each word.

3.) Type or write out your text selection in a large font for each student.

4.) Have the students cut the text up into random words and phrases. It might be fun for them to cut out
some of the punctuation as if it were a word and include it. Put the cut up words into an envelope and have
the students pass their envelope onto another student.

5.) They are then to take the words, now disembodied from their original meaning, and piece them together
into a new speech or poem which can be structured in any way the student designs. Copy this poem out.
It will provide the kernels of a new character in a new story.

6.) Read the new poems aloud and read Shakespeare’s passage again.

                                          Questions for Discussion:

Did the words, phrases and imagery change in meaning or tone in their new form? How?

What story, character or scene comes to mind as you read your new poem?

King Lear
                                           PHOTO CAPTION
                                      Visual Art Classroom Exercise for
                                          Shakespeare’s King Lear

Objective: To connect the physical activity of the actors to an understanding of the plot line and script.
To paraphrase for meaning and comprehension Shakespeare’s lines.

Resources: King Lear Learning Guide, illustrated versions of the play or photos online from other pro-
ductions at other regional theatres.

                                            Sequence of Activity:

1.) We have included several photos of our production of King Lear throughout this guide and below.
    Pick, study and discuss a photo.

2.) Decide at which point in the plot the photo was taken.

3.) Give the photo a caption from the words in the script at that point in the plot. Which lines might be
being spoken by the characters as that moment of action is taking place?

4.) Give the photo a caption in your words that expresses what the characters are thinking or saying as the
moment of action is taking place.

If you are interested in drawing, you could also draw your favorite scene from the play or cut out images
from a magazine that call to mind the actions and atmosphere of the play’s themes and characters. Then
use the script to put captions with your artwork.

                                                                                  Denis Arndt (Lear) and knights

           Larry Paulsen (Fool) and
             Denis Arndt (Lear)

                                                   David DeSantos (Edmund)
                                                Photos by Don Ipock Photography

King Lear
                             THEMES, LANGUAGE AND DISCUSSION
            The themes that arise in the plot of King Lear are common in Shakespeare’s tragedies and in all classi-
            cal tragedies. The story follows two primary characters, King Lear and the Earl of Gloucester. As we
witness each of their families unravel, we find many themes of their individual stories are parallel and interwoven.
We identify some of those themes as justice, madness, abdication, redemption, power, fate vs. free will, family
responsibility and inheritance, blindness vs. vision, material possessions and wealth and the true nature of
love. Any of these are worthy as discussion topics of this fast-moving and passionate masterpiece. You will most
likely come up with more ideas of themes explored by the plot and characters of King Lear as you discuss the play.

THEME: RENUNCIATION Larry Carpenter, the director of our production was very struck by the theme of
renunciation in the play.

  renounce 1 : to give up,                             MR. CARPENTER HAD THESE QUESTIONS AS HE
                                                                 EXPLORED THE PLAY:
  refuse, or resign usually by
  formal declaration <renounce                  When and why does someone renounce their work, their family,
  his errors>                                                      or their life choices?
  2 : to refuse to follow, obey,
                                                     When we give up or renounce something in our lives,
  or recognize any further :
                                                          are we looking to become someone else?
  repudiate <renounce the                           We might ask, as well, are there times when renouncing
  authority of the church                           or saying farewell to a particular part of life or a person
  Synonyms :ABDICATE,                                    is a productive choice? What is an example?
                                                   When might it be a mistake to renounce a part of our lives
               (Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary)                        or a person we love?


Who acted justly or fairly in this play? Who acted unfairly?
What were the consequences to those who treated someone unfairly?
What were the consequences to those who treated someone fairly?
King Lear becomes mad in the play – what caused his madness? Was it inevitable?
How could it have been prevented?
Was it his doing? Does the responsibility lie with others? Who and Why?

As do most classical tragedies, King Lear explores the extent to which we try to control our lives, the lives of oth-
ers and our destiny by making particular choices. It also explores the way we try to control those we love.

       Do you believe you control your fate or your future by your choices or is it already planned out
       by some greater being?

       Considering each of the major characters, how do they justify their choices and actions? Can you put
       yourself in each of their shoes? Have you had experiences similar to any of their experiences?

      How do the choices of your parents control your lives? How do your choices control your parent’s lives?

King Lear

As you read and watch this play, try to listen to the numerous times that Shakespeare uses images from nature. They
are often words and phrases that describe the sounds, colors and emotional impact of the natural world. There are
many references to animals which use the features of an animal to describe a person. For example, when Edgar is
pretending to be Tom of Bedlam, he describes himself as a ‘hog in sloth, fox in stealth, wolf in greediness, dog in
madness, lion in prey.”

Shakespeare’s characters are particularly expressive when they are insulting or cursing each other! Listen to the crea-
tive ways they let one another know they are angry.

The word “nothing” appears numerous times in this play and is spoken by a variety of characters. How does the im-
age, meaning and definition of the word “nothing” fit in with the plot and themes of King Lear?

                                      LIFE CONNECTION DISCUSSION
   In today’s world of modern advancements in health care and prevention, we are living much longer than people
      did in Shakespeare’s time. So many of us are or will be responsible for the care of an aging parent. Lear’s
       daughters Goneril and Regan say they will care for him in their own homes and then do not, claiming his
                                             behavior is unacceptable.

   Keep in mind an interesting historical fact about society during Lear’s reign and during the Elizabethan period
   when Shakespeare lived. Even though Shakespeare’s queen, Elizabeth I, was one of the most powerful rulers in
         world history, women could not directly inherit land or money from their fathers or their husbands.
    The inheritance would go to their husbands. Therefore, when Lear gives part of his kingdom to his daughters,
              Goneril and Regan, the land will actually pass onto their husbands, Albany and Cornwall.

                     Do parents need to behave a certain way in order to be cared for by their children?

                   How does inheritance of land, property or money influence a parent/child relationship?
                          How do we see this influence each of Lear’s three daughters?

                           How does our relationship with our parents influence our relationships
                                          with our brothers and sisters?

                 How do the three sisters in the play deal with each other and their husbands as they
                              discover ways to deal with the decisions of their father?

                          How does your relationship with your siblings influence your relationship
                                                with your parents?

                  Gloucester’s sons, Edgar and Edmund, have very different ways of treating their father?
                                      What are the reasons for that difference?

King Lear

                         SCENE ANALYSIS—INCITING MOMENT
                                                         King Lear
                                                  by William Shakespeare
The following scene is from the beginning of the play Act I Scene 1 and can be called the inciting moment or incident. It is
       from this conversation between King Lear and his daughters that all of the rest of the events of the play flow.

Read it aloud and discuss what each character is saying and why they are saying it. What does each character want?

        Is it Lear’s question or Cordelia’s answer that sets the rest of the play in motion? Who is controlling the moment?

        Why does Cordelia answer the way she does? What is she thinking and what does she mean?

        What are Regan and Goneril saying and why do they answer the way they do?

        Why does Lear react to Cordelia’s answer the way he does?

        How do Lear’s words and imagery change as the scene changes?

                    Clue: an ‘aside’ means that the actor speaks the line out loud but either to himself or to the audience. The
                    rest of the characters do not hear it, so it functions as a thought. Since we, the audience hear the thought, it
                    contributes to our understanding of what is happening.

         Shakespeare, and all playwrights, use repetition of words or images for emotional impact. Find an example of repetition
        in this scene and how the actors might use it to make their meaning, desires and emotions known.

Act 1, Scene 1
Lear:     Tell me, my daughters,
          (Since now we will divest us both of rule,
          Interest of territory, cares of state)
          Which of you shall we say doth love us most?
          That we our largest bounty may extend
          Where nature doth with merit challenge.
          Goneril, Our eldest-born, speak first.
Gon: Sir, I love you more than word can wield the matter;
          Dearer than eye-sight, space and liberty;
          Beyond what can be valued rich or rare;
          No less than life, with grace, health, beauty, honour;
          As much as child e’er lov’d, or father found;
          A love that makes breath poor and speech unable;
          Beyond all manner of so much I love you.
Cord: [Aside] What shall Cordelia speak? Love, and be silent.
Lear: Of all these bounds, even from this line to this,
          With shadowy forest and with champains rich’d,
          With plenteous rivers and wide-skirted meads,
          We make thee lady; to thine and Albany’s issue
          Be this perpetual. What says our second daughter
          Our dearest Regan, wife of Cornwall?
Reg: I am made of that self-same metal as my sister,
          And prize me at her worth. In my true heart
          I find she names my very deed of love;
          Only she comes too short: that I profess
          Myself an enemy to all other joys
          Which the most precious square of sense possesses,
          And find I am alone felicitate
          In your dear highness’ love.

King Lear

Cord: [Aside]                                Then poor Cordelia!
          And yet not so; since I am sure my love’s                      Often, theatre directors decide to set one of
          More ponderous than my tongue.
                                                                      Shakespeare’s plays in a different time period or
Lear: To thee and thine, hereditary ever,
          Remain this ample third of our fair kingdom,                location from when or where he indicates in his
          No less in space, validity, and pleasure,                   original script. The universality of his plots and
          Than that conferred on Goneril. Now, our joy,             themes offers theatre artists many opportunities to
          Although our last and least, for whose young love
          The vines of France and milk of Burgundy                   interpret them in a variety of ways. For example,
          Strive to be interessed, what can you say to win          Romeo and Juliet has been set in the Civil War or in
          A third more opulent than your sisters? Speak.             Northern Ireland, using the warring families as a
Cord: Nothing, my lord.
Lear: Nothing?                                                         context within which the play can come to life.
Cord: Nothing.                                                       The words are still Shakespeare’s but the external
Lear: Nothing can come of nothing: speak again.                         world is updated or interpreted by a modern
Cord: Unhappy that I am, I cannot heave
          My heart into my mouth: I love your Majesty                   director and designers. What would be some
          According to my bond; no more nor less.                      places and eras in time where you could place
Lear: How, how Cordelia? Mend your speech a little                  King Lear and still have the play make sense to an
          Lest you may mar your fortunes.
Cord:                                   Good my Lord,
                                                                      audience? Remember, the scenery, sound, lights
          You have begot me, bred me, loved me: I                    and costumes need to reflect your interpretation.
          Return those duties back as are right fit:                     Please see the King Lear Film Adaptatations
          Obey you, love you, and most honour you.
                                                                            section on Page 23 for some examples.
          Why have my sisters husbands, if they say
          They love you all? Haply, when I shall wed,
          That lord whose hand will take my plight shall carry
          Half my love with him, half my care and duty:
          Sure I shall never marry like my sisters,
          To love my father all.
Lear: But goes thy heart with this?
Cord:                               Ay, my good Lord
Lear: So young, and so untender?
Cord: So young, my Lord, and true.
Lear: Let it be so; thy truth then be thy dower:
          For, by the sacred radiance of the sun,
          The mysteries of Hecate and the night,
          By all the operation of the orbs
          From whom we do exist and cease to be,
          Here I disclaim all my paternal care,
          Propinquity and property of blood,
          And as a stranger to my heart and me
          Hold thee from this for ever.
          Come not between the Dragon and his wrath.
          I loved her most, and thought to set my rest
          On her kind nursery. Hence, and avoid my sight!
          So be my grave my peace, as here I take
          Her father’s heart from her!

                                                                                    Naomi Peter (Cordelia) and
                                                                                David Graham Jones (King of France)
                                                                                 Photo by: Don Ipock Photography

King Lear
                                INTERVIEW WITH THE DIRECTOR
                       Esteemed Director Larry Carpenter Returns to the Kansas City
                    Repertory Theatre to Stage Shakespeare’s Poetic and Powerful King Lear
Kansas City Repertory Theatre welcomes back Larry Carpenter                   nihilism, in the case of this play--he can be devastating. Simply being
to direct King Lear by William Shakespeare. His other projects                responsible for getting the scope and magnificence of this play on the
here, Company, Saint Joan, The Front Page and Give ’Em Hell,                  boards it a great challenge. It's terrifying and exhilarating all at the
Harry, have been acclaimed by critics and audiences alike.                    same time. I hope to be able to pass that feeling onto the audience.
Carpenter informs his directing with a singular blend of intellect
and wit as he takes on a variety of challenging projects from                 Has the text of the Rep’s production of King Lear been altered in
musicals to comedy to drama. He received a Tony Award                         any way? If so, how do you determine what to eliminate or change
nomination for best director for Starmites and has directed pro-              and why?
ductions in New York for Roundabout Theatre Company, Soho
Repertory Theatre, Playwrights Horizon, the Julliard School,                  Yes, we have shortened the play. I've examined many different cuts of
and Tisch School of the Arts at New York University. His                      the play from many sources. From these sources and from my entry
many directing credits at regional theatres include the Hunting-              point on the play, I generated a first draft cut script. Peter Altman and
ton Theatre Company in Boston, Seattle Repertory Theatre, and                 I then worked together to generate the rehearsal draft.
Pasadena Playhouse.                                                               As a side bar, it's probably also important to say that I was fortunate
                                                                              enough as a younger man to act in two separate productions of King
The following interview was conducted by Kansas City Rep’s                    Lear with the renowned American classical actor Morris Car-
director of communications Laura Muir.                                        novsky. Morris was very famous for both his portrayals of Lear and of
                                                                              Shylock. I learned a great deal about the play, about the theatre and
The previous works you have directed for Kansas City Rep                      about the art of living from Morris. I owe him a great debt. That's a
are very diverse in subject matter and yet each of them                       very big reason for my interest in this play
raises questions about how individuals, be they private citi-
zens or religious and political figures, respond to societal                  Do you consider King Lear to be a play of our time that reflects
issues. Is this subtext something you look for in your direct-                contemporary politics and humanity?
ing projects?
                                                                              Since 9/11, the world has become progressively unpredictable, unsta-
The simple answer is that every play in some way is a reflection              ble and chaotic. By renouncing his kingdom, Lear throws his own
of its society. I like to think that I'm drawn to plays that wrestle          world into a similar chaos. A chaos which permits a perversion of
with bits and corners of moral and ethical dilemmas that operate              established moral and civil codes, cruelty, terrorism, and revolt. Lear
as fractals of our greater societal problems. Theatre is an arena             is very much a cautionary tale for our time.
which usually places an individual character center stage as a
proxy for the audience member. This character then acts out a                 Do you have a favorite play by Shakespeare or any other play-
ritual of trying to solve a dilemma--whether successfully or not-             wright that you would still like to direct?
-on behalf of the audience member and its society at large.
                                                                              Shakespeare - Richard II, Stoppard - Arcadia, Shaw - Major Barbara,
You are well known for the extensive research you conduct                     Sondheim - A Little Night Music. These four authors really are my
for your plays How did you prepare to direct King Lear?                       heroes. I'd pretty much direct any of their work anytime. I'd also like
                                                                              to take a crack at Aeschylus, Athol Fugard, Chekhov, Brecht, and
Yes, I'm a research maven. I have read a great deal on the                    Samuel Beckett.
play. I've also viewed five or six of the DVD versions that are
available. In addition, I've done quite a bit of research on what
was happening to Shakespeare in 1604-5 London. There is a                          FAMOUS QUOTES FROM KING LEAR
fascinating book by James Shapiro titled 1599: A Year in the
Life of William Shakespeare. It is a very aggressively re-                       "How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is to have a
searched and well-thought-out examination of the year (1599) in                  thankless child!" (Act I, Scene IV).
which Shakespeare wrote Henry V, Julius Caesar, As You Like
It, and Hamlet. I'm in the process with our production's drama-                  "I am a man more sinned against than sinning."
turge of conducting a similar study to understand the social,                    (Act III, Scene II).
political, religious, and theatrical issues that affected Shake-
speare at the time he was creating Lear.                                         "My love's more richer than my tongue".
                                                                                 (Act I, Scene I).
King Lear is such a profound exploration of the complexities
of the human spirit. What qualities of Shakespeare’s works                       "Nothing will come of nothing." (Act I, Scene I).
stimulate you as a director?
                                                                                 "Have more than thou showest, speak less than thou
Well, he always engages the big issues, doesn't he? His plots                    knowest, lend less than thou owest."
and his understanding of character are extraordinary. And when                   (Act I, Scene IV).
you add to this his extraordinary use of language--both verse
and prose--he always holds me captive. Further, when he uses                     "The worst is not, So long as we can say, 'This is the
plot, character and language to advance some central theme--                     worst' ." (Act IV, Scene I).

King Lear
                                    KING LEAR FILM ADAPTATIONS
1971 -   Directed by Peter Brook with Paul Scofield as Lear, Alan Webb as Duke of Gloucester, Irene Worth as Goneril,
         Susan Engel as Regan, Anne-Lise Gabold as Cordelia, and Jack MacGowran as Fool.
         (All is bleak in this black and white, existential experience.)

1974 -   Directed by Edwin Sherin this is a live recording from the New York Shakespeare Festival’s performance in Central Park, with
         James Earl Jones as Lear.

1984 -   Directed by Michael Elliott starring Laurence Olivier as Lear, Diana Rigg as Regan, John Hurt as the Fool, Colin Blakely as Kent,
         Leo McKern as Gloucester, and Robert Lindsay as Edmund. (This made for television film begins and ends at Stonehenge.)

1987 -   Directed by Jean-Luc Godard with Burgess Meredith as gangster Don Learo and Molly Ringwald as Cordelia.
         (This version is set in a post-apocalyptic world.)

1997 -   Directed by Jocelyn Moorhouse and starring Jason Robards, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Jessica Lange, Michelle Pfeiffer, and Colin Firth.
         This film is based on Jane Smiley's novel A Thousand Acres. (A modern retelling, set on a farm in Iowa. This novel attempted to
         explain the elder sisters' hatred of their father.) *May not be suitable for some audiences

1998 -   Directed by Richard Eyre and starring Sir Ian Holm. (A film version of Royal National Theatre’s production. Using minimalist sets to
         help put the focus on the acting.)

2002 -   Directed by Uli Edel. Starring Patrick Stewart, Marcia Gay Harden and David Alan Grier. (A television adaptation “King of Texas”,
         set in 1840’s Texas frontier.)

                  Shakespeare Resources Online                                                     Shakespeare Books

Shakespeare Online                                                          A Shakespeare Glossary by C.T. Onions
                                                                            Shakespeare; The Essential Reference to His Plays by
E-Notes                                                                     Charles Boyce
                                                                            Shakespeare Stories by Leon Garfield, Illustrated by
Wikipedia                                                                   Michael Foreman
(Online Encylopedia)                                                          King Lear Text Online

The Literature Network                                                      The Complete Text of Shakespeare’s King Lear with Quarto                               and Folio Variations
                                                                            (Annotations, and Commentary, by Dr. Larry A. Brown, professor
Shakespeare Resource Center                                                 of theater, Nashville, TN)                                           

Complete Works                                                              University of Pennsylvania Library; Schoenberg Center for
(Has the Complete Works available to download free on-line)                 Electronic Text and Imaging                                         (The 1608 Quarto edition)
The Oxford English Dictionary                                               index.cfm?TextID=lear_q2&PagePosition=1
(subscription fee required)                                                         Center for Electronic Text and Image
                                                                            (The1619 2nd Quarto edition)
                Online Study Guides for King Lear
                                                                            Online Literature Guides
The Goodman Theatre                                                         (The 1623 Folio edition, Shake Sphere)         

Folger Shakespeare Library                                  For information regarding the acting company
                                                                                  and design team please reference the
Center Stage                                                                          King Lear program or visit:                    

King Lear Learning Guide

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King Lear Learning Guide

  • 2. King Lear LETTER FROM THE REP Dear Educators, Welcome to the Rep! We are thrilled to be presenting King Lear, our first Shake- CONTENTS: speare production in five seasons. We are also proud to be presenting it in coopera- tion with the University of Kansas City Department of Theatre. It is, sadly, rare that LETTER FROM students have opportunities to see fully and professionally produced productions by 2 THE REP the world’s greatest playwright. The themes of this classical tragedy are enormous. They include such significant topics as justice, power, madness, abdication, redemp- PLOT SUMMARY tion, family responsibility, material possessions and wealth (bling!) and the true na- 3-5 BY LAURA MUIR ture and expression of love. Although we are not an elderly and wealthy king in WILLIAM Britain during the Celtic era in the 8th century, these are themes that are a part of 6 our modern lives. And although they are themes of depth and magnificence in a SHAKESPEARE royal kingdom, they reflect the dynamics of questions with which we continue to SHAKESPEARE wrestle and dance in our own lives today. 7 TIME LINE KING LEAR When actors, directors and designers begin work on a play by William Shakespeare, PLOT SOURCES they must first immerse themselves in the words of the play or the text. A rich un- 8-10 BY DR. THOMAS derstanding of the way he used words to create the most complex of human relation- CANFIELD ships is integral to interpreting them on the stage today. In Shakespeare’s time, his KING LEAR plays were not published and so the audience’s appreciation of them depended en- 10 tirely on performance. In the period during which these plays were performed, there CHARACTERS were no computers, TV’s, DVD players or iPods. There would have been no elec- KING LEAR 11 tricity or high technology to bring to life the sound and lights of the raging storm for FAMILY TREE their afternoon performances. So the words played a much more meaningful role in CLASSROOM storytelling than they do in our highly visual world. For those of us who want to 12-21 ACTIVITIES make sure that the art of bringing the written word to life onstage survives and is CREATE YOUR shared with future artists and audience members, Shakespeare is heaven-sent. OWN FAMILY 12-13 COAT OF ARMS Young audience members possess the ideal openness and imagination to embrace AS I WRITE IT 14-15 the size of Shakespeare’s stories and unforgettable characters. The first Shake- speare production I saw as a youngster was Much Ado About Nothing here at the KING LEAR’S Rep. I have never forgotten those colorful men and women, the vibrancy of their 15 TALK SHOW passions or the wonder of their words. That early exposure to the richness of SHAKESPEARE’S Shakespeare’s world sent me on a continually joyous adventure of discovery. WORDS ARE 16 OUR WORDS There is an abundance of research and information available to us when we study Shakespeare. Included here you will find just the tip of the iceberg. His characters PHOTO CAPTION 17 are so uniquely expressive with words which is a skill I know you’d love for your THEMES, students to cultivate. We love opening up the world of theatrical language and lit- LANGUAGE AND 18-19 erature to students. If you would like us to help you do that, please be in touch any- DISCUSSION time. Enjoy the play! SCENE ANALYSIS 20-21 We relish your responses and opinions. INCITING MOMENT INTERVIEW WITH THE DIRECTOR LARRY 22 Melinda McCrary CARPENTER Director of Education and Community Programs 8/235.5708 RESOURCES 23 -2-
  • 3. King Lear KING LEAR PLOT SUMMARY It is the night of a lunar eclipse in Celtic Britain delia exit. and the aging King Lear has decided to relinquish his Later that night, as the eclipse royal throne and divide his kingdom between his three wanes, Edmund, bastard son of the Earl daughters, Goneril, Regan and Cordelia. His surprise of Gloucester, vows to himself to secure the land his stipulation is that each daughter must prove her love to father has given to his legitimate son Edgar. His him by public declaration in order to receive her third of scheme involves a clumsy attempt to hide a letter his land and power. from Gloucester that was supposedly written by his Goneril, the oldest, speaks first, declaring that she half-brother Edgar. Falling into Edmund’s trap, loves Lear “dearer than eye-sight, space and liberty…No Gloucester demands to see the letter. Edmund’s for- less than life.” Regan continues the flattery, adding, “I gery of his brother’s hand states that Edgar believes am alone felicitate in your dear highness’ love.” Lear their aging father should turn over his fortune to his then asks Cordelia, the youngest and his favorite, “what sons and let them manage his affairs. Gloucester is can you say to win a third more opulent than your sisters? enraged, but Edmund calms him. Later, Edmund Speak.” Cordelia, indignant at having to prove her love warns Edgar that he is in trouble with their father, and refusing to flatter her father, proclaims “I love your “Bethink yourself wherein you may have offended Majesty according to my bond, no more nor less.” Her him.” After Edgar’s departure, the wily Edmund re- father fervently urges her to mend her speech “lest you flects on his situation which he believes is soon to mar your fortunes” but she says she cannot. change in his favor: “Let me, if not by birth, have Unjustly enraged, Lear lands by wit.” withdraws his offer to give Corde- At Goneril’s house on lia her share of his land. His long- a subsequent day, the mistress time ally the Earl of Kent implores accuses her father of disruptive his king to reconsider, but Lear is behavior and instructs her steadfast. He calls forth the Dukes steward, Oswald, to act coldly of Albany and Cornwall, husbands towards Lear and his knights. of Goneril and Regan, and passes Meanwhile, the banished Kent his coronet to them, investing them arrives, disguised as a servant, jointly with his power, and says intending to continue to be of that he will alternate living in their service to Lear, behind the households. Kent again urges Lear scenes. “Now, banished Kent, to reconsider but his loyalty and if thou canst serve where thou sound advice are ignored; Lear (l to r) Naomi Peter (Cordelia), Larry Paulsen (Fool), John dost stand condemned so may considers Kent’s advice treasonous Rensenhouse (Albany), Kandis Chappell (Goneril), Gary Neal it come, my master, whom Johnson (Gloucester), and Denis Arndt (Lear) and banishes him on threat of death. Photo by: Don Ipock Photography though lov’st shall find thee Lear has called for the King full of labours.” of France and the Duke of Burgundy, both long-time suit- Lear demands to see Goneril, but she in- ors of the now impoverished Cordelia. He offers Cordelia structs Oswald to say she is ill; Lear’s Fool jeers him first to Burgundy but, without the dowry of land, as previ- for giving his lands to his unappreciative daughters. ously agreed; the duke declines. Acknowledging Corde- Finally, Goneril enters and begins arguing with her lia’s discredit, Lear then beseeches France to “direct your father about an outbreak of quarrelling and rioting in liking a more worthier way than on a wretch whom Na- his retinue of 100 men, accusing him of protecting the ture is ashamed almost to acknowledge hers.” France, miscreants and being too old to keep his knights in however, is impressed by Cordelia's steadfastness and order. Furious, Lear leaves, proclaiming to Albany, says that he considers Lear’s youngest daughter “herself a Goneril’s husband, “How sharper than a serpent’s dowry.” He takes her as Queen of France, explaining, tooth it is to have a thankless child!” “Thy dowerless daughter, King, thrown to my chance, is Lear vows to take refuge at Regan’s, declar- Queen of us, of ours, and our fair France.” Lear’s court ing “I have another daughter, who, I am sure, is kind exits, leaving behind Regan, Goneril, France, and Corde- and comfortable,” unaware that Goneril is at that mo- lia who entreats her sisters to “Love well our father: to ment writing to her sister. your professed bosoms I commit him.” France and Cor- (Continued on page 4) -3-
  • 4. King Lear That night, at Gloucester's cas- you all…made you my guardians…” Lear, in a rage, tle, Edmund convinces Edgar that he is leaves Gloucester’s castle and sets out into the storm. in danger and urges him to flee. Ed- Gloucester is concerned for his safety, but Cornwall urges mund then wounds himself to make it him to “Shut up your doors my Lord; ‘tis a wild night… look as if Edgar has attacked him. Gloucester, mis- come out o’th’storm.” guidedly thankful for Edmund's support, vows to cap- Gloucester complains to Edmund that Lear’s ture Edgar and reward Edmund. daughters and their husbands have commandeered his Meanwhile Regan and Cornwall arrive to home for their own use and “charged me, on pain of per- discuss their ensuing war against Lear, using petual displeasure, neither to speak of him [Lear], entreat Gloucester’s dispute with his son as fuel. Edgar is from him, or any way sustain him.” But Gloucester vows accused of being a companion of Lear’s riotous to search for his old master even if it costs him his life. knights. Regan vows that if Lear “come to sojourn at On the Heath, Lear and the Fool are buffeted by my house, I’ll not be there.” the raging storm when Kent arrives, still in disguise. He In the predawn hours, Kent arrives at finds shelter for the King, whose sanity is faltering – “My Gloucester's with a message from Lear and meets wits begin to turn.” Lear refuses to enter. Unexpectedly, Oswald (whom Kent dislikes and mistrusts) who is Edgar, disguised as Poor Tom, a madman, comes out of carrying a message from Goneril. Kent attacks the hovel. Recognizing the King and his Fool, Poor Tom Oswald, but Cornwall and Regan break up the fight engages the men but Lear sees only references to his and Cornwall puts Kent in the stocks. Gloucester daughters in Tom’s rages and begins tearing off his tries to intervene, “Pray, do not, Sir.” replies Kent. clothes. Gloucester arriveds, and entreats the half naked Meanwhile, Edgar decides he must flee and disguise Lear to enter the hut explaining, “My duty cannot obey himself as a beggar, for his own safety. your daughters’ hard commands to bar my doors…I have ventured to come seek you out and bring you where both fire and food is ready.” Back at Gloucester’s, Cornwall tells Edmund that he will seek revenge against Gloucester for his sympathy for Lear. Cornwall urges Edmund to betray his father, claiming, “though shalt find a dearer father in my love.” During the night, Gloucester has brought Lear, Edgar (as Poor Tom) and the Fool to an isolated farm- house. Lear, half mad, continues his rant against his daughters, prosecuting them in a mock trial. Kent cau- tions Lear to show patience with his daughters, and Ed- gar, in an aside, takes pity on the old king. Gloucester encourages Kent to immediately take Lear to Dover, where protection awaits him. “If though should’st dally half an hour, his life…stand[s] in assured loss.” Together, they leave for Dover. Meanwhile, the storm is blowing itself out and Cornwall, Regan, Goneril and Edmund return to Glouces- Gary Holcombe (Kent) and knights ter’s house with their servants. Cornwall tells Goneril that Photo by: Don Ipock Photography an army from France has landed at Dover, and tells his Lear now arrives, and finds Kent in the knights to seek out the traitor Gloucester. Goneril says to stocks. At first, Regan and Cornwall refuse to see her pluck out his eyes. Cornwall takes his leave and tells Ed- father claiming fatigue from the night’s travels. Fi- mund, who is now calling himself Earl of Gloucester, to nally, they agree to see Lear, and Regan chides him, stay behind. “The revenges we are bound to take upon telling him that he “should be ruled and led” and en- your traitorous father are not fit for your beholding.” couraging him to return to Goneril’s. Soon, Goneril Gloucester, now a prisoner, is returned to his arrives and together the sisters admonish Lear for his home where he is interrogated about his alleged treason behavior, accusing him of weakness; they push Lear and his loyalty to “the lunatic king.” Cornwall savagely to the brink of sanity to which he comments, “I gave (Continued on page 5) -4-
  • 5. King Lear plucks out Gloucester’s eyes. Blinded, Gloucester calls At the French camp near Do- out to his son Edmund for mercy but Regan exclaims, ver, Kent, who has continued to serve “Thou call’st on him that hates thee; it was he that made as Lear’s protector, and Cordelia dis- the overture of thy treasons to us.” Gloucester is turned cuss Lear’s condition with a doctor. out of his home, but is followed by two servants who plan When Lear awakes, he seems saner than before and to help him. recognizes his formerly favorite daughter. Lear ques- On the Heath the following morning, Goneril’s tions whether or not Cordelia has plans to poison him, servant leads Gloucester to the farmhouse and comes “I know you do not love me; for your sisters have, as upon Poor Tom (Edgar). Gloucester sends the servant I do remember, done me wrong: You have some away and asks Tom to lead him to the edge of the high cause, they have not.” cliffs at Dover. That night Regan interrogates Edmund about That afternoon, Edmund his possible love for her sis- pledges his loyalty and love to ter. “Dear my lord, be not Goneril. When her husband Al- familiar with her.” Goneril bany learns that the daughters and Albany enter. Albany have mistreated their father he tells them that Lear is with lashes out at Goneril, “You are Cordelia. Goneril says the not worth the dust which the sisters and their forces must rude wind blows in your face.” A band together to battle Cor- messenger brings news that delia and the French troops. Cornwall is dead from a fatal jab Still disguised, Edgar pulls he received from a protesting Albany aside and present a knight during his savage attack letter that he believes will on Gloucester. Albany, feeling change the course of action. sorry for Gloucester and learning Denis Arndt (Lear) and Naomi Peter (Cordelia) Edmund enters, soliloquizing Photo by: Don Ipock Photography of Edmund's treachery with his to himself about having wife, vows revenge. pledged his love to both sisters. If Albany is killed in At a French camp near Dover, Cordelia sends out battle, both sisters will be widows. Edmund vows to a sentry to find her father. That night, at Regan’s nearby show no mercy to Lear and Cordelia. encampment, Regan shares her concerns with Oswald Lear and Cordelia are captured in battle by (who has delivered a letter to the encampment) that her Edmund who orders them taken to jail and instructs a sister might be in love with Edmund, whom Regan (now a Captain to kill them. Albany, Goneril and Regan ar- widow) would like to marry. “My Lord is dead; Edmund rive and argue about the battle. Regan complains of and I have talk’d and more convenient is he for my hand stomach pains and is taken to her tent. than for your Lady’s.” Edgar, the rightful heir of his father to the In the countryside near Dover, Edgar describes title of Earl of Gloucester, arrives and challenges Ed- the perilous drop off the cliff to the blind Gloucester who mund’s claim to the title. They fight and Edmund is jumps, thinking he will die. In fact, he falls but a short injured. Goneril cries out to save Edmund but Albany distance. Realizing he is alive, Gloucester cries out, intervenes and reveals Goneril’s letter; Goneril hastily “Alack, I have no eyes. Is wretchedness deprived that leaves. Edmund and Edgar continue to argue and benefit to endself by death?” Now telling Gloucester he Edgar admits to protecting Lear. A knight rushes in is a beggar, Edgar helps his father up. Lear, now fully carrying a bloody knife. Goneril has poisoned Regan mad, approaches and speaks to them. Gloucester recog- and then stabbed herself. Both sisters are dead. Ed- nizes Lear’s voice. A French knight and some comrades mund reveals that he has ordered his Captain to hang approach and, finding Lear, try to convince him to go to Cordelia and kill Lear. Edmund dies of his wounds. Cordelia, but Lear runs away. Lear emerges, carrying the body of Cordelia Oswald comes across Edgar and Gloucester and in his arms, and cries out “A plague upon you, mur- threatens to kill them. Edgar, though, kills Oswald in a derers, traitors all.” Grief stricken, he dies. The fu- fight; he then discovers a letter that proves that Goneril ture of his kingdom rests in the hands of Albany, the plans to murder Albany and marry Edmund. Edgar takes aging Kent, and Edgar. Gloucester’s hand and leads him away. -5-
  • 6. King Lear WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE (1564-1616) Only a small collection of documents 1606). The first performances of Antony and Cleopatra, about the life of William Shakespeare Coriolanus, and Timon of Athens most likely occurred has come down through the centuries to us, but during 1607 and 1608. Late in his life, Shakespeare pro- available materials state that he was born in 1564 duced a series of plays—including Cymbeline (circa and grew up in Stratford-upon-Avon, a prosperous 1609), The Winter’s Tale (circa 1610), and The Tempest English market town in the county of Warwickshire (1612)—to which scholars have attached different la- northwest of London. His father, John Shakespeare, bels; sometimes these have been referred to as was a glove maker and a prominent citizen of Strat- “tragicomedies,” but in recent years they have most usu- ford who eventually held the ally been described as position of mayor. No known “romances.” surviving formal records of In 1613, the Globe Theatre the playwright’s life exist dat- caught fire and burned to the ing from the time between his ground. About this time, christening in 1564 at Strat- Shakespeare returned to Strat- ford’s Holy Trinity Church ford, where his wife and chil- and his marriage in 1582 to dren still lived. (Like the play- Anne Hathaway, a woman wright’s early years, this move eight years his senior. The has long been the subject of couple’s daughter Susannah extensive scholarly conjec- was born six months after ture.) Made financially pros- their wedding, and twins, perous by his years in the thea- Hamnet and Judith, were born tre, he died a wealthy Stratford in 1585. How Shakespeare landowner at age 52, in 1616, supported himself in his early and is buried in the same Strat- adulthood and when or why ford church where he had been he left Stratford for the Lon- christened. don theatrical world have Although many of Shake- been the subject of much speare’s plays were extremely scholarly speculation. popular in England during the By 1592, Shakespeare had playwright’s lifetime, it was achieved some prominence in not until the 18th century— London both as an actor and more than 100 years after his as an author, especially of death—that his work began to history plays; he also had pub- exert a major influence interna- lished a long narrative poem, tionally. His plays now are The title page of the First Folio of The Rape of Lucrece. The William Shakespeare's plays. produced worldwide more than Taming of the Shrew (circa those of any other dramatist. 1593) gained him further rec- Since the mid-19th century, it ognition. By about this time he also had become a has occasionally been argued that someone else of no- member of the Lord Chamberlain’s Men, a theatre bler lineage and greater education must have written his company (renamed the King’s Men during the reign works, because some have found it inconceivable that a of James I which began in 1603) of which he was a man of modest family background and only a grammar principal actor, playwright and shareholder for the school education could have written the 37 masterpieces next 20 years. In 1598, Shakespeare’s company was credited to Shakespeare. Nevertheless, the literary canon evicted from its playhouse and then built the Globe which every season is celebrated by theatrical compa- Theatre in South London near the Thames River. It nies worldwide continues to bear his name, as do Shake- was at the Globe that Shakespeare produced his speare festivals all around the English-speaking parts of most famous tragedies: Hamlet (1600), Othello the globe. (circa 1604), Macbeth (1606), and King Lear (circa -6-
  • 7. King Lear SHAKESPEARE TIMELINE This is an overview of what is believed to be the timeline of William Shakespeare’s work: 1564. William Shakespeare is born in Stratford upon Avon to local tanner John and Mary Shakespeare. His actual birthday is unknown but assumed and celebrated today on April the 23rd, just three days before his baptism was recorded in the Parish register of the Holy Trinity Church on April the 26th. 1582. At age 18, he marries the considerably older Anne Hathaway (26 years old) from Shottery on November the 27th. 1583. Susanna, William and Anne Shakespeare’s first child who lives a full 66 years, is born just five months after Shakespeare and Anne Hathaway’s wedding (May 26th). 1585-1592. Shakespeare is believed to have left his family in Stratford to join a company of actors as both playwright and performer, starting his career in theatre. 1585. Shakespeare’s twins, Judith and Hamnet are born, (February 2) Hamnet living only eleven years whilst Judith lived 77. 1589-1590. Shakespeare is believed by most academics to have written his very first play, Henry VI, Part One in this year. 1590-91. Shakespeare is again believed to have written Henry VI, Part Two and Henry VI, Part III. 1592. Shakespeare begins to be noticed as a force within London theatre; Robert Greene’s Groatworth of Wit famously calls Shake- speare an "upstart crow". He attacks Shakespeare as lacking originality since he borrows ideas from other sources for his own plays. Academics see this criticism as proof that Shakespeare was in London at this time. Theatres in London close because of the plague. 1592-93. It is believed that Shakespeare wrote the poem Venus and Adonis and the plays Richard III and The Two Gentlemen of Verona. 1592-94. The Comedy of Errors written in this time. 1593. Shakespeare begins to compose the first of what will amount to a 154 sonnet collection. His narrative poem Venus and Adonis is his first ever published. 1593-94. The Rape of Lucrece, Titus Andronicus and The Taming of the Shrew are thought to have been penned by Shakespeare. 1594. The Lord Chamberlain’s Men, a theatre troupe including distinguished actor Richard Burbage and comic Will Kemp performs with Shakespeare in their group. 1594-1595. Shakespeare pen’s Love Labour’s Lost. 1594-1596. King John is assumed to have been written. 1595. A busy year for Shakespeare as he is thought to have composed Richard II performed that very same year, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, thought to be composed for a wedding and the greatest love story of all time, Romeo and Juliet. 1596-1597. The Merchant of Venice and Henry IV, Part One are thought to have been written. 1598. William is thought to have written the play Henry IV, Part Two and Shakespeare’s reputation as an actor is confirmed his per- formance in Ben Jonson’s Every Man in his Humor which clearly lists his name as a principal actor in the London play. 1598-99. William writes the play Much Ado About Nothing in this year. 1600-1601. Shakespeare is thought to have composed arguably his greatest play, Hamlet at this time. 1601. The narrative poem, The Phoenix and the Turtle is thought to have been written. 1601-1602. Twelfth Night or What You Will, Alls Well That Ends Well and Troilus and Cressida are probably composed. 1604. Measure for Measure is believed to have been written in this year. It is later performed at King James I Court. Othello is also penned, being performed on November the 1st at Whitehall. 1605. The Merchant of Venice is performed twice at King James’ Court earning a commendation from the King. King Lear is believed to have been composed in this year and as is Macbeth, the play’s Scottish background and kind portrayal of ancestor Malcolm being intended as a celebration and honoring of King James Scottish ancestry. 1606. Antony And Cleopatra is believed to have been composed. 1607-1608. Timon of Athens, Pericles and Coriolanus are composed . 1608. The King’s Men take on a twenty-one year lease of London’s first permanently enclosed theatre, the Blackfriars Theatre in this year. The return of the plague forces a closure of all playhouses and theatres from the spring of 1608 through to early 1610. 1609-1610. Cymbeline is thought to have been composed. 1610-1611. The Winter’s Tale is written. 1611. The Tempest was written. 1612-1613. The King’s men perform Othello and Julius Caesar amongst others in this year. Shakespeare is thought to have written Cardenio, his only lost play during this period and with John Fletcher as a likely contributor, composes Henry VIII. 1613. The Globe Theatre burns to the ground. The Two Noble Kinsmen is penned. A 1634 entry within the Stationer’s Registry confirms that both William Shakespeare and John Fletcher composed this play. 1614. The Globe Theatre reopens. 1616. William dies on April 23rd, his burial being recorded in the Stratford Holy Church Register two days later. 1619. Hamlet is performed as part of Christmas celebrations at court. 1623. Shakespeare’s wife, Anne Hathaway dies, the same year, and fellow actors John Hemminges and Henry Condell gather together and publish for the first time, 36 of Shakespeare’s 37 plays in a collection known as The First Folio. Source: -7-
  • 8. King Lear SHAKESPEARE’S SOURCES FOR KING LEAR by Dr. Thomas Canfield Popular commentators and academic ex- to their relative professions of affection. The youngest daugh- perts around the world have celebrated ter, when she refuses to flatter her father, is disinherited and Shakespeare’s genius for 400 years. Yet theatre audiences afterwards marries the king of the Franks. No English transla- do not often realize that the most esteemed playwright in tion of this work was available in Shakespeare’s day, but he world history, whom they adore for his great dramatic plots might have read it in its original Latin or, just as likely, re- and poetic language, was in fact a very liberal borrower ceived the story as it was retold by numerous later writers who from a variety of sources. A significant portion of Shake- borrowed from the Historia. For example, Geoffrey’s work speare’s true greatness does not exist in the originality of forms the basis of two verse romance chronicles which retell his stories, which he typically derived and reconstructed, the Lear story: the Anglo-Norman Roman de Brut (1155) by but rather is due to his artistic transformation–through lan- Wace–translated into English by William Caxton before Shake- guage and character development–of materials by earlier speare’s time–and Brut by Layamon, one of the first major texts authors masterfully conscripted for his own use. The Trag- written in Middle English. edy of King Lear is a perfect example Three centuries later, the Lear of Shakespeare’s inspired adaptation story was again briefly retold by John of sources, and also typifies his skill in Hardyng in his Chronicles (1436), but it employing older elements to create was a renewed interest in the story by the works of dramatic art which com- Tudor chroniclers and versifiers of the pletely overshadow their originals in next century that gave the tale truly wide- craftsmanship and brilliance. spread circulation. Obviously, such more Numerous early versions of contemporary sources have greater prob- the basic Lear story existed hundreds ability of having been familiar to Shake- of years before Shakespeare’s play speare. For example, the story of Lear was was written in the early seventeenth recounted by Robert Fabyan in his New century, and this has caused frustration Chronicles of England and France for scholars seeking to answer the (1516), and it appears as well in Polydore sphinx-like riddle of exactly which Vergil’s Anglicae Historiae (1534), a sources Shakespeare had on hand work which introduces Cordilla’s argu- when composing his work. In King ment for transferring her primary devotion Lear, for example, the general theme from her father to her husband after mar- of filial ingratitude and the contrast Denis Arndt (Lear) riage–a detail which also appears in between the treatment of their aged Photo by: Don Ipock Photography Shakespeare’s version. Later, elements parents by good and selfish children from both Hardyng and Fabyan were ap- are common features found in ancient tales from Asian propriated by John Stow in his Summarie of Englyshe Chroni- tradition. The motif of a love test as a basis for the division cles (1563) and Annales (1592). of a parent’s property comes from European folklore, sev- In the 1574 edition of A Mirror for Magistrates, a eral variants developing a tale in which a daughter first verse biography of various figures from English history, John tells her father that she loves him as much as salt, and then Higgins reiterated the tale of Leire as part of a collection of dissipates his anger by demonstrating that this means he is early legends of Britain. In Higgins’s version, which draws essential to her life. Scholars have also recognized in upon Geoffrey of Monmouth as a primary source and contains Lear’s motif of three sisters, two of whom are evil and one many similar details, the dead Cordilla provides a first-person who is good, superficial affinities between the play and the narrative account–in the form of a verse complaint–of her disin- fairy tale of Cinderella. The name “Lear” itself appears to heritance and the subsequent disgrace inflicted on her father at originate in Celtic tradition, with characters called Ler, Leir the hands of her sisters. Eventually, Leire comes to France and or Lyr. requests his estranged daughter’s assistance. Once reconciled, The earliest extant written down version of the Cordilla aids him in reestablishing his rule for three years and, Lear story–one that Shakespeare could have known–is the after Leire dies, she rules the country for five additional years– Historia Regum Britanniae (History of the Kings of Brit- until the sons of Gonerell and Ragan imprison her in a dungeon, ain), a work composed in Latin by Geoffrey of Monmouth eventually leading her to commit suicide in despair. (c. 1100-c. 1155), a twelfth-century monk and historian. In Other possible sources for the play are William War- this text, a pseudo-historical figure called Leir, eleventh ner’s Albion’s England (1586), a long verse chronicle contain- king of the Britons and legendary founder of the city of ing a version of the Lear story, as well as the 1587 second edi- Leicester, plans to divide his kingdom among his three tion of Raphael Holinshed’s Chronicles of England, Scotland, daughters–Gonorilla, Regau and Cordeilla–who are put to a and Wales, a work which Shakespeare clearly used as a staple verbal test and given rule over their father’s land according (Continued on page 9) -8-
  • 9. King Lear source not only for King Lear, but also for Macbeth, Cymbeline fiends by whom Edgar . . . claims to be and several of his English history plays. It was not until 1590, possessed” as well as “some of the lan- with the publication of two of the most famous English Renais- guage of madness, several of the attributes sance poems–Edmund Spenser’s The Fairie Queene and Sir of hell and a number of colorful adjec- Philip Sidney’s The Countess of Pembroke’s Arcadia–that plau- tives.” sible antecedents for Shakespeare’s play represent literary and In the same year that Harsnett’s work was pub- artistic modes rather than historical writing. This is also where lished, two other possible sources for Shakespeare’s play it becomes possible that Shakespeare becomes the source for also emerged, namely John Florio’s translation of Michel subsequent works dealing with the story, in the view of some de Montaigne’s Essais and an account of the highly pub- scholars. licized court case in October involving Sir Brian An- Book II of Spenser’s unfinished epic allegory cele- nesley. Scholars have noted that more than one hundred brates the virtue of Temperance in the character of a knight words from Florio’s translation do not appear anywhere named Sir Guyon. In Canto X, Sir Guyon reads a “chronicle of in Shakespeare’s writing before King Lear, and that two Briton kings” while sojourning at the House of Alma. This of Montaigne's famous essays, “Of Solitariness” and “An seven-stanza section of the lengthy epic is notable especially for Apology for Raymond Sebonde,” apparently refer to the mode of Cordelia’s death; it is in Spenser that, for the first themes similar to those which Shakespeare's deals with time known, the manner of her death is specified as being in Lear. In the lawsuit involving Annesley, an ex-servant through hanging, by her own hand. Sidney’s work is also nota- of Queen Elizabeth I who owned a valuable estate in ble for being a primary source for the secondary Gloucester plot Kent, the eldest of his three daughters, Lady Grace in King Lear. One episode in Book II is set in “a certain hollow Wildgoose, attempted to have her father certified as in- rocke” where the two main characters are compelled to take competent so that she and her husband could take over shelter from the hail and wind of a “tempests furie.” There, they the management of his affairs. Although the role played encounter a king who has been alienated from his legitimate by Annesley’s second daughter in the affair is unknown, son by the false accusation of his bastard son–who has usurped his youngest daughter, Cordell, opposed the malevolent his father’s title and blinded him. Subsequently, the rightful designs of her elder sisters by appealing to Sir Robert son, described as “poorely arayed” and “extreamely weather- Cecil. beaten,” rescues his father and prevents him from committing The Annesley case, moreover, does not stand suicide by leaping from a cliff. alone as a possible legal history source of themes ex- The single most important and immediate source for pressed by Shakespeare’s play. Another case involved the main plot of Shakespeare’s tragedy, however, is The True Sir William Allen, Lord Mayor of London from 1571-72. Chronicle Historie of King Leir and his Three Daughters: Growing old and frail, Allen decided to divide his estates Gonorill, Ragan, and Cordella, a chronicle play (author un- and wealth between his three married daughters, arrang- known) published in 1605 (although there is evidence that it ing to stay with each in turn. The trio eventually resented was performed by the Queen’s Men before 1594). Because this the charge of his upkeep and argued that Allen was rude play draws upon many of the same historical sources that to their servants. After cursing his daughters for their Shakespeare may have used independently for his own work, mistreatment of him, Allen died in misery. the problem of scholarly attribution is tangled. There is no Yet one more literary and dramatic source for doubt that Shakespeare freely adapted some language and plot King Lear may be the work of John Marston (1576- details of the earlier play to his own ends, making it superior. 1634), the English poet, playwright and satirist. Some However, unlike Shakespeare’s play, King Leir features a scholars have identified the mad speeches of Lear as prevalent Christian emphasis. Another major difference is the being influenced by Marston’s book of satires, The fact that the king and Cordella do not die Lear but survive and Scourge of Villanie (1598), but more importantly they live happily. The king goes off with his companions at the con- (Continued on page 10) clusion, leaving Cordella to reign in his place. Her two sisters– called Gonorill and Ragan–also do not die, but instead become fugitives. Two important features in Shakespeare’s play, the parallel plot of Gloucester and the character of the Fool, do not Did you know??? appear in Leir. There are some scholars who speculate that the For the mad verbiage Edgar employs when disguised roles of Cordelia and The Fool may have been as Poor Tom O’Bedlam, Shakespeare may have been indebted originally played by the same actor. to a work published in 1603 by Samuel Harsnett (1561-1631). How could this work? One of the most Harsnett was Chaplain to the Bishop of London and later be- obvious ways is that the two characters never came Archdeacon of Essex and subsequently Archbishop of York. His tract A Declaration of Egregious Popish Impostures appear onstage together. is a detailed account of several heretical exorcisms conducted What could this doubling of roles by Roman Catholic priests in England during 1585-86. In accomplish for both the theatre and for the Shakespearean Negotiations, Stephen Greenblatt notes that significance in character’s relationships? Shakespeare appropriated from Harsnett “the names of the foul -9-
  • 10. King Lear have seen his play The Malcontent (1604) as a source for the saturnine personality and CHARACTERS IN THE PLAY psychology of Edmund. The malcontent, a character type which frequently appears in King Lear, King of Britain, “a very foolish, fond old man, Renaissance drama, stands apart from the fourscore and upward,” who is headstrong and “full of society surrounding him, usually having separated himself changes,” yet “every inch a king,” and “more sinned against by choice. A discontented observer, the malcontent is than sinning.” often a melancholic anti-hero with a dark, sarcastic view of life. In Edmund’s case, it should be noted in fairness, Goneril and Regan, Lear’s two older daughters, “the shame of this separation is not only by nature but also due to ille- ladies,” “she-foxes,” “gilded serpents,” “tigers, not daughters.” gitimate birth. While the quest to unearth Shakespeare’s sources Cordelia, Lear's youngest daughter, the “unpriz’d precious provides much interesting material for study and research, maid,” who lacks “that glib and oily art to speak and purpose it is often a difficult and inconclusive endeavor resulting not.” “Her voice was ever soft, gentle, and low; an excellent in more questions than solutions. The same evidence can thing in a woman.” point to opposing interpretations. King Lear is by no means an exception to the typical problem of identifying Earl of Gloucester, like Lear, a gullible, rash old man. the originals of Shakespeare’s work, and is perhaps an indication of the playwright’s genius by showing how he Edgar, Gloucester’s elder legitimate son, “whose nature is so combined elements from a wide variety of previous au- far from doing harms that he suspects none.” thors. Ultimately, for the true lover of dramatic art, the products of Shakespeare’s craft usually soar above any of Edmund, Gloucester’s illegitimate son, “a most toad-spotted his historical or literary sources, and their excellence far traitor,” “rough and lecherous.” surpasses the quality of the raw materials the playwright exploited for their composition. Duke of Albany, Goneril's “mild husband,”; “a man of milky gentleness.” Bibliography Bullough, Geoffrey, ed. Narrative and Dramatic Sources Duke of Cornwall, wicked husband of Regan, a man “whose of Shakespeare. Vol. 7. London: Routledge and disposition...will not be rubb’d nor stopped.” Keagan Paul, 1973. Collington, Philip D. “Self-Discovery in Montaigne’s ‘Of The Duke of Burgundy and The King of France, rival suitors Solitariness’ and King Lear.” Comparative for the hand of Cordelia. Drama 35 (2001): 248-69. Greenblatt, Stephen. Shakespearean Negotiations. Berke Earl of Kent, a “noble and true-hearted” courtier, whose plain ley: U of California P, 1988. honest speech, like Cordelia’s, sometimes results in evil for the Halio, Jay L. King Lear: A Guide to the Play. Greenwood old King to whom he is devoted. “He cannot flatter, he; an Guides to Shakespeare. Westport, CT: Green honest mind and plain, he most speak truth.” wood P, 2001. Kermode, Frank. “King Lear.” The Riverside Shake The Fool, “a pretty knave,” Lear’s “bitter, all licensed” jester, speare. Ed. G. Blakemore Evans and J.J.R. also devoted to Lear and Cordelia, but one whose words are “a Tobin. 2nd ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1997. pestilent gall” to the old King. “King Lear.” The Norton Anthology of English Literature. Ed. M.H. Abrams. 7th ed. Vol. 1. New York: Oswald, Goneril's steward, “a serviceable villain,” whose W.W. Norton, 2000. 1106-1109. “easy-borrowed pride dwells in the fickle grace of her he fol- “King Lear.” The Oxford Companion to Shakespeare. Ed. lows.” Michael Dobson and Stanley Wells. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2001. 244-248. An old tenant of Gloucester’s The True Chronicle History of King Leir. Ed. Sir Sidney Lee. London: Oxford UP, 1900. A Doctor Wells, Stanley. Introduction. The History of King Lear. The Oxford Shakespeare. Oxford: Clarendon, Knights, Captains, Heralds, Soldiers, Pages and Attendants 2000. 1-80. Dr. Canfield has a Ph.D. in Renaissance Drama from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. He currently teaches Bibliography English at Grantham University and is Dramaturge for the Watt, Homer. “Outlines of Shakespeare’s Plays. New York: Kansas City Repertory Theatre production of King Lear. Barnes & Noble, 1958. -10-
  • 11. King Lear THE LEAR FAMILY TREE THE FOOL (EARL OF) KENT A court jester who is devoted to Faithful to Lear, he is banished after Lear and Cordelia. he speaks out about the treatment of Cordelia. He disguises himself to help serve Lear after he has given up his kingdom. KING LEAR The ruler of Britain. Upon the knowledge of his impeding retirement, he request his daughters to tell them how much they love him. His reaction to this act becomes his downfall. GONERIL REGAN CORDELIA Lear’s middle daughter. She Lear’s youngest daughter. Her Lear’s eldest daughter. She name means (“heart of a lion”). chooses to turn her back on too turns her back on her father (after inheriting half Is disowned by her father yet her father (after inheriting remains loyal to him. Uses her half his kingdom) and his kingdom). husbands power to try to help betrays her husband. her father after he is banished by her sisters. (DUKE OF) ALBANY (DUKE OF) CORNWALL Goneril’s husband. Regan’s husband. KING OF FRANCE A powerful nobleman in Another powerful nobleman Chooses to marry Cordelia Britain. He sees the brutality of in Britain. He leaves Lear even after she has been what he and his wife have done. out in the storm and gouges disowned by her father. Gloucester’s eyes out. Helps Cordelia storm Britain in an attempt to take back the country for Lear. EDMUND EDGAR Gloucester’s illegitimate son. Gloucester’s son. His Turns his father against his illegitimate brother brother. Uses Goneril and forces him to leave the Regan to further his ambitions. kingdom and disguises Forms a romantic triangle with himself as the two sisters. “Tom of Bedlam”. (EARL OF) GLOUCESTER Loyal to Lear. A nobleman in Britain. The father of Edgar and his illegiti- mate son, Edmund. Tries to help Lear and pays for it with his eyesight. - 11 -
  • 12. King Lear CLASSROOM ACTIVITES COAT OF ARMS Create Your Own Family Coat of Arms On the opposite page, create your own Coat of Arms use Symbols and Colors from below for inspiration. Write a paragraph about your Family Coat of Arms. What specific attributes did you use for your Coat of Arms? Why? ANIMALS OBJECTS Bear Strength, cunning, ferocity in the protection of one's Candle Light, life, and spirituality children Compass Direction Bee Efficient industry Cat Liberty, vigilance, forecast, and courage Fire Zealousness Deer One who will not fight unless provoked; peace and Flowers Hope and joy harmony Globe Worldliness; world travel Dog Courage, vigilance, and loyalty Loving constancy and peace; the Holy Spirit; with an Hand Pledge of faith, sincerity, and justice; Dove olive branch in its bill, it signifies a harbinger of good two right hands conjoined represent union and tidings alliance Ivy Leaves Strong and lasting friendship Duck Person of many resources Elephant Great strength, wit, longevity, happiness, royalty, Inkhorn or Art of writing and educated employment good luck, and ambition Inkwell Moon Serene power over mundane actions Fish A true, generous mind; virtuous for himself, not be- cause of his heritage; also unity with Christ, spiritual Pears Felicity and peace nourishment Fox One who will use all that he/she may possess of wis- Rainbow Good times after bad dom and wit in his/her own defense Star Celestial goodness; noble person Lion Dauntless courage Mermaid Eloquence Sun Glory and splendor; fountain of life Owl One who is vigilant and of acute wit Tree Life and the mystical connection of the earth with heaven and the underworld Panther Fierce, but tender and loving to children and will de- Wings Swiftness and protection fend her children with her life Peacock Beauty, power, and knowledge Tortoise Invulnerability to attack Snake Wisdom COLORS Swan Poetic harmony and learning, or lover thereof; light, Gold Generosity and elevation of the mind love, grace, sincerity, perfection Silver or White Peace and sincerity Unicorn Extreme courage; virtue and strength Red Warrior; Military strength Blue Truth and loyalty Green Hope, joy, and loyalty in love Black Constancy or grief Purple Royal majesty, sovereignty, and justice Orange Worthy ambition Maroon Patient in battle, and yet victorious -12-
  • 13. King Lear CREATE YOUR OWN FAMILY COAT OF ARMS (CONT…) For More Information Regarding Coat of Arms: -13-
  • 14. King Lear AS I WRITE IT Writing and Comprehension Classroom Exercise Shakespeare’s King Lear Objective: To enhance comprehension of individual words and the overall meaning of the text and how the very specific words and images of Shakespeare bring the characters’ thoughts, feelings and goals to life. To help the students learn to listen carefully to why particular language is chosen to tell a story. Resources: Paper/pencil or computer. Dictionary or annotated script of King Lear. A great reference book for Shakespeare’s words is A Shakespeare Glossary by C. T. Onions. Suggested Scenes to Use: Edmund’s soliloquy – Act 1, Scene 2 Act 1, Scene 4 - It’s a long scene and can be divided up among the class. Act 4, Scene 6 - Kent, Cordelia, Lear, Gentleman Sequence of Activity: 1.) Pick a scene or a soliloquy or monologue from King Lear. Discuss it’s meaning and how it moves the plot of the play forward. Discuss each character’s motivations and their feelings about the other char- acters in the scene. 2.) Write the scene or monologue out on notebook paper leaving a blank line between each of Shakespeare’s lines. • Ask each student to use their own words and language and re-write the script of the scene. • It is acceptable to use contemporary slang because Shakespeare certainly did. • If you are using a scene, you may want half of the class to do this with the lines of a major speaking character and the other half to do the lines of another major speaking character. • An objective is to write specifically to the sense of what Shakespeare is saying and not to write too much more. • Be sure to include all indications in the language about entrances and exits. Shakespeare wrote very few stage directions. Instead, he put that information and those clues in the words. 3.) Make sure each student reviews their work and makes certain that their punctuation is how they want it to be. Punctuation is very important for actors as they make decisions about pauses and rhythm as they deliver their character’s lines. A period can mean something different than a comma. 4.) Have each student read their work aloud, pairing students if you are using a scene. It is important to the understanding of the language for it to be read aloud. He never meant for his plays to be read quietly at home. You may want to have the students trade scripts and express the work of others. 5.) Discuss each scene to evaluate whether or not the student captured the sense of the scene as Shake- speare meant it to play. 6.) After discussion, let the students edit and re-write their work based on the feedback. -14-
  • 15. King Lear AS I WRITE IT (CONT…) Questions for Discussion: Did the scene have the same meaning and emotional level as Shakespeare’s? What words or phrases did he use to communicate that emotional level? As you wrote, was there a particular character whose motivations and feelings you identified with more than others? Did that make that character’s lines easier to put into your own words? Did the students use more words than Shakespeare to achieve the meaning of the scene? Why? Did the students use fewer words than Shakespeare to achieve the meaning of the scene? Why? KING LEAR TALK SHOW Active Classroom Exercise Shakespeare’s King Lear Objective: To encourage students to move beyond the language in expressing their understanding of Shakespeare's play. To bring the motivations of the characters and the sequence of the play to life for the students in order to enhance their comprehension of the plot and characters. Resources: The play, paper, a pen or pencil, 2 chairs. Sequence of Activity: 1.) Ask the students to help name the talk show using the language and themes of King Lear. 2.) Have the students write down one question they’d like to ask a major character in the play. Give them several characters from whom to choose. 3.) Have one character play the talk show host and give them the questions for each character. 4.) Have other students portray the major characters who are the guests of the talk show. They can appear on the show one at a time or as a panel. Questions for Discussion: Was your question answered? Do you have a greater understanding of why some of the characters behaved as they did in the play? If you portrayed a character on the talk show panel, do you have a greater understanding of that character now that you have been asked to speak on their behalf? Does this exercise make you think of more questions you’d like to ask the characters? -15-
  • 16. King Lear SHAKESPEARE’S WORDS ARE OUR WORDS Classroom Poetry Exercise for Shakespeare’s King Lear Objectives: To solidify comprehension of words in the play, to break down Shakespeare’s poetry and liter- ary devices and use them again in an original way. To reinforce comprehension of literary devices such as imagery, tone, alliteration, assonance, metaphor, simile. To find the emotional meaning behind words and a new way to begin to write a play. Resources: Paper, pencil or computer. Scissors. Envelopes. King Lear script (or any Shakespeare play) and dictionary. A great reference book is A Shakespeare Glossary by C. T. Onions. Sequence of Activity: 1.) Choose a passage from the play that is particularly rich in language and literary devices. (It’s not a hard assignment!) Suggested Scenes to Use: Edmund’s soliloquy Act 1, Scene 2 Lear and the Fool Act 1, Scene 5 Edgar’s soliloquy Act 2, Scene 3 Lear’s monologue at the end of Act 2, Scene 4 Lear’s monologue at the beginning of Act 3, Scene 2 Edgar’s monologue at the end of Act 3, Scene 4 Cordelia’s lines in Act 4, Scene 6 - “ O my dear father…….Speak to him.” 2.) Read the passage out loud and discuss the meaning of your selection and why those particular words, images and sounds are effective in expressing that moment in the life of the character. Make certain that you have researched the definition of each word. 3.) Type or write out your text selection in a large font for each student. 4.) Have the students cut the text up into random words and phrases. It might be fun for them to cut out some of the punctuation as if it were a word and include it. Put the cut up words into an envelope and have the students pass their envelope onto another student. 5.) They are then to take the words, now disembodied from their original meaning, and piece them together into a new speech or poem which can be structured in any way the student designs. Copy this poem out. It will provide the kernels of a new character in a new story. 6.) Read the new poems aloud and read Shakespeare’s passage again. Questions for Discussion: Did the words, phrases and imagery change in meaning or tone in their new form? How? What story, character or scene comes to mind as you read your new poem? -16-
  • 17. King Lear PHOTO CAPTION Visual Art Classroom Exercise for Shakespeare’s King Lear Objective: To connect the physical activity of the actors to an understanding of the plot line and script. To paraphrase for meaning and comprehension Shakespeare’s lines. Resources: King Lear Learning Guide, illustrated versions of the play or photos online from other pro- ductions at other regional theatres. Sequence of Activity: 1.) We have included several photos of our production of King Lear throughout this guide and below. Pick, study and discuss a photo. 2.) Decide at which point in the plot the photo was taken. 3.) Give the photo a caption from the words in the script at that point in the plot. Which lines might be being spoken by the characters as that moment of action is taking place? 4.) Give the photo a caption in your words that expresses what the characters are thinking or saying as the moment of action is taking place. If you are interested in drawing, you could also draw your favorite scene from the play or cut out images from a magazine that call to mind the actions and atmosphere of the play’s themes and characters. Then use the script to put captions with your artwork. Denis Arndt (Lear) and knights Larry Paulsen (Fool) and Denis Arndt (Lear) David DeSantos (Edmund) Photos by Don Ipock Photography -17-
  • 18. King Lear THEMES, LANGUAGE AND DISCUSSION The themes that arise in the plot of King Lear are common in Shakespeare’s tragedies and in all classi- cal tragedies. The story follows two primary characters, King Lear and the Earl of Gloucester. As we witness each of their families unravel, we find many themes of their individual stories are parallel and interwoven. We identify some of those themes as justice, madness, abdication, redemption, power, fate vs. free will, family responsibility and inheritance, blindness vs. vision, material possessions and wealth and the true nature of love. Any of these are worthy as discussion topics of this fast-moving and passionate masterpiece. You will most likely come up with more ideas of themes explored by the plot and characters of King Lear as you discuss the play. THEME: RENUNCIATION Larry Carpenter, the director of our production was very struck by the theme of renunciation in the play. renounce 1 : to give up, MR. CARPENTER HAD THESE QUESTIONS AS HE EXPLORED THE PLAY: refuse, or resign usually by formal declaration <renounce When and why does someone renounce their work, their family, his errors> or their life choices? 2 : to refuse to follow, obey, When we give up or renounce something in our lives, or recognize any further : are we looking to become someone else? repudiate <renounce the We might ask, as well, are there times when renouncing authority of the church or saying farewell to a particular part of life or a person Synonyms :ABDICATE, is a productive choice? What is an example? ABJURE When might it be a mistake to renounce a part of our lives (Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary) or a person we love? OTHER QUESTIONS RAISED BY THE THEMES OF THE PLAY: Who acted justly or fairly in this play? Who acted unfairly? What were the consequences to those who treated someone unfairly? What were the consequences to those who treated someone fairly? King Lear becomes mad in the play – what caused his madness? Was it inevitable? How could it have been prevented? Was it his doing? Does the responsibility lie with others? Who and Why? THEME: FATE OR FREE WILL? As do most classical tragedies, King Lear explores the extent to which we try to control our lives, the lives of oth- ers and our destiny by making particular choices. It also explores the way we try to control those we love. Do you believe you control your fate or your future by your choices or is it already planned out by some greater being? Considering each of the major characters, how do they justify their choices and actions? Can you put yourself in each of their shoes? Have you had experiences similar to any of their experiences? How do the choices of your parents control your lives? How do your choices control your parent’s lives? -18-
  • 19. King Lear THEMES, LANGUAGE AND DISCUSSION (CONT…) LANGUAGE As you read and watch this play, try to listen to the numerous times that Shakespeare uses images from nature. They are often words and phrases that describe the sounds, colors and emotional impact of the natural world. There are many references to animals which use the features of an animal to describe a person. For example, when Edgar is pretending to be Tom of Bedlam, he describes himself as a ‘hog in sloth, fox in stealth, wolf in greediness, dog in madness, lion in prey.” Shakespeare’s characters are particularly expressive when they are insulting or cursing each other! Listen to the crea- tive ways they let one another know they are angry. The word “nothing” appears numerous times in this play and is spoken by a variety of characters. How does the im- age, meaning and definition of the word “nothing” fit in with the plot and themes of King Lear? LIFE CONNECTION DISCUSSION In today’s world of modern advancements in health care and prevention, we are living much longer than people did in Shakespeare’s time. So many of us are or will be responsible for the care of an aging parent. Lear’s daughters Goneril and Regan say they will care for him in their own homes and then do not, claiming his behavior is unacceptable. Keep in mind an interesting historical fact about society during Lear’s reign and during the Elizabethan period when Shakespeare lived. Even though Shakespeare’s queen, Elizabeth I, was one of the most powerful rulers in world history, women could not directly inherit land or money from their fathers or their husbands. The inheritance would go to their husbands. Therefore, when Lear gives part of his kingdom to his daughters, Goneril and Regan, the land will actually pass onto their husbands, Albany and Cornwall. Do parents need to behave a certain way in order to be cared for by their children? How does inheritance of land, property or money influence a parent/child relationship? How do we see this influence each of Lear’s three daughters? How does our relationship with our parents influence our relationships with our brothers and sisters? How do the three sisters in the play deal with each other and their husbands as they discover ways to deal with the decisions of their father? How does your relationship with your siblings influence your relationship with your parents? Gloucester’s sons, Edgar and Edmund, have very different ways of treating their father? What are the reasons for that difference? -19-
  • 20. King Lear SCENE ANALYSIS—INCITING MOMENT King Lear by William Shakespeare The following scene is from the beginning of the play Act I Scene 1 and can be called the inciting moment or incident. It is from this conversation between King Lear and his daughters that all of the rest of the events of the play flow. Read it aloud and discuss what each character is saying and why they are saying it. What does each character want? Is it Lear’s question or Cordelia’s answer that sets the rest of the play in motion? Who is controlling the moment? Why does Cordelia answer the way she does? What is she thinking and what does she mean? What are Regan and Goneril saying and why do they answer the way they do? Why does Lear react to Cordelia’s answer the way he does? How do Lear’s words and imagery change as the scene changes? Clue: an ‘aside’ means that the actor speaks the line out loud but either to himself or to the audience. The rest of the characters do not hear it, so it functions as a thought. Since we, the audience hear the thought, it contributes to our understanding of what is happening. Shakespeare, and all playwrights, use repetition of words or images for emotional impact. Find an example of repetition in this scene and how the actors might use it to make their meaning, desires and emotions known. Act 1, Scene 1 Lear: Tell me, my daughters, (Since now we will divest us both of rule, Interest of territory, cares of state) Which of you shall we say doth love us most? That we our largest bounty may extend Where nature doth with merit challenge. Goneril, Our eldest-born, speak first. Gon: Sir, I love you more than word can wield the matter; Dearer than eye-sight, space and liberty; Beyond what can be valued rich or rare; No less than life, with grace, health, beauty, honour; As much as child e’er lov’d, or father found; A love that makes breath poor and speech unable; Beyond all manner of so much I love you. Cord: [Aside] What shall Cordelia speak? Love, and be silent. Lear: Of all these bounds, even from this line to this, With shadowy forest and with champains rich’d, With plenteous rivers and wide-skirted meads, We make thee lady; to thine and Albany’s issue Be this perpetual. What says our second daughter Our dearest Regan, wife of Cornwall? Reg: I am made of that self-same metal as my sister, And prize me at her worth. In my true heart I find she names my very deed of love; Only she comes too short: that I profess Myself an enemy to all other joys Which the most precious square of sense possesses, And find I am alone felicitate In your dear highness’ love. -20-
  • 21. King Lear Cord: [Aside] Then poor Cordelia! And yet not so; since I am sure my love’s Often, theatre directors decide to set one of More ponderous than my tongue. Shakespeare’s plays in a different time period or Lear: To thee and thine, hereditary ever, Remain this ample third of our fair kingdom, location from when or where he indicates in his No less in space, validity, and pleasure, original script. The universality of his plots and Than that conferred on Goneril. Now, our joy, themes offers theatre artists many opportunities to Although our last and least, for whose young love The vines of France and milk of Burgundy interpret them in a variety of ways. For example, Strive to be interessed, what can you say to win Romeo and Juliet has been set in the Civil War or in A third more opulent than your sisters? Speak. Northern Ireland, using the warring families as a Cord: Nothing, my lord. Lear: Nothing? context within which the play can come to life. Cord: Nothing. The words are still Shakespeare’s but the external Lear: Nothing can come of nothing: speak again. world is updated or interpreted by a modern Cord: Unhappy that I am, I cannot heave My heart into my mouth: I love your Majesty director and designers. What would be some According to my bond; no more nor less. places and eras in time where you could place Lear: How, how Cordelia? Mend your speech a little King Lear and still have the play make sense to an Lest you may mar your fortunes. Cord: Good my Lord, audience? Remember, the scenery, sound, lights You have begot me, bred me, loved me: I and costumes need to reflect your interpretation. Return those duties back as are right fit: Please see the King Lear Film Adaptatations Obey you, love you, and most honour you. section on Page 23 for some examples. Why have my sisters husbands, if they say They love you all? Haply, when I shall wed, That lord whose hand will take my plight shall carry Half my love with him, half my care and duty: Sure I shall never marry like my sisters, To love my father all. Lear: But goes thy heart with this? Cord: Ay, my good Lord Lear: So young, and so untender? Cord: So young, my Lord, and true. Lear: Let it be so; thy truth then be thy dower: For, by the sacred radiance of the sun, The mysteries of Hecate and the night, By all the operation of the orbs From whom we do exist and cease to be, Here I disclaim all my paternal care, Propinquity and property of blood, And as a stranger to my heart and me Hold thee from this for ever. Come not between the Dragon and his wrath. I loved her most, and thought to set my rest On her kind nursery. Hence, and avoid my sight! So be my grave my peace, as here I take Her father’s heart from her! Naomi Peter (Cordelia) and David Graham Jones (King of France) Photo by: Don Ipock Photography -21-
  • 22. King Lear INTERVIEW WITH THE DIRECTOR Esteemed Director Larry Carpenter Returns to the Kansas City Repertory Theatre to Stage Shakespeare’s Poetic and Powerful King Lear Kansas City Repertory Theatre welcomes back Larry Carpenter nihilism, in the case of this play--he can be devastating. Simply being to direct King Lear by William Shakespeare. His other projects responsible for getting the scope and magnificence of this play on the here, Company, Saint Joan, The Front Page and Give ’Em Hell, boards it a great challenge. It's terrifying and exhilarating all at the Harry, have been acclaimed by critics and audiences alike. same time. I hope to be able to pass that feeling onto the audience. Carpenter informs his directing with a singular blend of intellect and wit as he takes on a variety of challenging projects from Has the text of the Rep’s production of King Lear been altered in musicals to comedy to drama. He received a Tony Award any way? If so, how do you determine what to eliminate or change nomination for best director for Starmites and has directed pro- and why? ductions in New York for Roundabout Theatre Company, Soho Repertory Theatre, Playwrights Horizon, the Julliard School, Yes, we have shortened the play. I've examined many different cuts of and Tisch School of the Arts at New York University. His the play from many sources. From these sources and from my entry many directing credits at regional theatres include the Hunting- point on the play, I generated a first draft cut script. Peter Altman and ton Theatre Company in Boston, Seattle Repertory Theatre, and I then worked together to generate the rehearsal draft. Pasadena Playhouse. As a side bar, it's probably also important to say that I was fortunate enough as a younger man to act in two separate productions of King The following interview was conducted by Kansas City Rep’s Lear with the renowned American classical actor Morris Car- director of communications Laura Muir. novsky. Morris was very famous for both his portrayals of Lear and of Shylock. I learned a great deal about the play, about the theatre and The previous works you have directed for Kansas City Rep about the art of living from Morris. I owe him a great debt. That's a are very diverse in subject matter and yet each of them very big reason for my interest in this play raises questions about how individuals, be they private citi- zens or religious and political figures, respond to societal Do you consider King Lear to be a play of our time that reflects issues. Is this subtext something you look for in your direct- contemporary politics and humanity? ing projects? Since 9/11, the world has become progressively unpredictable, unsta- The simple answer is that every play in some way is a reflection ble and chaotic. By renouncing his kingdom, Lear throws his own of its society. I like to think that I'm drawn to plays that wrestle world into a similar chaos. A chaos which permits a perversion of with bits and corners of moral and ethical dilemmas that operate established moral and civil codes, cruelty, terrorism, and revolt. Lear as fractals of our greater societal problems. Theatre is an arena is very much a cautionary tale for our time. which usually places an individual character center stage as a proxy for the audience member. This character then acts out a Do you have a favorite play by Shakespeare or any other play- ritual of trying to solve a dilemma--whether successfully or not- wright that you would still like to direct? -on behalf of the audience member and its society at large. Shakespeare - Richard II, Stoppard - Arcadia, Shaw - Major Barbara, You are well known for the extensive research you conduct Sondheim - A Little Night Music. These four authors really are my for your plays How did you prepare to direct King Lear? heroes. I'd pretty much direct any of their work anytime. I'd also like to take a crack at Aeschylus, Athol Fugard, Chekhov, Brecht, and Yes, I'm a research maven. I have read a great deal on the Samuel Beckett. play. I've also viewed five or six of the DVD versions that are available. In addition, I've done quite a bit of research on what was happening to Shakespeare in 1604-5 London. There is a FAMOUS QUOTES FROM KING LEAR fascinating book by James Shapiro titled 1599: A Year in the Life of William Shakespeare. It is a very aggressively re- "How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is to have a searched and well-thought-out examination of the year (1599) in thankless child!" (Act I, Scene IV). which Shakespeare wrote Henry V, Julius Caesar, As You Like It, and Hamlet. I'm in the process with our production's drama- "I am a man more sinned against than sinning." turge of conducting a similar study to understand the social, (Act III, Scene II). political, religious, and theatrical issues that affected Shake- speare at the time he was creating Lear. "My love's more richer than my tongue". (Act I, Scene I). King Lear is such a profound exploration of the complexities of the human spirit. What qualities of Shakespeare’s works "Nothing will come of nothing." (Act I, Scene I). stimulate you as a director? "Have more than thou showest, speak less than thou Well, he always engages the big issues, doesn't he? His plots knowest, lend less than thou owest." and his understanding of character are extraordinary. And when (Act I, Scene IV). you add to this his extraordinary use of language--both verse and prose--he always holds me captive. Further, when he uses "The worst is not, So long as we can say, 'This is the plot, character and language to advance some central theme-- worst' ." (Act IV, Scene I). -22-
  • 23. King Lear KING LEAR FILM ADAPTATIONS 1971 - Directed by Peter Brook with Paul Scofield as Lear, Alan Webb as Duke of Gloucester, Irene Worth as Goneril, Susan Engel as Regan, Anne-Lise Gabold as Cordelia, and Jack MacGowran as Fool. (All is bleak in this black and white, existential experience.) 1974 - Directed by Edwin Sherin this is a live recording from the New York Shakespeare Festival’s performance in Central Park, with James Earl Jones as Lear. 1984 - Directed by Michael Elliott starring Laurence Olivier as Lear, Diana Rigg as Regan, John Hurt as the Fool, Colin Blakely as Kent, Leo McKern as Gloucester, and Robert Lindsay as Edmund. (This made for television film begins and ends at Stonehenge.) 1987 - Directed by Jean-Luc Godard with Burgess Meredith as gangster Don Learo and Molly Ringwald as Cordelia. (This version is set in a post-apocalyptic world.) 1997 - Directed by Jocelyn Moorhouse and starring Jason Robards, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Jessica Lange, Michelle Pfeiffer, and Colin Firth. This film is based on Jane Smiley's novel A Thousand Acres. (A modern retelling, set on a farm in Iowa. This novel attempted to explain the elder sisters' hatred of their father.) *May not be suitable for some audiences 1998 - Directed by Richard Eyre and starring Sir Ian Holm. (A film version of Royal National Theatre’s production. Using minimalist sets to help put the focus on the acting.) 2002 - Directed by Uli Edel. Starring Patrick Stewart, Marcia Gay Harden and David Alan Grier. (A television adaptation “King of Texas”, set in 1840’s Texas frontier.) RESOURCES Shakespeare Resources Online Shakespeare Books Shakespeare Online A Shakespeare Glossary by C.T. Onions Shakespeare; The Essential Reference to His Plays by E-Notes Charles Boyce Shakespeare Stories by Leon Garfield, Illustrated by Wikipedia Michael Foreman (Online Encylopedia) King Lear Text Online The Literature Network The Complete Text of Shakespeare’s King Lear with Quarto and Folio Variations (Annotations, and Commentary, by Dr. Larry A. Brown, professor Shakespeare Resource Center of theater, Nashville, TN) Complete Works University of Pennsylvania Library; Schoenberg Center for (Has the Complete Works available to download free on-line) Electronic Text and Imaging (The 1608 Quarto edition) The Oxford English Dictionary index.cfm?TextID=lear_q2&PagePosition=1 (subscription fee required) Center for Electronic Text and Image (The1619 2nd Quarto edition) Online Study Guides for King Lear Online Literature Guides The Goodman Theatre (The 1623 Folio edition, Shake Sphere) Folger Shakespeare Library For information regarding the acting company and design team please reference the Center Stage King Lear program or visit: -23-